Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 1 2017

I introduced the short cut makeup video for beginners,

Hello everyone, this is Misako Aoki

I am doing job as Lolita model, a nurse and the chair person of Japan Lolita Association

Usually my videos are Lolita Model, bam! but

The casual makeup this time is for beginners or people who do not have time in the morning

A simple one you can do easily

The contacts I use when doing casual makeup is One Day Acuvue Refine

in brown color

This is very easy to use as well as is moist

It's a one day contact so it's hygienic.

It doesn't dry up after a day, so it's also good for me as a nurse

You can use it naturally so it is really good

Concealer from Jill Stuart

Control Color 04 to all over the face

Where the dark circles stand out, I'm putting a lot

Sinking it into the skin with a tapping motion

Adding this all over the face will hide the dark spots or the wrinkles

It's a short cut makeup so just slapping this on all over the face will

hide the majority of the spots and wrinkles so it's good

If you put too much, it will look like you have heavy makeup on and will look strange

so add it thinly

The foundation is from Maquillage, the brightest one

Since I only have concealer on this time and thus it is thin makeup,

so by thoroughly adding foundation, it will cover well

For the foundation, apply it all over the face and,

since the cheek is where you see how the skin situation is,

so adding a little thick to the eyes and the dark circles under the eyes

The nostrils and under the chin are parts which tend to shine so,

so adding there by pushing in a little would be good

Aube Couture Designing precious eyes #551, a pink colored eye shadow

Talking about this, since it is the "just as you see makeup",

as you can see if you open it up, it's very easy to understand and works for time saving makeup

This is the double eyelid, this is the whole eyelid,

edge of the eyes,

and this is the eye bags as you see

so it's an item that all you have to do is add it as you see it

so I did the same

For the beginners, for those not used to makeup, or for those without much time,

just by having this one, you can pretty much finish your eye makeup

so it is really good

and since the soft look makes it really cute in the sense of casual Lolita,

so I use the pink eye shadows

The eyeliner is Noble Brown from Love Liner

It is the brown color

When it's the black color, it will look too sharp looking and will not look natural,

So when it is casual Lolita, using this thin brown to make thin makeup

and create a more natural and cute makeup

The eyelash curler from Jill Stuart

The color is pink gold color and I bought it because of the cute package,

It raises the eyelashes well, so it is good

How to do it is, look down once and clamp it once

and if you do it multiple times, it will rise very softly

so clamping it many small times

will make it look natural as well as rising well so it is good

The mascara is Lash Knockout from Dejavu

This one gives a lot of volume,

Without the fake lashes, it's really hard to give it some volume, so

so adding a lot on top and bottom to make it look natural, but cute at the same time as well

The blush is Blooming Dew Oil in blush #01 from Jill Stuart

This is a new product from Jill Stuart

It's got some oil inside so it balances well and gives good color,

the inside is pinkish color in a gradation

I am mixing some colors to use it

This highlighter looking part has some glitter in it

so it will give some glitter to the face to give that porcelain kind of look

Lipstick from Yves Saint Laurent

It's got some tint in it so the color is really good as well as lasting for a long time

It also gives a slight shine as well

It's a really cute lipstick from Yves Saint Laurent

The last lipstick is the strawberry shaped lipstick from Jill Stuart

This one has some look of lip gloss in it as well

It gives good color, but the good thing about this is that it makes juicy looking lips

The Yves Saint Laurent lipstick lacks in the lip gloss element,

but mixing with this will enhance more of the pink color

so it is good

The scent of this is very sweet and girly like scent,

so it's good as well

Just adding this in the bag itself is cute so it will be very girly

The ribbon arrangement this time

What I would like to recommend is this type of organdy type ribbon

This is a very soft ribbon so it matches well with the hair

If you tie the ribbon like this, it stay on well

This organdy will come useful

The ribbons seems to be very expensive in Japan,

There is a store called Shimojima Wholesale store in Asakusa-bashi,

where you can buy envelopes and cards

where I buy organdy ribbons in bulks

There you can buy this much for around 500yen, so that's where I buy my ribbons

The length of the ribbons

You go to the top and tie it with a rubber band like this to adjust it so,

So it will be double the length of this since it will go back and forth

Doing this will make the ribbon arrangement easy, and you can use the ribbon without wasting it

When you cut the ribbon, the ribbon will be tied with a rubber band around one finger's length from the ear

Both around the same length

If you take too much of it, there will be too much volume here

so take a smaller wad and tie it with rubber

and tie it around both sides

When you tie it, you pull it out a little to make it look slightly loose,

and since I want to hide the rubber band, tying the ribbon on the rubber band part,

and you drape it down to make it to mix with the hair to make braids

Showing more of the organdy ribbon will be much cuter, so

So at the end, from the bottom to top you make it come loose on the ribbon you had tied,

This will make the ribbon stand out more, and the loose look will make the overall look cute

This dress that I am wearing this time is from a casual Lolita brand

The name is Leur Getta, a famous brand

From spring to summer, this type of Bolero will be very famous

I have this type of blouse under the bolero

When it comes to Lolita, you may have an image of flashy blouse with flashy jumper skirt,

but the brand Lear Getta that I am wearing this time,

It is a brand that the casual Lolita that I know really like as well

They have a polyester skirts like this which is wrinkle free

When you wear it is soft, easy to wear and anti wrinkle

I go abroad a lot so it is a one that I can take as much as I want

If I fold it up, it becomes this small. It's light, soft,

easy to carry casual Lolita brand

Since the summer time, this lets the breeze in and feels cool

so it's really good,

The length is the Lolita length so it goes under the knees

so you can wear it cute

When I do Lolita I wear 3, 4, or 5 paniers

and make it look bloated like an upside down cup

but when I'm doing casual Lolita, I will be using a pretty worn out panier

just one of them to make it a soft, mature looking

What is IN now at Lear Getta is Bolero,

What is typical for Lolita would be wearing is a blouse, a dress and then a jumper dress

so you can casual down so wear a Bolero or a cardigan like this

It makes it casual enough to create a toned down Lolita, or should I say mature Lolita

In the casual Lolita, I'm sure there are a lot of Disney loving Lolita as well

There are Lolita brands that are collaborating with Disney like BABY, or Angelic Pretty...

but what I often wear is the Disney collaboration dress from Secret Honey

This jumper dress I'm wearing is from Beauty and the Beast

It's the dress Belle wears in the movie

It's a collaboration with that

Since it's Lolita, dressing up like twins or triplets and going to Disney is quite popular

Depending on whether you go to Disney Sea or Land, it is quite popular among casual Lolitas

and I often wear this kind of thing and go to Disney as twins or triplets

It's pretty good wearing like this as well

Since this is a casual Lolita as well, having a cardigan on top,

You can wear the blouse underneath like me,

Limiting the Panier to one and keep it toned down could be nice as well

The dress is like Belle, so the hair is also matching a Belle type hair

There is a store which has a really long history, and probably the no.1 store for the Casual Lolita

the brand MILK is a pop icon like brand for casual Lolita

The dress which I am wearing today has a design called Love Berry on it

Dresses with a little impact like this is what it makes it look like a MILK dress

I don't have it with me today, but what all Lolita has is a heart shaped bag

That is an icon bag from MILK

There are many people who has it, so it's quite popular

There are many colors and styles coming out every year

so matching with my clothes I have many colors like black, red and pink

If you are going to work, to school, or taking a short trip and you feel Lolita might be too much

if you wear something like MILK, Leur Getta or Secret Honey like the one before,

It's easy to move, easy to wear and toned down

and so it's a Lolita dress you can wear in every day life

so everyone please try it out

Since it was casual Lolita this time,

It's a time saving makeup easy for even the beginners

There are many types of dresses as well

FamousCasual Lolita brands such as Leur Getta and Milk

Secret Honey which has many Disney Collaboration, or Emily Temple Cute,

There are many types of Casual Lolita brands so I introduced many coordination as well

There will be more videos coming up, so check them out as well

There are many videos of mine on Kawaii Pateen so please check them out

so Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Casual Lolita Makeup!by Misako Aoki【with English Sub】|メイク初心者さんにもおすすめ!カジュアルロリータメイク【青木美沙子】 - Duration: 12:43.


guy catches his roommate doing something - Duration: 0:17.

Pretty sure my roommate is jerking it HARD in there.

He doesn't even know I'm home.

I'm gonna take a look.

Get the fuck out of my room, I'm playing Minecraft!

For more infomation >> guy catches his roommate doing something - Duration: 0:17.


Простые рецепты выпечки - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Простые рецепты выпечки - Duration: 2:56.


LeFloid: Aufruf zu Germany's next Bundeskanzler/in - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> LeFloid: Aufruf zu Germany's next Bundeskanzler/in - Duration: 1:14.


8 советов по повышению эффективности расходов на контент-маркетинг - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> 8 советов по повышению эффективности расходов на контент-маркетинг - Duration: 12:37.


5 трендов контент-маркетинга 2017: прямые трансляции, VR, рассылки, сторителлинг, нативная реклама - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 5 трендов контент-маркетинга 2017: прямые трансляции, VR, рассылки, сторителлинг, нативная реклама - Duration: 7:46.


Youtube - Wiki - Duration: 49:11.

For more infomation >> Youtube - Wiki - Duration: 49:11.


Call of Duty4 Modern warfare Conspirational apartment # callofduty4 - Duration: 26:03.

For more infomation >> Call of Duty4 Modern warfare Conspirational apartment # callofduty4 - Duration: 26:03.


Baby No. 2 Is Not Up to Carrie Underwood - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Baby No. 2 Is Not Up to Carrie Underwood - Duration: 1:01.


Compositores audio y video - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Compositores audio y video - Duration: 0:21.


5 הבתיים היוקרתיים בעולם של שחקני הכדורגל - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 5 הבתיים היוקרתיים בעולם של שחקני הכדורגל - Duration: 2:51.


How To Pin A Comment On A YouTube Video - More Engagement! - Duration: 3:50.

Do you want to know a really powerful tip that will help increase engagement with

your viewers and help get your videos ranked on page one of YouTube?

Hi, its Jeff Laming from Video Cashflow and in this video I'm going to show you how

easy it is to engage with your viewers that will help get your videos ranked on

page one of YouTube in just a few short easy steps. So come and join me over at

the computer and I'll take you through those steps right now.

Welcome to the computer and what we'll do now we'll go and pick out a video and

pin a comment. So if you go to the icon at the top right here - click on it - and when the

menu pops down you want to go into Creator Studio. So click on that. This

will bring you to your dashboard and just to the right here will be the

videos listed on your channel. So we're going to click on this first one here

and when the video comes up you want to scroll all the way to the bottom where

it says "Comments". And as you can see I've already left a comment here and I want

that comment to show up every time someone comes to view the video. So to do that,

and to make sure that this comment is always at the top, if you just put your

cursor over the comment there and to the right here you can see these three dots.

Click on it, and from the drop-down menu you've got a choice of "Pin", "Edit" and

"Delete". So click "Pin" - then confirm by clicking the blue "Pin" button. Do you see a

comment down here? It says "Comment pinned", and there you will see confirmation that

the comment is now pinned. Likewise, if you want to remove the pin or if you

want to replace it because someone has posted a comment in answer to your

question which you think is more relevant, then all you do again is just

put the cursor on it to highlight it. Up come the three dots. Click on the dots so the drop

down menu pops up, and click "Unpin". "Comment unpinned" as you can see is down the

bottom here. And then you can just go in and repeat the process. It really is as

simple as that. Hope you found those steps useful. As you saw,

they're fairly easy to implement. It won't take you anytime at all, and of course

the benefit of having a pinned comment is that viewers to your videos will be

able to see the comment and respond accordingly. The best comment is one

that poses a question because it encourages people to answer the question -

which encourages engagement - and you, yourself can then respond to their

comment or their answers by posing another question, thereby continuing the

engagement cycle. And of course, the more engagement the video gets, it's seen

as being more socially engaging by YouTube. Bearing in mind that YouTube is also a

social platform as well as a search engine and so your video will move up

the YouTube rankings accordingly. So hope you found this video useful - if you liked

it - please click the "Like" button underneath the video where the

thumbs-up sign is. Feel free to share with friends, family, business colleagues

and associates; and of course, please leave a comment under the video and

I'll be happy to respond to you as soon as possible. And if you'd like some more useful

information and videos from Video Cashflow on video marketing and business

tips, tactics, techniques, and strategies please click the "Subscribe" button at the

bottom of the screen here. In the meantime enjoy the rest of your day. By for now....

For more infomation >> How To Pin A Comment On A YouTube Video - More Engagement! - Duration: 3:50.


Cool Hand Lettering Effect In Illustrator - Illustrator Tutorial - Digital Typography Illustrator - Duration: 4:00.

today's illustrator tutorial is how to make this cool hand lettering effect

using adobe illustrator

welcome back to satori graphics everybody home of graphic design content

today I have a tutorial based around the amazing work of David he's a designer on

Instagram that I follow you can check out his work that he has some seriously

cool hand lettering designs one is Instagram account let's jump right into

this tutorial you can use custom hand lettering but today I really didn't have

the time for that so I used a scripts typeface and there's a link in the

description below for the download of this typeface that I'm using here if you

want to edit the actual lettering you're going to need to create outlines and

then it helps to ungroup each individual letter once happy for it a black

rectangle across entire artboard and then send it to the back

you're going to need to lock the rectangle in place it doesn't move


finally flick the hand letter into a white fill looking at David's work on

Instagram I think he used the pencil to create shapes and then he filled them

with a gradient so grab the pen tool and create a curve where you think the

lettering will twist along its path use a color that you will be able to see

over white you don't have to be super accurate at this stage because we can go

back in afterwards and clean it up the trick here is to follow the shape of the

lettering and make an area for the shadow to fill once complete lick it

over to a fill like so and then grab the direct selection tool so you can go back

in and edit the angle points and the paths to make it fit perfectly

I change the fill to a gradient change the direction of your gradient here so

the shadow is coming from one side try to imagine a light source coming from a

specific area for example the left

once I did the gradient slider ie the white side you must turn the pasty down

to zero you can make the other side as dark as you like but I'm going forwards

out gray tone here now use this method again to go over all of your typography

if you want to see how to make this technique again go back a minute or two

in the video we watch how I did it so here's my final design I think it looks

great and I have to thank David for the inspiration there's a link in the

description for this image on which you can download

they've been aided you tomorrow because I'm really really busy right now with

graphic design work but I'm going to try and livestreams at some point tomorrow

so report back to my channel to see if there's a notification for that like and

share this video if you really enjoyed it until next time there's only future

today peace

For more infomation >> Cool Hand Lettering Effect In Illustrator - Illustrator Tutorial - Digital Typography Illustrator - Duration: 4:00.


Мультики про машинки. Учим виды транспорта. ТРАКТОР мультик для малышей! - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Мультики про машинки. Учим виды транспорта. ТРАКТОР мультик для малышей! - Duration: 3:36.


Potato Bread. Light and Airy Bread. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Potato Bread. Light and Airy Bread. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 2:17.


109 #Aaltonen - Älä pelkää kilpailua - Duration: 3:13.

This is my favourite subject. Build over your strengths. As we were at the HubSpot Partner Day,

Where plenty of different ad agencies just like us attended, you know who do inbound and sell HubSpot, social media, SEO etc.

Usually people are afraid of competition. Even on your type of industry people don't dare to talk with the competitors. We only glare at each other and wonder what they are planning next.

At the Partner Day there was nothing like that going on. We talked to each other, Finnish agencies, Swedish, German, Austrian and Italian agencies all came together.

Certain kind of respect has started to grow towards Finnish agencies, we actually are one of the best marketing countries in the world.

No joke. The whole idea that we can't sell or market is fake. We're actually really good at it. HubSpot's Brian Halligan came up to me and asked me what is happening in Finland?

Compared to our population we're a very special country in Europe. It's because we're actually pretty smart people, Finnish person is smart and educated.


We understand things and we can execute things. All the engineering, likely thanks to Nokia has made us to be really great at technology.

With addition to technology, we're really good story tellers and people look at us around the world.

In order us to be able to agree or talk with our competitors, you need to know who you are, where you're good at, what you've done and after that you can respect others, when you can be certain no one can take anything away from you.

Everything you've built you've built yourself. Every time I go to any system I remind myself, I was the best sales person at Eniro for 9 times, I've been selected the best music director in a radio and the best ad agency/HubSpot partner in Europe.

we've also reached the top tier globally. It's easy to be here. No need to insult anyone, I can respect others. As long as you remember that it all has come thanks to my own work.

It's not taken away from anyone else, but that you have created the miracle by yourself and with a help of a great team.

Those little miracles are waiting for you too.

For more infomation >> 109 #Aaltonen - Älä pelkää kilpailua - Duration: 3:13.


BoBoiBoy Galaxy EP10 | Ujian KENTAL - Duration: 20:57.

Power Spheras are high-tech robots

-carrying powers unimaginable.

Coveted by many,

These robots fled and hid themselves

-in various parts of the galaxy.

One by one...

-Power Spheras have been hunted down

-and captured by those with evil intent.

And now...

Their powers are used to wreak-

-havoc and destruction throughout the universe.

This is the tale of Earth's superhero...


-in his quest to save the Power Spheras

-and defend our galaxy.

Wakey-wakey, cadets.

Uhh? What time is it?

A few minutes to 7AM.

Hurry up and get ready.

The test will begin soon.

I'm so sleepy...

5 more minutes, please...

Aww, poor thing.

Alright, alright.

I'll wake you up again in a bit.



No, no! Not anymore!



Yes, Admiral!

I totally forgot how strict he can be...

Phew, we made it.

Those things look heavy.

Let me carry them for you.

Oh, it's okay, Admiral...

Wow! So strong!

After you.

Oh, err... hehe. Thank you.

What a gentleman, huh?

So different from Commander Cici Ko.

We're back, Commander.

Hah?! YOU'RE HERE?! Where's the Admiral--


I bid you welcome, Admiral Tarung!

Why, thank you!

I take it you're aware of the situation with TAPOPS?

Oh, yes.

Your delivery boys here have explained everything.

Um, actually... We're not delivery boys.

We're members of TAPOPS.



Err... Correct, Admiral.

Members of TAPOPS? THEM?!!

What the-- OWW!

What are their ranks?

BoBoiBoy and Gopal are Cadets.

Ying and Yaya are Lance Corporals.

Hmph. You failed to defend yourselves at Planet Dar'ghaya...


WEAK! How did you even manage to pass TAPOPS' Toughness Test?

My apologies, Admiral!

The Toughness Test is no longer implemented.

Due to... uh... its extremely high FAILURE rate.


No wonder TAPOPS has become an easy target.



Phew. Thank gosh I've already passed.

So you've taken the test?

Ah... Yes, Admiral.

Well done!

Please guide the freshies.

Let them see just what it takes to become a member of TAPOPS.

Understood, Admiral.


You're all dismissed.

The exam will commence at 0730 hours tomorrow!

Wow, you guys sure are pumped-up!

Heh! The first place shall be mine!

Yeah, right. First from the back!


I said, I'M gonna be the one taking first place!


Every time the word 'test' comes up, they'll get like that.

Good morning, Cadets.

There you are, Fang. Quick, come warm-up with us!

Warm-up? I've taken this test a LONG time ago.

Passed with flying colours too!

Tch. No need to rub it in. Get over yourself.

Hey guys, the Admiral is here!

Are you ready for the first part of the test?

The EASY-A Exam!

Yes, Admiral!

Easy-A? Heh! Should be easy-peasy!


The test was named as such because it's so easy to FAIL!

[Gasp] Easy to fail...?!

Get ready for.... the written test!


There are written tests in space too?!

It's like school all over again...

You have 30 minutes to answer all questions.

Geez... what kind of questions are these?

'Who is TAPOPS' neighbour?'

'How many kinds of Power Spheras are there?'

'Name the total number of Power Spheras in the entire galaxy'?!

How the heck would we know all of this-- HUH?!



How are you guys answering everything so easily?

Because we studied, of course!

Don't you dare copy my answers!

Tch. In your dreams!

Urgh... If that's the case, I should use my powers too.


Ochobot once told me about the history of Power Spheras...

I think I can at least answer THOSE questions.




Gopal, why on Earth did you answered subjective questions with objective answers?!

Errr... I'm sorry, Commander!


If you fail...

You will be thrown out of this space station.

Are you clear about the consequences of failure?

Crystal, Admiral...!


Now.... It's time for...!


Huh, lunch break?

Go on, eat! Don't be shy!

My apologies if I was too hard on all of you during the test.

It's fine, Admiral.

We really love tests!

Hmph! You two and NO ONE ELSE.

That's the spirit!


Please excuse me while I go fetch a drink. Throat's all dry after all that shouting...

Go ahead, Admiral.

Hey, Fang!

How come the Admiral's acting all nice and friendly?

Isn't he always so fierce?

You guys...

Think about it.

The Admiral's only tough and strict when he's working.

When he's working?

Yeah. From 7 in the morning til 7 at night. Except lunch breaks.

Oh, that's why he was so nice when he woke us up this morning.

Uh-huh! Once the clock striked 7, he suddenly turned into a lion!

Ha! Who's like a lion?

Nobody, Admiral!

Haha. Again, my apologies.

If I was strict to you, it's only because I see the hidden potential in all of you.

All of you want to be the best, right?

Get up! Lunch's over!



Yes, Admiral!

The second test is a SURVIVAL test!


Yeesh! What do these things have got to do with survival?

These ingredients will save you should you ever become stranded on an alien planet!


How can we cook with these? They look so strange!

Heh, not a problem...!


Hey! You can't use your powers!

Yes, you can!

As long as you don't change the ingredients into actual food!


Alright, Gopal. Tell us what to do!

Okay! Go and wash that!

Lightning, heat up the stove!

Leaf, chop those things!

Roger that!

It's okay, Ying! We have powers too!

Let's start cooking!

Gravity Levitation!

Super-speed slice and dice!!!

But what are we going to cook?

We can do a special soup!

Soup? What for?

Let's bake some cookies instead!



Let's continue, BoBoiBoy.

Leave that quarreling bunch to themselves!

Let go of this bowl!

I need it to mix my ingredients!

I want to use it to serve my soup!

It's done!

Smell's good.

What kind of dish is this?

I give you...

'Noodles, Where Art Thou'


Did you just call me?

Err, no... The name of the dish is 'Where Art Thou', Admiral.

What is this nonsense?!


This tastes just like my MOTHER'S!


We will proceed to Yaya and Ying's table.

What's this? Two dishes?!

They didn't follow the rules.

Looks weird---


Oh, gosh! Drink this soup to wash down the cookie!


Oh, no! Is it really that spicy?

Are they really that bad?

Let me try them.

No, Admiral!

Eh, nothing happened?

So...what's the verdict, Admiral?

They were okay, I guess...


Is his tongue made from steel or something?

How much points did we get, Admiral?




I've instructed you to work as a pair!

Not on your own!


We are way behind, Ying...

We need to ace the next test.



Yes, we are, Admiral!


TAPOPS Gorilla?!

Do... do we need to fight that thing?

What's a gorilla got to do with focusing?

Fang! Show them how it's done!

Yes, Commander!

Be careful, Fang!

Eeee, it's so scary...

Huh, begin!

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

This test is to determine your focus.

You need to sing out the rhyme without using your powers and without making any mistakes.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

Roll it, and pat it, and mark it with a 'B'.

And put it in the oven for BoBoiBoy and me!

Wow! So cool, Fang!


Now it's your turn!

Points will be given according to the length of the rhyme sung.

It's just 'Pat-a-cake', how hard can it be?

Eh! Gopal, wait!

Allow me to teach this gorilla.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,

baker's man. Eat me a cake---

It's 'bake me', not 'eat me'!


Be careful! If you screw up, the gorilla will get angry!

Ouch... I wish you told me that earlier.

Only 5% of the song managed to be sang.

5 points for Gopal!


What if we screw up?

Er... can we sit for this test together?

Hmm. You can.

But I will deduct 30 points for it. Agreed?

Er.... Yes!

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

Roll it, and pat it, and mark it with a 'B'. And put it in the oven for BoBoiBoy and me!

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

Roll it, and pat it, and mark it with a 'B'. And put it in the oven for BoBoiBoy and me!


Awesome, guys!

Hmph. Not bad.

100 points!

Minus 30 points. End total: 70 points!

Now it's BoBoiBoy's turn. Are you ready?

I got it! Let's go, gorilla!




It's pat-a-cake, not sat-a-cake..



But Tok Aba taught me to sing it that way...


Let's see if your points are enough to pass!


Here are your overall points.


I got 56 points! Awesome—erk!

You're higher than us...?

Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose! an E...?



Isn't above 40% considered as a pass?

The passing mark is above 80%!


Heh, you guys thought you passed?

So all of us failed? What happens next?

What a disappointment.




This isn't a joke, right?

It's true! Congratulations to all of you!

Oh, it's after 7 already!

Phew... Lucky us.

I don't think we'd make it through the TAPOPS' Toughness Test otherwise.

What's this about TAPOPS' Toughness Test...?

You said we all passed, right...?

Huh? You misunderstand. Those tests just now weren't part of the TAPOPS' Toughness Test.


Those were just tests to QUALIFY you for the Toughness Test.

So we still haven't taken the Toughness Test yet?

That's right. The Toughness Test will begin tomorrow morning.


Here we go again...

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