Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 31 2019


So Overwatch is getting a new map.

Good news first: It takes place in Paris, and it's fucking gorgeous.

Bad news: It's a 2 CP map.

I sat down on the PTR, played a few matches and found myself utterly unimpressed.


It's a 2 CP map.

It plays like any other 2 CP map.

They didn't re-invent the wheel, it's still a terrible game mode, particularly in

solo queue, and I don't much care for it.

What I do care for is the implication that comes with this announcement.

This, ultimately decides for me, whether this was a stroke of genius, or a completely terrible


Now, why could this be really cool?

Because last time we got a new map, Busan, it came not only with a brand new animated

short, but also a really cool micro-event.

The first of its kind.

If you look at the promotional material that was released with this map- Well, released

on the PTR; You can definitely see a theme here.

Paris, the city of love, and Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

I think that we can rule out the possibility of this being a full blown event considering

that Year of The Pig would still be running at the time Valentine's Day comes around.

But that doesn't mean that they can't add this as a micro-event, since all they

really have to do is give us cosmetics to work towards by winning games.

It doesn't interfere with the seasonal event.

Is it a bit of a stretch?

Yeah, okay, it might be.

But I am not completely ruling it out.

We also have the fact that the Bastet Challenge happened not too long ago, where we could

do that exact thing for an Ana skin, based on a comic.

Now, I do want to say that, because that micro-event was based on a comic, they're not gonna

do another one in that exact same fashion so soon already.

But again, it's not a possibility I would completely rule out.

It could be that, just like with Busan, we are getting a really cool animated short,

perhaps with a bit of a hero number 30 tease, and then they are going to allow us to get

cosmetics that were inspired by that short.

Obviously, most of us are gonna think about a skin for the french sniper, Widowmaker.

But the sky's the limit here.

You could make all sorts of things happen in Paris, when it comes to storytelling.

It would be a great opportunity to bridge the downtime between the end of this current

seasonal event, and the start of the Overwatch League Season 2 which, without a doubt in

my mind, they want to use to pull the hype lever.

Keep people talking about the game, keep them interested- Give them a reason to log in and


However, knowing how bare-bones and low effort Blizzard's approach to content updates has

been in Overwatch, I actually find it far more likely that, at best, we'll be getting

Bastet Challenge 2.0 with another comic, because it's way easier to commission an artist

to make one of those, than having your cinematics team slave away on an animated short.

If I wanted to be really cynical about it, I would even accuse them of putting a big

twist into that comic just for the sake of having people talk and fight about it online.

You know how they say- All press is good press.

That cynical remark aside, I can't talk about the positive without also talking about

the negative.

After so long without any meaningful, new content, giving us another map, in my opinion,

is a really bad idea.

And here's why.

New maps as a form of content come with a variety of problems.

For one, it's really shitty content if you wanna sell it as such.

Beyond the first week where we get an Arcade Game Mode to specifically play this map, there

are no means for us to actually go out of our way to see it.

That's like adding a new game mode to Call of Duty, but not giving us the option to queue

up for it.

Instead, we gotta roll the dice and play 28 rounds of TDM before finally getting to see

this shiny new piece of content.

Besides that, it only adds another map to the pool that players have to learn.

I mean, okay, that is a bit of a competitive specific issue- But look at it.

A lot of maps in the game play very fundamentally differently, and they usually favor different


We are getting widely different results when it comes to our own gameplay performance for

a variety of reasons, but the sheer volume of maps is one of them.

For your average player, it is impossible to display a consistent level of skill all

throughout every single map in Overwatch.

And considering how we are usually only good at a few heroes anyway, if the new map doesn't

favor them, we are already on the back-foot.

And do I even have to mention that it's a 2 CP map?

A game mode that is widely hated in the playerbase.

So for casual players who just wanna see the new map while queuing up for Quick Play, it's

kinda annoying that they can't specifically choose it, unless they play during the opening


And for competitive players, it always means a few weeks of terrible matches, should you

be unlucky enough to get this map during your session.

Because even if you went out of your way to spend a few hours of practise time on it,

chances are that most of your teammates didn't.

So the two sides that I am seeing on this coin are the following- All the downsides

I just mentioned will not go away.

These are guaranteed issues to appear, whether or not you specifically are affected.

However, I see huge marketing potential for Blizzard here.

Even if it's only a comic, that could be enough to keep us talking about the IP.

And if they did go through the effort of making a full-blown animated short for it, including

a new hero teaser, they would be absolutely killing it.

And considering that we have no reason to believe that Blizzard has any plans of moving

away from their "content structure" in which they release nothing but heroes, maps

and skins- This would be the best thing they can do in that context.

You need as many eyeballs on your game as possible when the Overwatch League finally

comes back, and that would most definitely be the way to do that.

It's not necessarily what I want to see as a player, as much as I do enjoy their animated

shorts, but I certainly believe that, for the broader audience that they are trying

to appeal to, that would probably be a very good move.

Though, I would be very surprised if they didn't come out with a replay system before

OWL comes back, considering that the whole "World Cup Viewer" thing was meant to

eventually be implemented in the League.

Which, I guess is cool.

I still want my clan system, though.

Enough nit-picking for today though- What are your thoughts?

Do you see as much potential in this reveal as me?

Or can you not get over the fact that they are adding another 2 CP map.

Legend says that there are actually quite a few people who do enjoy them.

As always, feel free to leave all of your thoughts and opinions down in the comment

section below.

If you happen to be interested in Bioware's upcoming game Anthem, make sure to check out

my video talking about its core gameplay loop.

You can find the card on screen, right now.

Thank you everybody so much for watching, don't forget to drop me a like on your way

out if you enjoyed the video, subscribe if you wanna see more, and I hope to see you

guys next time.

For more infomation >> Brilliant or Terrible? | Overwatch New Map: PARIS - Duration: 6:20.


TERRA | CURTA METRAGEM - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> TERRA | CURTA METRAGEM - Duration: 2:48.


BT Daily: Your Choice - Duration: 4:01.

[Steve Myers] There's a special word that appears throughout the Bible.

In the Old Testament, the word is spelled bahar and it means to choose.

Think about that for a moment.

Many times throughout the Bible it focuses on choosing.

Right at the very beginning, Adam chose wrong and ate the fruit.

God chose Abraham.

God chose Moses.

Moses chose to leave Egypt.

And this concept of choosing comes up over, and over, and over again, not just Old Testament,

but throughout the New Testament as well.

In fact, didn't God choose Israel as His very own people?

No doubt He did.

And it's at that time when God is giving instructions to Israel, as they're going to go into the

Promised Land, He focuses on this concept of choosing.

And notice what He says.

We'll take a look at Deuteronomy.

Look at Deuteronomy 30, and we're gonna start in verse 19.

And here's what God says through Moses.

He says, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you that I have set before you

life and death, blessing and cursing.

Therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live."

(Deuteronomy 30:19)

And so you see, God has put the opportunity for every one of us to choose.

And the interesting part about this is not just the fact of okay, I've got to make a

decision, but it's more than just choosing life in the sense of okay, I'm not going to

choose death and so I'll choose life.

There's more to what God is talking about here.

Making a choice in this sense is not just opposing death, but He says make it a meaningful


Choose life.

And so Godly choices bring meaning into our life.

And that theme runs throughout the Bible.

So yes, we avoid evil, but we also then have to do good.

And when you read through the Bible over, and over, and over again that theme comes


Israel throughout their existence was not just to avoid evil, but they were to choose


In fact, there's a wonderful passage that's found in Proverbs 3.

Let's take a look at this for just a moment.

In Proverbs 3, let's take a look at verse 5.

It exemplifies this point of choosing life.

Not just avoiding death, but choosing what's good.

Notice what Proverbs 3:5 says.

It says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Lean not to your own understanding."

Okay, so that implies this choosing life aspect.

But then it goes on and it says, "In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct

your paths."

And so now, we have the other side of the coin, not just avoiding evil, but choosing

what's good.

And so when we make that choice, then God's going to bless it.

And He will work with us, and in us, and through our lives, so that His will can be accomplished.

So when you're faced with a choice, perhaps keep these passages in mind that we not just

avoid evil, not just avoid death, but that we make that conscious effort to choose life,

we choose to do what's good.

And by doing that, we're beginning to fulfill God's will in our life.

That's BT Daily.

We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> BT Daily: Your Choice - Duration: 4:01.


PewDiePie Vs T-Series Fight Animation Who Will Win - Duration: 1:26.


For more infomation >> PewDiePie Vs T-Series Fight Animation Who Will Win - Duration: 1:26.


Doug Ford student protest | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:06.

The Ford government recently announced an overhaul of the Ontario student loan system.

No more free tuition for low income students, and an option for students to opt out of fees

which is bad news for student groups and newspapers.

And people are rightfully pissed.

So you know what that means...


I love protests ok?

Because I love fighting systems of oppression, being surrounded by passionate people, and

exercising my right to free speech.

Plus a protest march is a great way to get your 10,000 steps in while low key breaking

the law by jay walking.

The cops aren't gonna stop you.

Unless you're black, Indigenous, or a person of colour.


Now the most important part of modern protesting is that your sign game has to be on point.

If your sign isn't something funnier than on Air Farce, are you even protesting?!

[crowd] Doug Ford sucks!

Doug Ford sucks!

Doug Ford sucks!


I really like that.

So it's a good sign.

Ok somebody said it was boring.

Maybe it could use some pizzazz

There are so many good signs here.

I think this one is the worst one.

Do we think this could maybe be slanderous or libel or is this true?

I don't know if I would hold that sign without checking my facts, but you know what, I think

it's good.

Less cuts more butts!

Consensual though.

I like this.

I don't think that you spelled consensual right.

Are the butterflies getting in the way of the message.

No no no it just accentuates it.

We will not give up the fight!

[Off screen] Education is our right!

Students like drinking but we like OSAP more.

Hey hey!

Ho ho!

The tax on students has got to go!


Young people are the only hope we have for the rest of this stinkin' world, so give em

a voice and stop taking away their money.

For 22 MInutes, I'm Ann Pornel.

For more infomation >> Doug Ford student protest | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:06.


Sorry - Duration: 4:05.

I'm sorry

For giving you everything

For trying so hard to be your friend till we fell apart

So sorry

For trying to get a part of your life

I maybe asked to much Yes, I think I wished too hard

'Cause I'm not that person who's humble and small

I will not wish you the best. Not at all!

Don't get me wrong You should be happy in life

But not without me

Don't leave me alone

'Cause I can not life without seeing your smile

Looking in your eyes Or talk for a while

I need your arms around me from time to time

I don't run away

So baby you got to...


In my life until my last breath

Till our ash is blown in the wind And the reflection of us fade away

All I gotta say

Is that I'm sorry

For giving you everything

For trying so hard to be your friend Till we fell apart

So sorry

For trying to get a part of your life

I maybe asked too much Yes, I think I wished too hard

Oh, you've found a new man You're so deep in love

My life is struggling I should take care of

But I've noticed to love you so hard bums me out

I'm better off without you I have to find out

How to get over you and all this hurt

Is thinking about you all I deserve?

I still hope someday your feelings will be revealed

Then there are no more tears with I have to deal

Just stay

In my life until my last breath

Till our ash is blown in the wind

And the reflection of us fade away

All I gotta say

Is that I'm sorry

For giving you everything

For trying so hard to be your friend Till we fell apart

So sorry

For trying to get a part of your life

I maybe asked too much Yes, I think I wished too hard

Oh I'm so sorry

I shouldn't give you everything

I shouldn't try so hard to be your friend

We fell apart

I'm no part of your life anymore

I wished too hard I was obsessed Now I'm healing from you

But I love you anyway

© Wingmen 2019 ® Spinnup

Lyrics: Michael Beer Composer: Robert Ruby, TuneCore

For more infomation >> Sorry - Duration: 4:05.


VERGE GIRL HAUL & TRY ON | Sinead Crowe - Duration: 12:52.


hi guys and welcome back to my youtube channel today i am doing another

haul! I feel like I've done so many! So this one is for another particular brand! I've got

my chair on it! and it is Verge Girl! So before I get into i just wanted to let you know this

is not a paid partnership so I'm not being paid to do this video but Verge girl

I have worked them in the past and they did reach out to me and asked if I'd be

interested in doing a haul so I didn't get paid to do it but I did get all of

these clothes for free, just so you know so you're aware! So yeah I just wanted to

let you know before I get it into it and so if you haven't already I would love you to

subscribe to my channel I do two videos a week on fashion in general and then I

also do a weekly vlog now it might just be a weekly vlog and a one video I'm not

sure how I'm going to handle three videos a week but just so you know there'll always be

at least two videos a week fashion or like following me around so make sure

you subscribe for those and I'm not going to go on I'm just going to start showing

you what I got! so first of all need to open the parcel up

I always like to do it on camera so you know that it's legit! So I picked

this stuff quite a while ago and they were quick at sending it but I just didn't

have time to film it because I had other thing so I can't really . . oh my gosh

I remember the top and it's amaziiiiiiiiing *sings amazing grace* look at theeeeese , are they sleeves? I

was going to say sleeves, like ribbons it's like a cami and then it's got this most

beautiful like a long that looks so designer and expensive, obsessed! That's so

nice! Can't wait to try that on I'm going to style

it up for you guys it feels really thick too! It's like double, it's like I don't

if it's called lined, but like double thickness and it's just a really nice, I

think you call that like an oyster colour? Obsessed!


then what do we have here? just to pre warn you this is going to be a biased

review because I love Verge girl like I love everything they do

oh cauuuuuute! So this is a little, I really like those t-shirts with the like faces on so I

wanted to get one and I like this because it's like it's like gold can you see and I

just thought this would be really cute little crop top type it's like crop top

but not like mega cropped, little t-shirt and I feel like it'll be cute with like

my new jeans, ummm so can't wait to try that on!


I'll put sizes and prices and links in the description below! Then, *Australian Accent* "what do we have here?" I'll link this jumper too, this is really nice, this isn't Verge Girl

this is from Topshop I'll link it, and my necklaces, my Pandora necklaces, my little

necklace stack! I'll just link like everything I'm wearing, oh I forgot to

put my earrings in today and this is so crazy by the way! I can't remember what this is? oooooooh I remember now! Loooove! This looks

soooo, all their tops look really designer! So it's like straight across at the front but it's like

really elasticated at the back which I don't mind and then it's got this like big

poofy shoulder detail and then there's elasticated and tight again and then they've

got this really nice like flared sleeve detail! These are so nice, I feel like I'm going

to want to take loads of chestfees!


Ooooo, another cute top! This is like a cute top haul just so you know! *laughs* This is so cauuuuuute this is like a linen-y material

and it's like oatmeal and it doesn't look like much now it's just

like a really simple top it's got like a nice kind of gathered detail here and then

it's got, two bits that you can pull, here... soooo, like that, can you see? the transformation

immediately! But what I'm going to do is i'm gonna, you'll have seen it anyway, but I"ll put in

clips of me styling each piece up!


*Australian Accent* "what is it cute little number?" Just because I'm doing an Australian haul

doesn't mean I have to talk in an Australian accent but I like it, ummmm this

is cute. Little top, I could have done with this the other day actually because

I was looking for a nice little job to wear under a blazer, I feel like this is

perfect! obviously they're in Australia's summer so

have to bear with, with some of these pieces! But I thought you can layer them up and

stuff or wear them in the evening also like it's never too early to start dreaming

of summer or booking yourself a holiday! So it's like ribbed elasticated

material and it's got these two straps and they go like that, one shoulder very



oh this is something very ummmm daring of me to order and so, ooh how does it go? I'm in love with this! well on the website anyway!

I haven't tried it on of course! I don't know how it goes?!

oh it's like a, okay I'm not sure how these straps go so this is gonna be

interesting, when I try it on! I think it's just like this and then at the back

they like crossover so it's like, you know like those silk skirts that are really

popular but it's like a full-length dress and it's in this beautiful like

wine colour and I just was like, do you know what? I haven't got anything like this and

it's so nice and like just when I'm on websites like that where everything

looks insane and the models are incredible I'm just like I want to be

that model and it's going to look like that on me


I've just moved you guys out a bit, I felt like you were really close! So we've got another . .

ohhh I remember this one! I feel like I really need to fake tan before I do the cut aways for this!

Because I'm so pale and these are all summer tops! So I might have a little lunch break to do that!

OH LOVE! This is cute! It's like a crossover knotted situation and then

it's got these really nice big, like knots on the shoulder I think this would

look cute with like denim shorts, I don't whether to style these as like what I

would wear them in summer or winter because it's obviously winter here but I don't know!


Next we have something white! I can't remember? OH I THINK THIS IS THE DRESS that I ordered, yaaaaaay! This is like the perfect dress! It's like a Linen white wrap dress

and I feel like, honestly a wardrobe essential, yes it summer vibe, but I honestly feel like

this is such a wardrobe essential like everyone needs one so I had to get that

I think that I'll keep that forever, until I don't want to wear mini dresses

anymore which quite frankly I hope is never!!!


Theeeeen, I got some *sings* cycling shooooorts! Which was probably a bad idea because the last pair of snakeskin,

I just got rid of a pair of snakeskin shorts because I didn't wear them. These are slightly darker and

the other ones were really see through so I thought that these were probably

way more wearable and I thought these would look really cool with myyyyy ummmmm brown blazer

as like a kind of suit situation so I'm going to try them on like that and

show you guys and then let me know what you think but I do love a pair of cycling

shorts they're so cozy and yeah like I said my other ones, I'm so pale that they just

kind of they were see-through they just, it wasn't a good look!


Finally! I have some accessories to show you or A accessory, some earrings which are good job

I wasn't wearing earrings actually because now I can put these in! I just thought they looked

really designer and luxurious aaaaaand I kind of fell in love with them, what do

you guys think? Can you see? Is it focusing on them? I kind of

love them? Let me put one in, OH! I had them the wrong way

up! They go like that! Ummm, let me put them in! I actually love those, I think they're so cool! Oh my goodness! I

love Verge Girl earrings! They are so cool! What do you guys think? I am in love!

With an earring! Sorry Jack! Can't marry you anymore, I'm in love with an

earring! No but seriously they are so beautiful. Loooooove! Okay, right, I'm gonna go and fake tan!

and have a cup of tea and then I'm gonna try it all these on when I'm not

pasty as hell! And I might try and take some pictures too for Instagram so make

sure you follow me over there if you're not ready so you can keep an eye out for

those and I hope you guys enjoyed this haul it was very speedy and let me know

what your favourite pieces are iiiiii it's hard to say because we're in the middle of

winter and these are quite summery things. That white linen dress is 100%

gonna be a wardrobe staple. The like lime green top and the silk cami areeee amaaaazing

I just, and these earrings! I love! So yeah, there's a few faves! But then

obviously I picked them all so I was obviously gonna like most of them!

but anyway thank you so much for watching I hope that you enjoyed it let

me know what you think let me know if there's another store, if there's like, if you

like these all-in-one store hauls and you want me to do one for another

brand then let me know, if there's anything you want to see my styling, let me

know, ummm and I will see you next time! Byeeeee!

Oh! and don't forget subscribe! Bye!

For more infomation >> VERGE GIRL HAUL & TRY ON | Sinead Crowe - Duration: 12:52.


Data Gives A Birthday Gift To Worf - Duration: 0:32.

Happy birthday, Worf.

Thank you.


A painting.

I think it's wonderful.

And I know just where to put it.

What are you doing?

-Worf, are you all right?

Worf: Data's painting is making me dizzy.

-What's wrong?

For more infomation >> Data Gives A Birthday Gift To Worf - Duration: 0:32.


Episodio #111 - Preguntas negativas - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Episodio #111 - Preguntas negativas - Duration: 4:58.


Carboxylic Acids 2: Reactions & Esters - GCSE IGCSE 9-1 Chemistry - Sci - Succeed In Your GCSE IGCSE - Duration: 8:53.

This video is brought to you by With complete lessons and

resources, assessments, learning plans and schemes of work, for students, parents and

teachers, for revision, for catch-up, or just to get ahead in class. Visit now for your free trial lessons. Learn to

Succeed. Hey Class, I'm Mr Thornton and I'm going to help

you Succeed in your GCSE and IGCSE. This lesson; Carboxylic Acids and Esters

♫ Theme Music ♫

This topic was requested by Jake Macer and hello world. Thanks guys.

If you've got a topic you'd like me to cover, then just leave a comment below.

Firstly, I'm assuming that you've already watched the last video on carboxylic

acids, and the alkanes and alkenes videos too. If you haven't seen them the links

are on cards up here and you really should take a look at both of them

before you watch this video. An important principle in organic chemistry is that

when an oxygen atom is stuck to a hydrogen atom, as we have here, it makes a

molecule polar. All that means is that the hydrogen has a slight positive

electrical charge and the oxygen has a slight negative electrical charge.

This makes them weakly electrostatically attracted to oxygen hydrogen pairs in

other molecules, because the opposite charges attract. This is known as

hydrogen bonding. This is particularly important in water, which has two oxygen

hydrogen pairs per molecule of course. This hydrogen bonding, the weak

attraction of positively charged hydrogens to negatively charged oxygens,

is what keeps water molecules stuck together as a liquid at room temperature,

when most other similarly small molecules are gasses. Any molecules with

an oxygen and a hydrogen like this tend to be soluble in water, so all of our

carboxylic acids will dissolve in water, with weak bonds forming between the

molecules like this. Remember, alkanes and alkenes can't do this. They don't have

that oxygen-hydrogen group, that O-H group, so they don't mix with water, but

carboxylic acids do mix with water. The neat thing about carboxylic acids is

they also have this other end of the molecule, which is

just like an alkane, so this end lets the molecule dissolve in water, and that end

lets it dissolve in alkanes, alkenes and other oily substances.

This makes carboxylic acids work as emulsifiers, for example we use vinegar,

which contains ethanoic acid remember, in salad dressing to help the oil-based and

the water-based parts of the dressing mix with each other. As the name suggests,

carboxylic acids are all acidic, but they're only fairly weak acids.

Ethanoic acid is present in vinegar and you eat that, so it can't be a very

strong acid. For higher-tier students, as with all weak acids, this is just because

the molecules only partially ionise when they're dissolved in water, so they

don't release as many hydrogen ions as an acid like hydrochloric acid. However

they will still react a bit with alkalis and bases. Here's an example of

this reaction and one you can try at home if you want. The white powder here

is baking soda, which is actually the chemical sodium bicarbonate, and it's a

base. I'm going to add a little vinegar, containing ethanoic acid, and as you can

see we're getting signs of a reaction, with effervescence showing that a gas is

being produced. Have a think for a moment about what that gas might be and we'll

see if you are correct in a minute. As with everything else in chemistry, these

reactions always follow a pattern, and the same is true here. Let's say we were

adding ethanoic acid to potassium carbonate. We always get a metal salt, as

the carbonate group switches places with the ethanoic acid, giving us potassium

ethanoate. The metal is just the same, and the rest of the name of this salt is

just the name of our acid combined with the suffix A T E or "ate." With other acids

we'd end up with methanoate, propanoate, or butanoate. Yet again,

the name tells you how many carbons there are. We also get a couple of side

products and it's always the same two; water, and our gas, which you saw

being formed a moment ago. We're reacting with a carbonate, so the gas is carbon

dioxide. As a side note if you ever have to state which gas is formed in science

and you've got no idea at all, guess carbon dioxide, CO2,

especially if there's anything containing carbon or with carbon in its

name in the reactants, for example carbonate. Carbon dioxide is far and away

the most common gas you'll see produced at GCSE and IGCSE level, so if you've got

no other idea it's probably going to be a pretty safe guess. Now we know the

pattern, we can swap in any carboxylic acid and any carbonate and predict the

outcome. Sodium carbonate and methanoic acid just forms sodium methanoate,

and carbon dioxide and water. Lithium carbonate and propanoic acid forms

lithium propanoate, and carbon dioxide and water, and so on. Now if the acid

reacts with a pure metal instead, such as butanoic acid reacting with zinc for

example, the salt formed is named in exactly the same way; zinc butanoate. In

this case the only side product is hydrogen gas, the same product we get

from all metal acid reactions. Finally you need to know about the reactions of

carboxylic acids with alcohols. Now we're getting the hang of these naming

patterns I'm just going to cut to the chase; alcohols are also named by how

many carbon atoms are in their chains so we've got methanol for one carbon atom,

then ethanol, propanol, and butanol, for example. When they react with a

carboxylic acid they form a new molecule called an ester, and a water molecule too.

We generally use a catalyst, such as sulphuric acid, to speed this process up.

Esters are fragrant compounds often used in perfumes or some kinds of sweets. The

name of the ester is based upon the name of the alcohol first; methanol, ethanol,

propanol, or butanol, and then the name of the carboxylic acid; methanoic, ethanoic, propanoic,

or butanoic acid. If we start with ethanol the esters name

will start with "ethyl." If we add ethanoic acid the ester's full name will

be ethyl ethanoate. This is the only one you need to have heard of, and look; it's

got two carbons over there on the left, for "eth," and two on the right again for "eth,"

hence ethyl ethanoate. This is the main ester you

need to be familiar with at this level, though I'll bet that you could now name

and draw a bunch more like methyl propanoate, or butyl methanoate,

with the chains of carbon atoms just spreading out from the same central

section each time. So as long as you know the name you know how many carbon atoms

to include on each side. That's chemistry: it sounds complicated, but once you know

the code it's actually really easy.


Any organic chain molecule with a COOH group,

which looks like this in a structure diagram, is a carboxylic acid. They're named

for the number of carbon atoms in the chain, just like with alkanes and alkenes,

and the four you'll see most commonly are methanoic acid, ethanoic acid, propanoic

acid, and butanoic acid. They're all weak acids, for example ethanoic acid is found

in vinegar. If we oxidize an alcohol, for example ethanol, either by fermentation

or by adding an oxidizing agent like acidified potassium manganate (VII), we form

the corresponding carboxylic acid. They're all soluble in oil like alkanes,

but also soluble in water thanks to the polar O-H section of the molecule. They

form a salt, such as zinc ethanoate, and hydrogen gas when we react them with

a metal. Reacting with carbonates they also form a salt plus carbon dioxide and

water. Adding carboxylic acids to an alcohol with a sulphuric acid catalyst

forms fragrant compounds called esters, which are just the two molecules stuck

together with an excess water molecule removed. The number of alcohol carbon

atoms gives us the first part of the name, and the number of carboxylic acid

carbon atoms gives us the second part of the name, for example ethanol plus

propanoic acid gives ethyl propanoate. I hope that video really helps you. If it

did it'd be great if you let me know in the comments. Remember to Like, Subscribe,

and hit the bell to get a notification the next time I upload a video. If you

check the description I've got links to my revision guides, and to Snapquiz,

that's my revision website and app, and to, that's my website

with full lesson plans, schemes of work, and end of unit tests for both teachers

and students. I've also got links in the description to my Twitter, my Instagram,

my Patreon if you want to support the channel, and there's links to my

other YouTube channels NotSchool and NotSchoolPlays. You can also click just

here to Subscribe to this channel, and you can click here to check out this

related video. Good luck in your GCSEs and IGCSEs, and thanks very much for watching.

For more infomation >> Carboxylic Acids 2: Reactions & Esters - GCSE IGCSE 9-1 Chemistry - Sci - Succeed In Your GCSE IGCSE - Duration: 8:53.



How to say take an oath?

Aha...this is continuing now.

They're killing everybody.

He's telling him.

What's this?

He doesn't believe him.

Oh, she'll...

Fine, maybe Joffrey will..

This kid is insane.


No, this is south of the Wall.

They're like...mountain tribes.

He's provoking him deliberately.

He shouldn't do this.

Ghost heard something.

He came to kill him?

He came to kill this man? Lord Commander?

He's gathering people?

He cut him.

What did he took out?

His tongue ...


...his neck.

What is he saying?

He bit off his finger.

These wolfs are crazy.


I didn't get this part.

They're accepting them like this. It's like...he should be like this.

Now he has to be in charge.

But their mother is stupid because she didn't come back to them.

But there's a passage.

Oh...he fired him.

He'll kill him now.

He won't do it.

For more infomation >> GAME OF THRONES - 1x08 "THE POINTY END" REACTION - Duration: 15:56.


360 vlog in Tokyo - Bullismo - Duration: 7:18.

Hello Alessia!!! Hello! Hello!

Thank you for your lovely message you sent me on Facebook

I will now tell the other people watching what was the content of her message

Alessia was shocked by some of the hate comments I received on my videos

and she was so kind to send me a message

because she was worried if I was alright after receiving all that hate

Her message was really nice and was trying to support me to get through all this hate I was receiving

So I thought her message was so nice she deserved a video reply

So first of all Alessia let me tell you I was bullied a lot when I was a child

I have always been a weird person... I mean look at me even now with a green wig and a cat plushie...

but being weird was just one of the things...

I have an unusual name, which is not an italian name. So my classmate weren't able to say my name and they always made fun of it

and on top of that my parents divorced when I was 6

I wasn't just bullied. My classmates beat me every single day.

Now I can laugh at it but back in the days it was really hard

As you can see getting bullied on Facebook/Youtube seems like the normal continuation of what happened to me when I was a child

but something has changed compared when I was a child

And the thing that changed is me and the way i perceive things

When I was a child I used to suffer from this

but now I changed the way I relate to these people that do bullyism

These people try hard to bring you down and to have you live in fear

and when I was a child I was living in fear. fear fo going to school because my classmates would have beat me

but now, that I've grown up, I realized that I always had the choice to ignore they way they wanted me to feel

You can just switch the way you perceive this things for stopping to suffer from them

I can decide to have these words change my life for the worst and live in fear, or I can just decide to use them as a chance to improve myself

I just need to relate to the fact of getting bullied in a different way

Now i do not suffer anymore, I just think: "oh these people probably don't like the music and the videos I make"

and I can grow up as artist my using this negative feedback in a constructive way

Alessia, maybe you do not know that but making music is my full time profession. I have a Patreon and recently I got a tshirt for sale

even if I am just a noob musician, I need to use this feedback to keep growing

and this is part of the job of being a musician

So I have decided to not to be influenced negatively by the comments of certain people

and it is really simple. I just have to change the way I feel about them.

I mean, they could be more polite for sure

I have managed to get nice inspirations and good ideas from really harsh comments

But, please mind that I still think that bullyism is a problem even if I have find my way to ignore its effects

and this si true specially for young kids or younger people in general

and I know for sure that there are lot of young people suffering from this

but there is a huge difference when I was a child to people that are young now

and it's the fact that young people now have access to internet

and though internet you can meet people that have overcome being bullied and get advices from them on ow to overcome it yourself

and I am sure that if I had the chance to watch this very video when I was a child I would have found strength in it an I would have probably suffered way less

knowing that I could have just changed my approach to the problem and the way I felt about it

So Alessia I am happy that these people are now bullying me on Youtube, so I can show other how to ignore them and live a happy life regardless

The best way would be to change reality and have people stop doing that

but while changing the whole world is quite a task, you can instead change yourself which is a easier task

You can just think of them as words, words that has no right to affect the way you feel about things

The words of these people have no effects on you unless you want the to affect you somehow

Just be confident on who you are and what you want to achieve in life

and turn any opportunity as a chance to grow and spiritually evolve

and I hope that this video will help other people who are now bullied

You can do it!!! It's all up to you!!!

Just change your stance and your feelings about the matter.

So alessia, that's why I always reply with politeness

because I hope that the way I act may inspire other people

You don't need superpowers, you just need to change the way you feel about it.

And you can even improve your life from this.

It is because these people bullied me that you sent me this lovely email. I wouldn't have never got such a lovely email if it wasn't for these people that bullied me.

So Alessia thank you again for your mail and for your lovely words

You told me that you don't like the music I make but I hope to see you again regardless of the music!!

You will be always welcome here!!

See you!

For more infomation >> 360 vlog in Tokyo - Bullismo - Duration: 7:18.


Patron polar Part Design en FreeCad - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Patron polar Part Design en FreeCad - Duration: 10:27.


New Documents Prove Opioid Makers KNEW They Were Profiting Off Deaths - Duration: 9:45.

According to recently filed court documents, the Sackler family who owns Purdue, absolutely

no question, they knew that they were profiting off the opioid epidemic that's now killing

as many as 150 Americans every single day.

Now, full disclosure, I'm one of the lawyers that is doing the discovery, national discovery

for this case.

I'll probably end up trying one of the cases that end up going for the test cases in the


So I want to put that on the table before I tell you that these people are scumbags.


So I, after taking the depositions, not on the Sackler family, but on the distributors

that actually sold their trash.

After doing that, I tell you how many, how many times you've had me say, I'll come back

from a deposition and I will say, Farron, the last two days I've been sitting across

the table from sociopath's.


I say it all the time because they are sociopaths.

Given a different world, you know, they, you know, they have, they, they would be the kind

of people that establishment wants to throw in prison, but they don't look like sociopath's

because they got a nice suit on, you know, they're driving a nice car.

They got an MBA from Yale.

What is your take on this story?

Richard Sackler is a thug.

He's a thug.

He needs to be in prison and nobody will pull themselves to say, let's throw the Sackler's

in prison.

That, I don't know why we can't say that.

Why can't we?

Well, the whole thing is, you know, Purdue, for years have said, no, no, Sackler's haven't

been involved in any of this.

Leave them out of it.

They don't care about day to day and now we've got these documents from at least 18 years

ago where Richard Sackler is out there saying, hey, people are dying from this, but not as

many as we thought.

So that's good.


That's a good thing he says.

And then this quote here, "we have to hammer on abusers in every way possible.

They are the culprits and the problem, they are reckless criminals."

So in 2001 is when that document came out, he's already trying to shift the blame because

he knows, he knows he and his family and his company and everything they have built is

based on death and destruction and it's going to come back to bite him.

So they were trying to shift the public's opinion, throw the regulators off the scent

eighteen years ago, only five years after OxyContin even came onto the market.

He knew then and now finally, you know, they're getting sued for it, but this, this guy should

be in prison forever.

Let me tell you what I love about this story, along with the fact that it's finally been

disclosed that these people should be in prison.


The Sackler family that made decisions like this, the Department of Justice has given

them pass after pass, they fined them $600 million dollars.

You know, they made that in the last hour, you know.

So they find back in, I forgot what year 2001 maybe, they fined $600,000.

They have all of the information, but they don't throw them in prison and the reason

they don't throw them in prison is that they, the way they go spending money, they put their

names on medical schools.

They put their, they're one of the America's richest families.

More than $13 billion dollars conservatively.

They buy up all this goodwill.

We're going to give to this charity.

People are gonna love us, but when you pull back the curtain, you understand that they

are thugs.

They are criminals that the Department of Justice again let go because they don't look

like criminals.


But here's what, here's what they understood.

They clearly understood that they lied about their product.

They said, we have a new opioid that is not going to be, you don't have to worry about

addiction problems.

You can give out 90 pills and not worry about it.

They knew that was a lie.

Their on clinical data showed that was a lie.

Their own clinical data showed you know what, they had enough information to know that it

only took about a week to get people hooked on the OxyContin that they wanted to push.

They wanted to push, they told their sales people, push the highest level of narcotic

that you can.

Push the highest level of opioid, 80 milligrams, push it, push it, push it, because they knew

that people were crushing it up and teenagers were crushing it up, and smoking, and sniffing


But here's what's important to me as I take these depositions.

What's very clear is they internalized the criminality Farron.

In other words, they knew the criminal conduct was going out on the street, but they saw

that a town like Kermit, West Virginia, where you have 400 people, they could pump 6 million

pills a year into Kermit and that glut, 400 people can't absorb 6 million pills.


In a year.

So the glut was what they used for the criminal conduct and they have internalized the criminal

conduct as a profit source.

And what's interesting too, and I don't think enough people, well most people don't even

understand how bad the opioid story is, but this, you know, back in '96 when they came

out with OxyContin, this company was on the verge of not existing.

In the pharmaceutical world, they were barely surviving, Purdue was, and they'd been around

since 1950, but they had never in their entire careers, seen a billion dollars.

They had not.

They did not have that kind of money.

They could not compete with the major folks.

Then suddenly they come out with this OxyContin, opioid and all of a sudden within a year or

two, they're pulling in billions of dollars a year and it's 100 percent off the death

and destruction that their pills were causing and that they knew it would be causing.

Okay, so look, they were giving discounts, sell our drug, and we're, sell our narcotic.

We're talking about narcotics.

Sell our narcotic and we'll give you a discount.

They are no different than the than Mexican cartels.

There's no difference in these people other than they don't look like, don't use machine


They use PR, they use slick PR firms, you know.

They use politicians.

They engage the politician, they pay for campaigns, they, they pay for charities.

Why is it, I mean, give me your best shot at this, for by God I can't, I mean if you're

a prosecutor and you're looking at these facts and you don't prosecute, you are a gutless

useless prosecutor.

Why don't they do it?

They're on the take.

I mean, I mean really, they've all been paid off.

They've all been bought off.

They're either friends with the people or they're getting campaign money or promises

of future positions from these organizations.

We saw, we saw it with Eric Holder, you know, working in the Department of Justice after

coming from Covington & Burling.

He's now back at Covington & Burling working with these same corporations.

His DOJ came to him and said, we are ready not to fine, not to sue, we're ready to prosecute.

They had a team put together in Colorado, I think it was.

They had everything.

They said we can, we can put them in jail.

We can do this.

This was against McKesson, right?


We can do this Eric holder and he said, no, no, no, no, no.

No we don't want to do that, they're our friends.

So they had Rudy Giuliani, working with the opioid companies during that $600 million

fine you talked about.

Giuliani, negotiated that, and so he worked for the OxyContin folks.

That was the last real legal thing he did.

Doesn't it tell you something, the very fact that they have Giuliani doing this.

I mean...

There' no difference between the parties.

Let's go find the bottom feeder and bring them in.

Look, let me give a shout out to Maura Healey.

This is the attorney general in Massachusetts.

This is a great attorney general.

I mean a true, you know the problem.

Most attorney generals, I wouldn't give you a nickel for.

They caused this problem.

You see the attorney generals all the way back, you know, the first time that they let,

you know, they let the distributors go.

They let Sackler's go.

They let Purdue go for a few hundred million dollars, and then they, this was years ago,

and then all these useless attorney generals are standing up there saying, this is a huge


We've really accomplished, the opioid crisis is over.

That was 10 years ago.


Had they done their job, had they done what Maura Healey is doing, and you know, they

never took any depositions.

Did you know that?

They settled the case with all these opioid criminals and never took the first deposition.

So here you got Maura Healey who's distinguishing herself.

I mean, distinguishing herself dramatically and saying, you know what, it's not business

as usual in Massachusetts, baby.

We're going to make, and to me the next sign is, will she prosecute?

She, they, they have the ability to prosecute.

And the question is, will they do that?

So I don't know, it's until you perp walk these people, nothing changes.

Culture doesn't change.

Your got Sackler family today.

It's another, next day it's another family.

And, and killing people is cheap in America.

Killing people is very cheap.

It's a good business plan and you'll probably see what I, what I think we'll find, and I

always see it almost in every, every case like this big injury death cases is they have

a computation.

They'll say, well, this many people are going to die.

What will it cost us in the end, if we're making x number of dollars in profit?

They do the numbers, yeah, we'll keep doing it.

200,000 people have died as you and I are talking here right now, 200,000 people.

Nobody's been to prison.

For more infomation >> New Documents Prove Opioid Makers KNEW They Were Profiting Off Deaths - Duration: 9:45.


What element is attracted the most to a magnet? - Duration: 14:25.

Hi! Which element is attracted the most to a magnet?

Is it a clear winner, or is there any competition for it?

I will test the best candidates at room temperature

and an outsider just below that temperature in four different experiments.

Going into this, I thought there would be a clear winner

but I was surprised by the results. Maybe you will be too?

Strong magnets will bite you at any given chance.

Do be careful with them.

And wear safety glasses when using them.

You'll see why later...

Nickel and cobalt can cause skin problems so don't wear them as jewellery.

Overall there are three ways a material can react to a magnet.

Diamagnetic materials are weakly repelled by a magnet.

Materials that are paramagnetic are weakly attracted to a magnet

but can't be magnets in themselves.

And then there are the ferromagnetic materials which are strongly attracted to a magnet

and can be magnets in themselves.

The ferromagnetic materials are what we call magnetic in everyday speech

so obviously we have to look for the strongest attractions in the ferromagnetic elements.

There are only three of these:

Iron, nickel and cobalt.

At room temperature...

If we go just below room temperature gadolinium also turns ferromagnetic.

Since "just below room temperature" is a normal temperature in Denmark

I consider gadolinium a ferromagnetic element

and will include it in the tests.

First test is the most obvious.

Place samples of similar size on top of a powerful magnet

and see how much force it takes to remove the samples from the magnet again.

I will use this spring balance and zero it before each test

so the weight of the container and sample doesn't count as pull force.

I'll start with cobalt.

This element is used in strong samarium-cobalt magnets and cheaper alnico magnets.

Seems like we can expect it to do well.

I will measure at two spots:

The center of the magnet and at the edge, where the magnetic field is stronger.

At the center, the pull force needed to remove the cobalt rod is around 1.4 kg.

At the edge, the magnetic field curls hard down towards the other pole

making the rod switch position.

With more of the rod close to the magnet - and in a stronger magnetic field -

the pull force will be much higher.

Looks like 5.2 kg for cobalt.

Not a bad start!

Next up is nickel.

It is used in the relatively weak alnico magnets

and as coating on neodymium magnets

so I'm not expecting nickel to perform as well as cobalt.

The pull force on the center is a mere 600 g.

On the edge, it is 1.4 kg. Similar to cobalt on the weaker center...

Let's switch to my favorite contender: Iron.

This element is the main part of the neodymium magnets

the strongest permanent magnets we know of

and also used in ferrite and alnico magnets.

It should perform well.

Ohohoh yes, almost 2 kg on the center.

It must be high on the edge then...

It sure is!

6.3 kg is very impressive for a small 12 g sample.

How about the outsider gadolinium?

It is not a main part of any commercial magnets.

It can be used to make neodymium magnets more resistant to demagnetization.

Especially at higher temperatures.

But dysprosium seems to be prefered for this.

Here in my living room, gadolinium is only paramagnetic but let me test it anyway.

At the center, it doesn't align vertically with the magnetic field like the others.

A sign of it not being magnetized like a ferromagnet.

But for comparable results, I will measure it standing up like the others.

400 g pull force - not bad for a paramagnetic material.

Almost as good as the ferromagnetic nickel.

It does surprisingly well at the edge too: 1.2 kg.

Now, I'm really curious to know how it performs in its ferromagnetic state.

Depending on different sources

The transition should happen between 16 to 20°C.

That's very convenient because even in a warm winter

it is cold enough in my sunroom to turn gadolinium ferromagnetic.

Let's see if it really works...

Well, it clearly is a different reaction.

Now, it aligns vertically like the other ferromagnets.

Isn't that amazing?!?

The only difference is 10°C.

Let's see how it performs.

On the center, it has increased to 600 g. The same as nickel.

But on the edge...

It is now almost 2 kg. Better than nickel.

The conclusion of the pull force test is, that iron is the winner.

Not a surprise...

Afterall it has Fe printed on it.

The first two letters in ferromagnetism.

Ferrum is latin for iron, and ferromagnetism is named after iron.

It is more surprising that gadolinium in its paramagnetic state is so close to the ferromagnetic nickel.

Maybe my spring balance isn't precise enough at the low forces?

Or is the gadolinium magnetized at room temperature?

More testing is needed...

I want to see how well the samples conduct the magnetic field from this tiny magnet.

As a control test, I will try with 20 mm air first.

Air does not conduct the magnetic field well.

Only 3 milliteslas.

Time for a montage of the results of the ferromagnetic elements before we test gadolinium.

All right. They maxed out between 23 to 31 mT.

Will gadolinium be any match for these values at room temperature?

Nnnnnno. Not at all...

It isn't much better than air.

It is not showing any ferromagnetic behavior.

The ferromagnetic samples had a stronger magnetic field at the edge.

A sign of them having poles like any other magnet.

But I don't see it on gadolinium at this temperature.

Will we see a change at 11°C?

Yes! Now it acts like a ferromagnet.

It is as strongly magnetized as nickel

and also show higher values at the edge like the others.

OK. So gadolinium was clearly not magnetized in the first pull force test.

Maybe we should try with a much more sensitive scale.

I used this milligram scale to measure the weight of the rods.

It can be used for a different pull force test as well.

By putting a magnet at a fixed distance above the rod

we can see on the scale how much the rod is lifted by the magnet.

For nickel, it is 4.8 g.

Let me show you the others. Look out for an odd result...

Again, we see nickel winning clearly over gadolinium at 23°C.

But.... cobalt beat iron?!?

Now, I am confused.

Is cobalt more attracted at a distance than iron?

We need to include one of my favorite tests.

The long distance test I call the water bath run.

Working with ferromagnetic elements in this test for the first time

I wanted to get a feel for how long I could make the water bath.

I didn't film it, but I wasn't exactly successful...

The glass slipped out of my gloved hand...

Do remember to wear safety goggles when working with powerful magnets.

Here's the final setup. Will cobalt beat iron again?

Cobalt wins again! Followed strongly by nickel.

Leaving iron only to beat gadolinium...

The results from the distance tests baffle me.

I cannot explain why iron is the strongest at the surface of the magnet

but at distance, cobalt seems to have the highest magnetic susceptibility.

Any help and input from you in the comments is more than welcome.

The final conclusion on my experiments is a bit messy.

At room temperature, iron is attracted the most to a magnet - at the surface of the magnet.

At a distance, cobalt seems to be attracted the most to a magnet.

If we look at all temperatures

Holmium is actually the strongest known elemental ferromagnet.

However, it has to be cooled down below 20 kelvin.

My house is not prepared for handling the liquid helium needed to cool it.


A big thanks to all my patrons.

I'm glad to see the support from more and more of you.

If you want to help me keep going with the videos too

then check out my Patreon-page. Link is under the video.

I have bought several elements in the same size.

So subscribe and click the bell, if you are interested in seeing more elements being tested in a future video.

Thanks for watching. Bye for now!

For more infomation >> What element is attracted the most to a magnet? - Duration: 14:25.


Being "Fearless": Rejecting Incremental Change - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> Being "Fearless": Rejecting Incremental Change - Duration: 10:58.


Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #743 - Satisfying Slime ASMR - Duration: 10:19.

Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #743 - Satisfying Slime ASMR

For more infomation >> Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #743 - Satisfying Slime ASMR - Duration: 10:19.


Justin Bieber's Fashion Fail? - Duration: 1:59.

(audience clapping and cheering)

Oh, it's time for Hot Topics Sound Off!

What are you sounding off on?

Hi, Nicole, my name is Yaritza.

I am sounding off on Cardi B and Offset.

I completely think that Cardi B should leave Offset.


If you're gonna make a rule for your man

to stop cheating on you, you might as well just leave him.

You're a strong, dependent mom.

Continue being a strong mom and keeping making the shmoney!

Okay, alright!

Come here, hello!

What are you, ooh this is fabulous!

Thank you, Nicole!

Oh my god, I love it!

Where is it from?

Fashion Nova!

Ooh, girl, yes!

Get that coupon code, okay!

So, hi Nicole!

My name's Ayana, and I want to sound off on Justin Bieber.

So honestly, Bieber's just trying to find himself.


His music career isn't where it used to be,

and now he has to find a new avenue.

So, I honestly think that his,

I honestly think that it looks a lot like Kanye's.

And with Kanye's success in the fashion industry,

he's like, "Hmm, maybe I should try it too."

So though Kanye's style is kinda out there,

he's making money.

So Bieber, I don't knock him for emulating it.

So, gotta make money some way.

Okay, alright, I agree!

Goodbye! Hello!

How are you?

Hi Nicole, I'm doing great!


My name's Sienna and I'd like to sound off

on Caitlyn Jenner.

Yes, yes, yes!

I really believe that Caitlyn Jenner

should be able to use her own name as her brand.

After all, she gave it to Kylie and Kris.

And you know branding is complicated,

there's a lot of rules, there's a lot of weird things.

But it seems a little, for lack of a better term, extra.

And I just believe the name came from Caitlyn.

Caitlyn should be able to use it.

I agree with you!

I think that makes sense!


(upbeat music)

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