Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

arf arf

No, I got Squidward organizing the whole thing.

He's, you know...



For more infomation >> he's artsy - Duration: 0:09.


Basic Beauty Lighting: Take and Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey - Duration: 11:19.

In this video I'm going to show you my

Basic Beauty Lighting setup.

Hello I'm Gavin Hoey and you're watching AdoramaTV

brought to you by Adorama, the camera

store that's got everything for us

photographers and in this video I'm

going to show you my Basic Beauty

Lighting setup.

Now beauty lighting in a

small home studio is a great technique

because it doesn't need much space you

are just shooting a tight

head-and-shoulders shot. There's lots of

variations you can do with it. Now the

basic idea is going to extend to the

lighting as well in this case it's a

single one light setup this one right

here the Flashpoint Explorer 600 and I

like using this one because it has a

built-in LED modeling lamp which just

makes the whole thing a little bit

easier to set up but I could do exactly

the same shots if I switch this for a

Speedlight for example. I need a couple

of other things as well I need a

reflector and a background and that is

it, really basic, really simple so let's

get the light set that's going to model

in let's get shooting so to help me out

today it's great to have Beth back in

the studio. Now we're going to do a Beauty

Lighting setup and the first thing we

need to do is sort out the light. This is

going to be a single light setup now I've

got the light overhead which is kind of

where you want it for a beauty setup but

whether that's the right overhead we'll

see in a minute but what's really

important is the light stand, now if

you've got just a standard light stand

it's going to be right in front of your

model and that's going to cause you

problems with framing so having a boom

arm is a really good idea

and if you're going to use a boom arm make

sure you carefully balance it. I've got

the lightweight remote head for the

Explorer 600 that's not too heavy. The

heavy bit is down the bottom counter

balancing the whole thing,

safety first you don't want to drop this

on your model. Next thing to do is to

work out the exposure, now I've got my

camera set to f/4 and I want this light

to produce exactly the same amount of

light, so I've got my light meter and I'm

just going to pop this underneath Beth's

chin. I'll press the test button and I'm

getting a reading of f/5.6 so it's

actually going to be a little bit too

bright. If I took this shot now it would

be overexposed by a stop so I'm going to get

my exposure and I'm going to drop it down

which I can do using the remote control

here. Let's just check that again and now

I'm getting f/4 so the light matches the

camera but is the light the correct

position? Well that's where you find out

by taking a test picture, okay Beth here

we go you're going to look towards the

camera and well there we go,

the picture is indeed correctly exposed

but that is not the correct position.

Beauty lighting although it is lighting

from above, it is not directly overhead.

It gives very, very hard contrasting

shadows across the face, if you do that

and it's not the look we're going for

here, so what I've done it is I've moved

the light back and angled a little bit

as well so it's still hitting Beth in

the face but it's still elevated and

above and this is kind of where I like

to put my Beauty lighting. It doesn't

matter whether you're using a beauty

dish or a softbox, I like to have it

elevated and a little bit further away

than it was before. Now because we've

moved it, we need to check the metering.

So let's get the Flash Meter, pop it

underneath Beth's chin press the test

button and I'm getting f/2.8 so I've

lost a stop of Lights by moving it back

again, I can do and stop more by

adjusting the power, here let's do that

and I'm back to f/4, so I'm keeping this

light, producing the exact amount of

light that I'm after to match my camera

setting. Okay let's take this shot and

see how it compares to the last one. Here

we go Beth, this time we have a much more

light in Beth's eyes we can see the

catch lights which are up at 12 o'clock,

which is the position I'm looking for,

for Beauty lighting although there is

still some shadow in it and there's

quite a bit of shadow underneath Beth's

chin, so to fill the shadows underneath

Beth's chin I'm going to use a reflector.

Now reflectors come in different sizes

and shapes and colors. Now this one has

white on one side and on the reverse its

silver now they give different looks and

which one you use is up to you. I'm going

to use the white one first and let's pop

that in underneath Beth,

so we're going to get that in nice and

close and tuck it right underneath and

have it ever so slightly angled up as

well, so there's a little bit of an angle

going on there and we'll take that shot.

Here we go Beth the end result is very

different. It's a much flatter light in

as much as there's less shadows, the

shadow underneath the chin, well it's

still there but as you can see it's

greatly reduced as a classic beauty

lighting and when you look up close

you'll see there is a reflection of the

reflector in the eyes as well as the

light above, so the white side is great.

If you're going to get the reflector really

close, now if we were to use the silver

side would get a very different result.

It would look much harsher with much

more light bounce-back from our key

light above, whether you like that look

or not is entirely up to you, however

there is a time when I will use the

silver side of the reflector. So it makes

sense that the white side of the

reflector is going to bounce less light

into the shadows then the silver side, so

when do I use the silver side well I use

this when I want the reflector a little

bit further away but still want the fill

light and this is a perfect example. So

we got Beth's at a little bit lower down

and I've done that because I've got a

board that I'm going to put the reflector

on, so I'm going to put the silver side on

this board like that. Now the reason I've

done that is to help with the modelling a

little bit because before Beth was

fairly static, what we've done here is

we've given her a solid surface that you

can actually lean on. She can lean into

it, she can lean on it and it just helps

to give you a range of different poses.

That's a lot more difficult if you don't

have a solid surface, it's a bit further

away than it was before

hence I'm using the silver reflector

rather than the white reflector and

because Beth's lower down I've had to

lower the light as well.

Now I've already metered this out I know

it's ready for f/4 so let's take a few

pictures like this. See how it looks

are you ready Beth?

Those pictures look absolutely fantastic,

even on the back of the camera but

there's always a bit of room for

post-processing, so let's get one of

these pictures into Photoshop and we're

going to do that right now.

So we've looked

at my basic Beauty Lighting, now it's

time for my very basic beauty editing

this is quick, it's simple, it works best

when you have a model with great skin

and makeup let's see what I'm going to do?

So I've got the picture into Photoshop

and I'm just going to have a close look, so

let's double click on the zoom tool and

we have a move around with a hand tool

and I'm just looking for any problem

areas, any spots or anything that I want

to remove, now as you can see Beth's got

really great skin and we have the help

of a makeup artist which makes this even

easier but there's a few little areas

here and there that I might just want to

touch up. So okay, so once I've done

that the next thing to do is to take

this image out of Photoshop and into a

third-party plugin. Now it's called Nik

software it's made by Google, owned by

Google. It's free and at the moment it

currently works but that won't last

forever, so get it whilst you can and use

it, whilst it works. Once you've installed

Nik software into your Photoshop or

Lightroom, I'm going to go to filter and

then down to Nik collection and the one

I want is color effects Pro. For now Nik

software is getting on a little bit now

and it's not the quickest piece of

software to work but it gets there in

the end, just a bit of patience required

once I'm in color effects Pro 4, I'm

going to go to the top left corner and

choose the portrait option and from here

I'm going to use just two of the

standard filters. The first one I'm going

to use is glamour glow so I'll come down

and click on glamour glow and on the

right hand side I now have a panel of

options for glamour glow, the only one I

want to change really is the saturation

which I'm going to put back to zero so

that's my first setting done. The next

one is going to be add filter so click

on the add filter button and then I can

come back over to the left side and this

time I'm going to choose dynamic skin

softener, so I press the dynamic skin

softener, go back to the right hand side

and I can make a few changes here. The

first one is to sample the

skin color, so I need to click on the

little eyedropper tool and then click on

some Beth's skin just sort of a

middle-of-the-road skin color something

like that.

Now back onto the right hand side I'll

leave the color reach alone. That tends

to work pretty well at 25 but I'm going to

change the small details. I actually like

to keep this nice and low I'm going to go

for 10, the medium details I like to go

for 20 and the large details I'm going

to go for 30, nice easy numbers to

remember. Now remember these are my

starting numbers of course you can go

and change your mind and do anything

else. A good idea is to go in nice and

close and then you can really see how

these work as you change the numbers.

Once I've done that I just need to click

on the OK button which is just dropped

off the bottom of the screen and that

will apply this as a brand new layer on

our image and there we go it's finished.

Now it is quite a strong effect. Now if

that effect is too strong for you, not a

problem just jump over to the opacity

and what I normally do is to bring the

opacity down to around about 70 percent.

That gives a nice combination of the

original skin and the NYX software

softened skin and there you go there is

my basic Beauty lighting shot completed.

This may have been just a basic

technique but the end result is really

great and of course you can always take

the basic idea and expand it in so many

different ways and I'll be looking at

some of those in a later video.

Now if you've enjoyed this video, don't

forget to leave me a comment below and

of course if you want to see more from

myself and the other amazing presenters

right here on AdoramaTV, you know what

you've got to do, you've got to click on

that subscribe button. I'm Gavin Hoey,

thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Basic Beauty Lighting: Take and Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey - Duration: 11:19.


My first Q&A video - Duration: 23:36.

Hi guys we are doing something a bit different this week on YouTube

And I'm excited because I often get asked questions from you on Instagram

DM YouTube the blog everything and I try to answer as many of them as I can in blog posts


I just thought we'd do a video so today. I am answering absolutely everything

no holds barred and

yeah, this is it I do daydream, and I think daydreaming is actually one of the most important things I

Was gonna say in any creative?

Industry but even if you work in a job that isn't particularly creative, I think daydreaming is really important because it's a way to

Feel inspired and let your mind and imagination drift off

We probably don't get as much chance to do it as as we should but I definitely

Daydream more when I'm in a different city or I have half a day to myself, which never really happens

But I just I love that kind of alone time

I've got loads of guilty pleasures although being pregnant you can't do half of them if I wasn't pregnant it would be and

a really strong gin and tonic with slices of cucumber and

Some you know chips just sitting outside. That's my I suppose. That's not really that bad

Is it and I suppose I'd probably swap there and the cocktails for ice cream

And there's one place called salt & straw in LA that I love

There's quite interesting because getting pregnant has made me way more aware of the ingredients that are in things not just in food but in

Things you might be putting on your body


First of all it made me think well we should care about this more even when we're not carrying a baby

But a second of all yes, I've just written a blog post Archie. I did a lot of research about

Beauty because things can be labeled organic and

They're not really and I think it's it's important not to go so nuts that you become totally paranoid, but I'm definitely

Being more careful. I have a spray tan every month or so and I'm now

more aware of having a

One that is safe because they could be quite toxic

All my skincare I'm definitely asking first or googling I did Google the most harmful

Products and so there isn't that there's a sort of main list of those

But it can go on and on and on if you really look into it the other thing

I'm more careful about is my nails

So there are definitely like five three and seven free nail varnishes that

to be honest or worth using anyway, but I definitely don't get gel el manicures anymore or anything like that I

think it's very special to

When you think about it realize that there's a little

person in your tummy

that you made and

the first time I

Felt the baby kick was amazing and quite emotional

Now it happens so much and it's pretty hard. I'm like wow soccer player but

It's it's just exciting. It's a totally new phase of life, and I think

Even seeing the way McKenzie is like

Embracing it all and like what?

We haven't decided on one yet, but it's definitely

Something I'm afraid we will be keeping secret until we actually name the baby because as my mom says you can

People ask and imagine if you said it and then people are quite open about going

You'd never say that to a baby's face, but when the baby's not born yet

I also I'm quite superstitious, so we want to just wait until them

the little one is safely with us, and I think you almost have to meet the baby as well to just

Finalise it back. Net name really suits them

No comment. We're going to tell you really soon. I promise and really soon

This is a good question because I think


It's a tough one. I think some people overdo it and I actually feel a bit

Sorry for the kid because the kid has no choice that it's photograph is being taken or it's on video or instead of stories

I'm quite

Protective about that, and I'm also

As much as this sounds ironic because of the job

I do I'm actually quite private, so I definitely love sharing a lot with you guys

And then there's a lot that we don't share that is personal to us

And so I think that we will be quite protective parents

but at the same time you know reasonable, and I know that we

Love you guys as much as as you are supportive to us, and so we want to share the whole journey with you

So I think it'll be one step at a time and we'll figure it out

Yes, of course. I think it's really scary

First up the process of giving birth terrifies me and

You know that's pretty scary and people love to tell you horror stories, which is so mean and the actual sleep deprivation

Mum's just tell you about non-stop that scares me because I need a lot of sleep my lights are asleep

And then yes, just being good at it and knowing what to do

I'm trying to read books and we're going on some courses

And I just feel like if we can be as armed with knowledge as possible

And then it'll probably all go out the window

But we are trying to learn and have family around us

We can see it on the vlog and we will link to it below

That was moments after so yeah

It's on camera, and I've been in the u.s.. Living here for eight and a half years now

Which is a long time and over that?

Period of time I've I've done so many different things

I think I've lived in five different houses in LA and I've traveled the world I've done shows

In Asia, and the UK plain-jane filmed all over the world, and so I do feel like at some point our time

He'll here will come to an end I think that

We love the US and we'll always be back and forth, but I'm also very

English and I think the English countryside and our friends and family will eventually pull us back, but not not just yet um

McKenzie and I as most of you know

work together on Plain Jane, and he was the director and I hosted it and

We were always very good mates. We got along very well, and we traveled the world together and

He make me laugh as he still does but he was also very like

protective and good to work with and I think we just over the course of five years got to know each other so well and

Are gonna in the end it was clear that it was just more than

friends and

We laughs as cheesy as that sounds no

We didn't try and have kids before now in fact

This was quite quick and surprise for us, but we've obviously both super thrilled

So because we were only really been married one year, how many children

I don't know

I think probably two is fine if we get if we're lucky enough to get that far if it's one that's great, too

but I've never wanted a brood I

think that's great but

To spine

So actually I'm currently filming the next vlog about

What I eat in a typical day or week and also fitness my workout regime

Which neither of which have changed that much since I've become pregnant

Which is great, so I always have peanut butter on toast in the morning with a cup of English breakfast tea with milk one sugar

That is the most comforting drink to me. I love my tea

Occasionally I might switch out for oatmeal or eggs

But I'm a creature of habit, and then I also have Marmite on my toast if you're English you'll understand what I'm what that is

And then lunch is usually a salad a sandwich or soup and a salad

Followed by some fruit or half a cookie or something like that

I usually love to have an iced latte or a flat white at the moment

I'm having decaf, but I still love that taste of coffee so

It's I think it doesn't have a placebo effect and still makes me feel good

And then dinner is I usually I get very excited about dinner

I love a little drink and a snack before like pop chips or nuts or something and

Then we will either cook here or go out sometimes. We'll get a takeaway

And that's probably the least healthy meal of the day me I love

gosh anything from stir-fried chicken

to spaghetti bolognaise

Sometimes it's pizza. Can't have sushi at the moment really and

Chilli I make a good chili love Mexican food so the so dinners fairly big and then

For dessert I'll usually have I have my favorite chocolate you'll get from Trader Joe's

like luck child the palate of a kid I have


This is nothing used to do another kid mash up a banana with a bit of milk and a bit of hot chocolate powder on

Top it's delicious, right?

Do you know we created a whole wedding section on front row because you guys were loving the wedding content that I?

Was writing off the back of my wedding and so you can check it all out on there. There are so many articles

I think two months out

is a great time to really double check all the details and

You want to have as much organized before their big day as you possibly can so that on that day, you can just relax

But but don't be scared to delegate get your bridesmaids to help get the mother of the bride mother of the groom to help

Give out jobs because that really helps

It's really hard to pick because it was also amazing

I think if I had to choose one. It would be Mackenzie's speech because he was so

funny and also

Heartwarming and everyone was crying, and it was sweet good tears

That was brilliant obviously saying I do in an incredible

building with so much historical significance

And then I think also there were just moments when you looked around the whole room and couldn't believe that all your friends and family

Are in one place, and they've all flown across the world to be there for you is quite overwhelming

Um I think you should start with the venue before the wedding dress and here are my reasons

Why first of all venues get really booked up so you may not get the first choice?

When you stop?


second of all the dress should

Compliment the venue if it's a beach you wouldn't wear the kind of dresses that I got married in which was very high collar

You know I

Really think that it's a very modern venue, or you know you prefer something super old-fashioned

That really has bearing on the decoration to the kind of dress or what I want

So I started my career as

A journalist I studied English Literature at University in Durham

And then I left and went straight into an internship at Elle magazine in London

Followed by various jobs at magazines, and I loved writing. I started to go to Fashion Week interviewing designers

go to parties interviewing celebrities, so I went to InStyle and then I got this job at Vogue comm and

There was part of the job was writing and the other part was hosting Vogue TV which was online

back when no one was really doing online TV and

I enjoyed being on camera was just fun. I like the adrenaline of it so that then led to some TV work

I'm going to cut a long story short when I was twenty five six

I just decided I was to move to LA I've been here a couple of times to cover the Oscars for Vogue

I've made some friends

I've managed to get a meeting with a big agent, and I just did it I saved up a bit of money

I managed to get an apartment

Obviously I got my visa and I had an agent so there were official things going on. I wasn't just


And then that same summer I actually got off the plane J

So I was very lucky with how quickly it all progressed and then claim Jane lasted for five years


on the side

I was still writing so at one point I was a

fashion editor at large for glamour in the US and I started writing more for

American websites or magazines so I've always maintained that balance between writing and


And then yeah the rest is history

I did a huge show for NBC called fashion style which was amazing with Jessica Simpson and Nicole Richie

I'm now the red carpet correspondent for Access Hollywood so I get to do all the award shows which is awesome

And I feel super lucky that my career has just gone in so many different directions, and I wrote my book front row

Yes Ben it's been amazing, and I think the next chapter is gonna. Be really interesting as well. No

I don't have any regrets. I don't think you should live with any regrets. I think that

You know no one

In life especially the most successful people can turn around and say oh, yeah

That was a really easy straightforward path to success everyone comes across

Moments when they feel like they failed I mean I can remember being in the gym in LA and this

Treadmill faced a mirror and I was I hadn't had any work for a while

I was thinking what am I doing here? This is la for God's sake it's such a big scary City

I'm going to fail

I'll go home

and I actually almost burst into tears and that actually feeling happened to me way more than once and as long as you've got a mate

maybe a gin and tonic and

Some good ideas to hand/eye you can get through it, and and and you know or a good night's sleep

Maybe you do I don't know so much

but I think it's that's part of life, and I think that it's

It makes you want things more and when you do get them there they're worth it even more

All my days are so different there is never a routine

which I love

I'm a morning person, so I like getting up early when it's quiet

Coming downstairs making my break here

Do females and then going to work out? I think my mornings are my favorite part?

But it really depends if it's fashion week

then it's the adrenaline of going backstage at a show or

there's also that great part of the day when everyone kind of packs off work and has a little drink together and alarm so

That's a really good question for example the last trip was about five weeks long

I went upstate New York for a job that was on a farm I

Went to Fashion Week in New York, then went to Bermuda for a long weekend on the beach

For Labor Day and then we drove five hours into a much colder climate up to Vermont

Which was nuts because as well as all that packing I was also growing like crazy

And as you'll see from another vlog. I think it's book number 12 I

Didn't fit any of my clothes so what I do try and really think in advance

Where are we going? What jobs am I doing?

Am I working with a designer where I'll be wearing that brands clothes specifically can I choose that in advance, and if not I will

really lay out

Head-to-toe outfits from the earrings to the shoes and the bag in advance because then you never get stuck

With the great the perfect outfit, but without the right shoes

I also try and make things double up so if I've got a really good

I've got I just bought a velvet black velvet camisole for example with skinny little straps and

It's perfect for rowing with jeans or over a skirt or under a coat

You know that's the kind of thing that you will wear over and over again simple white t-shirt great jeans

I always bring flats as well because I think that in my head I'm prancing around in massive stilettos for the entire trip

but realistic

When you're tired, and you're running around, New York all day or wherever you are you need a cute pair of flats or boots

I also

Do the mini bottles so I will decal shampoo and conditioner into the baby travel bottles

And I'm really good at bringing my snacks as well because you never know which crappy Airport

You're going to be out, and there's nothing healthy to eat

So I love like Larabars and apples and even dark chocolate that I can kind of have in the hotel room

Instead of ordering some huge dessert. I take my tea bags my English tea bags PG tips

And yeah, that's about it. Just thinking ahead really. I wash my hair about

three times a week I

Have to think about that if it's been styled

Professionally it lasts longer because I feel like they've put great product in it

And then I will top that up with dry shampoo, so I just did that now actually my hair was going a bit flat

So I put dry shampoo at the root and then

Sort of mix it in but yeah two or three times a week no three times a week whole wash it and often

I won't blow dry it just to give it a rest. I'll do a conditioning mask

Usually once a week, and I also have a scalp treatment from L'Oreal

That's really good that I use in the winter because when you put your heating on it can really dry out your scalp

So that's good

I try not to use too many hot

Irons and tongs on it if I'm not gonna be shooting because it really does ruin it a bit

avocado I remember on Plain Jane

being exhausted after a few months filming and

Rachael my makeup artist said your skin has just got

kind of great

Moisture and it's plump, and you know the line seems to be going away, and she's supposed to wear

It's cause you're eating like hot between half and a whole avocado every day

Coconut oil in your diet is really good for skin as well. I've seen a difference with that and then

Being really hydrated not just with water, but things like coconut water the electrolytes in that

they're just good for your body and

I'm not absolutely. This is the person so closely, but that does help as well

face masks I do a lot of those and then exfoliating even if it's

You know scrub that you make yourself with sugar and olive oil

There I think that's so important because otherwise you can keep putting these expensive creams on

But they're not sinking in so you've got to get rid of that layer of dead skin first. I do especially now

I'm making myself rest law and you know it's

I think on mines two stories. I'm pretty honest you see me without makeup

Laoghaire ID and there are definitely days where I don't feel fresh at all, and I'm really honest about that on the vlog, too

I'm definitely feeling more tired being pregnant, and I'm now about six and a half months pregnant so getting on there um

but I also am quite strict with my work schedule so I like to I still carry a paper calendar that I write in because

I like to see my week visually in the next week visually rather than on a phone

And so I will look at that and I know if I'm getting a lot really early practice Hollywood

I won't be out the night before I

When I first got to LA I really did just go out every night and not

Drinking till 3:00 in the morning, but just just networking and having fun and saying yes to every invitation

And I think there's definitely phase when you can and should do that and then now that I'm slightly older

And I've got other responsibilities

And I just can't bounce out of bed at 4:00 in the morning for it to be on set by 5:00

I am more strict about okay. I'm going to bed early

My skin luckily hasn't changed if anything it's gone better

I have been told I'm glowing which is like the most stereotypical word, but it's lovely to be called that I

I'm still working out a lot and

Obviously I'm getting curvier, but I don't feel like it's out of control

I feel I feel I still feel fairly like me and sometimes

I forget there's a bump here, and I'll just like walk into the table three

other changes are

Definitely hormones you do you do feel ups and downs and a bit more emotional

And it's a lot to take on so sometimes

I think that it can be overwhelming if you think too much about the massive changes that are coming

But I do also feel very supported by McKenzie funnily enough when I walk through a crowded restaurant now

I actually hold my tummy because I think some people are quite cavalier and unaware of like doing that whatever I'm very

Like maybe and if strangers try and touch my belly or even people that aren't like best friends

That's a good note to anyone out there. It's just the weirdest thing

Why anyone feels like it's okay to go and touch a stranger stubborn?

I wouldn't do it to you if you weren't pregnant major if I just crapped your bum or you're fine. It's so I

Don't like it so if you do see me. Please don't do that um and

Yeah, I I miss I have my one glass of red wine a week which I absolutely love and I nurse it

Slowly and enjoy it sniff it I do miss

Having a few drinks and a laugh

not say, I'm not laughing being pregnant, but you know what I mean and

I also really miss smoked salmon. I miss sushi

But that's okay, I can chill without that tool

Guys thank you for watching especially if you made it all the way to the end

Keep sending me questions if you liked this video please comment below, and we will make more of them. I'm really happy to answer anything

The things that we are gonna do upcoming on YouTube is a closet tour a house tour

What's in my handbag and loads of beauty tutorials coming up so thanks for being the best followers ever

And if you haven't subscribed to my channel already make sure you do

For more infomation >> My first Q&A video - Duration: 23:36.


Found in Translation - Witcher Documentary - Duration: 30:17.

(keyboard clicking)

(flies buzzing)

- Johnny?

Don't be afraid.

I'm looking for a woman with ashen hair.

Seen her?

Tell me everything from the start.

Where did you see her?

What was she doing?

It's important to me.

Why not?

What's wrong?

Can't talk?


Lost your voice?

Can I help you somehow?

(pleasant music)

- Today we're gonna take a look

at two elements of game production

that rarely, if ever, get talked about

despite the fact that they are absolutely essential

for the experience of millions of players.

The process of taking a game written in one language

and converting it into another,

what we call localization and adaptation.

To effectively localize a game,

it must be translated into the local language.

For The Witcher, this means translating thousands

of pages of dialogue and recording hundreds of voiceover

sessions in multiple languages,

but to simply translate from the Polish version

wouldn't be enough,

so this is where adaptation comes in.

Adaptation is the process of ensuring

that the idioms, cultural references,

and source material present in each version

are relevant, no matter where the person is playing it.

- My name is Ainara Echaniz

and I am the Senior Localization Project Manager.

And I'm Mikoiaj Szwed and

I'm the Senior Localization Producer.

- [Danny] Awesome.

- He's my boss.


- [Danny] For folks who don't know

what localization means, can you explain

what exactly your job is?

- Well, we just make sure

that the game is playable in all possible languages

so we take care of the translation,

adaptation, the voiceover recordings,

and localization QA.

- Yeah, a lot of people think

that localization is just translation and dubbing

and that's it, but actually the main objective

of localization is that every player will feel

the game as if it were developed in their language.

That's our main goal.

So no one will feel, okay,

this game was developed in Polish.

So, if they are playing Spanish,

they need to feel that, okay,

this was done for them in Spanish.

- Yeah, and actually it's always funny

because when we read the forums

and people always say, yeah, I like to play the game

in the original language.

There is no original language

because actually that's something maybe

not very common for other projects

is that we usually do all languages simultaneously.

There is no set language

and then all the other languages just try

to copy this one language.

Each version is made just as

if it was the original language.

Especially when you look at Polish and English

because both of those versions

are very rich on Easter Eggs and, of course,

the Polish version has a lot of Polish cultural

Easter Eggs and also what's very important,

especially with The Witcher because

depending on the language, we had to work

with different scenarios

because in some of the regions,

the books have been already out

so we had, like, established translations

that we wanted to follow.

In others, there were no books

so there was a decision whether,

like, are we keeping the English

or, like, are we sticking, like,

doing some translations?

- So it basically, the villages or other geographic

accidents or people's names,

they have that name for a reason.

So White Orchard is called like that

because probably there are orchards around the village

or, I don't know, beats like Novigrad's, you know,

like not very nice neighborhood.

It's called like that for a reason.

Basically we don't say the translators,

okay, you need to, you know, copy whatever

is there in English.

It's like, okay, this is called like that

because of that so find something in your language that will

evoke. - Convey.

Convey the message. - Convey the message.

- And the same was, for example,

with the Slavic monsters, for example.

We had a lot of Slavic monsters

or even, like, one of the characters like the Peller

which is, like, super important for Polish culture

because, like, we have this drama called Dziady

which is one of the biggest works of literature in Poland

and it evokes, like, something in Polish language

and, like, we tried to find words

that would have similar role

in other languages, for example.

- Yeah, that's actually a very good point

because The Witcher, specifically,

it's a very European game in content and flavor

and it's also a very Slavic game

so they are tough regions that maybe

are not familiar with all the folklore

that's in The Witcher

and definitely there are regions

that are totally oblivious of that,

like, Arabic or Asia in general.

- [Mikoiaj] So it's like a balance between

showing the people something new

so that they can see, like, or learn about

something totally different for them, like culturally

using the things that they have in their own culture.

- [Ainara] Yeah, exactly.

- [Danny] Adaptation is a time intensive

and difficult process requiring somebody

with knowledge of both the source material

and the culture it's being adapted for.

Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz has worked at

CD Projekt since the first game.

Born and raised in the United States

by his Polish parents, Boris moved to Poland after college

where he majored in theater arts and semiotics,

that's the study of, would you believe it, signs.

If you tried, you couldn't conjure up somebody

more appropriate to adapt a game

for the English market than Borys.

- The games that we make are dialog intensive.

The source material that we get

is thoroughly Polish.

We have to make it just as thoroughly resonate

for the English language audience.

It entails taking place names that are thrown out in Polish,

finding equivalence that will resonate

in a specific way in English.

It entails a story that some an NPC tells in Polish

and tells it in a way that resonates, you know,

against the canon of Polish fairy tales or Polish legends

and retelling it in English

in a way where it resonates against the canon

of English language, you know, fairy tales

and English language legends and so on and so forth.

- I was digging some Warsaw slang,

so to say. - Okay.

- Something like that.

It was not easy to translate

so I was explaining everything.

There is a phrase.

Would you like to buy a brick?

- [Danny] Okay (laughs).

- It's completely nonsense in English said like that

but in Warsaw, after the war Warsaw was completely destroyed

so there was some smart guys from Prague

who were in (mumbles) when they see approaching

a guy with a nice coat or something.

They grab a brick and ask him,

would you like to buy a brick?

If he said no, he just get his head smashed with the brick.

So this was part of the folklore of the city

and I would like to have the same situation

in the dangerous Novigrad

so I explained it to Travis and Borys

and they were trying to translate it to the English.

- [Danny] Would you like a knuckle sandwich or something.

- Maybe like that, yeah.

- Most of those instances would have been invisible to you

in the sense that you would have just,

oh yes, that makes sense

and it makes sense to you,

as an English language player, in English.

You know, we've made every game in Poland.

Ultimately, our games have to compete against games

that are not made in Poland.

They are made in English.

Ultimately, nothing can sound strange

to, you know, the English language player's ear.

But I suppose that happens for absolutely every language

that is down stream of Polish.

I don't think the Spaniards in, you know,

adapting The Witcher 1, 2, or 3 to Spanish

would just retell what they got in the English.

They would retell it in a way

that would resonate for the Spanish language player.

That's to say, you have source material

and in games, especially, I think, our genre of games,

there's an incredible amount of information

that you need to get across to the player.

You can get that across in a lot of different ways.

The chief way is through dialogue with NPCs.

Now, with all that information that has

to be conveyed, you've got to engage in exposition

and ultimately what you want for the gamer

is for that exposition not to punch them in the nose,

you know, slap 'em in the face, but to be effectively

concealed behind a whole bunch of,

call it theatrical ruses.

Those ruses include, you know, extreme characterization,

they include, you know, hiding things in dialect

and accents and hiding things behind emotion.

Once we get a batch of source material,

it basically has the correct information,

it might have some characterization.

Our job is to make it as palatable as possible

and as entertaining as possible to the gamer.

The adaptation details, varied dialogue by character,

very specific ways of speaking,

even assigning characters strange habits

that will distinguish them against,

you know, the mass of NPCs that populate our worlds.

It essentially entails taking the source

and then rewriting it in a way

where the exposition is completely hidden

behind emotion, behind characterization,

behind accent, behind dialogue.

(pleasant music)

- [Geralt] Here.


- Whiskey!






(laughs) The sound of it!


(speaking foreign language)

(laughs) (speaking foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)

(laughs) (speaking foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)

(laughs) (speaking foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)

- [Danny] Can you name every language

that it's been translated into?

- Oh sure.

Fingers, okay.

So Polish, English, German, French,

Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Japanese.

That were the voiceover languages.

- Yeah, those were then dubbed as well.

- And then Spanish, Latin American Spanish,

Italian ...

- Korean.

- Korean, Chinese.

- Traditional Chinese.

- Czech, Hungarian, one more ...

- [Both] Arabic.

(Danny laughs)

- And then Turkish for Game of the Year.

The fingers always help

because, like, okay. - I'm missing one.

- Do I have 15?

Yeah, exactly (laughs).

- [Danny] You know, European sensibilities are

pretty much similar, but we were translating things

to Chinese and to Arabic as well.

Is there ever things that need to be edited or changed?

- In Arabic, yeah.

It was a pretty complicated project for us, like,

from the beginning, like, when we were actually

looking for someone to translate into Arabic.

- Oh yes.

- Because we usually send translation tests, like,

to test, like, the company's translators

and someone checks them and say, okay,

these guys did a better job than these guys

and right from the beginning

we had people refusing to do it, (laughs), the test.

- It was a test that I did

for the English adaptation, the recruitment,

which I just took, like, snippets of side quests

from The Witcher 2.

I didn't even think what I was doing,

but there was, like, prostitution there.

- There was prostitution. - And alcohol.

- And alcohol.

All the awesome things for the Arabic world.


- Yeah, they said, like--

- So we had I don't know how many companies.

- Six, I think six. - Six, let's say 50% refused

because they felt offended.

But then we tested the other three

and, of course, well, we had a publisher.

They help us a lot

because, of course, we don't read Arabic.

Then they started translating

and at some point they were, like,

super late with everything

and it's, okay, there's a problem.

Tell me, what's the problem?

And the guys are like,

we thought it was a normal game.


It's like, I already gave you all the numbers.

I told you it was a huge game.

We tried to find the balance

in, of course, adapting those things for the market,

but still keeping it The Witcher.

Yeah, like he mentioned,

no one thought about it in the beginning

but there were gods everywhere

and then the publisher said that we can't do that (laughs).

I said, okay, then let's just god

and they, okay, they started using god

and then when testing we discovered

that one of the (mumbles) in the word god

was corrupted on the screen.

Yeah, it was a big square like that.

That usually happens when one of the letters

is not present in the font.

And then I did some research

and it's like it's intended

that some fonts only include all the characters for Allah

because you shouldn't be writing that.

- [Danny] Of course.


Oh god, oh my god.

- You shouldn't be writing that

so we changed everything again

for, like, destiny, fortune, the stars, the lord.

- [Mikoiaj] But the general idea was to censor

as little as possible, so, like,

adapt that, keep the original spirit.

- Because, you know, if you remove those things

that are, like, very present in The Witcher,

maybe it was going to be weird,

but at the end we got feedback from the community

saying that it still felt like The Witcher.

That it was, like, pretty well done.

We had, well, they also, for example,

they have issues like they don't have elves in their culture

or they don't have--

- [Mikoiaj] Dwarves.

- [Ainara] Yeah, dwarves, you know, these kind of things.

- Yeah, the other market we had some work

to do is actually Japan but it was more graphic,

like, in terms of showing intestines, for example.

It's very interesting. - Or sex scenes.

- Yeah, because for example severe arms, legs is okay

but, like, when you show the insides it's not okay.

- That's generational.

They think it's disrespectful.

- Yes, yes.

- And also, no, no, no, no.

Like, usually, (laughs).

No, no, let me talk because this is funny.

Going back to the thing,

so the graphic assets that, so,

Japan has a very established, like, censorship.

You always have, like, very clear guidelines

on what you can show, what you can't show.

So basically we agreed with the Arabic publisher

that they will get the same censorship as Japan

and they said that's okay.

(laughs) But then the game starts and Yennifer's

butt appears (laughs). - It's naked, yeah.

On the screen. - On the first screen,

the first image, I think,

from the game or something like that

and the Japanese don't have a problem with butts

but the Arabs do (laughs).

- So we had to do a special case

and the only difference

between the Japanese and the Arabic version,

Yennifer has pants in this scene and Japan not

because Japan really insisted the butt

needs to be naked.

- Yeah, the butt is important.

- The butt is important, needs to be naked (laughs).

- And he's like maybe if that would

have been appeared, like, I don't know,

at some point, like, super late in the game

it wouldn't be important

but it was like, you know, first screen, Yennifer's butt.

(laughs) It's like, okay. - That's true.

- [Danny] They didn't have a problem later

when Yennifer's butt is out?

- Of course, like, when you have 100 hours game,

you don't really expect that they play the whole game

so but when you have the first cut scene in the game

that shows a naked butt,

that may be a little bit problematic, you know.

- Chose a lovely spot.

- Dammit, will you relent?

I plowing know I've done wrong.

- I shall see you at the wake.

And I'll not accept any excuses.

- T'were old, black with soot.

Not worth much, I suppose, but I've no other.

- [Danny] One of the more subtle pieces

of our world building in The Witcher

is its use of accents.

On the first game, Borys said that the

the team only had 15 days to record

over 20,000 lines of dialogue.

Their ability to design proper accents

for each race and region was severely limited.

So, for the Witcher 3, Borys and the team

made sure that the game had a broad palate

of accents that mirrored the scale of the game's world.

- We already had the accents established for Temeria.

The only thing that we added, actually, for Temeria

is when we go into Velen which is actually part

of, you know, occupied Temeria

but we went so deeply into the country

that we went deep into, you know,

a west country accent for the Velenese.

- Been howling the nights through lately.

Even the Baron's men are feared to come by.

- When we decided that we wouldn't actually

venture into Ettern for any part of The Witcher 3

we sort of felt safe to say that Welsh

would apply to sentient supernatural being.

- Right. - Okay.

So if it's not an elf, if it's not a dwarf,

but it's weird in some way,

whether a gnome or goblin, or troll,

or, I don't know, the three crones, actually,

we decided that if it's weird, it's Welsh.

- You've freed an ancient power.

- It will rise again.

Elsewhere, beyond our reach.

- Novigrad struck us as a metropolis,

enough of a melting pot

that it would become London.

And then we had, you know, this archipelago

of islands, you know, a good way off the coast

of the continent and we'd already used

the southern Irish accent for the Kaedwenis.

Actually, if I'd had my way I think

I would have had the Skelligers just speak Norwegian

in the English version

and have them have English subtitles.

But it would probably have been a stretch,

actually, for players to hear Norwegian

and read subtitles so we had to pick a dialect

and it actually our studio in the UK

that said, well, you know, give Liam Neeson a listen,

give, you know, James Nesbitt a listen

and see what you think.

- [Soldier] Wonder if he's as strong has he looks.

- [Soldier With Ax] We going by the tavern later?

You know, get splatted?

- [Soldier] Who knows, who knows?

- The major European accents in English,

being Italian, French, German, and Spanish,

have been thoroughly parodied

so they're really off limits.

For Toussaint, in spite of the place names

and wine names and so on and so forth

and a lot of the, you know, character names

being either French or from some other realm

or somehow related to one of the other romance languages,

the accent we went for was Danish.

- In matters best left to Geralt.

- Another challenge awaits me,

yet if Geralt is to hunt the beast

he ought to know it struck again.

The river surrendered a corpse.

It washed up in the meander by the cockatrice.

- [Danny] Of course, to achieve this broad

range of accents, you need voice actors

and a lot of them.

While the famous voice of Geralt, Doug Cockle,

recorded three to four hours every day

for, at some points, almost a month at a time,

there were also hundreds more people

who came in for short sessions.

The Witcher 3 has hundreds upon hundreds of voice actors,

so many that in countries like Japan

they had essentially exhausted

the actor pool available to them.

- China was, like--

- Yeah, China was, like, yeah, the pool is--

- Very limited.

- [Danny] Does that include, like,

you know Beggar 2 and--

- Yeah, yeah, definitely. - Oh yes, yes, yes.

We had a lot of those, especially Novigrad

because, like I think our system

for managing, like, the actors wasn't the best.

For example, we record someone and then, like,

four months later it turns out that this person

recorded two characters that now are in the same scene

or are talking to each other. - Oh no.

- Like, even I played a couple of them

in the Polish version.

Actually, my biggest role--

- Very nice drunkard (laughs).

- Yes, one drunkard who harasses Cirilla

in one of the side quests.

So that's my best role in the game.

- Ashkar. - Yes, thank you.

And Priscilla's song was also muchly finding

all the actresses who know how to sing.

Sometimes we had different--

- Because, no because that's another thing.

It's not just about adapting the lyrics.

It's how the dialogue industry works in each country

because, for example, in the UK they have

a pretty solid, you know, background

and the actors--

- [Mikoiaj] Musical background.

- Musical background. - In Poland as well.

- Actors and so on.

Other regions as well.

Maybe you can call an actress and she can sing

and she's also-- - Yeah.

- But, I don't know, in Brazil you need

to call for a singer because the actors don't sing

and you need a singer and it's going to cost,

like, three times more because,

and then you have different tiers

and then you call, okay, let's bring,

like, this tier because we can't spend,

like, a ton of money on a song.

I'm sorry.

It's the same with children.

- Oh yeah, oh no.

Children, yes.

- [Ainara] It's the same with children.

- [Mikoiaj] That's true, because in Poland, like,

we use children for children

so the children are real children.

- But that's not the normal thing

in the dubbing industry.

Usually have woman doing children

because bringing children ...

Well first there are no professionals.

Bring in children, they have very specific working times.

You need to bring a teacher.

You need parents' permission.

It's more expensive.

Basically, I mean, you can find, you know,

the diamond and have an awesome acting child

but they are children and ...

- Poland is like wild, wild west.

You don't have all that.

They just come with their grandmas

or moms. - And that's it.

- Yeah, I was really scared, especially--

- In other countries you need all that.

- I remember in the quest with the crones

and you have this kid who talks about

his daddy without a head and mommy was screaming

and it was like, the mom of this kid was

like sitting there and it was like

I really just hope that she doesn't just stand up

and say okay, that's enough.

I don't want him to do that.

- Oh, about that.

We tried to have children in the Brazilian version

but they came to the studio with the parents--

- We did? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- I didn't remember that. - With the parents.

And then we learned that the song

was about the devil because it's about the devil.

They say no.


- [Danny] We always like to talk to developers

about the bugs they found

and how they fixed them,

but I've never asked that

of a localization department before

so this time I decided to ask them

what was the worst mistake they made

while working on the game

and it turned out their mistakes

actually made it into the game.

- My worst story is, like, but most of the people

probably haven't seen this dialogue

because it's very, very remote ...

- But it haunts our nightmares.

- Yes.

So, it was, like, very, very, very, very late.

Like, totally late, just before the certification.

Like, everything was closed

and when I was playing the game

I really liked this one thing.

When you're in Skellige and when Yennifer asks you

to help her with the side quest for Last Wish, etc.,

and you just ignore her there's no resolution

for the Yennifer romance at all.

Nobody mentions anything, anywhere.

It's, like, nothing.

- [Danny] Okay.

- Nothing ever happened.

I was like, oh my god, we don't, we can't,

like, it can't stay like that.

It was too late to record anything

so what we did was we created

a very small dialogue

which actually happens before the scene

with Emhyr when they meet in Vizima

and this dialogue is actually created

out of line from other dialogues.

(Danny laughs)

It's, like, it's more of the lines of,

"Yennifer, about what happened in Skellige..."

And Yennifer says, "I don't want to talk about it Geralt

"but stop Geralt," and that's the end of the dialogue

and we actually did it in all languages.

(Danny laughs)

And your story?

- Well ... - Chinese?

- Chinese, no (laughs).

No actually well, okay.

No one noticed so it's not my fault.

- I'm not saying it's your fault.

- Okay, we release the game, there was a side quest,

no, main quest?

- Yeah, it was a side quest.

- It was a side quest.

- Right after Assassination.

- Chinese version, it was not translated at all.

- [Danny] Oh my god!

- [Ainara] We patched the translation in

before anyone could get to that side quest.

- Because it's at the very end of the game

so, you know, it took people probably, like,

30, 40 hours to get there.

- I was like, how was it no one noticed that?

- Yes, that was ...

- The whole quest is in English.

- It was like a brain fart for us.

- So much happens, well, I don't know,

at the lunch table, at the coffee maker,

at the water cooler, in the corridors,

in terms of just, you know, thoughts and ideas

flowing back and forth between departments.

The writers with the quest designers,

the quest designers with the writers,

the writers with us, us with the writers,

us with the quest designers.

There are communications via various channels

that go, that flow, you know, between those departments

and ultimately every idea that winds up in the game

is not the product of a straight pipeline.

It's the product of a very, very, very winding path.

If I were to draw it on the white board

it would be (grunts) you know, just squiggly,

squiggly, squiggly, (moaning).

It'd be a squiggly drawing, you know,

and then you have a box.

- [Danny] Right (laughs).

- That's, to my mind, that's what game development is.

(dramatic music)

(citizens speaking foreign language)

(citizens speaking foreign language)

- [Soldier] (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Soldier] (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Sergeant] (speaking in foreign language)

- [Geralt] (speaking foreign language)

- [Sergeant] (speaking foreign language)

- [Geralt] (speaking foreign language)

- [Sergeant] (speaking foreign language)

- [Geralt] (speaking foreign language)

- [Sergeant] (speaking foreign language)

- [Geralt] (speaking foreign language)

- [Sergeant] (speaking foreign language)

(keyboard clicking)

For more infomation >> Found in Translation - Witcher Documentary - Duration: 30:17.


The Flash Season 4 Episode 1 Breakdown!!! - The Flash Takes Out Samuroid - Duration: 9:04.

What is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the flash season 4

is finally back our boy Barry Allen is back and so is the tumbler verse I mean

the our reverse videos are back on my channel so episode one was called the

flash reborn it's a happy flash week I guess you could say so the episode

started by recapping what happened Allie end of alas Susan that was Barry Allen

going into the Speed Force to save Central City and potentially save the

world so iris West is kind of in charge of the

team and I suppose they're calling it teen kid flash or something like that

similar to what they had in the flashpoint timeline and it's clear that

they've been struggling as we see from the star they're tracking peekapoo at

the start of the episode and she's all more skilled metahuman a lot more

skilled with abilities than when we last seen her during it season 1 they only

catch her due to iris West being able to work out the punch on pin pattern that

peekapoo is making so let me get this straight guys

iris West goes from journalists who we never actually see being a journalist

to being able to control the whole of STAR Labs technology and control Cisco

Kid Flash basically turn into Caitlin snow in six months I just find that a

little bit unrealistic guys so iris and Joe West talk about Barry being gone and

how HR had a funeral so Joe suggests to Iris maybe give him Barry Allen a

funeral and Ari shuts him that he'll down because she's like do you want me

to bury the suit should we bury an empty suit and it's a good point throughout

the whole episode there were major kind of comic book Easter eggs well I would

just quote a reference but people in the comic book world like to call it an

Easter Egg I mean I don't really believe that concept so Keystone City is a cyst

sister city of Central City essentially the home of Kid Flash like blood havens

at the home of Nightwing so the salmon rates or samurai attack

central city and he wants the real flash not the fake flash so Cisco wants to

bring Barry Allen the flash back he's been working

on a device secretly just stabilize the speedforce so Barry can come home

iris is against bringing Barry back because he told it to keep running and

never look back or something like that Cisco needs Caitlin help so we should go

so we rock up to a bar and she's there working there and it looks like she can

control her abilities we see some dodgy guy who's most likely linked to a

storyline that will develop later on so they go to Ferris air which is kind of

the Howard Jordan kind of reference or comic book Easter Egg that everyone

would say and no trying to bring Barry back and they fail at least we think

they found but they didn't Barry Allen actually turns of his CCPD Cecille cause

Joe and tells him that Barry's there he ended up 300 miles away from Central

City which is kind of funny so their plan did work but we knew this because

we've seen this previously in other traders as they kind of did tell us the

majority of what would happen in the episode so we see Barry Allen writing

some kind of speedforce code code language with on the walls which is kind

of he's speaking nonsense presume he can kind of understand we talked about what

he pretends to be the flash in the red suit but the summary destroys him and

knows not the real flash and he's like you got till midnight to the end the

night iris um Joseph Joe both tried to get back through to Barry but nothing

seems to work he's in a Speed Force trance you could say he gets locked up

in the dampening room which no one so far have been able to break out of

because Barry went a bit mentally super fast so he had to killer frost had to

use her powers to kind of get in there so iris comes up with a plan to give

herself to the Sun right in order for Barry to remember and it works just at

that so you know the scene from the trailer where he got a line in his eyes

that was just him waking up realizing where his lovers life is it's lightning

rod was - Barry chases the Sun right down into a field with loads a wind

turbines pretty cool scene and buried this is really sick trick where he runs

at one of the wind turbines and I don't know you like soccer kicks the summary

to the floor which is pretty good now this is early

bitter criticism I have buddy episode guide the CGI is getting really it's

getting bad I mean when he's running the CGI is awful now I understand the flash

budget isn't very high but they've been doing it for over three years now so

come on guys what is up for this CGI now as soon as we found out the summer I was

technological based it was basically a machine I was like yes okay we're going

to see mechanic we're going to see the thinker which we might do later on so

the odd guy at the bar turns out to work for blacksmith we know blacksmith is one

of the last rogues that were getting later in the season and killer frost

goes absolute killer frost nur does this pretty funny line do you want brain

freeze while she's freezing their brain so it appears that she can control

herself to not turn killer frost but if she gets angry she does turn killer

frost so it's pretty cool that she can't control her killer frost abilities so

it's like we're gonna get two characters from of this year and that's most likely

what the writers were inferring to when they said that so we get our first look

at the mechanic the person who makes all the devices and gadgets for the thinker

I'm only gonna call the thinker because he's not calling himself

Clifford Duvall we've not heard anything like so essentially the mechanic is like

Cisco is - team flash I guess you could say the mechanic it's not a reference to

the combo character because the comic characters version of the mechanic is is

pretty different so the thinker was behind bringing Barry

back which is interested in because I believe he wants the full knowledge of

the Speed Force and it's pretty strange because obviously we usually get the big

bad in Episode six array each season so I don't believe that the thinker is

actually the big band of the overall season because he's been introduced this

early so he's not trying to kill Barry Allen he wants to use Barry Allen this

is a very different kind of villain and I understand completely what Andrew

Kreisberg said when he said it's like a chess game that he's gonna have and the

think is always gonna be one step ahead of him he's after Barry were figuring

out kind of this beef what everything inside the Speed Force

if the thinker is that clever then surely he could just mind-control him

and kind of make him remember everything but I suppose in the context of juggling

a storyline out over 23 episodes we're gonna have to actually let Barry

naturally remember everything that in the speedforce but the only issue that

guys if he's lived his life infinitely times and like 10,000 years inside the

Speed Force or whatever then it's essentially gonna know everything is

coming up so the episode ended with the thinker saying I'm thinking and mechanic

goes what's neck and he says I'm thinking so to me guys I'm a bit

disappointed with how the thinker looks he looks like someone from Star Trek I

mean don't get me wrong guys the thinking cap I mean if it is stinking

capped we got the wires I mean it does look pretty cool but I'm getting the

Star Trek vibe Star Wars vibe Doctor Who vibe I'm not particularly getting

comic-book vibe so overall guys it was a pretty decent episode but I feel like it

was disheartened the fact that the TV show feels the need to advertise

literally the only thing they didn't tell us before going into this episode

was that the thinker was going to debut quite soon and this was pretty obvious

because we hadn't heard anything from behind the scenes I hadn't been told

anything I knew this thing was on set filming but I presume most of the

thinker's kind of a screen time will be in the studios so stuff like that cannot

get leaked out but overall guys it was a pretty solid episode so what I'm gonna

do next is I want your guys to please like subscribe and comment all your

ideas down below what did you think I'm gonna be doing a trailer breakdown and

later on for the episode and titled mixed signals which sounds pretty cool

it's going to be like the couples therapy episode which is cool then a

couple hours after that I will be dropping my daily Justice League video

because it's everyday bro or saying like that anyway guys let's let's try and get

a good positive response from the first tumblr verse I mean our less kind of

video so let's hope we can get some cool comment and hit that notification button

down below guys as that would be awesome and

we'll catch you in my next video which will be the mixed signals trade about

now a bit later on tonight anyway guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> The Flash Season 4 Episode 1 Breakdown!!! - The Flash Takes Out Samuroid - Duration: 9:04.


TCG Plays Minecraft: Chill Stream with a Chill Pack - Duration: 3:10:20.

For more infomation >> TCG Plays Minecraft: Chill Stream with a Chill Pack - Duration: 3:10:20.


Justice League NEWS Green Lantern CONFIRMED By Geoff Johns? What's In The Bubble? - Duration: 5:02.

what it's good YouTube Warstu here with another video on the Justice League

so yesterday's video cause the bit of controversy when I said that there that

the league was looking up a green Mantid and a lot of people were actually being

quite savage in the comment section so I thought I'd bring up in today's video

briefly just because the scene before is them looking at flying fox and then

they're in an elevator does not mean this is how it will be portrayed in the

movie if you don't understand how movies work

they do cut a lot of different scenes in a lot of different ways and the promos

can be misleading just because you see the flying fox and you see lifts doesn't

mean that's going to be the kind of scene after it could be green lanten it

very well could be it could be Supergirl but I didn't say it was green lanten it

was a question so a lot of people have actually missed that Jeff Jones himself

confirmed that Green Lantern will be in the Justice League movie over one year

ago I don't honestly know how how you guys have missed it

so I'm going to quote him what he said is we've been to the bottom of the

oceans we've been to the ancient greetin Greek mythology we've been to the past

and the future with the flash and to the digital world with cyborg said Jones

we've still got to go to space so the Green Lantern's and the Green Lantern

Corps will be coming to the Justice League universe so this basic infers

that the Green Lantern will appear in just seek really why'd I say this

because there's been all this new news with them saying that everything's going

to be standalone the only question is guys which version

of Green Lantern is actually going to appear in the Justice League movie as it

was confirmed 100% confirmed over one year ago I don't even know why I'm

having to say this but it was conferred Armie Hammer is my number one pick to be

honest so guys in today's topic I want to talk about what is the bubble that we

see within the trailer we see a bubble of blue white energy that emerges

without any explanation over the red landscape and it hasn't been seen

anywhere else we see it in the trailer it's obviously gonna be a

the scene with the red skies which is most likely going to be the third act so

Batman's aircraft was shown flying directly into it

missiles trying to blow a hole through it but we don't know what really

happened because it was over in a quick glimpse we could presume that it's a

product of either Darkseid apocalypse or Steppenwolf maybe it's an extension of

the mother boxes until cyborg Victor Victor can kind of break through

whatever it actually is I mean it's obviously got some defense system on the

bubble to keep like the heroes kind of Superman Aquaman cyborg the flash wonder

one of Batman out from it what could it be guys I really want to know in the

comment box down below guys what do you think what kind of energy could stop the

heroes from penetrating it is it a byproduct of ID and I like parademons

fire pits helps corpse might be I've no idea guys what it is it does look pretty

cool I'm really looking forward to seeing what it actually is so rusty I

really like about making these videos as I like to dissect every cool image and I

know what you're gonna say the green dot on the kind of Batman's aircraft is

Green Lantern Hin no it's not a Green Lantern guys but as we already know that

the Green Lantern is going to be in the movie we don't need to do any kind of

Green Lantern was in the trailer because I we already know that Green Lantern is

gonna be in the movie and I'll not click bait in you guys it was confirmed over a

year ago so guys what is keeping the heroes out but more importantly guys why

other hair has been kept out what could possibly be in there because it can't be

it can't be I I think it could be maybe we're the mother boxes that's the best

explanation I can actually come up with so guys would love to know what you guys

think any comments any requests for other videos just let me know in the

comments down below and I'll be sure to make him could darkside be higher than

the net we it literally could be anything so guys

if you've got any video requests I'll be sure to do them as I love making just

these videos every day I'm gonna try my best to make Justice League videos all

the way up to the Justice League movie coming out in November so if you want to

guys please like subscribe and comment that would be awesome with nearly 5,000

strong and the merch is still on sale if you're interested hit that Bell button

down below the red button to join do notification squad and I will catch you

in another video guys very soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Green Lantern CONFIRMED By Geoff Johns? What's In The Bubble? - Duration: 5:02.


COSMOTE Hints & Tips - Εγγραφή στο My COSMOTE - Duration: 3:36.

Welcome to the first unit of My COSMOTE service!

In this unit, we will see how to make the registration.

Firstly, we visit the webpage

We move our cursor to the upper right point

where it says Login/ Register My COSMOTE and we choose Register.

The first step is to insert

the email with which we wish to register.

At this point we have to keep in mind that the email

must not have been used earlier for registration.

We choose submit and we fill the necessary fields

by stating our first name, last name and the password we wish..

The length of the password must be at least 6 characters long

and must contain at least one Latin letter and one number.

We confirm our password to be certain that there is no mistake in the first field.

Next, we fill in a mobile number or an email

which will be used in case we forget

our login credentials and we wish to recover them.

We press next.

In the next step we fill our Tax Registration Number, in order for the connection of the COSMOTE services

we wish in My COSMOTE to begin.

At this point there is a choice for

users that are not COSMOTE subscribers

to make a registration to the site without filling in their Tax Registration Number.

The Tax Registration Number is being verified

and we fill in the fields.

By clicking verify, we verify that the data

we entered are identified with the Tax Number.

We accept the Terms and Conditions of My COSMOTE

and we click complete registration.

This page informs us that we have received

a verification email with a link we need to follow,

which is active for 48 hours, in order to complete the registration.

We open the email titled registration cosmote

and we click on the link that indicates the completion of the registration.

A new webpage opens up

where we see the number to which we will receive th PIN code in order to complete our registration

and we click send PIN.

The PIN code is active for 2 minutes if we received it via SMS

or for 24 hours if we receive it via a call at our fixed number.

We type the 5digit PIN

and we click submit.

The procedure is completed successfully and we can browse through the

My COSMOTE Home page.

By clicking on My COSMOTE Home we can already see that our account has been created

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On the left panel we see the active assets that are incorporated in the specific Tax Number.

From here we can manage all the services.

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For more infomation >> COSMOTE Hints & Tips - Εγγραφή στο My COSMOTE - Duration: 3:36.


Mach´s wie Hertha BSC – im DB Sportcamp - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mach´s wie Hertha BSC – im DB Sportcamp - Duration: 1:01.


Điều gì sẽ xảy ra khi kết hợp muối với nước rửa bát - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Điều gì sẽ xảy ra khi kết hợp muối với nước rửa bát - Duration: 2:01.


Новое оутро для моих видосов! - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> Новое оутро для моих видосов! - Duration: 0:14.


Van 9 uur filmen naar 2 uur filmen!? - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Van 9 uur filmen naar 2 uur filmen!? - Duration: 3:20.


عــــــــاجل: "البوليساريو" في ورطة كبيرة بسبب الانفصالية "أميناتو حيدر"..!! - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: "البوليساريو" في ورطة كبيرة بسبب الانفصالية "أميناتو حيدر"..!! - Duration: 1:48.


COSMOTE Hints & Tips - Business Κινητής μέσω My COSMOTE - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> COSMOTE Hints & Tips - Business Κινητής μέσω My COSMOTE - Duration: 1:43.


Overtuigtip | Check deze twee dingen voor je op gaat en voorkom een presentatieblunder - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Overtuigtip | Check deze twee dingen voor je op gaat en voorkom een presentatieblunder - Duration: 2:05.


عــــــــاجل: إعصار "أوفيلا" في عرض المحيط الأطلسي "يهدد" السواحل المغربية - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: إعصار "أوفيلا" في عرض المحيط الأطلسي "يهدد" السواحل المغربية - Duration: 1:21.


Por que as hienas fêmeas têm pênis? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Por que as hienas fêmeas têm pênis? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:22.


Schlechtes Zeugnis [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:48.

Anastasia, is it you?

Yes, but I have to go

Wait a second. Today you got your testimony right?

Yes, but I have to go now

May I see it?

that doesn't look good

you can't show that to anyone

I'm sure you can do it better

No, you have to do that again. And when you're done you can meet your friends

For more infomation >> Schlechtes Zeugnis [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:48.


'You Got Tricked' Official Music Video 👻 | TRICKED! The Loud House Halloween Special | Nick - Duration: 1:45.

[music playing]

♪ When darkness falls In the house of Loud ♪

♪ Around every turn New terror abounds ♪

♪ You don't want to lose your head ♪

[maniacal laughing]

♪ You can run But you can't hide ♪

♪ They know that you taste better alive ♪

♪ I don't think that they've been fed In a long, long time ♪

♪ Every corner, every door Watch out they ain't heard before ♪

♪ This ghastly ghoul is out for blood Sorry boys, you got tricked ♪

♪ You got tricked ♪

♪ You got Pugs and Frank With a spooky twist ♪

♪ Before you wet your pants Better get out quick ♪

♪ Tricks, tricks, tricks You got tricked ♪

♪ Beware of fangs and bloody fur ♪

♪ Alarm has chainsaw massacre ♪

♪ There's no chance that you'll get out ♪

♪ Ghost writing your eulogy Heads are rolling literally ♪

♪ So who needs their mommy now? ♪

♪ Spilling guts on the floor Clean up on aisle 4 ♪

♪ Why you running off so soon? Sorry dude, you got tricked ♪

♪ You got tricked ♪

♪ You got Pugs and Frank With a spooky twist ♪

♪ Before you wet your pants Better get out quick ♪

♪ Trick, trick, tricked ♪

♪ You got tricked ♪

For more infomation >> 'You Got Tricked' Official Music Video 👻 | TRICKED! The Loud House Halloween Special | Nick - Duration: 1:45.


What Your Political Bubble Looks Like From The Other Side - Duration: 5:24.

- [Woman On Radio] Good Morning.

You're listening to K-U-R going to be okay.

Don't forget, the early bird gets the worm.

Although, late worms are worms too.

Important to remember that.

- [Man On Radio] It's morning in America

and you need to wake the Hell up.

You're listening to O'Sullivan on Scapegoat Radio.

Where we place the blame so you can have no shame.

(kids yelling) It is a crazy show today folks.

- [Woman On Radio] This program has been brought to you

in a partnership with the Lib-tard Foundation

and the Jews.

- [Man On Radio] And another group I blame

for my own problems are people

that aren't you and your friends.

What are they hiding?

- [Woman On Radio] Refugees by the thousands,

mostly children, service men, and puppies,

have been barred entry from the country.

- [Man On Radio] Another attack on our own soil.

And while we have no evidence,

I'm gonna go ahead and blame the Muslims.

Just feels like one of theirs, doesn't it?

Get a load of this.

(radio personalities chattering)

(mellow rock music)

- No.

(whimsical music)

(car honks)

- [Man] Come on.

- I have a half caff, no fat, soy whipped mocha

frab dab pab, hold the coffee.

- Hey.

- I'm a Christian Republican and an internet troll,

in that order.

- Oh, hey.

How are those stat reports coming along?

I'm gonna need them before end of day.

It's Sebastian and I's anniversary

and I need to get out of here early

if we're getting into the new hot spot.

They have food straight from store to table.

I don't think they even have cooks.

- Hey there.

How are those stat reports coming along?

I'm gonna need them before the end of the day.

It's me and the Mrs. anniversary

so I wanna get out of here early.

I'm gonna take her out on the town

and then we're gonna go home and have heterosexual sex.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

- I'm patriotic.

I only shop at American Apparel.

♫ More fun if the south had only won

- Um, I know they think all Muslims are terrorists

but how quickly we forget, 9/11.

- Thanks. - Totally.

- I mean Muslims are exactly like us.

- Yeah, and if I ever meet one,

and they speak English,

I'll make sure they understand that.

- Alright, here we go.

- I hate to say it.

It's Mexicans.

They're taking our jobs. - Totally.

- I can't find a job anywhere.

- I hear they're hiring in the kitchen right here.

- What do I look like?

A Mexican?

- I hope you like cardamom.

- Namaste.

- I mean, we're not in a war against Muslims,

we are in a war against Islam.

Or is it the other way around?

What was that article saying again?

- Yeah, I read that.

It's about how Obama ended war.

He sent drones, so no one died.

- I met an actual Army person once.

It was on Halloween, but still,

I should have thanked him for his service.

- [Man] Excuse me.

- It's not your fault.

- What?

Climate change is a hoax.

- Those open borders, they are gonna be the end of us.

They let anyone come across.

- Exactly, if you don't think the A-rabs

and the Mexican are working together,

you're not reading the same fake news I am.

- Or, God forbid, we have another 9/11.

But in a place that really matters,

like in the Wal-Mart outside of town.

- I'm such a feminist I pee sitting down.

(whimsical music)

(kids yelling)

- Quote unquote, president's quote unquote administration

quote unquote quote, leaked today.

- Another cabinet shift.

The president has nailed it once again

appointing Scott Baio.

Looks like Charles is now in charge

of homeland security.

Alright, so after.

(whimsical music)

(computer notification swoops)

(voices yelling)

- [Man] New York Times.

- [Woman] That is totally fake news.

- [Man] Two words, Ben Gazi.

(voices yelling)

(silverware clattering)


- [Man] Okay.


(sharp click)

- [Woman on Video] Are you gonna take that

fat spongy nose and stick it in the

shiny nasty balloon jar?

(circus music and laughter)

Oh, let me honk that horn you dirty, dirty hobo.

(upbeat music)


- [Director] Nine bravo, take seven, mark.


- I mean, I've been trying to read conservative news

but, I'm sorry, I'm having a very hard time

believing conservatives exist.

- I'm so straight, I don't touch my dick when I pee.

Honestly, I get all my news from Jeopardy.

- Honestly, I get most of my news from Listables.

- You going to Take Back the Night?

- Yeah, totally.

Who took it again?

- Chocolate sprinkles with a whipped top

but it's a non-whipped top if you have

a coffee top with a foam.


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