Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Who the fuck is that?

Will Munson!

Just hold on, Charles.

Munson, God damn it, come out here!


Come out here now!

Come out here now, Munson.

There's that asshole.

Hello, asshole.

Listen, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.

I don't know what Munson's paying you...

but Canewood can start you out at five G.

A week, that is.

You best stay where you are, pal.

I'm the law out here.

No, no, no.

What in high...

What? Oh, shit!

Shoot him!

We need to intervene.

Well, he only listens to you, Doctor.


Get back here!

Stop! Stop now!

Hold this down, right now, tight!

Our boat. What?

The Sunseeker.




Need some help out here!

I guess we're gonna have to take care of this now.

Pierce! Give me that.

Get your lily-faced ass out here!

Listen to me!

What the fuck do you think you're doing?

All right, we gotta go around that truck

and flank them farmers.

Follow my lead.

Bring extra ammo, take these clips.



Pick her up.

Beware the light.

For more infomation >> X-24 vs Henchmen | Logan (2017) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:52.


Saturn – Lord Of The RINGS - Duration: 9:17.

Saturn � Lord Of The RINGS

Okay, so according to �Dark Journalist,� he has found links to Corey Goode�s business

management is involved with Satanists:

If you look closely on the published photos on Corey�s site, you�ll find an 8 pointed

red star and Saturn symbology on the inner earth ET�s Corey Goode allegedly had meetings

with. Saturn represents Satanists. Watching David Icke�s info on Saturn will explain


It�s a fascinating video particularly when he shows the magic sigil of Saturn side on

shows the Divide and Rule symbol correlating to the Freemasons ruler and compass . David

Icke stated, �Saturn is the key in so many ways. Saturn is also known as The Dark Sun,

The Dark Lord, (and) THE LORD OF THE RINGS.�

One Ring To Rule Them ALL

David Icke � Saturn Isn�t What You Think It Is Either

Divide and Conquer

Many systems of personal healing and spiritual expansion have been promoted for use in the

New Age, Mystery School or the �2012� paradigm for many years. Most of those systems

do not take into account an accurate assessment of the planetary reptilian invasion which

currently promotes the slavery, consumption, stealing and karmic manipulation of humanity

and their energy resources. These Reptilian Vampires exist in order to manipulate energies

through �divide and conquer� methods to increase human slavery and unleash their sociopathic

agendas to rule or command influence in the physical world. Most of that influence is

unknown and unseen within the mass populace and highly misunderstood by the Starseed and

Indigo population that actually have seen or experienced these entities.

Due to heavy infiltration and hijack of many of these �personal healing� or �spiritual

expansion� systems, inner sustained healing is not present when using a �consumptive

model� as a control mechanism. That consumptive model system usually has a Twilight Master

or dark entity that makes an agreement with the user to exchange a part of their light

source for the experienced relief of pain, or other perceived oppression�s being cleared.

The person having no personal awareness, spiritual interest or conscious control over his own

energy field, has just been swindled out of his energy body, for the smoke and mirror

effect of having some �pain� in his physical body be released as an apparent �miracle

healing�. Applied consciousness technology is not a miracle, it is a byproduct of God�s

Natural Laws. If we can apply and live in harmony with those natural laws for positive

purposes, it greatly amplifies our support and connection to the spiritual light source

in the physical world.

In the past those that have had access to these consciousness technologies, and have

abused these Laws from ego agendas, became diluted and distorted, descending them into

a Black Magician/Ego Controller-type being. Many controller mechanisms operate in the

planet today. However, when aligned to Spiritual Source Light these same Laws that have been

so abused represent the Mysteries of the Universe, and represent the true origin and purpose

of our creation in the Universe. This is why we must bring the spiritual light source into

our awareness. The priority is to access inner sustained healing and to end the manipulation

inherent in consumptive modeling and energetic vampirism of others, thereby claiming your

own inner spiritual light to nourish and sustain healthy balance back into your bodies.

An attempt to share this information of how to become �inner sustained� is being made

to empower the human being to be freed of this insidious �consumptive model� oppression.

Once a system is infiltrated with base desires or selfish ego, the system is not sustainable

as it only collects energies from one group to steal from another group in order to achieve

a temporary result, (Like a ponzi or pyramid scheme) or give a small percentage of people

who manipulate the energies the energetic advantage over others. This is the abuse of

consciousness technology and is known as �Black Magic� (i.e. many of the world leaders and

their families that own the resources of the planet have been directly given this knowledge

or parts of it to maintain the dominate power, economy and influence over controlling others).

This system (HGS) is foundationally based to build your own spiritual house (align and

connect and heal your bodies) so that you may learn to become inner sustained and protected

by your own inner light source. There is nothing more powerful than your direct connection

to the God Source. ref; Lisa Renee

The reptiles from the Orion Constellation have a base on Saturn and therein lies the

link to satanism.

Orion means HUNTER in Greek mythology.

Its brightest stars are Rigel ( as in ET Grey Rigelians the most militant and dangerous

to our race )

Please refer to my last article, False Light And Living Light � How To Tell The Difference

June 5th 2017 on and Betelgeuse i.e.- in occult books like the Book of Shadows,

The Goetia and The Book of Howling describe Betelgeuse is another name for demon. Demon

� meaning demi , meaning half , not whole, not �holy� get it?

Now, just because I am aware and have had access to ancient French books about the occult

doesn�t mean I practice the dark arts. Let�s make that very clear!

While on the phone during the night last year I was describing how Saturn�s rings relay

its signal/frequency fence to the Moon then onto the Earth and as soon as I said those

words I heard the most chilling loud howling sound resonate through the whole house,��

at first I thought it was our dog , but when I called out to my son downstairs he said

in a jaw dropping voice, �WTF was that??????�

I asked, �Was that the dog?�

He answered, �No, she just woke up and heard it too.�

Totally creepy huh?

The earliest depiction linked to the constellation of Orion is a prehistoric mammoth ivory carving

found in a cave in the �Ach� (theres that word again) valley in West Germany in 1979.

The Babylonian star catalogues of the late bronze age name Orion, �True Shepherd of

Anu� � Anu being the chief reptilian god of the Anunnaki. note the word �ShepHERD�

The Babylonian constellation was sacred to Papshukal and Ninshubur both minor gods fulfilling

the role of �messenger to the gods���messenger, where have we heard that before ie- messenger

as in Arch Angel� hmmmmm!

Papshukal was closely associated with the figure of a walking bird (birds are another

code name for reptile) on Babylonian boundary stones, and on the star map the figure of

the Rooster was located below and behind the figure of the �True Shepherd� �both

constellations represent the herald of the gods (little g) in his bird/reptile and human


The Bible mentions Orion three times, naming it �Kesil� ( literally � fool).

Not all planets from Orion are malevolent, it�s a constellation with many planets and

knowing that Egypt was invaded by these malevolent �gods� (through the underground Stargate)

, practicing black magic clears up the confusion on whether Egypt was all bad or all good , again

pull back into unity consciousness and observe/witness both sides of the polarity. balance , balance,


Attached is a video I shot in Brisbane city showing a demonic head with a womb and fruit

(fruit of thy womb?) below it above the Births, Deaths and Marriages Building in Queensland

, this building also has gargoyles at the very top and burnt soot and ashes marks at

the very bottom.

For more infomation >> Saturn – Lord Of The RINGS - Duration: 9:17.


Samsung J5 Prime VS Motorola Moto G5 | Enfrentamiento | Review | Unboxing - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> Samsung J5 Prime VS Motorola Moto G5 | Enfrentamiento | Review | Unboxing - Duration: 9:19.


SLOW examples "СВОЙ" // RUS/ENG subtitles - Duration: 6:15.

Hi, guys! How are you?

I promised you to make a separate video,

in which I will repeat slowly all examples from the video about the pronoun "свой".

That's what I am going to do today.

If I promised, I have to fulfil it!

Let's begin!

Sergey loves his girlfriend.

Maria went to her room.

I will go to my brother.

Did you take your glasses?

Will you tell us about your adventures?

We agreed to meet with our friends.

She took her book.

Mom and dad went in their car.

My brother forgot his bag.

My head hurts (I have a headache).

Have you brushed your teeth already?

Close your eyes.

Straighten your back.

He broke his leg.

This is my house.

All people here are well-known. (explanation on my blog, link in description)

He is not himself.

Are you out of your mind?

To think for oneself.

Everything in its time.

To be nosy.

That's it for today, guys!

Thank you for watching and see you soon!


For more infomation >> SLOW examples "СВОЙ" // RUS/ENG subtitles - Duration: 6:15.




Posted by stevew

Did the FBI have evidence of a breach larger than Snowden?

A lawsuit says John Solomon and Sara A. Carter

June 7, 2017

A former U.S. intelligence contractor tells Circa he walked away with more than 600 million

classified documents on 47 hard drives from the National Security Agency and the CIA,

a haul potentially larger than Edward Snowden�s now infamous breach.

And now he is suing former FBI Director James Comey and other government figures, alleging

the bureau has covered up evidence he provided them showing widespread spying on Americans

that violated civil liberties.


|Sara Carter�s interview with Dennis Montgomery 2 of 15

The suit, filed late Monday night by Dennis Montgomery, was assigned to the same federal

judge who has already ruled that some of the NSA�s collection of data on Americans violates

the U.S. Constitution�s Fourth Amendment, setting up an intriguing legal proceeding

in the nation�s capital this summer.

Montgomery says the evidence he gave to the FBI chronicle the warrantless collection of

phone, financial and personal data and the unmasking of identities in spy data about

millions of Americans,.

�This domestic surveillance was all being done on computers supplied by the FBI,�

Montgomery told Circa in an interview.

�So these supercomputers, which are FBI computers, the CIA is using them to do domestic


Documents obtained by Circa outside of the lawsuit show that the U.S. attorney�s office

in Washington in 2015 approved a grant of limited immunity for Montgomery so he could

explain how he managed to walk out of his contract and the buildings he worked in with

the classified material.

Montgomery alleges that more than 20 million American identities were illegally unmasked

� credit reports, emails, phone conversations and Internet traffic, were some of the items

the NSA and CIA collected.

He said he returned the hard drives to the FBI, a fact confirmed in government documents

reviewed by Circa.

They�re doing this domestic surveillance on Americans, running a project on U.S. soil,�

Montgomery alleged.

He did not disclose the classified name of the project but said he revealed all aspects

of the project during his interview with the FBI.

�Can you imagine what someone can do with the information they were collecting on Americans,

can you imagine that kind of power.�

Officials with the FBI and CIA declined to comment due to current and pending litigation.

The FBI contacts with Montgomery were encouraged by a senior status federal judge, who encouraged

the two sides to meet rather than allow for any of the classified materials to leak, according

to interviews Circa conducted.

Montgomery�s lawsuit, which included his lawyer, the well-known conservative activist

Larry Klayman, alleges Montgomery provided extensive evidence to the FBI of illegal spying

on Americans ranging from judges to businessman like the future President Donald Trump.

10 of 15 The suit did not offer specifics of any illegal

spying, but it accused the bureau of failing to take proper actions to rectify Montgomery�s


Montgomery divulged to the FBI a �pattern and practice of conducting illegal, unconstitutional

surveillance against millions of Americans, including prominent Americans such as the

chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen,

and others such as Donald J. Trump, as well as Plaintiffs themselves,� Montgomery and

Klayman alleged in their suit.

11 of 15 �Plaintiffs were assured that the FBI, under

Defendant Comey, would conduct a full investigation into the grave instances of illegal and unconstitutional

activity set forth by Montgomery.

However, the FBI, on Defendant Comey�s orders, buried the FBI�s investigation because the

FBI itself is involved in an ongoing conspiracy to not only conduct the aforementioned illegal,

unconstitutional surveillance, but to cover it up as well,� the suit added.

Klayman and Montgomery also alleged that they have evidence that they themselves have been

improperly spied upon by U.S. intelligence.

The suit named numerous other defendants as well, including current NSA Director Mike

Rogers, former CIA Director John Brennan and even former President Barack Obama.

Court records indicate the suit was assigned in Washington to U.S. District Judge Richard

Leon, who in 2015 issued an historic ruling that the NSA�s past bulk collection of Americans�

phone records most likely violated the Constitution.

13 of 15 The agency has since ended that practice but

the pending case, which is winding its way through appeals and motions, is likely to

shine a light on whether Americans� civil liberties were violated during more than a

decade of the war on terror.



How Do You Know If You Have Clairsentience Or Clear Feeling - Duration: 8:23.

How Do You Know If You Have Clairsentience Or Clear Feeling

By consciousreminder

Have you ever gotten a feeling that took your breath away, and you suddenly knew that you

or someone you love is in danger, only to find out later that you were right?

Have you ever felt the hairs stand up on the back of your neck or felt like someone was

�tapping� on your shoulder, then turned around and saw someone approaching you across

the room? Have you ever lost something and given up on ever finding it, then for no reason

at all, you instantly knew where it was?

It has long been theorized that everyone has psychic abilities. Just like everyone has

five physical senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, vision), each person has a sixth

sense, intuition or a higher level of perception. Of course, some people have more developed

gifts than others, and this intuitive ability can take a myriad of forms.

Clairsentience is actually a very common psychic gift. It can be activated without conscious

awareness. Many that have the ability are able to use it without even realizing what

is happening. For instance, many medical professionals find it easy to diagnose sick patients. Many

counselors simply �understand� the person that has come to them for help.

What is Clairsentience? Clairsentience, loosely translated, means �clear-feeling�. It

is perhaps the most basic of all the intuitive skills. This idea that knowledge of things

invisible to our physical senses (including other people�s feelings) can be felt with

our higher faculties has been around for a long time. Clairsentience, �clear sensing�

or �clear feeling� is an extremely heightened form of empathy.

Clairsentience is the ability to feel and experience the energy in an intuitive way.

This energy stream includes other people�s feelings, inanimate objects, spiritual insights,

and premonitions of the future. Basically, you are aware ofall types of energetic vibrations

through your own body and emotions. Empathy is clairsentience which is focused on other

people. An empath reads and feels emotions that are coming from other people.

Emotions (both from the person feeling them and the original source) are very involved

in clairsentience. This is a gift that may be refined to enhance communications with


4 Ways that Clairsentience may Manifest Itself:

Instincts/Insights/Gut Feelings

Sudden inspirations, insights or instincts which appear out of the blue are usually clairsentience

in action. These can be strong sudden emotional and physical responses where a person feels

joy, dread or excitement, which then cause reactions. These sudden gut feelings may cause

someone to turn left instead of right to avoid an accident. A sudden unexpected insight may

cause you to avoid someone without ever knowing why.

Often, these feelings allow you to sense situations very quickly. Sometimes they serve as an inspiration

to go on, or show you the way to avoid a roadblock.This sudden onslaught of feelings will not go away

until you understand where it�s coming from or act on it.

Sympathy and Empathy

Empathy is an intuitive psychic gift. It is the capability of picking up someone else�s

feelings. A true empath who has the gift of clairsentience can actually know exactly what

someone else is experiencing. Clairsentience that manifests as sympathy or heightened empathy

can cause the psychic some emotional issues. For example, if you are experiencing overwhelming

negative feelings which are not based on anything in your life, you may be feeling another person�s


Physical Sensations

Clairsentience also triggers physical sensations in your body. This can be a tickle or a pressure.

A tingling sensation on the top of the head (crown chakra) has often been reported. It

may also, in extreme cases, be physical pain.

Many clairsentients experience a tapping, a nudging or a pulling. Sometimes this physical

manifestation is to direct your attention towards a certain person, problem or solution.

Emotional Attachments

The most unusual clairsentience manifestation is a deep and unbreakable emotional attachment

to someone else. You can sense or �feel� them at a distance. Even when you and the

other person have conflicts or have broken up the relationship, you still continue to

feel connected. If you are emotionally attached (or energetically linked) to someone who is

experiencing ups and downs, you feel them too. Unless this attachment or energy link

is severed, you may be at the mercy of someone else�s highs and lows. This can continue

for long periods of time. There are energy rituals and chakra work that balances your

own emotions in order to cut the spiritual/energetic ties you have to another person.

Complications with Clairsentience:

Clairsentience and empathy are often flip sides of the same sense. These two gifts,

when not recognized, can have an emotional impact. Although psychics normally recognize

the energy of their own kind (other psychics), they can often be confused by the masking

elements in clairsentience and empathy.

If a clairsentient is picking up sadness or fear, another psychic may have problems distinguishing

which emotions and feelings are coming from other people.

It is not unusual for people with this psychic ability to be falsely diagnosed with anxiety,

depression or other disorders. Sometimes empaths or clairsentients may develop compulsive and

addictive behaviors (food, drugs, alcohol). These addictive behaviors have become an outlet

for the expanded feelings that those gifted people are receiving from outside their true

frames of reference.

Clairsentience can present problems to the person who is experiencing it. It�s great

to be able to understand other people. But if you are an empath, you may find yourself

feeling emotions that belong to someone else. You are a channel or a sponge that can absorb

both negative and positive feelings and emotions.

If you don�t know that you are a clairsentient, it is difficult to understand that you are

feeling someone else�s pain. Even if you identify the emotions as outside of you, they

can still be difficult to control. There are a lot of people that still struggle with these

experiences without understanding why. If they understood that they have the gift of

clairsentience and knew how to use it, their lives would be easier.

We all have the potential to improve and enhance the abilities we have. It�s a good idea

to understand these gifts and enhance your psychic powers.

Clairsentience can be difficult to live with or it can be a useful psychic ability. Become

intentional and develop it in a conscious way. Do you think

you are clairsentient?

For more infomation >> How Do You Know If You Have Clairsentience Or Clear Feeling - Duration: 8:23.


Xiaomi Mi Max 2 - Thoughts After 24 Hours. - Duration: 11:31.

Hey guys I just wanted to give you an update here with the Mi Max 2 because

there's been a huge amount of comment lots of questions in my unboxing video

so I wanted to just give you my initial impressions and how it is after my first

24 hours full on with it and I found that it is really good so far enjoying

this phone it's just a refined Mi Max and really so much better there's a

couple of things that surprised me and one of them is the performance now I'll

show you demos and things like that and the full review but just the overall ROM

to me feels exactly the same if not I would say leaning towards more faster

than the me max that I have which is maybe because it's got an additional one

gigabyte of RAM where that models got three this has four it's made the OS

seem a little bit faster now the Snapdragon 625 isn't exactly a beast, a

monster but I find that the performance is adequate you will now see now and

then see some stutters in the UI and other things in here to that you going

to see this chinese turn the rom but it's got the latest Android ROM on here

and there were some questions about Google Play is google syncs contact

syncs working is gmail working because that was not working on the stock rom

led to me six so it is working I have no problems I've got my context all synced

I've got Gmail syncing working just fine first it pops up with an error and what

you need to do is just go into play store or find Google services update

that and make sure you enable all the permissions and how you do that and give

enabling all the permissions as in the settings menu here to go through

permissions and then you go ahead and find your Google services framework and

make sure you just I just enabled literally everything there and the

context as well to make sure that that's going to work

give it permissions to modify your contacts and the other thing too is make

sure that you set it on auto start so these are the things I have for auto

start which is the G board the contact sync and Play services and then the

Google services framework no problems no errors I'm surprised on the ROM because

the Mi pad 3 ROM was horrible it was unstable and so was the MI 6 ROM I

could crash it I can't crash this from I haven't seen it crash and it has been

really good so a lot of questions about the battery life and really just one

word phenomenal it is so good so hoping running battery whereas it should be

here I'm doing a bit of multitasking at the moment but I still need to go

through my whole couple of cycles that I like to do before I post my review now

here nothing amazing him screen on times been on for an hour and 20 minutes but

hang on look at my battery percent there you can see hopefully that's 95 percent

and right down here screen on time 17 hours and seven minutes now

unfortunately I don't have any screenshots from the Android hardware

info there to back up that claim because what happened is I was just about to

take the screenshot I was at 5% took a voice call as soon as I entered the

voice call the phone then powered off completely so I couldn't capture that

but that was gaming that was using Chrome which I've been doing at the

moment and I've got an hour there but it's looking like I would say 15 16

hours of screen on time and that's with me with a fixed brightness I leave it

about just over 50% which you can see in this video I find to be quite bright

now one thing though that is with wireless on the whole time okay so if I

go on to data then it's going to lower that it's not going to be as good but

even so the Snapdragon 625 is a super efficient chipset I really like it and

I'm so looking forward to checking out these Snapdragon 630 when I can get my

hands on a mobile that has that so when it charges alright it does get quite hot

now charge times I can not give you an accurate amount just yet but it's

looking approximately two and a half hours maybe less so very quick to charge

considering this has got a five thousand three hundred million power battery but

it heats up I've got my thermal probe out and checked it out it got up to a 37

degrees C so quite warm to the touch that's the only time I've started

getting hot now the build quality is just so much better than my me max

which you can see here it does me max has had quite a beating

look at all this damage here that's because I've dropped it a lot hopefully

I won't be dropping this but I do find the larger phone can be a little bit

clumsy it fits in my pocket okay

another couple of areas I wanted to mention too was the voice call quality

has improved over the me max because it now has that different earpiece now when

you get a call coming in the loudspeaker will also work here and in the bottom so

it's a lot louder you're going to hear your calls come through and also just to

mention if I go back into others game here where are we

ash felt that I just started turn the speaker's up a little and although I

can't play that in music track because it'll give me copyright problems so this

handles just the mids this speaker here meds and the bass really where this is

treble and a little bit of meds but most of the deeper lower tones are coming out

of here and I find it works well so for gaming and just Internet performance

overall ROM performance switching i've got chrome here and i found it to be

really quite good everything smooth the the performance like i mentioned just

before in the start compared to my mean axe i feel is better

even though it is a lower chipset that according to benchmarks say is slower

but i think it's got something to do maybe that extra bit of ram and I'm

still Google keyboard a dumped the me the showing me keyboard I hate it it's

not very good but this one's okay but things like web browsing on this

mobile it's just so nice like why would I need a seven inch or 8 inch tablet

even when I've got a tablet in my pocket and you can run the other desktop mode

here of course in Chrome and there we go so you have a lot come you can see that

it's a little bit choppy just then because it's a super image heavy but

overall everything to me seems pretty good there's a little bit of lag there

so that's probably where the slower Snapdragon 65 will show up you can see

just then that it's not as good but I can get lag like that using the v6

whether it's Snapdragon 83 5 so the main positives of this phone so far for me

are just the improved build quality it feels great it looks a little bit better

by even the bezels there around the screen I'm glad that they slim that down

see the difference there so that inner bezel even though the outer bezel now

looks a little bit wider side-by-side you can see it is a big difference but

not only that the screen just seems a little less reflective and slightly

better on the me max - they're probably because maybe the glass of used on it is

slightly different according to sources on gsm arena that it's Gorilla Glass 4

the views I happen to believe that because this thing I've dropped so many

times and I've never used a screen protector on it I hate screen protectors

and along here there is a little scratch I don't know whether you can see it

they're not too bad and if you find a little scratches so I do believe that

they have used Gorilla Glass on these mobiles and not the dragon towel version

because it's holding up really well other things I can mention here that the

cons to it well of course is the size it is bulky and it's big the camera

performance I still find to be a bit of a letdown now it could be the meat

application so I know a lot of people have mentioned they use open camera use

this camera use the other application that could be the problem there ok it is

definitely better than this it is an upgrade if you've seen my unboxing but I

find a low-light just to be over processed over sharpened low-light

photos I'll have examples and everything like

that is going to be in my full review this is just something in-between

jsut to let you know after 24 hours how I feel about using this mobile and really

I'm loving it so far and it's just the battery life on this thing is just crazy

good it is really insane I'll see if I can go

back into the battery figures they're there in performance are there's no

extra performance mode to keep people keep asking me put it on performance

mode put it on battery saving mode it's unbalanced

oh seating here on the Qualcomm chips that you only get that in menu I when

you're using the meteor tip ones anyway battery so at the moment I was just

doing a bit of Chrome I've only just recently charged it and I'm going to try

and kill the battery which is so hard so screen the biggest consumer here so one

hour 30 minutes and I've lost 6 percent battery life and I was in crime looking

at some videos and things and listening to music - by the way the quality out of

the jack also really good fingerprint unlocking is working really well so just

going to wrap up this video here but one last question that's been quite common -

in the unboxing video is which did you get so should you get the me max or

should you get the me max - I would say it really depends on what your needs are

if you want to save money straight away go for this one the max of course but

performance wise ok forget about the benchmarks I feel this one is clearly

faster maybe because of the Android serve and ROM maybe because I've got an

extra gigabyte of RAM here or it's just bit optimized the ROM this has the

global version the official global version with the OTA updates and it's ok

better life as well this thing gets I get three or four days of medium use out

of my me max and sometimes even four really depends what I'm doing of course

and this to me looks like I'm going to be getting four to five days so if you

value battery life and you don't mind having such a large mobile phone I think

this is a real winner despite having the snapdragon 6 to 5 a lot of people I just

feel you need to get over that point because it is a good chipset though

there's going to be a gaming review as well that's going to come up so you'll

see in the gaming review that yes it will have more stutters than a

snapdragon 825 or the 835 because it's only got the Adreno 506 in here so

not the most powerful so I hope to see you back in that gaming review and there

will be a full review with benchmarks 4G speeds and detailed battery stats and

charging times all of that including more on the camera and things like that

thank you so much for watching this first impressions 24 hours with the new

Mi Max 2 here.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Max 2 - Thoughts After 24 Hours. - Duration: 11:31.


Working Out with Karlie: Mountain Climbers - Duration: 0:49.

for v-ups you want to make sure that you lay flat

on your back with your legs straight up in the air

when doing mountain climbers

you want to make sure that you keep your back straight and your arms

shoulder-width apart you want to bring your knees to your chest alternating

your legs each time and squeezing your abs

for abs twist you want to make sure

that you sit back on your tailbone with your feet flat on the floor you're going

to swing your arms side to side tapping the floor and crunching your abs each


For more infomation >> Working Out with Karlie: Mountain Climbers - Duration: 0:49.


Quelques astuces naturelles pour trouver un ventre plat ! - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Quelques astuces naturelles pour trouver un ventre plat ! - Duration: 2:52.


Beat Cop Review - Patrolling the 80's Streets - Duration: 7:32.

If you're old enough,

you probably remember watching one of the billion cop shows that aired during the 80s and 90s.

The developers of Beat Cop clearly remember this as well

as they draw a lot of the game's atmosphere and tropes from those same television shows.

In Beat Cop, you play as Jack Kelly

a homicide detective that has recently been demoted to a regular old beat cop.

During his last homicide case,

some diamonds disappeared - as well as something he has no knowledge of at all -

and ran afoul of a very powerful politician.

Clearly something major is going on behind the scenes and you've been made into the fall guy.

Despite being relegated to handing out tickets on a city block in Brooklyn, New York

you're determined to figure out what the hell happened and get your old job back.

Of course, things won't be so simple when your block is home to the mafia,

a black gang, and all sorts of other shifty types.

The story of Beat Cop is pretty much bog standard for this kind of genre

but that's really only on paper.

After playing through the first few days of the game

the writing in it managed to pull me right into it.

Everything plays out on a pretty small scale

- the only places you're gonna see are the police station in the morning and this one city block -

but it can feel pretty big.

There's tons of things going on on a pretty constant basis.

You might've only been tasked to deal with parking tickets on one day

but it's pretty rare that you'll get to just laze around waiting for meters to expire.


You're going to be dealing with all sorts of craziness

from stopping mafia protection schemes all the way up to bomb threats.

The characters you talk to in the game are pretty interesting and really run the gamut.

Sure some are pretty average people like Adamski, the Jewish guy that runs the deli.

While some are pretty out there,

like the old lady you get tricked into going shopping for at one point in the game.

I really enjoyed every character in this game

and they would've made this worth playing even if there was zero gameplay at all.

But there IS gameplay to be found and while it's fairly simplistic

it was oddly addictive to me.

Most of your day is spent clicking around the map patrolling up and down the street.

You can talk to folks with dialogue boxes above their heads

as well as go into various businesses on the block.

However, you're generally beginning your day by looking at cars and giving out tickets.

And how do you do that, you ask?

Well, first you check out around the car to see if they're parked in a no parking zone.

Then you can also check the meter nearby.

Clicking on a car will allow you to check their lights and tires for issues

and if you find anything, then you write out a ticket and hope the driver doesn't come back.

If they don't, then you can call a tow truck

if you feel like it anyway..

and if they do.. well....

The drivers in this game are the WORST.

If they show up when you're ticketing them

they'll usually attempt to bribe you and if you refuse

then it'll usually end with them calling you a fucking pig and driving off.

Remind me to ticket you AGAIN, asshole.

The game will hound you for money.

Be it the fact that you have to go somewhere to eat every day

or the fact that you have to pay alimony all the time

Soooo why not just take those bribes?

Well on some days plain-clothes cops will be there to nail you for it

so you've gotta be selective about when and where you take them.

Getting busted for taking bribes will reduce your standing with the police

and you will generally have your daily pay docked

so sometimes they really aren't worth the trouble.

However, you also have a reputation with the people, the gang and the mafia to think about

so it can be an interesting balancing act.

Give out too many tickets like a hard ass?

The people will start to dislike you and will be FAR less cooperative.

Help the Mafia out too much?

Well, your standing with the opposing gang will likely go down

and THEY will be less cooperative and vice versa.

If you wanna get the true ending to the game and get to the bottom of that diamond mystery

you're gonna need everyone's help to get there.

The first time I played the game, I didn't manage to get that ending.

I didn't do a very good job balancing these things out

and I also missed an important meeting with someone

so I lost my chance.

The game does give you the ability to redo past days from the main menu

but it's up to you if you want to do that or not.

You will need to do a bunch of different things during the same events to get all of the achievements, however.

So it's worth a couple play throughs.

Another mechanic in the game is the ability to use your handcuffs and your gun

but these are very specific.

If someone yells out that their car is being stolen

you can run after the perp by double clicking - and hopefully not running out of stamina -

and then clicking the handcuffs when you get close enough.

Using your gun is a bit different.

Generally you will run into a sitatuion that pretty blatantly lets you know that hey, you're gonna need to shoot some guys

so you click your gun to whip it out and then a target will start moving over top the bad guys.

You need to time your clicks just right in order to hit them.

Don't take too long or you'll be shot instead.

Both mechanics work but feel a little clumsy.

Perhaps the developers knew this - or it just fits the setting -

because you don't use either of these things all that often.

You're gonna be WAY more reliant on your ticketbook and your mouth to get by on this city block.

And no I don't mean mouth that way, you perverts.

Everything essentially comes down to time management and balancing out your decisions

but it all blends into something incredibly addicting.

I certinaly didn't expect to put as many hours into this game as I did

but I'm hardly complaining about it.

Beat Cop has that typical "indie" style of pixel art

but they've put SO much detail and life into EVERY bit of this city street

that it's really miles ahead of numerous other games with a similar look.

I'm just walking down the street and taking in everything around me.

You can see all sorts of different cars, different people walking down the street,

random things going on in windows, etc.

This section of Brooklyn in the 80s might be a run-down shithole but it definitely feels alive.

The sound in Beat Cop also plays an important role in bringing the game to life.

There's very little music in the game

- most of it being restricted to the station, stores and important events -

but the ambient noise around you is great at setting the mood.

You've got basic traffic noises pretty constantly

but you'll also hear people talking to each other, music blaring from beatboxes,

stray cats meowing and tools running in the autobody shop.

It's all noise that blends into the background but that's absolutely perfect

as that's really what a beat cop on a city street SHOULD be hearing.

Saving the best music for the dramatic moments was also a great choice.

Not only does it highlight events,

but it also builds up a lot of tension in that moment.

It can't be easy to make your players feel tense in a game that looks like this

but the developers nailed it.

The fact that the music is also very good is just icing on the cake.

Needless to say, I had a great time with Beat Cop

and my only real complaint is that there isn't any more.

I got sucked right into this game and spent numerous hours getting all of the achievements

and wrapping up the missing diamonds storyline.

The time management aspects of this may not be to everyone's taste

but it's well worth giving a shot anyway.

For more infomation >> Beat Cop Review - Patrolling the 80's Streets - Duration: 7:32.


Watermelon Popsicles | RECIPE - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Watermelon Popsicles | RECIPE - Duration: 1:31.


UPDATE on the DAPL Pipeline… - tech and science - Duration: 6:22.

UPDATE on the DAPL Pipeline�.the oil is flowing�but it�s not too late to shut

the pipeline down�.check back soon to learn what Prepare For Change is doing to help the

water protectors!

Although oil has begun flowing through the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline, Iowa

activists aren�t giving up their battle against the $3.8 billion project.

The 30-inch diameter pipeline started commercially shipping oil on June 1 and has a capacity

to transport about 520,000 barrels of oil daily.

But appeals are still pending with the Iowa Supreme Court that opponents see as offering

glimmers of hope that the pipeline can still be shut down.

�If any of these court rulings go our way, things could change,� said Ed Fallon of

Des Moines, a former state legislator who heads Bold Iowa, an activist group that opposes

the pipeline because of concerns involving the environment, property rights and other


The Dakota Access Pipeline route extends 1,168 miles from North Dakota�s Bakken and Three

Forks oil-production areas to a distribution hub at Patoka, Ill.

The Iowa section runs diagonally for 346 miles through 18 counties from far northwest Iowa

to the state�s southeast corner.

The Davis-Brown Law firm of Des Moines is representing Iowa landowners who have appealed

to the Iowa Supreme Court over the use of eminent domain to build the pipeline through

their farms.

In addition, the Sierra Club of Iowa is appealing to the state�s high court over the Iowa

Utilities Board�s decision to grant a pipeline permit to Dakota Access.

A protest was held against the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Iowa Capitol in June 2016.

(Photo: William Petroski/Des Moines Register) Polk County District Judge Jeffrey Farrell

ruled against the plaintiffs in a consolidated case decided in February.

But the Iowa Supreme Court has denied a motion by Dakota Access to dismiss the case. The

justices are expected to rule later this year or early in 2018.

Jonas Magram of Fairfield, a leader of the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition that

includes 30 Iowa groups opposed to the pipeline, said Tuesday his organization is �absolutely

not� conceding defeat.

�We know that it is a long shot, but we feel that this pipeline was built in opposition

to what the law requires and that oil should be interrupted and that the pipeline should

be removed,� Magram said.

Outside of Iowa, four Sioux tribes in the Dakotas are still fighting in federal court

in Washington, D.C., hoping to persuade a judge to shut down the pipeline.

Mekasi Camp Horinek, 44, is a member of the Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma and came up to help

plant Sacred Ponca Corn on Art Tanderup�s land where the Keystone XL pipeline would

cross it on Sunday, May 21, 2017, in Neligh. Brian Powers/The Register

Meanwhile, Fallon said other anti-pipeline activities are continuing. He spent Tuesday

at the Boone County Courthouse, where he and others were supporting a pipeline foe on trial

after being arrested in a protest last August in Boone.

Activist Kriss Wells has pleaded innocent to trespass charges, saying his actions were

justified to curb global warming and to protect the Des Moines River, which supplies drinking

water for central Iowans.

On June 17, the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition is sponsoring a flotilla that will

head down the Des Moines River near Pilot Mound with the theme of protecting Iowa�s

rivers. Other events are also being planned.

Bakken Pipeline protesters gather to float down the Des Moines River on Saturday where

the proposed pipeline would cross beneath the river close to the E18 bridge by Pilot

Mound. Brian Powers / The Register

The Dakota Access Pipeline project has been supported by the Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure

Now, which is a partnership of entities from agriculture, business, and labor sectors.

The coalition says it supports the economic development and energy security benefits associated

with infrastructure projects in the Midwest.

Chad Carter, business agent and vice president of Operating Engineers Local 234 in Des Moines,

which has supplied workers for the pipeline project, said Tuesday the union workers have

done a great job and he isn�t concerned about activists� continued opposition.

�They are going to do what they can, but I think it�s a lost cause. There are probably

other things to be worrying about,� Carter said.

Meanwhile, Texas-based Dakota Access continues to file weekly construction reports with the

Iowa Utilities Board that indicate restoration of farmland and cleanup work is still ongoing

in four Iowa counties in north-central and northwest Iowa.

These counties include Calhoun, Sac, Buena Vista and Cherokee.

In a letter sent last month to the Iowa Board, Dakota Access said it was meeting with landowners

and was investigating landowner questions and concerns. The company has also been making

spot repairs to drainage tile, ditch lines, and terraces, and has performing spring re-seeding

in certain areas.

�Completion of restoration work depends on weather conditions and could continue through

the summer,� said Lisa Dillinger, a spokeswoman for Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners,

a parent of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

There have been no leaks reported yet on the Iowa section of the pipeline, said Alex Murphy,

a spokesman for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The pipeline crosses under the

Missouri, Des Moines and Mississippi rivers, as

well as other waterways.

For more infomation >> UPDATE on the DAPL Pipeline… - tech and science - Duration: 6:22.


Parts Installation (Part2) : HKS EVC6 boost control - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Parts Installation (Part2) : HKS EVC6 boost control - Duration: 7:32.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Ret Paladin DESTROYS in Strand of the Ancients! - Duration: 20:41.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Ret Paladin DESTROYS in Strand of the Ancients!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Ret Paladin DESTROYS in Strand of the Ancients! - Duration: 20:41.


Alessandra Munduruku at the Free Land Camp 2017, Brasilia - Duration: 2:49.

Alessandra Ksilva Munduruku at the Free Land Camp 2017, Brasilia

The Free Land is land where everyone is free, isn't it? An expression to say that.

Because each people has their conflict but they are all joining together to know

what is happening with other indigenous peoples.

So all the peoples gather together to fight for demarcation,

that's why the cry is "DEMARCATION NOW!"

We've been fighting for a long time, with the government, with funai,

for the demarcation of land and because the government wants to build

a hydroelectric plant on our river.

Last year on the 19th April 2016, a report was published.

In 2016, after more than a decade, Brazil's indigenous affairs agency (FUNAI) recommended the demarcation of 178 thousand hectares as the Sawré Muybu indigenous territory.

This was one of the factors that led to the suspension, at least for now, of the São Luíz do Tapajós mega dam, which would displace many Munduruku communities.

It's just that it's difficult with this government, They take what they want or give what they want.

In the end they don't respect, they take what they want or give just what they want,

without consulting indigenous peoples.

Our main struggle is the demarcation of land and also against the business enterprises

that are impacting our region, our lands.

Internationally people should stop buying the products that Brazil sells,

because they've got blood on them.

Sometimes they are buying and they don't know that behind that there is a great massacre.

They violate the rights of indigenous peoples, they don't respect the constitution,

they throw indigenous peoples from their lands.

They say that agro is good for us here in brazil, but for us it brings death, it is killing our peoples.

Water is our mother, we have to care for her. Like a child, if you have a child you'll be there to defend it.

Water is life, isn't it? How are we going to live without it?

Without the forest, how are we going to breathe with so much deforestation in the Amazon?

It's important to know what is happening, what the government is trying to do in indigenous lands.

Share this video.

For more infomation >> Alessandra Munduruku at the Free Land Camp 2017, Brasilia - Duration: 2:49.


How To Find Good Video Content Ideas and Keywords-Save Time! - Duration: 4:45.

Do you struggle to find a constant stream of good quality content for your

videos and blog posts, whilst also struggling to determine what your main

keywords should be?

Hi, my name is Jeff Laming from Video Cashflow.

If this is your first time here and you want to grow your channel and improve your YouTube video marketing and business strategies for generating quality

business, start now by hitting the red subscribe button below this video.

In this video I'll show you how to kill two birds with one stone by creating new

ideas to generate good content and to help determine which keywords to use.

Stay tuned to find out more plus you can gain access to my free

checklist of internet marketing tools..... Finding and producing good quality

value-added content for your audience can be a challenge at times.

Sometimes a different approach is required to help get your creative

juices flowing again. So come and join me over at the computer and I'll show you

a method for generating ideas for producing and finding good quality content whilst

also determining good keywords to use all from one free tool found on the web.

The first step to do is to go to a site called VidIQ That's

and then you can sign up for free for this Chrome extension.

For the purpose of this exercise I'm going to use "fishing" as the subject matter. So the

next step to take is to go to your YouTube account and type in "fishing" and

what you will see when you've got VidIQ it will come up with a keyword

score as here. And what this shows us is a search volume of 99 - it's out of 100 - up in the

green there. Now green is good, so it means it is a very high search volume for the

term "fishing" but the competition works in the opposite way -if you see what I mean. A high

competition is not so good. You want the competition to be low competition with

high search volume. Okay, so let's start drilling down. So let's try

"salmon fishing". As you can see it now comes up with a keyword score where the

search volume has come down into the yellow here towards the orange, but the

competition has also moved down. So it's got a combined overall keyword

score of 46 out of 100. Now this is where I'm going to introduce you to the free tool

that I mentioned earlier, and this is called SEO Chat. I'll put this address

underneath the video for you to check out at the end. Now with the SEO Chat

tool, what we do we go into the "query phrase" here and enter "salmon fishing" and as

you can see you've got the choice of Google, Bing, Amazon and YouTube. I've

clicked all four for the purposes of this exercise, so with "salmon fishing" in

the search box there. Let's click "search" to see what comes up. And here we are,

you can see the results here. It's come up with a whole or four lists of keywords

and these are great ideas for finding your content as well. So for example,

you've got the Amazon results here which naturally will list

salmon fishing products and then Google, Bing and YouTube will come up with

different keywords: "salmon fishing seasons", "salmon fishing Washington State".

Bing comes up with "salmon fishing lodges" and then it takes the phrase "salmon

fishing" with the letters of the alphabet. It comes up with "salmon fishing areas, Alaska",

and then "B - salmon fishing boats", "salmon fishing Clearwater", "river Idaho....".

It gives you loads and loads of ideas and examples and whether it's keywords

you're looking for with low competition and higher search numbers or whether

you're looking for ideas for content you've got the whole raft of ideas. So I

hope you found this useful. Have fun with it. I'm sure you'll come up with loads

and loads of ideas and with both VidIQ and the SEO chat tool, you will literally

be able to kill two birds with one stone in terms of finding content and some

great keywords. I hope these tips will come in handy for you. Don't forget to

download your free checklist of internet marketing tools details of which you'll

find underneath this video. And if you'd like some more useful information and

videos from Video Cashflow on video marketing and business tips tactics

techniques and strategies please click the subscribe button at the bottom of

the screen here. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your day. Bye for now

For more infomation >> How To Find Good Video Content Ideas and Keywords-Save Time! - Duration: 4:45.


Bússola das Rimas - Gang no Topo [prod LMK] - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Bússola das Rimas - Gang no Topo [prod LMK] - Duration: 5:01.


Giacca Clover Ventouring-2 wp Airbag | RideStyle [Sub Eng] - Duration: 4:43.

This is the best time of the year to ride…

which is also when we tend to make a giant mistake:

avoiding wearing the usual gear and protection due to the high temperatures.

Sure, no one wants to melt in the sun,

but there are specific gears that will save you.

Looking at what the market has to offer, I found the Clover Ventouring 2 Airbag,

a jacket made for touring, featuring very interesting specs.

It is a 3 seasons jacket so

it can be used in the summer, but also during spring and autumn.

Plus… it is 100% waterproof, and if you are a hardened traveller like me,

you know that weather can be tricky even in the summer.

Now to the technical specs overview.

It is made of two main parts, that also serve as two separate jackets, connected by zip.

The external shell has huge net intakes for better airflow…

we tested it for a few days and they work great,

while the internal jacket has a light thermal padding for the lower temperatures.

Thanks to its features, the jacket gives you 4 different settings to choose from, depending on your needs.

You can either use both layers connected by zip in spring and autumn

or the lighter net layer for the summer, carrying the waterproof jacket in the huge back pocket…

or the usual summer storm on top of a peak.

In case of heavy rain, you have a third option… you can wear the waterproof layer over the light one.

During the evening, you can also use the waterproof layer as a normal jacket,

to stroll around the beautiful places you can reach on you bike.

The external layer is made of Duratek 7 and Duratek 4,

with tough, anti-abrasion ballistic fabric on elbows and shoulders.

Airflow intakes are high tenacity mesh, while the removable protections are CE certified.

For those of you who want extra protection, the Clover 2 supports the external CE certified Clover Airbag…

which is optional and sold separately.

The airbag inflates in 0.08 seconds, reducing the impact energy by 35 times.

If you want, you can find more info and details on the company website.

As an alternative to the airbag, there is a back pocket for the back protection.

The jacket also features laminated reflective stripes on thorax, arms and on the back for the night.

There are two external pockets, an internal waterproof one and the huge back pocket.

The classic Clover straps on arms, forearms, thorax and hips guarantee the best comfort

and wearability possible and are great to tighten the jacket to your body when you take off the inner layer.

Elastic padding on the elbows makes every movement

and the internal Climacontrol net will save you from melting.

The Clover Ventouring 2 can be attached to the Ventouring pants,

featuring the same specs, using the 360° zip. Sizes range from S to 4XL for men

and from XS to XXL for the "Lady" version. Three colour combinations: black on grey;

black on yellow, for a better visibility during the day and the aggressive black on black version.

This jacket is great for hot temperatures and has interesting technical features,

it is very well made and comfortable and can be adapt almost every climate condition.

I tasted it for a few days and it's great… and the price is not bad at all.

You can find it in technical table or in our video's description.

For any further question, subscribe on our channel and write on the comment section.

'Till the next video… ciao!

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