My washing project got abit delayed.
Have to wash this quickly.
Wash with yellow color.
To be perfect. Maybe Kalle will arrive too.
You never know. Of course the boys will be here.
They will come
Mika is here doing something. Yes, I came here quickly to check out what is goin on.
This is what you get for checking in.
And you got some job to do right away.
I try to get this done right away.
Damn it. It's already second time that my hand got broken.
What is situation?
Most of the vaseline cleaned?
Do we have to lift it up, to get it painted from bottom?
No.. It get passed off anyway
Do you have more of this? More plastic? Yes.
Ville, what is status of these tires? Ok good.
Have you ordered spare parts already? Yeah.
I made order from
Very handy and easy place to make order.
You just have to download app for your phone.
From Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Autodoc app...
It's simply easy to order and cheap prices.
Acutally just a moment ago I ordered from there. Driveshaft for my new plow truck.
Only 35€ and postal was maybe 10€.
It was really cheap.
Washing stuff been pretty yellow.
Have to watch out for the pedestrians. Those guys thought I'll drive over em and jumped into ditch.
We got new engine from somewhere near Turku.
Other side from river. Like how I would say it.
From Sainio. Well and...
They said that the head is broken, but nobody... Is this microphone on? Yes.
Head broken, they say, but nobody has verified it.
Only thing that makes us believe so. Is that overflow tank makes preassure.
Very sour is that washing stuff...
Let's get the engine first. Then we first need to take off the head off of it.
And then bring it to Herlevi. Kokkolan Moottorihiomo.
He can investigate it then. If it is broken or not.
And if it's broken
3-4 days to we have to sink to depression.
Then we think about it again. Do we continue or not.. :)
If it's in good condition. We are very happy people then.
Trailer was in the air. It came in pretty nice slide there.
Motor. Motor.
There is nozzles and wire harness.
He can do it? Or should I take the ride.
I think he can do it.
I could go to tell how to do it. Naah.. Let he do the job.
Good now!
It is not there.
I knew I should be there to tell how to do it.
You know what is most expensive on this trailer? Cargo strap.. Rght haha..
Should I just put it here?
Over the trailer. Aluminiun trailer. And we us this 30kg cargo strap.
Mittens would be nice to have.
This will be enough to tie it.
It's so tied to trailer you know. Yeah it is.
And we drive so nice now.
I was going to say that.
I cant say much about it.
You cant say much about it.
Let's just take bolt powertool.
Everything out from it.
Just to get top of it to Ville.
It would be awesome.
Damn my back is getting hurt.
It's been hurt again for a while.
Getting old, getting old...
Remember to buy GTI-Magazine at january.
To buy what? GTI-Magazine.
What for? There is article about me.
Prolly abit longer article. Stories about me.
I dont know if it's good or not. Anyway, it will be there.
Have you introduced KTM? I tought to do some introduce round.
Was I just too keen about to introduce it. Yeah, you was pretty keen about it.
I am so proud about it.
Damn, how difficult spot this is. I would like to use power tool to it.
Are these some kind of stunt bikes? Yes...
No front wheels at all.
Front wheels are at Björkgren Ingermars place.
Tressle from both bikes.
Other one already had icetrack tressle.
It got into service.
This little one will have same kind of tressle too.
Icetrack tressle.
I am going to...
No.. No it's just to have fun.
Drive icetrack competitions.
Big and small classes.
Those bikes are so regular that you cant success with em.
Cant speak about driver at all.
Not much icetrack experience. But it is very.. I just got involved about it at spring.
You really get feel about speed on it.
We have here new tool set. Right.. You see it on background.
You get these from Kokkolan Varaosavälitys.
Price of this one is 350€ including tax.
It very cheap right? Yes and it is very good set of tools.
Very good for a hobbyist like us.
There are wrench 10, 13, 17, 19 and everything else are already lost by us.
No matter if you buy 1000€ set. All are lost by same way.
Do we need. Jack?
Rail jack. We can store it on lower shelf.
Compressed air!
What keeps it there.
As broken top, we bought it.
We never tought Mercedez have broken top or something.
We hope...
It is in good condition. Who knows...
Overflow tank have made preassure and
Maybe there can be a broken gasket only.
Hand wash.
Abit different wash than we do for machines.
Thats all Folks!
To be continued next time.
We will take top out from engine. It seems already broken tought.
I dont know if they can fix those at all.
We will see. I think those are possible to repair. Not sure.
Those blacksmiths know better. BYE!
For more infomation >> PAINTING A MACHINE AND GETTING A NEW ENGINE | GARBAGE GARAGE 8-2018 - Duration: 11:08.-------------------------------------------
HOMO DEUS -3.Bölüm (Sesli Kitap) - Duration: 54:57.
Tin Tức Mới Nhất 03/01 | Thời sự thế giới | TUYÊN BỐ LẠ của KIM JONG UN có Ý GÌ #036 @E4U - Duration: 38:59.
Суп из консервы скумбрия в масле. Рыбный суп из консервы. - Duration: 3:48.
1 dakikada Realm Royale (yeni battle royale oyunu) - Duration: 1:33.
What To Say In The Beginning Of A YouTube Video - Duration: 6:44.
How do you start? -I don't know. I'm not sure what to say. I don't... I'm... I'm... What
should we say here? -That's a tough one. -I don't... Maybe we should talk about what
to say in the beginning of a YouTube video. -I think that'll be helpful. Yeah, no.
I mean, that is... It's a good it's a good topic. I know we've done a bunch of these
and it seems like almost every time, we start a video, we sort of have to think
it through. But I think the question becomes what kind of video are you doing?
And then that will help shape how you should start it, right? I mean... -I mean in
my world, we make a lot of how-to videos and there's a specific way that I
like to start that I recommend that we start those. But then there's also, like
the vlogging world or more... More entertainment style videos. Let's talk
about those first just because it's not my area of expertise but it's
something that I definitely see and observe. If it's an exciting
video, something exciting happens. Maybe 8 minutes in, a lot of them will show
right at the very beginning. Just a little teaser of that thing right before
it's about to happen. So they show that and and then you know, "Okay, that's what's
coming in this video." So, it's kind of like some type of a hook. -Yeah -.I'm
interested in watching the rest of the video. -And it would be different
every time especially for vloggers, right? Because generally, they're shooting from
a different location, they have a whole different construct going on and so the
hook, that little tease and then even the intro itself is going to kind of change.
But in our case, where we do you know, static. We're always here you know, we
have sort of a set pattern. And I basically... This video is going to be
short because I've got 2 principles that I like to include in every intro.
One is what is the video about. We want to let you know what it's about. And it's
generally going to be a repeat of the title. So, we're just kind of confirming to you...
-Now, why? But there's... Because there's strategy behind that. The repeat of this...
-I mean, we definitely saw in the title, we use that... We put in the title certainly
because of keyword research or search in an optimization. So we want ti
there... -So it's visually, its typed in, its the written form of what
you've determined keyword research is the title. But when we say it, does it
also get picked up? It turns... -Yeah it definitely does because YouTube will
transcribe the video and they'll actually they'll wait that really
heavily. So if we say that the video is about you know, how to ride a bike but
then in the video, we don't we don't even mention that or there's no bikes or
anything. YouTube will know this is actually about how to blow up a balloon.
Just crazy apples. But that is important. So that's one reason why you
might say it in the beginning. But it's it's really good to know. If somebody has
gone onto YouTube or you know, if you're watching this on LinkedIn, you've done a
search and they found this video by you telling them that's what this video is
about. It just confirms in their mind, "Okay, I'm in the right place." -Right. The
second recommendation that I have is to somehow give them a hook. And with a
how-to type video, it's really to let them know why are they watching. And that
hook might be just sharing your expertise. Like, I'm going to teach you
how to do this. I've done this a thousand times that I'm the best person to show
you how to do this. Or it might be... I figured out you know, the 5 top ways
to do you know, topic. In fact, the fifth one is the best. You make sure you watch
to the end. You know, so you're giving some type of a hook. So that's what I
always try and do in my episodes. You know, you think of them on the spot like,
"Okay, how do I want to do this? I want to introduce what the title is and why
should they watch this?" And like we've done in the past too. You know, giving
that teaser could be 3 tips on how to blah, blah, blah. We're going to talk
specifically about 5 ways you can make money filling balloons or whatever.
I mean, those... That type of verbage is what people will generally go, "Oh, five ways
to make money filling balloons? Well I'm going to stick around." You know. -Yeah.
Okay, so let's demonstrate this. What if the video was on the topic of the best
way to create a vision board? Go, how would you... How would you start that video
with both those 2 points?
Well, first of all I'd ask, "What the hell is a vision board?" -Heck. -No, I know. That's...
I did that for you. Well I mean, the title alone I think is it is enough of a
hook for me. -Okay. -If this is what I'm interested in, that's the title. I'm not
going tp say much more than that. -Demonstrate. -You want to know
the best way to what was it? -The best something on the vision...? Like... How to make
a vision board that works? There we go. There you go. -That's what I would say. Will
you put me... It's yours... And I'll do mine and we'll see who likes... -He
just wants time to think about it. Alright, welcome back. Today, were going to
talk about how to make a vision board that works. You might have seen other
videos about vision boards, but how do you do it the right way so they actually
get results from it. That's we're going to talk about. -There he goes. -I introduced
the title but then I kind of give a little background of you know, why you
want to watch this because this is... -You demean mean other people's sites and then you...
-That's totally demeaning, was it? Okay you got it.
-You're gonna demonstrate this. -You've already done it. It was perfect. But you
said you're... Okay, I'll pick another title. -Alright, go ahead.
How to make a meatlovers pizza? You've probably seen other losers sites on how
to make a meatlovers pizza, they don't know jack squat about meat-loving or
pizza, we do. We're going to... Was that something... -I don't know anything about
meat loving... Big good intro though. I admit. -Yeah. Yeah. -What do you know? What's
the what's the top way to... Make it really everybody thinks they know how to make a
meatlovers pizza. If you haven't watched this video and you haven't, then you're
missing out on the number one best worldwide meat... I need time for meat loving.
-So how come the intros on my videos aren't this good? This was a great intro.
-Because I'd usually just sit here. -If you want to know how to start a YouTube
video, this is the word episode to watch. This is the right place. -These are his
videos. -We're going to end it right here because we're going to end on a high note.
-Comment, subscribe, like. Any other
advice you have on starting a video. And we'll see you tomorrow.
4x4 Off-Road Driving Simulator - Hill Climb 3D - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 5:01.
4x4 Off-Road Driving Simulator - Hill Climb 3D (by ForestKing Studio) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ
Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel - Duration: 3:09.
Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker[1][2] from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab in Faisalabad, Pakistan.[3] He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim Jameel is an alumnus of Government College University, Lahore[1]. He received his Islamic education from Jamia Arabia, Raiwind.[4] He frequently delivers Islamic speeches at rallies in which he preaches peace, harmony, tolerance and respect for everyone. He promotes ethnic and sectarian harmony.[5][4][6]. Jameel's lectures incorporate a wide range of issues of Islam and social concern. He especially emphasizes on self-rectification, self-accountability, honesty in social life, avoidance of violence, observance of Allah's commands, and the following of the teachings and the model of life as suggested by the Prophet Muhammad.[1][2] In May 2014, the International Human Rights Commission Chief Ambassador met Tariq Jameel along with Asad Bashir at Dubai and thanked him for promoting the true picture of Islam.[7][8] Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel His audio lectures are circulated on the internet.[3][9] In January 2014, Pakistani actress Veena Malik said her interaction with Tariq Jameel had positively changed her life, and that she would quit the show-biz industry.[10][11] Although she did not quit the industry and said she was planning her comeback after the birth of her girl.[12] According to news reports which have not been confirmed by Imran Khan or any of his close associates, Tariq Jameel met Imran Khan in August 2014, and advised him to conduct his Long March in a peaceful way. Upon his request, the march name was changed from 'Tsunami March' to 'Azadi March'.[13][14] Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel On 4 November 2014, he called on Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif at the latter's residence Jati Umra, and extended the invitation to participate in annual Tableeghi Ijtima to be held in Raiwind Markaz Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Tik Tok Dance,Emotional Byan About Tik Tok Dance,tariq jameel about tik tok,tariq jameel bayan about tiktok,emotional bayan,Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok,Tok Dance And Social Media,tariq jameel and social media,tariq jameel about tik tok dance,tik tok dance tariq jameel,Maulana Tariq jameel emotional bayan about tiktok,maulana tariq jameel,emotional bayan tariq jameel,Emotional Bayan About,Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel
Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker[1][2] from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab in Faisalabad, Pakistan.[3] He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim Jameel is an alumnus of Government College University, Lahore[1]. He received his Islamic education from Jamia Arabia, Raiwind.[4] He frequently delivers Islamic speeches at rallies in which he preaches peace, harmony, tolerance and respect for everyone. He promotes ethnic and sectarian harmony.[5][4][6]. Jameel's lectures incorporate a wide range of issues of Islam and social concern. He especially emphasizes on self-rectification, self-accountability, honesty in social life, avoidance of violence, observance of Allah's commands, and the following of the teachings and the model of life as suggested by the Prophet Muhammad.[1][2] In May 2014, the International Human Rights Commission Chief Ambassador met Tariq Jameel along with Asad Bashir at Dubai and thanked him for promoting the true picture of Islam.[7][8] Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel His audio lectures are circulated on the internet.[3][9] In January 2014, Pakistani actress Veena Malik said her interaction with Tariq Jameel had positively changed her life, and that she would quit the show-biz industry.[10][11] Although she did not quit the industry and said she was planning her comeback after the birth of her girl.[12] According to news reports which have not been confirmed by Imran Khan or any of his close associates, Tariq Jameel met Imran Khan in August 2014, and advised him to conduct his Long March in a peaceful way. Upon his request, the march name was changed from 'Tsunami March' to 'Azadi March'.[13][14] Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel On 4 November 2014, he called on Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif at the latter's residence Jati Umra, and extended the invitation to participate in annual Tableeghi Ijtima to be held in Raiwind Markaz Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Tik Tok Dance,Emotional Byan About Tik Tok Dance,tariq jameel about tik tok,tariq jameel bayan about tiktok,emotional bayan,Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok,Tok Dance And Social Media,tariq jameel and social media,tariq jameel about tik tok dance,tik tok dance tariq jameel,Maulana Tariq jameel emotional bayan about tiktok,maulana tariq jameel,emotional bayan tariq jameel,Emotional Bayan About,Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel
Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker[1][2] from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab in Faisalabad, Pakistan.[3] He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim Jameel is an alumnus of Government College University, Lahore[1]. He received his Islamic education from Jamia Arabia, Raiwind.[4] He frequently delivers Islamic speeches at rallies in which he preaches peace, harmony, tolerance and respect for everyone. He promotes ethnic and sectarian harmony.[5][4][6]. Jameel's lectures incorporate a wide range of issues of Islam and social concern. He especially emphasizes on self-rectification, self-accountability, honesty in social life, avoidance of violence, observance of Allah's commands, and the following of the teachings and the model of life as suggested by the Prophet Muhammad.[1][2] In May 2014, the International Human Rights Commission Chief Ambassador met Tariq Jameel along with Asad Bashir at Dubai and thanked him for promoting the true picture of Islam.[7][8] Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel His audio lectures are circulated on the internet.[3][9] In January 2014, Pakistani actress Veena Malik said her interaction with Tariq Jameel had positively changed her life, and that she would quit the show-biz industry.[10][11] Although she did not quit the industry and said she was planning her comeback after the birth of her girl.[12] According to news reports which have not been confirmed by Imran Khan or any of his close associates, Tariq Jameel met Imran Khan in August 2014, and advised him to conduct his Long March in a peaceful way. Upon his request, the march name was changed from 'Tsunami March' to 'Azadi March'.[13][14] Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel On 4 November 2014, he called on Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif at the latter's residence Jati Umra, and extended the invitation to participate in annual Tableeghi Ijtima to be held in Raiwind Markaz Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel Tik Tok Dance,Emotional Byan About Tik Tok Dance,tariq jameel about tik tok,tariq jameel bayan about tiktok,emotional bayan,Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok,Tok Dance And Social Media,tariq jameel and social media,tariq jameel about tik tok dance,tik tok dance tariq jameel,Maulana Tariq jameel emotional bayan about tiktok,maulana tariq jameel,emotional bayan tariq jameel,Emotional Bayan About,Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media Emotional Bayan About Tik Tok Dance And Social Media By Maulana Tariq Jameel
Siete pasos para ayudar a tu hijo a entender sus emociones. Rafael Guerrero, psicólogo - Duration: 5:18.
Easy to Get Schengen Visa in 2019 - Duration: 6:50.
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Медово-соевый соус в домашних условиях - Duration: 1:20.
Honey and Soy Sauce
Ingredients: • 250 ml of soy sauce; • 100 ml of white dry wine; • 120 g of honey; • 1 tbsp. l corn starch.
Pour the soy sauce into the skillet
Add wine
Add honey
Add starch
Bring to a boil
Boil for a few minutes until the sauce thickens.
iPhone narrates everything you touch - Duration: 0:46.
In case if your iPhone narrates everything that you touch then it may be because the
voice over is turned on.
So, if you want to turn off the voice over what you do is select "Settings".
Now double tap on the "settings".
Then select "General".
Now double tap on General.
Select "Accessibility".
Double tap on "Accessibility".
Select "voice over".
Now double tap the voice over.
Select this "voice over" and then double tap to disable.
Now your iPhone will not narrate anything what you touch.
I FILM PREFERITI DEL 2018 di Roberto Leoni - Duration: 14:52.
Fireworks behind tree branches New Year 2019 - Duration: 0:32.
Ek Baar FULL Video Song HADH MOVIE ROMANTIC SONG 2018 MUSICAL WORLD - Duration: 2:17.
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