রেড ভ্যালভেট কেক | Red Velvet Cake Recipe
For more infomation >> রেড ভ্যালভেট কেক | Red Velvet Cake Recipe | Sister's Kitchen - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
P1070255 - Duration: 0:31.
ROSS: In this box I have some dirt, aah and I want to make some mud...how can we make some mud?
NICHOLAS: Umm, we can...... we can push it! LEONDROS: We can put this on the water
ROSS: Bravo Leandros! We can mix the dirt with the water, and we can make....MUD!
ROSS: OK, shall we make some mud? LEANDROS: Like with Mr. Manolis! Like with Mr. Manolis!
ROSS: And then with the mud, with the mud we can make a dog footprint, on our plate. OK?
ROSS: Let's go make some mud!
How to send money on whatsapp(android) - Duration: 0:23.
click on attachments
select payments
enter amount
enter UPI PIN
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|VLOG| Carnaval Curacao 2018 - Teenerparade part 1 - Duration: 8:40.
Ana: Hi Guys!
Dior: Hello vlog, I am 'papilongdongdingalong'.
Dior: haha, I can see it.
Dior: represent yes, eat at 'Ribs Factory'.
Ana: we are...currently...grilling right now.
Ana: it's a..It's a bit dark...tho.
Ana: Hi.
Dior: Hello. Ana: Hi. Dior: that's Ana.
Dior: there, you see her? There.
Dior: and you have the 'Pastechi'.
Dior: the one and only, right here...right..right here.
Ana: look at yourself.
Ana: what are you suppose to be doing?
Ana: Anyway, so we are here...at...Teenerparade. Kind of.
Ana: you can somewhat hear the crowd.
Ana: Dior came to visit me.
Ana: I don't know what he's talking about so..
Ana: oh well, we are just going to ignore that.
Ana: Hi..
Ana: it's a...it's a tat bit dark.
Ana: a tat, just a little bit dark.
Ana: but ye, who cares right?
Ana: Dior, what do you want? Dior: Popcorn.
Dior: this is the first stand that I see selling popcorn.
Dior: no need to go to the cinema.
Ana: we are trying to look for a truki pan (foodtruck) right now.
Ana: I am not sure if we are gonna go here, but...
Ana: somewhere here.
Ana: we just finished ordering.
Ana: the food.
Ana: let's go, let's go.
Ana: do you guys have popcorn? Woman: yes, 2 florin.
Ana: 2 florin.
Ana: let's go Dior. You want popcorn?
Ana: Dior wants popcorn.
Ana: we are going to buy popcorn, okay?
Ana: but...
Ana: the woman from the popcorn is not here. So...
Ana: it's so dark...
Dior: oh we need some light.
Dior: we are here at...
Dior: baby foodtruck.
Dior: and our food don't get things with it...
Dior: they only put pinda sauce for you.
Dior: they don't put the rest. I don't like this. Completely wrong.
Dior: at 'Ribs Factory' they do put everything for you. And that's why I promote ribs factory, for the delicious ribs.
Dior: and the exclusive 'Pastechi' menu, you get wrap.
Ana: how is it?
Ana: no?
Ana: it's plain fries, what do you mean no?
Dior: the mayonnaise is rotten. 'that's I mean.'
Dior: I dont approve. Pastechi & Ana: You don't approve?
Pastechi: because you put the mayonnaise wrong?
Luis: we are live, we are here! Dior: we have Luis.
Luis: we didn't disappoint.
Dior: we need some light.
Dior: we have light, YASSS.
Dior: oh ye let me film the cola. Yes we have Ana.
Ana: hiiii.
Ana: we are gonna go...
Ana: walking with...
Ana: Luis... and Dior.
Luis: let's be.. Guys! Let's be honest. I'm the one more interested here...
Luis: not this guy...
Ana: I don't know who to believe.
Ana: it's dark AHHHH.. so dark.
Luis: you're missing some light.
Ana: I don't have light, guys!
Ana: Dior said he is 'hopi mas bunita' (Pretier).
Ana: I am not sure what they are planning but...
Ana: they are like planning something.
Ana: I found light so this should be great, right?
Ana: we found light. Luis: I am white, finally guys.
Luis: finally you see half of my face. Ana: just a tiny bit white.
Luis: Dior is checking everyone out.
Ana: Dior..how was that ass?
Luis: You have to higher your ISO.
Luis: higher your ISO.
Ana: look at your face.
Luis: attractive...101...tutorial.
Luis: how to be good looking.
Luis: ana tell them.
Ana: but did you see that nose tho?
Luis: listen here woman. This nose...
Ana: we found light guys. Kind of.
Luis: you're red, orange...kind of.
*random conversation intruding*
Ana: we have beautiful lighting here.
Luis: vote in the comments... Who has the better beard?
Luis: Chris or...?
Ana: how about none?
Ana: how many condoms did you get?
Luis: two.
Dior: no friend, like I told you guys.
Luis: for every hand...
Chris & Pastechi: Dior, are you gonna use it?
Dior: guys, I used more than 3.
Ana: you used more than 3 already???
Dior: they have to part condoms. Ana: for who? for you? Dior: yesss.
Ana: but you are using them tho? Dior: yesss... PAPILONGDONGDINGALONG.
Ana: but you know how to use them right? Dior: yes you put them on your ears.
Ana: ang ok, didn't know of that part.
Dior: and then you blow it.
Ana: let me see you.
Dior: this is my love let...ah yess *shows off VERSACE slippers*
Pastechi: let me see you Dior. Dior: finally you can see everything... Ya'll read this.
Ana: we have lost Luis officially.
Ana: he's like somewhere.
Ana: in the front, but...
Ana: we cannot reach him, so...
Ana: he's really really far.
Ana: wait this is Luis song.
Ana: let me see you dance.
Ana: we are live here with Dior.
Ana: say hi. Jose: *gives thumbs up*
Ana: okay that's a bit rude.
Ana: that's a bit ruuuuddde.
Ana: anyway...look....COPS.
How to send money using whatsapp(turn on cc) - Duration: 1:15.
open the person's chat who u want to send money
click on attachments
select payments
enter the amount
as you can see 5000rs is the limit
enter your UPI PIN
server not responding try again after some time
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