Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 11 2018

Film Courage: What thoughts do you have on DIY release strategies? Scott Kirkpatrick: I guess the criticism I

get a lot are the things I hear from people all the time are I don't

understand that business he stuff and I don't I don't get the distribution stuff

and you know it's always I'm gonna focus on making my movie and somebody else

will deal with all that truth is today it's never been easier to produce a

movie or any type of media content in general the technology is fantastic the

costs have dropped tremendously and anybody can do it

the problem is because anybody can do it there's tons of it and so it's more

important I think now for filmmakers and writers to be cognizant of what is

needed in the marketplace and how that whole end process works and the great

thing is that there's never been a better time in this industry for people

to do it all on their own anybody can create a website anybody can

create a blog anybody can build a fan base using social media platforms

anybody can you know spit out and leak information about their title and build

up an audience and build up an interest and have that magical moment when the

product is ready to be released already have a great collection of people out

there willing to buy it so it's a I guess my view on it is it's just there's

never been as much power in the hands of individuals and individual content

creators as there has now and I think that's only going to increase so I think

the ability to take a project an idea from beginning to end

cheaply effectively with very strong results has never been more in the power

of individual filmmakers so for those people who want to do their you know

project that is outside of the conventions of what I talk about in

writing for the Green Line they certainly can and they you know should

pursue what they want but if you still produce within the genre conventions I

write about you're gonna see a lot more traction I think on the professional

side because that's gonna stand out a bit that they were able to put a project

like that together make a bit of profit on it for a very cheap budget that's

somebody who can prove to themselves we can bring them in and

you know they can shoot films for us or write films for us or whatever

what can filmmakers learn from the app world metrics

I think the incredible amount of data and metrics that go into engineering an

app and how targeted and focused it is very very specific audience I I think

that's what filmmakers can take away from the app world what that opens the

door to is you know the genre conventions are right about writing for

the green light are good on a grand scale but some people want to produce a

documentary that's very focused on a touchy issue that's maybe only important

to a very small minority of people that's fine they can exploit as much of

that small percentage of people as possible if they focus it and target it

and reach out to those individuals and communicate with them same thing with

like faith-based content you know there's a there's a great audience out

there and the stuff that sometimes gets produced on it on a grand scale isn't

hitting the nail on the head the way that audience wants it and so they can

kind of do it themselves it's I think what we can learn from the app world is

how much data we have and how many of the answers we already all have in our

pockets or purses and just with the app world beta testing something can a

filmmaker really do that with their movie it's tough to beta test a movie

beta testing is I think much better at platforms and an audience response and

because of that once you kind of make a movie it's sort of one and done and it's

either going to resonate or it's not so you can take as many steps as possible

to enhance the ability for an audience to be receptive of it but it's a thing

where you kind of got to know the audience in advance and that's why the

distribution assembly-line kind of works the way it does where it's all reversed

engineering it starts with the audience and builds back to what movie should be

produced versus producing the movie and then just hoping for the best that it

gets to the right audience


For more infomation >> DIY Movie Release Strategies For Filmmakers by Scott Kirkpatrick - Duration: 4:32.


Pickleball Drop Shot Drill-the "third shot" - Duration: 4:10.

If you want to move up in levels, play tournaments or just become a better player

in general one of the things that you need to be able to do is hit a

consistent drop volley into the kitchen or more commonly what we call the third

shot drop. Today I'm gonna share with you one of my favorite drills designed to

help you do just that. I's coming up soon.

Hey everybody its CJ Johnson

Hitting a third shot consistently from a variety of places on the court is no

easy order. In fact it's probably one of the most difficult shots in pickleball,

that's why this drill is so valuable. Before we get to that drill if you

haven't already done so if you wouldn't mind. I think the subscribe button is

over here down in the corner. Please hit the subscribe button that tells YouTube

that you find this content valuable and you'll get a notification anytime that I

post a new video. Here's my favorite third shot drill.

Painters tape or some

masking tape works perfectly for this drill. Place a piece of tape just behind

the non-volley zone, three across. Than again in the middle of the court and

then for the last time at the baseline. Wo you have nine pieces of tape on the court.

It often helps to do the movement before you actually put a ball into play.

So starting at the non-volley the zone move side to side as well as backwards

stopping it each piece of tape and pretending to hit a shot from that piece

of tape into the kitchen.

Once you've gotten comfortable with pattern put a ball into play. Remember

your goal is to land the ball inside the kitchen each and every time you hit a

shot from the 9 different positions on the court.

Make sure that once you've done this on one side of the court start on the other

side of court. You're going to find that you'll get a few more backhands on one

side versus the other. It also helps with your movement patterns getting used to

shuffling from side to side.

Here's a little closer look at my

footwork. What you'll notice is as I move side-to-side is the weight is on the

balls of my feet. When I'm ready to hit a shot I stop my feet, set them and you'll

notice that the weight moves naturally backward and forward as I lift the ball

with my legs and body over the net into the kitchen.

Once you've done this drill a couple of times reverse it.

Start at the baseline and move towards the non-volley zone. Just as it was in

the first drill it's very helpful to run the pattern with out a ball before you

put the ball into play.

Often times people ask why start at the non-volley zone and have a little bit of

backward motion. Generally it's because of success. Most people are fairly

comfortable with a dink shot and by starting at the non-volley zone moving

backward they get more confidence with the motion. It's a little bit more

difficult to start at the baseline and move forward.

Spend just ten minutes with this before you start to play. It'll do a couple

things for you. It's going to warm up your body, get your footwork going and

best of all help you hit a more consistent third shot drop. If this video

was helpful if you wouldn't mind giving it a little thumbs up down below and if you'd

share it with your pickleball playing friends that would be great. Because together we can

Train Smart, Live Bold and Age Well

For more infomation >> Pickleball Drop Shot Drill-the "third shot" - Duration: 4:10.


Denden Lazaro and Amy Ahomiro Plays What's in the Box Challenge! - Duration: 4:55.

Hi, guys! I'm Alyssa Valdez

What up, guys! Iya here

Hi, I'm Chie Filomeno

Hi, this is Maxine Medina

Hi guys, kamusta kayo?

Hey, everybody! This is Rhian Ramos

- We'll just touch it? - Pwede na?

Is it alive?


No, what?

Is it a snake?



Rat! It's a rat!

It's a rat, it's a rat.

I felt the tail.

It's a rat?



Oh, you were so good.

-Yours was easy. - Mine was easy.




- Ah! - What the hell?


- Cotton! Wool! Wool! - Bread!

Bread cake?

Wait, this is wool.

String! String!



A wig! It's a wig.

(Tama na.) - Tama na?


-Ano nga ba tawag dito? Foam? - That's kinetic sand.

Wow! You know what it is.

Yeah, I love playing with kinetic sand.

Wow, this is the one from the States pa.

Oh, you know?

- Yeah. 'Cause the one here doesn't stick as well. - You know!

'Kay. So, 2-1?

I'm up 2?

I'm up 2?

- Because you guessed mine. - Oh, 1 all.

Okay, okay.


Oh, I didn't even touch mine yet!

Turnip? What is it?


- It's a potato? - It's Spudnik!


I would think it's a rock.

I think if this was with you

Oh, that's what I thought

- You didn't know? - That we're gonna get...

Yeah. This is what I thought.

- Remember I said it was going to be fruit na spiky? - Oo.

Pomelo! Cauliflower!

Broccoli! Broccoli!


What is it?

It's raw meat?



What's yours?


No way. Your rambutan was daya.

Huh? Well, yeah.

- Cauliflower. I really know my vegetables.

But yeah, that's nasty din.

So can we have a tie breaker?

To see who the real champion ultimate winner is?

You na lang.

- You touched raw meat. - Yeah, I won.

Yeah, I think you, you have to give it to me.


Whipped cream.

How does she know?

Oh! Mayonnaise!

Whipped cream.

How do you know?

'Cause I know the texture, oh never mind.

- Yay! - Gamit na gamit yung whipped cream.

Just on, like, sundaes and whatnot.

And whatnot.

For more infomation >> Denden Lazaro and Amy Ahomiro Plays What's in the Box Challenge! - Duration: 4:55.


Renn Kiriyama 桐山漣 Interview インタビュー 仮面ライダーW - Duration: 17:06.

カリフォルニアにて開催されたJapan World Heroes 2017に来ております。




The reason I started this career? Well I started as a musician first.

But I realized I wouldn't be able to live off music.

When I turned 21 I did an audition and entered the acting world.

It was kinda embarrassing, so I really don't want to remember much,

but my first ever acting job

was on a drama called Nodame Cantabile.

I was the only extra that had a line.

It was just a single line, but it was my first time, and I couldn't say it properly.

I went home that day with my head hanging low.

When I was a child, 4 or 5, Kamen Rider Black was airing.

And it is thanks to it that I decided that if I became an actor I wanted to play a Kamen Rider.

So coming across Kamen Rider Black was a very big thing for me.

In the audition for Kamen Rider Double, there was the Shotaro side and the Phillip side.

I didn't realize it at first though.

But at the last audition, there was the quite young side and an older side.

So we were split like that and we would be asked to transform in front of the producers during the audition.

And since they paired us up, I started to suspect "are two people going to transform into the Rider?".

In Kamen Rider Double? I wonder...

Just as I told you, since it was two people into one Kamen Rider,

but then I had finally made it... And while in the end it was great that it was two as one of course,

but back then, I still did not understand why there had to be two of us.

I actually felt I wanted to be just on my own.

But as the story went on, I had a chance to transform on my own into Kamen Rider Joker.

I got my own transforming pose as Joker,

and I could develop it together with the suit actor.

The thought that remained the most was

that it was not just Shotaro transforming into Joker on his own.

But that he transformed by himself to save his partner, Phillip. So, it was very Double thing to do.

So I had the chance to transform by myself but I was glad it was not only for the sake of himself but of someone else.

The hardest part was when transforming.

I wasn't allowed to see the belt while transforming.

I had to keep my eyes on the enemy while inserting the Gaia Memory into the slot.

And sometimes it would not get in.

That repeated over and over.

So as the story progressed

I became better at putting it in it without looking.

So for those who have the belt, I would like them to transform without looking at the belt.

Episode 48.

The one with the last transformation. If we transformed one more time, Phillip would disappear.

But we had Utopia (Dopant) against us so we had to transform.

So there was this conflict within Shotaro. And in the end they have to transform and Phillip does disappear.


That scene is very important to me even today.


The concept of Joker was actually more of a producer's decision than mine.

So please ask him. However,

Well, he transforms on his own.

And is an all black rider on both sides, which I thought was really cool.

Honestly, I hadn't realized until now about how many fans there were around the world.

And having the chance to meet everyone today, I felt a lot of love for the series

and even after 8 years, there are people who like the series and are willing to come here for it, it's great.

I felt that what we had done so far was definitely not a mistake.

I really hope this series continues to receive all this love from around the world, always.

In the case of Codename: Mirage

Shinichi Moriyama is very strong and has no need to transform to be so.

And, since he is a hitman,

his moves are exact. So I act taking that kind of element into account.

He is very quiet. Doesn't speak much.

But there is a lot of thought gone into his motivation to do missions and kill enemies.

So I have done my part trying to provide the character with that depth.

With Shotaro, he is, as you all know, half boiled. So he acts all cool, without really succeeding.

I think that's a very funny and endearing quality to him.

So comparing Mirage and Shotaro, the difference would be...

...that Mirage is probably the hardboiled man that Shotaro idealizes.

He is impassive no matter what and can kill in cold blood no problems.

That is impossible for Shotaro to do. They are very opposite characters.

Before we started filming, for a month

almost every day, we took action classes with the action director. Intending to start from zero, of course.

So Action Director Sonomura really taught us his action style.

It was very educational.

The fighting style is very much like John Wick's. Close quarter combat with a gun, hitting them.

And kill them.

I really studied that movie to prepare.

And I think you'll notice when watching that I use unusual objects as weapons.

Like a frozen fish,

or using the depleted gun upside down like a tonfa.

And there are scenarios like what to do when you run out of ammo.

Or maybe having your gun snatched.

And maybe snatch the enemy's gun and kill them with it.

In a very unpredictable situation,

he uses what he has at his disposal as weapons

and using his brain. I think that fighting style is quite uncommon.

I would like you to enjoy the action in Codename: Mirage.

Right. Well, I, in Japan,

am working as an actor. But what I thought today

was that I would like to speak more English because that would allow me to expand my work opportunities.

So when I come next time, I would like to know more English.

And I want to continue doing my job well so that it reaches people like the viewers of this interview.

Creating something new with each.

And regarding Mirage, I would like to make it something that everyone around the world can watch and enjoy.

I think that series has a lot of potential for developing.

And I would like everyone to know that the guy who played Shotaro is doing this kind of thing as well.

The Tokusatsu Networkをご覧いただき、ありがとうございます!

For more infomation >> Renn Kiriyama 桐山漣 Interview インタビュー 仮面ライダーW - Duration: 17:06.


Trump Effect USA Selling Oil to Arabian Petro Giant - Duration: 5:09.


Effect USA Selling Oil to Arabian Petro Giant

When Sarah Palin first came to national attention as John McCain�s running mate during the

2008 election, the then-Alaska governor was fond of saying �Drill, baby, drill!� � a

slogan that highlighted the fact that America�s energy woes could be solved by increased drilling

at home.

At the time, Palin�s exhortations were laughed at, mostly in the same way every comment Palin

made was mocked � by Democrats and the media.

(Meanwhile, her counterpart on the Democrat side, Joe Biden, was rarely if ever made to

explain regular obtuse statements, like why he once said, �You cannot go to a 7-Eleven

or a Dunkin� Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.

I�m not joking,�)

Palin�s remarks came at a point in time where gas was $4 a gallon in many places,

and many �experts� said it would rise from there.

It looked like a Prius was going to be in pretty much everyone�s future.

During the intervening eight years, despite the development of new oil-extracting technologies,

including fracking and shale oil production, the Obama administration fought strenuously

against energy development, all in the absence of any real evidence of significant environmental

damage caused by it.

We�ve said it before, we�ll say it again: What a difference an administration makes.

The Associated Press reported Wednesday that the world has seemingly turned upside down:

The United States is now exporting oil to one of the most oil-rich nations on earth.

�The United Arab Emirates, a model Persian Gulf petro-state where endless billions from

crude exports feed a giant sovereign wealth fund, isn�t the most obvious customer for

Texan oil,� the AP reports.

�Yet, in a trade that illustrates how the rise of the American shale industry is upending

energy markets across the globe, the UAE bought oil directly from the U.S. in December, according

to data from the federal government.

A tanker sailed from Houston and arrived in the Persian Gulf last month.�

The reasoning behind the decision, in spite of the United Arab Emirates� vast supplies

of oil, is that the grade exported to the Middle Eastern nation is American condensate,

which is very light.

This grade is �preferred to regional grades because its superior quality made it more

suitable for the UAE�s processing plants, one individual said,� the AP reported.

The UAE purchased its condensate from Qatar until last year, the AP reported.

In 2017, the emirates Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East broke ties with

Qatar over Qatar�s support for Iran as well as suspected funding of international terrorism.

While sales aren�t necessarily likely to continue apace, especially given the UAE�s

own ability to pump crude oil (and plenty of it), it�s the kind of economic man-bites-dog

story that likely has Trump supporters celebrating.

After all, the Obama administration pretty much did everything to discourage the American

oil industry from doing more drilling.

Trump has been exactly the opposite.

Before he even took office, Trump announced that almost all offshore waters would be open

for oil exploration.

He also managed to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska for drilling as

part of the tax bill, although delays are likely to be abundant.

He also managed to win regulatory approval for the Keystone XL pipeline.

He�s also helped undo Obama-era regulations on fracking

Obviously, Trump can�t exactly take credit for everything the oil industry has done over

the past few decades to make it possible that America could actually export oil to the UAE.

However, he is part of a growing consensus among both conservatives and oil industry

experts that drilling, refining, and related processes can be done safely and with a minimal


As for the future, well, just look what he�s done so far.

To that extent, he can take credit for a substantial energy turnaround � one that scarcely seemed

imaginable when the intelligentsia were laughing Sarah Palin out of the room.

What are your thoughts on this amazing turnabout?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Trump Effect USA Selling Oil to Arabian Petro Giant - Duration: 5:09.


Markle Just Made Unforgivable Mistake Weeks Before Her Wedding - Duration: 5:02.

Markle Just Made Unforgivable Mistake Weeks Before Her Wedding.

With wedding preparations well underway and the big day that would change her life forever

coming up quickly, former American television actress Meghan Markle seems to be cracking

under pressure.

It's not all fairytales and glass slippers in being a real princess, the royal role comes

with a lot of responsibilities and pressure that Markle doesn't seem to be fit for.

Nothing is as perfect as it seems and Markle's life both before becoming engaged to the prince

and after are no exception.

While the princess wannabe is certainly gorgeous and flashes a perfect smile for the camera,

it turns out that she's hiding a really ugly face behind that fake facade.

Not just anybody can and will be accepted into England's royal family.

It's perhaps the hardest group to get accepted into with more expectations than anyone could


The royal rules are not part of the fairytale that Markle had probably envisioned when she

was asked out on her first date with the prince and now she's feeling the pinch.

As part of Markle's wedding planning, she had one item of personal business to secretly

attend to.

In the process, she broke a major royal rule.

She clearly felt it was worth it to send a disgusting message to her family and the former

country she called home before becoming a British citizen.

If things don't work out for her and Harry, she's going to have nowhere to go.

Markle's far less than perfect family and upbringing have been no secret since she became

engaged to Prince Harry.

Despite the unconventional and sordid nature of the members of her family, her stepsiblings

said childhood was great and they were all very close.

The princess wannabe told her soon-to-be husband an entirely different story as to separate

herself from the negative image her family exudes and gain sympathy for struggle she

never had.

Markle is intentionally trying to forget where she came from and has now reportedly disowned

her own brother for what she considers to be the most disgusting thing about a person

that she could imagine.

It's no secret that Markle is not remotely a fan of President Donald Trump's.

Before she was forced to give up social media as a requirement for all members of the royal

family, she was politically outspoken.

Speaking publicly about politics is a major no-no for royals and refraining from such

topics is actually a written rule they must follow.

However, Markle couldn't help herself and her hate for the president and her brother

who supports him in committing the cardinal sin of forgetting that he was ever family

and removing him from her life entirely.

When Markle's brother reached out to her in desperate need for help managing "extreme

media scrutiny" he was enduring since her engagement, she reportedly ignored him, then

shut him out of her life.

He wasn't asking for any money or anything physical that she could provide, he just wanted

her support and advice which was too much for her to offer since she's so disgusted

by him for his support of President Trump.

In Touch Weekly reports:

In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Meghan Markle's half-brother, Tom Markle Jr. reveals

that she ignored his plea for help – whose life has been "under a microscope" since

Prince Harry and Meghan announced their engagement in November.

Tom, 51, tells In Touch that he and his lawyer have been going back and forth with the palace,

trying in vain to connect with the future royal and asking for her help dealing with

the international scrutiny.

"My lawyer had a phone meeting with her lawyer, and he emailed me some of [Meghan's]

direct words.

She said, 'That's distant family and I don't know those people.'

That's pretty harsh," Tom tells In Touch, calling it "a slap in the face" and "below

the belt."

Tom finds it "ridiculous" that Meghan thinks of him as a stranger.

"I spent a lot of time with her growing up," explains Tom, who was 14 and living

with his dad, now 73, and Thomas Markle Sr.'s then-wife, Doria Ragland, 61, when Meghan

was born.

In the past year, Tom says, he's lost work and has had to move three times because of

all the interest in Meghan.

"There was a time where people were following me around at work, taking pictures and posting

horrible stories about me and my family saying I'm a white supremacist, a drug addict and

a dealer, all this crap that just isn't true," he explains.

Before Markle was banned from talking about politics, she was a self-imposed liberal activist.

For this reason, she finds her pro-Trump brother repulsive and embarrassing.

What's truly disgusting, is that she thinks she's better than family who she's willing

to let go over political differences, forgetting years of her life spent in happy times with

these people.

When you forget where you came from and who you spent a good part of your life with, then

you have nowhere to return to when you find yourself in need of reconnecting with your


What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Markle Just Made Unforgivable Mistake Weeks Before Her Wedding - Duration: 5:02.


女同故事 Stories│不再愛上異性戀,有可能?Stop falling for straight people, is it possible? - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> 女同故事 Stories│不再愛上異性戀,有可能?Stop falling for straight people, is it possible? - Duration: 6:10.


[Double K'] SHOW ESPECIAL #KPOP FIGHTING ANIVERSARIO 2018 - Duration: 16:45.

For more infomation >> [Double K'] SHOW ESPECIAL #KPOP FIGHTING ANIVERSARIO 2018 - Duration: 16:45.


Energy Cleansing And Meditation Using The Elements Earth, Water, - Duration: 3:24.

Energy Cleansing And Meditation Using The Elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air

There is something predominantly primal about cleansing our bodies by using the elements.

Given that we are all constituents of mother earth, proper utilization of these four elements

help us to connect back to our roots.

However, as opposed to popular belief, one does not need to go up into the mountains

to connect with their inner senses.

You can effortlessly do that even while living in a city.

The elements each have etheric beings, or elementals, associated with them.

Different cultures have different names for these, but most commonly there are referred

to as- the Slyphs of Air, and the Salamanders of Fire, the Undines of Water, and the Gnomes

of Earth.

Calling on the relevant elementals when meditating assists in the cleansing, and make sure to

always offer your thanks to the elementals after you are done a cleansing.

Note with the methods below, they can also be used to cleanse objects.

The cleansing methods below can also be used to cleanse objects, as well as your self.

It is always important to cleanse new items such as clothes and jewelry which will be

close to your body.

The Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air

EARTH: BASE OR ROOT CHAKRA Stand barefoot on the ground.

Imagine there are roots coming emanating from the soles of your feet going deep down into

the earth.

Ask the earth to take any negative energies from your being deep down into the earth.

Plant life has roots in the earth.

Hug a tree, or sit against a tree and allow the tree to be your conduit to take the negative

energies of your being into the earth.

WATER: SACRAL CHAKRA Immerse yourself in water, preferably flowing

water as the flow takes away the unwanted energies from your energetic field.

While having a shower, feel the water washing your energy field clean.

Stand in the rain, preferably barefoot on the ground.

FIRE: SOLAR PLEXUS OR NAVEL CHAKRA Allow your body to be exposed to an appropriate

amount of sunlight.

Light a fire and allow the warmth to radiate to your body.

Use the light and the flame from a candle (at an appropriate distance) for meditation

� allow yourself to �enter� the flame and be purified, as alchemists have done for


AIR: HEART CHAKRA On a windy day, allow the air element to blow

away any negative energies from your energetic field.

Focused breathing techniques bring your full focus to the self and the element of air.

Work with feathers to utilize the air element and use the direction of the feather to move

the air over yourself or an object

For more infomation >> Energy Cleansing And Meditation Using The Elements Earth, Water, - Duration: 3:24.


First flight with a drone (DJI Spark) - Duration: 1:41.

Hello, today is the first flight.

So yeah, today's video is the first flight.

We are testing our drone.

It's a bit windy but we will try it because it's our first one.

Check this out

For more infomation >> First flight with a drone (DJI Spark) - Duration: 1:41.


9 Time To Make The Most Of Your Introversion - Duration: 3:22.

9 Time To Make The Most Of Your Introversion

Introversion is typically seen as defect or flaws that should be cured.

However, it is worth noting that introversion actually can be your greatest weapon if you

know how to use it.

In this short video, I'm going to show you some ways to make the most of your introversion.

But before we jump to the lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

Here is some ways to use your introversion ability.

#1 - Meeting great people

No matter how shy you are towards people, you still can afford meeting one or two people.

In this case, you need to find one that matters to you.

It is preferred that the people you are talking to are extrovert and have power.

With your great ability to listen, you will find hem respect yourself.

#2 - Write a note

The problem with introversion lies on the world-processing mechanism.

Introverts process everything internally and it takes quite long time to express what is


Fortunately, it can be hacked with the ability of your writing.

It helps you a lot to say something later.

#3 - Be realistic

You need to choose the most valuable social activities throughout the day.

That way, you will not exhaust yourself and make you feel stupid.

#4 - Knowing people better

Introverts are really good at absorbing information.

Be sure to check the information about people you want to meet.

That way, you will not be surprised on what you are going to talk later.

#5 - Getting out the comfort zone

This one is absolutely difficult.

However, you can get out from your comfort zone slowly.

You need to start practicing public speaking, debate, and many other verbal skills for delivering

your ideas.

#6 - Focusing on your strength

The main strength of introversion is ability to learn quickly and deeply.

Use that for your advantage.

#7 - Be strong

Extroverts are basically your number one contender.

However, they can easily beaten if you focus on yourself instead of comparing your ability

to others.

Once in a while, it can be motivating.

However, excessive comparison makes you weaker instead.

#8 - Fake it

In the same vein with getting out of comfort zone, you should be able to adapt to various


#9 - Find the right activity

Lastly, introverts come in different level.

If you still begin to figure out yourself, then do not ever try to take risky jobs such

as being diplomat or something.

Be sure to train yourself before taking a leap.

All in all, that's all the 9 time to make the most of your introversion.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Time To Make The Most Of Your Introversion - Duration: 3:22.



burger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

but as it turns out that might be what you get a

4chan or uploaded a photo?

Anonymously, to the site?

showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce with the statement this is the lettuce you eat at burger king

Admittedly he had shoes on but that's even worse?

burger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

but as it turns out that might be what you get a for chatter uploaded a photo

Anonymously, to the site?

showcasing his feet in a plastic head of lettuce

with the statement this is the letter z that burger king admittedly he had shoes on but that's even worse

what do you want you gotta eat, to keep your strength up man

hey i'll take a number nine

fat boy

give me a number nine just like he's

looking for lettuce the last thing you want in your third looking bird is someone's for fun yes but as it turns out

a for chatted up

anonymously, to the set number 15 burger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want

To hear a joke

wow tell your joke and you're


Here's the joke ready

number 15 burger king foot lettuce the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

number 15 i said i'll take a burger king foot lettuce

but fun guess

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus but as it turns out that might be what you get

number 15 bigger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

but as it turns out that might be what you get a

4chan or uploaded

number 15 burger king foot lettuce

number 50 number 15

burger king foot lettuce the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus but as it turns out

number 15 burger king foot lettuce the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger as someone's flip phone

For more infomation >> BURGER KING FOOT LETTUCE MEME COMPILATION 2018 - Duration: 5:01.


this mini game is hidden inside of Clash Royale... - Duration: 5:50.

this mini game is hidden inside of Clash Royale...

For more infomation >> this mini game is hidden inside of Clash Royale... - Duration: 5:50.


Bold Characters ft. Daenerys Targaryen, Dolores Abernathy, Issa Dee & More | HBO - Duration: 1:20.

BERNARD LOWE: Imagine...

There are two versions of yourself.

One that asks questions and one that's safe.

Which would you rather be?



Some of us believe that we could do... anything.

And sometimes, there's more than meets the eye.

MAN IN BLACK: It's what this place does, right?

Reveals your true self?

They can take away your power, they can take away your dignity,

but what is the one thing

that they cannot take away from you?

-My beauty. -(CLAPS) That's right.

Anything is possible.


Go for it, go for it, go!

OLENNA TYRELL: Are you a sheep?

No. You're a dragon.

Be a dragon.



MAEVE MILLAY: Time to write my own story.

For more infomation >> Bold Characters ft. Daenerys Targaryen, Dolores Abernathy, Issa Dee & More | HBO - Duration: 1:20.


How to Go to Church, Part 1 with Greg Laurie - Duration: 44:26.

For more infomation >> How to Go to Church, Part 1 with Greg Laurie - Duration: 44:26.


FORTNITE HOLIDAYS! JOIN NOW! - Duration: 10:04:34.

For more infomation >> FORTNITE HOLIDAYS! JOIN NOW! - Duration: 10:04:34.


لبيب الصغير / حروف الجر / Learn arabic / Imparare arabo - Duration: 5:12.

Labeeb Junior and the Sweeper

The Prepositions

Look! 👆🏼👀

This is Labeeb junior! 💃🏼

He is playing in the playground! 💘

What do you think he has in the back?! 🤔

Oooh no.. There are letters on the road! 😧

We have to clean them up! 😉👌🏼

Labeeb .. Where are you going?! 🙁

Who will remove the letters?! 🙄

Ahaa, I understood.. You want to built a sweeper today! 🤓

And It will clean up the ground from the letters! 🤪

Great idea! 😃👍🏼

Let's assemble the parts quickly! 😎


Two seats 🛋️

Control pannel 🎛️

Steering wheel 🕹️

Two doors🚪

The wheels ⚫

Two on here✌🏼

And two on the other side! ✌🏼

And this is a beacon that rotates 🚨

Labeeb .. but! 😕

How does it sweep up the letters?! 🤔

The sweeper needs brushes! 🤓

Can you look for them please?! 🤗

Nothing in here! 🤨

Haha.. What are these things hidden among the flowers?! 🤣

Look carefully Labeeb!🧐

Hihihi.. We find them.. They are brushes! 🤪

Woow.. All done! 😍

Great job! 😎

Now, it can sweep up all the street! 😃

Thank you Sweeper! 🤗

Bye! 👋🏼😍

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