Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017

Hey everyone ! It's Vayle !

And today I announce you something some poeple waited for a very long time

The time has come !

I officialy started the recording of my very first album !

But before anything else, here is a small video of my trip to Japan !

(to skip this part RDV at 6:40)

Beautiful isn't it ?

So, as I was saying, at this moment I'm recording my album

And the title will be...


Why not ?

It will be a real album, not a EP

It will be around 10 tracks and about 50/60 minutes

Or more if I'm well inspired or not, we'll see

However it will be a modest album, no CD replication or actual cover boxes

Perhaps I'll print a few but it will be for my friends and family

But everything will be on internet

And if it's possible I'de like to almost spend nothing

About the release, there is nothing concrete right now

I'm really at the begining of the process

So please understand it's difficult to estimate a release date

The only thing I can tell you, that's I'de like the album to be release in the autumn

But I can't be more specific than that sorry

Stay tuned!

I also can affirm you there will be guests

Like my big brother Mr.Cirkus who will play a guitar solo

And if he is okay, Dreamy who will sing in a song

For now there is only these two

But maybe there will be other poeple

It's still the begining of the process as I said

I'll also re-record two of my past compositions

I really wanted to redo these musics 'cause I really enjoyed those compositions

But the sound was horrible back at these days and they deserved better

Then, just to precise, the album will be completly free !

I'll upload the complete album on my youtube channel

But for those of you who want to financially help me

I will obviously upload my album on Bandcamp for like 10,00$

Don't be afraid of the price, it's only for the persons who wanna give money

The album will be completely free on youtube don't worry


There will be a slow down on my channel

That's because I don't wanna force myself

Right now I only want to work on my album, and nothing else

So there won't be covers videos for a while I'm sorry

But who knows, perhaps I will do it anyway !

By the way !

If you are a watercolor artist or you know someone very talented

Please contact me !

I'm looking for someone to make my album cover

The approach would be watercolor texture or, watercolor landscape

But WATERCOLOR ! very important !

I'll put some exemples here

So if you know someone please contact me on Twitter or Facebook

But ! Please understand that I won't be able to pay you

Like I said, I'll try to spend nearly nothing on my album

However I would be glad to promote you and your work !

And your name will be on the album cover and in every descriptions !

But I won't be able to give you money, sorry !

So ! I think I've said enough

If you have questions, please right it in the comments section below

And before I say goodbye

I wanted to present you one of my favouriste artist

It's what you're listening since the beginning of this video

That's also thanks to him that I decided to composing my own album

It's HIM !

Sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it :s

He's Serbian, he makes music on internet he is extremely talented

He's a guitar virtuoso, a mixing virtuoso

He composes music absolutely beautiful

He really is one of my favourite artist ever with Devin Townsend !

He has a impressive creativity

For exemple, he managed to record his chair squeak

For one of his song, and it goes perfectly well together !

Anyway, this dude is a killer ! He's a God !

Go listen his work it worth it !

Plus, his guitar is beautiful !

So, that's it !

And I'll keep you in touch about my album, bye !

here is the links to keep informed

For more infomation >> [ANNONCE] J'ENREGISTRE UN ALBUM ! (ENG Subtitles available!) - Duration: 11:45.


MIT Climate Scientist Trashes '97% Consensus' Claim Global Warming Science is 'Propaganda' - Duration: 5:59.

MIT Climate Scientist Trashes �97% Consensus� Claim Global Warming Science is �Propaganda�

by Edward Morgan

Dr. Richard Lindzen is sick and tired of the media repeating the so-called �97 percent

consensus� statistic to show just how strong the global warming agreement is among climate


It�s purely �propaganda,� argues Lindzen.

�It was the narrative from the beginning,� Lindzen, a climatologist at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT), told RealClear Radio Hour host Bill Frezza Friday.

�In 1998, [NASA�s James] Hansen made some vague remarks.

Newsweek ran a cover that says all scientists agree.

Now they never really tell you what they agree on.�

�It is propaganda,� Lindzen said.

�So all scientists agree it�s probably warmer now than it was at the end of the Little

Ice Age.

Almost all Scientists agree that if you add CO2, you will have some warming.

Maybe very little warming.�

�But it is propaganda to translate that into it is dangerous and we must reduce CO2,�

he added.

Lindzen if referring to the often cited statistic among environmentalists and liberal politicians

that 97 percent of climate scientists agree human activities are causing the planet to


This sort of argument has been around for decades, but recent use of the statistic can

be traced to a 2013 report by Australian researcher John Cook.

Cook�s paper found of the scientific study �abstracts expressing a position on [manmade

global warming], 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.�

But Cook�s assertion has been heavily criticized by researchers carefully examining his methodology.

A paper by five leading climatologists published in the journal Science and Education found

only 41 out of the 11,944 published climate studies examined in Cook�s study explicitly

stated mankind has caused most of the warming since 1950 � meaning the actual consensus

is 0.3 percent.

�It is astonishing that any journal could have published a paper claiming a 97% climate

consensuswhen on the authors� own analysis the true consensus was well below 1%,� said

Dr. David Legates, a geology professor at the University of Delaware and the study�s

lead author.

A 2013 study by Andrew Montford of the Global Warming Policy Foundation found that Cook

had to cast a wide net to cram scientists into his so-called consensus.

To be part of Cook�s consensus, a scientific study only needed to agree carbon dioxide

is a greenhouse gas and that human activities have warmed the planet �to some unspecified

extent� � both of which are uncontroversial points.

�Almost everybody involved in the climate debate, including the majority of sceptics,

accepts these propositions, so little can be learned from the Cook et al. paper,�

wrote Montford.

�The extent to which the warming in the last two decades of the twentieth century

was man-made and the likely extent of any future warming remain highly contentious scientific


Despite the dubious nature of the consensus, liberal politicians used the figure to bolster

their calls for policies to fight global warming.

Over 30,000 Scientists Declare Climate Change A Hoax

President Barack Obama even cited the Cook paper while announcing sweeping climate regulations.

�Ninety-seven percent of scientists, including, by the way, some who originally disputed the

data, have now put that to rest,� Obama said in 2013, announcing his new global warming


�They�ve acknowledged the planet is warming and human activity is contributing to it.�

Lindzen disagreed with politicians who cite Cook�s paper to call for stricter energy


He said it�s part of a political machine that�s used by scientists and politicians

to direct more taxpayer dollars to pet projects.

�If you can make an ambiguous remark and you have people who will amplify it �they

said it not me� and he response of the political system is to increase your funding, what�s

not to like?� Lindzen said.

�If I look through my department, at least half of them keep mum.

Just keep on doing your work, trying to figure out how it works,� he said.

For more infomation >> MIT Climate Scientist Trashes '97% Consensus' Claim Global Warming Science is 'Propaganda' - Duration: 5:59.


What GERMANS think of the BRITISH 2017 - Duration: 6:44.

I immediately think about tea and somehow I think of the queen who sits in her castle and drinks tea.

England...well I immediately think about the Brexit.

Punctual, open minded, friendly.

They got a bit carried away due to the Brexit but still a partner because in times of a crisis you have to stay together.

Well for me it's London, mainly London. What Paris is for France, London is for England.

It's an old pirate and culture nation ... well they are actually good neighbors.

I lived in England for a year as an au pair and I want to mention the food first because that is what stuck in my mind...

...everything is not really salty, they don't use that much salt in their dishes.

Cool country, they do a lot right for example to exit the Euro.

Well queen Elizabeth is a bit bonkers in my opinion...

...because she is so arrogant and uptight towards the people...back in the day her mum was totally different, she was more open towards the people.

When I think of England I have nice picture in my mind...a nicer picture than America...

...England is kind of cute.

I think it is sad that they say goodbye to Europe...

...I was fascinated by Jeremy Corbyn and his ideas to try something new.

Rainy, cold...(that would have been my two as well)

Also I would describe the English as a bit stale, they always want to stay amongst themselves and it is very hard to...

...integrate into society, they want to stay amongst themselves what the Brexit also proves. That is what I experienced...

Special...but as I said indeed quite diverse and...

...what else could I say...well the British cuisine is questionable.

Well their culture and our culture are pretty similar, for example with the legacy of the middle ages...

...overall our history and culture are pretty similar.

I don't know I mean I am a child of the Euro but...

...but to have your own currency just like the British do I think that's better.

I think a lot of British clichés are true I work with a lot of British people, very punctual, very percise, kind of what you would expect from Germans...

...very much open minded.

Still very much royal in terms of the queen wich I don't understand, she just gets money doesn't really do anything so nobody needs that.

I don't know whether or not it is so bad that the Brits exit the EU...

...because without them Europe could have developed differently and faster without them.

Special...I mean I was very astonished when... go to the suburbs of London there the people are very posh indeed.

The horticulture and all the parks and gardens I would be very much interested in that...

...and of course also the waxworks.

Open minded there are not that many inhibitions.

To be restraint and to be nice and I hope that they as an old democracy...

...will keep it that way in the future.

I would say that the English are very sceptic towards the Germans and the same goes for Germans the other way around.

We don't know a lot of Brits but our neighbor is English and he is really nice.

Because I have been there for a student exchange it was wasn't tense or anything, just friendly and open minded.

Generally I would say it is good but with the (Br)exit it's not that great.

I think there is a lot of trade between Germany and England and it is not far away, in Europe everything is really close to each other...

...that is why we are more similar than we think.

I think today it is really not problematic, the past is the past...

...certain jokes are not really existing amongst young people.

In terms of friendship I think always a good exchange.

For more infomation >> What GERMANS think of the BRITISH 2017 - Duration: 6:44.


DEVLET GEREKLİ Mİ? İnsanlık Çağının Karanlık Bir Dönemi... - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> DEVLET GEREKLİ Mİ? İnsanlık Çağının Karanlık Bir Dönemi... - Duration: 7:56.


[ESSAI] PEUGEOT 5008 - Duration: 17:16.

For more infomation >> [ESSAI] PEUGEOT 5008 - Duration: 17:16.


5 Stories You Missed While the Media Obsessed Over the Comey Hearing - Duration: 8:33.

5 Stories You Missed While the Media Obsessed Over the Comey Hearing

by Carey Wedler

Like clockwork, the mainstream media is fervently focusing on a story filled with scandal and

intrigue: James Comey�s testimony. Whether it�s a terror attack in the west, a celebrity

tailspin, or a superficial drama like James Comey�s conversations in Congress today,

when the media drives an obsessive narrative, there�s usually other events occurring.

�But Russia might have intervened with our democratic process!� some may retort. �Donald

Trump is probably a criminal!�

We're revolutionizing the news industry, but we need your help! Click here to get started.

While these things are certainly possible � though raw evidence is yet to presented

to prove as much � whether or not Russia intervened in an electoral process already

riddled with corruption, conflicts of interest, violence, and deceit is ultimately negligible.

As the media continues to trump up the story, however, below are five stories that reflect

just how broken the system already is � and continues to be as the public�s attention

is led toward media feeding frenzies and away from the true levers of power. As Anti-Media

often notes, these stories are not entirely unreported by the media. Rather, they are

relegated to scrolling text at the bottom of cable news screens and fail to draw attention

from traditional publications as they obsess over stories like Comey�s testimony:

1. Once again, the United States launches airstrikes against the Syrian government � On

Tuesday, Anti-Media reported that the American military had launched an airstrike on pro-regime

forces within Syria. In response, the Syrian government issued a statement that it intends

to strike back if this red line continues to be crossed � this is because the U.S.

is an invading force in Syria yet claims it is �defending� itself. Despite this warning,

on Thursday � at the same time the media focused its attention on Comey�s testimony

� the U.S. launched another air strike in Syrian territory. Both of this week�s strikes

occurred in al-Tanf, where Iranian militias have been advancing toward a �deconfliction


These U.S. strikes have come despite the fact that these Iranian troops, aligned with the

Assad regime, have been largely successful in their fight against ISIS � the terror

group President Trump, like Obama before him, uses to justify strikes in the country in

the first place. Also on Thursday, the U.S. shot down a pro-regime drone, claiming it

was a response to pro-Syrian forces, who allegedly �dropped one of several weapons it was carrying

near a position occupied by Coalition personnel who are training and advising partner ground

forces in the fight against ISIS,� according to a statement from CENTCOM. Trump also claimed

on the campaign trail that he was not interested in advancing U.S.-backed regime change around

the world, a position his administration began to walk back after bombing Syria in April

following an alleged chemical weapons attack � yet another event the corporate media

obsessed over.

2. Congress moves to repeal Dodd-Frank financial regulation � After transferring billions

of taxpayer dollars to big banks following the financial crisis of 2008, lawmakers passed

the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which aimed to put more restrictions

on the financial industry in the name of protecting the average American consumer. Now, Republicans

are attempting to undo that legislation. Though some argue this is ultimately impossible,

the effort itself reveals a loyalty to big banks that has plagued Congress and the federal

government for over a century. While many may fume at the current effort to repeal the

legislation, however, the real story rests with the omnipotent power of the Federal Reserve

bank � legislation written over a century ago by powerful bankers who passed it onto

a Congress that approved it with minor modifications. Had this hegemonic bank, which to this day

is overseen and controlled by powerful bankers, not clinched this power in the early 20th

century, it�s unlikely the Dodd-Frank bill would have been necessary at all. Regardless,

Dodd-Frank ultimately proved ineffective precisely because the banks had already amassed uncheckable

power through the Federal Reserve central banking apparatus.

3. U.K. election pits two wildly different paths for the future against each other � Amid

the Comey hysteria, it�s unlikely most Americans are paying attention to the current election

taking place in the United Kingdom. Theresa May, the current prime minister, is facing

off against Labour�s Jeremy Corbyn as the parties � Tory and Labour � also vie for

power. The two party leaders could not be more different. May, who previously worked

as head of the Home Office, has been a long time proponent of mass surveillance and has

taken a staunchly establishment stance on foreign policy. She has continued to maintain

ties with Saudi Arabia, to whom the U.K. has consistently sold weapons in spite of the

country�s ongoing human rights violations and support for radical terror. Rather than

acknowledging this reality amid two recent terror attacks in the country, May has instead

encouraged further intervention in Syria and advocated rolling back human rights protections

in her own country.

In contrast, Jeremy Corbyn came out strongly against such policies, arguing that arming

radical Islamists in Saudi Arabia and waging perpetual war is a main driver of terrorism.

Currently, the Tory party is ahead in the vote and is expected to prevail, signaling

the continuance of business as usual among the U.K.�s establishment. Notably, there

is at least one report of young voters being turned away from polling stations at Keele

University in the constituency of Newcastle-under-Lyme, where Labour won the last election in 2015

by a slim margin.

4. Explosion at U.S. embassy in Ukraine deemed act of terror � While Americans� eyes

are glued to C-SPAN to watch James Comey�s interrogation, authorities have called an

explosion at the U.S. embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, a terror attack. In normal times, this kind

of attack would be major headline news, but in the media�s current narrative trying

pin Hillary Clinton�s devastating electoral loss on Russia, it�s nowhere to be found.

�Investigators found that an unknown person threw an explosive device on the territory

of the diplomatic mission,� a local police statement said, as reported by the Times of

Israel. There were no injuries reported, and the embassy remains open.

5. Hillary Clinton is back in the news for all the wrong reasons � Hillary has come

under fire from Berniecrats and the progressive left once again after screenshots from her

book went viral on social media showing she benefitted from what some are calling modern-day

slave labor in the form of African-American prison workers. One Black Lives Matter activist

called her comments �disgusting.� Further, conservative watchdog Judicial Watch just

released a Hillary Clinton email showing she �knowingly used an unsecure BlackBerry device

despite being warned by �security hawks� against doing so� during her time as Secretary

of State. And finally, from today�s Comey hearing, the former FBI director said he was

pressured to roll back his investigation of Hillary Clinton�s email practices during

the 2016 election shortly after former Attorney General Loretta Lynch�s highly publicized

meeting with Bill Clinton.

It�s possible new revelations will emerge from Comey�s testimony, and some might reveal

damning information about Donald Trump, Russia, and the machinations of actors within federal

government. But as the media�s obsessive focus remains fixed on these developments,

it is always important to keep in mind the other, all-encompassing power structures that

continue to forge ahead full throttle, from war to corporatism

and the ongoing corruption of politicians.

For more infomation >> 5 Stories You Missed While the Media Obsessed Over the Comey Hearing - Duration: 8:33.


New Secret Space Program Contactee Emerges His name is Kevin T - Duration: 5:34.

New Secret Space Program Contactee Emerges - His name is Kevin Timmell

In December 2007, I started meditating for the first time in earnest, having studied

ancient history and philosophy as a teenager.

Around my 19th birthday I began not only to feed my mind with philosophy, I also started

cleaning up my physical body and transitiong towards a high vibrational diet.

Detoxifaction and DNA activation is actually the solution to many of the dark programs

that are running out there.

After I got into the health movement and started cleansing, I eventually got into the alchemy

side of things and the ORME.

Understanding the ORME and the natural occuring Ormus substances is how one would take things

to the next level in terms of DNA activation.

Little did I know that feeding one's light body in a very real way, without the greater

knowledge of Exopolitics to keep you safe, is how I showed up on their radar.

Hi Denny.

I came across your Youtube channel about a week ago and I have found your interviews

to be quite helpful.

The reason I'm reaching out to you is because I have been thinking about going public with

my own experience regarding the SSP, however, until now I haven't found a host who I would

feel comfortable enough with in order to share my experiences.

Your energy is very sincere and grounded, and I notice that your very professional and

always treat your guests with respect.

I feel like I could talk to you about the things that I remember without feeling nervous

about where the conversation could go on the part of the host.

Here is a little background information on me and how I came to remember my other life:

My name is Kevin, I'm 28 years old, and I live in Ontario, Canada.

On November 12th 2008 I was bicycling in a forest close to where I live.

I stopped for a break and thought a cloud had passed overhead and blocked out the sun.

I was shocked when I looked up and saw a greyish-white triangle shaped craft (like the typical TR-3B)

except it was greyish-white not black.

It was hovering only a few hundred feet above the treetops.

Instead of feeling panic, I felt a strange sense of calm come over me.

The craft was moving overhead at a walking pace (only a few kms per hour) and so I followed

it for several minutes walking my bicycle as I continued starring up at it (that's how

slow it was moving) and then when I reached the end of the trail where the forest opened

up into a field the craft began to rise up into the air, slowly gaining altitude until

it faded from my vision.

About 3 weeks later, I started recalling traumatic memories from another life involving what

I would later find out is the SSP.

I have reason to believe that was the day I was originally picked up and then dropped

back off (I was 19 at the time about to turn 20 on December 22nd of that year).

However, the blank slating started to break down almost immediately.

I think this is due to my blood-type being O +.

I have since found out that people with + blood who are used in the program tend to

remember things a lot better and can't be reprogrammed as easily, hence the blank slating

only lasted a few weeks for me.

I am currently working on a journal in order to create a timeline of my experiences just

like Tony Rodrigues recommended doing, and so far I have found this to be quite helpful

in terms of organizing my thoughts and memories in a way that will allow me to stay on point

if I were to be interviewed.

I'm still in the process of doing that, and I'm guessing it may take me a few more weeks

to write everything down.

Anyways, that's a little about me.

When I complete my timeline I was wondering if we could do an interview via Skype.

If for whatever reason you don't wish to interview me, I understand completely.

Thanks so much for the awesome work you've been doing, it really does make

a difference, especially for people like me.

For more infomation >> New Secret Space Program Contactee Emerges His name is Kevin T - Duration: 5:34.


DE BRUYNE & SILVA SURPRISE SCHOOL CHILDREN | #nothingwithoutyou - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> DE BRUYNE & SILVA SURPRISE SCHOOL CHILDREN | #nothingwithoutyou - Duration: 3:22.


Franchi Affinity opis puške (gun review, eng subs) - Duration: 8:55.

Hello everyone I am Darko you are watching a new episode on DumDum Channel .

We are located in Leskovac on the range of company DDA Komerc Canona.

and testing one of the weapons of our viewer from Leskovac.

Franchi Affinity in 12/76.

Franchi Affinity is a semi--automatic shotgun chambered in 12/76

with inertia driven system produced by the famous Italian factory Franchi.

Factory is founded in 1868, it makes rifles,

but it is most famous with semiautomatic shotguns

mostly for its production of military--police SPAS 12 shotgun.

Factory currently operates within the Beretta Holding.

Affinity Model that we are presenting you today is one of the best selling models of the factory.

There are variants with a wooden stock and polymer camouflage finish.

When we look at this Franchi Affinity we see that this is a very, very nice semiautomatic shotgun.

Made of high quality materials. Polymer and steel.

Light shotgun.

it is inertia driven system not gas operated

Little resistance to pull back the bolt.


Almost no resistance.

When we look at the rifle we see stock, bolt, rail

Finishing on a high level.

We see a fiberoptic sight.


This button to insert a bullet in the riser.

Rubber shock absorber.

As you could see in the video it is characterized by a light recoil.

High--quality, beautiful rifle for hunting.

This is one of the best semiautoshotguns currently on the market.

Of course there are also more expensive ones, but for the money this shotgun costs about 85--86 thousand.

For that money, I think that on the market there is nothing better than these.

Without any experience in clay pigeon shooting, I had several hits.

As for the shotgun itself Franchi Affinity is very, very good quality semiautomatic.

It is characterized by a very low recoil.

Acceptable weight, it's not heavy at all.

Excellent trigger.

The line of sight is aquired quickly

because fiber optic sights, which is in the front.

Excellent weapon.

When we finished shooting and still have a cartridge in the chamber and in the magazine.

Empty similarly to other seamiauto shotguns.

Make sure that the safety is activated. Yes.

Round in a chamber. pulling the bolt eject the round.

On this button here we bring the next round to place for pickup.

insert in chamber.

Deploying back.

We're bringing the next one.

insert. Deploying back.

We no longer have rounds. The shotgun is empty.

bolt locked in the rear position, no more ammunition.

Safety off. Fire in a safe direction. safety on. and rifle is ready for disposal.

When you disassemble the model affinity for cleaning. Similarly to all other hunting semiautomatic shotguns.

We have here the cap to unscrew.

Move bolt down a little and simply take off the barrrel.

remove handguard.

And shotgun is disassembled and ready for cleaning. There is no need to disassemble further.

This is quite enough. The shotgun does not work on gas system so there is nothing dirty.

Just clean the area around the bolt, this one here. Clean the barrel, lubricate and thats it.

When we performed a lubricating and cleaning.

Returning handguard, hold it in place.

Going back.

Until it fits in place.

Screw the cap.

all the way.

Check if everything works.

and shotgun is ready for use.

Franchi Affinity is characterized by impeccable reliability.

Inertia driven System allows shooting from all cartridges variations without any malfunctions.

A guarantee of seven years, which the manufacturer gives, says a lot about the quality of these shotguns.

As you could see ithas quite small recoil for inertial system

which means that the recoul should be higher than the rifles with gas system

thanks to quality shock absorbers it has less recoil than for example in Russian counterparts

which are very popular in Serbia

Very easy to handle, rail with fiber optic sight is excellent.

When you put it in shoulder to fire, it feels like its the part of you.

In addition to the above, the price of this shotgun is very correct.

In stores it can currently be purchased at a price of 83,000 dinars, or 670 euros.

This was another episode on DumDum Channel.

If you like something like this subscribe by clicking here.

Follow us on social networks and share this video with your friends.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Franchi Affinity opis puške (gun review, eng subs) - Duration: 8:55.


What Is Bonus kill ? | TOP 100 " BONUS " MOMENTS - Duration: 16:09.

Luck or skill ?

Bonus moments

For more infomation >> What Is Bonus kill ? | TOP 100 " BONUS " MOMENTS - Duration: 16:09.


Bouncer Sues Lil Wayne for Assault, Alleges It Was a 'Hate Crime' - Duration: 1:03.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

A security guard in California is suing Lil Wayne for assault and is alleging that it

was a hate crime.

The guard was working as at Hyde Club on West Hollywood's Sunset Strip roughly a year ago

when he claims that the 34-year-old rapper punched him and threw a glass filled with

alcohol at his face.

He's also backing up his hate crime claim stating that Weezy yelled "Fuck you white

boy!" when he threw the drink.

TMZ states that the man says he felt physically threatened, but that he was trying to do his

job controlling the flow of human traffic into the club when he was knocked to the ground

by Lil Wayne's fist.

The lawsuit has been filed against Wayne, his label and the club and is seeking damages

for the assault and battery, in addition to a 25,000 civil penalty for the alleged hate


Representatives for Wayne have denied the bouncer's account of events.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For more infomation >> Bouncer Sues Lil Wayne for Assault, Alleges It Was a 'Hate Crime' - Duration: 1:03.


In-game Models VS Real World Inspiration - SKYRIM - The ART! - Duration: 9:31.

I was watching this 2011 Game Informer tour of the Bethesda Game Studios, and when they

got to what they called the "concept art pit," I saw THIS book right here.

Clearly, they must have used this for reference when creating the game.

So, due to the nature of this show...


It's now VERY clear to me how much of viking and nordic culture they took influence from.

Some things they just straight took form this book.

But, there's a lot more in here that I would have loved to have seen in the game.

It's obvious even at a quick glance that Skyrim is based off of the Nordic countries, and

the culture is based off of Viking culture.

You have the Nords which are just...

Nordic people.

The scenery, the primitive technology.

And if it wasn't obvious to you before, I'm sorry.

But is it obvious now?

The artists at Bethesda actually did a pretty good job of taking inspiration from real world

history and making something new out of it.

They made they're own culture, INSPIRED by the Vikings.

However, they DID straight up steal some aspects, while leaving others in favor of something

a little more... bland.

For example, the weapons are very reminiscent of traditional viking weaponry.

The Iron and Steel weapons are more along the lines of something an actual Viking would


What's weird are the intricate markings on some of the weapons themselves.

This is something I've criticized Skyrim for in the past.

In this case real life is so much more interesting than the video game.

It just becomes, uninspired.

Granted, this game came out in 2011, so the resolution of the textures were fairly limited.

Little details like this didn't matter too much.

The remastered HD textures make the designs stand out more, but it doesn't make them any

more intricate.

If you want that, you're going to have to take a look at the MOD market, where the community

does some fantastic work.

You can find weapon skins with much more nordic inspired patterns pretty easily.

This particular axe was decorated using silver wires, and thought to have been too pretty

to have been used in battle.

But this shouldn't stop anybody from using it as inspiration for a video game thats about


The Vikings loved these flow-y patterns with stylized human and animal faces thrown in.

You'll see these themes sprinkled about their designs.

Skyrim DOES have a lot of things with animal or human heads as part of the design, but

again, they're usually lacking those signature Nordic patterns.

Another staple of the time period were these colorful, rounded shields.

I've also criticized Skryim before for not being very colorful.

This could have been an easy way to alleviate that.

I'm not so sure this exact pattern would fit into the world of Skyrim.

I mean, when I see it, I think more Medieval than anything, but adding some colors to the

shields could have been a great way to brighten up the game.

Viking clothing again doesn't really fit the theme of Skyrim.

It kind of looks a little ridiculous if it's not stylized more.

Skyrim is more of a...

Norse fairy tail.

It's the stuff the Vikings dreamed about, as seen in these old illustrations.

So, everything should be exaggerated and cool looking.

I did, however, find this guy right here.

The red color and the yellow pattern on the trim reminded me very much of the Jarl Clothing


If this book has taught me anything, it's that the Vikings were VERY into their intricate

knotwork, and those details are something I'd LOVE to see in the next Elder Scrolls,

when they have much more graphical fidelity to play with.

Give me details, damn it.

Really, the technology is the most Norse thing about the game.

So, the weapons and items should be the most similar to real life.

Looking through this book I found this long chest that should look very familiar.

In this case the Norse used nails as a decoration, hence the hundreds of nails that serve no

practical purpose.

This particular chest is a real thing that was found in the Oseberg Ship discovered in

Norway inside of a burial mound, along with the skeletal remains of two women, and a whole

bunch of other artifacts.

These are some of the most well preserved Viking artifacts to have ever been discovered,

and you can go visit them if you're ever in the west side of Oslo and feel like making

a trip to the Viking Ship Museum.

Another random item lifted straight from this book are the beds of Skyrim.

It's the exact same bed.

The difference being that they made the headboard carvings stand out a lot more, but it still

has the same animal head eating it's... ugh... eating itself.

This is a strange example, because in this case they actually JAZZED UP the real world


That's kind of the way it should be.

Basically, what I learned from this experience is that there really aren't many artifacts

left over from the Vikings.

What IS left over is VERY unique.

An amalgamation of cultures.

What Skyrim DID take from the history books works so well, why not go the extra mile and

take some more design elements?

What little patterns we got are just kinda, random shapes.

For Honor does a great job of making the Vikings LOOK like they came straight out of a Norse

fairy tale.

It's not historically accurate AT ALL.

But, that's not the point.

The point is for it to look rad as hell.

There's some evidence that Vikings maybe had tattoos, so the concept artists at Ubisoft

ran with that idea and tatted them up.

They clearly draw inspiration from the colorful shields and make it their own by creating

a whole new set of patterns.

They use what looks more like a Celtic Knot pattern than a Norse one.

You can tell because the patterns all more symmetrical and have the same lineweight throughout,

but hey at least they're trying.

Vikings loved jewelry, particularly brooches.

There are some brooches in For Honor, but the real world designs are a little more intricate


And why leather arm bands?

Why not silver like this guy?

Is that too girly?

Regardless of all this knit-picky nonsense, these designs end up being extraordinary.

Lots of little details make them interesting.

Sure we're taking 2 games that came out generations apart, so details are more technically feasible.

But certain things you can't blame on the graphics, like the colors.

Even thought this looks lame, it IS possible that with the RIGHT Norse influence, and taking

the RIGHT liberties, we can come up with something really interesting.

Hey I guess the game isn't too bad either.

You know what else does a pretty good job?

Elder Scrolls Online.

They splash the color in pretty good for the Nord class... in these promotional images.

In the game, not so much.

I wouldn't be surprised if For Honor drew a little bit of inspiration from this and

built off of it.

The patterns in the armor of ESO are more prominent.

They seem to cut a little deeper so they stand out more.

There's more contrast.

That gives us a pretty good idea of what this world is capable of given the right hardware,

but the patterns are still blocky and less intricate.

I guess there's no such thing as Nordic or Celtic knotwork in this world?

But for the most part, this is a significant improvement.

The saying is "life imitates art", but really, it's the other way around.

It's what gives us a connection to this world.

Seeing familiar things draws us in.

Showing us new creations, something out of this world is what keeps us interested.

Skyrim took a lot from this world to draw us in, but they had a lot more interesting

stuff they could have chosen from.

What they used they dulled down, took a lot of the details out, and with it a lot of the

Norse design philosophy.

That would have been really interesting to see.

But what do you guys think?

What Norse design or technology would you like to have seen represented better in Skyrim?

Or do you think they did a perfect job as is?

Leave it in the comments below and if you like this video show us by clicking that like


You know, sometimes when I'm drawing or capturing game footage for something like this, I'm

also listening to an audiobook.

Audible content includes an unmatched selection of audiobooks, original audio shows, news,

comedy, and more from the leading audiobook publishers, broadcasters, entertainers, magazine

and newspaper publishers, and business information providers.

If you're at all interested in what we talked about today, I'd recommend The Vikings Lecture

by The Great Courses and Narrated by Professor Kenneth W. Harl.


So any information you ever wanted to know about Vikings would be in there.

And it's FREE with a 30 day trial if you use our url to get yourself


If 18 hours is too daunting for you, there's also Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman.

It reads like a Thor movie, but it's a piece of Viking history.

Again just go to for a free audiobook of your choice with a 30 day

trial membership.

The link to that will be in the description below.

If you like The Storyteller series on ShoddyCast, well there's some big things coming your way.

To stay up to date with news on that, make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon.

Just the $1 level will get you access to the Storyteller developer diaries, and just $3

will let you see these videos early.

All of these video early.

Anyway, thanks for watching guys.

And I'll see you in another video.

Have a good week!

For more infomation >> In-game Models VS Real World Inspiration - SKYRIM - The ART! - Duration: 9:31.


Nouveautés Automne 2017 - Duration: 10:35.

Subtitles will be made soon

For more infomation >> Nouveautés Automne 2017 - Duration: 10:35.


Real Life Family Of The Kapil Sharma Show Actors ! 2017 - Duration: 6:15.

Real Life Family Of The Kapil Sharma Show Actors ! 2017

For more infomation >> Real Life Family Of The Kapil Sharma Show Actors ! 2017 - Duration: 6:15.


Tongariro Crossing Pt 2 - Wasteland to Rainforest - Duration: 5:19.

Previously, on Dave On Arrival

This is where we'll be doing the Tongariro Crossing Mount Doom behind me

19 kilometers?

Long ways to go yet

The following takes place directly after that video

OK, this is something really cool

I've never been inside of a crater before or a volcano

But look where I am now I am encircled

by mountains I'm encircled by mountains

Ah, there's Mount Doom Just climbed that

and, uh, it's called the South Crater

I'm not sure if this was volcanic or not

but it's pretty sweet

See, here's the crater

here is the other side of the crater

That's like Gondor and stuff over there

Sorry I'm such a nerd for all those non-nerds out there

But, uh, yeah Pretty beautiful

And here is a semi-dry lake

with lots of rock writing in it

Looks like people's names

This one's my favorite It says 'WET SOX'

Still got some more climbing to do though

(The Tongaririo Crossing in not a return trek or a loop)

(It goes from the west side if the National Park to the north side)

(I arranged a shuttle that dropped me off and picked me up at each end of the trail)

More climbing

I think it's all downhill from here


We're at it again

At least I'm making good time

These are the Emerald Lakes

I like that one

Look, volcano


That is cold

That is very cold

So the trail takes us through another crater which is cool

This one is called the Central Crater

But the thing is I was wrong before

have to go back up

Let's go

Can't feel my legs

Another lake

This one's bigger though

Can high altitude give you hiccups?

cuz Dave definitely has the hiccups right now

Here's our final approach

all these zigzagging paths


Can't drink this though

Gotta take another rest

Where'd this rainforest come from?

It's over!


I'm the last one, eh

Yo. Thank you guys so much for joining me on this awesome adventure

to the Tongariro Crossing and Mount Doom

Seriously, no lie, that was one of the coolest things I've ever done

If you like the video click the thumbs up

To see more videos like this, click subscribe

I post at least once a week

and don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat

and as for me, after 19 kilometers

of hiking plus climbing Mount Doom

I'm craving protein, so

I'm gonna go eat lots of meat

and maybe some ice cream too

but maybe just lots of meat

k bye

For more infomation >> Tongariro Crossing Pt 2 - Wasteland to Rainforest - Duration: 5:19.


Present Perfect Simple: Duration of an Action - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Present Perfect Simple: Duration of an Action - Duration: 10:29.


Painting The ReezGarage car! ORANGE! - Duration: 9:08.

We're going to paint this piece of shit orange.

Because why not?

There will also be a big ass ReezGarage logo on the side.

That's basically the plan for today.

What color did you say?

It will be orange.

I'm not sure about the color of the roof yet.

But first... Let's remove the Peugeot badges.

This is going to be fun.

It will be a nice challenge.

Instead of these badges we want to place stickers with the Facebook and Youtube link of ReezGarage.

We need space for that, so that's why I'm removing this.

There's only 1 question left: Should we sand the car?


We are 'beun', so...

...we can just simply paint it, without preparations.


I don't know.

I'm not sure either.

It's pretty awesome if the paint comes off again after a while.

Haha, yea. Then we can do this shit all over again.

I don't know.

We can always decide later on.

For now we're just going to paint it without sanding.

Well, the badges are removed.

Most important thing has been done.

Kevin is crying right now because of this bad idea.

This goes pretty fast.

Yea, but it still looks like shit.

Don't you have another tray?

Well, you aren't doing anything.

Look, I'm doing something right now.

Yea, this is big news. Nick doing something.

If you spot this quickly, you can remove it fairly easy.

Does this also work with pregnancies?

Haha, yes.

It's going to look like a GarbageRun car.

Yea, let's enter the GarabageRun with this car.

Sounds like a good idea.

That's more convenient.

This is for when you want to work fast.

They still had 4 cans of orange paint at the construction market,

so when we haven't got enough paint, we can get those.

Did you tell them why you needed the paint?

Yea, they laughed at me when I told that them.

The advised me to use a primer.

And well... We aren't doing that obviously.

And well... We aren't doing that obviously. - Primer, what is that?

Primer is a base coating.

Primer is unnecessary.

I said to them: I've never used a primer before.

Well, maybe we could have done that, and maybe we could have sanded it aswell.

Maybe, maybe, maybe...

Should I keep the door handles black?


If the paint comes off again, we are going to sand it.

Not me by the way, I'm going to film it.

You are going to sand it.

No problem, I have a sanding machine.

What a good idea this was!

It was her idea.

Tonke is a little child.

Keep the grill black?

Yea, looks mean.

It's damaged aswell.

Put a TNT logo on it.

They know what kind of person you are at TNT, right?


They found it applicable that I bought a new car every month.

Here are some small spots for you to do, Tonke.


You can make the bumper strip orange aswell. I failed on this side.

You guys...

Manuel, you have your car windows left open.

I'll close 'em in a minute.

It's going to rain, so we've put the car in a shed.

Good story.

See ya!


Manuel, what are you doing?

I'm drawing.

What are you drawing?

The logo for your car.



Looks mint.

What do you think?

Haha, I like it very much.

It was the last thing I expected to do on a day like this.

Especially after last night, with all the beer we drank.

You are good in this, Tonke.

Thank you.

It's almost professional.

I hope you guys used primer?

Did you bring white paint with you?

Yea, I brought it with me.

Then you can bring this one back to the construction market, Kevin.

Did you get the receipt?

Where did you buy this?

At Formido.

Are they opened today?

Yea, till 5 pm.

Well, this is Project 306.

It was black once.

And it's now orange.

When we started with this, the orange did;t cover the black so good.

Mainly because we didn't use primer, like the woman from the construction market advised us to do.

But this is the end result, and I like it.

I'm going to drive a lot of miles with this thing.

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