Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017

Putin Vs. Cabal

I have to say�there are very few on this planet making more a fool of the Cabal on

live television right now than Putin.

I have been following geopolitics since my awakening a few years ago and Putin always

knocks it out of the park every time.

I�m not sure why the Cabal bothers to attack him, he has very powerful allies behind him

and he�s sharp as a tack.

His latest victim was a double whammy with Megyn Kelly both at the 2017 SPIEF (St. Petersburg

International Economic Forum) and a smaller room setting in Russia I believe:

The second one was a one on one with poor Cabal stooge Megyn.

I have to wonder if Putin is so exhausted from hearing the same nonsense from different

puppets all the time.

I sure am�Both interviews are great, but the one below is the best:

Here is a compilation I found of Putin and his best moments dealing with the Cabal and

their henchmen�

Here is one of him putting CBS�s Charlie Rose in his place:

He also humiliates CNN�s Fareed Zakaria during a similar questioning to what Megyn

Kelly did in the above interviews:

And last but not least here is one of an obvious Cabal henchman journalist getting quite the

verbal butt-kicking from Vlad:

I�d like to shout out to Putin�s team also, who are working day and night to prevent

WWIII and keep the Cabal from going any farther than they have been.

Same for all the folks in the Resistance Movement and other covert groups for the same reasons�you

are all the best and we appreciate everything you do�much love as always�

See several video clips with Putin.

The links are in the source

link below

in our description.

For more infomation >> Putin Vs Cabal - Duration: 3:14.



For more infomation >> 5 RIDDLES THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND - Duration: 4:20.


UFO Disinformation Agent Exposed Fake Alien Invasion Scare Sponsored by Air Force Discredits Ufol - Duration: 16:34.

UFO Disinformation Agent Exposed -- Fake Alien Invasion Scare Sponsored by Air Force Discredits

Ufologist | A Case Study

by Justin Deschamps,

Ufology is the study of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), or as they are being called

today, Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP).

The field is diverse in what it covers, ranging from the study of patents that could reveal

the existence of advanced technology covertly developed by governments the world over, UFO

sightings, whistleblower testimony, and declassified or otherwise procured documentation.

It is this latter category of research that is the focus of the following article, which

tells the story of a successful government disinformation campaign from the '80s.

According to researcher Alejandro Rojas, in the 1980s, a man by the name of Paul Bennewitz

lived near Kirtland Airforce base in New Mexico.

He reported seeing strange objects in the area to the Air Force, particularly an area

where nuclear assets were stored, saying he was also in communication with extraterrestrials.

Normally, such reports would be disregarded as nonsense, but the Air Force decided to

used this man as a patsy in a disinformation campaign, because he was actually witnessing

secret projects.

At least this is what FOIA documentation revealed upon the request of Rojas, some years later.

Rojas states the Air Force sent in Special Agent Richard Doty to communicate with Bennewitz,

who was likely surprised to be taken seriously after he presented his testimony to the Air


Doty was told by his superiors to make Bennewitz believe a hostile alien invasion was about

to take place, and was also told to fabricate documents as "proof" to help convince Bennewitz.

Doty also gave these hoaxed documents to other UFO researchers.

After some time, Bennewitz checked himself into a mental institution for paranoia, believing

an alien invasion was looming.

The disinformation campaign worked, Bennewitz was discredited and covert projects run by

the Air Force remained secret.

While it isn't clear if ufology continued to spread the fabricated information, this

case stands as a clear example of state-sponsored cover ups.

The FOIA documentation clearly states, according to Rojas, that Doty was under orders to discredit

Bennewitz in an effort to cover up the Air Force's secret activities.

This is a very important piece of history to come to terms with, as it suggests documentation,

and other data sources, may not be wholly accurate, and may even be part of a disinformation

campaign to muddy the waters.

This isn't some wild conspiracy theory either, as state-sponsored cover ups are actually

legally enforced.

In Dr. Michael Salla�s book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances,

Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) are discussed in which participants are given

authority to hide their activities from the public.

Waived USAPs are a more secretive set of programs not required to report any of their activities

or existence for congressional oversight.

In these deep-black projects, oral briefs are provided to read-in persons only�those

individuals who have a valid need to know.

Participants are authorized to deny the existence of these programs under any circumstances,

including congressional subpoena, and are provided a cover story to hide the project's


A supplement to the DoD manual related to special access programs states that cover

stories can be generated with the goal of hiding a program's true purpose.

Program Cover stories.

Cover stories may be established for unacknowledged programs in order to protect the integrity

of the program from individuals who do not have a need to know.

Cover stories must be believable and cannot reveal any information regarding the true

nature of the contract.

This suggests that there were most likely two sets of secret programs, one that was

designated deep-black or USAP, and an acknowledged project that would draw public attention.

This is particularly important to know when considering whistleblower testimony, but extends

to ufology and other fields in general.

The process of verifying if a claim is true often involves some kind of vetting process.

But since ufology is not a formally accepted field of research, the standards used by ufologists


Some rely on corroborating testimony and documentation to authenticate a whistleblower, maintaining

a healthy amount of doubt to account for such great uncertainty.

Others are much less rigorous, making sweeping assumptions that claims are true, resting

on one piece of authentication or another.

The vetting process usually goes something like this:

A new whistleblower comes on the scene claiming to have worked for some secret government

project that was involved with UFOs, advanced technology, or extraterrestrials.

The whistleblower might supply credentials to prove they worked for this or that agency,

such as identification papers, pay stubs, memoranda, or work orders�to name a few.

These documents are then "authenticated" by an expert in the field of documents, who checks

the letterhead, paper quality, as well as other cross-referencing methods to see if

what is presented, on the whole, corresponds with what has already been authenticated.

For example, if a whistleblower claims to have worked for an aerospace company, producing

a work order from the company with their name on it as proof, then an authenticator would

take this document and cross-check it against a known body of documents that are regarded

as authentic.

If everything checks out, then it can be said the person is credible because it was proven

they worked for the company they said they did.

At this point, the whistleblower's testimony, their story, is generally taken to be credible

(believable) owing to the fact their work history checked out.

And for some ufologists, this is good enough to consider their testimony true, or at least

it is more likely to be true.

The more respectable researchers usually leave room for doubt in recognition of the fact

they can't confirm the story itself.

But here's the problem, as was revealed by Rojas FOIA request, documentation can be fabricated.

This means that it is possible the body of documents authenticators use to vet new whistleblowers

may be tainted with fabricated files.

What's more, just because someone can prove they worked for a government agency doesn't

mean they are being genuine about the rest of their claims.

Doty appeared to Bennewitz as a trusted man working for the government�surely what he

said about an alien invasion could be believed, right?

But this didn't turn out to be the case.

Doty capitalized on the fact he appeared credible and used this false trust to spread disinformation,

which was wildly successful.

Similarly, whistleblowers who appear credible could be providing inaccurate information.

They would be doing so either as conscious deceivers or unwittingly as�what are called

in some circles�useful idiots.

A useful idiot is someone being used by an organization�be they government or otherwise�without

their knowledge, often promoting a particular agenda for psychological warfare (PSYOP) purposes,

of which, disinformation is a type of PSYOP.

In the case of Doty, Bennewitz became a useful idiot when he believed the alien invasion

fabrication, and began spreading it in his circles.

The agenda in this case was to discredit him so that no one would believe what he was seeing

around the Kirtland base�secret projects related to the Air Force.

Obviously this presents somewhat of a problem for the field of ufology.

There is such a profound lack of hard evidence to draw from (photographs, video, recovered

objects from UFOs, genetic material, etc.) that often all researchers have to work with

are claims of experiencers and whistleblowers, as well as documentation.

The Doty-Bennewitz case proves that both sources can't be unquestionably trusted�a healthy

amount of doubt needs to be maintained.

But it seems not all ufologists exercise this level of doubt.

Or, swinging to the otherside of the pendulum, some researchers dismiss claims without a

valid basis to do so.

But in either case, unsubstantiated acceptance or rejection of a claim, inobjective analysis,

leads to poor conclusions.

And such conclusions could be mistakenly accepted as facts by other ufologists, who in turn

spread them in their circles as true.

Eventually, a piece of disinformation could become a "well established fact" through the

fallacy of expert consensus.

For example, the Rendlesham Forest incident was initially thought to be a genuine extraterrestrial

encounter, but some suspect it is more likely that it was a secret government project of

some kind.

If consensus was all that was needed to establish a truth, then the world be a much different


It was generally regarded that the earth was flat during the 16th and 17th centuries, but

this didn't change reality at all.

In other words, the truth is not democratic.

Consensus could indicate that something is true, but agreement of opinion doesn't materially

demonstrate a theory or claim is true.

Although many researchers do commendable work, and likely have the best intentions, some

contend that because a witness has been "vetted" the public can believe whatever they say,

without question.

Clearly this isn't advisable as documents can be fabricated and witnesses can lie or

be deceived.

What this means for anyone interested in ufology�or for that matter, any field of research fraught

with uncertainty or lack of hard evidence�is that one cannot set aside objectivity in their

desire to find an answer.

Anyone who's studied ufology long enough realizes the body of data gathered therein is pot marked

by false claims, hoaxed photographs and videos, and fabricated documents.

Obviously this doesn't make it easy to know what is true and what is false.

Especially when some researchers present their findings as 100% verified truth, when in fact,

they should be presented as open-ended conclusions subject to change, because the evidence used

to support them is incomplete.

Contemporaneously, it seems more and more people are becoming curious about UFOs, extraterrestrials,

and the discovery of life elsewhere in the cosmos, especially as the mainstream media

and science seems to be promoting this idea.

As such, it is very important clear and precise tools for evaluating information, in an objective

fashion, are shared with the world.

Related Uniting The People For Full Disclosure | Steven Greer's Cosmic False Flag Presentation:

Review, Commentary, Analysis and Assessment of Claims Against Goode and Tompkins

We shouldn't blindly trust anyone, no matter how credible they might seem.

Instead, we would do well to learn how to entertain many different perspectives, claims,

and beliefs at once, this way we can compare one data set to another, and recognize when

inconsistencies present themselves.

It would also be helpful to learn how to evaluate the plausibility of a claim, based on the

evidence used to substantiate it.

In general, a claim of truth is substantiated by gathering evidence within the scope and

context the claim applies to.

A whistleblower's work history only proves that they worked for who they said they did,

it doesn't substantiate claims made about their experiences.

For example, if someone claimed they were visited by extraterrestrials and offered nothing

other than their word, this claim would be almost impossible to verify, yet not disprovable

due to lack of evidence�a mistake some researchers succumb to.

Conversely, if they provided photographs and video recordings, there would be more weight

to their claims.

Yet even in this latter case, there is still uncertainty, as media can be fabricated.

Plausibility of a claim, how likely it is of being true, increases as evidence and explanations

related to it correspond with reality as a whole.

The more resonance there is between what is claimed and the actual truth, the more likely

it is true.

Note about personal discernment: Personal experiences, and all the subtle information

that pours through them, is also a form of evidence.

But such personal accounts are "locked away" in the psyche, which makes it difficult to

verify this evidence objectively.

So while gut feelings and intuition are real and valid sources of information that could

lend credence to another person's claims, since it can't be shared objectively (at least

at this stage of human development) it often has less weight then hard evidence.

And such data sources, often referred to as soul or heart-space discernment, should also

correspond with reality and other forms of hard evidence.

The truth is holistic or one, and as such, so must the body of evidence one uses to verify

a claim, whether "energetic" or otherwise.

For those trying to make sense of the strange field of ufology, it seems advantageous to

develop a working knowledge of how to evaluate claims and evidence used to back them.

The more we can do this personally, the less likely we'll be deceived by disinformation

campaigns, like what took place at the hands of the Air Force through Richard Doty.

Disinformation tends to spread from person to person because it isn't evaluated at an

individual level, making such persons complicit in the spreading of false information by way

of their failure to discern.

Thus, by learning these tools of evaluation ourselves, we help improve fields of research,

acting as a check and balance for our most trusted researchers.

By employing such a method, the ufology community can become a living institute of research,

helping those premiere figures in the field.

Those interested in the truth will be open to discussing the veracity of a body of work,

whereas those less aligned with truth might feel tempted to quash dissenting opinion in

an effort to maintain their reputation.

In the latter case, merely by engaging in the process of verification ourselves, we

begin to penetrate layers of obfuscation, and help reveal entrenched disinformation,

and their agents, in the field.

Clearly if the truth is our the ultimate goal, we are all responsible to it to some degree.

Let's take the time to ensure we develop high quality, objective, and honest research and

presentation skills, whether we're academics or not, which can be applied to all fields

of study, not just ufology.

For more infomation >> UFO Disinformation Agent Exposed Fake Alien Invasion Scare Sponsored by Air Force Discredits Ufol - Duration: 16:34.


My Online YouTube Ad : AMV - Duration: 2:18.

Hello Everyone and Welcome to my Online YouTube Ad.

Today, I would like to talk about Anime Music Videos, or AMV.

This is when people select a song that plays during sequences from one or multiple animes.

They can also add special effects to the video and/or music for creativity.

Apparently, this is a lot more popular than I give credit for that there are competitions

to see which person made the best AMV, on the internet and anime conventions.

You can search and vote for AMVs at

So, if you want to look at some AMVs then here are two channels to start.

Hmm, this video felt too short,

I need to find a way to make this a bit longer.

Oh I know!


Well, this has been my Online YouTube and have a great day.

Oh, and sent some hate comments down here if you're offended by that parody I made.

For more infomation >> My Online YouTube Ad : AMV - Duration: 2:18.


New Discovery Shows Homo Sapiens Evolved Much Earlier The Story - tech and science - Duration: 12:33.

New Discovery Shows Homo Sapiens Evolved Much Earlier --"The Story of Our Species More Complex

Than We Used to Think"

�What people, including myself, used to think was that there was a cradle of humankind

in East Africa about 200,000 years ago, and all modern humans descend from that population,�

says palaeoanthropologist Philipp Gunz from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary

Anthropology in Leipzig, who was involved in the new excavation.

�The new finds indicate that Homo sapiens is much older and had already spread across

all of Africa by 300,000 years ago.

They really show that the African story of our species was more complex than what we

used to think.

Humans had already migrated across the African landscape, and were evolving at a continental


In a cave called Jebel Irhoud, 62 miles west of Marrakes hand bones of its former occupants

have been recently unearthed by an international team of scientists.

They mark the earliest fossilized remains of Homo sapiens ever found with a range of

280,000 to 350,000 years, superseding to two Ethiopian fossils that are 160,000 and 195,000

years old.

Their brains, though already as large as ours, must also have been shaped differently.

It seems that the size of the human brain had already been finalized 300,000 years ago,

but its structure�and perhaps its abilities�were fine-tuned over the subsequent millennia of


�People thought that North Africa had nothing to do with modern human evolution, and that

this was a relict population,� says Gunz.

�Now we know that they�re close to the root of the Homo sapiens lineage.�

The new finds are �a very important discovery,� says Zeray Alemseged from the University of


�They�re placed at a critical time period when the earliest members of our species could

have evolved, and they�re critical for better understanding the patterns of physical and

behavioral evolution [among humans] across the African continent.

They confirm the pan-African nature of human ancestry.�

The international research team led by Jean-Jacques Hublin of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary

Anthropology and Abdelouahed Ben-Ncer of the National Institute for Archaeology and Heritage

(INSAP, Rabat, Morocco) uncovered fossil bones of Homo sapiens along with stone tools and

animal bones at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco.

The finds are dated to about 300 thousand years ago and represent the oldest securely

dated fossil evidence of our own species.

This date is 100 thousand years earlier than the previous oldest Homo sapiens fossils.

The discoveries reported in two papers in the June 8th issue of the journal Nature by

Hublin et al. and by Richter et al. reveal a complex evolutionary history of mankind

that likely involved the entire African continent.

Both genetic data of present day humans and fossil remains point to an African origin

of our own species, Homo sapiens.

Previously, the oldest securely dated Homo sapiens fossils were known from the site of

Omo Kibish in Ethiopia, dated to 195 thousand years ago.

At Herto, also in Ethiopia, a Homo sapiens fossil is dated to 160 thousand years ago.

Until now, most researchers believed that all humans living today descended from a population

that lived in East Africa around 200 thousand years ago.

"We used to think that there was a cradle of mankind 200 thousand years ago in east

Africa, but our new data reveal that Homo sapiens spread across the entire African continent

around 300 thousand years ago.

Long before the out-of-Africa dispersal of Homo sapiens, there was dispersal within Africa,"

says palaeoanthropologist Jean-Jacques Hublin.

The Moroccan site of Jebel Irhoud shown above has been well known since the 1960s for its

human fossils and for its Middle Stone Age artefacts.

However, the interpretation of the Irhoud hominins has long been complicated by persistent

uncertainties surrounding their geological age.

The new excavation project, which began in 2004, resulted in the discovery of new Homo

sapiens fossils in situ, increasing their number from six to 22.

These finds confirm the importance of Jebel Irhoud as the oldest and richest African Middle

Stone Age hominin site documenting an early stage of our species.

The fossil remains from Jebel Irhoud comprise skulls, teeth, and long bones of at least

five individuals.

To provide a precise chronology for these finds, researchers used the thermoluminescence

dating method on heated flints found in the same deposits.

These flints yielded an age of approximately 300 thousand years ago and, therefore, push

back the origins of our species by one hundred thousand years.

Composite reconstruction of the earliest known Homo sapiens fossils from Jebel Irhoud (Morocco)

based on micro computed tomographic scans of multiple original fossils.

Dated to 300 thousand years ago these early Homo sapiens already have a modern-looking

face that falls within the variation of humans living today.

However, the archaic-looking virtual imprint of the braincase (blue) indicates that brain

shape, and possibly brain function, evolved within the Homo sapiens lineage.

"Well dated sites of this age are exceptionally rare in Africa, but we were fortunate that

so many of the Jebel Irhoud flint artefacts had been heated in the past," says geochronology

expert Daniel Richter of the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig (Germany), now with Freiberg Instruments


Richter explains: "This allowed us to apply thermoluminescence dating methods on the flint

artefacts and establish a consistent chronology for the new hominin fossils and the layers

above them."

In addition, the team was able to recalculate a direct age of the Jebel Irhoud 3 mandible

found in the 1960s.

This mandible had been previously dated to 160 thousand years ago by a special electron

spin resonance dating method.

Using new measures of the radioactivity of the Jebel Irhoud sediments and as a result

of methodological improvements in the method, this fossil's newly calculated age is in agreement

with the thermoluminescence ages and much older than previously realized.

"We employed state of the art dating methods and adopted the most conservative approaches

to accurately determine the age of Irhoud", adds Richter.

The mandible Irhoud 11 is the first, almost complete adult mandible discovered at the

site of Jebel Irhoud.

It is very robust and reminiscent of the smaller Tabun C2 mandible discovered in Israel in

a much younger deposit.

The bone morphology and the dentition display a mosaic of archaic and evolved features,

clearly assigning it to the root of our own lineage.

Credit: Jean-Jacques Hublin, MPI-EVA, Leipzig

The crania of modern humans living today are characterized by a combination of features

that distinguish us from our fossil relatives and ancestors: a small and gracile face, and

globular braincase.

The fossils from Jebel Irhoud display a modern-looking face and teeth, and a large but more archaic-looking


Hublin and his team used state-of-the-art micro computed tomographic scans and statistical

shape analysis based on hundreds of 3D measurements to show that the facial shape of the Jebel

Irhoud fossils is almost indistinguishable from that of modern humans living today.

In contrast to their modern facial morphology, however, the Jebel Irhoud crania retain a

rather elongated archaic shape of the braincase.

Modern human skulls are rounded globes.

The Jebel Irhoud skulls were lower on the top and longer at the back, closer to extinct

hominids like Homo erectus.

�Today, you wouldn�t be able to find anyone with a braincase that shape,� says Gunz.

"The inner shape of the braincase reflects the shape of the brain," explains Gunz.

"Our findings suggest that modern human facial morphology was established early on in the

history of our species, and that brain shape, and possibly brain function, evolved within

the Homo sapiens lineage," says Philipp Gunz.

Recently, comparisons of ancient DNA extracted from Neanderthals and Denisovans to the DNA

of present day humans revealed differences in genes affecting the brain and nervous system.

Evolutionary shape changes of the braincase are therefore likely related to a series of

genetic changes affecting brain connectivity, organization and development that distinguish

Homo sapiens from our extinct ancestors and relatives.

Virtual palaeoanthropology is able to correct distortions and fragmentations of fossil specimens.

This reconstruction of the Irhoud 11 mandible allows its comparison with archaic hominins,

such as Neandertals, as well as with early forms of �more

The morphology and age of the fossils from Jebel Irhoud also corroborate the interpretation

of an enigmatic partial cranium from Florisbad, South Africa, as an early representative of

Homo sapiens.

The earliest Homo sapiens fossils are found across the entire African continent: Jebel

Irhoud, Morocco (300 thousand years), Florisbad, South Africa (260 thousand years), and Omo

Kibish, Ethiopia (195 thousand years).

This indicates a complex evolutionary history of our species, possibly involving the whole

African continent.

"North Africa has long been neglected in the debates surrounding the origin of our species.

The spectacular discoveries from Jebel Irhoud demonstrate the tight connections of the Maghreb

with the rest of the African continent at the time of Homo sapiens' emergence", says

Abdelouahed Ben-Ncer.

The fossils were found in deposits containing animal bones showing evidence of having been

hunted, with the most frequent species being gazelle.

The stone tools associated with these fossils belong to the Middle Stone Age.

The Jebel Irhoud artefacts show the use of Levallois prepared core techniques and pointed

forms are the most common.

Most stone tools were made from high quality flint imported into the site.

Handaxes, a tool commonly found in older sites, are not present at Jebel Irhoud.

Middle Stone Age artefact assemblages such as the one recovered from Jebel Irhoud are

found across Africa at this time and likely speak to an adaptation that allowed Homo sapiens

to disperse across the continent.

Some of the Middle Stone Age stone tools from Jebel Irhoud (Morocco).

Pointed forms such as a-i are common in the assemblage.

Also characteristic are the Levellois prepared core flakes (j-k) Credit: Mohammed Kamal,

MPI EVA Leipzig

"The stone artefacts from Jebel Irhoud look very similar to ones from deposits of similar

age in east Africa and in southern Africa" says Max Planck Institute archaeologist Shannon


"It is likely that the technological innovations of the Middle Stone Age in Africa are linked

to the emergence of Homo sapiens."

The new findings from Jebel Irhoud elucidate the evolution of Homo sapiens, and show that

our species evolved much earlier than previously thought.

The dispersal of Homo sapiens across all of Africa around 300 thousand years is the result

of changes in both biology and behavior.

The Daily Galaxy via Max Planck Society and The Atlantic

For more infomation >> New Discovery Shows Homo Sapiens Evolved Much Earlier The Story - tech and science - Duration: 12:33.


SPRAY PAINT ART by Skech - Aurora Borealis - Duration: 20:03.

Welcome to Skech's SPRAY PAINTING , Crafting amd DIY Art.

Wasaaap my AWESOME YouTubers ?! Thanks for your great support.

And in today's video I'm gonna make one winter picture , it will be in blue, turquoise and purple color.

I'll try to do Aurora.

And if you are first time here, if u like this video HIT that SUBSCRIBE button for more future videos like this,

Stay AWESOME stay tuned and lets go.

Lets roll guys!

Hey guys thanks for watching this video!

I hope u like it, I hope u enjoy it.

If u are first time here SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button for more future videos like this.

Stay tuned, stay AWESOME and I LOVE U ALL!

For more infomation >> SPRAY PAINT ART by Skech - Aurora Borealis - Duration: 20:03.


Find If You Dare! Warning Scary! Ghost Alley Search and Find Hurry - Duration: 0:27.

Find If You Dare!

For more infomation >> Find If You Dare! Warning Scary! Ghost Alley Search and Find Hurry - Duration: 0:27.


The Lightning Road ("Easy Demon") by Timeless Real - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> The Lightning Road ("Easy Demon") by Timeless Real - Duration: 1:40.


Authentic Bihari Mutton Stew step by step बिहारी मटन स्ट्यू بہاری مٹن کا سٹو Shaila's Dastarkhwan - Duration: 8:39.

Hello Friends . Today I will show you how to make Bihari mutton stew step by step.

For the list of ingredients see in description below.

If you like my recipe do give a thumbs up/LIKE.

Do watch my facebook page at

SHARE and SUBSCRIBE my channel. Its free.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Authentic Bihari Mutton Stew step by step बिहारी मटन स्ट्यू بہاری مٹن کا سٹو Shaila's Dastarkhwan - Duration: 8:39.


Find If You Dare! Warning Scary 🎈 Clown Room | Search and Find Hurry - Duration: 0:24.

Find If You Dare

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