Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

Red Bruder Truck

For more infomation >> Red Bruder Truck Bricks transport action for kids! - Duration: 10:50.


WB State Health & Family Welfare Samiti // Dental Hygienist Posts // 10+2, Diploma - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> WB State Health & Family Welfare Samiti // Dental Hygienist Posts // 10+2, Diploma - Duration: 8:12.


CRITIQUE DE FILMS - GENTLEMAN JIM #18 (feat ELISE ANDERSON) un grand film sur la boxe - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> CRITIQUE DE FILMS - GENTLEMAN JIM #18 (feat ELISE ANDERSON) un grand film sur la boxe - Duration: 9:03.


Hello Kitty Painting - Duration: 4:06.

Hello Friends

Subscribe to My Channel :)

For more infomation >> Hello Kitty Painting - Duration: 4:06.



For more infomation >> ВАШЕ ЖИВОТНОЕ ТАЛИСМАН ПО ЗНАКУ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 10:05.



Hey, guys! Welcome to my channel.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I wish everyone all the best this year can bring.

I'm making this video

because my last video hit one million views!

Those who haven't seen it, see the link in the description to check it out.

You'll love it.

Good news,

each new video

will feature giveaway contest,

there will be 3 giveaway prizes. Watch the video till the end

to find out the details and rules.

Now we're going upstairs to check out what we're scored today.

In US, it's common to find this type of storage units

that are very similar to car garages we have in Russia but in US you're not going to find these in people's backhands instead,

you can find multi-story buildings with storage units where people keep their things.

When people stop making payments

landlord accrues unpaid rent and that's why they put storage units for an auction

where it can reach several thousands to get back the money they lost,

that's why storage units go up for auction.

You can access the auction online by going to the website, link in the description,

and after easy registration

you can bid and win the auction. You just need a driver's license.

We are here at the unit and

I'm going to tell you how I chose it.

First, auction website has an image of unit's contents so, you have to evaluate which ones you can buy and what bid you can place.

I won the auction for $570 plus $30 tax, so $600 altogether.

What I was immediately drawn to is some kind of sound equipment that's usually expensive,

as well as flooring/platform,

and it seemed like parts of a stage of some sort or something that's related to stage production.

I wasn't really sure what it was exactly but electronic equipment usually can sell for a pretty penny.

Now, let's open the unit and take a look what's inside.

Oh, yeah.

That's what I bet on… look…oh it's so fragile.

This is what got me convinced on this unit, it's some sort of audio equipment by Alesis.

We'll get back to it later, now let's see what else we got.

I think I know what exactly this is – it's a gym.

Now we're going to start removing everything

to see what it looks like and together we'll "dig out" the truth.

We'll set aside the audio equipment for now.

Let's start at the top,

like I said, most likely this was a floor cover

at this fitness center or gym.

Holy moly, these metal brackets are dope.

As you can see, this is all boxing equipment, punching bags for boxing training.

Let's see what we have here, the name of the center was

Ok! Body South Miami.

This is the first place I'm gonna go and try to unload this stuff

and ask if they'd like to buy back all these items they previously owned.

This is a part of the logo of this club,

probably boxing club.

I didn't see it right away but it is a boxing ring!

So it can be assembled, the wood flooring,

ropes around the ring, underlay,

mats…it's a complete boxing ring…that's so awesome…that's

totally cool.

We're gonna assemble the ring and have boxing matches.

Now we can see what this stuff actually was,

it was a boxing club the sign says "The Box".

This wooden pallet is not very interesting,

like I said,

it's a part of the boxing ring set up.

When I was played the auction,

I saw this part of the ring and couldn't figure out what it was,

I thought it was a box with something inside but wasn't sure.

I googled the name on this platform and the only thing I could find is the maker of the wood, nothing else.

After we removed more of the large stuff wood platforms,

mats, benches,

and there was a red trolley,

audio equipment,

and the sign.

Now we can see half of the picture of where this all came from,

lots of punching bags,

ring frames,

lot of boxing gloves

and general boxing equipment.

Then we have gym lockers for the locker room.

The most important thing money-

wise is that we have all the mounting brackets

for the punching bags,

it's a huge advantage.

We also have two TVs,

not sure how great they are

but there were probably used to maintain the ambience of the place with music and fitness videos.

These are Insignia flat screen TVs with wall mounting brackets.

It's the first one and I bet the second one is identical.

We're going to set them aside so they are not on our way.

my friend Vanya is here ,

introduce yourself Vanya,

his link will be in the description.

He has his own channel and he got into storage unit auctions like I did, and he wants to make his own videos as well.

To be honest, I can't get rid of this guy.

I'm at a truck stop in US in the middle of nowhere - he's there,

I buy a storage unit and he's got one next door.

Next, we found very interesting protective vest for boxing training.

Here you go,

is the vest holding up , Vanya?

What the hell, dude?

Wait, I don't have a vest!

We're gonna do a sparring match.

And those who leave negative comments

I'll throw a hook.

In this corner,

we have mounting brackets for punching bags.

I see some interesting

speakers and I want to climb up there to check them out.

Whoa, it's heavy…

what can you see there?

It looks cool.

No we're gonna get the paintings from this club.


look at this…Miami…this

is awesome, and it's with boxing logo. Here's

Here's the artist's signature

Erin Tate.

This one is just amazing,

it's an oil painting…

…look how cool it is…

…I really like it…

boy, it's so badass,

and by the way the logo on the boxing gloves matches the painting

– it's unreal.

Thank you so much to Vanya for helping me out,

I couldn't have done it by myself.

We're going to leave it like this until tomorrow

because tomorrow I'll be taking everything away.

Tomorrow, we'll do inventory

and count everything we have like gloves,

punching bags, mounting brackets,

and everything.

For now,

the last thing we're going to do

is check out some boxes to see what's inside.


I wasn't expecting this at all,

it's full of Puma shoes.

Let's hope these are new.

I'm afraid to touch it with my dirty hands.

These are brand new, now wear at all.

Till I count them all, you guys can google Puma Phenom Satin, women's size 6.5 to check the price.

Let's open the green box, these

these are sneakers for sure,

women's size 6.5.

These are awesome, just amazing.


Ring ropes – move away.

Everything must be moved to get to "treasure" boxes.

Oh my, I am the champion.

It's a championship belt like a medals we got in school for achievement.

This one is interesting,

it's heavier…

…it's fur. I don't even know who I can sell it to,

or as decoration, or what if it's real title belt…

…it says Florida State PAL Boxing 2014.

These are very good gloves,

Everlast – a well-known brand

and like new, great, no markings or scuffs…cool gloves.

After opening boxes with sneakers,

tanks, and new gloves,

let's do another box.

Check this out, it's a special mounting for punching bags

the top mounts to ceiling, over there, if you remember,

are the brackets that attach to a ceiling

this part is suspended from a ceiling, a punching bag

is attached over here and if you need you can move it.

Definitely, boxer has to check himself/herself out in the mirror…it's

…it's such an interesting mirror,

not a regular mirror but with ring rope accent.

These are cameras,

you know sometimes there dummy cameras

to prevent theft however I don't think these are fake because of the wiring and real lens,

this one

is camera as well with some kind of Wi-Fi transmitter or Bluetooth.

It's done this way because when a new person comes to register to a club,

usually you stand at a reception desk

and you are entered in to the system and your picture is taken at the spot,

you just look at the camera, smile and you are entered in to the system.

Here we have a third camera,

I wonder why these are all unscrewed.

It should rotate wherever you want.

To sum it up, in this storage unit

we found complete boxing gym

with all equipment, we saw boxing ring,

complete sound and video surveillance systems,

whole bunch of punching bags,

boxing equipment, gloves, tanks, towels,

bottles, amplifiers, paintings,

basically a whole gym.

To be honest, it was so much fun to go through all these things.

Mostly, we can see the whole picture of this storage unit.

We're going to leave it here for now and tomorrow I'm going to haul it away to our warehouse

where I'll take inventory and estimate prices.

And maybe in the next video we'll cover the detail.

Like I promised you guys, in the end of this video

we're approaching the best part – the giveaway contest.

I decided to bundle together:

a brand new Puma bottle,

Puma towel,

and boxing gloves. I think you'll appreciate these.

Many people go to fitness clubs and gyms and this bundle will serve you faithfully on your journey.

There will be three lucky winners.

In order to get the prize you need:

1. subscribe to my channel,

2. repost this video,

3. like this video,

4. subscribe to my Instagram you can see here.

I had so much fun

and I was so excited go through this unit,

I hope you enjoyed this video as well. Thank you all!


One, two, three, four, five

You recharge

I have the last round

I'll drop you

I'm at the storage unit,

we moved everything to our storage unit.

Here's what we have, cool lockers,

punching bags, boxing ring,

fifty pairs of gloves,

four speakers, sound system, wiring,


With first option,

I can find a buyer and sell the whole thing to one person

even to a reseller.

After talking to a instructor,

everything her can be sold for $5,000 as a quick sale.

Second option, if we sell everything separately,

we have fifty pairs of glove

– the lowest price is $20 per pair.

One punching bag with mounting brackets is $100.

Then three lockers

each one is $350.

Two gym benches - $50 each.

Sound system:

four speakers with stands and sound mixers/amplifiers and wiring

– all together $300.

I'm not going to count surveillance cameras but maybe for $100.

Also, I forgot to mention boxing ring,

there are used rings available for $8,000, even in best circumstances,

I can sell this one maybe for $2,000 and it's already great.

So here we go guys,

we estimated $8,000

and I remain the winner.

Subscribe, repost this video, thumbs up, and see you soon.

For more infomation >> АУКЦИОН В США Я НЕ ОЖИДАЛ ТАКОГО Eng SUB - Duration: 17:27.


20 Beneficios del aceite de coco que probablemente desconocías| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 12:43.

For more infomation >> 20 Beneficios del aceite de coco que probablemente desconocías| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 12:43.


Why Can't We Pray for Non-Muslims? | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 1:33.

Why can't we pray for the forgiveness of the non-Muslims?

We should pray for the Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Who has stopped you from that?

The question is related to the Quranic verse prohibiting prayers for polytheists.

The Quran had prohibited it at a specific point when Allah had decided to punish the disbelieving addressees of the Prophet.

You are bound to preach religion to the whole world. You are the well-wisher of all mankind.

You are bound to them through the relation of humanity. All humans are the offspring of Adam and Eve.

All Christians, Jews and Hindus are our brothers. You can pray for their guidance to right path and mercy of Allah.

If any non-Muslim dies, you should pray for the acceptance of his excuse if he had one.

We should be the well-wishers of all. This is not forbidden for us.

However, if Allah clearly tells someone has turned into a transgressor and his punishment is eminent, then we should not pray for him.

Allah does not send His command directly to me. If any of you receives such command, he may stop praying for them.

For more infomation >> Why Can't We Pray for Non-Muslims? | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 1:33.


Un Passo dal Cielo 5, cast: arriva Serena Autieri - Duration: 4:46.

 Grandi novità per Un Passo dal Cielo 5. Nel cast entrerà anche la bellissima e bravissima Serena Autieri

Ecco tutte le anticipazioni sulla fiction Rai che presto approderà sul piccolo schermo con le nuove puntate

I telespettatori di Rai 1, cioè, potranno, nei prossimi mesi, tornare a seguire le vicende del Commissario Nappi e di tutti i suoi amici e colleghi oltre che quelle del forestale Francesco Neri

Un Passo dal Cielo 5 cast: la new entry  Fra conferme e smentite riguardo al cast di Un Passo dal Cielo 5, finalmente è giunta una bella notizia

Serena Autieri ha annunciato ufficialmente di essere entrata a far parte del cast della fiction di Rai 1

 L'attrice partenopea ha svelato all'Ansa: "Sarò uno dei nuovi personaggi protagonisti della nuova stagione

Per la prima volta, io, napoletana, interpreto un'altoatesina. Ma è la sfida più grande per un attore quando non ti chiudi in te o in un dato tipo di personaggio"

 Altre news? La Autieri ha detto di non poter rivelare nulla di può. Chi si invaghirà del suo personaggio? Sarà Francesco Neri, interpretato da Daniele Liotti? Forse no

Pare, secondo quanto si legge sul web e suoi social che il personaggio di Liotti si legherà sempre di più a quello della bella Pilar

 Confermati nel cast, come già avevamo annunciato: Liotti, Enrico Ianniello, Gianmarco Pozzoli e Rocio Munoz Morales

Il ritorno di Terence Hill in Un Passo dal Cielo 5  Durante la fine dell'estate e i primi mesi autunnali si è a lungo vociferato sul web della possibilità che Terence Hill approdasse sul set di Un Passo dal Cielo 5

La fiction ha preso il via con lui. Si può dire che l'attore l'abbia portata davvero al successo

Poi però, dopo un paio di stagioni il capo della forestale, l'amatissimo Pietro è partito per un lungo viaggio lasciando le montagne di San Candido

 Daniele Liotti non ha fatto rimpiangere il suo predecessore, ma qualcuno ha sempre sperato di poter rivedere il buon caro e vecchio Pietro a San Candido

Sarà davvero possibile?  La notizia non è stata mai confermata ufficialmente e nel corso del tempo ha perso anche di importanza

Le voci che sembravano farsi sempre più insistenti, infatti, hanno perso la loro intensità

Cosa accadrà? Pare che ormai manchi davvero poco per scoprire tutta la verità sulla fiction Rai

For more infomation >> Un Passo dal Cielo 5, cast: arriva Serena Autieri - Duration: 4:46.


Luồn bộ đồ chơi tài xỉu bịp mới nhất Tết 2019 vào Sòng chơi tài xỉu bịp và cái kết... - Duration: 20:02.

For more infomation >> Luồn bộ đồ chơi tài xỉu bịp mới nhất Tết 2019 vào Sòng chơi tài xỉu bịp và cái kết... - Duration: 20:02.


Un asesino en potencia | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:49.

For more infomation >> Un asesino en potencia | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:49.


Todos los futbolistas que quedarán libres en 2019 - Duration: 1:34.

Ya inició el 2019 y con él, los últimos seis meses de varios futbolistas con sus actuales clubes

El contrato de algunos jugadores terminará en junio y serán libres de negociar con quien quieran

Hay nombres importantes en esta lista. No sólo el de David De Gea con el Manchester United o el de Aaron Ramsey con el Arsenal

Del galés se habla que estaría negociando con la Juventus para llegar en el próximo mercado de verano

Roberto Soldado, Olivier Giroud, Gary Cahill, Petr Cech y otros, podrían cambiar de club o retirarse, al quedar libres en junio

Tomando en cuenta que algunos de ellos ya están viviendo sus últimos momentos como futbolistas profesionales

For more infomation >> Todos los futbolistas que quedarán libres en 2019 - Duration: 1:34.


Booktube Newbie Tag - Duration: 10:03.

Hi! I'm Kristina and I'm Maja from Bookworm Dreams and today we are doing the

Booktube Newbie Tag because obviously we are Booktube newbies.

This was originally created by Brenda C. We will link her channel and video down below.

And let's just get on with the questions. - I'll read the questions.

Why did you start this channel? So, why DID we start this channel? Well...

It looks like fun doing videos about books and stuff. We have been watching Booktube videos

for quite some time now. Silently stalking you all. Sorry :)

And we started like filming our own videos and sending them to each other. - For practice.

And we found out that we really like doing this so we decided to share this with the world

and we hope that the world accepts us.

OK. Next question. What are some fun and unique things you can bring to Booktube?

Well there's two of us so that's something fun and unique. We're fun and unique, yes?

Yes. OK. Also we don't read the same genre of books. I read mostly

fantasy and science fiction while you read... I tend to read thrillers, crime

novels. I really have a penchant for romance novels. They just hit the right

spot for me, but I also dab into fantasy quite a lot. - I read some

thrillers and stuff. We kind of mesh but not totally and I definitely don't read

sci-fi for example. It's a very difficult genre for me. So I think... - I read the

dumb version of sci-fi. I tried reading the highbrow sci-fi. That did not go well.

We just think we might be able to offer a wide range of books and

perspectives and reviews and stuff so. Next question.

What are you most excited for about this new channel? - Oh, God. I really just...

Did we skip this when we talked about it? - I know... - We totally skipped this.

But I know what I'm excited about. I really like doing vlogs.

That's one of my favorite things to do. It's one of my favorite videos to watch.

because basically we stalk people. - I like doing tags. Tags are fun.

What else do I like? What's going to be the most exciting about this channel?

I think learning how to do it, not giggling, is going to be very exciting. - That's what I was about to say.

And since there's two of us. We're gonna have to work on this banter. - Who talks first...

Next question. Why do you love reading? You go first. - I go first, OK.

I love reading because it just takes me to another place. It's a very standard answer,

but I really get immersed in books, particularly when I'm having a really hard time.

Books are the thing I gravitate to. Books and music.

I can put on some music, read a book, just dive deep into it and it just relaxes me. - What she said!

What I also like is how books can sort of amplify an emotion, so if you're feeling

kind of crappy and you read something fun and you feel better and if you're

feeling sort of like angsty and then you read something very anxious and then

it's like amplified and then later you kind of feel better because you had

like this release of emotions and stuff. I like that, but also getting lost in a very good world.

It's pretty cool. Also dragons. Dragons are cool.

You're gonna hear about dragons in one of our next videos. - I like dragons.

Next question. What book or series got you into reading? - Oh, me first.

In my family, there is a tradition that when you learn how to read the first book you

have to read is The Wondrous Adventures of Apprentice Hlapić by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić.

She's a famous Croatian author. But the book series that got me reading was

the five friends book series by someone who's name I should have checked before

we started doing this. - We are going to put it somewhere on the video.

That and Harry Potter was also a big deal in our house.

This first book that got me, that I just binge read a lot, is the Hercule Poirot series by Agatha Christie.

I really like her writing, and I really love her style and she's the writer that got me into reading more. - OK.

What question would you ask your favorite booktubers? -We decided to skip this one. -We did? -We did.

Oh no. You have a question. - I have a question. I really love Sam from Thoughts on Tomes.

The question that I always wonder about when I watch her videos is...

How can she do anything with those nails. She has beautiful nails, very awesome.

But they're very long and I think she like works an office job or something.

I don't know. But how does she do stuff? She does her hair, she does her makeup,

she reads books with those things. It's quite, you know, perplexing. - I had, for a really short time, THE nails.

You get used to it. It's difficult, but yeah that's a good question.

They're also pointy. - Yes, she has the pointy ones. - How does she not poke her eye out? - Practice?

I guess. - Next question.

What challenges do you think starting a Booktube channel will be the hardest to overcome?

Filming videos because we live in different cities and Maja usually has to drive to where I live.

I listen to audiobooks in the car so I don't really mind. - But I have a driver's licence but

I don't actually drive so I think I'm gonna have to start driving because of this.

Because I can't expect her to always come to me so I think that's gonna be

one of our biggest challenges and just getting the content and

Because we have to film a lot of videos at the same time so, well, we're gonna try

to make it work. - Yes. I think another challenge will be not worrying about the

numbers and if we don't get subscribers, reviews and stuff so. Because we know

that in the beginning it's not like: oh you immediately become popular and

everybody will watch you, so it's like you have to just keep reminding yourself

of that so we don't like oh give up after yeah a month or so. - I don't think we will.

We like making videos. Alright, next question. When did you start reading?

I think it was elementary school, like fourth, fifth grade something like that.

I mean I remember reading the Five Friends and then I remember I had a

little break in grade seven and eight, then in high school, what did I discover.

I discovered Stephen King, so I read lots of Stephen King and I discovered Dan

Simmons. He's a science fiction author. The Hyperion omnibus and the other one...

Endymion omnibus and stuff. I read those and then in college Jim Butcher and urban

fantasy and stuff. It was pretty cool.

Next question? Where do you read? - Anywhere, everywhere.

I read on the bus, in my room, on my couch, in my kitchen, in my bathroom.

Anywhere when I have time, wherever I am and a book is with me I will read it, so..

I listen to audiobooks in the car, I read on my couch, in bed, in the kitchen when the stuff is cooking,

I tried reading with when I was like outside in the yard my dog but that doesn't really go well

because the dog brings me stuff and I have to throw the stuff so you can't

really read. Everywhere we can. - I listen to audio books while I

clean the house and, oh yes, when I'm at the gym. - That's cool. I don't go to the gym.

But the people at the gym are really weirded out by it. They always ask me: how can you run

if you're reading a book, don't you need something uplifting, and I'm like: the book is interesting,

that's you know. - Do you stop in the middle, wait, this is an interesting part, I have to stop running?

No. - And the last question: what kind of books do you like to read?

We mentioned that already. - I read fantasy and sci-fi, and you read romance, thrillers with a bit of fantasy.

Alright, that's it for the Booktube Newbie Tag. Please like, subscribe, share if you want.

Definitely mention if you are a new channel, please comment down below

so we can find you and watch and stuff.

That's it. Thank you for watching. We'll see you in our second (new) video. - Second video? - Yes! - Cool. Bye!

For more infomation >> Booktube Newbie Tag - Duration: 10:03.


N.Y.E.L.A. 2018 - Duration: 1:43.

[music: upbeat]

[People counting down]








Happy New Year!!! (cheering)

[music: upbeat]


(Voice from background Happy New Year)

(Voice from background Happy New Year)


[fireworks crackling]

For more infomation >> N.Y.E.L.A. 2018 - Duration: 1:43.


Sailor Moon The Super Live. Special Interview with J-one. English Subbed - Duration: 4:04.

Translated by Madam.Paradis aka my Francais teacher

Subtitles by me aka @Stefani_msp on twitter / Une Chocolat from the Sera Myu Fans Discord server

She only translates the KEY points so like really the only things that matter

But to give you an idea of what the narrator is saying right now really all he is talking about is the sailor moon musicals and how they have never came to France till now

so yee u get too see whatever im typing for another 30 secs before the translation starts

It's a historic moment to perform the anime show.

yee this part doesn't really matter so she didnt't translate it. Keep in mind she teaches French for 3 classes and teaches kindergarten so she couldn't do the stuff that doesn't matter. Because she is a very busy lady

There may be surprises for the fans and I tried to create a show to please everyone.

There have been 800 performances in the last 25 years.

I had to train and watch my diet and coordinate the 5 of us.

In Disneyland, we ate together and became more of a team.

I listened and studied the character and I was worried whether I would be portraying Ami correctly.

We had to physically prepare and watched the anime.

Each character has its own traits

I watched videos of Japanese stars and that inspired and prepared me for the show.

This first musical has had a small effect on French fans

It's simple, but strong.

For more infomation >> Sailor Moon The Super Live. Special Interview with J-one. English Subbed - Duration: 4:04.


TOP Best Eye Makeup - Eye Makeup Step by Step - Duration: 11:00.

Thank you for watching, remember to subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> TOP Best Eye Makeup - Eye Makeup Step by Step - Duration: 11:00.


Is Hijab Obligatory or Optional? | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 3:16.

Is Hijab important or is it a choice?

I have told many times that our religion has two types of teachings.

It means that if you see the content of the religion, it consists of two types of things.

One type is the things which have been made obligatory for us. We call them farz or wajib.

It means that there are things which Allah has made mandatory for us.

If we perform them, He will reward us and if we do not perform them, He will hold us accountable.

Take the example of fasting in Ramadan. It is an obligation of every believer.

Another type is the things which are not obligatory but Allah shows that He likes them because they are good and practicable.

These good things fall in the second category. It will be beneficial if you practice these things.

For example, four rakahs of Zuhr or two rakahs of Fajr prayer are obligatory. We have to offer them at all costs.

Then you add a couple of rakahs to it voluntarily. It is your choice to decide if you want to offer these rakahs or not.

In worships, such voluntary acts are called nufl while in other issues, they are called mustahab.

It is the positive aspect of the religion.

The negative aspect is that some things are totally forbidden and prohibited. Other things are dislikable.

Here too, we have two categories.

Thus, two categories in each i.e. positive and negative aspect of the religion. The similar rule is applicable for hijab.

One thing is the situations in which Allah has made it obligatory.

When women go to market, job, their home or anywhere else,

they have been told to dress in a civilized manner, lower their gazes, and cover their genitals.

These instructions are for men as well as women. Both men and women have directly been addressed while giving these commands.

There is no other restriction in this regard. However, you know that women love beautification and show off.

They like wearing jewelry and beautify themselves to look gorgeous.

If they are in a proper makeup and not in normal dress, only then Allah has told them

to cover all parts of their body except their hand, feet and face.

This is applicable only when they are in makeup. What if they are not in makeup?

Will they have to keep wearing a shawl all the time?

The answer to this is that if they do so, it is a praiseworthy act but it is not obligatory. This is the demand of the religion.

For more infomation >> Is Hijab Obligatory or Optional? | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 3:16.


Oops! We Forgot Your Order I 주문을 잊은 음식점 [SUB : ENG / 2019.01.02] - Duration: 49:11.

(The head chef of this restaurant is Lee Yeonbok)

(The manager of this restaurant is Song Euni)

Hello. Come on in.

(Choi Injo, age 77, the king of touting)

(Lee Chunbong, age 83, the eldest)

(Jeong Ok, age 78, host of patrons)

- It was very, very tasty. / - Thank you.

(Jeong Gwangho, age 82, the shy one)

No, I haven't been there.

(Kim Mija, age 76, officially the youngest)

(Oops! We Forgot Your Order)


TV personality Song Euni is very hot these days.

We suggested that she be on our show.

You'd be the manager. How do you feel about that?

I've never worked as a manager at a restaurant.

Have you ever worked at a restaurant?

I've wanted to, but I never have.

- So it's unfamiliar. / - Right.

It'll be unfamiliar for me.

I'm not exactly young, so I'm interested in this project.

Can senior citizens with dementia take orders?

Some may say it's impossible.

After hearing from you guys...

I wouldn't know until I have dementia.

3 or 4 years ago,

my mother started to notice

that she was behaving differently. She got tested.

She was diagnosed with aging veins.

She took medicine and is brighter than me now.

That's when I started getting interested in dementia.

Some patrons could get flustered.

- It's possible. / - When that happens...

You came to enjoy a meal.

You ordered fried rice, but get soup instead.

- That would be... / - Just as an example.

I'm sure you'd feel flustered.

That's when you need to step in and facilitate.

So that's my role.

I feel like I'll be doing everything myself.

That's how I am.

So I'm not sure...

(So busy)

(Back and forth)

(Why do sad predictions always come true?)

- Hang in there. / - Hang in there.

(What happened to Euni?)

I suddenly feel scared.

(A meeting with head chef Lee Yeonbok)

We met with someone else. Chef Lee Yeonbok.

I want to do a good job at this.

This'll be touching.

I like it. Oops! We Forgot Your Order.

This should be the sign for the restaurant.

I think people would be interested.

A restaurant shouldn't forget your order.

I was a bit concerned about how to bring in customers.

I thought I'd get some

famous chefs in the kitchen.

(That's why we assembled a group of talented chefs)

(Wang Byeongho, 23 years of hotel chef experience)

(Ju Bae-an, 18 years as Chinese cuisine chef)

(Lee Heung-un is Lee Yeonbok's son)

(The Chinese cuisine Avengers)

What should we prepare?

We need woks and stoves.


- We're opening a restaurant. / - There's a lot to do.

Last spring...

We went to find participants at a dementia center.

(Looked for participants at 26 dementia centers)

We were looking for senior citizens with dementia

who were eager to participate.

Oops! We Forgot Your Order.

There's no age limit.

And your gender doesn't matter either.

You can work there as long as you can walk.

If someone orders stew and you bring rice rolls...

We were worried that nobody would apply.

But we got a lot of applicants.

Around 100 senior citizens with dementia applied.

(Around 100 Seoul residents with dementia applied)

(Meeting the applicants)

Hello. Hello.

Hello, ma'am.

Yes, hello.

Please introduce yourself to me.

- Pardon? / - Introduce yourself.

There's nothing really to say. I have dementia.

- Pardon? / - I have dementia.

- You have dementia? / - Yes.

You don't seem that way at all.

I have dementia.

We'll open up a restaurant.

- A restaurant. / - What's it called?

It's called Oops! We Forgot Your Order.

We forgot your order? So you don't take orders?

You take the orders, but you forget them.

That actually exists?


I don't think I can do it.

She can do it, she can do it. You can do it.

You should be able to manage that.

I have no confidence.

Be confident. You have to be confident.

I'd like to keep working if I weren't so forgetful.

I can't work now because I'm so forgetful.

But I can say, "Welcome, may I take your order?"

What's that, ma'am?

- What's that? / - The flier... About the show.

Oh, that's ours.

Let's say they order bibimbap and I can't recall right after.

What was that again?" I do that all the time.

We do that all the time.

Doing this would help me try to focus more.

I want to do a good job.

A few days later...

We had all five of our participants

of various ages, personalities and backgrounds.

(Jeong Gwangho, age 82, has mixed dementia)

I've never seen this stuff before.

Can you read it out loud?

Read it.

"Hello, Mr. Choi Injo."

"Thank you for your interest..."

"In the KBS special Oops! We Forgot Your Order."

I should be the one thanking you guys.

At our restaurant,

it's okay to forget the orders. Is that really okay?

We'll try our best

to make this a unique restaurant."

I never knew things would get this big.

I'm kind of afraid.

- You're afraid? / - Yes.

Things won't go as planned.

I have nothing to offer.

You'll be disappointed in me.

What's this for?

We'll see the footage the participants

recorded with their families on this hand-held cam.

- Here... / - Here.

- Right here. / - Oh, here...

I live in Samseon-dong, Seongbuk-gu and have dementia.

This is a lot of pressure.

I'll try my best though.

(The strangest restaurant in the world opens)

This is a unique, new experience for all of them.



They're filming us.

- Really? / - This is KBS.


Her husband has had dementia for 8 years.

Sometimes she asks her husband to run errands.

She's always worried, yet excited.

What do you want me to buy?

- See? You're asking again. / - Cherry tomatoes...

- And what else? / - Bananas...

A cake? Or...

What's the square thing?

I said to buy two things. What else should you get?

The receipt.

Cherry tomatoes. Cher. Bananas. Ba.

- And then re for receipt. / - Cher, ba, re.

Cher, ba, re.

Cher, ba, re.

- So it's cher... / - Ba, re.

Alright so...

What do you want me to buy with this again?

- To pay for the groceries. / - Oh, I should buy them?

He was a math teacher when he was younger.

He was always meticulous and precise.

How will he do on his errand his wife sent him on?

- Sir, what are you supposed to buy? / - Huh?

- What are you supposed to buy? / - What?

- What fruits are you buying? / - Apples.

- Apples? / - We eat apples often.

We always buy apples.

- I'll pick out 5 for you. / - Okay.

Did he really just forget everything?

Forgetfulness is a common symptom of dementia.

- $10? / - Yes.

Here you go.

- Thank you. / - Yup.

Did you get the receipt?

The receipt?

His wife checks the bag.

This isn't the first time this has happened.

- Apples. / - We have plenty at home.

Then what did you tell me to buy? Wasn't it apples?

No. Why didn't you look at the list I gave you?

List? What list?

- Read it. / - Cher, ba, re.

- What's cher? / - Cherry tomatoes.

Bananas... What was re?

Go return these.

- Why? / - We have plenty of apples.

We bought 12 apples for $10 yesterday.

And then we bought 10 more.

We don't have room for anymore in our fridge.

Open the fridge. It's full of apples.

Then what should I do?

The place you bought these. Didn't you go nearby?

- How would I remember that? / - No...

No, you have to go back.

Why would I lie? The drawers are filled with apples.

But you told me to buy apples.

Now you're showing your true side.

- I eat these too... They won't go bad. / - Nope.

I'm going to eat them all.

But that's not the issue.

- Look at all these apples. / - We have a lot.

We can't fit anymore. Look at these apples.

We're out of cherry tomatoes and bananas.

You just bought 5 apples for $10.

That's not going to work. Let's go together.

Where? Where did I buy those?

I know where.

- You do? / - Yeah.

When I get upset with my husband, I pray.

I'm human too, so I can get angry, but I shouldn't.

It has to be really hard on him.

It's hard when you forget all the time.

Thankfully, he talks about it when I call him out on it.

He can't live without my help.

♪ I can't live without you, I can't live alone ♪

- I'll watch over you. / - Alright.

This couple is always together no matter what.

His wife's memory started to fade 2 years ago.

But he still lets his wife cut his hair.

She has over 50 years of experience.

His wife is still very organized.

Her memories are hazy, but she still has this habit.

She organizes things, but she can't find them later.

So everything is labeled, but she still forgets.

Everything else about her is fine. She just forgets.

(Jeong Gwangho as a college student)

When she was attending Seoul National University,

she was considered a very bright student.

(She can never forget her youth)

Do you remember this?

That was from a field trip in college.

You remember.

These were my friends back then.

There were only 20 people in home economics.

Only 20 people in that major at SNU.

She taught for 40 years after graduating,

She had a very fulfilling life.

My memory seems fine, but it's not.

How does it feel that your memory isn't as good now?

- How does it... / - It feels terrible.

I don't feel like doing anything anymore.

There's nothing I want to do.


One month before the restaurant opens...

- Did you come by yourself, ma'am? / - Yes.

The five participants will finally meet today.

They're all from different backgrounds,

but they all have dementia in common.


This'll be their first time meeting each other.

There are five of us.

We're all comrades.

Please don't be uncomfortable.


It's not like you can help getting dementia.

- When you age... / - Don't think of it as a bad thing.

Ma'am, were you diagnosed with dementia?

No, I have a cognitive disorder.

A cognitive disorder.

No, it's not a cognitive disorder.

- Alzheimer's. / - That's what you need to get tested.

I keep forgetting things. I thought I had dementia,

so I went to the hospital. They said I had dementia.

I was so disappointed when I heard that.

Right. We all were.

It was so disappointing. I didn't know what to do.

So then...

We have you all here because you have dementia.

Has dementia ever been portrayed positively on TV?


There are people like us with dementia,

but they only show half-dead people in wheelchairs.

There are people like us that work at it.

Our efforts slow the progress of the illness.

So I hope the restaurant serves simple dishes.

We'll get confused if the dishes are complicated.

You guys will be the stars of the restaurant.

You all need to have individual roles.

- The register. / - I'll be a waiter. A waiter.

I'll be a waiter.

This. I'll probably do this.

I'll be the host.

Welcome." I'll be the host.

I'm good with numbers.

We're good with numbers, but we still get confused.

That's normal for us.

These brave people were open about their dementia.

How was their first meeting?


After meeting everyone... Since it was the first time...

Umm... I'll have a better idea after a few more days.

You'll remember their faces after seeing them more.

We need to drink together.

No, some of them might not drink.

Don't treat this like a joke.


And try to smile more...

That's a no.

My goodness... I look good on camera.

I look pretty.

I had fun today. I had a good time and a good meal.

I laughed a lot and had a lot of fun.

Everyone did a good job today.

Dementia makes simple tasks challenging.

For example, getting dressed.

Your balance seems better now.

- Right? / - Yeah.

I've been working on it...

She got dressed on her own this morning.

But she put her pants on backwards.

She didn't know.

- There. Hey, mom. / - Yeah?

- Your pants... / - Are they on backwards?

Check out the pockets. Do they belong there?

Let me put this on...

It still doesn't look right...

Why is this on the outside?

It's inside-out.

You remember that you put it on inside-out?

I'm not sure...

I think this should work.

Oh, I guess not.

That vest sure is hard to put on.

(Lee Hwajin / Jeong Ok's daughter)

My mother...

When she was diagnosed with dementia...

The family felt terrible about it.


We had no idea when she was struggling by herself.

Later on...

The health center said she was at that age.

So she's been receiving treatments for dementia.

But my mother kept

telling us that she got tested and was fine.

So we figured she was doing just fine.

(Hospital neurology department)

They go to the hospital together regularly.

Have a seat. Right here.

Alzheimer's Disease is very common for the elderly.

6 to 7 out of 10 people with dementia develop this.

This part has become wider.

The neurons between the brain are spaced out.

As this gets wider, this area gets smaller.

She's still in the early stages,

so I don't think she can do complicated tasks.

I could be wrong, but she can do simple tasks.

For example, taking orders.

It might be hard if she gets 3 to 4 orders at once.

She should be able handle one table at a time.

Try to have fun with this. That's important.

You should come, doctor.

- Should I visit? / - Yes.

- I'll go taste the food there. / - Yes.

We'll see if you remember me when I come.

You tend to forget, so you might not recognize me.

- Good luck. / - Let's go!

- Thank you. / - Sure.

That cheer was for me. Not for you.

I was cheering for you.

(Mapo-gu, Seoul)

If we were to develop dementia, we should be able to

live safely with our family and neighbors.

But is that really possible?

We wanted to see the likelihood of that

within our ordinary everyday lives.

That's the place we'll be working.

It doesn't look like a restaurant now.

(The participants visit the restaurant)

(It's an old house that was turned into a cafe)

Near Mangwon Market in Mapo-gu, Seoul.

This cafe will be turned into our restaurant.


The participants seem excited, yet worried.

I hope we get a lot of customers.

Who would come to this restaurant full of strangers?

Everything's ready, but we get no customers.

- That'd be bad. / - Yes.

That shouldn't happen.

That's when I'll really roll up my sleeves.

Should we put up a safety bar?

One going down the center.

When they carry trays out...

They thoroughly check the stairs to see

if they'll have any problems going up and down.

It's perfect.

When you greet customers

don't bow down at a 90-degree angle.

- Keep it moderate. / - I'll keep it 80 degrees.

You'll do eighty since you can't do ninety.

He was a math teacher.

So he must be good with numbers.

Don't forget that people need to pay

after they finish their meals.

What if they try to skip out after eating?

Then I'll grab them so they can't.

"Pay before you leave."

We've been planning for this since spring.

We're almost ready to get started.

This'll be an unfamiliar experience for them,

so our participants prepare themselves.


I hope I can provide great service.

The color looks tidy and nice.

The cafe is also undergoing a transformation.

What'll happen in this new space?

Everything is still unpredictable.

They're a bit forgetful, but they can still do a lot

through effort in the early stages of dementia.

Like calligraphy.

It looks crooked because I'm nervous.

Which one will you use?

I think the modern font would be good.

Which one is that?

This one.

These days they use this font.


He picks a modern font for the restaurant flier.

He puts all of his focus on his brush.


I wrote that backwards.

It looks like he made a mistake.

I wrote it backwards.

He doesn't get flustered. He just fixes his error.

Our restaurant will probably be like this too.

"Mister! Come inside."

What does this mean? Oops! We Forgot Your Order?

Someone might ask.

So you should explain.

Tell them, "You'll see if you eat here."

I shouldn't say something else.

Or else they won't come.

Nobody will come if they know we all have dementia.

We'll see...

Will this peculiar restaurant be successful?

(Mangwon-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul)

It's finally the day before the opening.

This looks good.

They'll hand out the fliers to passersby.

I wonder what the people will say.

Oops! We Forgot Your Order.

(Thinking about it)

Doesn't that sound strange?

This is unusual and new.

I tend to be a bit forgetful.

So keep that in mind and please come by.

We'll serve you tasty food.

Please enjoy.

What's the place called?

Oops! We Forgot Your Order.

Why though?

You'll find out if you come.

- Alright. / - And you'll see me if you come.

(Looking around)

It's run by people with cognitive disorders.

It's only open on Sunday and Tuesday.

From twelve to three.

- We make and sell food. / - Yes.

If you order, we might bring you the wrong dish.

That's amazing!


Yeah, we forget all the time. I bet the elderly do too.

That should be fun for young people.

What if I bring you the wrong order?

I'll try to enjoy it more.

Thank you! Thank you.

I'll say, "I guess this is what she wanted me to eat."

This is unfamiliar and new for everyone.

Of course, that applies to the customers as well.

Old people with dementia will be working here.

That's why it's Oops! We Forgot Your Order.

(The top chefs arrive)

Chef Lee Yeonbok's team of chefs arrives first.

Wow, it's a Chinese kitchen.

(They turned the cafe into a Chinese kitchen)

Are the ingredients already here?

How's the kitchen, chef?

Pretty nice, right?

No, this is... Considering the tables we have...

Chef Lee's team has a menu and the ingredients.

He'll make something to entice customers.

Is this the most time-consuming dish?

Dongpo pork takes a very long time to make.

It takes around 6 hours.

Tasty sounds can be heard from the kitchen.

They're making the dishes they'll serve tomorrow.

They want the participants to try the food.

The restaurant manager Song Euni has arrived.

- Oops! We Forgot Your Order. / - There it is.

This restaurant is in trouble.

If they're always forgetting the orders...

"Oops! We Forgot Your Order. Limited orders."


They all look similar in the drawing.

- Right? / - Yes.

This is Chunbong. Mr. Chunbong.

- Can you recognize them? / - Yes.

This is Ms. Mija, right?

I think this is Ms. Jeong Ok.

- Right? / - Yes.

I can't tell who this is...

- We're sorry. / - This person looks so...

- We serve dandan noodles too? / - Yes

This is a great menu.

- Not many items. / - Yes, you're right.

I want to try the food.

- Oh, hello. / - Hello.

- Where did you just come from? / - To buy these.

- Ingredients? / - Yes.

- They're all inside? / - Yes, they're inside.

There he is. It's Chef Lee Yeonbok.


I haven't seen you in forever.

Hello. Hello! Hello.

I'm not used to seeing you in street clothes.

- Since we're not open today. / - Right.

What's this? Squid?

Just seeing the ingredients makes me hungry.

Are those abalone?

(They're using plenty of great ingredients)


The plates...

(She checks the supplies for tomorrow)

Do we need this page back here?

This restaurant is unfamiliar

to the manager as well.

(Euni has never worked at a restaurant)

(How strange...)

How many tables? 1, 2...

We'll use this one too. That's 3.

Oh, here.

A table for 8.

So these are the original stairs, but you built this.

- We lowered the stairs. / - Yes, that's right.

It'll be hard for them to go up and down this.

This is much easier.

Much better.

Is this a table? Oh, this is for waiting.

Yes, that's the waiting room.

Will there be people waiting?

You don't think so?

I think the staff have too high ambitions.

- You don't think so? / - Will there be a wait?

Everyone's finally together at the restaurant.


I've seen you on TV a lot.

I've seen you too. I saw a clip of you.

Hello. Hello.

- Hello. / - We came together.

My name is Song Euni.

- Do you know who she is? / - Song Euni.

You know me?

- I've only seen you on TV. / - First time in person.

- Let's shake hands. / - One more time.

(The chefs, manager and the wait staff all meet)

Did they not tell you that we'd be here?

She didn't tell you about me or Chef Lee Yeonbok?

- They kept it a secret. / - Really?

I'm seeing you all for the first time.

Was there anyone you were hoping would come?

- They told us to make a list. / - Did anyone pick me?


My name is Lee Yeonbok. Hello.

Lee Yeonbok.

- Bok? For good fortune? / - Yes, that's right.

Yeonbok? My name is Lee Chunbong.

Lee Chunbong.

Like a budding flower in spring.


- Jeong Gwangho. / - Gwangho.

That's a great name.

Choi Rinjo.


It was originally Rin for giraffe.

But it's too hard to say, so I just go by Injo.

My name is Jeong Ok.

- You have a single character name? / - Yes.

Jeong for country and Ok for bead.

Oh, Ok for bead.

My name's Kim Mija, not Lee Mija.

- Can you sing? / - No.

- I thought because of your name... / - I can't sing.

So what should I call you all?

Should I say your names? Mr. Chunbong.

No good?

He wants you to be more casual. Chunbong.

Like a friend.

That's really catchy.

That sounds good.

- It makes me feel younger. / - Sure.

Who else calls me by my name?

It's fine for me, but...

Only our doctors address us by our names.

Nobody else addresses us by our names.

Mr. Chunbong. I want to add mister.

No! Just Chunbong!

That feels weird...

The restaurant will only open for two days.

They might forget the orders, but the food is amazing.

(Chef Wang adds the finishing touches)

(All the dishes are ready)

(Eight-treasure stir-fry with veggies and seafood)

(Chef Lee's 6-hour braised Dongpo pork)

(Retro sweet and sour pork made with ketchup)

(Dandan noodles with chili oil and peanut sauce)

(Black bean noodles is a staple dish)

(XO fried rice is a classy dish)

The participants are trained on how to serve.

And they even practiced at home.

This goes to table 3 outside.

- Careful. Slowly. / - Take your time.

Mistakes are fine, but they should try to avoid them.


Try the food and remember the flavors.

That'll help you explain the dishes better.

"This dish tastes like so-and-so."

The team of chefs worked hard on these dishes.

Tomorrow, they'll explain the dishes, take orders

and serve the customers.

Reality is setting in by now

How's the food?

It's good.

Things should go well tomorrow, right?

There are a lot of people out there.

- A lot of young people. / - Yes.

I'm just worried that they won't come in.

- No customers... / - Lack of customers...

I'll go out and get customers if we don't get enough.

- I will too. / - I'll get all my chefs to pitch in.

I'll even dress up like a bowl of noodles.

I'm worried. I don't think I'll sleep tonight.

- Worried about what? / - Pardon?

In case I make a mistake.

You need to get a lot of sleep tonight.

- That's important. / - It's very important.

Mr. Injo, say a few words.

- Good! / - That was really brief.

Is anyone worried about tomorrow?

It can't be helped.

I think I'm the one that'll keep us alive.

- Let's do this! / - Let's do this!

I feel good about this. Better than I originally felt.

When I heard early stages of dementia...

I was a bit worried.

But they were very cheerful people.

I think it'd be nice to see some improvements

in the second day compared to the first day.

I think that would be more meaningful

since we're all in this together. That's my hope.

(That night)

So then...

At first...

- What should you do? / - Welcome!

Alright. Then what?

Please have a seat here.

Then what?

What would you... How many in your party?

- Then... / - May I take your order?

I got plenty of training today for tomorrow.

And we'll open the restaurant tomorrow.

I hope a lot of people come. Please be good to us.


so thankful.

You are? That I'm doing this much?

It's a really big step.

It is.

And I know you can do this.

Thank you. My daughter is the best.

I have the best daughter!

(Next episode)

(The restaurant finally opens)

The restaurant finally opens.


(Did they finally get their first customer?)

Come on in.

- Did we get customers? / - Come on in.

- Our first customers! / - Welcome!

(First customers, here I come)


One order of braised Dongpo pork.

- Pork cutlets? / - Dongpo pork.

You changed the order to eight treasure stir-fry.

(They sometimes forget the orders)

(And sometimes they forget to take orders)

Thank you.

The bean powder is supposed to go in here.

But bean powder is good for you anyway.

We put this in everything in Korea.

Thank you.

Hey, you'd better stand.

Thank you.


(The vibe is lively and people enjoy the food)



(A surprise guest comes to the restaurant)

Is he your son?

(What happened at the restaurant?)

Don't miss the next episode if you want to find out.

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