Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018

Google Tez Latest Updates

Google Pay

Google Tez Loans

Google Pay Payments 2018

For more infomation >> Google Tez Latest Updates | Google Pay | Google Tez Loans | Google Pay Payments 2018 - Duration: 2:41.


Insurgency Sandstorm TIPS and TRICKS - Duration: 10:03.

Insurgency: Sandstorm is s a hardcore first-person shooter that features an authentic military

combat experience, today I will show you everything that you need to know to help you get started

with the game. I will show you some basic tips and tricks and then we will move on to

the more advanced stuff.

Sandstorm gives you access to a lot of movement options and actions so that you can deal with

the hardcore fighting experience. You can lean from behind corners to limit your exposure

before firing. You can go prone to hide behind grass or behind low cover. You can sprint

until you become tired and then you will slow down. The biggest side effect of this is that

you will be tired and as a consequence you will not be able to aim straight anymore.

Your scope sway will be a lot more noticable and for snipers this means that you probably

won't be able to keep your crosshairs on your enemy. You will not move faster if you

switch to your pistol or any light weapon while sprinting, so keep your primary weapon

out if possible. You can perform a slide if you need to get to cover quickly and avoid

enemy fire. Start a sprint and gain momentum then press the crouch button once your weapon

changes position during the sprint so that your character will perform the slide. You

can run towards a waist-high obstacle and then vault over it. Alternatively, you can

stop in front of a low obstacle and climb over it. You can also vault over windows as

long as you break the glass first. You can kick a door open by sprinting towards it and

then hitting it with a melee attack. It will be both quick and noisy. A door that opens

inward will stay on its hinges if you kick it open. You will know it opens inward because

you will not see hinges on the door. A door that opens outward will have visible hinges.

These kinds of doors will be broken down if you kick them. You can actually duck while

inside a vehicle so that the enemies can't see your head from the window. This is great

for hiding and avoiding enemy fire and it can be done by drivers, passengers, and even


The key to winning firefights in Sandstorm is to be accurate because enemies only need

a few well-placed shots before they die. The best way to shoot accurately is to set your

weapon to single fire and aim down sights. It's best to do this if you are peeking

a corner so that you can immediately shoot precise shots if you find an enemy. You can

even peek through doors by walking toward it while aiming down sights and then pressing

f once. The door will open slightly, just enough so that you can point your gun towards

anyone inside without fully exposing yourself.

You can focus while aiming to make your shots even more accurate. You will notice that your

weapon will still be swaying when you aim down sights. Press shift to keep your weapon

steady so that you can keep your iron sight or scope reticle on the target. Your character

will also zoom in slightly when you focus, so you can easily line up your shots. Focus

will not be very effective if you have low stamina, so make sure that you allow your

character to recover from a sprint before looking for targets.

Weapons can have attachments that help you control the sway. Foregrips, compensators,

and long barrels will help you keep your weapon stable while firing. If you attach a bipod

to your weapon, you can deploy it when you go prone and aim down your scope with virtually

no sway. Crouching and going prone can also help stabilize recoil, but you will become

an easy target for any enemy that figures out where you are.

There are times where you will be forced to fight even when you are inaccurate because

you are tired from sprinting. You can still fire from the hip and this is much easier

to do if you have a laser sight. It can help you in close quarters since it allows you

to shoot first. You will not need to be very accurate in those situations since your enemy

will be right in front of you. Sometimes it's best to fire inaccurately instead of aiming

down sights and then dying before firing a shot. For example, you can fire most weapons

while you are vaulting, just in case you find an enemy before you finish the animation.

You will not be defenceless if you are caught climbing a ladder because you can pull out

a pistol and fire while you are on it. You will still be at a disadvantage because you

need to stop climbing the ladder to fire, but that's better than not being able to

fight back at all. You can also fire your weapon while you are inside a vehicle. You

can fire pistols, SMGs, and short barreled rifles while staying inside a vehicle, but

you will need to lean out of the window to fire longer weapons. Drivers can also fire

while inside a vehicle, but they are limited to pistols and they have to let go of the

steering wheel before doing it.

A headshot is still the most effective way to kill your enemy in Insurgency: Sandstorm,

but it's not the only way to do it. If your target is too far away and the head looks

too small, it's still a good idea to aim centre mass. Even if your enemy is wearing

armour, the time to kill is still very fast. It is better to land consistent shots on the

body and kill your target instead of missing a headshot and revealing your position. You

can also shoot through walls, doors, and thin surfaces. Use this to your advantage so that

you can take enemies out even when they have taken cover. Fire shots through walls to suppress

any enemies inside a house. This works really well if you are using a machine gun mounted

on a vehicle.

After you are finished firing your primary weapon, there are two ways for you to change

magazines. You can reload normally to keep the magazine in your weapon with you. The

bullets inside that mag will be available for you to use later on. You can also do a

speed reload which is faster than the normal reload, but you will discard the magazine

in your gun as well as the ammo inside it if there are any. You should do this if you

know your magazine is empty. You can also cancel the reload by switching to a different

weapon or sprinting. You can hold R to do a "mag check" and make a magazine counter

appear. You need to go to a supply cache if you run out of mags. All you need to do is

run up to the cache then press F to grab ammo for your current weapon. Hold F instead of

just pressing it tol fully resupply.

Insurgency: Sandstorm does not have a game mode that allows you to focus on your individual

performance. There are no team deathmatches, no free for all modes, or anything like that.

All of the game modes require you to work with your team to win.

You have to familiarize yourself with all of the classes and figure out how each of

them will benefit a team so that you will know how to pick the right class during a


Even when you select weapons and items for your loadout, you still have to think of what

your team needs. It's very tempting to pick the best weapon and customize it with the

best attachments so that you can enjoy the best firepower for your class, but your team

will need more than just powerful guns. You will also need utilities like smoke grenades

to provide cover for your team, or frag grenades to flush enemies out of a room. You might

need a gas mask so that you won't cough through the smoke and give away your position.

It will also allow you to pass through chemical gas without dying, and launch a counterattack

that your enemies won't expect. It's a good idea to make room for explosives as a

demolitions.Selecting the right loadout doesn't just happen at the start of a game. You can

make changes to your loadout as long as you can find a supply cache and stay near it.

Open the loadout menu and select the weapons and equipment that you want. When you are

done, click the "Resupply" button. The changes that you made to your loadout will

be applied, and you can now play with your new loadout.

You can still pick up weapons that were dropped on the ground by pressing F if you want to

replace your current weapon. This will come in handy if you were forced to downgrade your

primary weapon to make room for the things your team needs. You will only get the ammo

that is currently on the weapon's magazine, but you can always go to a supply cache and

grab more ammo for your new weapon.

Certain game modes in Sandstorm have objectives that need to be captured. It is not just needed

to win the game, it also brings back your downed teammates into the game. Your team

needs to have at least one member occupying the objective area without any enemy presence

to fully capture an objective. It's a good idea to have many teammates occupying an objective

area because it will be captured faster and it will be easier to defend. Meanwhile, your

enemies are going to try to stop you from capturing the objective. You will have a good

idea of how many enemies are in the same objective area based on the capture progress shown on

the screen. If A stalemate means that there are an equal number of defenders to attackers

and the capture progress cannot continue. You will start capturing an objective if you

outnumber the enemies that defend it. In the same way, you will start clearing the objective

if you outnumber the enemies that are capturing it. A blocked objective means that there is

an enemy in the area that is preventing you from finalizing the capture, so you have to

find him and kill him.

Not all objectives need to be captured. Some of them need to be destroyed, like weapon

caches for example. There are 2 ways to do this. The first method is to go up to the

objective, then press and hold F. You will rig the weapon cache so that it will explode

later. Once you are done, you will have access to a detonator. Simply move a safe distance

away from the weapon cache, use the detonator, and that will destroy the weapon cache. This

methods are also applicable to Fuel Trucks in Skirmish Mode, with 2 exceptions. You can

actually destroy the fuel truck with weapon fire. This will take too long and your enemies

can stop you before you can cause enough damage. If you press and hold F to rig the Fuel Truck,

you won't get a detonator. Instead, the fuel on the truck will simply be depleted,

and that will effectively disable the objective. The other method of destroying objectives

is to simply use your own explosives to blow it up. This method is usually much quicker

and it will allow you to leave the area before your enemies can react.

Speaking of explosives, all classes have access to at least 1 type of grenade. The game allows

you to throw them in two ways. You can hold the left mouse button and then release it

to throw the grenade far away. Alternatively, you can hold the right mouse button and release

it to throw the grenade just a short distance in front of you. To cook your grenade, simply

hold one of the mouse buttons depending on how far you want to throw it, then click on

the other mouse button to set the grenade live. Release the mouse button that you were

holding before the grenade explodes in your hand.

By the way guys the youtube likes and comments are very helpful to me. If you think that

this video is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to like and post a comment on this

video. If you haven't done so already, then make sure to subscribe. This was FOG of GAMING,

thanks for watching and I will see you in Sandstorm.

For more infomation >> Insurgency Sandstorm TIPS and TRICKS - Duration: 10:03.


ARJANTİN YENİLMEZ TAKTİĞİ | PES 2019 | PES 2018 - Duration: 15:08.

For more infomation >> ARJANTİN YENİLMEZ TAKTİĞİ | PES 2019 | PES 2018 - Duration: 15:08.



For more infomation >> ZEONN UN YENİ ARABASI NI GÖREN FERİTİ DİBİ DÜŞTÜ - Duration: 17:18.


Легкий овощной суп. Понравится всем! - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Легкий овощной суп. Понравится всем! - Duration: 2:28.


On Tour With Mike Williams S02E04 - Italy & Taiwan - Duration: 9:49.

I said to her, if you don't have the cables, we can't do the show.

That other guy reacted suprised.

All these bottles are mine. I do not drink alcohol

Can you give this after the first drop?

We are talking about technical things.

The third CDJ had a cable break

The intro was set on the 2nd or 3rd.

I will test this LG phone. They said that this speaker can be much louder than my iPhone.

I'm going to test it out.

Let's turn on Mike Williams on Track.

Takes a while...

Shoutout to Michelle, you have to cut it.

I think it is louder.

You can also boost the brightness, handy for the sun

The phone has also a Google assistant, that works better than Siri.

When you're filming something and you press the screen, you can see what it is.

For example you see a chair, then you can immediately order a chair that looks like it.

For more infomation >> On Tour With Mike Williams S02E04 - Italy & Taiwan - Duration: 9:49.


10 Websites with Free Stuff for Traders & Investors - Duration: 9:48.

10 Websites with Free Stuff for Traders & Investors with David Moadel

hey everybody welcome to looking at the

markets with David Modell I thought I

would do a roundup of ten websites

chock-full of free stuff I am NOT being

paid to make this video by any of these

websites I just thought I would help you

guys out by showing you some cool free

resources on these websites and let me

give a big thanks to these websites for

providing free materials I'm always

trying to help you guys out alright

we're gonna start with a super cool guy

mr. Gregory Mannarino he is the Robin

Hood of Wall Street and if you go to

traders choice dotnet and all the

website addresses will be right here at

the top traders choice net it's got a

bunch of free stuff on here he's just a

super super cool guy and he's got all

kinds of video blogs here and he's got a

chat here where you can chat with people

and I like all the cool charts he's got

there with the dollar and the bonds

markets swing trading chart just a bunch

of stuff and that's just the first page

all right this guy's technical analysis

here and let's see if we could find him

there he is the man himself

Gregory Mannarino everything you need to

rip the markets face off in one place I

like it alright so there's that one and

then we've got dake de Carli trading de

ce AR le y de Carli trading it is from

ms Carli garner she is a super nice

person and you can learn to trade

commodity futures and options for free

on here not too bad de Carli trading

futures options integrity I like it you

can sign up you got a free trial of the

newsletter why not check it out it's

pretty cool she's really really smart

she's into the options futures

commodities markets and also free videos

on there as well that you can view and

articles and

choosing a commodity brokerage firm how

to get yourself a low commission rate

all that stuff the truth about futures

commissions and check out her books if

you get a chance good stuff alright next

one wealth research group dot-com this

features mr. Lee our Gant's is very

smart a very smart individual he travels

around a lot he meets with some very

well-known people in the financial

community CEOs presidents of companies

and corporations and he brings this

knowledge with special reports articles

all kinds of cool stuff why not check

these out they're free highly

recommended and you can join the

newsletter as well here's another one

crush the street comm that is featuring

mr. Kenneth imadori super nice guy super

smart guy you can put your email address

in get the free newsletter check out all

the free articles there's some videos on

there breaking news and free reports

high conviction reports he calls him

here they are here are some of those

reports good stuff next one future money

trends dot-com and that's featuring mr.

Daniel Amadori and we've got wealth

articles trend videos reports free

reports all free why not check them out

and they have a newsletter as well you

can sign up for at the top of the page

next one portfolio wealth all

about gold and the dollar or in the

economy and the markets and crypto

currencies you might even see marijuana

stocks in there you never know what you

got to see on there because you got to

see everything good stuff

finance articles newsletter you can sign

up cost you nothing free reports


good stuff learn about dividends

retirement wealth high yielding stocks

all that good stuff now here's one that

don't be fooled it's called pure

blockchain wealth calm but it's not just

about the blockchain they talk about

other things too but there are a lot of

blockchain and cryptocurrency

articles and reports just put your email

in but it's all free wealth articles

interviews top tier reports videos

dividend articles good stuff here's

another one I think you'll like a lot

rich TV hey that's from my

friend in Canada mr. rich from rich TV

live there is looking sharp wearing a

suit and man there's a lot of stuff on

here sure you got riches picks he also

has a whatsapp group you can ask him

about that on the website he's got his

pics right there look at that pretty

cool and his pics do really really well

free videos free podcast top stories all

kinds of stuff you can enter your email

address to join the community at rich TV

and at the top

he's got stock resources news resources

crypto currencies where can you buy them

coinbase spit recs

all those icos travel sports and you can

contact them right there here's one and

I want to thank Jonathan for this one if

you're listening thanks appreciate it

for bringing this to my attention

pattern trapper pattern trapper comm and

actually if you go to the home page I'll

show you the page that I I think is

interesting if you go to pattern trapper

comm and then go to trend trader reports

and this one's kind of interesting I

cannot guarantee the accuracy of of

these trend readings or not but

they have trend readings bullish or

bearish for all these things the the

major indexes currencies bonds livestock

grains energy metals foods and fiber

even orange juice is OJ gonna go up or

down right and orange juice sugar cocoa

coffee cotton all kinds of stuff what's

the trend is it bullish or bearish so

that's that's kind of interesting again

I don't know how accurate these are I

would have to back test or forward test

these to really be able to tell you but

I just think it's cool that's free but

you know do your own due diligence make

sure that those really are accurate

before you place any trades and here's

another one that I discovered recently

wall mine calm wal wal mine calm it kind

of reminds me of Finn viscom but it

seems like people already know about

Finn viscom so this is kind of an

alternative to it it's got some

similarities it's got the heat map there

it's got the news here I think it's

pretty cool though it's just a different

layout than Finn vis it's a nice

alternative stock market overview

recently viewed ones you can check the

sector's really quickly top gainers top


these ones went up a lot these ones went

down a lot look out unusual volume

insider selling that's kind of

interesting insider buying and they have

a screener a stock screener and a

cryptocurrency screener by the way they

also have and I recently featured this

in a video about screeners you can check

that out

cool stuff all right so these are ten

free resources I hope you enjoyed this

and if you want to thank me what you can

do is subscribe to my channel if you

want to if you haven't done it already

and hit that Bell on YouTube so you can

receive the latest updates on my youtube

videos and please give this video a

thumbs up on YouTube and leave a comment

which of these do you like or do you

have a free a website with free stuff on

it free resources that people might

enjoy tell me about it maybe I'll make

another video

like this another ten what do you think

would you like that cool and I also help

people put together trading and

investing plans you can contact me for

help with that anytime my email address

is David Modell at thank you

so much for watching and listening I'll

talk to you again soon


but you

For more infomation >> 10 Websites with Free Stuff for Traders & Investors - Duration: 9:48.


Babblarna - Malarbok Diddi - Video Malarbok - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Babblarna - Malarbok Diddi - Video Malarbok - Duration: 2:31.


How To Make Water Pumps And Beverages Automatically At Home With Cardboard - Duration: 10:08.

How To Make Water Pumps And Beverages Automatically At Home With Cardboard

For more infomation >> How To Make Water Pumps And Beverages Automatically At Home With Cardboard - Duration: 10:08.


yOu rAn oUt oF CaSh - Duration: 0:08.

"Spend all your money,"

"-You ran out of cash."

"-Now do everyone a favor, and get lost."


For more infomation >> yOu rAn oUt oF CaSh - Duration: 0:08.


Славянская мифология: Обдериха - банный дух - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Славянская мифология: Обдериха - банный дух - Duration: 6:33.


MV Agusta Turismo Veloce SCS [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 12:12.

Hey everyone, today we're in Schiranna at MV Agusta to test the new Turismo Veloce 800 with some big updates, it's the SCS

it means that it features the Smart Clutch system and, as you can see, there's a transparent clutch cover

here are some other news, even though the design is still the same, butit now complies to Euro 4 laws, decreasing the mechanical sound and the pollution

there are new cylinders' heads of this 800 cc engines, there's a new shift and new electronics, it's more reliable

it still has an output of 110 HP at10,150 RPM and 80 Nm at 7,100 RPM, with over the 90% of torque power availavle at 3,500 RPM, which is really good

There's still the same trellis inox frame, semi active suspensions made by Sachs on the lusso version, with standard set ups depending on the riding mode or on the load

then there's a couple of floating 320mm discs with a radial Brembo caliper

at the rear there's a 220 mm disc with a single piston caliper

overall, this bike is pretty small, with very big side cases, which have a load size of over 30 litres, you can fit in them 2 xl full face helmets but they're less wide than the handlebar, which is very useful in town

the finishes are extremely well done, the plastcs are very well done and wellassembled

The TFT cockpit is really nice with many info, really easy to use and to understand, I'll show you later how to change the set up, such as ABS, TC and all the info

this cockpit can be linked to your smartphone through Bluetooth. On your Iphone you can also download an app to see all the trip info

Ok, so I'm turning it on and here we are, it's very easy and the clutch is smooth, everything is managed by the electronics

like the 2017 model is very comfortable, comfortable for those tall between 170 and 180 cm, but pay attention that it's pretty tall from the ground

the windscreen can be set up on different positions, the switches are placed well, making the navigation very easy, the cokcpit is fullof info, you'll have to get used to it

as you can see, I'm not using the clutch to take off since there's the quickshift

the Sachs semi- active suspensions have just a manual set up for the preload, both at the front and the rear

the engine is really goo, powerful enough with a nice sound and a great clutch

what I don't really like is the downshifting which is pretty hard, but this is a new bike, anyway this bike is really good for touring

this bike is pretty expensive: 21,500 euro, but it has many good features and it's good to ride

this version is 1,500 euro more expensive than the standard Lusso version without the SCS, but I think that it's worth it even though it's notfundamental

I just took off in 3rd gear without any problem

4th gear, 5th gear and now 6th gear running at 39 kph and it has a great pick up, very smooth

here we are, what can we say, this bike is expensive, but it's very well done, especially with the SCS package, which runs very well

let me know if you have any question, see you soon!

For more infomation >> MV Agusta Turismo Veloce SCS [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 12:12.


Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Oddbods en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Oddbods en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 10:45.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante de Zak Storm em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante de Zak Storm em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:29.


Pacman vs Police Car for Kids to Learn Colors - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Pacman vs Police Car for Kids to Learn Colors - Duration: 2:17.


Jewish Illuminated Books in Medieval Germany (1) - Duration: 1:25:35.

For more infomation >> Jewish Illuminated Books in Medieval Germany (1) - Duration: 1:25:35.


Asthma Attack | When to Go to the E.R. - Duration: 2:01.

We're going to talk about what happens when

you come to the emergency department with an asthma exacerbation, and by

exacerbation I mean a flare-up or worsening of your typical asthma symptoms.

First, prior to ever coming, you should have a conversation with your child's doctor about their asthma

and when they should come to the emergency department. Hopefully, if your child has a

diagnosis of asthma, they should have what's called an asthma action plan

which is a document given to you by your regular doctor or your pulmonologist

that describes what to do when they're having different asthma symptoms.

Somewhere on that plan should be what happens if they have an exacerbation and

need to come to the emergency department.

If you get to a point where you feel like your child needs emergency care for

their asthma definitely come right in because asthma can get pretty bad pretty

quickly. You don't want to wait if they're having symptoms. Once you get to

the emergency department with asthma, what typically happens? They'll be put in

a room like any other emergency patient. Their vital signs will be taken and they

may be asked to do something specific to asthma such as pulmonary function

testing where they blow into a tube and different things are measured. They'll

most likely be given a breathing treatment right away unless they just

had one at home. They'll probably be given a steroid medicine, Prednisone or

Orapred, unless they just had that at home. Depending on how severe their

asthma exacerbation is, they'll likely be given more breathing treatments and they

may even need some additional medications either by mouth or through

an IV. If their asthma exacerbation is not getting better pretty quickly in the

emergency department, then they will have to stay in the hospital overnight or

perhaps even longer, so if you're coming to the emergency department with asthma,

consider that you may have to stay overnight in the hospital and be

prepared for that. If you ever have any questions about whether or not to come

to the emergency department, you can always call your doctor's helpline and

speak to registered nurses about that, but if you're ever in doubt just come to

the emergency department where we see a lot of asthma and are always very

prepared to take care of that.

For more infomation >> Asthma Attack | When to Go to the E.R. - Duration: 2:01.


Mahada Gagana Thale | Chandana Liyanarachchi | Sinhala Songs Listing - Duration: 4:02.

Mahada Gagana Thale | Chandana Liyanarachchi

Subscribe For The Best Sinhala Songs

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