Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Watch out

He had a rocket launcher

These guys've just raided a base

That's me, please not kill


I'm running

Cover me

I'm putting C4 on the door

Go on

Yeah, I just wanted you to know

Keep looking there so they won't close it

They'll try to close the hatch so be careful

I'll go down immediately

Wait, I'm going up

I have a thompson

I have an AK

And he was.. he had the classic

Loot him

I'd shoot 4 rockets down here



I thought he ran outside


Go back, geez


Go on


One more rocket

That was the third one, now fourth

Watch out

Sh*t, man!

Get him

I'll shoot him

I might use this one

Holy sh*t, that's f*cked

It's empty

It's not


I'm shooting from here

Good, good

No, no

It doesn't have...oh, it does


He's dead

What was that?

I can't

He's shooting at me

Watch out

F*ck this


Make it shoot everything

Can't you just throw C4 at it?

Well, ok, I could

Or a rocket, it doesnt't really matter

No, rocket wouldn't be enough

Wait, I'll do it

No, Black. Oh, ok

C4 won't be enough either?

It will

I f*cking hope so

Is it destroyed?


Wtf did he do?


Holy sh*t, look how much charcoal they have

He had a rocket launcher

Popol, come and help me

On my way

He wanted to shoot us with a rocket

Cover the door

Let's switch places, I'll jump over you


Keep your eyes at the door

Yeah, fine, really f*cking brilliant

He threw C4?

He threw C4, excuse me..

I was killed by the trap

I know

He opened the door and it got me

I'm almost there

Be quick

I should be close, I have a sleeping bag nearby

Yeah, I gave it to you


It should be right next to you

Nice, dude

- Popolnik, you're a god - Black, why don't you put C4 on it?

no, no

Are you alive, Black?

Yes, I'm fine

I'll leave the C4s and rockets here

Yeah, leave it there

That's not me

Kill everyone

No, Bioxik, they're looting you

We have to shoot to the middle one

Idk, I'll just shoot there

Wait, that would f*ck everything up

Can you stack that somehow?

Well, we don't really need charcoal

I'm close


Sh*t, I passed by it already, I'm suck and idiot

Someone cover the outside

Yeah, I'm outside

Don't let them come out

We can get everywhere, don't let them come out

He'll be out soon

He's coming out

They're still in

They're down and behind you

They'll have everything

Cover it from the outside

Yeah, I'm covering the door, they won't get out

Man, take everything, quickly!

The charcoal, everything..

One is coming up

I'm going up

Yeah, one's going up

Holy sh*t, dude


What was that?

I killed him, he fell


That was Nobody

Did you jump down?

What did you think?

When you appeared near the sleeping bags you scared me

Put a sleeping bag there for me

I don't know

F*ck, I am sorry

Watch out, he opened door up there

He (full gear) is dead

Nice, so you should..

F*ck, I'm so confused

Keep looking there

He has a C4


Watch the door, I know I said it 10000 times already

That's me next to you, okay?

Popolnik, one of us is going here! xD

Yeah, yeah

That's me, I'm going up the stairs

Yeah, yeah

Now you'll jump down..

Not yet

Ah, the turret is here

Wow, it almost got me now

I'm jumping down now, okay?

Watch out

Naked guy

I'm looting him

Yeah, loot Nobody

Yeah, loot me

Holy sh*t

Jackpot as f*ck, dude, wtf

The components


You took from the other one, Black

Do you have any gun? Give me a gun

Look into the chests

Someone's shooting at me


I'd kill you for this, Popolnik

This happens, you know, reflex..

Authorize youselves, we have sentry there

If I didn't have 60 fps, I might actually jump there

Good, I made it, I thought it was impossible

I had lags

I killed him


Who reloaded AK right now?


But let's focus on the guys who are inside

I don't know what they have

The sentry got us quite well, what can I say

Popolnik, I'm coming to the base

Should we take a look since Nobody is here?

I'm not there yet

Nevermind, sorry, nothing

Stay at the door

I see

How do I get there if we blow this up?

Can you see mine?

I can see you

He killed himself unfortunately

but it was clever, not many people would think about it

Kill himself to despawn silently

Let's go

Take it all

Did you take all the components?

Yes, good

We have all

There is a turret, so I won't go there

It's not there anymore

It was destroyed, so you can go there

But, btw, I found 2 rockets in the chests

and one C4 from a dead body

So that's what we gained from this

What about sulphur?

And there was about 6-8 thousand of sulphur

Tell me how much you have



I have 6... 7 thousand

Okay, someone else has sulphur?


7000 is still really good

plus C4

one satchel


And those two rockets

That was fun

Did you take the charcoal?



I did

I thought so

There was 30 000 of charcoal

I try to take all of it

So yeah, here's the rest

Do you have low grade?

And stone?

I have stones

I have 6 walls

Me too

Chat, remember I have explosive ammo in the AK and remind me

Good, let's just go

Idk what we're waiting for

I'm doing something here, dude


What did you get to eat, Vlada?

We don't need iron, right?

Did your mom recommend that?

Don't stop

We have hatch

Let's go

Watch out for those guys

This was fun

For more infomation >> ONLINE RAID | ENGLISH SUBTITLES | CZ - Duration: 10:03.


Watch your step..while texting - Duration: 0:32.















For more infomation >> Watch your step..while texting - Duration: 0:32.


Another Reason For Brexodus English Syphilis Cases Soar To Higher - tech and science - Duration: 2:57.

Another Reason For Brexodus?

English Syphilis Cases Soar To Highest In 80 Years

It's not just bankers that are leaving the UK, broad-based Brexodus continues as EU citizens

flee the apparently sinking-ship and now, courtesy of the latest report from Public

Health England, they have another good reason to leave 'Ol Blighty - cases of syphilis have

reached their highest level since 1949, new figures have shown.

After the Brexit referendum, more EU citizens are leaving Britain, while less Europeans

are coming in.

As the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show, 2016 brought 84,000

less migrants, compared to the previous year.

Statista's Fabian Moebus points out that the net migration of 248,000 people is the lowest

number of yearly newcomers in over three years.

Immigration from EU countries decreased by 43,000 people while emigration increased by

31,000, which makes Europeans the main factor behind the trend with a net change of minus


You will find more statistics at Statista

And now might be an opportune time for 'young' Europeans to 'Brexodus' some more, as Sky

News reports, in 2016, there were 5,920 diagnoses of syphilis - an increase of 12% from the

previous year and almost double the 3,001 recorded in 2012.

Dr Michael Brady, medical director at sexual health charity the Terrence Higgins Trust,


"Today's figures show unacceptably high rates of STIs.

"We're facing huge challenges, such as the continued rise of syphilis and ongoing concerns

around drug-resistant gonorrhoea, and we urgently need to address the nation's poor sexual health

and rates of STIs in those most at risk."

He said that cuts in local authority public health budgets were having a "visible impact",

including a 9% decrease in the number of chlamydia tests taken.

"It is also now essential that Public Health England, the Department of Health and local

authorities ensure improved access to effective STI and HIV testing, treatment and prevention


"Otherwise, we cannot expect to address the ongoing sexual health crisis."

The impact of STIs remains greatest in heterosexuals aged 15 to 24, black ethnic minorities and

gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.

For more infomation >> Another Reason For Brexodus English Syphilis Cases Soar To Higher - tech and science - Duration: 2:57.



Hi I'm Steve Owens and welcome to Steve's kitchen. Now one of the things I love to

do is bake but one other thing I love even more than that

is to taste and experiment with food. Recently I bought

a Rosemary and vine fruit bloomer from a

local bakers and it is just delicious, so today I'm going to share with you the

recipe, you really should try this

it's fantastic come on let me show you how

Now when you're making bread it really is important to weigh things out rather

than to use cups it's far more accurate

I've got 350 grams that's twelve ounces of a bread flour or strong flour in a bowl

I've got a hundred grams of rye flour that's about three and a half ounces

and pop that in there as well I have a hundred grams of mixed grain now in

here we've got

oatmeal wheat berries and some semolina but you can use

any whole grains you like this is going to give a lovely nutty texture to the bread

a couple of teaspoons of salt little bit more than most but it does enhance the


now I'm using instant dry yeast here if you use regular yeast you may have to

activate it as the packet says

just pop that away from the salt I've got some warm water three hundred


just going to pour that in and I'm going to start the process with a fork I'm just

going to

blend this together this just keeps your hands clean really at the beginning of

the mixing process

and once that's started to bind together I'm going to get my hands in there now

and draw this together into a dough. Now as that dough starts to come together it

will be quite sticky

we're going to bring it out onto our counter now for sure

if you have a dough hook and a stand mixer please feel free to use it I

prefer to do this by hand I just like the feel

of the dough now I'm going to start kneading this I'm stretching it out

until I get a lovely elastic dough so I'm just using the palm of my hand to push

it out and stretch the gluten

now expect the dough at this point to be fairly sticky but as you work it

and we going to do this for about 10 minutes you'll start to get less

stickiness and a beautiful silky texture

Now after just 10 minutes of kneading I've added no extra water or flour into


we've got this wonderful elastic dough and if you stretch that round like that there's

got a lovely spring back

the other reason for doing it by hand of course is we all need a bit of


in our life. Now fresh rosemary I want you to take

a tablespoon and a half of fresh chopped up rosemary

just pop it on to your bread pull that out a little bit like that because I'm

taking a hundred grams thats three-and-a-half ounces

of plump sultanas and just popping it on there as well

and then what we want to do is fold these into the bread

and another few minutes just to make sure they're fully incorporated

into the bread and now I've got that beautifully incorporated into the bread

I'm just going to take that up, I've got my bowl here again we'll take a little bit of

olive oil

and pop are dough in there and just coated over with the oil

then we want to cover that with a damp cloth and leave it somewhere warm for an


or at least until its doubled in size

now my dough has taken about an hour to rise it's beautiful there were just going to

knock this down now

knock the air back out of it then I'm going to lift this dough

out onto my work surface. Just going to put a light dusting of flour

underneath I'm just going to roll this up

nice and tight take a cutter

and just divide the dough into two pieces we're going to get two loaves out of this

now I'm just going to ease this out into a sausage shape

and then I'm just going to use my hands and just pull the dough

around nice and tight like that and then the same again

with the second one so we end up with two beautiful plump

little loaves like that then I'm just going to lay these

out onto a baking tray I'm going to cover these over with a damp cloth

I'm going to leave them in a warm area until they've plumped up almost doubled in size

maybe about 30 minutes

now look at those they risen beautifully now I've preheated an oven to 190

degrees Celsius thats 375 fahrenheit

I'm going to bake these for about 25-35 minutes just keep an eye on them

before they go in I'm just going to take a sharp knife and just

these are bloomers after all, I'm just going to cut a few lines

across the Bloomers to allow them to open up as they bake

now they're ready to go in the oven

now look at those they've just come out of the oven

they are piping hot we need to leave them to completely cool down the smell

coming off there

is just delicious. Now I'm so impatient they haven't quite cooled down yet but I'm

going to have a piece they smell delicious

and what better way to serve them than with a farmhouse cheddar

and an Australian Merlot I'm just going to pour myself a little bit now

take a slice of this bloomer

lovely and crisp can you hear that?

I'm going to take a piece of this cheddar

it's crumbly and cheers here's to your health

Bon Apetit here goes ahh

that never ceases to amaze me just how good that is the combination of the


and the sultanas you really have to give this a try please

share the love give this one the thumbs up. What are you still doing here? you

should be off

making this loaf be good I'll see you in the next video


For more infomation >> FRUIT OF THE VINE AND ROSEMARY BREAD - Duration: 5:50.


4 Spiritual Healing Techniques I Use To Help Treat My Depression - Duration: 5:18.

4 Spiritual Healing Techniques I Use To Help Treat My Depression

Being sad is not easy.

Being diagnosed as depressed is even worse.

When I first was diagnosed with depression in the Fall of 2011, I was just a 18-year-old

kid starting out her journey as a freshman in college.

I was in my dream university away from home with a partial scholarship and dreams as big

as anyone else�s.

I had nothing to be depressed about but I fell into it.

After suffering from emotions of loneliness, anxiety, helplessness, and much seclusion,

I finally sought help.

It was only about 2 weeks into these feelings that I visited my school�s mental health

office, but I had no idea of what I was getting into.

Once I received my diagnosis, I accepted the fact that I needed to start attending both

individual and group therapy sessions.

Having attended therapy for about 2 years, I knew that getting control of my mental health

was not the finish line.

I learned that depression was a lifelong battle and that just like an addiction, relapsing

was always a possibility.

Because of this, I adopted four spiritual healing techniques to assist me in both times

of need and my daily routine.

Amethyst Healing Gemstones

This is a fairly recent technique I have tried.

Having gone through a major surgery where three benign tumors were removed from my abdomen

this past January, the state of my physical health had a major strain on my mental health.

Two amethyst stones were given to me by my grandmother.

I began rubbing these two stones on each side of my head (respectfully) every time I felt

my anxiety kicking in at home for a few minutes.

Slowly but surely they helped ease the mental strain I was going through.

I also have an amethyst bracelet I wear.

Incense Sticks

Sometimes the most relaxing place to be is in our home.

Whether it be a long day of work, or just the general comfort of being in your home,

being inside the four walls that you call your own is the best place to be.

When you deal with mental health issues however, sometimes they can make you feel even more


That is why aromatherapy was a great therapy technique for me.

Whenever I feel like my emotions are getting to be too much and I am at home, I alternate

between burning incense sticks and lighting candles to ease my anxieties.

Meditation Books

As a precautionary measure, I enjoy reading meditation books and articles that help guide

me during my meditation practices.

While I have electronic media to help guide my meditation, I find that reading helps present

everything from a stronger perspective.

This is also a way to get mindfulness thinking in your day if you have the schedule that

allows you to read bits and pieces.

Mindful Eating

Eating three meals a day is both important and recommended, but how many times do we

eat one of these meals interrupted by the time constraints of the day, or events up


After realizing, this I adopted a mindful eating diet.

I eat between 5 to 6 times a day and proportion out my meals to both healthy and equal amounts

each time.

This gives me both something to look forward to and be thankful for.

With a more balanced eating schedule, I am also able to appreciate each and every piece

of my meal and practice mindfulness while doing so, both through scanning my body and

examining my five senses while I eat my meal.

In addition, I drink natural and organic teas.

While these techniques have helped maintain a healthy battle with depression, they are

ultimately techniques that can be used by anyone to be in touch with both their spiritual


mental health.

For more infomation >> 4 Spiritual Healing Techniques I Use To Help Treat My Depression - Duration: 5:18.


LES BIENFAITS DU CHOCOLAT, un aliment antistress mais pas seulement :) - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> LES BIENFAITS DU CHOCOLAT, un aliment antistress mais pas seulement :) - Duration: 2:25.


My Secret Romance Eps.02 Subtitle Indo & EngSub - Duration: 53:44.

<i>[Episode 2: You've Deeply Insulted Me]</i>

Geez, I'm so charming.

You're not the first woman who cried because of me

but you're the first who cried because I asked if you were okay.

And you're the first woman I find pretty...

when you cry.

It's really late, so I better get going.

<i>Yeah, I know that!</i>

<i>Hurry up!</i>


Get your act together, Lee Yoo Mi. This isn't right.

Who's that?

<i>[Three years later]</i>

Mister! Mister! Mister!

<i>[2017: Functional underwear design and OEM production.]</i>

The response is very good compared to the pre-existing model.

Of course.

As you can see, our brand of men's functional underwear

has become a household name.

As well as Korea, our overseas sales have increased by 19.2 percent this year.

This line was also released in a fashion show in Paris

and one pair of underwear is sold every second on TV infomercials.

That's it for our result report on the first half of 2017.

Wow! What gave you the idea of modeling them yourself?

Geez, your body looks amazing.

It is a businessman's virtue to make a crisis into an opportunity.

It makes me proud to see you do well in everything you get your hands on.

It's amazing.

I will send you the international business plan by the end of the week.

But when are you going to get married?

We've finished our market research, and once we edit our marketing strategy...

When are you going to have a baby?

I don't have any plans to have one. I have too much work to do.

You're already 32. When are you going to get married and give me a grandchild?

I told you to stop fooling around, not to become a monk.

Then would you like me to donate my sperm someplace?

That way you can have a grandchild?

- What? - If that's all...

Please enjoy the rest of your morning. I must finish our meeting.


That's okay. No need to stand up. Why all the trouble?

There's no need for us to sit here any longer.

I have urgent business to take care of.

Let's go.

What's with the mood in here? Are you sleepy?

This isn't a formal place, so please feel free to eat. You worked hard.

But who came up with this season's marketing strategy?

We stressed our strengths, including the segregated structure and 3D design...

My question is, isn't your job to stress those features

in an eye-catching way?

I will definitely keep that in mind!

I'm sorry. Please keep eating. My apologies.

By the way, please review the overseas marketing strategy again.

Who's the one who saved Daebok from a crisis?

Me, Cha Jin Wook!

Am I working alone here?

Don't even think about getting paid to work sluggishly.

Please redo the entire marketing strategy and submit it to me by tomorrow.

Make me like it.

- Geez. - What the heck?

What is it? Is there a problem?

- No! - No!

Please eat. This isn't a formal place. Eat in peace.

<i>- Thank you. - Enjoy!</i>

Sweet! Hot dogs!

I would have made them more often if I knew you liked them so much.

Please make it for us every day!

What do we do? Today's my last day. This is my last gift to you.

You're lying, aren't you?

I'm telling the truth. You won't see me starting tomorrow.

Even when I'm not here, finish all your food, and don't be picky.

You better eat everything, okay?

- Teacher, please don't go. - Please don't go.

- Don't go. - Don't go.

- Don't go. - Don'g go.

Don't go...

- Good work, girls! - We worked hard!

We're finally going to work as nutritionists.

Where were you all assigned?

I'm working at a university. I'm so glad I'm in Seoul instead of a small town.

I'm in a hospital.

- Yoo Mi, how about you? - I'm at a company.

- What company? - Daebok Group.

- Amazing. - No, it's called, "Daebok."

I know that company. They're famous for their underwear.

Wow, Lee Yoo Mi, you hit it big.

Hey, companies are the best.

There are no kids, the headcount is always the same, and above all...

You can flirt with the men there.

Girls, no one better go home tonight.

- Cheers! - Cheers!

Blackey. Blackey.

Blackey, what's wrong?

Wait, your stomach...

Hey, you're going to be a mother!

Hey, they say the calmest are the ones to watch out for.

This punk.

The smell...

is all gone now.

Here's your beer.

Excuse me, you can't sleep here.

Her taste is still the same.

Excuse me. Excuse me, you can't sleep...


- Ouch. - What time is it?

It's 2 a.m.

Why do you sleep here when your place is right upstairs?

You snore too.

I fall asleep when I read.

Hey, what kind of dreams do you expect to dream after reading this?

Hey, I can dream about whatever I want.

It seems like your business is booming. You have customers even at this hour.

I'm exhausted.

- Isn't tomorrow your first day? - Yeah.

Go upstairs. Do you want a wakeup call?

Thank you.

Hey, the door!


Daebok, huh?

I guess I'll find out if I hit it big or not when I go there tomorrow.


You have a meeting from 8:26 a.m. to 8:52 a.m.

- From 9:03 a.m. to... - Please stop there.

- Did you lose sleep again? - What else is new?

- What about your meals? - I'll take care of that.

Please take care of your health. You'll collapse at this rate.

Secretary Jang, you don't wear matching underwear too, do you?

If you're curious...

<i>First floor.</i>

<i>The door is closing.</i>

Director Cha.

- Did you see her? - What do you mean?

The woman in black who got into the elevator.

Are you sure you're not feeling unwell?

You don't have a fever.

Just as I expected.

Wow, this is nice.

Where is the nutrition office?

<i>[Nutritionist Kim Ha Young]</i>

I guess this is my seat.

That's okay. I'm lucky that I have a job.

You did it, Lee Yoo Mi. I'm proud of you.

I'm the new nutritionist of Daebok Group, Lee Yoo Mi. It's nice to meet you.


- Where did you work before? - I was at a school...

- University? - No, elementary.

The kids were cute.

Company lunches are at a different level from school lunches.

There's a difference in the number of people and portions, it's not easy.

- Yes, I will work very... - No, don't work hard.

- Pardon? - Oh, our cook hates that.

The newbies always try to work hard and end up messing up.

Focus on doing your own work properly. We'll do the rest.

Then, what should I do?

The potatoes are a little late. They're on their way right now.

I'll show her around.

I'll do it.

- Let's go. - Yes, let's go.

Then I guess that's it! Work hard, everyone!

But she has to peel onions.

Wow, she found a way out of it once again.

You must bring in the ingredients to the kitchen yourself.

I see.

But it seems like the cook is very reserved.

- I'm sure she'll warm up, right? - No, don't expect that to happen.

The nutritionist who was here before you quit because of her.

- Really? - How old are you?

I'm 28.

We're the same age.

Damn, he's sexy.

He's matching from top to bottom as usual.

- But who is he? - He's the director's secretary.

Oh, he has a unique style.

I thought secretaries typically wear black.

That's his way of relieving his stress.


The director's temper is no joke.

You know what a kitchen timer is? He uses that for his meetings.

They call it a time bomb.

Does the director eat at the company cafeteria?

No, I've worked here for over a year

and I've never seen him eat in the cafeteria.

I heard he eats bread or instant noodles because he has no time to eat.

Gosh, that's not healthy.

But, his muscles and shoulders are still perfect.

I want to strip him down one day.

Director Cha, it's time for the meeting.


Eun Bi, I need an access card.

- Go to the accounting department. - Thank you.

<i>Going up to the seventh floor.</i>

Damn it.

Gosh, I should pay attention if I want to keep this job.

Oh no, my coin.

I'll catch the next one.

Damn it.

What is this? Where did my 500 won go?

Please sit down.

It's a waste of time. Please stay seated.

I heard you call this "the time bomb."

I want to reward whoever named it. I love the name.

Then let's finish this meeting before it explodes.

In order to emphasize the fact that the owner is the brand's model

- how about an event... - Enough. Next.

How about we let the men try on the underwear in the stores

and show them their testicle temperatures.

- When the sperm is the most active... - Enough.

The underwear is made of a material used by astronauts...

so let's invite some astronauts...

You must be kidding me.

Do you want to fight? What's next?


There are...

There are so many of you! Is that all you can...

- Director Cha! - Director Cha!

<i>That makes no sense.</i>

Your health comes first.

You can leave the company in our hands...

If I do, how badly will you screw it up?

It's good to work, but you must take care of your health.

That's right!

That's what I mean! If you...

Do you only think about spending money?

We're still under emergency management. Don't come here to boss me around.

Please do your jobs, instead.

Yes, we will do that.

Please get some rest. Let's go.

- I'll tender my resignation tomorrow. - What?

It's my fault that you collapsed. I have no right to be your secretary.

What are you saying? You're not the one who should resign.

Thank you for everything.

Secretary Jang. Secretary Jang. Secretary... Hey.

Come on! Geez.

What do I have to do? What is it that you want?

- Please eat three meals a day. - You must be crazy.

- Goodbye. - Fine. Fine. Fine, I'll eat!

Then, I'll make necessary arrangements.

Pardon? You want another nutritionist? You can't do this on my first day.

Let me finish.

I considered hiring another nutritionist

but if possible, I'd prefer our company nutritionist who feeds our staff

make Director Cha's meals because it'd be more rational and effective.

I also think it'd be systematically and financially favorable.

Then, you're not firing me?

If you accept my proposal.

I'll do it! We'll take care of Director Cha's meals.

He's also a part of this company, so we should take care of that.

- She's pissed. - She must be crazy.

How is she planning to handle the aftermath?

Then three times a day, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

please prepare a healthy and timely meal for Director Cha.

Three meals a day?

- Is there a problem? - Um, no.

We take care of the employees' lunch, so how hard could it be?

Don't worry.

Then please do this for the next three months until Director Cha recovers.

I'll look forward to seeing your abilities.

I take my leave.

It'll be okay, right?

<i>We never agreed to that.</i>

But he's the director of this company...

- So what? - Pardon?

Um... Well...

Doesn't he have his own hands and feet? Tell him to come here himself.

But he's too busy to do that, so that's why...

We're busy too!

Don't you know that taking food out of the cafeteria is a violation?

Even if you didn't know, you didn't get my permission!

Is this a joke to you?

Do you think I can make make food out of thin air when you ask for it?

Please don't get mad.

Hey, don't be like that.

Take care of his meals yourself. Don't think about pushing it on us.

You guys better focus on doing your own work, got it?

<i>It's correct to use another expression...</i>

<i>but if you hold strict standards for coined terms</i>

<i>it may be an indicator of a generation gap.</i>

- I'll take you home. - Take me to my office.

- The doctor told you to rest... - Are you going to listen to him or me?

The doctor. We're going home.

<i>[Joo Hye Ri]</i>

Did you tell her, by any chance?

She said she'd scavenge every hospital in Seoul if I didn't tell her.

If I run into her, I might be hospitalized again.

Geez, let's go home!

- No, we can't take this one. - Let's take the fire exit!

Wow, Cha Jin Wook. Are you ignoring my calls?

Gosh, he's driving me crazy.

She looks like the girl on TV. Oh my gosh.

<i>- Please prepare his meal.</i> - Pardon? Right now?

- Yes, I will. <i>- Bye.</i>

Gosh, what do I do? What do I do?

If he collapsed, he should rest. Why is back so early?

<i>For the next three months, I'll look forward to your abilities.</i>

Oh no, it's burning.

- Here. - Thank you.

Oh, wait a minute.

I take my leave.

I'm nervous.

<i>[I hope you recover soon. Enjoy! - Nutritionist Lee Yoo Mi]</i>

- What's that? - I'm not sure. Vegetable porridge?

Yeah, right.

Does this look like porridge to you?

Dog food would taste better than this. Throw this out.

Please enjoy.


One moment.

Yes, this is Lee Yoo Mi.

Excuse me?

You want me to make it again?

We're out of cucumber kimchi. What do we do?


What do we do?

- Director Cha, your food is here. - Going on a business trip.

All of a sudden?

It's time for his dinner.

Right, yes. I'm delivering his dinner right now...


<i>Director Cha will go straight home after his business trip.</i>

You could have told me earlier.

Give me a glass of water filled with ice.

Where is he?

Hey, you left your store to play hooky, didn't you?

I've been feeling under the weather, so I played basketball.

Excuse me, can you sign this?

Oh, sure.

Thank you.

You're the owner of a bookstore, and a famous writer.

Is it nice to make money while you play?

I was on my feet all day today.

- I'm so jealous of you. - You said you were overworked today.

It looks like you're really down. Do you want some beer?

I quit alcohol.

I'm not someone who should drink.


Do you read erotic novels out loud when you're drunk, Housemistress?

- I told you to stop calling me that. - Don't come near me.

- I told you to stop calling me that! - Ouch, it hurts.

Stop it, okay? Hey!


Stop it. Stop. Stop.


Don't mess with me.

You're like a devil.

I can make those meals. Bring it on. I can do it.

I'm the super, ultra, best nutritionist in the universe!

Today, I made bulgogi with rice.

Can he look forward to today's meal?

- Of course. - I take my leave.

I hope it's okay.

Nutritionist Lee!

The bananas that were left out last time just arrived!


- You must eat it even if it's not good. - I know. Leave it there.

Okay, then.

If you don't eat, I will tender my resignation.


I'll eat it!

I can smell food.

- Na Young, come in for a minute. <i>- Yes, sir.</i>

And don't tell Secretary Jang.


He threw it out without even tasting it?

Are these the main products of the current season?

Yes, that's right.

It's made of TENCEL, which is a natural ingredient.

And it has a 3D loose shape, so it maintains cleanliness.

Did you try it on yourself?

Of course.

If it's not our company's product, I can't wear...

Chairman Cha.

Did Hye Ri contact you?

- Pardon? - I like Hye Ri.

She'd be a perfect daughter-in-law.

She's too immature for my liking.

If I set you up with a mature woman, will you date her?

- No. - You need a wife...

to feed you.

I have a wife right here.

- Did a woman break your heart once? - Pardon?

Geez, what are you saying?

I'm the one who broke countless hearts.

You know that, don't you, Secretary Jang? Isn't that right, Secretary Kim?

Father. Chairman.

- Is Director Cha really not here? - Right, he's not here right now.

- Then can you pass on this message? - What is it?

Tell him not to waste perfectly good food.

Tell him I'd like to know what's wrong, and what he wants to eat...

I'd like some feedback from him.

- Please tell him that. - Sure.

Let's go.

<i>[Resume]</i> Lee Yoo Mi.

<i>"The art of dining well is no slight art, the pleasure not a slight pleasure."</i>

<i>Michel de Montaigne.</i>

<i>[Director Cha Jin Wook's Nutritional and Taste Preference Report]</i>

- What is... - It's his personal information

so it must never be disclosed.

Director Cha would like you to make his meals according to this information.

Wait, all of this...


Going forward, don't just barge in if you have something to discuss

but call this number instead.

- Cha Jin Wook? - I take my leave.

Good morning.

Good morning.

I'm sorry I'm late!

Lee Yoo Mi, you've deeply insulted me.

Wait, what's going on?

Did... Did you see the girl I was with?

She ran away!

Excuse me? She ran away?

He must have been really bad to make her run away.

Oh my! Oh my goodness!

No, it's not what you're thinking!

I'm good at it! What are you talking about?

What are you good at?

Geez, my battery is dead!

It's not what you think!

<i>She ran away!</i>

<i>Director Cha, I've prepared a hearty steak salad for breakfast!</i>

- Here. - Thank you.

<i>Didn't you read my report? I don't like it medium rare or well done.</i>

<i>I'm pretty sure I said to cook it so that it's just in between.</i>

What are you doing? Aren't you going to check the ingredients?

Oh, yes I'm coming!

Get that away from me.

It smells.

If you're plugging your nose, why did you bring it in here?

Take this out too.

<i>Grilled fish? Are you kidding me?</i>

<i>My room smells like fish now! What are you going to do about it?</i>

<i>I'm sorry.</i>

You're late.

Damn it.

<i>I'm strict about time.</i>

<i>Even if it's a minute late, I won't eat it.</i>

That's it for this month's performance briefing.

Okay, that's it for today.

- Thank you. - Thank you for your hard work.

- It's delicious. - What are you eating by yourself?

Let me try some. I'm hungry.

- Isn't it good? - It's disgusting.

<i>Director Cha.</i>

<i>It's normal for healthy food to taste bitter.</i>

<i>Then why does your food taste bitter in my mouth as well as my body?</i>

This son of a bitch!


That son of a bitch. Let's die together.

My food's enemy.

I'll make sure to get my revenge, with delicious food.

It looks like she's eating the food that Director Cha rejected again.

But doesn't it look like Yoo Mi is slowly going insane?

I feel bad for Yoo Mi.

She won't be able to hold out with her personality.

She needs to be more free-spirited like me.

Hey, don't do this to me. I might get a nose bleed.

Shut up and eat your food.

<i>- You've deeply insulted me. - I've seen him before.</i>

<i>Where did I see him?</i>

<i>Hey, no way. There's no way.</i>

What a joke. You're the one who insulted me.

<i>Today's lunch is very nutritious! It's nutritious abalone rice.</i>

- Director Cha, here's your food. - Take it back.

This won't work.

Why don't you employ a chef instead? If you collapse again...

I'm taking supplements. Don't worry.

Okay, then.

When should I let it explode?


The food bomb.

- No way. - Why? Don't you like pork cutlets?

It requires a lot of effort. It's too difficult.

But, it's a popular dish.

We better plan out the menu again. I don't like it.

Does everyone think that way?

These are some notes that our customers left after you started working here.

"I don't like sour kimchi."

"There's nothing to eat."

"Black bean noodles and pickled radish? They're taking the easy way out."

"The nutritionist who was here before was prettier."

I agree with that one.

Gosh, it looks like another rejection.

<i>I'm allergic to abalone.</i>

<i>That wasn't in your report. Since when?</i>

<i>- Since today.</i> - Wow...

<i>Kitchen Maid, did you fail again today?</i>

<i>Nothing is going right because of that bastard.</i>

<i>Can I expect proper food for dinner tonight?</i>

<i>You little shit.</i>

I hope you go to hell and eat all that food I made you, you son of of a bitch!

I must have lost my mind. Why did I send this? Why?

Oh no, what do I do?

What's the matter?

I committed a horrible sin.

No, I have something to tell him. I just need a...

- I can't allow that. - But...

<i>Tell her to come in.</i>

I'm Nutritionist Lee Yoo Mi.

I didn't want you to get the wrong idea. I didn't mean to send you that message.

That was meant for my friend.

I see.

I didn't know you also made food for your friend. You must be busy.

I'm sorry. If you forgive me, I will be eternally grateful.

Are you telling me you couldn't find one model out of all those applicants?

Yes, they're all too expensive. They don't fit our budget...

- We're in a state of an emergency. - Then are we going to leave it alone?

We're looking for a rookie model. But none of them...

are handsome enough.

- They actually want you to model. - Me?

I'm sorry, but our female staff are such great fans of yours.

How can I possibly do that?

That's nonsense.

What's this?

I'm not sure.

Vegetable porridge?

Yeah, right. Take this away.

Why are there mushrooms? Am I Mario?

Geez, it looks like porridge.

You've deeply insulted me.

<i>[My Secret Romance]</i>

<i>- Is work hard for you? - There are so many companies out there.</i>

<i>I'm done for. I'm doomed.</i>

<i>I have to feed a rogue three meals a day.</i>

<i>A one night stand between a female employee and that bastard? Interesting.</i>

<i>I can't trust your food or your words.</i>

<i>Why would I eat your food?</i>

<i>So when are you going back?</i>

<i>- That scrap of vegetable pancake? - "Scrap"?</i>

<i>Let me ask you something. Why did you leave that morning? Tell me.</i>

For more infomation >> My Secret Romance Eps.02 Subtitle Indo & EngSub - Duration: 53:44.


At Hırsızı Echo - Çaldığı İntro (Orjinal Şarkı: Demren - Killer (Bugy Remix) - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> At Hırsızı Echo - Çaldığı İntro (Orjinal Şarkı: Demren - Killer (Bugy Remix) - Duration: 1:43.


10 things to do AFTER you install NinjaTrader 8 - Duration: 5:02.

Here are 10 things you're really going to want to do

AFTER you install NT8....

(funky music)

(More Funky Music)

So you're going to want to modify your instrument list and include all the symbols you're going to want to trade.

So if you trade futures and notice there are only a handful that are listed default don't be surprised

just add them in -- if you're trade forex you'll notice the thing .. they have instrument lists and they have a lot of popular symbols but they are not complete

So you might want to add those in as well. They've done a good job for stock traders but you will want to create your own

instrument list to put together hot list of stocks.

So one thing that's useful is you can have it automatically roll over your futures contract.

Go into your control center, into NT8, and click on the Tools menu followed by database. Box is called Futures expire.

Select this and your contracts will automatically get rolled over.

For more infomation >> 10 things to do AFTER you install NinjaTrader 8 - Duration: 5:02.


The Voucher - Bored Ep 79 (When customers think they are right) - Duration: 3:06.

Hey how ya going man


I've just got this voucher

Haha - good one

Yeah, nah, it is a good one. 50% off anything

We definitely can no accept this

Well ya kind of have to

Well for one it looks just absolutely handwritten

Well you can't really prove that can you?

It looks like it's just handwritten like a childs written it

Nah that's just fancy fonts

You can do anything with computers these days, handwritten fonts

Hmmm its just so clearly not something thats been written on a computer

Well you can't really prove that

I mean have you read the consumers rights act?

I've read the consumers rights act

Well what does it say?

That..... it legit

Thats what it says?


So 50% off

I've got other notes

Another note would be...

Its very generic, theres no information on it

Our brand Playtech

No branding? You sure about that? Ooops sorry

hang on just picking it up

Off the floooooooor


So what was your main complaint about it?

I was just saying there is no branding on there at all

Here it is at the top there. Playtech

Play4tech, pla4tech?

Playtech - thats a styilized y

That says playtech just there - you might have missed that

You're still holding the vivid by the way

I'm making these connections...

Connections? Thats circumstantial at best!

I mean what, a man can't have a vivid?

a man can't have a vivid in his pocket?

as hes walking round day to day life might need to write something down

I can't believe I'm about to say this but I need to get my manager

Well do what you need

whatever helps you sleep at night

Rowan, I need you at front counter

He'll be here soon


what seems to be the problem here?

Well I've got this voucher I'd like to use and -

see its just that it looks like its handwritten....

Well you can't prove that

Well so Well so Well so

Do you know, do you know?!

Uh oh Uh Oh Uh Oh

You could make it look hand written and its not handwritten

uh oh uh oh

have you read the consumer rights act?!

I dont care, no one cares, no one really cares

Uh oh uh oh

What I can't have a vivid, this is my vivid

uh oh, is this your voucher?

oh really oh really?

Dont care dont care dont care

Well well well!!!!

I put this here and I screw it up

Well then, well yep

Goodbye sir, goodbye sir

Thanks man

For more infomation >> The Voucher - Bored Ep 79 (When customers think they are right) - Duration: 3:06.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | 'S.H.I.E.L.D.- HYDRA.It All Goes' Scene | HD - Duration: 4:12.

He said peace wasn't an achievement,

it was a responsibility.

See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues.

We have to stop the launch.

I don't think the Council's accepting my calls any more.

What's that?

Once the helicarriers reach 3,000 feet,

they'll triangulate with Insight satellites, becoming fully weaponised.

We need to breach those carriers

and replace their targeting blades with our own.

One or two won't cut it.

We need lo link all three carriers for this to work,

because if even one of those ships remains operational,

a whole lot of people are gonna die.

We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is HYDRA.

We have to get past them, insert these server blades.

And maybe, just maybe we can salvage what's left...

We're not salvaging anything.

We're not just taking down the carriers, Nick.

We're taking down S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had nothing to do with this.

You gave me this mission. This is how it ends.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been compromised. You said so yourself.

HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed.

Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? I noticed.

How many paid the price before you did?

Look, I didn't know about Barnes.

Even if you had, would you have told me?

Or would you have compartmentalised that, too?


it all goes.

He's right.

Don't look at me.

I do what he does, just slower.


It looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain.

We looked for you, after.

My folks wanted to give you a ride to the cemetery.

I know, I'm sorry. I just kind of wanted to be alone.

How was it?

It was okay.

She's next to Dad.

I was gonna ask...

I know what you're gonna say, Buck. I just...

We can put the couch cushions on the floor

like when we were kids.

It'll be fun. All you got to do is shine my shoes,

maybe take out the trash.

Come on.

Thank you, Buck, but I can get by on my own.

The thing is, you don't have to.

I'm with you to the end of the line, pal.

He's gonna be there, you know.

I know.

Look, whoever he used to be and the guy he is now,

I don't think he's the kind you save.

He's the kind you stop.

I don't know if I can do that.

Well, he might not give you a choice.

He doesn't know you.

He will.

Gear up. It's time.

You gonna wear that?

No. If you're gonna fight a war, you got to wear a uniform.

Oh, man.

I am so fired.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | 'S.H.I.E.L.D.- HYDRA.It All Goes' Scene | HD - Duration: 4:12.


מיקמק - שיטת מנוי חדשה 2017 - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> מיקמק - שיטת מנוי חדשה 2017 - Duration: 7:45.


Just Dance 2018 Previews E3: Shape of you ? 24K Magic ? - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Just Dance 2018 Previews E3: Shape of you ? 24K Magic ? - Duration: 4:50.


Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.28 build 9 cracked (Jun 2017)| Download Link In Description| - Duration: 9:42.

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

Download Link In Description

For more infomation >> Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.28 build 9 cracked (Jun 2017)| Download Link In Description| - Duration: 9:42.


El Speaker - Put Your Love (Azide Remix) - Duration: 2:49.

Show me how good it feels

Beautiful it could be

If i get closer, closer to you

Get close to that chemistry

'Oh' drop magnetic

Let me show you what else we can do

Make it bounce

You ain't gotta go and make it harder

I need you if make it harder

Nobody else matters

You know that you don't need to wonder

You ain't gotta go and make it harder

I need you to come make it harder

Nobody else matters

I already made you my lover

For more infomation >> El Speaker - Put Your Love (Azide Remix) - Duration: 2:49.


【親弟弟正式登場】放棄工程師高薪!追逐Youtuber夢想 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> 【親弟弟正式登場】放棄工程師高薪!追逐Youtuber夢想 - Duration: 4:57.


RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP PT.3 (Guy2Bezbar, XV BarBar, Trafiquinté) Trap Français Réaction - Duration: 10:49.

One, two, three

I was sleepy but this song woke me up

Oh, Niska!

I will definitely add this song to my playlist


Look how many people are out there! -Yeah

Damn! So many people!

That's crazy. The whole neighborhood

I don't remember seeing a music video with so many people in it


Amazing song


Whoa, they're doing pull ups! That's good!

Guys from Barbes

Everybody is wearing Nike

They look tough

Now I know one more word in French

Really dope artist

Do you understand that we just wanna dance to the music that promotes violence?

I just want...

Whoa, there was something about Russia

Guns come from Russia

Oh, so drugs come from Colombia but guns come from Russia

This is so dope!

I defenitely like it. What about you? -Yeah, yeah

He screams like a crazy man

Oh yeah!

I like this one!

I like it when he sings like... -Yeah yeah

He said "Who wants to die?"

Black dance, black dance

Let's learn the black dance

That was so crazy

They're really savage

Damn, they all have muscles and look huge

Are we gonna hear any bad songs in this video?

This video is just full of bangers

The guy who put all these song together in one video did a great job!

It was crazy

He looks really young

He looks 15

And a police car passing by. Nice

I think they provoke the cops

He said she's ugly but her pussy is tight

They're just some kids

Not bad

I really like it. Amazing

Dude, my neck hurts from bumping my head too much


This is real drill music

He's wearing headphones

He probably has music in his ears but everybody else hear nothing

Nice, nice

I want to learn French. German and French

At least on a beginner level

He said "Your sister's skirt"

This sounds like pure drill music

Yes. Like 2012-2013 drill music -Yeah

It's when it started in Chicago

It's probably even 2011-2012

Probably even 2011

Yes, 2011

When Chief Keef started to be known

Damn. I think only French rappers can compete with Chicago rappers


Cuz they're really savages

Whoa, the dog bit him

They're showing the neigborhoods

It's where these rappers are from

The number 93 probably means something like

Like in Atlanta they have Zone6 -Yeah

What can I say? It was dope. It's the third part right?

Yeah, it's the third one

We did it bro. So many dope songs. I didn't even add all the songs from the first 2 parts yet

I think I need to make some time and add all these songs

It was super super dope

Yeah, France goes crazy

I would love to hear some German drill music

I don't think they have drill rappers

I need to learn some French history, cuz I guess they have ghettos too

If you watched "Banlieue 13", they said they had ghettos and they were surrounded by that wall

So I'm curious if they have ghettos too

Cuz I think if there were no ghettos, we wouldn't be hearing this music

Like in Chicago

Of course they have ghettos. Especially in Marseille

Well, what can I say. I love France

I want to learn some French

You have great movies, I love your movies

As for the music, we only listened to drill music, right?

And it's amazing

You're doing a great job

But also I'd like to hear some pop French songs too

So please, comment some names of the artists and we will check them out

Salute to all the artists that were in this video

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP PT.3 (Guy2Bezbar, XV BarBar, Trafiquinté) Trap Français Réaction - Duration: 10:49.


神域召喚Valkyrie Connect 一個玩手遊爬競技場崩潰的故事! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 神域召喚Valkyrie Connect 一個玩手遊爬競技場崩潰的故事! - Duration: 4:36.


Киркоров о здоровье Пугачевой: У Аллы колет в груди (09.06.2017) - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Киркоров о здоровье Пугачевой: У Аллы колет в груди (09.06.2017) - Duration: 1:50.


maggam work blouse designs tutorial | hand embroidery tutorial for beginners,hand embroidery designs - Duration: 2:16.

maggam work blouse designs tutorial

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