Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

we return with a new case of censorship of Spanish music

youtube deletes video clip from the band Texxcoco where it appears in the Canarian band Texxcoco.

singer showing her breasts as the video doesn't adapt her nudity policy and

sex content the video clip that was published on the 7th of October.

February had more than 30 thousand reproductions was created with an ideal

vindicate women's freedom to show their bodies and denounce violence against women.

hypocrisy in the most common social networks through this video video the

band invites to reflect on facebook, instagram, youtube policy

because they censure a female nipple but allow publication with violence.

weapons and men showcasing their people without having their profiles removed.

For more infomation >> YouTube censors Texxcoco's video clip for obscene content ❌ show the nipples - Duration: 1:00.




Frenzel maneuver was invented by Herman Frenzel, a German ENT officer of the Luftwaffe,

as a safe maneuver for Stukas pilots, whose vertical descend resembles diving.

This maneuver, also known as throat piston,

is more gentle than Valsalva and avoids most of her contraindications.

Therefore, her use is strongly suggested against Valsalva.

For more infomation >> PHORCYS UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES - EPISODE#55 - Duration: 10:43.


ОСЕНЬ 2017 Трудовой День На Даче в Харькове/Мои Путешествия/ВСЕ В НАШИХ РУКАХ! - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> ОСЕНЬ 2017 Трудовой День На Даче в Харькове/Мои Путешествия/ВСЕ В НАШИХ РУКАХ! - Duration: 3:16.


কিভাবে জিকির করে আল্লাহ হওয়া যায় | পীর সাহেব চরমোনাই | Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin | New Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 2:10.

Chormonai Pir Shaheb

Bangla Lecture

Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin

For more infomation >> কিভাবে জিকির করে আল্লাহ হওয়া যায় | পীর সাহেব চরমোনাই | Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin | New Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 2:10.


James Blunt - Bonfire Heart (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 4:18.




For more infomation >> James Blunt - Bonfire Heart (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 4:18.


2017년에 가장 과장된 총 - Duration: 16:42.

For more infomation >> 2017년에 가장 과장된 총 - Duration: 16:42.


Cotton salwar suit dress material - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Cotton salwar suit dress material - Duration: 3:34.


Geovloggen found 3800 - geocaching - Duration: 5:16.

Welcome to geovloggen :)

who will take cache number 3800 today!

and I thought, celebrating it by launching my business cards

and on the back is a TB code, that I will not show. You may look for them :)

will leave them in different caches i find

I have 6 now, and will add one in today's cache

we have gone past the cache

it should be 30 meters in that direction

28, 25, 23 meters left

the clue for this cache is "stone kisses the stone"

do you see any such stone? Here!

15 minutes later

It is difficult to look for caches in Sweden when there is so much snow.

We are looking for something that I suspect is quite small

and hiding under the snow, so there must be a DNF

we move on to another to sign cache 3800


I'm not giving up, I'll find cache 3800 today

We go back to the car

first to get back

I win

We will leave the car soon and walk 190 meters

into the woods

but before that we had to fill up with energy, chocolate ball

Then I read a bit about the cache

and it says "some toys are here to change, especially for the smaller ones".

my children will have to bring something to exchange with

It is appreciated when there is something to change with

It's about this much snow

and somewhere here is the cache

it's just to start looking

haha he found it right away

there it was

where are you going?

Now we put one of these in the cache, along with the toys.


Do you want to change your toys against this book about the rainforest?

You can put down the toys in the cache

try to get rid of the snow

down with the card

down with the toy, and away with the snow

down with them

we keep this one

I want to put it back

thank you for this time

this wsas cache number 3800 :)

It was a good cache

I found it

not me? No

Please feel free to follow me, press subscribe

instagram and facebook - geovloggen

see you soon again, bye!

You are mischievous

For more infomation >> Geovloggen found 3800 - geocaching - Duration: 5:16.


Wolves Life 3 - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 17:30.

For more infomation >> Wolves Life 3 - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 17:30.


Wie man ein Garten einrichtet | How to set up Folge 5 | Special edition deutsch/german - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Wie man ein Garten einrichtet | How to set up Folge 5 | Special edition deutsch/german - Duration: 7:49.


০০২ সূরা বাকারা বাংলা তাফসীর ১৮তম পর্ব ।। শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী ।। By Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 1:35:20.

For more infomation >> ০০২ সূরা বাকারা বাংলা তাফসীর ১৮তম পর্ব ।। শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী ।। By Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 1:35:20.


Spel - Samla in bilden Babblarna. - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Spel - Samla in bilden Babblarna. - Duration: 1:17.


20 Traits Of An Empath: How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath - Duration: 4:18.

20 Traits Of An Empath: How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath

Empaths are people who are very sensitive to emotional matter.

It is necessary to know that empaths are usually friendly and nice.

However, it is also worth noting that empaths are also sometimes exhausting.

If you want to know more about empaths, you should know these 20 traits of empaths.

Before jumping to the video, dont forget to give a like to this video and subscribe to

our channel.


Just knowing Some people may not know how empaths actually

understand people easily.

They really just do that with their strong intuition.

Empaths of course can sharpen the skill by understanding more and more people.


Public places are terrifying You can imagine that empaths can read people's

mind and emotion through facial expression, gesture, and voices.

So many expressions are going on in public places and it is exhausting for empaths.


Absorbing emotion Empaths do not only know the feeling or the

emotion of others.

They also take that as their own.

It is quite problematic since you will feel depressed – most of the times – because

of their stories.


Cannot watch violence Violence breaks empaths' heart deeply.

It also can make the person passed out just to see someone's bleeding.


Lie detector You know when someone's lying to you.

Though it seems good, it is not.

If your loved ones lie to you, it is mentally exhausting and depressing.


Mimicking The sympathy goes beyond just feeling.

It makes you move at the same pace and direction.


Digestive disorder The seat of emotion is located in abdomen


It is weakened if there is too much exposure of negative emotion.


Looks for the weak Empaths are easily drawn into something or

someone weak even in the middle of the crowd.


People need your help People with their problems will ask you how

to deal with them.

Empaths are great place to dump negative emotion.


Constant exhaustion Sometimes, it is impossible to just take a

day break because there is always suffering that you see and eventually experience.


Addictive personality Working as dumping place of negativity, addiction

to alcohol, drugs and sex is the answer for avoiding mental damage.


Drawn to metaphysical things Anything supernatural or illogical is acceptable.

Though they value on their belief, they still can accept something irrational.


Creative Empaths have strong creativity in art fields

such as acting, dancing, and drawing.


Nature lover Empaths love outdoors especially with no human


It is like a great meditative place for taking a break.


Need for solitude It is rare, but empaths sometimes need to

recharge themselves in quiet place.


Distracted easily If not stimulated or motivated, the empaths

can be distracted frequently.

It is more prominent especially if there is someone telling a problem.


Lazy Empaths are associated with laziness because

they just do not like activities that have no direct benefits for them.


Seeking for the truth No one wants to be lied, and it holds true

especially for empaths.


Always curious Empaths want to learn more about their surroundings

especially about human being.

They also need confirmation of information that they have received.


Adventurous When things are too exhausting to handle,

empaths prefer to take a day off by exploring new places.

All in all, that's the 20 Traits Of An Empath: How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath.

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 20 Traits Of An Empath: How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath - Duration: 4:18.


Pat Dixon - Laura - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored - Duration: 13:34.

- My God, you know, I've tried everything.

I've tried self-help and I've tried "The Secret"

and 12 Steps and...

this dick-sucking whore has cracked the code.


- How you doing, ladies?

Can I interest you in a...


[gasping, panting]

Welcome to "This Is Not Happening."

I'm your host Roy Wood Junior.

[gasping, panting]

[dramatic musical sting]

- Huh. What's up, Little Roy?

- I did it again.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

[goat bleats]

- Hello, Roy.

How's the water? [echoing] Water...water...

Does it feel...pure? [echoing] Pure...pure...

[dark electronic music]

- Can you feel me...

inside of you?

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause] - This next gentleman,

you know him from his podcast,

"The New York City Crime Report,"

Pat Dixon, everybody!

[cheers and applause]

- I'm not local. I live in New York.

I live in Chelsea, uh, and before that,

it was, uh, Queens,

and, uh, before that, I lived in my car, uh...

Not poverty or anything. I just--I had this idea

that I wanted to be in show business.

Ha ha. Uh...

I would be on the road doing stand-up

35 or 40 or 45 weeks a year,

and, uh, it's--I know it sounds glamorous, uh...

but the truth is, it's not.

It beats working, though.

Working is the worst, and so, uh...


One week I was not working

in, uh, Nashville and I met this girl

working in the box office, and she told me

she was having a birthday party that night.

And that was the Wednesday, the first night of the week,

so I went, and, uh...

When I got there, I saw her,

and she was dancing, this natural redhead,

and she was wearing skintight leopard-print pants,

and she was laughing the whole time she danced.

Never seen anybody like that and then...

we were introduced, and she just had this intensity,

you know, she's like hypersexual

and just really interesting right off.

And I kinda halfway fell in love with her, really,

right then, you know. And she gave me a big hug

before she left me standing there.

And she was covered with this--

There was like a mist around her, you know.

She'd been dancing, the warm was room.

Or, uh, the room was warm.


The warm was not room at all, but...

[laughs] She'd been dancing,

and she was kind of sweaty, you know,

and I got close to her.

So she gave me one of those hugs

that you give somebody that you used to fuck.


But you've since moved on.

And, uh, somewhere between her hair and her shoulder,

right there, and I caught a whiff of, like, sex, you know.

Just...the smell, you know?

And that was the first time I smelled Laura.

And Laura...she expressed a little attraction

towards me, I think.

I don't know, sometimes these things'll be

misinterpreted, but I--


I took it that way, you know,

because she said to me, "If you weren't married,

I would take you home and fuck your cock off."


And although it was true, I was married,

I-I took that as a firm offer.

So, uh...and my marriage was kinda lousy.

We didn't talk to each other anymore.

We didn't--The more I was on the road--I was gone a lot,

I wasn't home, and we started to have

less and less in common.

Laura, on the other hand-- pretty flexible.

And, uh, she was similar to me, you know?

She was like, uh, no responsibilities

and she would sleep on couches

and she just kind of, uh, was willing to travel.

And so it got to be a habit, whenever I would leave town,

I would pick her up

and we would go and have sex in hotels.

Cheap ones, mostly. Disgusting.

I know it's disgusting. It really is.

But I loved her--I was just madly in love with her.

I mean, she's a beautiful girl, red hair and blue eyes,

and her answer to everything was "yes."


And I didn't have any defense for that right then.

You know what I mean? 'Cause if you meet somebody

and they fill a void in you, you know,

and you seem to fill a void in them,

and you guys are filling each other's voids and...

You should--There's one thing you should do--run away.

Like when a woman will blow you a couple times a day

if you want, you have that going,

and it changes your life.

It changes the way you process things.

You start thinking everything's great.


You know?

Like, your life is falling apart, you know,

but it feels like everything's finally coming together.

Man, I've never-- You're skipping.

You've got a spring in your skip, you know.

My God, you know, I've tried everything.

I've tried self-help and I've tried "The Secret"

and 12 Steps and...

this dick-sucking whore has cracked the code.


You know?

But...just, uh, more and more time,

I was starting to see her pissed, you know.

And as we moved into the summer,

the summer got to be July,

and we had a big falling out, and she left in a rental car.

I figured that's it, you know, it's ran its course.

And when the phone rang a couple days later,

it was her, and I figured it was for closure.

But it wasn't. she told me all about

how she had downed a lotta liquor and pills

and had to be revived in a hospital

outside of Atlanta.

And, uh, she had been dead and brought back to life.

You know, a lotta guys will bail

after the first suicide attempt.

But, uh...

I-I had a lotta hope.

And, in fact, I think it made the relationship stronger.

And, you know, I don't know if you've had this experience,

maybe you have, but you meet a girl

and it's great and it's nice.

And then you start to notice some inconsistencies

here and there, you know, things don't quite add up.

And then she starts talking about killing herself.



I mean, it doesn't have to be a woman, a guy--

[stammering] And all the suicide talk, you know,

she's, like, uh, she used to say, uh...

I remember one time she told me,

"When you get back from the show,

"I'm gonna be dead.

I'm gonna be dead in your hotel room."

When someone says that you say, "Oh, my God, don't do that.

"Jesus, that's terrible.

Whatever you do, don't do that," you know?

At first.


And then eventually she tells me,

"I'm gonna be dead in your hotel room

when you get back," and you go,

"Sounds like a housekeeping issue."


"I'll--I'll mention it." Ha ha.

"You know, it would solve a lotta problems for me,

"actually, if you would...

go ahead and pull the trigger on that plan."

'Cause I mean, uh, you know how it goes.

I mean, you know, the attempted suicide

and then the talk about suicide.

Like, I can't give this bitch a reason to live, you know?

And then... when you finally wanna

break up with her, what happens?

Then she wants to tell your wife everything.

Well, I know we've all been there.

But, uh...

So my wife left, and, uh, that was for good.

It was more of a formality than anything.

And, uh...

then we're together all the time, Laura and I.

You know, she, like I said, kept everything

in a couple of duffle bags,

so she threw those in the trunk of my car

and from that point on, it was kind of a blur.

I mean, it was just sex and hotels and fighting.

A lot of fighting, you know, a lot of suicide talk.

You can't stop the suicide talk.

Only one way to do that. Ha ha, so...

[laughter] But, uh...

that didn't occur and, uh, you know,

and--and there was a fake pregnancy then.

She told me she was pregnant.

And fortunately, it was followed by a fake miscarriage.

I mean, you have to kind of take her at her word

at some point. "Oh, you're pregnant?"

How do I prove she's not?

And so that becomes your truth, you know,

and now you're living in this insanity, you know?

But I came a lot.

And...and so that's what keeps you in,

you know what I mean, is that the sex is so good,

you know what I'm saying. [laughter]

That it--it's like the closest thing to like, uh,

evidence of the existence of God that you've ever seen.

And deep down, we all wanna believe.

And she was always threatening the cops.

Even with the suicide talk. I'd say,

"I don't know how to handle this.

"I think I should call the police,

because I think we need help," and she'd go,

"If you call the police,

"I'll tell them you were hitting me,

and you'll go to jail."

Said, "Well," you know...

"Well played." [laughter]

Like I said, I was very ill-equipped

to deal with the situation. I remember one time

I was in Indiana. She told me...

You know, we were fighting and everything,

and I was trying to get rid of her.

"We have to break up. This is insanity.

I hate this," you know? I felt imprisoned, you know?

She goes, "Oh, really? I'll go you one better."

She goes, "If you give me $200,

you'll never see me again."

I had $200 in my hand by the time she finished the sentence.


She took the money. She looked at it, folded it,

tucked it into her bra,

sat down on the couch, and read a magazine.

You win, you know? I mean, I...

We never spoke of it again.

I was like, "Yet again, you win."

So she was drunk one night, and I took her home.

I left her with her mother, and that was it.

I felt so free and alive,

and it felt so good just to be alone again

and to not have all her shit in my trunk.

And then, uh, the phone started to ring,

and it rang throughout December.

It would ring 36 times a day, 25 times a day.

And I remember we had a mutual friend

who was gonna come and we were gonna work together

in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

And, uh... that's close to Nashville.

So I said, "Don't call her.

"Don't tell her you're gonna be around, okay,

because she's kind of stalking me."

He's like, "Oh, yeah, yeah, I've had 'em do that before."

I'm like, "It's serious, okay?"

Tried to emphasize it.

She called me 15 minutes later and said, uh,

"Hey, quit telling people I'm stalking you, okay?"

Said, "You don't know the meaning of stalk."

And, uh...

it was January 4, 2004, and I remember the date

because that's the date that someone tried to murder me.

[scattered laughs] I went to the IHOP,

International House of Pancakes, which...

I've had many great experiences there.

Like the food, good service, you know?

So I get out of the car,

and I'm walking into the restaurant

and I hear my name. "Dixon," you know.

And I turn around, and, uh, there she is, you know?

So angry. Grabs me by the arm, you know.

She says, "I just wanna talk. I just wanna talk to you!

I just wanna talk to you!" and I'm like, oh, Christ.

So I'm trying to work my way towards the pancakes.


We get right up to the door,

and she reaches into her jeans pocket

and she pulls out this 9 millimeter Glock--

I later found out that's what it was.

At the time, my brain just processed it as "Guh!"

She goes, "Look, I've got this 9 millimeter."

And I grabbed her wrist and, uh,

I tried to shake the gun out of her hand, you know,

squeeze it out. And she jumped on my back,

and she starts scratching my face, you know?

She's growling like some-- Like an animal, you know,

like she's injured or something.

And she's holding on to my head by my eyes.

She's digging into my eyes,

trying to squeeze my eyeballs and everything.

And, uh, so I had the gun in my hand,

and I got inside and I slid it across the floor,

and there was security guards there.



Pretty, uh, good luck. And they separated us

and, you know, I was outside, she was inside.

And then I heard this banging on the window, you know?

And I turned around, and it was her.

You know, she's like...

as if she'd gotten what she'd wanted, you know?

Mission accomplished. Take that.

So I was filling out a police report

a few minutes later, and a policeman came over.

And, uh... it's a funny thing.

He says, "You know"-- And I found out from him

that they had told her-- They said, "What did you

intend to do with the gun?" And she said,

"I was gonna shoot that motherfucker,

and then shoot myself."

[crowd murmurs] I said, "Oh, she says

shit like that all the time."



Oh, thanks a lot.

- Pat Dixon!

[cheers and applause]

For more infomation >> Pat Dixon - Laura - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored - Duration: 13:34.


Extremer Orgasmus [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:43.

Oh I was damn good, right?



I have bitten on my tongue

shit, I need ice

For more infomation >> Extremer Orgasmus [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:43.


Real fly fishing pike / Pike fly fishing (EN,RU-subtitles) - Duration: 14:44.

Good day to all dear friends in this video

I will share with you how I catch a pike with fly fishing

and so went well, here's the first fish here is such a beauty

Yeah good here is such a pike peck us on the red

head let's let it go now and let it lead

his grandmother

the previous toothy bite me but it's okay

then I caught it here on such a fly on the tube here

she goes on a walking leash coloring we've got a red

head is connected on the tube so here it walks freely

glides like he noticed that here too the pike

next to the coastal edge now I'll try it

Catch or if I can not try to change the bait

because on the bright green today I tried and streamers

different from marabou from normal deer fur and from the surface

Also tried on green poppers on here such here

zero attention in general is absolutely, and as soon as you do this

more or less smooth wiring, barely twitching why

then immediately bites here as they say the century live life learn but judging

by spikes the pike is quite active

and the fry fleece fans here is another beauty caught

To us this time already on here such here sinenku a tube

casting on this tube is now waiting for

The cord will lower to the bottom and I will start the wiring

here she is here she pecked it was a jerk now

just awful wow how u like how resists now

decided not to be so violent but no I think that I need

get out of the water that's all the fish got up is not ruled out that

it's not a big fish, but it's just very strong because

that it is river

uh uh uh no she's not a big fish that's not big

it's just a zazhravshisya small pike it is oily

and thick here such here pike very strong very much

very, very strong


in general I am completely

happy with fishing, he made some conclusions about

pike fishing even if there are a lot of fish in your river and

Even if it is rather unpretentious then sometimes

anyway there are such situations such days

when the fish begins to be capricious and today the pike is very much

once came out to the surface took the fry chased him

in different directions it was just some kind of genocide and that

At least when I threw in these moments in this particular

the boiling point of the streamer fish absolutely refused

take this fly, so I saved only very much

smooth and measured game and you can say that everything

three fish were labor that is we caught them literally

throwing the streamer under his nose what conclusion from this follows

Do about that, regardless of how many fish in your

pond or little, it is always worthy to respect that fish,

which you catch

now I will briefly tell about that

what snap I mount to catch a pike for fly fishing

rod of the 8th class coil is followed by a shooting head

sinking to which I attach about a meter of fishing line diameters

0.4 mm and then I knit a loop here so I moisten it

her, bite off a double metal leash

and I catch his loop in a loop like this

I put the fly on the leash to the free tip of the leash

I'm fixing here is such a hook here, too,

in the loop and that's how everything is delayed by all the rigging

fully ready to easily change easily fly

Do not hurt everything now you can safely go and catch



since today we are catching you

pike, I would like to say a few words about what

I use the fishing tackle myself in this case

I use a fenwick this is the 8th class it has in its length

three meter coil is an old-fashioned old school medalist on

really trouble-free coil it is like ak-47 so

As we catch on the river with great depth and strong enough

By the current, I use a sinking firing head

undergrowth about a meter of ordinary monofilament line

diameter of 0.4 mm to which it is directly attached

I fasten the loop to the loop with a double steel

leash today is not strange worked well

bluish hues and red heads convenient piece none

forceps or something else that some medical clamps they

You will not be helped to pull a large hook from a powerful

graze large fish so calmly took calmly

pulled out quietly the fish was released and everyone is happy

further in conditions of strong wind

Points because you can hit a big big

fly your eye into the eye and stay without an eye and you need it,

no no need to gloves then when you take a big pike

pike especially you can not always take it from above

so you have to take it under the gill covers

and in spite of the fact that it is quite safe

The way is still possible to stick a finger not exactly

Between the gills and the gill cover and into the gills themselves

If you shove your hand into the gills themselves then your fingers

will bleed for a long time like my finger which I

you already showed

it was a real fly fishing and I'm Vladimir

Zuyev see you soon

guys almost forgot to subscribe

on instagramm on my there I'm often much more than a video

on YouTube you post different photos can see now

behind my back also subscribe to the group in the contact if

someone has a desire to somehow help the channel

then the links will also be below in the description well, and now

just to all up to speedy meetings and see you in the following


For more infomation >> Real fly fishing pike / Pike fly fishing (EN,RU-subtitles) - Duration: 14:44.


Folhado de Queijo de Fiambre - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Folhado de Queijo de Fiambre - Duration: 4:01.


How to change actors from the movie ,,Grown Ups'''? HD - Duration: 3:33.

How did change actors from the movie ,,Grown Ups''? HD

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