BILLYE BRIM: Throughout all the ages to come, piling
upon themselves, one age after another age
after another age after another age, He's going to
exhibit the Church, the Body of Christ; it will be an
entity throughout all ages. It will be known, "This is the
Body of Christ. They lived during that age of grace."
(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.
I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of Victory,
Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim explain God's plan for the Body
of Christ. He designed her to be a glorious church and a witness
of His goodness reaching out to those who are lost and hurt.
GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's
Voice of Victory. You're just in time to hear more
about the glorious Church. That's what Church we
are. Glory to God. We're in that Church. We are that Church.
BILLYE: I remember hearing Brother Hagin talk about it, you
know. And you hear all kinds of things in church, all kinds. And
He said, "God's not coming after a week--" GLORIA: No. BILLYE:
"--barely-get-along church, hiding in the dark someplace.
This church is going to be glorious--" GLORIA: Yes. I
believe it. BILLYE: "--when Jesus comes for us." GLORIA:
Amen. BILLYE: Well, it is in the Word of God. You've got to go by
the Word of God. GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: And the Word of
God, especially the book of Ephesians, is all about the
glory and all about the glorious Church. And we're using for our
key verse Ephesians 5:25, "Husbands, love your wives--"
GLORIA: I like that part. BILLYE: --but you get a picture
here of husbands and wives. GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE: And
the husband-- GLORIA: Isn't that interesting that that was the
first thing He said? BILLYE: Yes. "Love your wives." GLORIA:
Now, why would that be? BILLYE: It's important. GLORIA: Because
it's so vital and because a husband and wife are together so
much-- BILLYE: Yes. GLORIA: --and they have to have love and
patience and kindness. BILLYE: Absolutely. You know that, don't
you? GLORIA: I do. I've been married-- BILLYE: And you all
practice it. GLORIA: I've been married 55 years. I think it's
55. BILLYE: And you practice it. You see, Gloria, actually, every
marriage was supposed to show Christ in the church-- GLORIA:
Yes, it was. BILLYE: --every one of them, because that's a
relationship of Christ to the Church, is He's the husband,
we're the bride. He's the head, we're the body. So that's what
He says here. GLORIA: That's right. I get it. BILLYE:
Ephesians 5:25, "Husbands, love your wives." Now, notice as
we're listening to this, how He uses the analogy. "Husbands,
love your wives, even as Christ also loved--" GLORIA: Yes.
BILLYE: "--the church, and gave himself for her; that he might
sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the
word, that he might present her to himself a glorious church,
not having spot, or--" GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: "--wrinkle,
or any such thing; but that she should be holy and without
blemish," separated to Him. GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE:
"So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He
that loves his wife loves himself. No man ever yet hated
his own flesh; but nourished and cherished it, even as the Lord
the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and
of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and
mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be
one flesh. This is a great mystery." GLORIA: That's unity.
BILLYE: "This is a great mystery--" GLORIA: Yes, it is.
BILLYE: "--but I speak concerning Christ and the
church." GLORIA: One spirit with each other. BILLYE: This is what
He's speaking of, Christ and the Church. This is a great mystery,
Christ and the Church. GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE: So I worked
for Brother Kenneth Hagin 10 years, and eight of those years
the Lord was teaching me about the glorious Church. GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: And then when He sent me out to preach
full time, and I had known from the beginning that I was going
to go one day, He gave me this. He woke me up at 4:30 one
morning and He said, "The Church is approaching her finest hour."
GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: "It will fulfill its ministry just
as its first body fulfilled its ministry. But it must be
preached to as though it would succeed and not as though it
would fail." If you go out and preach this message-- GLORIA:
That's a good point. BILLYE: Yeah, isn't that a good point?
If you go out and preach this message, it will have something
to do with my being able to change the Church-- GLORIA:
Yeah. BILLYE: --from glory to glory. GLORIA: Praise God.
BILLYE: The book of Ephesians is all about the glory of God in
the Church. And so that's what I left with. That's the message I
left with, the glory of God. The book of Ephesians is about that.
And Ephesians 2 says, "Even when we were dead in sins, he has
quickened us together with Christ; has raised us up, and
made us sit together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus," in
order that-- GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: -- "In the ages to come
he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his
kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." So there are ages
coming. Future is measured in ages and ages and ages and ages.
And in all the ages to come, He-- GLORIA: Not decades--
BILLYE: No, ages. GLORIA: --but ages. BILLYE: And in all the
decades to come, He's going to show off the Church as trophies
of His grace. "In the ages to come he will show--he might show
the exceeding riches of his grace--" GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE:
"--in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." You see,
we're in the age where the Gospel is of grace, but the door
is going to close. This age is going to end. Another age is
going to come. But we're going to be shown off through every
age throughout all eternity, we are the ones that lived in the
time when we had salvation by grace. GLORIA: Praise God for
that. BILLYE: Now, at the end of Chapter 3, it says, "Unto him be
glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world
without end. Amen." GLORIA: All ages. BILLYE: So in all ages,
there's going to be this entity that's named the Church, the
Body, the ecclesia, and its job is, give Christ glory. And we're
to be giving Him glory. And He will receive glory. Every time
they look at us, He's going to get glory. GLORIA: Praise God.
BILLYE: Now, God sees way beyond the rapture, way beyond the
millennium. The future is measured in ages. And, actually,
I wrote it down-- GLORIA: That's a good statement. BILLYE: And on
Sunday, December the 3rd, 2006, I was praying upstairs at my
house. And you know when you're praying in tongues and then you
get English words? And I'd pray in tongues and this English
would come out, "The pilings, the pilings, the pilings." And
my husband and I, we lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for
three years and worked on big construction projects down there
for M.W. Kellogg. And they would--in that sandy soil,
they'd have to drive pilings in the earth-- GLORIA: Yeah?
BILLYE: --deep, deep, deep. So I thought, "Am I praying about
that somehow?" And then, suddenly, I heard the word,
"Wuest." And I have a Bible downstairs, a Wuest Bible which
I hardly ever read. But I went and I read these scriptures out
of Ephesians that we just read, about the--about the
eternal--our job in eternity is to give Him glory-- GLORIA: In
the Wuest Translation. BILLYE: --throughout all the ages. And
so not 10 minutes after I was praying, "pilings," I was
looking in the Wuest Translation. And I'm reading it
to you, "And you being dead with reference to your trespasses and
sins he made alive--" This is Ephesians 2:1-10 in the Wuest.
"Because of his great love with which he loved us, and we being
dead with respect to our trespasses, made us alive,
together, with the Christ and raised us with him and seated us
with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus in order that--"
Now, here you go. "--he might exhibit for his own glory in the
ages that will pile themselves one upon another--" GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: "--in continuous succession, the
surpassing wealth of his grace in kindness to us in Christ
Jesus." So the message God was trying to get over to me is how
many ages are coming. GLORIA: Mm, that is interesting. BILLYE:
They're going to pile themselves on upon another-- GLORIA: Praise
God. BILLYE: --in continuous succession-- GLORIA: Wow.
BILLYE: --and, "He's going to exhibit--" GLORIA: Ages in
continuous-- BILLYE: In continuous--they're going
to--the-- "He might exhibit for his own glory--" He's going to
get the glory, "--in the ages that will pile themselves on
upon another in continuous succession the surpassing wealth
of his grace in kindness to us in Christ Jesus." So throughout
all the ages to come, piling upon themselves, one age after
another age-- GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: --after another age
after another age, He's going to exhibit the Church, the Body of
Christ--it will be an entity. Throughout all ages, it will be
known, "This is the Body of Christ." They live during that
age of grace. GLORIA: Yep. BILLYE: So now, man fell and God
fixed it. Bless the Lord. And praise the Lord, this is a
prophecy that we're going to study a little bit right now. I
can give you that prophecy of Ken's. GLORIA: No, I got it.
BILLYE: Okay, you got it? No, you don't got it. GLORIA: It
says, "Kenneth Copeland Prophecy." BILLYE: Well, that
means we're going to read it here. Ah, you got it. We're just
going to read the yellow parts because this thing is long. But,
praise the Lord. This is one he gave at Southwest Believers'. I
never have forgotten this prophecy. It just sticks with
me. And so I'm just going to read these parts here that are
in yellow. GLORIA: Okay. BILLYE: And the Lord talks about, He's
raising up an end-time Army that is leading into this. And then
He says, "I will have a glorious Church. And the gates and the
authority of hell will not prevail against it." So He talks
about the glory in the Church. Now, here He gets down to this,
"For these are the days of the greatest revelations of all."
That's going to be on the next page, Gloria, in the yellow
part. "These are the days of the greatest revelations of all. In
the future, out in the distant ages that you know nothing of,
I'll give you a glimpse of what it shall be like. Never again,
never in any age, never in the future again will there be the
likes of you." He's talking about the glorious Church. "You
will walk the streets of the cities of the planets and the
stars. I built the universe for you--" GLORIA: Praise God.
BILLYE: "--and you'll travel it with me." GLORIA: Think about
it. BILLYE: Think about it! We could stop at every sentence
and-- GLORIA: Whew! BILLYE: "And all of those that shall be born
in the future and all of the years to come as natural men and
natural women populate the stars--" You see, they're a
natural people. There's the sheep nations that are going
into the millennium. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: There are the
Jews that are going to rule out of Jerusalem. But He's saying
that those people--and the Bible says they're going to be having
babies and they're going to populate. And one day earth is
going to--the oceans are going to have to shrink that there's
so many people on it. And He says, "And all of those that
shall be born in the future and all of the years to come as
natural men and natural women, they'll say to one another,
'There comes one of the kings.'" GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: "There
comes one of the special ones." GLORIA: Glorious Church. BILLYE:
"There comes the image of the master. Oh, would that we had
lived in that age. They are so special. They get the best of
everything. Their Father keeps them in His bosom. Oh, we have
it blessed and we have it good. But it's because of them. They
walk in the glory realm. They walk in the light realm. We have
joy, they have ecstasy." GLORIA: Praise God. What a prophecy.
What a word. BILLYE: What a word, Gloria. I never forgot it.
GLORIA: Oh, my. Now, where did-- BILLYE: Never-- GLORIA: --who
gave it? BILLYE: Ken. GLORIA: Ken gave it? BILLYE: Gave it at
Southwest Believers'. Bless the Lord. I put that--that's right
at the verse there. "Never, never will there be any more
like you. You fought and stood with me. We have come through
this thing together as co-laborers. And you stood and
believed when you could not see." GLORIA: Yes. BILLYE: You
remember how He told Thomas, "It's more blessed--you see,
Thomas, and you believe. But more blessed are those who don't
see and they believe." GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: That's
called faith. GLORIA: That's right. That's faith. BILLYE: I'm
going to start at the beginning of this paragraph. "Never, never
will there be any more like you. You fought and stood with me. We
have come through this thing together as co-laborers. And you
stood and believed when you could not see. You stood and
believed when all the forces of the evil were against you. You
stand at midlife at 40, 50, 60 years old and face an enemy
that's thousands of years old. And you face him in faith."
GLORIA: Yes, that's right. BILLYE: "And you face him in
power. And you face him without flinching. And you face him
without turning. And I will never forget it," saith the
Lord, "throughout the time that eternity shall roll. You've been
pitted against the most evil system that has ever existed in
the history of all existence, and where others have failed,
you have stood. I'll never forget it as long as eternity
rolls. And the down payment on my eternal memory, the down
payment on my appreciation, the down payment on what I am to do
through the ages is going to be expressed to you in the most
powerful healing, the most powerful healing revival that's
ever hit the earth." GLORIA: Lord, we believe for that. My,
my. BILLYE: That's the glorious Church, Gloria. GLORIA: Yes, it
is. BILLYE: "And it's your hands I'm going to use. And it's your
mouth I'm going to use. And it's your feet I'm going to use. It's
your money I'm going to use. It's your family I'm going to
use. There are many of you that have children on the streets,
and you don't know where they are, but I'm going to go get
them and I'm going to bring them into the kingdom." GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: "I'm going to baptize them with My Holy
Ghost and I'm going to use them in the greatest healing
outpouring in the history of the human race. I created the smith
that blows the coals. I created the waster that destroys. I can
handle him." GLORIA: Yes. BILLYE: "I've handled him before
and I'll handle him again. And I'll tell him in your very
presence. You--many of you will hear it with your audible ear
and see it with your eye as I move in on the scene and tell
the devil in your presence, 'Bow your knee.'" GLORIA: Oh, yeah.
Hallelujah. Amen. What a word. BILLYE: Now, I'm going to--what
a word, Gloria. GLORIA: My, my, my. BILLYE: Now we skip to page
four. "You're born of me." The yellow part on page--well, I
didn't number the pages, but right there. "You're born of
me." Now, here's Ephesians. Listen again, "You're bone of my
bone. You're flesh of my flesh. You're Spirit of My Spirit.
You're mind of my mind. And I have been made wisdom unto you
by almighty God, the Father. And so I speak unto you this,
tonight, and I say unto you that are spiritually wise, 'Be
wiser.' Take the Word." GLORIA: Be wiser. BILLYE: "Take it
disparately. Go deeper into My Word. Those of you that have
always been a stickler for the Word, become a greater stickler
still." GLORIA: A greater stickler, ha-ha. BILLYE: "Pay
close and particular attention to your prayer life. I need you
more now than I have ever needed you in my life." GLORIA: Isn't
that a word? My goodness. BILLYE: Whoa, Gloria. GLORIA:
Well, I'm glad you brought that up to me again. BILLYE: Yeah,
I'm glad I did, too, Glo. Now we'll step over here to the--
"And you will know My grace, My power, My work, My name, My Son,
My Spirit, My ways, My pathway, My earth, and My heavens, and
you will know Me as the resurrection." GLORIA: Praise
God. BILLYE: "For all will give to you insights and glimpses of
the great resurrection. And I will show you resurrection
power. And the prayer that the apostle prayed for himself is
beginning to come to pass in this day and in this hour and in
this century. And you will be the ones that will walk in the
power of My resurrection." GLORIA: Glory to God. BILLYE:
"You're going to know resurrection power. You are the
generation that will see My resurrection power--" GLORIA:
Jesus. BILLYE: "--replace limbs and parts of the human body
right in front of your eyes--" GLORIA: Yes, Lord. We receive
it. BILLYE: "--without even having had to touch them. You're
a little behind on this. I planned to already have this and
you haven't let Me. But I am about to do it as My people will
rise up and preach the good news, the Gospel, and heal the
sick, and raise the dead. And I will go with you and I will work
with you, confirming your words and your actions with signs and
wonders following." GLORIA: Glory to God. What a word,
Billye. BILLYE: What a word. You better take this down the house
and let Ken read it one more time. GLORIA: I will. I'm glad
to have that again myself. BILLYE: Now, what did he--
GLORIA: Then He talked about signs and wonders. BILLYE: Yeah,
and resurrection power. Now, here, let's go back to the book
of Ephesians which is the book of the glorious Church. So we've
just got a little time left here. I and II Corinthians.
Okay, Galatians and Ephesians. In Ephesians 1:3--Verse 4, it
says that, "He chose us before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and without blame before him." So
we're the group that's chosen to be the glorious Church and be in
front of God the Father all throughout eternity. Now, He
told us to pray this prayer in Verse 17. I pray it every single
day. "God of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of glory--" What
does that identify Him as? Father of glory. So this is
going to have something to do with glory. "--that he may give
unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge
of him: That the eyes of your understanding your heart will be
enlightened." So He's--it's a prayer. I pray that every day
for myself. It's a prayer that God would give me the spirit of
wisdom and revelation. Something could have come to me by
revelation. GLORIA: Yeah, amen. BILLYE: And He prays for three
things. And every single one of them have to do with Glory.
GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: Number one is that I would know
what is the hope of His calling. What is the hope of His calling?
Christ in you, the hope of glory. There are scriptures--and
I may read them tomorrow, I don't have time today --which
say you're called unto glory. The Church is called unto glory.
We're everything to do with glory. Number two, what is the
richest of the glory of His inheritance in the saints? He
wants you to understand that. What is glory is in the saints.
He inherited the saints. We inherited Him. He inherited us.
And there's a glory deposit in us for Him. GLORIA: Praise God.
BILLYE: But, number three, what does He want us to understand?
He wants us to understand the exceeding greatness of His
power, dunamis, to us who are to believe according to the working
of His mighty power which He wrought in Christ when He raised
Him from the dead. What is that? Resurrection power. And the
Bible tells us, in Romans 6:4 or 4:6, I can't remember which,
Christ was raised by the glory of the Father. GLORIA: Praise
God. BILLYE: What did it say in this--in this word of God that
came through Brother Copeland, Prophet Brother Copeland? It
says that we're going to have an understanding of revel--of
resurrection power. GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE: And that
resurrection power is what's going to raise the dead. It's
what's going to-- GLORIA: Resurrection power, awesome.
BILLYE: We'll put a--we'll put an--creative--it's going to put
a--it's going to put arms on where they aren't, and legs.
GLORIA: Oh, bless the Lord. BILLYE: So this prayer, He's
going to give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation on
resurrecting power-- GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: --which He
wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead. GLORIA: I
believe it. BILLYE: And God seated Him right at His own
right hand, raised Him from the dead, sitting Him at His own
right hand, far above all principality, power, might, and
dominion, every name that is named, and then He gave Him to
be head over the Church, the glorious Church, which is His
body. GLORIA: What scriptures. BILLYE: And it tells us that
when He quickened Him, He quickened us. So there we are
seated up there with Him! GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: And
that's the glorious Church. GLORIA: Awesome. BILLYE: And
that's what this Book is about. GLORIA: That's awesome. BILLYE:
And that's God's will, and that's where we're headed.
GLORIA: Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Aren't you excited?
BILLYE: Yes, I am. GLORIA: I am. Billye's excited, I'm excited.
Just--we should feed on that portion of scripture. BILLYE:
Oh, just feed on it. GLORIA: Yes, yes. BILLYE: Feed on
Ephesians. GLORIA: That's right. We're going to do
it. Thank You, Jesus. Billye and I'll be right back.
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