Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 10 2017

Did I mention that Alexis' Godfather is John Cena?

Did I mention that Alexis' Godfather is John Cena?

Did I mention that Alexis' Godfather is John Cena?


Sweetie, this is serious! I can't get up!

No, trust me grandma.

Let's dance!

rip to headphone users...

[Princess Lucy Screaming]

rip to headphone users again... this is the last one, I promise.

Oh, hi there!

Fact number 11, that's two plus three, eleven--

You stupid.

--number 16, is that when I was three years old, I got a world nomination

for skydiving while playing cards. Haters say it's fake!

Lucy, sweetie, time to get up.

[Princess Lucy Whining]

Time to get ready for school.

I don't like school! School is tired! I wanna sleep!

There's a human in your closet

There's a human in your bed

There's a spooky, scary human lurking right behind your head

So you better be a good girl

Do what mom and daddy say

Or the spooky, scary human will come carry you away

I have an idea!

She won't play with me, so I will play with her!

How romantic.


For more infomation >> Try Not to Laugh - SAKs Edition! (SSG, SAK, SFT, SPA) - Duration: 2:44.


24hour videos - Duration: 20:12.

All right hello everybody I identified the period okay I apologize everybody

yes you probably aren't used to my voice I am the voice for the channel CivilGuy

I produce a lot of content on unboxings and I'm soon I'll be releasing some

other videos and some other stuff but um yeah I'm on that channel thankfully my

friend found or he's allowing me on to his channel to do a collab so we're best

friends we've known each other for years and we just thought that this would be a

great opportunity for us to just branch out to each of our fan bases and to just

share whatever's on our mind and and just to inform you all you know some

interesting things that might catch your attention so

Philip sorry guys what's up guys welcome to Mountain Dew er we're going to be

talking about uh we're gonna be talking about quite a few tiny helpful at

everything yeah it's like off the cuff and we're

not really going to get into all the details we're just gonna let the

conversation go where it goes but I know one thing that I want to talk about is

life I mean life is great right yeah life is great but what's better than

life well let's even better than like we have

rain down on it oh yeah definitely I have to say life YouTube is better than

life mrs. Noem can YouTube is amazing I have to say I mean it's not better than

life because I love breathing I love eating I love drinking water I love

sleeping especially sleeping that's that's one of my beauties

especially since I'm in college yeah it's yeah different luxury commodity

it's like it's like a Mercedes man it's like a BMW it's like it's like a Tesla

it's it's it's luxuries it's like a potty helicopter that - I don't like it

we're just sorry lucky appache wait I didn't know Fonzie what's up I don't

know what that is let me see a paw I've never heard of

that before well you look good okay well why are you looking that up I'm gonna

I'm gonna keep talking oh there are a potty helical appache areas oh that's

what it okay I'm not saying that right guys if I'm not that mean is probably

not or maybe maybe I'm just so way I know how we can find this out I'm sorry

I don't play call of duty maybe that is that in ecology I think it is I think

I've offended some of the collie duty but I don't play call of duty either so

I don't know if we're sure I play I think I maybe we just we both just

offended everybody who plays those games but uh maybe not because I don't know if

anybody yep why his ecology follows my channel or but I don't know maybe you

don't knows but no if we did we apologize but you want to apologize for

anything but what's again worried like so where

you keep this in anyway so yeah we're going to talk about YouTube because

YouTube is interesting too and no it's not better than life but on

a serious note it has changed our lives believe it or not we grew up in it in a

day and age where we can actually access all the information we want to at our

fingertips you already know this is I'm not I'm not telling you guys something

you don't already know but I think it's gotten to the point where yeah where

random guys are screaming for like 24 hours straight you know on a YouTube

video which is kind of bizarre if you think about it I mean I kind of kind of

wonder like what does the YouTube a plant look like well it's not it's

probably not a plant but you know where house look like with all those you know

servers and hard drives and and I just I just visualize like an actual plant I

got actually YouTube specific but you plant in the ground and it yet as I was

about to say that to like I was like you're eight underground basement with

like nothing but servers like for miles can you imagine it okay I'm not talking

about the one like I'll play a YouTube plan like you put water on it any like

oh you mean Oh literally yeah it was a big event oh my

gosh I'll bet that's where my mind is later oh it's really early in the

morning Gus is really early in the morning yes we live on the East Coast

no I'm kidding we live on the west coast I'm cleaning this we worry I'll be live

on both coasts actually we live in Hawaii anyway I live in I also get to

maintain actually no it's actually like 5d where we live in man it's like you

know we got five dimensions we got time-space we got okay let me shut up

anyway but anyway yeah so YouTube is a great platform and there's so much

that's okay you're playing the ps2 intro it's interesting um I think I just I

think there's just so much garbage on this platform don't you think so too

um garbage this is a strong worry but no cesspool is a strong bridge I think

again oh my god I think but I think there's of content that is questionable

and we can say that it's a nice way to put it but no there's just I'm just

gonna be frank you know kind of like you know somebody who's our president

now he's pretty frank with whatever he says but yes it does garbage you know

and there has to be something done about it well I mean not everybody hate me

when I hear politics venting gee I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry gravy start that

was a reference to spongebob by the way I've seen that episode of so much of hot

but anyway like I said YouTube is a great platform is so much so much

garbage and I another thing I want to talk about are the YouTube comments I

mean have you been looking at the comments recently oh yeah I think it's

kind of one of the sad things about like as you're new to the platform I guess

and he try to start a YouTube channel I think like now I don't think that arc

everybody right I don't know if we start happy to everybody but I feel like from

my experience and I think maybe from civil guys experience when you first

start your channel you get like a box or like automated like programs that come

to your channel and comment and it's kind of annoying because you think oh

yeah I got a comment this all you it's really not a comment it's just about

trying to promote their channel by being in your comment sections and people if

you don't you can click on it but it depends because if the channel is

obviously like trying to promote their music I mean I don't mind because you

know comment it's an extra point for me yeah yeah I mean I actually see it as

something as you know it's positive it's positive in the sense that it actually

ranks you know whatever content that I produce a lot further than if I were to

just you know have no comments at all right if I disable the comments section

I'm not having any activity on my channel yeah you're not having

interaction with it well I would say this BOTS are they can actually

discourage ranking my understanding on your YouTube video if you have too many

BOTS because YouTube will pick that up and and you might it might take your

video off the ranking because it sees that you're cheating sister

maybe I don't know yeah maybe that's an idea like a theory years yeah yes it's

sort of a theory I don't have any scientific data to back this up but I'm

just talking I also heard that with some of the changes from each if they don't

like value comments as much as they used to like we how they rank your videos but

I'm not sure if there's one thing on the comments you can't even down vote

anybody I mean you can only give people a thumbs up but like why can't you like

you know give people film down yeah that'd be cool yeah I think daddy it's

like a good button is woods it's a dummy button that's all it is yeah I mean it's

like a moat uh like it gets a certain amount of dislike standing gets to get

taken off but well I'm not I'm not in the business of censoring anybody and I

apologize for folks who live in other countries where that's like you know

that's part of life but here in the in the use of a we have a fan year in

America yeah we have a thing called a freedom of speech and we don't interfere

with that but yeah I know now maybe I feel like

it'd be less embarrassing like if the comment got voted off of the comment

section that if it like had like negative like 300 something votes on

like a big youtubers comment section you know drew like that'd be kind of

embarrassing and get roasted on the a-frame the world like that you know but

now let's go ahead and switch gears because I want to talk about something

that's kind of four years now has been a part of YouTube culture it has a lot to

do with you know and I see this all the time as common it's always like oh here

I go again I'm on the wrong side of YouTube how did I end up here you know

yeah you can be watching a YouTube on how to cook ramen noodles you know your

college student you want to you know cook some noodles yet you end up on a

video you're watching a frog eating you know whatever those things Club those

black things know if not it's the parasites right

so you'll see a frog eating a parasite just know that it doesn't walk it eating

it so guys here's okay I'm sorry forgive you guys that visual but that's that's

what you know YouTube has come to now okay frogs eating parasites but I think

is even worse things than frogs eating parasites jacket borderline like uh yeah

don't don't use it oh yeah don't even say eight restrictor I'm talking about

yeah yeah family-friendly you have to stay family

room they can't say anything we like it keep the G TVG or you get might get

taken not PG but G I've got a G okay okay yeah let me take that out because I

was crazy anyway but uh yeah I don't know I just said I just think there's a

what we're going to talk I mean there were some good there's some good

non-traditional or non-conventional videos that I would say hey man check

this out this is kind of weird but it's still kind of funny and cool and it's

but yeah I get to Janine I uh they're still they're like interesting videos on

there I'll really usually take anything you know this is a video I'm sorry for

cutting you off there is a video that I really want you to see like go to

youtube right now and type in a bird plate not not I are D but er D yeah yeah

and uh I think it's a superb friend yeah bird friend I watched this video I don't

know how I came across it ok don't ok don't don't like look at the phone nails

and think anything but like don't judge it now but yeah I'll watch it when I

have town I don't want to play it here because I don't know about the copyright

or if the Creator will fail ok will be playing the video inside of my video

because you know how that is you could get a copyright strike by doing things

like going to it but yeah let's pause the thing if we're going to play now I

really don't want to play yeah I'm gonna put it down okay so good please

now that you've seen that bird video what did you think about that oh it's

pretty interesting it definitely probably would go on the the weird side

of YouTube category but did you like no I mean it's funny I really have a weird

side YouTube is like a joke but it probably is a weird side of you I take

that back here's their definitely weird videos but I think people are too quick

to say like oh I'm on the weird side you know I mean if you see something like

with a pentagram and somebody like I mean add that's daily mutilation

you know I've never been that deep into youtube i you you must have been deep

dive in you know I know that leafy was doing something on that actually let me

cut this out cuz I don't even bring him up uh you can I mean I don't care as

long as you're not saying wait but is you cheese going to be nice thank you

goodbye oh you said leafy you go your videos don't show up or you editor why

to it mmm that doesn't add up mmm okay do you monetize me yeah uh so

what was gonna say oh yeah in terms of like you know weird stuff on YouTube I

actually I have nothing against these pop stars it's like it's like you know

it's like the Illuminati almost I don't want to bring them up but because I want

them to come after me I'll hear about

the conspiracy theories you know cuz you wasn't a jay-z's music pack right you

really don't want to you know we got do anything all right

okay are you serious you know I don't believe this though I

was just joking it'd be great commentary though I mean one day but not really

because I don't ever want to be on your watch they don't have it they don't have

that okay so let's talk about no edits actually I was talking about no low

quality and no edits you have any examples edit band I have things that do

bother me is just people recording they're like phone screen and like

uploaded directly to eat you this nut roll with no commentary know like it's

or to be fun no commentary I think it's great you think that's great yeah so you

think your videos if you play take your time to edit make sure that lying is

correct right out scripts anyways my my stuff's not perfect and

I'll tell you upfront it's not perfect using the resources that I have but it

that's what people have all that only their cell phone and they really have a

moment in that game that they really want to cap yeah

oh no I'm talking about that I'm talking about just there's no moment no man no

just all right now listen listen defend your position like don't don't get on my

side no no no your side sound happening here I'm saying no there's no anything

is no nothing oh yeah moment you say you're here okay there being a moment

well listen not everybody knows how to edit there was a point in my life where

I didn't know what deck I was doing with moviemaker

yeah years ago and I I just had exposure to a video editing because I didn't know

you could do that on a computer and I thought you had to you know use a VHS

tape and you know cut it with scissors and do all that stuff cuz you know my

dad still had that stuff um and we also had a Windows XP which had Windows Movie

Maker and that's where I learned then I moved on to a pinnacle and then so on

and so forth but yeah so like I said you know we if you're not familiar with

video editing like from start from the jump in you're like fascinated that oh

man I can record with my phone wait so you're saying they're recording

with their phone what do you mean by that

there's a thing I'm using some sort of app or something and they just like

recording it and uploading oh they're using an app so they're not filming now

the same play with this oh no there's now view to you don't worry yeah that's

not good hey I am their uh phone playing like a game okay ah what is it separate

like I guess phone or a camera or something if you had not even a

dreamcatcher it's just like that's just said if you have two cell phones that

you own here so I mean but I guess it's possible they have some money they

notice Fred in their borrowing their phone to

record the screen on their phones is like it's a possibility but crude I'm

not saying I'm like Christopher Nolan or anything and I'm like creating

masterpieces like every time I upload a video I mean I just think it's a good

thing that you can like just see a measurable like amount of effort or any

effort you know and somebody like makes a video well it's all relative I mean

it's all subjective in like yeah that's it I mean yeah it all depends I stopped

saying I think you can measure like if somebody even tried that's all I'm

saying like you can see that they try it it has to be good to me because I'm not

like they ain't all be all or like somebody just a great editor still

makers yeah I can't compete against somebody who's been doing this job for

50 years actually I could have you been doing a a crap job for lasted two years

and I would say mediocre yeah and you're the company that you've been family

friendly crap is a good word if you have like I said mediocre works done with

four company like over a peer to fifty years I stayed stagnant where you have

not improved your skills over time you use the same formula the same function

whatever you use it works for you or so you think it does and that's all you

know I think obviously somebody who's just

coming up who has exposure to all this other technology they're gonna outrun

the the person who's been doing it for 50 years and thinks they know all that

potentially potentially maybe yes but I mean it's also stuff like people

recording themselves in their room like eight year old kids and stuff like it

was like a crappy camera like I don't know trying to get people to subscribe

to them or something so I don't it just kind of crappy content like

I hear what you're saying but you know for all those eight year old kids out

there you know you're isolating them man oh yeah I got cut that out too you know

we going I was just kidding now Edie don't worry about it now keep it in

there yeah so we hope you guys enjoyed our conversation this is something new

that we just felt like it might be interesting to share do you have any

last thoughts we like to bring to the table any last thoughts because I think

you know life is filled with surprises and I think this is one of those because

you weren't expecting that's why me with a fresh name in the comment and until

next time guys have a nice day way too late and don't forget leave a like to

lose your chance to win at Amazon giftcard until next time guys Evan I

think I'm a little laughter yeah


For more infomation >> 24hour videos - Duration: 20:12.


Reading for Humanity Is This For You - Duration: 8:31.


for Humanity - Is This For You

by Anastacia,

�Have you been working too much?

Maybe you have been feeling fatigued or lacking a zest for living.

Are you feeling the weight of your responsibilities and obligations?

You could even be too focused on your spiritual and personal growth work�.

�If you have been hard on yourself or trying too hard to accomplish a task.

Its time to LIGHTEN UP, to be lifted up, and enjoy life a little.

Get OUT and PLAY.

You will start to feel better and more like your old self again�.

�You are a beautiful, wise and loving soul who has braved the perils and difficulty of

incarnation to be here on Earth and in service to humanity�.

�There are billions of souls residing on the planet at this time, yet only a small

number of them are here to help humanity evolve to its fullest potential � and YOU are one

of those souls.

Who you are, is a GIFT to the WORLD�.

�You are a VERY SPECIAL soul, with an IMPORTANT part to play in the HEALING and betterment

of the people on this planet.

You are born to be in service to humanity through the Divine gifts and knowledge you

have carried with you into this lifetime.

You are here to IGNITE the LIGHT in others, to realise their own DIVINITY�.

�When we reach a certain level of experience and understanding, life will move into a holding

pattern until we MASTER it�.

�You are either about to enter into or you are already in, one of those GREAT SHIFTS.

It is a necessary part of your growth and higher learning.

You are moving to a NEW LEVEL of consciousness and awareness.

In order for this to happen, some of the OLD WAYS of life and of being, must FALL AWAY

to make room for the new�.

�This is VITAL and necessary.

Remain as CALM as you can while the earth shakes under your feet.

You will find yourself quite PLEASED with this new consciousness and way of being, once

this shift is complete.

In the meantime, try to stay open as these changes occurs�.

�It may not feel comfortable, but YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolved and stable


Full Reading:


Fairy Magic comes when we are feeling a bit run down and tired, or if we are taking life

too seriously.

Fairy Magic comes to brighten the day and to put some spring back into your step.

Fairies love to play, dance, and sing.

They enjoy being in the company of their friends and love social gatherings.

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.

Too much of the heavy stuff weighs our energy down.

Have you been working too much?

Maybe you have been feeling fatigued or lacking a zest for living.

Are you feeling the weight of your responsibilities and obligations?

You could even be too focused on your spiritual and personal growth work.

This card will also come if you have been hard on yourself or trying too hard to accomplish

a task.

Its time to lighten up, to be lifted up, and enjoy life a little.

Get out and Play.

Turn the radio up and sing your heart out.

Dance as though you were a teenager again.

Roll in the grass.

Buy yourself some flowers.

Get dressed up and have a night out with your friends.

Just do whatever it is that will help re-awaken the playful nature sleeping within you.

This is all about restoring the youthful, vibrant energy within.

The Elementals are here to assist you in grounding your energy back into Earth, and to reconnect

with nature and the animal kingdom.

They will help you rediscover your vitality.

You will start to feel better and more like your old self again.

You may just find this card will help re-invigorate your intuitive channels and connection with

the Divine beings and spirits who are here to assist you


You are a beautiful, wise and loving soul who has braved the perils and difficulty of

incarnation to be here on Earth and in service to humanity.

You uplift the energy and consciousness of others through the world that you do, whether

you are aware of it or not.

There are billions of souls residing on the planet at this time, yet only a small number

of them are here to help humanity evolve to its fullest potential � and you are one

of those souls.

Who you are, is a gift to the world.

Even at the best of times it can be difficult to remember this; especially when being human

feels so real.

Your connection to Spirit is much stronger than you think.

You are a living, breathing channel of the Divine.

It moves through you in all that you do.

It flows through the words that you speak, even when you don�t intend it to.

In every situation, you are a transmitter of the higher cosmic energies and wisdom.

It is those who have the greatest gifts who most often face the biggest challenges in


Hold your head up and keep your faith.

These challenges are the mans to seeing and understanding the strength, wisdom, and compassion

you hold within yourself.

On a higher, level your soul chose to have a direct experience of the trials you have


Through each even, you have become better equipped and skilled, so that you in turn

could help others.

You are a very special soul, with an important part to play in the healing and betterment

of the people on this planet.

You are born to be in service to humanity through the Divine gifts and knowledge you

have carried with you into this lifetime.

You are here to ignite the Light in others, to realize their own Divinity.


Our personal and spiritual growth occurs in a series of rhythms and patterns.

When we reach a certain level of experience and understanding, life will move into a holding

pattern until we MASTER it.

Things will fall into a steady, reliable pattern.

We come to know what to expect and how things are going to be.

And because we humans are creatures of comfort and habit, we usually enjoy hanging out on

the plateau where things are familiar and reliable.

This card has come to you today because you are either about to enter into or you are

already in, one of those GREAT SHIFTS.

It is a necessary part of your growth and higher learning.

You are moving to a new level of consciousness and awareness.

In order for this to happen, some of the OLD WAYS of life and of being, must FALL AWAY

to make room for the new.

You may find yourself changing jobs or careers.

Old friends or relationships may drift away as new people enter your life.

You may move to a new home or have a sudden change in finances.

On an energetic level, your consciousness is opening to the hidden wounds you carry.

More than likely you are feeling very far out of your comfort zone, possibly even experiencing

situational depression.

This is VITAL and necessary.

Remain as calm as you can while the earth shakes under your feet.

You will find yourself quite pleased with this new consciousness and way of being, once

this shift is complete.

In the meantime, try to stay open as these changes occurs.

It may not feel comfortable, but YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolved and stable


For more infomation >> Reading for Humanity Is This For You - Duration: 8:31.


The Spirit World And Spirit Karma - Duration: 16:35.

The Spirit World And Spirit Karma

Is there a spirit world where the departed �souls� reside?

What happens when one dies?

Materialists, atheists and skeptics could argue that there is nothing left when we die.

They believe erroneously that life is a purely biological process.

For them, when the body dies, everything stops and that is the end of the personality.

For some, there is a vague uncertain something beyond the physical death.

However, there are those who have no doubt that there is a life after the physical death.

For them, there is a spirit world.

When someone dies, it brings home the reality that one day we will all die.

When you are ill, the colors of your aura go dark or dim and pull in close to your body.

When death comes, the aura withdraws into the body in readiness to leave the physical


We are not the body.

One�s physical body houses the spirit.

The body is like a garment we put on while we are alive and we discard it when we die,

just like we discard our clothes.

The physical body is run by the gross life force called prana in Sanskrit.

This life force permeates the physical, the astral, the mental and the spiritual subtle


In humans, the life force is connected at the seven major centers of consciousness known

as chakras in Sanskrit.

The seven major chakras in the etheric correspond to the endocrine glands of the body and run

upward along the spinal chord.

The human body is surrounded by an aura which resembles a symmetrical egg of light.

This light has seven layers of predominant colors.

The colors of the aura change continually according to one�s state of emotion and

thought, although one may be surrounded by a dominant color throughout one�s life.

The part of the body that interacts with the physical body is the etheric field.

It can be perceived by the physic eye as a line of whitish/light bluish/light greenish/light

along the frame of the physical body.

When death draws close, the aura of a person contracts and gradually it is withdrawn into

the body.

When this occurs, the light around the person becomes dull or lifeless.

Contrary to some Hindu Yogic teachings, at the moment of death, the �spirit� or consciousness

of the person leaves via the crown centre at the top of the head regardless of whether

one is spiritually advanced or not.

Since the consciousnesses of human beings are trapped in this Virtual Reality, the ones

who have dropped their physical bodies will reside in the various levels or dimensions

of the astral world, which was created by Evil.

The astral world is a �place� where beings reside when they are not in the physical.

The physical world is a �place� where the same type of beings reside when they are

not in the astral.

The astral world is a complex place full of subtle entrapments just like the situation

here in this physical world.

In one sense it is far more deceptive than the physical dimension.

No one is wiser just because they are from the spirit world.

So do not let those from the spirit world dictate to you.

There are mischievous entities � just like in the physical world.

Some will put on an air and impersonate a wise sage, a deceased relative or a good friend,

and will try to fool you or manipulate your life.

Although some spirit communication is genuine, it is not advisable to become hooked on it.

The illusions in the astral world are far greater than in the physical world.

The astral is where the ideas are being transmitted to the physical level to influence the minds

of the physical inhabitants here.

Here on the physical plane, the evil lords of Karma, through their so-called laws of

�cause and effect� have caused much pain, suffering, fear and confusion.

Karma was never dispensed justly.

People are not aware that there is such a thing called astral karma as well as karma

in this physical world.

Karma is evil

Even in the astral world, one is subjected to the astral �laws� of karma.

Astral beings are forced to re-incarnate again and again for reasons that are based upon


In the astral, one is forced or coaxed into believing that one has to do this or that

in order to rid oneself of astral debts in order to attain liberation from the astral


If this is true, one has the horrible task of ridding oneself of the unjust karma.

It is unjust because, contrary to its claim, karma is not administered fairly, even though

its main claim is that �you reap what you sow.�

This is not always true.

Karma is carried out in such a way as to make sure the true beings are always being disadvantaged.

There are, however, some loopholes and means of bypassing or modifying karma, but few know

of these or are capable of using them.

Unless there is some special intervention by those who can avoid karma, astral beings

are stuck in the endless and pointless cycle of birth and re-birth.

This perpetual cycle forces being to move from the astral to the physical and back again,


Whether a being is in the physical or in the astral, that being is incurring karmic debts.

These debts are impossible to repay under the evil system.

Trying to pay off physical and astral debts is like attempting to pay off a perpetual

mortgage for the soul.

The evil lords of Karma extract such high interest that nobody can pay off his/her debts.

As an example, according to the law of karma, it is believed by many that if �X� assists

a disabled person, �X� could be interfering with that person�s karma, hence �X�

would be punished with karmic debt for the interference.

On the other hand, if �X� doesn�t assist the disabled person, �X� could also be

blamed for not assisting, and also incur karmic debt.

How can �X� or anyone else know whether to act or not according to another�s karma?

�X� cannot know.

Karma is a capricious system; it is devoid of justice.

Even the purest of heart can and probably will be strapped with infinite karmic debt

in this evil creation.

Some believe that a spiritual guru on this plane can advance to the point that he or

she can wipe off his or her karma in just a few lifetimes.

This is absurd.

Apart from the Rescuers of the Light such as the Amoebas, nobody leaves this plane except

through the loophole and etc. described earlier.

In the astral, one soon learns that everything is based on thoughts.

Thus, the astral beings can use their thoughts for good or evil.

They can delude themselves by creating thought forms which appear to be real and continue

to live in that illusion until the bubble breaks or until they become bored and restless.

If one does not participate in the activities or programs imposed by the archons of the

Evil usurper, one will be greatly disadvantaged.

The evil ones on earth are usually rewarded by being given favorable roles and important

positions which further help program the astral and earth people according to the ways the

administrators of the astral world dictate.

Those who try to do the right things by the Light are given minor roles at best.

The less fortunate ones are manipulated and disadvantaged throughout their astral existence.

Everyone in the astral is eventually forced in one way or another to reincarnate on the

earth plane again.

In the astral, there are those who appear to be helpful, loving and genuine.

But, most often they are evil deceivers.

In reality, the inhabitants of the astral world are very much under the control of the

evil astral system.

The danger is that it has the appearance of freedom, light and spirituality to keep many

temporarily happy.

As in this physical world, things are not what they appear to be in the astral also.

If ever you should accidentally wander into a lower astral realm where things are really

bad, you can move out of it by calling for Divine help or by projecting positive thoughts

of where you want to be.

Be not fearful of the lower astral beings because they feed on your fear.

When one dies suddenly, such as in an accident, that person may become a �lost soul�.

If one takes his or her own life or if one has great desires due to attachment to people

or material things, or when one has great anger, jealousy, fear or confusion at the

time of death, one can become a �lost soul� after the physical passing.

A �lost soul� is one who doesn�t realize or accept that he or she is dead.

He or she hangs around very close to the earth plane.

When he or she is stuck in-between the earth and astral world, he or she is called a �lost


However, not every person who commits suicide or dies suddenly is trapped as a �lost soul�.

Why is that?

The reason is that karma is evil and capricious.

It favors some and abuses others.

Such an unjust and horrendous plan can only be the creation of a very sick and very evil


It is very obvious that the war between Good and Evil is also being waged in the astral


The chaos exists in this physical dimension also exists in the astral and to a much higher


Although your pain and illness will be gone when you become a citizen of the astral world

at physical death, there is still a type of suffering which is quite agonizing for all

beings involved, but this is especially true for the true beings.

This suffering is a pain of the spirit and it cannot be quenched by any means except

through Divine healing.

Fortunately, in the astral there are some Light beings who operate as true healers and

teachers to help heal, guide and support the ones who needed assistance.

These are under the direction and protection of high spiritual beings of Great Power and


They are not placed in the astral by the evil demigod, but have been placed there by the


This is one aspect of the war between Good and Evil in the astral world.

The Halls of Learning in the astral world that so many speak highly of, are in reality

halls for various mass programming as well as individual programming.

In other words, those who enter the Halls of Learning are brainwashed and programmed.

This is also where the evil controllers in the guise of great spirits program the beings

on earth.

The so-called �natural laws� that operate in the astral world are actually �laws�

dictated by the Archons of the usurping Evil god.

Those who co-operate with the �natural laws� of the astral world are rewarded according

to the whims of the evil controllers.

Those who resist the evil controllers are punished, but most of those being punished

are unaware of their punishment due to programming.

Often, they are forced into horrible bodies in their next incarnation.

However, they will be told or programmed into believing that it is for their highest good

that they must incarnate under certain conditions.

These will be told that they have more lessons to learn on earth and that they have a life

purpose to fulfill.

Some people on earth parrot this programmed message, and �teach� others the same lie

� that, we have all come to the earth plane to learn

and to enrich our souls by fulfilling our life purposes.

There is a saying that this world would be a better place if women were to rule it.

This is quite untrue.

Take for instance, many of the female politicians who are far worse than their male counter-parts,

given the same situations.

This is mainly due to the fact that more of the �demonic consciousnesses� are placed

in female bodies, far more than in the male bodies.

No wonder women are often looked upon with suspicion and scorn � and rightly so in

many cases � because often females are used as tools to beguile, to manipulate, to entice

and to corrupt the opposite sex.

This situation also exists in the astral world.

The Anunnaki �spirits� control the astral world just as they control the physical world.

The Anunnaki Elite serve the evil lords of karma.

They are the beings who play a major role in the administration of karma in the astral


While it appears that the hierarchy of the �heavenly� government is run according

to the advancement of souls, the truth is that, like karma here, it is never justly

meted out as it is falsely proclaimed.

�Souls� are forced or coaxed into reincarnating while they appear to be given the free will

to choose to incarnate or to remain in the astral world.

The karma operating in the astral world forces �souls� to reincarnate.

The astral inhabitants are programmed to think that they have the choice of selecting their

own parents, place, time and culture of birth.

This is in appearance only.

In truth, they are programmed to think that all is planned for the highest good of the


What a big lie!

Just like in this physical world, there are also demons in the astral world who give false

information about religion and spirituality.

There are those in this physical dimension who support and spread the same type of false

information to lead people astray and to sidetrack the true searchers.

These evil �teachers� in the astral as well as in the physical dimension are there

to trap others with their lies.

Thus, it is very difficult to break out of this tightly woven scam unless you do some

serious thinking yourself instead of swallowing everything you are being told.

Under normal circumstances, no matter what explanations are given for the cause of one�s

suicide, ultimately suicide occurs because the victim has been influenced or programmed

by unseen entities to take his/her life.

Then they are either punished or allowed to escape punishment according to the dictates

of the despotic, evil astral controllers.

That is why you get different reports about the consequences of suicide from the astral


Remember one important point:

To break the bondage of karma here and in the astral, you should not accept karma.

The astral planes are now breaking down and more and more of the barriers between this

world and the astral are thinning out.

This makes it easier for the astral beings to mingle and to communicate with the beings

on this plane.

The viables who are now in the astral world will not be forced to re-incarnate because

they have already been rescued from the evil wheel of karma.

However, they still must wait to be picked up or transported out of this evil dimension.

They are basically in a half-way house where they are being healed and readied for their

eventual pick up by the Light and finally taken Home.

In this lifetime, some of you will be transformed into the Light without being forced to return

to the astral because the astral may not be there by the time you make your exit out of


Instead, you will be on your way home without any �stopovers� � what a beautiful one-way

ticket HOME.

May you be amongst the fortunate ones�

For more infomation >> The Spirit World And Spirit Karma - Duration: 16:35.


PES 2013 | New Face & Hair • Cristiano Ronaldo • 2017 / 2018 • Nuevo • HD - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> PES 2013 | New Face & Hair • Cristiano Ronaldo • 2017 / 2018 • Nuevo • HD - Duration: 1:02.


Pewdiepie中文cc字幕-鐵拳的ㄋ ㄟ ㄋ ㄟ讚! - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> Pewdiepie中文cc字幕-鐵拳的ㄋ ㄟ ㄋ ㄟ讚! - Duration: 12:08.


War On Drugs Killed More People In 2016 Than US Troops Killed - politics - Duration: 9:07.

War On Drugs Killed More People In 2016 Than US Troops Killed In Vietnam War

For the first time in US history, more Americans have died of drug overdoses in a single year

than all those killed in the Vietnam War.

The drug war has been exposed as a deadly and violent failure and the federal government

shows no signs of backing down.

For the first time in U.S. History, more Americans died in 2016 of drug overdoses than were killed

in the Vietnam War.

Let that sink in.

Last year�s death toll in the War on Drugs was 59,000 killed, while during the entire

Vietnam War, 1955 to 1975, 58,220 American service members� lives were lost.

And, thanks to the immoral and futile police approach to the drug problem, there appears

to be no hope in sight for the tide to change.

As The Free Thought Project had previously reported, drug overdose deaths outnumber the

number of Americans killed in automobile accidents each year.

Answering the question of who is responsible for so many overdose deaths requires a careful

examination of the crisis which has now reached epidemic proportions.

The principal players appear to be pharmaceutical companies, who knowingly manufacture dangerous

opioids � essentially synthetic heroin � which, alone, kills tens of thousands.

Big Pharma has been caught time and again pushing the pills onto the nation�s physicians

who prescribe the dangerously powerful painkillers en masse � even to children.

Then, there are the abusers, those who are addicted to opiates.

Getting hooked on opiates is easy, according to the CDC, who recently recommended the powerful

class of drugs be taken for no more than 14 days.

According to the Washington Post:

Noting that �long-term opioid abuse often begins with treatment of acute pain,� the

CDC said that �three or fewer days� of opioid treatment �usually will be sufficient

for most non-traumatic pain not related to major surgery.�

Street pushers provide the missing source for the drugs when doctors will no longer

prescribe the pills to patients who have demonstrated a pattern of abuse.

Yet, thanks to the war on drugs pushing the sale of these drugs into dark alleys and the

like, the quality of street drugs is questionable with every dose sold.

Some opiates have even been laced with the powerful drug Fentanyl, a drug so dangerous

even casual contact with it can prove fatal.

As TFTP reported, Insys Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Fentanyl, donated half-a-million

dollars to keep marijuana from becoming legal in one U.S. state.

One-third of the overdose deaths in Ohio were linked to Fentanyl, yet instead of creating

a safer drug, the company was more concerned with combatting cannabis legalization.

Last, but certainly not least, is the government�s own Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

The DEA�s only purpose is propping up Big Pharma while raining hell down on Americans

for their choice of substances.

The DEA even admitted, early this year, it has been trafficking large quantities of controlled

substances into the country.

Any decision to ban opiates or remove them from the market, would likely further drive

the drugs underground, increase crime, criminalize abusers, lead to growth in the prison industrial

complex, and result in many more overdoses.

In fact, that is exactly what�s happening.

The war on drugs is creating a de facto prison state.

Some U.S. States are taking matters into their own hands.

As TFTP reported recently, Ohio is now suing drug manufacturers for their role in the crisis,

stating their desire to increase their bottom line profit margins have crossed ethical lines

and led to the deaths of countless Ohioans.

Other states and police departments are also taking radical measures to fix the problem

instead of prolonging and expanding it through the use of police violence.

As the Boston Globe reports:

�As Gloucester police chief, Leonard Campanello pledged in 2015 that drug users could walk

into the police station, hand over heroin, and walk out into treatment within hours � without

arrest or charges.

The concept of help rather than handcuffs became a national sensation.�

Campanello is no longer police chief there, but the program is continuing in Gloucester.

The concept of helping addicts instead of criminalizing them is such a success, it�s

been adopted by 200 police agencies in 28 states.

This encouraging phenomenon shows that it�s possible for law enforcement to listen to

reason when it comes to drug abuse and actually helping communities.

�It puts police in the lifesaving business instead of the spin-drying business of arresting

and releasing,� said John Rosenthal, a Boston resident fighting the opioid epidemic.

�We estimate that approximately 10,000 people have been placed into treatment.�

In Gloucester, records show that 530 people have sought help at the police station since

June 2015.

Steve Lesnikoski was the first person to get help under the program, and now, after 18

months of being clean, he says without the Angel Program, �I�d probably be in jail

or dead.�

Fatal overdoses and drug arrests have decreased in Gloucester.

A study by Boston University and Boston Medical Center provided compelling evidence for the

Angel Program�s efficacy.

�In 417 cases where a person who visited the Gloucester police station was eligible

for treatment, police data showed that 94.5 percent were offered direct placement and

89.7 percent enrolled in detox or other recovery services, according to Dr. Davida Schiff,

a BMC pediatrician who was lead researcher in the study.

Those numbers, reported in December by the New England Journal of Medicine, compared

with less than 60 percent of direct referrals from hospital-based programs, which recruit

patients who visit emergency rooms with substance-abuse disorders, Schiff said.�

Doing the opposite of the war on drugs is what truly helps people.

It is also important to mention that the opiate addiction, overdose, and accidental death

problems might simply be avoided if, ironically enough, marijuana is made legal nationwide.

A little over half of the United States have legalized cannabis in some form, leaving nearly

half of the remaining states and their residents with no access to legal weed.

As TFTP has documented on several occasions, cannabis holds the promise of helping opiate

addicts kick their addiction by substituting their cravings for opiates with the non-addictive

pain killing properties of marijuana.

And it�s not folklore.

Doctors have experimented with cannabis as a substitute for opiates with high degrees

of success.

For now, the Department of Justice (DOJ) under the direction of Attorney Jeff Sessions and

his staff, has threatened to roll back the progress cannabis activists have made in the

last eight and a half years.

Joining the DOJ is the DEA which refuses to reclassify cannabis, and remove its current

status as a Schedule I narcotic, alongside cocaine, LSD, and heroin.

All of these moves and potential moves by the DOJ and DEA will only make the problem

worse unless states like Ohio take measures into their own hands.

Now that many in Congress have addicted family members, children, siblings, and friends,

the matter has been taken much more seriously.

The idea of treating an addict with compassion instead of violence is a revolutionary notion

in this country.

However, in other countries, such as Portugal, its effects have been realized for more than

a decade.

In 2001, the Portuguese government decriminalized all drugs.

15 years later, drug use, crime, and overdoses have drastically declined in Portugal exposing

the disturbing reality of prohibition.

Police departments choosing compassion over the kidnapping and caging people is the solution

and this program�s massive adoption by hundreds of departments across the country is nothing

short of a bombshell.

It is revolutionary, and will undoubtedly lead to progress.

However, there is still a long way to go.

This is how change comes � not through the barrel

of a gun � but through empathy and peace.

For more infomation >> War On Drugs Killed More People In 2016 Than US Troops Killed - politics - Duration: 9:07.


Tori Letzler - Remember Forever - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Tori Letzler - Remember Forever - Duration: 2:39.


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