Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 11 2017

You Need To STOP Looking For Your Soul Mate And Here�s The Reason Why

The entire Soulmate concept has been misinterpreted to a point where people started believing

that we need to go out in the streets and literally start looking for the one person

who would magically make all our problems go away.

However, you need to realize that there is nothing wrong with you and stop looking at

yourself as a damaged good. You don�t need fixing; as a matter of fact no one does. It�s

completely wrong to think that our Soulmates have been placed on our path for that purpose.

The thing is, every time we look for the perfect one, we are actually looking for ourselves.

People are our mirrors and we look for those peculiar things that resemble us.

But this is not how love works.

It�s a lot of pressure to put on a person when you expect them to heal your every wound,

resolve all your past issues and sew together the torn fabric that your life is.

As a matter of fact, you two are probably feeling and expecting from each other the

same things; if you are expecting them to fix you, they will want you to do the same

thing for them. Have you ever been called the �fixer� in a relationship before?

Have you ever felt the urge to actually fix someone other than yourself?

That�s exactly why you shouldn�t be looking for a soulmate to begin with. They may share

all the same feelings you do, but they are not going to be the one who solves literally

all of your problems.

Before you get into a new relationship expecting your brand new partner to fix you, you need

to look inwards, face your demons and problems. Look for solutions yourself, because, trust

me, no one can do a better job, than you, who know yourself best.

Once you have discovered who you really are and accepted all your flaws and virtues, your

Soulmate will come. It will happen because Love attracts Love, and you have started loving

yourself. You have cleared up the path for love to come find you, because there heavy

fog of problems, old wounds and heavy emotions has been lifted.

In time, you will come to realize that living on a constant search for a fixer can be extremely

draining and lonely because you will never find that person. You will go from one partner

to another and keep getting your hear broken only because you had the wrong idea of what

a Soulmate was.

On the other hand, your perfect match won�t mind all your flaws. Just the opposite, they

are going to love them; every broken piece, every imperfection, every scar, every deep-buried

wound�This man or a woman will be the reason for a fresh new start and a promising future.

They will bring the best out of you, and let you know your true worth.

Expand your world and truly find your happiness deep within yourself. Your Soulmate is simply

waiting for the perfect moment to come to show up in your life.

You will begin to understand this �mirror� of a person. They will show you all the goods

life has to offer.

Love will find its way to you. All you need to do is a little introspection. Try to accept

who you really are and most importantly LOVE and CELEBRATE the person

you are.

For more infomation >> You Need To STOP Looking For Your Soul Mate And Here's The Reaso - Duration: 4:38.


Three Way: Broken Machines - Robert Paterson - Duration: 5:33.

(Spoken) This next song is the first piece of music I ever heard

by Robert Paterson.

And I remember being in our apartment in Brooklyn

and I put it on, and I was like, "Oh God, honey, I got a job!"

"Uh, I think! Uh, uh, Lets... I hope the music's good. Oh, let's see what it is."

And I put it on, and this aria came on, and it absolutely blew me away.

Um... and I think it deals with something that could be more relevant of our time,

especially with technologies playing the role of our lives,

and this zombie like thing, with our phones, that we do all the time now.

In this piece, Dax is a kind of future technician for the sex, love, live in android lover you can have.

Um, kind of reflects on the role technology's playing in our lives now, and um...

in our dreams.

(somber, flowing, piano introduction)

(Sung) I know how it works:

Semi organic physiomatrix

Molded over fiberoptic skeletal frame.

Ten terabyte processing capacity.

Saline and protein channels to simulate everything

From crying to climax!

I can fix it. I comprehend it.

It can move. It can pretend.

It can compute. It can emote.

It can simulate. And stimulate.

It works!

But people, all these people,

People are broken machines.

Their appetites, quirks, flaws, moods.

Changing attitudes: today kind, tomorrow cruel.

Hard to please: hot with urges but suddenly cool.

People, all these people.

People are broken machines.

I visit their homes every day.

Upgrades, downloads, diagnostic, termination.

People are broken machines.

One man wants his mother.

Another wants a whore.

A woman wants her daddy.

Another wants Mr. Right.

What do you want?

The perfect man?

Or an imitation of the image of perfection?

The difference between you and me

Is this:

I know my home is empty.


For more infomation >> Three Way: Broken Machines - Robert Paterson - Duration: 5:33.


Destiny 2: To E3 and Beyond! + Clip of The Week! - Duration: 4:19.

Bungie Is Also Suppose To Announce The Release Date For The Destiny 2 Beta @ E3!

For more infomation >> Destiny 2: To E3 and Beyond! + Clip of The Week! - Duration: 4:19.


Emotional Alchemy 4 Ways To Harness Personal Power From Negative Emotions - Duration: 7:39.

Emotional Alchemy 4 Ways To Harness Personal Power From Negative Emotions

By consciousreminder

�When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.� ~ Wayne

Dyer Emotional alchemy is the ultimate psychological leveling mechanism.

It�s a way of turning the tables on feelings that have the potential to overwhelm us; to

flip the script lest the script flip us. It�s a meta-tool that we can use to leverage grace,

sagacity, and wisdom into our lives, despite emotional toil. Emotions are part of life.

There�s no avoiding them. And actually when we attempt to avoid or suppress them, it can

be doubly dangerous. It can become a kind of festering poison that grows and grows,

until it boils over into an explosion of emotion that we simply cannot control.

The key is to feel the emotion, but act despite it. Be fully present with the emotion, honor

it, and then act in a way that the emotion doesn�t become our puppet master. Easier

said than done, sure, but as Epictetus said, �Life is hard, brutal, punishing, narrow,

and confining, a deadly business.�

1. Feel the fear but act with courage

�What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.� � Charles Bukowski

The key to fearlessness is to feel the fear; be with it, own it, learn what it has to teach,

and then flip the tables on it and act courageously rather than fearfully. A courageous act trumps

any amount of fear. Indeed, as Brandon Stanton said,

�The way to learn courage is to be afraid of something and then do it anyway.�

Imagine a firefighter standing outside of a burning building with a baby on the top

floor. He would be a fool not to fear the inferno. Fear is the natural and proper response

to a deadly situation.

But if he doesn�t act courageously despite the fear, then the baby dies. So he must feel

the fear, but then act with courage, in order to do the right thing. With enough practice,

the fear can even be used as a tool that focuses our courage into a laser point of fearlessness.

2. Feel the anger but act with humor

�A tragedy is a comedy misunderstood.� � William Shakespeare

Sometimes anger is the proper response toward a situation, like with murder, rape, child

abuse, and ecocide, for example. Or like Jesus, filled with righteous anger, flipping over

tables and flogging greedy bankers. But most of the time, anger tends to blind us to the

heart of a given situation.

It overwhelms our logic and causes us to lash out pettily and frantically. Suddenly we become

five year olds ranting, raving, and raging against reason, out of control. It can happen

to the best of us. The key to tempering the fires of anger is to feel the anger; honor

it, allow it to fill you with hot smoke, and then flip the burning script into a comic


Laughing at our own anger tempers the tempest. It takes the oxygen out of our raging fire,

so that we can see clearly and eventually act calmly. Imagine experiencing road rage,

feeling it boil your blood, but then acting with humor by laughing out loud at your anger

instead of flipping someone the bird. At first it will feel fakes, but eventually it will

be genuine. It�s easier said than done, and takes much practice, but it can be quite

effective with just a little practice.

3. Feel the grief but act with steadfastness

�Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.�

~ Helen Keller

Grief can be a crippling emotion. Yet this emotion, more than any other, should not be


It must be worked through, reconciled, and the pain of it honored as a precious side

effect of having lost something we love. Indeed, the pain is like a trophy proving to the cosmos

that we loved.

We should hold it aloft, atop the mountain of our grief, and declare, with both humility

and pride, �I have loved, therefore I have truly lived!�

Transforming the coal of our grief into the diamond of our strength is no easy task, but

it is a necessary step in self-mastery. Much pressure is involved, which is our reconciliation

regarding loss. We must feel the grief but act with steadfastness in order to truly honor

our loss and not fall, crippled and holistic, into the existential black hole.

4. Feel jealousy but act with compersion

This is a tough one. Probably the most counterintuitive of the four strategies. Jealousy can be a

gut-wrenching emotion that can easily tip us over into other emotions like anger, grief,

and even fear. It�s one of those emotions that slaps our ego around and gives our insecurities

a reason to rear their ugly heads. It�s especially bad when the person that we�re

jealous over has made a serious commitment to us and has betrayed our trust.

Soul-wrenching stuff. Turning the tables on this emotion is extremely difficult. Almost

as difficult as forgiveness; which is possibly one of the most difficult things a human can

do. The concept of compersion is right up there, and for some people, may even be more

difficult than forgiveness. This is because practicing compersion asks us to be happy

when a loved one finds love with another. It�s the ultimate challenge of our love,

asking, �If you truly love him/her you will be happy that they finally discovered love

with someone else.�

Sure, you would rather that love had been discovered with you, but that�s life. If

you can honestly say you love them, then you will still love them even if they find love

with someone else. If not, you probably didn�t really love them to begin with. Or, your love

was based upon ownership rather than relationship. As with all things excellent, the art of emotional

alchemy is not easy. It takes daily practice and deep soul searching. It takes the ability

to face our emotions honestly so that we can act honorably. It takes much self-overcoming

lest we inadvertently become overwhelmed.

For more infomation >> Emotional Alchemy 4 Ways To Harness Personal Power From Negative Emotions - Duration: 7:39.


Témoignage : Je GAGNE de l'ARGENT en CONNAISSANT STRICTEMENT RIEN au SPORT avec les PARIS LONG TERME - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Témoignage : Je GAGNE de l'ARGENT en CONNAISSANT STRICTEMENT RIEN au SPORT avec les PARIS LONG TERME - Duration: 3:22.


WAU!!! Ciblek Gunung Gacor Di Pinggir, NGALAS DALAM 4 MENIT - Duration: 26:06.

WAU!!! Ciblek Gunung Gacor Di Pinggir, NGALAS DALAM 4 MENIT

For more infomation >> WAU!!! Ciblek Gunung Gacor Di Pinggir, NGALAS DALAM 4 MENIT - Duration: 26:06.


Tucker Carlson Lays Waste to Comey's Testimony and Democrat - politics - Duration: 1:41.

Tucker Carlson Lays Waste to Comey's Testimony and Democrat Attempt to Unseat the President

There will come a day when the city square will be packed with gibbets filled with swinging

heads of traitorous bastard commies -- most readily found in leftshit cities.

The degeneracy must end.

Today's testimony by Comey was a farce, a transparent attempt by a spent and bitter

bureaucrat trying to hurt a sitting President.

Everything about Comey is wrong.

The fact that he felt the need to 'take notes' because the President asked for loyalty is

fucking absurd.

What sort of example did he make for fellow G men when he referred to his dealings with

his commander in chief as being 'slightly cowardly'?

The whole thing is rot, helping to fuel a bogus investigation spearheaded by a broken

democratic party who have lost their fucking mind.

Tucker chimes in and reviews the day's events, pointing out the hypocrisy of Comey and his

dealings with AG Lynch, who asked for Comey to word the investigation of Hillary Clinton's

email scandal as a 'matter.'

If that's not collusion and political pressure on the FBI, nothing is.

He also touched upon the mercenary media's fake news about Trump, provided by bad sources,

which was confirmed by Comey today.

For more infomation >> Tucker Carlson Lays Waste to Comey's Testimony and Democrat - politics - Duration: 1:41.


More Sony Specials! Uncharted, Nioh & Horizon Zero Down! - Duration: 3:21.

Sup everyone today is Saturday, finally a day off when I can rest and sleep and Netflix

all day... yeah right.

I gotta give my pit a bath, do the laundry, cook, So...

Destiny, ESO, GTA...

Yup, a lot of shit on my plate.

Time to get off my ass and be productive.

Please subscribe for more videos, I appreciate all the support I've been getting you guys

are the best!

Yeah that was a little too much even for my taste, moving on.

Lets start with the Sony specials that I left from my Special Wednesdays video, had to cover

a little bit about the release of Wipeout Collection, Dirt 4 & Friday the 13th, if you

wanna see what I'm talking about just click on the link at to top right corner of the

video, right there, and you should be able to see this week's specials.

This week Sony continues to bring us specials like Uncharted 4 ladies and gentlemen, it's

as low as $20 little ones.

Lemme tell you, you can ask Oldman he's been waiting for this game to drop it's regular

price for over a year, so if you're thinking about it, don't hessitate, buy it.

It's really good, the cut scenes are hillarious and definitely keeps the Drake charm, really

inmersive and for those of us who know the series, the story is just perfect.

Another special from Sony is Nioh, Ni-o, I don't know how to say it, going for $40 bucks

and this game, well I haven't really played the game but I've seen all the videos and

reviews on youtube and the web...

They're really good.

I have a friend that beat it and speaks wonders of it.

What I Can tell you is that the game has been enhanced for the PS4 Pro, it looks amazing

and the storyline is, poetic, as was said by either Rob or Nath from PlaystationAccess,

I can't ever tell them apart, but it know it was one of the two that said it.

If you haven't played Horizon Zero Dawn it is quoted as "the best game of the year...

with amazing story and graphics".

I want this game so bad it's stupid, but you know, priorities.

I think you can buy PS4 controllers at $40 as well from Amazon, but if I'm honest with

you I didn't really check, so check it out if you're looking for one that's easily $20

dollar drop right there, Don't think I've ever seen the controlers that cheap, and I

mean the original ones I know the generics can be bought a lot cheaper unless you buy

a skuff, those can be pretty hefty.

I think that's all I'm gonna cover for today, making this video was fun but I have to admit

I don't think I'll make another video loaded with with mojis, it takes so damn long to

put 'em all together in a way that makes sense.

Hell, way too long if you ask me.

I mean, don't get me wrong the idea is to make entertaining videos but I just don't

have the time right now to park my ass for hours on end just for a 3 minute video.

Don't forget to subscribe for more, I'm still on the road to get my first 100 followers,

so yeah...

Click on subscribe.

Also leave me a comment, I wanna know what you think of the videos, in the end it's about

what makes me feel, well.... me... and I enjoy every bit of it.

So subscribe and stay tuned.

Be safe and alway enjoys your gaming.

Oh-way enjoy yo gamin *snickers* Fucking stupid ass, can't even spell right.

Take care guys.

For more infomation >> More Sony Specials! Uncharted, Nioh & Horizon Zero Down! - Duration: 3:21.


The Borough From Tiny House Chattanooga | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:49.


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