Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017


For more infomation >> I GOT WROETOSHAW TOTS MESSI IN A PACK!!! - Duration: 17:52.


Kay One: Seine Dieter-Hymne "Louis Louis" bricht YouTube-Rekord! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Kay One: Seine Dieter-Hymne "Louis Louis" bricht YouTube-Rekord! - Duration: 1:02.


Nintendo Switch [3rd Party] Case Unboxing - Duration: 2:41.


suck them toes

For more infomation >> Nintendo Switch [3rd Party] Case Unboxing - Duration: 2:41.


S O S ! НЕ связывайтесь с ними!!! - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> S O S ! НЕ связывайтесь с ними!!! - Duration: 3:22.


Why Coming Out As A Starseed May Be Healing - Duration: 9:59.

Why Coming Out As A Starseed May Be Healing

by Naomi Cook,

�Coming out� as Starseed is the new Gay � loads of us are doing it and it can be

a healing process to do so, here�s why:

When you come out as a Starseed you are identifying an aspect of your Spiritual and perhaps Genetic

journey up until this point as having occurred in another star system.

Technically speaking, when going by emerging theories and histories explored in the Disclosure

Movement � we are ALL Starseed to a certain extent, human life a life potentially seeded

via intergalactic influence � be it Extraterrestrial DNA manipulation or accidental Asteroid Seeding,

or you could just say we are made of Stardust � the same prime elements as the stars.

But something sets apart some humans from others.

An Un-Awoken Starseed may struggle or have struggled with Earthly Existence up until

this point confused by their suffering from issues like these (loads more listed here)

I don�t belong here I�m homesick

I�m not like other humans I don�t feel human

I feel trapped in my body Home is out there

I�m here to �do something� I have memories of other ways of �being�

3D sucks I feel funny/sad/triggered when I look at

the stars But, until fairly recently, Starseeds were

really unable to put their finger on why and how they had these feelings, that is, until

the term �Starseed� began to be used more and more as a common term to refer to humans

who have experienced some or all of the above feelings or knowledge about their genetic

or spiritual heritage.

Starseed is a term that is now happily floating around in our collective consciousness and

in amongst the metaphysical circles we all seem to agree that it denotes an individual�s

connection and purpose on Earth being related to a mission created for or by them whilst

incarnating in another star system.

The question is, how can the above complaints impact negatively on a Starseed who hasn�t

yet �come out� to themselves?

The Role of the Root Chakra

When training to become an Energy Healer I had to first work on myself � that meant

analysing my chakras for blockages and energy leakages.

I felt quite chuffed that all was pretty good, that is, until I got down to my Root.

Healthy Root chakra energy is the energy of feeling and being at home � no matter where

you are.

I scoffed at this: Feeling and being at home here?


I decided to bypass work on my Root chakra, who even wants to feel at home here on Earth?

Not me, I told myself.

Nah, I could leave that Root Chakra, leaking� the higher chakras were much more exciting


Naturally that bravado didn�t last for long, because, as an Energy healer I knew jolly

well that a blocked or leaking energy center puts a being in a state of �dis-ease�

which of course eventually translates into physical disease.

But there is more than that, a healthy Root Chakra enables you to literally �birth�

your creative projects here in 3d.

Inspiration occurs via the Crown and travels down through all the chakra centers for analysis

and integration.

If there are energetic blockages at one of these chakras � then creative abortion may

occur at any one of these levels.

If the project is lucky enough to make it all the way to the Root Chakra before being

aborted, the Root must be in good working order for it to birth.

OK, I thought to myself, here I was on the cusp of publishing my memoir documenting my

tumultuous three years as Registered Nurse turned Disempowered Consumer after my daughter

was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

A dramatic, hellish journey that ended with my unexpected and rather radical Kundalini


This project was mega important to me�the birthing of this project was one reason I

felt �I was here� wasn�t it?

It was time to �come out to myself,� time to look more closely at my Root and my roots�

Are you Fully Incarnated?

This question was posed by a past life regression hypnotherapist a while back during a chat

with my Higher Self (while �I� was deep under hypnosis) the answer was: She doesn�t

want to be here.

Now, until I�d fully comprehended the significance of Root Chakra health translating to physical

health and well being as well as the ability to �birth� projects (missions!) here in

3d I was happy only half being here.

But now, coming out as Starseed and recognizing a commonality between us which can be a resistance

to being here and fully integrating here in 3d, I can see we may be in for some issues:

Health issues for starters and the ability to complete our projects which ultimately

underlie our efforts to be here in the first place.

Time to Come out!

If you think you are a not yet fully Awakened Starseed have a think about coming out � to

yourself at first.

Coming to terms with what we think and feel we are is outrageously empowering and exciting�and

catchy (kind of a like a virus, but a cool one which just might spread all over the planet).

We came here to be fully incarnated with work to do � ignoring the energy of our Root

Chakras which may be leaking wistful energy back home �out there� to some other star

system will not equip us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually for what we came

here to do and for me, it inhibited my ability to fully incarnate.

Put that way, it sounds serious doesn�t it?

Tips for Coming Out as a Healthy Starseed

Accept your choice in your decision to be here in this form

Dig deep via meditation: Why are you here?

What do you want to do here?

Join Starseed groups online, it may take a while to find one that suits your particular

stage of growth and development.

Think about some Energy Healing (yep, yours truly be offering Skype sessions shortly otherwise

find someone closer to you).

One Starseed advised that we turn the �negatives into positives� � for example rather than

focusing on not �belonging here� instead being grateful for our affinity to �out


And, �I feel trapped in a human body� to �I�m grateful for this body I can use

to implement my work� (and coffee, don�t forget coffee�you can�t necessarily drink

it back home).

As tempting as it is don�t get too carried away with the Intergalactic Dramas � like

the dramas here on the earth, the stories and histories abound with even more complexity

and intensity in the Intergalactic realms � this is why we are here.

Yet, just like focusing on earthly drama if we focus on these insane, ancient and ongoing

conflicts we will lose sight of the Now, and Being in a state of Love and Light.

Energy flows where attention goes� Register with Project Starseed (

� this is newly launched database for Awakened Starseeds to come out and �claim back their

Intergalactic Heritage� rather than waiting for �proof� of our origins via Disclosure

(more info below).

Let�s get Sowing!

Now � if we are comfortable about coming out as a Starseed to ourselves in order to

resolve Root Chakra issues and to facilitate a healthy, productive incarnation what about

the next step � coming out to others?

There are some Starseed at the stage of full blown Starseed Mardi Gras equivalent � declaring

�Starseed� maybe along with Lightworker proudly on their Facebook profiles whilst

others are still verging on coming out of the closet, one foot in, one foot out, in

out, in out, shake it all about� For those who are slower to come out � I propose the

sowing of seeds!

Yes, sowing seeds as Starseeds and I�m going to start right now and sow this seed just


Starseed Revelation: Project Starseed

This is a freshly launched database of Awakened Starseeds who, by registering their name and

email make a Global gesture of claiming back their Intergalactic Heritage in order to bring

forth Truth and Unity Consciousness on Planet Earth:

�The more of us that add to the Awakened Starseed Headcount the more REAL our Intergalactic

Heritage will appear and will naturally then merge into the collective consciousness of

the un-awakened.

Rather than a sole push for Disclosure we hope that by increasing headcounts of �I

am Starseed� there will be a Global Revelation with regards to the truth � coming from

us: Unification and Truth gleaned from the inside out.�

For more infomation >> Why Coming Out As A Starseed May Be Healing - Duration: 9:59.


Tim Cook's MIT Commencement Address 2017 - Duration: 15:34.


Hello, MIT! Thank you.

Congratulations Clas of '17.

I especially want to thank

Chairman Millard, President Reif,

distinguished faculty, trustees,

and members of the Class of 1967.

It's a privilege to be with you

today, with your families and

your friends on such an amazing,

important day.

MIT and Apple share so much.

We both love hard problems.

We love the search for new ideas.

And we especially love finding

those ideas, the really big ones

the ones that can change

the world.

I know MIT has a proud

tradition of pranks, or as you

would call them, "hacks."

And you have pulled off some

pretty great ones over the

years. I'll never figure out how

MIT students sent that Mars

rover to the Kresge oval, or

put a propellor beanie on the

Great Dome. Or how you'd

obviously taken over the

President's Twitter account – I

can tell college students are

behind it because most of the

tweets happen at 3 a.m.

I am really happy to be here.

Today is about celebration, and

you have so much to be proud

of. As you leave here to start

the next leg of your journey in

life, there will be days where

you will ask yourself, "Where's

all this going? What is the

purpose? What is my purpose?"

I'll be honest, I asked myself

that same question, and it took

me nearly 15 years to answer it.

Maybe by talking about my

journey today I can save you

some time. The struggle for me

started early on in high school.

I thought I'd discover my life's

purpose when I could answer

that age-old question: "What do

you want to be when you grow up?"

Nope. In college I thought I

would discover it when I could

answer: "What's your major?"

Not quite. I thought that maybe

I'd discover it when I found a

good job. Then I thought I just

needed to get a few promotions.

That didn't work either. I kept

convincing myself that it was

just over the horizon, around

the next corner. Nothing worked,

and it was really tearing me

apart. Part of me kept pushing

ahead to the next achievement.

And the other part kept asking,

"Is this all there is?" I went to

grad school at Duke looking for

the answer. I tried meditation.

I sought guidance and religion.

I read great philosophers and

authors. And in a moment of

youthful indiscretion I might

even have experimented. . .

with a Windows PC. And obviously

that didn't work.


After countless twists and turns,

at last, 20 years ago, my search

brought me to Apple. At the time

The company was struggling to

survive. Steve Jobs had just

returned to Apple and had

launched the Think Different

campaign. He wanted to empower

the crazy ones, the misfits, the

rebels, the troublemakers, the

round pegs in the square holes,

to do their best work. If we

could just do that Steve knew we

could really change the world.

Before that moment I had never

met a leader with such passion

or encountered a company with

such a clear and compelling

purpose – to serve humanity.

It was just that simple. Serve

humanity. And it was in that

moment, after 15 years of

searching, something clicked.

I finally felt aligned.

Aligned with a company that

brought together challenging,

cutting-edge work with a higher

purpose. Aligned with a leader

who believed that technology

which didn't exist yet could

reinvent tomorrow's world.

Aligned with myself and my won

deep need to serve something

greater. Of course at that moment

I didn't know all of that. I was

just grateful to have that

psychological burden lifted.

But with the help of hindsight,

my breakthrough makes a lot more

sense. I was never going to find

my purpose working some place

without a clear sense of purpose

of its own. Steve and Apple

freed me to throw my whole

self into my work. To embrace

their mission and make it my

own. How can I serve humanity?

This is life's biggest and most

important question. When you work

towards something greater than

yourself you find meaning. You

find purpose. So the question

I hope you will carry forward

from here is, "How will you serve

humanity?" The good news is

since you are here today you're

already on a great track. At MIT

you've learned how much power

science and technology have to

change the world for the better.

Thanks to discoveries made right

here, billions of people are

leading healthier, more productive,

more fulfilling lives. And if

we are ever going to solve some

of the hardest problems still

facing the world today –

everything from cancer, to

climate change, to educational

inequality – then technology will

help us do it. But technology

alone isn't the solution, and

sometimes it's even part of the

problem. Last year I had the

chance to meet with Pope Francis.

It was the most incredible

meeting of my life. This man

who has spent more time

comforting the afflicted in

slums than he has with heads of

state. This may surprise you,

but he knew an unbelievable

amount about technology.

It was obvious to me that he

had thought deeply about it, its

opportunities, its risks, its

morality. What he said to me

at that meeting, what he preached

really, was on a topic we care

a lot about at Apple. But he

expressed a shared concern in a

powerful new way: Never has

humanity had such power over

itself, yet nothing ensures that

it will be used wisely, he has

said. Technology today is

integral to almost all aspects

of our lives. And most of the

time it's a force for good. And

yet, the potential adverse

consequences are spreading

faster and cutting deeper than

ever before. Threats to our

security, threats to our privacy,

fake news, and social media that

becomes antisocial. Sometimes

the very technology that is meant

to connect us, divides us.

Technology is capable of doing

great things, but it

doesn't want to do great things.

It doesn't want anything. That

part takes all of us. It takes

our values, and our commitments

to our commitments to our

families and our neighbors, and

our communities. Our love of

beauty, and belief that all of

our fates are interconnected.

Our decency. Our kindness.

I'm not worried about artificial

intelligence giving computers

the ability to think like humans.

I'm more concerned about people

thinking more like computers.

Without values or compassion.

Without concern for consequences.

That is what we need you to help

us guard against. Because if

science is a search in the

darkness, then the humanities

are a candle that shows us

where we've been and the danger

that lies ahead. As Steve once

said, "Technology alone is not

enough. It is technology married

with the liberal arts, married

with the humanities, that makes

our hearts sing." When you keep

people at the center of what

you do it can have an enormous

impact. It means an iPhone that

allows a blind person to run a

marathon. It means an Apple

watch that catches a heart

condition before it becomes a

heart attack. It means an iPad

that helps a child with autism

connect with his or her world.

In short, in means technology

infused with your values, making

progress possible for everyone.

Whatever you do in your life,

and whatever we do at Apple,

we must infuse it with the

humanity that each of us is

born with. That responsibility is

immense, but so is the

opportunity. I'm optimistic

because I believe in your

generation, your passion, your

journey to serve humanity. We

are all counting on you. There

is so much out there conspiring

to make you cynical. The Internet

has enabled so much, and

empowered so many, but it can

also be a place where basic rules

of decency are suspended, and

pettiness and negativity thrive.

Don't let that noise knock you

off course. Don't get caught up

in the trivial aspects of life.

Don't listen to the trolls, and

for god's sake don't become one.

Measure your impact on humanity

not in likes, but in the lives

you touch. Not in popularity,

but in the people you serve.

I found that my life got bigger

when I stopped caring what other

people thought about me. You

will find yours will too. Stay

focused on what really matters.

There will be times when your

resolve to serve humanity will

be tested. Be prepared. People

will try to convince you that

you should keep your empathy out

of your career. Don't accept this

false premise. At a shareholders'

meeting a few years back, someone

questioned Apple's investment

and focus not the environment.

He asked me to pledge that Apple

would only invest in green

initiatives that could be

justified with a return on

investment. I tried to be

diplomatic. I pointed out that

Apple does many things, like

accessibility features for those

with disabilities that don't rely

on an ROI. We do these things

because they're the right thing

to do. And protecting the

environment is a critical

example. He wouldn't let it go,

and I got my blood up. So I told

him, "If you can't accept our

position you shouldn't own Apple

stock." When you're convinced

that your cause is right, have

the courage to take a stand.

If you see a problem or an

in justice, recognize that no one

will fix it but you. As you go

forward today, use your minds

and hands – and your hearts – to

build something bigger than

yourselves. Always remember

there is no idea bigger than

this: As Dr. Martin Luther King

said, "All life is interrelated.

We are all bound together into a

single garment of destiny." If

you keep that idea at the

forefront of all that you do;

if you choose to live your lives

at that intersection between

technology and the people it

serves; if you strive to create

the best, give the best, do the

best for everyone not just for

some; then today all of humanity

has good cause for hope. Thank

you very much and congratulations

Class of 2017!


For more infomation >> Tim Cook's MIT Commencement Address 2017 - Duration: 15:34.



For more infomation >> NERF WAR: LEGO FIDGET SPINNER NERF GUN! - Duration: 5:38.


PULSEFIRE EZREAL MONTAJ #1 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> PULSEFIRE EZREAL MONTAJ #1 - Duration: 3:10.


Toy Box 🎁 Box of Toys 🔫 Kids Toys 💥 Toy Collection 🎈 Best Box of Toys 🐵 Kids Fun 🐒 Disney - Duration: 8:18.

Best Toy Box

For more infomation >> Toy Box 🎁 Box of Toys 🔫 Kids Toys 💥 Toy Collection 🎈 Best Box of Toys 🐵 Kids Fun 🐒 Disney - Duration: 8:18.


STORY CARDS: Super Easy Way to share Bible Story with Kids CHILDREN'S MINISTRY IDEAS - Duration: 4:12.

welcome to Wright ideas or Susan. today I have a very easy way for you to share a

Bible story with kids that's really interactive and it's using story

cards. now I have two examples here and I'm going to show you how I use them

I've got an example of the story from Luke chapter 5 of Jesus teaching from

the boat and then telling his disciples to go catch some fish and I also have a

Genesis creation story that I'm going to share with you. and what I've done is all

I've done is I've made Story cards for the actual story and on the back I put

the story so all the whole story is on the back of all the cards and all I would

do with the lesson is just show the picture and read it from the back so I

don't even have to remember it or anything it's all there on the back so I would

read it through one time and then I'd say now who would like to help read the

story again and this is for kids who are readers and then I would just hand out

story cards to six or seven kids depending on how many cards I have I'd

line them up the front and then they would read reread the story from the

cards for the whole class again and that works really well and so that's what

I've got with the Luke story and then this is the Genesis creation

story and you can do more than that. you can do the same thing read the story

from the back let the kids come up and read it but another thing you can do

with this one. I have put magnets on the back of the cards and so I can put them

up after we've done the story a few times with kids and helping and reading I

can put them up on the board and scramble them up and then I can get the

kids to come up and maybe two kids at a time and say okay can you put it in the

right order and then they can do sequencing activities and put them in

the right order and then I can say now, who can tell the story just by

looking at the pictures and then I would get a kid up to come and tell a story

just by looking at the pictures and so we have a chance to go and interact with

this story several times over and it works really well to get the kids

involved. After we had gone through the story few times we can do a craft

activity as a follow-up that goes along with it. so I could give

them a little bowl of play-doh and so he makes something from the story out of

play-doh or I could just give them a plain sheet of paper and say why don't

you draw one of the pictures that were in our story today and it's pretty good

than the kids you just put them all up on the board and the kids can decide

which part of the story they want to draw on a plain piece of paper.

So there you have a twenty to thirty minute lesson already done, dusted, prepared and

then the next year when that story comes around guess what? you've got it already

prepared and it's just so easy. now let me just show you how I made these cards

all I did is that came with my curriculum. so in one of my curriculums I was

given a book with lots of pictures and all I did was cut out the pictures, took a

plain piece of paper and glued the pictures on put it and laminated it and

you can laminate at home we're just using your iron. I'll put a little link

in the description below so you could learn how to laminate at home. and then

with the other one this actually came the Genesis story actually came in a

visual aid pack that came with my curriculum. so it was all done and the

only thing I had to do was to put the actual story on the back. so that's how I

did it . so very simple, very easy. If you like this idea can you give it a thumbs

up and let me know? and if you have other ideas that you can do with story cards

could you put it the description below? that would be really helpful. one more

tip. if you like to be able to put together Bible stories really easily and

quickly I have got a whole playlist of how to do a Bible story really easy so

check that out when you have time and once again thanks so much for watching

and may God bless you as you teach the next generation about Jesus. see ya!

For more infomation >> STORY CARDS: Super Easy Way to share Bible Story with Kids CHILDREN'S MINISTRY IDEAS - Duration: 4:12.


Undertale rant| ITS COPIENG FNAF WORLD [by TheAwesomeCODgamer] - Duration: 6:48.

[audio cutoff] No!



This game,

it's stealing Five Nights at Freddy's' ga-,

it's stealing Five Nights at Freddy's' fame on YouTube and Tumblr.

Before, Five Nights at Freddy's was the best-selling thing on YouTube, on the Internet.

Guys, this is worse than Fallout.

This is worse than Fallout.

They're even making lots and lots of fanart of it, look.

Look how much -- look how much they're replacing Five Nights at Freddy's and Call of Duty.

Look at the gameplay, guys.

You have -- you have to like -- like skeletons and stuff,

or froggy, frogs and stuff.


And look at this. Look at this.

"Undertale gameplay".

It's a rip-off of FNaF World.

Look, you have these choices where you have to "fight", "act", "item", or "mercy".

Why would you put "mercy" in an RPG game where you have to fight ghosts -- ghosts and skeletons? It sucks.

And what's that ugly green lines behind there?

And, ugh, the graphics are disgusting.

Look at them.

A Windows 1 computer ha-,

Windows computers have better graphics than that.

Look at this terrible, terrible game stealing Five Nights at Freddy's' fame.

You have to, like, dodge objects that come at you,

and you have this -- and you're this little heart thingy, or...

you're that boy, or that girl, I -- I don't even know.

What -- what's -- what's that girl from Undertale called? I heard it's "Frisk",

'cause they even -- they even replacing Five Nights at Freddy's and copying it.



I hate all you Undertale fanboys. I hate you all.

You've all ruined Five Nights at Freddy's' business.

You all suck.

And then the gameplay, you have to go with the skeletons in this place with ugly people called "Grillby's".

It's a rip-off of McDonald's.

By the way, McDonald's is the best place to eat.

And here's -- and here's, like, an animation thingy of the gameplay.


You have to -- to avoid the big thingy.

And look, they have birds with eyes. This is the weirdest game ever.

Was that 9/11? My God, that's so offensive.

[sighs in English]

And not only that, it's ripping off Five Nights at Freddy's World, look.

"FNaF World gameplay".

It's the exact same thing.

Look at it.

Five Nights at Freddy's World has -- [clears throat] -- airplanes, and so does Undertale.

We need to stop Undertale.

See, look, you have choices, like "Bash Jam", "Munchies", and "Prize Ball", just like how Undertale ripped it off.

And look at this.

It's even more of a rip-off of the, uh --

It's more of a rip-off --

Undertale is a rip-off of "FNaF World Ha-, Hallo-, Halloween".



It's the exact same thing.

So, guys --

guys, I'm going to make a new hashtag to put -- put an end to -- an end to Undertale,

and it's gonna be...

"Hashtag, S, T, O, P, Stop, Undertale".

Takes you to a fucking --

See? Look at all these FNaF fans who are agreeing with me. It needs to go away.


So anyways guys, I hope you enjoyed the video, and bye.

For more infomation >> Undertale rant| ITS COPIENG FNAF WORLD [by TheAwesomeCODgamer] - Duration: 6:48.


5 Times Ash's Pikachu Made Us Cry - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> 5 Times Ash's Pikachu Made Us Cry - Duration: 9:34.


The Ending Of The Dark Knight Trilogy Explained - Duration: 5:50.

Christopher Nolan's epic Batman series ended on a somewhat confusing note.

Batman was essentially dead, Bruce Wayne retired in Italy, and all the villains met a slow,

dramatic end.

But every resolution seemed to bring yet another cliffhanger.

So what exactly happened with the finale of The Dark Knight Rises?

Here's an explanation of what really went down in the ending of Nolan's Batman series,

and what it meant — and still could mean — for the future.

Blast survivor

During the climax of the movie, Batman scoops up the bomb threatening Gotham with his Batpod

and shoots off toward the ocean as fast as he can, where it eventually explodes at a

safe distance from the city.

The now-dead Batman is finally hailed as the hometown hero he was all along, and Alfred

heads to Florence, likely holding onto a sliver of hope that he'll find Bruce Wayne living

a new life as a quiet family man — just as he'd described at the beginning of the


"I had this fantasy.

That I'd look across the tables, and I'd see you there.

With a wife."

Of course, Alfred does spot Bruce lunching with Selina Kyle in a pitch-perfect resolution

that, well, seems almost too good to be true.

And for many viewers, it was.

Some fans interpreted this as another instance of Christopher Nolan spinning top-style trickery.

They saw the scene of Wayne's perfect retirement as a part of Alfred's imagination.

But Christian Bale says what we saw was what we got.

"My personal opinion is no, it was not a dream, that that was for real."

The fact that Lucius Fox later discovers that the autopilot function on the Bat had been

restored by Bruce himself certainly lent some credence to Alfred's vision, too.

The light knight rises

If Batman was the Dark Knight, then Officer John Blake as the franchise's Robin is certainly

a lighter shade of justice.

"You should use your full name.

I like that name.



The orphan boy-turned-honest cop was a champion of kids in need, and helped reconnect Wayne

Enterprises with the orphanage he'd grown up in.

He's also the perfect person to take over and become the city's newest masked hero in

Batman's stead, a future that was heavily hinted at when he found the Batcave at the

end of the film.

We don't get to see what his crime-fighting style might be like, but based on his do-gooder

attitude throughout the collapse of the city, Blake could be an optimistic successor to

Wayne's tenure as Gotham's resident hero.

So the movie's closing moments, where Blake gets the keys to the cave asks the obvious


Room for a sequel?

It's been several years since The Dark Knight Rises closed out Nolan's Batman trilogy.

But the ending to the film definitely left the door open to more exploration of his grim

vision of Gotham City.

With Blake taking over the Batcave and plenty of villains from the comics waiting for their

turn on-screen, there's a ton of material to make this film series a quadrilogy or even


Unfortunately, the would-be star of such a sequel, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, has cast doubt

on the idea of Nolan's series ever getting a fourth installment.

He told Cinema Blend:

"I think Nolan very much thought of that movie as a conclusion, and there's a theme that

runs through all three of those movies that begins in the first movie, runs through the

second movie and it concludes in that moment where he says that Batman is more than a man,

Batman is a symbol.

And so to have another man other than Bruce Wayne kind of becoming Batman at the end of

that trilogy, I think that's the perfect ending to that story."

But still!

Even if Nolan and Gordon-Levitt aren't interested in returning to the material, another filmmaker

could, in theory, pick up where Nolan's series left off somewhere down the line.

After all, Bryan Singer's Superman Returns was a sequel to Superman II...26 years later

— and Singer just straight up ignored Superman III and IV.

So never say never.

Setting a tone

Before the Dark Knight, the Campiness of 1997's Batman and Robin derailed the Caped Crusader's

movie bankability.

"Hi Freeze.

I'm Batman."

But the end of Nolan's series signified a major tonal shift, giving us a much more serious

and dramatic style than the previous set of Batman films.

"I'm Batman."

That new, more grounded view of DC's comic book characters would become something of

an inadvertent standard for the DC Expanded Universe films to follow.

Just look at Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's grim, gritty vision of Batman.

The same dark tone colored the palettes of Henry Cavill's Superman, and Justice League

looks like it's heading in the same direction.

And that's not the only precedent Nolan's films set for the Batworld, either.

The standalone series

Everyone knows that shared comic movie universes are all the rage right now.

After all, there's a lot of money to be made by dangling one piece of the shared universe

as a must-see for the eventual superhero smash film that's coming soon from each studio.

Even Harry Potter has gotten in on the sequel-prequel spinoff game.

But The Dark Knight films proved that an endless extension of a beloved property isn't always

necessary to rake in the big bucks and earn respect at the same time.

While sequel hopes might always loom over Nolan's trilogy, it currently stands alone

as its own three-part series that earned a lot of respect from critics and had audiences

forking over their cash at the same time.

It's hard to imagine what might've become of the series if Nolan had allowed Warner

Bros. to spin the franchise out into a shared universe of its own.

But the fact is that he didn't, and his movies still accomplished everything they meant to.

Hopefully future filmmakers will look back his trilogy — and its standalone ending

— as the perfect way to handle high profile properties for the next generation...

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