Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 11 2018

a cherishboutique yep coming soon to a mall or place near you. yes for the

first time ever a direct sales company is having stores within malls all across

the country all across the world eventually. We're starting right here in

the United States you're gonna see stores with bags with products with

demonstrations and how cute when you go and you purchase your pack of cherish how

cute you'll get a bag similar to this and walk out of our cherish boutique

happy happy because you'll have been educated you'll have in your hand the

best sanitary napkin so get ready the cherish boutiques are coming to you


For more infomation >> Cherish Boutique Nspire Network Now We No Coming To A Mall In Your City - Duration: 1:16.


Bladder Issues, Self Conscious Finally A Solution That Work Cherish Overnights Will Keep You Dry - Duration: 4:33.

as they are embarrassed because they have a bladder issue because they're

forced to maybe wear something that makes them feel very uncomfortable

something that makes them feel very very self-conscious I'm talking about the

population of people that are dealing with incontinence and bladder issues the

products out there are not helping these women or if these these men they're not

I'm being real with you I'm being straight with you

I was recently introduced to a brand new world for women and that is

a cherish line and they are premium sanitary napkins and so somebody who may

say well I don't need those I don't get my flow anymore I don't get my period

anymore I don't need these well let me ask you do you know any women who are

suffering in the elder population? I know personally when I've gone

to nursing homes I've talked to caregivers it is a huge problem and the

products that these people are using are causing a lot of bladder infections

because of what they're made of because of what they are made of

where we are supposedly giving them a product to help them but it's really

making it's causing another problem that doesn't have to be the case anymore

because with cherish overnight cherish overnights

you will be safe and dry and comfortable you will not be dealing with toxic

chemicals there are videos and demonstrations where this pad has hauled

help up to 150 milliliters of fluid and by touch to the top of the pad it was

dry it was dry not irritating it's made of cotton not irritating top coats which

cause rashes and more infections if there is a woman in your life who needs

this you have got to let her try our cherish overnights they're five dollars

a package and there have I have been told that women now have been able to go

out women who did not want to leave their residents their place because they

were so embarrassed or self-conscious of having an accident because what they

were wearing didn't provide them the dryness that they need it cherish is a

solution for that and even better it gets delivered right to your door every

single month there is nothing better you need to try cherish you need to offer

cherish to those that you love

my name is Cindy bloom I'm telling you cherish overnights

For more infomation >> Bladder Issues, Self Conscious Finally A Solution That Work Cherish Overnights Will Keep You Dry - Duration: 4:33.


두둠칫🎶맥크박스McKay's Mc-kebox🎶:Makestar - Duration: 4:56.

Hey guys! I've prepared some snippets of some of my favorite songs, just for you

I hope you guys like it!

For more infomation >> 두둠칫🎶맥크박스McKay's Mc-kebox🎶:Makestar - Duration: 4:56.


Kathy Ireland Show Embraces The Now We No Campaign and Nspire Network? What Are You Waiting For? - Duration: 4:50.

so why is it and the Now We Now campaign was featured on the Kathy Ireland show?

why was it? do you know because I'm gonna show you what my shirt says I don't know

if you can actually see it, now we no, now we no is what's featured on the Kathy

Ireland show because it is an awareness campaign. our

mission is to share the now we no campaign with as many people as possible

because it potentially is saving lives women have been suffering in silence and

then now we no campaign and the now we no movement is addressing those

issues. Kathy Ireland saw that and reached out to the founders of Nspire

network and she wanted Cherish, her staff wanted them on her show because of the now

we no campaign and the mission and Nspire network blew them away you see

we're not just like any other company we are mission driven people we have

campaigns and we rally around those campaigns and we offer a solution so

you've heard about the now we no campaign but we have another campaign

it's called the right to fight campaign and it's for men and those products were

also featured on the Kathy Ireland show as well if you look closely some of our

new upcoming products such as such as stem

trim! You heard it first here but you'll know about it and see more about it .

The Kathy Ireland show it's a big deal you need to know that the current

products out there for women are hazardous they're harming our women I

don't have to tell you you don't have to believe me check the facts go to

read all about it watch the five minute video on the page

and you'll know why I'm so passionate because I did not know those facts and

when I saw what I saw in that video it was a game-changer I had to be part of

this campaign and I believe Kathy Ireland felt the same way and that is

why the Kathy Ireland Show and so many radio stations and news stations

are featuring the founders, the distributors, the awareness experts from

around the world they're inviting them onto their shows to spread this campaign

isn't it time you paid attention isn't it time you try cherish it's five

dollars if you are as passionate about the women in your life if you're

passionate about your health five dollars you've got to try it that's

all I'm saying try it for five dollars you may go to and purchase the best sanitary napkin out there the

one that's gonna keep you safe comfortable and dry

this is Cindy bloom I'm inspired maybe you are too!

For more infomation >> Kathy Ireland Show Embraces The Now We No Campaign and Nspire Network? What Are You Waiting For? - Duration: 4:50.


Beautiful Watermelon Dress for Barbie Doll - How to Make Fruit Clothes for Kids - Duration: 10:02.

Watermelon Fruit Clothes for Barbie Doll

This beautiful watermelon dress is just right for beloved barbie doll.

If you like to make fruit clothes for kids, then this video is just a great entertainment outlet for you.

Subscribe to @SuliAi if you wish to see more great video updates.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Watermelon Dress for Barbie Doll - How to Make Fruit Clothes for Kids - Duration: 10:02.


Class12 History Chapter 15 Framing the Constitution The Beginning of a New Era Notes Important point - Duration: 26:09.

Class 12 History Part 3 Chapter 15 Framing the Constitution The Beginning of a New Era Important Question Chapter Notes, Important point संविधान का निर्माण एक नए युग की शुरुआत

For more infomation >> Class12 History Chapter 15 Framing the Constitution The Beginning of a New Era Notes Important point - Duration: 26:09.


Watters' Words: The truth always comes out - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Watters' Words: The truth always comes out - Duration: 2:57.


Trump Ending Government Shutdown Proves We Need More Republicans - Duration: 3:38.

Trump Ending Government Shutdown Proves We Need More Republicans Elected

Following the brief over-night government shutdown, President Donald Trump expressed

that there needs to be more Republicans in Congress to avoid unnecessary spending

�We were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to

finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military,� he wrote after signing

the new funding bill to reopen the government.

�Costs on non-military lines will never come down if we do not elect more Republicans

in the 2018 Election, and beyond,� he continued in a follow-up tweet.

According to his tweets, the new funding bill had to be filled with �waste in order to

get Dem votes.

Some of this waste could be the $131 billion extra available for non-military spending,

according to Reuters.

Trump did admit that the �Bill is a BIG VICTORY for our Military,� due to an increase

in military spending by $80 billion for the fiscal year 2018.

The government shutdown began just after midnight Friday morning while Congress was debating

the spending bill, Reuters reported.

Sen. Rand Paul spoke against the budget deal on the Senate floor, arguing that Republicans

did not run to increase budget caps and raise the national debt, according to The Hill.

There is now almost $300 billion in new spending included in the newly passed bill, increasing

the annual budget deficit to $1 trillion in 2019, according to the Committee for a Responsible

Federal Budget.

The bill passed the House by a 240-186 margin at around 5:30 a.m., despite the fact that

House conservatives opposed to the bill.

Rep. Kristi Noem expressed her displeasure with the new bill to Reuters.

�To increase domestic spending and raise the debt ceiling was coupling two very bad

policy decisions and with no reforms tied to it,� she said. �It was very disappointing.�

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urged Democrats to oppose the new spending bill because it

didn�t provide a resolution for thousands of �dreamers� protected under the Deferred

Action for Childhood Arrivals, Politico reported.

�She didn�t have a cohesive message � and at the end of the day, her team broke,�

Rep. Patrick McHenry said after the vote. �It�s a fascinating display of a bipartisan

win and at the same time, Democrats ripping themselves apart about a bipartisan agreement.�

The bill passed Friday morning will keep federal agencies open until March 23.

This government shutdown broke the record for the shortest shutdown ever, lasting less

than six hours, according to USA Today.

What do you think? Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Trump Ending Government Shutdown Proves We Need More Republicans - Duration: 3:38.


As Well As, How to use As Well As in Professional Writing | #OnnRathy - Duration: 9:34.

As Well As

By Onn Rathy

For more infomation >> As Well As, How to use As Well As in Professional Writing | #OnnRathy - Duration: 9:34.


ItzBeastly Sketch on - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> ItzBeastly Sketch on - Duration: 3:47.


[VietSub | EngSub] Sunny and Hyoyeon Planning and Arrival Trip Part 5 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> [VietSub | EngSub] Sunny and Hyoyeon Planning and Arrival Trip Part 5 - Duration: 3:03.


(Nick 3C HOME)電腦一直更新很煩?!一招教你搞定! "!win7版本適用"打開字幕更詳細 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> (Nick 3C HOME)電腦一直更新很煩?!一招教你搞定! "!win7版本適用"打開字幕更詳細 - Duration: 1:21.


Sonic Adventure 2 OST 『Live and Learn』by Crush 40 - Duration: 4:24.

Can you feel life movin' through your mind?

Ooh, looks like it came back for more!

Yeah yeah yeah!

Can you feel time slippin' down your spine?

Ooooooh, You try and try to ignore!


But you can hardly swallow

Your fears and pain

When you can't help but follow

It puts you right back where you came

Live and learn!

Hanging on the edge of tomorrow

Live and learn!

From the works of yesterday

Live and learn!

If you beg or if you borrow

Live and learn!

You may never find your way

Whooooa, yeah!

Can you feel life tangle you up inside?

Yeah, now you're face down on the floor!


But you can't save your sorrow

You've paid in trade!

When you can't help but follow

It puts you right back where you came

Live and learn!

Hanging on the edge of tomorrow

Live and learn!

From the works of yesterday

Live and learn!

If you beg or if you borrow

Live and learn!

You may never find your way

Hey, whoa, whoa

Oh yeeah!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

There's a face searching far, so far and wide

There's a place where you dream you'd never find

Hold on to what if?

Hold on to what if?

Live and learn!

Hanging on the edge of tomorrow

Live and learn!

From the works of yesterday

Live and learn!

If you beg or if you borrow

Live and learn!

You may never find your way

Live and learn!

Hanging on the edge of tomorrow

Live and learn!

From the works of yesterday

Live and learn!

If you beg or if you borrow,

Live and learn!

You may never find your way

Live and learn!

Live and learn!

Thanks to: Composição: Johnny Gioeli / Jun Senoue Enviada por Julio, Traduzida por João, Legendado por Estevão e Christian

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