Whether it's a giant red zit or chronic acne all over your face, we've all dealt with pimples
at one point or another.
But why do they happen?
And is there anything we can do about them?
"You know I am really good with pimples.
I'm good with people, not pimples.
Obviously I'm not good with pimples, that would be weird."
Finally, medical experts reveal what you don't know about pimples, and how you can get your
clearest skin yet!
Multiple types
Dr. Gary Goldenberg of Goldenberg Dermatology in New York City explains the difference between
the various types of pimples, saying, "Blackheads and whiteheads...are usually present together.
They are caused by blocked pores and hair follicles and can be open [which are blackheads]
or closed [which are whiteheads].
Zits usually refers to pustules.
These are lesions that look like pus-bumps and are the next stage of acne.
They are usually inflamed and can cause scarring if not treated."
Then there's cystic acne, which is an entirely different monster.
Dr. Goldenberg says, "Cystic acne lesions are the most severe type of acne.
It is caused by deep bumps that are inflamed and may be painful."
But different forms of acne also manifest for different reasons.
Various causes
According to Dr. Kristina Goldenberg, "Acne has many causes.
It's usually genetic and tends to run in families.
It also has a hormonal component…"
"Hormones stimulate production of sebum, [or oil], that can cause plugged pores and follicles
that become acne bumps.
These can become inflamed.
Bacteria...causes pustules, [better known as zits] and acne cysts."
While we can't control all causes of acne, Dr. Goldenberg says there are some causes
we do have power over, including proper skin care, makeup choices, cleansing, and medications.
But first things first...
Don't squeeze it
Did you hear that?
Don't squeeze it!
Dr. Shari Marchbein of Manhattan Dermatology says squeezing can often make a bad situation
"Pimples are basically a combination of bacteria, inflammation, and oil from surrounding oil
glands...By manipulating the pimple, you are actually causing more inflammation and it
may actually take days or weeks longer for the zit to resolve."
So, hands off!
Buuuuut... if you have to do it, do it right.
Nurse Nataly of iGlow Med Spa in Beverly Hills says, "The best time to go to pop a pimple
is after taking a shower, because your pores are wide open."
Nurse Nataly also warns not to use your fingernails to pop a pimple, saying, "Your hands and nails
hold millions of germs and once they touch an open wound they can make it grow into something
much worse."
Use fresh gauze, and sterilize the pimple immediately after.
But before you get popping, Nataly says, "If the pimple is very deep...you must go to a
professional to inject it with cortisone and use a high frequency blue light treatment
to kill the bacteria."
You are what you eat
You've probably heard that what you eat can directly affect your skin.
While this has been up for debate, Dr. Sheila Nazarian, a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills,
reveals the real deal, saying, "There are actually some studies out now that show a
connection between acne and what you eat!
Chocolate and dairy, for example, can cause an increase in acne breakouts."
So, what to do after you ditch the hot fudge sundaes?
Treat yo'self
The easiest and fastest way to treat a pimple is to go to a drugstore or pharmacy and pick
up an over-the-counter treatment.
LA-based dermatologist, Dr. Sal, says:
"Numerous over-the-counter products including benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur
are available to treat acne.
Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria that causes acne and removes excess oil from the skin.
Salicylic acid prevents pores from becoming clogged.
And sulfur removes dead skin cells that clog pores and removes excess oil from skin."
If you are concerned with acne and aging, Dr. Sal says Retin-A may be the way to go.
He recommends, "Along with treating acne, Retin-A can be used as a skin rejuvenator
by subtly reversing the signs of aging."
Those with severe acne may need an oral treatment, as Dr. Kristina Goldenberg explains: "Topical
antibiotics and retinoids help with acne lesions from the earliest stage.
Oral antibiotics and Accutane are usually reserved for the most severe type of acne."
Pimples aren't just unsightly — According to Dr. Marchbein, they may lead to scarring.
But instead of treating scars, she suggests trying to prevent them from happening in the
first place: "If you are breaking out, make sure to see your dermatologist for a comprehensive
acne routine."
If you already have scars, don't worry — you still have options.
She says, "Various lasers including...Fraxel, or microneedling devices can be very effective…
Additionally, various injectable fillers including hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane and
Juvederm and some newer longer lasting fillers can be used for those who aren't good laser
Lifelong struggle
Some think of acne as something that exclusively affects teens, but acne can show up on people
who are way past high school age.
Dr. Nazarian explained, "Adult acne is a completely different beast from teenage acne.
We tend to dry out teenagers so that they stop breaking out.
In adults, we focus on cleansing pores and hydrating to decrease oil production."
You're never too old to deal with the ugly nuisance of pimples, but with these tips,
you're better equipped to handle it.
Clear skin
With so many different kinds of treatments and advances in skincare technology to manage
acne, it's completely possible to have clear skin.
With the proper products, procedures, and lifestyle, you too can undo the damage, and
win back your face!
Thanks for watching!
Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!
For more infomation >> What You Don't Know About Pimples - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Guitar Duel: Marcos Kaiser vs Robson Miguel (Malagueña) - Duration: 4:06.
- Hi guys! we are here for another video the great master Robson Miguel.
- It's an honor for me to have Marcos Kaiser here in my castle, my house. He is a special person, an authority on the guitar
- I'll challenge you to a guitar duel.
- As bull and bullfighter
I'm going to play my version of Malaguena and then you play your
The composer, Ernesto Lecuona was a cuban that loves Spain
Master! you win!
- no!!! - The guitar is the winner
This new generation of people doing new things. Marcos Kaiser, amazing guitar player
Look, I'm a veteran and at 29 I did not play so well!
Well done Marcos! The guitar wins! you win!!!
Thats all folks! Please subscribe and share this video! bye!
My review of Fenty Beauty by Rihanna - Duration: 12:46.
Hi everyone
I hope you're well
Today I'm going to present to you the Fenty Beauty product line
which is the new brand created by Rihanna
For that I'll start by not wearing any makeup
This morning I put on a cream named NeoStrata which fits very well to my skin type
because I have an acne-prone skin
You'll be able to see it over here, for those who have the same skin problem as me
Following this I used, like every morning, the RevitaLash which I love
to take good care of my eyelashes
because I'm not currently wearing any fake eyelashes and I prefer to let them grow
and I can assure you that it work really well
for the woman who have had cancer or who have damaged eyelashes it allows a very fast regrowth
and it's really effective
After 10 minutes, OOPS what am I saying, after 10 days you can already see some results
So, as I was saying we'll go back to Fenty Beauty
Rihanna released a brand that rocks
I had the opportunity to try her makeup, so here I'll present to you a small part of her product line
the one that suits me and my type of makeup
but it's important to know that there's more than 40 different shades
for all skin types, it's really awesome, I like it so much
As I said, I applied my day cream this morning
after that I'll apply the mattifying cream from Fenty Beauty
which will allow to fix my makeup and which will give a filter effect, as on Snapchat
So, that is to say that it will tone down the pores of the skin a little bit
I mean tighten the pores that are a bit dilated, in my case
It's very important to put this on a cream already applied and not to put this directly on the skin
because it's not a day cream
It's important to apply a day cream before applying any makeup
because it will protect your skin and prevent it to absorb all the makeup directly
which would give you pimples or other later on
After that I'll apply the cream, or more exactly the foundation of Fenty Beauty
and for my skin type and complexion I bought the 350 PRO FILT'R
So, I'll apply it on my face with a sponge
I find that the texture of this foundation is really ...
... (pause) ...
... pleasant
It's pretty liquid
and covering at the same time
There I'm really minimizing all the skin imperfections
So, I'll minimize ...
... (pause) ...
... the wrinkles that need to be covered on my forehead
And yes, at 33 years of age some things appear unfortunately ...
... and others that disappear ...
... unfortunately, or fortunately?
So here it is, as you can see I've applied the foundation on my whole face
It's fairly covering and at the same time it doesn't leave a thick or unpleasant texture on the face
I feel like I'm wearing a day cream
I don't feel it, it doesn't stick
... (pause) ...
After that, I'll start with the contouring product
I love these pallets
I'll start with the Mocha
which I'll apply...
... (pause) ...
... from either side of my nose, so it'll serve to make my nose appear narrower
A little under my lips to bring out their shape
and of course, as for every good contouring, under the cheekbones
I'll put some on my forehead, it won't hurt
Here you go
Then I'll also start to minimize the contouring with the sponge
I find the texture to be really pleasant to manipulate
This tint is a little bit more ashed
which is not a bad thing because I don't like makeup that are too orange or too shiny
I really like this one
I'm not used to applying contouring
Here it's a light contouring
It's really pleasant
Here you go, as you can see my cheeks are a bit accentuated
I already have cheekbones that stand out
this is my Slavic side
Therefore, I don't really like to make them stand out more but what you can do is to put a little blush on top
It's really pretty and it'll accentuate the contouring effect under the cheekbones
put a little blush here softly, don't put too much
So, once I'm done with the Mocha contouring
I'll work with the concealer
here it's the Bamboo concealer
which I'll apply under my eyes
a little bit, as I was saying :)
I'll put enough in order to work it well
on my nose as well
Here you go
So, after applying the concealer I'll minimize it with my little sponge
In fact it will give a light effect on the nose and make it narrower
As I was saying, in general I don't like to put too much makeup on my eyes
Did I already tell you that?
I don't like to put too much makeup on my eyes
So, I'll apply a little bit of concealer on top with the sponge, very slightly
It'll have the effect of opening my gaze a little
because I'll only add some mascara afterwards
This is what I do in the morning, for instance before going to work
Really just put the remaining on top so that it's not too much
otherwise it will make a clown effect
which we don't want, of course
So, I really spread it by descending above my cheek
you shouldn't be afraid
Don't just put the concealer over here
You really have to get it down to have a brighter effect on the face
Here you go
I won't touch my eyebrows today because I don't usually work on them
and as I really what to show you a natural makeup that you can do every morning
you're free to work on them or not
Once I've applied my concealer what I'll do is apply the highlighter
The highlighter has to be applied at the eye level and (a little) above the cheeks
as I'm showing now: I'll pass 2 times
The texture is really nice
it's really pleasant, it's playful in fact
and in addition they are magnetized, so it's really easy to store them
So, with a brush I'll minimize the highlighter
I love it
So, after so many layers of makeup on the face I still feel that it's a fairly natural makeup
I'll now use my favorite lipstick from MAC
which gives me a healthy glow but nude at the same time
without being too nude, otherwise it would be too dull with a makeup such as this one
So, this is the matt MLHR n°70 from MAC
I'll apply it on my lips obviously
Here you go, I'm happy
So, after this
once the makeup is applied
I'll use the mascara
So, I'll apply the mascara on my eyelashes as I explained to you before
I hope I explained it to you before because I'm loosing my mind a little today
As I told you, I use the RevitaLash
therefore I didn't put any fake eyelashes for 2 months because I was on vacation
and I feel that I don't really need fake eyelashes anymore because they have really really grown
therefore I can use my mascara from Nu Skin, the Nu Colour which I love
I'll put a link in the description with a promo code that you can use to have a reduction
for this mascara as well as other products from Nu Skin
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
So, I'll show you my eyelashes before
I'll start to apply the mascara
It won't leave big chunks of mascara
it's texture is pretty nice
it extends the eyelashes by adding some volume
but without leaving big chunks of mascara
Now, I have eyelashes that go in all directions, a bit like my hair
Therefore it's not easy to discipline them
but it looks good
I'll put a little under, but really just a little
In order to open my gaze
Here you can see the result
Here you go
I hope that you enjoyed my Fenty Beauty demo
Let's be clear: there a huge number of different makeup and Rihanna really nailed it
I took a small part of her products because that's what fits me best
and I think that with that you can do makeup for going out as well as day time makeup
That's what's really nice
I hope that you really liked my video, don't hesitate to ask me lots of questions
I'll be pleased to answer you
I'm ready to start my day
A good day to you
Racist Dove Commercial – Black woman turns into white woman to advertise soap - Duration: 1:56.
Dove released a Facebook ad depicting a black woman transforming into a white woman.
The ad was for their soap products.
The transition of a black person turning into a white person to sell cleansing products
is a long-running racist trope used in soap advertising.
For example, N.K.
Fairbank Company, which was in business from 1875 to 1921 depicted a white child asking
a black child, "Why doesn't your mamma wash you with Fairy soap?"
There are countless other examples.
Including one for skin bleach.
At first Dove denied the racism claims, but later released this statement, "This did
not represent the diversity of real beauty which is something Dove is passionate about
and is core to our beliefs, and it should not have happened.
We apologize deeply and sincerely for the offense that it has caused and do not condone
any activity or imagery that insults any audience."
This isn't the first time Dove has been accused of racism.
On one of their products it said it was for use for "normal to dark skin."
Implying that dark skin is abnormal.
Then there is this ad depicting the black woman as the before and the white woman as
the after.
People everywhere are boycotting Dove over this ad.
Do you think the ad is racist?
Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe.
Những Cách Làm Ngực To Nhanh Chóng Và Hiệu Quả Cho Chị Em, Đơn Giản Nhưng Lại Ít Người Biết - Duration: 8:08.
Crunchy Slime - Satisfying Slime ASMR Video | Slime Challenge | Worlds Most Satisfying Slime Video. - Duration: 4:48.
Crunchy Slime
Satisfying Slime ASMR Video
Slime Challenge
Former Louisville police officer pleads guilty to sex charges - Duration: 1:24.
Injustice 2 : Comic Capitulo 27 // Historia y Poderes Black Lightning - Duration: 10:24.
What Movies Get Wrong About Space - Duration: 4:23.
Are regularly told that you're being silly and pedantic when you point out gross violations
of the laws of physics in movies, because 'it's just a movie'?
Well, you're about to feel totally validated, because we are about to get real silly and pedantic.
Hollywood can be pretty negligent about physics and astronomy, even in really good movies,
but there are a few specific misconceptions that pop up again and again.
So let's set the record straight on a few of these once and for all.
Also, spoilers ahoy!
All movies mentioned are listed in the description, so check to make sure you don't want any
of these movies spoiled before you keep watching!
One of the really common areas where movies take some creative liberties with science
is with asteroids and comets.
Like how the asteroid belt is commonly depicted as a dense minefield of death rocks, while
the reality of the situation is much less exciting.
Asteroids are typically 1-3 million kilometers apart; for comparison, the Death Star is about
160 kilometers in diameter.
So, you're gonna be pretty safe.
And speaking of safety, if you were to ask a screenwriter how prepared we are to handle
any impactor, they would probably say "not at all, we're all doomed".
In the cinematic masterpiece Armageddon, for instance, NASA detects an asteroid the size
of Texas only 18 days before it's going to kill us all, and then sends out Bruce Willis
and his ragtag team of oil-rig roughnecks to blow the thing up.
I don't know why Hollywood so vastly underestimates NASA's ability to detect potentially dangerous
impactors, because NASA would definitely have known about Texas In Space way in advance
and had everything under control.
NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies is constantly scanning the sky for space rocks
trying to get too friendly with us, and they're pretty good at it.
They keep track of thousands of objects and assess the likelihood of any of them impacting us.
When they find an undiscovered near-earth object, they calculate its orbit and its potential
as a threat; then, if it could be a problem, they add it to the set of known objects that
are tracked and have their orbits periodically reviewed.
Orbits are calculated out to 100 years, so we would know way in advance if an extinction-level
collision were going to happen, which would give us enough time to plan to deflect or
destroy the thing heading for us.
It is true that sometimes we don't detect objects that buzz close to Earth until they're
almost here, but the reason it takes us so long to spot them is that they're so small
they're hard to detect.
And since they're so small, they're not really much of a threat.
Definitely not an extinction-level threat.
But I could talk about all the good things and bad things about Armageddon all day, so
let's move on to black holes.
In the Star Trek reboot, when Spock Prime and Nero are consumed by a black hole, it
sends them back in time, whole and alive.
But once you enter a black hole, you're not getting spat out at any point.
You're getting spaghettified.
Seriously, that's what astronomers call it.
You start to get stretched and extruded like toothpaste through a tube, ripped down to
your constituent atoms and subatomic particles.
And then the particles that used to be you are stuck in there.
There are all kinds of other problems with the way black holes are portrayed in that movie.
Like, it should've been impossible for Nero to create a black hole in the center of the
planet Vulcan, and even if he had, there's no way it would've been big enough to swallow
the planet that quickly.
But he shouldn't have lived long enough to try it in the first place.
And finally, on the subject of space deaths, did you know that you won't actually explode in space?
Not even in the diminished atmospheric pressure of Mars!
So, awesome as it is, that scene in the original Total Recall is where Cohaagen is blown out
of a building on Mars and balloons up as his eyeballs pop out, isn't really plausible.
Not that much of the movie is.
It's a common misconception that the difference in pressures inside your body and outside
in space would equalize so quickly that your head would just pop, but actually, your body
will keep everything in place, kind of like a pair of Spanx.
Your skin, muscles, and blood vessels have a lot of tension to them.
They've got all kinds of nice, springy proteins in them, like collagen and fibrillin, and
their cumulative tension provides enough force to keep your blood from evaporating and your
eyes from popping out.
And your head definitely won't explode.
So that scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey where Dave has to break into his own spaceship from
outside is actually pretty accurate!
His head doesn't blow up or anything; it's just really windy for a second as the air
rushes out of the escape hatch.
As long as you keep your exposure to a vacuum under 10-15 seconds, you'll be fine.
You probably won't even lose consciousness.
So that's just a tiny sampling of some of the terrible science we see in movies.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't watch them.
Bad movies can still be super fun.
Just don't believe everything you see!
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!
If you want more bad science, you should check out our videos on the main SciShow channel
about just how impossible Sharknado would be.
Prayer of the day Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - Duration: 12:31.
KE T T O S - BIG KID 💀🔥 - Duration: 3:31.
Pop Out - BiTS - ARTE - Duration: 12:37.
L'expansion de l'univers - 13 - Cosmogonia - Duration: 5:31.
I Love Fall Tag (tagged by the Princess) - Duration: 3:23.
*yawning* I'm so tired. Why am I so tired?
Hello, I'm Rogan and welcome.
I was tagged to do the I Love Fall tag by Paige the Princess, from The Princess and the Scrivener.
Keep in mind that I live in the PNW (Pacific Northwest), I grew up in the PNW.
So all of this is based on "real" fall, we have actual seasonal change.
Though New England probably beats us for color.
Favorite fall scent?
I have three top scents, in no particular order:
Cinnamon - the brown kind, not the red kind.
Hot apple cider.
And rain.
Favorite way to spend a rainy day?
A cup of coffee and a good book.
Favorite fall drink?
Coffee is technically my favorite drink year-round, but for a specific-to-fall drink, I would say hot apple cider.
American football: yay or nay?
Nah. Like I've said before, I'm not really into sports unless I'm playing for fun, so...
The only time that I'm actually yay for football is Super Bowl. And even then, it's for the food and the ads.
Favorite article of fall clothing?
JUMPERS. I know that's a British term, but sweaters!
I love cozy, warm clothes.
Sweaters probably would be tied with scarves.
I really like scarves, I have only two though? But I like them.
Scariest movie you've seen?
I don't really get scared easily, and...
I'm not really into horror movies because SO MANY of them depend heavily on sound and... [gesturing to self]
But movies that I think are good for visual people:
The Shining.
And Boogeyman (2005).
I'm surprised that they didn't even ask what your favorite Halloween movie in general is, because umm.
There are other Halloween movies that aren't scary, you know?
So my answer to that question would be Hocus Pocus.
Favorite candy to eat on Halloween?
I used to be pretty into candy, I still will eat anything.
But these days, I'm happy with a bar of dark chocolate.
What will you be for Halloween this year?
*shrugs* I don't think you're ever too old to dress up. And I do enjoy figuring out costumes.
But just, I don't know what I will do this year. Ideas?
Favorite fall recipe?
Apple pie! Or pumpkin pie!
Favorite thing about fall?
Well. What I really like the most is the leaves changing colors.
That it's almost the perfect temperature - not too hot, but not too cold. Just right.
Who do you tag?
I need to think about that a little. I will leave the names in the description below.
That's all for today! Hope you enjoyed that, and learned something new about me.
If you want to support my content financially, I have Patreon and ko-fi. Subscribe to this channel.
Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Thanks for watching, see you next time.
Whistling Past the Graveyard - Duration: 6:36.
Can you say why America is the greatest country in the world?
Why is…It's not the greatest country in the world, professor. That's my answer.
If liberals are so f**king smart, how come they lose so goddamn always? Hey!
And with a straight face, you're gonna tell students that America is so star-spangled
awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom?
Canada has freedom.
Japan has freedom.
The UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom!
So, 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom.
All right.
And yeah, you…
sorority girl.
Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there's some things
you should know.
One of them is: there's absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the
greatest country in the world.
We're 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th
in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force and number
4 in exports.
We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita,
number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending, where we spend more
than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies.
…so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what
the f**k you're talking about!
It sure used to be.
Coloring Happy Fruits for Kids - How to Draw Coloring Books for Children - Coloring Pages for Kids - Duration: 3:49.
Coloring Pages
Sewer Cleaning Fountain Valley CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Fountain Valley CA - Duration: 1:07.
Sewer Cleaning Fountain Valley CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
LMPD investigating home burglaries in Highlands Douglass - Duration: 1:28.
24 Movies That Remind Me of Grand Theft Auto Vice City (Patreon Video) - Duration: 1:48.
Hey guys couch tomato here delivering a huge thank you to all of you guys for watching
my 24 reason videos.
And a special thanks to David aka Black Legg, Kevin Kelley, zecrunchyspider for becoming
patrons this week and sponsoring my content.
Back story, I'm addicted to creating content, however time and resources tend to complicate
things and I'm not able to do as much videos as I would like or the videos I make, I don't
always have the best tools to give you guys the best stuff I know I could deliver.
In addition, with YouTube's changing landscape, I think it's important all creators adapt.
That's why I launched a patreon.
As a special prize to my patrons, I'll be delivering special videos you could only find
For example, I made this fan requested video recently.
24 Movies that remind me of Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
It's sort of bad timing on my part because YouTube is starting to crack down on some
videos and demonitizing them specifically because of the names in the title or tags
and some of these films may get my video flagged.
No worries.
You could watch the video on my patreon by clicking here.
As far as patreon goes, for $1 you get to see more exclusive videos that will only be
available to patrons.
For $5.00 you get to join me as a guest on the podcast.
For $10.00 join our private chat where we discuss movies, trailers, tv shows, or just
life in general and if you want to give more than that you could rewrite and produce some
of my older videos for other patrons to see.
For those who watch my videos, I spend a lot of time on these babies and I'm in true
debt to you guys already just for supporting with your eyeballs.
For those that want to go the extra mile and support my patreon, can't thank you enough
and I thank you in advance.
Click the link in the description and let me know if you've seen all 24 of the movies
that remind me of Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
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