- since when when did I have attitude with anyone there
when I went into that establishment I went in and I was like white
face ... Caucasian ! Let's go !
Helloooo , welcome , OMG lets eat ice cream ! That's literally how fucking fake i was !
Hey guys it's me Jayda Hey guys what is up its me Jada and I'm here with another
video for you guys this time it is about the time that I got fired I call this
the classic fire
Jayda fired pack up your stuff and get además like literally like I am so like
overly done with the situation so I'm just gonna rant about it for you guys
because I don't hold anything back for my subscribers so here we go I want to
say that DEZ which was a co-worker of mine at this job he will be doing his
little part of the story so I will link his description down below so for sueing
rights and the copyright issues whatever I will not be using the name of this
establishment and I will not be using names of anyone so let's just start out
by saying so I quit my last job because that was fucking terrible I wouldn't
with all a job for like a week and a half or whatever and I was like eh let
me go for job hunting I guess so I hung out with DES one is I can't wait to get
pregnant I can't not me too so we're hanging out at McDonald's
during this vlog and he's like oh did I mind you like I have to go to my other
job yeah like does music can you walk me there and I'm like okay cool I walk with
him to the shop I asked him I was like can I put my name now to get higher
because they were hiring and whatever I wrote my name in a little name card and
on my information and then they liked the fact that I'm in college and I'm
flexible because everyone that works there was in high school and whatever
it's run but high schooler so I was like okay I hear back from the job like two
days after three days after something like that and they're like yeah we kind
of late we're gonna kind of hire you just like tell us like your availability
and stuff like that I'm like okay cool and then they're like oh yeah so come in
like it was just like a random like text messages like from between the boss and
then her son it was like oh yeah so I'm gonna be up a shop at this time on this
day come up there and I'm like okay I thought that was like an interview of
the pleasure of their way of telling me I had an interview I get up there and my
boss which was in the name of her the backup what I mean Rebecca and Rebecca's
like oh I have an event going on right now we're giving out ice cream we did
have some fun anything going on for the school you gotta gotta gotta um I didn't
know this was the day and I'm like whatever so those and this is like I'm
gonna tell you guys this part first because it's gonna come up later that is
like hmm okay so I'm like she's like guys do you have any questions for me it
was it wasn't even interview it was like hi let me meet the person that I'm about
to hire before there was nothing like why do you want to work here why do you
think that you should work you know nothing like that and then so I she was
like do you have any questions and I'm like um no like what is the uniform like
she is like you just wear a shirt which I will give you and then the Hat that
goes with our company with our name on it and yet I gotta yada I was like okay
cool what about bottoms I know some I know some places do not like leggings
and I know some places do not like jeans so what I know some places do not like
leggings and I know some places do not like jeans so what can I wear she goes
some people were short to buy do not like booty shorts have them like you
know basically like grandpa old shorts like you know like I'll lend where's my
booty shorts I'm like okay cool then she's like don't worry yoga pants and a
mic okay cool I was at our leggings room soon she says yoga pants was like our
leggings I love because I like to wear black leggings personally when I work as
I get a cold and she's like yeah you can bring it along leggings as long as it's
not like see-through sheer or like your butt's not you know you know just look
decent pair of leggings I'm saying and I'm like okay call me to go on this app
where it's like when I work when it has like your schedule and all the people
you work with then they're like okay cool we're gonna throw you on the
schedule for Monday so I get thrown on the schedule it's my first day I come in
I'm working with this girl we're gonna name her Britney I'm working with this
girl named Brittany and Brittany is all like showing me the ropes and yadda
yadda yadda and then we close and then she asked me can I cover a shift for her
like the next following day and I'm like I mean shit I like money so yeah let me
it's my second neighbor why not next thing I cover up for her and I'm working
with somebody and mind you they're like relatively new as well and so we're all
that we did the best that we can to close I'm learning from them because
they've been there for like a month so they were gonna name this person like
Shaniqua we're gonna name her Shaniqua and I just she's been working there for
like a month and I'm trying to learn from her the ropes cuz obviously he's
been there longer like no one else is there to train me so I'm going from her
the ropes and then we count the drop we count to drawl at night and it's like
missing that night it was like short like 30 bucks or something like that and
the knots when apparently I worked that shift with her and I was working with
Shaniqua mind you shake his caucasians
keep that there I'm working with her so money was
missing that day so my name is kind of put into the little circle I'm gonna
tell you why this is important later on so that day well time goes on she
reports to the manager that it was like money missing cool does she was working
with me and it just me and her and I'm like okay cool never heard anything else
about it the next day I'm posting working a shift with the girl um
Brittany I posed to be working with Brittany but Brittany like broke her leg
okay and I'm like okay this is my third day and then so everyone calls me
they're like we just need you to come in yet got again I'm work the ship by
yourself clothes by yourself and I'm like yes you are you to say that you're
fine and you're not really fine you just
can't get into it because they would never understand it's my third day I
don't know shit but I can release try it because it's not a hard job it's not
really hard to scoop ice cream I don't even know if I told you guys it's an ice
cream place so it's not that hard to fucking scoop ice cream so I'm like okay
that's cool on the thing I was just nervous about it's just like closing and
if people ask me for extreme stuff like sundaes and coffee because I never tried
on it love just you know right there truly honestly I told her I can handle
it like because that's just the person I am like I take situations and I go and
mastered it work the whole Chef of myself I closed by myself
everything was fucking Gucci there was no other fucking time goes on everything
else is cool up and to the point like this week I'm
working yeah I get my brother David hired I'm just gonna go ahead and say
his name because that's my bro he probably doesn't even give a fuck I get
him hired there cuz he just moved here from New York and I was like baby you
looking for a job I know my place is hiring let me get you hired here or
whatever so they talked to him no interview for him either
dickhead like dad's will probably tell you in his video that he didn't get him
into the interview either then one night they put him and I only together I think
was a Friday night they put just us two together mind you I've been there for
like a week and a half he's been there his
during motherfucking day so they put us together we're new people mind you and
we do everything we're supposed to do we work our asses off I even go to this
little fucking festival that's down the street and I'm like handing out coupons
and I hope they're but I'm like come eat some ice cream my job like I love it
like you know it's more tips for me more money for them I like working with
people I always talk to people like this just fucking me off the basically closed
that whole night by ourselves right and then like they were supposedly supposed
to be a checklist that we have to follow that didn't come out until like the
ending before I got fired or whatever there was this checklist that no
supervisor there's nobody who worked there knew about I don't I explained to
us about it so whenever we followed I knew about the checklist after that
point I was a table let's do everything on this checklist you'd be like you can
even see my fucking Expo I probably didn't even watch wipe it off you can
see my Expo marker marks on that paper so I'm like okay cool so I have the expo
marker marks on there we're just checking it off what we did I think you
mocked I swept okay cool dadada Jana I count
the draw and when I get to the draw it's short for to two dollars yeah okay I
don't know what to do so I do what other people do mind you I close with many
other people many other people who wouldn't draw a short they always just
put with everything for the account man put it right into the register they were
on the shore and I put that mountain it was like short 42 bucks and I put that
mount that it was in the draw and then I closed for the day I gave David his tips
my tips yadda yadda yadda mind you drop this whole thing if there's a big-ass
camera right on top of this fucking big eyes does too so yeah so this I go into
the shop because I had to work the following morning was it's like a round
one I go in there and my boss freaking Rebecca it's like I'm gonna talk to you
about how you clothes last night it was terrible and I'm like can you tell me
what I did I followed everything on the checklist you tell me what I did she's
like we'll talk about it later and then she leaves and I'm like okay no but
before she leaves she counts to draw she's like yeah I heard it was sure
you told me and whatever and I'm like yeah it was short she's like I'm just
gonna have to write you up for this and I'm like excuse me excuse me
don't be racist me up I'm sorry maybe Shaniqua beforehand decided the
snow from the draw and I'm getting running up just cuz I closed the draw I
don't show up 42 months KP ah ha ha by day and I'm so in my head right now I
guess I'm so fucking pissed I'm like roll your fucking cameras back roll your
goddamn motherfucking cameras back cuz I didn't fucking still like that shit
really fucking hurt guy me coming from like an african-american standpoint and
we get fucking picked one for every fucking thing that we do yes I'm sorry
I'm really trying to get a fucking emotional but that shit fucking hurts
home I get fucking blame for fucking money missing out of the draw and it's
just like wow ok 103 for how many niggers are in my store and oh you're
stealing that fucking hurts deep and it's only 42 bucks like if I was going
to steal from somebody I'm gonna tell more than fuckin 2 42 bucks what the
fuck it's 42 bucks gonna get me fucking dumb - jeez bitch - jeez now to be
racist or anything and um Rebecca comes back and she has her friends and she's
giving them free ice cream or whatever but she's the manager and it's her
business I get that at whatever and then like she had me do like all these tests
you have any scoop ice cream in two pints she had me do like hella shit and
I had my hat off because at this point the guys I was in tears so I took my hat
off and I'm like like I was upset because I got accused of like how would
you guys feel if you got accused of stealing and this time my day like I was
really fucking upset she could roll her cameras bikemic bitch I was fucking
upset so I took my hat off for the minute she happened to come back and I
like fix myself I'm not gonna cry in front of me buddy like bitch I'm a bad
bitch so she comes back and she gives me all these tasks to do and then she goes
and repeat like mind you guys like I have these notes right here what she's
gonna say to me she's like okay she's like scoop the ice cream it's got like
like it's gonna melt like can you just do this mind you like I'm scooping ice
cream that a customer walks in I have to cater to them never had time to put the
hat on or whatever don't I got no scooping them
should be like waffle do that stupid system I might do you
have a mom I have black people here you can't just my hair was like it wasn't
like what how it is right now it's like blow-dry it so it's really poofy you
have to actually put it back into a ponytail anything they don't understand
so I'm like wait a second like I'm gonna put the hat on whatever and she says to
like subatomic okay I put the fucking hat on and I'm like
calm down so she bitches about that and then she basically complained so
basically fast-forward throughout that shift or whatever I told her I came up
to the conclusion I talked to the other girl that I finally met her Nate let's
just name her I know I'm gonna go means let's just name her Cynthia I've talked
to the UM this other girl named Cynthia and she's just like oh yeah you have the
logger tips when you do that and I'm like oh maybe that's why the register
came up short when you like take out the money from your tips or whatever and
she's like okay cool I'll get to the bottom of that cool that thanks great
and I'm like okay whatever the next you know she kept giving me all these times
like to make waffle cones and sticker cups I'm like girl it's four o'clock
deuces by my mom's outside waiting for me goodbye
and then so I clock out and I leave and then yeah that was the end of that and
I'm thinking I had to go into work the next day and I wake up the morning and I
get a phone call from Rebecca and Rebecca is like I can barely hear her
she sound like she was like underwater or maybe it was my phone or whatever and
she goes like she was like literally fucking afraid to tell me like she was
secure in hebei tional period the fuck does that mean but just tell me I'm
fucking fired like the fucker and then I found like I clicked Sammy I
was like she look he just fired me that's what a provisional period means
and I message her and I'm like so whatever like you never really gave me a
reason why I'm being fired like there was no one explanation okay so she goes
this is why you're being fired I asked you eight times to put your hat on and I
explained to you guys why it took me fuck
eight times I put the hat on because like you have me doing hellish shit and
I'm like what am I gonna sit there and come back to you and be like well do
only put the head on or not whatever and then she says I asked you not to wear
yoga pants and leggings and like I told you guys when I first met her I asked
her are leggings I never once wear yoga pants let me just say that cuz all my
other pants are currently dirty right now I don't fucking feel like doing my
laundry so I never once we're fucking yoga pants I wore leggings and I wore
shorts and she was doing the same like oh you can't wear leggings now all of a
sudden I was like well you need to stop making these fucking rules every fucking
five minutes like I'm sorry like now listening you don't like leggings when
I'm sorry Britney and everybody else with yoga pants and leggings
there were tacos and everything else at your job so um question mark okay cool
and then so this is like you never turned in your paperwork because every
time I try to turn in my paperwork and you're not there
and every time I go to give it to you you're magically gone so I'm sorry
that's why I never gave you my paperwork oh yeah I also will like to add in the
beginning when I first started working there you're supposed to give some money
like their w-2 forms and all their like paperwork when they before they start
working I didn't get mines to like at the ending of the first week I started
working there and they still don't have it it's sitting in my bedroom like right
fucking now and I'm gonna walk down there and go bring it to them because
all I know is a bitch better at playing honey better get paper my time and my
hardwork in my tears all I know oh so guys Desna nights are going to
take a walk up there to return our uniforms and give back we'll give our aw
to Zen so we can ask to get paid you know even though you posed to do that
like your first day but it's cool or whatever
Wow so then um then she said because of them she said money was stolen and
whatever and I was like a soul you are definitely on the phone right now
accusing me of stealing from your store and I'm like wow wow that shit's like
guys so it still hurts like to this day like I'm accused as a fucking thief
because it's not who I'm fucking am she basically accuses me a fucking stealing
and I'm like wow not and I I was so fucking pissed guys I
wrote to her and I was like not all fuckin black people still bitch like not
all fucking bi people still like that's so fucked up guys it's like you don't
understand how bad that hit tonight later on in a minute
and then she said I have was combative and then I had attitude Wow I had
attitude since when when did I have attitude with anyone there
I put when I went into that sample string I went in and I was like white
face Caucasian let's go oh my god that's what really how fucking think I was guys
that's how fucking fake I was like I didn't even who I was when I went in
there late because that's how much like I worked in that condition like you guys
know you work in that condition you just have to put on a face it's not yours so
you can never say I had attitude I wasn't like the guys I was so fucking
heavy like I did not even feel like myself which is like a bad thing you
should never feel like that at a job but whatever not so Caucasian today bitch
got the hair braided up like Beyonce bitch being racist or whatever so I went
on my snapchat and I like vented about it and I'm just like people just never
stop being racist you had to go to Ghana and then until one of my co-workers
we're gonna name her bitch duck bitch Doug goes and like since Rebecca all the
information and um basically she comes off on me and she sends me Rebecca sends
me all the pictures of hurts your feelings that's how it came off like you
don't use anyone else there was Caucasians who work at your job and
their job was short they never got fired but when an african-american that draw
is short because I have a valid reason I didn't lock my tips in and I was equal
of me and David tips equalled up to the amount that was missing pretty much and
what our money was missing pretty much it's like it's coming off as a freaking
racism thing you know I'm saying so I was like that hurts I was like you're
hurt because I'm choosing you of a racist you're accusing me at fucking
stealing now that shit fucking hurts now you feel my fucking pain you don't
understand like that shit fucking hurts guys
it hurts with the fact that African American can never go into a fucking
store without them fucking like looking at you like this can I help you it's
gone that's literally my story and I hope you guys like go watch does this
point of view does went through a lot of shit I've read it went through a lot of
shit and then on top of the fact after because she basically fired me and I
went off on her she fires David for no reason cuz like I basically got him
hired or whatever she is a bitch bi she that's not fair to David even
though David was gonna leave because I left like you just want to stay there he
didn't like anybody they're looking I'm saying but it's just like that's kind of
just like fucked up on that part I just pray for like out the other day I just
pray for these places and I pray that people change apart and I pray that I
like people change overall and like get help because it's that's not fucking
cool to do to any fucking body that's really not did you guys enjoyed this
video please thumbs it up and I hope you guys take
something from this video if you are unhappy out-of-work establishment please
do not continue working there like as mad as how much money it brings to you
like if you are unhappy you will never be a happy person you're putting all
that negative energy out into the universe just please like don't ever go
get to the point where I am just don't ever but yeah thank you guys so much for
watching if you enjoyed this thumbs it up and I'll see you in my next video bye
guys I love you
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