Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

This weekend ...

24 top players in 8 different teams ...

who will be crowned as the allstar champion? ...

this sunday 5 pm est ...

remeber to cheer for your favorite player!

For more infomation >> Allstar Tournament | Builder Hall | Sunday 5 EST | Sonntag 23 Uhr | iTzu - Duration: 1:49.


Система Кастор. Хороводы звёзд - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> Система Кастор. Хороводы звёзд - Duration: 9:28.


Nasıl Video çekilir ? Hangi programlar gerekir ? - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> Nasıl Video çekilir ? Hangi programlar gerekir ? - Duration: 9:49.


Dr. Ward: Democrats showed their true colors on immigration - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Dr. Ward: Democrats showed their true colors on immigration - Duration: 5:25.



For more infomation >> HAYATINIZDA EN MUTLU OLDUĞUNUZ AN NEDİR ? (RÖPORTAJ) - Duration: 6:03.


A beautiful LEGO Flower Bed! Simple custom Build - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> A beautiful LEGO Flower Bed! Simple custom Build - Duration: 3:56.


Assassin's Creed: Games with a Libertarian View of the World - Duration: 4:45.

I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom.

They speak of liberty and justice, but for who?

Video games have become one of our most impactful, popular, and creative forms of media.

Last year, the industry generated almost 150 billion dollars in revenue worldwide,

rivaling books and films and dwarfing music.

Gamers spend over three billion hours a week in the virtual worlds of their choosing.

And, more so than other contemporary form of media,

video games explore the themes of freedom and personal agency,

allowing players to go where they want and do what they please—

as long as they're prepared to bear the consequences.

Two of the three best selling video games of all time are Grand Theft Auto 5 and Minecraft,

polar opposites in terms of violence and target audience,

but both of which were designed to offer players the opportunity to make their own destinies.

With a wide array of redesigned mechanics.

And a huge range of both structured and unstructured activities for you to do.

But there's one franchise that stands apart

in its focus on individualism, liberty and personal responsibility,

both in its style of gameplay and the stories it tells.

It's called Assassins Creed.

The series is set in an alternate history where Assassins, who value freedom,

wage a secret war against Templars, who believe in totalitarian control.

Both sides insist that their ultimate goal is peace, but differ on how to achieve it.

The Assassins are the "good guys" of the games,

and their outlook is also the most libertarian.

As outlined by their creed:

And one of the franchise's earliest and overall best protagonists can elaborate further:

Put another way,

individuals are ultimately responsible for what they believe, what they do

and the consequences of both.

Which isn't to say that these games are simplistic, anti-authoritarian agitprop.

The antagonists aren't just cartoonishly evil villains

bent on power for power's sake.

The series portrays the Templars as human beings who, for the most part,

sincerely want to make the world better.

And the Assassins are themselves flawed, corruptible, and suffer from internal contradictions.

For example, they claim to believe in freedom

while at the same time relying on violence

and putting absolute faith in their rules and traditions.

Assassin's Creed teaches us that our ideological adversaries aren't evil.

Usually they share our values.

Often, they have a very different concept of how to obtain the same goals.

It also drives home the lesson that,

however much human beings think they've got life figured out,

nobody has perfect knowledge.

Assassin's Creed is more than a series of games about sneaking up on people and stabbing them.

It's a franchise about the nuances and tragedy of human struggles,

the complexity of opposing ideologies, and how the lines between them blur.

And beneath it all how the choice between good and evil is deeply personal,

and ultimately rests with the individual, alone.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed: Games with a Libertarian View of the World - Duration: 4:45.


Introducción a Sigfrido de Wagner (1876) - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Introducción a Sigfrido de Wagner (1876) - Duration: 10:03.


MAGIC SPOON - Duration: 1:48.

[spinny fist time]

Hey Dean. Yeah Tom?

Look at that spoon.



It's a magic spoon.

[Magical throbbing] How do you know it's a magic spoon?

Well, until 9 seconds ago, you were my pet goldfish.


Well that would explain the fish tank.

What else can the magic spoon do?

It baked us a cake.


Also it destroyed France.

Oh no!

This is a carrot cake.

A vegetal?!

Into the void with it!

[Void nom]

[More magical throbs]

So about the magic spoon…

Mm, love that guy.

Where did it come from?

Stole it from a wizard.


No, a wizard.

No, which one?

She did? Good for her.

Quick question.

It better be.


One more time?

Waspondoon? Almost got it.


Once more?


Mmmm, too quick, slow it down.

What is the spoon doing?

[Evil magic sounds] Well, it's either summoning a cake-


-or charging a death beam. It's so hard to tell.

[Tense music! Evil magic charging!]

Somebody order a cake?


[Magic PEW! Baker SPLAT!]

I think the magic spoon might be evil.

What makes you say that?

Well it destroyed France- Yeah.

-And then it did some evil stuff.

Damn, you're right.

I think we're gonna have to kill the magic spoon.

I dunno Dean, I need time to think alright let's do it.

[Tense music again! Evil magic charging again!]

Yeah... I'm gonna do it…

[Tense music again! Evil magic charging again!]

Wait a minute, magic spoons aren't real.

Hey, who's that behind the curtain?

Huh?! Aah!

Heh, why it's my roommate!

Wizzo the wizard!

Ha ha ha ha haaa!



[Cheesy sitcom theme song]

Next time on Wizzo The Wacky Wizard!

Wizzo, what's up with all these dead kids?!

Heheh! Blargh!

AAARGH! [Tom-splode!]

For more infomation >> MAGIC SPOON - Duration: 1:48.


🍒 3 NAJLEPSZE REAKCJE na RAJDY YouTube'rów! | DeeJayPallaside, Gural | ZairoxTV - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> 🍒 3 NAJLEPSZE REAKCJE na RAJDY YouTube'rów! | DeeJayPallaside, Gural | ZairoxTV - Duration: 8:28.


The Exurb1a Collaboration: rape, assault, blackmail, threats, harassment. #TIMESUPYOUTUBE - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> The Exurb1a Collaboration: rape, assault, blackmail, threats, harassment. #TIMESUPYOUTUBE - Duration: 8:34.


Super brain breathing exercise | techniques benefits focus concentration memory energy power boost - Duration: 6:44.

For better decision-making you need to think better and in that process your

breath holds the key. Your breath is one of the best tool to control your mind

and awaken that super higher consciousness within. Right way of

breathing rank higher than right food water and exercise. Welcome all. I'm Jyoti

Khatri, holistic health and wellness expert. Due to stress and irregular

lifestyle habits most of the time we breathe irregular and shallow. Hardly

utilizing a tenth of lung capacity. Normal breathing rate is about sixteen breaths per minute but

when you are under stress your breathing rate double. In this video I'm going to

show you how to breathe in right way all the time, will introduce long deep breathing

technique and discuss its benefits. Watch the video till the end as it covers the

essentials of right way of breathing that helps to improve your life and

boost your brainpower magnificently. Subscribe now to the Samaya yoga youtube channel

so that you don't miss any of these amazing videos that helps to improve your life naturally.

Let's get started.

one of the ancient secrets of Yogi's for healthy and long life is to consciously

reduced breath rate of about four breaths per minute. Ancient Yogi's said

that in order to master or have control over your own time of death

bring your breath rate down to four breath per minute. It sounds difficult

but remember it's a gradual process, first work on consciously bringing your

breath to eight times per minute and then four. Scientific study findings

report that 80% of disease are stress-related. Poor breathing increases

the stress and other illnesses. One of the most common physiological response

of the body towards stress be it physical or psychological is to increase

the breath rate. Shallow upper chest breathing with faster breath rate leads

to chronic stress and tension which weaken the nerves and act as a root of

many illnesses and disease. That is why along with good healthy diet and

exercise one should pay more attention to their breath too. Before introducing

the breathing technique let's see the benefits of long deep breathing. Long

deep breathing is a perfect way to relax and calm yourself down. It comes under

the active form of relaxation which will help to retune and reset your brain to

make correct decision automatically in difficult situations. When you fill the

lungs to maximum capacity you are feeding your electromagnetic field, This

helps to revitalize and readjust your magnetic field and protects you from

negativity. It also reduces the risk of illnesses or accidents.

You will feel instant energy boost due to the lifeforce (prana) in oxygen and

helps to pump the spinal fluids to the brain thereby giving you great clarity

positivity, increases alertness and awareness. It helps in breaking

subconscious undesirable habit patterns and addictions. Reducing the sense of

insecurity and fear. Your brain becomes super strong and you can condition it to

learn or develop new things faster. As the lung capacity increases so

does the secretion of the pituitary gland which is known as a master gland

and your mind will begin to develop the intuition of power. This breathing

technique helps to cleans the blood. Regulate the body's pH level and you

will be able to handle a stressful situation at ease. It helps reduce and

prevent toxic will they are caused by not clearing the mucus lining of the

small air sacs of the lungs. By the practice of this breathing, it helps

stimulate the production of chemical endorphins in the brain which eliminate the

tendency to depression. By using this breathing technique it activates and

cleanses nerve channels. Helps in releasing blockages in Meridian energy

flow, speed up the healing process and promote physical and emotional health. It

not only will restore the aura but also gives the ability to control your

negative thoughts and emotions. Now let's move on to the technique of long deep breathing

how to do long deep breathing efficiently long deep breathing is

simple complete and proper efficient breathing technique, using the lungs

properly the way it is made to be used. It is also known as diaphragmatic

breathing or abdominal breathing. The diaphragm is a circular barrier of

muscular tissue that separates the lung cavity from the abdominal cavity. The

breathing technique is simple. Let's begin by exhaling first. As you exhale

your abdomen contracts or shrinks. This pushes up on diaphragm creating a

pressure in the lung cavity which causes the air to be expelled. When you inhale

your abdomen expands the muscles of the abdomen draw the diaphragm down

This downward movement of the diaphragm creates a vacuum in the lung cavity so

air automatically flows into the lungs. To understand it better you visualize a

balloon when you feel the air in, it expands. In the same way when you inhale

your abdomen that is your navel area should expand. Likewise when you draw the

air out of the balloon it shrinks similarly as

exhale abdomen should contract or shrinks. Let's try it again. Place your

right hand on your abdomen now exhale and contract your abdomen to the fullest

as you do it you can observe the moment of your hands it goes in. Now as you

inhale your abdomen expands you will see your hands moves up. It is always best to

empty out your lungs first before you inhale so that more oxygen can come

inside the body. Practice it as often as possible for as long as you can. I hope

you liked this video. Hit the like button down below. Be sure to share it with your

friends or anyone who might benefit from this video. Also subscribe to Samaya yoga

YouTube channel to get more amazing videos like this. Comment down below what

you want to see next. I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Super brain breathing exercise | techniques benefits focus concentration memory energy power boost - Duration: 6:44.


YouTube Vlogger Who Claimed Veganism Cures Cancer Dies - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> YouTube Vlogger Who Claimed Veganism Cures Cancer Dies - Duration: 0:55.


Horóscopo hoy, 23 de febrero de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo hoy, 23 de febrero de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:43.


youtube test - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> youtube test - Duration: 1:10.


[VOSTFR] Bts et le futur de la Kpop, la vision de Bang Shi Hyuk, extrait - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] Bts et le futur de la Kpop, la vision de Bang Shi Hyuk, extrait - Duration: 2:07.


Afridi Boundary Catch | Match 2 | KK VS QG | PSL 2018| Pak Trends - Duration: 1:46.


For more infomation >> Afridi Boundary Catch | Match 2 | KK VS QG | PSL 2018| Pak Trends - Duration: 1:46.


Forever Pieces In My Collection Tag | Minks4all | Designer & Luxury Handbags | chicprofessor - Duration: 3:46.

Hi everyone welcome back to my youtube channel if you're brand new welcome

I'm super glad to have you here this video is a tag video

I was tagged by grace from graceandherhandbag to share the forever pieces in my collection

I'm gonna specifically be talking about bags, which I think is what the video is about

I could certainly give a different video on shoes

But that's not what this one's about this one is all about bags and as grace mentioned is a free seller

It's really hard to decide which bags are gonna stay in your collection forever

So these are ones that for a variety of reasons, I think will stay in my collection forever

And I may upgrade them to the newer more current version that has less wear eventually

But they're that specific style of bag I expect to stay forever

So let's go ahead and get started so the first thing I will start with our classics. I have my Chanel mini

Which is a vintage version? I may eventually upgrade to the current version, but I love the Chanel it's classic

I love the mini, and it's my special occasion bag

And I can't imagine it not being in my collection at some point in a similar vein. I expected this lady

Do you are to stay in my collection for quite a while I again may upgrade to a newer version

Eventually and I don't think this is a bag. I'm going to use a ton, but it's such a classic

I can't imagine that it wouldn't say in my collection forever to be used occasionally

So this is another classic another bag that I expect to stay in my collection forever is this bag which was my grandmother's?

For sentimental reasons, and it's also just beautifully embroidered, and it's just such a sweet bag

So I expect that this one will stay in my collection forever as well

So I may eventually pass it down to my children in terms of sentimental bags this Gucci bag is one that I expect to stay

In my collection forever because it was my first luxury handbag, and it was bought on our honeymoon

We got it a little vintage shop in Florence, so

Florence Italy so this is one that I definitely think will sort of stay in my collection forever

so speaking of that trip on my honeymoon to Italy I fell in love with this bag in Capri Italy and I

Really wanted it

I didn't wind up buying it then but it is actually what sort of started my love of luxury

So although this particular bag may eventually show where I expect to have a promised Aviano tote like this

And I really love this white color. I expect that that will stay in my collection forever in the last two bags

I expect will stay in my collection forever are mostly because of

Where I think a longchamp le pliage is the perfect travel tote, and I particularly like this one with the long strap?

It's gonna

Eventually just kind of fully wear down

So I don't really expect to sell it and I do think they are the perfect travel bag

So I expect to have one in my collection and similarly

this Ferragamo miss Berra bag

I expect to just kind of use and sort of abuse or and keep using it until

It I can't anymore because I just love it at such a beautiful white bag

And I can't really imagine not having it in my collection

I'll just kind of use it until I can't anymore so I guess it won't last forever

But it's not one that I plan on


so there you go really short and sweet a really quick video just to show you some of the bags in my collection that I

Think will sort of stick around

Forever I'm gonna tag a couple ladies. I would like to tag

Angelique from Angelique Eva Cheraye from Cheraye C Lewis I would like to tag Katherine from kWshops

And I think that's it right now if you would like to do this video

I would love to see your answers to it

I know that a few of people have been tagged

but those are the quick ladies that I am going to tag in this video and

Please give the video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't subscribed already

I'm trying to get to a thousand as soon as possible so I would absolutely love to have you here and to have

You continue to watch my videos, and I would love to see your support and subscribe so thank you so much for watching

I hope you have a wonderful day. Bye

For more infomation >> Forever Pieces In My Collection Tag | Minks4all | Designer & Luxury Handbags | chicprofessor - Duration: 3:46.


Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Albóndigas de Berenjena | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Albóndigas de Berenjena | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:06.


Ice Dancers transformed into Circus Stars | Athlete to Artist | CRYSTAL | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 2:28.

My name is Ben Agosto

and I'm an ice designer on Cirque du Soleil Crystal.

I'm an Olympian, I went to two Olympics,

I went to the Olympics in Turin in 2006

and then to the Olympics in Vancouver in 2010

with my skating partner Tanith Belbin.

My ultimate Olympic memory is of the opening ceremonies.

The way this works

there's just this massive arena, right.

I think there were tens of thousands of people in this arena

and backstage there's these huge hallways,

it's like catacombs.

Then when it's time there's this big tunnel

and everybody is backstage,

and they say ok, it's time to go and ah,

there's a big roar

and the whole team goes running up the tunnel

and burst out into this massive arena

and it's just the most overwhelming emotional feeling

but also it's that moment when I realize

I am at the Olympics, I made it, I'm here.

This is my moment and it was absolutely unbelievable.

My job in this show was to help to create all the skating acts.

So what does that entail, what are the steps.

Skating is mainly about steps when it comes down to it,

trying to take the vision of the directors and the choreographers

who are incredibly artistic and have amazing vision

but they're not skaters

so they don't necessarily understand

the complexities of how it works

and how, you know,

how the skaters have to move

and then try to translate their vision

into something that is good for skating,

that skating people will watch and go

wow, that was good skating.

I learned a lot about just how Cirque works as a creative process,

it's so different than what I'm used to

and so I felt like

the last 3 weeks of creation I was like

oh ok, now I kind of feel like I know what I'm doing.

I really hope that we continue to grow

on this experiment of circus and ice together

and seeing what new things we can do

and how we can keep pushing it further.

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