Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 30 2019

You know how Bristol Cove is big into the whole mermaid thing?

Yup. I'm getting that.

Well check this out.

What, a sea lion?

That's no sea lion.

Then what is it?

It's a mermaid.

A real one.

No kidding.

What does a story like that usually pay?

Calvin, we're a news organization. We don't pay for our stories.

Look, you wanna sell a story about a real life mermaid?

Call the Enquirer.

For more infomation >> Siren Season 2, Episode 2 | Sneak Peek: Real Life Mermaids in Bristol Cove | Freeform - Duration: 1:14.


পিস টিভি বন্ধে রক্ত ঝড়ানো বক্তব্য ডঃ মুজাফফর বিন মহসিন Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 13:47.

For more infomation >> পিস টিভি বন্ধে রক্ত ঝড়ানো বক্তব্য ডঃ মুজাফফর বিন মহসিন Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 13:47.


Hood Up! Episode 2: Out of the Comfort Zone - Duration: 8:00.

If you stay in your comfort zone, then you're not gonna change.

You'll stay the same as you were before.

So, we are not Misfits, we are not G2, we are not Roccat.

We are Rogue.

So, we need to find out what Rogue is as a team.

That's how I feel.

It's really interesting working with him again and seeing how he's changed.

Because he had a year of pretty good success in G2.

And, just...

He's grown up a lot, you can see the maturity increased from a couple of years ago.

For me, good support means... even out of the game.

I think you need to be really good support of your team.

We are living together 24/7 right now, so...

We are kinda family, but teammates at the same time.

So, we need to mix up that really well.

The teams means that you need to be one person, even though you are five people.

It sounds really crazy but you have to, because...

If you have a different idea, and if you are not on the same page,

then, it's gonna be... really tough to deal with it.

Because in game every second matters.

So, just we need to be... a one person.

We need to be... a team.

We're gonna take a look at one of the newest editions to the League,

as Rogue prepares for their first LEC match against Misfits Gaming.

HeaQ: Okay.

Kikis: Maybe they have no ward and then I can gank. If they have no ward, you guys want a gank?

HeaQ: Yeah, it's just level 2, okay?

Kikis: I can go on Draven. HeaQ: Okay, level 2, level 2. Okay, just back up.

HeaQ: Oh, just focus him, focus him. Kikis: Kill him, kill him.

HeaQ: I have heal.

Kikis: Block the kill. HeaQ: We can block, we can block.

HeaQ: No flash, no flash.

Kikis: Back up. HeaQ: Okay.

Kikis: Okay. That's pretty bad.

You can go 0-2, but you can also finish 16-2.

So, it's a long split, it's a long season.

You have to learn from the mistakes that are made on stage to bounce back.

We tried to figure out what is our... concept

and what is our... playstyle.

But I think... we are still struggling to find out what is good for us.

And for me, I was still stuck...

As old Wadid, I feel like.

I was not sure that I could be proplayer or not,

right before I came to Europe.

Because I was not really high elo.

I was trying to focus on only SoloQ.

That's why I was not in my hometown, or my home.

I was at Seoul, I got a really small room to practice.

We found Wadid a couple of years ago in Roccat.

We was streaming SoloQ a lot.

Basically based on what we saw on the stream,

we flew him over and gave him a trial, and then everything worked out,

and the rest is history.

Wadid!! The man! The myth! The legend! The playmaker!

It is Roccat, who will prove that Gods can bleed!

After that, I got to Rift Rivals at NA.

I felt like I'm actually...

a pro player, you know?

Like, a sports star.

Because I got a lot of spotlight.

I felt like I'm getting respect so,

I felt really good.

And after that, I reach to Worlds.

No one expected us to go... actually reach to Worlds even.

There's the stun onto Uzi. Bodyblock the lantern! Uzi can't pick it up! He's going to go down!

Wadid with the insane play there. Flash, Q, exhaust.

They may have just done it!

G2 have just dismantled RNG! And they are gonna make their way to the semifinals!

What I'm trying to do right now is...

I wanna actually be a key player.

I'm not rookie anymore, you know?

I just want to mix up, good experience and new things that I'm learning from here.

And then result will be new Wadid, that's what I mean.

As we shift our attention to the Rogue lineup, it's hard to know exactly how to approach this team,

because I don't feel like they've shown us an answer to the puzzle that it is Rogue finding a way.

I think everyone needs to wake up.

And everyone needs to speak out what it's from.

And we need to be really open minded to each other.

Just accept it and move on.

We can't be stuck here.

Then we will be...

Not the best team in Europe.

From bad to worse is what if feels like for Rogue.

You have those individual high moments from everyone,

it's just, what do all those pieces look like together, when Rogue is actually doing well?

And that's the question that we are waiting for, before we start putting all of our trust behind Rogue.

We can win RNG, that's what we thought, right before the quarterfinals.

And that's why we could reach to semifinals, I think.

I've experienced how it feels, you know?

So, I really want to reach that point again, because it feels so great.

It felt, I'm dreaming.

It felt really, really great.

I can't give up anymore easily than before.

Because I want to reach that point again.

I want to dream again.

For more infomation >> Hood Up! Episode 2: Out of the Comfort Zone - Duration: 8:00.


Reis'in Sürekli Anlattığı Arslanköy Hadisesi - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Reis'in Sürekli Anlattığı Arslanköy Hadisesi - Duration: 6:27.


Water Spirits Making Impact in the Nations | SURGE VLOG 15 - Duration: 4:54.

that is vacant so my background civilian aids in the

ones who will fill it with every big field and is not just one antibody em

but it's many many 3 era in other words if there are no doctors to code it in it

but apologist be a water pan to come in to bottom and apparently not famous

preacher so many whenever the Monopoly board is raising up through intercessor

stood in their pockets to beat the possible here

all right what to do when they give you a really small cups of coffee not the

kind of truly you might be thinking like the kinds of meat with dinner

these are Fisher pain reversals giving them all my secrets

treachery pain crystals she gotta do is like this is nasty like watch

so right behind me there you see that a statue of Poseidon I'm gonna lift it up

right there and this is essentially connected to a new book I've got about

water spirits where I've been studying these these issues around the world and

how water spirits manifest in different nations different different mythologies

see all these were demons that they were worshipping these were not just gods

gods of the ocean but they're actually demons spirits of the water and so

you'll be hearing about my new book soon it's called the spiritual warriors guide

to defeating marine demons but take a look at this so as I go around the world

you'll see and experience different sorts of spiritual climates I'll share

with you what I'm seeing what I'm learning but beware especially if you

live in a realm or an area where there are water spirits these things are real

and you're going to learn as much as you can about them because you may not

discern what's coming against you but when you see the truth the truth that

you know that you walk in that you war with it'll set you free


For more infomation >> Water Spirits Making Impact in the Nations | SURGE VLOG 15 - Duration: 4:54.


yunu$emre - Arama - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> yunu$emre - Arama - Duration: 2:39.


مسلسل الاصطدام الحلقة 8 اعلان 2 مترجم للعربية HD - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> مسلسل الاصطدام الحلقة 8 اعلان 2 مترجم للعربية HD - Duration: 0:58.


Stisema - Waiting For You (Lyrics) ft. Jack Wilby - Duration: 3:14.

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you, you yeah

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I don't know where to find it, help me cross the line here

Now I'm just here waiting for you

looking in the Ocean

Well I've been through the motions

I'm trying not to cloud my mind, with all of this doubt

I'm all out of luck, with nobody about

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you, you yeah

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you

I'm waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you, you yeah

Waiting for you, still waiting for you

I'm waiting for you, you, you, you, you, you

I'm waiting for you, still waiting for you

now i'm just here waiting for you

I don't know where to find it, help me cross the line here

Now I'm just here waiting for you

looking in the Ocean

Well I've been through the motions

to turn this around now

I'm looking for the right place to go

So my time is up, if I don't figure it out

For more infomation >> Stisema - Waiting For You (Lyrics) ft. Jack Wilby - Duration: 3:14.


BOLACHINHAS DE LIMÃO - 🍎"Receitas do Paraíso" - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> BOLACHINHAS DE LIMÃO - 🍎"Receitas do Paraíso" - Duration: 7:26.


What To Do If She Ghosts You | What To Do If She Doesn't Show Up - Duration: 8:57.

Renee: Have you ever dated a gal and felt a really strong connection maybe even had

great sex and you thought this one is different only to have her disappear on

you well if the answer is yes then you my friend have been ghosted in this

video I'm going to tell you why it is that women ghost and what you need to do

if you have been ghosted i'm renee slansky for the attractive man team and

in this video we're going to talk about ghosty according to an article in bustle

magazine they actually found that women are more likely to ghost men by a

hundred and fifty percent now those of you sitting there wondering what the

heck is ghosting what is she talking about it's not to do with Halloween and

I'm not talking about a girl dressing up in a sexy bedsheet I'm talking about the

fact when you're actually going on a date or building some sort of rapport

and relationship with someone and everything seems to be going really well

then all of a sudden they just literally do the disappearing act without any

explanation and without any contact it's a really rough situation to be in and

something that happens more often than not and what sucks is that if knocks

about our self-esteem and really throws us in this pool where we wonder am I

just a bad judgment of character or is there actually something wrong with me

so why do women ghost well here are two major reasons the first reason is women

can get scared of commitment it's not only you guys who can have cold feet

sometimes women are afraid to actually be vulnerable and open up and let you in

even if she likes you because she is afraid to get hurt because maybe she's

actually had a history of being rejected or hurt by men the second reason is she

is lazy or she just doesn't like conflict and confrontation let's face it

she's taken the easy route out and basically just dumped you because she

doesn't actually want to deal with the situation of not telling you that she's

not essentially into you either way it totally sucks and it is a form of

rejection and we want to make sure that it doesn't happen consistently to you so

I'm going to give you my top five practical tips on what you need to do if

you have been ghosted number five let her go let her go let her go I

hey you need to understand that she has given you an answer even though you

don't have a really kind of specific answer of why she left you

either way her leaving is your answer and you need to be accepting of that

even if it isn't the answer that you want if you continue to hold on to

somebody who clearly doesn't want to be a part of your life then you are

literally watering a dead plant now let me know go means that you delete those

text messages you get rid of those photos and you unfollow her on her

social media accounts you want to remove the temptation to actually start

reaching out to her and trying to dig up what has already been buried the thing

is you actually have to make a conscious choice to let go we assume that closure

comes when we have an answer but closure is actually a choice that can't be based

off what somebody else does or doesn't do or how you're even feeling it is

something that you just have to choose to do number four see rejection as a

redirection one of my favorite sayings Gerstein is actually more about their

issues than it is about you yet we take it so incredibly personally every single

time not everyone we meet is going to be able to commit to us or even has the

ability to and we don't want to be everyone's cup of tea this is what

actually makes us set apart the people that we want to invest into because they

simply know how to invest back into us the thing about rejection is we need to

actually use it as a stepping stone to actually learn something from it instead

of dwelling on the event itself now what I suggest is actually taking the

scenario and asking yourself what can I actually learn from this what can I gain

from this was it more to do with her or maybe I actually did things that pushed

her away and if it is something that happens again and again and you find

that you've constantly been ghosted by women then it comes down to two things

either you're doing something wrong or you're dating the wrong sort of women

it's really about trying to find the pattern that you have and learning how

to break it and if you actually need some help with that then I want you to

join one of our boot cast because we literally walk you through the process

on how to be a confident man and how to make sure that you are setting positive

patterns in your dating life hey man before I let you get back to

this video hit that subscribe button down below because I have a lot of

awesome videos coming out I'm really excited about and I don't

want you to miss a thing and hit that Bell notification icon as well so you're

always notified about upcoming videos all right let's get back to it number

three focus your energy on women who actually want to be with you

stop trying to bring the dead back to life that's nice on the impression this

is what you're doing you're trying to take something that is dead that is gone

that has a definite answer and you're trying to bring it back into life and by

doing that you're actually deflecting all those other women who want to be

with you now if you're continually focusing on something and prodding it

and poking it what you're going to do is you're actually going to become better

and that's going to start to transfer in your other dates and energy when you

meet other women so flip that energy of anger frustration and confusion into one

of being the best man that you can possibly be on the next date so that you

can have a really great first impression on this new girl and have a different

result this time round number two don't go social media stalking her accounts

all her friends I know it's going to be really tempted to try and dig up the

reason why she did it and what we're going to do is we're

going to actually start to reach out to her friends and this is a big no-go zone

what her friends are going to do is they're either going to number one play

dumb or number two they're actually going to start to think that you're

crazy and they're going to start to label you as a psycho guy that doesn't

know how to take no for an answer you and I both know that you're an

amazing man and that you deserve an amazing woman who isn't going to ghost

you but you're continuing to put out this sort of desperate behavior to

figure out what it is that went wrong you're going to lead the wrong sort of

impression and you're going to be lowering yourself to their standards so

what you need to do is simply take it in your stride know that you're enough and

know that you are actually worthy of more now if you really really really

want to reach out to her because you just have to know then simply send her a

text simply something along the lines of hey I get it that you're not really into

me and I'm not really sure why you're ghosted me so I was just wondering if

you could give me a bit of feedback I'm a big guy I can take it please be

brutally honest with me because I would love to know now when you send this text

message don't necessary expect the sort of response that you

want to get back or even a response at all what it does though is it actually

gives you a sense that you've done the right thing you've reached out you tried

to learn what you can and then you just walk away and lastly number one stop

talking about it there is no point continually verbalizing what has

happened because it's already in the past and all it's going to do is suck

and drain your energy and then stop you from actually meeting and communicating

and connecting with women who actually want to place value on you right now

in fact I actually had a friend and he was ghosted by this girl he had

absolutely no idea what happened they were dating for about three months and

then she just disappeared and every time we were having a conversation he talked

about her and it got really draining on our friendship and then every time he

went on a date he actually talked about her again and again again and what do

you know these women that he went on a date with didn't actually want to

continue to get to know him because all they felt like was they all he talked

about was this other woman rejection hurts and it happens especially when it

is done this way but remember that someone ghosting you has actually done

you a favor because they've identified who they really are and what their

attentions are and that's why you don't want to keep putting energy into someone

that obviously isn't willing to recognize your value or invest back into

you truth is you deserve so much more and your life will be so much more full

of peace if you just choose to move on now if you are someone who has been

ghosted and is really knocked about your confidence then what I want you to do is

download our free confidence cheat sheet this is full of 18 proven scientific

methods that are actually going to help you rebuild your confidence get back out

there know how to talk to women in nervous

situations so that you can put your best foot forward all the time and come

across as a high value man all you need to do to get that is simply click the

image in the screen and it'll go straight into your inbox or click the

link in our buyer below okay guys well that's it for me I hope you enjoyed this

video what I want you to do is I actually want you to tell me if you have

been ghosted and what you did about it sharing is caring here don't forget to

pass this video on to a mate who maybe has gone through this right now

and of course download our confidence chichi until next time bye for now


For more infomation >> What To Do If She Ghosts You | What To Do If She Doesn't Show Up - Duration: 8:57.


"Возмездие". 6 серия - Duration: 47:09.

For more infomation >> "Возмездие". 6 серия - Duration: 47:09.


Forged in Fire: Chinese Dao Tests (Season 5) | History - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Forged in Fire: Chinese Dao Tests (Season 5) | History - Duration: 5:03.


Riverdale Season 3 "Wicked Town" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

- [Jughead] Everything seemed normal.

But in Riverdale, there's no such thing as normal.

- [Gladys] Great.

More teenagers.

- [Jughead] No rest for the wicked.

- [Betty] Not in a wicked town.

- [Narrator] Riverdale Wednesdays at 8/7c only on The CW.

For more infomation >> Riverdale Season 3 "Wicked Town" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Private Beta Trailer | Ubisoft [NA] - Duration: 1:31.





Games play best on Xbox One.

For more infomation >> Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Private Beta Trailer | Ubisoft [NA] - Duration: 1:31.


Blackmore on Simple search and SEO improvements for Voice - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Blackmore on Simple search and SEO improvements for Voice - Duration: 6:44.


Sultan ul Ashiqeen Ka Tableeghi Dora Mandi Buchiana (18 Jan 2019) - Duration: 8:25.

Sultan ul Ashiqeen Ka Tableeghi Dora Mandi Buchiana (18 Jan 2019)

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