Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 11 2017

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ขอขอบคุณสำหรับคำขอวิดีโอนี้ ติดตามช่อง youtube ของฉัน

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ขอบคุณมาก ลาก่อนครับ

For more infomation >> สัปดาห์หน้า พบกับการเปิดตัว 4 หน้ากากสุดท้าย | THE MASK SINGER 2 REACTION ✔ - Duration: 2:59.


The Light Of The Living Shadow - Duration: 10:05.

The Light Of The Living Shadow

To understand our shadow, we have to understand polarities.

Within the polarities is the wholeness or the completeness.

The Yin-Yang symbol is a beautiful and profound representation of this wholeness.

Archetypes of the Yin-Yang represent: Love/Fear, Masculine/Feminine, Electric/Magnetic, Light/Darkness(Shadow),

Good/Evil, Right/Wrong etc.

These polarities are inherent in all of us, we are the sum of all experiences, everything.

Within us exist the light and the dark, the light is all that is known to us and the dark

is the shadow.

The conscious and the unconscious.

With all of our choices, we �believe� that we are in control and making them consciously,

yet there is a strong unconscious influence.

These choices are influenced by undercurrents such as belief systems, society, culture and

experiences growing up.

To understand more about ourselves, we have to look at that part of us where most of us

choose not to venture to.

We have two worlds, an inner world and an outer world.

Our inner world is personal to us, our feelings, our ideas, our visions, all that we experience

within ourselves.

Our outer world is all our experiences relative to us.

How we experience and interact in the outer world, our relationships with individuals,

to the environment, with others, with objects, home, money, possessions, with society�

we can use both these worlds to help us better understand ourselves, it is all relative to

what our intentions are.

Life is full of experiences and we have the ability to influence them, this is done through

choice, each choice creates a different experience.

It is our perceptions that shape what we take from these experiences.

Some experiences are judged good, whereas others are judged bad, yet an experience that

may be �bad� for one, may be �good� for another.

They are all relative based on our particular outlook of reality.

As we evaluate our choices, we notice that our choices resonate to specific patterns

and behaviours.

We are living in a world where we are now able to see how these choices affect our experiences,

we are becoming more aware, starting to see patterns and behaviours.

Understanding our shadow will be a great asset in understanding our experiences.

The Inner World

The human body is energetic in nature and within the self, all light exists.

All frequencies and vibrations are inclusive of light and the shadow.

It is a natural behaviour to resonate to all things fun, all things joy and all things


It is very easy to reject the shadow, experiences that create pain, shame, anger, isolation,

judgments, and all things dark.

Yet the shadow is an integral part of self, it cannot be denied, the more we deny our

shadow, the more intense our experiences become.

Our Emotions (The key to understanding self)

Become aware of our emotions, they have the greatest potential for spiritual awareness

and growth.

Are there emotions within that we are ashamed or afraid of, such as anger, hate, jealousy

or shame?

These energies have a tendency to stifle ones growth creating blockages and illnesses within

the individual.

We should have no reason to feel bad and judge ourselves when we experience these emotions.

These emotions are part of our energetic makeup and reside in the domain of our shadow.

Learn to trust our emotions and most importantly understand where they are coming from.

It does not mean that we have to act upon them, just learn to understand and accept

them will then result in a process of letting go.

Our inner world reflects externally, we can use our outer world to assist us in gaining

a better understanding.

The first part of the process is understanding and accepting that we have these emotions,

that it is not wrong to feel these emotions, rather than to reject them totally.

Examples (Simple ideas to invoke a spark)

Anger: is a result of feeling that we have been wronged in some way or another.

When we start accepting the shadow aspect of self, we are able to speak up for ourselves,

rather than keeping quiet and holding the emotions within.

Jealousy: is a result of wanting something that someone else has.

It can stem from issues about our own self-belief, self-worth and self-love.

As we start accepting our shadow, we begin to believe in ourselves through inner core


We realize that there is no need for comparison and become grateful for all that we have.

Shame: Our shame could either be based on past event(s), usually an experience where

we have judged ourselves or others have judged us.

Also it could be a result of not loving oneself, feeling ashamed of one�s body or the way

one appears due to low self-worth or self-love.

Acceptance of our shadow allows us to love these parts of self, starting to love ourselves

physically as well as emotionally.

The Outer World

The outer world at times can seem extremely harsh when we are facing our shadow.

It will seem very conflicted, experiencing peace in some aspects and total conflict in

other areas of our lives.

The outer world is a reflection of our inner world, giving us a wonderful mechanism, which

is like a viewing window and perception into our inner lives.

Our experiences become more meaningful, we begin to notice a tangible shift on how we

respond to certain experiences.

Interactions and experiences that previously brought us pain are looked at now with a smile

and even a giggle.

We become aware of our experiences and our own personal triggers and we are not afraid

to look at ourselves anymore.

The light of our shadow becomes a formidable force, supports us on all levels, we become

stronger, more confident, we begin to see all experiences as just experiences, removing

all labeling, removing all tagging.

We become content, peaceful, seeing ourselves in a new light, a more complete light.

A great way of understanding our space is to look at all of the seemingly difficult

experiences that we may be having.

Here are a few examples to help us understand, letting our emotions be our guide:

Our intuition tells us not to do something and we do it anyway; resulting in an argument,

anger, rejection, fear etc.

Was there a motivation for the action, why did we do it anyway?

Did we do it out of fear?

Did we do it to make someone else happy?

Having a difficult relationship with another, either at the office or with a loved one.

They seem to know exactly which buttons to push, getting us all fired up.

Are we judging them?

Is it possible to accept them as they are?

Are they showing us a part of ourselves, which we are unaware of?

Sometimes we have experiences where we feel as if we are being judged in some instances,

sometimes even actually experiencing it.

Not being good enough, not feeling accepted, that there is something wrong with us.

This is a reflection of how we have been treating ourselves, being critical of self, not being

happy with the way we look or feel, constantly judging ourselves.

These are our attitudes to self that is unseen and being reflected into our outer world.

As we start shifting the focus to ourselves, nurturing, loving and accepting these unseen

or rejected aspects, we start creating a more receptive and loving environment.

Have you had experiences where you have been afraid to speak about what was on your mind?

You decided to keep quiet as it felt much safer rather than being judged or �bullied�.

This is a prompt for you to speak up, no one is reading your mind, share what you feel

you should share in that moment.

As you do this, you start accepting and integrating the shadow self, and you will notice that

you will be able to express yourself more freely.

Always remember that we are living both consciously and unconsciously.

As we begin to see the light of our shadow, we inadvertently become responsible for all

our experiences, the blame game disappears and we take charge of our reality.

This is by no means a complete understanding of Self, life is a process of experiencing

oneself through different levels

of maturity, it is organic, and it is fluid and forever expanding.

For more infomation >> The Light Of The Living Shadow - Duration: 10:05.


A True Understanding of Time - Duration: 6:21.

A True Understanding of Time

by Jude Fullmer,

You may have heard that time is limited to the third dimension and more so an illusion.

Why is this? Can we understand what time is, and thus understand how to transcend it? Absolutely!

And I�m here to let you in on the how.

In order to understand time, we need to understand the basics of this universe we live in. There

is a ton of info out there if you�d like to know more, but here�s a very basic outline

of what I believe. The universe is created from energy, so everything is energy, even

us. We are eternal souls created from conscious energy. Everything is connected, and we are

all a part of that conscious energy that created everything.

Now, when we understand that everything is energy, it makes it easy for us to understand

that the only thing in this universe is connection (love) and the ILLUSION of the lack thereof.

The only thing that really ever changes is our awareness of it, and if you want to get

technical, our awareness determines the frequency and vibration of energy. As we ascend we truly

only gain more awareness.

Throughout our time on Earth we�ve been descending in awareness, until now. As a species

we�re now beginning our ascent back into awareness to ultimately rejoin our original

frequency of love (connection).

As the years have gone by, we ultimately became so unaware that we forgot that everything

is energy! This is when we very first started to look outside of us to keep track of energy,

which became known as time! Crazy, I know! Time is simply our unawareness of energy.:)

Don�t worry, I�ll further explain with some examples.

Let�s look at astrology, which, we created as well. We�ve mapped out the rotation of

the earth, and even the other planets and cosmological bodies, in relation to us and

the sun. People have wondered how the stars can predict what�s happening on earth. Well

friends, this is because they move according to energy, which we create/decide, but instead

of us being aware of this we have given our power away to time. Time doesn�t exist,

it�s something we created in order to keep track of the flow of energy from hours, days,

to years, even eons. Even our birthdays tell a lot about us because we chose when to be

born by choosing the specific level of energy (awareness) we wanted to experience in this


We�ve given rise to seasons, temperatures, cataclysmic events all to explain the flow

of energy because we forgot that we control everything. Is it a coincidence that our energy

is rising when the Mayans predicted it? No! Because they were simply following the flow

of energy that we all mapped out for ourselves.

If you look around the world you can see the evidence of what level of energy a certain

climate holds. Winter is known for causing seasonal depression, most likely because it

truly does carry lower energy with it. Even global warming is a myth. I believe the climate

is changing because we are becoming more aware of energy, and global warming is yet another

form of fear to try to make us believe that we have no control over our environment. In

a highly evolved we would be able to decide what level of energy (season) we want an area

to experience.

So, if time is our unawareness of energy, what is a timeline? How do we close timelines?

A timeline is simply one pathway that travels through a specific level of energy vibration.

When we close a timeline, what we really do is rid our consciousness of the vibration

that holds that possible timeline. So in effect by converging all our timelines into one,

we�re simply all gravitating towards the vibration of pure love, which has only one

timeline or vibration.

Even space is an illusion. Created by us, in order to understand and give our power

away to the illusion that we�re not all one conscious energy. When you raise your

awareness high enough you remember that we�re all connected and space is an illusion, just

as is time.

Although space is still helpful to us in this dimension, I believe that it�s time for

us to take back our power and rid ourselves of time. To understand that the earths rotation,

the planets rotating around the sun, even the movements of the stars and other galaxies

is all just the flow of energy, which we are very much a part of and connected to.

As within, so without. Instead of astrology predicting our future we will be able to not

only predict astrology but also determine it by determining the flow of energy. How

amazing does that sound! Perfectly exquisite to me:) thank you so much for allowing me

to share this profound truth I�ve remembered, I hope that everyone who reads this will gain

a re-understanding of what time is and how all of us can become

master of it.

For more infomation >> A True Understanding of Time - Duration: 6:21.


Shekina French SDA Church Live Stream - Duration: 6:23:39.

For more infomation >> Shekina French SDA Church Live Stream - Duration: 6:23:39.


SPINZ.IO - FIDGET SPINNER AGAR.IO | 20000RPM, 100+ score - Duration: 16:59. fidget spinner game

For more infomation >> SPINZ.IO - FIDGET SPINNER AGAR.IO | 20000RPM, 100+ score - Duration: 16:59.


100 Tình Huống Bonus Kill Cực Hay Trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Chắc Chặn Bạn Sẽ Thích Xem - Duration: 15:36.

For more infomation >> 100 Tình Huống Bonus Kill Cực Hay Trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Chắc Chặn Bạn Sẽ Thích Xem - Duration: 15:36.


SPINNER A MAXIMA VELOCIDAD( 1000 RPM)★ Tiger Game★ - Duration: 8:24.






We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

We have a draw which begins on June 19 materials Slime

Hi all very good here commenting Tiger Game

This time we are with Spinners

at full speed. I know it did many youtubers but good

I do not care

Let's try to put the 4 spinners

This is not what you saw but you will see COMING SOON

And then put the chronometer

And if you can not my mobile phone that put the taping

The channel you have written to me Description

Pasaros up formula 1 and much more

Let's put this first

It is red with red bearings

Before I did the spinner and went flying bearings

Go for it. And I will make the title a bit flashy

I hope you do not mind

Focuses on the spinner

I'll stop by hand slowly


He shot it. Let's try this.

If the same thing happen or not happen the same

I see that one is broken

And I give you in the face

Sure looks as if I laugh in the face who cares lol

And finally let's put this

That you may never have seen and will see now

It comes with skulls

And let us know what effect does and we will put the chronometer

Okay kids. Now what we will do is

one of these

anyone. Less this jumping gums

And let's put white or black

And let's put the timer to see how long at maximum speed

And if this video is supported

I'll upload a mobile or VS VS Spinner firecracker

Because you will like much

It will not be a mobile really the safest thing to be a model

Or whatever and see if he can do something

If the spinner or jumps passing

And so we see all

Asique kids if you like this video

and is super supported

50 or 60 or 90 likes likes

And I will make a spinner

VS VS mobile or firecracker

What you ye

You can also leave it in the comments

You can put whatever and supported more

Or having more likes on comments

I'll upload

And as I say have the channel that I recorded in description

Pasaros up formula 1

all kinds of video games

And if you like video games as pasaros

And nothing more to say to you kids thank you very much everyone for being there

We're 18,000 'THANKS !!!

We lack 2000 for 20,000 subscribers. and I say THANK YOU AND GREETINGS TO ANOTHER!

Kids if you go to channel you give Tiger Game like the video you subscribe to the channel and activate the bell be greeted or hailed on video

Kids if you go to channel you give Tiger Game like the video you subscribe to the channel and activate the bell be greeted or hailed on video

Kids if you go to channel you give Tiger Game like the video you subscribe to the channel and activate the bell be greeted or hailed on video

Kids if you go to channel you give Tiger Game like the video you subscribe to the channel and activate the bell be greeted or hailed on video

Kids if you go to channel you give Tiger Game like the video you subscribe to the channel and activate the bell be greeted or hailed on video

Kids if you go to channel you give Tiger Game like the video you subscribe to the channel and activate the bell be greeted or hailed on video

Kids if you go to channel you give Tiger Game like the video you subscribe to the channel and activate the bell be greeted or hailed on video

For more infomation >> SPINNER A MAXIMA VELOCIDAD( 1000 RPM)★ Tiger Game★ - Duration: 8:24.


100K SUBS SILVER BUTTON! - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 100K SUBS SILVER BUTTON! - Duration: 2:36.


🔴 7 days to die. BLOWING UP THE SERVER! Alpha 16 blowout! - Duration: 1:14:40.

For more infomation >> 🔴 7 days to die. BLOWING UP THE SERVER! Alpha 16 blowout! - Duration: 1:14:40.


♡ Dollhouse ♡- Meme - Duration: 0:53.


I see things

Nobody else see


I see things

Nobody else see

Hey girl!

(Nobody else see)

(Nobody else see)

For more infomation >> ♡ Dollhouse ♡- Meme - Duration: 0:53.


Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The Deep State Which Is Now - politics - Duration: 7:00.

Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The �Deep State� Which Is Now After Trump And Russia

In Megyn Kelly�s much anticipated interview with Vladimir Putin for her debut episode

of NBC�s �Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly�, the Russian President said he never met Donald

Trump during his business trips to Russia (including Trump�s 2013 visit to Moscow

for the Miss Universe pageant), stated that he was unaware of any proposal from Jared

Kushner to set up an alleged �secret line� of communications between the Trump administration

and the Russian government, and that it�s �nonsense� to say Russia has collected

compromising material about Trump among many other topics covered in the 7 minute interview

�I am not aware of such a proposal,� Putin said referring to Kushner�s alleged proposal.

�No such proposal ever reached me.� Putin said many CEOs of major U.S. companies visit

Russia and then asked rhetorically, �do you think we�re gathering dirt on all of

them right now or something?� Putin asked, before saying: �Have you all lost your mind?�

While previously the NYT and WaPo reported that Kushner discussed the idea of creating

a secret channel to discuss the crisis in Syria, with Russian ambassador to the U.S.

Sergey Kislyak in December, the line was never established, according to a source cited by


A secret line with Russia � which H.R. McMaster said is a normal thing in diplomatic relations

with international counterparties � could have allowed the Trump transition team and

Russian officials to communicate outside of the scrutiny of the departing Obama administration.

It�s become a centerpiece of the questions swirling around Trump and his campaign and

possible ties to Russia.

Putin also said that his nation had no channels of communication with the campaigns of either

Trump or Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but that there may have been official contacts,

which he called a �standard diplomatic practice.�

Putin also said he�d never met Trump, including during a visit by Trump to Moscow for the

2013 Miss Universe pageant, and called the existence of a secret Russian dossier on Trump

�just another piece of nonsense.�

�There was no relationship whatsoever.

Yes, he visited Moscow in his day.

But, you know, I never met him,� Putin says, according to transcript.

Putin also said that he�s not aware of any meetings between Kislyak and officials from

the Trump campaign, and that he doesn�t talk to Russian ambassadors every day.

He called the allegations �domestic political squabbles� and a line of attack against


�Well, this is just another load of nonsense,� Putin said in response to a question about

Kislyak meeting Trump campaign officials.

�Because if there had been something meaningful, he would have made a report to the minister,

and the minister would have made a report to me.

There weren�t even any reports� the Russian president said cited by Bloomberg.

And despite saying there had been no reports, Putin volunteered that �there was not even

a specific discussion of sanctions or something else.� In a discussion moderated by Kelly

on Friday, Putin said it was �nuts� to suggest the Trump administration had moved

to ease economic sanctions on Russia.

Additionally, as previewed earlier in the day by Reuters, Putin also said that he barely

interacted with Michael Flynn, Trump�s former national security adviser, during a dinner

in Moscow in 2015 when the pair were seated together.

Flynn, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general and former director of the Defense Intelligence

Agency, was paid $45,000 to speak at the anniversary gala for the Russia Today television network.

�You and I personally have a much closer relationship than I had with Mr Flynn�.

When I came to the event for our for our company, Russia Today, and sat down at the table, next

to me there was a gentleman sitting on one side.

I made my speech.

Then we talked about some other stuff.

And I got up and left� afterwards I was told, �You know there was an American gentleman,

he was involved in some things.

He used to be in the security services.� �.That�s the extent of my acquaintance

with Mr Flynn.� As a reminder, the payments Flynn received from RT, and his appearance

next to Putin at the dinner, have been raised frequently amid speculation about his relationship

with the Kremlin.

Asked whether all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies that concluded Russia interfered with the

election are lying, Putin said �they have been misled� and said he has not seen �any

direct proof of Russia�s interference.�

�What fingerprints or hoot-prints or horn-prints, what are you talking about,� he said.

Putin even suggested that former President Barack Obama �started having doubts� when

they spoke about it.

The pair met on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Peru in November, weeks after Trump�s

upset election win.

The Russian president accused the U.S. of �actively interfering in electoral campaigns

of other countries� while denying that Russia has any motive to do so.

�Even if we wanted to, it wouldn�t make any sense for us to interfere,� Putin said.

Meanwhile, Putin accused the US of doing precisely what Russia has been charged with doing in

the US: �Put your finger anywhere on a map of the world, and everywhere you will hear

complaints that American officials are interfering in internal electoral processes,� he said,

adding that �every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

But, I repeat, we don�t even have to do that.

Presidents come and go, and even the parties in power change, but the main political direction

does not change.�

Putin claimed that Russia has a preference in an election but only reacts to the �political

direction� that the United States seems to be heading in.

�It wouldn�t make sense for us to interfere,� he said.

But the most notable highlight of the interview was Putin�s tongue in cheek hint that the

Deep State � the same entity that may have been behind the Kennedy assassination according

to the Russian president � is now behind the attempt to topple Trump and the ongoing

push to sour ties with Russia: �There is a theory that Kennedy�s assassination

was arranged by the United States intelligence services.

So if this theory is correct, and that can�t be ruled out, then what could be easier in

this day and age than using all the technical means at the disposal of the intelligence

services and using those means to organize some attacks, and then pointing the finger

at Russia.

For more infomation >> Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The Deep State Which Is Now - politics - Duration: 7:00.


TheFullest1│Funny MV│Don't Listen to Sad Songs Tonight (Don't Don't Rewrite Cover) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> TheFullest1│Funny MV│Don't Listen to Sad Songs Tonight (Don't Don't Rewrite Cover) - Duration: 3:14.


Woodturning - Multi centre carob bowl - Duration: 5:18.

hello everyone !

today i have this piece of carob wood

if we can say this wood LOL

and i like to try make something from it

so lets start !

first i screw the face plate on wood

and i put in on lathe !

i secure the wood with the tail stock !

i start to work with a round nose scraper

first i straight all of my wood and i make a centre bowl !

in this project i will use only bowl gouge and round nose scraper !

i will clean this rotten piece of wood do i can keep more secure my wood on lathe !

i change many position to my tool rest ! it need to be very close to the wood !

now i see that some of the screws not keep well my wood !

and i screw them again !!

i take a look also how much deeper i can go !

now i burn the ants because they run in all over my body !!

but the wood was very dry and take fire LOL don't try this at home was terrible mistake !!

the only liquid around me was the mineral oil so i use it !!!LOL

with my drill i clean the centre of the bowl !

and again with the round nose scraper !!!

the first bowl are ready !! in this video i will not saw the sanding you can see how in all of my videos !!!

i finish sanding all the bowl and i need to start make the next bowl !!

i take off the wood from the lathe

and i change position on face plate

and now i have deferent centre to my wood !

here you can se a screw that goes into my bowl !!! but is necessary to put as much screws we can !

because we must secure very well the wood is really dangerous !

we start with the lathe very slow

and we rise the speed to be in the most secure and fast speed !!! for me was 300rpm

i start sanding with 100 grit

i finish the second bowl and i need to go for the third !!!

i change again position to my faceplate !

and i put it to the opposite side !

i put again my wood on the lathe

as a rule for my new bowl will be a mark from a pencil !!

when i finish the bowl i start again sanding with 100 grit !!

and after 400 grit i use some yorkshire grit

my bowl is ready i take of the face plate from there back and i let it natural !

if some of the missing part of wood was in place the 3 bowls will be much better !!! and easier to see them !!!

but was an opportunity to give some value to a piece that probably will go to fire !!!

i also like with this video to inspire you try multi centre turning !!!

with just moving the faceplate !

we will speak again next Sunday until then take care !!!

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