Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 11 2018




Facebook has been under fire all year as a new change to their algorithm will again take

pages and businesses out of the newsfeed and replace them with more �friends� posts.

A move that apparently users asked for even though Facebook has provided no proof of that.

In fact, Facebook is the only one set to gain from this move as now businesses will have

to pay even more to reach an audience they worked so hard to build. Further, users will

no longer see any of the content they took the time and energy to say they wanted to


This leaves Facebook in the midst of a transition that will likely bury themselves as they are

making their platform less useful to users. You see, users decided how they wanted to

use Facebook when they began sharing and putting information out that they saw from brands

they love. Yet, Facebook feels it knows what users want more, and is now taking that all


I have called this Facebook�s start to their own downfall. They�ve chosen constant growth

and profit over user experience, instead of a sustainable business model that also aligns

with its users. And users can see this, in fact, they are upset that they don�t know

how Facebook works nor how to control what they want to see.

Now Facebook has come under attack again as a tweet coming from the conscious mind of

Jim Carrey states he will be dumping his Facebook stock and deleting his Facebook page because

he feels it�s unacceptable that Facebook profited off of Russian advertisements in

Facebook about the US election.

Russian Ad Buying On Facebook

Of course Jim is referring to the information that came out about Russian ad purchasing

on Facebook during the 2016 US election. Facebook and Twitter had revealed that Kremlin-linked

groups were buying advertisements on both social media platforms during the 2016 presidential

election. The ads appeared to push voters away from Hillary Clinton and instead towards

Donald Trump, Jill Stein, or Bernie Sanders.

Whether or not you agree that this made a difference in the election, which it likely

did not, some are not happy about it.

It�s unclear whether or not Jim is unhappy with Trump�s election or if he more so is

trying to hold Facebook accountable for its unconscious actions in allowing another country

to create advertisements that could sway voter decisions, but nonetheless he has something

to say.

�We must encourage more oversight by the owners of these social media platforms,�

Carrey stated in a CNBC statement. �This easy access has to be more responsibly handled.

What we need now are activist investors to send a message that responsible oversight

is needed. What the world needs now is capitalism with a conscience.�

Why Would Russia Do This? If you have been following what is happening

outside of mainstream news when it comes to the election, you may have noticed that the

media went pretty silent about the incredible level of corruption and election manipulation

Hillary and the DNC were involved in.

From a bigger picture perspective, Hillary is part of a Deep State regime that has been

in power for a very long time. Obama, Bush�s, Clinton, etc. Much of the intelligence we

got here at CE during the election pointed towards a divide happening within the Deep

State that was pushing out the Clinton�s.

You�ll notice that the Russian ads did not pick one party over another, but instead simply

pushed Clinton out. Which makes sense when you consider the divide that is taking place

and the move towards ending a deeper side of the corruption that exists within politics.

Sure, this is still a corrupt move, and they didn�t put a saint in power, but if you

were to do the research, you�d understand Hillary was much more of a poor choice and

corrupt individual than any other candidate running� by a long shot.

So based on reflection, perhaps Russia is on the side of helping to pull a piece of

the Deep State out of a long time held position.

The Challenge With Media Today But in a different sense this goes back to

an entirely different thing. We must learn to become more critical in our thinking and

take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Just because we see an ad, doesn�t

mean we need to be swayed by it.

In fact, that�s a big problem with much of media today. It is manipulative in that

it pushes a very clear agenda on the population, yet the population en mass has not yet chosen

to stay present and take the time to see through the drama to get to the facts. Even most alternative

media is like this. This is an important lesson for us all.

As creators of conscious media here at Collective Evolution, we do not use emotion, anger, fear,

or manipulation tactics to present information. We simply provide it for what it is, challenge

users to think deeper about it and focus on a big picture understanding. This allows readers

and video watchers to make up their own mind, challenge their current ways of thinking all

without manipulatively trying to make it happen through fear and panic.

Now of course you may be wondering our stance on Trump. We don�t choose political sides.

We understand that politics is not where we will solve human challenges. It�s a game

we play that uses fear, lies, and panic to get people to believe in a illusory idea of

democracy, which doesn�t truly exist.

We feel Trump is simply a step towards shaking up old regimes that have been in power for

a long time, all while bringing out many of the challenges and shadows humanity has within

itself surrounding, division, racism, sexism and so forth. Our full analysis on Trump�s

POTUS position is here.

If you want to boycott Facebook yet still get Collective Evolution content, join our

email list or visit our site directly daily.



[4K]Truck Trailer onboard camera [Vehicle width 2.8 m] / Hitachi bypass on the sea - Duration: 6:07.

Hitachi bypass (Ibaraki) Hitachi Seaside Road

Load heavy machinery While transporting to Takahagi I tried detours.

It was completed in 2008, the Route 6 in Hitachi city and the Route 245 It is a bypass made to alleviate congestion.

As a general road it is unusual nationwide It is a viaduct made on the sea.

It is "Hamanomiya Road Park" to the right. It is a famous spot where you can see the first sunrise in New Year.

"Hamanomiya spiral bridge" is visible in the left front. The height difference is about 30 meters.

At the beginning of the construction was exposed to the rough waves of the Pacific Will not Hitachi bypass be damaged? There was discussion that.

However, Hitachi bypass was able to withstand the shake and the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The damage caused by the earthquake was very small, and it turned out that Hitachi bypass was robust

Oh? Something is falling on the left side.

That is a plastic container.

When it is fine weather like today, the horizontal line is clearly visible It will be a superb view drive course.

When the view of the sea disappears We will soon join Route 6

It is a little more to the destination. Let's be careful and drive.

see you.

For more infomation >> [4K]Truck Trailer onboard camera [Vehicle width 2.8 m] / Hitachi bypass on the sea - Duration: 6:07.


Google Won't Tell You This! - Duration: 14:35.


I'm an artist and you know one of the

things that I really want out of art

what I see the job of the artist to be

is to try to learn how to see the

historical moment that you find yourself

living in right I mean that very simply

and I mean that very literally how do

you see the world around you and this is

the harder to do than it might seem and

many times the world around us a

complicated place there's all kinds of

structures and forms of power that are

very much a part of our everyday lives

that we rarely notice watch what you say

or do around your Amazon echo or Google

home a local consumer group warns that

down the road those digital personal

assistance may be assisting their

corporate creators more than they assist

you and one of the things I've been

working on for 15 years or so is looking

at the world of sensing looking at the

world of you know looking at the kind of

planetary scale structures that we've

been building that facilitate

telecommunications but at the same time

are also instruments of mass

surveillance your personal assistants

named Alexa or Google Alessa ask

pizzahut to place an order okay may talk

to you through these smart gadgets what

would you like to order but Amazon and

Google say their devices don't begin

listening until you say a specific word

like Alexa or hey Google

when we talk about surveillance I think

a lot of us have the idea oh there's the

security cameras and then there's

somebody standing behind you know all

the monitors and looking and seeing

what's going on that image is over it

doesn't work anymore right now the

cameras themselves are doing the

operations in other words you have a

traffic camera that camera can detect if

somebody is you know doing something

wrong and automatically issue a ticket

right so we're building these autonomous

surveillance systems that actually

intervene in the world and a lot of

people are saying that like by 2020

there'll be a trillion sensors on the

surface of the earth that are able that

are able to do this kind of thing so

this is something that's very much

transforming not only the surface of the

earth but our everyday lives as well

coming a dominant source for information

to audio technology like Google home and

Amazon's Alexa are standing by to answer

any of your questions but tonight one of

the most common names is unknown to

Google home what it tells you when you

ask about Jesus one of the most popular

Christmas gifts this year

voice-activated Google home comments

videos and test results posted asking

who is Jesus the general response from

Google home is I'm not sure how to help

you with that still no response from the

Google company on why ok Google who is

Jesus my apologies I don't understand

Google home refers to Jesus Christ when

asking about the Last Supper and even

Saint Peter and there's plenty of

information on the Prophet Muhammad

Buddha even Savior they took prayer out

of schools they just think that taking

Jesus out of everything is politically

correct these days and I think that's

the stam of a lot of our problems Martin

Collins has no doubt Google has

purposefully programmed Jesus out of its

audio speakers keep from stepping on

toes politically correctness I mean that

seems to be the thing these days more

than just what's right what's wrong

Sam's calling for answers from Google as

it's become a main source of information

readily available that so many are

becoming to depend on well we look at

what these planetary infrastructure look

like we on the left

we see an image of what Google's global

infrastructure looks like on the right

we see the National Security Agency's

global infrastructure as of 2013 the

point is these are literally

technological systems that envelop the

earth now while we're talking about

planetary surveillance systems a aka

planetary telecommunication systems

they're not only envelope the earth like

in series of cables and hardware and

infrastructure they're also in the skies

above our heads every minute of every

hour there are hundreds and hundreds of

satellites over our heads

one project I've been known again over

many many years is trying to track and

photograph all of the secret satellites

in orbit around the planet all the

unacknowledged satellites this is done

using data from amateur astronomers

amateur astronomers go out they see

something in the sky they look it up in

the catalogue it's not there they know

they've seen a secret satellite usually

an American military or intelligence

satellite they write down what they saw

what I can do is I can take that

observation model that orbit and then go

out at night model the orbit make a

prediction about where something will be

and then using telescopes and kind of

computer guided mouths I can pinpoint

the place in the sky where I think it'll

be at if you do everything right which

is rare you get an image like this and

this line here is the streak of

something called the x-37b for example

this is an American secret space drone

that's currently on its fourth mission

the x-37b so I get into the culture a

little bit of these things this is the

found the crew patch the guys that fly

this thing and this is the program

office that controls it outfit called

the rapid capabilities office who have

this motto here in Latin Opus Dei bla

bla bla doing God's work with other

people's money so this is kind of a

glimpse into the the culture of this

kind of stuff so the point is like we

have surveillance systems that exist at

the scale of the planet that literally

enveloped the surface of the earth and

literally enveloped the heavens above

the earth but the scale down in various

ways these are also articulated of

course at the scales of cities down to

the scales of living rooms down to the

scales of our bodies down to

the scales even of our thoughts and the

questions that we asked consumer

watchdog released a report that suggests

the companies may be planning on

listening and watching in the future

without you even noticing consumer

watchdog president Jamie Cort points to

patent applications by Google and Amazon

that may show future uses of these

devices watch this unexpected moment

during our interview when Alexis seems

to respond to what Jamie Court is saying

clearly Google home and you know Amazon

Amazon with with Alexa anticipate

surveilling you and watching your family

that's very creepy Google and Amazon

have not replied to our request for a

response I even asked Google who was

David Sam's Google knew who I was but

Google did not know who Jesus was Google

did not know who Jesus Christ was and

Google did not know who God was smart

speakers are a technology owned by about

40 million Americans that's about one in

six that's pretty scary it's it's almost

like Google has taken Jesus and God out

of smart audio first it started with

schools there you go see she still

doesn't understand you know I know I

don't think no if there's a wizard over

there at Google who's making these

decisions or if it's some kind of

oversight but it's definitely something

that they need to address and address

immediately we're at a point now where

Google or a Facebook or Amazon literally

knows more about me in my history than I

know about myself and what are some of

the implications of that how do we think

through that what does that mean what do

we see when we actually look through

these kinds of sensing systems well one

thing that I think becomes very obvious

when you spend some time with it because

I think there's a kind of popular idea

out there that oh technology is neutral

it's just how you use it and I want to

counter that or say there's no such

thing as technology detached from how

you use it and so when you use it and

when you deploy these kinds of systems

any kind of sensing technology sees

through the eyes of the forms of power

that is designed to amplify the forms of

power that is designed to exercise

whether that is military power or law

enforcement or commercial power etc I

think that's one thing that you start to

see and this brings up a lot of concerns

for me I worry about what the future of

these kind of planetary autonomous

sensing systems are I worry that they

have a tendency to kind of reproduce the

kinds of racism and patriarchy and

inequality that have characterized so

much of human history and also concerned

that they represent enormous

concentrations of power in very few

places and so one project that I've been

doing is just trying to go to the places

where these systems come together where

does this infrastructure kind of congeal

in very specific places a really

important part of global

telecommunications is chokepoints places

where transcontinental fiber-optic

cables come together what are the places

where the continents are connected to

one another these are really important

to telecommunications but also obviously

very important to surveillance you sit

on these places you can collect most of

the data that's going through the

Earth's telecommunication systems what

do these look like well this is a place

in Long Island one of these sites one in

Northern California at Point Arena the

west coast of Hawaii Guam was really

important to this kind of thing

Marseilles in France and what do you see

in the image nothing right the point of

these images is these are some of like

the most surveilled places on earth

these are literally kind of like core

parts of global telecommunications and

surveillance infrastructure there's no

evidence whatsoever that that's going on

in the photos of these kind of places so

what does that tell us kind of

allegorically about how some of these

infrastructures and systems work I did

start pushing this a little bit further

I wanted to say well theoretically there

should be these conjunctions of cables

in these bodies of water in these images

and so I learned how to scuba dive in a

swimming pool in suburban Berlin as you

do and started going out and studying

nautical charts and undersea maps to try

to find places on the continental shelf

where I could maybe see these

going out with teams of divers when you

do everything right you find images like

this as you can see there's dozens and

dozens of internet cables across moving

across the floor of the ocean

these are cables that connect the East

Coast of the United States to Europe a

phenomena that's been going on for a

while is a LPR automatic license plate

tracking these are systems that take

pictures of every single car that drives

by on a city street something that that

is able to autonomously read the number

of that car and either put that in a

database that the police or law

enforcement have access to or again

issue things like traffic citations

based on that all without human

intervention the same thing is starting

to come online with police body cameras

which are now being outfitted with

facial recognition technology to do

something similar one of the tools that

we have in the studio is the ability to

make portraits of people of what people

look like as they are seen by facial

recognition software and we've been

running these on portraits of

revolutionaries and philosophers from

the past and the left is the great

post-colonial philosopher Frantz Fanon

as seen through facial recognition

software on the right is Simone vial is

also obviously happening in the

commercial space you go to a modern

supermarket there are autonomous systems

identifying you trying to understand

when the last time you were there was

how much money you spent what are you

looking at what's your emotional state

what are you interested in and they're

getting more and more intimate sensing

systems looking at what kind of food do

we key are we going to the gym you know

are we in good health how are we

behaving are we drinking too much do we

smoke cigarettes what kind of objects

are in our houses and what does that say

about who we are by one Google service

can be shared with its other platforms

allowing the company to build

unprecedented profiles of users who sign

into its services so other changes good

news for consumers or just a massive

invasion of online privacy points the

ability of companies like Google to to

make predictions about all aspects of

your personal life and if we realize

that Google have got the the capability

through the data that they gather to

predict things like our political

affiliations our religious affiliations

our sexuality that kind of thing people

start to get a lot more worried

than when they just see an advert for

the car that they were just looking at

all the watch they were just looking at

yeah I mean you're an expert in this I

mean does it spook you I terrify some eh

there is this simple answer I said at

the beginning of the talk that one of

the things I want out of art is things

that help us see the historical moment

that we live in how do we learn to see

the world but there's something else

that I want out of art as well I want

something that helps us see a world that

we want to live in and if you want to

see that world you have to ask yourself

what do you want and so I spend a lot of

time looking at these technologies and

asking myself how would I want them to

be different what world do I want to

live in


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