Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017



For more infomation >> UNLIMITED LIVES??? Minecraft XBOX Murder Mystery - Duration: 10:02.


Alpha vision - Eating and Armday Vlog 1 - Duration: 8:02.

Welcome everyone

this is a new video

I just woke up

And I'll show you what

I eat and drink

Before I'm going to work out

the first thing I take is a glutamine shake

and after that I will make breakfast

I just ate 8 eggs

I am now going to make meal two

I have eaten meal two

and now I am going to make meal three

now I have eaten three meals

I am going to drink a cup of coffee

and after that I am going to the gym

we arrived at the gym

Robbert is behind the camera

today we are going to train arms

We are going to do high intesity

we have a short period of time between the sets

I am now going to eat my last meal

I hope I have given you some insight of what I eat on a day

and how I train

For more infomation >> Alpha vision - Eating and Armday Vlog 1 - Duration: 8:02.


Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today 6/10/17 , Answers Questions About Comey testimony - Duration: 25:23.

For more infomation >> Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today 6/10/17 , Answers Questions About Comey testimony - Duration: 25:23.


The New World Order should more accurately be called the Deep State - Duration: 10:35.

The New World Order should more accurately be called the Deep State.

by Edward Morgan

Forget the New World Order, Here�s Who Really Runs the World

For decades, extreme ideologies on both the left and the right have clashed over the conspiratorial

concept of a shadowy secret government often called the New World Order pulling the strings

on the world�s heads of state and captains of industry.

The phrase New World Order is largely derided as a sophomoric conspiracy theory entertained

by minds that lack the sophistication necessary to understand the nuances of geopolitics.

But it turns out the core idea � one of deep and overarching collusion between Wall

Street and government with a globalist agenda � is operational in what a number of insiders

call the �Deep State.�

In the past couple of years, the term has gained traction across a wide swath of ideologies.

Former Republican congressional aide Mike Lofgren says it is the nexus of Wall Street

and the national security state � a relationship where elected and unelected figures join forces

to consolidate power and serve vested interests.

Calling it �the big story of our time,� Lofgren says the deep state represents the

failure of our visible constitutional government and the cross-fertilization of corporatism

with the globalist war on terror.

�It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of

Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence

Agency and the Justice Department.

I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial

flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street,�

he explained.

Even parts of the judiciary, namely the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, belong to

the deep state.

How does the deep state operate?

A complex web of revolving doors between the military-industrial-complex, Wall Street,

and Silicon Valley consolidates the interests of defense contractors, banksters, military

campaigns, and both foreign and domestic surveillance intelligence.

According to Mike Lofgren and many other insiders, this is not a conspiracy theory.

The deep state hides in plain sight and goes far beyond the military-industrial complex

President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about in his farewell speech over fifty years ago.

While most citizens are at least passively aware of the surveillance state and collusion

between the government and the corporate heads of Wall Street, few people are aware of how

much the intelligence functions of the government have been outsourced to privatized groups

that are not subject to oversight or accountability.

According to Lofgren, 70% of our intelligence budget goes to contractors.

Moreover, while Wall Street and the federal government suck money out of the economy,

relegating tens of millions of people to food stamps and incarcerating more people than

China � a totalitarian state with four times more people than us � the deep state has,

since 9/11, built the equivalent of three Pentagons, a bloated state apparatus that

keeps defense contractors, intelligence contractors, and privatized non-accountable citizens marching

in stride.

After years of serving in Congress, Lofgren�s moment of truth regarding this matter came

in 2001.

He observed the government appropriating an enormous amount of money that was ostensibly

meant to go to Afghanistan but instead went to the Persian Gulf region.

This, he says, �disenchanted� him from the groupthink, which he says keeps all of

Washington�s minions in lockstep.

Groupthink � an unconscious assimilation of the views of your superiors and peers � also

works to keep Silicon Valley funneling technology and information into the federal surveillance


Lofgren believes the NSA and CIA could not do what they do without Silicon Valley.

It has developed a de facto partnership with NSA surveillance activities, as facilitated

by a FISA court order.

Now, Lofgren notes, these CEOs want to complain about foreign market share and the damage

this collusion has wrought on both the domestic and international reputation of their brands.

Under the pretense of pseudo-libertarianism, they helmed a commercial tech sector that

is every bit as intrusive as the NSA.

Meanwhile, rigging of the DMCA intellectual property laws � so that the government can

imprison and fine citizens who jailbreak devices � behooves Wall Street.

It�s no surprise that the government has upheld the draconian legislation for 15 years.

It is also unsurprising that the growth of the corporatocracy aids the deep state.

The revolving door between government and Wall Street money allows top firms to offer

premium jobs to senior government officials and military yes-men.

This, says Philip Giraldi, a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer

for the CIA, explains how the Clintons left the White House nearly broke but soon amassed

$100 million.

It also explains how former general and CIA Director David Petraeus, who has no experience

in finance, became a partner at the KKR private equity firm, and how former Acting CIA Director

Michael Morell became Senior Counselor at Beacon Global Strategies.

Wall Street is the ultimate foundation for the deep state because the incredible amount

of money it generates can provide these cushy jobs to those in the government after they


Nepotism reigns supreme as the revolving door between Wall Street and government facilitates

a great deal of our domestic strife:

�Bank bailouts, tax breaks, and resistance to legislation that would regulate Wall Street,

political donors, and lobbyists.

The senior government officials, ex-generals, and high level intelligence operatives who

participate find themselves with multi-million dollar homes in which to spend their retirement

years, cushioned by a tidy pile of investments,� said Giraldi.

How did the deep state come to be?

Some say it is the evolutionary hybrid offspring of the military-industrial complex while others

say it came into being with the Federal Reserve Act, even before the First World War.

At this time, Woodrow Wilson remarked,

�We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and

dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by conviction and the

vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of

dominant men.�

This quasi-secret cabal pulling the strings in Washington and much of America�s foreign

policy is maintained by a corporatist ideology that thrives on deregulation, outsourcing,

deindustrialization, and financialization.

American exceptionalism, or the great �Washington Consensus,� yields perpetual war and economic

imperialism abroad while consolidating the interests of the oligarchy here at home.

Mike Lofgren says this government within a government operates off tax dollars but is

not constrained by the constitution, nor are its machinations derailed by political shifts

in the White House.

In this world � where the deep state functions with impunity � it doesn�t matter who

is president so long as he or she perpetuates the war on terror, which serves this interconnected

web of corporate special interests and disingenuous geopolitical objectives.

�As long as appropriations bills get passed on time, promotion lists get confirmed, black

(i.e., secret) budgets get rubber stamped, special tax subsidies for certain corporations

are approved without controversy, as long as too many awkward questions are not asked,

the gears of the hybrid state will mesh noiselessly,� according to Mike Lofgren in an interview

with Bill Moyers.

Interestingly, according to Philip Giraldi, the ever-militaristic Turkey has its own deep

state, which uses overt criminality to keep the money flowing.

By comparison, the U.S. deep state relies on a symbiotic relationship between banksters,

lobbyists, and defense contractors, a mutant hybrid that also owns the Fourth Estate and

Washington think tanks.

Is there hope for the future?


At present, discord and unrest continues to build.

Various groups, establishments, organizations, and portions of the populace from all corners

of the political spectrum, including Silicon Valley, Occupy, the Tea Party, Anonymous,

WikiLeaks, anarchists and libertarians from both the left and right, the Electronic Frontier

Foundation, and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and others are beginning to vigorously

question and reject the labyrinth of power wielded by the deep state.

Can these groups � can we, the people � overcome the divide and conquer tactics used to quell


The future of freedom may depend on it.

For more infomation >> The New World Order should more accurately be called the Deep State - Duration: 10:35.


Francesco Renga - Nuova luce Karaoke Cori - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Francesco Renga - Nuova luce Karaoke Cori - Duration: 3:33.


Katil Kim (murder mystery) ? - Türkçe Minecraft Videoları İzle w/FurkanAslan - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Katil Kim (murder mystery) ? - Türkçe Minecraft Videoları İzle w/FurkanAslan - Duration: 10:19.


Minecraft我的訂閱內容 - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Minecraft我的訂閱內容 - Duration: 1:15.


DirecTV The Settlers Neighbors Commercial - Duration: 0:51.


Father, why can't we have DirecTV

Like the McGreggors do?

We're settlers, son

We settle for things

Like having cable instead of DirecTV

Hey Jebediah! How's it going?

Working the land

Hoping for a fertile spring


So, we have to live with lower customer satisfaction?

I'm afraid so

Now, go churn us some butter, boy

And then make your own clothes

Yes, sir

Don't be a settler

Get rid of cable

And upgrade to DirecTV

Call 1-800-DIRECTV

For more infomation >> DirecTV The Settlers Neighbors Commercial - Duration: 0:51.


【Minecraft】マイクラの全ブロックでピラミッド Part105【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 11:07.

Hello, this is Teryi.

Good evening, it is slowly.

Thank you for your viewing.

Thanks dear.

Well, first it does not become not to catch water in the field.

Indeed water forget is not too carelessly?

Base, is not mean you forget separately. I want Do not misunderstand.

Why No a tsundere flavor.

Well it once, bone meal is troublesome waterway construction is not required if Tarire, was thinking about the possibility of a.

But the result is not enough bone meal Once you've calculated after the play, but there was harvest unexpected.

Until now, it had been mistaken only from the water up to the vertical and horizontal directions 4 trout not sink water to arable land. It's also reaches four diagonal mass.

Did you mistake from when?

It is unknown. When the tying height, such as not yet misunderstanding.

Well after incidentally, this wheat is not passed about 20 minutes from replanted.

Of carrot potato field, the elapsed time is like from each planting of.

Even in comparison with the field of elapsed 50 minutes, it states that those of wheat is growing well.

In short, the water Ali and without of agricultural land, is like there is a growth speed difference of more than 2 times.

In, and the mechanism of the field come with somehow imagine, but it is you come to study heat is tingling.

If I can imagine, the time to bear fruit, the probability of one step growth in Atari unit time is constant, I think it's time to grow 8 stage.

If the well data collected by calculation, neatly feel that sought likely will the growth speed difference without and water ants.

Toka without water, not a nothing practical?

Tied might be to play tips. Maato, to unlock the specifications of the Micra is my favorite food.

Well, last time loading all the buildings other than the beacon pyramid, and in the rural life, has been overwhelmed by the power of good luck Three harvest.

It I was eventually harvest three times, to the shame manner Tsu red.

It is as long as your embarrassing was not tried until now, but anything I think that is not a good thing if you stick the red.

It should be noted, were carried out to make the field in the 8 × 8, although it might be a just one stack, it was scheduled to make a waterway in between fields.

Also a easier is better to water sources installed in a pin-point, which was saved.

If you reduce the number of water sources, field the in the 9 × 9, it likely is good is better to put water source in the center.

But are attracted as a target-shaped, but it is do not want to put water source in the interior of the field.

When you harvest lucky Three later in the dash, I think I would fall into the water source.

Now that watering is finished, the next step is to make a carrot and a potato field by another one place.

Speaking on the calculation, I'll harvest amount was do not slightly less than in each of 3000.

By the way, when you plant a carrot, it troubled becomes I knew I would eat the stomach is empty.

It's gonna be about to cherry-pick that it is hungry.

Well it's the deed to be Ueyo in hold down the mouse.

Then, the field of carrots and potatoes become each 11 or plants, this hoe diamond is now with your role'm sorry.

Hoe of diamond it 's after completion in up to 2 knots.

Well, to grow to some extent after, there is a waiting time.

It I was you fetch the experimental material to the pyramid base.

I hope if there is sufficient experimental time but. And the harvest of wheat to the waiting time, but it is do not If you do not Konasa the work sprinkled about 1,000 of bone meal.

Anyway, I came back to the pyramid base.

As I mentioned last time, I want to try in this waiting time is the mule escape signal bullets plan.

However, because there are many things that make for the first time, what the material is hard to understand Toka number. It will have a variety of one with the other eye.

What if I forgot something experiment stopped.

And again to the rural life. Here is the time game of the carrot potatoes.

Nara Hurry up.

For starters, turn to reuse the ranch top of the rail that wool had him a good feeling.

No longer sheep ranch guess what is expected without the collected emerald.

If not Toka to grant good luck Three to scissors, seems such become a game.

In, was brought from the pyramid base, the item is here may use possibly.

I often indeed.

I say so bring in the chest with a truck.

Well next it is sprinkled 1,000 worth of bone meal.

Since the carrot potato fields would like to once harvested from growing up tightly all, it does not become not work while careful that point.

In other words, it can I cry When you run out of bone meal before one of two things bear fruit.

Bone meal will cry even surplus in large quantities.

It should be noted that, although the last time was to calculate the yield of good luck Three in 20 times of harvest, this time is likely to be calculated numerical value of an order of magnitude higher accuracy.

And in the work of about 12 minutes, it ends sprinkled leaving bone meal one stack.

In other words we did using bone meal 900 or more.

In, the following is is the harvest of wheat, I tried Innovation precisely during the last cut, wheat I was only more species be harvested in good luck Three.

It No wheat fields at the beginning of the video had been replanted so.

Previous Speaking after, I say three kinds of ratio of villagers traded item may be a 4-to-2-one, is consider when an error.

Wheat deal, because they are needed only when the carrots and potatoes transaction has been both stopped, is sufficient even more much less.

Well anyway, it was completed except experiment with this.

The main topic soon, will take the mule breakout signal bullets of creating mechanisms.

'm the main subject.

First of all, it seems to be able to check whether or not containing the items to the hopper, is a craft made comparator.

I I do not make a mistake recipe indeed.

Because you checkmate immediately I forget it, I remember desperately.

In, to make the other one, it is a dispenser for launch the fireworks, but it was dangerous because the material was not only a few of the last minute.

It No spider silk is not only still two.

By the way, one thread is or was something you obtained in fishing.

And, to run the hopper with a truck in like this. This portion is buried in the ground, above is expected to cover in the sandstone.

It is sucking the fallen lead.

And the bottom of the rail, hopper, comparator, keep in connecting the dispenser, and try to pick up the items in the hopper with a truck.

I came out and Pokon to speculation street.

Not a good feeling.

And the next, this also is the first craft of fireworks.

In, I noticed here at last, but forgot to bring the sugar cane Come to think of it.

I did had safely left behind also this time.

Well But, whether it will be such a thing, here I think I know wetland biome.

In, rocket fireworks of the craft is completed in 1 minute. This time we Kechi' because the experimental material.

You only see the fireworks that the strike go up later.

If you go this mechanism works well, lead lost problems and was suffering for many years, mules desertion alarm problem will toward the resolution in one fell swoop.

Even in faint one step for mankind, it is a great step forward for me.

For example, this timing?

I like the range of hopper inhale under the rail is surprisingly wide.

Well it anyway, was good to safely make.

Well then, while distinguish the subtle differences in color and shape, I went sprinkled with bone meal to carefully fruitful leave.

Surplus was bone meal as a result is the only one four. It seems to be working pretty good feeling.

And I went into the super harvest time.

It'll carrots can be taken as interesting.

In, Torre was carrots 2942 pieces. Harvest Number of good luck Three is 4.18 pieces of as one arable land Atari.

It 's 0.2 or less on average than planned.

In the still of the previous 20 times about the test, but a little so that the error was large.

In, the following is a potato. Balanced number is 2989 pieces, the average harvest number is 4.25 pieces.

Together with the carrot of data, it looks good if you look at a possible 4.2 or harvested in the lucky three.

In addition, 2% of the probability seems to be able to harvest blue Jagawa, but was caught 12, be calculated at 2% did not meet at all calculation.

I wonder luck Three does not work.

Well Finally, it is the harvest of wheat that was planted in the middle. Also by subtracting the time away in the movement of the pyramid base, we have passed from replanted about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

You'll have a few places not yet ripe.

When you check in before I had thought that almost grows up to 2 hours, but seems to have been enough for one and a half hours.

30 minutes difference is I large.

Like a time of probability of up to di spawn of mobs, I want to be someday field can also be calculated.

Well, I tried to calculate after playing a harvest of more than, there was a quantity that can be traded the perfect emerald block 41 pieces just.

The last of rural life turn is considerably ahead of schedule, it is completed in two and a half hours a little.

The next construction turn, a guess I do not.

Beacon because we use in the wizard game.

Once you have the villagers deal, I think a little Do you Susumeyo the Malacca plan of darkness mentioned in 102 episodes.

In other words, we look for Zonbisupona of the village of underground.

So, we will work hard the next time.

see you next time. Buying and selling.

For more infomation >> 【Minecraft】マイクラの全ブロックでピラミッド Part105【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 11:07.


Underappreciated Japanese Horror Films You Need To See - Duration: 4:25.

The immense popularity of Gore Verbinski's The Ring — the American remake of Japanese

horror film Ringu — created a tidal wave of interest in Japanese horror in the United


And despite mixed reviews of other remakes, like 2004's The Grudge, American horror fans

will find plenty to scream about in these original, underappreciated Japanese horror


Whether it's body horror or supernatural curses you're after, these films are definitely horror



Director Kiyoshi Kurosawa is a well-known auteur in Japan, but his films have gone mostly

overlooked in the U.S. 2016's Creepy was no different — despite receiving critical acclaim

from The New York Times.

What begins as a story about the creepy neighbor next door evolves into an epic funhouse of

scares with one of the most visceral endings in recent horror history.


Before the cult classic Ichi the Killer, prolific director Takashi Miike made the horror movie


You may have yet to cross paths with this intense film, mostly because of the terrifying

reputation that precedes it.

1999's Audition has gone down in horror lore as one of the most disturbing horror films

ever made.

Although it seems like a slow-burn mystery movie at first, Audition's terrifying conclusion

is nothing short of relentless.

Dark Water

The poorly received 2005 American remake of this movie starring Jennifer Connelly is probably

the reason why the original doesn't get the credit it deserves.

2002's Dark Water was directed by Hideo Nakata of Ringu fame.

And fans of that film will recognize some familiar tropes, most notably the single mother

and her child fighting to break a curse before they get totally wrecked by a supernatural


But Dark Water definitely isn't a repeat of Ringu.

It's got enough fresh scares to stand well on its own.


Undoubtedly one of the strangest horror films ever made, Nobuhiko Obayashi's Hausu defies


A group of friends travel to an aunt's haunted mansion filled with an Alice in Wonderland-style

cast of spirits, including a floating, demonic Cheshire cat and a piano that likes to eat


Released in 1977, Hausu is now considered a horror classic.

Not bad for a movie that was inspired by Obayashi's 11-year-old daughter.

Battle Royale

The Hunger Games often draws comparisons to Battle Royale, and for good reason.

There are plenty of differences, but both stories focus on a dystopian world in which

children compete in televised fights to the death.

Battle Royale is just...way more violent.

Based on a 1999 Japanese novel of the same name, the film adaptation of Battle Royale

was one of the highest-grossing films in Japan, raking in nearly $1.9 million in its opening


Despite its success overseas, Battle Royale wasn't officially distributed in the U.S.

for nearly 11 years because of the controversy surrounding its violent content.


It's hard to believe that this classic Japanese horror film was released in 1960.

It feels as if it could have been made yesterday.

When a student flees the scene of a hit-and-run, he's not only pursued by his guilty conscience,

but also by a demonic double of himself.

"Jigoku" translates to "hell," and director Nobuo Nakagawa takes the viewer literally

to the fiery pits, making Jigoku a horror masterpiece for the ages.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Another J-horror classic, Tetsuo: The Iron Man feels custom-made for fans of the weird

body horror of David Cronenberg or the fleshier David Lynch pictures like Eraserhead.

Released in 1989, Tetsuo is about a man who begins growing metal body parts after he accidentally

kills a freaky half-metal man.

Nearly 30 years later, Tetsuo is still hard to watch, making it one of horror's most overlooked


Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Underappreciated Japanese Horror Films You Need To See - Duration: 4:25.


Glue Stick Slime 4 Ways!! MUST TRY !!!, REAL!! Glue Stick Slime Recipes, No Borax, No Cornstarch - Duration: 15:49.

For more infomation >> Glue Stick Slime 4 Ways!! MUST TRY !!!, REAL!! Glue Stick Slime Recipes, No Borax, No Cornstarch - Duration: 15:49.


Guy encounters a giant snake - Will he survive? - Duration: 2:10.


You guys look

I'm literally seeing face to face with a wild

and highly venomous Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

and I am afraid to move

I am frozen in my trunks right now

I don't even wanna move my arms

He's not moving at all


I'm gonna try to touch his tail to get him to move

He sees me

Ohhh my God!


I do not wanna move right now

I am shaking

I need to find something to cope him with

I don't know what do I think

Come one go behind me

Is it gone?



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For more infomation >> Guy encounters a giant snake - Will he survive? - Duration: 2:10.


8 Figure Dream Lifestyle TV - Official 8FDL Channel - Duration: 1:08.

Hi everyone, this is Mike Kingman and I want to welcome you to my official

YouTube channel for 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle.

8FDL got off the ground back

in 2016 and has been growing consistently month-to-month ever since.

Now as you can see I'm putting the finishing touches on the virtual studio

here and what I'd like to do is invite you to subscribe to this channel which

you can do by hovering over that bird there at the top at the left. That way

you can be kept up to date on news updates and all kinds of useful

information as it applies to 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle.

Of course, any time you'd like to attend a Live webinar or see a recent replay

you can do so directly at and I also invite you to call me directly

anytime at 1-855-VIP-8FDL. So whether you're looking to

take a closer look at 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle, or any other program for that

matter, go ahead and subscribe to this channel right now, and I look forward to

speaking with you in person real soon. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle TV - Official 8FDL Channel - Duration: 1:08.


Deriquedaboy - Eulírico (prod. nosebleed) - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Deriquedaboy - Eulírico (prod. nosebleed) - Duration: 1:29.


WE FOUND A HACKER??? - Duration: 4:13.

Yo, what is up my friends

Today we are back with

one more video

Now we are done with those :)

For more infomation >> WE FOUND A HACKER??? - Duration: 4:13.


Musician Names Everyone Always Mispronounces - Duration: 5:05.

There are some band or artist names that are just destined to be mispronounced, from foreign

acts that made it big in the states, to deliberately difficult monikers meant to evoke mystery

… or something.

Some are current international superstars ... or legends in their genre ... while others

are obscure acts whose odd names may have just caught your eye while browsing Spotify.

But they all have names that get butchered by those not in-the-know.

Names like ...

These hard-core-turned-alt-rock pioneers got their name while rehearsing a cover of "Psycho

Killer" by Talking Heads.

Poking fun at the French phrases in the song ...

"Je me lance, vers la gloire, okay!"

… the band just started singing any foreign phrase they could think of, including the

name of a popular 1960s board game with a Norwegian name …

"No complicated rules.

It's easy to play Husker Du!

Only $3.99 from Picam."

Liking the sound of it, they added some ironic heavy metal umlauts, and the rest is rock


"What bands do you guys listen to?"

"Hüsker Dü a lot."

So while the name may resemble that of Nebraska mascot Herbie Husker, it's pronounced differently.

"Makes no sense at all!"

This hip-hop duo's moniker is just "Ear Drummers" backwards, but that doesn't give you any clue

about how to pronounce it.


"R-A-E" "Rae."

"S-R-E" "Shrem."

"M-M-U-R-D" "Rae Sremmurd."

"That's R-A-E" "Rae."

"S-R-E" "Shrem."

"M-M-U-R-D" "Rae Sremmurd."

No further questions.

These Cleveland "avant-garage" icons took their name from the main character in Ubu

Roi, a play by French playwright Alfred Jarry.

But this doesn't mean you need to pronounce it like you're Inspector Clouseau, as frontman

David Thomas demonstrates ...

"I'm as happy with Pere Ubu in the beginning as I am now."

Thomas says he chose the name it because it fulfilled his weirdly specific criteria for

a good band name: "(1) It shouldn't mean anything but it should seem to mean something; (2)

it needs to look good and sound good; and (3) it should have three syllables."

This Atlanta-based rapper and singer went platinum in 2014 with "Tuesday" ...

"Got the club goin' up / On a Tuesday"

... despite recording under a name that looks like it belongs to an anonymous YouTube troll.

The last part is actually the MC's real first name.

So how do you say it?

"My name is iLoveMakonnen."

"I'm named after Tafari Makonnen, Haile Selassie, Rastafari."

Chillwave singer and producer Chaz Bundwick took a multilingual approach when choosing

his stage name.

It starts in Spanish but ends in French, and it's pronounced like this ...

"Toro Y Moi is in the house."

"Can't feel a thing when he takes a shot."

As for why he chose the name, Bundwick says it just came to him as a teen.

"It's something that I made up when I was 15 in the car.

It was pretty much nonsensical."

The Swedish neoclassical metal God's name isn't pronounced "ing-wee," "ying-wy," "yahweh,"

or "yeezy," it's ...

"I'm Yngwie Malmsteen, and we're here today to talk a little about guitar playing."

… as in "No one plays as eff-ING fast as ING-VAY, man."

This indie art rock band's name was inspired by a 1998 Chinese film, but isn't pronounced

accordingly …

"Xiu Xiu [show-show]: The Sent Down Girl went on to win many international awards."

Lead singer Jamie Stewart says the band goes with a slightly different pronunciation...

"We generally say 'shoe-shoe,' but people say, you know, 'zoo-zoo' or 'ju-ju' or whatever."

… and the band's critics are all over the map.

"Oh, I gotta take my sister and her dumb emo friends here tonight to see schwee-schwee."

The pop superstar herself has made it crystal clear in several interviews ...

"When you introduced yourself to me all those years ago, because you almost didn't expect

people to know who you were, you said 'Ree-anna.'"

"I knew this was the question.

It is 'Ree-anna.'"

Then again, this is the woman who thinks the word "umbrella" is pronounced like this …

"Under my Umbrella-ella-ella-eh."

… so take it with a grain of salt.

(Just kiddin', RiRi.)

A pioneering act in the "witch house" electronic music genre …

[Electronic music]

… you'd think this stage name for San Francisco-based producer Chris Dexter would be inspired by

the sound a ghost makes ...

[Ghost wailing]

Truth is, the name was originally supposed to be unpronounceable, but now the "general

consensus" is to pronounce it "Oh."

As in, "Oh, that's disappointing.

It's more fun to say it like a spooky ghost."


[Record scratch]

Okay, now that's just ridiculous.

Turns out this robe-wearing Swedish experimental electronic duo actually has a deliberately

unpronounceable name meant to evoke white noise ... along with a track list on one album

that's just a progressively longer string of "esses."

So an act that sounds like this …

[Electronic music]

… has a name that sounds like this …

[TV static]

Finally: a band that's name-drop proof.

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For more infomation >> Musician Names Everyone Always Mispronounces - Duration: 5:05.


Why They Faked the Moon Landing - Duration: 14:42.

Why They Faked the Moon Landing, June 10, 2017.

It's all about disinformation.

I believe that's why they faked the moon landing.

Whenever someone gets the truth, they simply feed them a little more truth, about the fake moon landing.

Then the truth teller looks like some kind of nut.

When Fred starts telling the truth of the 9/11 inside job to Bob, the way they shut Fred up, is to tell Bob that Fred believe's the moon landing was fake.

If Bob believes we landed on the moon, he will no longer believe Fred about the truth of 9/11.

They did this with Alex Jones, they did this with me and they did this with David Icke.

Both Alex Jones and David Icke, will start off given people truth about 9/11.

But then they'll start talking about other bizarre things like reptilian's, UFOs, Giants, the fake moon landing and how the government is trying to keep the flat earth secret.

This is because either they are disinformation agents, or they have been tricked by disinformation agents.

The governmental disinformation agents, are using the fake moon landing to make people look crazy, so that no one will believe them.

So it really doesn't matter if the moon landing was fake.

If you want to get people to believe the truth about 9/11 or anything else, you can't even mention the fake moon landing.

I'm not even going to talk about the truth of 9/11, because that's not important.

Abortion is the issue and it's the only topic we should be talking about until abortion is made illegal.

Then we should be talking about how jobs are slavery and a crime against humanity.

The Bible says both the deceiver and the deceived will be destroyed.

None of the information matters about Bigfoot, UFO's, Giants, the swamp monster, the fake moon landing, not even 9/11 matters.

More American babies were murdered on 9/11, then were killed in the World Trade Center.

Only 3000 people died in the World Trade Center, while on the same day 3500 babies were murdered by the narcissistic psychopaths in power and it didn't even make the news.

Truth is 9/11 should've been on second page of the newspaper.

The front page of the newspaper should of been that 3500 American infants were murdered by the narcissistic psychopaths in power, who dehumanized them.

It's not just that these 3500 American infants are being murdered every day in America, it's that this system forces these women to murder their own babies.

This would be like Ariel Castro not only raping these young women, but forcing them to murder their own children, when they get pregnant.

Abortion is not a choice.

Women have no other choice but to abort their children, because they don't have the money.

Claiming abortion is a choice, is like claiming you have a choice to buy a private jet.

Only the rich people have a choice to buy a private jet.

The poor people don't have a choice, they can't purchase a private jet.

Women have no other choice, they have to murder their children or risk losing other children.

Planned Parenthood tells women who have two children, if they have another child, they might lose custody of the two children they have, because they can't afford to raise them.

This gives women no other choice but to kill their own kids and Planned Parenthood knows it.

So do all the other narcissistic psychopaths in positions of power.

Jobs are slavery and they are the cause of all the evil and suffering in the world.

Food grows on trees.

God is the provider.

Everything belongs to God.

Anyone who claims ownership to anything has stolen from God.

That's a sin punishable by death.

You can't steal from God and live.

God is not invisible.

He never was.

People who have not seen God, do not know God.

God doesn't appear to people who enslave men with jobs.

God is not even going to appear to someone who sees nothing wrong with enslaving men with jobs.

My sister asked me why she couldn't see God

She voted for Donald Trump.

Nobody who votes for Donald Trump, is going to see God.

Nobody who votes for any president, is going to see God.

God is the King and as soon as you vote for somebody else, you chose not to see God.

You think God is going to appear to some insane person, who made someone else there God like Donald Trump, George W.

Bush, Obama or Clinton

Then you're crazy.

If you want to see God you have to make God your King.

You have to vote for God.

On judgment day God will return to earth and he will look at you and say, "didn't you vote for Donald Trump?

Off to the lake of fire.

" The church has been teaching lies for over 5000 years.

The church has been killing God's prophets for 5000 years.

Truth comes from God himself, not the news media, not a church, not a college or Trump University, not even your parents.

Your parents have been deceived by all of these institutions.

You can only get truth from God himself or the Messiah.

If they are not a Messiah, they have no authority to teach the truth.

A Messiah is someone who is anointed by God.

The Pope has not been anointed by God.

Your church leaders have not been anointed by God.

Donald Trump has not been anointed by God.

To be anointed by God, you actually have to see God.

When I start telling people I saw God, they ask me if I believe in UFOs, the fake moon landing, Bigfoot, flat earth, etc.

And if I believe in any of those things, they can shut me up.

All those things don't matter.

They're not even important for conversation.

The only thing that's important, is that we are being enslaved with jobs.

Because we are enslaved with jobs, it creates crime and forces women to have abortions.

Because they can't afford to raise children.

The root of all evil is enslavement.

Nobody needs money.

Food grows on trees and anyone who tries to sell you something is selling stolen merchandise.

As everything belongs to God.

In the war between good and evil, anyone who claims ownership to anything, will be killed for stealing from God.

Just like this Larry Matters guy is trying to convince you that I'm a alcoholic to get you to stop listening to me.

Listen to the people who the governments give labels to if you want to learn the truth.

Listen to the people who they claim are wearing tinfoil hats, who they claim are schizophrenics or alcoholics.

Those are the people who have the truth.

When you start talking about how jobs are slavery and a crime against humanity or abortion is baby murder and someone tries to distract you with 9/11 truths, fake moon landing truth, or any of these hoaxes of nine people killed by terrorists here, or 29 people killed by terrorists there, tell them the only thing that matters, is that jobs are slavery and a crime against humanity, that causes women to murder their own children.

Time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine and will be turned to fables of Bigfoot, the flat earth and other hoaxes.

Money is the mark of the beast and the seven dead presidents on money, is the seven headed beast of Revelation.

Jesus is God, I am the Messiah.

No one who demotes God down to a Messiah will be saved.

Much less the Muslims who demoted God down to a prophet.

Neither will the Jews that demoted God down to a mere man.

Jesus is God and that means that somebody else is the Messiah.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe that I'm the Messiah, because you chose death for yourself, when you demoted God down to a mere man Messiah.

Messiah is a man anointed by God.

When you claim Jesus is the Messiah, you're claiming that Jesus was a mortal man.


For more infomation >> Why They Faked the Moon Landing - Duration: 14:42.


damn - Duration: 0:06.

Ice on the fringe, it's so damn frosty

That people like,

Damn, son! Where'd ya find this?

For more infomation >> damn - Duration: 0:06.


CrazeInGames CIG - Hospital Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 5:25.

CrazeInGames CIG - Hospital Escape

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