Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Eric Trump Dems �not even people�


President Trump�s son Eric Trump on Tuesday said Democrats are �not even people� to

him after their obstruction of his father�s agenda.

�I�ve never seen hatred like this,� he said on Fox News�s �Hannity� Tuesday


�To me, they�re not even people.

It�s so, so sad.

Morality�s just gone, morals have flown out the window and we deserve so much better

than this as a country.

�You see the Democratic Party, they�re imploding.

They�re imploding.

They became obstructionists because they have no message of their own.�

.@EricTrump: "You see the Democratic Party, they are imploding...they have no message."


� Fox News (@FoxNews) June 7, 2017

Trump additionally criticized the Democratic National Committee�s (DNC) leadership without

directly naming Chairman Tom Perez.

�You see the head of the DNC, who is a total whack job,� he told host Sean Hannity.

�There�s no leadership there.� �They lost the [2016 presidential] election

that they should have won because they spent seven times the amount of money that my father


"Eric, Democrats are people," Perez tweeted Wednesday morning.

"So are Muslims, immigrants, women, people with pre-existing conditions, and everyone

else [President] Trump is hurting."

Democrats have tried capitalizing on liberal dissatisfaction with Trump�s administration

and its agenda despite Republicans controlling the White House and both chambers of Congress.

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) has emerged as a vocal critic of Trump and is reportedly readying

the articles of impeachment that mark the first official step of any congressional bid

to remove a sitting president.

Green�s criticisms focus on Trump�s controversial firing of former FBI Director James Comey

last month amid the bureau�s probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential race.

Trump reportedly urged Comey to halt the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael

Flynn, ahead of his ouster.

The president�s decision roiled Washington, as the FBI�s probe includes possible collusion

between Russia and Trump�s campaign.

For more infomation >> Eric Trump Dems 'not even people' - Duration: 2:48.


100 subs we did it - Duration: 9:40.


For more infomation >> 100 subs we did it - Duration: 9:40.


Cink co-leads, hidden camera, & National Best Friends Day - Duration: 2:38.

Waddle, don't walk it's FedEx St. Jude Classic Week!

The heat and the course setup made

for a tough day at TPC Southwind for

the first round of the FedEx St. Jude Classic.

The heat index got to these guys so much,

Matt Jones got a little confused…

"Hey guys, is this thing on?

What's going on here?"

Smile Matt, because you were on

camera for this!

A 55-footer!

But sometimes hitting the bullseye

doesn't quite work out…

Jim Furyk got robbed on 18.

And then there are times where you

can't see the target at all…

Kevin Chappell over the trees to 3 feet.

Retief Goosen hopped over

the water for his stellar approach on 3…

Over the water and to the beach,

Graeme McDowell almost chips in on 16…

Thursday was National Best Friends Day

and are there two better people to

represent in the golf world than Phil & Bones?!

Bones, always there when you are

stuck in the bunker and need a different club…

That's friendship right there people.

Phil went 10 straight holes without a birdie,

until the final hole of the day….

Earlier on Thursday though,

Lefty rolled one in on 4 from 21 feet.

From one veteran to another,

Stewart Cink rolled his way into the co-lead…

Cink signed for a 64, along with

fellow co-leader Scott Brown

who led the field in strokes gained putting

with 131 feet of putts!

Making a charge of his own,

PGA TOUR Latino America product

Sebastian Munoz had himself a day!

Defending champ Daniel Berger had

the flat stick working from off the green on 11…

Did you know you can catch

PGA TOUR LIVE on Twitter

from 8-9:15 am ET Friday morning?!

Well now you know.

And you know that I will see you

Friday night for The Takeaway.

For more infomation >> Cink co-leads, hidden camera, & National Best Friends Day - Duration: 2:38.


The Trees Are Speaking To Me - Duration: 22:44.

The Trees Are Speaking To Me

The Heartbreak and the Hope of our Friends and Guardians

As someone who �talks to trees�, I find it incredibly exciting that there is now scientific

research to support what our ancient ancestors always knew, �that trees can speak.�

The great work of the scientists involved with organizations such as the Heartmath Institute

in California have proven that trees are dynamic, multi-faceted beings, capable of not only

communicating with one another, but also of feeling emotion and helping and healing one


Trees are capable of this kind of relationship with us as well, provided we ourselves are

open to the possibility.

Living immersed in Nature all of my life, I have been blessed with the opportunity to

grow up in the �school of Nature.� And I am still learning.

I will always be learning.

Nature teaches us what we are ready to learn.

She is gentle, kind, patient, and ever-loving.

Sometimes she will practice �tough love�, but it is only when we are not hearing her,

and is always a last resort.

This past year, I was experiencing great heartbreak here with the trees, as not far from my home,

acres upon acres of ancient stands of oaks were being bulldozed for farmland.

I was sick at the sight of these sacred, wise, loving elders being crashed.

Trees are our connection between the Universe and our Earth.

They pull in light, wisdom, and the memory of who we are, and they ground it here for


They are the keepers of the ancient knowledge and know the secrets of our Divine lineage.

They store it here for us so that we will not forget.

So suffice to say, the more ancient the tree, the more knowledge and wisdom it holds.

The trees have also shared with me how important it is for them to �ground� these intense

cosmic energies into the Earth for us at this time or else we wouldn�t be able to handle


Not only that, ironically, they also attract the moisture that the farmers so desperately

need for their crops.

They communicate their needs with the Sky and of course, this benefits us.

There has become a sad disconnect between farmers and the land that they farm.

While most do have a genuine love of the land, as I have seen, it seems that the ability

to cover so much ground in such large machines is making them take more than their share.

It has become out of balance.

Many believe that we need to do this to �feed the world.� The truth is, we already grow

enough food to feed the world, if the food would only make it to those in need.

Not only that, growing massive amounts of GMO crops is not exactly feeding the world

quality food.

I thought of all of the beautiful nutrition that was piled up along with those oaks.

The Saskatoon trees, cranberries, and hazelnut bushes.

All of that free food that nature was happy to share with us.

Free food with superior nutritional value than anything we will ever grow on that land


But it seems if we didn�t place it there, than it has no value to us.

I understand the cry of the farmer.

Land values have soared over the past few years.

Cost of production has soared along with it.

The profit?

It doesn�t match up.

And no incentives are given to not clear land.

Even though we know the value of trees, there are no tax breaks for keeping them there.

Farmers feel that they have to make every available piece of their land grow a crop

just to pay for itself.

We want massive fields for our massive machines.

We hate turning around bluffs of trees.

Not that we are in discomfort in these machines.

We are in air conditioning, have GPS, radios, and i phones to keep us company.

And yet it should be even more simple, like not having to turn at all.

The auto steer on the tractors already makes it so that you don�t have to steer as you

drive up and down the field.

I feel the pressure here where I live.

People seem to have this belief that Canada has unlimited trees and wild landscape.

But here in rural Manitoba, it is starting to feel small.

Mega corporate farms and Hutterite colonies who can pay top dollar have driven up the

prices to the point that a small farmer cannot compete.

Most farms are not the quaint operations they once were.

I grew up riding my tricycle in the alley way of our barn while my parents milked our


We would have to walk the pasture of our farm to bring these cows up for milking.

I remember exploring these winding cow trails through the trees and hazelnut bushes.

They were magical.

They STILL are magical.

Most farmers are not forming this kind of connection with the land and it is a shame.

Faceless corporate investors who have likely never stepped foot on this soil take their

privileges with our Earth.

People who do not support our small communities in any way, nor care for the landscape.

Yardsites and tree lines vanish as well, as these mega farms and colonies have no use

for them.

These places exist only in the minds of those of us who will remember they were ever there.

And what of the people who are selling?

I don�t begrudge people for not wanting to farm.

It certainly isn�t for everyone, but can�t we consider who we are selling to?

And how can you not care?

Many people who have sold around here had inherited their land from their parents.

It was their ancestors before them who had immigrated to Canada for a better life.

This land took care of them, sustained them.

Is there any thanks given back to the land?

It is just a lifeless thing that now funds their retirement and winters down in Texas

and Arizona.

Yardsites that took others a lifetime to establish, trees that were there for centuries, all leveled

in days.

And it�s not that there isn�t still smaller farmers that would purchase this land for

more than they can afford and would take much better care of it.

We are still here and we are certainly trying.

But it seems that this has become a world where money wins, and it is at our own expense.

Not long after that very special bluff of oaks was crashed, I had a dream where I was

standing with some of the trees that had been left at the top of a ridge.

I could feel their upset.

I could feel how they missed their family.

They are truly connected and bonded to one another.

They also let me see their surroundings the way that they do.

Once you see the world from the perspective of a tree, you realize just how limited our

vision is.

You realize the light that exists within everything.

Trees can see the �sparkle� that lives within all of us, and in all things.

And they can also see how absolutely nothing is �solid.� Trees see the movement, the

rhythmic dancing of the molecules that make up our forms.

They are wise beyond words.

And because they can see the light and the dance that exists within us all, they do not

hold hate within themselves.

It simply cannot exist within their high vibration.

The trees shared that land ownership should be regarded more like becoming a parent.

It is a privilege to have this child, and you feel a love for them like you have never

felt before.

It is unconditional.

You do not own this child, nor do you want to control them.

You want to nurture them so that they can reach their full potential in the time that

you have with them.

I�m not saying that we can�t cut down any trees at all, or that there can�t be


There are certainly ways to farm while being kind.

More than half of the wildlife population has disappeared since the 1970�s.

Leaving tree lines and bluffs of forest and yardsites is crucial to helping them survive.

They need to live somewhere.

They do an amazing job of avoiding us, but in the odd case that they don�t, we become

so offended that they came onto �our� property.

Shot for no good reason other than the irrational fear of what they �might do.� We are the

ones to fear.

Unfortunately, our fear feeds upon itself, as does our greed.

And our appetites will never be satisfied.

As long as the world feeds on greed, the world will starve.

Bush land not far from my farm was being cleared last fall by a man who farms with the money

of corporate investors.

His workers had disturbed a mother bear and her 2 cubs from their den, as they were already

tucked in and hibernating for winter.

She came out and was growling at their machine.

Her cubs, in terror, ran up a nearby tree.

The men taunted her.

They laughed.

They joked.

Then they shot her and stood smiling around her lifeless body.

Her cubs ran off, destined for certain death as winter approached with no mother to care

for them.

I still weep for her as I write these words.

Fortunately, there was someone watching that day.

An elderly gentleman who reported these men.

They received a fine, but was it enough to teach them anything?

Does taking money on people teach them anything when their hearts are hardened?

Ironically, this elderly gentleman is a trapper.

I certainly know a lot of farmers who would not treat an animal with such cruelty, but

this shows the disconnect from our Earth by some of the people who are growing the food

that we eat.

My ancestors moved here to Tenby in the 1940�s, leaving the dust bowl of southern Manitoba

behind them.

My great granny, Maria Klassen, called Tenby, �the garden of Eden,� as it was like paradise

to her.

There was beautiful clean water to drink only 6 feet in the ground, wild fruit to pick,

bush rabbits and deer everywhere to sustain the family, and trees to fuel the wood stove.

(she had to burn dried cow and horse manure where she came from.)

I feel my granny with me and I know that she is concerned for what is happening to our

beloved Tenby.

There is a gross imbalance between the Earth and man�s ego and fear driven domination.

Farming was different then, and I am certainly not saying that I would like to go back to

horses and plows and no running water.

But people could just not take too much back then.

It seems that our massive machines have made us deaf to the voice of nature, the soul of

our Earth.

We can sit comfortably within them and manipulate and control.

And what are we teaching our children?

That trees are worthless?

That they were never here?

I have been told, �trees have only moved into this area in the last 100 years, before

that it was open prairie.�

It is true that the landscape was more open, but it also had bio-diversity.

Pristine natural grasslands and marshes, not the mono-culture of today.

And not all of the harsh chemicals either.

And judging by the rings of the oak trees, they were definitely here 100 years ago.

We have been experiencing relentless winds here in Manitoba this spring.

It is heartbreaking to watch black clouds of soil drifting into the ditches.

The number of wide open fields is increasing, and it really was not long ago that our own

ancestors experienced the �dirty 30�s�.

There are still berms of soil between fields that accumulated there during that era.

And yet, �we don�t need trees.�

I have also been told, �well, you never go there (to a certain area of trees), so

what do you care if they are there?�

Since when does a tree need us to justify its existence?

And besides, since when do we need to enjoy an area to make it valuable?

Wildlife enjoys that area, needs that area, and those trees are benefiting the world,

regardless of whether we know it and are enjoying them or not.

Humans seem to be the only species on this planet that are convinced that you have to

need something to be kind to it.

If we can�t somehow see why we need it or how it will benefit us, it is of no use.

Even when we have scientific proof that we need them, we would still rather see monetary


That somehow nature is worth more to us when it is dead.

We have convinced ourselves that we are progressing, but as a species, we are digressing.

When we can no longer listen to the voice of our mother and honor the very land that

sustains us, then we have indeed gone backwards.

We criticize earlier civilizations, and yet, they were not in danger of destroying their

planet or themselves.

There was a reverence for the Earth, as she was sacred.

I will forever be grateful to my family that I have had the opportunity to be a land �owner.�

I was given the rare childhood privilege of freedom to explore nature and connect with

the earth.

But I have also seen the ugly side of land ownership, of people who take it for granted.

Many are genuinely believing that they are good stewards of the land, in a logical sense

of course.

But the land is more than soil composition and yields of crops.

Not only that, many �good stewards of the land� are not organic farming.

I can feel that the earth is not happy with this.

Unfortunately, for a farmer to be �certified organic�, and to receive top dollar for

your crop, you have to be practicing organic farming methods on your land for 3 years.

I have seen conventional farmers deterred by this regulation.

I understand that we don�t want our organic food chain to be contaminated, but there needs

to be better incentives for farmers to make the switch.

They will be making the switch into a realm of farming that they are unfamiliar with,

with an unknown of their income for 3 years.

They have been using certain techniques, and controlling weeds with chemicals their entire


There is a lot of unlearning of the old and learning the new.

It is a daunting idea, especially when the bills are steep and the overhead is high.

Perhaps there could be better support for these farmers that are determined to transfer

their farms over to organic.

But as more and more people �wake up� and support the organic farmers by choosing

organic in the grocery stores, the demand will rise, and conventional farmers will follow

because that�s where the market will be.

My dad grew up in a Tenby where the wild honeybees swarmed thick in the summers.

I have never seen a swarm of wild honeybees.

That is in just one generation.

I keep several hives of tame honeybees in my backyard.

After talking to many experienced beekeepers in my area, the feelings are unanimous; it

is much harder to have bees now than it was even 10 years ago.

They are running out of foraging areas, as well as there is just too much spraying of

harmful chemicals going on.

The disappearance of trees also means the disappearance of the pollen each spring that

the bees depend on before the flowers and crops are blooming.

So how do we connect deeper and communicate with Trees?

When I am out walking, I tend to allow myself to just wander and feel �led� to where

I need to go.

When I do this, I often find that there was an experience or a lesson that I needed to


Not long ago, when my family and I were camping, I felt drawn to a particular oak tree.

As I approached, I could see that this was indeed a very special tree, as there was a

very obvious face forming within the trunk.

There were also many other faces forming within the bark throughout this tree.

Trees have the ability to manifest into the form that they choose, and many choose to

manifest a face.

Perhaps this is why trees have been given the title as �The Standing People.� Many

faces begin first as only a single eye, as they take years to evolve into form.

My family wanted to carry on with our walk, so I promised this tree that I would return

the next morning, alone.

I knew as I stepped away that this was a tree with a story to tell.

The next morning, as I approached the oak, I heard the gentle words, �the older the

tree, the more faces you see.�

�Awww, yes, because they take time to form and evolve,� I replied.

I could feel the welcome from the tree, so I sat down beneath its branches and closed

my eyes.

An important element in speaking with trees, well, at least I have found, is to have an

open heart.

Simply placing your hand on your heart center and breathing in for 5 seconds and out for

5 seconds, imagining your breath flowing in and out of your chest.

This will relax you and harmonize your energy.

Then simply notice what enters your awareness.

I often ask, �what does Nature have to teach me today?�

This way, Nature knows that I am open to learning and am listening.

As I sat beneath the tree, I couldn�t help but notice the roar of traffic as the Trans

Canada Highway was less than a km away.

Where I come from, the only traffic is the occasional passing by of a neighbor (usually

a family member).

�You never get a break from this,� I said to the tree.

�I remember when there were no vehicles,� replied the tree.

�All was quiet.

Now I have to imagine back to that time.�

As I sank further into the awareness of the oak, I felt how Nature was coping with the


She was filling herself in as thickly as she could with hazel brush and chokecherry trees.

The sweet scent of their blossoms was thick in the air and the morning birds were singing

while the dew illuminated the light within the leaves.

I opened my eyes and noticed an oak tree with a crooked trunk, not far from the oak I was

sitting beneath.

�Did she choose to grow that way?� I asked the oak tree.

�It was not her choice,� the oak replied.

I then seen an image of a cow stepping on the oak when she was a sapling and snapping

her trunk.

The oak continued, �She healed, because like you, these things happen for us, not

to us.�

I felt the acceptance of Nature, and that everything happens for a reason.

Nature moves on and makes the best of what is available.

I gave my thanks to the Oak for his lessons, placing my hands upon his bark and caressing

the many faces.

�You are beautiful,� I sighed as I pulled myself away.

It is important to step as lightly as you can when you walk through Nature.

Show respect and mindfulness of all who reside there, even the mosquito and the poison ivy.

They are all part of an intricate system of life.

I have also felt the reverence that trees feel for those who have fallen, and the appreciation

that they have for their contribution to the soil that now feeds their roots.

They honor one another at every phase of life, and know the importance of playing their role.

A couple of years ago, the Maple trees in my yard told me a story that they wanted me

to share with the Children of Earth.

The trees feel that it is time for the children of Earth, of all ages, to remember who they

are and what they are capable of.

To remember how powerful they are.

And above all, to be true to who they truly are, because this is how we will make the

world a better place.

Nature always provides powerful lessons that are easy to understand.

She knows how to speak to the knowing within our hearts.

All we are really doing is remembering, or �waking up.�

They wish to inspire us to grow without the fear of falling.

That even though growth can hurt and it isn�t always easy, it is always worth it.

That each and every one of us is important and meant to be here, and how critical it

is for each of us to accept who we are and grow into who we are meant to be.

This story has become a children�s book, �The Sapling� which will be released late

this summer.

It also honors the cycles of life and that there is no death, only transformation, therefore,

there is nothing to be afraid of.

The trees have also shared with me how they have noticed how unaware most people are of

their energy and of what they are doing with it.

Of what they carelessly �put out there� into the Universe and take in as well.

From my perspective, it seems that they see our energy pathways like giant branches growing

out from our bodies.

These pathways are either thick or skinny, depending how much we are �feeding� that

pathway with our beliefs, thoughts, emotions, energy and focus.

They said that we are the creators of our reality, and how people are literally creating

the world that they live in with the energy pathways that they are feeding.

We often �pinch� ourselves off from communication or other profound experiences simply because

we haven�t strengthened that pathway with the belief that we can do it.

This is why I have included energy exercises within the book, inspired by the trees, to

help children and their parents be aware of their energy bodies and pathways.

There is techniques and advice on how to balance and harmonize them as well.

Thank you so much for reading and to all of you who have �heard the call� or are just

remembering that you have heard it.

Nature is speaking to you, do not doubt yourself.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

We chose to be here.

We are powerful creators creating a peaceful, radiant Earth, or else we wouldn�t have


For more infomation >> The Trees Are Speaking To Me - Duration: 22:44.


Sajero - Infierno (Video) - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Sajero - Infierno (Video) - Duration: 1:39.


Cerita Ramadhan Orang Tech Ep 5 - Rencana Sitorus - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Cerita Ramadhan Orang Tech Ep 5 - Rencana Sitorus - Duration: 6:00.


ASMR English Tingle Clinic Role Play 팅글클리닉 - Duration: 54:07.

ASMR Tingle Clinic Role Play

We call it ASMR...

...when you feel relaxed and peaceful through visual and hearing stimulation.







Appointment at 8 o'clock?

Let's see...

Sorry, but may I have your name?


All confirmed now.

I'm Dr. PPOMO from the tingle clinic.

And I am Korean.

My English may not be so good.

If you are having any trouble understanding,

... please note that you can push CC for subtitles.

So... let's get started with couple of questions.

Is this your first time with ASMR?

... or have you tried it a few times before?

... or feeling a bit immune to tingle from repetitive usage?


I see!

Then you will probably have a good experience here trying out variety of triggers for tingle.

I'm originally from a sleep clinic.

And I got the opportunity to open ASMR tingle clinic in an event format.

And you are the very first guest.

I plan to continue opening the tingle clinic if the responses are good.

We call it ASMR...

... when you feel relaxed and peaceful through visual and hearing stimulation.

And there are tons of triggers to get ASMR.

Tons, meaning so many to cover all in one day.

This is because there are a lot of elements for one human body to react on visual and sounds.

I'd like to start the clinic session by testing with massage...,

... massage,

... tapping,

... scratching,

... whispering,

... and mouth sounds.

I hope you can find your own tigger within the area.


I have prepared massage oil here.

It is in a brown bottle and has a very soft and relaxing scent.

And I will start giving you a slow face massage.

It can satisfy both the visual and hearing element for tingle.

How is it?

Did you feel tingly?

Next will be the ear massage.

This is to focus on the hearing element of tingle.

How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Next will be neck and shoulder massage.

Big motions all around...

... to give more of a relaxing feeling than tingles.

How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Next time we will try tapping and scratching.

Tapping and scratching can make endless amount of different sounds depending on the object.

We will try it on objects like wood...,

... like wood,

... paper,

... glass,

... and

... sticky sound like leather.

You can either focus on the sound with your eyes closed,

... or watch my hand motion for visual tingle.

Starting with wood.




How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Now tapping and scratching this card made of paper.



How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Tapping glass objects this time.


How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Leather object next.





How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

You might enjoy either fast tapping or slow tapping more than the other.

Everything is up to your preference.

Shall we move on to whispering sound trigger?

I personally categorize them by regular voice...,

... whispering,

... inaudible whispering,

... and trigger words.

Here is my regular voice.

The weather is nice.

You are lying down on the grass, watching the sky, forgetting all the hardship.

Then start to think of random things that you like.

You are feeling good and better.

How was it? Did you feel tingly?

This time is my whispering.

The weather is nice.

You are lying down on the grass, watching the sky, forgetting all the hardship.

Then start to think of random things that you like.

You are feeling good and better.

How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Next is...

Next is inaudible whispering.

How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Trigger words are next up.

There are variety of trigger words, and I will be using...

... 'stipple',



... 'relax',

... and 'tingles'.

How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Awesome! You have been doing great so far.

I hope the session is helping you out find the trigger for you.

Lastly, mouth sounds.

Mouth sounds are literally the sound made by one's tongue and lips.

This is one of the sound where the likes and dislikes are very clear.

I wonder how you think about it.

I will make three different mouth sounds, which are tongue clicking...,

... tongue rolling,

... and close-by mouth sounds.

Tongue clicking.

Tongue rolling.

And close-by mouth sounds.

How was it?

Did you feel tingly?

Oh, time passed by fast.

We will wrap it up for the day.

There are still many triggers we didn't get to test.

But I am hoping that you have found the right trigger for tingle from the session.

I will be looking forward to see you again.

Have a wonderful day.

For more infomation >> ASMR English Tingle Clinic Role Play 팅글클리닉 - Duration: 54:07.


WATCH LIVE: The National for Thursday June 8, 2017 - Duration: 59:54.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: The National for Thursday June 8, 2017 - Duration: 59:54.


How to visualize engraved marks in progressive lenses. - Duration: 1:26.

Dim your room lights for visualizing the marks better.

Hold penlight at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

For more infomation >> How to visualize engraved marks in progressive lenses. - Duration: 1:26.


ของดีศรีอีสาน หมู่บ้านเศรษกิจพอเพียง - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> ของดีศรีอีสาน หมู่บ้านเศรษกิจพอเพียง - Duration: 3:02.


US Mexico Reach Sugar Trade Deal There's Just One Problem - politics - Duration: 3:10.

US-Mexico Reach Sugar Trade Deal...There's Just One Problem

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced Tuesday that he had reached �an agreement

in principle� with his Mexican counterpart, Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo, on a

new trade deal governing the trade of raw and refined sugar between the US and Mexico.

There�s only one problem: The US sugar industry has said it�s unable to support the agreement

in its current form, according to Reuters.

Ross said that Mexico met nearly every request by the US sugar industry to fix problems with

a 2014 sugar trade agreement.

"Unfortunately, despite all of these gains, the U.S. sugar industry has said it is unable

to support the agreement in its present form," Ross said without elaborating on their objections.

Ross added that the agreement will now go through a final �drafting� stage during

which he hopes the US sugar industry would come on board.

He added that �it should be days, not weeks� before the final agreement is reached, Reuters


The American Sugar Alliance said in a statement that the exiting agreement could allow Mexican

producers to exploit a �loophole� allowing them to continue to dump subsidized sugar

into the U.S. market.

�This loophole takes away the existing power of the U.S. government to determine the type

and polarity of any additional sugar that needs to be imported and cedes that power

to the Mexican government,� the Alliance said in a statement.

�We will work with Secretary Ross in the coming days to see if that loophole can be

effectively closed so that the basic provisions of the agreement are not undermined and USDA

can effectively manage the sugar program� The "deal," in its current form, leaves Mexico�s

overall access to the US market essentially unchanged: The biggest difference is that

refined sugar must fall to 30% of overall imports from Mexico, down from a previous

limit of 53%.

Thanks to protections granted to the US sugar industry by Nafta, sugar prices in the US

are higher than anywhere else in the world.

The US sugar industry late last year pressured the Commerce Department to withdraw from an

agreement with Mexico that set a fixed system of prices and quotas on imported Mexican sugar.

Mexico struck back in March by canceling export permits for sugar being shipped to the US,

putting the squeeze on US refiners who were struggling with high prices and tight supplies.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said that the deal between Mexico and the US �bodes well�

for Nafta talks.

We imagine that'd be true...if the two sides can reach an honest-to-god agreement, not...whatever

this is.

For more infomation >> US Mexico Reach Sugar Trade Deal There's Just One Problem - politics - Duration: 3:10.


What does duality represent beyond the point of nothingness? #19 - Duration: 2:11.

what's happening, now, so duality is the name of the game, or rather the name of the

game is LIFE, and duality is the nature of this game that we are playing, right, and

why, why duality is because what it represents is very simple, and it represents differentiation,

right, so as consciousness, or, and you know with the potency of consciousness, the substance

of it, feminine principle , we have a myriad of experiences, first of all as nothing; to

experience nothingness, there's not much that we have going on you know, when it comes

to nothingness you know, there will come a point where we would have experienced everything

there is to experience about nothingness, and then at that point in time, consciousness,

you know from the seed of thought 'I Am ', 'AUM', you know in the beginning

there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word is God, the Word is you

know, the Word, haha, a Word is a form given to the sound signature, to describe a certain

sound signature right, and so, putting all that into play, when you've experienced

all there is to experience about nothingness, and life is all about experiences, and the

memories and lessons that we get from that and stuff, what do we do beyond the point

of experiencing all that there is to experience right, what we can do is, we become something.

For more infomation >> What does duality represent beyond the point of nothingness? #19 - Duration: 2:11.


How To Wear A Gas Mask If You Have To Wear Glasses! - Duration: 3:50.

as you can see they're in there

when I shake my head they move around a bit

but there is a fair amount blocking them in there

and keeping them from falling out

if you move around a whole lot

I've noticed that they can fall back

and hit you in the eye

but all you have to do is put your face down and shake

and they should go back in place

For more infomation >> How To Wear A Gas Mask If You Have To Wear Glasses! - Duration: 3:50.


葉建源 : 為低標校舍尋出路 教育局責無旁貸 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 葉建源 : 為低標校舍尋出路 教育局責無旁貸 - Duration: 2:00.


Ben-Hur (2016) - My Husband - Duration: 3:30.

I hope this keeps you warm. Thank you.

My love to your family.


Good to see you, Simon. God bless you.

Esther, what is it?

My husband.

Oh, I've missed you.

I've missed you so much.

Oh, Judah.

I shouldn't have run.

They would have killed you, too.

I would have died with my family.

That's better than being alone with my guilt.

I've filled my life in other ways.

By serving others?

I've found people to care for. People who care for me.

When I can, I spread the Word.

The message of Jesus.

That carpenter, he showed you kindness when no one else would.

I've seen him do acts of grace so small, but so much more than other people do.

Every day for five years I asked myself the same questions.

What happened to you?

What happened to my mother and sister?

Were they crucified?

Where are they buried?

I don't know.

Someone must know.


He's become the pride of Roman Judea.

He's the commander of the garrison, races chariots in Caesar's name.

You couldn't go near him.

You won't go near him.

Get up.

You can't stay in Jerusalem. This isn't the place...

No, no, no, I'm safe. I'm staying in a cabin outside the garden gate.

I will find a way for us if that's what you still want.

Wait to hear from me.


For more infomation >> Ben-Hur (2016) - My Husband - Duration: 3:30.


WHATS IN THE BOX CHALLENGE **Is there something alive?!** - Duration: 16:12.

Turn on post notifications and comment done when finished to get shouted out in our next video!!

For more infomation >> WHATS IN THE BOX CHALLENGE **Is there something alive?!** - Duration: 16:12.


Bombsheller Sizing Video - Duration: 1:09.

So you're trying to find what your size is in

Bombsheller leggings. Whether you're an extra small

or a six XL we've got you covered

Finding your size requires two measurements

first your waist, the smallest part

of your torso below your ribs

most people have a belly button here

and your hips, the widest part of your thighs

below the hip bones

when you sit this is where you bend


Take your measurements and plot them on our sizing chart

which shows a range of measurements that fit

within each of our sizes

If your measurements fall in two sizes

go with the smaller option to ensure a better fit

Our leggings are very stretchy so don't worry

Please be aware that graphics are lost at the

ankle as legging size increases

this is particularly noticeable in extended sizes

Enjoy your Shells!


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