Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 11 2018

BREAKING News From West Virginia!

The National Guard Just Called In!

Many people expect to see the Army National Guard during natural and man-made disasters.

However, Huntington, West Virginia has a bit of a different twist in response to the opioid

crisis that is crippling the area.

Yet there will be no Humvees blocking roads or soldiers on the street corners with long


No martial law or mandatory curfew, yet the guard could be deployed in this state for

years as long as local law enforcement believes help is necessary and beneficial.

This recent escalated effort comes just after Congress voted to allocate some $6 billion

towards fighting the opioid crisis in its most recent spending bill.

The governor of West Virginia describes the crisis as a "disaster of epic proportion."

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice states – "We have to stop this terrible drug epidemic.

We have to.

If we don't, it will cannibalize us."

Huntington is currently known as the overdose capital of America as the city currently doubles

the national average of overdoses.

Many blame the decline of the coal industry and the lack of gainful employment opportunities.

The drugs are readily available and idle people are willing to do much to numb the pain of

everyday life and hopelessness.

Law enforcement in the area is already stretched thin and it is causing a significant and complex

problem that requires unique and innovative solutions to the multifaceted issue.

The opioid crisis claimed more than 64,000 lives in 2016.

That is more lives than were claimed in the entire Vietnam war, as well as the AIDS/HIV

epidemic during peak years.

$8.8 billion.

That is what a new study estimates the opioid epidemic is costing the West Virginia economy

every year.

That is 12 percent of the state's GDP, and more than any other state.

The study takes into account what states are spending on health care and substance abuse

treatment, criminal justice costs and lost worker productivity, as well as the societal

burden of fatal overdoses.

Dr. Rahul Gupta, West Virginia's public health commissioner states of the economic

impact of the opioid crisis – "We're losing $8.8 billion per year, at least one-eighth

of the economy.

It seems we've been grossly underestimating the economic impact."

According to the study, West Virginia's economic burden from the opioid crisis comes

out to $4,793 per resident.

Maryland had the next-highest burden, at $3,366 per person.

Nebraska had the lowest, at $465 per resident.

The primary role of the guards is to provide technical and analytic support, with helicopters

helping out during drug busts, and serving warrants.

Guardsman are manning hotlines and working on computers inside Huntington Police Department's

Criminal Investigation Bureau by helping to track down dealers and drug networks.

All of this in an effort to allow the local police to be boots on the ground and focus

on what is happening in the streets of Huntington.

Hank Dial, chief of Huntington Police Dept states of this unique and drastic solution

to the massive problem crippling the area – "We work on this all day every day.

We have put all of our resources to it and we recognize that we will need additional

resources and that's why partnering agencies are so important to us."

Just last week a guard answered a call that led to the bust of a dealer along with the

recovery of 430 grams of fentanyl, a drug that is said to be far more powerful and more

highly addictive than heroin.

430 grams has a street value of roughly $86,000.

The WV Gazette reports on another recent study conducted by West Virginia University where

the economic impact to the state's economy was measured at nearly $1 billion.

The study estimates some $322 million in lost productivity due to overdose fatalities, along

with another $316 million in lost productivity because of the significant number of addicts

who are not working to peak level.

There is also more than $320 million tied up dealing with the opioid epidemic.

In 2012, then-state Attorney General Darrell McGraw filed lawsuits against more than a

dozen drug wholesalers, accusing the companies of fueling West Virginia's drug problem

by shipping an excessive number of pain pills to the state.

The lawsuit alleged that the drug problem cost the state $430 million a year, and projected

that those costs would rise to $695 million by 2017.

The Washington Post reports –

"Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped

to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on opioids and

died than in any other in the nation.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has been investigating the opioid epidemic,

revealed that 20.8 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills have been delivered to Williamson,

W.Va., a town with a community college, a rail yard — and fewer than 3,200 residents,

according to the most recent Census figures.

That's more than 6,500 pills per person — though not all of the painkillers stayed

in Williamson.

As the Charleston Gazette-Mail reported, committee leaders sent letters to two regional drug

distributors, asking why the companies oversupplied this town, among others, with painkillers.

"These numbers are outrageous, and we will get to the bottom of how this destruction

was able to be unleashed across West Virginia," Reps. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) and Frank Pallone

Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a statement, according to the Gazette-Mail.

Walden is chairman of the committee, and Pallone is the ranking Democrat."

Maj. Gen. James Hoyer, a West Virginia National Guard commander states of the current solution

to involve the National Guard – "We are solving a problem in our country and, at the

same time, making sure we have the highest level of readiness to respond to something

else that may be out there, somewhere else in the world."

U.S. Rep. Evan Jenkins, R-W.V., said this drastic step is needed to make a dent in the

raging opioid crisis, stating – "We have people's lives at risk.

We have horrifically lost way too many lives as result.

It is a bold action but, you know what, we need to take action and we are doing that…"

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING News From West Virginia! The National Guard Just Called In! - Duration: 6:53.


Old School Words Today's Gamers Won't Understand - Duration: 7:31.

Video games have only been a major thing since the '80s.


Got em, YEAH!"

"Triumph is ours!"

Since then, the way we talk about them has changed drastically.

Here are some old-school words and phrases that newer gamers will only hear about in

whispered tales of the distant past.


In games like Skyrim and Witcher 3, you can see the world around you for miles in gorgeous,

vivid detail.

Old-school fans would remember that this wasn't always the case.

During 3D-gaming's awkward adolescent phase, consoles had only two options for designing

backgrounds: ugly, clippy backgrounds, or no backgrounds at all.

Many games chose the latter, blanketing their world in thick layers of fog to disguise how,

past the point of action, there was nothing to see.

Some games made the fog part of the actual narrative.

Silent Hill used it to signify stepping into an alternate reality, aptly named the Fog

World, while Superman 64's fog, called Kryptonite Fog, was designed by Lex Luthor to mess with


Most games, however, just gave you the fog and assumed you'd prefer it to the alternative.


A 1-Up is, simply, an extra life.

Back when gamers had limited lives to work with, finding a 1-Up was like finding a $100

bill on the sidewalk.

Early arcade games awarded extra lives for scoring points.

Later games granted them if you gathered enough coins or items.

Eventually, gamers started to find single objects that, if collected, would award them

with extra lives.

In Super Mario Bros ., it was a green mushroom.

In Mega Man, it was his own severed head, which wasn't creepy at all.

Nowadays, most games just let you keep playing until you either win or rage-quit.

Even games that DO award extra lives are often designed so you don't truly need them, with

autosaves that kick in every few minutes.

Cheat code

Just because a game offered limited lives, few weapons, and only a distant hope of seeing

the end credits, didn't mean the gamer had to take it lying down.

They could cheat if they wanted to, and cheat they did, thanks to cheat codes.

Often restricted to title or stage select screens, cheat codes were button combinations

the player pressed in a specific order and place.

Some gave extra lives or energy, while others let you skip to whatever part of the game

you wanted to play.

Sick of dying at stage eight and getting booted back to the beginning?

Put in the correct code, jump to stage nine, and pray you didn't die here, too.

Perhaps no cheat code is more famous than the Konami Code.

If a game said Konami, and you knew the code, you knew were going to have a good time.

Game Genie

"Game over?

No way!

Because we got Game Genie!"

For any games that didn't come with cheat codes, old-school gamers turned to a funky

little miracle worker called the Game Genie.

Released by the company Galoob, the Game Genie was a device that attached to whatever game

you were playing.

You could input codes that granted you infinite lives, continues, energy and ammo, super strength,

or just a jump to any level you wanted.

"Maybe I want to start on level 15?"

"No problemo!"

Alternately, some codes would make the game harder, giving you fewer assets, or making

the enemies stronger.

Either way, the game was now yours to mess with.

After failing to sue the Galoob for the Genie, Nintendo eventually just started making games

that didn't require endless codes to actually win.

But Galoob was there when gamers needed them the most, and for that we're forever thankful.

Blowing into the cartridge

Another problem with cartridges was that, sometimes, they wouldn't work quite right.

Most every old-school gamer knew the solution: blow into the cartridge and disperse the dirt

and dust gathering inside.

It actually worked!



While not 100% reliable, the cart-blowing solution - creatively referred to as the "Nintend-blow"

- remained the preferred operation for frustrated gamers everywhere.

In 2014, PBS Digital Studios explained that the cart-blowing phenomenon was nothing but

a placebo.

In fact, it might have actually made problems worse!

Nintendo itself warned that blowing into cartridges "can corrode and contaminate the pin connectors."

The simple act of taking the game out of the system then putting it back in was the actual


Rumble Pak

For the longest time, if you wanted a good shake every time your character got hit, you

had to do it yourself.

But that all changed with the Rumble Pak.


It was one of the biggest game-changers in Nintendo 64 history.

The name describes the product perfectly: it was a pack which, when attached to your

controller, reacted to certain in-game events by vibrating.

If some jerk shot at your ship in Star Fox, you'd feel the shakes just as much as poor

Fox McCloud did.

Outside of big, goofy VR goggles, the Rumble Pak might have been the ultimate in gaming


So why don't you hear about Rumble Paks anymore?

They didn't go out of style — rather, it became so IN style that virtually every post-N64

system made rumbling a built-in feature.

Today, controller vibration is as commonplace as crumbs of food stuck in your D-pad grooves.

Memory cards

Nowadays, consoles allow you to save your progress directly into the system.

But saving was once a huge issue.

While cartridges could hold save data, CDs couldn't, so gamers had to use memory cards.

On systems like the PS1, memory cards allowed you to save up to 15 games' data at a time

in memory blocks.

Blocks were eventually eliminated in favor of overall storage space, so you had to ration

that out for all your games, or buy a second card.

Today's powerful consoles don't require cards, since most save data can be contained within

the console, or in the Cloud.

There are external hard drives that can hold up multiple terabytes of data.

Best of all, they're much harder to misplace than those dinky little memory cards.


Unlimited lives and checkpoints haven't always been the norm.

Games used to give you only 3 lives.

Blow through those and you might have been allowed to start over on whatever stage you

died in.

Once you used all your continues, though, the game punished you by sending you back

to start of the whole game.

Other games offered no continues at all, a holdover from the arcade culture, when the

goal was to separate you from as many of your quarters as possible.

Fortunately, the game industry has finally gotten this out of their system, and have

no problems with gamers happily playing for hours and continually progressing toward their

goal, no matter how awful they may be.

After all, if they actually enjoy playing a company's $60 game, they might be inclined

to pay another $60 for the next one.

Kill screen

"There's a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up?

There's a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up if anyone wants to watch.

There's a Donkey Kong kill screen if anyone wants to come see it."

Today, the idea that a game would crash if you progressed too far would be grounds for

a boycott.

But in the days of the arcade, unbeatable games were the norm.

The kill screen would occur when players triggered an "integer overflow."

That means in 8-bit games like these, there was only enough room for 255 values per bit

of data.

When players would exceed it, they would encounter the dreaded screen.

In Pac-Man, after reaching level 256, the game glitches and fills itself with useless

data the poor yellow dot can't possibly navigate.

In Donkey Kong, once your bonus calculator reached 260 after screen 117, the bug triggers

an eight-second time limit that ends the game before you can make your second ladder.

We don't see kill screens anymore, since games now have enough memory to actually support

their own gameplay.


The fate of the world is in your hands!"

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For more infomation >> Old School Words Today's Gamers Won't Understand - Duration: 7:31.


YOU NEED THE POWER OF 54!!!!!! - Duration: 1:46.

Hey you

yeah you don't you think, enough time has been wasted

procrastibating . worrying . You deserve to put this thing to rest and

finally have peace of mind.

Either way.


Is . Time to get a fucking Psychic Email Reading by Shango Ray.

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For more infomation >> YOU NEED THE POWER OF 54!!!!!! - Duration: 1:46.


Como Copiar Objetos con Cartapesta - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> Como Copiar Objetos con Cartapesta - Duration: 9:33.


🔴⚫インフラ投資計画発表で大暴落は更に続く?(2/12/18) - Duration: 4:30.

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GOKU VS BARDOCK 2018 || (DRAGON BALL) || BATALLA DE RAP || AdloMusic - Duration: 4:22.

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TF2 - 9 Scout mistakes You should never make! - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> TF2 - 9 Scout mistakes You should never make! - Duration: 10:06.






Facebook has been under fire all year as a new change to their algorithm will again take

pages and businesses out of the newsfeed and replace them with more �friends� posts.

A move that apparently users asked for even though Facebook has provided no proof of that.

In fact, Facebook is the only one set to gain from this move as now businesses will have

to pay even more to reach an audience they worked so hard to build. Further, users will

no longer see any of the content they took the time and energy to say they wanted to


This leaves Facebook in the midst of a transition that will likely bury themselves as they are

making their platform less useful to users. You see, users decided how they wanted to

use Facebook when they began sharing and putting information out that they saw from brands

they love. Yet, Facebook feels it knows what users want more, and is now taking that all


I have called this Facebook�s start to their own downfall. They�ve chosen constant growth

and profit over user experience, instead of a sustainable business model that also aligns

with its users. And users can see this, in fact, they are upset that they don�t know

how Facebook works nor how to control what they want to see.

Now Facebook has come under attack again as a tweet coming from the conscious mind of

Jim Carrey states he will be dumping his Facebook stock and deleting his Facebook page because

he feels it�s unacceptable that Facebook profited off of Russian advertisements in

Facebook about the US election.

Russian Ad Buying On Facebook

Of course Jim is referring to the information that came out about Russian ad purchasing

on Facebook during the 2016 US election. Facebook and Twitter had revealed that Kremlin-linked

groups were buying advertisements on both social media platforms during the 2016 presidential

election. The ads appeared to push voters away from Hillary Clinton and instead towards

Donald Trump, Jill Stein, or Bernie Sanders.

Whether or not you agree that this made a difference in the election, which it likely

did not, some are not happy about it.

It�s unclear whether or not Jim is unhappy with Trump�s election or if he more so is

trying to hold Facebook accountable for its unconscious actions in allowing another country

to create advertisements that could sway voter decisions, but nonetheless he has something

to say.

�We must encourage more oversight by the owners of these social media platforms,�

Carrey stated in a CNBC statement. �This easy access has to be more responsibly handled.

What we need now are activist investors to send a message that responsible oversight

is needed. What the world needs now is capitalism with a conscience.�

Why Would Russia Do This? If you have been following what is happening

outside of mainstream news when it comes to the election, you may have noticed that the

media went pretty silent about the incredible level of corruption and election manipulation

Hillary and the DNC were involved in.

From a bigger picture perspective, Hillary is part of a Deep State regime that has been

in power for a very long time. Obama, Bush�s, Clinton, etc. Much of the intelligence we

got here at CE during the election pointed towards a divide happening within the Deep

State that was pushing out the Clinton�s.

You�ll notice that the Russian ads did not pick one party over another, but instead simply

pushed Clinton out. Which makes sense when you consider the divide that is taking place

and the move towards ending a deeper side of the corruption that exists within politics.

Sure, this is still a corrupt move, and they didn�t put a saint in power, but if you

were to do the research, you�d understand Hillary was much more of a poor choice and

corrupt individual than any other candidate running� by a long shot.

So based on reflection, perhaps Russia is on the side of helping to pull a piece of

the Deep State out of a long time held position.

The Challenge With Media Today But in a different sense this goes back to

an entirely different thing. We must learn to become more critical in our thinking and

take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Just because we see an ad, doesn�t

mean we need to be swayed by it.

In fact, that�s a big problem with much of media today. It is manipulative in that

it pushes a very clear agenda on the population, yet the population en mass has not yet chosen

to stay present and take the time to see through the drama to get to the facts. Even most alternative

media is like this. This is an important lesson for us all.

As creators of conscious media here at Collective Evolution, we do not use emotion, anger, fear,

or manipulation tactics to present information. We simply provide it for what it is, challenge

users to think deeper about it and focus on a big picture understanding. This allows readers

and video watchers to make up their own mind, challenge their current ways of thinking all

without manipulatively trying to make it happen through fear and panic.

Now of course you may be wondering our stance on Trump. We don�t choose political sides.

We understand that politics is not where we will solve human challenges. It�s a game

we play that uses fear, lies, and panic to get people to believe in a illusory idea of

democracy, which doesn�t truly exist.

We feel Trump is simply a step towards shaking up old regimes that have been in power for

a long time, all while bringing out many of the challenges and shadows humanity has within

itself surrounding, division, racism, sexism and so forth. Our full analysis on Trump�s

POTUS position is here.

If you want to boycott Facebook yet still get Collective Evolution content, join our

email list or visit our site directly daily.



Night to Shine prom a night to remember - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Night to Shine prom a night to remember - Duration: 0:58.


Celta Espanyol Goal Konyaspor Washington Detroit Forecast and bet from your phone - Duration: 1:36.


Soon the Champions League, WE SUPPLY READY

Hello everyone, this is the betting from your phone and forecast for

3 matches of Sunday - 2 football and one hockey.

Let's start with hockey - in the match Washington Detroit I bet

on total goals in the match 5.5 more for the coefficient of 2.03.

I will not explain much, Washington in excellent in

form, all the leaders in the ranks, the team is eager to take up again

first place in the regular season.

Detroit seems to have lost chances for the playoffs, but in the last

matches very actively scratched with any rivals.


Spanish match La Ligue Celta Espanyol, and in this match

I bet on the total of goals the first half exactly 1 more

for the coefficient of 1.88.

To tickle the nerves can be put on the total

more than 1.5 in the first half for 2.91

Celta professes an open attacking football and seeks to

get into European Cups, all key performers in

build. espanol began actively slaughter and even

played an effective draw with a leopard, the team

There was clearly increased confidence in the I think that

they will fight in Vigo.

Turkish Super League match Alanyaspor Konyaspor.

This is quite effective commands from the bottom

tables with a good selection players in the line of attack,

like many in Turkey, do not put a bus, but prefer


And in this match I also put on total goals in the first

time exactly 1 more for the coefficient is 1.71.

An excellent coefficient can be catch

more than 1.5 in the first half for the coefficient of 2.65.






For more infomation >> Celta Espanyol Goal Konyaspor Washington Detroit Forecast and bet from your phone - Duration: 1:36.


New Happy Me:The Secret to Handle Harsh Criticism Satya Kalra - Duration: 31:19.

namaste welcome to our series new happy me thank

you very much for joining I'm Satya Kalra your host and founder a path to

Ananda thank you for sending all the love and

hearts and your likes I have been asked many questions during this new year

session and almost January has passed by now and there are many challenges the

time changes the calendar changes but the things sometimes stay the same or

little challenges is the one of the challenge someone sent me a question

regarding that and the question is how could I send handle very harsh criticism

very illogical almost being accused or felt like I was being bashed and I was

broken into pieces and I could not recollect myself what can I do how could

I be happy if somebody could resize me back to me I felt like I was somebody

just stood on on my body and totally smashed me

what should I do and I felt like she's not the only one asked that question

because those kind of questions have been asked me before I had experienced

myself similar situations and we aren't half and tell me if you have not and

thank you very much for shivaji thank you very much for surrender d thank you

very much for so many I'm so honored that we are all together and we are

learning how to be create a new of me new happy of me so one by one step by

step we will address these questions which Rob our happiness and put a lot of

stress on us sometimes we lose even the sleep on that one so pleased you have

put your comments in the comment section that if you have any of these similar

experiences please or if you have any question I will address your question in

this series because we are all learning together and I meditate a lot of these

questions when they come to me and when I get the answer from the supreme I feel

like I'm downloading the answer then I answer today I had no plans to come live

but the message I got this morning was so strong I got this question actually

last week and I have been contemplating it what is the best way to respond it

and this morning I downloaded the information from the supreme during my

meditation I thought I should share with you so

when somebody accuses us criticizes us blamed us judge us and sometimes it

becomes almost like a verbal abuse how should we handle it

what should we do and my response I'm giving that response because based on

the supreme power but it told me this morning that there are three things we

should consider the Sun will face the similar situation one that whenever we

hear first reaction is this is not true how could this be possible then how

could somebody can tell me that because it's not true

and believe it or not many times it is not true and if that is the situation

with you then my empathy goes to that person that how much that person is

hurting himself inside how much pain he is suffering how insecure that person is

that who is speaking that particular abusive glaring language or illogical

statements must be there in pain and my heart start pouring on that person but

not at that time so that is the one situation we will address it there could

the second situation could be that there might be something truth behind it I

might not be even aware of it that I am doing that way or I'm behaving that way

or I am reacting that way

and then the third situation could be in between abroad and in my experience

there is something for me to learn over there even though it might not be true

then suppose it is not true but when I hear how I react to that situation that

is a litmus test for me because what is my goal in my life here the focus comes

what is the goal in my life the goal after life is new happy me right I want

to be happy I want to experience the happiness and then whenever I get this

kind of situation how do I handle it so the lesson number one is here whenever

you run into that situation instead of reacting it just listen quietly observe

it see what lesson Almighty is asking me and how where am I spiritually where is

my conscious level how do I respond to it

that is the test litmus test for me and it tells me where am I in my life with

my spiritual life or Monica conscious level now when it is not true and when

also that person is hurting or in pain then along with the empathy we just

listen do not respond at least for 24 hours or longer and contemplate on it

you will get the message but to continue to

pray for the person who is suffering and for yourself to handle that situation

and also in case you have reacted because they are human being sometimes

we are going to react regardless we might cry we might say something which

is not good to say which is not reasonable to say but since we are hard

when we are hard we are upset we are angry something we might say if it might

hurt that person as well at that time along with the praying for the person

and for ourself also we should forgive that person and also ourself don't just

keep pounding that why did I do this why do I did I behave this way why did I get

angry that was the action to reaction and it just we got into a bad spot the

bad energy had grabbed us sometimes the bad energy in the environment comes to

us maybe due to our previous scars or previous Karma's or whatever it happened

that bad energy comes and it blocks everybody so in that situation just

forgive yourself and forgive others and then continue to do your action with

love and compassion which I call it karma Dharma perform your karma and

convert it into Dharma which means whatever action you do put your love and

compassion at the same time if that behavior repeats then stand up do not be

a doormat and continue to take that abuse so make sure that you do not allow

that kind of behavior in future for other person and also for yourself so

any questions so far but I this comes for two things one

there is a beautiful verse in bhagavad-gita which I'm going to share

my book with you again here is the my one of my best seller actually I am

going to put it on this side so you can see it here properly and it is available

on Amazon and it is the backward based on Pavan Geeta's and it has been used in

the universities for undergraduate course etc but the verse basically the

one I took today I have this book also it is called hundred and eight month

Russ to awaken your soul it means how to rescue a conscious level and in that

there is a verse here again it is from Parvati eita but it is in chapter 12 19

and it says to learn in the state morning sanatorium and get an Akita s

hurmati top team on a pre owner so to Lenin down the theater Moni

which it means indifferent to criticism or praise practiced silence and

contentment and also pray and when we do these actions then we become very dear

to God that's what lord krishna says bhakti man

may pray Inara when you are practicing continuous improvement in your life

forgiving others yourself and focusing on your action mixing it with love and

compassion you become very dear to me and our goal is not just to become dear

to God but experience that love and grace of

God compassion from God and when we experience that that is the ultimate

happiness and peace and we experience peace we feel very happy very content

very self-satisfied because we are doing our best sadhu who had passed with love

and compassion and let go do not worry Sami hurry our ji Maharaj always said it

why worry

hurry caress of curry why worry means whatever God does it's a divine play so

just let it go do not worry so why worry in fact I have

a one book which is called enjoy worryfree life in 30 days and it is also

one of the best seller on Amazon you can look it and also hundred and eight month

is also on Amazon so whatever we do whatever the bottom line here is we

should not allow our peace and happiness to be destroyed and all these tips and

practices are here experience our happiness and let not our happiness be

robbed by these issues thank you thank you for all the love and other likes any

questions so far thank you thank you very much again and I would like to just

have a small meditation here so just sit comfortably

wherever you are close your eyes very gently and take a deep breath inhale

hold it for a few seconds exhale inhale

hold it exhale inhale hold it exhale and now breathe normally and

every breath says mild smile in smile out smile smile smile in it's mine out

and now continue to breathe and smile and breathe normally so continue to

breathe normally and smile and now we are going to do one exercise now think

about when you have been criticized just bring the feelings how you felt it sad

that's okay bring those emotions in crime you don't have to cry but bring

those emotions whatever you felt at that time just to bring those emotions and

feel that how desperate how sad you felt

and and now those feelings experience it

and now

feel now let's go to the another scene the same thing is happening again but

this time you are just watching observing not responding just being

silent and inside you can smile but you do not have to smile outside because

other person might get very annoyed so just continue to observe and hold your

crowns if you are sitting continue to sit or if you are standing continue to

put your energy in the ground let the person say whatever the person is saying

and here we are speaking about harsh criticism so even if you want to say

something other person will not be able to hear you out so just do not waste

your energy on saying anything just be silent just be silent and put the

umbrella of the silent on your head on your mouth just like rain is pouring and

you have an umbrella on your head and you are not wetting and being affected

so just be quiet be silent

let it pass and continue to smile inside and continue to smile with every breath

and if you feel at that time that there is something was true in those comments

which you were not aware of it thank the person for bringing in your attention

and just say I will try my best next time

and now continue to contemplate but the other person said and see if there is

something that you can learn from it

because life is a learning lesson this whole universe is a school for us to

learn so that message might be important for me to hear but if it is not just let


and pray to God Almighty that give me a strength to hear

contemplate and learn from it and

forgive myself for making the mistake at the same time if the comments were not

right you felt very hurt you were accused then pray for the person that

may God heal the person and forgive the person and to say I forgive you I

forgive you I forgive you and also forgive yourself

and pray to God for giving me the strength to handle it

and continue to smile with every breath and learnt a lesson and the lesson could

be just practicing more silence observing and focusing on

self-improvement so thank yourself also acknowledge that you are going to do

better and better and better and you are not going to be affected from now on so

just say I am not affected anymore I learned my lesson here

and continue to smile and feel that now you have handled the situation

differently so continue to practice this new habit developing this new habit this

will make you new of you so it is new happy me and the secret of how to handle

the unjustified criticism harsh criticism and not allow rubbing my

happiness ohm shanthi shanthi shanthi peace for my body peace for my mind and

peace for that universe and thank you thank you very much for joining and

being a part of this beautiful meditation we are learning the secret

how to handle the accusations or harsh criticism or the things when people tell

us we do not like it how to handle it and how to learn from it so the tip

after today is that continue to observe and focus on the goal the happy new me

or the new happy me and the mantra of today is new happy me so let's all

repeat with me new happy me new happy me new happy me and I have a power now how

to not be affected with the other people's criticism and I'm going to

learn from it and I learned that secret so I'm not going to be bothered by that

anymore and I'm not going to follow myself if I have made the mistake so I'm

going to forgive myself and I'm going to forgive others so forgive myself and

forgive others and again thank you very much for joining and please come log on

to my facebook other pages like path to Ananda and like it and also like this

page Facebook's up there cauldre so whenever I am on life then you will get

the message that I am life so you will not miss it out and also on YouTube we

have many videos and we put one or two videos per week so you will be informed

so please subscribe to our YouTube channel and I will be posting it so you

will get the link on the comment section and please continue to send the

questions and send this information and forward this and share with others your

loved ones your friends so that other people can also learn because life is a

learning lesson and we all want to be happy so let's create this happy world

by sharing our messages and helping others to solve their issues and help

them to be happy as well and if you need any of my books you can go to my website

ww2 anandam dot org and also you can go to my Amazon session and as I mentioned

before I am the self transformation happiness coach and if you have any

questions please send it to me and I will look forward to

next time and thank you very much and God bless us all thank you


For more infomation >> New Happy Me:The Secret to Handle Harsh Criticism Satya Kalra - Duration: 31:19.


[4K]Truck Trailer onboard camera [Vehicle width 2.8 m] / Hitachi bypass on the sea - Duration: 6:07.

Hitachi bypass (Ibaraki) Hitachi Seaside Road

Load heavy machinery While transporting to Takahagi I tried detours.

It was completed in 2008, the Route 6 in Hitachi city and the Route 245 It is a bypass made to alleviate congestion.

As a general road it is unusual nationwide It is a viaduct made on the sea.

It is "Hamanomiya Road Park" to the right. It is a famous spot where you can see the first sunrise in New Year.

"Hamanomiya spiral bridge" is visible in the left front. The height difference is about 30 meters.

At the beginning of the construction was exposed to the rough waves of the Pacific Will not Hitachi bypass be damaged? There was discussion that.

However, Hitachi bypass was able to withstand the shake and the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The damage caused by the earthquake was very small, and it turned out that Hitachi bypass was robust

Oh? Something is falling on the left side.

That is a plastic container.

When it is fine weather like today, the horizontal line is clearly visible It will be a superb view drive course.

When the view of the sea disappears We will soon join Route 6

It is a little more to the destination. Let's be careful and drive.

see you.

For more infomation >> [4K]Truck Trailer onboard camera [Vehicle width 2.8 m] / Hitachi bypass on the sea - Duration: 6:07.


How The Abyss Platform Works - Duration: 0:59.

Kevin loves video games

and he wants to capitalize on his hobby

Now it's made possible by The Abyss

a next-generation digital distribution game platform

Kevin got registered on the platform and invited his friends using his referral link

They improve their characters by purchasing swords, armor and other items

And our guy is rewarded ABYSS tokens for that.

Readily changeable for The Abyss in-game shop discounts

while fiat money will be also acceptable on the platform

Kevin's friends invite their friends, and they invite theirs

And so on, until they reach 5 levels

Expanding referral network brings even more tokens

Kevin also participates in our motivational program

He makes video streams and writes about video games

He gets likes for his activities and earns ABYSS tokens along the way

And, sometimes he completes tasks from the developers for rewards

Wanna be like Kevin?

Join The Abyss digital distribution game platform now

and claim your crypto-reward

For more infomation >> How The Abyss Platform Works - Duration: 0:59.


Google Won't Tell You This! - Duration: 14:35.


I'm an artist and you know one of the

things that I really want out of art

what I see the job of the artist to be

is to try to learn how to see the

historical moment that you find yourself

living in right I mean that very simply

and I mean that very literally how do

you see the world around you and this is

the harder to do than it might seem and

many times the world around us a

complicated place there's all kinds of

structures and forms of power that are

very much a part of our everyday lives

that we rarely notice watch what you say

or do around your Amazon echo or Google

home a local consumer group warns that

down the road those digital personal

assistance may be assisting their

corporate creators more than they assist

you and one of the things I've been

working on for 15 years or so is looking

at the world of sensing looking at the

world of you know looking at the kind of

planetary scale structures that we've

been building that facilitate

telecommunications but at the same time

are also instruments of mass

surveillance your personal assistants

named Alexa or Google Alessa ask

pizzahut to place an order okay may talk

to you through these smart gadgets what

would you like to order but Amazon and

Google say their devices don't begin

listening until you say a specific word

like Alexa or hey Google

when we talk about surveillance I think

a lot of us have the idea oh there's the

security cameras and then there's

somebody standing behind you know all

the monitors and looking and seeing

what's going on that image is over it

doesn't work anymore right now the

cameras themselves are doing the

operations in other words you have a

traffic camera that camera can detect if

somebody is you know doing something

wrong and automatically issue a ticket

right so we're building these autonomous

surveillance systems that actually

intervene in the world and a lot of

people are saying that like by 2020

there'll be a trillion sensors on the

surface of the earth that are able that

are able to do this kind of thing so

this is something that's very much

transforming not only the surface of the

earth but our everyday lives as well

coming a dominant source for information

to audio technology like Google home and

Amazon's Alexa are standing by to answer

any of your questions but tonight one of

the most common names is unknown to

Google home what it tells you when you

ask about Jesus one of the most popular

Christmas gifts this year

voice-activated Google home comments

videos and test results posted asking

who is Jesus the general response from

Google home is I'm not sure how to help

you with that still no response from the

Google company on why ok Google who is

Jesus my apologies I don't understand

Google home refers to Jesus Christ when

asking about the Last Supper and even

Saint Peter and there's plenty of

information on the Prophet Muhammad

Buddha even Savior they took prayer out

of schools they just think that taking

Jesus out of everything is politically

correct these days and I think that's

the stam of a lot of our problems Martin

Collins has no doubt Google has

purposefully programmed Jesus out of its

audio speakers keep from stepping on

toes politically correctness I mean that

seems to be the thing these days more

than just what's right what's wrong

Sam's calling for answers from Google as

it's become a main source of information

readily available that so many are

becoming to depend on well we look at

what these planetary infrastructure look

like we on the left

we see an image of what Google's global

infrastructure looks like on the right

we see the National Security Agency's

global infrastructure as of 2013 the

point is these are literally

technological systems that envelop the

earth now while we're talking about

planetary surveillance systems a aka

planetary telecommunication systems

they're not only envelope the earth like

in series of cables and hardware and

infrastructure they're also in the skies

above our heads every minute of every

hour there are hundreds and hundreds of

satellites over our heads

one project I've been known again over

many many years is trying to track and

photograph all of the secret satellites

in orbit around the planet all the

unacknowledged satellites this is done

using data from amateur astronomers

amateur astronomers go out they see

something in the sky they look it up in

the catalogue it's not there they know

they've seen a secret satellite usually

an American military or intelligence

satellite they write down what they saw

what I can do is I can take that

observation model that orbit and then go

out at night model the orbit make a

prediction about where something will be

and then using telescopes and kind of

computer guided mouths I can pinpoint

the place in the sky where I think it'll

be at if you do everything right which

is rare you get an image like this and

this line here is the streak of

something called the x-37b for example

this is an American secret space drone

that's currently on its fourth mission

the x-37b so I get into the culture a

little bit of these things this is the

found the crew patch the guys that fly

this thing and this is the program

office that controls it outfit called

the rapid capabilities office who have

this motto here in Latin Opus Dei bla

bla bla doing God's work with other

people's money so this is kind of a

glimpse into the the culture of this

kind of stuff so the point is like we

have surveillance systems that exist at

the scale of the planet that literally

enveloped the surface of the earth and

literally enveloped the heavens above

the earth but the scale down in various

ways these are also articulated of

course at the scales of cities down to

the scales of living rooms down to the

scales of our bodies down to

the scales even of our thoughts and the

questions that we asked consumer

watchdog released a report that suggests

the companies may be planning on

listening and watching in the future

without you even noticing consumer

watchdog president Jamie Cort points to

patent applications by Google and Amazon

that may show future uses of these

devices watch this unexpected moment

during our interview when Alexis seems

to respond to what Jamie Court is saying

clearly Google home and you know Amazon

Amazon with with Alexa anticipate

surveilling you and watching your family

that's very creepy Google and Amazon

have not replied to our request for a

response I even asked Google who was

David Sam's Google knew who I was but

Google did not know who Jesus was Google

did not know who Jesus Christ was and

Google did not know who God was smart

speakers are a technology owned by about

40 million Americans that's about one in

six that's pretty scary it's it's almost

like Google has taken Jesus and God out

of smart audio first it started with

schools there you go see she still

doesn't understand you know I know I

don't think no if there's a wizard over

there at Google who's making these

decisions or if it's some kind of

oversight but it's definitely something

that they need to address and address

immediately we're at a point now where

Google or a Facebook or Amazon literally

knows more about me in my history than I

know about myself and what are some of

the implications of that how do we think

through that what does that mean what do

we see when we actually look through

these kinds of sensing systems well one

thing that I think becomes very obvious

when you spend some time with it because

I think there's a kind of popular idea

out there that oh technology is neutral

it's just how you use it and I want to

counter that or say there's no such

thing as technology detached from how

you use it and so when you use it and

when you deploy these kinds of systems

any kind of sensing technology sees

through the eyes of the forms of power

that is designed to amplify the forms of

power that is designed to exercise

whether that is military power or law

enforcement or commercial power etc I

think that's one thing that you start to

see and this brings up a lot of concerns

for me I worry about what the future of

these kind of planetary autonomous

sensing systems are I worry that they

have a tendency to kind of reproduce the

kinds of racism and patriarchy and

inequality that have characterized so

much of human history and also concerned

that they represent enormous

concentrations of power in very few

places and so one project that I've been

doing is just trying to go to the places

where these systems come together where

does this infrastructure kind of congeal

in very specific places a really

important part of global

telecommunications is chokepoints places

where transcontinental fiber-optic

cables come together what are the places

where the continents are connected to

one another these are really important

to telecommunications but also obviously

very important to surveillance you sit

on these places you can collect most of

the data that's going through the

Earth's telecommunication systems what

do these look like well this is a place

in Long Island one of these sites one in

Northern California at Point Arena the

west coast of Hawaii Guam was really

important to this kind of thing

Marseilles in France and what do you see

in the image nothing right the point of

these images is these are some of like

the most surveilled places on earth

these are literally kind of like core

parts of global telecommunications and

surveillance infrastructure there's no

evidence whatsoever that that's going on

in the photos of these kind of places so

what does that tell us kind of

allegorically about how some of these

infrastructures and systems work I did

start pushing this a little bit further

I wanted to say well theoretically there

should be these conjunctions of cables

in these bodies of water in these images

and so I learned how to scuba dive in a

swimming pool in suburban Berlin as you

do and started going out and studying

nautical charts and undersea maps to try

to find places on the continental shelf

where I could maybe see these

going out with teams of divers when you

do everything right you find images like

this as you can see there's dozens and

dozens of internet cables across moving

across the floor of the ocean

these are cables that connect the East

Coast of the United States to Europe a

phenomena that's been going on for a

while is a LPR automatic license plate

tracking these are systems that take

pictures of every single car that drives

by on a city street something that that

is able to autonomously read the number

of that car and either put that in a

database that the police or law

enforcement have access to or again

issue things like traffic citations

based on that all without human

intervention the same thing is starting

to come online with police body cameras

which are now being outfitted with

facial recognition technology to do

something similar one of the tools that

we have in the studio is the ability to

make portraits of people of what people

look like as they are seen by facial

recognition software and we've been

running these on portraits of

revolutionaries and philosophers from

the past and the left is the great

post-colonial philosopher Frantz Fanon

as seen through facial recognition

software on the right is Simone vial is

also obviously happening in the

commercial space you go to a modern

supermarket there are autonomous systems

identifying you trying to understand

when the last time you were there was

how much money you spent what are you

looking at what's your emotional state

what are you interested in and they're

getting more and more intimate sensing

systems looking at what kind of food do

we key are we going to the gym you know

are we in good health how are we

behaving are we drinking too much do we

smoke cigarettes what kind of objects

are in our houses and what does that say

about who we are by one Google service

can be shared with its other platforms

allowing the company to build

unprecedented profiles of users who sign

into its services so other changes good

news for consumers or just a massive

invasion of online privacy points the

ability of companies like Google to to

make predictions about all aspects of

your personal life and if we realize

that Google have got the the capability

through the data that they gather to

predict things like our political

affiliations our religious affiliations

our sexuality that kind of thing people

start to get a lot more worried

than when they just see an advert for

the car that they were just looking at

all the watch they were just looking at

yeah I mean you're an expert in this I

mean does it spook you I terrify some eh

there is this simple answer I said at

the beginning of the talk that one of

the things I want out of art is things

that help us see the historical moment

that we live in how do we learn to see

the world but there's something else

that I want out of art as well I want

something that helps us see a world that

we want to live in and if you want to

see that world you have to ask yourself

what do you want and so I spend a lot of

time looking at these technologies and

asking myself how would I want them to

be different what world do I want to

live in


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