Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

hi everyone don't mind the mess but we

are removing so I'm getting ready to

move and I need to pack everything up

but as you can see there's so much going

on and there's like I don't know how I'm

gonna do this I thought I will kind of

take you along this journey because it

seems like it's never-ending

if I take you along I can see the

progress and it will make me feel better

so okay I just need to pack up

everything and I don't know where to

start but I think I just need to go room

by room so let's do it

I ran out of tape oh that was fast


completely empty

I was quick

so this was a two-bedroom apartment oh

my god this echo because nothing's here

okay this was a two-bedroom apartment

but our bedroom

was extremely small so I'll show

you so this is the master bedroom and we

had to throw away our bed when we moved

here because it's so small and we were

just actually sleeping on a mattress we have the other room where is the second

bedroom which we use as an office and

we've done all our editing and

everything I think I've shot some videos

in here as well but this was also pretty small

it was really nice having two

rooms so we can have the bedroom and

office be separate even though it was

really tiny but I'm really excited to

move into our new place which has a

little bit more efficient floor plan and

just like that we are moved in yay

but we have another delivery coming in just a minute

so I'm waiting for a

delivery from this service called

feather and it is basically a what do

you call it like Airbnb not not Airbnb

it's like a monthly furniture rental

service like a startup that's I think

based in Brooklyn and but they were part

of Y Combinator so kind of originated in

the Bay Area but I think there are HQ is

now in New York what it does is you can

choose like really expensive and nice

furniture and just pay like a monthly

rental fee so you don't have to like

commit to

buying like thousands of dollars of

furniture instead you can pay like 30

bucks 50 bucks per month to have a great

piece of furniture so I think the next

step for us because we've been using a

lot of like IKEA furniture that we

didn't really really love but we just

kind of had it as a temporary one but we

just kept it forever because it's really

hard to change out furniture so I'm

really excited to see how that goes we

are getting a couch of bed to side

tables and another chair so I think that

delivery is coming in like 10 minutes

so we'll see also another interesting

thing is that with the furniture

delivery they're coming with the San Francisco Chronicle and they want to

interview like our experience using


all right so it's the next day I

completely passed out because I was so

exhausted yesterday but our move went

pretty well and I am loving my new place

so I want to end the vlog by talking

about what to invest in and what to save

on and also like what to commit on and

what not to commit on so we actually

bought this condo as some of you may

know real estate in San Francisco is

really really crazy but because we were

already paying so much in rent and

because real estate in general is going

up we thought it was a good investment

to buy a condo now and pay mortgage then

continue paying rent buying real estate

is a huge huge commitment it's probably

the biggest commitment I've ever done in

my life maybe also getting married but

that was really easy it's a huge

commitment and I really want to make

this place a home for me but I also was

not ready to commit on like thousands of

dollars of furniture but also I really

don't want to be only buying IKEA

furniture anymore so I have some pieces

that I really love like the tables I

have is from like this is from eq3 and

my chair is from Herman Miller but

there's there were other things that

were from Ikea there's actually a lot of

things in here that they're like yeah

that TV stand is actually from Target so

I've kind of like balanced it out with

really nice pieces and things that I

will probably replace in the future but

it's it like works for me now and so I

think I was pretty much ready to upgrade

my couch and also because I think you've

seen in this vlog that I didn't have

space for a bed in my bedroom in the

last apartment I finally have a

bad in my bedroom here which is so

amazing it's like well I feel human

again I think I love it so far

it's only been one day and one night I

have a really nice couch really nice

little chair on the side and then the a

really nice bed so I'll put up what the

brands are here but I'm really really

excited about it now and another

exciting super super exciting thing

that's happening this week is this guy

so you will get to meet him in the next

vlog bye oh my god what are you doing

make sure you're subscribed pino bye

For more infomation >> The most expensive thing we ever bought... - Duration: 8:11.


아침대용! 다이어트 포만감 쉐이크 만들기(지방해소,변비에 킹왕짱!) | 샨토끼 다이어트 - Duration: 5:39.

Hello, it's ShanTokki

I've been eating this for the past 2 weeks

I want to show you a breakfast substitute

If you're too busy to eat breakfast

Before you exercise

If you don't have appetite in the mornings

Or if you're on a diet, this would help

It's that kind of shake

There is a really important point

It's great for constipation

First, the ingredients are cheap and it's very easy to make

I'll introduce it since it's easy to make

We'll make breakfast shake that makes you full and helps with constipation

Let's go together. Hop-hop!


There are 3 ingredients for today

You might be flustered since it's so simple

This is just milk

Those of you who are on a diet

There is tasty low-fat milk available now

You can use the low-fat milk

I just use the regular milk

Next, this one

This is the main ingredient

I'll open it

It's this one


Isn't it a lot?

It's tremendous

These are oats

It's really popular as diet food these days

I read it in the news so I decide to make it

If I scoop them up to show you

They don't generally look like this

They look like seeds and are very hard

First I ate them as is


I almost ended up at a dentist

Because it's so hard it was difficult to eat

You're supposed to soak and roast them

You have to soak them in water then roast

That process is very troublesome

So for the lazy people like me, they have

Already roasted oats

So I bought roasted oats

Then I ground them

You can put them into a blender

They sell ground oats packaged with milk

Those can be more expensive

So I recommend you just buying it like this

You can store it in a sealed container for convenience

Now this one

I use this to drink it in the morning

It gets stirred in here

You press this button once

You got it, right?

It's so easy

The reason I bought this at first

Was to mix grain powder for breakfast

It was very easy

But there is always a dilemma

When you go like this, it won't stir

It won't dissolve

It keeps on sticking onto here

Don't do that

This is called 'vibrate'...

(Forgot it since it's been a while)


If you search for 'auto stirring tumbler' online, there're many kinds

A lot of them are called 'whirlwind tumbler'

I chose this one

So I'm going to mix it in here

Should we try together?


First, you pour in the milk

I usually do it


About this much

I'm running out

I need to buy more soon

I poured about 350ml

This one, use a table spoon

Just once

I want to eat a lot

So twice

If you're saying "I'm so hungry" then

You can put this much more

Close the lid and then

(Click on the button)

Wow, you feel refreshed, right?

Even the powder sitting on the bottom gets all mixed

The important point is

These are heavy

The oats are heavy

So even if you mix, they keep sinking

You mix and they sink

(Like a squirrel in a wheel)

(I have a strong grip but can't open lids very well. Anyone else like that?)

If you open like this you can eat from here

I don't usually use this one because

I'm too lazy to wash it

Leave it open like this

Everyone, this is so tasty

One more time!

It's delicious. It's fun to chew

I heard it's good to chew milk You automatically get to chew it

Because of the oats

They can get stuck in your teeth, though

You can drink like this

It's easy, right?

But they keep


So then you do it one more time

Right, and one more time

Like this

You mix and eat it so it's fun

It's very savory. Maybe because I like the taste of milk

It's the taste you keep thinking about

If you research, there're many benefits of oats

If you search 'oat milk', you can find it related to dieting

Some share stories of losing weight because it's good for dieting

Some people say they lost 5kg in 2 weeks

For me, I eat it to maintain my weight

It contains fiber so it's good for constipation

This is really good for you, everyone

It's really good

I'll stop talking about it now

It expands 25 times its original size

It's so small but each grain can expand 25 times

So when you eat it, you feel full for a long time

I drank this milk this morning I drank in the morning but

What time is it now?

It's 6pm

Honestly, I haven't eaten a real meal today

I need to eat after I finish this video

I was a bit busy today so I didn't get to eat

But it's okay! It still made me kind of full

You can take the oats with you inside a tumbler when you go out

And just buy milk from a convenient store and mix it

It would be a good meal

There is one thing to look out for I was okay but

If you have a sensitive stomach you can get a stomach ache if you eat a lot

It has a warning written on it

Hmm, I am full. That's terrible

I have to eat dinner

It's very simple, right?

If you make one container full, it lasts a long time

I don't know when I can finish this

I introduced this as it's easy to eat

I hope today's information was helpful

See you again next time Hop-hop!

For more infomation >> 아침대용! 다이어트 포만감 쉐이크 만들기(지방해소,변비에 킹왕짱!) | 샨토끼 다이어트 - Duration: 5:39.


✔️Nightcore - Nadro - Waiting For You (ft. Veronica Bravo & Timmy Commerford) - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> ✔️Nightcore - Nadro - Waiting For You (ft. Veronica Bravo & Timmy Commerford) - Duration: 2:40.


Người khôn ngoan biết buông bỏ thứ này để hạnh phúc hơn - Dòng chảy cuộc sống - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> Người khôn ngoan biết buông bỏ thứ này để hạnh phúc hơn - Dòng chảy cuộc sống - Duration: 10:37.


New military intel command officially launched on September 1st - Duration: 0:39.

South Korea has launched a new security command,... dubbed the "Defense Security Support Command."

At Saturday's launch ceremony,...

Lieutenant General Nam Young-sin ,.. the commander of the new unit,.. said all members of the

command will try to win back the public's trust.

The previous command was disbanded after news broke that it drafted a plan for martial law

last year amid the huge candlelight protests against former President Park Geun-hye.

Nam stressed the new command will defend the nation,... with its professional work in military

security matters and anti-espionage issues.

For more infomation >> New military intel command officially launched on September 1st - Duration: 0:39.


Troll Gái Xinh | Đáp lại lời cầu cứu của Trang - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> Troll Gái Xinh | Đáp lại lời cầu cứu của Trang - Duration: 11:24.


🔴 ТОП-17 РЕЦЕПТОВ БЫСТРЫХ ЗАВТРАКОВ ДЛЯ ПОХУДЕНИЯ. Овсянка в виде крамбла с черносливом и корицей - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> 🔴 ТОП-17 РЕЦЕПТОВ БЫСТРЫХ ЗАВТРАКОВ ДЛЯ ПОХУДЕНИЯ. Овсянка в виде крамбла с черносливом и корицей - Duration: 1:07.


《晚吹 - 總有一瓣喺左近》第55集 - (主持: 潘紹聰, 符致逸, 王頌茵 (Kathy 仔) - Duration: 22:02.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 總有一瓣喺左近》第55集 - (主持: 潘紹聰, 符致逸, 王頌茵 (Kathy 仔) - Duration: 22:02.


[AMV-KARA] Thì Thôi - Reddy - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> [AMV-KARA] Thì Thôi - Reddy - Duration: 6:09.


The good side of Sölden - Nene, Traien, Harise and Leiterberg Trail -subtitled- - Duration: 36:42.

windy here

sharp rocks

curious about it

this looks fun!

better not fall down the hill here

lets see

not sure how to pronounce this trail... ne .. ne ..nope

I like this

better keep the momentum

can't pedal between the rocks

hit the rear wheel

very nice trail

this is going to be a long one

loose rocks

blind corners

maybe you saw in the reschenpass video that I broke my reberb hose while falling down the hill

so the reverb got no function..

stop.. whats this?


this is the löple trail

but I want to ride the nene trail

no no

next part...ouch

hit a rock with my foot

hope the foot is alright

not going to stop.. or else it starts to hurt

hurts anyway...

this way

fallow deer

hi di ho


can't let go of the brakes...

don't know the trail... and this is why!

of course there was a corner at the exit

always ready to stop

riding blind is nice

awesome! ...sounded like a spoke but...

still fine

front wheel too..

where to go?


this way


hi! .. I'll watch out

so nice

trail end?

the natural trails here are totally awesome!

well totally...

Reschenpass was as good as it is here

but somehow the shaped lines are not that good

nenene trail

here you can brag in front of the crowd

this trail is used by bikers and hikers so you have to watch out in blind corners

hard cross wind

black enduro trail ...forgot the name already

uh.. saw that? a flying rock!

hidden rock!


this is why it's a black trail

TRAIEN trail! that's it

endo turns

cows.. wonderful

I think.. these are the better trails.. what's this?

straight over the rock



you can't speed here

nice switchback

brake will boil at the end

switchback fail


which way? dunno...

traien trail to the right

damn wind

cross wind

lots of wind... uh-huh!

next bit

traien trail

inside line

that looked like a shortcut

here we go

this trail got flattened here.. seems like it was more natural in the past

flattened by the bikers or the builders?


I like


reminds me of nauders

way better than the shaped lines

gets rough here

did I miss a turn? don't think so

would like to go deathgrip but would get too fast

as soon as you let the brakes go it gets gnarly

as you saw

hopefully it gets better soon


little drop

k what's next

dunno if this is the trail just went for it

fun.. but I missed the rough part down there

back to business


these trails are also good with an open lid.. but for the camera a fullface is better

not so shaky..

I think that's it

flowy segment

yo that was way better

again a trail with potential hikers.. watch out!

c'mon trail show me why you're black!!

this is not


I think it's because of the steepness... ouch a thistle

blind corner

k straight line

the red trail (following) was better with the tight technical bits

but this is cool too

everyone like natural stuff

trail clear

poor brake

woops.. huh...

the red one was better

what's this? better not jump


endo turns are hard.

front brake is quitting the job

black means steep here

clear again

front wheel washed out

have to stop..

back at it

nice! a grassy ridge


no hikers here...

they were all on the other trail

I hear cows

don't want to look away from the trail

loose stuff everywhere

grabs your frontwheel


end of trail.. ok..

now.. red enduro trail

also hikers possible

lets check it out

goes around the valley - I think this could be fun

seems to be clear

the bridges are fun too lets stop

mountain dangers..


not today

looks nice

oops.. sometimes there are a few holes.. because of the drainage

not many hikers on the trail today

(to the right:) trail only for hikers

so this is a short biker only segment

uphill section

with a view


now at the (leiterberg-) alp

more sharp rocks..

bought a beer in an alp yesterday... for 5€ and I was like "whaaat?" (my most expensive one ever ontop of the mountain)


dumb wind

did I miss something? nah

you can feel that people brake a lot here

lets go! looks more like a singletrack.. and more rough


and ... fireroad

please let it be like this all the way down

uhm no

there's a trail

yeah it continues

and one more crossing

a rock led me

could have rode straight there

way better

uhmm loam line? why not

good to have a few different lines so when there are hikers...

... you don't have to stop or they don't have to make way


have to admit... premium trail!



still not the end yeah!

switched the cam... batterie low

continuing on the leiterberg trail at bikerepublic sölden

I think.. I'll ride this trail again!


such a wooden thing made me fall in livigno

not for hikers

lets send it

*exhausted.* so enduro

--- sorry.. double clip...---

that came up quick

much pedal... very exhausting

still a cool trail


big uphill section down here

seems over......

For more infomation >> The good side of Sölden - Nene, Traien, Harise and Leiterberg Trail -subtitled- - Duration: 36:42.


Chrom: ULTIMATE Moveset?! - Got A Minute? - Duration: 1:21.

Chrom is joining the battle, ladies and gentlemen, and he's adopting everyone's favourite boy

as the base of his moveset.

In terms of design, Fire Emblem Awakening is the source to cite.

From his trademark shoulder pad, to the Mark of Naga on his upper arm, this Ylissean prince

is representing his debut title from top to bottom and looks ready for the roster!

When it comes to techniques, Chrom's no slouch either.

He can pull off mainstay maneuvers like the dancing blade and classic counter, and as

Roy's echo fighter, he's able to execute a few familiar tilts, smashes and aerials.

They aren't without their nuances, though.

Chrom's up smash, for instance, delivers fewer hits than Roy's Sword of Seals, and his slashes

boast a uniformed hitbox rather than the close-quarters quirk of his inspiration.

Chrom also borrows a variation of Ike's up special without the sword toss, and shares

a taunt with his daughter, Lucina, just to round out the references.

Without Ike's Quick Draw at his disposal, though, his recovery isn't quite as reliable.

There's vertical value to be sure, but it doesn't do much to defend against horizontal


The sky might be a bit scary for him, but with an evenly-balanced Falchion at his command,

striking down foes should be a breeze!

Hey there, pal.

Thanks for watching!

If you haven't had your fill of Fire Emblem, come and hear our sales pitch for Ylissean


If you're here for Smash Bros., though, our playlist covering other fighters is sure

to strike your fancy, so have at 'em!

For more infomation >> Chrom: ULTIMATE Moveset?! - Got A Minute? - Duration: 1:21.


Exes Baggage - Official Teaser 2 HD - Duration: 1:00.

How many exes have you had?




You're so lame.

Just one?

We almost got married.


So what happened?

She changed her mind

in front of the altar.

Okay. Change topic.

Oh no!

I like this topic. Let's talk about it some more.

Worst ex?

The married one.

It's scary to love again, right?

I don't understand people who gets scared to love again after being hurt.

Good on you for being brave.

Are you willing to love again even if it's painful?

Of course.

Just don't hurt me.

For more infomation >> Exes Baggage - Official Teaser 2 HD - Duration: 1:00.


Geniusz matematyczny dwukrotnie zapadł w śpiączkę. "Lekarze mówili, że tego nie przeżyje" - Duration: 0:37.

PODZIEL SIĘ Autor: MM,AS Zakupy na topie Ranking najtańszych drukarek na rynku Pijesz kawę? Powinieneś to wiedzieć! Ranking smartfonów

Te modele pokochali Polacy!

For more infomation >> Geniusz matematyczny dwukrotnie zapadł w śpiączkę. "Lekarze mówili, że tego nie przeżyje" - Duration: 0:37.



Hello viewers how are you all

this video is for the travelers / tourist people who come to Delhi for the first time and being scammed cheated by the

cab drivers and the hotel touts

So the problem is that why I'm making this video?

And I'm making this video in English for only tourist people and if I am wrong or My english is not so good

So, please forgive me

Today I was watching a video

The channel name is KARL ROCK and he was showing that how the cab drivers and hotel touts

Try to cheat him or the people try to cheat him on the roads when they are selling something to him

first of all , it's very normal

Man that the scammers and cheaters are all over the place whenever you visit some tourist place , there are cheaters and scammers ,

So you have to save yourself by yourself?


now for the travelers

The Delhi government is providing very good services for them , for the travelers who are coming to Delhi for the first time

the mode of transportation , the hotel bookings , the travel guides , the I

think the

Sight seeing , the Delhi government is providing all the information

I am putting the description and I am putting the link in the description you go and check it out

First whenever you come to Delhi, please go to the Delhi government sites the tourist sites they are providing all the information over there

Second is like they are providing

the mode of transportation is the first thing whenever you land at the airport so you can use four mode of transportation first is

cabs , second is

The Delhi Metro services , third is Delhi transport buses and fourth is auto rickshaws three wheelers.

So first coming to this first services whenever you land at the airport by the SIM card ,

It's very necessary for you and use the internet services.

you can download the app of the cab cabs , like Ola cabs and uber cabs download the app and book the

Cab by putting the destination wherever you want to go.

it's very easy process and

second is if you don't have the internet you can go to their kiosk, it's available at the airport only .

Tell them your address and they will book the cab for you

So it's very easy. You can go for it. Very trusted drivers , verified cabs .

They have all the information who is traveling, they have GPRS system also in the cab so you can go for it. It's very safe

second is the Delhi Metro service , it's the very best and the very

cheap rates of Delhi Metro ,

For the single solo travelers or the travelers who don't know how to reach their places. So for your kind information

Delhi Metro covers 80% of Delhi and they are providing their services from the airport also from the IGI AIRPORT TERMINAL 3 .

So you can just go to the metro station and go wherever you want to go

There are maps provided by them , So you can choose your destination nearby destination and you can go from there.

third is that

The Delhi transort bus services, it's very difficult for you for the first time because there are several buses , several routes ,

so if you are going to the new delhi railway station, then paharganj is very nearby it and

so many travelers love to stay there , you can use the metro services they are providing directly from the airport to the

New Delhi railway station and paharganj is walkable from the railway station.

Coming to the buses it's very difficult for you for the first time when you will live here

You will get to know slowly slowly that how to use the buses. There are several routes

So, please skip this for the first time , fourth is auto rickshaws the three wheelers

Actually, people are people don't know that the delhi government has strict guidelines for them that they have to go from the meter only

You cannot fix a lum-sum price and just go .

So the travelers first mistake is that they just tell auto rikshaw drivers the place and ask the price

no, just enter in the Auto rikshaw and tell him to switch on the meter and

Tell him the place then and if he refuses

You just I'm putting the complaint numbers , provided by Delhi government in the description,

Call them and give them the registration numbers ( NUMBER PLATES ) of the auto driver , auto rickshaw ,

They will immediately suspend their permits

It is very strict rule for them that you will go from the meter only.

So don't be afraid come to Delhi. It's very safe for you the

Delhi Police also

providing very good services 24-hour services whenever you complain the complain number is 1 0-0 if you are in trouble,

call them they will reach you in 5 minutes .

Now coming to the hotel bookings , you know all that hotels

Whenever you go to book a hotel by yourself, so they will give you the higher prices

It's very normal over all over the world

But you can use the website the websites are , is very famous ,

You can book hostels/ hotels from them , ,

Hotel , you can avail the best prices for the best room, you can avail discounts also

So why you go directly? You can just book from the websites and enjoy your stay over there

Third is like how to like how to see the Delhi. So the government is providing the

HO HO BUS SERVICE( link in the description) daily buses. I am putting the description of daily tourism sites. You book your

Rides from there. They are providing the buses for the Delhi sight Seeing. You can do the sight seeing from there and

Be safe

Feel safe when you come to Delhi. It's not that you are being scammed easily.

There are good people if they are bad people you all know that

So please come Delhi people welcome all the tourist

You can call me if you are in trouble. I am putting my number in the description


Come to Delhi

It's safe, and it's very good to see the place , to see DELHI ,

Goodbye all

For more infomation >> TOURIST SCAMS IN DELHI AND HOW TO ESCAPE - Duration: 6:19.


Shinhwa wrap up individual teaser posters for 20th anniversary commemoration concert 'Heart' - Duration: 0:53.

 Shinhwa have wrapped up their individual teaser poster series for upcoming 20th anniversary commemoration concert 'Heart' in Seoul with Junjin

  SEE ALSO: Shinhwa reflect on their 20 years togetherThe final inmate of the Shinhwa members to wear an orange uniform, Junjin holds up a sign which reads, "You're not supposed to come to places like this! Go back!", despite the fact that in previous signs held up by the other members, they seemed to be welcoming Shinhwa Changjos for coming to see them

Shinhwa's 'Heart' concert in Seoul takes place as the Olympic Gymnastics Arena from October 6-7! ShinhwaJunjin

For more infomation >> Shinhwa wrap up individual teaser posters for 20th anniversary commemoration concert 'Heart' - Duration: 0:53.


Bonny Bloom || Ribbon Flower, Flor de Cinta, ленточный цветок - Duration: 8:50.

Hello, this is Risa from Anjurisa

Welcome to my channel!

In this video, I'm going to show you how I make this pretty flower with perfect crease

If this is your first time to my channel, please hit the SUBSCRIBE button

It motivates me to keep making videos

Let's get started

I use ½" ribbon

Measure your ribbon by 32" and cut

Fold your ribbon in half for 4 times

Until the size is about 2"

Cut all the ribbons and we will have 16 pieces of ribbons with the size 2"

Seal all the ribbons so they will not fray

Divide the ribbons

And we're going to make the first flower with 8 pieces of ribbons

Take the first ribbon

Fold it like this

and stitch

Here, the key to have a perfect crease is

to pinch the ribbon before we slide this off from the needle

Take the second ribbon


and pinch

Do this to the remaining ribbons

Now gather all the ribbons and here

you can see the perfect crease because we pinched them in the first place

Join the ribbons by forming a circle

We stitch it to the first ribbon

Secure the thread

Trim it and make 2 pieces of this and I'll be back after I make the second piece

Now attach these 2 pieces together

Adjust a little

Here, what I like to do is

we attach them together by stitching right at the crease here

You can see the thread here

Use matching thread so it will be less visible

Let me do the second petal

And you can see the thread here

We do this until all the flower petals were stitched together

You can see the thread here,

so use matching thread to make it less visible

Now we can embellish our flower with beads and rhinestones

Secure the thread and trim it

Our pretty flower is done!

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> Bonny Bloom || Ribbon Flower, Flor de Cinta, ленточный цветок - Duration: 8:50.


Taijiquan Self Defense: flying oblique - Duration: 1:20.

Hi everyone, thanks for joining,

Christoph and myself are going to show a possible application for flying oblique.

Intro [music]

This was a possible application for flying oblique.

For more infomation >> Taijiquan Self Defense: flying oblique - Duration: 1:20.


If You Are Happy | Popular Action Song | Nursery Rhymes for Kids and Children I Hippy Hoppy Show - Duration: 1:35.

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap),

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap).

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp),

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp).

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray),

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray),

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray)

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