Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 31 2018

S1mple finally did it. After winning ESL one cologne, the Ukrainian superstar

finally took home one of the most iconic tournaments in Counter-Strike.

One of the most legendary organizations in

counter-strike has struggled in recent years, but cologne put Na'Vi in the

conversation as one of the best teams in the world.

Navi won ESL one cologne 2018 with

a truly dominant performance losing only four maps in the tournament with players

such as electronic and edward playing to their potential.

If Navi wants to make a deep run at the

FACEIT London major, this team must play to its best ability and perform as a cohesive

unit rather than just relying on the star power of S1mple.

For more infomation >> Na'Vi Win ESL One Cologne, Come Alive in 2018 | Top CSGO Moments of 2018 - Duration: 1:45.


3 façons d'ACTIVER les POINTS DE PRESSION [Kyusho Jitsu] - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 3 façons d'ACTIVER les POINTS DE PRESSION [Kyusho Jitsu] - Duration: 2:50.


PLAN WITH ME | September 2018 Bullet Journal Setup - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> PLAN WITH ME | September 2018 Bullet Journal Setup - Duration: 5:52.


Kendinin ışığı ol! [Motivasyon Videosu] - Türkçe Alt Yazılı - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Kendinin ışığı ol! [Motivasyon Videosu] - Türkçe Alt Yazılı - Duration: 2:58.


Taccom Magpul Nylon Forearm Strap - Duration: 7:08.


well hello folks this is Yamil Sued for Gun Stock Reviews and we are here at

the Dillon Precision studios in Scottsdale Arizona and last year we did

a video on a solution using Magpul parts on the Remington TAC 14 for your hand

guard to keep your hand in place a lot of people said that they would like to

see a strap instead of the solution I had with the two little hooks so you

know what you ask and you shall receive so our friends from Taccom sent us

their solution is a strap that goes on bolted on to the M lock slots on the

bottom of the handguard. Clint Smith from Thunder ranch said that if you don't

have a strap on your hand guard on either the Tac 14 or the Mossberg shock

wave you there's a possibility that you're going to throw your hand

downrange and that's gonna ruin your whole weekend so let's not do that

let's go ahead and attach the strap onto this handguard the first thing I'm going to

do to make it a whole lot easier for this process is I'm going to remove the

handguard from the firearm so I am going to things

first I'm going to remove the handguard from the firearm doesn't have a barrel

on so we don't have a problem of it being loaded

I am using the Magpul tool

we're going to remove the castle nut that attaches to handguard on

we have the hand guard in our hands now so let's go ahead and firmly

attach this this is going to go sort of like so in here

my hands are not that

big so I'm going to attach it like so

so that's going to be good enough we're

going to start with the inside the inside screws first Taccom sells all

this, sends all this really cool stuff with it screws and washers and detents

that actually go on the inside one cool thing is this a little rail inside here

of the handguard that you can put your retainer like that and it'll be really

easy for you to move them back and forth and adjust them to where you want your

strap to go this is going to help you a whole lot to adjust your strap to your

more comfortable position and remember be very patient while doing this because

you're going to be sliding these things around until you get it to the most

comfortable position for your hand so do one screw first adjust it don't tighten

it too much and then go to the second screw then once the first and second

screw are done you can put your third and fourth

remember don't tighten him too much first because you're gonna be sliding

them around until you get the most comfortable spot for your hands so

there's gonna be a lot of trial and error or where you want your strap to be

until you get to the correct I think this one for me is going to be

it I don't need it too small my hands are medium-sized so we're gonna be

this is going to be just about perfect

once you get your size you start by sort of

slightly tightening up your inside screws

and then you start putting the

outside ones remember to use the enclose washers to make sure you get a better

grip on the nylon on the straps and attach my last one

okay this is where the back and forth will start

okay folks there you have it it's ready to go

the only thing that needs to happen is we're gonna put it back on the firearm

and this is going to give you enough play for it not to be too tight but it's

gonna be able to keep that hand from going in front of that muscle and

getting your hand downrange which is really like I said

before gonna ruin your whole weekend so let's put it back together

reverse the process and you're ready to go I've always say never over tighten

your parts I doubt that this will get loose but just tighten it by hand

that should be it ready to put to put it back together and go to the range we have the

Taccom strap installed on your TAC 14 stay tuned to gun stock reviews for more

videos on the TAC 14 project and more products from Taccom we got a couple

more to do for you

thank you for watching for watching Gun stock Reviews

please visit our website at

please visit our Patreon Page at

your contributions will be greatly appreciated


For more infomation >> Taccom Magpul Nylon Forearm Strap - Duration: 7:08.



For more infomation >> ZULA AVRUPA-OTOPARKTA DSR-1 İLE ADAMLARI DELİRTMECE!!! - Duration: 12:34.



Hello guys it's Remus here and last year we checked the rarest and least played champions

in the game at the time, but since many things happen like buffs or nerfs or even reworks,

Aatrox and Urgot both were on that list and are not anymore among other changes, so let's

see how the stats look like for season 8!

There's also a new RP giveaway on this video so be sure to leave a like, hit the bell and

subscribe and leave a comment!

Alright, let's get back to our lovely champions, I'm going to show about 1 minute of gameplay

from diamond+ level matches of each champion to see how top players perform with those

champions even if they are not very popular with the general population of the players.

At number 10 there is Viktor with a pick rate of about 2.3%, with nerfs happening to him

and items like Rylai that Viktor really relied on, he's not doing so great, there's also

an ultimate bug that makes it dissapear if he dies and that should not happen, plus there

are other mages or assassins that are stronger and easier to play, as well as the need to

play him with ghost.

Elise is next with a 2.1% pick rate, the problem with her might be that she's a bit too complicated,

you need a lot of mechanical skill to play her right, do clean combos and land your skills

reliable and in the correct order, to know when to use her human and when to use her

spider form as well as the right place to go up and on what to come back down, similar

to Azir, that I consider to probably be the hardest champion in the game, she takes a

lot of skill and practice to master and most people aren't ready for that much of a commitment

or they are afraid of spiders.

Kayle takes the next spot with the same 2.1% pick rate, though we got good news here since

she just got announced for a rework that will keep her essence but improve on, that should

take her out of this list next year, I like the duality of going ranged with a spell but

most people find her simplicity rather boring or high risk on lane, since it's quite hard

to win on top against most of the currently top picks with her, but her rework should

fix most of her setbacks in the near future.

Number 7 is taken by Kalista with about a 2% pick rate and 45% win rate, same as Elise

I think the problem is that she's quite complicated, especially in lower ranks where people have

no idea how or when to use her ultimate or to keep jumping around properly and there

are lots more easier or stronger ADCs that you can pick, plus she received some nerfs

over the years, the biggest one was her range nerf, and she really depends on having a great

support and if you are not premade with them most people aren't going to try their luck,

but at least she's great at kiting and securing objectives.

Moderkaiser only has a 1.5% pick rate now, after a quite strong rework he received a

few years ago when they added him the option to steal the dragon and he became one of the

god tier picks on bot, he got nerfed quite hard and ever since became a super rare pick.

He is also quite a weird pick, started top and now he's a more bot champion and most

people don't know how or where to play him or against him, but he's also confirmed to

be reworked next year so hopefully he's going to become great again and improve his great

concept even more, maybe he'll be able to steal your socks as well.

Kog'Maw got nerfed a lot after being a very very strong pick for a while, he was one of

the best ADCs, raining fire, or puke on everyone with Guinsoo and Runnan, but he was shut down

by Riot and he went down a lot in pick rates and win rates ever since, he could still do

well now in late game but he and his support will probably be destroyed in early game and

he might not even see late game or get to build his core items before it's too late

for the team.

Corki was never a super popular champion, but now he's in his worst state, he didn't

get much love from Rito for years and with the passive changes and the crit removal on

trinity he's even worse than before now, and same as Kalista, there are other ADCs that

do better than him, yet he can work on mid as well since he has nice roam potential but

he's still not that great there as well.

Skarner is still one of the least played champions after all this time, with about 1.2% pick


I've always found him a quite weird and boring champion, even after so many changes and his

dominion style passive, he's not very good and feels a bit awkard to play, even if played

well he can be a great pick, especially in pro play, but if there is a champion that

deserves a full visual and gameplay rework that upgrades what is already interesting

about his current kit, I think it's him.

The second place is taken by Rek'Sai with a 1.1% popularity rate, with many changes

happening to her, the biggest was the ultimate rework that completly modified her play style

as well as an uncertanty of the build, should you go tanky or AD and what jungle item to

pick from warriors or cinderhulk and her W not doing an AOE knock up anymore, making

her not very great in teamfights.

She lost her great map pressure and ever since was not the same.

Last year Skarner was number one and Ivern number 2, when he was even newer, but now

Ivern fell down as the least played champion in the game, with barely 1% pick rates and

almost 47% win rate.

Though I think his kit is interesting, especially not having to actually fight monsters in the

jungle, he is very vulnerable to invades and not really good in 1v1 situations, having

to also rely on Daisy's AI and he's basically a support in the jungle, you need to count

on your team to do well and try to help as you can, but he's super squishy and not that


And that's it again for the rarest champions in League of Legends at the moment, be sure

to check out my videos about the rarest skins, ward skins, items and summoner icons as well

as the most popular ones, thanks a lot for watching, subscribe and leave a like if you

are new here or I will eat your nose and I'll see you soon, bye bye!

For more infomation >> TOP 10 RAREST/UNPOPULAR CHAMPIONS IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 2018 - Duration: 10:03.


LATELY NEWS vom 31. August 2018 | Die LATELY SHOW mit Florian Strzeletz - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> LATELY NEWS vom 31. August 2018 | Die LATELY SHOW mit Florian Strzeletz - Duration: 3:55.


5 Types of men that attract more women - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 5 Types of men that attract more women - Duration: 3:01.


J2- SPNNC 2018 (parte 2) Cuando el show acabe (sub.español) - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> J2- SPNNC 2018 (parte 2) Cuando el show acabe (sub.español) - Duration: 4:56.





Flywheel VS Flex Plate | Monster Transmission - Duration: 2:33.

hi welcome to monster transmission

you're with Curt on you're in Kurt's

corner today we're going to go over

what's the difference between a flex

plate and a flywheel a lot of people

think it's not much different

well there are major differences

flywheels designed for standard

transmissions it's a very thick steel

plate just like this one here

and this is where the pressure plate and

clutch assembly for a standard

transmission will ride and go and the

clutch will ride against this surface so

you have a standard transmission when

you manually shift it you depress the

clutch so you can shift gears when you

release the clutch pedal it actually

will apply the clutch to this plate and

also to the pressure plate so allow the

standard transferring to engage in gear

then automatic is totally different an

automatic does not use a flywheel it

uses what's called a flex plate flex

plate because it does exactly that it

flexes it's designed to actually flex

under loads and torque so it's much

thinner it's only maybe a quarter inch

steel verse over an inch and it's

designed as the engine rotates spinning

at or covert or full of fluid then the

flex plate can flex and allow that mass

to continue spinning because with a

standard you depress the clutch you

disengage the transmission or you put

the transmission in neutral on automatic

it stays in gear but the car is not

moving and that's because the converters

using the stall speed to absorb that

energy yet the engine is still in gear

the transmission is still in gear the

engine is rotating and the converter can

flex that mass that it's spinning so a

flex plate is designed to flex and it's

for all automatics have a flex plate

standard transmissions have a flywheel

so if you need to understand what those

two are that's the basic scenario from

the 1950s on up up to current date fly

wheels are on standard transmissions and

flex plates are you

on automatic transmissions if you have

any further technical questions feel

free to give us a call call us here at

Monster 1-800 seven oh eight zero zero

eight seven whenever a text would be

glad to talk to you see you then

For more infomation >> Flywheel VS Flex Plate | Monster Transmission - Duration: 2:33.


How To Manifest Money Quickly: Law of Attraction Of Manifesting Money - Duration: 18:07.

Hi, my name is Eric Michael founder of the Power Life System and today I'm

going to be sharing with you eight simple steps you can do to manifest

money into your life. Even more importantly than manifesting money into

your life I'm going to go deeper, so that the money you manifest ultimately

creates your ideal lifestyle. Before I go into the 8 simple steps, let me share a

little bit about myself and my financial money-making background. I started my

first business at the age of 16 and since then I went on, I graduated from

the University of California, San Diego in Computer Engineering and that went on.

I started various different other businesses. I've done that consistently

over a period of time. My initial focus was on the money, manifest more money,

have more money and I was successful at that . Very quickly I had made my

first million. I had achieved a lot of the financial goals the home, the luxury car

and things like that. Then I started having a lot of issues people

coming into my life that ultimately caused a lot of problems losing a lot of

money a lot of stress a lot of headache and a lot of things that I would never

desire for anybody else and so through that process I identified a new focus a

focus on having a greater mission life and creating my ideal lifestyle and

instead of focusing on the money I'm now focused on how can we make a more

positive impact in the world how can we do more things for the the individuals

and the teams and different companies so I've gone from basically focusing some

money to manifesting the money to losing a lot of the money having a lot of the

issues to now focusing on the mission and the passion and making things better

for everyone and yes the businesses are going great

on the financial side and yes I every day my life sells more and more aligning

with what I most desire in terms of where I am what I'm doing who I'm doing

it with the quality of people the quality of the team and being more more

excited and passionate about the missions and the things we're doing so

there's an higher type of fulfillment that goes on

around it so I realize that you may be at this moment you just need an extra

$100 or $200 or a thousand or you want to make your first million or your first

X million whatever it is I've been that I've gone through that process and I'm

gonna be sharing with you some some steps that can help you to basically

have it all have the money have the time have the freedom and the flexibility but

more importantly be part of a mission something that you identify that's

really giving you a passion and firing you up so that Law of Attraction steps

in to to help you make it happen and your your ideal lifestyle has been

created as a result of manifesting the money step number one is you can it

doesn't matter what's happened to you what you've done what you haven't done

your education or a quote lack of education or lack of formal education it

doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you're feeling really upbeat or happy or

if you're serious or if you're more outgoing or if you reserved if you're

scared to get on a video the first video I did was for him compared to not that

good quality and how is shaking it doesn't matter and I'm I've improved a

lot and run a path in a journey in Woollett a month will be even better in

six and year it's the same that's it we're green we're growing you're green

too so you can do it you can have the money you desire you can manifest the

money you can't help other people it doesn't matter maybe you're up to your

your you're up to your your your eyes and credit card debt doesn't matter you

can do it I believe in you I have pinned there I've had some serious financial

issues and I've come through them and what I'm gonna be sharing with you or

things that have worked and they can work and I believe when you apply them

they will work for you the second step is to define how much money the first

number that comes in your head and give it a certain date for example today is

April 28th 2018 so I haven't even say it in this way I

have X amount of money by a certain calendar date for example I have 100

million dollars in the bank by April 28th 2019 second it's about one year to

do that identify it you can write it down if you want or just state it out

loud step number three is identify why ask

the question why do you want in this case that million dollars for example an

individual is asked well why do you want this million dollars and you said well

so that I can buy a big house I said why well so that I have a lot of space why

do you want a lot of space well so I feel good about myself why do you want

to feel good about yourself well because so I can attract this this beautiful

exotic woman into my life and I go okay and he continued saying yeah be and then

we would be able to walk on the beach together holding hands have romantic

dinners on the the porch behind and we'd be so happy we would have our kids and

our family and we look out and see the ocean and feel so peaceful and then we

ask why and when he says well I'd feel loved I feel fulfilled I'd feel complete

in my life okay oh I fantastic so we've identified that the most important

things for you are to feel loved to feel complete to feel got freedom it sounds

like you like to feel the energy of nature and you like to feel connected in

connection are we right so do the same steps for yourself identify which were

the core feelings what are the court relying deep foundational elements that

you want to experience in your life and that your initially your your your

associating right now with this quantity of money and now let's identify what are

you truly desiring to feel as a result of experiences that you would perceive

you'd have with the money step number four is we're going to go even deeper

now we've identified the feelings you most desire to have now we're going to

ask the question is well how would each day be in week and month to maximize

these feelings in your life I'll repeat how each day be week month to maximize

these feelings in your life so we've identified these feelings in this

example right of connection of love of appreciation connection peace equanimity

from the nature and the ocean that this individual desires to experience so now

we can start out ask what would each day be like the ideal day the ideal

lifestyle that would maximize these feelings and he thinks about it and he

says well okay I wake up in the morning and someone would prepare a really

healthy breakfast for myself and my partner and it would be fruit a fresh

omelet with from he's chicken a free-range chickens and fresh exotic

fruits I had some beautiful music on and then we'd eat it out on the the deck

overlooking the ocean and then maybe back with my partner we would go back

and have some fun with the fruit alone and then then we would go and we would

train together and in a beautiful gym overlooking the ocean they'd be good for

a quick ocean swim to enjoy the energy of the water and then it's really

important for us or for me and he says to contribute so he would he would

record some videos read some blog posts to help other people achieve more what

they want in their life and his his specific area passion is helping people

be healthy or lose way be more fit and and he says yeah that

would just make him feel so good and connected and loved and he continues it

says yeah then I'd we get together to watch the sunset with some close friends

who are also really doing something to help other people in their lives and it

would be such an incredible feeling being with them of connection of love

and great ideas coming and then he just made me once a once a week we would go

out at night to a dancing love to hear music and dance together so what he's

done is what you're going to do to is you're gonna identify what kind of what

precise lifestyle would you have every single day and you can include things

that you do maybe weekly or monthly to maximize the feelings that you desire

most in your life the step number five is identify the financial requirement

doing some research keeping the whole world potentially as

an option if you so desire or we're in whatever country live to have to

maximize your ideal lifestyle your ideal days for example there is an individual

he was a nightclub designer in New York and he went he visited then he decided

to live in Tulum Mexico which has some of the most beautiful beaches and build

his own Resort Hotel and I think now he's really enjoying himself they're a

lot more relaxed ideal it living his ideal lifestyle with Emily his

girlfriend or his wife and then another couple they were both very successful

chiropractors and and they're looking each 160 80 hours a week they barely saw

each other he was really overweight and they decided they identified their ideal

lifestyle and they moved to Costa Rica and are living a beautiful I mean

they're so happy there he's lost a lot of weight he looks great a lot younger

and basically they're living their ideal lifestyle or very economically and

obviously at to Tulum too well he built a hotel so obviously there was an

investment there but in close Rico's very little per month so there's

a lot of different options when you open up yourself up to the world or if you

want to open yourself up to your own country that's fine too so do some

research on Google and identify how much money would it really require to have

what for you is your ideal days and then obviously the things you do weekly and

monthly step number six is now we're going to redefine our manifestation

statement based on what we've identified in the research to ultimately give you

truly what you most desire for example in the individual who is has the hotel

in Tulum we would define it saying I have a successful fun enjoyable hotel in

Tulum making other people feel so loved with my having my ideal lifestyle every

single day by a certain date and with a certain income by certain days in other

words we need to find that we have in the present by certain dates and be

detailed about what it is for you that your lifestyle is for the couple who

went to Costa Rica it could be rooted as

we're living our ideal days in Costa Rica with an ongoing income of X

thousand dollars per month by a certain date so now we're this for yourself

based on what it is that into the financial requirement as well as adding

in some detail about what it is you're the money would be creating for you for

your lifestyle step number seven is now we're going to manifest this into your

life before I share the manifestation steps I'm going to say that this has

resulted in millions of dollars of additional income more time more

happiness improved health so treat these as so very valuable these steps I'm

going to be sharing with you now go to a place that is quiet where you can relax

even deeper now maybe in nature on the beach or where you feel really

comfortable and now what you're going to do is you're going to relax first place

your attention on your head your neck and continuing to feed and allow each

part of your body to relax even deeper now feel the relaxation deepening more

and more as a gentle wave continues from your head to your feets and your feet to

your head and now give thanks for everything in your life focusing even

more on a financial area every single cent you've earned everything that you

have your shirt your clothing everything you can think of you thanks for it and

extend that to all the other areas of your life as well to be thankful for

everything regardless of its perceived size now radiate

positive infinite energy to people around you you can start with radiating

positive financial abundance because you're radiating and you're so filled

with positive financial abundance that you can radiate it to other people and

those people find that they're making more money and manifesting the money

that they most desire even faster in their lives as well

continue radiating positive energy to them in all different areas of your life

and your financial spiritual enjoyment health everything and as you do your

energy radiates even more intensely you can visualize it you're radiating a

white light even glowing even brighter and effecting positively more and more

people because the more we give the more we receive now visualize yourself

already experiencing everything that you most desire with a focus and an emphasis

on the financial things that you've defined for yourself

you're living your ideal day you're doing everything from the morning until

the evening that you most desire see yourself you can see yourself in a third

person or you can see through your own eyes you enjoying everything and

everything is going exactly as you most desire now connect with the positive

feelings you have you're living your ideal lifestyle so

you feel happy euphoric joyous and expand to all the other positive

emotions you most feel and others to expand even more and really feel them

and more you feel them now the more your body releases those normal chemicals

like oxytocin which is a feel-good chemical and you experience

more positive nature as well as you're tapping even more into the law of

attraction to manifest what you most desire now we're going to do some quick

affirmations focus on the financial area so repeat after me I manifest into my

life my ideal lifestyle my deal days the easier and easier and more more

naturally by that the date you desired we need to find I have my ideal

lifestyle my ideal days I am earning the amount you've defined by the calendar

dates I help more more people and more and more money comes to me as a result

I'm enjoying more and more of my ideal lifestyle and my financial abundance is

increasing more and more I am a money magnet I am rich I am

successful I'm financially successful and a winner my past is my past and I'm

excited because I've learned from it my present and my future are the best ever

congratulations this like any other skill the more you

do it and the better results you're going to get if you've ever played a

sport for example a basketball I really love my tie well the first day I did it

and I'd look at a video and I compare that to its like six months later or a

year later and the difference is incredible is visibly notable and it's

the same with this in terms of the speed and the acceleration of how fast things

are gonna manifest into your life I recommend you check out my video the

paradox of the law of attraction is it has some really important tips on how to

detach from the results which will accelerate the manifestation even more

and I want to thank you ahead of time for giving the video a thumbs up please

share it email it to a friend or share in facebook or twitter so we can help

other people have more of the lifestyle they want so many people spent the

houses tens the hundreds of thousands of dollars

pursuing certain things that ultimately are not going to bring

them with a most watt so if we can help them identify those things we're going

to make such a positive impact in the world I remember the more you give with

really no expectation of getting something back the more your life is

going to also improve naturally so please share it and subscribe to the

channel so I could share more with you and even

more importantly I thank you ahead of time for leaving a comment below

something you liked about this and that you benefited from as well as what you'd

like me to go into even more detail about so that on the future of videos I

can tailor the content to best serve you lots of love and incredible financial

success for yourself money manifesting money and even more importantly you

raise your lifestyle that will be the result of the money that you manifest I

look forward to seeing you on a future video

For more infomation >> How To Manifest Money Quickly: Law of Attraction Of Manifesting Money - Duration: 18:07.


Exo7 - Réanimation (Prod. by Syndrome) - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Exo7 - Réanimation (Prod. by Syndrome) - Duration: 1:32.


When the timing is PERFECT - Duration: 10:17.

Subscribe channel in discription PewDieaPie 5 . Pewdiepie help me i will help you plz plz plzplzplzplz

For more infomation >> When the timing is PERFECT - Duration: 10:17.


Moving Day - It's Finally Here! - Duration: 5:07.

Hey everyone! Today it's aprons off and

we're doing something totally different

because it's moving da! We are moving to

our new house and we've got a lot of

work ahead of us. I have my favorite

comfy shirt on and this is from my

friends company and she has an amazing

story behind the name of this business.

You guys should check it out. I'll leave

a link below. it's also stylish. Give me a

thumbs up if I'm stylish. Anyways, back to

business. This is basically all of our

possessions right here and I honestly

don't know what's in there because we

haven't touched it for two and a half

years so it's gonna be like Christmas.

Can't wait. All right, but before we do

this, before we tackle this mountain, I

want to take you guys inside and show

you our space. So I want to show you

where we've been for the past two and a

half years. You've already seen our

kitchen because we filmed loads of

videos there but I want to give you a

tour of our space, so let's go.

Alright so here we are -

tada! Just a quick tour, there's not a lot

to see. It really is a quick tour -

my husband's closet and my closet and

I'm not gonna open that door because it

might not close again. And we've got some

artwork from my three year old and this

is the first picture that actually looks

like what she drew and it's super cute

and I'll keep it forever. And this corner

is filled with random things that don't

have anywhere else to be put. And then

we've got our bed and a super romantic

off-center picture of my sisters and I

back in the days of braces...

Let's move on, okay... all right and in this

corner we have the office with a view,

mind you. Actually it's lots of great

light. This is my husband's desk and...

that's my husband's desk. And then over

here we have our entertainment with a

fine antenna. Oh no! Another picture of my

sister's wedding, also very romantic. And

then we have my desk which is a camping

folding table. It's it's a little flimsy

but it's really easy to move around. Okay,

so that is where we've been for the past

two and a half years and I'm grateful

for the space, super grateful. But I'm

also super excited for the new space,

can't wait to show you more. Alright,

let's go pack. Alright, we've got our

first trailer loaded and we are ahead

into the new house. I'm so excited but

I'm also realizing that we have to

unpack everything. Honey, that's gonna

take a while. You gotta do it, you gotta

do, you gotta do what you gotta do.

That's what we're gonna do. At least I'm

here to help. At least you're here to

help. I'm so excited, it's seriously like

it hasn't really set in, the realization

that we're moving today.

It hasn't really hit me yet so, but it is

emotional and I just like, I don't know.

When I start thinking about it... Happy

tears. All right, onward onward driver.

Okay, we're here and we are gonna start

unloading the stuff. Moving is hard work.

I am sweating bullets right now. How are

you doing honey? It is hot, it's like

mid-90s and everything is sticking

to me right. Now we have a ton of work

ahead of us to make this house a home

but every recipe going forward is gonna be

filmed in this kitchen. We're so excited!

Are you excited? We'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Moving Day - It's Finally Here! - Duration: 5:07.


Battle Royale Update (8/31) - Storm Destruction, Vaulting The Revolver and Item Updates - Duration: 2:06.

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another exciting dev update. We're going to dive on in.


So, in 5.40 we have the new concept called "Storm Damage," the basic idea is...

the edge of the storm will do damage to player built structures in the final phases of the game.

Less than 10 percent of our matches are affected by this, or make it that long...

and so we're really trying to tactically adjust the final stages...

to provide a little more dynamic gameplay.

We really look forward to your feedback on this feature, and we're excited to see how it plays out.


In 5.40 we will be vaulting the revolver.

This is part of an initiative to keep the item pool feeling fresh and dynamic.

In the past, you've seen that we've brought back the guided missile...

which was vaulted for a period of time. So an item that was vaulted doesn't necessarily mean...

that it's gone forever.

Using this as an initiative to keep the item pool fresh,

exciting, dynamic, and we'll be targeting future updates, potentially...

season 6 as an opportunity to vault more items.


In addition, in 5.40 we'll be adding a new mobility item.

So, we look forward to creative expression with that.

We're also going to be updating some various balance parameters such as...

item rarity; Remote Explosives rarity is going to increasing from Rare to Epic,

to match its effectiveness.

And we're also going to be making some changes to item stack sizes in their drop rates.

For example, the Boogie Bomb will now be dropping in a stack size of two.

Whereas it was one, previously.

And one of our bigger changes: shields will be adjusted from a maximum stack size of...

two to a maximum stack size of three.

Alright everyone, thanks for tuning in. From everyone here at Epic, we'll see you next time!


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