Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 8 2017

I'm a Barrb Girl, in the monster world! I'm a cactus, it's so thorny! You can mute me now, and tell a lullaby! Interesting I can be like this!

For more infomation >> Barrb Girl Song - "I'm a Barrb Girl in the monster world!" - My Singing Monsters Dawn of Fire - Duration: 1:53.


F1 GP Canada 2017 - Lewis Hamilton Onboard - Qualifying - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> F1 GP Canada 2017 - Lewis Hamilton Onboard - Qualifying - Duration: 5:18.


Wake Up Alice | Omri Koresh - Duration: 3:01.

Sign up:

For more infomation >> Wake Up Alice | Omri Koresh - Duration: 3:01.


I wrote a poem with Albanta San Roman - Duration: 2:16.

This is the story of a spring night

This is the story of our parents, our grandparents and now it's our turn

Everything always starts with 2 strangers that suddenly stop being that

Although sometimes, to go to the begging we have to go to the ending

Endings that "rains" like that spring night, and blinks like the traffic lights following the rythm your lashes

Endings with full stops, happy endings, but always endings with you

Sometimes the fear beats us, but there's endings that are beggings

Beginnings with princes, and princes without values

Beginnings that are precipices to jump... to take plunge

Windows in the middle of the chest, open, savages, skin-deep

This letter started with a night of spring, full of flowers, arrhythmical and with no sense, like everything around us

When spring knocks on your door, you have to let it go

Let it make a nest in your hair and get lost in my sheets

sheets where you don't mess your hair up anymore, or ask for goodbyes

Although I

as a value

was just asking for an ending with you

For more infomation >> I wrote a poem with Albanta San Roman - Duration: 2:16.


Bodybuilding & Decoration - Effects of Interior Design on Wellness - Duration: 27:03.

For more infomation >> Bodybuilding & Decoration - Effects of Interior Design on Wellness - Duration: 27:03.


YouTube Inferno: Games Done Quick (and the speedrunner gang) - JMAA - Duration: 8:18.


[throwing off shit like a spastic]

[our dark overlord sits in his throne in complete desperation to symbolize the vanity of humankind

in the vast immensity of the Universe]

Hey gay demons, your dark bleh bleh bleh

Y'know, I don't care anymore.

I just don't.

I legitly want to die at this point.

I want to kill myself.

I want to throw myself off a cliff just to crash into a box of exploding nitroglycerin

and blow up into pieces, because that would be the best way to kill myself after watching

all these speedrunners being autistic.

Let's see if we can make this video less than 10 minutes, hopefully we can speedrun

this game of YouTube Inferno at ANY%.


Most of the speedrunner community is very well known for a lot of antics, for being

utter complete autistic spergs that have the temperance of DarksydePhil, but even worse.

Or worse than the temperance of Spoony so far.

These antics do only teach us one thing: at the end of the day, it's just pixel games.

If you take them that seriously, maybe you're kinda of a faggot.


And probably the biggest of the speedrunner community who's well known for doing autistic

shit is Games Done Quick, who, as you may see, they're even inclusive of the furry

community as well.


I feel bad for these people, I really get into their shoes and feel like that, I wouldn't

imagine trying so hard to complete fucking Crash Bandicoot on the PS1 while trying to

not be an embarrassment in public.

(GDQ) "This is Crash Bandicoot 2 ANY% game reviews, and we like to commit suicide.

Please, do not try this at home."

"Usually they just give you wompa fruit, and no, THEY'RE NOT APPLES.


"It makes you go slightly faster, and by the way it's 80 (???) per second, don't

try it at home, but I like to pleasure my controller…"

(Ralph Wiggum) "Help!

She's touching my special area!"

There's many more of these cringe moments from Games Done Quick on YouTube, so probably

I won't go through all of them, but here's one that perfectly summarizes all their career:

(GDQ) "Hey, uh… none of you guys are funny, if you want to prevent cancer, consider standing

out in front of the shuttle that's running in front of the hotel, only hour.

Thank you."

[round of applause]


I have to say, I am perfectly fine with doing charity streams, that's for sure, but my

only stipulation with charity streams is that maybe you should watch where you spend your

charity money.

It would be incredibly suspicious to run a charity stream and have such donation incentives

such as "Praise the Sun" patches or numerous amounts of game merch, because it would show

that your charity stream would be possibly vain since you could be probably spending

that money you could spend on charity on the so-called "donation incentives" instead,

or not spending that money on charity at all.

But man, sure, what a way to remind us that these are charity streams by saying…

(GDQ) "We of course are supporting Prevent Cancer for this event"

You could not, however.

I won't obviously deny the possibility that you're sending this huge amount of money

to charity, but so far it doesn't seem to be any transparent.

And it wouldn't seem like you're helping much in treating things like cancer or saving

people from cancer either, so, I don't know, it pretty much seems like dodgy shit… please

don't sue me for defamation.

If you really want to aid people with cancer, maybe you could just go to fund some real

scientific research and let them discover a cure for it, but nah!

We're fucking lazy!

That's why my mom died of cancer a decade ago.

(off voiceover) Hey, before you all go like "unga bunga defamation bro" like fucking

raging monkeys, I have to say that if you look up stuff about this whole Games Done

Quick charity thing on the web, there's going to be pretty equally skeptical people

about how GDQ handles this whole charity thing, so basically, I'm pretty much not the only

one skeptical here, so maybe don't only blame me for being such a defaming piece of



You know?

I understand what entertains someone is merely subjective, as if someone might get entertained

by a bunch of colors dancing around, but I still argue this:

How the fuck is it watching a bunch of cringe-worthy autistic and socially inept nerds playing

a fucking game mostly in silence any kind of entertainment?

Again, what entertains you is merely subjective, but it doesn't mean that entertainment is


I don't think you're either a good streamer when you got awkward moments of silence like


[awkward silence]

♫ Hello darkness my old friend ♫ ♫ I've come to talk with you again ♫

Look, if your commentary in general is less entertaining than anything DarksydePhil pulls

out, don't even try to upload it to the Internet, it's just beyond bad.

In fact, don't even make me bring up the Scarce meme again, it's not funny anymore,

it's just that your voice is just boring.


I don't seem to understand what's so interesting about these speedrunners, they just like to

pretend they're such a huge deal of Internet celebrities or something about some sort of

sport… it really isn't.

You would watch something out of PewDiePie or the sort and you would at least find some

more sort of entertainment there, at least it's purely made for the entertainment of

others and it's mainly made for that.

But honestly, though, who would remember these guys at Games Done Quick or ANY of the speedrunners

in a long time?

It's isn't likely that they'll be remembered for such thing as "OH DOOD, THEY'VE JUST

COMPLETED DARK SOULS 3 IN LESS THAN 1 HOUR DOOD!", it's not a real feat.

If you want to make a real feat in life, just try to climb a mountain or skyscraper, or

lift the heaviest thing you could possibly lift up, or maybe just beat off a real Guinness

record or even just a local record.

Or maybe you could just beat off the hardest game of Dark Souls in a much shorter time

than that or beat some worldwide champion of Street Fighter V, even though there's

no worth physical effort there.

At the end of the day, video games are just basically sitting down a chair only barely

moving the fingers pressing buttons to move virtual pixels on a screen, it doesn't matter

if you moved those pixels the most in the least amount of time, because even the physical

or mental feats that any human being can make don't matter at all.

Especially because who gives a shit about some sad autistic loser playing games for

a living in the future?

This has been the report of the week, and as always, good night, and good luck.

[the show's over]

[Ducktales Moon music starts playing]

[JMAA's streams symbolizing the vanity of humanity in the Universe]

For more infomation >> YouTube Inferno: Games Done Quick (and the speedrunner gang) - JMAA - Duration: 8:18.


What Time Should I Upload YouTube Videos? - Best Time To Post On YouTube 2017 Tips And Tricks - Duration: 7:09.

What Time Should I Upload YouTube Videos? - Best Time To Post On YouTube 2017 Tips And Tricks

For more infomation >> What Time Should I Upload YouTube Videos? - Best Time To Post On YouTube 2017 Tips And Tricks - Duration: 7:09.


When Will The DOJ Focus On Opioid Execs? - Duration: 10:46.

For the last 18 months, the issue of healthcare and the behavior of the entire healthcare

industry has been making headlines.

Whether it's Republicans trying to dismantle the few improvements that have been made to

the health insurance system, or greedy Pharma executives price gouging consumers, Americans

are being fed a steady stream of news regarding the healthcare industry.

And that's exactly what Big Pharma wants.

The news might not always be flattering, but as long as the public is only focused on price

gouging, then they aren't talking about the opioid crisis that Pharma created; a crisis

that is claiming the lives of tens of thousands of American citizens every single year.

In 2015, there were more than 52 thousand deaths in the United States attributed to

drug overdoses.

About two-thirds of those deaths came from opioids like Oxycontin, Percocet, heroin and


That's more people than died from auto accidents or firearms in the United States.

Big Pharma's argument is that they can't control whether or not a person overdoses

on their medication.

But when you start to dig into the issue a little deeper, it becomes clear that drug

company executives knew this was going to happen, but did nothing because they knew

they'd get rich off overdoses.

According to a 2015 the study published in the Annual review of Public Health, there

is a direct correlation between the increase in opioid prescriptions and the increase in

overdose deaths in the United States.

And that's a correlation that Drug company executives have known about for a long time.

To understand Big Pharma's role in this crisis, we have to go back to the 1990's

when these opioid-based painkillers were released.

At the time, the FDA, doctors groups, and even drug company sales reps were concerned

about the addictive quality of opioid painkillers.

They understood that patients could easily become addicted to painkillers and that these

pills were very easy for patients to overdose on.

But rather than demand that drug companies carry out extensive testing, these groups

were more than happy to accept the drug companies' ridiculous lies and assurances that their

painkillers were less addictive than other opioids.

That's all it took for doctors.

Doctors clearly knew better though.

That one lie from drug companies, a lie that continued for more than a decade, is what

led hundreds of thousands of Americans to become addicted to opioid painkillers.

Their doctors told them that these pills weren't addictive because the drug companies swore

to them, the doctors, that they weren't addictive.

They made it sound like there was something magic about their opioids.

The drug company Purdue who makes Oxycontin, had to pay out more than $600 million dollars

in 2007 after a lawsuit proved that executives, lawyers, and medical officers for the company

were lying when they told doctors and the public that their pills were less addictive

and more effective than other painkillers on the market.

Purdue exaggerated the effectiveness and safety of Oxycontin, while covering up all the criticisms

and complaints about the drug.

And if you want to know why they did this look no further than this 1996 memo from a

Purdue sales manager telling her staff to urge doctors into giving out stronger doses

of Oxycontin, 'sell them more,' she said.

The memo was literally titled "It's Bonus Time in the Neighborhood!"

Similar allegations have been made against other drug companies that make opioid-based

painkillers, and at the root of each of these stories is a company's never-ending quest

for more money, more profits.

And right now, American taxpayers are the ones footing the bill for the deadly disaster

that Big Pharma created.

For more on the opioid crisis, let's go to attorney Jeff Gaddy who's representing groups

that have been harmed by opioid painkillers.

Jeff, take us back to the beginning here.

How did drug companies manage to get away with the big lie that their opioid painkillers

weren't addictive?

Because that's what they were telling doctors and that's what they were telling patients

for 10 years.

What's your take?

You're exactly right, Mike.

Thanks for having me on.

The short answer to your question is that the companies got away with this by weaving

a web of lies.

Look, opioids have been used for decades to treat short-term pain management.

I'm talking one or two days after a surgery or a trauma incident, but what these drug

companies figured out was that if they could find a way to convince the medical community

that they could use these opioids for long-term pain management, weeks or even months, that

what they could do is they could turn their millions into billions.

That's what they've done.

At the time, they knew they couldn't do it with science because the science was against


What they did, and it's quite incredible, Mike, but what they did was they went back

to their archives and they found a letter to the editor of a medical journal from 1990

where two doctors had written in and provided some anecdotal evidence that they did not

see addiction in some hospital patients.

What the drug companies did was they took this letter the editor five sentences long

and they cited that letter hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times.

They used that letter and they used other bogus evidence and that they used it to convince

the doctors and the health care providers that opioids were not addictive and they used

it to perpetuate the myth that opioids could be safely prescribed for long-term use.

Look where we are.

You just mentioned that in 2015 we had 52,000 deaths.

The New York Times just came out this week and said last year it was up to 59,000 deaths.

The problem's just getting worse.

Well look, to be clear, from what we've seen from the documents of some of these cases,

it's absolutely clear that drug companies knew how addictive these painkillers were.

Yes, you got it right.

They were telling the doctors, they were telling patients that ours is different, that our

painkiller is much different, but there was really no question while they were saying,

that regardless of what this journal said that opioids aren't addictive, their own studies

were showing that they're absolutely addictive.

Did I get that right?

There's no doubt about it, Mike.

It's a story that I know you've seen in your line of work time and again, corporate greed.

Like I said, these companies knew that they could turn their millions into billions by

perpetuating this lie.

That's exactly what they did.

Don't think for a minute that this 1980 article had any scientific value in it what so ever.

The authors of that article are shocked and astonished in the way that ... Excuse me for

calling it an article ... that letter to the editor was used to perpetuate this lie.

But no, these companies like you brought up, Purdue Pharma, the maker of Oxycontin, they

plead guilty to criminal violations.

McKesson, one of the biggest pharmaceutical distributors in the country, paid $150 million

in civil penalties to the DEA.

Cardinal Health paid $44 million.

But just like you said, Mike, this is the cost of doing business to these folks.

One of these companies had an internal motto of get them high and hope they don't die.

This is their business plan.

Now, there are a lot of different areas of litigation with opioids, Jeff, but one that's

received I guess the most attention is the suit that's been brought by the Cherokee Nation.

Can you tell us about that case?

These are the kind of suits that I understand you're handling.

You're handling cases on behalf of cities and counties.

There's a lawyer in West Virginia that's way ahead of everybody.

His name is Paul Farrell, just a brilliant young trial lawyer that is actually breaking

... He is the one coming up with this new methodology to go after these companies.

Paul Farrell I think is his name.

I think you've worked with him.

Tell us kind of what's happening out there generally to push back to these companies.

What's happening?

You're right about the suit that was brought on behalf of the Cherokee Nation that has

received a lot of attention for two reasons primarily.

First, you're talking about a population of individuals who just historically have been

treated terribly, and as it relates to the opioid epidemic, they've been hit just as

hard as anyone else.

Unfortunately, as they've alleged in their complaint, it's a population that is more

prone to addiction.

They've been absolutely preyed upon by the pharmaceutical industry as it relates to these


The second reason that I believe this suit has gotten a lot of attention is that not

only did the Cherokee Nation go after ... I'm not talking about Fortune 500 companies, I'm

talking Fortune 25 companies.

They went after some of the biggest companies in the US.

Not only did they go after them, but they filed a lawsuit against them in tribal court.

They looked these big companies in the eye and they said, 'We're going to hold you

accountable and we're going to do it on our own turf.'

This is what Paul Farrell is doing in West Virginia too.

I mean, he's taking county by county, city by city, where we see that they've dumped

the opioids in there.

The tax payer has to pay for the cleanup.

The county loses huge amounts of money.

Then there's this, quickly tell us what the tail is.

Once the opioid comes in and everybody's addicted and then the opioid leaves town, what's left

is what they call the tail of the disaster.

Explain that.

What we've seen, Mike, and what the tail is is heroin.

We've seen state by state by state get proud of themselves and pat themselves on the back

for shutting down pill mills.

What they're now finding out state by state is that when the pills dry up, the heroin

moves in.

It happened in Kentucky.

It's happened in Ohio.

It's happening all over the country.

It's just a matter of time before it's happening everywhere.

Jeff, I think what's going to be important is that the suits that you're, the kind of

lawsuits you're bringing on behalf of counties and cities and states along with Paul Farrell,

I think your methodology is brilliant.

I really do believe that in the end, that's what's going to be the biggest push back here.

Full disclosure, I'm involved with that also, but for the life of me I haven't figured out

any way to go after these companies other than simply taking their money away from them,

their huge profits, because they've made billions of dollars at the expense of people's lives.

Thanks for joining me.

For more infomation >> When Will The DOJ Focus On Opioid Execs? - Duration: 10:46.


may favorites - Duration: 7:02.

*clap clap clap snap*

Okay, hey before we start I just wanna say-

I have a tshirt for sale on Bonfire and I think there's only like maybe 10 or 9 days

left, depending on when I put this video up and when I've filmed it.

But you should really really go buy it because I need 5 people to buy them before they can

even get printed, and they're really cute.

They look like this: Adorable right?!

Please consider buying it f you want to support me, and if you don't want to support me in

that way then please consider becoming a Patron and getting all these fun monthly perks, or

donate once to my PayPal if you just have a couple dollars because it makes it easier

for me to continue putting out videos if I have an income.

We're gunna talk about my favorites.

I know I'm like a week into June, but we're gunna talk about my May favorites.

My first favorite is a coloring book.

"Creatures Great and Small.

35 prints to color."

It's like a field guide.

It's just a big coloring book and its got cardboard on the end so it's really thick.

It doesn't bend much like a normal coloring book.

It's got pages like this, where it has all these different animals and then on the back

it has everything about those animals.

So, this is a page on owls, and then on the back of the sheet it has everything about

all the different types of owls that you painted.

It's been really nice to paint with.

I've of course painted all the ocean ones already.

$20 and 100% worth it.

And you're learning! so ya know.

My next another book.

I am a big fan of poetry, but very specific poetry.

And this guy- I like his stuff.

"Green Fields and Running Brooks" by James Whitcomb Riley.

It is fantastic.

This is an original copy from the 11 book edition that was on sale in the late 1800's.

So this is my grandmother's copy.

She has all 10 other editions in the box set that you could have bought back in the 1800's

and I believe it was my great-grandmother's.

The pages have that like uneavenness to them, and it's super old.

I'm obsessed! ummm...let's see what's next.

I like coffee.

I like coffee A LOT.

I'm usually very particular about my coffee, but the more school I do the more I realize

that it doesn't matter.

I've been using a Kurig which is like the best invention on planet earth.

I'v been using Aspen Ridge Donut Shop Kurig cups.

Now they're medium roast which usually I dislike.

I like my coffee really strong.

I really really hate when coffee tastes thin.

Usually I do this and do a small cup so that it's strong.

Then I'll just have a couple really strong cups of coffee.

Next, these socks that my grandmother gave me.

For those of you that don't know my favorite time period as far as fashion and aesthetics

goes is the 70's.

I love a good groovy feel.

I am just all about that.

My grand mother got me these socks, it's like a lion throwing up a rainbow in a pretty olive

green background.

It's the weirdest thing ever.

And a groovy bath bomb from some place that I don't remember but it smelled fantastic.

I already used it.

They're super comfy and my favorite thing ever.

The...I lost count 4th, 5th, 7th?

I don't know.


These are Hand Band Pros.

They were sent to me for free from Hand Band.

If you're a wheelchair user or you have arm crutches or any of that kind of sort of thing.

You can submit an application on their website to get a sponsored pair of Hand Bands.

So, I was sent these by a lovely human being who decided to sponsor a pair.

First of all they have this grippy middle part.

It's kind of rubbery, but not tacky.

Like it doesn't attract hair or dirt or anything.

These are made so that you could have good grip on your wheelchair, and this is just

really nice it keeps blisters away.

It wraps around your wrist and then it wraps in the back.

I usually have these double wrapped because I have the tinniest hands ever, but it's single

wrapped for the sake of making this quick.

They come in a bunch of different colors I just got black because black goes with everything.

They have American flags,I think they have donuts, they have so many fun different colors.

This next object is probably the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life.

I'm going to go ahead and thank my dear mother for getting this for me.

My mother and my father went on their 30th wedding anniversary vacation last week.

Congratulate them in the comments below.

30 whole years of marriage, and she found, like I said, probably the coolest thing I've

ever seen in my life, and bought it for me.

This is pencil.



A. Pencil.

It's carved graphite in the shape of a shell.

I mean look at how beautiful this is!

It's so intricate.

I'm just- I'm stunned by this glory.

It's from and this is the spiral shell graphite object.

What's next?


my rings.

I usually wear a ring on my ring finger, ha surprise.

I'm not married just letting anyone know.

I've had several people ask if I'm married because I always have a ring on this hand.

I'm not.

I'm single.

But, right now the ring that I have on is this thing.

This is an octopus tentacle ring, I got it from

The second ring I got is this ring.

I usually wear it on my thumb, but it wasn't focusing so now it's sitting o my middle finger.

This is Australian opal.

Ta da.

Oo I'll do some favorite YouTubers because I've been watching probably more YouTube than

I should be.

Ellen Fisher.

I've been really loving her.

She is a vegan mom vlogger.

She has two kids, Elvis and Sandy.

I believe Elvis is 5 and I think Sandy is a little over 1, and her husband Andrew.

They are the cutest family in the whole world.

They live in Maui, and their vlogs are just so pretty.

I've been digging collegehumor for obvious reasons.

I'm in college I'm funny.

One of my favorite ones in the past month that they've done is 'complaining about how

you got no sleep last night."

It's just really really well put together and really funny.

Those are two channel you should definitely go watch.

I'll put the links to those in the description.

I'll put the link to anything that I can find a link to in the description below.

Obviously things like the James Whitcomb Riley poetry book.

I'm sorry I cannot time travel back into the 1800's to get that book for you.

But I'm sure you can find it somewhere on the internet.

I hope y'all enjoyed this.

Rejoice in the day and be glad in it!

I will see you guys later.


For more infomation >> may favorites - Duration: 7:02.


US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news in Qatar report - Duration: 3:09.

US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news

in Qatar report


U.S. officials believe that Russian hackers planted a fake news story in Qatar's state

news agency, contributing to tensions among key U.S. allies in the Gulf, CNN reported

Tuesday, citing U.S. officials.

The FBI sent investigators to Doha recently to aid the Qatari government in probing the

reported incident, officials told CNN.

U.S. officials said that intelligence indicated Russian hackers were behind the intrusion

that Qatar's government reported two weeks ago, according to the network.

Tensions in the region have run high in recent days, with four Arab nations cutting off diplomatic

ties and closing all land, sea and air borders with Qatar this week, citing Qatar�s alleged

support for terror groups and its relations with Iran.

Qatar has largely blamed the fake news story for the latest diplomatic crisis.

"Whatever has been thrown as an accusation is all based on misinformation and we think

that the entire crisis being based on misinformation," Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed Bin

Abdulrahman al-Thani told CNN.

"Because it was started based on fabricated news, being wedged and being inserted in our

national news agency which was hacked and proved by the FBI," al-Thani added.

The nation first reported the alleged hack of its state media outlet Qatar News Agency

in late May, which resulted in a purported fake story being posted about controversial

statements made by the ruling emir of Qatar appearing to positive toward Iran and Israel.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates blocked Qatari media over the statements.

Officials told CNN that Russia�s goal in the hack appeared to be to cause divides among

the U.S. and its allies.

It is unclear whether the hacks were traced to crime groups or Russian intelligence services.

The report comes amid continued scrutiny over Russia's foreign cyber activities, including

interference in last year's U.S. presidential election.

President Trump on Tuesday shocked much of Washington when he took credit for the decision

of Saudi Arabia and three other Arab nations to break off diplomatic relations with Qatar.

"So good to see the Saudi Arabia visit with the King and 50 countries already paying off.

They said they would take a hard line on funding �. extremism, and all reference was pointing

to Qatar.

Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end to the horror of terrorism!� Trump tweeted.

The Pentagon on Tuesday said it couldn't square Trump's tweets about Qatar on terrorism with

its own statement emphasizing the country's commitment to regional security.

For more infomation >> US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news in Qatar report - Duration: 3:09.


Rin Kagamine Tokyo Teddy Bear Speedpaint #53 - Duration: 19:43.

Hello everybody it's S.I.K.A or Sika or Sayaka Ichigo Kamishiro Arclight

Back from a long break Yes.

I'm sorry about that; I took a long break after my Aoi Video.

Nothing is wrong or anything.

I'm fine.

I just got like really, really, busy and I couldn't do anything.

So, I couldn't motivate myself to [record me] drawing anything.

I still drew and uploaded to DeviantArt so if you haven't checked out my DA please


If you can.

Cause I upload there more often then I upload hear.

I'm sorry about that But I will try to get back to uploading hear.

On a regular basic.

So today I'm just drawing Rin Kagamine from the song Tokyo Teddy Bear.

Which is by Neru and performed by Rin Kagamine.

I didn't really care for the song when I first heard it.

And it's still not one of my favorite songs.

But I really do like the style, the setting and Rin's outfit.

So, I really wanted to draw something for it.

So, I decided to draw some original fan art.

I plan on drawing more original fanart based off songs be it Vocaloid or just a regular


I've wanted to do that for a long time and I don't know why I- haven't done that


So, uh hear I am just drawing her.

I came up with the idea in my head and I really did like how it turned out.

I think I did a good job I kinda got inspired [for the pose] by this one picture from the

Magical Girl Raising Project.

A picture of Tama one of the characters.

But I kinda just changed it up and made it my own.

I link to that picture down below.

So yeah, I kinda imagined her being in mid-air suspended by strings.

And holding her teddy bear and maybe holding her scissors.

But I wasn't sure at the beginning if I be able to do that.

But did do it.

Right now, you see me doing the line art.

And I'm actually doing the line art with my tablet.

Yes, I have gotten a tablet.

I bought it last month.

[or so].

It is a Wacom Intous Small Black with Touch Pen.

And I first didn't like it at all.

It wasn't working well for me.

But then I learned about stabilizers and pressure tools and now it works quite fine.

I still haven't gotten to the part where my line art looks real professional.

But I have done allot better.

And I'm more confident and I can show you guys how I draw with my line art [meant to

say tablet] That is another reason why I haven't done

speed paint videos lately.

Cause I just wanted to practice with this more.

I did use the auto line art tool on some parts.

Like the teddy bears body and head and some lines on Rin.

Because I couldn't manage them with my tablet.

Un but- like I said I have gotten allot better I think.

And I am very proud of how I got- but And although a tablet does make my art look


If you are a digital artist I wouldn't recommend it…

I would recommend it.

But it's not a necessity because I um I improved my art just by using a mouse.

Of course, there are a few tools that just work way better.

Like the marker tool.

It doesn't really work at all on the mouse but it does work quite well with the tablet

with the pressure tool.

So, what I'm doing is just making her legs and stuff like that uh

What was I going to say?

I was going to say something else but I forgot.

[baka] I had to push pause when making the scissors.

Because I didn't know what I was doing and I had to look up allot of references online

to see how girls hold scissors.

And stuff.

So that took a long time and I had to push pause when doing that sorry about that

And this is actually my third time recording this video [the narration the video itself]

The first time I got interrupted and then the second time I thought I had lost a piece

of the video.

But actually, didn't it was just hidden from me.

Heh Uh I wanted to

make sure I made the vid- outfit as most accurate to the original PV.

But I also wanted to give a bit of my own flare to it.

The scissors where probably the hardest thing on the drawing but it wasn't as hard as

I though.

In the end, nothing in this drawing was very hard.

The end, the project took me 7 hours which isn't has long as my Aoi drawing which is

my currant longest one taking 12 hours.

But it is long I guess.

I had also a little trouble on the stiches.

Cause I wasn't sure how to do them.

But then I just made the patches and stitches on another layer so they wouldn't be in

the way The line art has always taken me the most


Uh well I guess if you wanted to count the entire coloring the coloring probably takes

me the longest.

But with the coloring I'm always doing it in parts breaking it up into sections.

So yeah, the line art is always the hardest work.

And then after that it's pretty much all fun.

But I did have a lot fun with the line art uh this time

Th teddy bear was also hard and probably the hardest thing was NOT turning it into Monokuma

cause he's black and white and he looks suck much like Monkuma from Dangonrompa

I forgot a patch on her uh hood.

I didn't notice there was two on them cause the reference that I looked at was fan art

and they didn't have the two patches on there at least I don't think they did.

So, I forgot the other patch.

I wasn't sure if I was to make the sock rolled down.

But in the end, I made it so you just couldn't see where the sock ends

I had to draw the socks lines with the line art tool because there was no way I could

do that with the tablet.

Um yup.

Oh yes.

And in case you're wondering I will be giving quick updates while I'm doing the line art.

That is 1 I will be posting my materials on more often.

So, what I use is Paint Tool Sai sometimes I use GIMP Clip Studio.

And Wacom Intous Tablet and I use a regular old mouse.

Not a ball mouse but a laser mouse.

So now I'm just doing a quick cleanup of the line art, filling in the blanks and selecting

the hair and stuff I think the hair is probably my favorite part

to color but it can be hard epically when it's long hair.

When it's short hair it's really easy but when it's long hair it's really hard

to get all those layers in So, I'm just doing the base color and everything

so that way I have it all done.

In end, I was actually very surprised of how nice this drawing turn out I wasn't excepting

it to be that nice.

I was excepting it to be kinda half baked like usual

I wasn't sure if Rin wore nail polish in the video but I wanted to give it to her nail


I kinda got uh inspired by another artist.

Her coloring styles.

So that's what I was kinda mimicking.

The artist is RimaPichu I will link to her down below.

And uh so that's what kinda do my best my best to copy.

I usually find a artist look at their style and try to copy it and do my best.

Most of the time I fail and my drawings do not look half as good as they do.

But when I'm not comparing myself to other people's drawings then it looks very nice.

It was this part of the footage I had though I lost but like I said I had just miss placed

it And I'm glad cause I really wanted to do this drawing.

Because I was really proud of it Ok I lied I thought I was doing the hair next

but I was doing the skin.

Sorry about that.

The tools I used for the hair most of all where the water brush tool, and the marker.

The settings where pretty much standard setting that I use

I shall maybe do a FQA to tell you want my settings are.

Well it isn't really a FQA because no one as really asked me these questions yet.

But in case you were wondering.

And once again I will post it on my Deviant Art.

So, I recommend you check it out.

You don't have to watch me.

You don't even have to be joined up to Deviant Art to look at the stuff you can just go on

there and take a peek.

Like I said I post quite allot of drawings on there I post my OC and I post my original

stories As I was doing the hair I was just getting

really excited cause I couldn't believe as to how well it was turning out.

I've gotten so much better at drawing hair I think that's probably what I'm the best

at drawing now I like drawing the eyes but they never end

up going exactly how I want to.

Just kept on adding more layers.

And more layers.

More shading.

I want it to look as nice as possible

The next drawing, I will be doing hopefully is Hatsune Miku in Cruel Clocks

I really do like that song allot to.

And that's another song where I like the style more then, the song itself.

But I have grown more attached to that song.

Speaking of songs, the music that is playing in the background is Tokyo Teddy Bear Piano

Tokyo Teddy Bear Music Box Tokyo Ghoul Opening.

[no, I do not like the anime] and uh Bad Apple Tokyo Teddy Bear Music Box again.

I like to use the Tokyo Teddy Bear English Dub by Juby Phonic but I had a feeling that

would bring down a copyright.

I also really wanted to use a friend of mine.


I wanted to use her music.

I really wanna use it bad.

But every time I use it; it always gets marked with 3rd party copyright marks.

And I really don't like those on my channel.

Maybe someday Lidia might do some piano arrangement.

Maybe if she does one of those I will be able to include them in my videos.

That was mostly a joke.

A dry joke.

I don't need you to make me those Lidia if you are watching.

But they probably wouldn't get copyrighted.

[why am I still talking about this] That's probably the hardest part about when

making the eyes.

Is uh some people include other colors like purple or greens.

Like when doing a green eye, they might do uh orange or yellow.

When doing a blue eye, they green or purple.

And that is something I really don't know how to do.

I don't know what colors go best I just pick what's visually applying, or what I


And I hope it looks nice.

I did think I did good on these eyes though.

The outfits are always the hardest.

And they still are the hardest.

I don't really know how clothing works and stuff.

But I tried to make cute as possible.

The a- let me see if there's anything.

and so, you're not listen to silence.

You can hear me sing.

Ah no.

I will not sing.

Uh so the shoes where a little bit easier because I knew how those worked more and I

knew what I was going for Oh, once again I've been using the marker

tool,- The tools I've been using the pen the water color tool the marker and the spray

brush and those have been pretty much the only tools I've been using.

Well of course the eraser and the selector.

But out of coloring tools those are the only ones I've used

And the shading I mean layer filters I've used is luminosity shade and multiply.

But I didn't use that on everyone.

I just used them where there where needed.

I added a dark background in it cause I wanted to imply darkness and wanted Rin to show up.

But I hopefully I didn't make the background to dark cause I didn't want her outfit not

to show up.

The socks where really fun to color.

The scissors I had no idea how I was doing them.

I wasn't even planning on scissor to be in hear I wasn't sure if I be able to draw

them; but once I did draw them I wasn't sure if I be able to color them properly.

I wanted to emphasis some metal that was kinda older but also had some rust to them.

Which is weird cause I think she just uses regular old new scissor in the video.

But I wanted to make them a little bit older.

I also added some blood on the end of the scissors.

I don't know why I did that.

??? Far as I can tell she doesn't kill anybody but I do think she's suicidal in the song.

So maybe I did it for that reason.

Yeah so I don't know why I added the blood on the scissors.

With the Teddy Bear again I was very tempted to turn it into Monokuma.

Because he just looks like Monokuma.

Just wanted to paint one of the eyes red.

I added some red tint to the teddy bear though I think it was revenge since I did do his

eye red.

And to give it a little bit of blood like she was hurting the teddy bear to.

Again I don't know why cause I don't really know the meaning of Tokyo Teddy Bear I just

listen to it.

It's one of the songs I'm more unfamiliar with in its meaning.

The next song I'll be doing Cruel Clocks.

The next drawings video.

That one I am more familiar with the plot very well.

And I'm going to try to make a worthy fan art just like I did with this

Now I'm just making lines.

Once again I did this with my line art tool instead of the tablet because I wasn't gonna

be able to do that.

Then again maybe I should've done it but it would've taken longer.

I'm just made fence lines now.

I wasn't sure if the background would come out being like how I imagined it.

But it did.

And I'm very happy with it.

But what I'm most happy with is what I'm doing now.

I wanted to make strings like I said I wanted her to be suspended held up by strings.

No that is not accurate cause no way thin strings could hold up a girl like that.

But I wanted to make strings wrapped around her.

Since strings are mentioned in the song.

But I also wanted to give them a glow effect to.

So I first just put down the.. pink and then tried to make a white haze around them.

But that wasn't working out.

So I changed the strings to luminosity but that wasn't working.

Tried to make them another pink and that was working out.

So I just quickly made them all pink I meant the glow pink.

And to make the strings even brighter when I was done well first I erased the part of

the glow where there should have not been glow I made the strings white to give them

more of a neon look and once again I was very happy in how it turned out.

I was very surprised.

Because usually drawing don't turn out how I in- uh how I imagine them in the beginning

but this one did.

And I was very surprised and I'm very fond of it.

And I forgot her eye lashes so I had to go back and do that again.

I kidna rushed with the eye lashes cause I didn't know what I was doing.

Ok so now I'm just fixing up what's unneeded and the signature.

Sika The just saved it.

Opened it up in MS Paint and wrote Tokyo Teddy Bear.

Choosing the fount that I like.

I had to do this several times.

Cause I wasn't sure about it.

I choose the Japanese Title and then I took some of Juby Phonic she has a really amazing

version of Tokyo Teddy bear please check it out I will link at the end of this video.

So I will link the refence that I used I link the English dub I quoted and I will leave

a download link this drawing along with my DA page.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it I know I liked this speedpaint allot and had allot of fun

with it.

If you have any request then please let me know and I will take a look at them and put

it down on my list and maybe I will do them.

Also if you liked please let me know in the comment section because I like to know what

people liked out this when they like it.

Thank You so much for watching.

And I will be back with another speedpaint real soon ok Sayonara

For more infomation >> Rin Kagamine Tokyo Teddy Bear Speedpaint #53 - Duration: 19:43.


[FREE] 21 Savage Type Beat 2017 - "Smoke" Prod. By | beatsbylekz - Duration: 3:03.

free 21 savage type beat 2017

For more infomation >> [FREE] 21 Savage Type Beat 2017 - "Smoke" Prod. By | beatsbylekz - Duration: 3:03.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Captain America Ship Fight Scene | HD - Duration: 4:09.

Target is a mobile satellite launch platform,

the Lemurian Star.

They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them,

93 minutes ago.

- Any demands? - Billion and a half.

- Why so steep? - Because it's S.H.l. E.L.D.'s.

So it's not off-course. It's trespassing.

I'm sure they have a good reason.

You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor.

Relax. It's not that complicated.

How many pirates?

25. Top mercs led by this guy.

Georges Batroc. Ex-DGSE, Action Division.

He's at the top of lnterpol's Red Notice.

Before the French demobilised him, he had 36 kill missions.

This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties.


Oh, mostly techs. One officer. Jasper Sitwell.

They're in the galley.

What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?

All right, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc.

Nat, you kill the engines and wait for instructions.

Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages,

get them to the life-pods, get them out. Let's move.

S.T.R.I.K.E., you heard the Cap. Gear up.

Secure channel seven.

Seven secure.

Did you do anything fun Saturday night?

Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead,

so, no, not really.

Coming up on the drop zone, Cap.

You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes.

That's why I don't ask.

Too shy, or too scared?

Too busy!

Was he wearing a parachute?


No, he wasn't.




Don't move.


Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me.

What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you?

She seems kind of nice.

Secure the engine room, then find me a date.

I'm multi-tasking.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Captain America Ship Fight Scene | HD - Duration: 4:09.


3 Simple Phrases People Use To Manipulate You - Duration: 3:20.

3 Simple Phrases People Use To Manipulate You

By consciousreminder

Lately, I�ve been doing a lot of observation, and what I noticed is that people are becoming

more and more manipulative.

I believe that we have all used manipulation as a tool to get what we wanted at one point,

however, there are people who literally became masters of the �craft�.

These are people of all kinds, having all sorts of different backgrounds and histories,

but they all have one thing in common.

Manipulators would say anything to anybody to make them do whatever they want, and they

would do it in cold blood, like saying �Good Morning�.

Here are some of the most common phrases they love using:

1.�You are overreacting!�

�The best defense is a good offense�. Manipulators would often overreact themselves

if you refuse to meet their needs. But, please, don�t believe them, don�t give in.

You are probably not overreacting. This is just one of the tricks they use to make you

feel bad about yourself and start questioning your decision not to cave in.

2. �You are so sensitive!�

If you hear this phrase much too often, run! This is something a person who doesn�t care

about your feelings would say. If you don�t feel comfortable with whatever they are asking

you to do, don�t go through with it, it�s a trap. Manipulators will smell the �blood�

and keep on using you to get whatever they need from you!

Do yourself a favor and leave their side immediately!

3. �You are so dramatic!�

As a follow up to the previous two phrases, manipulators won�t hesitate to point out

what a big of a Drama Queen you have turned into, even in situations that have become

dramatic, mostly because of themselves.

It�s of crucial importance not to fall for their games, because once you do they will

keep playing them until they get out of you whatever they needed in the first place.

For more infomation >> 3 Simple Phrases People Use To Manipulate You - Duration: 3:20.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Movie Clip | Captain America vs. Georges Batroc | HD - Duration: 4:08.

Targets acquired.

S.T.R.I.K.E. in position.

Natasha, whats your status?

Status, Natasha.

Hang on!

Engine room secure.

Time is up.

Who dies first...?


Get that one.

On my mark.


Two... One.

I told you, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't negotiate.

The line just went dead.

I've lost contact with them...


Hostages en route to extraction.

Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap.

Hostiles are still in play.

Natasha, Batroc's on the move.

Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages.


I thought you were more than just a shield...

Let's see.

Well, this is awkward.

What are you doing?

Backing up the hard drive.

It's a good habit to get into.

Rumlow needed your help.

What the hell are you doing here?

You're saving S.H.I.E.L.D. intel.

Whatever I can get my hands on.

Our mission is to rescue hostages.

No, that's your mission,

and you've done it beautifully.

You just jeopardised this whole operation.

I think that's overstating things.


That one's on me.

You're damn right.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Movie Clip | Captain America vs. Georges Batroc | HD - Duration: 4:08.


QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - Duration: 22:31.

For more infomation >> QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - Duration: 22:31.


Errantes del Espacio que podrían visitarnos - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Errantes del Espacio que podrían visitarnos - Duration: 10:02.


Office Stretches with Diamond Dallas Page - Duration: 1:57.

- As office workers, we lead sedentary lives,

which can lead to diseases, illnesses,

even sickness.

Lateral Neck Flexion improves posture.

Try this exercise the next time you have a spare moment

in between shuffling paperwork and sending emails.

Now I want you to lift your shoulders high

and then push your shoulders down,

properly banishing the overwhelming sense

of defeat.

Leg lifts increase blood flow,

allowing you to sit at your desk

and stare at your screen for hours

without screaming.

Hand intervals create dynamic resistance

which is a brief distraction from the endless abyss

of death.



You have actually added a few extra seconds

to your pathetic life.

Now get back to work, monkey!


Am I fucking talking to myself?

Get back to work!

For more infomation >> Office Stretches with Diamond Dallas Page - Duration: 1:57.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Steve Rogers Meets Sam Wilson | HD - Duration: 3:05.

On your left.

On your left.

Uh-huh. On my left. Got it.

Don't say it. Don't you say it.

- On your left. - Come on!


Need a medic?

I need a new set of lungs.

Dude, you just ran, like, 13 miles in 30 minutes.

I guess I got a late start.

Really? You should be ashamed of yourself.

You should take another lap.

Did you just take it? I assume you just took it.

What unit you with?

58th Pararescue.

But now I'm working down at the VA.

- Sam Wilson. - Steve Rogers.

I kind of put that together.

Must have freaked you out, coming home after the whole defrosting thing.

It takes some getting used to.

It's good to meet you, Sam.

It's your bed, right?

What's that?

Your bed, it's too soft.

When I was over there, I'd sleep on the ground,

use rock for pillows, like a caveman.

Now I'm home, lying in my bed, and it's like...

Lying on a marshmallow.

Feel like I'm gonna sink right to the floor.

How long?

Two tours.

You must miss the good old days, huh?

Well, things aren't so bad.

Food's a lot better. We used to boil everything.

No polio is good.

Internet, so helpful.

I've been reading that a lot, trying to catch up.

Marvin Gaye, 1972, Trouble Man soundtrack.

Everything you missed jammed into one album.

I'll put it on the list.

All right, Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run.

If that's what you want to call running.

Oh, that's how it is?

- Oh, that's how it is. - Okay.

Any time you want to stop by the VA, make me look awesome

in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know.

- I'll keep it in mind. - Yeah.

Hey, fellas.

Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is?

I'm here to pick up a fossil.

That's hilarious.

- How you doing? - Hey.

Can't run everywhere.

No, you can't.(CoolestClips4K)

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