Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018

Noy Vanneth Best collection, Noy Vanneth Old Songs

For more infomation >> ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត បេះដូងតែមួយ ពិតជាពិរោះរណ្តំ | Noy Vanneth Best collection, Noy Vanneth Old Songs - Duration: 1:07:55.


The Most Frustrating TV Finales Ever Made - Duration: 5:06.

There's nothing like a great TV finale: one conclusive episode which gives a show's characters

and stories - not to mention the viewers who've faithfully followed along - a truly satisfying


Unfortunately, however, there are plenty of finales - often to really great shows - that

just can't stick the landing.

From controversial conclusions to all-out storytelling disasters, these episodes rank

among the most frustrating TV finales ever made.

The Sopranos

A prestige HBO hit which heralded the dawn of television's golden age, The Sopranos

brought the medium to new heights, blurring the long-standing lines between the small

screen and the large.

After six seasons - and countless twists and turns - only one question remained to round

off the show: what would be the fate of Tony Soprano?

The finale's final scene is one of TV's most notorious: Tony, whilst out at dinner,

notices a man walk into the restaurant.

Is he just a fellow diner, or a hitman out for blood?

Are any of the other patrons of the restaurant out to get him?

The tension builds as his family arrives and sits at the table one-by-one, but, just as

the scene appears to be moving towards a climax, the screen abruptly cuts to black.

Tony's fate is left unresolved.

The Sopranos' ending is jarring to say the least, and, while many appreciate its subversive

brilliance, it's hard to not empathize with anybody who doesn't.


Showtime's flagship crime drama had already fallen pretty far off the rails by the time

it came to an end.

At this point, the show had wandered into a bizarre final storyline and managed to botch

the only good thread the show had left to follow - Dexter's terrible secret being discovered.

Instead of any kind of definitive ending for the character, Dexter fakes his own death

and escapes to Oregon, where he begins working as a truck driver.

It was a bizarre, bitter, and inconclusive letdown for the few remaining fans of a once-great



A precursor to some of today's most popular comedies about gangs of horrible people, Seinfeld

built its brand on an uncomfortable kind of humor led by characters far more loathsome

than your typical protagonists.

In the process, it became one of television's most iconic and subversive shows.

The series finale, however, is notorious for all the wrong reasons.

Seinfeld's final episode found Elaine, Jerry, George, and Kramer on trial for laughing at

a man who was being held at gunpoint.

During the trial, every person they've wronged over the course of the series testifies against

them, putting into perspective just how odious each character is.

By the end of the episode, they're all in jail.

A popular series ending with a glorified clip show was a highly unusual move, and the finale

was deeply divisive amongst fans.

Even Seinfeld himself admitted,

"I sometimes think we really shouldn't have even done it."

"Very good, very good.

You know something?

No soup for you!

Come back, one year!


How I Met Your Mother

Kind of spells it all out in the title, doesn't it?

No matter how long the show ran, how many detours it took or how many characters it

followed, it was always going to be the tale of how Ted, the protagonist, met the mother

of his children.

As long as it answered that question in a gripping and believable fashion, viewers were

going to be left happy.

Spoiler alert, though: they weren't.

Rather than take the satisfying route, the show's writers decided to tack on a last-minute

stinger, explaining that the mother passed away shortly before Ted started telling the

story to his kids, who insist that, the whole time, he's actually been in love with his

friend Robin.

"No, this is a story of how you're totally in love with Aunt Robin."

This was a romantic pairing the show had attempted earlier, before Robin moved on and married

Neil Patrick Harris' character Barney.

To make matters worse, the show's creators actually filmed a happier ending, minus the

whole death thing, and for some reason decided to go with this one instead.

It could have been so good.

True Blood

When the entire premise of your show revolves around a single, major choice a character

has to make, you'd better make sure you wrap things up in a satisfying manner.

To say True Blood failed to do this is an understatement.

Anna Paquin's Sookie Stackhouse - the small-town waitress who finds herself wrapped up in the

world of the supernatural - spends the whole series trying to decide where her heart truly


Is it with Bill, the vampiric southern gentleman?

Or with Eric, the icy Nordic vampire lord?

Or maybe she'll end up with Alcide, the jacked werewolf construction worker.

Sookie, as it turned out, ended up with none of the above.

Alcide and Bill are both dead by the time the show has come to an end, while Eric has

just moved on.

Instead, she ends up with... some human dude.

Viewers, predictably, weren't happy.

Can you blame them?

Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful's finale was, in many ways, actually pretty great.

It wrapped up every character arc and convincingly resolved most of the show's plotlines - and

with such a large ensemble cast, it was no easy task.

So why was this episode so frustrating?

Because nobody knew it was a finale.

Some controversy exists as to just why Penny Dreadful ended when it did, but the important

thing to know here is that the show's third season was never marketed as its last.

It was only after the final shot had faded out and the words "The End" appeared on

the screen that viewers realized they'd just seen their last episode, ever.

For the show's many die-hard fans and followers, it was a painful and sudden demise - which,

considering the show in question, does seem like a pretty apt way to end things.

For more infomation >> The Most Frustrating TV Finales Ever Made - Duration: 5:06.


Special feature! Shaolin friends and Kongsuni band play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:42.

Special feature! Shaolin friends and Kongsuni band play | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Special feature! Shaolin friends and Kongsuni band play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:42.


New school performance system in Minnesota - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> New school performance system in Minnesota - Duration: 1:36.


Assassin's Creed: Rogue Announcement Trailer | Magyar Felirat - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed: Rogue Announcement Trailer | Magyar Felirat - Duration: 1:48.


Gatehouse Insights | Interview with Katalin Howell - Duration: 37:27.

(uptempo funky music)

- This episode is a mission to provide you some insight

on leadership and empowering others,

how to become more self-aware as a leader,

building confidence, and gender equality.

This week, I am speaking to Kat Howell,

director at Flow Leadership. (uptempo funky music)

Make sure you subscribe to the Gatehouse Legal Recruitment

YouTube channel to catch it all.

(uptempo funky music)

So, tell us about Flow Leadership and what it is.

- Okay, well, that could take a little while. (laughs)

Flow Leadership actually came around from

research that I was very passionate about.

So I've been working as a leadership development specialist

for quite a few years now and working on a whole range

of programmes from leadership development programmes

to executive coaching, and particularly in my work

at Melbourne Business School as a feedback specialist

using a whole range of different psychometric instruments.

And what I've realised was that over, and over, and over,

the same questions were emerging from all of my clients.

And pretty much everybody wanted to know what is the most

effective leadership style, and what is the best profile

to be most effective as a leader.

And the questions came from everybody at every level,

whether they were emerging leaders or very established,

experienced, leaders, they really wanted to know,

with so many different leadership styles that are out there.

And so many different ways of approaching leadership,

and so much to learn, I really wanted to cut through all

of the literature on the topic and just get to the essence

of which one's most effective,

which one do I need to focus on to be most effective,

most influential, most successful in my leadership role.

So, I found people weren't very satisfied with the response

that actually none of them, and all of them, (laughs)

can be most effective so, my belief is what it comes down

to is if an individual is able to understand

where their strengths lie, and what they have to offer,

and what's required in any situation, to read the context,

and be able to respond appropriately

is how you are most effective.

So, the answer of none of them and all of them is because

it is important to be able to adapt to the situation.

So, to recognise what's required in a situation,

to understand the needs of those that you're working with

and be able to adapt your style to respond to what's

required so, often people think, "Well, hang on.

"Does that mean I have to change myself to be something

"that I'm not to be most effective?"

And it's not that at all, it's learning about yourself,

and knowing where your strengths are,

knowing how you can utilise those strengths to be your

best self in any situation, so.

- What got you most in the world of leadership

and I suppose helping others?

- I started many years ago as an undergraduate

psychology student so I study both psychology and education.

And I started out teaching psychology.

And then moved into a range of different roles.

I was a school psychologist for a few different schools,

and worked in private practise for a number of years.

Went back to education as a tertiary lecturer

for about six years.

I started out lecturing on the normal,

you know, psychology-101 sort of classes.

So, development psychology and counselling skills.

And I became more and more drawn to more business-oriented

subjects so I lectured in organisational behaviour,

particularly interested in conflict management.

And interpersonal communication was another area

that I was lecturing in, and it became really apparent

that those core subjects of the conflict,

the communication, and the organisational behaviour

lent themselves really well to the leadership development

area so, I started working on leadership development

programmes, started actually with Victoria Police

about 15 years ago, and I was running stress-management

programmes to start with, and looking at effective coping

strategies for workplace stress.

Which was, as you can imagine,

a big topic with Victoria Police,

kept me very busy for a couple of years.

And then I joined Melbourne Business School,

and worked on the leadership development programmes,

which I've been doing for about 12 years now.

And became an executive coach and a feedback specialist

in a whole range of different psychometric instruments.

- That's incredible.

In terms of, I suppose for lawyers

or people within the legal profession,

at what point in their career should they start

to learn their leadership skills?

- I would say..

Ideally, it is a topic I'd like to see

introduced in secondary schools.

I think it's never too early, the core skills

of self-awareness, and developing confidence in self,

and feeling empowered are really essential skills

that I would love to see taught right from secondary school

levels so there's no stage I would say it's too early.

And leadership, I believe, it's not a position.

It's not an authority or status that you've been handed

because of your role.

Leadership is an activity that anybody can engage in.

So, through the way you interact with others,

how true you are to yourself and the work that you seek

to do well, and your ability to communicate effectively

with others, to influence in a positive way,

to seek out beneficial changes that you might actually

be able to bring about for yourself, for your team,

for the organisation, any person in any position

is able to engage in those activities.

So, leadership begins with the self at any level.

- Do you think, 'cause we often hear,

"I don't have the skills, or that's not my personality

"to be a leader," do you think

it's innate in us or do you think leadership skills,

and characteristics can be learned, and developed over time?

- I'd be out of work if they couldn't be learned. (laughs)

So absolutely, they can. (laughter)

Absolutely can be learned, there are certain

characteristics that will be innate

in certain personality types that lend themselves

more favourably to leadership styles.

So people who have often,

a more extroverted personality type

who are able to speak up, speak out,

have more presence, command people to listen to their views,

are seen to be more naturally suited to leadership roles.

But I've spent a lot of time working with people,

particularly with more introverted personality types

to build their confidence in themselves to be heard,

and to ensure that they are empowered to command

the attention of those in the room that people will learn

that it is worth giving them the time to listen to what

they have to say, more introverted personality types

need to process their thoughts, they need to think before

they can say, more extroverted personality types,

they just start talking and tell you what they're thinking

while they're thinking it so you get a lot more in terms

of quantity, more extroverted persons thought processes.

Although, if you wait to hear what the more introverted

personality type has to say, it's more thought through

and you will only get the end result of that thought

process, not the whole process along the way.

It's difficult sometimes for the more

introverted personality types to be able to

respond in the moment though,

because they need that processing time to get the clarity

of their thoughts before they can verbalise those thoughts.

So if they're able to plan ahead, prepare for any meeting

that they're having, anything that they want to ensure

that they have the visibility, they are going to be heard.

If they can get the meeting agenda beforehand to make sure

they know what topics are going to be discussed,

think through what they might be able to contribute

on that topic, ensure that they have the clarity in their

mind before they step into the meeting,

in the moment, they'll be ready to go.

And they'll be able to be heard and say exactly what they

want, and that will avoid those walks down the hallway,

back to your office after the meeting going,

"Oh, that's what I should've said.

"I wish if only I'd had that moment again."

So, it's understanding differences and looking at where

your strengths lie, and how you can absolutely capitalise

on those strengths to shine where you have the opportunity

or create the opportunity if it doesn't readily present

itself but also understanding when your style is not going

to be the most effective or it's not going to get you

the result that you'd hope for in the moment.

And figure out, how do I then approach the situation

to be as effective as I can be.

So if you know that you're a very introverted personality

type and you are going into an important meeting

where you really need to make an impression,

do your homework beforehand, preparation,

and you'll be ready in the moment.

So, and it's also important to realise that

the more extroverted personality types, uh...

sometimes too visible. (laughs)

Sometimes need to filter and not to express every thought

that they have in the moment, sometimes think things through

before they speak, and ensure that what they say

is exactly what they'd like to communicate to their audience

so it's learning about when does this style work for you?

And when would it be more beneficial to adapt your style?

- For an introvert, say if they're caught off-guard,

and they needed to attend a meeting without preparing or

planning, what suggestions would you give them to help them

get through that meeting so that they're okay during it?

- Positive self-talk, so it's really, really important,

the messages that you send yourself are going to prepare you

for how you behave, and how you respond in any situation,

so, the meeting might've just been sprung on you,

and you might have been told,

"Okay, great, so-and-so is here, can you jump in,

"we'd love to hear your thoughts on such and such,"

and you might feel like, (screams)

"I don't know, I haven't thought it through,

"I don't know what to say."

As you're walking in, do a little mental checklist.

"Okay, what do I know about this person?

"What do I know about that topic, what might they want

"to hear from me, what can I contribute?"

If I really don't know what I can contribute,

what's a really intelligent question

that I can ask to show that I'm thinking about this,

I'm interested, this topic is important to me.

How can I engage with this person in a meaningful way

to have them open up and share information

that will be useful for me, that I can then respond to?

So, just mentally prepare yourself as you're literally

walking the 10 metres to the meeting room,

just in your mind think about, "Okay, how can

"I be most effective in this situation?"

- And you touched on self-awareness before.

How important is self-awareness in leadership,

and how does someone become more self-aware?

- It is absolutely essential, it's a foundation of every

leadership programme that I ever run.

To be self-aware, you need to

understand the impact that you have

on other people around you.

People who have very, very strong preferences

in personality types or characteristics.

Their traits are so ingrained that they will behave that way

in every single situation, regardless of who

they're with, or how experienced they are,

they have such strong preferences that they will always

behave that way and they're like, "Just take me or leave me

"as I am, this is who I am, this is what you get."

That sometimes can work to somebody's disadvantage.

If they're not aware that their style is not working

for the people that they're working with,

and if they don't have that awareness, they are not informed

and empowered to choose a different approach that might be

more effective so self-awareness comes before any of the

leadership skills that you might utilise.

So, to be self-aware gives you the understanding

of how others perceive you,

how you impact those that you

are interacting with, and when it works for you,

and when it might not work so well.

So to become more self-aware,

personal reflection, just to think

after a meeting or an interaction, to sit back and think,

"Well, how did that go?"

Were there any responses that were unexpected,

or that I hadn't anticipated, how might I do it differently

next time to be more effective?

But probably more empowering is to get feedback from others.

So, whether you use, there's hundreds of psychometrics out

there, 360's, that you can get feedback from others.

But even in simple conversation, have those conversations

with people, and find out what their perceptions of you are.

It's really quite confronting for a lot of my clients

when they get a 360-feedback report or

some sort of psychometric report,

and it's like holding a mirror up to them and saying,

"Okay, this is how people see you,

"How do you feel about this?"

And some of the perceived negatives can be really

confronting, difficult for people

to accept and to take on board.

And I always encourage my clients to see the value

in all feedback, even if you don't like it, even if you

don't agree with it, at least now you are informed.

You understand the perceptions that others have about you.

So, if their perception of you is very different to how

you see yourself, or it doesn't sit comfortably with you,

and you don't like that they see you in this way,

spend some time investigating what has led them

to form that perception of you, what interactions have you

had with this person, what behaviours have they observed

either in your interaction with them

or even the interactions with other people.

Their perception is based on whatever they have observed,

their experience with you to date.

It may not be accurate in your mind but it is their reality.

So whatever they believe to be true is their reality.

And for some people unfortunately, if it's their superior

who has a very different perception of their abilities,

or their leadership capability.

Their reality is what they're going to base all of their

decisions on regarding your career,

your promotional prospects,

the opportunities that are afforded to you.

So if you are informed with their perception,

you know how they see you.

If it doesn't sit comfortably with you,

you're empowered to do something about it then.

If it doesn't sit comfortably, think about how

you would like them to see you, what do you need

to do to address this situation?

If you haven't had that feedback, if you haven't gone

through the process and had the psychometric or

done the 360, or whatever it is

that you've done to get that feedback,

you're ignorant to how they see and then you don't have

the opportunity to do anything about it.

So, even when it's difficult, it's worth doing.

- Would you ever suggest, once you get that feedback,

to sitting one on one with that person, saying,

"Look, you see me in this way.

"How do you want to...

"How would you like me to proceed

"going further, or change?"

Would you suggest that?

- Absolutely, at the end of every leadership programme,

whether it's a day or a week, or however long,

we always set about devising some goals that are gonna be

useful for the programme participant to transfer

their learnings from the programme,

post-program, into the workplace.

So in their everyday work role, how do you take those

learnings and continue your leadership development,

your growth back when you're doing your real job,

the day-to-day reality sets in.

How do you actually continue that learning?

And the first goal is very, very often a post-program

discussion either with your superior, your boss, or the

person that you might've had some challenging feedback from.

So to have that conversation, you need to be very careful

in the way you approach the conversation.

So to set it up to be a positive, and a learning experience.

There's a real risk that feedback givers might feel

confronted with the need to defend their ratings,

or to justify the feedback they've provided,

and they'll become very defensive,

and they'll shut down, and it'll be very difficult

to get anything meaningful from them.

So, I always recommend to the programme participants, please,

start out by thanking them for the time and the effort

that they've taken to provide you with this feedback.

Even if you don't like it, it's valuable,

and it's useful to you, and they've done you a favour

by engaging in this process for you.

So, start by thanking them and show

your appreciation for the information.

If there's something that you don't understand,

rather than asking why,

they'll feel like they have to justify,

defend themselves, so they'll be on the defensive,

they'll close down, open up the conversation and say,

"Look, I had some feedback that was surprising to me

"or I didn't quite understand, I'd really appreciate it

"if you could help me to understand this further.

"Can you think of an example where you might've observed

"me behaving this way to help me understand what led to that

"perception or illustrate, you know, in some way."

So, you're asking them to help you to understand it further.

And most people are very happy to help someone

who directly asks them for help.

Very, very different approach, very different conversation

to somebody who feels that they have to defend their

writings and say, you know, "Why did you give me a three?"

(laughs) Five on this leadership capability.

Never turn up with a report and put it in front of them,

and say, "Here are my ratings, this is what you gave me."

Take your own notes, leave the report in your office,

take your own notes, and think about, "How can I open this

"up into a really positive conversation

"that is going to strengthen our relationship,

"strengthen our communication, and leave me more informed,

"and able to make the changes I seek to make."

So, approach it carefully. (laughter)

- In terms of confidence, so it's something you're quite

obviously very passionate about in developing people,

and their confidence, how does someone build confidence?

- That is a good question, and I have been focusing very

much on running women's leadership programmes,

particularly in the last few years

so I started a women's leadership programme when I was

working with Leadership Victoria,

and I've been running them for Victoria Police,

and other organisations for a number of years now.

And confidence is always one of the biggest issues

that we have in the women's leadership programmes.

Day one, we start always with the self-awareness,

as I mentioned, that is foundational.

But after that, looking at different areas

like strength-based leadership, understanding where your

strengths are and how you are able to operate at your best.

What are the opportunities that you have to shine?

And believing in your strengths.

So often people presented with feedback about themselves

and they just gloss over all of their strengths,

and say, "Oh, yeah, they're the things I know how

"to do, that's fine, (gasps) but these things,

"I'm not very good at these, I'm going to put

"all of my focus and attention onto their perceived

"weaknesses, and neglect their strengths."

But unfortunately, people do that.

They've been quite successful to date,

doing what they do well and they're operating at this level.

If they then suddenly put all of their focus onto their

perceived weaknesses, and spend all of their time trying

to develop their skills, they're suddenly operating down

here and neglecting the things that they do well.

So, never take your strengths for granted.

Ensure that you are able to utilise your strengths

as often as possible for your ongoing success, and to be

able to shine, and then look at those opportunities

for development so that areas where you wish to improve,

you work alongside with bringing them up

to that level where you're successful.

So getting feedback about where your strengths lie.

Often we'll go back, if we've done a 360 report,

we'll go back and I'll get the participants to highlight

all of the different strengths, look for those common themes

and summarise those make lists

but we do lots of different activities.

All of the programmes are very engaging with the participant

so it's not sit back, and listen, and learn,

it's very much you are involved in the learning process.

And we do a lot of different activities that will bring out

some sort of learning or insight for the participant

so finding ways to build confidence.

For example, the women's leadership programme

I've been running with Victoria Police

for the last couple of years, day one, we do a bit of

a brain-storming activity,

identifying different areas they can,

(laughs) how shall I put it nicely?

(laughs) Organisational culture and structure

can stretch sometimes an issue

in large organisations that identify opportunities

for beneficial change so trying to get away from a big

wind session about all of the things that they're not happy

with or don't like, but framing it in a positive way.

Where could you see room for improvement?

How could things be done better, in your team,

in your division, department, in your organisation?

So, it's very, very easy for participants to fill up pages

and pages of butcher's paper when they're brainstorming

to think of all of the things that they would

like to improve in their organisation.

And then we turned it back onto participants and say,

"Great, now, what can you do about these?"

And we have a six-month programme at the moment

where the participants almost always on day one say,

"Well, nothing,(laughs) that's how it is."

We have to work within the structure,

it's a very hierarchical organisation if you're looking for

ways to change things, improve things,

we just get told no and it's not going to happen.

So we look at, well, how can they have positive influence?

Where do they have scope to make

a difference, and what can they do?

And it's amazing, by the time we get to the end of

the programme, each participant does a presentation on their

little project, their one beneficial change that they've

sought to implement in their organisation.

And the women have been able to achieve some amazing things

that they sit at the end of that last session, and go,

"Wow, we never thought we'd be able to do all of this."

And usually it's just the beginning, they've started on

something that is important to them,

means something to their work, to their team.

And it's just the beginning, they're going to continue

with whatever that project was long after the leadership

development programme so, identifying where you can have

some impact and really looking at accepting

the things that you can't change, yeah?

There are laws, you don't have any say over what the law is,

you just have to work with what the law is.

What can you change, and identify those opportunities

where you can have the impact,

and put all of your effort, and energy into making

the changes that you can see that will be beneficial.

- 'Cause that will also be linked to your confidence?

- Each success, so each time you are able to

utilise your skills in a positive way,

and getting feedback from others that reinforce

the value of the work that you're doing,

so constantly seeking that feedback.

But taking it on board, one of the very simple activities

we often do is receiving positive feedback.

So many times, women find it's difficult to even just accept

a compliment, and they'll deflect,

or they'll, you know, disagree with it,

or they'll give you the reasons why that's not true.

I say just relax, just smile, say, "Thank you." (laughs)

Think about the impact you're having on the person

who's given you that compliment if you reject it.

How likely are they to give you another compliment?

- Unlikely. - Exactly, so for them

to feel comfortable, even if you're not comfortable,

just smile, say thank you, and then they'll feel good

about giving you that positive feedback.

And they're more likely to do it again.

So being open to take it on board, accept it even if

it doesn't fit comfortably within your perception

of self, be open to the feedback of others,

and take it on board, so strengths-based leadership

is really, really important to me.

It's something that I am always teaching in the leadership

development programmes, identify your strengths,

really focus on those, be confident, and know what you can

do well, be confident to back yourself in those areas.

- Why do you think most organisations set performance review

time, or they always focus on the weaknesses of individuals

as opposed to like, addressing them and saying,

"Yeah, these are your weaknesses but you're really great

"at this, and these are your strengths."

Why do they take that approach?

- Couple of reasons, it's easier to focus on the areas

for improvement because you're giving them something to do

with that, whereas if you identify a strength,

well, that's nice, okay, good, so what do I do with that?

So, people don't necessarily know what to do with

that positive feedback and in Australia as well,

we aren't great at giving positive feedback.

We have, you know, the tall poppy syndrome.

And unfortunately, the Americans are really good at it.

(laughs) And a lot of the psychometric instruments,

the normative data that we use is often American as well

which doesn't go well for us, it skews us right down to the

left of the scale because we're not so forth-coming

with positive feedback for others as well as ourselves.

So, it's getting more comfortable with giving the positive

feedback and getting more comfortable with being open

to receiving it as well, and just accepting,

you know, that's great, I really appreciate that you've

recognised I did well in this area.

And, you know, thanks for letting me know,

just take it on board and that will build confidence.

- Now, touching on conversational intelligence.

CIQ, I think. - Yeah, that's right.

- Now, you're one of the first coaches that have been

accredited in this area, can you tell us more about it?

What is CIQ?

- Conversational intelligence is the brainchild

of Judith Glaser who is a coach,

American, she works out of New York.

And it was actually one of my colleagues

at Melbourne Business School who gave me

her book a few years ago, knew that I was very interested

in the area of interpersonal communications,

an area I used to lecture in and it's very prominent

in the leadership programmes that I run

and knew that conversation was important to me.

And said, "Oh, if you haven't read Judith's book,

"you must read this one," and I read it, and I thought,

"Wow, it's a so aligned with the work that I already do."

So, CIQ is very much around how do you use conversation

to build relationships with people, to build trust,

and to be able to influence people effectively.

So it's looking at opening up conversations to build those

relationships, to work more collaboratively with people,

to get people on side in partnership with you,

rather than working against people.

So, often, in the workplace,

a lot of the conversations are task-oriented,

and they're functional conversations.

They're closed down conversation,

they're not open for discussion,

it's very much "this is what has to be done."

So, Judith has developed a number of different models,

there's levels one, two, and three of conversations

that there's a whole lot of strategies and techniques

that she teaches, and it's really all focused on

how do you use conversation to be more effective?

So, it works really well with the leadership development

because being able to communicate effectively with others

is crucial so Judith goes a bit further

looking at the neuro-science behind conversations,

and recognising that when you engage with somebody

in a positive way, you have a physical response

with releasing oxytocin into the system,

which makes people feel good about the conversation,

and you're more likely to engage further, and to keep that

relationship, or even just the conversation going.

When you feel confronted by somebody,

or you feel that you have to defend yourself,

or the conversation is, you know, closing in rather

than opening up, then you have the opposite effect.

And you have cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

Which, of course, doesn't make you feel too good.

And has a negative impact, so it's looking at how do you

trigger the oxytocin response rather than the cortisol

response through the conversations that you're having.

So, it's really fascinating work.

And it's so well-aligned with the work that I was already

doing, it made a lot of sense to incorporate that

into the leadership programmes that I run.

And sometimes just doing CIQ

workshops can be really helpful.

- What's one bit of advice you'd give people to have a more

of, I suppose, we mentality as opposed

to I or do-this sort of mentality?

- I often tell my clients to have a shoes-off mentality.

So, you've probably heard the saying

that to truly understand another person,

you need to walk a mile in their shoes.

I always tell my clients, we can't really walk in somebody

else's shoes if you've still got your own on your feet.

You have to take your shoes off

to be able to step into somebody else's.

So when it comes to your mindset,

being open to have your mind changed.

Don't go into a conversation with somebody just saying

that you're listening but really just waiting for them

to stop talking so you can tell them why you're right,

or tell them your approach, or your ideas.

Actually, park your ideas for the moment.

Be open to really listen to what they have to say,

invite them to contribute their thoughts, their ideas,

they might surprise you with something brilliant

that's never even occurred to you, which you would miss

if you weren't open to really listening

to what they have to say so, the shoes-off mentality

is park your needs, park your ideas,

park your need to be right, to decide for the moment,

invite the other person to share their thoughts and ideas

with you so, shoes-off mentality.

Be prepared to have your mind changed.

If somebody comes up with a great idea that's never even

occurred to you, say, "Fantastic, I love that idea.

"Let's work on that together," rather than needing to own

the decision making or the need to be right.

So, that shoes-off mentality is a big one

that I encourage people just be open, be positive,

be willing to work collaboratively with others

for that mutual beneficial outcome.

- Touching on gender equality, 'cause this is also an area

you're very passionate about, so you've established

the programme with Victoria Police,

aimed at dealing with gender equality.

Can you explain those programmes in a little bit more detail?

- Sure, well, Victoria Police is one of the clients

that I've been working with, that I have been doing quite

a bit of work the last couple of years, so.

Probably 2016...

there was a VEOHRC report that came out

for Victoria Police which had quite an impact.

There were some questions

about the culture within the organisation,

some question about the very male-dominated

culture, and some bullying practise, and all that needed

to be addressed, so I actually started with some

male leadership programmes that were really focused

on areas such as unconscious bias,

and how to...

empower others that are working with you.

So it was really looking at how do males

empower females that they're working with to step up,

how do they provide opportunities for them to be able

to progress in their careers, to just balance out the scales

a little bit, Victoria Police like many, many other

organisations, majority of organisations still have

predominantly males in the senior ranks.

And there are very few females when you get up to the senior

levels in the organisation so how do you bring about

a bit more equality, how do you promote more women

into more senior roles because there are many of them

out there that are capable and willing.

If you look at the entry levels, they're almost equal.

But when you get to the senior levels,

the women aren't progressing,

and it's not through lack of skill,

it's not through lack of experience or ability.

It's through the organisational practises,

the culture that is often presenting as problematic

for women to progress in their career.

So how do you address all of that?

It's very difficult to make changes to a very

entrenched culture but you need to believe it's possible.

And you need to be willing to actually tackle

the issue and looking at unconscious bias

is just the beginning, realising that there are biases

that impact the way people operate in your organisation

is only the first step and there's a lot of research

out there that just running unconscious bias workshops

is not going to be very productive, and in fact,

it can actually be worse because it makes people aware

of it and it's more front of mind, and can continue

to have (laughs) quite a negative impact if you don't

actually do any training about what to do about it.

So we recognise there's some unconscious bias here.

How do we counter this, what can we do that's a positive

practise so there's all sorts of different strategies

that can be implemented to help address

the unconscious bias that, first off,

is recognising that is exists.

- Yes, 'cause it happens with both

gender and also cultural diversity, which...

- Absolutely, one of the corporate clients I ran a programme

for last year, through their diversity and inclusion area,

we were looking at unconscious bias and

gender is absolutely only the beginning.

So there's race, religion,

there's absolutely everything that you can think of,

sexuality to mental health,

there's still such a stigma around mental health issues.

People will say they'll take leave for a physical

health problem but very reluctant to take leave

for a mental health issue.

I've been encouraging people for many, many years

to take mental health leave days.

And it's actually been incorporated in Victoria Police now.

You can take leave for your mental health

without having to give any reason.

Just say I need a day off.

And you don't have to give any reason or explanation.

You can have that leave afforded to you.

Within a certain number.

You can't be doing that every week.

But it's really important,

people need to look after themselves.

And if they find they're getting overwhelmed

or stressed or not able to cope as well

as they normally would, look after yourself.

Find ways to de-stress, relax,

before you get to that point where you do burn out.

- What's one practise, say, law firms or companies

can implement to address to the unconscious bias?

- I like to bring it back to conversation.

I know it's an area I'm really passionate about.

But start talking about.

Make it something that is acceptable

and comfortable to discuss.

It's not a taboo topic, it's not something that,

well yeah we think it might exist somewhere

but we don't really know what to do about it

so we're not really going to address it or talk about it.

Bring it out into the discussion.

When people start talking about it,

it promotes greater understanding

of where the issues actually lie,

and it also presents more opportunities of ways

to address any issues in a constructive and positive manner.

So bring it back to the conversation,

just start talking about it.

- Kat, this has been amazing, so thank you.

- Absolute pleasure.

(Uptempo funky music)

- And that is all for now.

But don't fear as I'll be back next week,

speaking to more incredible people within the profession.

As always, thank you for watching,

and thank you for sharing this video with your friends.

And remember to subscribe to the Gatehouse Legal Recruitment

YouTube channel where you can see more.

(uptempo funky music)

For more infomation >> Gatehouse Insights | Interview with Katalin Howell - Duration: 37:27.


Nhạc Sống Remix - Nhạc Sống - LK Nhạc Trữ Tình Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:16:07.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Sống Remix - Nhạc Sống - LK Nhạc Trữ Tình Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:16:07.


Tango lesson at the MN state fair - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Tango lesson at the MN state fair - Duration: 2:47.


Quest To Find The Only One We Trust Part 3 - WHAT DID WE JUST FIND!?!?! - Duration: 17:20.

what's going on guys dallas is here along

with Denton somewhere down there yeah so

I didn't today video we're continuing

continuing continuing up the creepy map

quest to find the only one we trust

just ended fun we were looking around

last episode but then I and I stopped

looking I stopped looking right at that

direction just to give the intense what

fell all right so this world is a creepy

world that we don't know we've never

loaded up before look I hate this

collision with my keyboard if you guys

don't know Mikey work but working

something to order a new one in alright

Dan you ready yeah oh yeah

so he has a creepy glitch where I just

holds run button and it just keeps I'm

rubbing it with my hands off all right

so let's look over here looking at very

last time

that's that fine soon okay we're looking

at that yeah ferocious - I'm going on


we'll shake it oh shake here oh hey miss

Matt I don't know let's go

why are you act like you're acting this

world hasn't been on since the 12th oh

oh oh

ouch is right we don't play this world I

have my own Survival Series massive

Ozzy's series I'm not building there's a

ship jump on this mission you have shift

make sure you hold shift I'm afraid

don't want let's go in wait what's with

what size stuff Roman sent the back you

look dating the flowers on the back

mm-hmm looks Li listen hang out here

don't look don't go yet

I'm looking through the window see

different I'm seen fun I've never known

a world to do this it's not a CD there

I'll make it a seed you have one too oh

I see

oh I thought I was a person upstairs a

16 there's the base before you two stay


it's safe in there some way there's an

aeroplane that sir okay look why is

there more items on the side in this

it's seven to two for two that's one

even though you didn't didn't come right

down here

did you go back down here did you come

back down here then then then hands down

are hurt listen I need you to come look

at this in this chest right here

hmm and which ways a pointing it's point

direction we just came from where we

just built wait do we build that our way

to build that and you said before when I

started hitting Requin here the

requirement you said whoa

you've lost your permissions a big cool

place for the bed

that's good dump some garbage on your

bed Steve's bed wait where's my bed

right here you don't want that did she

do any of that dizzy you're gonna have

anything there are you little bit on the

creeped outside I can't put a bed down

wait what

Oh didn't go to bed go to bed didn't I

want it to be daytime I don't want me

creeped out then we only got 24 percent

so we started at 25 didn't even sleep oh

look outside the window Denton what the

well deserved out you said fine Easton's

right here din there are things for you

just find it's this is a cool table this

is back door we go is this what yeah I

thought that was weird huh we cool put a

bed right here look look tell us what no

I called dibs and what's down here

let me oh so uh I got my sofa

what's that say well welcome to save

place hey why is there obsidian you got

the ganks let's go to the well yeah okay

that's a lot deeper than normal

you jump yep

are you liking are you are you don't are

you down the well yeah

Teresa bottom yet so he's not alone

Rishi anything nothing go up hoping for

you trance thank you good night and then

well I still got my permissions eaten we

back in please that's weird because

originally last episode we didn't have

permissions you have permissions and I

had crushes now you don't have

permissions right I set land to cheats

on now how did it get through this new


you got iron that's actually oh my gosh

and look at my screen look at screen I

just look over here just I just crudely

staring at me

that was epic that frees me outta love

if you want to why look straight at me

strand me they look a little bit to the

left yeah it's so creepy creepier than

this you're not using crap and killing

someone's in it or not use a crafting

table at all Oh am i lagging I'm lagging

okay I have nothing to make a stone

pickaxe with the I got stuff I just gave

a screenshot dang counterpick pickaxe

it's all up City I believe top no

probably not

hey you're destroying the lovely floor

dissident it's all solid yeah I'm on a

nice lovely floor

can you give me a pickaxe to dig with I

have some casts some stone nice some


give me some stone no three look at all

she's dying to stone oh well bad to be

worse might be the only idiot to do this


there's a nice oh okay I'm gonna break

through this listen this is taking

absolutely forever

30 seconds what's that or the dying

pickaxe which means an iron pick sides

well take about minutes

Oh how long is it gonna take

well you find the iron we find the iron

armor or iron that we can smelt door I'm

breaking I'm sitting with a stone

pickaxe take forever on did you get it

yeah it's pretty thorough yet my gosh oh

my gosh

let me gonna blow up no uh in my dreams

I dreamt that the house get struck by

lightning all because I said that word

that Captain Marvel on the old old

Captain Marvel said I'm afraid to say it

when there's a thunderstorm okay I'm all

under sin I'm almost done breaking

through that first piece of a city in

yeah stratifying and I have the bottom

the Front's know what you like stickies

you wait

dun-dun-dun Donna I'm afraid to stick

you myself

break break break break break break free

for the chosen one Dallas king

this it I get it I get the armor

what it says chosen for the chosen one

Dallas King you give me those diamond

boots what wait gimme a good sword

protection ten look protection ten

protection ten protection ten tears down

Vince wait this is agin it is this the

safe room

give me those diamonds now okay I broke

the arm Stan you can go you stay but I'm

taking my boots

jintan how many hearts do you have

so where'd you go I'm just a nice one

take out the protection ten I want to

see take out the protection to take it

off this is a really bad sore it has a

shortlist ten

hey that's twenty five attack damage I'm

on my boots back we least leave our new

face presentable well that's cool yeah

well there was an arrow facing weird

direction but he said stay here for a

couple days

don't ask a doubt because putting out

moving get the chords and then take a

screenshot of the chords there we go all

right what do you only go wait food see

what good no I see that didn't dim when

you go hunting for rabbits let's go

why be seen well you wabbit hunting say

anything Wow but it always Pig ten I

don't think we're no I don't think we're

in Kansas anymore

I don't think oh my gosh I don't think

we're in Kansas anymore

get the lamas dinner this sleeping adds

one shot dad practice - or does ten

dance 12 damage actually you're mine

this is cool

Wow oh my gosh my line let's wait a min

ahead oh my god for them doing that

let's go ahead here's gonna top the hill

scout out head to the land you lost it

last cut here when we go higher alright

okay alright I can't make it to that one

in time alright let's see we got there

at that breast pace alright dancin we're

never waived this pickaxe slut okay din

and spinning around saying Ozaki I'm

spinning around at the speed of night

where the land okay all right which way

you want to go okay

picks out layout of that then that way

you wants Ben than I or chewing head

this direction

it's Ted Ted Ted Ted woods that's in

warth North Pole we're at the North Pole


we're at the North Pole if we're at the

North Pole

For more infomation >> Quest To Find The Only One We Trust Part 3 - WHAT DID WE JUST FIND!?!?! - Duration: 17:20.


Tomb Raider part 2~ WHY IS THERE SO MANY PEOPLE? - Duration: 1:15:03.

Hi storytellers and welcome back to do tomb raider

I don't think we got very far in the story last time. I think we

Found the rest of our crew and then Sam went missing. What the

Other guy the stranger guy. I forget his name was


Mean, it's all he did. I don't think they're I don't think we did anything else

But welcome back. How are you guys?

Right, okay, so that's I don't know what my mission is actually there

That's the job that's the Lucas so I can light that fire but how do I do it

Command and she ruled everything it's raised touched from the mountains to the sea and beyond but one day

Yamatai simply disappeared without a trace

Forgotten in time, okay

documentary view one of seven and their arts crew found

Santa finally story. It's a story. Yep. I don't think it's anything like she imagined. It's probably not

A little bit how I want to set it on fire

Don't give me stuff. I just I'm not

Ah, there we go couldn't use my campfire how to use the lamp by her

Yeah, boo fuck Savas you upgrade your weapons add the base

All right, but I think it's fun of me to go the other way I don't remember what our mission is

We're just looking for Sam without it

X2 fragile strong accents need to open

Well, do I have enough garbage to?


You know, I can't I just have skills right now. Okay

Pepper. Ooh

I'm sorry

Guys oh my god


Guys I entered into my first art gallery

Contest and expedition

Yes, but painted. I enjoyed push be to dodging a okay

It's really weird whatever for me happy

How'd he get past anything gunshots oh

Thanks for that

But I unit entered three of mine

Three of my photography pictures into an art gallery, I don't think I'm gonna win or gets on them by them

And you make a little bit of friends, I know I thought it's

Deer crap out of media

I guys say though. It felt really weird


Put my photography stuff and to hit your friends, that'd be a picture frame and getting up on the wall

like I normally mess with just like my stuff visually and I put it up on Instagram to help really you to actually

Like hang up but my mom likes them so even like if they don't sell or another shrine

even if I

Don't where are they worshipping?

my mom

Is such a drama I can't believe the hissy fit he threw during the filler shoot I mean this is his job, right?

It's not like he's offering anything to the actual research part of this expedition

Once we find Yamatai and the cameras are rolling. He'll calm down

He might be a total pain in the ass

But he knows how to work a singing. I just need to do my job and keep my cool

Laura doesn't know it but I've been shooting footage of her too

I really want to make sure she gets the credit she deserves and besides she looks great on film. I think she's a natural

It's probably gonna drive Whitman out of his mind with jealousy

But by the time he finds out what were you enjoying the premiere and tell her ID?

Uh, thanks Sam, you're such a doll

She's kind of creepy like a perv or spies it's paisa better what what's footage

I also like I am so thankful to have the family that I do. I am so

Are you just running circles are you doing like a partner?

But like I am so thankful to have the family that I do

Because my mom and dad just bought me my first like my own camera like a really good

High quality camera and said just like my mom has one that she does for her jewelry

And it's a really like low quality type like for close-ups and I want to do

wildlife, so I need one that has like a good shutter and a good iOS and I

Thought there's something about a fire but they bought me my first like light hammer and they bought me a couple

Of lenses for it and they bought me a tripod and a backpack so I can carry it around


they got me the we settled on the Nikon 5d mark ii which is an older model, but

I still think it'll get the job done. I have it. It's it's my closet, but

We forgot to our I forgot to get then room for it, so I can't use it

I have the lens and I have batteries for


But I'm really thankful for them for doing that and I can't wait to start shooting some pictures and like

I'm learning how to edit how to make like the colors pop a little bit more and a Photoshop

But you'll see those on up on Instagram TV, but like I'm so excited

and I think


September I'm gonna go help with

My first I was called it's a war to end oh crap, what was it it was the walk to end

Did something started with an A some type of illness, I forget exactly

what it was but I

Don't I don't like shooting Peeta leaves no actors could tilt the heads up and down to make the widget mosque express different emotions

Well creepy also that to have your hair

Like I know I don't I normally don't like shooting portraits and stuff there anything that finds

So, I don't know if I'll be like any help but they wanted volunteers

I figured what the heck it gets me out there more which

Are making my parents really glad to see that. I'm

Going out and doing more stuff instead just like going to school will come home

you know repeat

I'm not really a social person anymore

So it makes them happy and

like I don't think I'm gonna win like the contest there really be any big help at the


But they're both something that scares the crap out of me. Just stop

So let's kind of walk out doing it because it scares me and I don't want it to scare me anymore, so

pushing myself to do it

We don't have any skill points

But I'm like really excited and in order to get into it

Yeah, most guys I


I'm really sorry if this is like dark

Eight a job sorry doesn't start for you guys

I'm just like so excited. Um, I'm really proud of myself that I went and I talked

Like I got my photos all set up. I got frames

with my parents help and then

Like I had to go and talk to the person

Who was or I don't think she's on him

But so she was studying anyone everyone in there the photos and so I actually talked her. That's a

Very it was by talked about how I get like really nervous and how I don't like doing that

I'm really proud of myself down there. I'm going out. It's using the traditional Japanese. Noh theatre

I think it represents a demon or only

There's a price tag looks like this one is a replica

50 bucks Oh No. Thank you

It's really funny though, like I feel like I've gotten really more confidence I started doing YouTube

It's Connie kind of crazy. Laura is having a crisis of confidence. So for her sake, I'll keep up a happy face

But something about this expedition has been making me nervous. I have butterflies in my stomach

As we sail closer to the dragon's triangle. I'm starting to feel nauseous and this isn't excited kind of nerves

What the hell is wrong with me? I should be excited

This trip is going to be awesome. I just seen his shake off this feeling

Maybe I can convince Laura to take a break and have a drink with me

This is part of Sam's diary. Something was really bothering her

Does she have to does she have a premonition about the expedition?

Probably I really like the relationship between lures

Well, yeah since I started doing YouTube which

it's really odd, but I feel like a lot more confident like ice love my doubts and insecurities of

Downloaded - oh cool. I do have the dlcs for these games by the way

So this is a downloadable content to us

But it's kind of weird because I

Got just sitting here talking to myself

kind of I mean, I mean I'm talking to you guys, but like I'm in my room by myself right now, which is kind of

But yeah, it's just weird like that YouTube has

Please like YouTube news. In fact that I'm doing it and like I'm getting into more creative stuff

The glass land show you guys writing great then to create fire. Oh


Like I said, I'm talk at school I still don't talk to other people

Hello sir, how are you? Hi dead guy, but

Just a fact I want to go out and do more stuff and I want to definitely work more on

Taking more than art these pictures and stuff

Shoot that

But is there something I need

Or do I have to drop it

Throw them, okay

L2r - okay. I did not think that I was gonna reach it for a minute

This might walk is around

There's got to be a way to raise up higher

One more should do it

That's how you wanted to raise. It lower was nothing wait up Barney it. Oh

My bad, I thought I was gonna be like the torch I didn't think it was actually gonna explode on me

Well, that's embrace it I know but it Neal

See my is this on fire I didn't shoot that

I'll hear the frogs

Oh, that would be the problem oh

That looks so much better

All right. Thank you have these graphics back on?

Because you guys are gonna see it properly. I had my brightness down

yes, so I

Know you guys can't see them but I have to hit them like right here and oh my god, he's so cute. I

Really love like my favorite Oh

Like favorite marking on his face is his eyes

It'll be like around his eyes is tan, and I'll go like to a darker black and brown


Right, so

I supposed to shoot this

Joven up pros role to use a nice motley brain

Yeah, whoops that was I want to jump on it can't I jump on it to make it go

Fine No

Now what yeah now what

How'd you know it was gonna fall like that

I could totally just fall to the bottom and then you want to gotten up like do you want it?


Cute I really wish

Maybe once I get a memory card, like I'll set up my camera here if they if they sleep like this again

And then you'll have like a little cat cam in the corner

That'd be cute

But yeah, it really sucks

I really want to use it and make sure everything's work because I bought everything my parents bought everything News

So I know I know my memory card works and I know

Or not the memory card. I know my battery works

and that the camera can turn on and stuff but

Hopefully a memory card will come tomorrow we'll take some pictures

Bota is a great place for

Wildlife, you got the crocodiles and the manta rays

Stingrays alligators really crocker. I don't think I'm both down here

Got the Dolphins all the different birds seagulls and the


Yes, I did not think that didn't

Jump oh yeah go through the middle go through the trees. Good job


We were solely old love you


Sit mr. Oh really open this chest, but we could open one by the

chasm aw slight gasp

Tomb of the lost complete the last adventure I get

How about doing this? Oh

Why thought I messed that up. I thought good stuff

Big pimping

Well, thank you - he's been real fun, I'm sorry, I broke your aeroplane. Oh

I didn't even have to do that. Just get out of there a little

That's what sweet butter a little faster there more it would be nice

I can't do that now. Oh excuse you


Alright so there's our mission

But I wanna keep looking around because there's also the tubes and stuff and more scrap

But more stuff done you get these better weapons for me

I'm so glad that popped up some kind of container. Why do you laugh Gigi? Yes

Yay skillpoint


What do I what?

Alright, so the checks are ones. I've already had so I can spot hidden pockets on enemy course will argue with dr. Ammo

Carefully looting animal court to award you with Isis cabbage. That might be good though

They start crates and caches to buy next camo without any good

Earned extra rewards when looting animal corpses to cash keen box eyelashes got hard to find animal and food sources and

They focus mine allows more time in deadly shots with your boat, that would be good

Doesn't use this, uh bags and pockets allow you to carry more an admission

Well, we haven't really been fighting but this might be good cuz like what the Wolves they got me a couple times this

old charge both shots for a double time

Okay, I think that was everything in this area if not I can always come back

So I'm gonna go up where

Weston is dad's name cool, son

What happened to my morning aim

Or they just this doesn't run out as fast I

Would say oh I can't take any arrows. Well, you know what that's just dandy ain't

All right, what is your problem

These are fascinating

I've seen these before they must be ritualistic this female Imogen is particularly interesting

Looks like it was make her recently high those Islanders. No doubt judging by the wrecks out there. They were once like us


Remarkable. Yes. Well, let's hope we don't become murderers to see if you can work the other one

We're supposed to be looking for Sam

Good thing I got those handy-dandy ex do not cut your hand. Oh


It won't take the fool

I'll have to find something sturdy to turn it with it must be something around here. We can use


Let's see if I can fix this act. Oh now

There's something really interesting happening on this island, I don't know if I call it interesting

What do you make of the symbols son pictograms some primitive stick figures hard to say

This could be a sign of some kind of cult worship

Could just as easily be cultural graffiti

I'll continue examining this

You should find a way to repair that axe so we can get this gate open

hmm solar imagery

That's apparently all I can say, okay. Oh go do the X

Using the collected Salvage to upgrade your

Gear and weapons and human you yay

all right, we'll upgrade my

Life there blood on it. I mean, I I just upgraded it here upgrades one of one complete. I'm finally on my accent


When I go back real quick and get that other chest is by the other camp

And then I'll come back in open the gates to move along our

Yeah, Oh bringing seat come on was don't want to do this

There you go, where'd you go

Why why do you wanna can do that?

Can I take arrows back I thought that was one of the upgrades like that

All right, anybody else want to mess with me I

Really wish I could run whoops. That's not the way to camp

Alright, alright now, let's go get the gate open

Wow, oh my got it it's been raining so much here almost like every day. It's rain

Like it Maura should we give it a go then and most students don't tweet rains your afternoon?

which I don't find it but like

So much rain

Yeah, it's closing you might want to go a little bit faster

Female figure on the gate

Given the age of the symbols. It couldn't be the Sun Queen. Hey Micah. Are you showing you a lot channeling Sam?

Don't do it, man

There's no doubt even

Some say shamanistic

Elemental a woman willed that much power sooner or later. It gets called witchcraft

We should discount anything even what may seem to us irrational. We still have much to learn about the world

You sound like my father

It could be one hell of a story apart. Not that we don't live to tell it

But yeah, I always liked

Like games like this where it kind of has like a mystical think it's like there's there is so much

Like all right world it is he Miko

Look the ball the candles. Why is she still being worshipped this island?

It must have once been part of Yamatai. You were right though, the Lost Kingdom. It's like finding Atlantis, but this is real doctor

What there's something on a myth?

We're standing on a gold mine

Come quickly. Your friends are hurt. Why would he buy them back?

You still have a gun I

Don't want any trouble will come oh, but I insist that afterwards you take us to whoever's in charge what I

Usually go with the Laura do it do whatever they say

Dining upstairs

Who are you people?

Screw you. Oh, not. You smart, dude


Yeah, got it don't move

One thing you should learn dude I hate taking orders

Geez barely is because he left me alone

Two people

Take these I'm a master stuff you don't

You boxcar

Do my assured that stuff

Like it's no


He's dead you can reload the gun because you're not gonna build a fire like that

They say they just killed a human

But also there's more around and a couple of them

God you we work so

Just say it not the best time to break their

On a bullet, how do I switch

If we're trying to be stealth we don't want the gun to attract

I also got my

Turbo how do I switch oh, but my guns out if I have to


Really did you firstly do that, so I'd have to fight them

How how would one reload

Excess reload, of course. It is actually for everything

Okay, now we're getting to the action part

Look at you say probably usability kill em silently. Yeah

Sorry, dude you're at the wrong place

So what came in another tanker nah look like some kind of research ship should be some good stuff then

Find out soon. You got a crouton it and now


All right, I

Wasted so many arrows

Hey, there we go, Matt not my that's Lara. Are you there?

Yeah, I can see smoke coming from the old ruin. Are you? Okay? Oh, god Ross. I'm in trouble. They're killing people. Oh

Man I don't know why I had to kill some of them. I had no choice. I can't have been easy

I'm scary just how easy it was. If you've got to warn the others Ross, don't worry about them right now

You just do whatever it takes to get to me Lana

I'll try I

Don't think that's how a radio works and again

never said

Timbo complete map back. Whoops. I miss this button. Oh


So these are the relics I still have to fight oh there's a lot of them

All right, so I found pretty much everything there but there's a lot I missed all right not not miss I stopped to find

Fire great place

But you know, you could just whack it with your axe and cut it down that's you know, what axe is :

A sharp-edged do it

Numbers some kind of coordinate already that if someone wants to be found second one

Or is that that was one I do that count as a relic

Okay, what does okay

So I want to try and find everything especially since it's on the map the thing about nightmares

He's sooner or later you wake up, but there's no waking up from this place. Which means I'm really here

I'm really doing these things

No, don't think about tomorrow

Not now, it won't help. I

Don't know what happened to the rest of the crew. I hope they're okay

They have to be they have to be I don't know what the hell is going on here all that matters

Is it rough find the way to get us home?


might try and like 100% this

well, I can find all the routes and to run the map but

because this is a recording I might I

Have health fits. I might just try to

Do it off screen do I see it dirty let them back out and go back into it

Alright so I can upgrade it like done

See this only has two so I upgrade those clothes

Look I change my outfit. Is that still the same thing?

Their way to preview it

Now wearing

It's kind of stupid. I can't see it before. Yeah - OH flips it

If there's actually a way to do it I'm doing like a really stupid way

See I like outfits but I like I normally end up staying with the one you start off where

You're seriously


What I really didn't see change is it just because she just had like an old pants and was that Oh,

It's for a little bit I'll probably change it later

One thing I really love about this game is actually shows like she was had an arrow in her honor

So I just shows the cut where the arrows daughter


Really like that just got worth in the West Beach. Looks like a smaller group of escape. That's the lower forest

Maybe we'll get a hunting party down

Father Mathias went himself told us to stay out father. Why?

Because it called me another girl for the ritual

Yeah, we'll know more by tonight

Vladimir's in charge which expect he loves kill

What's father's bath and safe?

Not a dance

The Russians have been with them forever. He trusted

So that means they can break the rules they big arrows into walls

Miss you try to do

I'm gonna check


Your face

I like it headshots. We don't waste as many arrows. That's a one-hit kill

Okay, that's the way I'm supposed to be going

Something back here that

Look at my belt, I can't shoot that

Oh it was so be on fire you send that down like that this whole house would be on fire

And I've just dropped me off back down there, but what is this little lamp - or is it - anything

Challenge unlock Oh one of 15 lanterns to start. Okay, so that's I hope just


Poked my eye not a difference

It's what I was just a challenge thing, wait, oh wait, I gotta go back that way anyways wait

Three further back down

All right up we go

Ah, does that really spill any badges messed up capture

YouTube check that side

Oh damn thing

They don't know stay flash like

Hey, yeah pip it just bit my foot. So anyway tell me you wanted out you could have just said so

Oh really there we go there she is


You pour a double please I love

Let's say I love zip lines I love doing oh, there's so much fun


Once we find

Silk fan could have been used by a villager or a noble maybe look I like fans as well

I went about getting down in a really odd way, but I'll take

It's the gum buy used by samurai to relay orders to their soldiers in battle pretty solid must be made of stained cypress


Not quite exactly sure had you abused it but it's cool

All right, throw it down as the camp

So I have gone back to the beginning I feel like okay, so this was a zip line, this is where

We got off

There's a whole thing over. Yeah this


So that box is would I think that would burn as well

All right, yeah, there's more stuff over here, I don't know if I've been over there yet though

I think I have I think it's this

Baby, but I'm not 100% sure

When we washed up on this rock the rain and wind pounded us for days we couldn't build shelter or forage for food

Christ we couldn't even move

It was like some enormous head was holding us down

Just as the storm was finally breaking

Father Mathias came to us. It was calm and soft-spoken

He seemed to know us our names

where we were from

He spoke to us in our native language

And we listened and as we listened he told us the truth of this island

He offered us a choice

salvation or death

Some chose to defy him

and without hesitation he killed them Dan and their

Father Mathias didn't seem malicious or angry just calm and decisive

As I stood there in sand wet with the blood of my comrades. I

Knew I could never refuse him

That's messed up

Like that that is

Yeah, I don't nobody do that it like someone just came up and killed like the people eyes I

Don't think I didn't say or quality just like it

All right, I think you can just carry on I think I

Really can't revoke their okay go on this way there

Oh, yeah, that's the house we came in through I have to be able to go this way


Boy saw that doctor that just happened I was not an idiot that did that that's that was a glitch

then I

Can do that the computer did that was hot


Touches what's wrong with you? Have goats got nothing to do with it

It's good to see you, too

Sorry, they did a real number on your leg. No looks worse than these

Have you had any of the others nothing

Wait, what are you doing? The Wolves took my fruit pack the transmitter from the lifeboat in it. You don't get that back

We're not getting off this bloody Island. You need you need bandages morphine antiseptic also in the back


Love that it's that's gonna be like and like a nickname for some wine

But like as they like to show affection

Come on eat it get the fight

Thank god, he's alive

You gotta go get the tech we gotta go home

You're cutting because if not your friend there is going to dot the packs up there somewhere

Oh, I think that's a challenge that you have I like that take it as a very published

Don't worry Rob so I'm gonna take care. Yeah

I know it's a there's so much

You don't part there


I don't have ro go to sleep

We'll see that over there they don't have do it moving more dollars before death

Do that



How much is brainy I don't think

Relation challenge awesome

Where's the chicken yeah Oh

That looks like it could also

I think this is stuff. I'm gonna have to come back to

Oh, there's a chickens because I don't have I don't have the rope so I can't pull it back

Come back to area

We haven't to go this way

Wow, where am I going? Yeah up there

Go so I think of where I was heading right way

These ruins Kamakura period

After a fortnight, I was at less granted an audience with her majesty Himiko of Yamatai

I must confess she is unlike any woman I have ever encountered

beautiful yet


Calculating even she surrounds herself with her priestesses of the Sun

No, man, attenti saved the general of her armies when I met with her alone

I came to realize that she is not at all what she seems I

Was sent by my lord to spy on her to assess the strength of her armies

But now I feel she is the one assessing me. My lord has perhaps underestimated the threat of Yamatai though

I cannot gauge the true strength of her storm. God. I cannot deny a powerful feeling that the Sun Queen should not be trifled with

19 scroll appears to be the regulation of non pearled Chinese ambassador visit

Visit to the court of the Sun Queen

See like this look at this stuff it makes it seem like it's so real and I absolutely love that

Okay, get up, oh we are gonna go that way so I gotta go over here

Okay, okay you got to a little bit exploring always got explore good thing something shiny




Now Street, you got some you got some bad bad

Good thing there's so me

There's a cave or a wine

All right on his first, I'm gonna go

If I can help thank you I don't have to

Sing it. Okay. Well, I I will be back for this if I remember

So you guys are biting me

My face, okay

I just I just want the pack I

Just want my backpack, okay?

As medicine not good for eating

Told you it's not good for eating

I just want the pack. That's all. Yeah, just one

The pack

Hey cold

Okay, go up to get this backdrop, okay, come on guys don't make me do this okay. I came in here peacefully

Peacefully, okay, there's no reason for anyone that has to die

Hey, okay, see what happens

No one else no one else that's right

Is that guy I'm just gonna pretend like the rest impact was not in that case

It was glitching and had he put tail

There's something up there can I climb this? Yes, okay. There's something I

Find a lot of things

Okay, well get you one on the whole

First night that starts by them

Right, let's get you patched up, you know how to patch him up


Hey beauties, like wow that's clever route. I'm sorry, dude

Hey you in my arms bandage up that's cool

It's not bad

But his young lady like you learn to do a thing like that

Late shift at the nine Bell

Nothing on a broken bottle


You got it. Yeah, nice work


So I assume the plan is to take that up to the radio tower

Should give us the best shot broadcasting a strong signal in every direction

Yeah about the really

We need to send out that this house

Anytime soon

Yeah, I was afraid you're going to say that don't we do that Laura after all get across

I don't think I'm that kind of craft sure you are

You just don't know yet

Type of my fast letter then

Just be careful Laura Oh

Careful is my melody along with danger

Yeah, it's Lord careful danger cross

Now I have a claim you might want to give that axe ago on the rock wall over there first thanks to you

Thank God is Ross training all those tracks all those climb

Is if you've been preparing me for something like this all along

It's clear that there are people living here and they're organized they're killing and recruiting

It's like some kind of cult

What do they want

Okay, so I leave this episode here I

Got a journal

One that well we're about we playing games is there's so much stuff it's like we watching a movie or like

going back on like a

Like an amusement park right? So you start noticing different things you miss the first time and like I've played this game a lot and

There are a lot of things that I've forgotten and there's a lot of things I'm just noticing again

Or that I didn't notice before. I'm nosy now

I really love going back and playing the games like this and as it's a tumor, it's one of my favorites

It's not my favorite game. There is I

Hope you guys don't mind longer episodes. I'm trying to get this

One and two done before the third one comes out don't think it's possible

But that's my goal is so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll talk to you warriors later

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