Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017

you know I will admit I really did think that the Warriors were about to sweep

the Cavs I said it was over I thought they were actually going to blow him out

too I thought last game was too demoralizing of a loss for the Cavs

but I will handed the Cavs they came back and actually blew out the Warriors

a exact opposite of my prediction so I do got to say got handed the Cavs I

don't think they're going to do it but they did it so let's go ahead and check

out these highlights from what I saw the little small parts of the game the Cavs

came out swinging hard man and it was looking really ugly of a game it was

really sloppy by Golden State Standards so let's go ahead and throw this on the

screen let's jump into listen see what they have in store for us because man

what happened what happened I bet you they're just playing real locks dateable

that's probably what it came down here I like that I like that a nice picture you

change it up Lima the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers for

the NBA champ yeah they stay rockin humble back here at Quicken Loans Arena

the Warriors answer time back in 2015 and I have different times with a

special new player but hey it's Kevin Durant now 3-1 going back to the crib oh

if I'm not if I'm not mistaken I believe that the Warriors they haven't won any

championship back at home well they only have one Championships oh wow

it'd be nice for them to win at home you know put on a show for the yeah they

came out they came out singing hard put on a show for the you know Oracle I will

say the small part that I was watching John it was very frustrating watching

Zaza Pachulia do you just frustrate me I don't have no idea why draymond Green

left open and okay draymond I see you I have no idea why her license so much I

guarantee you that they're not going to keep his odds on next season there's no

way I did I thought if I was in head management I would have been gone random

thoughts off but hey what would be what what other big yell there

16:4 thing already rebound that's the Tristan Thompson okay

where you been at breasts it's been a minute back out play chops a little fake

to get rid of Junior Smith haven't seen any curry highlights another turnover

control I see you in the game not really doing much we've been doing so well so

far you got a nice jump shot is good yeah you start a game like this so I a

was just looking on orbit I think this is I think this is the closest the game

worth ever was but after that I will decide nope

figured out I kept a skate I heard this game got heated though I saw a clip on a

that vemma uploaded shut up they I've never seen a half an NBA Finals game

side McGee Oh yuck inside Jefferson Kevin Korver oh that's not quarter

that's what Kevin Love yeah but anyway what else saying was that I saw that a

female uploaded the video where LeBron and Katie had an argument or something

so I'm curious to see what it was about

uncle drew I guess go fly up off that lake that layup package of boy off

what are you guys crazy d1 okay he's not trying to get sweaty catchy to curry

where you at bro you really know over 12,000 nice nice find you're asking us

wise wise ey Dover you see there's there's a certain line up about not the

Warriors do that I just really don't like that Kirk keeps on going oh my god

although they had 24 threes right James on the tribe

yeah there's this lineup that the Warriors I think they'll probably come

up soon I'll point it out but it's like delay Iguodala

green david west corners and like Ian Clark

whenever Ian Clark is in the game I just get super nervous I'm just like no you

know you can come in at the end of the game when everything is all said and

done but I don't know I just don't trust Ian Clark especially when he got you

know cooked by a by Kyrie that last game has the ability to come back right now

they have no idea the way you got a guard it's Irene I think I think drema

it's hard but you got to jump with them because if you jump the same time as

them you just he's just going to straight jelly you lay a package you see

another turnover okay come on now prize inside shot clock down goes in and a pow

176 back in 82 going right here and actually it's good urban gets to the

foul line hold on hold on hold on wait wait a

second wait a second wait it let that go in but they hit 80 in the second in the

first half

Wow I see I see why the Warriors lost how

much how much did they have in the first court I'm sorry but you know I'll check

I'll check later comment down below how much did they have in the first uh the

first quarter but I did not realize how high was quite of a scoring game that

was damn else kick them in the face okay Durant relax I wonder I was going

to put the phone on the fighting here or whatever the skirmish was yep

Coran he makes that a buzzer of the playoffs whoo we shot just 27% is

Curry's first shot and a half standing third quarter team that was its first

shot you see that that's something I hate that some teams do I know that um

who was it that does it a lot pal Gasol does it a lot draymond doesn't a lot

like go up and grab the rebound like why are you going out skipping it you're

just giving the other team another chance like at least unless you push it

back all the way then yeah but just go up firm and grab the ball I hate when

they do that you know especially like pop like Paul the salt too especially

like when he's like super towel you should not be doing that but you know I

understand why actually you know understand why that dream on or someone

might do it because they're just going to get baby by Tristan love Tristan love

Tristan Thompson but I hate when they go up and just tip it out like I don't know

I just really bugs me out just get in a nice defensive stance to box him out and

get the rebound oh you got to finish that corner three man get caught up the

truth period I was not expecting it Drive scoop lift yeah here playing

street ball Zaza how big are you and you're always falling on the ground the

dribble kicks it why is he wide open green what about let pass to curry James

in pursuit yeah courier was he pulled back what direct curry is just not how

thing is gonna happen doing yvy don't get open curry what he not a good

offensive strip Wow Steph Curry drive scoop fill out all fielding from I got

to give it to the cab they they played their heart out they were not trying to

get sweat is they're willing to make it that first field goal

Jefferson wait was that first field goal of the game because I know the last two

games or last three games matter of fact he didn't have any points without his

first points of the frigging finals

remember a long time ago when used to debate that a baron

Williams versus like he knows heaping three who is the best point guard man

times have changed any hits a three - Wow you know it feels

if I was watching this game I probably wouldn't have lost too much hope I

probably would have been silly no four but they just have all of the mental I

don't know how many threes armed LeBron has head look ah just audience a minute

okay like wha drive yeah like what kind of lineup is this I think yeah this is

the lineup this is line up instead of Pat McCall mattify go back a little bit

this is this is the lineup why did they have this lineup in for so long like I

think I've seen a tweet by a who was a Knick right or someone or like leshan

and sharper something like that um you can't have both Durant and Steph sitting

on the bench when the game is going like this like I know you're trying to get

them some rest and stuff like that but you got to have at least one of the men

like klay Thompson David West arm that would be Ian Clark

because that's what I've been seeing last couple of games

eggie and draymond and draymond I'll get at the end of the video but this is not

a good lineup I don't I don't like it at all it's too it's too stiff like it's

way too stiff like if I was the Cavs I would just assume that they're going to

be going to play all the time because like Dre mom's not going to make his own

shot we saw what happened in the third game where he got straight-up bomb jump

bald by uh by Tristan Thompson 60% like that's that that often thought line up

is too it's too predictable that's that's all I'm saying Jefferson gets

prey on a pull-up man jock lockets what would happen if James pulls back that's

a two-pointer LeBron James if the Warriors blew a three oh you know I'm

not even gonna entertain the idea there's no way if they let that happen

draymond Green are you talking for maximum dreama how many points you have

rolls it up and Tristan Thompson was a factor you

know they're right whenever Tristan Thompson like be widely just go back go

back look right here where is it like why is everyone just standing about for

some pros that I have to Irving every goes right at a gazelle aside who you

got it you can't justices drive space law like at this point it's like like I

think like couple minutes ago is already over matter of fact I would even go to

say that the way the momentum was now we even say that because we've seen the

words come back reviewers but McCall why you reaching why you reaching what's the

high scoring finals game like 140 that is that what it is yeah all right I

heard Dante Jones got another technical or two of them boy you're not making

that much money to be getting texts like that you just join the team wow wow wow

yep we'll see at arthwell though moist wound up we'll see at oracle yell if I

didn't have finals week I'll be so down to go to the game Monday because Oracle

is like 30 minutes away like 13 45 minutes is not that far but I don't know

them tickets man I'm not born like that I don't know if I can go to this game

but I will be watching it regardless man you know I will give it to them they

willed their way out of that they fought hard and because of that I have a lot

more respect for the job if they came out here not fighting I would've been

Wow it would have been understandable

because of such a hard fight they put up in the third game and they still law

that might be only overrated Oh duh yeah big boy this guy right here you still

down 3-1 how you gonna say overrated yeah you weren't talking all that smack

watch game man yeah I don't know me no no get

blasphemer now that's even a word sir yet 35 they even feel it 9 for 22 and he

had 35 Oh 15 of 16 free throws yep man

well you know it would have been nice for the Warriors to win that at you know

just get a sweep but now that I think about it well wait wait a second

khari had 40 man when they got him playing like that okay Tristan Thompson

got finally lead rebounding for the team I got given the Cavs I was I I predicted

a sweep I will admit I was wrong and you know now it's time to go to Oracle

that's all I gotta say so anyways you guys tell me what you guys thought about

the game I thought it was a very ugly game very very lackadaisical not a lot

of sense of urgency only really from Kevin Durant

but even then like this Steph I didn't see a more than two highlights um Klay

he was alright I'd say he played better than stuff but it's not a you can't be

playing like that man you got to play with the sense of urgency you should

have went in there cleared it out oh my what a minute I would have been able to

go to that a you know that or that period the Monday but now you just got a

clean you just got cleaning up you guys you had your bad game Steph you gotta

eat you I'll take care of the ball it's looking ugly but they're still hope you

have three more chances to win don't squander them I have a lot of faith in

you guys that you won't squander it but you can't you can't let them get how

many yeah matter of fact let me check how many points that had in the first

quarter because if they had 80 points by the half good lord

let's see okay so this is the end of the

hold up so they had 49 points in forced quarter yeah if I saw that I would even

I probably would have change my prediction on

Swayne 49 points in the first quarter damn okay then anyways you guys that's

all I got to say tell me your thoughts down below on what you think about the

way um the Warriors played the Cavs I will be saying that it will be

interesting to see how it goes from here Katie really wants that ring they really

want to close out the Cavs and end this historic run but yeah props to Kyrie he

apparently he has really good games when he's facing elimination so hey a process

that man man really taking really stepping up props and Tristan Thompson

really saying no to the naysayers arm of him so having the Kardashian curse we'll

see how that plays out for the rest of the series but let's go ahead and talk

in the comments have a national discussion I'll see you guys in the next

one peace have a nice day




For more infomation >> HORNET REMAPEADA DANDO 279KM EM 15 SEGUNDOOS!4CILINDROS ZUEIRO - Duration: 1:01.


【黒歴史?】グラドルから上り詰めた女優達!新垣結衣や綾瀬はるかも! - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 【黒歴史?】グラドルから上り詰めた女優達!新垣結衣や綾瀬はるかも! - Duration: 4:22.


07 The Prophets and the Realistic Empirical Proof - Duration: 3:39.

Whenever the holy Quran talks about a great prophet, like Abraham, Moses, Jesus or Mohammed,

it mentions some events where the prophets used the realistic tangible or empirical proofs

in order to prove or falsify something in the religious field.

Moreover, even though the Quran talks about the prophets' biographies very briefly,

it always mentions these events.

This definitely confirms that these events are very pivotal and significant.

For example, Jesus relied on three realistic things that were appropriated to the rational

and the scientific level of his people, and he presented these things as a scientific

experiment in front of them to prove and conclude a metaphysical thing in the existence.

He said to his people as the Quran says (I will make for you from clay the likeness of

a bird and then I will breathe into it and by the leave of Allah it will become a bird.

I will also heal the blind and the leper, and by the leave of Allah I will bring the

dead to life).

Saleh also brought out she-camel from a mountain, and Solomon gave order to his guardian Asef

Bin Barkhia to bring the palace of Sabaa's King from Yaman to Palestine in less than

a jiffy, and so did other prophets.

But the followers of the prophets neglected the realistic evidence and focused on the

other evidence (the rational and the religious), probably because the realistic is very difficult

and needs a lot of efforts, unlike the others.

In this era, there is an urgent need to use the realistic tangible evidence which is based

on the scientific experiment in all the types of research; the research of existence, and

the religious teachings or the moral values, because it is the most powerful in creating

the certainty specially in our current era.

And this is the vision of (A New Mind).

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