Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

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For more infomation >> (Free) Real Old School Boom Bap Beat Lofi Hip Hop Instrumental Rap Beat // Prod. D-Low Beats - Duration: 3:45.


ASOIAF: Daenerys Targaryen (Complete) - Duration: 16:42.

After centuries of Targaryen rule, the reign of Mad King Aerys saw the continent of Westeros

fracture into rebellion and civil war.

Lord Robert Baratheon of the Stormlands along with his allies in House Stark, Arryn and

Tully led a campaign against the throne, eventually joined by the Greyjoys and Lannisters to defeat

the Targaryens and take the capital of King's landing.

Although the king and most of the royal family was killed, a pregnant Queen Rhaella escaped

to the nearby island of dragonstone along with her son Viserys.

Unfortunately the Queen died shortly after giving birth to a baby girl during a terrible


Young Viserys and Daenerys Stormborn, as she came to be known, were now alone in the world,

and so the garrison at Dragonstone made plans to save themselves by giving the children

to the new king of westeros Robert Baratheon.

However Ser Willem Darry, an elderly Targaryen loyalist was able to smuggle them off the

island, taking them to live as exiles in Braavos.

Although Daenerys had fond memories of her time in Braavos, remembering a house with

a red door and a lemon tree, their kindly old guardian soon died and once again the

children were alone.

Soon enough their servants abandoned them, stealing anything of value they could, and

the Targaryen exiles were forced out of their home.

The two travelled throughout the Free cities of essos, at first treated like foreign dignitaries

by local nobility, but eventually seen as unwanted guests, even nicknaming Viserys the

Beggar king.

To survive they sold every last momento and trearsure they had, including their mother's

golden crown.

After losing the last symbol of their royal past, Viserys grew increasing hostile and

violent towards his sister, the years of hardship stripping away the last of his joy.

Finally some relief came for the Targaryen children when Illyrio Mopatis, a wealthy merchant

of pentos opened his home to them, even arranging a marriage for 13 year old Daenerys to the

Khal Drogo, leader of a Dothraki khalasar of 40 000.

Viserys agreed to the arrangement, believing that they would take up his cause and conquer


During the wedding ceremony Daenerys received a number of gifts including 3 petrified dragon

eggs from Illyrio Mopatis, while Viserys met an exiled Westerosi knight named Ser Jorah

Mormont, who pledged himself to the Targaryen cause.

Later, the bride was taken away to consummate the marriage and although she was terrified

of the strange and violent Dothraki culture, her new husband did not attempt to force himself

on her, waiting for her consent before laying together.

As wife to a Khal, Daenerys was given the title of Khaleesi, and granted her own retinue

of warriors, slaves and servants, though as a woman she had no actual authority over the

larger khalasar.

After the ceremony they travelled east, to Vaes Dothrak, the only Dothraki city located

by the Mother of Mountains and Womb of the World.

At first, Daenery struggled adapting to Dothraki ways, but soon began to dream about dragons,

and awoke with renewed confidence and determination.

Over time she learned the dothraki language, and embraced their rugged culture even developing

genuine feelings of love for her husband.

She also began to stand up for herself, against Viserys, who grew increasingly hostile and

belligerent, as the Khalasar moved further away from Westeros.

Ser Jorah attempted to explain that Dothraki culture did not trade favors, instead receiving

gifts, and later giving gifts back.

But the process could not be rushed and Viserys would have to be patient.

At the age of fourteen Daenerys revealed she was pregnant and so once arrived at Vaes Dothraki,

aceremony was performed, where she ate the raw heart of a horse in front of the Dosh

Khaleen, the widows of former khals who act as advisors to Khalasars.

Upon successfully consuming the heart, the Dosh Khaleen predict that her unborn child

was the Stallion who will mount the world, a long awaited hero of prophecy who would

unite the Khalasars.

After the ceremony a feast was held, where Viserys Targaryen arrived drunk and armed

with a sword, a violation of the laws of the city, which forbade weapons.

The exiled prince then pointed the sword at his sister's pregnant belly, threatening

to kill them both unless Drogo fulfilled his promise to give him a crown.

Drogo agreed, melting golden medallions and pouring the molten liquid over viserys head,

giving him his golden crown.

Daenerys did not turn away from the death of her brother, accepting it and embracing

her role as the last living heir to the Targaryen throne.

Drogo however showed no interest in taking his army across the sea to conquer westeros,

until Ser Jorah Mormont saved Daenerys from an assassination attempt, convincing the Khal

that his wife's enemies in westeros must be destroyed.

The Khalasar then travelled south, raiding local villages and defeating a rival khalasar

to collect slaves for sale to Slaver's bay.

In this way they might purchase ships for their journey to Westeros.

However Daenerys did not approve of the rape and pillaging she witnessed, doing her best

to save a number of women from the aggressive dothraki.

Drogo received a minor wound while killing the rival khal, and while it did not seem

serious, Daenerys assigned one of the woman she rescued, the godswife Mirri Maz Duur to

treat the injury.

Mirri Maz Duur was called a maegi by the Dothraki, a group seen with distain for their use of

blood magic.

However Daenerys did not share their concern and so allowed her to treat Drogo's wounds

with her medicines.

The Khal at first allowed it, but came to find the treatment uncomfortable, tearing

off her work and replacing it with mud plaster.

The wound then grew infected, causing Drogo to weaken and fall of his horse, a sign that

a Khal could no longer fulfill his duties as a leader.

Daenerys then ordered Mirri to use bloodmagic in order to save his life, and she agreed

but warned that only death may pay for life.

The godswife then ordered that no one enter the tent during the ritual, but as they awaited

outside, the Khalasar erupted into fighting, with many believing Drogo was dead and others

objecting to the use of magic.

Daenerys became surrounded by violence as her personal soldiers and Jorah Mormont fought

to defend their position.

Daenerys then went into labor, passing out in Jorah's arms, as he carried her inside

the tent to be treated by the Mirri who was still performing the ritual upon Drogo.

When Daenerys awoke, her child was dead, her husband alive though in a catatonic state

and the khalasar was gone, abandoning their fallen leader and choosing new khals to rule


Left with only a few slaves and sworn warriors, Daenerys euthanized her husband to end his

suffering, then placing Drogo and her three dragon eggs in a funeral pyre along with Mirri

Maz Duur, who appeared to have purposely killed her son and husband, claiming that with them

gone they could no longer hurt innocent people.

And so Daenerys sentenced her to burn.

As a red comet appeared in the sky the fire was lit, and when the pyre alight Daenerys

fearlessly walked into the inferno.

In the morning when the fire burned out her servants searched among the ashes and found

Daenerys unharmed alongside three freshly hatched dragons, naming them Drogon, Rhaegal

and Viserion.

Travelling south Daenerys led her people to the city of Qarth, where she was invited to

stay in the palace of Xaro Xhoan Daxos who offered a marriage alliance only to be turned


The Mother of Dragons was then rejected when attempting to convince the Pureborn rulers

of the city to join her cause.

She then met with a mysterious woman in a red mask named Quiathe who urged her to visit

the far eastern city of Asshai.

With few options left in Qarth, Daenerys turned to the warlock of the House of the undying,

visiting their tower alongside her dragon drogon.

There she saw a number of visions, and was told she will light three fires (one for life,

one for death, and one to love), ride three mounts (one to bed, one to dread, and one

to love), and face three In the end the warlocks attacked her, but

she was defended by Drogon who breathed fire upon them, allowing for Daenerys to escape.

No longer welcome in Qarth, an assassination attempt was made on her life, but she was

saved by a white haired man calling himself Arstan, who was sent by her former benefactor

Illyrio Mopatis along with 3 ships to take her home to pentos.

They hastily left the city but stopped in Astapor along slaver's bay, before returning

to the Free Cities, still needing an army for her conquest of westeros.

During the voyage, Ser Jorah Mormont professed his love for Daenerys, but she did not return

his feelings.

She was however lonely since the death of her husband and so took her handmaiden Irri

as a lover.

Once arrived in Astapor she purchased every unsullied warrior available, slave soldiers

castrated at a young age and trained their whole lives for battle.

To pay for the army she gave them her dragon drogon, only to betray the slavers after the

deal went through, ordering her army new kill their former rulers and take the city.

The Good Masters of Astapor were quickly defeated and Daenerys freed every slave on of their

slaves, including her own soldiers, asking them to follow her as free men.

Leaving a council to rule the city, Daenerys Stormborn led with her new army to the nearby

city of Yunkai continuing her campaign to end slavery in the region.

The Wise Masters who rule Yunkai, having heard of the fall of Astapor, hired the Stormcrows

and Second Sons mercenary companies to strengthen their defenses.

However this city also fell to her forces, aided by the betrayal of Daario Naharis, who

killed the other 2 leaders of the Stormcrows, and joined Daenerys.

Once again she freed all slaves and earned yet another nickname, called Mhysa, meaning

mother by the local population.

She then took her army north to Meereen, the final city along slaver's bay, where she

found that the Great Masters had nailed 163 slave children to mileposts.

Once arrived yet another assassination attempt was made on her life, but she was once again

saved by Arstan, who revealed himself to be Ser Barristan Selmy, former kingsguard of

westeros seeking to serve House Targaryen once more.

Ser Barristan also revealed that Ser Jorah Mormont was originally a spy sent by the court

of King Robert Baratheon.

Shocked that her 2 closest advisors were not who they seemed, she ordered that they go

on a mission to infiltrate Meereen through the sewers while the army attacked above,

in order to free the slaves in the city so they might revolt against their masters.

Although this was an extremely dangerous assignment that could easily have resulted in their deaths,

they successfully completed the mission, leading to the fall of the city.

Afterwards Daenerys forgave Ser Baristan for the deception but could not forgive Jorah,

and exiled him from meereen.

The Queen then nailed 163 Great Masters to posts in front of the great pyramid, as retribution

for the children they killed, and went about putting the city in order.

With Meereen conquered, Daenerys soon learned that the council of Astapor fell to a former

Butcher named Cleon who declared himself king and enslaved the former aristocracy.

In Yunkai, the Wise Masters had returned to their old ways, and were gathering allies

to fight against her forces.

Fearing that Meereen would suffer the same fate as the other cities, she decided to hold

off on travelling to westeros, instead staying on as queen of Meereen, so she might learn

to rule and protect the former slaves.

Meanwhile rumors about Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons spread across the known world.

Maester Aemon of the night's watch even confided in his steward Sam Tarley, claiming

that Daenerys was the prophesized hero that would come to save the realms of men.

Unfortunately he was too old to seek her out, and so the task fell to Archmaester Marwyn,

who took on the task after Aemon's death, and travelled east to find Daenerys and offer

his service and council.

In Meereen the Queen struggled to maintain order as a rebel insurgency known as the Sons

of the Harpy attacked her followers in the streets, fighting a shadow war on behalf of

the Great Masters who once ruled the city.

To combat this aggression, Daenerys placed a blood tax on the Meereenese nobility in

order to fund a city watch known as the Brazen Beasts.

She also took 2 hostages from each of their families, threatening to harm them if the

attacks continued.

And while the attacks did continue, she ultimately chose not to harm the hostages.

Yet not all were against the new ruler of the city, with the former slaves and lower

classes rising to prominence under the new government.

A movement formed of those who embraced the new Queen and changes in society, shaving

off their hair as a symbol of this new beginning.

The shavepates as they became known, were led by Skahaz mo Kandaq an advisor to the


A number of companies also formed from the recently liberated slave population like the

Mother's Men, Free Brothers, and Stalwart Shields.

As time went on, the three dragons who flew in the skies above the city grew, with the

largest of them being Drogon who regularly killed farm animals in the countryside, creating

a system where the royal court would pay for any livestock destroyed.

However when a man arrived with the bones of his deceased daughter, Daenerys realized

her dragons were becoming a threat to the people, and while drogon was able to fly away

and escape, Rhaegal and Viserion were locked away, where they could do no harm.

Late one evening, the Queen was visited by the mysterious woman Quiathe, who was using

magic to make contact, in order to recite yet another prophecy.


the enemies of meereen continued to gather all around them, Xaro Xhoan Daxos of Qarth

arrived in the city, bringing 13 ships with him as a gift for the Queen, on the condition

that she gather her soldiers and leave Slaver's bay.

He stated that her presence and actions had disrupted the slave trade in southern essos,

affecting the economies of Volantis and Qarth.

However she refused his offer, causing him to leave her a bloody glove on a satin pillow,

meant to convey that Qarth declared war on Meereen.

With an alliance of powers including, New Ghis, Tolos, Qarth, Volantis and the Wise

Masters of Yunkai, they were able to defeat King Cleon of Astapor, taking the city and

then sending a naval fleet to blockade Meereen as they prepared to march north.

Meanwhile Daenerys began to make a number of consessions to the Meereenese nobility,

in an attempt to stablalize the city and prepare for its defense.

In order to stop the rebel insurgency and make peace with the other powers of Slaver's

bay, she agreed to marry a Meereenese nobleman named Hizdar zo Loraq, on the condition that

he use his connection to stop the attacks from the Sons of the Harpy for 90 days.

His success however, in stopping the violence led skahaz mo kandaq to suggest he may be

the Harpy, leader of the insurgents.

As refugees from Astapor begin trickling in from the south, they bring with them the bloody

flux, also known as the pale mare, and so were not allowed to enter the city.

The stress and severity of the situation, led Daenerys to take Daario Naharis as a lover,

and was then introduced to a man who revealed himself to be Quentyn Martell, son to the

Prince of Dorne, who'd come to offer a marriage alliance, which would see their houses join

together to conquer Westeros.

However with her immediate concern being the security of Meereen, she rejects his offer,

instead planning to go through with her wedding to Hizdar zo Loraq.

To celebrate the terms of peace, a great celebration was held in the fighting pits of meereen,

where Hizdar insisted that Daenerys try the Honeyed Locusts.

However she was so unhappy with the events unfolding she had no appetite, leaving the

man Strong Belwas to eat a great many of them.

However he soon fell ill, realizing that the locusts were poisoned.

At the same time Drogon returned, interrupting the festivities and landing in the arena.

Daenerys, elated to see her dragon again, but also scared to see fighters preparing

to attack, ran to the creature, mounting it for the first time, and flying away on its

back, leaving the chaos of Meereen behind.

Drogon took her deep into the Dothraki Sea, but refused to take her back, and so she began

to walk through the grasslands.

Unfortunately she soon became grievously ill after drinking contaminated water, hallucinating

and losing consciousness.

But she survived and once again mounted Drogon when he returned, then hunting down a horse,

and together ate its charred remains.

Daenerys Targaryen, queen of Meereen, mother of dragons, was then found by the Dothraki

Khalasar of Khal Jhaqo.

For more infomation >> ASOIAF: Daenerys Targaryen (Complete) - Duration: 16:42.


⚛️ Song 4 lovers ERYWHERE...Rogez - NucleAr LOve |Creds In Description #HipHop #Rnb #TrapSoul #Music - Duration: 3:56.

Thermal nuclear love

Sit ups Rogez


The rings go first

The chains then shirt

I'm chasing her

I saw her first

Or she'll get hurt


Thermal nuclear love



Come in through this way just try to stay in legato

Today Training Day Alonso

I'm obscure but for you I a have cure

Hey I saw a goose, ableton live is a daw I use

The girl is dangerous because she's rude

I won't betray her love but my heart is loose

Flowers towers hours of perfecting make up

Doctors fathers powers proposal gossip

Women want fur and I want Jacob

Otters rudders rotate rotate rotate wait

Daughters lovers rotate rotate rotate mate

Plates I scrape, detectives investigate

Motors run hun, my muscles mutate

I'm so so so fly, things say I levitate

If I just flick a pen that's assault aggravate ya


The rings go first

The chains then shirt

I'm chasing her

I saw her first

Or she'll get hurt


Thermal nuclear love


Are you proud of me for being me me me

I'm flying saucers GPS generetion x

I'm so loud Tarzan on a tree swinging free

I'm gonna surf the crowd American Airlines surf the clouds

I search the looper so I know producers plus Sound Cloud

Never wear leather if it's humid

My python says women human

She was a man eater until I bought a love meter

I'm enthusiastic but I'm not a cheater

When I speak soft the molecular force gets weaker

Space ships need a plasma thing not a windshield thing

Babies love plasma beams but they still need diapers

Wisdom is good and understanding hyper

Got her number Skype WhatsApp Skyler Skylar

If tonight she need something

I just wave my cape launch the wand and save her

Acceleron love stuff

Went through her laser shield

Got through her laser sword

Laser shield

Laser sword




The rings go first

The chains then shirt

I'm chasing her

I saw her first

Or she'll get hurt


Thermal nuclear love


Acceleron love stuff

Went through her laser shield

Got through her laser sword



The rings go first

The chains then shirt

I'm chasing her

I saw her first

Or she'll get hurt

Or she'll get hurt


For more infomation >> ⚛️ Song 4 lovers ERYWHERE...Rogez - NucleAr LOve |Creds In Description #HipHop #Rnb #TrapSoul #Music - Duration: 3:56.


Chatty Get Ready With Us | Renate + Special Guest - Duration: 16:21.

Hello everybody and welcome back to renegate

this week i have a special guest


together we did a get ready with us

u know da thing

have fun watching

well see you in the nexxt clip, wthout makeup on

you should make a blooper video

than everything except 5 minutes will be in that

i notice that im watching the vieuw finder instead of the camera lens

i do that 24/7 in my vids and its annoying af

this is my primer

omg this is my primmerrr

the real NYC

and im a cool kid cuz i use the milani prime light

youre gonna see something, not many people get to see

ur eyebrows?

me without glassessss

i have too much of a cold for this

last weeks video, i had a big cold

and the bathroom has awful noise

so it was a bad voice day

I use a palette to mix foundations

its really handy

i use these 2 foundations

i use this one 24/7

i use the catrice one

in sand beige

i use 2/3 milani and 1/3 NYX

and than i get a more tan shade

this is like my color

for me its my tan shade

my bf hates my hipster bun

he hates it so much

this is a normal friday night for me

bounce shit against my face

what kind of things?

theres a hair in my foundation

a hair in ur foundation?

that sucks

goddamnit theres a glitter in my hair

from thursday

I lways get pissed af when my foundation leaks on me

like my NYX one

Thats useless af

i got respect for people that can shamelessly

walk around with a camera

im at the grocey store todaaaaayyy

u know those cake baking videos

who has the time to bake those cakes?

who has the money, time

and the creativity

well i have that

i dont, i think im creative

but im actually a basic bitch

that cant cook for shit

im just very basic

i actually use foundation as concealer

i use the catrice one

liquid cover camouflage

im a clear skin girl

i almost never have pimples

im blessed af

i have one every 2 months

and than its gone

but youre the girl that bitches about it when she has one

omg i have a pimple and it is ruining my life

omg and i have to go to patricia next week

girl i cant have this shit right now

cuz u have to look snatched af

wtf do you see these lines

wtf is this shit

what should i do now

yeah u have no setting powder huh

no i do not

whats this?

setting powder

u get powder on the brush and than u tap


no not like that

tap it

ur new in the scene

now imma annoy u

my hair is in the way

i feel cakey af

am i?

not worse than usual

input shade sounds of RDR

its not really my thing

a lot of tits showing in my videos

but today i am sooo

contour CUNTour ha ha

look at that fallout

i was drunk af last night so

I went to a concert of my friends

u have friends?

Yeah I have, its a miracle

now to remove the double chin

this is my first highlight/contour brush

its kinda trashy

but it buffs out nice

oh that is toooo much

i feel like a drag queen sometimes tho

same, i sometimes feel fishy af

the only queen i am is a drama queen

fuck man i have this in my head because of u

did you ever strobe?

its when you lightly highlight these places

its a trend

thats what its called

you mean highlighting?

no you put it here

its very subtle

you just mean putting a subtle highlight on your forehead

i always do that but i call it highlighting

ur just gonna enjoy the process huh

i have a date later and we are gonna drink something

im excited

who is he? details? have u done some frickfracking?

not yet

we keep it casual

who are you?

what did you do to balder?

where did he go?

this is called being inlove, its a weird emotion

ive been in a relationship for 3 years damnit

i frickfracked after 2 days

what u doin

are u alive?

there are 3 people in the race that id like to win

shea coulee, sasha velour and trinity taylor

trinity looks ugly af on camera

but i saw her youtube videos

and she looks pretty fine

she just looks weird af on tv

those three may win

thats accurate af

i look at everything from katya

i love katya zamolodchikova

intense rapping

after that i dont know anymore

its catchy tho

but also awful

like negatively catchy

its the soft ochre paint pot

you have like different colors

im buying painterly next time

jeffree star uses is and i think my skintone is closer to his than nikkie's

nikkie looks pale af on camera

but if i see what she uses, and i buy it.. imso much paler

what am i gonna do?

idc what ur gonna do, what am i gonna do?

something neutral

im removing the foundation off my lips

we should use the same palette

this is mine, used and ugly

and yours is like new

i only abused one shade

but its so prettyy

where should i put the purple?

wherever u want

ur you do neutral above, and lower lid purple

like under the eye

thats a good idea

right there


whoo whoo whoo

should i use my finger?

i would, i always do it with these shades


wtf is that brush

its bended

i have pink eye now

idk what i did

thats so ugly

dying whale sounds

you dont see it on camera tho

what did u do girl

how can i fix this shit

i did my waterline with one hand

i stabbed myself in the eye

good job

no watering no no

both slaying the M510 thooo

i cant tongue pop tho

i just do this

i highlight my ears

its fancy and extra af

bretman does it too

its so fancy

its so damn extra girl

*singing read u wrote u*

i feel ur struggles right now

i feel sorry for u

i kinda saved this side tho

a little overdrawn but who cares

i do it all the time

that concludes our get glam with us video

thanks for watching

if u liked this video give it a thumps up

ill see you guys next week in a new video

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Chatty Get Ready With Us | Renate + Special Guest - Duration: 16:21.


Princess Cruises Tips : 5 Things You Need To Know Before Cruising - Duration: 8:28.

Hi, I'm Gary Bembridge of Tips for Travelers. In this video I'm going to

tell you things that you absolutely need to know about Princess Cruises.

So first of all who exactly are Princess Cruises? Well Princess Cruises are based

in California, they started back in 1965 with one ship and they've built over

time to have 18 ships (as of the time of making this video). In terms of size that

makes them the tenth biggest individual cruise brand in the world. They're

actually owned by Carnival Corporation. The Carnival Corporation owns brands

like Carnival, Holland America, Seabourn, P&O in the UK. So Princess

Cruises became famous through the "Love Boat" TV series. The series was actually

filmed on the "Pacific Princess", and that really made Princess a household name.

They take over two million passengers a year to over 360 destinations on cruises

lasting anything from three days up to about 114 days. The second thing you need

to know is the category of cruising that Princess operate in. Now they operate in

what's known as the "premium" category. Now different people classify cruise lines

in different ways, but there's broadly speaking four different categories. So

you have your "mainstream" cruise lines, which are really good value cruise lines

particularly for families that kind of stuff, and that would include things like

Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Norwegian Cruise Line MSC Cruises. You then have

your "premium" category, so that's where Princess Cruises sits and brands that

would also compete with Princess Cruises would be things like Holland America

Line (which is also a Carnival brand) and also Celebrity. You then have your "luxury"

brands, or some would call them sort of upper-premium brands, and that tends to

be smaller ships like Windstar, Azamara, Oceania Cruises. You then have your "ultra-

luxury" which are your very premium cruise lines, things like Seabourn, Silversea,

Regent seven Seas, Crystal. So Princess operate in that premium category. So what

sort of things do you expect from a premium cruise line? Well you're going to

get relatively good fares, you're going to get some nice touches - so the food is

pretty good. You can have lots of choice. You're going to have a wide range of

cabin choices, ranging from Suites through to inside.

But you won't get as lots of the added luxuries that you would have with luxury

lines. Like service, so you wouldn't have for example all-suite cabins, you

won't have big fluffy bathrobes, you won't have branded toiletries in your

cabin, you won't have flowers and fruit baskets - that kind of stuff. So it's

slightly stripped back from a luxury brand. But sort of for me in many

ways it equates with kind of a 4-star sort of hotel experience. So mainstream

brands tend to be kind of three-star hotel experience. You could say that

premium brands are sort of four-star and the luxury and ultra luxury are really

five-star - if you're trying to compare with hotels on land. So the third thing

you need to know is what do they do the same, better or worse than other Cruise

Lines - particular cruise lines are within the premium category. So what do they do

the same? Well they offer largely the same service. So most of those premium

cruise brands offer fairly traditional cruise experience, so they aren't going

to have big features like rock climbing walls, ice-skating rinks. They're not

going to be resort-style ships. And most of the premium brands, like a Celebrity and

Holland America, tend to be the same. It's a fairly traditional cruising experience.

So you should expect things like production shows, as I said pretty good

food and choice of food, enrichment lectures, quizzes, games and that

kind of stuff. So what do they do better than other cruise lines? What Princess

would argue is that they are the real innovators in the category and within

cruising. So for example they claim to have been the first to introduce things

like private balconies. They were the first to introduce a 24-hour restaurant.

They were the first to introduce both traditional dining along with

Anytime dining. They were the first to introduce a wedding chapel

onboard. They're also the first cruise line to introduce at the "Ocean Medallion",

which is a little round device that you can either wear as a necklace or as a

bangle which will be kind of a smart system which will not only open your

cabin door, but you'll be able to use it as your charge card. It will also be

used to activate various interactive digital screens and help the crew to

personalize recommendations, so you don't have to keep repeating things. It becomes

a kind of a smart device. They also claim to have been the first

to introduce the Sanctuary, which is an adult only respite and pool area.

The other thing that they do better is they go to more destinations than any of

the other brands in their premium category. So as I mentioned, they go to

360 destinations around the world. So they certainly offer the widest breadth

of destinations all around the world. The fourth thing you need to know about

Princess is fare inclusions and exclusions. Whenever you look at a cruise it's very important to understand what's in the fare and what's out of the

fare, because every Cruise Line has slight differences. So what's actually

included and excluded in a Princess Cruises fare? Well first of all your

accommodation is included - so whatever grade of cabin that you've chosen.

Secondly your food. Now I talked a little bit about what's not included but

basically all your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner,

afternoon tea, late night snacks) of some kind will be included within your fare.

The third thing that's included is entertainment like the production shows,

guest lecturers, guest artists are all included. So let's take a look at what is

excluded from a Princess fare. Well first of all excursions.

So no excursions are included within the fare. Now sometimes a shuttle bus is

included if you're docking somewhere where there is not public transport

close by. So, for example, we docked in Dublin which was in the main port and a

shuttle bus was provided. In other places where there was either train service

outside, very easy public transport or walking - no transport was provided into

the nearest town. Second thing that's not included are gratuities. Now gratuities

are auto-added to your bill, so at the time of recording if you're in a Ocean

View or a balcony that's $13.50 per person per day, if you in a mini suite

that's $14.50 per person and if you're in a suite that's $15.50 per person per

day. So gratuities are not included. Speciality dining options are not

included. There's a few other things that are not included that you should bear in

mind like drinks. So drinks are not included. Some basic drinks are

included at meal times, so like some regular coffees, water - that kind of stuff.

But your alcohol drink, speciality coffees - they're not

included. Now if you want to save some money they do offer these beverage

packages from all-inclusive packages which are $50 a day where you can basically

have any kind of drink you want as much as you want - right down to specialty

coffee cards where you can (for about $30) have 15 cups of coffee.

So various beverage packages. So packages that help

you save. Wi-Fi is not included, and again there are packages. Now like all cruise

ships, Wi-Fi is pretty expensive. Now if you want to save on Wi-Fi the only way

you can really save on Wi-Fi is as you go up through loyalty levels. So as you

progress through the loyalty levels in the "Captain's Circle", which is their

loyalty program, is as you start to do more and more cruises you start to get

some free internet allowance. So the fifth thing you need to know about

Princess is accommodation options. Now Princess ships have a wide range of

accommodation. So up to seven and different types of accommodation. So

there'll be suites, there'll be many suites.

There'll be balcony cabins, there will be inside cabins, there will be oceanview

cabins, there will often be family suites and there will always be wheelchair

accessible rooms as well. So there you have it. That's things that I think that

you really need to know about Princess Cruises

to help you make up your mind and decide if that's a cruise line that you want to

travel with. I hope you found that helpful. If you have any ideas or

suggestions, please leave some comments, leave some thoughts - but very importantly

please "like" the video and very very key subscribe to Tips For Travellers YouTube

channel. You'll get more travel advice inspiration and tips simply by



For more infomation >> Princess Cruises Tips : 5 Things You Need To Know Before Cruising - Duration: 8:28.


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For more infomation >> Как проверить ЦЕЛОСТНОСТЬ СИСТЕМНЫХ ФАЙЛОВ Windows 10? Восстановление файлов командами SFC и DISM - Duration: 9:50.


EL MONSTRUO DE COLORES - Educación emocional - CUENTACUENTOS - Cuentos infantiles en español - Duration: 4:29.


The monster of colors

He does not know what's wrong.

He has made a mess with emotions

and now he tries to undo the mess.

Will he be able to put in order all the joy,

sadness, anger, fear and calm?

This is the monster of colors.

Today he has risen weird, confused and dazed ...

He does not really know what happens.

Already you have become a mess?

You will not learn ever ...

What a mess you've made with your emotions.

Thus, all revolts,

they do not work.

You should separate

and place them each in their jar.

If you want, I'll help you bring order.

Yellow is joy

Joy is contagious.

It shines like the sun,

flashing like stars.

When you're happy, laughing,

and thus you open your mouth,

and you put a smile in your face

from ear to ear,

and you jump,

and go jumping to and fro,

and you dance, and play ..

and you want to share your joy with others.

Blue is the sadness.

It is always longing for something.

It is soft like the sea,

sweet like rainy days.

When you are sad,

you hide

You hide under the bed,

or in the closet,

or behind the door,

and you want to be alone

and you do not want to appear

your brother or your sister,

neither your father nor your mother,

or your grandfather or your grandmother,

nobody nobody,

neither the teacher nor your friends.

And do not feel like doing anything.

Red is the rage.

And the anger burns red hot

and it is fierce as the fire that burns strong

Uy, uy,

and it is difficult to extinguish.

When you are angry,

you wrinkle your forehead ,

and nose,

and you put small eyes,

and you feel that an injustice has been committed

and you want to download the rage in others.

Of black color is fear.

Fear is coward.

It hides and flees

like a thief in the dark.

When you feel fear,

When you feel fear

you become tiny, tiny,

so small, and little else ...

and you think you could not do what you are asked.

Green is calm.

Calm is quiet as trees,

light as a leaf in the wind.

When you are calm,

breathe slowly and deeply.

You feel alone.

Look, these are the colorful jars.

These are your emotions,

each has a different color ...

and tidy work best.

You see how well?

They're all in place.

In the yellow jar is joy,

in blue sadness,

in red rage,

in the black fear,

in the green calm.

And pink ...

But hey ...

And now you can know what's wrong?

Maybe you're in love.

The monster of colors,

Anna Llenas,

Editorial Flamboyant.

If you liked this video,

click on Like,

thumbs up, share it,

Leave me your comments,

and subscribe to my channel.

See you in another video.

New stories every Thursday.

Do not miss them.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> EL MONSTRUO DE COLORES - Educación emocional - CUENTACUENTOS - Cuentos infantiles en español - Duration: 4:29.


FL Studio 12.5 preview - Duration: 6:41.

I know you're all probably curious about the ongoing development of FL Studio, so today

I thought I'd give you a little preview of the new FL Studio version twelve point

five (12,5).

This version is still in beta testing.

It will most likely be released in a couple of weeks from now.

This new version has some nice new features that I'd thought I'd show you real quick

in this video.

When you launch FL Studio twelve point five, the first thing you're going to notice is

the new picker panel that has been added to the playlist.

This was done in order to improve pattern management.

You can now drag patterns directly into the playlist.

You have most of the the essential tools available here, such as grouping, coloring, clone pattern

and so on.

If I want to find this pattern in the playlist for example, I can click here, "select in

playlist", and it will be highlighted.

Another key feature in this version is the ability to render a pattern to audio directly

from the picker panel.

This is not a new "instant freeze / unfreeze" function, just to clear that up.

I know a lot of people has been waiting for that.

Rumor has it that a new and improved freeze and unfreeze function is planned for FL Studio

version thirteen.

Another thing that strikes the eye is the new "mini playlist" preview.

For those of you who know Ableton, this should be very familiar.

It's very clear where this is coming from.

It's definitely a nice addition, as this is something I like a lot about Ableton.

It makes it easier to know where in the project you are at all times.

Not everyone will agree on this of course, and for those of you who don't: Relax, It

CAN be turned off.

The same goes for the picker panel.

You can now choose to add a "mini piano roll" too if you want.

There's also a new "dark" keyboard style option, if you should prefer that.

I think I'll stick with one of these two…

I like the fact that you can now select unused automation, patterns and so on here.

If you have a lot of unused automation or patterns piled up, you can now select all

of them here, and delete them all at once.

Another addition in version twelve point five is the option to hide the plugin wrapper menu

by default.

A new "type in value" option has been added for automation clips.

Several more plugins now have vector graphics.

That's what I feel is the most important things.

A lot to be exited about here!

There's also a long list of bug fixes of course.

And the best thing of it all: This update will be 100% free, thanks to the lifetime

free updates you get when you buy FL Studio.

If you haven't paid for it yet, I encourage you to do so.

By doing that, you help support the developers in their efforts to improve FL Studio.

Here's a full list of features and changes so far.

Note that this is still a Beta version, which means that it's still being tested and tweaked.

The final version might have even more features, or changes may have been made.

There's two features that I'd like to see added to FL Studio, and that's track

folders in the playlist, like in Cubase and many other daws.

This makes it much easier to organize.

The other feature I'd like to see is a simple "one-button" freeze / unfreeze function,

like in Ableton and most other daws.

I'm curious though, what kind of features would YOU like to see added to FL Studio?

Let's have a little discussion in the comments bellow.

Let me know what you would like to see added or changed.

I hope you liked this video.

If this is your first time here, then you might want to check out some of my tutorials

for FL Studio.

Check out the links in the description bellow.

And as always, feel free to like, comment and share this video with anyone you think

might benefit from it.

If you would like to support my work, you can head over to my Patreon page.

You can find the link is the description.

And as always, If you have any questions, just leave me a comment

For more infomation >> FL Studio 12.5 preview - Duration: 6:41.


ZDF Heute Show 2017 TAKE ONE Nachrichten 08.06.2017 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> ZDF Heute Show 2017 TAKE ONE Nachrichten 08.06.2017 - Duration: 4:04.


Polinização MORANGO – Abelhas - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Polinização MORANGO – Abelhas - Duration: 1:51.


Top 10 Smartphones To Buy in 2017 - Duration: 11:27.

Top 10 Smartphones to buy in 2017.

We live our lives through our phones there now our screens of choice to enjoy

everything from TV shows to mind-blowing games but smartphones still look the

same as they did a decade ago buttons pencils and frames can all get in our

way until me unbox your phone introducing

the Galaxy S a with an infinity screen gives you less to hold and infinitely

more to see the new infinity display gives you an incredible full screen

experience yet fits comfortably in your hand we created it by reorganizing the

phone's interior making components smaller without sacrificing performance

and embedding the home button under the screen

we created the beautifully curved edge display and also erased the vessels to

give you more space for the things that matter creating a level of immersion you

see and feel even games and movies are completely different with the infinity

displays cinematic full screen experience unbox your phone

Samsung Galaxy Si and si plus HTC you 11



the way p10


LG g6 our hands haven't changed overtime and the role of a smartphone to have a

big screen that also fits comfortably in your hand has not changed either

designed with that core essence in mind is the g6 both screen and phone benefit

from the subtlety of unifying lines

the metal frame gives a solid firmness you can tangibly feel needless

protrusions are eliminated with a camera flush to the body for a seamless design

the naturally curved rear cover glass Nestle's into the hand in three distinct

colors capturing nature even more astounding all this comes with a full

vision display and perfect aspect ratio giving you a big screen that actually

fits in your hand LG G 6 on the right bro

show me me six


one plus five what about that you are welcome festival will paid one plus one

flat on the desk and said you can get

one plus 3t

Sony Xperia x8 premium

Google picks all


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