Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Earlier this month horrific details emerged in the death of a 19 year old Penn State sophomore,

Timothy Piazza.

Piazza was a member of the fraternity Beta Feta Pi and died during a party involving

a drinking initiation ritual for fraternity pledges.

18 students at Penn State are now facing charges in connection with Piazza's death, and the

fraternity has been permanently banned from the university.

According the indictment, just before midnight, a fraternity member wrote in a group text

message that Piazza, "might actually be a problem."

It says, "He fell 15 feet down a flight of stairs, hair-first, going to need help."

Fraternity members then treated Piazza like a road kill and put a backpack full of books

on his back to weigh him down and make sure he didn't choke on his own vomit.

That wasn't until 10:48 a.m. the next morning that anyone at the fraternity called an ambulance.

Joining me now to discuss this case is Andrew Lohse, former fraternity member at Dartmouth

University and author of "Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy."

Andrew, how does this case compare to some of the fraternity behavior that you studied

as you looked at this, as you created this book.

I know you've done a lot of research on this.

How does this compare?

You know, I think this case kind of falls in the middle of what can happen on any given

night of the week at any kind of school in America.

Whether a small state school or a big Ivy League college.

The drinking and the group think, the secrecy and the peer pressure, power dynamics that

are part and parcel of fraternities, are a constant problem.

It think that we can see that across the board.

In recent years, prosecutors have become more aggressive in going after fraternities.

I think in 2015 there were 22 frat members at, I think it was Northern Illinois University,

were convicted of misdemeanor charges in the death of a freshman student.

In this Piazza case, some of the members are actually facing aggravated assault charges.

Do you think these charges are having any kind of impact on the way that fraternities

operate going forward?

Well it's a little bit too soon to kind of assess and try to measure whether this new

prosecutorial point of view on fraternities is going to have an impact.

But I will say is that we are long past due for some kind of real accountability and responsibility

taking for fraternities.

Not just as organizations, and they are large national corporations, but as the individuals

who make them up, who make the decisions that cause harm, they cause death, and they are

in a lot of cases a menace to their community.

I think that by holding people themselves responsible, hopefully that will be a way

to dissuade people from even joining in the first place, and then hopefully to prevent

them from creating reckless illegal environments once they are there.

Well at the end of the day you certainly can get judgments against individuals that were


Most people don't realize that fraternities and sororities are a huge business.

They are actually represented in Washington by a political action committee, I think the

name is Frat PAC.


First of all, if you are getting individual judgments against some of these people that

are responsible, that's one thing, but I think the only way to stop it, and I want to know

your take on this, the only way to stop it is to start taking money against the national

organizations, taking money away from them and closing down their business.

At the end of the day, it's a business.

These cats out there that feel like this is some fun thing they are doing, hazing, they

are part of that business.

In a lot of ways, that's kind of the draw to the fraternity, the talk of come to this

house and we are going to have some fun.

But it is business, isn't it?

Right, I think that's what the kind of rank and file fraternity members don't realize.

They think that they are paying dues and that maybe the dues are funding the alcohol at

their parties, or funding some kind of trip or something like that, upkeep of a house.

But a large portion of that money is then being funneled upstream to these large national

organizations that are a multi million dollar industry.

That is now seeking protection with Frat PAC, a lobbying group in Washington D.C.

I personally find that shameful.

These are organizations that every time something reckless or negligent happens, where there

is a death, where there is a sexual assault, it's clearly a part of the fraternity culture,

they want to wash their hands of it and say that 'Well, these are local chapters and

we can't control them.

We just set standards and they either follow them or they don't.'

But they are still happy to take that money, and they are still happy to use that money

to try to buy whatever influence they can in Washington D.C. to keep the whole game


I think that you do need to have an organized effort against the national organizations

in general.

They've got their lobbyists in Washington and obviously they are doing everything they

can to lobby against any kind of change on hazing laws, because that's part of the draw,

isn't it?

In other words, if you talk about the fraternity culture, that's part of the culture that brings

the money in because it brings the members in.

But it's an interesting thing, I think you've called for fraternities to be abolished completely.

Wouldn't that though then give rise to kind of what we see, non sanctioned fraternities

which would be even more difficult to control.

Sometimes they operate off campus.

I don't know how you control that if you do away with them totally.

What is your take and reasoning on that?

Well I think that these colleges and universities have shown time and time again that they can't

control these organizations whether they are sanctioned, recognized entities, or whether

they are an off campus rogue entity that isn't plugged into the administrative structure.

I mean fraternities in general cause a unique harm that other extracurricular or college

organizations don't cause.

They are incapable of causing that kind of harm.

But they don't bring a unique benefit that some folks say that they do.

I mean the philanthropy that fraternities offer is not a unique offer.

I've never heard of someone being left to die on a couch in a red cross building, but

that happens in fraternities fairly often.

I think that banning them is going to be the only way that we can try to guarantee and

try as best we can to prevent these types of events from happening.

I think that the recognition that universities offer fraternities is not just symbolic, and

it's not just on paper.

I mean we are talking about insurance policies that they are allowed to get involved with,

different financial incentives, student life housing.

Incentives of being recognized.

Then we also have to start looking at judgments against the universities.

That's what I was going to talk about here.

Once if they are on campus and first of all you go after the national headquarters for

that fraternity.

Then the next target really is the university itself.

I've got about one minute, and I want to ask you, isn't that where this ultimately lands?

That the university itself becomes responsible for all of this.

Got about a minute.

I think that's where it has to land.

Because not only do the universities permit this type of behavior or this type of environment

to happen, in fact, in some ways, they encourage it and they look the other eye.

In my book "Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy," I talk about how I brought evidence

of shocking, disturbing and dangerous hazing to the administrators at Dartmouth College

who not only looked the other way but tried the best they could to cover it up, smear

me, and dismiss my truthful claims.

I think that has to stop.

I think people have to start realizing that we have to go after the universities who are

making this happen in the first place.

They are using fraternities to recruit their own students in the same way that fraternities

themselves are trying to recruit pledges to raise money and then send that upstream to

the national entities.

I think there is a lot of legal work to be done on this issue.

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Thanks for joining me, good luck out there, okay?

Thanks for having me.

It sounds like a big long term project.

Thanks for joining me.

You bet.

For more infomation >> Ivy League Frat Boys Are Killing Each Other With Hazing - Duration: 8:24.


Learning Sea Animals 🦀 Animals for Kids 🐳 Toy Collection 🐠 Nursery Rhymes 🎼 Magic Microwave - Duration: 3:45.

Learning Sea Animals

For more infomation >> Learning Sea Animals 🦀 Animals for Kids 🐳 Toy Collection 🐠 Nursery Rhymes 🎼 Magic Microwave - Duration: 3:45.


คุณจะเลือกใคร?| ผักหวาน สามนคร - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> คุณจะเลือกใคร?| ผักหวาน สามนคร - Duration: 0:58.


VAREN IN LEIDEN [GAAT FOUT] ft. Ralph / 20 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> VAREN IN LEIDEN [GAAT FOUT] ft. Ralph / 20 - Duration: 5:57.


عاجـــــــل: ترحيل معتقلي الحراك إلى الحسيمة بمروحية وهذا مصير الزفزافي - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> عاجـــــــل: ترحيل معتقلي الحراك إلى الحسيمة بمروحية وهذا مصير الزفزافي - Duration: 1:04.


Connecting to BBS's in 2017 with the WiFi232 Modem - Duration: 10:53.

Before the internet there was the Bulletin Board System, or BBS for short.

At its core, a BBS , essentially is just computer software that runs and allows users to connect

to it via a terminal comms program.

Once logged in, the user can perform a host of different things which ranges from downloading/uploading

files, playing games, message boards, chat, and even some internet functionality like

ftp, telnet and irc.

In order to connect to a BBS, users would need to use a dial up Modem, These modems

utilized the serial port on most computers via RS232 - a standard for serial communication

for transmission and retrieval of data.

Almost every home computer has a serial port and combined with a modem and some terminal

software could provide a standard way for any machine to get online.

BBS's were truly the pre-cursor to the internet and in 1994 it was estimated that there were

60,000 BBSs in the US Alone.

However by 1995 when Windows 95 and Web browsers came along, the popularity of BBS's started

to decline and the internet age was born.

Today in 2017, BBS's are still around - mainly for nostalgia reasons, but they are still

pretty cool to check out.

Some of the more popular ones have many people still connecting to them daily.

So in this video we are going to check out the Wifi232.

This piece of hardware was developed by Paul Rickards.

essentially emulates a Hayes compatible modem and using Wifi allows you to easily connect

your retro computers with a standard serial port to a BBS without any need for a modem

or a null modem cable.

So here is the Wifi232 Modem.

It costs $30 US in Kit form and $48 fully assembled.

I went for a Fully assembled model.

It simply plugs into any standard serial port with a DB25 connector.

Some computers have the smaller 9 pin port or a mini DIN - like on the Apple IIgs for

example - so you will need to provide an adapter.

The Modem needs +5v and can be powered either by a mini USB connector into a power source

or by solder terminals for your own power source.

This button is a switch for resetting the modem if needed.

For this video im going to use my Atari ST.

Just plug the Wifi232 into the serial port, apply power and the Blue Led should light


Next we need to power up the Atari ST and use an appropriate terminal emulator software.

The Atari ST has quite a few of them but they one i ended up with is called Taz.

If you use an Atari ST, make sure you are in Medium Res or High Res mode as the low

res mode is only 40 columns and many terminal programs wont accept this configuration.

The first thing you need to do is set your terminal software to 1200 baud, then type

the command ATI - this should give you some information about the device and will indicate

that its interfacing with the serial port.

now, in order to get the Wifi Modem online, you need to provide the wireless id and password

of your network, once thats done you should be able to connect the device to your

wifi network

you can also update the firmware of the device by keying in ATUPDATECHECK - this will determine

if a new firmware is available and the command ATUPDATE will download and apply the new update

to the hardware.

It's recommended that you do this to be on the latest firmware.

you can also change the baud rate to a faster speed.

the max that this stock Atari st will utilize is 19200 baud which is roughly 2.4 kilobytes

per second.

Alright, now that we are configured, lets check out some BBS's. one of my personal favorites

is to connect to a bbs, in the old days of dial up modems you would type ATDT

and then the telephone number - this is a Hayes command to tell the modem to perform

touch dialing , but since this is an internet modem, we just need to provide the IP address

or domain name.

in this instance

now when you connect to a BBS , you will be asked if your terminal may support ANSI graphics

or it may detect it for you automatically . at its core - ANSI is a set of escape sequences

that provide things like colors and cursor placements, to provide a more interactive


When you connect to a BBS, you will usually be promoted to login, register as a new user

or sign in as a guest user and take a look around.Most BBS's will show you who else is

connected at the same time as you.

And you could establish a real time chat session with online users, or the sysop - which is

the owner of the BBS

Im going to register as a new user on the BBS and walk you through the steps.

Most BBS's want some basic demographic information.

This was quite common back in the day.

Once you've signed up, typically you will be required to send a message to the Sysop

and let them know about yourself and your interested.

The Sysop has the right to deny your application if he/she so chooses and many of the more

exclusive BBS's back in the 80's and 90's usually needed someone to vouch for you before

being accepted on it.

many BBS's have email capability either by utilizing internet mail or a local BBS main

where you could only send email to other users on the same BBS as you.

Once you've signed up to a BBS and let the Sysop know you are here, they will notify

you and welcome you to the BBS.

At that point you should have access to more areas of the BBS

ANSI art is a computer art form that is very popular on BBSes.

its very similar to ASCII art but can utilize 16 foreground and 8 background colors.

Many BBS's have some amazing ANSI art if thats your style.

I'm a huge fan and can spend hours looking at different works.

internet relay chat - or IRC - is available on most BBS's.

This is a very powerful feature because before dial up internet was the norm - it allowed

BBS users to get connected outside of their BBS and to users around the world.

Here's me connected to the Amiga channel, on my Atari ST

Most BBS's will have a Games menu . There are many many games you can play.

Multi user dungeons, or MUDs were quite popular.

you can even try out text adventure games.

This BBS has the entire Infocom text adventure back catalog.

You can play each of these games, save your position and return to it later.

Rogue-likes are another popular BBS game you can play such as Net-hack and Moria.

And when you are done, simply logoff the BBS and the Wifi232 modem will disconnect you

from the IP address you specified.

When you disconnect the words 'NO CARRIER' will appear.

This is a Hayes response that indicates that the modem is no longer connected to the remote

system - or another way to put it is that the telephone line carrier signal is lost.

I also wanted to demonstrate how this device will work across different computers.

I plugged the Wifi232 into my Commodore Amiga and loaded up NComm - which is terminal comms

software that runs on Kickstart 1.3 and connected to the same BBS from before.

as you can see i runs just the same - although this machine could use some fast ram to speed

it up . On Pauls website he has a list of all confirmed systems the Wifi232 is working

with and i would expect many more to follow.

I ran out of time but i even tested this device using my Sharp X68000 and MuTerm and it works

just fine.

For more infomation >> Connecting to BBS's in 2017 with the WiFi232 Modem - Duration: 10:53.


Get Rid of the Break in Your Singing Voice - Duration: 7:44.

Get Rid of the Break in Your Singing Voice

How do you get rid of the break in your singing voice? After watching this video, you'll

eliminate the break in your singing voice forever.

Hi, I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power to Sing.

There's nothing worse than having a break in your singing voice right where you're

suppose to sing a great high note!

Breaks occur in different places in our voices. This video is about how to get rid of the

break in your singing voice that occurs smack-dab right in the middle of your voice.

Ladies, this happens right at the Ab, B, Bb or C above middle C. Right?

Men, you don't think the break is happening in the middle, you think it's as the top

of your voice...and it is the top right now. What you don't know is that it's not really

the top of your voice. There's another "room" above the E, F, F# above middle C just waiting

for you to learn how to sing in!

Here are four exercises to eliminate the break. They're the same for men and women. Only

the pitches are different.

Here are the exercises.

Bubble lips Bratty Ney

No Mum

We'll do these exercises with 2 scales. The 1 ½ and the Octave Repeat.

Here are the exercises. Let me demonstrate them for both the men and the women. The bubble

lips sound like this. [Demo] The bratty neys sound like this. [Demo] The No's. Demo]

The mum's. [Demo]

1 ½ Scale Bubble Lips for Men

Begin on B2 and go up 2 more half steps and back down to B2. Ready men?

Octave Repeat Scale for Men

Begin on G3-G4 and go down to E3 and back up to G3. Ready Men? Start with the bratty

ney. Then do the no and the mum's. Here we go.

Play the video back to do the no's and the mum's.

1 ½ Scale Bubble Lips for Women

Ladies it starts like this, remember. Start on F#3 and go up 2 more half steps and back

down to F#3. Ready, begin.

Octave Repeat Scale for Women

Begin on the C#4-C#5 and go down to the A3 and back up to

the C#4.

Good job. Now do the No's and the Mum's on the same scale. Just go back and repeat

it on the video.

Tips for Success

#1. With Bubble Lips, don't let it break. If you break, bend at the waist so that you're

bent about 45 degrees and looking at the floor when singing the highest note. [Demo]

#2. Bratty Neys move quickly to the "e" sounding part of "Nayeee". Also stay bratty-witchy.


#3. No's and Mum are with normal bratty sound. Make sure you're saying "No"

and "Mum" and not "Nah" or "Mam". [Demo] Keep it on "no" and "mum".

#4. Do the exercises softer rather than louder. Strive for connection even though it's light

at first.

This is the beginning of great things for your voice.

If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, please subscribe and share it with a friend.

I'd love to hear how it's going for you in the comments section below.

To take your voice to the next level and build on the progress you're making, you need

to know your vocal type.

Go to and take the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest. Take the quiz

and discover your vocal type. Then visit the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about

your vocal type. Download the free exercises and start practicing them. These exercises

are designed to eliminate the break in your voice to connect the bottom to the top of

your voice.

I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and


I'll see you inside the next video.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> Get Rid of the Break in Your Singing Voice - Duration: 7:44.


VeeR VR - Total Immersion - Duration: 6:05.

You know, at the beginning I was a bit skeptical.

I had never heard of this community, I hadn't completely took part of this 360 ° world yet.

I had already bought DokiCam and started to upload some videos on YouTube to let the people know about this new camera.

Then, one day i received an email: Samantha from the team VeeR.

Veer? The name was cool.

She invited me to join this community and to upload my 360 and VR videos on their site.

And I thought: Why not?

I needed more audience, I wanted to share my content, my videos with a lot more people and

if this community had a very wide audience, why not join it? And I did it.

The first video was traumatic, I admit it. Servers are not stable at 100% yet

plus, my connection was a problem. But after a few attempts the video was online.

And I wanted to suddenly do comparison with YouTube: I uploaded the same video at the same time

and I've published them at the same time to see the audience of VeeR and YouTube, to make a sort of comparison.

The result, sincerely, surprised me.

While on YouTube I already had some subscriber so I knew that there would surely be some visualization,

on VeeR I had no followers, nobody knew me so I did not expect such a great result.

After a week on YouTube I received 50 visuals, more or less, on VeeR I had over 300. Spectacular.

A few days later I decided to make a presentation video. You don't enter a house of others without saying who you are, don't you?

The reactions to that video were great!

In addition to the hundreds of visuals, it was great to see people welcome me.

This, in some way meant that I was accepted, that I was welcome in this community

and that people liked what I shared and this, for a videomaker like me, that's a fantastic thing.

I uploaded more videos and the feedback was very positive, people started following me,

they began to share my ideas. And it is ... gratifying.

There is no comparison with YouTube. The problem with YouTube is that there are too many things.

Things done well, things done bad, things done by anyone, thousands of genres, thousands of formats,

there are too many people doing too many things. Now is very difficult to be noticed.

VeeR, on the other hand, is a little more particular idea because there are only 360 and VR videos

and so it is a particular and unique idea because when you enter, you already know what kind of content you'll find

and it is a particular content.

And it's hard to make a video in VR. You can not just throw the camera somewhere and go away.

All right. There are exceptions. However, it is very difficult to make good VR video

and it's a video that you can appreciate more and even the other people appreciate it more.

However, we are not many creators. Surely we are not a dozen, but not even billions.

One of the problems, indeed, I would not call it "problem". I would call it "lack".

One of the lacks in VeeR is that it does not exist monetization, at least not now.

And so many creators probably are discouraged because they can not monetize the own contents,

own efforts, we can say, and they're discouraged and therefore do not post content on VeeR community.

And anyway a monetization will help a lot both VeeR and creators,

Because creators having many views and earning something, could improve

the own equipment and also the videos.

And it would also be very useful to have some direct contact with manufacturers of the equipment

that allows to make videos in VR.

I have already discussed about this with the VeeR team and it was really nice to talk to them,

thanks God that my connection allowed me (I have bad internet).

And I think we can really help each other. And it's really nice, more gratifying

and more satisfying to work with a team of people that reallywant to know your opinion to improve.

But the most beautiful thing is happened to me with the latest video.

I had recorded a clip of 5 min, more or less, in which I've put the camera on the beach

and I only recorded the sound of the sea I needed it to do another video.

And then I decided to upload the whole video without adding words, without adding music.

Just the sea, the beach and the sound of the waves. An ASMR video. People really liked it.

But what I liked the most, was a comment: It's nice to hear the sound of the sea, it can help me to fall asleep.

I was exalted very much.

What you probably don't know about me is that I suffer a kind of Good Samaritan Syndrome,

I like to help people, I need to help people.

So when that person left me that comment, It was the top.

I really like this community. Even if I do not earn money,

it's much more gratifying and satisfying than YouTube.

So if you're a virtual reality fan or 360 video enthusiast, Join this community because there are quality content.

Then, if you are a 360 creator, you must join it. Now. Because it gives you lots of satisfaction.

Trust me.

For more infomation >> VeeR VR - Total Immersion - Duration: 6:05.


Doubt - Duration: 1:56.

So I just decided to do a little run.

And it's really bizarre cuz there's like nobody around.

I mean you can hear that car right now... but... it's honestly the first activity of

humans I've seen in a little while.


I've been pretty scattered lately.

I'm thirsting to create something but my problem has been that I am not sure where

to spend my energy.

I get this fear that my time won't be best spent doing something.

I also know that I'm a perfectionist.

The thing is, if something isn't working or if I'm spending too much time on it,

I get frustrated.

I move on to other things.

I move on to distractions.

It starts having a domino effect on the rest of my day.

It makes it easier when I have a label for something.

I call this thing doubt.

Doubt creeps in and it won't go away.

Well today, I'm not letting doubt win.

Doubt has had a lot of small victories today but today the last lick will go to me.

I am taking this victory.

For more infomation >> Doubt - Duration: 1:56.


We Made Custom Body Products With @DivineLuxuryATX 🌞 🙌 - Duration: 8:26.

For more infomation >> We Made Custom Body Products With @DivineLuxuryATX 🌞 🙌 - Duration: 8:26.


May Wrap Up & June TBR! - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> May Wrap Up & June TBR! - Duration: 11:03.


Motard, L'arte del Traverso! Supermoto History and Infos [English Subtitles] - Duration: 9:00.

Hello Riders! Welcome from your MadHorse

I decided to do this video, following the Pit Bike History and Infos Video

I suggest You to go watch it, if You haven't see it yet ;)

It's very interesting

and talks about a fun and cheap way to go on tracks

Today We're gonna talk about: MOTARD!

Supermoto, Supermotard, call it how You want it

Furthermore, I hope You'll see soon on this channel a good Motard

I want to sell my Pit Bike

and buy a Supermotard

For who knows this particular kind of bikes

I want to do a little poll

Which Racing Motard would You buy?

only 450cc

which is the main Engine size used for Races

Let me know by commenting down below ;)

Let's start with the video!

The word Supermotard comes from the french word "Motard" (Cpt. Obvious strikes again)

it means: Bider

but not a general Biker

a specific kind, that goes to

a particular kind of bike

with any kind of weather conditions, often on group and who likes "Tuning"

Contrary to popular belief

Supermoto were born in USA during the 80's

later will spread and rise up in France

with the name of SuperMotard

where some extremely skilled Supermoto riders show up:

like the brothers Chareyre: Thomas and Adrien

and the Legendary "VDB": Thierry Van Den Bosch

as We told previously this kind of bikes

born in the USA

and the reason was:

discover the best rider

able to ride fast on asphalt and on dirt

with the same bike

which are off road use bike with one cylinder Engine

with different wheels and suspensions

despite a Cross/Enduro use more usefull for a Circuit Use

for recognize a "Super Biker", so a Super Motard

this sport runs on peculiar kind of tracks

which has 30% of Dirt

and 70% of asphalt

Using Cross bikes with street adjustments

most of the tracks are Kart circuits

for the asphalt section and adding a small part off road

this kind of track choice helps

the expenses control, because entering into a Kart Track, costs less than entering on a bigger Circuit, like an Autodrome.

that's why Im gonna change from Pit Bike to Motard

it will cost a bit more, but will still affordable for my pockets

but having more fun and more power

Why this sport is so cool and fun to watch?

Simple: Spectacularity

and specially for who does it

or almost for my opinion

I love the Idea to ride on different kind of grounds

with the same bike

and with a "dirt" style of riding

now let's watch the main elements of Supermoto

most of it are...

except for the wonderful and winning Aprilia SXV

the cc range of this bikes are this:

the main differences from a Dirtbike are 3 and simple to recognize

1) Wheels and tyres

2) Brakes

3) Suspensions

the wheels size is extremely reducted

despite a Motocross Bike, which on front has a 21"

on Motard are 17 or 16.5"

furthermore Supermotos have slick tyres

or with a special central profile

for have a good grip on off road

without having special "sections" on sides

Suspension are shorter and much harder than Motocross Use

and brakes, specially the Front one

is extremely enhanced

and the front wheel fender often is shortened

on Off Road use are longer to avoid that dirt bothers the Rider

Mix an MX frame

with Street tuned parts

gives as a result

an extremely handling with a reactive bike, specially on change of directions, having a light weight

and a wide range of use

that's why it can ride on different kind of grounds

and the most spectacular part of this category is

corner entering

with the rear tyres sliding

Rider does a controlled slide


with this kind of bikes, becomes pretty useful and not only fun and good to watch

with other bikes is not so effective

maybe if You're really skilled

You can "compensate" but even gain on dirt enter is pretty hard

so that's why Motard is Awesome! :D

unfortunately this kind of bikes

are progressively disappearing

only some manifacturers keep doing it

Despite the "boom" on the end of 90's and first 2000

at the end of this small period began a trend inversion

the success and the crowd interesting during the "Gold Period"

Manifacturers choosed to give some space to some Supermotos "less Racing"

and pretty good to a Street Use

with low manteinance and expenses

like the Husqvarna 610

Ktm 690

or the reliables and immortals

Yamaha XT 660 X

and the Honda FMX 650

to arrive on the newborn

the Husqvarna 701 SM (only one born outside the gold period)

in a while during the gold period, the market wanted more

and Supermotos gone bigger, like the Maxi Enduro, Maxi Sportbikes, ecc.

this bringed the Motard on bigger cc, with the Ducati Hypermotard

Ktm 950/990

and the exclusive

Bmw HP2 Supermoto

Like most of the Gold period, it went through an end

the crowd interesting for the races faded

Obviuosly championship still existing

but it's not more so much followed

and manifacturers don't have official teams in it, Unfortunately :(

The specialistic production it's not more promoted by the Manifacturers

and on Maxi Supermotos

Only the Ducati Hyper Motard survived

But it had some adjustments too

the engine size was reduced

it's pretty... "Dying" as category

I've discovered a positive data

Young Riders, very Young

who approaches to his/her first bike, like 50 cc

or 125 cc

it still goes on, specially for the 2 Strokes

that's why

with a less power (not 125 2 strokes), less weight means a lot and Enduro/Supermoto bikes are the lightest

That's all :)

with this short Video I've showed the History and some Infos about this category

I invite You to Subscribe

to keep updated on my future updates and for support

Let Me know about the poll and whatever You want to share about Supermotos

Poll: Which Racing Moatrd 450cc Would You buy?

Share the Video, to spread the audience

let's try to make it reach more 2 wheels Lovers or potential as We can

Thanks for watching until this point

I hope to bring soon a Motard on this channel

and live and share great experiences with You ;)

Thank You again, Lamps :D

For more infomation >> Motard, L'arte del Traverso! Supermoto History and Infos [English Subtitles] - Duration: 9:00.


How Far Away is Fusion Unlocking the Power of the Sun - Duration: 9:21.

How Far Away is Fusion? Unlocking the Power of the Sun

I�d like to think we�re smarter than the Sun.

Let�s compare and contrast. Humans, on the one hand, have made enormous advances in science

and technology, built cities, cars, computers, and phones. We have split the atom for war

and for energy.

What has the Sun done? It�s a massive ball of plasma, made up of mostly hydrogen and

helium. It just, kind of, sits there. Every now and then it burps up hydrogen gas into

a coronal mass ejection. It�s not a stretch to say that the Sun, and all inanimate material

in the Universe, isn�t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

And yet, the Sun has mastered a form of energy that we just can�t seem to wrap our minds

around: fusion. It�s really infuriating, seeing the Sun, just sitting there, effortlessly

doing something our finest minds have struggled with for half a century.

Why can�t we make fusion work? How long until we can finally catch up technologically

with a sphere of ionized gas?

The trick to the Sun�s ability to generate power through nuclear fusion, of course, comes

from its enormous mass. The Sun contains 1.989 x 10^30 kilograms of mostly hydrogen and helium,

and this mass pushes inward, creating a core heated to 15 million degrees C, with 150 times

the density of water.

It�s at this core that the Sun does its work, mashing atoms of hydrogen into helium.

This process of fusion is an exothermic reaction, which means that every time a new atom of

helium is created, photons in the form of gamma radiation are also released.

The only thing the Sun uses this energy for is light pressure, to counteract the gravity

pulling everything inward. Its photons slowly make their way up through the Sun and then

they�re released into space. So wasteful.

How can we replicate this on Earth?

Now gathering together a Sun�s mass of hydrogen here on Earth is one option, but it�s really

impractical. Where would we put all that hydrogen. The better solution will be to use our technology

to simulate the conditions at the core of the Sun.

If we can make a fusion reactor where the temperatures and pressures are high enough

for atoms of hydrogen to merge into helium, we can harness those sweet sweet photons of

gamma radiation.

The main technology developed to do this is called a tokamak reactor; it�s a based on

a Russian acronym for: �toroidal chamber with magnetic coils�, and the first prototypes

were created in the 1960s. There are many different reactors in development, but the

method is essentially the same.

A vacuum chamber is filled with hydrogen fuel. Then an enormous amount of electricity is

run through the chamber, heating up the hydrogen into a plasma state. They might also use lasers

and other methods to get the plasma up to 150 to 300 million degrees Celsius (10 to

20 times hotter than the Sun�s core).

Superconducting magnets surround the fusion chamber, containing the plasma and keeping

it away from the chamber walls, which would melt otherwise.

Once the temperatures and pressures are high enough, atoms of hydrogen are crushed together

into helium just like in the Sun. This releases photons which heat up the plasma, keeping

the reaction going without any addition energy input.

Excess heat reaches the chamber walls, and can be extracted to do work.

The challenge has always been that heating up the chamber and constraining the plasma

uses up more energy than gets produced in the reactor. We can make fusion work, we just

haven�t been able to extract surplus energy from the system� yet.

Compared to other forms of energy production, fusion should be clean and safe. The fuel

source is water, and the byproduct is helium (which the world is actually starting to run

out of). If there�s a problem with the reactor, it would cool down and the fusion reaction

would stop.

The high energy photons released in the fusion reaction will be a problem, however. They�ll

stream into the surrounding fusion reactor and make the whole thing radioactive. The

fusion chamber will be deadly for about 50 years, but its rapid half-life will make it

as radioactive as coal ash after 500 years.

Now you know what fusion power is and how it works, what�s the current state, and

how long until fusion plants give us unlimited cheap safe power, if ever?

Fusion experiments are measured by the amount of energy they produce compared to the amount

of energy you put into them. For example, if a fusion plant required 100MW of electrical

energy to produce 10 MW of output, it would have an energy ratio of 0.1. You want at least

a ratio of 1. That means energy in equals energy out, and so far, no experiment has

ever reached that ratio. But we�re close.

The Chinese are building the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, or EAST.

In 2016, engineers reported that they had run the facility for 102 seconds, achieving

temperatures of 50 million C. If true, this is an enormous advancement, and puts China

ahead in the race to create stable fusion. That said, this hasn�t been independently

verified, and they only published a single scientific paper on the milestone.

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany recently announced

that their Wendelstein 7-X (W7X) stellarator (I love that name), heated hydrogen gas to

80 million C for only a quarter of a second. Hot but short. A stellarator works differently

than a tokamak. It uses twisted rings and external magnets to confine the plasma, so

it�s good to know we have more options.

The biggest, most elaborate fusion experiment going on in the world right now is in Europe,

at the French research center of Cadarache. It�s called ITER, which stands for the International

Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, and it hopes to cross that magic ratio.

ITER is enormous, measuring 30 meters across and high. And its fusion chamber is so large

that it should be able to create a self-sustaining fusion reaction. The energy released by the

fusing hydrogen keeps the fuel hot enough to keep reacting. There will still be energy

required to run the electric magnets that contain the plasma, but not to keep the plasma


And if all goes well, ITER will have a ratio of 10. In other words, for every 10 MW of

energy pumped in, it�ll generate 100 MW of usable power.

ITER is still under construction, and as of June 2015, the total construction costs had

reached $14 billion. The facility is expected to be complete by 2021, and the first fusion

tests will begin in 2025.

So, if ITER works as planned, we are now about 8 years away from positive energy output from

fusion. Of course, ITER will just be an experiment, not an actual powerplant, so if it even works,

an actual fusion-based energy grid will be decades after that.

At this point, I�d say we�re about a decade away from someone demonstrating that a self-sustaining

fusion reaction that generates more power than it consumes is feasible. And then probably

another 2 decades away from them supplying electricity to the power grid. By that point,

our smug Sun will need to find a new job.

For more infomation >> How Far Away is Fusion Unlocking the Power of the Sun - Duration: 9:21.



hey everyone is Kristen and today we're going to be showing you another month of

freebies and samples and I also wanted to mention that I am now doing a daily

freebie sample sweepstakes post on my website so if you guys are

interested in seeing daily freebie and samples that you can get that day and

then go see a link down below for that I think this will help you guys especially

those of you who are new to really get started and find some of the better

places that are actually currently giving away things rather than a month

later after I show you all the previous things I've gotten so I think this will

help some of you guys so if you're interested and you'll see that down

below we're trying to go over the magazines and first we have Us Weekly

Marie Claire, Elle, Shape, Us Weekly again Essence and Teen Vogue and I'm not sure

which one this came out of but we got a sample of Garnier whole blend shampoo and

conditioner and that's what's good about magazines sometimes they will give you a

little free samples like this and where I get most of my magazines from for free

if either yourbizmag.xcom, reward survey. Um, just seeing on freebie mom

sometimes she'll tell you when there's an opportunity to get free year

subscription or there's also recycle bank which is just a rewards website for

learning more about recycling and doing little tasks

I will leave all those down below and that you guys can check those out and get

some free magazines if you're interested next if it's been an ongoing freebie

I've seen this around a lot and this is from Penzeys you can see the little logo

there and what they gave out was a kind pin kind of like a pin that you put on

your shirt and they also gave out to embrace hope stickers and this is kind

of surrounding the women's marches and things like that so you can find out

more information about what this pin's about on the website leave the link for

this and for everything else that I'm going to be talking about down below as well

next I found this sample on and they have a lot of

different freebies to tell you about on there and this is three Softy

all-purpose sanitizing wipes three little samples here this next sample here is

from Beneful and I believe in collaboration with WalMart and if you

go on to Walmart's website and you type in freebies and samples in their search

bar that will sometimes be some you can get they're not always ongoing so you

have to check back and alot of the time on either Vonbeau or or

other freebie sites they will alert you to when these are available and again

the box looks like this and in here we have the Purina Beneful grain free sample and

pretty good sized sample a couple meals in here depending on how big your dog is

and again I do believe... they just gave us this little thing I thought they would

give us a coupon a lot of these also give you a really good coupons but just the sample this time

here I forgot to show you guys this one, this one is Tahitian Noni essential

oils and this is breathe blend and I can actually smell this without even opening

the package it smells really good so a little sample here I found this sample

on Vonbeau as well, next I have a sample from Rite Aid and they a lot like

Walmart will sometimes give out free samples and collaboration with different

products that are coming out that are new or something like that and this one

is with Dove and this is the Dove intense repair shampoo and conditioner

pretty good sized sample here a couple uses for sure so really excited about

that and for some reason I got two of them sometimes that happens but I'll

giving one to my sister so I am very excited about getting those, next is a

free gift from Marlboro and that is a tobacco company and what they gave us this time

is an aluminum bottle it keeps things hot or cold and then it

a little latch here for like camping hiking what-have-you and a really nice

bottle and what you have to do is you have to sign up for a membership on a lot of tobacco companies and sometimes even alcohol companies when

you become a member they will sometimes send you like free coupons in the mail

sometimes they just send you things in the mail but all the times you have to

sign up to get the freebies so try finding out for a lot of different ones

like that I know Marlboro, Grizley, Pall Mall, Black and Mild,

things like that'll leave a link down below where you can see more but the thing about

it is you have to be 21 and over and you actually do have to verify your ID when

I first turned 21 for like a year I could not get them to validate my ID I

even sent in my name I like ID cards and they still wouldn't validate it so if you're

relatively new at being 21 then they may not give it to you but they have

eventually got it now and they will give out probably every one to two months

they give out at least something for free sometimes you get to customize it

and make it your own things like that so it was really cool to be signed up for

them a lot of stuff is kind of centered around smoking or whatever the thing is

used for but this time they gave us a nice bottle very nice to get, next is

surprise freebie and that's what I love about doing freebies and samples

sometimes you just get things and you don't ever expect them to come and this

came from the Elle inner circle community and just says "we love you" and this also

comes from Maybelline and with the Elle inner circle Club you kind of get surveys and

different little tasks to do I give your opinion on certain products and sometimes you

will get the opportunity to try new products depending on what your

demographics are and what they're looking for so it's really nice to be

signed up so we could possibly review products but for signing up they sent me

two lipsticks and this is the Maybelline 575 Brown blush and try to

you know close-up on that for you and the also maybelline 540 peach buff and

these are supposed to both be matte so yeah I was really excited to get it I

didn't know that they were going to send me something for signing up I don't know

if they are still doing this but I will leave a link down below to sign up but I

do recommend that you sign up for future products that they may want you to

review and last but certainly not least I got another daily goodie box and if

you guys are interested I will leave a link for that as well

what daily goodie box is if they will send you new and exciting products that

really have n't been out there or known very well so you get to try new things for

free and there are full-size and sample size items in there and if you guys would

like to see what is in this particular goodie box and you can see the video up

there I like to do a whole video dedicated to it because it takes kind of

a while to go through all the products and show you them up close so that's why

I make a separate video for that so if you're interested in go see that up

there so that concludes my freebies and samples for the month of May 2017 again if you

guys are interested in seeing at the daily freebies and samples that I go

and apply for and how that you can go apply for them yourself then

definitely see my link down below to my website where I will show you everyday

the available freebies the available samples you can get different sweepstakes

you can enter, I try to look for things that are kind of beauty related women related

giveaways that I think are kind of worth your time not so much like little

giveaways I hope to expand and include more things in the daily posts as it

grows but right now I'm just kind of showing you the best things that I find

for each day and a variety of places where you can look to find new freebies

and samples especially for people who are just starting or don't really know where

to start and I think those posts would be very beneficial for you guys thank

you guys so much for watching I do this kind of video every first Friday of the

month you guys can see what I got from the last month if you guys are

interested in seeing future videos and please subscribe and I

also do beauty tutorials, special effects tutorials and product reviews if you're

interested in those - then definitely subscribe thank you guys so much again

for watching and see you in the next one

For more infomation >> FREEBIES AND SAMPLES MAY 2017 - FREE REVIEW PRODUCTS| KOSMIC KRISTEN - Duration: 8:43.


BEST REAL!! 10 Ways Colgate Toothpaste Slimes ,NO GLUE, NO BORAX, 2 Ingredients Toothpaste Slime - Duration: 30:02.

For more infomation >> BEST REAL!! 10 Ways Colgate Toothpaste Slimes ,NO GLUE, NO BORAX, 2 Ingredients Toothpaste Slime - Duration: 30:02.


Minuto Educação #103 - Vivência Bilíngue - Ensino de Idiomas - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Minuto Educação #103 - Vivência Bilíngue - Ensino de Idiomas - Duration: 1:00.


Lucky Kids 5 Star Match Of The Year: GWF Mystery Mayhem 2017 - Duration: 0:43.

Do you know what it means to be a lion?

Heart. The heart and to always get up again.

I have enough. I am done with losing.

I have enough of the distractions.

This is my time now.

Donovan Dijak versus Lucky Kid.

The five star match of the year.

As long as the cowardly king doesn't interfere.

It's time to climb back to the top.

It's time to climb the mountain at which Simba was presented to the sacred land..

It's time for a new king.

Hakuna Matata.

For more infomation >> Lucky Kids 5 Star Match Of The Year: GWF Mystery Mayhem 2017 - Duration: 0:43.


J'AI SONDÉ LES HUMAINS 2 (fiction interactive) - Vus d'ailleurs #6 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> J'AI SONDÉ LES HUMAINS 2 (fiction interactive) - Vus d'ailleurs #6 - Duration: 3:21.


10 Coolest Smartest Toys Which Actually Exist ! - Duration: 10:09.

welcome to TPI today we're listing the smartest

funniest and most advanced toys on the market deep down in our hearts each one

of us is that little kid we used to be ages just a number so watch and enjoy

my friends number one Star Wars sphero

you can call this robot a person or a cute little baby the toy has an

incredibly unique and smart design it turns looks in different directions and

reacts to stimuli with simple gestures it's rolling movement is smooth and

meaningful and it makes various sounds to show that it's listening very

carefully its body is made of durable plastic and can easily withstand a

collision without any particular consequences although its small head

does not fall is one step ahead of the rolls-royce logo in running time but

unfortunately the battery capacity of the robot is not best, after charging

it can move autonomously for only 60 minutes before it's drained hopefully

the company will be able to improve on it in the future

number two Cozmo the tiny robot Cozmo has the ability to interact with the

world around us using artificial intelligence and computer vision the

main difference between this and similar toys is not that it has emotion but that

it lets us play with its emotions Cozmo expresses many human emotions like joy

calmness courage confidence and delight as well as other mixed emotions it's a

very dramatic toy maybe it should be in Hollywood to star the next sci-fi movie

even though Cozmo is able to reproduce a live range of emotion most of the

robotic calculation are being processed by a mobile application so you need to

have your smartphone nearby number three this kit comes with two Bluetooth

control tanks and 16 vertical walls that can be arranged

on a panel in order to create a battlefield then war begins

the goal is to find out and shoot your opponent with virtual lasers displayed

in the application on the smartphone gaining skill points and rewards the

tanks have a good battery life lasting for eight hours on a single charge

number four this toy is interesting for both children and adults it's a

balancing robot because it's designed in such a way that even when resting it

cannot stand still the robot is constantly in motion you only need to

give it an impulse and it will be ready to drive in circles around the room the

robot has six functional modes which can be controlled by a free application for


number five did you want to build your own robot if so don't worry introducing

ziro these guys are making robotics easy and fun for all of us they created ziro

the world's first gesture controlled robotics kit for everyone

it consists of three parts the motorized module the smart gloves and smartphone

app it's modular design enables freeform Robotics construction allowing you to

build anything the module can be animated in a hinge or 360-degree

rotational movement a pair of sensor gloves controls the robots movement

whether you're a robotics enthusiast and inspiring superhero maybe even an evil

genius or just someone looking to expand their creativity ziro is for you you can

design and build it from scratch or use their pre-made starter kit design build

and rebuild ziro can be used over and over again making new different robotics

each time with the same modules learning should be fun and engaging you can

unleash your creativity and be at the forefront of robotic technology with


number six and key overdrive do you love racing

if so then we're on the same wavelength my friend with the Anki overdrive module

you can create eight different tracks individual modules connected to each

other using magnetic fasteners similar to MagSafe used by Apple in laptops in

addition the module can bend so that Anki overdrive literally becomes

3-dimensional in this set the modules include jumping tracks intersections and

you turn a smartphone application is available for free to accompany the

track races would you like to play with me I should let you know that I'll

probably win number 7 Quirkbot this object is called Quirkbot it's a

further development for straw bees a construction kit based on connecting

straws to each other

in fact it's a small module that simplifies the process of connecting the

straws you can give life to your construction kit with an Arduino board

motors light emitting diodes and sensors

you can showcase your creativity to others by building different designs

regular old cocktail straws are excellent material for building Arduino

robot numbers this is a small programmable robot just four by four

inches in size that is equipped with sensors and LEDs the device can detect

and recognize nearby objects measure acceleration detects impact and

gravitational forces

thymio is equipped with a microphone and temperature sensor as well as a memory

card for recording sound once the robot is programmed the player can use one of

the main modes for example as an escort robot or robot explora number Ten

cognitoy do you love dinosaurs introducing the new line of toys cognate

able to understand their owner and to communicate with them the toy dinosaur

is connected to the cloud in which the speech recognition and data received by

the toy are recognized and processed for a subsequent learning the toy dinosaur

recognizes its owner remembers many of the child's preferences including their

favorite color they can joke and answer a wide range of questions that it

remembers it's a pretty cool Dino choice that's for sure , spell space

spell S P A C E and you are cute thank you number 10 Ozobot

do you want a robot that can run on your defined pathway then the Ozobot is best

for you this cute robot is intelligent and smart discover the new way of

interaction with a robotic friend

enjoy multiple ways to play with Ozobot this cute baby interacts with

physical and digital game which reacts to lines patterns and colors on any


ingeniously fun impressively smart

and incredibly small

you can enjoy single and multiplayer games with this cute toy box it comes

with all necessary accessories and a charging cable thank you for watching if

you like this video then thumbs up my friends which toy do you think would be

the coolest to play with let me know in the comments and subscribe for new

thinking peace !

For more infomation >> 10 Coolest Smartest Toys Which Actually Exist ! - Duration: 10:09.


How to Use Apoxie Sculpt Clay-Friday Findings Tutorial - Duration: 9:43.

Hi there, Sandy here.

Welcome to another Friday Findings video at

If you've been watching my YouTube channel for any time at all you know that I love working

in polymer clay, but not too long ago I discovered a new type of clay that's a lot of fun to

use as well and that's Apoxie Sculpt.

So today I'm gonna tell you all about using it.

So this is Apoxie Sculpt clay and it's a modeling compound that's air dry.

It doesn't go in the oven like polymer clay, but it dries on its own and like any two part

epoxy products, it comes in two parts.

This happens to be the white color, but it also comes in other colors if you need it.

So a few things about apoxie sculpt.

Like I said, it's self hardening, no need to bake it.

It has a putty like consistency.

You have 1-3 hours to work it.

It's very adhesive like an epoxy.

It adheres to ceramics, metal, wood, stone, glass, plastics, foam, fiberglass and a lot


So it's a great alternative if you want to make something that you know you want to keep


It holds wonderful detail and it's super hard when it's cured.

It's waterproof.

It's actually, I've seen it, people talking about using it for marine uses like on boats.

Here's a little carrot I made and I broke off the greens on the top, but I am trying

really hard and that, nope, nope, nope.

If that was polymer it would at least bend, if not break, but that is not budging.

It's really hard.

It comes in 12 colors: white, black, brown, orange, yellow, green, blue, red, pink, silver-grey,

gold and bronze, but you can also add colors to it yourself.

So it's great because you get sculpting with clay and the adhesive power of epoxy and in

24 hours it's cured and it adheres, like I said, really to any service, surface.

So here's a project that I recently made with Apoxie Sculpt.

The teapot I got at the Salvation Army for a dollar or two and then I just added all

these other pieces onto it.

Because it's white, I had to paint all of these pieces, which didn't thrill me.

So when I got to doing all the small garden details, I actually added acrylic paint to

these and I'll tell you more about that in a moment.

But this, just to show you an example of what you can do with it, again this would be great

for sculptures that you want to have outside and are concerned about their durability in

the weather.

So the way I use Apoxie Sculpt is I like to work it on a non-stick craft sheet although

it sticks to many, many things, it will come off of a non-stick craft sheet.

And what I have here, this is what I bought in a three pack on Amazon.

I'll have a link to it on my blog and actually cut it up into several sizes and I find these

really convenient to use.

You're going to want to use gloves when you're working with the Apoxie Sculpt.

It takes a little getting used to.

I don't love wearing gloves, but it's epoxy glue and if you're going to be working it

with your fingers, you don't want hardened epoxy in your pores.

And then you take equal parts of the two parts and you want to be sure to use a different

tool for each part.

Here's this one and then I'm going to use a different Popsicle stick or I could just

have used the other end.

Just so you don't mix them up and get, start hardening something that you don't want to.

And then once you have equal parts, I actually set a timer for this.

You want to mix it for two minutes and you definitely want to take the full two minutes

to mix it.

I wanted to make sure and give a big shout out to one of my newest supporters on Patreon,


Thank you so much for your support Jeannette.

It's greatly appreciated!

So a few things about Apoxie Sculpt.

Like I said, it comes in different colors, but it is a little on the pricey side so I

don't know that I would invest in all the colors and I don't love painting it.

So what I did when I got to all these little garden veggies, was I actually colored small

portions of the clay with acrylic paint.

And a few things I discovered about Apoxie Sculpt clay: it is a little bit different

in consistency than polymer clay.

It's not as flexible or as elastic.

It takes detail differently and actually it changes as the working time changes.

At under half an hour it's pretty sticky and it's most adhesive.

And then between one and two hours, it's pretty easy to work with like polymer clay, but two

to three hours, you'll feel it getting stiffer, starting to set up and it's at that point

it will hold the most detail and you can really get detail.

At 24 hours, it is hard like I showed you, rock hard, cured and waterproof.

And if you want to change the colors like I was starting to say, what I did was I added

small bits of acrylic paint and that makes some interesting changes in the Apoxie Sculpt.

It made it actually a bit more flexible.

It also made it a bit more sticky.

One thing that you can use that was a great release and really, really helpful when I

was making like the thin little leaves for this cauliflower and I was trying to smoosh

them on the mat the same way I would polymer clay and it wasn't behaving the same way polymer

clay did.

I found just a spritz of water on it helped just act as a release and helped me to be

able to have a whole lot more control of it.

One thing that's really convenient about Apoxie Sculpt is it cleans up with soap and water.

So for example, my gloves here, I'll actually go right to the kitchen sink, wash them thoroughly

with soap and water and then be able to use them again.

Now if you do a lot of sculpting with this, you may want to have dedicated tools for sculpting

with Apoxie Sculpt.

I haven't worked with it a ton and so what I did was I just made sure that all of the

tools I used I washed very thoroughly with soap and water before I put them away and

that way I knew they were clean cause otherwise you saw how rock hard and adhesive this stuff


It's gonna be rock hard and stuck to your pieces.

So you can sculpt beads, shapes.

You can add little embellishments and this is where I found that it wasn't as elastic

as polymer clay because with polymer clay you can get some pretty thin little snakes

and with this, it just at a certain point will just tend to break.

But like I said, with the addition of acrylic paint, it did get a little bit more elastic

for me.

Once you're done with it though, you can sand it, drill it, tap it, put it on a lathe, all

kinds of things.

Water is also a great way of smoothing and removing fingerprints, although if you're

using gloves you won't have fingerprints, you'll have wrinkle prints, which is what

I have here.

Although you can drill it, it definitely does not drill as easily as polymer clay so keep

that in mind that you may need to use more in the way of power tools rather than hand

tools that we can get away with with polymer clay.

It doesn't chip, it doesn't crack.

Like you saw here, the only thing might be adhesion between pieces.

Where I was kind of having a delicate touch when I put these together because they were

just so tacky and annoying at that point I seem to recall.

Sometimes you may have to glue a piece after it's dry.

So it's a fun product to play with and something to try.

You know, as artists we are often interested in discovering different media.

So go ahead and have fun!

Another great use for this is using it to make aquarium things, you can still do that

with polymer clay, to make fillers, to repair things and you could actually combine like

the mold making materials and make molds of broken parts and make replacements for them

with this stuff.

So there's all kinds of possibilities.

Just a fun different medium to explore.

And just to give you an idea.

There are different sizes.

This is the one pound set and I purchased it ing late 2016 for about $18.

You can buy 1/4 pound set, so just a little tiny bit if you want to experiment.

That will be around $10.50 or if you really want to get into it seriously, you can buy

a four pound set and that's $33, which is of course more economical.

I did that entire fairy garden teapot with this one pound set and with as much as you

saw in the container is left over.

So I hope maybe you give this a try.

If you can think of any other uses for it, feel free to share in the comments.

And if you're interested int he supplies I used, click on the little icon in the upper

right of the video or the link in the description box to go to my blog post where I'll always

have a complete supply list with links to products.

Be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and take a peek at my Patreon page for how

you can help support these tutorials if you found them helpful.

Happy creating.

Bye bye!

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