Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 11 2018

Hi, my name is Emily, and this is my girlfriend Monica.

Before we get into the surprise of the century, I thought I'd give you a little bit of context.

Monica and I met when we were 14 and we were best friends for the next 4 years.

Until the summer after high school, when feelings came out of nowhere and suddenly I found myself

falling in love with my best friend... who was just about to move to a college 653 miles


Over the course of the following year, SO MANY THINGS happened.

It was a wild ride.

We didn't want to risk our friendship, and we didn't know what to do, but ultimately,

feelings just kept growing on both ends and on February 27th, 2016 she asked me to be

her girlfriend.

Aww... gross.

Thus, the start of a long-distance relationship.

One in which we only get to see each other around 2 to 3 trips a year.

A 10-hour drive isn't exactly something we can do frequently on a college student budget,

not to mention that I don't have a driver's license, and have never flown before.

I know she's always wished I would surprise her, but there's never been a feasible way

for me to do so.

After almost 2 years together, it can get a little frustrating.

This year has been particularly difficult, and our visits until we graduate are going

to be limited to less than a week together at a time.

Since the summer, we've only had 72 total hours together, and we wouldn't be seeing

each other for a couple more months.

Or... so she thought.

Michaela texted me randomly, and it was like, out of the blue...

On November 29th, I got a text from Monica's roommate asking if I was willing to learn

how to fly.

Her LGBT club at school was going to throw a gay prom-- the Gayla, if you will-- at the

end of January and her friends wanted to surprise her.

Naturally, I was in.

When I think about the actual trip, I'm actually really excited for it.

I made a packing list already.

And we've got like 16 days, so we've got time.

I'm excited, and I'm excited to surprise her.

I figured out with Sam, it looks like for the trip, um, Sam's gonna pick me up from

the airport and I'm gonna be staying with Sam for the night.

This morning, I got my flight finalized.

So, tomorrow I'll be flying for the first time ever.

I'm gonna go surprise my girlfriend at a gay prom that her friends are throwing, and she

has no idea I'm coming.

And that's really exciting.

So the prom is Saturday night, but I'm flying out-- tomorrow is Friday.

I'm flying out early, early in the morning and I'm gonna be in my girlfriend's college

town by noon.

And I'm gonna be staying with a mutual friend that we have, um, overnight, and surprise

her at the dance on Saturday.

So, that's exciting, this is the first time I've ever surprised her, so it's really exciting.

I don't know if I've ever been in your vlog.

Oh my gosh, hi, Vlog!

This is Sam!

I'm not sure I've ever been in your vlog.

I've daily vlogged for over 800 days straight, so this is what I do at the end of every single


I knew that part!

So hi, Vlog, how are you today?

And so Monica, if you're watching this in the future, hi, how are you?

It me.

Sucks to be you!

It us!

I'm just enjoying-- I can't wait until you see this.

I'm just enjoying the fact that you're gonna be so pissed off that I was here for over

24 hours and you had no idea.

I arrived over an hour early to get ready.

The plan was simple: I was going to hide in a back room, and Monica's roommate was going

to tell her that she needed to talk to her about something, and bring her in.

It's kind of funny, actually.

Monica had had a really hard week and had been texting me all day about not wanting

to go to the dance, and wishing I was actually going to be there.

She had absolutely no idea what was waiting for her at the end of the hall.

*gasp* Are you kidding me?

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh my God, you're here, what the hell!?


What the hell!??


How are you?

It me.



Who are you??

Don't cry, tiny smol!

I'm gonna cry.

Don't cry!

How are you here??

Oh, ya know.

I did a thing.

How are you here?


How are you?


Don't cry!

Don't cry!

Be a happy smol!

I AM happy!!

These are happy tears!

Happy tears.

You're so pretty, holy heck!


You have a little spot on your nose-- You're gonna catch my germs.

I don't care.


I can't believe you.

I'm shaking.


I can't believe you.

I can't believe you.

I have technically not lied to you at all the past couple days.

Like, she legitimately was flying on Friday, and got here and Sammi picked her up from

the airport.

Wait, she flew?

You flew!?

Okay, I'm-- WAIT, YOU FLEW!?!??!?

I'm scared of public busses, so like, let's just go big or go home, right?


I got on a plane and went ZOOM and then I got here!

No, how did your parents let you do this??


I figured it out, it's all good, we're here, hi!

I love you so much.

I love you too.

This is when you give Kyler an even bigger hug, because he's the one that helped with

all the-- You have very nice friends.


Kyler like messaged me after we started talking about the dance, going, "So, Monica has a

girlfriend, right?"

And I'm like, "Yeah."

"Can we get her here for a surprise?"

So literally since I said, "Hey, Monica, I want to go to the dance!" it was planned.

When are you flying back?

Monday morning.


It's okay, I need to.

I need to have my tonsils removed.

But that's okay!

You are screwing up my plan for homework.

Why do you think whenever you were like "I need to do homework," I was just like "No,

do your homework."

Fucking-- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you so much.

Everybody's so pretty!

I told you Troye Sivan soon, you never know when he's gonna drop a song.

I hate you!

Fucking Troye Sivan soon.

Look how cute we are!

You still have a lil black speck on your nose!

Let me get it.

I actually tried, and I did wings and everything.

I know.

I was like, "I'm gonna make this night good!"


I told you, have fun!

You having fun?

Okay, anyways, the food is ready, I don't wanna, like, force you to go in there, but...

I haven't had dinner yet, so yes.

Please tell me that you've been vlogging, like, the entirety of, like, the everything.

Are you kidding?

Who do you think I am?


I need to see everything!

Did you text her saying that, cause like, fucking Em: "SURPRISE, BITCH."


Hi, how are you, it me.

It us!

Oh, I look like a bug in that.

I just like, I was aggravated cause you were like "Are you getting here?

Are you coming?"

And I was like, "Bitch I'm in the parking lot!

I'm coming!"

We were waiting on you to text.

No, I was in the car.

I was already driving by then, so.

I was just like, I don't know if she's actually coming to this or not, and I need time so

she has time to hit record on things.

I'm telling everyone "Thank you," so.

I don't know how long to record the vlog.

The vlog's gonna say "Never stop recording."

Whatever the vlog wants to vlog, I don't.

Whatever the vlog wants, the vlog gets.

It's scary.

She keeps taking pictures of it.

It's really scary, I keep taking pictures and sending them to the other Michaela, and

being like, "help."


I'll go to the other room and let you guys have your moment.


Thank you.

Don't worry, I'll record it!

I hate you.

I know, it's fun, right?

I didn't suspect anything.

Yeah, well good, cause that was the goal.


I was gonna have you on Skype during a slow song.

That was kinda my idea.

Well now we get to have a real prom together.

I hate you.

Yeah, I know.

I'm good at lying to you when I want to.

Look at her!

This is my girlfriend.

She's very tired.

What did we do today??

You surprised me.

I did!

And I cried.


Quite a lot.


And then... surprise!

And we surprised her.

As you can see from the clip, she was like, "Who are you?"

So that's real cute.

I get to do that with my best friend...


Pretty cool.

It's really cool.

So that was our day.

So anyway, she's super tired, and we gotta wake up super early, so we're gonna go but

we love you and we'll see you tomorrow!



For more infomation >> SURPRISING MY LONG DISTANCE GIRLFRIEND FOR PROM | LDR | LGBT - Duration: 10:26.


Energy Cleansing And Meditation Using The Elements Earth, Water, - Duration: 3:24.

Energy Cleansing And Meditation Using The Elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air

There is something predominantly primal about cleansing our bodies by using the elements.

Given that we are all constituents of mother earth, proper utilization of these four elements

help us to connect back to our roots.

However, as opposed to popular belief, one does not need to go up into the mountains

to connect with their inner senses.

You can effortlessly do that even while living in a city.

The elements each have etheric beings, or elementals, associated with them.

Different cultures have different names for these, but most commonly there are referred

to as- the Slyphs of Air, and the Salamanders of Fire, the Undines of Water, and the Gnomes

of Earth.

Calling on the relevant elementals when meditating assists in the cleansing, and make sure to

always offer your thanks to the elementals after you are done a cleansing.

Note with the methods below, they can also be used to cleanse objects.

The cleansing methods below can also be used to cleanse objects, as well as your self.

It is always important to cleanse new items such as clothes and jewelry which will be

close to your body.

The Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air

EARTH: BASE OR ROOT CHAKRA Stand barefoot on the ground.

Imagine there are roots coming emanating from the soles of your feet going deep down into

the earth.

Ask the earth to take any negative energies from your being deep down into the earth.

Plant life has roots in the earth.

Hug a tree, or sit against a tree and allow the tree to be your conduit to take the negative

energies of your being into the earth.

WATER: SACRAL CHAKRA Immerse yourself in water, preferably flowing

water as the flow takes away the unwanted energies from your energetic field.

While having a shower, feel the water washing your energy field clean.

Stand in the rain, preferably barefoot on the ground.

FIRE: SOLAR PLEXUS OR NAVEL CHAKRA Allow your body to be exposed to an appropriate

amount of sunlight.

Light a fire and allow the warmth to radiate to your body.

Use the light and the flame from a candle (at an appropriate distance) for meditation

� allow yourself to �enter� the flame and be purified, as alchemists have done for


AIR: HEART CHAKRA On a windy day, allow the air element to blow

away any negative energies from your energetic field.

Focused breathing techniques bring your full focus to the self and the element of air.

Work with feathers to utilize the air element and use the direction of the feather to move

the air over yourself or an object

For more infomation >> Energy Cleansing And Meditation Using The Elements Earth, Water, - Duration: 3:24.


9 Time To Make The Most Of Your Introversion - Duration: 3:22.

9 Time To Make The Most Of Your Introversion

Introversion is typically seen as defect or flaws that should be cured.

However, it is worth noting that introversion actually can be your greatest weapon if you

know how to use it.

In this short video, I'm going to show you some ways to make the most of your introversion.

But before we jump to the lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

Here is some ways to use your introversion ability.

#1 - Meeting great people

No matter how shy you are towards people, you still can afford meeting one or two people.

In this case, you need to find one that matters to you.

It is preferred that the people you are talking to are extrovert and have power.

With your great ability to listen, you will find hem respect yourself.

#2 - Write a note

The problem with introversion lies on the world-processing mechanism.

Introverts process everything internally and it takes quite long time to express what is


Fortunately, it can be hacked with the ability of your writing.

It helps you a lot to say something later.

#3 - Be realistic

You need to choose the most valuable social activities throughout the day.

That way, you will not exhaust yourself and make you feel stupid.

#4 - Knowing people better

Introverts are really good at absorbing information.

Be sure to check the information about people you want to meet.

That way, you will not be surprised on what you are going to talk later.

#5 - Getting out the comfort zone

This one is absolutely difficult.

However, you can get out from your comfort zone slowly.

You need to start practicing public speaking, debate, and many other verbal skills for delivering

your ideas.

#6 - Focusing on your strength

The main strength of introversion is ability to learn quickly and deeply.

Use that for your advantage.

#7 - Be strong

Extroverts are basically your number one contender.

However, they can easily beaten if you focus on yourself instead of comparing your ability

to others.

Once in a while, it can be motivating.

However, excessive comparison makes you weaker instead.

#8 - Fake it

In the same vein with getting out of comfort zone, you should be able to adapt to various


#9 - Find the right activity

Lastly, introverts come in different level.

If you still begin to figure out yourself, then do not ever try to take risky jobs such

as being diplomat or something.

Be sure to train yourself before taking a leap.

All in all, that's all the 9 time to make the most of your introversion.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Time To Make The Most Of Your Introversion - Duration: 3:22.



burger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

but as it turns out that might be what you get a

4chan or uploaded a photo?

Anonymously, to the site?

showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce with the statement this is the lettuce you eat at burger king

Admittedly he had shoes on but that's even worse?

burger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

but as it turns out that might be what you get a for chatter uploaded a photo

Anonymously, to the site?

showcasing his feet in a plastic head of lettuce

with the statement this is the letter z that burger king admittedly he had shoes on but that's even worse

what do you want you gotta eat, to keep your strength up man

hey i'll take a number nine

fat boy

give me a number nine just like he's

looking for lettuce the last thing you want in your third looking bird is someone's for fun yes but as it turns out

a for chatted up

anonymously, to the set number 15 burger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want

To hear a joke

wow tell your joke and you're


Here's the joke ready

number 15 burger king foot lettuce the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

number 15 i said i'll take a burger king foot lettuce

but fun guess

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus but as it turns out that might be what you get

number 15 bigger king foot lettuce

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

but as it turns out that might be what you get a

4chan or uploaded

number 15 burger king foot lettuce

number 50 number 15

burger king foot lettuce the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus but as it turns out

number 15 burger king foot lettuce the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger as someone's flip phone

For more infomation >> BURGER KING FOOT LETTUCE MEME COMPILATION 2018 - Duration: 5:01.


this mini game is hidden inside of Clash Royale... - Duration: 5:50.

this mini game is hidden inside of Clash Royale...

For more infomation >> this mini game is hidden inside of Clash Royale... - Duration: 5:50.


Tình Yêu Không Có Lỗi|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Tình Yêu Không Có Lỗi|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 5:58.


My Favorite Face Masks for Oily Skin [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 5:54.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

In today's video I am going to share with you some of my favorite face masks.

If you haven't seen my last two skincare videos where I show you my morning and

my night time skincare routine then please be sure to check those out in the

description below. So the first face mask that I have is the Aztec Secret Healing

Clay. This is a really powerful face mask and it's one that I really like to use

my skin feel really gunky and gross and it just needs a good detox. This mask is

so powerful that when you just use it with water and you put it on your face

it actually kind of pulsates and that's kind of the way the mask is, that the

clay is just that powerful it is literally pulling out a lot of toxins in

your skin. I will usually leave this mask on anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes and

basically leave it on until I cannot move my face and it's physically painful

for me to move my face. My skin afterwards does look really red because

the mask is doing its job, but the next day my skin will kind of start to break

out which is what happens with this mask because drawing out so many impurities

in your skin and the more you use it the more it draws things out and the more

your skin will start to look a lot better and look less congested. Also

mix a bit of activated charcoal in with this mask to make it even more

powerful. The next mask I have is the L'Oreal Pure Clay mask for Exfoliating

and Pore Refining, this is their pink mask in the line and this is probably

one of the best face masks I have ever used in my life. I haven't used too many

face masks in my life I think I used maybe about six different ones but

this is probably the best one I've ever used by far. When I put this on my face I

leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes sometimes I'll leave it on for an hour

because it really gets in there and it helps your skin. When I take this face

mask off my pores look tiny, they look less

congested, they don't look as gross as they used to - they're definitely a lot

smaller, um even my skin texture looks so much better when I use this mask as well.

My skin is just looking amazing when I use this mask regularly which i need to

start using it so much more because it makes my skin feel and look amazing.

Plus this face mask is kind of quite perfumed so if you're not a big fan of

really perfumed products then you might not kind of like this but I actually

really like the smell of it. Um, and it's a wonderful face mask. The next face mask

is the Sukin Anti-Pollution Oil Balancing face mask. I love to use this

mask when my skin feels quite oily, um I use this in summer quite a bit when I

felt like my skin was just an oil slick and using this mask it really does help

to make my skin less oily and I also use this mask when my skin feels really gross

and gunky too, it just really helps with that and this

is also a very easy mask to apply and also one thats super easy take off. Um,

this is probably one of my favorites Sukin mask as well, the smell of it smells

very very herby, um it's not too overpowering but it does smell very

herby and sometimes it's not the best smell. But yeah this mask does work quite

great for my skin, when I take it off my skin feels much more matte, it doesn't

feel as oily, and it looks much more radiant, and just you know it looks good.

The next and final mask I have is the Garnier Skin Active Moisture Bomb. This

is a sheet mask and I only ever used two sheet masks in my life and I don't know if I'm a

big fan of sheet masks. Um, this one it didn't really give me the amount of

moisture that I really had hoped it would. Um, so many people hyped this

product up and said that is such a great sheet mask

but my skin is like always oily but eternally dehydrated, so using this mask

didn't put in the amount of moisture I really wanted it to put in. But what I

will say is this mask is super relaxing and refreshing to put on your face, it's

so nice and cooling and it just feels so good.

This mask actually is really good for when you have a migraine, I use this when

I had a migraine a while back and it just felt so good on the face. I will say

the moisturizing product thats used in this mask definitely leave behind a residue and I

you really wash it off and then apply moisturizer right after I wash off the

stuff the mask comes with, its really a sticky slimy and it's just not a good

um residue that leaves behind. Honestly I just use this mask because it feels so

relaxing and refreshing. And those are pretty much all the face masks that I

have for you. My two favorites by far are the Aztec Clay face mask and the Loreal

Pore Refining and Exfoliating one, those are definitely the ones that I see the

most difference in my skin with. So yeah those are the ones that I usually like

to apply. Thank you for watching this video, please be sure to give it a thumbs

up, subscribe if you're new. Please be sure to hit the notification buttons

down below to get notified when I upload new videos. All my social media links

will be in the description below, and I hope to see you guys next time, bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

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