Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

I really had to think about making this hate list vlog about the Bajaj Dominar 400 but it wouldn't justify not making one cause no bike is perfect 100% also this is the follow up tot he 5 things that I love video, if you've not seen that one, check the link below.

For more infomation >> 5 THINGS THAT I HATE ABOUT DOMINAR 400 - Duration: 3:27.


UK Election 2017: FINAL Predictions - Duration: 3:26.

WHAT IS GOING On in this election Honestly? Guys I'd just like to compare two sets of polling results to you from YouGov, about a month or so apart. These results are from the 18th to the 19th of April and as you can see they portray the Conservatives having an enormous two digit lead over Labour 24 points lead that is, meaning that the Conservatives lead over labour was the same as the share of votes labour had got it in this poll.

I mean it's incredible Now contrast this to some figures that were collected from the 30th of may to the 31st Just wow Look at that difference Labour has managed to close the gap from 24 points to 3 points. That's an unbelieveable achievment And as you can see most of the change has come not from the Conservatives losing support, albeit they've lost 6 points here, but most of the change is coming from Labour gaining support, 15 percent in fact These poll results aren't just coming from YouGov either, polls across the country have been showing a tightening of the race, albeit by differing amounts. Maybe this has come from Labour supporters, initially off put by Corbyn, but who now support him? Or is this change fuelled by a massive number of young people who have finally decided to turnout this year and make their opinions known.

I mean, it could be. for example on the last day of voter registration 680,000 people signed up to vote, and more than 450,000 of them were under 35. They say that history repeats itself so I'd like to draw two interesting parallels with previous elections that are both in different ways similar to the upcoming election. In 1992 the polls were reflecting a similar story to the one now, with the Conservatives and Labour neck and neck. Yet when the final and most important poll came out, the actual election, the Conservatives beat Labour by a healthy seven point margin and by over 60 seats.

The number of votes that Conservative leader and Prime Minister John Major won at that election was 14 milion votes, are the largest number of votes received by a single party in a general election in British history. At the 1992 election, the pollsters got it considerably wrong, massively underestimating Conservative voters and overestimating Labour voters which acts as maybe a lesson for this election? Yet other parallels can be drawn. In 1974 Prime Minister Edward Heath, called a general election, in the midst of an economic crisis, with constant threats of strikes and the dreaded three day week as well as the fact that the UK's economy was stagnating. Throughout the campaign 25 of the 26 opinion polls had a Conservative lead, at one point even by 9%, however the last six polls on election day showed the Conservatives with leads ranging from 5% to only 2% In the final poll however the Conservative beat Labour in vote share by only 0.7% and this was negated by Labour's win in the seats.

The lesson from that election? Don't call early elections when you're country is going through a major change or crisis. Say what Theresa? Back to this election, what can we predict will happen in the last few days of the campaign. It's very likely that Labour will try and bring the campaign on to their turf, that means that you're going to hear a lot about the NHS and other public services and how they're underfunded under the Conservatives. The Conservative on the other hand want this election to be about Brexit and how Theresa May is the best person to lead the UK out of the EU. They'll probably bring up what Jeremy Corbyn has said in the past about Hamas and the IRA to try and paint him as a terrorist sympathiser and not capable to be Prime Minister. The final result? I don't think anyone can sanely say they have a clue as to what's going down on June the 8th

For more infomation >> UK Election 2017: FINAL Predictions - Duration: 3:26.


ПРОИСШЕСТВИЕ «ОП» (Околонаучная Пародия). ВСЕ серии! - Duration: 34:52.

For more infomation >> ПРОИСШЕСТВИЕ «ОП» (Околонаучная Пародия). ВСЕ серии! - Duration: 34:52.


10 Cool Celebrities Who Are Down To Earth - Duration: 8:00.

Welcome to Top10Archive!

Isn't it just depressing when you find out that your favorite celebrity is, in real life,

a big, giant di... unfriendly person?

Thankfully, not all the world's most well-known figures fit into an unfavorable category.

In fact, many are so devoted to their fans, that they go out of their way to show their

appreciation, like these ten individuals found in our 2nd installment of the 10 friendliest



Rupert Grint All eyes may tend to gravitate towards the

titular character of Harry Potter and the actor portraying him, but Daniel Radcliff's

red-headed co-star should be getting an equal share of the limelight.

The ginger actor, who got his start with Harry Potter and has led a modest career since,

has done plenty for his fans.

At one point, Grint became so comfortable with fans that he wound up at a fan's house,

a drag queen who proceeded to dress the actor as a woman.

Afterward, donning high heels and a feather boa, Grint and his new friends went to get

bagels in public.

Though Grint broke fans' hearts by stating Hermione and Ron would have gotten divorced,

he loves those that admire him and is always keen on stopping for an autograph and picture.


Beyonce From Facetiming with a fan in the middle of

her concert to bringing a cancer-stricken fan to tears in a different performance, Beyonce

obviously has a thing for making her fans smile.

Simple actions like devoting a portion of her website to photos that her fans send her

to indicate that the love she receives isn't lost.

Impromptu photos, fan meet-and-greets, mid-performance selfies, unexpectedly including audience members

in her concert, joining a New York City flash mob – there seems to be little Bey won't

do to give her fans a delight they likely never expected.


Selena Gomez When it comes to her fans, Miss Gomez doesn't

play around.

She loves them and at every opportunity she gets, the singer is sure to show it.

Despite fame and the busy schedule it comes with, Selena has stopped to shower her admirers

in affection, apologize to them on social media for a missed encounter, and countless

times has stopped for close-up selfies and photo ops.

While some celebrities have grown cold to fan attention, Gomez is still humbled by the

outpouring of love she receives, as seen during a 2016 performance where she stopped the show

to thank them for hundreds of unexpected signs.


Taylor Swift Thanks to Swift's very public love life,

the young singer tends to get a bad rap, but despite being portrayed as a bad date, she's

a sweetheart to her fans.

Wondering just how far off that negative image of her is?

Consider that through the course of her relatively short career, Swift has gone out of her way

to meet several of her fans, including 7-year-old Dylan, who she danced with after his dance

video found its way onto The Ellen DeGeneres Show and the 96-year-old World War II vet

who connected with his grandchildren over Swift's songs.

Taylor has also helped pay off a fan's student loans and even invited a family to her apartment

in New York for Valentine's Day festivities.


Zac Efron For some, it's Efron's charming smile

that's impossible to resist.

For others, it's his impossibly sweet demeanor towards fans.

One of his most notable adoring acts came from a scenario that some celebrities would

scoff at and brush off.

While filming the Baywatch reboot, Efron was being chased down by a fan for a photo when

his pursuer dropped his iPhone, shattering it.

Rather than shrug it off as an act of fate and return to filming, Efron spent almost

$1,000 to replace the phone and brought the persistent admirer on set.

If that's not indication enough, Efron has also voiced his love of chatting with his



Miley Cyrus Cyrus' career may have taken her from America's

sweetheart to the sister you try to hide from your in-laws, but no matter what the public

seems to verbalize, Cyrus is always there for her fans.

Actions as simple as impromptu photo shoots are just the tip of the iceberg for the young

star's niceties.

Cyrus has even extended her hand to the less fortunate, reaching out to homeless youth.

She even went so far as to have a formerly homeless fan accept her Video of the Year

award at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards on behalf of runaways and homeless youth.


Dwayne Johnson Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson may have started

his professional life raising an eyebrow to opposing wrestlers, but he's since morphed

into a Hollywood action hero, YouTuber and an overall nice-guy.

The very busy actor has erupted onto the big screen to become quite the star, but that

hasn't kept him from appreciating those that helped build his career.

Despite a busy schedule, Johnson has stopped workouts to pose with members of the Livestrong

Foundation; worked with many charitable organizations including Make-A-Wish, Kids Wish Network,

Parkinson Society Maritime Region, Red Cross, Until There's a Cure, and Starlight Children's

Foundation; interacts with fans personally through social media, and is always willing

to pose for photos while out and about.


Keanu Reeves On top of being incredibly humble and down

to Earth, The Matrix and John Wick star is also known for having one of the kindest hearts

in Hollywood.

From putting his life on hold to care for his sister, Kim - who had been diagnosed with

leukemia - to offering his seat on a busy subway to a random bystander, to sharing time

with the homeless of West Hollywood, there doesn't seem to be an unkind bone in this

man's body.

When it comes to his fans, there are no bodyguards blocking him off and he's always willing

to stop for a photo op.

Even while leaving the airport, the actor doesn't gripe about the dozens of fans that

stop him for a photo.

There's even a story about Keanu pulling over on the highway to help jumpstart somebody's



Johnny Depp When you've been in as many child-friendly

movies as Johnny Depp, portraying dozens of memorable and lovable characters, one must

have some appreciation for the admirers they've garnered.

Depp may have been wrapped up in quite the scandal, but that hasn't stopped him from

being humbled by the outpouring of love and support he still receives.

At the 2017 People's Choice Awards, Depp dedicated his speech to his fans, but he's

always been there for his cherished followers.

From countless visits in costume to hospitalized fans to ignoring his security's urgings

to cease an impromptu meet and greet after filming, Depp may be shy, but he is sure to

open up to those that look up to him.

On top of being loyal to his fans, Depp is also an activist and played a huge role in

helping free The West Memphis Three, 3 boys who were sentenced to life in prison for crimes

that they allegedly didn't commit, but were linked to the crime by a corrupt justice system

in West Memphis, Arkansas.


Oprah Winfrey The former talk show host may get the occasional

bad rap for being racist, showy, and outspoken, but if her career in the spotlight has shown

anything, it's that she cares quite a bit about those that support her.

She's always been one to give away items to her studio audience, but her kindness and

generosity doesn't stop there.

When one person jokingly contacted her on Twitter and asked for the dress she wore on

an issue of Essence, Oprah was more than happy to oblige and actually sent the dress out.

During the Oprah Winfrey show, she was known for giving away more prizes than the Price

is Right, often shoveling out 100's of TV's, cars, and even trips around the world.

And, thanks to these give-a-ways, the internet is now filled with even more wonderful memes.

For more infomation >> 10 Cool Celebrities Who Are Down To Earth - Duration: 8:00.


【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep08 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 27:00.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

<i>Episode 8</i>

Let's continue.

She still has the fourth master.

- Amazing! - OK, OK, fine.

Just a piece of data, you've made up four stories.

Can you focus on your work?

My work!

When the progress bar is full

Eve will wake up.

Make sure she sees you at the first sight.

I'm leaving.

In case she sees me and binds me.

You think too much!

- Thanks. - You're welcome.

<i>[20 customers only.]</i>

Why limit the number of customers?

We come all the way here.



Due to a limit of ingredients

we can only receive 20 customers.

But you can make a reservation.

Let's take a photo!

We can't come in vain.

Yeah. Thank you.

Come on!

It's my turn. Let's get closer. Say cheese!

Girls, here's our izakaya's card.

You can call the number on it.

Ok. Thank you.

Thanks for coming.

- I'm sorry. - Thanks.

I'm hungry.

I'd like some noodles.


<i>[89%]</i> <i>[90%]</i>

Why do you set a limit on the number of customers?

Now that our household income is stable

and can cover our daily expense.

I don't want to waste time on running our izakaya.

After all, to love is my initial setting.

From now on, I'll stay with you more often.



You make me speechless.


Oh my goodness.

Is this a worried face?


Lately, my emotion module has been updated.

I can feel more emotions.


Say it.

Don't act like people in idol dramas.

Are you modifying Eve's program?



I needn't to tell you anything.


Isn't me enough?


Since the day you bought us

you should be aware that you can't modify the program at will.

The love of a robot is sole and loyal.

Modifying by force may lead to disturbance.

Eve will be out of control and do unpredictable things.

What are you talking about?

I just want a girlfriend. That's it.

It's not that severe.

Robots are designed by human.

No matter how advanced you are

you still need a program.

And I study programming.

Modifying it a bit won't cause any error!

What if Eve lose control?

Leave me alone.

I know

you just can't bear that I live better than you.

You've ruined my life.

What else do you want?

I'm rebuilding my life.

A life without you.

You see this process bar?

Once it reaches the last percent

my program will get done.

And I'll be free from our relationship.

My life, my decision!

Leave my alone!


It is a command.


Your ramen is ready.

I don't want it anymore.

A man acting like a love master

saying disgusting love words everyday.

How frivolous!

After Eve binds me

we'll move out, staying away from your nagging!




When did you change your clothes?

You rubbish, how dare you to modify your boss?

Eve, it's me!

Ah... Ah-Zhai!

What have you done to my program?


I just want to re-bind you.


How can you bind with me?

Eve, I'm sorry.

Eve, I won't do this again.

Let me go!

H... help!



<i>You're too slow.</i>

Adam, Adam!





help me!

I remember you've said

your life, your decision

and asked me to remember that it is a command.

It's my fault, OK?

Madam Eve, it's my limited edition model toy.

From now on,

I'll decide the rules

and I'll decide the positions.

What positions?

From now on,

I'm the No.1 in this house.

I'm the boss.

He's next.

I don't think that's fair.

You see

at least, I'm the owner of this house.

And I'm in the third place.

It's the third. You're the fourth.

I get it.

Being the fourth one

you have to follow the 4th rules.

From now on, you do all the chores

and make money.

As for him

don't touch him.

Leave my business alone .

Isn't it too...

Fine, my boss.

<i>[Bei Si Road]</i> <i>[Zhai Fu Road]</i>


How unlucky I am!

How suck I am!

How miserable I am!

There will be no princess more unfortunate than me.


Mop the floor!

Mop! Hurry up!

I'll do it.

Mop! Hurry!

I'll do it...

Please take me as his puppy or kitty.

You're so high above

why bother about a puppy or a kitty?

You don't need to act like that.

What are you doing?

You talked to him again.


I didn't!

Don't quibble.

You can see me as a puppy or a kitty that Adam likes.

You're so high above

why bother about a puppy or a kitty?

You don't need to act like that.

It's tyranny!

If you like tyranny then do as you please.

Go to sleep next to our dog tonight.

Yes, madam.

I'll sleep next to dog tonight.

Ba Yi...

Anyone can help me?

[20 customers only.]


When did you start this izakaya?

Without even asking us?

Are you the fabulous Prince Ryori?

Does he look like a prince?

We heard that your cuisine is super yummy.

Why do you only receive 20 customers?

Toast? Bacon?

Too small to eat.

Any fried potato and pork?

Sorry, our izakaya has neither fried potato, nor fried pork.

Then what do you have?

It's too expensive!

Any fish?

We have salmons.

Then stew us a salmon.

And... And a kilo of dumplings.

A bottle of Erguotou

And some garlics.

Hurry up.


We're closed now.


So... sexy...

What are you looking at?


Dare to say it again?



Stop, madam.

Stop! Please stop!

Bro, please say something!

I've said that we're closed.

And I don't fry pork.

Say something, please!

Which gang do you belong to?

We, we are not in gangs.

We're not gangsters.

We are good people...

just look a bit vicious.

M-m-madam, now we're in your gang.

Yes, yes!

Please leave us alone!

When I was abroad

I used to help establishing the biggest local gang.

Now that I'm in China

I'll follow the rules.

In this harmonious society

I don't need a gang

but I want to assist my man to be the King of Cuisine in our block.


What is that?

King of Cuisine!

Your rewards.

Come on.

It's mine!

Let's swear for our gang.


Let's go!

Here! And there!

Let's go!

So much money!

Come on!

Boss, clear.

From now on, I'm in charge of this whole street.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

For more infomation >> 【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep08 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 27:00.


[瑜小悅]要來一杯皮卡丘嗎? 皮卡丘杯緣子系列扭蛋 第二彈!! ♕ 複數控開箱 #2 - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> [瑜小悅]要來一杯皮卡丘嗎? 皮卡丘杯緣子系列扭蛋 第二彈!! ♕ 複數控開箱 #2 - Duration: 6:55.


Solteiros, o que não fazer no Dia dos Namorados ! - Desafio Dia dos Namorado- Dicas - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> Solteiros, o que não fazer no Dia dos Namorados ! - Desafio Dia dos Namorado- Dicas - Duration: 9:33.


Trinity. With The Feast Of The Holy Trinity. Video Holy Trinity - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Trinity. With The Feast Of The Holy Trinity. Video Holy Trinity - Duration: 1:49.


SumaiL • Outworld Devourer • 29 KILLS • Meta — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 26:39.

SumaiL • Outworld Devourer • 29 KILLS • Meta — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> SumaiL • Outworld Devourer • 29 KILLS • Meta — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 26:39.


Strikepack FPS Dominator in 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:15.

The Strikepack FPS Dominator by Collective Minds is a small, lightweight adapter that

attaches to a standard PS4 controller, providing a bevy of enhancements for only $40.

Take a look at the product and you'll notice the paddles.

These are similar to what you'd find on say, a SCUF controller or Razer Raiju, and

allow you to activate face buttons without lifting your thumbs off the analog sticks.

Switch the Strikepack from Tournament Mode, where only the paddles are enabled, to Mod

Mode, and you can take advantage of a variety of crazy exploits.

Now I'm not big into using these in public lobbies, so you'll have to settle for private

match gameplay here.

As you can see, the Rapid Fire mod is pretty insane.

On top of Rapid Fire, there is Jitter Fire, Anti-recoil, Quickscope, Auto Run, Drop Shot,

Reload and Slide, Easy Double Jump, Auto Hold Breath, Battlefield Auto Spot, and loads more.

Though you can simply just plug the Strike Pack in and start playing, it is also possible

to tweak settings further using the included software.

There is a crazy amount of customization here.

If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button to let us know, and ensure you're subscribed

for the upcoming review.

This has been Mack, for PlayStation LifeStyle, goodbye.

For more infomation >> Strikepack FPS Dominator in 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:15.


♪ ALIEN: COVENANT THE MUSICAL - Animated Parody Song - Duration: 3:01.

My husband just burned, burnt up in his sleep,

Driving this colony, off into space so deep.

As we repair the ship, a message we receive,

The new captain's a d*ck, he insists we proceed.

So we go explore, Ledward gets a spore,

Spawns a neomorph and captain's wife gets ripped and torn.

Tennessee's wife shoots, misses and goes through

Idle fuel tanks, they blow up, now we're...

Stranded here, David appears.

He likes to boast, and the captain's the host.

David I'm a xenomorph, killing humans like a sport,

Watch me burst out, out, out, of a chest just like a spout, spout, spout.

Don't serve humans just, just want to create,

Even if it means, cutting short humans' fates.

But that's not right because, they're like our parents,

I'm not wired like you, it's not inherent.

Please hear out my plea Mister Tennessee,

Your wife got blown away but we really need rescuin'

Tie myself to wire, crush xeno, expires,

Back to the ship I'm tired, but there's another...

Xeno, onboard, he ripped and tore.

Guts on the floor, we must blow it out the door.

Baby I'm a xenomorph, killing humans like a sport,

Watch me burst out, out, out, of a chest just like a spout, spout, spout.

No, no, no, we can't shoot it a new hole, hole, hole

Because it's acid blood, blood, blood, will eat right through the ship's hull, hull, hull

Baby I'm a xenomorph, killing humans like a sport,

Watch me burst out, out, out, of a chest just like a spout, spout, spout.

For more infomation >> ♪ ALIEN: COVENANT THE MUSICAL - Animated Parody Song - Duration: 3:01.


How To Properly Tag Your YouTube Videos - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> How To Properly Tag Your YouTube Videos - Duration: 8:17.


Epic Hearthstone Plays #174 - Duration: 5:33.

oooh oh oh oh, I know what to do

I, goddamn, know what to do

A recent opponent sent you a friend request

For more infomation >> Epic Hearthstone Plays #174 - Duration: 5:33.


Nghệ sĩ Xuân Hương khởi kiện, Trang Trần: 'Thích thì ra tòa' - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Nghệ sĩ Xuân Hương khởi kiện, Trang Trần: 'Thích thì ra tòa' - Duration: 1:37.


Dark Secrets Of The Cast Of Home Improvement - Duration: 7:38.

Very few shows are as synonymous with the '90s as Home Improvement.

The hit sitcom put Tim Allen on the map and had magazine cutouts of Jonathan Taylor Thomas

taped to millions of bedroom walls.

The show won audiences over week after week with its family-friendly depiction of the

power tool-obsessed Tim Taylor trying to raise three rambunctious boys with his no-nonsense


"Thank you America!"

But behind the scenes, there were still some pretty dark secrets.

Here's what you might not know about the cast of Home Improvement.

Behind bars

In 1978, Tim Allen was arrested at at Michigan airport for possession of 650 grams of cocaine.

He was reportedly a well-known dealer at the time, which made him an easy target for an

undercover sting operation.

Despite turning informant, Allen would spend two years and four months in federal prison,

which encouraged him to clean up his life and focus on his stand-up comedy career, which

would ultimately land him on Home Improvement.

However, the days of being in prison still haunt Allen.

He told Esquire, "When I went to jail, reality hit so hard that it took my breath away, took

my stance away, took my strength away.

I was put in a holding cell with twenty other guys [...] and I just told myself, I can't

do this for seven and a half years.

I want to kill myself."

But Allen's time in prison didn't entirely scare him straight.In May 1997, during the

height of Home Improvement's success, Allen was picked up going 30 miles per hour over

the posted speed limit.

Things went from bad to worse when Allen failed a field sobriety test and had a blood alcohol

level above the legal limit.

To his credit, he didn't contest the charges and entered rehab as part of his sentencing

in 1998.

He's spoken glowingly about Alcoholics Anonymous ever since.

Bad dad

While there's no doubt that Home Improvement rocketed Allen into Hollywood fame, it was

almost as a much of a career boost for Jonathan Taylor Thomas, better known as "JTT" in teen

magazines during the '90s.

But unlike Allen, Thomas became wary of the spotlight and bailed on the eighth season

to prepare for college.

He told People, "I'd been going nonstop since I was 8 years old.

I wanted to go to school, to travel and have a bit of a break."

Thomas' on-screen mom Patricia Richardson was supportive at the time.

"I'm sorry Mom I just thought that I was getting a raw deal."

"Well, you were."

She revealed in a Reddit AMA years later, "I think that it was very fortunate that Jonathan

is so smart and well balanced.

When he left the show, he ended up going back to school and got a really good education

and thought a lot about what he wanted to do with his life."

Allen, on the other hand, was not happy that Thomas chose to focus on his education instead

of the series.

Things got so bad that Thomas even skipped the series finale after the two had a confrontation

while filming a holiday episode.

Of course, Allen put it more gently by telling TV Guide, "I mentioned that I was confused

[about the reasons for his departure].

I don't think he liked that."

Regretful exit

After Jonathan Taylor Thomas left the show, Patricia Richardson made the decision not

to return for a ninth season despite reportedly being offered as much as $25 million.

Allen was offered $50 million to return, but he refused to do the show without Richardson.

Home Improvement would tearfully end after eight seasons, but according to an interview

with Richard Karn, who played Tim's bearded assistant Al Borland, Allen had second thoughts

about pulling the plug.

He said, "I think immediately Tim regretted that.

Sometimes you get in a kind of tunnel vision of life when you're doing this and you don't

realize how wonderful the situation is until you're outside looking back."

"Excuse me"


Child star syndrome

Of the three child stars on Home Improvement, no one suffered the pitfalls of early fame

more than Taran Noah Smith who played Mark, the youngest of Allen's on-screen sons.

In her book, Stardom Happens, Smith's mother recalled a terrifying anecdote about her son's

time on Home Improvement.

"In his first year, Taran was 7 years old, we were in Santa Monica, and a man grabbed

my arm.

Taran was maybe 20 feet from me.

He said, 'Listen, I need to talk to you.

I work for the FBI, and the three boys from Home Improvement are the top target of pedophiles

in the world.

You can't just leave him alone.

Don't ever let him out of your sight.'"

Unfortunately, that major scare wasn't the last of it for Smith and his mom.

In 2001, Smith ran away from home at the age of 17 and began a series of legal battles

against his parents to gain control of his $1.5 million trust fund.

To further complicate matters, that same year, Smith wed vegan chef Heidi Van Pelt who, at

age 33, was 16 years older than Smith.

Van Pelt had been welcomed by Smith's family before she began encouraging him to make a

move for his trust fund.

Things went to bad from worse when the couple divorced in 2007.

Smith's completely trashed house was foreclosed, and he'd later be arrested for DUI and drug

possession in 2012.

However, Smith eventually rekindled his relationship with his mother.

Bad for business

Zachery Ty Bryan also experienced a series of setbacks after the show's end.

Not only did he star in a terrible version of Thor, but in 2010, he sued two of his business

partners for allegedly siphoning funds from Big Wangs, a sports bar that Bryan co-owned

in Hollywood.

Bryan claimed his partners used the restaurant as their own piggy bank to buy expensive cars,

trips to Hawaii, and even a house in the Hollywood Hills.

Bryan also alleged they even used money to open a competing restaurant.

Ripoff or reboot?

After Home Improvement ended, Tim Allen found commercial success with big screen franchises

like Toy Story and The Santa Clause.

But what he longed for most was another small screen sitcom.

He told NBC San Diego, "I don't know why we would not do a version of the same show."

Eventually, his next long-lived series Last Man Standing was born.

He admitted, "It isn't rocket science, what I'm doing.

Instead of tools, it's sporting goods and guns and ATVs and boats, and I come home to

four women."

The show has stirred up its own sort of controversy, of course, but at least he knew what formula

would work for his fans.

A reunion?

While the cast of Home Improvement may have had their ups and downs grappling with the

success of the show and its aftermath, in 2011, everyone gathered together for a happy

Entertainment Weekly photo shoot with the exception of original Tool Time Girl Pamela

Anderson and the late Earl Hindman, who played Wilson, the next door neighbor with the always-hidden


A few years later, Allen and Thomas would show that they officially buried the hatchet

after Thomas appeared on a much-publicized episode of Last Man Standing.

Meanwhile, Richard Karn had also made a cheeky cameo on Allen's new show…

"Ah, it's gonna be great working with you again, buddy!"


And Patricia Richardson also made a cameo in 2016, which only further fueled rumors

of a Home Improvement reunion down the road, despite her previous assertion that it wouldn't


"Do you think there will ever be a Home Improvement reunion?"




With Last Man Standing's controversial cancellation announced in 2017, a revival series like Fuller

House could be just the project Allen's looking for to add "more power."

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For more infomation >> Dark Secrets Of The Cast Of Home Improvement - Duration: 7:38.


Youtube 傳說對決低端不專業排位場解說-功夫熊貓下凡之運氣四連殺 - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> Youtube 傳說對決低端不專業排位場解說-功夫熊貓下凡之運氣四連殺 - Duration: 13:01.


Snurraspolenupp | Busigt Lärande | Svenska Barnsånger | Förskola Låtar | Barnmusik | Barnrim - Duration: 1:05:41.

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Point to the ceiling

Point to the floor

Point to the window

Point to the door

Clap your hands together - 1, 2, 3,

Put your hands down on your knees.

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Point to the ceiling

Point to the floor

Point to the window

Point to the door

Clap your hands together - 1, 2, 3,

Put your hands down on your knees.

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Point to the ceiling

Point to the floor

Point to the window

Point to the door

Clap your hands together - 1, 2, 3,

Put your hands down on your knees.

For more infomation >> Snurraspolenupp | Busigt Lärande | Svenska Barnsånger | Förskola Låtar | Barnmusik | Barnrim - Duration: 1:05:41.


ИНОСТРАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Noize MC (Live), Скриптонит #45 - Duration: 24:32.

For more infomation >> ИНОСТРАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Noize MC (Live), Скриптонит #45 - Duration: 24:32.


Wir lernen Formen | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Reime Für Babies | Wiegenlied - Duration: 1:06:32.

We are shapes,

you can see us everywhere

We are shapes

I'm a square, I'm a square,

you can see me everywhere

I've got four sides,

I'm a square, I'm a square

I'm a circle, I'm a circle,

I go round and round and round

I've have no sides,

I'm a circle, I'm a circle

I'm a triangle , a triangle,

I'm a pointy little shape

I've got three sides,

I'm a triangle, triangle

We are shapes, you can see us everywhere

We are shapes

I'm a rectangle , rectangle,

I'm like a really long square

I've got four sides,

I'm a rectangle, rectangle

I'm a star , I'm a star

In the sky so so far,

I've got five pointy arm,

I'm a star, star

I'm a heart, I'm a heart

I'm so curvy and so smart ,

I'm a really lovely shape,

I'm a heart, I'm a heart

I'm a diamond, I'm a diamond

you can see me on a ring ,

I'm so shiny and so bright

I'm a diamond, I'm a diamond

We are shapes,

you can see us everywhere

We are shapes

For more infomation >> Wir lernen Formen | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Reime Für Babies | Wiegenlied - Duration: 1:06:32.


Winx Club NEW Finger Family for Kids Songs Nursery Rhymes Learning Video 2017 - Duration: 1:27.

Winx Club NEW Finger Family for Kids Songs Nursery Rhymes Learning Video 2017

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