Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Are You a Lightworker or a Darkworker

Becoming a lightworker or darkworker isn�t something that just happens to you.

It�s a conscious choice, one the vast majority of people never make.

You may have leanings towards one polarity or the other, and you can certainly experiment

with both polarities as much as you desire, but becoming a lightworker or darkworker means

making a special commitment to mastery of a single polarity.

What does it mean to polarize?

When you decide to polarize, you�re making a commitment to living a certain type of life.

It is similar to making a commitment to a particular field that takes a long time to

master, such as training for the Olympics, becoming a concert pianist, or becoming a

grandmaster at chess. You aren�t just going to wake up one day to discover that � oh

yeah� you�re a 10th degree black belt, nor will you suddenly wake up and realize

you�re a lightworker or a darkworker. Polarizing as a lightworker or darkworker is a huge long-term

commitment. It doesn�t just happen by itself in a flash of insight.

The decision to polarize is a decision you make with every fiber of your being. For some

people it may be a natural choice, felt as a type of calling. Others have to spend a

lot of time exploring both polarities to make the polarization commitment very consciously

and deliberately. But most people never polarize.

If you polarize as a lightworker, you are dedicating your life to serving the greater


If you polarize as a darkworker, you are dedicating your life to serving yourself.

To use a Star Wars analogy, it is similar to deciding whether or not to become a Jedi

or a Sith. It should be rather obvious that most people never make this kind of commitment

in their entire lives. Hence, most people are neither lightworkers or darkworkers. The

two extremes of committing one�s life to serving the greater good or to serving one�s

own self-interest are not attractive to most people. It is simply not for them.

After you polarize, your polarity becomes the central focus of your life. You live and

breathe it every day. It almost becomes part of your DNA. It is impossible to compartmentalize

such a commitment. You can�t work at a menial job and do lightworking or darkworking on

the side. That�s like trying to be President of the USA �on the side.� Being a lightworker

or darkworker is a 24/7 deal, 365 days a year. It is who you are, not merely what you do.

Those who haven�t polarized are free to experience both polarities, but at a much

lower level of intensity than either a lightworker or darkworker can. In fact, it�s of great

benefit to explore both polarities and understand how they work.

If you are a lightworker or darkworker, you will have zero doubt about it. That is by

definition. If you have any doubt about it, you haven�t polarized. This is as basic

a thing as knowing you�re a black belt in a certain martial art. If you have to ask

the question, you�re not a black belt. Either that or you have a really bad memory.

Why polarize?

The reason to polarize is because you�re ready to make a conscious commitment to a

certain type of life. You�re willing to devote your whole being either to serving

the greater good or to serving yourself. That commitment becomes your life purpose. It becomes

the very core of your identity. You are saying to the universe, �This is who I am.�

When you make this commitment, you will know yourself on a level you�ve never known yourself

before. You will awaken every day knowing why you�re here, not because someone told

you why, but because you�ve defined your own why through the power of conscious choice.

Every moment of every day, you will know who you are and what you are here to do.

Polarization bestows a new level of intensity, drive, and motivation. Problems and obstacles

that previously would have plagued you will seem like trivialities. When you set a goal

that aligns with your polarity, you�ll know � not hope � it will be accomplished.

Doing replaces trying. Consequently, you�ll expand the scope of your goals to match your

intensity. You�ll also greatly extend your timeline for considering the consequences

of your decisions, thinking 10, 20, 50 years ahead as a matter of course. Short-term indulgences

will be replaced by long-term commitments.

Just as there are degrees of mastery in any field, there are degrees of polarization.

The more polarized you become, the more you tap into your deepest levels of inner power.

Whether you are a darkworker or a lightworker, your source of power is always found within.

It is not a form of agency or positional power. You could be stripped of all your worldly

titles and possessions and still feel just as strong. As a lightworker your energy flows

outward. As a darkworker your energy flows inward. The source of this flow is always

inside you � centered within your consciousness � and your polarity determines the flow�s


What if you don�t want to polarize?

If you don�t want to polarize, don�t. You�re free to continue using both polarities

if you so choose. Just be aware that you can never expect to master either polarity unless

you commit to one or the other. In other words, if you don�t polarize, you will always live

with the knowledge that you lived far below your potential in terms of your ability to

serve others or to serve yourself. Your service to the world as well as your service to yourself

will be mediocre at best compared to what you could have achieved had you polarized.

This should be rather obvious. When you polarize, you are making a strong commitment, and when

you are truly committed to something, you will invest a lot more time and energy into

your pursuits than you would otherwise.

Polarization is a special kind of commitment, similar to committing to mastery of a specific

field like music, art, medicine, or programming. Most people never make such a huge commitment.

But you cannot hope to master anything unless you commit to mastery of one thing.

Mastery is a process, not a position. Mastery is when you turn a desire into an absolute

must. For lightworkers and darkworkers, these commitments are made for different reasons.

But in either case, a conscious decision is made to devote one�s time, energy, resources,

and talents to the chosen role with a high degree of intensity. That intensity of focus

is perhaps what most distinguishes someone who has polarized.

For more infomation >> are you a lightworker or a darkworker - Duration: 8:15.



Do you know the modern films well?

Now we will verify this

In this test, you need to guess a movie by the name of one of the characters


Let's start!


Starship Troopers, The Fast and the Furious, Mission: Impossible, Alien

Mission: Impossible

Lilly Bertineau

V for Vendetta, Taxi, Black Swan, Léon


3. Scott Summers

X-Men, Doctor Strange, Avalon, Iron Man


4. Frank Martin

Star Trek, Snatch, The Fast and the Furious, The Transporter

The Transporter

5. Kylo Ren

Priest, Stargate, Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy

Star Wars

Characters with numbers 1 and 4 should guess everything

Which did you guess? Write in the comments

That's all

Subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> GUESS FILM ON CHARACTERS - Duration: 1:38.


The Challenger: [HD] FullMovieHD 2017 | Subtitles: Translate in Your Language - Duration: 1:34:55.

Miller, they're ready for you.

Sneaker, you're late.

I had to run. YouTube-Videos.Tv

Run faster.

Get a move on, Sanchez.

That car's got to be ready by 3:00.

All right, boss.

- What's up, man? - What's up, brother?

Damn it.

<i>You couldn't tell me this last week?</i>

<i>I looked at the brakes last week.</i>

<i>- They looked good then, I... - Oh, "good then"?</i>

I'm not playing with you, boy.

Go get Joey for me.

You want me to get him?

Yeah, go get Joey now, all right?

I looked at the brakes, and I'm telling you...

Oh, you didn't look at the brakes, all right?

They did, they looked good.

No, you didn't look at the brakes...

Last week your mom needed the car and the bus was late.

- Bus wasn't running today. - Look, sneaker.

- It's Jaden. - That's twice already.

You been here a month.

One more thing, you're gone.

Now you get the hell out of here!

<i>Ramirez was finally released</i>

<i>from the ICU yesterday</i>

<i>and said you were his most frequent visitor.</i>

<i>Not his fault that his manager</i>

<i>made a bad decision.</i>

<i>Ramirez was the second opponent</i>

<i>you've hospitalized,</i>

<i>and still you've never even been knocked down.</i>

<i>Is it true?</i>

<i>Are you just undefeatable?</i>

<i>I guess no one's found my weakness.</i>

<i>We'll see what happens next week.</i>

<i>Good luck.</i>

<i>Thank you.</i>

Sneaks. You gonna punch out?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

Yo, J. You need a ride?

Yeah. Cool.

You know, you're the only one that calls me by my name.

Hell, I'm the only one

that knows your name.

Still live at your mom's, huh?

Can't afford the rent on her own, you know.

Oh, man. I understand. Tough times.


Well, uh, thanks for the ride, man.

And, J...

Be on time tomorrow.


Oh, Jesus.

What the hell are you doing, kid?

Get out of there.


At least I'm not late, right?

He's not late.

<i>Stay as long as you need.</i>

Joe's gonna kill me

if I don't get that oil out of my suit.

There's a laundromat on prospect, man.

They get anything out.

The address is on the fridge.

Hey, I dropped a suit off in here before.

You know where the guy is?

Uh, Duane. Um, in... In the market.

Should I wait in here?

He's been there a while...

The one on the corner?

The red and yellow sign.

He's probably sitting to the... in the door

to the left of the...

- All right, thanks. <i>- Sí, bueno.</i>

Hey, do you know where the laundry guy is?

You know that guy? Banging there?

You're hearing banging?

That guy, crazy guy back there?

Every day the same thing.

- Thanks. - He's crazy, man.

Uh, Duane?

I just came by to pick up my...

Hold on.

Yo! The machine's broke again.

And this time it's mine.

Let me see. Let me see.

Quarters are mine, gum is yours.

Let's go.

What? I just do that when it gets slow.

I do lottery tickets.

That's dumb.



What is it?

It's a pack of gum wrapped in a 20.

I got a spot 20 blocks from here,

I just heard they got 50s and 100s.

This all from today?

Twelve bucks.

What's up, Duane?

There's a boxing gym across the street, huh?

Can you just walk in there or...

Five bucks a day. 20 bucks a month.

Cool. Thanks.

Oh, man, you're crazy, dog.


Hey yo, J.

- Yeah. - We're all gonna go down

and check out my boy's fight tonight.

You down?

What kind of fight?

Boxing, bro. Come on, you know I'm a boxer.

I mean, I knew you boxed.

I didn't know you were a boxer.

Oh, homeboy said you box,

but you ain't no boxer.

Man, shut up!


What? Is that not what he said?

That's not what I meant.

So, is that how you make that extra cash?

I mean, it's not much.

But it helps.

What do you guys think?

This guy any better than you?

It'll be a good fight. I promise you.

Get up and fight.

That's it! Stop!

Well, it lasted longer than I thought.

<i>Winner by way of knockout,</i>

<i>and still your champion of the Bronx,</i>

<i>Manuel Rodriguez.</i>

I thought you said he was good.

He is. This Rodriguez guy must be...

Must be a hell of a lot better.

You cannot do that with that guy.

I told you that too many times.

Yeah, well, the next fight's got to be better than that.

We staying for another ass-whooping, man?

Of course.

- J? - Guess not.

Fists in front of the face, firm.

Off the ropes. All you do is rotate. You don't listen.

Damn it.

You could have beaten that guy.

So could my girlfriend.

Did not listen, that's why you lost.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Lottery ticket? What're you doing here?

Dt. This is J. J, this is...

Duane, I know.

You guys know each other?

It's Mr. Taylor.

That's your gym, isn't it?

What do you want?

I want you to train me.

In what, tennis?

I don't train rookies.

- I got experience. - Come on, sneaks.

No, I do. Fighting, but...

Look... I'm not good at

many things, Mr. Taylor, all right? But, I can do this.

I know I can.

Lottery tickets, huh?

6:00 tomorrow. You know where it is.

I'll see what you can do.

Thank you, Mr. Taylor. You won't regret it.

You serious? You really gonna train this guy?

That's 6:00 A.M., understood?

Yes, sir, I'll be there.

All right. Terrence, see you Monday.

Yeah, coach.

Come on, dt!

So, you're a boxer now, huh?

I didn't even know you boxed.

Yeah, well. I don't, yet.

You're killing me, man.

Turn your hips into those punches.


You're early.

You're late.

When did you get here?

Around 5:30.

Good. You should be warmed up then.

Well, I mean, I was just...

Whoa, hold on. First thing's first, lottery.

This ain't fighting.

Boxing is one of the hardest sports in the world.

It requires endurance, strategy,


I'm not looking for a fighter.

Show me your stance.

Feet shoulder-width apart. Left foot forward.

Spread your feet like a triangle.

Back foot always up.

These up, firm.

Okay. Throw a punch.

- What was that? - What do you mean?

That's a straight right. It's a power punch.

Where's the power?

Where does the power in that punch come from?

- My arms. - That's a jab, rookie.

Power punches aren't thrown with your arms.

Okay, we're gonna try this again.

This time, rotate your hips,

and shift your weight from your back foot to your front.

Snap back immediately

and return to defensive position.

Okay. Again.

Hips. Again.



Swing your hips again.


Harder, hips.




So, why are you here, kid?

I don't know. I want to be somebody.

Sick of playing the lottery.

What'd you mean when you said you used to fight?

I was 11. Was gonna start private school in the fall.

And then I, uh,

got in my first fight.

Got kicked out of school.

Lost the scholarship.

Got in more schools, more fights...

Never finished high school.

Never finished anything really.

Been job-to-job ever since.

Why do you fight?

The right reasons.

You win?


I don't, uh, train boxers anymore.

What do you mean? What about...

What about Maxwell and Terrence?

Exactly. I really just run the laundromat.

My last real boxer was Keenan Anderson.

After four years,

we were finally gonna get a shot at the title.

But the other manager needed a win for one of his fighters.

So, I matched him up with another one of my guys.

Malik Jones.

He threw that fight. I remember.

In three months,

I lost two fighters and my reputation.

I'm sorry.

It's like playing the lottery, kid. Dumb.

So, that's why they call you "sneaks"?


When you come in here tomorrow,

I want you to get some new ones.


Those things will ruin your back.

So, uh... that means you're gonna train me.

I think it's time Hector did some damn work

at that laundromat.

Thank you.


So, um... I never got your full name, or is it just "j"?

No, it's... it's Jaden. Jaden Miller.

Jaden Miller?

Well, Jaden. Same time tomorrow?

Yes, sir. I'll be here.

All right.

Jaden Miller.

<i>Jaden Miller, have you lost your mind?</i>

I need to get us back home, ma.

No. Not like that, J. No.

Uh, excuse me, this ain't your place.

So, look. You go to this... Uh, trainer...

I can't even watch my own damn TV.

Regina, please. Hush, Regina.

Go and tell this man

that you're not doing this anymore,

you're not trying this.

- But, ma, I... - Promise me, honey.

Look, I am proud that you're doing good on your job.

See, that's how you help.

Another week, I'll have enough money,

and we can get...

Get the hell out of here.

- Regina, please. - What?

It's only gonna be a few days.

And whose couch were you sleeping on

before you moved into this place?

- Couch? - That's right.

That thing was plywood with a cushion.

- Oh, so now you're... - That thing ain't no couch...

<i>That marks the champ's sixth straight title defense,</i>

<i>and still renders him undefeated.</i>

<i>It begs the question,</i>

<i>is there a challenger out there</i>

<i>that can beat him?</i>

<i>Damien Wright sure thought so,</i>

<i>but as we saw last night, Wright was proven wrong.</i>

When are you gonna find me a real challenger, Vin?

Keep embarrassing them like that

and no one will fight you.

I can't change the way I fight,

you know that.

Maybe you can find someone who can.

<i>One, two!</i>

One, two! One, two!

One, two! Come on! Why you holding back?

- One, two! - I'm not!

One, two! One, two!

You're hitting like a girl.

One, two! One, two!

One, two! Stop holding back.

- One, two! - I'm not!

So you do have a pulse.

I'm doing my best, all right?


- What do you want from me? - Your best.

You want to tell me what's going on?

What are you afraid of, huh?

What are you afraid of?

What the hell am I doing

wasting my time with you?

You think I came back to boxing

to get embarrassed again?

Look, my mom doesn't know I'm here, all right?

- She doesn't want me fighting. - Oh.

Mama's boy.

How long you gonna keep that up?

You want to keep living from job-to-job, fine.

But I've seen too many boxers waste their talent,

waste their lives, because they were afraid.

Afraid of losing. But mostly,

afraid of winning.

You can be great and you're already quitting.

If you don't stand up and fight YouTube-Videos.Tv

for who you are now, right now,

you never will.

I better not see you in here tomorrow.

I'm here, all right? I'm ready.

I'm ready!


Show me.

One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!

One, two! Come on! One, two! Harder!

<i>One, two! One, two! Harder! Harder, come on!</i>

<i>Keep moving.</i>

<i>You can't stop. Ain't no days off.</i>

<i>I told you that.</i>

<i>You wanna be the champ, that's what you got to do.</i>

Harder! Harder, come on!

<i>Let's go!</i>

One, two! One, two!

One, two! One, two! One, two!

One, two! Come on! One, two! Harder!

<i>Where do you wanna be? Where do you wanna be?</i>

<i>Come on.</i>

<i>That's how you got to work.</i>

<i>Got to keep working. That's what I'm talking about.</i>

<i>That's how you do it.</i>

<i>That's what you need.</i>

<i>Don't be out-worked.</i>

<i>Maybe outclassed, maybe out-techniqued,</i>

<i>but don't be out-worked.</i>

<i>You got to train like that. You can't get tired.</i>

<i>It's endurance,</i>

<i>technique, strategy.</i>

<i>Ain't no days off. Keep working.</i>

<i>One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!</i>

<i>Hips! Hips! Harder!</i>

<i>Harder! Keep moving!</i>

<i>One, two! Come on! 50 more seconds.</i>

<i>Last round! Last round!</i>

<i>Last round! Last round!</i>

<i>One, two! Hips!</i>

<i>Hips! Let's go.</i>

Come on! How do you want to be remembered?

Champ or chump?

How do you want to be remembered?

Huh? What do you want out of life?

Switch it, go around, go around!

Let's go, come on, give me 10 more seconds.

<i>Come on, five more!</i>

Five more for the championship.

Three! The champ is here!

Two, one. Time!

Show me something now. Yeah, there you go.

Can't play hockey

till you know how to skate, baby.

Whatever direction you're going in,

that foot leads.

You need hips to throw a punch

and balance to throw your hips.

- Damn! - Hold on, let's try something.

Hear that?

Yeah. Okay?

Try no hands. React to your opponent.


Yeah. Yeah.

No hands.

There you go. Sway.

Back and forth. He can't touch you.

Down, down, back and forth.

There you go.

What's the difference between a fight and boxing?





Come on, come on, that's right.

Move. Move your hands, move your hands.

There you go. That's it, that's it.


Good work, fellas, good work.

Sway the hips though, there you go.

Okay, that's good. That's it for now.

Great fighters.


You wanted to see me?

I think you're ready for your first fight.

What do you think?

Yeah, sure.

It's the only one in a frame.

It's the only one worth framing.

That's Derrick Taylor.

Man trained me since I was a kid.

Knew more about the sport than anyone.

Never made it as a boxer, but...

He was a great man. A great father.

He used to say that great boxing was more of a dance

than a fight.

- A dance? - Yeah.

One leads. The other one follows.

And then it switches.

You get two great

equally matched boxers in the ring,

and it's choreography.

It's beautiful.

You ever see something like that?

Hmm. Once...


Ali, Frazier.

They called it "the fight of the century."

Pop got us tickets for my seventh birthday.

I never knew what he meant until I saw that fight.

Lasted a full 15.

Ali was quick and agile.

And Frazier was a powerhouse.

It was 15 rounds of...


That was real boxing.

Boxing ain't what it used to be.

You can't have great fights without great fighters,

and it takes more than knowledge to be great.

It takes something special.

Pop and I never had it.

I think you just might.

Get some rest.

I'm on a stairway to heaven right here.

Stairway to heaven, baby. That's what we want.

All these steps lead to something.

All these steps lead to a better life.

Pretty soon, it's gonna be the big venues,

ain't gonna be this place no more.

All right.

Get to your feet as soon as you can.

Control yourself,

control the fight.

And throw those hips, rotate.

Okay, you can do this. You're ready? There you go.

Let's go do it.

<i>And here's tonight's challenger,</i>

<i>Jaden Miller.</i>

You're ready. Stay ready.

Come on, get up in there.

Get in there. Get loose.

<i>Newcomer Jaden Miller enters the ring.</i>

<i>And here's</i>

<i>your champ of the Bronx, Manuel Rodriguez.</i>

Stay warm, stay warm, baby.

Move around, baby. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready.

Make sure you're tough now.

Make sure you're tough.

That's it. Let's do it. Let's do it.

Move around, get ready.

<i>Champ of the Bronx, Manuel Rodriguez,</i>

<i>clearly looking for another stepping stone here.</i>

All right, come on, let's go, baby, come on.

You sure about starting him with Rodriguez, coach?


Gentlemen. Give me a good, clean fight.

Obey my commands at all times.

And protect yourself at all times.

And at this time, I want you to touch gloves.

Touch gloves!

Back to your corners. Good luck to both.


Get your feet. Get your feet!

Come on! Get off those ropes!

Feet! Feet!

The crowd loves you, Jaden. It's you!

Five, six,

seven, eight...


Fists cover the face! Firm!

Move, baby, move!

Put him down! Put him down!

Right now!


That's it!


Check this refrigerator.

I bet you there's some science projects in here.

It's still buzzing.

Check the sink.

Oh, he fixed the sink.

Oh, that Joe is a good guy.

Those extra hours

really paid off, Jaden.

Ah, well, let me get my coat off

and get going. Whoo...

I am so glad to get away from Regina,

I don't know what to do.

That girl was about ready to drive me crazy.

It's good to be home, baby.

Yeah, it is.

Get this stuff going. And then I can mop the floor.

Get those dishes,

get us some food.

'Cause Regina can't cook either.

Ooh, that girl is toppy.

<i>Bronx boxing is making a comeback</i>

<i>and there's a new kid in town.</i>

<i>Last month, he took Rodriguez down</i>

<i>in one round.</i>

<i>He fights again tonight. Willis Avenue boxing gym.</i>

<i>8:00, the Bronx boy.</i>

<i>- Check him out.</i> - Yeah.

Come on! Pick your punches!

Pick your punches!

Let's go. Get going!

Come on! Hips!



Good work, Jaden!

<i>The winner, by way of knockout...</i>

<i>The Bronx boy, Jaden...</i>

<i>- Jaden... - Jaden Miller!</i>

- Down! - Look at those feet!

Stop showing off!

Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.


Whoo! Woohoo!

There you go!

Oil's good, man. I checked it already.

I can tell you've done a lot of work today.

I make this look easy, bro.

I can't believe he still keeps you around.

- Terrence? - Oh...

- Hey. - Hey, Ms. Miller...

Hey, baby.

What are you doing here?

Well, my car's acting funny,

so I thought I'd bring it by

for Jaden to look at it. Uh, he free?

Um, actually Jaden is...

Hey, ma. Check this out.

No more buzzing.

Where did you get the money for that, j?

I told you, I picked up

some extra shifts at Joe's...

You haven't worked at the body shop for six months.

Fighting ruined everything, J,

don't you know that?

No. It didn't.

I did the right thing.

Not the right thing for you.

And what was that? Letting my friend get beat up?

Oh, okay. All right then.

Where's Alvin now, Jaden? Tell me that.

- Where is Alvin now? - Alvin's alive, okay.

Alive, and in an Ivy league school.

Where are you?

I'm a boxer now. And I'm winning.

Yeah. Until you get knocked into a coma?

You know, this time I mean it. You're gonna...

You're gonna stop this thing and...

You're gonna go back to your normal job.

No. I said no!

I finally found something I'm good at.

I'm good at this.

Can't you just be happy for me?

So how do you like the fridge?

It doesn't buzz.



I'm afraid of this.

I know.

This is what boxing needs.

Anderson was ranked third by the WBC.

He was next in line for a title shot.

Last night, this kid knocked him out in the third round.

We are a basic cable network. We haven't shown boxing

since the '60s.

But, that's what's so interesting.

We all know, heavyweight boxing

hasn't done big numbers in years.

And that's because we haven't had a challenger

anyone cares about.

The crowd loves this kid.

He's poor, from the Bronx,

no high school diploma,

was working as an auto mechanic

when he and his mother were evicted.

He quit his job to start boxing

and won back her apartment.

Hasn't lost yet.

And what? We give him a shot at the title?


I can see why the other networks turned you down.

You're talking about a massacre.

People are tired of watching

three-round fights.

No, Mike...

People are just tired.

They need something to believe in again.


We make a show...

<i>The challenger.</i>

We show people his life.

Home, training, everything.

Follow him right up to the fight.

Everyone's an underdog right now.

America's an underdog.

We get America behind this kid

and this fight

could bring boxing back.

Thanks for coming.

Jaden, you know I can't watch that.

So, how's this new trainer of yours?

You just can't let it go, can you?

It's just that, I've heard some things about this guy...

Like people heard things about me?

They want to spin it as a public interest story.

Give a no-name a shot.

That's your idea of getting me better fights, huh?

It's a pay day, James.

Besides, they're paying double this time.

I don't fight for the money.

You're gonna tell me Ramirez wasn't a pay check?

Come on.

That's him coming. I'm rolling.

- All right, here we go. - Jaden Miller?

Jaden Miller. How does it feel?

Are you ready for the opportunity of a lifetime?

Yeah, man. Are you nervous

- taking on Burchard? - What's going on?

J, my office.

For one of your first big fights

of your career?

I mean, you've only had like seven fights...

- Are you ready for this? - What are they talking about?

Let's talk in my office. Get back.

Hey, easy. Don't touch the camera.

- Get back. - What are they

- talking about, Duane? - They offered you

a title shot.


But it's got conditions.

They want to film your training.

Well, not just the training, not just the training...

They want to film everything. Your life.

They want to make it into a show.

Why me?

Apparently Anderson was next in line... if he'd won.

But look, J...

Anderson is one thing. You got to think about this.

Oh. Easy, easy. Don't touch the camera, man.

- Don't touch the camera. - Move.

Uh, I need some time, all right?

Go. Go. Move!

Hey, man. That's not part of your contract.

Get back here! Hey, what are you doing?

- Get back here, baby! - Get back!

Tell me you're not actually considering this.

It's suicide, J. He'll kill you

out there. Literally.


He's put three opponents in the hospital,

one in ICU.

You're talking about the champion of the world.

So what, man?

What do you want me to do? Run away?

Get this far and not finish? Where's that gotten me?


But finish when you're ready, man.

Hey, ain't seen

that face in a while.

No lottery ticket, champ?


I can't do it.

What did you just say?

I can't do it.


Let me tell you something, son...

There's a reason why I found you.

There's a reason why this fight found you.

Now, I know I've tried

to fight it...

But this is your path.

So take it.


Take it.

I'm gonna take the fight.

Oh, yes.

There's one thing I need to know first, though.


How do you know my mother?

She says she's heard things

about you.

Everybody's heard things, J.

She doesn't know anybody in the boxing world.

- How old are you now? - 24.

Well, about 23 years ago, your mother and I...

We were in love.


Even talked about getting married.

She wanted a kid so bad.

When she found out she couldn't have any, well...

I think that's why she worked at that adoption agency

for so long.

One night I came home, a little bit

later than normal. YouTube-Videos.Tv

She was holding a baby in her arms...

A white baby.

She just said he was left on the doorstep.

That it was a sign.

She believed in that stuff...

Although, I might believe in it too.

So what'd you do?

What could I do? I panicked.

I was saving up to open up my own gym.

Establish myself.

I was trying to do like you...

Be somebody.

I could hardly take care of myself.

I couldn't take care of a kid.

Even if that kid needed you?

You got to give us something.

You got to give us something.

The camera's heavy.

Did you... tell me about the neighborhood.

This looks like a rough neighborhood.

You grew up around here?

Did you... did you go to school around here?

So man, what was it like growing up

in this neighborhood, man?

Hey, did you get in a lot of fights

when you were at school?

Is that what kept happening?

Yeah, is that how you learned how to fight?

How long have you been, uh, training with Duane?

- Come on... - Come on, man...

Open up. I'm telling you.

- You're gonna wanna... - You signed a contract

to do this, man. Come on.

So is this, uh,

how long have you been living here?

I'm digging the, uh, the vibe in here.

How long have you been in this place, Jaden?

I told you, man. I'm done with questions.

Ma! Ma? Are you all right?

What happened? What's wrong with her?

Are you okay? What's the matter?

Call 911! Right now! Call 911!

Okay, yeah, yeah...

Get your phone!

Just put the Mike down!

Get out of here!

She's stable now.

I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

Has she been taking her medication?

I give 'em to her every day.

She hates taking pills.

<i>I don't know if it would've mattered.</i>

<i>Her heart is very weak.</i>

<i>I'd like to keep her in the hospital.</i>

Get her strength back.

When she's ready, we need to operate.


I don't see another option.

<i>Star boxing's</i> <i>new show</i> the challenger

<i>has been canceled following the shocking news</i>

<i>that Jaden Miller, at the very beginning</i>

<i>of his promising career, has quit boxing.</i>

<i>The sudden decision came just days after.</i>

<i>Miller's mother suffered a massive heart attack,</i>

<i>last Thursday night.</i>

<i>It has been reported that she will need</i>

<i>to undergo a triple...</i>

Hey, what happened? Where'd it go?

Cops took it. Said it was gambling.

- Let me have a pack of gum. - All right.

How you feeling?



Hey, who got you these?

He didn't leave me, J.

What do you mean?

Well, maybe for a day.

But the very next day, he was at my door.

With a dozen roses in one hand

and a ring I wanted in the other.

He proposed... Every day that week.

I left.


I wanted to be a mother,

more than anything.

And I couldn't take a chance on someone

coming in and out of your life.

I chose you.

I chose you.

I love you, Jaden.

I love you too, ma.

- Hey. - Hey.

She, uh... She told me everything.

Sorry it took this long for you to hear.

Me too.

Flowers and everything, huh?

She still didn't take you back?

She's a tough woman.

Yeah. That's the truth.

You know she needs surgery.

We can't afford it.

Your mother never gave me a second chance, kid.

But you did.

Turns out, just a few weeks,

the ratings of that show of yours...

They want you to finish it, J.

The purse is big. 70-30 split.

If you win, it'll be more than enough.

What if we lose?

We don't fight to lose.

<i>Okay, breaking news, New York.</i>

<i>Star boxing's hit show</i> the challenger<i> is back!</i>

<i>Apparently, Jaden Miller has officially agreed</i>

<i>to continue filming the show</i>

<i>that will follow him all the way</i>

<i>to the light heavyweight title.</i>

<i>Now, where did Miller's change of heart come from?</i>

<i>His mother.</i>

<i>The fighter says he will continue the show</i>

<i>and win the fight to pay for his mother's heart surgery.</i>

That little bastard.

Good for you.

- Good for you. <i>- Jaden Miller is literally</i>

<i>fighting for his mother's life.</i>

We have to take her in there now, Jaden.


Let's go.

<i>Anderson drives Miller back.</i>

<i>Miller hasn't even thrown a punch yet.</i>

<i>It's a one-sided fight so far.</i>

Anderson would've been your best fight in a while.

<i>Anderson with the jab, now the cross.</i>

<i>Miller is on the ropes again.</i>

<i>And this fight is turning out to be... oh!</i>

<i>Miller's first punch is devastating!</i>

<i>Anderson doesn't know what hit him!</i>

<i>Miller with a left! Another left!</i>

<i>There's another left. Another left!</i>

<i>Now it's Anderson on the ropes!</i>

<i>Anderson is saved by the bell! Wow!</i>

<i>Who the heck is Jaden Miller?</i>

<i>I'll tell you what...</i>

Miller knocks him out next round.

He threw only eight punches the whole fight.

Is that right? Let me take a look at that.

<i>Another left!</i>

<i>Now it's Anderson on the ropes.</i>

<i>Anderson is saved by the bell! Wow!</i>

<i>Who the heck is Jaden Miller?</i>

Looks like we found our challenger after all.

Doctor said the surgery went great.

Thanks, honey.

- Get some rest. - Hmm.

I'm ready.

Now first, we're gonna watch him in slow motion.

Good. Good. Chin up. Confusion.

Study his moves. Learn his style.


To the body, to the body!

Push him back, push him back. Good. Good!

And then, gonna speed the whole thing up.

Push him back on the ropes.

Easy. Easy. Easy, stop! Stop!

'Course, nobody I put you against

is gonna be as strong, or as quick,

or as fast as Burchard.

Take it easy. I said the body. Easy! Stop!

Stop! Stop, James!

The hell is wrong with you?

'Cause in that ring,

you gotta be a split second faster.

The hell's wrong with you. You okay?

- You sure? - Yeah.

Okay. James.

Every man is beatable, gentlemen.

But to beat the man you gotta learn

things about him. You gotta do your homework.

<i>This is homework.</i>

<i>He's there for a reason.</i>

<i>He has worked it.</i>

<i>He has earned the right</i>

<i>to wear that championship belt.</i>

<i>So on those days you don't feel like working too hard,</i>

remember, somebody's workin'.

That's him.

<i>When you don't feel like hitting that bag</i>

<i>for three more minutes, he feels like it.</i>

<i>He wants to be a champion.</i>

<i>You want what he has.</i>

<i>But he has worked hard to get it.</i>

How hard are you willing to work?

<i>Because I have seen him work.</i>

<i>And believe me, you better be ready.</i>

<i>Because he's gonna be ready.</i>

<i>When I get on you,</i>

it's not because I don't like you.

I want you to be ready for that right there.

<i>'Cause that is a machine.</i>

<i>That is gonna come after you.</i>

<i>When that bell rings, it's going to be eye to eye.</i>

<i>You lookin' at him. Him lookin' at you.</i>

<i>And then you're going to see everything</i>

<i>that I ever taught you.</i>




You gotta do those things, gentlemen, if you want to win.

That's Jaden Miller.

Hey, Bronx boy! Go get him, buddy!


Bronx boy!

I was wrong, bro.

You're ready.

Definitely ready.

Oh, my god.


Come on, let's go.

Let's go get a milkshake.

Come on!

Ugh, god.

These were my father's.

Then mine. Now yours.

Duane, I...

He always wanted to be in the ring

for a championship fight.

You think you can wear 'em tomorrow?

Of course.

Thanks for giving me a chance.

Thank you for giving me a second chance.

<i>For the first time</i>

<i>since the 1960s,</i>

<i>a boxing title fight is being broadcast on basic cable.</i>

<i>That's right, America, it's free.</i>

<i>Everyone will have the opportunity to tune in tonight</i>

<i>for the fight of the 21st century.</i>

<i>From his meek beginnings in the Bronx,</i>

<i>to the heavyweight title</i>

<i>in just under a year.</i>

<i>And we've seen it all.</i>

<i>America has fallen in love</i>

<i>with the Bronx boy, Jaden Miller,</i>

<i>and tonight he lives the American dream.</i>

<i>Watch it here, 7:00 eastern.</i>

<i>Tonight, the Bronx boy fights for it all</i>

<i>in New York's capital city.</i>

<i>I'm here in what has become</i>

<i>the poorest neighborhood in the country.</i>

<i>This is the south Bronx.</i>

<i>And what Jaden Miller calls home.</i>

<i>Here, it's more than just a fight.</i>

For these folks, Bronx boy Jaden Miller

<i>is fighting for them.</i>

Hi, Scotty.

Hey, Joe. How you doin'?

I'm good, how about yourself?

Not bad.

<i>The fight of the 21st century.</i>

- What are you havin'? - I'll have a beer.

<i>Really serious about that title.</i>

<i>That title of course in reference to the...</i>

So, big night tonight for the J, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna be the big one.

I think he's gonna do real well.

I hope so.

Heavyweight boxing is back.

<i>More fans are tuned in tonight</i>

<i>than for any other fight since Tyson-holyfield</i>

<i>back in 1997.</i>

And it's all due to one person.

The challenger, Jaden Miller.

Miller, they're ready for you.

<i>Listen to that.</i>

<i>It's clear who the favorite is here tonight.</i>

Jaden! Jaden!

Come on, champ, let's go!

And here comes the challenger now.

This is our fight. This is what we've worked for.

Let's do it!

The crowd really showing

its appreciation for Bronx boy Jaden Miller.

Well, I'm afraid it's all just wishful thinking.

Jaden Miller has a better chance

at hitting the lottery

than winning this fight here tonight.

This is where we wanna be! This is where we wanna be!

Let's go, Jaden! Get him, baby!

Get him, babe! You can do it!

We all know what that sound means.

<i>And here comes your champion, James Burchard.</i>

Get him outta here!

This has got to be

<i>the first fight that Burchard</i>

is actually getting less applause

than his challenger.

Besides Mrs. Burchard, of course.

Guess you owe that to the pride of the Bronx.

And that good ol' American spirit.

- What's that, the fight? - Shut up!

<i>This is the moment we've all been waiting for!</i>

<i>Our main event of the evening!</i>

<i>Introducing first,</i>

<i>the challenger!</i>

<i>He comes to us tonight</i>

<i>from the Bronx</i>

<i>in New York City!</i>

<i>Big welcome to the Bronx boy,</i>

<i>Jaden Miller!</i>

And how about Duane Taylor?

This guy used to be one of the best trainers in the business

until that fixed fight scandal.

<i>No one's heard from him since.</i>

<i>He gets a second shot here tonight.</i>

Come on, Jaden. Go, go, go!

You can't say he didn't put in the time and effort.

<i>Fighting out of the red corner...</i>

<i>he weighs in at 175 pounds.</i>

<i>No losses.</i>

<i>29 wins by knockout.</i>

<i>Mr. undefeatable,</i>

<i>James Burchard!</i>

<i>Burchard looks to be</i>

<i>in the best shape of his career.</i>

<i>Good evening, gentlemen.</i>

<i>This is 12 rounds for the</i>

<i>light heavyweight world championship.</i>

<i>Protect yourself at all times.</i>

<i>Touch gloves now.</i>

<i>Come out fighting at the bell.</i>

James Burchard simply

towers over the challenger, Jaden Miller.

How is Miller ever going to hit him,

<i>if he can't even reach him?</i>

<i>You hate to question his motives, Peter,</i>

<i>but at some point,</i>

doesn't it come down to ethics?

Taking a title fight

with such a novice fighter?

You said it, Jason.

I mean, he has no business being in the ring tonight.

And knowing Burchard's history,

Jaden Miller is gonna get hurt.

Boy, this is it.

This is what you've been training for.

All that stuff you went through as a kid,

all those early morning workouts,

it's for this moment. Right here, right now.

And no matter what happens out there,

I want you to know, I'd be proud to call you my son.


Go out there and get him.

All right, come on, let's do it!


I don't care what they say.

We both know

this is your biggest fight!

He's never gone more than three rounds.

You outlast him.

That's how we win. You hear me?

- Yeah. - Good.


<i>Miller trying to get something going.</i>

Come on. YouTube-Videos.Tv

<i>Not much going on here in the first round.</i>

There's a... A jab from Burchard.

And another stiff left by Burchard

and Miller's shaken!

Shaken in the first round

as Burchard is landing punch after punch on Miller!

Peter, this is not the

end of the round that Miller wanted.

Let's go! This is just the beginning! Come on!

He may be out of his league here.

Trying to stay in the round with Burchard.

But backed into the corner.

Burchard with total control after round one.

Jaden Miller lasted one round

longer than I thought he would

but I gotta tell you, he didn't look half bad.

Don't count him out just yet, Peter.

<i>His Bronx brethren must be proud.</i>

That's my man! Go get him. Go get him!

Deep breaths, deep breaths.

There you go. Relax.

Look here. Good. Good.

Burchard has never been knocked down.

This round, knock him down.

You hear what I'm telling you? This round,

he gets knocked down.

Not later, not tomorrow, right now, tonight.

This guy gets knocked down!

This round, by you!

Because after today people are going to call you champ.

After today, you are the champ!

- You understand me? - Mmm-hmm.

Okay, give me that. Come on.

Relax, baby. You got this.

Relax, but knock him down.

<i>As the second round continues,</i>

<i>Miller can't seem to get anything going</i>

once again.

He's taking stiff left jabs from Burchard.

And now a right,

a nice left-right combination there from Burchard.

<i>Miller... I can't believe he's still standing at this point.</i>

No, Peter, I can't believe

he's still standing either. He's got the face of a rhino,

the fact that he hasn't broken yet.

Right now!

<i>Wait a minute. Now it's.</i>

<i>Miller getting in some shots!</i>

<i>Actually, Miller is landing...</i>

Come on give it to him! Work that body!

Punch after punch

and the champ is feeling it!

Hit him! Come on, hit him!

I can't believe what I'm seeing!

And James Burchard goes down!

James Burchard is down!

What did I tell you? What did I tell you?

I can't believe it! For the first time in his career,

James Burchard is on the canvas!

Boy, Scotty, look at that!

Look at that shot!

Yes, yes!

Did you see that? I know that kid!

<i>I have never seen.</i>

<i>James Burchard down.</i>

He's not only down, he's bleeding

and he's hurt.

And he's struggling to

get back to his feet.

That's my boy! That's my boy!

Come towards me.

- Let's see your gloves. - I'm good, I'm good!


And Burchard is furious!

That has got to have

shaken him up.

Time! Whoa, whoa! Break it up!

What a round!

Where did Jaden Miller come from?

That's easy. And I hope they're watching,

because Bronx boy Jaden Miller

<i>is making history here tonight.</i>

The champ of the Bronx

versus the champion of the world!

Hold onto your seats, folks!

We've got a fight on our hands!

And now Miller is down!

What a shot!

Welcome to the big leagues, Jaden Miller!

And he looks hurt.

Get up, get up.

Get up! Get up!

Get up! Get up!

- Come on. - Get up, J, not now!

Come on. Get up!



<i>If you don't stand up</i>

<i>and fight for who you are now...</i>

I'm afraid of this.

Right now. You never will.

I know.

Get up. Get up!

<i>Right now.</i>

- Wait a minute. - One,

two, three,

four, five, six...

Jaden Miller is back up!

There is no doubt about it!

Nobody is getting out of this fight easy here tonight.


Jaden! Jaden! Jaden!

Let's see your gloves.


That's my son.

He's out there fighting for me.

As round 4 begins, Jason,

this is uncharted territory for the challenger.

The question is, how long can he survive?

How you feelin'?

I can't feel my arms.

That's all right. Believe me,

he's hurtin' just as bad.

Okay, do me one favor.

- Yeah. - Forget the training,

forget the pain...

Just dance. Remember that?

Remember the man with no arms?

The hips, the hips, baby.

That's all we gotta do in this fight.

Forget everything else. Dance on him.

Come on, you got this. You got this, come on!

This is our fight, come on! This is what we worked for.

Let's do it!

<i>The crowd is electrified, Jason.</i>

We've gotta be the only two people

sitting down watching this fight.

Round 4 may have done it.

That's a knock-down!

Shake that off! Shake that off!

Six, seven, eight,


That's it! That's it!

Move! Move!

Keep moving! Keep moving!

Come on, baby, come on!

There you go, almost time, almost time!

Beautiful. There you go baby, beautiful!

Come on, get up!

Peter, Burchard takes that round,

but the champ has never seen a challenger like this.

Work the body, work the body!

Burchard with another powerful right,

but Miller answers again.

That's it, that's it!

Knock his ass out! Yeah!


- two... - I'm okay.

Three, four, five...

Here we go! Here we go!

- I'm good, I'm good. - Eight. Come towards me.

Let me see your gloves.

What the hell's going on out there?

Anyone who is scoring this fight

has gotta give that round to the challenger.


Endurance, right?

Speed kills, baby. Speed kills.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do.

Keep your arms up. Watch the body.

Watch the body.

- Just like we practiced. - Okay.

- Just like we practiced. - Yeah.

Let's do it!

Keep movin' there. Keep movin', endurance!

Both fighters are simply exhausted.

Burchard with another weak jab.

He can barely keep his hands up, Jason.

Miller comes back with another shot to the body

as he continues to pound the champ's midsection.

Burchard now in excruciating pain!

One-two, one-two.

This could be it, folks!

And Burchard is saved by the bell!


Listen to this crowd!

What was anticipated to be a one-round fight

has now turned into an all-out war,

with James Burchard

literally in jeopardy of losing his title!

All right, everyone take a ticket!

For good luck because it's the last round.

Everyone take a ticket!

Spit it out.

Let me take a look.

- They're broken. - You think?

- Can you breathe? - -Yeah.

- I'm good. - James,

if they broke...

- No, no... - Look, I can't let you...

I said no, okay!

You're not stopping this fight!

Okay, kid...

Keep 'em covered.

- You hear me? - I got this.

Keep 'em covered.

Jason, how do you score the fight?

Every round has been close,

but I've got it 7 to 4, James Burchard.

But I've gotta tell you, what a job by Jaden Miller!

Going the distance! Nobody saw this coming.

If he has anything left to prove,

it's to himself.

This is it! I got nothin' left.

I know. I know.

And in 10 minutes,

this'll all be over. You can rest.

You can go back to your mom

and you can tell everybody

about how you made it to the last round with the champ.

Nobody can take that from you now.

But if you can just find it within yourself,

to give me three more minutes...

180 seconds...

One day, you'll tell your kids,

when you were up against the ropes,

when you were down and had nothin' left,

that you stood up

and you fought for who you are!

When I first met you,

they didn't even know your name.

Now listen to 'em!

Jaden! Jaden! Jaden!

Where we're from, we gotta fight for what we get.

Seconds out!

Okay, okay, okay. There's just 10 seconds left.

Look, listen to me.

Go for his ribs. They're hurting.

You can do this, J. I know you can.

Let's show 'em where you're from, j!

Show 'em where you're from, baby!

<i>Burchard with a left hook, and another.</i>

<i>Miller counters with a jab...</i>

<i>Burchard with a powerful right.</i>

<i>Miller now with another shot to the body.</i>

Burchard is taking a beating here in the final round!

Miller just attacking those ribs!

Working so hard for the knockdown!

Finish him! Finish him now!

Pounding away at the body

with everything he's got left.

Jason, I can't believe both of these guys

are still standing at this point.

And now it's Miller who's in the corner!

Come on! Don't give up!

Body! Body!




seven... it's over!

You've taken enough punishment, champ.

I can't believe it!

Jaden Miller has done the unthinkable!

<i>Miller, the new</i>

<i>light heavyweight champion of the world!</i>

<i>How about that!</i>


And you lost.

Never did win these things.

You ready?


We did it, pop.

Always the last one.

You know, I never asked you how those sneakers feel.

They're a little tight actually.

Oh, really?

Well, get your own next time.

Here you go, ma.

We don't train to lose.

I'd just like to say it's been a pleasure

working on<i> the challenger.</i>

This has been one of the most

innovative movies I have ever done

and I told this guy right here,

when I first met him at the airport...

I said there's only two director-actors

that I've ever worked with...

Anthony Hopkins and him.

He's in a really good category.

From this guy right here... From this guy right here.

This is our man. He's the sound guy.

And all these guys standing

over here, all you guys, come here.

Come here. I want everybody over here, come here.

I want everybody to see this.

All these guys made <i>the challenger...</i>

And are gonna make <i>the challenger</i> a great movie.


And from me, Michael Clarke Duncan,

I wanna say thank you

to the cast and crew

for really making this a unique experience.

I didn't know what to expect when I got down here.

I was truly flabbergasted

that these guys are doing a hell of a job.

From me to everybody in Hollywood,

watch out for<i> the challenger.</i> Thank you guys.

Thank you, Michael. Thank you so much.

Man, that was awesome, seriously.


For more infomation >> The Challenger: [HD] FullMovieHD 2017 | Subtitles: Translate in Your Language - Duration: 1:34:55.


Бузовой пообещали счастливый брак (02.06.2017.) - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Бузовой пообещали счастливый брак (02.06.2017.) - Duration: 0:49.


Zed montage 4---best plays 2017 - Duration: 6:53.

Zed montage 4

For more infomation >> Zed montage 4---best plays 2017 - Duration: 6:53.


Cặp Con Giáp Trời Định, Hễ Lấy Nhau Là Giàu Sang Phú Quý, Tiền Xài Cả Đời Không Hết - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Cặp Con Giáp Trời Định, Hễ Lấy Nhau Là Giàu Sang Phú Quý, Tiền Xài Cả Đời Không Hết - Duration: 4:13.


Q&A - POST-IT BIL | #AskCokeTV - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Q&A - POST-IT BIL | #AskCokeTV - Duration: 5:03.




Have you ever wondered� About what level of consciousness you�re truly at?

Not in terms of it being a contest, or to say you�re better/worse than other people,

but as a kind of inner GPS that simply tells you where you are.

As humans, we tend to have very distorted and biased perspectives, especially when it

comes to ourselves.

It�s really easy to go on a yoga retreat and think you�ve transcended stress forever,

or think you�re enlightened after reading a few spiritual books.

This is why it�s crucial to have references that �tell it like it is� and objectively

reflect where you�re at.

I recently came across what can be described as a map of consciousness. It�s a research

paper by Justin Faerman entitled Mapping the Evolution of Consciousness: A Holistic Framework

for Psychospiritual Development.

This paper describes, in plain English, eight stages of consciousness. And it�s not abstract

or woo-woo. It�s straightforward, simple to understand and backed by a lot of research.

Here are the stages outlined in the paper�

The 8 Stages of Conscious Evolution

Note: The first 2 stages are considered lower consciousness, while stages 3-8 are considered

higher consciousness. This is not a judgment of being better or worse, but simply a means

of classification.

Stage 1: Life Happens to Me (Externalization)

Stage 1 is categorized by patterns of externalization and an overall victim mentality. The dominant

emotions are fear, disdain and hopelessness. There is also a belief that life cannot be


In this stage, blame is placed on other individuals, society, government, nature, disease, etc.

and other elements believed to be outside of one�s conscious control and influence.

The motivating forces of stage 1 are safety and security.

Dominant Belief Structures: Life is not safe; I am not safe

Mantra for Evolution: �God does not play dice with the universe.�

� Albert Einstein Stage 2: Life Happens by Me (Control)

In this second stage, individuals realize that they have some degree of control. Yet

this control is often motivated by fear and survival.

For example, war is an extension of this stage of consciousness. The enemy is perceived as

a threat, and because of this, people believe they are morally justified to kill, eliminate

or repress that enemy.

We also see various reflections of this stage of consciousness in our collective world.

Look at how most people treat the environment and interpersonal relationships. Or consider

the dominant mentality of politics and business.

This level of awareness is cut off from the following deeper understanding: Life is not

a random series of events over which control must be exerted, but a deeper reflection of

the internal psychodynamics of a person�s own mind and consciousness.

Dominant Belief Structures: I must make it so; What I cannot control will

destroy me.

Mantra for Evolution: �If you bring forth what is within you,

then that which is within you will be your salvation. If you do not bring forth what

is within you, then that which is within you will destroy you.� � Gnostic Gospels

Stage 3 : Life Happens in Me (Creator)

In this stage, the individual begins to understand the direct connection between their own perceptions,

beliefs and emotional state and the conditions of their life, relationships, experiences

and reality as a whole.

This level of consciousness is represented by a fundamental shift, from disempowerment

to empowerment.

In order to fully complete this stage, an individual must undergo a deep transformational

process that includes the purging of all perceptual distortions (limiting beliefs) and the healing/release

of all emotional wounds and traumas. The emergence of consciousness into later stages is observed

in direct proportion to the evolution of an individual through this process of deep inner

healing and transformational work.

Dominant Belief Structures: I am in control; I am creative

Useful Psycho-Spiritual Practices: Mindfulness, Eye movement desensitization

and reprocessing therapy, Emotional freedom techniques, Neuro-linguistic programming,

Trauma release exercises, Psychotherapy, Ho�oponopono, Introspection

Mantra for Evolution: �Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside,

awakens.� � Carl Jung Stage 4: Life Happens For Me (Receiver)

In this stage, we see the evolution of the self into the beginnings of deep joy and peace.

As the resistance to perceived undesirable circumstances in life falls away and one begins

to understand that there is an intelligent �flow� operating in every moment guiding

the evolution of consciousness on both an individual and collective level through what

could be dualistically termed positive and negative experiences.

The individual realizes here that even in great suffering, there is great wisdom and

potential for expansion and evolution and that nothing is out of place, ever has been

or ever will be.

Dominant Belief Structures: I am loved; I am supported

Useful Psycho-Spiritual Practices: Seeing everything as perfect, Surrender, Acceptance,

Letting Go, Embracing Flow and Effortlessness, Meditation

Mantra For Evolution: �Life will give you whatever experience

is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the

experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.� � Eckhart

Tolle Stage 5: Life Happens Through Me (Philosopher)

At this stage of consciousness, the individual begins to understand and observe that the

Universe is evolving itself through them.

The individual begins to realize that all perceived suffering or negative events are

either: a) Created or called into their reality by

aspects of their own consciousness in an effort to be resolved and transcended as part of

their individual evolution and as part of the larger collective evolution or�

b) Exist due to their conscious or unconscious resistance to what is unfolding, which is

essentially a resistance of oneself.

Individuals in stage 5 live more through their intuition, as intuition becomes clearer and

clearer as one moves up the stages.

Dominant Belief Structures: I am safe; Everything is perfect

Useful Psycho-Spiritual Practices: Intuitive Development, Kinesiology

Mantra For Evolution: �Everything in the universe is within you.

Ask all from yourself.� � Rumi Stage 6: Life is Me (Sage)

At this stage of awareness, the individual begins to understand that reality does not

exist independent of consciousness, and therefore consciousness, or awareness if you prefer,

is the causative factor of the universe and all that exists�that consciousness is creating

all reality.

Individuals in this stage experience a profound sense of unity and oneness with everything.

When an individual fully enters and embodies this stage of awareness, their simple presence

itself becomes a transformative experience for others. Individuals in this stage often

become teachers or leaders, dedicate their lives to service of others or seek solitude

to spend time in introspection, although they may also choose to live very normal and inconspicuous


Dominant Belief Structures: I am one; I am whole

Useful Psycho-Spiritual Practices: Service, Contemplation, Meditation

Mantras For Evolution: �You are an aperture through which the universe

is looking at and exploring itself.� � Alan Watts

�Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.� � Rumi

Stage 7: I Am Infinite (Avatar)

Individuals at this stage of growth begin to transcend the physicality within which

we are proverbially �trapped� until we reach this point.

Here individuals begin to harness conscious control over this process by directing their

awareness in such a way (through belief, emotion, thought, visualization, the manipulation of

energy, intent, accessing transpersonal aspects of the self and likely other mechanisms not

yet discovered) as to be able to make use of these �higher order� quantum-transpersonal

abilities of the self.

Individuals at this stage perceive and know themselves to be limitless and are in various

sub-stages of actualizing that reality beyond a simple intellectual understanding.

As individuals move more deeply into this stage they proportionally complete lower stages

which leads to an embodied confidence, power and knowingness, which is palpable to most

all who they come into contact with.

Dominant Belief Structures: I am infinite/limitless; Anything is possible

Useful Psycho-Spiritual Practices: Esoterics, Visualization, Kabbalah, Sound/Vibration/Mantra,

Qi/Nei Gong, Kriya Yoga

Mantra for Evolution: �Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a

very persistent one.� � Albert Einstein Stage 8: I Am Energy (Mystic-Shamanic)

Individuals at this stage tap into phenomena like:

The ability to project consciousness across space and time, which encompasses the ability

to see, experience and remember aspects of the self existing in other dimensions of time

(past, present and future). The ability to interact with and communicate

with other forms of consciousness such as plants, animals, objects and consciousnesses

not currently existing in physical form. The ability to intuitively pick up sensory

data beyond the limits of the physical senses. The ability to feel, read, manipulate and

project subtle energy that is otherwise unperceivable to those in lower levels of stage development

and virtually unrecordable with current scientific instrumentation.

Those who have near death experiences as well as users of psychedelic drugs or plant medicines

(ayahuasca, DMT, LSD, mushrooms, etc.) are often able to have highly embodied first-hand

experiences of this state of awareness pre-development into this stage, giving them a proverbial

taste of this reality without necessarily having done the psychospiritual foundational

work necessary to experience this stage organically and therefore they often lack a deeper understanding

of the larger framework of what is happening along with the ability to maintain it beyond

a transitory phenomenon, still nonetheless forever changed by the experience.

As an individual becomes more grounded in the later phases of stage eight�which encompass

this dimensional awareness�and simultaneously completes their evolution through lower stages,

one would theoretically achieve complete enlightenment or non-dual self-realization.

Dominant Belief Structures: Everything is energy; I am awareness; Reality

is an illusion

Useful Psycho-Spiritual Practices: Energy healing, Esoterics, Visualization,

Kabbalah, Qi/Nei Gong, Kriya Yoga, Meditation, Visualization, Remote Viewing, Astral Projection,


Mantra for Evolution: �We are not human beings having a spiritual

experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.� � Pierre Teilhard

de Chardin Although this model ends at stage 8, this

doesn�t imply that no further stages exist and that somehow stage 8 is the pinnacle of

conscious evolution. However, any claims as to what happens beyond stage 8 at this time

are simply conjecture.


At this point, you probably have a pretty good idea of where you�re at.

When the descriptions are objectively laid out, it forces you to be honest with yourself.

It�s also helpful to accept where you�re at right now, while continuously learning

and growing. Don�t resist where you are right now or beat yourself up, neither of

those serve your highest interest. Choose love, gratitude and compassion in each moment

and you can�t go wrong.

Here�s another important point: you�re not limited to one stage! Chances are that

you�re dipping into different stages on a daily basis. But it should be fairly apparent

as to what stage you�re grounded in at this point in your life.

For me, I�m pretty grounded in stage 5, though I often fluctuate between stages 3

and 6. I�ve tasted stages 7 and 8, yet these experiences have been few and fleeting. Sometimes

I�ll even find myself in stage 1 or 2, and that�s okay. It�s all a part of the human


This framework is beautiful because it allows you to effectively calibrate where you are.

It naturally creates self-awareness. Awareness is the first step toward any change, and transformative

in and of itself.

I encourage you to read the full paper, which you can download for free here: Mapping the

Evolution of Consciousness: A Holistic Framework for Psychospiritual Development

Which stage are you in at this point of your journey? Is this framework helpful for you?

Leave a comment below.

For more infomation >> THE 8 STAGES OF CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION - Duration: 15:27.


Các Nhà Thám Hiểm Bị Ăn Mặt Khi Phát Hiện Thành Phố Mất Tích | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 5:19.

Hey guys, thanks so much for watching Beyond Science, I'm Mikey Chen.

Today is a really special day for this channel,

I'm going to talk about that later.

But first of all let me ask you.

What would you give to discover something really awesome

like, a lost city.

Would you give up, I don't know, your face?

Well, that's what one explorer almost did

and he said it was all worth it.

Let me explain.

Legends say that there is a lost city in the virgin rainforest of Mosquitia in Honduras

known as "La Ciudad Blanca" or "White City" or "City of the Monkey God".

And many explorers have tried long and hard to search for such a city.

In 1939, an adventurer named Theodore Morde even claimed to have found the city

and brought back thousands of artifacts to the US.

He said indigenous people there told him

that there was a huge Monkey God statue there.

Hence he named - City of the Monkey God.

Morde never told anyone the location of the site.

However, because, of course he didn't want anyone to go there

and steal all his artifacts.

Sadly, he died before he could return to the city and properly excavated

Another group of explorers led by American author Douglas Preston

have also attempted to find the city recently.

And while on their journey, they stumbled upon an ancient city in the jungle

that seems to be the La Ciudad Blanca

that was mentioned in the stories.

Sadly, they weren't able to find a magnificent statue of the Monkey God.

However, they did manage to lose their faces,


When they reached the city, they were infected with leishmaniasis

- a disease caused by a flesh-eating parasite.

As described by Preston,

the parasites migrates to the mucous membranes of your mouth and your nose

and basically eat them away.

Your nose falls off, your lips falls off

and eventually your face becomes a gigantic open sore.

According to the people who live in the area,

the city was cursed by the gods,

and whoever entered would be affected by the disease.

Now what's surprising was that,

Preston said the experience was a hundred percent worth it

he wouldn't trade it for anything.

Although they weren't able to find a monkey statue,

the explorers did find tons of stone and clay artifacts

that date back to a thousand and 1500 AD.

Some of which included [traces] and a throne.

Preston think there may be more to the city that missed the eye.

and that there are deep secrets hidden within the city.

But he doesn't plan on returning anytime soon

because, he still has to recover from his face, you know, falling off.

His doctors told him that if he didn't treat his face and take some time off the heel

parts of it would really come off.

Nonetheless, Preston was so inspired by the entire experience

that he wrote a book about the groups unbelievable [escapade]

titled: "The lost city of the Monkey God"

Even more there is a documentary coming out about this adventure, which is really exciting.

If you want to go, check out the city and don't want to lose your face.

Next up, I've mentioned in a previous video

the mysterious phenomenon of the fairy circles.

Fairy circles, if you don't know,

have been a big question mark throughout the years

because, they are discussed everywhere from TV shows two documentaries.

But no one knows if they are indeed magical or just something completely natural.

Stories about fairies and dragons

have long-seen surrounded groups of circles

in the Namib desert and in Australia

that have puzzled natives and scientists alike.

But ecologist from Princeton University

have now given out a much more boring explanation

for the appearance of these fairy circles.

Corina Tarnita, the study's lead author has been using computer simulations

to study the circles within her crew.

After much analysis, she came to the conclusion

that the circles are actually created by termites and plants.

The circle itself is actually created by termites

that move as far away from their colony as possible

without intruding on competing colonies.

And the strange patterns are seeing inside the circle,

show a root system designed by plants

in order to reduce competition for water.

But I'm still kind of skeptical

I don't know, if this explains how these perfect circles are appearing

in only these two places in the world.

But, this is the most recent explanation.

So let me know what you think.

Do you think these mystical circles really are just a termite plant collaboration

or is it something indeed magical going on here.

And guys I know I've been talking about it a lot,

but, today is the day.

Today, Beyond Science magazine is now finally live.

I'm so excited because it's the first modern magazine

to report, investigate the things that science can't explain.

This is exactly what I have always wanted to do

to dive deeper into the mysteries and explore the real facts behind the headlines.

Just in issue 1, we go over evidence a nuclear war

that occurred over 10,000 years ago.

We go over mermaid sightings that have occurred all around the world.

We even dive into the written instructions

recently found in Asia of how to build a literal spaceship.

You can be part of it by clicking on the link below

or in the description box to begin your 30-day free trial.

My team and I have put a lot of work and time into this,

sorting through the most credible research out there

and I really think you guys will like it.

All you gotta do is click on the link in the description below

and download the magazine app on any mobile device

to start your 30-day free trial.

And if at any point during the first 30 days, you decide you don't like it,

simply cancel your subscription.

You're not gonna hurt our feelings,

but if you like it, then keep it for less than the price of a latte every month.

And I know I said this before,

but I just want to thank you guys again so much for making this all possible.

Without you watching Channel,

none of those would even happen.

So thank you so much for all your support

and I really do hope that you will like the magazine.

And thank you all so much for watching this video,

see you later.

For more infomation >> Các Nhà Thám Hiểm Bị Ăn Mặt Khi Phát Hiện Thành Phố Mất Tích | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 5:19.


RONALDO vs. DYBALA: Champions League Final 2017 - Duration: 3:58.

This weekend - CL final!

We can't wait!

One guy is in the centre of attention.

He's gonna steal the show.

The absolute shooting star.

You probably already know who we're talking about..

What are you talking about?

Dybala is the shooting star!

Nope, it's definitly Ronaldo!

Let's take this to a battle!

At the end of the video you have a chance of wining a pair of Nike Superfly V!

Dybala scored 4 goals in this CL season.

Ronaldo 10. 1:0 for me!

Ronaldo's pass accuracy is 87%!

Dybala wins with 88%. 1:1!

Ronaldo is taller, stronger.. he's the better athlet!

In 44 games he played 3946 minutes!

Dybala played one more game but just completed 3123 minutes on field.

Ronaldo is the absolute baller.

We all know that Ronaldo likes to dribble with a lot of showing off.

Looks nice, but Dybala doesn't care.

If it comes to succeding dribbles, Dybala easily wins over Ronaldo with 86 to 42 completed dribbles.

My celebration is better..

Don't talk rubbish, mines way better!

No mine!

Boys, what's the matter now?

Could you please tell him that my goal celebration is better?!

Why don't you let the audience decide?

YOU decide!

Vote on the top right which goal celebration is better!

Ronaldo really likes to score goals.

That's why he's not always passing to a better positioned team mate.

Dybala created 68 key chances, where as Ronaldo just did 59.

What's up, what's poppin'?!

Wait a second there is another call.

Wait a second..

According to, Ronaldo's market value is 100 mio!

This means 2x Dybala.

We really hope you liked this new kind of video!

If you did, please leave a thumbs up to support the video.

Check out the channel of Kilian in the video despription!

Before I tell you how you can win these boots..

.. we did another battle video on Karol's channel!

Buffon vs. Navas - link in the description!

Now let's move on to the giveaway!

You can win these Nike Superfly V!

Follow these simple steps:

1. Like the video

2. Subsribe to our channel

3. Comment with #Ronaldo or #Dybala + the amount of goals you think they gonna score in the CL final tomorrow!

Example: #Ronaldo 2 #Dybala 1

You need boots?

Wait a second..

Yes, I'm on my way.

For more infomation >> RONALDO vs. DYBALA: Champions League Final 2017 - Duration: 3:58.


オルガンCM スーパーマリオランのゲーム実況で儲ける YouTube 収益 一万 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> オルガンCM スーパーマリオランのゲーム実況で儲ける YouTube 収益 一万 - Duration: 5:33.


無印良品的10樣最愛2017 | SalinaLi - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 無印良品的10樣最愛2017 | SalinaLi - Duration: 5:07.


IF YOU'RE ALIVE IN 30 YEARS, IT'S LIKELY YOU WILL BE ALIVE IN - tech and science - Duration: 13:45.


It might sound crazy to the masses, but life extension is a real thing. The science, also

known as anti-aging medicine, indefinite life extension, experimental gerontology, and biomedical

gerontology, is the study of slowing down or reversing the processes that create aging.

The result? Maximum and average lifespan extended. The question is, do we need tech? Or should

we begin to look at why our life spans aren�t already longer?

If you try to envision it, you might find yourself lost in a futuristic sci-fi film

you�ve already seen. But it�s more than a concept fit for the silver screen. Life

extension is a very real science, and is currently being worked on as you read this.

According to some scientists, we are mere decades away from moving into life extension,

which could change life as we know it forever.

Among those working avidly on the science is Ray Kurzweil, the chief engineer at Google.

Kurzweil says we are approaching a time when humans will begin to significantly prolong

their lifespans. He suggests that, by the time we have done so, we won�t have to worry

about issues like supporting growing numbers of humans, because we will no longer be living

in a world competing for finite resources.

For instance, he says, �Well within 15 years, say, we�ll be able to meet all of our energy

needs from solar. And at that point, we will be using one part in 10,000 of the sunlight

that falls on the Earth.� He also believes that, by then, we will have worked through

the �resource-related limiting factors� currently stymying scientists and activists

around the world.

If you think about being younger for longer, it�s a hard concept to visualize. With cells

and DNA edited, and the regrowth of telomeres bringing back a youthful state, it�s a concept

many people long for, but believe impossible. But it�s certainly already happening.

Increasing your life expectancy can be done just by eating the right foods, meditating,

and taking part in regular exercise. Perhaps you would have died at 90, but such lifestyle

changes tack on a year or two. Understanding the way these lifestyle factors, along with

genetic therapy, function, makes maintaining youth and health for much longer a more realistic

goal than you might think.

Will we, then, eventually die? Even this question cannot be answered, as we are bending the

rules and finding new avenues to change what we know about life and death every day. Perhaps

there could be a day when death is not absolute.

The advancement of computer technologies has opened the doors to so many once-unfathomable

possibilities. We have, undoubtedly, seen advancement in ways science once deemed impossible,

like 3D printers providing medicine with coded blueprints.

The �explosion� in exponential technologies like augmented and virtual realities makes

life extension entirely tangible, according to Kurzweil: �Our experiences will be limited

only by our imagination and the very expansion of

our neocortex so we can create and experience more profound music and art and science and

literature and relationships. I don�t think life will get boring.�

Pay close attention to how small advancements accumulate to make life extension nearer and

nearer, because it�s happening yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and many scientists swear

by it happening much sooner than one would ever imagine.

Why Our Lifespans Might Be Shorter Than What�s Possible

What if the human body was designed to live hundreds of years, but due to our diets, way

of living, environmental toxins and so forth we deteriorate much more quickly? This is

certainly a thought we must explore before we head aggressively into

the tech side

of life extension without addressing what may be

the biggest cause: poor habit, faulty science

and information around health and human life. This

is obviously a philosophical thought

but it has merit given the way our modern lifestyles are. There is much evidence to

support this idea and will be explored in an upcoming story.

For more infomation >> IF YOU'RE ALIVE IN 30 YEARS, IT'S LIKELY YOU WILL BE ALIVE IN - tech and science - Duration: 13:45.


荒廃未来探索記【Fallout 3】しよけんプレイ Part18その1 - Duration: 10:01.

PS3 Fallout 3 Part 18 - 1

For more infomation >> 荒廃未来探索記【Fallout 3】しよけんプレイ Part18その1 - Duration: 10:01.


Boss Baby Home Finger Family Song Nursery rhymes for kids Playdoh - Duration: 0:54.

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Boss Baby Home Finger Family Song Nursery rhymes for kids Playdoh - Duration: 0:54.


The AGK Show - Episode 1 - AGK reacts to Teh Ultimate ZertyTV YTP - Duration: 4:51.

BartTV Productoins

Starring: Leopold, Bart, Jake, Yellowkid, Kevin, Bluestar, Alex, Leonard, Leonidas and Harold

He likes Unreal Tournament, Sausage Eggs and Smasing Keyboards

Created by: BartTV

Proudly Presents



Enjoy the show!

I am bored


Go fuck!

Turn on comuter!

Let's go to youtube!


Let's seartch of ''ZertyTV''

Teh Ultimate ZertyTV YTP


Let's watch this!


It's Mickey Mouse!


WOW! Doom!

Shut up Bluekid

oh lol


That's funny








Put the Percy, RIGHT NOW!


rip bluekid!

Bluekid died! (X3)


lol that video!

Calm dow Leopold. (X2)

This video is end!

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