Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Hey guys, Mr. Clark here. Today on Creative Cricket let's draw Batman - Dark Knight of Gotham City Injustice 2.

Batman is a really special kind of superhero; unlike other superheroes Batman has no superpower.

Instead, he relies on his stealth, careful thinking, and some really powerful tools to get the job done.

Bruce Wayne is incredibly smart.

His custom-made uniform is packed with gadgets which allow him to appear and disappear in the blink of an eye!

Batman's armor makes him super durable.

Tons of bad guys would love a shot at defeating Batman, but they have to find him first.

But just because Batman doesn't have superhuman strength, doesn't mean he can't protect himself.

He's a master of all styles of combat and is said to be able to bench press over 1,000 pounds!

I'll finish up his legs and boots...

and fittingly made his base in a Batcave! This secret command center is where he does all his research, building, and surveillance.

Muscles... Batman is definitely ready for battle.

Batman's main mission is to protect Gotham City from the criminals and supervillains that threaten it.

He's just an ordinary guy who's pushed himself to do extraordinary things.

And don't forget the bat symbol here on his chest.

Guys, if you enjoyed this video, hit the like button. That will let me know I should make more videos like this.


And of course we got his cape blowing in the wind... and that's it guys! I hope you had fun!

Who's your favorite superhero? Let me know in the comments, we will draw them in an upcoming video.

Subscribe to Creative Cricket for more cool art videos like this. I'll see you next time. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Drawing BATMAN (Injustice 2) | Superhero Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 2:33.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | 'Captain America's Speech' Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 4:02.

He's gonna be there, you know.

I know.

Look, whoever he used to be and the guy he is now,

I don't think he's the kind you save.

He's the kind you stop.

I don't know if I can do that.

Well, he might not give you a choice.

He doesn't know you.

He will.

Gear up. It's time.

You gonna wear that?

No. If you're gonna fight a war, you got to wear a uniform.

Oh, man.

I am so fired.

We are in final launch sequence.

We are go on guidance.

All personnel to launch stations.

And how was your flight?


The ride from the airport, less so.

Sadly, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't control everything.

Including Captain America.

This facility is biometrically controlled.

And these will give you unrestricted access.

I've been parking there for two months.

- But it's his spot. - So where's he been?

I think Afghanistan.

Negative DT Six. The pattern is full.

Well, he could've said something.


Must be the dish.

I'll check it out.

Triskelion command request we clear the area for launch.

Excuse us.

I know the road hasn't exactly been smooth,

and some of you would have gladly kicked me out of the car along the way.

Finally, we're here.

And the world should be grateful.

Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents,

this is Steve Rogers.

You've heard a lot about me over the last few days.

Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down.

But I think it's time you know the truth.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is not what we thought it was.

It's been taken over by HYDRA.

Alexander Pierce is their leader.

The S.T.R.I.K.E. and insight crew are HYDRA as well.

I don't know how many more,

but I know they're in the building.

They could be standing right next to you.

They almost have what they want.

Absolute control.

They shot Nick Fury.

And it won't end there.

If you launch those helicarriers today,

HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way.

Unless we stop them.

I know I'm asking a lot.

But the price of freedom is high. It always has been.

And it's a price I'm willing to pay.

And if I'm the only one, then so be it.

But I'm willing to bet I'm not.

Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | 'Captain America's Speech' Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 4:02.


Today in Military History: First nuclear power ballistic missile sub - Duration: 1:07.

Today in military history, 1959.

America launches the first ballistic missile submarine,

forever changing nuclear deterrence.

Following the Korean War, the Cold War increased

in intensity as America and the Soviet Union

looked for ways to project their power

in the event of a nuclear conflict.

America leapt ahead of its rival with the creation

of the Polaris missile, a solid fueled nuclear armed missile

that could be launched from a submarine.

The U.S. Navy altered two submarines already under

construction to carry 13 Polaris missiles each.

The Navy also authorized the construction

of three more custom-built subs.

The USS George Washington was the first completed

and was launched on June 9th, 1959.

Before taking its first patrol,

carrying 13 Polaris missiles with one megaton warheads

that could fly 1400 miles on November 15th, 1960.

It was decommissioned in 1985,

having never used its lethal payload.

You wanna know what happened yesterday in military history?

Click right here.

You wanna know what happens tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> Today in Military History: First nuclear power ballistic missile sub - Duration: 1:07.


Un Live Painter Al Concertone Del Primo Maggio Di Roma - Duration: 1:56.

On my way you have to jump all over

Let's become the stuff of legend of 1° May of Rome Concert

From here to the end

Who does not jump, you know what it is?

3, 2, 1...

For more infomation >> Un Live Painter Al Concertone Del Primo Maggio Di Roma - Duration: 1:56.


Five Little Mickey Babies Jumping on the Bed Nursery Song | SuperHero Emi TV | Finger Family - Duration: 15:32.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Put those monkeys back to the bed!"

For more infomation >> Five Little Mickey Babies Jumping on the Bed Nursery Song | SuperHero Emi TV | Finger Family - Duration: 15:32.


[CANTO VLOG/ENG SUB] Day 280 WALKING CHALLENGE ( = v = ) 行路挑戰! - Duration: 3:59.

hi every one~!

today is count down day 17th

so we're now walking form Pusan National University

to Centum City and fix my watch

actually i should take the subway to get there

but erm...

one of my friends suggested that

why not do a walking challenge?

let's walk all the way from PNU to Centum City

that friend said

last time, he took 2.5 hours to get there

so now, we are going to take this challenge

and see if we can get there in 2.5 hours

we're here right now

let's continue walking~! o( > v < )o

let me tell you a secret ( > . < )

i feel a bit urgent

and want to go to toilet =v=''


i shouldn't have drunk water earlier

let me hold it for a while

hope i can walk faster and get there asap!

full speed ahead~! o ( > v < ) o

(opps we walked to a dead end =.=)

the route was cut off here

who said i only need to follow the stream T^T


let me ask somebody

ask the police

we (me & me =v=) just asked this policeman

supposingly, we just need to go straight

turn right

go straight at a certain intercross

then we should get there (after 55 mins actually =v=)

there's a golf course here!

i had never seen the balls rolling down so close

A fault on the right side ( it isn't so bad afterall)

( this situation is kind of familiar =v= '')

( accidentially discovered a factory )

don't know what is this factory for

let me go back and check it out online (it's mainly making industial unit cooler & compressor)

urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent (made an urgent for toilet song haha)

urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent (made an urgent for toilet song haha)

actually i also had similar "getting lost journey" last year

so if you are interested

i'll put the video in this info box

and please feel free to check it out as well ^ ^

( looking at the roadsigns for cars =v=)

this should be the right direction (fingercrossed)

we finally see it!

(how long does it take?)

( around 2 hours only! including our getting lost time!)

whisper: we've arrived!

(go to toilet first =v=)

(and then, try to get my Swatch fixed)

thanks for watching and see you later ( ^ ^ )/

For more infomation >> [CANTO VLOG/ENG SUB] Day 280 WALKING CHALLENGE ( = v = ) 行路挑戰! - Duration: 3:59.






Just few years ago, the concept of false flag terrorism was virtually unheard of.

We were so consumed by the mainstream media narrative that anything presented against

it was criticized, no matter how much evidence surfaced to prove that narrative to be false.

Nobody knew of the corruption lying at the heart of politics and major industries, and

still, too few people know about it today.

That being said, the world is rapidly waking up, so much so that most terrorist attacks,

especially the ones occurring in the countries that represent the Western military alliance,

cannot really happen anymore without a false flag possibility at least being raised.

While mainstream corporate media still opposes this theory when it arises � the same corporate

entities running the globe and enforcing a certain way of life on everyone on it � the

concept has at least entered the mainstream.

The birth of social media sites and independent/alternative media outlets gave the world a new source

of information, and one that differed from corporate media.

Billions of eyes turned toward sites like Collective Evolution, platforms like Wikileaks,

and people like Edward Snowden.

As a result, the human collective became aware of some facts that it had never been presented

with before.

One of these facts was the occurrence of false flag terrorism, with the clearest example

being 9/11,

The evidence for false flag terrorism has been presented by countless politicians, military

personnel, academics, and more, but despite the staggering amount of research and evidence

presented, their voices are never shared in mainstream media.

That being said, mainstream media does allow their own anchors to entertain this idea,

or at least suggest that the other narrative exists.

I think they were essentially left with no choice, as so many people were becoming aware

of it and questioning how the biggest media outlets could completely ignore it, as they

had been doing for decades.

This is evident in the interview below, where popular mainstream media news anchor Megyn

Kelly speaks to Vladimir Putin on a number of topics, including the supposed chemical

attack that occurred recently in Syria.

Putin is one of multiple politicians who has been letting the world know that false flag

terrorism exists.

Donald Trump is another, raising the issue during the presidential candidate race, where

he called out the U.S. government for creating ISIS through funding.

Prominent author and Canadian economist Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, who is the University

of Ottawa�s Emeritus Professor of Economics, summed up the narrative quite well at the

International Conference on the New World Order, which was organized and sponsored by

the Perdana Global Peace Foundation:

We are dealing with a criminal undertaking at a global level . . . and there is an ongoing

war, it is led by the United States, it may be carried out by a number of proxy countries,

which are obeying orders from Washington . . . The global war on terrorism is a US undertaking,

which is fake, it�s based on fake premises.

It tells us that somehow America and the Western world are going after a fictitious enemy,

the Islamic state, when in fact the Islamic state is fully supported and financed by the

Western military alliance and America�s allies in the Persian Gulf.

. . . They say Muslims are terrorists, but it just so happens that terrorists are Made

in America.

They�re not the product of Muslim society, and that should be abundantly clear to everyone

on this floor.

. . . The global war on terrorism is a fabrication, a big lie and a crime against humanity.

The Interview

There are many takeaways from the interview, but right off the bat Kelly brings up the

idea that Russia admitted to Syria using chemical weapons in 2013.

Putin is quick to correct her, and always quick to ask where she is getting her information.

This happens repeatedly throughout the full version of the interview, especially when

it comes to the accusations of alleged Russian hacking in the U.S. elections.

The fact that Kelly even entertains the idea of false flag terrorism, although ultimately

ridiculing the suggestion, is something that�s never been seen in the past, but as explained

above, these outlets no longer have any choice but to acknowledge it as a possibility because

so many people are becoming aware of it through other information.

Another takeaway is the fact that Kelly really tries to ridicule the idea that any of this

could have been fake or orchestrated.

And Putin gives a blunt response: �The answer is very simple and you know it, yes could

have been used by someone but not by Assad.

It could have been used by someone in order to accuse President Assad.

So, we have to understand who is to blame, otherwise if there is no true investigation

it�s only going to play in the hands of those who orchestrated it.�

You can refer to the articles below for more information and for sources for the information

mentioned above.

The interview is below that:

Assad Says Syria Chemical Attack Was Fabricated By The US.

That They Are �Hand In Glove� With Terrorists.

Putin � The Chemical Attack In Syria Was A �False Flag� & More Are �Being Prepared�

In Syria

Assad�s Top Political Advisor Says U.S. Missile Strike Killed The People Fighting


Putin Calls Out The Powers That Be And The �Imaginary� and �Mythical Threats�

They Use To Control US

False Flag Terrorism: A History of Lies and Deception Explained In A 16 Minute Video

Evidence Shows The Pentagon Trained Syria�s Al Qaeda �Rebels� In The Use of Chemical


Pentagon Paid PR Firm Over $500 Million To Create Fake Terrorist Videos



Conoce Disney Illuminations | DISNEYLAND PARIS - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Conoce Disney Illuminations | DISNEYLAND PARIS - Duration: 4:50.


Accounting for Beginners #27 / Paying an Expense / Does it Increase Assets / Accounting Tips - Duration: 9:30.

Acounting for beginners number 27 thank you for coming back again this is my

classic series if this is your first time hit subscribe so you can see more

if you're back if this is like your 27th video watching me go see a therapist to

make sure you're okay so let's just get right into US accounting for beginners

number 27 let's go this is the last this is the last video of does the

transaction increase asset what's a transaction paid a utility bill

$500 let's make our journal entry first and then we're going to answer the

question you have no idea about anything you hurry up and write DC a blur on your

paper then as you've been doing as you've been practicing every morning for

a month straight two months straight you know what this is in your brain but

you're just going to write it out on your test paper anyways DC a blur DC aid

ler debit credit asset drawn expense liability equity revenue these are in

the positive forms that's a neck that's not a plus I swear

to God what's wrong with me sometimes what I would do I would just start

writing a journal entry but even know sometimes I still I still just rake I

still write this debits and credits I still do this sometimes for me even

though like 10 years deep sometimes I don't know just so I can see it kind of

so I can see the different sides coming out but I'll put a debit credit now once

again I found the best way to find neither good nor bad bad or good left

and right debit is the left side of the double or double entry accounting

equation or the journal entry debit is the left side

credit is the right side and they're always always always always going to

equal just always going to equal so I pretty much love this the double entry

of double entry accounting system once you learn it you don't forget it doesn't

change and there's some stead fast rules steadfast rules being

dab it on the left credit on the right side of the journal entry of the

equation they are always always always going to equal so I'll put an equal

signs here equal signs here always always always getting equal like

when you're on um accounting software you're doing bookkeeping like QuickBooks

or easy to counting or whatever system you might be using to write down journal

entries you can't leave you can't leave the page or you can't leave the the

transaction if they if the debits and credits don't equal so it's just a very

steadfast rule does does the transaction increase assets I don't know what's the

transaction paid a utility bill for five hundred dollars all right so let's think

paid a bill five hundred dollars do we have cash in here going in or out first

thing I like to do do we have cashier paid a utility bill five hundred dollars

Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing we've got five hundred dollars we've got five

hundred dollars they don't say cash but paid so that's money that's my chippers

dog so I got chippers going out I got five hundred dollars going out goddamn

it goes fast don't it go love lot faster out and in huh

so love Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing

Bing Bing Bing we've got five hundred dollars

hundred dollars here now pain is in the perfect world they say you have cash out

going in the amount of $500 but cash out going also means paid somebody just if

you don't know just think like I paid somebody to dollars that I owed oh I

paid I paid somebody five dollars so what here here's your five dollars so I

have less cash right so we all know by this time

cash is an asset what do we have we have cash in a negative form so here's how I

see kind of assets it's like going in here going out over here flip so we have

five hundred dollars paid cash leaving our business that's going to be our

credit cash is going to be our cash is going to be our credit because it's

leaving and how much cash is leaving our bank account how much cash is leaving

our business five hundred dollars what bucket is cash in we already like

it's in the asset bucket there's our credit side it's cash cash

is an asset five hundred dollars go asset going down so it's on the credit

side all right so once again we got cash we got half our half for journal to

correct now we are going to move into our dinner and we're going to move into

our debit side what did we do what did we do with our five hundred dollars like

yeah over here we know you know you spent five hundred dollars on something

what you spend it on what you spend it on a utility bill all right utility bill

for your business if you spend money and you have no idea what it is I would say

you could just if you have no idea just put an expense because most likely

that's why you spend most likely money coming out of your

bank account is to try to is on things to try to help you with your business

and that's a business expense when are you coming out business expense if it's

for the business so utility bill so entire business accounts so it is it

your office whatever a utility bill it doesn't say monthly but I think you

know usually utility bills are monthly they paid a year in advance that it

might be an asset but that's a different story

so a utility bill is an expense you would know that

and so expense in the positive form is a debit or let's say you didn't even know

what let's say you had no idea what category utility bill utility bill is

you have no idea is utility bill an asset is it a drawers and expenses

liability equity revenue I guess just a little a little hack here you could just

you know these always have to equal if you just put utility bill you have no

idea utility bill you can just put that in the debit and how much how much is it

going to equal how much was utility bill four or five hundred dollars also you

know you can I always like to work from the cash first but if you if you know Oh

utility bill if you know utility bill utility expense you know that's an

expense and you know expense is a positive debit you can just wear you can

write the utility bill first and go over the cash and do the cash second what's

our what's our journal entry debit utility bill $500

what's our credit cash $500 oh I'm sorry what's utility bill utility bill is an

expense utility bill debit for five hundred dollars as our as our journal

entry and utility bill is an expense and is going up because yes our utility bill

expense is going up because we just paid five hundred dollars so it's increasing

we're five hundred ollars our utility bill expenses our credit side we have

cash for five hundred cash is an asset since it's on the credit side it's going

down well let go here and let's answer this mug

do you guys know it paused alright you don't have to you can back

nice does the transaction increase assets expense well that's not an asset

so we don't know oh we have an asset over your cash wait it's going down so

we have assets going down so we have assets going down and not going to

happen boy thank you so much for watching I feel like I'm getting my

rhythm back again a little bit and working with a new camera here the I

think 26 AFB 26 and 27 is going to new camera so I'm working on like the focus

and everything hope it's getting better anyways I really appreciate you watching

I really love make you know

For more infomation >> Accounting for Beginners #27 / Paying an Expense / Does it Increase Assets / Accounting Tips - Duration: 9:30.


New from Pacific88 - series of paints for painting miniatures Art Color - Duration: 3:00.

Greetings to all on the channel Scale Journal.

Today your attention I want to introduce a new line of paints from Pacific88 designed specifically for painting miniatures.

Who is watching my channel and the group in social networks, they already knows that I've tried the pre-sale samples of this paint.

I used pre-sale samples for painting cowboy McCree (was painted on stream) and for the figure of a Soviet pilot.

There are the final samples that are already available in sale.

You can buy them in the store (link in description)

The volume of jar 18ml, there is a convenient dispenser.

To transport the paint available only at temperatures above 0 Celsius.

Written on the package: Art Color acrylic Matt paint for painting miniatures. Has high hiding power and resistance to external influences.

To dilute the paint, use a purified water or a special thinner.

Created in conjunction with the Russian artist Yaroslav Bobrov (Moscow)

At the start there are about 40 colors, but in the future the palette will be significantly expanded.

Judging by the product numbers, there is 253, 190, 366. That's means that planned several hundred colors.

Now there are enough colors for the first check.

On the website Pacific88 written: Art color - a special, soft in its structure, the acrylic ideally suited to the task of painting miniatures. Paint well mixed together, also interact well with the paint line Acrylic.

More information about this paint can be found in the social group Pacific88, also there you can ask questions. Link in description.

Well, for those who are interested, as I will use this paint be sure to stay up on the channel.

As soon as possible, I'll show you my new results painting miniatures and will share a detailed opinion on this paint.

Thank you for watching my video. Also I recommend to watch these videos.

And also look at my social media pages and my website.

Subscribe to the channel. Press Like. Up to new meetings. Bye!

For more infomation >> New from Pacific88 - series of paints for painting miniatures Art Color - Duration: 3:00.


Albalının dondurulması, qışa hazırlıq - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Albalının dondurulması, qışa hazırlıq - Duration: 1:43.


Tử vi hàng tuần của 12 con giáp: Từ 12/6-18/6/2017 - Duration: 11:01.

Weekly horoscope of 12 plankton: June 12 to June 6, 2017

For more infomation >> Tử vi hàng tuần của 12 con giáp: Từ 12/6-18/6/2017 - Duration: 11:01.


REVIEW - Pen Tablet HUION - Inspiroy Q11K - Duration: 4:48.

Hey guys!

Randy here with another video!

I bring you a review for a new HUION pen tablet.

If you like Huion don't forget to leave a LIKE in the video

And if you like to draw and paint

Don't leave the channel without suscribe first!

The model I have today

Is the Inspiroy Q11K

Another pen tablet of the chinese brand

That keeps improving with each new model!

Starting with the unboxing

The packaging of this tablet is great!

opening the box

you have a Thanks card from HUION and the tablet itself

And below we can find

The accessories

Each in its little black box

marked in silver with what it's inside

Everything perfectly organized and well packed

This model comes with

The new pencil of HUION

This time they completely nailed it with the design

With the previous one I had my issues for the way the inserted the buttons

With this one is the other way around

Then pencil feels great in hand

Yo find the buttons right away

And works wonderfully

One thing That I haven't noticed until this new pen

Is the contact of the nib with the surface

In previous models, when you start to draw

The nib sank a little, like a quay almost.

With this new model the nib is more firm

And feels more natural for drawing

Another of the improvements

Is that it brings 8192 level of pressure sensitivity

Quite huge the step from the previous pencil.

Though it is also rechargeable

While it's charging a led notifies the state of the battery

Although like in previous models, one hour of charging could last for the whole week easily

The pencil stand also have a new design

With two parts

The bottom part were you store the nibs and the receiver

it's metal, adding more stability to the holder

And the top is made of plastic, Incorporating the nib removal tool

The design of the tablet itself is quite minimalist and functional

Without too much decoration

Everything in matte black, even the logo

Is almost imperceptible

Which finally its equal placed for both, lefties and right handed people.

it had one only led between the press keys

To know the status of the charge

While being used wirelessly.

The press keys works great

8 for all your favorite shortcuts

They bring little marks to differentiate one from each other

And the touch is very soft

The construction materials aren't the best ones.

comparing them with the previous inspiroy model

That was built completely metal

If I remember correctly

Here we are back to all plastic in the whole buddy and you can tell right away

The cool part is that it weights a lot less

So, not entirely a bad thing

But I'm afraid that if you drop it, it won't work as good again.

for the sides we can find

The power switch for the wireless option and the mini usb port

And a lock fro the press keys

...For someone that use that...

The size is ideal for the desktop

Just a little bigger than the medium size from wacom

Drivers are included in the CD that comes with the tablet.

But it is preferable to download them from the Huion Website

In case there's a new update.

It is very easy to install them.

And as always I am amazed at how stable they are.

You just grab the pencil and you start to paint.

In the WORK AREA window

We can change the direction of the tablet

For lefties

resize the screen portion and mapped it to the tablet portion you would like to work

In the PRESS KEYS window

you can configure the press keys shortcuts

at first it can look complex but it is quite easy

In the STYLUS PEN window

we can configure the buttons of the pencil

test the pressure levels

And adjust it in case you want more or less response from the pressure you apply to the pencil

Lastly in the ABOUT window

We can go to the HUION website clicking in the banner

And import or export configurations

which I use quite a lot

Since this tablet doesn't have the feature to save different sets of shortcuts for each program

Like wacom does, for example

What you can do is

Do different configurations for each program and save it with the export tool

That way, each time you change softwares, only need to import that configuration saved for it and start working

As always, I tried the tablet with different softwares

And no problem with any.

Photoshop, Clip Studio and ZBrush

The wireless function works great.

I hadn't experienced any lag or whatsoever.

Everything works perfectly

And it's as easy as unplug the USB cable form the tablet, turn the switch on, and start to paint.

The price of this pen tablet is around 90€ to 110€

Depending where you buy it.

And for that price range I think it is the best option out there!

Well that's all for this video!

I hope I have not forgotten something important

But if it is that way

Leave me a comment below and I'll try to answer ASAP

I have a few more videos planned for the next weeks,

Let's see how that works out.

Don't forget to leave a comment, let me know if you like the tablet

Like the video and suscribe!

And Thanks for your time!

For more infomation >> REVIEW - Pen Tablet HUION - Inspiroy Q11K - Duration: 4:48.


ANNIKEN OG OLA KJØRER SANDBOARD | #CokeTVBucketList - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> ANNIKEN OG OLA KJØRER SANDBOARD | #CokeTVBucketList - Duration: 5:33.


We Tried To Recreate These Beauty Trends 💄💋💅🏼 - Duration: 5:39.

- Hey Naturally Curly.

I'm Grace.

- I'm Nikki.

- I'm Evelyn.

- And, today we're gonna be recreating

- popular beauty trends.

(upbeat music)

- So, what we're gonna do is I'm going to choose

two beauty trends from here,

and I'm gonna try to recreate them

to the best of my abilities.

- I have fake freckles.

I already have freckles, but okay.

Glitter under eyes.

- I got iridescent highlight

and glitter lips.

- We have two tone lips.

- Glossy eyelids. (laughs)

Okay, let's get started.

- So, I'm gonna create fake freckles first.

If I had to pick my freckles.

I would probably put them

a nice little kissing of freckles right here,

a nice little (kissing sound).

You just got to create the chocolate chips

of your dreams on your face.

Sometimes you get it right.

Sometimes you don't.

Guys won't like you either way.

Freckles don't come in pairs, they come in cousins.

Three makes a set, right?

You can't put two freckles.

Nobody has freckles like that.

I could get chose.

Mr. Steal Your Girl is all I'm sayin'.

Really perfect your pointilism, that's an art word.

And now you're adorable, nerdy, bookish,

but still extra Instagram sexy

freckles are complete.

- I'm gonna start with iridescent highlight.

I feel like the iridescent highlight

is so light and purpley that it

has to be a highlighter on my skin.

I'm gonna put this NYX glitter primer on my cheeks.

I'm pretty used to doing a subtle daytime look,

so I'm gonna go ham on this.

I feel like the secret to holographic

is layering your highlights.

I've been in the pink range of highlights,

now we're gonna switch gears into purple.

See that, see that contrast,

That's what you're really wanting to get on your face.

I think that completes my look.

It is really poppin'.

- Alright, so for the glossy eyelid,

I've seen it online and on Instagram,

it's basically just, you wanna look drenched, okay?

You just wanna look wet.

So to achieve that, I'm going to

remove the existing eyeliner I have,

and we'll start with a clean slate.

It is an eyelid look, you know what I'm saying?

I have to utilize some eyeshadow first.

And then put the gloss on top.

You're going to just provide a wash of color

and you're probably thinking, "Man, I can't even

"tell what you're doing."

But that's the point of nude.

I think you have to put eyeshadow in the middle of your eye

so it looks like a mirage really.

My eyelids are sticking together!

This is really more of a callback

to when everybody in R&B and hip hop

had some sort of music video in the water,

and there was fake Indian instrumentals in the background.

But just to set it off, we really need mascara.

I didn't know I had long lashes like this!

I feel like I've successfully recreated glossy lids.

I feel drenched, I feel moisturized.

10 out of 10, I know.

- So since the next beauty trend is glitter under eyes,

the photos I saw of people putting glitter under their eyes,

it sort of looked like they had those

fancy little sparkle thingies.

I feel like gold is gonna be the best route here.

This reminds me of being a kid,

and arts and crafts and making your mom a gift

like a Christmas card where you put the Elmer's glue down

and you spell her name in glue

and then you throw glitter on top

and then you shake it and now

her name is written in glitter.

This is kind of the same thing

because basically you just throw glitter on your face.

I think that's it for the glitter under eyes.

I feel like I mastered both of these trends.

- Okay, so the next trend that I'm gonna be trying

is glitter lips.

I think I've done this one time before.

I don't remember how it went.

Which probably means it wasn't exceptional.

I can't do a lot of talking because

I'm trying not to.. (mumbling)

I won't be able to eat anything else today either

because I don't want to ingest all this glitter.

I feel like that's bad for my intestines.

Yes! Look at that!

It kind of feels like being at the dentist

because you kind of have to keep your mouth open.

You have to talk like this

and no one can really understand you.

I'd give myself a 95% out of 100.

I slayed the glitter lips, probably harder

than I slayed the holographic highlight.

- Moving on, two-tone lips.

I'm thinking either orange and pink,

red and pink, or purple and orange.

We'll see how the spirit moves me.

You really can't rush art.

Okay, not so bad at first,


I'm gonna get the pink, I'm really stressed out

right now if you can't tell.

Oh my god, oh my god.

Oh my god.

I am gonna cry.

This is horrible! We're starting over.

We're gonna go with red.

Nobody looks bad in red.

Now we're gonna put the purple on top.

It looks dumb, but it doesn't look bad.

I'm done with this, I wanna go eat pizza!

This is the two tone lip.

I wouldn't do it again.

- Alright y'all, thanks for watching.

- What beauty trends are you trying these days?

Let us know in the comments below.

- And don't forget to like, subscribe and share this video.

We'll see you next week.


For more infomation >> We Tried To Recreate These Beauty Trends 💄💋💅🏼 - Duration: 5:39.


Nửa Cuối Năm 2017, Những Cặp Con Giáp Này Hễ Cưới Nhau Là Hạnh Phúc Trọn Đời, Tiền Xài Xả Láng - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Nửa Cuối Năm 2017, Những Cặp Con Giáp Này Hễ Cưới Nhau Là Hạnh Phúc Trọn Đời, Tiền Xài Xả Láng - Duration: 5:44.


My Monster In Law Sitcom|Episode 8: Cuong's journey to save his sister and Jackie - Duration: 11:56.

There's rice and soup on the table but I don't see any bowl or chopsticks.

You want me to use my hands.

Yes. I'll go get it now.

Hello Mom, I'm back from work.


My son!

Husband! Are you tired?!

I'm not tired.

Is there anything fun happened at home today?

So fun!

À… If you two are happy then I also feel happy.

Wow! The foods look delicious.

Yes, the foods are delicious.

I'm so hungry.

Yes, sit down…


Not yet, husband. You have to go take a shower

before dinner. Okay?!

I'll prepare clothes for you.

My goodness, he just got home from work. He must be hungry.

You should let him eat before taking a shower.

I'll get you rice.


you must take a shower before eating dinner

otherwise it's bad for your health.

No, it's not.

I raised him since he was in here…

so I understand him.

Just eat now.

What's in here mean?

My stomach!


Just sit down and eat honey.

Husband, listen to me.

The doctor said

if you eat then take a shower it will be bad for your health

so go upstairs with me okay?

Right now, eat then take a shower later.

I've decided.

Husband, shower then dinner.

I said dinner then shower.

Shower then dinner.

Dinner then shower.

Shower then dinner.

Dinner then shower.

Shower then dinner.

Sit down.

Stand up.

Sit down.

Stand up.

Sit down....Stand up.


That will do!

If we keep this up, we will argue until tomorrow.

So what do you two want?

Just tell me what you want.

I'll do it your way.

I've decided ....

to go take a shower then go straight to bed.

Yes, that's right. Oh What?

I'm not a puppet

for you two to tell me to sit down and stand up.

You two decide first

then tell me your decision.

Husband! Husband!

CU ĐƠ...


OMG… Sister in law!

I said no!


please let me stay here.

I can't live with that bastard anymore.

My goodness.

He is your husband so why did you call him a bastard?

Maybe that's why he punched you.

You can't blame anyone.

Mom! Please let me move back here.

Once again, no is a no.



You even speak English today!

Yes, I'm starting to learn English

to defend myself from someone.


! You can learn English as you wish

but I can't live with that…

that guy anymore.


if I don't give him money to buy liquor then he hit me.

Even when I give him the money he still hit me.

He hit me when he is sad or happy.

He sees me as his punching bag.

He continuously hit me

so now I look like a panda.

What's a panda?

Gấu trúc

OMG !You don't need to say it together.

Just says a bear.

Why did you have to say a Panda?!

Are you copying him?

What does it have to do with me?

You taught her English!

Even when you and your husband get into a fight,

you two must learn to talk to each others.

Don't just come back to me every time this happen.

Make sense?


honey can say what you want

but just let me stay here.

But I don't allow you.

Don't talk anymore. Go home!

I'll apologize to your mother in law for you!

I'm not going!.....

I told you to go!

I'm not going!....

You see, right now you look like a cleaning cloth.

I told you to go! ....stand up

Even if I die, I'm not going. No, no, no!


That's enough!

What ?

Mom, you're too much!

Sister in law just got beaten up and you have to drag her back home.

If she goes back

she won't lay anymore eggs in the future.

My goodness. If you talk dirty in my house

I will call the police on you.

Do you understand what I'm saying? Lay eggs?

Understand what???


the eggs will crack.

will crack. ...

My goodness! . You can't defend me if you don't know what're saying.

You just arrived in Vietnam

o don't use word that you don't know.

I said no is a no.

You, Yomost

don't take part in our family business.


No! Do you understand?

This is my house too and she is my sister in law

In the US, if you beat a woman you will go to jail.

And if you deliberately helped with violence like this


you'll also go to jail.

What ? You two are defending each others?

I'm telling you

this is my house. This is Vietnam.

" Gia Phong - Lễ Giáo " no 1

If she hasn't divorce yet she

still belongs to that family.

Don't you dare take part in this business!



I understand the situation now.

What do you understand?

Please sit!

So if I'm married to him then I must stay with him correct?

Exactly! If you haven't divorce yet, you still belong to that family.

Well, I have divorced him now for 3 months.

So I can stay here now right?

Honey, please forgive me! Honey!

Honey! Honey!

Mom, please calm down!

Move aside

I need to hit this crazy girl!


Husband? Husband?

Why did you hit him?

Then just kill me too!

Just be quiet!

And you

you think after you divorce him

him you can run away from your miserable life?

Do you not see what I've been through?

You stupid girl!

You are you, I'm me,

don't compare us, okay?


Honey! I'm wrong.

I'm sorry you two.

Ê sister! Sister!

Can you please call me an ambulance? Sister!

What if I kiss him

and he will wake up?

What's wrong? He hasn't wake up yet.

Husband? Are you okay?

Thank you, baby.

I feel bad.

It's okay.

When mother in law hates someone, I will like that person.

So don't feel bad.

But that's what I said when we first met.

Yes, I've learned it from you.

Well, I don't feel bad about anything


What do you mean?

How about me?

You? You can sleep with mother in law.



Okay, I'm leaving.

I feel bad for Cu Đơ

is this too much?

No, it's not.

He scared me with his fake death.Made me so worry!

Oh sure

now that Cu Đơ is not here

and in the middle of the night

there's only us and now

that I feel lonely.

Would that make you afraid?

No, I also feel very lonely.


You are foxy like mom.

Yes, I'm a foxy daughter in law.

Okay, I'll sleep.


Mom, you're too much!

! Sister in law just got beaten up

and you have to drag her back home.

If she goes back, she won't lay anymore eggs in the future.

Husband, shower then dinner.

I said dinner then shower.

Shower then dinner.

Dinner then shower.

Shower then dinner.


This lady never picks her phone up on time.

Hello, Ms. Hồng? It's me.

Remember to schedule that meeting for me tomorrow.

That's all. Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> My Monster In Law Sitcom|Episode 8: Cuong's journey to save his sister and Jackie - Duration: 11:56.


[CC] SKT T1 Faker : Let me try to play the reworked Rek'Sai! [ Full Game ] - Duration: 30:47.

For more infomation >> [CC] SKT T1 Faker : Let me try to play the reworked Rek'Sai! [ Full Game ] - Duration: 30:47.


Understanding The Shadow Self For Spiritual Ascension - Duration: 5:38.

Understanding The Shadow Self For Spiritual Ascension

by Joy Jackson,

In the fantasy novel, Lord of the Rings, written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien,

the wizard Gandalf follows a path to death and subsequent resurrection, transcending

from his earthly persona as Gandalf the Grey to a purer, more evolved persona as Gandalf

the White in a fashion parallel in many ways to the life accounts of many ascended masters

throughout our history.

As Gandalf the Grey, the old wizard struggles against his shadow-self deep within the Misty

Mountains of Middle-Earth to overcome his challenges through defeating his nemesis,

the malevolent demon known as the Balrog. Gandalf shouts his mantra, �You shall not

pass!� at the Balrog, but his words are as much part of his internal dialog as they

are in defiance of his opponent.

Following his victory over the creature and ascent to the highest peak, Gandalf is carried

by the great eagle Gwaihir through the enchanted realm of Lothlorien and up in the heavens,

where he is given a new staff and pristine white garments; he is transformed into Gandalf

the White � the same soul existing at a higher spiritual density (ascension) � before

he is returned to his original plane of existence to fulfill his mission in the great battle

for Middle-Earth. Many of the characters from Tolkien�s saga go through through some decisive

act of overcoming their own shadow-self to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes.

Many religions and ancient spiritual traditions have symbolized their respective accounts

of ascension experiences in ways much like this vignette from Lord of the Rings. Well-known

examples include Jesus� transformation to Christhood after he faced Satan in the desert,

and Siddhartha�s transformation to the Rainbow Body of the Buddha after his temptation by

the demon Mara.

According to author David R. Hawkins� in his book, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness:

The Stairway to Enlightenment, everything in the universe, including passing thought,

is recorded forever in the timeless, uniformly present field of consciousness. Every instance

and every thought that has ever occurred is equally available because the field of consciousness

exists beyond time and space. In Hawkins� book, he also provides a Map of Consciousness,

a practical and pragmatic guide to understanding the evolutionary levels of consciousness to

be transcended in pursuit of spiritual advancement, enlightenment, or self-improvement.

Map of Consciousness

It also provides a pragmatic map of the obstacles (shadows) we need to overcome in order to

achieve higher levels of consciousness.

Some such obstacles being:

Fear Anger

Guilt Shame

Attachment A helpful method for ascending from the fourth

to fifth dimension (a higher level of consciousness) is to move beyond the blockages of our shadow-selves,

and to acknowledge and accept our own inner-obstacles. This is the final step on our stairway to

Ascension. The emergence of the shadow-self is the direct manifestation of our fears and

our illusion of separation from Creator and all that is. The existence of the shadow-self

is, at best, ignored � and, at worst, completely denied � by most individuals. By our denial

of the existence of our shadow-self, we resign ourselves to its mercy by neglecting our opportunity

for conscious control over it. The first step in removing the blockages in our physical,

mental, and astral bodies caused by the lower vibrations of our shadow-self, is to become

aware of them and to accept them through curiosity rather than judgment.

Unless we have opened ourselves to the amount of unconditional love, self-awareness and

understanding necessary to transform the negatively polarized aspects of ourselves, we are often

led to what Catholics refer to as a �dark night of the soul� or what Twelve Step recovery

programs call �rock bottom�. Needless to say, the road continues to become bumpier

and bumpier until we begin to accept the qualities of our being we perceive as undesirable, in

order to gain the self-awareness

to transcend them.

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