Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018

What's up rule breaker?

Welcome back to my channel.

In this video I'm going to talk to you about the three key mindset shifts you can make

to double your sales and get twice as many clients.

The farther I get in business, the more it becomes clear that mindset is everything.

The reason you don't have what you want right now is because you don't believe it's possible

and everything you have right now is a result of your past beliefs.

So I don't know if you know this, but I run a program called EA for clients where I coach

entrepreneurs like you to create signature services and book out those services completely

so that they can make a consistent full time income from their business.

Now, we've had more than 150 students go through this course and through the last year or two,

I've been able to see a few patterns in the entrepreneurs who are successful and those

who struggle a little bit more.

It's not about your God given talent.

It's not about being cut up for success.

It's not about how much money or resources you have.

Resourcefulness is more important than resources by the way.

It's not about how old you are, how young you are.

It's not about where you live or your first language.

It has nothing to do with any of those things.

The people who are more successful are those who get in the right mindset and specifically

there are three mindset shifts that they're able to make in order to start getting those

clients coming to them on a regular basis and truly becoming a boss of their own business.

And that brings me to our first mindset shift, which is become a boss, not a freelancer.

There is a massive difference between the mindset of someone who is freelancing or basically

just being reactive to what gigs are coming their way and competing for opportunities

versus a boss was running their own business, deciding what services or products they're

going to offer, and is selling those products and growing that business.

Huge, massive difference.

We all start off, or most of us start off as freelancers, but at a certain point, once

you realize what industry you want to get into, you need to transition from being a

freelancer to being a boss.

This is going to require that you decide how your business is run, not your clients.

That you decide it in advance who you want to work with, not react to the opportunities

out there.

And that you create a signature offer that you're going to sell again and again and again

rather than creating custom proposals or customizing your services to the client.

I know that sounds crazy, but it actually helps you to get more clients at higher price

points and get more work done in less time.

So it's a pretty great mindset shift to make.

So do you need to decide that you're a boss?

If so, I want you to put "boss" in the comments below.

That's going to be your first step towards making this mindset shift.

The second mindset shift you've got to make is to start seeing selling as service.

Here's what happens to a lot of my students and other entrepreneurs.

They create a service, they go through the process that I talked about in step number


They start seeing themselves as a boss instead of a freelancer, and then when it comes to

actually asking for money for what they do, they freak the eff out.

A lot of unresolved worries about unworthiness and money and limiting beliefs come into play


The big thing is seeing selling as a negative versus a positive.

I've used selling as adding a net benefit to the world as a whole, and I always use

selling as a win-win situation for me and my client.

Ultimately I'm helping the person to get a result they desire and there's a price tag

on that and one thing I really want you to remember is that people who pay to play get

better results than freebie chasers.

I've had people who have watched my videos and consume my content for years and have

never taken any steps forward or made progress because they've never invested in themselves.

Now, I'm not saying that they need to invest with me, but I can see that this has become

a pattern of "I want more and more and more free content."

And that's fine and I love creating free content and making my trainings accessible to people.

However, until you really step up and make an investment, there's only so far you're

going to go.

No business owner has made it without ever investing in themselves.

By charging good prices for what you do, you are being of service to your client.

You're going to do better work, your client's gonna respect you more, and everybody's going

to get a better result in the end.

Now, if you're still struggling with this, that means we need to address a mindset shift

number three, which is viewing money as a limitless.

We are in a universe of limitless abundance, and if you're feeling like you're stealing

from people by asking them to pay for what you do, you have a lack mentality.

Totally fine, I also fall into this from time to time.

There is truly no limit to how much money exists in the world.

The only limit is the limit you're putting on yourself.

Now, this one's really hard sometimes because we've been so ingrained in the trading hours

for dollars scheme and viewing it as a having a cap on your income and it's just not true.

The biggest step here is to step out of that trading hours for dollars or looking at your

prices as an hourly wage situation.

So let me give you an example.

Let's say that you do coaching and in your coaching package you have a monthly call with

people for three months, so that's three calls, three hours of calls, and you decide that

you're going to base your pricing around the fact that there's three hours of calls that

that person is paying for and you think, oh well, I can only really charge $100 an hour,

so the max amount I can charge for my three month coaching program is $300.

When you price your services based on the hours of work you are doing yourself and your

clients a massive disservice.

Instead you need to look at pricing it based on the value that you're creating for someone.

Which also means that you can add other elements to your services other than just those hourly

calls, because let's face it, there's also prep time and post call time and organization

and an administrative work that has to happen to make those calls happen as well.

But in order to get somebody to pay you for that, they don't care how many hours you're

spending prepping for the call.

What they want to know is what is the net benefit to them?

In other words, what is their return on investment?

This doesn't necessarily have to be financial, however, I'm going to challenge you if you

think that your services don't have a financial benefit, even if it's not a direct benefit.

But also think about the other benefits of your service.

How is your client's life or business going to change as a result of working with you

and what is that worth to them?

Now, these three mindset shifts are going to get you willing to take the actions you

need to take in order to get results.

So once you've made the mindset shifts, then it's time to get your butt in gear and start

taking action.

Now, I've actually got a really great freebie for you, which is a checklist of 64 actions

that you can take to start booking more clients and book out Your business.

So if you'd like to grab your copy of that, just go ahead and scroll down to the description

box below this video and grab your copy.

I would love to know which one of these mindset shifts is the most important for you.

I already said, if you need to start seeing yourself as a boss instead of a freelancer,

write "boss" in the comments.

But I'd also love to know, do you need to start seeing selling as service?

Well then I'd love you to write "selling is service" in the comments.

Let's create an affirmation around that.

And if you need to start seeing money as a limitless, why don't you write that in the

comments below?

I can't wait to cheer you on.

And don't forget that if you liked this video, to subscribe to my channel because I publish

videos like this one every single week for you.

Go ahead and hit the bell so you'll get notified when the next video comes live.

And finally, please hit that like button so that you can tell YouTube that this video

was amazing.

Thank you so much again for watching and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 3 Simple Mindset Shifts to Get More Clients - Duration: 7:49.


This Neural Network Animates Quadrupeds - Duration: 2:57.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

If we have an animation movie or a computer game with quadrupeds, and we are yearning

for really high-quality, lifelike animations, motion capture is often the go-to tool for


Motion capture means that we put an actor, in our case, a dog in the studio, we ask it

to perform sitting, trotting, pacing and jumping, record its motion, and transfer it onto our

virtual character.

This generally works quite well, however, there are many difficulties with this process.

We will skip over the fact that an artist or engineer has to clean and label the recorded

data, which is quite labor-intensive, but there is a bigger problem.

We have all these individual motion types at our disposal, however, a virtual character

will also need to be able to transition between these motions in a smooth and natural manner.

Recording all possible transitions between these moves is not feasible, so in an earlier

work, we looked at a neural network-based technique to try to weave these motions together.

For the first sight, this looks great, however, have a look at these weird sliding motions

that it produces.

Do you see them?

They look quite unnatural.

This new method tries to address this problem but ends up offering much, much more than


It requires only 1 hour of motion capture data, and we have only around 30 seconds of

footage of jumping motions, which is basically next to nothing.

And this technique can deal with unstructured data, meaning that it doesn't require manual

labeling of the individual motion types, which saves a ton of work hours.

Beyond that, as we control this character in the game, this technique also uses a prediction

network to guess the next motion type, and a gating network that helps blending together

these different motion types.

Both of these units are neural networks.

On the right, you see the results with the new method compared to a standard neural-network

based solution on the left.

Make sure to pay special attention to the foot sliding issues with the solution on the

left and note that the new method doesn't produce any of those.

Now, these motions look great, but they all take place on a flat surface.

You see here that this new technique excels at much more challenging landscapes as well.

This technique is a total powerhouse, and I can only imagine how many work hours this

will save for artists working in the industry.

It is also scientifically interesting and quite practical.

My favorite combination.

It is also well evaluated, so make sure to have a look at the paper for more details.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> This Neural Network Animates Quadrupeds - Duration: 2:57.


Reading Weird Comments - Duration: 12:16.

Hi, everyone. It's me. Back on my YouTube channel.

Where I always am. Shouldn't be a surprise.

I turned you around so you could see my desk.

Normally I'm facing it, or I'm right beside it, or I'm somewhere else completely, so it's something you never get to see.

But this is how baby videos are made. Right here.

This is where the magic happens.

And I'm back in my onesie today, because I do truly feel like it is the garment that most says,

I don't give a f***.

So I'm suited up and I've girded my loins to read some weird, mean, funny, disturbing comments.

Which I enjoy doing, by the way, so for anyone who wants to say "don't feed the trolls," I wrote a little song for you.

Feed the trolls Tuppence a bag

Tuppence, tuppence Tuppence a bag

Yes, I wanted to do a song about "feed the trolls" and the only song I could think of was "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins.

I'm sorry, I'm not perfect.

And I really mean it, okay? I know I'm not perfect.

Although some people think I'm more perfect than others.

Like, uh, for example this person has a suggestion for improving this.

So, just to clarify, this person thinks that four masks would be less creepy than four of my face.

Okay, okay. I see where we stand here.

I love constructive criticism.

I assume they're talking about this, which I was going to call my beauty mark,

but then I felt like that sounded really pretentious, so I'm just gonna say mole.

This mole, um, is actually something I really like about myself.

And I think it's cute. So pttthbt.

Also I'm still waiting for that quarter, okay? You want me to make cosmetic improvements,

you can't just expect me to do that on my own dime.

I just want to feature this one because I loved it.

Spotlight on you, because you're adorable.

But we all know Newton's 3rd Law, for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction,

and we also all know that Newton was clearly talking about YouTube comments.

So there are some people that hate my facial expressions.

You know what, I think I've actually got a solution for this.

Cheaper than plastic surgery, less scary than having a rat gnaw something off my face,

And this should make the masks person happy too, right?

Maybe I should be hiding my face, because apparently something just about the way that it is is making people think I'm a real piece of s***.

Okay, that's not the right use of the word "endure."

Oh god.

Okay, I am an asshole. I am an asshole. I'm about to like--

Well this puts me in a difficult position, because now I feel like to respond I have to brag about how humble I am.

Which, you see, doesn't really--

I'm telling you this, and I'll be the first one to tell you this.

That in spite of there being so many more people in the world that are more talented and more deserving than I am,

I am the one sitting here in front of a camera today with this great audience.

And I will never stop being thankful and humble about that.

Along with the humility thing, I just wanted to share this amazing comments fight with you all.

I saw the initial comment, I gave my sassy response, and I never thought about it again.

But when I was going back through comments to find things to put in this video, I saw that there was a fight raging

And continuing to rage

First comment says:

Like I just said, no. No, I don't think I'm good.

Exactly. Never said I was good, okay?

Statistically, most of us have to be average.

When I took this screenshot, the first comment was a month ago and there were still new comments being added up to 13 hours before I took that screenshot.

But seriously, I saw a lot of people coming to my defense in that thread and I was genuinely touched.

So thank you. Sincerely.

I also want to say that I am really not hurt by comments like that, and you don't have to waste your time debating with dumbasses

if you don't want to, but the fact that so many people did was really amazing.

Let's move on. There are a lot of people that think I look like someone else.

I'm not sure about the physical similarities, but I do feel if I were a character from The Office, I would be a Pam.

And then there's the person who's reminded of a different Riley...

Who is a pornstar.

Actually not the first time I've heard that.

First of all I genuinely hope that this becomes copypasta because I think it's so terrible that it's amazing.

Second of all, I do have a big mouth. You're right.

But the only thing that should be opening up and swallowing right now

is the Earth, opening up a giant, gaping maw

to swallow you after making that terrible comment.

I mean, I get it. For some people I'm just everything they've been looking for.

Like this person. Who says:

Oh, like the look of disappointment that I'll give after reading this next comment.

Here's some more disappointment!

Well I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Yeah, you are in the minority. Get the f*** out.

Also, you're gonna hate this next section. Get out, fuck off, son of a bitch.

Okay okay, let's get back to happy stuff. Here's a good one.

Hitting the notes is the absolute bare minimum what I should be doing here.

So thank you.

I love this because it makes it sound like I'm the Russian mail order bride.

I have been told I look Russian.

One time, in the Metro, a random lady stopped me and asked me if I spoke Russian.

Uh, I don't.

Um, I think I missed my chance to become a Russian spy, so that's a little disappointing.

Also, probably don't go to that mail order bride website. Just in case you needed to be told that.

I've been working on something I think you'll really like.

I don't know what the intention was here, but whatever it was, it came out sounding like a lecherous old man.

Is it too much to ask for, just like, to ask people to not be gross?

Let me tell you why it was not a waste. Because I'm not an actor.

You're saying it's like a waste that I don't get to be seen on screen?

You are commenting on my YouTube video. I'm the only one on the screen.

I'm 24.

When I made that video over a year ago, I got a lot of comments, and I never responded to any of them.

I saw several themes in those comments, and this is one that I would actually like to address.

Here, now that no one's gonna see it.

I really want to respond to this because it is such a common sentiment.

My personal life is personal. That video was not about personal drama.

That video was about an abuser who has an enormous amount of power and influence,

and who uses that power and influence to manipulate, control, and hurt people.

Because he has such a large platform, he is even more dangerous, and that should not be hidden.

A lot of people my age and younger, much younger, look up to him, or at least watch him,

and he has used that, can use it, and will continue to use that to control and hurt people.

And if you're saying that this is a personal matter that should be kept quiet, you are part of the problem

creating this culture that shames victims and survivors of abuse.

This is why people are afraid to talk about it.

I waited about a year to make it because I was afraid to make it.

It's so much bigger than personal drama, and that video needed to be made.

I hope that people who have had similar experiences will allow me to speak for them in this as well.

I already felt so much shame about what happened to me,

I want to actively

be a part

of destroying the culture

that puts even more shame upon these people.

I had so much support before, during, and after all of the stuff around that video.

I cannot imagine the pain it must cause to have your family or friends or someone close to you being the ones to tell you to keep it quiet.

I know that a lot of victims, survivors, will deal with their abuse in silence and in solitude

and that they won't have the network that I had. And that makes me very sad.

So less shame, more support please.

Ahh, I'm trying.

I want to ruin my own songs, not other people's.

Doing covers is really fun but I don't just want to be known for doing covers on YouTube.

I have my first EP written, it's in production, I've just been having a lot of problems.

I haven't talked about it, and I don't want to get too much into it for the sake of professionalism,

but I am working with a new producer now and I hope to have it out by the end of the year.

I've got merch designed too, I'm waiting for it to come in,

I'm so, so ready to finally get all this stuff out there.

I wanna be a real musician!

So thanks for watching, please like and share and blah blah whatever. I feel disgusting saying those things.

I hope that you enjoyed seeing a little bit more of my personality, and if you didn't,

please leave a creative hate comment, and I may feature you in the next one.

Hasta next time!

For more infomation >> Reading Weird Comments - Duration: 12:16.


70 + Cheap and Easy Front Yard Curb Appeal Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> 70 + Cheap and Easy Front Yard Curb Appeal Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 10:15.


TWİTCH DELİRTEN ANLAR (twitch derleme) - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> TWİTCH DELİRTEN ANLAR (twitch derleme) - Duration: 6:49.


7 Amazing Benefits Of Baking Soda For Hair Skin And Body | Benefits Of Baking Soda On Skin - Duration: 3:01.

baking soda acha sodium bicarbonate is a key

ingredient used in baking fluffy and delicious cakes this baking staple helps

to neutralize and regulate the pH level of a substance and ensures that it is

neither too alkaline nor too acidic today's video will discuss why you

should add baking soda in your daily life before you watch this video please

take a moment to subscribe our youtube channel by clicking the subscribe button

then tap the bell icon so you will be the first to know when we post new

videos daily one use it as a toothpaste mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 1/4

teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and then brush your teeth it can be used as an

alternative to commercial toothpastes for an extra boost you can dip your

toothbrush along with paste and baking soda and get sparkling teeth to

deodorize your lunchbox freshen up the sour smelling lunchbox and bags using

baking soda open the lunchbox and sprinkle a heavy layer of soda in it

keep the lid open overnight wash it with hot water and dish soap the next day 3

use it as a carpet freshener baking soda is one of the cheapest natural carpet

freshener sprinkle this baking staple on the carpet leave it for a few hours and

vacuum up your carpets will now smell awesome 4 freshen up the closet place a

box of baking soda on the Shelf of your closet and keep your closet smelling

fresh 5 use it to wash your car now clean the lights of your car windows

tires seats and floor mats using baking soda mix 1/2 cup of baking soda in half

bucket of warm water and use the solution with a sponge or soft cloth to

clean your car 6 as a homemade deodorant prepare of deodorant by mixing equal

parts of baking soda and cornstarch combine the ingredients with tea tree

oil and store it in an airtight container

apply the mixture onto your underarms and neutralize the body odor 7 has a

fire extinguisher baking soda can help in handling minor kitchen fires

electrical or grease just throw a handful of baking soda at the base of

the flame baking soda when heated produces carbon dioxide that helps to

put out the fire don't forget to call the fire department just to be on the

safer side have you ever tried baking soda for you daily use let me know in

our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share

with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below

thank you

For more infomation >> 7 Amazing Benefits Of Baking Soda For Hair Skin And Body | Benefits Of Baking Soda On Skin - Duration: 3:01.


How to create a frost particle beam effect | HitFilm Express + add-on - Duration: 19:03.

For more infomation >> How to create a frost particle beam effect | HitFilm Express + add-on - Duration: 19:03.


Nav Type Beat - "Gucci" | Nav Type Beat 2018 | Shah Money - Duration: 3:18.

nav type beat

nav type beat

nav type beat

nav type beat 2018

nav type beat

nav type beat free

For more infomation >> Nav Type Beat - "Gucci" | Nav Type Beat 2018 | Shah Money - Duration: 3:18.


sHIne #004 - Bad Spies, Save Us, Hildesheim Invaders vs. Dresden Monarchs und Volksfest Algermissen - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> sHIne #004 - Bad Spies, Save Us, Hildesheim Invaders vs. Dresden Monarchs und Volksfest Algermissen - Duration: 2:47.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBE ABONE OLMAK ÜCRETLİMİ OLUCAK ?! - Duration: 4:46.


Single Parents (ABC) First Look Preview HD - Leighton Meester, Taran Killam comedy series - Duration: 2:07.

[Krysta Youngs' "One Life" plays] ♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

Attention, excuse me, hello, hi.

My name is Will Cooper, your room parent.

I am single.

This is what's become of the American male.

He's single, we're single.

No, I've never been that single.

Now in production for ABC,

the new comedy "Single Parents."

This is a group

of people

who under any other circumstance

wouldn't be brought together.

Parents! Will Cooper!

I just wanted to, uh, circle back and see

where we are vis-á-vis committee.

But they share this common bond

of trying to raise a child.

We're single parents. We don't volunteer.

We just try and survive until a time in the day

when it's appropriate to open wine.

♪ We got one life ♪

♪ So we know our goal is ♪

♪ To live a large life ♪

♪ You're rich and available ♪

The things that I find the funniest

about the show myself, are things that I can relate to

as a parent.

Why do you have this?

I've never seen that before in my life.

Dude, your wallet is in here, and a bag

of popcorn that's still hot!

We've seen so many

shows about different types of

families and the family dynamic,

but I don't remember

ever seeing anything

about just single parents.

Here you go. Get yourself something nice.

I can't accept tips.

Okay, it, uh,

dropped on the floor.

It's a show about how everybody

gets along because they have to.

They all happen to be

raising their kids alone.

And there's a bit of disfunction

in all of us.

In this show,

not only are you getting the funny.

And it's hilarious.

But you're also getting the tender moments,

so it's gonna be tugging on some heartstrings.

Get ready.

When you have kids, something happens to you.

You become mush. Hmm.

You gotta hide that. That little weirdo's

gonna get his heart broken.

I honestly don't know if I'm capable of hiding my mush.

I love making people laugh.

I love comedy. But if I can be involved

in a show that makes you laugh, that sort of balance

of humor and heart is something I've found in "Single Parents."

It take a village --

Don't say it.

Takes a village --


[Children playing]

Cut. That was great!

Great, great. Love that.

For more infomation >> Single Parents (ABC) First Look Preview HD - Leighton Meester, Taran Killam comedy series - Duration: 2:07.


Ron G. Has More Emmys Than Kevin Hart Does - Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level - Duration: 2:11.

Please welcome Ron G to "The Next Level."

How are you doing, man? - Yeah, what's up, bro?

How you doin', man? - Good to see you, man.

Man, my life is incredible right now.

- Incredible? - Yeah.

I'm trying to be unaffordable real soon.

Before you get unaffordable, let

me tell them where you're from. - OK.

Ron G was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina.


You started comedy in Atlanta. Right?

I did.

And when you were in Atlanta, you

were encouraged to try stand-up comedy

for one night by your cousin. - Yes.

Is that correct?

Yeah, it was Apollo night--

Uptown Comedy Club, when it was on Peachtree.


On Sunday night.


And yeah, I had one joke, and it was terrible.

And I got on stage, and halfway through my set,

all I heard was, boo!

And then I walked outside, and this dude was like, man,

you terrible.

You ain't never gonna be funny, little nigga.

- Wow. - And I was like--

that was back when I used to curse.

I was like, F you there, man!

He was like, F you gets you killed, and walked off.

I was like, you know what? I'ma just go to the car.

You just going to go about your business?

Yeah, that's-- yeah, yeah.

Ron, you moved from Atlanta to Los Angeles.

RON G: Yeah. - Is this true?

Because I heard this.

And if it is true, I'm blown away by it.

- OK. - I heard you won an Emmy.

I did.

You won an Emmy?

I won an Emmy. Yes, I did.

For what? What did you win an Emmy for?

I was a consulting producer for a show called "United

Shades of America" for CNN.


And we won our Emmy season two, "United Shades" for CNN.

And I won an Emmy on my first producing gig.

- That's unreal. - Yeah.

I wrote the funny for the show.

Unreal, man.

Yes, sir. I heard you won one, too.

Did you win one?

No, I didn't win no damn Emmy, man.

- Wait. - What kind of mess is that?

You didn't win an Emmy?

I didn't win no damn Emmy.

All these TV and movies you've done, you never won an Emmy?

No, I ain't never won no god damn Emmy.

Well, I'll let you borrow mine.

Ain't this about a bitch.

Ain't this about a--

I'm just saying.

Now I want an Emmy.


I want one, now.


No, I love it, man.

Listen, Ron, first and foremost, I'm a friend.

Always been a fan, man.

And you know what?

I think your style of comedy, dude, is amazing.

I think you've grown as a comedian.

Thank you.

I think that right now, it's-- it's obvious that you're ready

for the next level. RON G: Absolutely.

This is no-brainer, man.

I'm trying to be unaffordable.

Go out there and make yourself happy.

Man-- hey, man.

Make god proud, man.


Hey, you better go flippy-floppy flip it.

All right?

[inaudible] Ron G, get out of here!

I didn't mean to stand in your V. I'm sorry.

Get out of here, man.

It's all right.

He said, I didn't mean to stand in your V, he said.

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, "The Next Level"

For more infomation >> Ron G. Has More Emmys Than Kevin Hart Does - Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level - Duration: 2:11.


The more incompetent, the more confident - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> The more incompetent, the more confident - Duration: 4:33.


New Look At Cicada & The Flash UNSEEN FOOTAGE! - The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Trailer Breakdown! - Duration: 6:53.

they are people out there with power

trying to be made into private world

optimism to save us I'm gonna make this

city breathe hey can I come back me

whipping these bags apart

you're afraid to make waves make them

anyway everything I do is for my family

you my friends fixed history you're part

of something greater

that way to always fight for justice

what is good youtube Warstu here

will a video on the flash season 5 so

recently the CW have released a

promotional trailer teaser trailer for

all the CW shows Black Lightning

Supergirl legends tomorrow arrow and the

flash we're not going to talk about

Supergirl or black line or legends

because they're not relevant to me or

the channel we are going to talk about

the flash primarily and go over a few

details about arrow so if your news

channel mates will describe we deliver

the best Flash content on YouTube so

let's get into it so the star the

trailer is a bit of a recap we see Cisco

with something that looks like a drone

I'm pretty sure this is from last season

and not the current season coming up

then we see the flash help saves some

detectives from outside the CCPD in

Central City we know this is the case

because I've set photos from behind the

scenes and then he goes flush laying it

old-school and then flashes like yeah

the suit doesn't fit me like it used to

it's a bit baggy so we know he's gonna

have the season 1 suit in the first

episode because in the season finale

season 4 suit got damaged just like it

does in literally every season well at

least it did in the Xoom season so

that's interesting and it's quite

interesting because we know he's getting

a new suit but is it gonna come out the

flash ring it would make sense if it did

because a new suits not just gonna

randomly appear so I believe the new

suit may come out the flash ring at some

point we'll get our first look at cicada

but not really we see someone with the

lightning bolt dagger

there's no CGI there's no lightning bolt

on it there's no Speed Force energy

coming off it so it's a bit of a tease

but he's just walking we don't really

get any contact then we got our first

look at the new flash suit ok let's have

a spoiler I am NOT talking about Grant

Gustin here I'm talking about this suit

he is wearing it okay we're talking

about the suit not the individual in it

okay at the moment the new suit it just

yeah it doesn't look good I don't know

what's going on and people can say

you've not seen in action but actually

later on in the scene we see in action

so the suit does look a lot better when

it's got the Speed Force Lightning going

around it but in the Steel's I'm gonna

have over the screen now the suit looks

so strange and not saying it looks bad

but it doesn't

very good I don't know guys what do you

think I put an Instagram image up I

think yesterday and yeah people were

saying that it looks really bad but we

can't really judge it until we properly

see an action Grant Gustin did actually

say that there will be some

modifications throughout the episodes

and as we know the image from the

crossover the suit does look pretty good

there so presume by that episode episode

9 I think it is the mid-season finale

the crossover the suit would look pretty

good by there and like I said we do get

a clip of him running in the new suit

but it goes over so fast that it's

actually hard to judge so we get an

interesting conversation with Barry

saying basically given the speech about

are you careful you need to be a

speedster there is consequences you

can't do whatever you want so basically

he's doing what Jay Garrick did to him

but it's kind of funny because she's

coming from the future so she's not new

to be in his beat so I'm pretty sure she

could be a speedster from where she's

from because I don't think the TV shows

gonna follow the storyline that in her

timeline that metahumans are banned and

it's against the law to be a Mattia man

so that's gonna be quite interesting

seeing Barry Allen tried to school Nora

although I think Norris wiser than him

so the arrow season 7 is looking pretty

awesome I'm actually more anticipated

for that than I am for a flash it just

looks awesome you've wanted the goatee

green arrow for so long

so it's essentially gonna be green arrow

in jail absolutely

kicking everyone so we get a new look at

Felicity Smoak with pink hair

I presume maybe she's trying to lay low

or maybe she's in house arrest or

custody because we know that the longbow

hunters Richard dragon a hunter hunting

her hunting their team arrow

they basically trying to destroy central

cities all right now that the green

arrow is in jail and there's a such an

epic scene where Oliver Queen goes to

someone you should have killed me when

you had the chance it's almost like he's

saying you failed this prison it's

pretty funny and also we do see a scene

of Cisco acre a vibe picking up his

gloves now the death of Cisco I mean I

don't think they're gonna kill the death

and I'd kill vibe off I'm pretty sure it

just means that maybe he's going to lose

his powers which for me this is a good

bit because vibe doesn't need her powers

vibe is supposed to be a helper for

Barry Allen so hopefully he loses powers

for a bunch for a bunch of episodes so

they can focus on the main star and

actual spieces I think that would be the

best way to go about it but like I said

guys have really

much to talk about it's a bunch of new

scenes we see the new suit in action

it does look decent but then again in

the stills it looked pretty bad but yeah

again I'm talking about the suit not

about the person in it okay okay

and also error looks pretty cool we're

not gonna talk about Supergirl because

that's generic it looks like it's going

downhill Black Lightning does look

pretty fire but I don't really talk

about lightly lighting on this channel

but that does look pretty cool but maybe

if there's more interesting for

interests to pull that show this year I

might talk about Black Lightning alleged

tomorrow yeah we talked about that when

the season come back I don't want to

talk about all these shows before they

come because really it's no there's no

kind of factual things to talk about

I've stopped making really long videos

and videos about nothing like oh there's

a new behind scenes image ah there's a

new behind scenes video no we're not

going to do it on the channel anymore

when it comes to flash and DC TV stuff

we're only gonna talk about stuff when

actual information comes out like always

guys please like subscribe and comment

any requests down below I will be cool

would love to hear what you think about

a new suit are you liking it more now

we've seen an action are you hype for

arrow season 7 arrow season 7 is pretty

interesting because it could be the last

season I mean Steve Amell said he's

going into it liking like it's last

season they've said so much I said

Felicity Smoak Smoak technology's gonna

happen this year we have a secret role

no one's gonna see it coming so it's

gonna be a pretty interesting season for

arrow and the flash at least it peers

anyway guys please like subscribe and

comment and I will catch you another

video very soon catch you later

For more infomation >> New Look At Cicada & The Flash UNSEEN FOOTAGE! - The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Trailer Breakdown! - Duration: 6:53.


Meditation Tres Profonde Avec Cloches Tibétaines Et Bruit De La Nature - Duration: 2:03:43.

For more infomation >> Meditation Tres Profonde Avec Cloches Tibétaines Et Bruit De La Nature - Duration: 2:03:43.


Рома Кравинский - Брошенные - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Рома Кравинский - Брошенные - Duration: 2:52.





Nightwatch Nation: A Stroke Patient's Condition Worsens (Season 1) | A&E - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Nightwatch Nation: A Stroke Patient's Condition Worsens (Season 1) | A&E - Duration: 4:12.


Rakhi Edition - Transwoman Quizzes Her Indian Family on Gender and Sexuality - Part 2 - Duration: 14:46.

Also can you tell all of these viewers

as to why you're not looking at the camera at all?

I'm just really socially awkward.

Say that a little louder, please?

I'm just really socially awkward.

He's just really socially awkward.

..and I'd just like to..not look at people.

That's perfectly understandable.

Properly tell us..

What is your gender identity?

I'm a cisgender, straight male.

Ooooh, perfect, hahah.

Okay, cool, cool. Okay.

What's asexuality?

Not being attracted to people on either side of the spectrum..

Um, in what way?


Yeah. Yas.

See? I'm like a god, man.

*Trinetra laughs*

Little bitch.

Shut your mouth.

Who is a transsexual person?

Someone who is transgender, but decides

to have SRS?

Kind of yeah, yeah, but

the thing is

so "transsexual" focuses specifically on the person's biological anatomy,

in the sense that a transsexual person

is a transgender person like you said, but someone who wishes to

physically transition..who has physically transitioned,

or is in the process of physically transitioning

or wants to physically transition at a later time

Right, and it was used as a diagnosis by doctors at one point in time

to refer to someone who identifies as the other/as the

complete opposite gender and in turn that is like a medical stamp

Like, okay, you can transition now, get it?

but over the years that's kind of declined in use. Like, a lot of transgender people like myself

don't like to use that because it's

like I don't want to, like, specifically make it about my genitalia because my identity is not about

my physical anatomy, know what I mean?

Like I don't see the point in telling people I'm a transsexual woman

How does me transitioning or not transitioning have anything to do with

what I identify as? So it's kind of like that

and also at the same time because doctors no longer use that

"Classic Transsexualism" as a diagnosis or a stamp

There's really no point in using it anymore

Plus we know very well now that people

who want to transition don't necessarily identify as the other complete opposite


You as a kid, didn't like sports

but how did that have anything to do with

you not being comfortable in a man's body?

Good question. So basically it's like

When you are a kid, right, around three/four years old or a little later than that is when you start

exhibiting gendered behavior... in the sense

See, how do kids learn anything? You basically replicate things that you see or hear around you, right?

That's how you learn languages. That's how you learn behaviors, etc, etc

So basically, when you are raised by people around you to think that, okay,

This is what boys are supposed to do and this is what girls is supposed to do

That's what you believe

Hmm, okay.

You know, until you grow up and actually start to realize that that's really not the case

because for the longest time

I remember aunties and uncles telling me that boys are supposed to do this

and girls are supposed to do that and blah blah blah

So you kind of end up believing that.

Interestingly, if you look at children

Children can't...they don't know like, enough to tell you, 'Oh, I'm uncomfortable with my body'.

Many kids may be able to do that

but most commonly it's like

They experience discomfort at a social role that you tell them to do.

Based on what you identify as inherently

You choose to reject things that you, you know, see society as enforcing on you to be the wrong gender.

- Get it? - Hmm.

Which is why it's also known that a lot of kids outgrow dysphoria when they grow up

and become adolescents and adults.

Many kids don't continue to have gender dysphoria

because like I said when you grow up, you realize

that social behaviours and gendered behaviours are

not necessarily, you know,

as rigid as we think them to

If you were to get into a relationship with someone

- Yeah? - Would you openly disclose that you're transgender..or would you wait?

It's a good question, that's a really good question

Let me ask you a question like this

if you are say, you know, dating a girl and

You know, she suddenly tells you that

hey, I'm transgender by the way,

and I haven't had any surgery

would that make a difference?

To the way I feel about that person, maybe not.


Sexually, yeah, of course.

So, it would be difficult for you to be physically intimate with her?

I guess, yeah.

Not, I mean...

It's okay!

Jesus, that's hard to answer.

I don't know..

So the thing about that is it's super complicated.

Right? It's not so simple.

If you're just talking about a hook-up or something,

I get it. It's a very superficial thing and you may not be into certain things.

But, um, to say that I don't want a relationship with a transgender person because

They haven't had surgery yet and

that I can't have any kind of emotional connection with them,

It's kind doesn't make sense.

- Not emotionally.. - Yeah, well..

but also if you think about it, even physically,

if you are really emotionally attracted to some person and

Say, they're not traditionally attractive, right?

You would still be physically attracted to them

- Hmm. - What I mean by that is physical attraction is not purely superficial.

It's also influenced to some extent

- You know, by what you feel about them emotionally, right? - Hm.

So imagine your wife had to undergo a double mastectomy

Because she had cancer or something, or

say a wife's husband had to have his penis removed because he had penile cancer..It happens.

But you don't just stop being attracted to them physically

Overnight. Because, I mean,

your attraction to someone is not purely based on their body parts, even physically.


So it's hard to say, it's hard to say.

I, I literally have zero experience.

- Yeah, I don't have any.. - So I don't know how it feels.

I have zero experience as well, like, with relationships and stuff, because I haven't really been in a relationship with anyone.

But, now the thing about

Passing: okay. Now say you've had surgery, or say you "pass" to a large extent

in the sense that it's almost impossible to tell that

you are transgender and you are indistinguishable from the gender that you identify as in a social,

stereotypical sense. In other words,

you look at me and you think that I'm a woman and there's no way to distinguish otherwise.

Now, if that is the case, which I don't believe it to be..

I think that I don't pass completely, but in any case, there have been instances where

guys have told me that they had no idea until I told them

okay, and I'm not talking about guys that I was interested in..Just guys in general.

Now the thing is

Because in India,

transgender people, or even in different parts of the world,

transgender people (women) are seen as not entirely women and that, you know,

We're just really men dressed up as women or

we're just pretending to be women and so on and so forth,

for a guy to be attracted to us,

for many of them it may almost feel like they're being cheated

- Okay.. - You know, because we're "pretending to be women"

and it's almost like we're trying to fool them and they've been fooled effectively.

At the same time, because they were fooled into being attracted to what is "really a man",

Their toxic masculinity is probably going to be super, super compromised.


- Get what I mean? - Yep.

So it's like, for example,

Okay, think of a really patriarchal person that you know, name one.

*censored beep* - Holy shit.


Yeah, okay so imagine *censored*, right?

Imagine he's like doing his usual bullshit and flirting with students and shit, and

You know he realises that one of the girls he's flirting with was actually transgender the entire time

How do you think he'd react to that?

He'd probably be pissed.

Yeah, know what I mean? Because, it's like

it's almost like he's been fooled into thinking that he was attracted to a woman when in reality he was attracted to..

"a man" all along..

*laughter* - Right..

and the concept that anything to do with femininity or anything to do with women

is inferior

Being gay is one of those things, right? Being attracted to men is one of those things. It's a "feminine thing"

it's a "womanly thing" and

so in order

okay, so assume that you have found out that you were actually

attracted to "a man"

the entire time, that's automatically degrading in a way..

- Get what I mean? - Yeah..

So that's the psychology behind it..

So, in that sense,

It can be very, very dangerous

to disclose at any time that you're transgender

to a person that you are interested in or a person that is interested in you and

you know, even if the person is not violent in their reaction, which they may be

They may choose to not want to see you any further or not even get to know you for the person that you are..

because that might be too much for them to handle.

So that's one disadvantage of coming out to them right away because

like I said, it could be either dangerous or

It may shut everything down right away.

Or if you choose to disclose it later on,

When they've already been attracted to you for a significant amount of time,

but they're actually transphobic and you don't know, and you choose to come out to them later..

Their masculinity, their toxic masculinity is compromised, that could make it very dangerous for you as well.


So there's really no right answer there.

You just have to be smart enough to gauge the person's reaction early and

figure out how they might react and do it accordingly.

So you were 12 years old when you figured out that I was..

Right before I turned 12, yeah..

So you were 11 years old when I figured out that...when you figured out that I was attracted to men

As your older brother at the time right?

- Right. - So how did you figure that?

You gave me a phone

- Yeah. - That was back when I didn't have one.

- Yeah. - And you forgot to delete your messages, like an absolute mastermind.

So, I was in the train all night

- and I had nothing to do, so I went through every single one of your chats.

- and I had nothing to do, so I went through every single one of your chats. - Asshoooole, asshoooole.

I saw everything.

Can you tell me what you read exactly?

Oh, Jesus, you don't want me to. No.

Yeah, I know what it was, so chill.

Basically on MasterChef at that point in time

there was this really hot guy, I forget his name.

and I was like, oh, he makes me so hard.

- Uh-huh. - And you read all of that shit when you were 11 years old.

*both laugh*

How did that make you feel?

I didn't really care to be honest.

Come on I'm sure you were surprised.

Surprised? No, not really.

I could always kinda tell.

That I was gay?

or that I, did I...

- I am straight, you understand that bit right? - Right.

In the sense, as a woman, I am attracted to men.

But back then I identified as gay because I didn't quite understand the whole transgender thing. So

- So you always thought that I might be gay? - Uh-huh.

Well, not necessarily.

- We were in DPS. - Yeah.

And there were lots of rumours.

- And there were lots of rumours. - There were lots of rumours, right?

Lots of people talking shit, so.

So the rumors made it to you as well?

Of course. *laughter*

Shit, I didn't know this.

I didn't really think much of it, but.

What kinds of rumors did you hear back in high school?

Just everyone thought you were gay.

Everyone thought I was gay, and they would ask you about it?

They just, they would say it.

- In front of you. - Right.

*laughs* What what did they say?

They all would just..say that you were gay.

I didn't know if you were, but the chats confirmed it, so not surprised.

So, so did you tell them anything when..

I didn't know shit, I didn't even know what it meant to be gay.

- Right, so did they make fun of you for it? - No, no, no.

like oh, your brother's gay, hahaha

No, not like that.

What do you refer to me as?

What, what do you mean?

What do you call me?

I don't call you..anything, but when I'm talking about you with other people

I do call you Didi.

So, why do you not call me Didi in person?

I don't have to ever "call you".

What do you mean, like, if you needed to call me earlier,

you'd say Dada right?

But I don't "call" you anymore 'cause you're never even here.

But yeah, I will call you Didi now.

If at all I have to, which I'll never have to, but yeah.

You could always call me Trinetra but that's really weird.

How often do you use my name?

- I just say "Ogu". - Exactly.


I really hope you guys liked the question/answer thing with my family about gender and sexuality.

I'm just so, so lucky to be in this position to be able to

Have these conversations with my family and to be able to have these...

You know, experiences such as the CME and so on and so forth, um

Yeah, I hope you like this video and..Stay tuned for the next one.


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