HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The Challenger MT800E Series And The AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M.
Challenger MT800E 4 Engine Setup 4 Design Setup 40Km/h Top Speed
IC CONTROL SPACE So many New Function Like !!!
AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M Colorable 8m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 420Hp
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Special MT800E And Agrisem Cultiplow - Duration: 11:59.-------------------------------------------
Early Stages of Experimental Hemp Farming - Duration: 2:29.
Hey it's Franny and Blake coming to you
from our industrial hemp field
here in Leicester, North Carolina
So we're part of an NC State research project
and what we did was plant one acre of hemp
We use traditional farming methods
Where we went through a bush hog
then we ploughed, then we dissed
and then we tilled
We've spent days upon days being rock farmers
Removing rock and prepping this site
And then we all cascaded the seed
It's a Futura 75 that came from Italy
And we've got this divided in four different plots
Doing a couple of mini site research projects
Within the bigger plot
and what else can you add to this?
Well I mean I think in the way that we approached it
We really wanted to approach it like a farmer
So doing traditional utilizing traditional methods
Things that farmers already know how to do
Broadcast seed, tilling disk as Franny said
but more importantly
without any fertilizers or pesticides at the beginning
Just see what the crop would do naturally
See what the crop would do on its own
We know it's a native to all 50 states
So we've really seen
some interesting things develop
since we planted on Father's Day
Sure have
and it makes a great comparison
we've got partners with the Mountain Research Station
just about 30 miles from us
that are planning 15 different varieties
that are super controlled
or they're fertilizing and using irrigation and weeding
So this is a really good comparison for all of us
working together to give
and help everybody else
We're creating history right now
and this is the experimental stage
so we will be sharing with you
the good bad and ugly
as we go through this process
it's definitely important as we learn from each other
Yep, it sure is
so join the learning and participate
See us at FrannysFarm.com for more information
Top Blogs for Travelers | Our Favorite Sources in 2017 - Duration: 3:06.
Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're going to cover some of
our favorite blogs for travelers.
(light chiming music)
It's no secret that a lot of the content we
create here on Trip Astute is inspired by other YouTube channels and travel
blogs. So today, I wanted to cover some of my favorite blogs for 2017, particularly ones
I think are useful for travelers. So, let's jump straight to it. Number five:
The Points Guy. This is a very well-known points and miles site within the community,
and with good reason. Brian Kelly started the site in 2010 as
a points and miles blog, and it quickly grew to a brand focused on luxury travel
and lifestyle. In my opinion, the Points Guy, or TPG, is more focused on the luxury
traveler, which usually isn't my style of travel. But I still find the content of
the site extremely useful. Number four: Lifehacker.
I've been reading Lifehacker articles daily for almost ten years, and they have
a variety of posts covering everything from technology, productivity, and even
travel. We've definitely been inspired by some of their articles, like how to stay
safe while using free public Wi-Fi. They are a great resource for information.
Number three: Financial Panther. Having control of your personal finances is an
important component of travel, especially if you're involved in the points and
miles hobby. The Financial Panther is a great resource when it comes to learning
how to pay off debt, start a side hustle, or even saving money toward your next
vacation. As a fellow content creator who also has a full-time day job, I have
found his content to be extremely relevant to my life, and also an inspiration
to our content on this channel. Number two: Local Adventurer. We love the Local
Adventurer, and have been inspired by so many of their trips. Not only do they
have great day trip ideas, but like us, they give you valuable tips to help make
the most of your adventure. The site was started by Esther and Jacob, two
travelers who relocated from Atlanta to the west coast, and regretted not
exploring more of their previous home city. Their site is dedicated to finding
cool local activities as they've moved around.
And number one: Million Mile Secrets. Daraius and Emily started their site in
2011, but quickly became authorities on how to get "big travel on small money."
I've been reading their posts since 2012, and they continue to be where we get the
most information on points and miles promotions and updates. And those are our
top five travel related blogs for 2017. We've included a link to each one
covered in this video in the description below. There are plenty more that we look
at every day, but these are definitely our daily staples. Do you have a blog
that you like to read or find super useful? If so, please let us know in the
comment section below. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please hit
the "like" button and consider subscribing so you get notified of our new posts.
Also, sign up for our weekly newsletter which includes travel articles, updates,
and contests. Until next time, travel safe and travel smart.
Infinity War Trailer MAJOR Update,Ultimate Thor CONFIRMED? & DEAD Characters Return In Infinity War? - Duration: 5:33.
what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on Avengers infinity war and
Thor 3 aka Thor rock or a knock so it's been some time since we room idli
supposed to get the infinity war trailer when Inhumans dropped but that didn't
happen but the Marvel executive producer of 50 said this all I can say is that I
love it and hope or you feel the same it's currently being finished so it's
not ready yet this is quite interesting as people
including me just thought we were going to get the footage is shown at d23 and
also the shit is phone at San Diego comic-con within this footage we see fan
ass might confront members of the Avengers and the garden Dalek galaxy in
his quest to complete his infamous in affinity gauntlet to attain infinite
power at the final shot then put the power on display at Stannis use the
gauntlet to pull an entire planet and drop it on one of our heroes so I really
don't know what to expect from this up-and-coming trailer I mean I'm still
expecting it to this month as the director for Thor 3 a cake thor ragnarok
did go did say that the infinity war trailer won't ruin the ending of thor 3
but the description for the d23 trailer does kind of ruin the ending of thor
ragnarok or at least we presume that so the rest of video I'm going to go sync
which includes the infinity ward's promotion infinity war
promotion that's recently come out I'm gonna give a spoiler warning just in
case because I know what people are like so images come up on the internet with
Thor and Black Widow in it some new gear which is rather interesting as this look
is very different to the look that he's got in Thor Ragnarok although the hair
is identical it's more of a black kind of suit and what's really interesting to
me is Thor's hammer is on the floor but his
fists look is clenched it looks like he's holding saying
could this be telling us at the ultimate Thor sword that was hinted at over a
year ago and some concept art could be in play in infinity war but they just
don't want to ruin that surprise it really does look like that to me
and also Black Widow is suiting a new look as well similar to kind of Thor's
look but black but I'm mainly concentrating on Thor so let me know
guys do you think possibly we could be getting the Thor ultimate sword in
Marvel Avengers infinity war scene as after infinity war I was infinity war 1
& 2 I guess they're gonna be technically doing a soft reboot on the whole of the
MCU it would really make sense for that to happen so also within this account of
art there are some very interesting things massive spoiler warning it
appears that they're going to be bringing back some dead characters in
some capacity because we do see a person from garden on the galaxy 2 you Kondo
makanda who died in gardening galaxy 2 so it's gonna be very interesting to see
how that character does come back if he does come back why would they introduce
him in concert var and one of the producers for garden the galaxy did
actually say there is a way to bring him back and also we see someone from Doctor
Strange the ancient one who also died in Doctor Strange so the only ways that I
can think of how they could bring these two characters back would be if Doctor
Strange to use the time stone to bring them two characters back but I don't
know what you can do can actually do in terms of helping them destroy earth like
beat Thanos my own son the ancient one would make more sense but it could just
be the case of a flashback maybe I know DC a big into kind of flashbacks with
that flash but I can't really remember any flashbacks I mean if I was to bring
a character back it would be quicksilver I really would love to see
quick-fit Quicksilver in infinity war yes I know it's not going to be happen
going to happen but I would love to see Quicksilver within the infinity Wars and
also in this image we just see like a different look of literally everyone we
see rod we see rocket we see spider-man we see phallus we see Scarlet Witch we
see vision we see what we see ant-man we see Drax we've seen nebula we see a
different look of Hawkeye Black Panther Iron Man the list goes on we actually
see everyone so it's kind of confirming who is going to be inside in Finity war
which is kind of interesting let me know in the compost down below guys what do
you think about the potential of Thor getting the ultimate hammer in seed
inside Marvel Avengers infinity war anyway guys this video please like
subscribe and comment as that would help the channel grow massively and would
help me out hit that notification button down below the red button and we will
catch you in another video guys very soon catch you later
i can sing with my mouth closed.. - Duration: 10:38.
Okay, so people always ask me to talk to my mouthful for them, so I'm assuming video
I can say
hi, and spoon or
Hi, tiny. I mean I can say long things with announcer, but
your letters and harder to stay on the line and
and on smile, Alyson, Hannigan
Dragon has the three songs
Here back in addition, and I'm it's a good size matching mMM, sing twinkle twinkle little star
welcome to my video on
just listening to me making noises my
going to show you some of the impressive noises that I can make first of all I can whistle really lab with my fingers and
It would sound like this
Well my parents didn't hear that um yeah, so that is my finger whistle I'll do it again
that's my whistle with my fingers um
My next one is the water drop noise with sounds like a water drop noise
That's why it's called net wow. I sound really stupid. Okay. It sounds like this
Now that noise is perfect for when it's completely silent during class and you just want to
Make a distraction and make everyone look at you
The water drop noise next is the crab scratch also known as the average scratch I
Don't know I didn't name it that this noise. Do you?
Incorporate normally people incorporate it into their beatbox beats
Because it sounds like a scratch that you would do on a disk, so
now you would make that noise like say about a Beatbox which I'm not good at just saying but
Something like that if you hear from a real beat boxer, then it would sound much better because I'm not
that glad beatboxing um
But anyways yeah
crap scratch ever scratch, whatever
Next would be the bubble noise
I think it sounded like a bubble noise because why do I do it sound like bubble noise, okay, so
you might have had to turn up your volume a little bit on that noise because kind of quiet, but
Yep, that's my bubble noise um I can also do a race car noise
I'm really doing the race car noise like I'm not just covering my mouth
But I have to cover my mouth like that because it. What sounds better if I do it like that, whatever but
Yeah, that's my race car noise. I mean it sounds like a chainsaw just a fart to some people, but I
Think it sounds like a race car um
Also, I know how to do a hooting noise. This only works occasionally for me when I have a good day, but um
I could do a cricket noise
Just saying I'm going to be covering my mouth again, but I'm really doing it. I'll do it without my hands department Malchus
and I think it just sounds better if I would cover my mouth like this I
Can make a I'm sure everybody knows how to make a port noise like I?
Mean that's Pathetic if you don't know how to do that
This is a little different because I do this with my hands and my mouth I do
Also, my gunshot noise. Oh
Probably look really stupid doing that just now this next
Everyone knows how to do that
I'm sure and you don't you don't know how to do it you can just look at me doing it right now and
You would know how to do it, but we've got ten nights until the next full moon
But already there have been sightings of these creatures around, San antonio
Yeah, those creatures are teen wolves and as ken's 5 chicag reports. They haunt our high schools
School's out at John Marshall high but this could be any school and with any school
Come - clicks - Cheerleaders nerds jocks and goth, but lately we've tailed another group on and off campus literally
We're not a to be feared. It's not emo, and it's not God. It's well more animal than that
Meet members of the Wolf Pack one of Several packs scattered about San Antonio's Northside
We're not a gang at all like gangs are posers. They just want attention
That's why they go on tagging stuff the packs
We're family like we go just each other for our problems and yes
They sometimes meet under a full moon that is if mom and dad let them out of the house. We're here
The Fascination with werewolves dates back to the 1930s with popular movie starring Lon Chaney Jr.. I
Think more recently movies like van helsing and the Twilight series have captured the attention of teenagers
They may not be mutating for Amanda wolf but counselors warned these teens are experiencing
Transformations of their own from childhood to adulthood young people are looking to define their identities
sometimes to come together and affiliate around a theme or an idea and just really to
Belong that sense of belonging and a sense of belonging is just what this group says they're after your friends you've in place
You belong yeah
You pretty much like you're accepted or to where you are who you are what you are day Khitan wolfram lupus is the unofficial leader
Of the pack at Brandeis high he says he's got some wolf in him howling sometimes to get out
We spotted the tails at a westside mall doing what teenagers do we just hang out here like
we're just like another family like this is our second home basically and you couldn't help but notice the eyes and the fangs it's a
Style we're told and nothing more we're not trying to be intimidating. We're not trying to be menacing or anything
We're just trying to live our daily lives and just hang out. You know as teenagers. We just won't have fun
They just kind of look at you where sometimes at point, and you can tell they're kind of talking about you
But attention they have received one of the wolfpack who many consider the alpha dog received some international acclaim when a neighbor's dog went missing
Only to have its skull found in possession of 118 year old Wolfie black heart it created a firestorm on the internet
It was san Antonio's first glimpse into the world of these transform teens
Northside officials confirm wolf packs do exist in at least half a dozen schools with anywhere from Twelve to twenty
Werewolves in each they walk down the hallways and and meld into the the fabric of the school and don't seem to be
Troublesome in the school environment now Northside counselors say it's extreme expression
Day says it's something deeper than violating the school's dress code. I don't believe anyone that's just human
It's just everyone's got something else mixed in with them
Just they've got to actually look inside themselves and find out what it is Jay's got his only she wears
And then there's the kind his mother keeps him tethered to his family his chores his studies as soon as he walks in the door
he is supposed to take out the things loose the glock the
Lenses and put his hair back Pam manly says she's proud of her son. They could
Go subscribe to them you beautiful people
American Housewife 2x03 Promo "The Uprising" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.
Is BitConnect A SCAM And PONZI SCHEME?! Or Is Bitconnect Legit? (PROOF VIDEO) - Duration: 14:29.
is bit connect a scam let's find out guys welcome back to another video on
this channel thank you so much for being here today like I said we're gonna cover
the very famous question one of the really hot topics right now is big
connect a scam now why mildly YouTube page I'm gonna
show you guys exactly right now if I were to type big connect right here if
you take away the ones that you know obviously is the ones I searched and you
take away the word big connect so let's put a space the first one that pops up
is scam so we click on here there's a ton of videos a ton of videos talking
about is big connect a scam Bob Loblaw other people are saying like other
people in the video say no but I'm gonna give you guys a little bit of my opinion
I'm gonna go through some facts and then at the end you guys should be able to
tell which side I am on if you don't already so first of all big connect is
right here it's number 11 on the crypto currency market that it used to be
number 15 I believe now it is number 11 and it's just past a billion dollars in
market cap which is crazy guys it's crazy not a lot here you can tell I'm
not a lock obviously bitcoins like 81 billion but that's a whole nother issue
it's only valued at $165 now I got in on this when it was like 90 so I've also
made profit just from the price of it it going up itself so I'm gonna show you
guys that obviously later on in the video but for now I wanna show you guys
it is rated the number eleven cryptocurrency
so first of all they do have their own coin big connect is not only a platform
but it is also a coin and it's a pretty damn good one if you look at the chart
show you guys the chart has been out of this world look at that if you got hit
in February look at the price of it was like point eighty it was 18 cents
fourteen cents thirteen cents and now it costs a hundred and sixty-five dollars
so you could have made a ton of money had you invested in this earlier but
most of you at least probably did not that's why you're here on this video
right now so let's move on further what does big connect do big connect you can
well there's a few ways to make money you can lend you can steak you can lost
different things well most people are interested in is the lending so between
I've made videos on this before if you guys are interested I'm gonna run
through this pretty quick you leather you lend an amount and it should fall
between this this just means a hundred thousand or more basically it's anything
above ten thousand and ten you get an extra percentage if you invest if you
lend between these here's the extra percentages and your capital is stuck
for that many days it's like a contract it sucks that many days and then after
you get your mind after this amount of days you get your money back so let's
keep going these are the five most recent oh six
moly oh I can't even count this is a six most recent percentage payouts so
obviously you can tell we had a point eight seven day we had a point seven
five day 0.47 0.79 1.3 1.2 three now this means this is the percentage you
can pay out daily so you guys can tell this is the the sixth and the seventh
the eighth and ninth the tenth and then we have tomorrows which is the eleventh
I believe today is the tenth yes tomorrow's which is the 11th now
depending on what you put you loan if you loan over ten thousand dollars you
get a plus 0.25 percent so this is already over one right point two five X
that's already one point one this is exactly one this one will be like point
seven something would still high this one will be like 1.04 this one's gonna
be one point five five and this one's gonna be around 1.5 or one point four
eight so if you invest a good amount you can get even more than it's shown right
here but let's make an example guys let's do the very common $10,000 I'm
using the last seven day average the last 30 day eight nine and the last six
months it is point nine so you guys can tell that's very very consistent the
last six months it's been very consistent if you checks the seven days
is point nine one thirty days is point eight nine six months is point nine
that's such a small fraction percent and literally it's like point eight nine
point nine point nine one that's incorrect crazy I hadn't even noticed
how like steady it was until now that's phenomenal so we're going to
do this one ten thousand and ten dollars term length it's gonna be $120 120 days
if you do over ten thousand and so you'll come out with twenty three
thousand 911 so basically twenty four thousand fourteen thousand and profit
120 days which is four months so there you go ton of money to be made now I
won't explain to you guys before I go into my actual platform I'll explain to
you guys how big connect work cuz obviously maybe I haven't sold you on
why I think it's a legit company but one okay they have a coin we've covered that
they have a coin that's always a pretty damn good sign too they've been around
for a long time right big connect this isn't like Oh
surprise bit connects here right there's been people who've been using this
platform since the beginning of the year they've been open since like two
thousand fifteen or sixteen I don't remember exactly I can't remember which
one it was but they've been open for a while so that means that they wanted to
run away with your money they've had two years to do it so that's another thing
that I think is very important to keep in mind three they have had issues on
the platform before like this is it's not a perfect platform they've had
issues on the platform before and they've resolved those that's the most
important part to me is that they've resolved them and everyone's been able
to keep going right they pay out on time I've never
had any issue with drawing I've never had any issues with absolutely anything
right now a lot of people also say oh wait this is a scam because it's all
about the referrals I'm gonna jump into the refer I'll show you guys real quick
so I have four referrals if you guys don't know the referral program is you
get seven percent of whatever they invest right so I've had someone invest
like hundred fifty dollars other people have invest a hundred dollars how other
people invest a few thousand right so but I only have four referrals I'm sure
you get great money from the referrals it's awesome to do I really enjoy it and
but it's just extra money right so I really enjoy it but the thing is
obviously there's a lot of youtubers who have 30,000 40,000 50,000 subscribers
who have a ton of referrals have like three thousand referrals
I know crypto nick has like three thousand referrals probably even more
now last time I checked or trevone james also has
over 3,000 and so they have millions of dollars that have been invested in total
because of those 3,000 people they've invested me enough so they've made 7% so
each of them have made like four hundred thousand I think Ramon James has like
four hundred thousand crypto nick had like over 150 thousand just from
referrals right and that's where most of the money is but that doesn't mean that
that wasn't they have their $50,000 invested they're still making a lot of
money right they're still making one percent daily of $50,000 in asset there
so that's just something for you guys to keep your mind open to I believe $50,000
will get you like $500 a day right what's fifty thousand times don't laugh
at my math skills but yeah five hundred dollars a day so there's two making $500
day sure the referrals might be making them $1,000 a day but they're still
making 500 from the platform so platforms still there you don't have to
have a ton of referrals just to make money on this platform right the
referrals just make it go faster by the way that's gonna be the greatest time
I'm gonna leave a plug right now guys I do have a link in the description for
big connect if you guys want to join under my referral link and be part of my
team I'd be very happy to have you guys there it is free to sign up though you
don't have to put money into it's free to sign up so you guys can just sign up
right now you're not to put any money there no one's forcing you but at least
you'll have an account yeah anyways back to this so you guys can see my numbers
I've made nine hundred dollars on bit connect so far I think I've been using
the platform for around two two and a half weeks now I've made a hundred seven
hundred and sixty-four of this from lending and only one hundred and thirty
three dollars from Commission and say only what's great more than I ever
expected to have so I didn't know if anyone was ever gonna sign up under my
link but thank you for those of you for who have and the lending profit so I
have a good amount lending profit so it still works and you guys can see here's
what happened my lending wallet this is what I have in my big connect wallet and
my Bitcoin wallets empty because I keep that in a separate wallet right but yeah
it's really there's a few ways that you can make money with bit connect so one
of them right this is a know not a very good thing this is my money just sitting
there and it doesn't do anything so obviously the most common ways you
can lend your bit connect and that is how you make write the daily payouts but
another thing I've done is I've had these three big connects at here since
the big connect was that like there's like a few weeks ago right when big
connect was out like a hundred you're like 95 something like that so these
were bought at a hundred and now it's at 165 so difference of like 65 70 times 3
I baked $200 with these just sat here right I'm not gonna complain about the
$200 now the reason they're sad here is because I do want to do a big investment
later so I need to buy more bitcoin transfer it over or I mean I have big
ones I'm gonna transfer my Bitcoin over then do a loan I don't know what I'm
doing that yet but stay tuned if you guys want to see that I am thinking
doing either a five thousand or ten thousand dollar loan on this platform so
that doesn't show I have faith in the platform and I don't know what would
anyways that's just a little bit of bit connect um yeah you can make money
holding the connect you can make money landing bit connect you can make money
from referrals now a lot of people have made a lot of money from referrals and
everyone that you've seen on YouTube has made a lot of money from referrals but
that's because they're big youtubers they're making more money than the
average person does on bit connect that's why their titles are saying hi
made one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in one day in big connect right
that's an exaggeration but that's kind of where their titles come from it's you
don't have to have referrals to do it you can make the percentage you can make
one percent daily still without referrals and you're fine you have your
money and it's all fine and dandy now if you guys are interesting started with
big connect what you have to do one click on the link in the description and
you'll be able to join my team and create an account number two you'll have
to go to a website like coinbase which I'll also leave in the description and
that is where you buy your Bitcoin you have to buy bit connect with Bitcoin so
you would go in there you would buy however much Bitcoin you want super easy
to use the platform very self-explanatory you put in your bank
account information or like to wire transfer if it's over five hundred
dollars you have to wire transfer and it takes a
week for your bitcoins to come in if you do less than five hundred dollars it's
instant so it depends on how much you guys have to invest obviously I would
never invest more than you are willing to lose but
think about the return it's there and it could help you guys in whatever aspect
that you guys want maybe you need more money to invest in an Amazon product to
start boom you can make the payouts in a few months you'll have it it may be you
need money to start your business this will help you this is just a great way
to kind of multiply your money pretty easy well it's super easy you
don't have to do anything really fast but so you buy your big connect Bitcoin
then you would come in here you would transfer over you go to the BCC exchange
you transfer a Bitcoin over to here you come to the BCC exchange you would put
in how much Bitcoin BCC is the big connect right so you put in how much big
connect you want to buy so you'd probably just put all of your Bitcoin
right I'm assuming I don't know why you would just keep Bitcoin lying around on
this platform then these are the people selling it you come in you buy it and
there you go now I want to show you guys this something to this is something I
complete forgot to show you guys but if you look at here there's a hundred and
twenty four and pages of people who are trying to buy big connect right and
there's only 51 pages of people trying to sell big connect so there's more
people that want to come in than people who want to get out so that's just if
that those numbers are also should be there to help you guys gain confidence
in the fact that people are jumping into this and the fact that people are
jumping into this means that not only is the price going to keep going up over
here right but you so that means your returns are gonna keep going up and
everyone wins um now last thing I want to talk about
before we end this video is I wanted to explain what you're doing on bit connect
so on bit connect you are lending money it's not like lending to someone you are
lending money to a buck so it's a trading bot similar to how the stock
market as trading BOTS you can have a Robo trader and they trade throughout
the air and usually your returns like eight percent maybe ten to twelve if
it's a good year but cryptocurrency is a lot more volatile guys since big bit
connect was that like ninety five dollars a month ago and he was like
eighteen cents in the beginning of the year and now it's at one hundred and
sixty five point seven two dollars it just shows that the volatility is so
high that is there's a lot more to be made so it
doesn't surprise me at first I was skeptical to go 1% daily that's crazy to
tell me that like 40% in the month that's ridiculous but when you think
about the logic it really is there because it's a bot that's trading the
dips the ups and downs by the volatility it's trading that and therefore since
it's more volatile you'll be able to make more money and/or the bottle make
more money and then you get more payout so it really does make sense but yeah
guys thank you so much for watching this video if you guys enjoyed leave a thumbs
up or smash that thumbs up button and don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube
channel hit that Bell icon also so you guys get notified every time you release
a new video let me know in the comments down below if you guys are going to
invest in big connect and if you guys have any further questions when it comes
to this platform I will be in the comments answering any question that you
guys ever have because I want to make sure you guys know what you're doing
I'll make sure you guys feel confident when you're doing it and most
importantly I want to help you guys make a ton of money then we can do it
together right guys so thank you so much for
watching this video I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video
The Flash 4x01 Sneak Peek #2 "The Flash Reborn" (HD) Season 4 Episode 1 Sneak Peek #2 - Duration: 1:40.
What are we looking at?
Holy Ronin.
It's a samurai.
Anybody speak Japanese?
Tell me he did not just speak Japanese?
I can do things.
The Flash.
Yeah, you're looking at him, pal.
You're not The Flash.
You're not the best.
Bring me The Flash.
Sensing an "or else."
Or else your city falls.
The Flash ain't coming.
Furthermore, Mifune, we're gonna need you to sheathe that sword before somebody gets hurt.
Somebody like you, for instance.
Cause you're up against some bad hombres.
And what do you think you're gonna do against us... with a sword?
You guys okay?
The hell kinda sword is that?
You have one day.
If The Flash does not face me, Central City dies.
The Flash Season 4 premiere this Tuesday at 8/7c on The CW.
What Movies Get Wrong About Space - Duration: 4:28.
Are regularly told that you're being silly and pedantic when you point out gross violations
of the laws of physics in movies, because 'it's just a movie'?
Well, you're about to feel totally validated, because we are about to get real silly and pedantic.
Hollywood can be pretty negligent about physics and astronomy, even in really good movies,
but there are a few specific misconceptions that pop up again and again.
So let's set the record straight on a few of these once and for all.
Also, spoilers ahoy!
All movies mentioned are listed in the description, so check to make sure you don't want any
of these movies spoiled before you keep watching!
One of the really common areas where movies take some creative liberties with science
is with asteroids and comets.
Like how the asteroid belt is commonly depicted as a dense minefield of death rocks, while
the reality of the situation is much less exciting.
Asteroids are typically 1-3 million kilometers apart; for comparison, the Death Star is about
160 kilometers in diameter.
So, you're gonna be pretty safe.
And speaking of safety, if you were to ask a screenwriter how prepared we are to handle
any impactor, they would probably say "not at all, we're all doomed".
In the cinematic masterpiece Armageddon, for instance, NASA detects an asteroid the size
of Texas only 18 days before it's going to kill us all, and then sends out Bruce Willis
and his ragtag team of oil-rig roughnecks to blow the thing up.
I don't know why Hollywood so vastly underestimates NASA's ability to detect potentially dangerous
impactors, because NASA would definitely have known about Texas In Space way in advance
and had everything under control.
NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies is constantly scanning the sky for space rocks
trying to get too friendly with us, and they're pretty good at it.
They keep track of thousands of objects and assess the likelihood of any of them impacting us.
When they find an undiscovered near-earth object, they calculate its orbit and its potential
as a threat; then, if it could be a problem, they add it to the set of known objects that
are tracked and have their orbits periodically reviewed.
Orbits are calculated out to 100 years, so we would know way in advance if an extinction-level
collision were going to happen, which would give us enough time to plan to deflect or
destroy the thing heading for us.
It is true that sometimes we don't detect objects that buzz close to Earth until they're
almost here, but the reason it takes us so long to spot them is that they're so small
they're hard to detect.
And since they're so small, they're not really much of a threat.
Definitely not an extinction-level threat.
But I could talk about all the good things and bad things about Armageddon all day, so
let's move on to black holes.
In the Star Trek reboot, when Spock Prime and Nero are consumed by a black hole, it
sends them back in time, whole and alive.
But once you enter a black hole, you're not getting spat out at any point.
You're getting spaghettified.
Seriously, that's what astronomers call it.
Once you get past a black hole's event horizon — the point where there's no way for you
to escape the pull of its gravity — you start to get stretched and extruded like toothpaste
through a tube, ripped down to your constituent atoms and subatomic particles.
And then the particles that used to be you are stuck in there. Forever.
There are all kinds of other problems with the way black holes are portrayed in that movie.
Like, it should've been impossible for Nero to create a black hole in the center of the
planet Vulcan, and even if he had, there's no way it would've been big enough to swallow
the planet that quickly.
But he shouldn't have lived long enough to try it in the first place.
And finally, on the subject of space deaths, did you know that you won't actually explode in space?
Not even in the diminished atmospheric pressure of Mars!
So, awesome as it is, that scene in the original Total Recall is where Cohaagen is blown out
of a building on Mars and balloons up as his eyeballs pop out, isn't really plausible.
Not that much of the movie is.
It's a common misconception that the difference in pressures inside your body and outside
in space would equalize so quickly that your head would just pop, but actually, your body
will keep everything in place, kind of like a pair of Spanx.
Your skin, muscles, and blood vessels have a lot of tension to them.
They've got all kinds of nice, springy proteins in them, like collagen and fibrillin, and
their cumulative tension provides enough force to keep your blood from evaporating and your
eyes from popping out.
And your head definitely won't explode.
So that scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey where Dave has to break into his own spaceship from
outside is actually pretty accurate!
His head doesn't blow up or anything; it's just really windy for a second as the air
rushes out of the escape hatch.
As long as you keep your exposure to a vacuum under 10-15 seconds, you'll be fine.
You probably won't even lose consciousness.
So that's just a tiny sampling of some of the terrible science we see in movies.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't watch them.
Bad movies can still be super fun.
Just don't believe everything you see!
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!
If you want more bad science, you should check out our videos on the main SciShow channel
about just how impossible Sharknado would be.
pickled chicken recipe - Duration: 10:55.
10 Most HAUNTED TERRIFYING Schools in America - Duration: 9:49.
In the entire history of the world, ghost stories and tales of hauntings have become
part of the cultural fabric of any civilization from one continent to the next.
We have vampires in Europe and flying, dismembered ghouls in Asia.
Wherever we are, there is sure to be a story about something that will scare – or, at
least bring unease – the heck out of you.
If there is one thing that ties ghost stories altogether is that many – if not all – of
them happen in places that have been built for over a long period of time.
Buildings from earlier centuries or homes from bygone days are the usual suspects when
it comes to stories about a woman in white peeking through the windows or the clinking
sound of chains that wake up its tenants in the middle of the night.
If it's an old place, you can bet it to have a few spooky spirits roaming around.
So, in this list, we are exploring a different set of buildings and moving away from the
usual haunted houses.
Instead, we are walking through the doors of places that you would least expect to be
home to hauntings.
Today we are going back to the halls of academia and countdown to the 10 most haunted schools
in the United States.
CSUCI is one of the most unique entries in this list because it was only established
in 2002, hardly enough time to call it ancient and riddled with ghosts.
However, it is the university's unique location that lands it on this list.
It was built on the same grounds where the Camarillo State Hospital used to stand.
To say the least, the hospital was known as one of the most notorious and sinister mental
health facilities in the country.
Between 1936 and 1997, it was reported that over 1000 patients have died in the hospital
due to neglect, disease, and abuse at the hands of employees.
With methods such as electro-shock therapy being done on patients on an almost daily
basis, patients can only wish for their lives to end to escape their daily ordeal.
According to paranormal investigators, the school grounds is an active hub of supernatural
occurrences and students themselves have shared stories of doors being shut and locked by
an unseen entity roaming around the halls.
If you have a legend named after one of your Halls, then you definitely should have a place
on this list.
Known as The Legend of the Ghost of Heffron Hall, the stories originate from the founder
of the school itself, Bishop Patrick Heffron who created the institution in the 1900s.
The legend comes in two different narrations.
One is about the failed killing of the Bishop by a man named Father Lesches, a young subordinate
of his, in 1915.
The second story involves a different priest named Edward Lynch in 1931.
According to this story, Lynch died in his room at Heffron Hall after being electrocuted.
Students would report sightings of phantoms and apparitions in their dorms and in the
They would also report strange noises in the middle of the night; as well as a chilly draft
in a hallway where every window and door is tightly shut.
BYRD HIGH SCHOOL (SHREVEPORT, LA) Believed to be haunted by the ghost of a young
girl who accidentally drowned in a swimming pool back in the 1930s and an ROTC sergeant
who took his own life in the 1960s, it turns out that the latter was the story that hit
close to the legend of ghosts – or, in this case, ghost – roaming around the school's
The story was uncovered by Shreveport's local news team.
Debunking the story of the drowned girl, the story about Master Sgt Will Stubblefield was
After some thorough digging through records, Stubblefield did die on school grounds, apparently
by accident despite being ruled as a suicide, on October 17, 1967.
It is now believed by students and staff that Stubblefield's spectre occasionally walks
around the halls and rooms whenever they feel a spooky presence.
CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL (LOS ANGELES, CA) Students and staff at Cathedral High School
take their school pride to a much different level.
The high school was built on The Old Calvary Cemetery.
In fact, when the school was being built, several gravestones have been dug up and are
now prominently displayed at the school's football field as a strange nod to what the
land it is standing on once was.
Even more, the school's mascot is the Phantom.
As a point of spirit and pride to the institution, teachers and students poke fun at the notion
of the school actually being haunted and sometimes dismiss the idea completely.
However, maintenance workers and night-shift custodians tell a different story saying that
they have seen spectres haunting rooms and hallways and that they could feel their cold,
icy presence once the sun goes down and the school becomes quiet.
OHIO UNIVERSITY (ATHENS, OH) One of the creepiest and spookiest Universities
in the US, Ohio University was once an asylum where gruesome treatments took place.
One room in particular, Room 428 in the campus' Wilson Hall, has since become off limits to
both staff and students because of its supposedly dark history.
Allegedly, the room is haunted by the ghost of a woman who jumped to her death but before
she did so, witnesses said that she was seen acting strangely in the room and was speaking
in an unknown language.
Even though Room 428 has been permanently locked, students swear to have heard things
being tossed and thrown around inside the room as well as mumbling voices on the other
side of the door.
Other students also claim that, in another residence hall, they have spotted the spectre
of a student who was, apparently, a fan of Bob Marley and could be heard on occasion
getting upset over the song called "Laura".
In a different dorm building, students say that it is being haunted by a basketball team
from the university's early decades.
With 47,000 students walking down its halls every day, Penn State has its share of spooky
stories because of its history.
Room 318 in Runkle Hall is reported to be one of the many hotspots of ghostly activities
around the campus, allegedly being haunted by students from bygone days.
In a cottage dating back to 1909, now called the Old Botany Building, the ghost of Frances
Atherton, widow to George Atherton, the University's former president, whose remains are buried
outside the Schwab Auditorium, just across the Botany Building.
Rumour has it that Frances Atherton is frequently spotted to look over her husband's grave.
George Atherton, on the other hand, is said to roam around the Schwab Auditorium every
And in 1969, a student named Betsy Armada was brutally stabbed near the Pattee Library.
To this day, the murder remains unsolved and the phantom of Betsy Armada is said to be
haunting a popular study space in the university called the Stacks.
TOPEKA HIGH SCHOOL (TOPEKA, KS) It would seem that there is some kind of trend
of building structures on top of old graveyards and Topeka High School in Kansas is one of
When the school was constructed in the 1890s, the old graveyard was allegedly relocated.
However, in order to relocate an entire graveyard, you would have to disturb more than just earth.
Today, many students and teachers say that there have been sightings of ghosts on an
almost daily basis aside from murmurs from disembodied voices down corridors and other
strange phenomena.
Even creepier is that underneath the school is said to be an underground network of tunnels
that lead to a hidden graveyard that people may have missed during the construction of
the school in the late 19th century.
POCATELLO HIGH SCHOOL (POCATELLO, ID) If you are not one to be easily scared by
ghost stories then perhaps a visit to Pocatello High School is something you should do.
While many other supposedly haunted schools build its reputation on the stories and hearsays
of its staff and students, Pocatello High actually has – allegedly – video evidence
of ghostly apparitions in the hallways.
When paranormal investigators came to study the history of the school, they discovered
that at least six deaths have occurred on the grounds.
One of the deaths involved a suicide pact between two young girls somewhere around the
1940s and 1950s.
While one of the girls decided not to go through with the pact, the other one unfortunately
did; hanging herself from her locker.
To this day, people who walk down the hall where the locker was located claim that they
could smell the girl's strong perfume – and even after the alleged locker was physically
removed from the premises, the scent continued to linger.
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY (NEW YORK, NY) Having parts of the movie "The Exorcist"
really does not help alleviate the reputation as being one of the most haunted schools in
the United States much more having been built on top of what once was a morgue.
The University's Keating and Findlay Halls are reportedly the most haunted spots in the
campus and students have shared stories of being woken up by an icy cold sensation around
their necks as if someone was strangling them.
Apart from poltergeists slamming doors shut and moving furniture around, people in the
school have reported seeing the ghost of a blonde-haired woman haunting a dormitory shower.
SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY (SALEM, MA) Home to the infamous Salem Witch Trials of
the 17th Century, Salem Massachusetts is also home to one of America's most haunted campuses.
Salem State University takes the number one spot in this list because of the bizarre story
of its most haunted building: The Bowditch Hall Residence, more specifically Room 222.
Allegedly, whether it was by the imagination of a student or a staff member, Room 222 became
the target of a made-up story about a triple murder that supposedly happened in the 1970s.
As the story persisted, it would seem that Room 222 would develop its own ghost – or
ghosts – overtime.
Strange and loud banging could be heard from within the walls of the room, according to
Even stranger is that, despite how loud the banging is, the noise could not be detected
outside the area.
Also, one of the most petrifying stories of Room 222 is the alleged ghost that shakes
the bed so violently that its occupants have been flung to the floor.
With the city's dark history, it's no wonder that a university in its namesake has
become a hotbed of paranormal activity.
How to Navigate SAAS - Duration: 4:30.
Brought to you by CSUN.
How to Navigate SAAS
Hi, everyone! My name is Whitney Scott.
And this video will help you understand how to ensure access for students with disabilities.
So, if you're like me, once a student has shared that they have approved accommodations for my course
or I've received an email notification that alerts me that I have a student with accommodations,
I just immediately go to the online system, "SAAS," at www.csun.edu/saas.
I understand that the emails do not include a name
because it's not a confidential way to send information.
So, once I've logged in, I go to the "Task Management" tab and select the "Faculty Dashboard."
So, this screen verifies which students are registered with DRES, NCOD, or both!
Things I may see are accommodations for interpreters or captionists,
which is through NCOD: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services.
So on this screen, I may learn if a student has "Shared Notes," which means they have a note-taker,
or "Audio Recordings" for this course.
So when needed, I help make a private announcement to the class that a note-taker is needed,
so the student with a disability doesn't feel targeted.
This helps the student find a note-taker as soon as possible.
There's three ways in which students can receive accommodations for their tests.
Let's say you're like me and your quizzes are in Canvas
and, so, students needing extended time, you'll just adjust the time accordingly for each student.
A second way is, in certain semesters, maybe you'll just provide approved testing accommodations
in a different setting, like in your own office.
So the third option is: I just collaborate with DRES so that their staff may help me proctor the exams.
In that case, if I need their assistance, I create what's called a "Course Exam Profile."
I usually have this box checked, allowing me to get a reminder every time a student schedules an exam.
With teaching so many courses, a friendly email notification is helpful in reminding me-
to send a copy of the exam to DRES.
So, for regular exams, I allow students to use a one-sided note sheet-
and note this under resources students MAY use.
But, on the other hand, students MAY NOT use electronics where they may access the Internet,
so I put this information under resources students may not use.
So once that's done, students may commence submitting exam requests in SAAS.
So, going back to the "Task Management," select "Manage Exams."
On this screen, I usually approve the exam request if the student is taking the exam on the same day.
But, I generally deny any exams if the student is scheduling an upcoming exam that's 2 weeks away.
In most scenarios, the student should be scheduling the exam at the same date and time as the class.
Once I deny, I can enter a note as to why I am denying the request to alert the student.
So, whenever I have questions, DRES and NCOD staff are available to assist in this collaborative partnership.
We hope you found this video helpful and that you and your students have a wonderful semester.
Thank you!
Visit DRES online at "www.csun.edu/dres."
They are located in Bayramian Hall Room 110 and their extension is 2684.
Visit NCOD: National Center on Deafness, online at "www.csun.edu/ncod."
They are located in Jeanne Chisholm Hall and their extension is 2054.
Tuesdays With Terry | October 10, 2017 | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 1:30.
You know I just finished celebrating this past weekend the fourth birthday of
my oldest grandson, and it just struck me how much those of us who have children
and grandchildren lavish love on our children. How much we celebrate who they are.
How much we pour into helping them dream about their futures and how proud
we are of them. You know, all of those things form the healthy stability and
development of a child. The work of Orphan's Promise is with children who
haven't experienced this. Who have had a lack, for whatever reason, you know, it
might be poverty, it might be abandonment, might be some kind of abuse... so our goal
is to find that family setting at the earliest age possible for a child to be
able to thrive in. And when that hasn't happened, to help these children find
healing through Jesus, and through other care and counseling, so that they can
move forward positively with their lives discovering who God created them to be...
taking children from at-risk to thriving. You know, together we can do that, so I
just want to invite you to become a part of the work that Orphan's Promise is
doing in the lives of vulnerable children all around the world.
FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 33-CASE es la marca. - Duration: 16:25.
Episode 33 CASE is the brand.
Good morning to all. Today we will begin the day by collecting the silage bales that we left yesterday in the field 11.
Good morning to all. Today we will begin the day by collecting the silage bales that we left yesterday in the field 11.
In this rotation, we will cultivate and plant corn in the fields of group 1.
We will also sell some of our grain reserves. Take a seat and enjoy!
Yesterday's rains damaged this shed. Today we will replace it.
We will sell about 75,000 l of barley. They offer very good price at the station.
Change of plans. There is great demand for barley in Gomez Ridge Acres and they pay the best price.
Let's do a few jobs for our neighbors.
Ready! Let's see what else we can do.
They call me from the dealership to inform me of great discounts on CASE machinery.
We are going to upgrade our older tractors.
WTF prices!!!! Let's change our plans.
We will mow the grass from field 20 to make silage at the biogas plant.
We will be late today. So again, take a seat and enjoy !!
Let's speed up a little bit.
Another exhausting day that comes to an end.
As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.
איל בן יעקב, בריא בבירה, במשוב על האקדמיה הבינלאומית למכירות של דני וידיסלבסקי, יועץ עסקע - Duration: 5:07.
Immigrant Prisons (Preview) • BRAVE NEW FILMS - Duration: 1:40.
I know my husband has made mistakes.
Please, I beg you.
Why are they doing this to us?
Innocent people are being locked up.
The people that are detained are not criminals.
It's the explosive growth of a system
of immigrant detention centers that few Americans know anything about.
What we are hearing is horrible.
I want my daddy back.
I spent 9 years 4 months in immigration detention.
Forced to work for a dollar a day or less, which is a clear violation of anti-slavery laws.
This is not criminal custody.
This is not someone who has been convicted of a crime.
Immigrant detainees awaiting deportation
have routinely received substandard health care,
poor food, unsanitary water
and unhygienic conditions
at privately operated for-profit facilities.
I was dying. I could feel myself dying. I couldn't even stay up no more.
People are going to die. We already have people
dying in detention centers throughout the nation.
Shares in the two largest private
prison stocks jumped up November 9th
The morning after Donald J.Trump was elected President.
They are profiting off the misery of human beings.
Florida Travel: Visit St. Pete, the Sunshine City - Duration: 1:46.
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Saint Petersburg, Florida is famous
for its award-winning beaches,
world-renowned Salvador Dali Museum,
top-ranked restaurants and beautiful Fort De Soto Park.
The Sunshine City is the perfect getaway
with so much to explore.
So, we've rented a VW camper from Florida Oldscool Campers
and we're ready to hit the road.
Fort De Soto Park has three miles
of beautiful white sand beaches,
and it's consistently ranked one of the best in the nation
drawing almost three million guests a year.
The streets of Saint Petersburg are alive
with color and creativity.
Murals and street art of all shapes and styles
have popped up over the Sunshine City.
Fun Care games for girls - Play Hair Salon & Learn Colors - Baby Game Summer Love Story - Kids Games - Duration: 15:12.
Fun Care games for girls - Play Hair Salon & Learn Colors - Baby Game Summer Love Story - Kids Games
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