Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 1 2017

4 Stages Of Real Spiritual Awakening And How To Move Through Them More Easily

by Kelly Ashley,

I�ve seen and read a lot about the stages of spiritual awakening over the years and

to be honest, I�ve been left disappointed. For the most part I couldn�t understand

how everyone else�s awakening was all rainbows and butterflies, while I became a hot, emotional,

crazy, mess. I figured I must be doing something wrong. Why did it seem that everyone else

could walk this path in linen robes, bare feet and a ton of stable grace and I was somehow

failing. Even after so much time, I was still chronically ungrounded, anxious, emotionally

triggered and finding daily physical life an unmanageable burden.

Thankfully, that was then and this is now. I have an entirely different perspective now

that I�ve come through so much of the journey. I can look back and see the patterns. I can

stop waiting for enlightenment or connection from someone else�s perspective and know

that my experience is real (and so is yours) � whether it fits into a preconceived box

or not. So, that being said, I�d like to bust some of the enlightenment myths and instead,

give you what I�ve found to be a more accurate account of the 4 key stages of spiritual awakening.


This is the stage that starts it all. And no, it wasn�t an accident. Your soul planned

exactly what it was doing before coming down here � its happening for a reason. Large

quotients of energy begin to flood your system. The psychic centers are opened (usually quite

abruptly) and suddenly your feeling, sensing, seeing or hearing things that you weren�t

aware of before. Your psychic senses are so much more acute � you may even begin having

powerful spiritual experiences or sensations and you�ll feel more sensitive than usual

too. Due to the heightening of these psychic senses you�ll likely feel the need to retreat

� to pull back from people, places, and things. You�ll want to hibernate. That is

entirely natural. Its ok.


Now your system is seriously online (and it needs to be for this next part). Energy is

thrust (quite powerfully) up through the chakra system. The purpose is to dislodge the old

�dirt� from lifetimes ago which block that energy flowing smoothly straight through

your system (giving you a purer connection to source). There are old emotions, heart

breaks and trauma from past life times that our soul needs to heal. This is why our psychic

senses had to be so heightened � so that we could tap into the information from our

past lives and become aware of it.

During this phase you�ll feel really emotional. Your emotions will change wildly and erratically.

You may feel you have no control over when or where or how strongly they come up. It

can be really hard. And if you try to hide, the universe will stick people in your way

to trigger the emotions that need healed. So the lady at the gas station will give you

a look that triggers an inexplicable sense of fear in you. Or you�ll just happen to

meet a new love interest with the same name as the one who broke your heart before. Things

will get really synchronistic, and probably quite confusing but this stage will pass.

And the good news is, that once these issues are done, they are really and truly forever

DONE. They�ll be healed and cleared so well on the soul level that you�ll likely never

feel them in the same way ever again.


Phew! By the time you get to here, you�ll be feeling inspired, creative, full of ideas

and equipped with an inbuilt sense of duty to help or serve in some way. You might just

feel like Superman � and so you should! However, there are likely still some little

niggles that show up as you move into a new project � the likes of which is probably

entirely new territory. Sometimes at this stage you get a little second wave of the

previous. The universe is testing that all of these issues (who weren�t who you truly

are) are gone for good. You might find some old patterns, issues or pains surge again.

And when they do you�ll likely feel exasperated, and irritated at yourself, and question if

you�ve made any progress at all. But they�ve been inflated and intensified for a reason

� so that you�ll clear out every last nook and cranny of that low self esteem, or

loneliness, or anxiety. You�ll finally be free of it!

This time can be a little nerve wracking, as you step into a cause or a new career or

the thing that fulfills you most. Its nerve wracking simply because its new. And while

your soul has let go of fears that you can�t do it, or worries that it wont work out, it

also has never had an experience without them looming over you. It can feel odd to try something

and do well, or to find your space in the world. Allow yourself to realize that everything

is OK. You are safe and guided as you try new things and find ways of living that truly

express who you really are.


Now is the stage when most folks will tell you that you have reached guru status. I�m

not going to tell you that, because personally, I think it�s ungrounded. Divinity is about

being so clear of old pain, and negative beliefs and assumptions about life, that you are truly

pure in your energy. You are true to who you are. You are in your divinity because, much

like a beautiful diamond is encrusted in muck and coal, you have removed and cleared everything

that is NOT who you are. All that�s left is a polished diamond.

You were always divine � no matter where you are in these stages, you are still divine

� its just easier to see that beauty and authenticity without all the �muck� on

top (and it makes your psychic abilities so much more accurate too!). Your interactions

with others are clear and genuine. You reach a new level of freedom because you are no

longer bound by the beliefs that once held you back. You might end up like a guru. You

might walk bare foot across beaches of sand, blessing others with a gentle pat on the head;

or you could just be a normal person, aligned with their life purpose, enjoying the sunshine

at a family barbecue � fully present, stable and grounded in the moment � like me tonight.

Ok, so now that you know the 4 main stages, you�re probably itching to move forward

and know the next step. I tried A LOT of different techniques to help me move through awakening

more smoothly (I�m a bit like a geeky spiritual scientist, testing and evaluating so many

different techniques). I did healing for 9 hours a day (whoops). I did meditation for

2 hours at a time (double whoops). I even went on week long courses to open up my psychic

senses further (wait what?! Now that�s just silly). Yep, I�ve made pretty much every

mistake you can make on the journey of awakening � and made it 10 times harder for myself


It wasn�t until I learned effective grounding that everything came into alignment. I know

what you�re thinking. Boring old grounding. Well, not exactly, because I found that traditional

grounding methods often don�t work for us. We have so much energetic power being blasted

through us that we need effective grounding techniques that work, and work FAST. I�ve

created a FREE 5-day grounding course to help you do just that, but more on that in a minute.

Grounding was the one thing I did that finally brought order and stability to my awakening.

It stopped the whole process from being so crazy and uncontrollable. It calmed my emotions.

It made normal life �normal� again. And once all that was done, the purpose that I

had been desperately searching for for years just struck my mind like a little golden power

bolt � fully downloaded with the �how to� manual. Now that�s enlightenment!

I realized afterwards that the reason I hadn�t found (or been told) my life purpose yet was

because I wasn�t actually ready to receive it. I had been chronically ungrounded for

almost 4 years, mostly completely unaware that that was the problem. Once I showed the

Universe that I was stable, secure, balanced and steady, it just illuminated my mind and

changed the direction of my whole life in an instant. It was incredible.

I know you want that too. You want to move through these stages � get out of the hard

ones and into the fun and exciting ones. You absolutely can � and I�ve created a FREE

course to help you do that right now! Visit our website in

the bio below to get started!

For more infomation >> 4 Stages Of Real Spiritual Awakening And How To Move Through Them More Easily - Duration: 10:09.


13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful - Duration: 9:26.

13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful

�Somebody once told me the definition of hell:

�On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have


Sometimes, to become successful and get closer to the person we can become, we don�t need

to add more things?�?we need to give up on some of them.

There are certain things that are universal, which will make you successful if you give

up on them, even though each one of us could have a different definition of success.

You can give up on some of them today, while it might take a bit longer to give up on others.


Give Up On The Unhealthy Lifestyle

�Take care of your body.

It�s the only place you have to live.�?�?Jim Rohn

If you want to achieve anything in life, everything starts here.

First you have to take care of your health, and there are only two things you need to

keep in mind:


Healthy Diet 2.

Physical Activity

Small steps, but you will thank yourself one day.


Give Up The Short-term Mindset

�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�?� ?Mae West

Successful people set long-term goals, and they know these aims are merely the result

of short-term habits that they need to do every day.

These healthy habits shouldn�t be something you do; they should be something you embody.

There is a difference between: �Working out to get a summer body� and �Working

out because that�s who you are.�


Give Up On Playing Small

�Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure

around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone, and as we let our light shine, we unconsciously

give others permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.� � Marianne

Williamson If you never try and take great opportunities,

or allow your dreams to become realities, you will never unleash your true potential.

And the world will never benefit from what you could have achieved.

So voice your ideas, don�t be afraid to fail, and certainly don�t be afraid to succeed.


Give Up Your Excuses

�It�s not about the cards you�re dealt, but how you play the hand.� ? Randy Pausch,

The Last Lecture Successful people know that they are responsible

for their life, no matter their starting point, weaknesses, and past failures.

Realising that you are responsible for what happens next in your life is both frightening

and exciting.

And when you do, that becomes the only way you can become successful, because excuses

limit and prevent us from growing personally and professionally.

Own your life; no one else will.


Give Up The Fixed Mindset

�The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.�

? Robert Greene, Mastery People with a fixed mindset think their intelligence

or talents are simply fixed traits, and that talent alone leads to success?�?without

hard work.

They�re wrong.

Successful people know this.

They invest an immense amount of time on a daily basis to develop a growth mindset, acquire

new knowledge, learn new skills and change their perception so that it can benefit their


Remember, who you are today, it�s not who you have to be tomorrow.


Give Up Believing In The �Magic Bullet.�

�Every day, in every way, I�m getting better and better�?�?�mile Cou�

Overnight success is a myth.

Successful people know that making small continual improvement every day will be compounded over

time, and give them desirable results.

That is why you should plan for the future, but focus on the day that�s ahead of you,

and improve just 1% every day.


Give Up Your Perfectionism

�Shipping beats perfection.�?�?Khan Academy�s Development Mantra

Nothing will ever be perfect, no matter how much we try.

Fear of failure (or even fear of success) often prevents us from taking an action and

putting our creation out there in the world.

But a lot of opportunities will be lost if we wait for the things to be right.

So �ship,� and then improve (that 1%).


Give Up Multi-tasking

�You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that

barks.� ? Winston S. Churchill Successful people know this.

That�s why they choose one thing and then beat it into submission.

No matter what it is?�?a business idea, a conversation, or a workout.

Being fully present and committed to one task, is indispensable.


Give Up Your Need to Control Everything

�Some things are up to us, and some things are not up to us.�?�?Epictetus, Stoic

philosopher Differentiating these two is important.

Detach from the things you cannot control, and focus on the ones you can, and know that

sometimes, the only thing you will be able to control is your attitude towards something.

Remember, nobody can be frustrated while saying �Bubbles� in an angry voice.


Give Up On Saying YES To Things That Don�t Support Your Goals

�He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice

much; he who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.�?�?James Allen

Successful people know that in order to accomplish their goals, they will have to say NO to certain

tasks, activities, and demands from their friends, family, and colleagues.

In the short-term, you might sacrifice a bit of instant gratification, but when your goals

come to fruition, it will all be worth it.


Give Up The Toxic People

�You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.� ? Jim Rohn

People we spend the most time with, add up to who we become.

There are people who are less accomplished in their personal and professional life, and

there are people who are more accomplished than us.

If you spend time with those who are behind you, your average will go down, and with it,

your success.

But if you spend time with people who are more accomplished than you, no matter how

challenging that might be, you will become more successful.

Take a look at around you, and see if you need to make any changes.


Give Up Your Need To Be Liked

�The only way to avoid pissing people off is to do nothing important.�?�?Oliver

Emberton Think of yourself as a market niche.

There will be a lot of people who like that niche, and there will be individuals who don�t.

And no matter what you do, you won�t be able to make the entire market like you.

This is entirely natural, and there�s no need to justify yourself.

The only thing you can do is to remain authentic, improve and provide value every day, and know

that the growing number of �haters� means that you are doing important things.


Give Up Your Dependency on Social Media & Television

�The trouble is, you think you have time�?�?Jack Kornfield

Impulsive web browsing and television watching are diseases of today�s society.

These two should never be an escape from your life or your goals.

Unless your goals depend on either, you should minimise (or even eliminate) your dependency

on them, and direct

that time towards things that can enrich your life.

For more infomation >> 13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful - Duration: 9:26.


Sra Mouy Keo ស្រាមួយកែវ Sokun Nisa RHM 108 with English Chinese Translation [CC Captions] - Duration: 3:59.

Glass of Wine

Here's a glass of wine I'm offering you

Please have a taste, my dear

The wine is sweet, my face is pretty

The wine is sweet, my face is pretty

Here is the place of your comfort

Peace and tranquility

Those who drink (here) don't get drunk from the wine

The wine is sweet but not as sweet as me

Three glasses in their belly and they are staggering

Three glasses in their belly and they are staggering

Here is the place of your comfort

Peace and tranquility

You only love flowers that grow in the wild

Wild flowers smell nice and their love is truthful

If you don't believe me, try and love me

If you don't believe me, try and love me

Here is the place of your comfort

Peace and tranquility

My feelings for you are real

Please don't disappoint me

If you are truly willing, drink this glass

If you are truly willing, drink this glass

Here is the place of your comfort

Peace and tranquility

If you are truthful, let's be together

If we are not together, don't pretend to love

If you agree, do it properly

If you agree, do it properly

Here is the place of your comfort

Peace and tranquility

Like the flock of stars keep company to the moon

I ask to keep you company, my beloved

True love is a dove couple

True love is a dove couple

Here is the place of your comfort

Peace and tranquility

For more infomation >> Sra Mouy Keo ស្រាមួយកែវ Sokun Nisa RHM 108 with English Chinese Translation [CC Captions] - Duration: 3:59.


Gece Gölgenin Rahatına Bak şarkısı telif yedi ve yayından kaldırıldı! - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Gece Gölgenin Rahatına Bak şarkısı telif yedi ve yayından kaldırıldı! - Duration: 1:46.


Sibling Tag! ~ Get to know us better! - Duration: 8:06.

Hi guys its Ebube and Dumebi

and welcome to kids life

and today were doing the sibling tag!

I'm going to read some questions and were going to answer them for you

Question number one: who is the oldest

eh, I'm the oldest

Who is the youngest?

I'm the youngest

Question number two: What was the last text you sent to each other?

Dumebi: we have no texts Ebube: we have no phones and no texts

cos I'm seven and he is six

Question number three: What do you like and hate about your sibling


So what do you like about me?


That your bigger than me

I like cos you play with me

and I hate cos you argue with me

Eh, I like you because you are polite and I hate that you, like, shout

Ok, question number four

What do you? what do you and your sibling have in common?

Eh, we, we like to play football

We're kind of twins cause your seven and I'm six

cause six seven

yeah, I think that's all

So, question number five?

What is your funniest memory?

my funniest memory was when, when Ebube slided and then I fell on her

oh yeah, I was sliding then I fell and then he fell on top of me

ok yeah,

Question number six what do you and your sibling do for fun?

We play Roblox and we play outside, we play Minecraft and we play on the PS4 and that's it!

Number seven, describe each other in three words

*thinking... describe each other? what does that even mean?

Describe means like, how do I look like and like other stuff

and like how I'm pretty and like how I act

Your pretty is 10 out of 1

Number eight, whats your best subject

My best subject is writing

My best subject is maths

Number *Nine , what is something weird that you eat?

What you eats that's weird is toffee

You eat something weird that's pepperoni

yes i think pepperoni is bad

Number *ten? who keeps the cleanest room?

me, no me

What is something that you eat, we eat spaghetti and watermelons Wow!

Number eleven, who reads more?


Cause I have to read a book of like,

I read every night

Ebube, we have to read every day at school

So do I!

And we have to read when I come back!

Twelve, what is something you like to do together

Oh that's easy, Play!

YA haha

Number thirteen, who is the most talented

I'm the most talented at football

I'm the most talented at dancing


Number fourteen, nicknames you have for each other

I call you Baba

I call you Bube

Number fifteen, are you close?

Yep, cos we're best friends and we're close right now!

Number sixteen, one thing you can do that your sibling can't

Ok, I can whistle

I can do the splits

Ok, number seventeen what is one dish you want your mom to make when you are feeling down

I want my mom to make...


I want my mom to make spaghetti!

Number eighteen what was your biggest fight or argument

when you were outside and then you pushed me and I pushed you back.

And then we were like stop it or else I'm telling, stop it or else I'm telling

And then we lost the scooter before

and I told him you have to help me look for it and then i found it and he was like

Number nineteen, describe the last thing you did with your sister or brother?


We had dinner!

I don't know anything else

ya haha

Twenty, Complete this statement

My sibling is...

Cute, lovely and polite

My sibling is playful and nice to me and...

My sibling is my Best Friend!

and yeah that's the last question!

I hoped you enjoyed this video

Bye guys and please subscribe

and don't forget to hit that subscribe button in the face


For more infomation >> Sibling Tag! ~ Get to know us better! - Duration: 8:06.


001: this is me - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 001: this is me - Duration: 3:35.


Quả thối, Lá thối, công dụng tuyệt vời | Thú vui giản đơn. - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Quả thối, Lá thối, công dụng tuyệt vời | Thú vui giản đơn. - Duration: 7:17.


DIY Recycled Strawberry Tower - HGTV - Duration: 1:52.








For more infomation >> DIY Recycled Strawberry Tower - HGTV - Duration: 1:52.


Como Hacer Un Intro Profesional Para Youtube - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Como Hacer Un Intro Profesional Para Youtube - Duration: 9:27.


¿Por qué COREA DEL NORTE tiene ARMAS NUCLEARES? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:19.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué COREA DEL NORTE tiene ARMAS NUCLEARES? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:19.


ARE WE JUST AN EXHIBIT IN AN ALIEN ZOO ? - tech and science - Duration: 0:47.


Many notable people including Elon Musk have theorised that maybe the reason we have not

been contacted by aliens already is because they are secretly observing us as we speak!

We could simply be an exhibit in an alien zoo, being observed or possibly manipulated

by Alien watchers.

What do you think of this theory?

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