Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 3 2017

What Is The REAL Difference Between A Psychopath, A Sociopath And A Narcissist

Whether it is a psychopath, sociopath, or narcissist, they could all be extremely charming

and egotistical too.

People with frenzied personalities are often dubbed sociopaths, psychopaths or narcissists.

Nevertheless, some of their key characteristics may help you differentiate between them.

Normally, these people adversely affect society since, they are anti-social and do not show

empathy for anyone.

A psychopath, as discussed above, often has a charming personality, doesn�t fear anyone

and emanates a wonderful level of confidence.

Usually, and paradoxically, these people have excellent IQ�s and educational qualifications.

They have remarkable jobs too.

But, their charm is nothing short of a mask of normality.

Behind this mask, you never know, may be residing a precarious personality.

They can easily fool others to make them believe that they are completely normal.

Experts claim that their behavior or condition is a result of the underdevelopment of the

parts of their brain that control impulse and emotions.

A sociopath can be described as a person who remains nervous and is vulnerable to getting

irritated very easily.

These people are anti-social and often are uneducated, living on the edges of society.

They can be called abstainers who are perceived as disturbed people by others.

A crime by these people will often be instant and unplanned.

When you talk about the narcissist, these people are extremely self-centered and hollow

on the inside.

Vanity and pomposity are certain inborn traits of these personalities.

The concept of narcissism has an interesting story behind it, which says that a Greek youth

called Narcissus once had fallen in love with his shadow in a pool.

While he gazed at it, he fell in and drowned.

Signs such as lack of empathy, elevated shame, and hypersensitivity help identify a narcissist.

What�s the difference between psychopath, sociopath and narcissist?

Although, there is no major difference in the three kinds of personalities, their attitudes

may show a little difference.

Psychopaths generally have no aim in life and behave anti-socially.

They often fail to create any emotional connection with other people.

They run after enticements and seek to fulfill them in any way.

They easily get angered to the fullest.

On the other hand, there are sociopaths who are highly spontaneous and madcap in their


These people also find it tough to form any bonds with others, and are mostly intermittent.

In rare cases, they may make friends with a group on the same wavelength.

It is comparatively tough for them to find jobs as well.

Then, there are the narcissists who cannot empathize at all, even though they too often

have a sense of guilt.

Narcissists are those people that reach the extremity of selfishness and superiority.

They want to feel as the most important people on earth.

Manipulation is one of their major traits along with self-obsession.

Comparison Chart

Psychopath Sociopath Narcissist They are anti-social, fearless and have no

empathy for others.

Suffer from antisocial personality disorder and have nothing to do with society.

Overly selfish and hold no empathy for others.

They are dangerous.

They are mostly treacherous for society.

May not always be threatening to the society.

Charming and confident.

Nervous with a high tendency of getting easily frantic.

Highly self-centred

and empty from inside.

For more infomation >> What Is The REAL Difference Between A Psychopath, A Sociopath An - Duration: 5:18.


Are You a Lightworker or a Darkworker - Duration: 8:11.

Are You a Lightworker or a Darkworker

By consciousreminder

Becoming a lightworker or darkworker isn�t something that just happens to you.

It�s a conscious choice, one the vast majority of people never make.

You may have leanings towards one polarity or the other, and you can certainly experiment

with both polarities as much as you desire, but becoming a lightworker or darkworker means

making a special commitment to mastery of a single polarity.

What does it mean to polarize?

When you decide to polarize, you�re making a commitment to living a certain type of life.

It is similar to making a commitment to a particular field that takes a long time to

master, such as training for the Olympics, becoming a concert pianist, or becoming a

grandmaster at chess. You aren�t just going to wake up one day to discover that � oh

yeah� you�re a 10th degree black belt, nor will you suddenly wake up and realize

you�re a lightworker or a darkworker. Polarizing as a lightworker or darkworker is a huge long-term

commitment. It doesn�t just happen by itself in a flash of insight.

The decision to polarize is a decision you make with every fiber of your being. For some

people it may be a natural choice, felt as a type of calling. Others have to spend a

lot of time exploring both polarities to make the polarization commitment very consciously

and deliberately. But most people never polarize.

If you polarize as a lightworker, you are dedicating your life to serving the greater


If you polarize as a darkworker, you are dedicating your life to serving yourself.

To use a Star Wars analogy, it is similar to deciding whether or not to become a Jedi

or a Sith. It should be rather obvious that most people never make this kind of commitment

in their entire lives. Hence, most people are neither lightworkers or darkworkers. The

two extremes of committing one�s life to serving the greater good or to serving one�s

own self-interest are not attractive to most people. It is simply not for them.

After you polarize, your polarity becomes the central focus of your life. You live and

breathe it every day. It almost becomes part of your DNA. It is impossible to compartmentalize

such a commitment. You can�t work at a menial job and do lightworking or darkworking on

the side. That�s like trying to be President of the USA �on the side.� Being a lightworker

or darkworker is a 24/7 deal, 365 days a year. It is who you are, not merely what you do.

Those who haven�t polarized are free to experience both polarities, but at a much

lower level of intensity than either a lightworker or darkworker can. In fact, it�s of great

benefit to explore both polarities and understand how they work.

If you are a lightworker or darkworker, you will have zero doubt about it. That is by

definition. If you have any doubt about it, you haven�t polarized. This is as basic

a thing as knowing you�re a black belt in a certain martial art. If you have to ask

the question, you�re not a black belt. Either that or you have a really bad memory.

Why polarize?

The reason to polarize is because you�re ready to make a conscious commitment to a

certain type of life. You�re willing to devote your whole being either to serving

the greater good or to serving yourself. That commitment becomes your life purpose. It becomes

the very core of your identity. You are saying to the universe, �This is who I am.�

When you make this commitment, you will know yourself on a level you�ve never known yourself

before. You will awaken every day knowing why you�re here, not because someone told

you why, but because you�ve defined your own why through the power of conscious choice.

Every moment of every day, you will know who you are and what you are here to do.

Polarization bestows a new level of intensity, drive, and motivation. Problems and obstacles

that previously would have plagued you will seem like trivialities. When you set a goal

that aligns with your polarity, you�ll know � not hope � it will be accomplished.

Doing replaces trying. Consequently, you�ll expand the scope of your goals to match your

intensity. You�ll also greatly extend your timeline for considering the consequences

of your decisions, thinking 10, 20, 50 years ahead as a matter of course. Short-term indulgences

will be replaced by long-term commitments.

Just as there are degrees of mastery in any field, there are degrees of polarization.

The more polarized you become, the more you tap into your deepest levels of inner power.

Whether you are a darkworker or a lightworker, your source of power is always found within.

It is not a form of agency or positional power. You could be stripped of all your worldly

titles and possessions and still feel just as strong. As a lightworker your energy flows

outward. As a darkworker your energy flows inward. The source of this flow is always

inside you � centered within your consciousness � and your polarity determines the flow�s


What if you don�t want to polarize?

If you don�t want to polarize, don�t. You�re free to continue using both polarities

if you so choose. Just be aware that you can never expect to master either polarity unless

you commit to one or the other. In other words, if you don�t polarize, you will always live

with the knowledge that you lived far below your potential in terms of your ability to

serve others or to serve yourself. Your service to the world as well as your service to yourself

will be mediocre at best compared to what you could have achieved had you polarized.

This should be rather obvious. When you polarize, you are making a strong commitment, and when

you are truly committed to something, you will invest a lot more time and energy into

your pursuits than you would otherwise.

Polarization is a special kind of commitment, similar to committing to mastery of a specific

field like music, art, medicine, or programming. Most people never make such a huge commitment.

But you cannot hope to master anything unless you commit to mastery of one thing.

Mastery is a process, not a position. Mastery is when you turn a desire into an absolute

must. For lightworkers and darkworkers, these commitments are made for different reasons.

But in either case, a conscious decision is made to devote one�s time, energy, resources,

and talents to the chosen role with a high degree of intensity. That intensity of focus

is perhaps what most distinguishes someone who has polarized.

For more infomation >> Are You a Lightworker or a Darkworker - Duration: 8:11.


Language Schools in Japan (Q&A with Go! Go! Nihon!) - Duration: 7:36.


[The ins and outs of JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL ]

[The ins and outs of JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL (featuring Go! Go! Nihon)]

Hey! I'm Loretta / KemushiChan!

I've been getting a lot of questions about how to get into Japanese language school

so I'm actually here today at Go! Go! Nihon

to ask all the questions that YOU guys have been asking.

This is Chris!

We are going to get into the nitty gritty

of language school in Japan. :)

Can you give everyone a brief run down

of what Go! Go! Nihon does?

Sure! So Go! Go! Nihon is a free support service

to help students live and study in Japan.

We support them in finding and applying to the school

the visa, accomodations, and

after-arrival support as well.

That's great!

When you normally apply to a Japanese language school directly

this is the application process

6-8 pages, half of it's in Japanese

with a very, very poor translation

this is usually what the application process looks like.

So, a headache! I got it! Ok!

So what we do is make sure that the application

is online, so that it's very easy

as you can seen here,

and so it's really easy for you guys to understand

how to apply and start your life in Japan.

I find that most resources for Japanese schools

don't have online sign ups

(oh, definitely not!)

and I'm just not used to paper anymore so that's a big help.

I applied to come to Japan through language school as well

In the beginning, they sent me an application form in an excel file ( !!!)

which is just like--- oh man.... excel!

...and I'm trying to LEARN the language, but the form was in Japanese.

I'm like, I don't even know Hiragana or Katakana yet

and they're like BOOM here's some Kanji!

You're just like OH NO!!

What are some perks of language school?

It's not for everyone, to be quite honest.

Language schools are for people who want to stay in Japan long term

and really see their future in Japan.

I tell people, if you want to live in Japan long term

you need to learn the language. That is king.

That is without a doubt, the number one thing

you need to do if you want to live in Japan long term.

A lot of people who come here initially to work

tend to lose focus.

They're surrounded by their native language bubble

English teachers will get pigeon-holed into a career of teaching English

which they might not want to do.

But if you come here and learn the language

for about one year

you'll become proficient enough

to take the next step towards what you want to do.

Learning Japanese is the absolute key for that.

Is there anything to avoid or lookout for

in the student application process?

If you type into a Google search like

"language schools in Japan" or "Language schools in Tokyo"

each language school in Google is going to be like "We're the best!"

No, we're the best!

we're the best! Oh, no WE'RE the best!

Some schools are really good at preparing you for the JLPT

whereas there are others that are really bad at that.

But, maybe they're really good at helping you find employment

or at helping you enter into University

there are so many TYPES of language schools in Japan

we've seen all the language schools here

and we know which one prepares the student best

depending on which type of student there is.

Yeah, that's great!

So, I just wanted to clarify,

when I first heard of Go! Go! Nihon, I was looking online

it would say this is a free service

but like, what part of it actually is free

and I think that's a big question mark for people.

Absolutely. So our support in finding a language school

applying for the visa or applying for accomodations

for the student, that support is 100% free.

All the fees in terms of the school or real estate

all of that, you pay directly to them.

So we don't take any of that money

you have the option to pay directly to the schools or housing

you just skip the headache of getting to there!

For free~!

So here's some questions from you guys

I want to make sure we get those.

What can you actually learn in a language school?

It depends on what type of program you're looking for!

If you're looking for a more test-oriented program

then they'll drill you on grammar, reading etc.

but not so much writing or conversation.

But if you're looking for a conversation-based program

you can do more of that.

Its about 3 or 3.5 hours of school everyday

Mon - Fri., it's usually four different classes

Morning OR afternoon classes, it's one or the other

do they have any business classes by any chance?

They do! The upper levels have a lot of electives

that you can choose from.

JLPT, EJU, Business

conversation, reading/writing, etc.

Sweet! Ok!

If you let us know exactly what you're looking for

we can tell you what a sample schedule might look like.

Do you need a certain degree to go to language school in Japan?

Great question!

You do NOT need to have a degree,

but having one does set you up for the next step after

but you don't need a degree to study Japanese.

You don't even need to be a student, actually!

The oldest student we helped so far was 65.


You have to have a high school diploma at least.

That's the minimum requirement.

and if you've completed at least 11 years

there are language programs that fill in that last year

through their program.

A lot of people ask me about high school programs

so that they can start at the high school level

before they go into college.

We do have a program

which is a 4-year bachelor's degree program

at Tokyo International University, that's taught completely in English

that's also an option too!

Any thing else in the line up?

We also help with vocational schools

we have a few vocational schools lined up

like trade schools, IT, art and design

computer graphics, and fashion - yes!

We also do these things called Study Trips

If you want to go all in on Japan

but you've never been to Japan or student here before

it's a little daunting!

We offer Study Trips, which are like a tour package

and a language study put together.

So you see the country, learn the language, and get a feel for everything.

With people from all over the world.

Three hours of language study in the morning

and then a tour option in the afternoon.

So if you're looking for like a little teaser

I think that's a great idea.

I mean, I"M excited!!!

So just letting you guys know, in the future,

I'm going to be doing a couple extra specials

on this channel with Go! Go! Nihon

So Language Schools - I'm going to actually go visit one

I'm going to go on a Study Trip and meet some of the students there

I'm basically going to be a guinea pig through Go! Go! Nihon

so we can see it first hand.

Also, we have an Instagram!

Where we upload a lot of stuff, some personal stuff

like here we are, we're doing this today

We're sharing like daily life in Japan so

so if you want to see Japan firsthand check those out

I'll put those here and underneath the video!

Alright, Chris!

So thanks for answering all of these questions!

We'll see some more Go! Go! Nihon stuff in the next few videos!

So I will see you guys soon

in the next adventure with Go! Go! Nihon!



For more infomation >> Language Schools in Japan (Q&A with Go! Go! Nihon!) - Duration: 7:36.


Bradsville house - Duration: 7:20.

Thank you for watching! If you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and if you enjoy this channel please subscribe. :)

For more infomation >> Bradsville house - Duration: 7:20.


There are 6 types of plants in the garden are not a waste of money 1 drug money Do not look sad - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> There are 6 types of plants in the garden are not a waste of money 1 drug money Do not look sad - Duration: 5:00.


This is What Happens to Your Body 10 Hours After Putting on Nail - health - Duration: 5:24.

This is What Happens to Your Body 10 Hours After Putting on Nail Polish

New studies show that your manicure may be responsible for exposing you to a list of


Unknown to many, including those who work in the industry, it is important to educate

ourselves on these risks!

While nail products are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, it is not at the

pre-market stages.

This means that the FDA can enforce the laws against companies that violate them, however

they do not have to approve the formulas for these products before they find themselves

on the store shelves.

While they do acknowledge the presence of harmful ingredients in nail polish, the FDA

states that they are safe when used as directed (painted onto your nails, not ingested).

In May 2011, a group of scientists from the Pollution Prevention Branch of the Department

of Toxic Substances Control for the California Environmental Protection Agency conducted

a study into the ingredients found in products from 25 different distributors.

These products were sent to an independent lab, focusing on the potential presence of

3 specific chemicals � formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate and toluene.

Some of these products included labels stating that they were free of the atleast one of

the three listed chemicals, while others made no such claim.

�The bottom-line finding is we can�t trust the labels on some of these nail salon products

that are claiming to be free of these toxic chemicals,� stated Rebecca Sutton, PhD,

a senior scientist with the Environmental Working Group who reviewed the report.

�These chemicals have well-established health concerns.

Obviously, there is greater danger for workers, who are exposed so much longer, day in and

day out.

However, this is not a minor concern for consumers.�

Another recent study focused on the health of women who are using these products.

The study focused on blood tests of 24 participants, looking for evidence of toxins within their


Just 10 hours following their manicure, 100% of the women showed signs of triphenyl phosphate.

In a follow-up study, focusing on the presence of triphenyl phosphate, researchers analyzed

10 different nail polishes.

The chemical was found in 8 of the 10 products, 2 of which did not disclose the chemical on

their product label.

Triphenyl Phosphate

Triphenyl Phosphate has been found to disrupt the human endocrine system, which is the bodily

system that controls all our hormones.

This chemical is particularly harmful to younger users, who are still in the hormonal development


It has also been found to be a neurotoxin, skin irritant, reproductive toxin and allergen.

Dibutyl Phthalate

Nail polishes include dibutyl phthalate to minimize chipping.

Much like triphenyl phosphate, this chemical has been found to pose dangers both in hormonal

disruption and reproductive system toxins.

The state of California has classified this chemical as a reproductive and hormonal toxicant,

however this has not been recognized by the federal government.


The chemical responsible for providing the glossy, shiny appearance of nail polishes,

camphor has recently been found to trigger skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Inhaling its fumes has also been known to cause headaches, dizziness and nausea.

It is currently being phased out in the European markets, however I limited to a concentration

of 11% in the US.


Formaldehyde can dissolve in water and air, and is responsible for the smell that comes

with the use of nail polish products.

It has long been recognized as a carcinogen.

Exposure to formaldehyde can cause asthma, scratchy throat and difficulty breathing.

Formaldehyde is used to both strengthen and harden nail polishes.


Toluene has been found to impede development in children.

Even more frightening, some scientists have been able to identify traces of it in breast


It is also a known skin irritant.

Used to create a smooth application and finish, its fumes have been found to decrease brain

function, impair breathing, cause nausea and promote hearing loss.

Try These Alternatives

While many companies are responsible for including some, if not all, of the above chemicals,

there are companies that are putting your health first.

Here is a list of nail polish brands that you can enjoy without the heightened risks

of cancer, hormone disruption and allergies:

Peacekeeper Cause-Metrics Acquarella

Honeybee Gardens Priti

SpaRitual Nubar

Piggy Paint Suncoat

For more infomation >> This is What Happens to Your Body 10 Hours After Putting on Nail - health - Duration: 5:24.


OP Setup + 'Ol Faithful = Broken Game | Miner's Havem | Roblox [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 5:38.

Hey Guys! Welcome to Miner's Haven again

Today I have this setup I want you guys to see

As you can see I have 20 Qn and I'm going to pass that

Just watch and learn





I'm going to try my massive diamond mine

It doesn't fit!

This is op

This is going to be the end of the video. Hope you Enjoyed. Like if Possible. Sub if Wanted. AND

JMC Logging Out

For more infomation >> OP Setup + 'Ol Faithful = Broken Game | Miner's Havem | Roblox [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 5:38.


Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars | Chapter 18 - Duration: 8:50.



For a moment there was some embarrassment, as Sam was not in the habit of mingling with

this crowd of boys.

He had his own friends, not very many, to tell the truth, but he was usually with them.

The lads did not know exactly how to take his request, but Joe came to the rescue.

"Sure you can come in," he said heartily.

"We're just seeing who can put the most balls in the basket."

"What good do you think that does?" asked Sam.

"Well, doesn't it help a fellow to get a straight aim?" asked Tom, half defiantly.

"Oh, I don't know," was the rather sneering answer.

"It might, if you kept at it long enough."

"Let's see you try it," suggested Rodney Burke, who did not hold Sam in much awe.

Carelessly the Silver Star pitcher accepted a ball that Joe obligingly held out.

He threw[144] quickly and the ball landed squarely in the basket.

Then he did the trick again, and there was a little murmur of applause, for only a few

of the boys had "two straight" to their credit.

"Joe did three straight a while ago," said Tom proudly.

"He and I are playing off a tie."

Sam did not answer but threw again, and the ball went wide of the basket by two feet at


Rodney laughed.

"You're not such a much, even if you are the pitcher," he declared.

"Who asked you anything about it?" demanded Sam savagely.

He darted a look of anger at the lad, but as Rodney was well built and had a reputation

for "scrappiness" Sam concluded not to tackle him just then.

"I'll show you how to throw!" he exclaimed the next moment, and two balls went squarely

in the basket.

"Now, let's see you and Matson play it off," commanded Sam to Tom as though he

was in the habit of having his wishes complied with.

Whether it was nervousness or not, or whether he wanted to see his chum do well when Sam

was present, was not made manifest, but Tom did not come up to his previous record, and

Joe easily won.

In fact Joe made a much better score than Sam,[145] and there were several curious glances

directed at the pitcher.

"Don't you want to try it some more?" asked Rodney Burke, and there was mockery

in his voice.

"No!" half-growled Sam.

"I've got to save my arm for the next game.

We're going to win that sure.

So long," and with that he turned and strode away.

"As cheerful as a bear with a sore nose," remarked Rodney.

Ordinarily but little importance would have been attached to the coming game with the

Denville Whizzers, but on account of two previous defeats, Darrell Blackney and George Rankin

had several conferences concerning it.

The captain and manager were plainly worried.

"Do you wish you had some one else to put in the box?" asked Rankin.

"Well, not exactly," was the answer.

"I haven't lost faith in Sam, but I do wish we could depend more on him.

He'll pitch fine for several innings and then go to pieces.

He tries to use too much speed and too many varieties of curves, I think."

"By the way, what do you think of young Matson?" asked the captain.


"I think a good deal of him.

He doesn't amount to much as yet, but he's in earnest and he's got grit.

In time I think he'll make a player."

"He wants to pitch."

"I know he does, but it's out of the question yet.

Have you any line on him?"

"Not yet," answered Rankin, "but I'll keep my eyes open.

He's a good fielder all right, now that he isn't so nervous.

He wants to play his head off.

But Sam—well, we can't do any better right away, and—well, I guess we'll win this


"We've got to!" insisted the manager earnestly, "if we want the people of Riverside

to support us.

They won't come to see a losing home team all the while."

The game with the Whizzers was to take place on their grounds, and early on that morning

the Silver Stars, some substitutes, and a crowd of "rooters" got ready for the trip.

Denville was about seven miles from Riverside, back from the stream, and could be reached

by trolley.

A special car had been engaged for the team.

The game started off well, and the Silver Stars got three runs in their half of the

first inning.

The home team was blanked and for a time it[147] looked as if there would be an easy victory

for the visitors.

Sam was pitching in good form, and had struck several men out.

For three innings the home team did not get a run, and there was only one to their credit

in the fourth.

There was gloom and despair among their supporters while the "rooters" of the visiting team

were happy singing songs and yelling.

Joe played well and had two outs to his credit on long flies, with no errors to mar his record.

But he noticed that as the home team came to the bat in their half of the fifth, in

which the Silver Stars had made two runs, that Darrell and the captain were in earnest

consultation with Sam.

They seemed to be remonstrating with him, and Joe heard the manager say:

"Take it easy now; we have the game on ice."

"Oh, I know how to play ball," retorted the pitcher.

Then began a series of happenings.

With a lead of four runs when the last half of the fifth started it would have seemed

that the Stars might have won out.

But Sam fell a prey to the applause of the crowd and began to do "grandstand" work.

He contorted his body unnecessarily in winding up for a delivery.

He hopped[148] about before pitching the ball and he failed to study the batters, though

he had had plenty of chance to do so.

The result was that he went to pieces through sheer weariness and began giving balls.

Then the home team, realizing what was happening, began to pound him, and to steal bases.

In their half of the fifth the home team made six runs, putting them two ahead.

"We've got to stop that!" said Darrell, with a shake of his head.

"We sure have," agreed the captain.

There was somewhat of a brace on the part of the Stars and they made one run in their

part of the sixth.

But the Whizzers kept pace with them.

The seventh inning resulted in one run for the visitors and none for the home team and

that made only a lead of one for the home nine.

Joe brought in a run in the eighth, but as if it had been prearranged the home team duplicated

so the score at the beginning of the ninth stood eight to nine in favor of the home team.

"We need two runs to win, if we can serve them goose eggs for lunch," said the Silver

Star captain grimly.

"Go to it, boys; beat 'em out."

"Sure we will," said Sam airily, and he brought[149] in one of the needed two runs.

Darrell contributed the other, and when the visiting team took the field they were one


"Don't let a man get to first!" cried Captain Rankin.

But it was not to be.

Sam gave the first man his base on balls and there was a groan of anguish from his fellows

and the Riverside crowd.

Then the second man whacked out what appeared to be a pretty three bagger, scoring the runner

from first.

The batter slipped on his way from second to third, however, and was put out when Joe

made a magnificent throw in from deep centre.

With one out Sam gathered himself together and struck out the next man.

Then came to the bat the mightiest walloper of the rival team.

"Wait for a good one.

Make him give you what you want," advised the coacher to the batter.

And the latter did wait, for when he got what he wanted he "slammed it" away out in

centre field.

"A home run!

A home run!" yelled the frantic crowd.

"And win the game!" shouted a score of the players' friends.

"Come on, baby-mine!"

Joe was madly racing after the ball, which had[150] gone away beyond him.

He got it and hurled it to second for a relay home, as a quick glance had shown him the

man rounding third.

Straight and true the ball went and the baseman had it.

Then he sent it to Catcher Ferguson as the runner was racing in.

Sam had run from his box and stood watching and expectant near home plate.

The runner dropped and slid and Bart Ferguson, as the ball landed in his mitt, reached over

to touch him.

"Safe!" howled the umpire, and it meant the defeat of the Silver Stars.

For a moment there was silence and then Sam, stepping up to the umpire, a lad smaller than

himself, said:

"Safe, eh?

Not in a thousand years!

You don't know how to umpire a game.


I guess not!" and drawing back his fist Sam sent it crashing into the face of the

other lad.

For more infomation >> Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars | Chapter 18 - Duration: 8:50.


Recipe to make cookies With sparks - Duration: 2:32.

Good afternoon

Our group is conformed by Jury Guerrero, Angela Quiñones and Rocio Quiñones

We explained the recipe step by step

Recipe to make cookies With sparks

Ingredients for little more than six people

Use one to two eggs depends on how much you like

One hundred and twenty five grams of butter

a cup of sugar

A cup and a half flour

a cup of milk

a little bit of salt

Add some chocolate chips

Add sparks of color if you like

Do you have any mold? you will need it


First, mix the flour, milk, some eggs

a little sugar, if you like a little salt

in a pot.

Melt a little butter and add to the mixture

as many eggs as you need

Preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees

then beat for five minutes until smooth.

Add the chocolate chips as you like

Mix a little over ten seconds

Put a little dough in each mold

the size of the cookie you like

Place the mold in the oven for a few minutes

If you like well crispy up to twenty minutes can be left.

Leave the cookies to cool in the mold for some time necessary

Would you like to make cookies?


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