Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

yes welcome to my channel where I put up simple ideas to help you teach kids about Jesus.

and today's game what's missing is a really good object lesson

so I'm going to tell you what you need and I've got some teaching tips for you

but first let's have a watch at the kids playing the game so let's have a look

here and I'm gonna take one away and then you're gonna try to guess which one

is missing I turn it around no peeking I'm gonna put one of them away

and you're gonna try to guess the hands up if you know which one is

missing which what is missing what do you think the donkey yes ah what the

donkey had to do with the Easter story remember Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey

he did that's exactly right take another one out hands up if you

think you know oh bread yes and what did the bread symbolize

symbolizes Jesus said that it was his body yes that's right yes

with this game there's a lot of room for further discussion and teaching and the kids

love having a go at hiding the objects - okay he wants to take over from me

the dice?

so who remembers what the dice....

the soldiers gambled to get Jesus' robe. that's right

so here's what you need you need some small

objects or pictures that relate to the Easter story I can place them on a tray

and just cover them with the towel or I have made a game box which is an old

computer box and I covered it with wrapping paper and then I took an old

shopping bag here and I hot-glued a little pocket here so that they could

hide the objects easily in that pocket now you'll notice that a lot of the

objects I've used are the same objects that are used in the Easter egg hunt

tutorial so check that clip out when you have time now I have a couple of

teaching tips for you here when you're choosing the objects to go in this game

be really careful about what you choose in the resurrection egg game they have

lots of objects which are really great but they also have a lot of objects

that are the tools of torture they have the spear the whip the nails and the

crown of thorns but I prefer not to use them instead I'm talking about Jesus's

death I use just a simple little toothpick cross or in this game I can

actually get away with using a larger object so I like using a palm leaf cross

because you know we can relate that back to Palm Sunday

as well the reason I don't use those other objects is because at Easter time

we get a lot of visiting families and their children may not be real familiar

with the events of Easter and I really don't want to cause unnecessary distress

I like to focus on the resurrection part and another thing that you can add in

which I thought about this year's I can add in an angel because the Angels

appeared to the women to announce that jesus is alive you know and the other

thing I thought was I just got some pillow stuffing or cotton balls to

symbolize clouds because why not talk about the 40 days that Jesus lived on

the earth when he arose and the hundreds of people that saw him and then

about the time he went back up into the clouds so you could use that as part

of the game as well as far as organizing this game for larger groups 15 20 kids

you can do it the way I did it last year I took the box and I had the girls first

sit around the box first while the boys stood up around them so the girls played

the game while the boys watched and then we did a swap over halfway through where

the boys were down on the floor and the girls were standing behind him so that's

how I did about 20 kids then I had a class of 35 to even 40 kids I thought

how can I use this game it's such a good game and you know what I did I used tech

yes Tech is a wonderful tool I took a

picture of the objects inside the box I put it up on the screen as you can see

here I did it at Christmas time so these are Christmas objects and what I did is

I had the box in front of the class and I had the picture of what was inside it

there and I called two kids up together and I had been finding the object that

was missing and then they those two kids we talked about the objects and then

they have to hide the next object and then they pick two other kids to take

their place to find the next missing object and you know what I found I found

I actually had their attention really well so you'll be amazed using

technology and using screens really is a good attention focuser

so there's a little tip for you there

so did you like this little what's missing game?

if did give it a thumbs up please and share

it on with a friend and if you'd like more Easter lesson ideas I have been

putting together a playlist of lots of ideas there for you and I've got a lot

of other Easter playlists, I've got an Easter playlist on good videos but I

found on YouTube I've also got an Easter playlist on good Easter songs that you

can check out as well oh and there's something else I wanted

to mention I've got a website now so you can download lesson plans and printables

and color sheets as well as some posters that I've been working on for you

but I'm putting all the links in the comments below so you can find it there

but I did want to make a special mention of a beautiful people of Gympie

queensland it's really from their generosity that i'm able to put those

printables up on my website for free for you this year

so thank you thank you thank you and also I didn't want to thank these great

kids who helped me make this video as well thank you so much

and if you're new to my channel and you would like more free ideas like this all you do is

subscribe you tap the Bell and you'll be notified whenever I put up a new clip

I think that's all for today thanks again for watching and it may God bless you as

you teach the next generation about Jesus


For more infomation >> EASTER GAME & OBJECT LESSON 'What's Missing?' game for church, home & school WRIGHT IDEAS WITH SUSAN - Duration: 6:53.


Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match - Duration: 12:49.

Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full match Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match

Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full match Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match

Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full match Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match

For more infomation >> Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match - Duration: 12:49.


MAKING YOUR OCs #7 -- FUNKO POPS -- OC DESIGNING CHALLENGE with Paula - Duration: 15:52.

hi everybody I'm Paula and I'm going to make some more of your OCS today this

time I am going to do Yano the Fox and VT Morgan and also I'm going to do

Moon Heart Mo I don't know if you followed them already on YouTube but I

will link to all of their channels in the description seriously make sure you

go check them out and y'know the Fox does art and animation and they are

really good at it too and Morgan vt Morgan and also moon Hart mode I notice

on their channels they had gameplay but anyway guys let's see how we can do with

those up at Funko I think it is so much fun making these pops okay well let's

start with the end of the Fox and I am gonna guess the handle is a girl you

know I'm not a hundred percent sure because it's a fox but I'm going to make

it as a girl so let's see here and we have green no blue oh my gosh they need

to add more colors okay well let's start

here and go to the face and we have to add eyebrows and this one does have

eyebrows and actually the eyebrows actually look like they have an

expression this time so let's see if we could come up with something like that I

don't know for sure if we can and let's see here I'm going to make them black oh

that's cute ah okay that's just normal

that's cute let's do that right there oh we have blue or pink hair Wow

okay well you know blue and pink are both cute but since there's more blue on

this I probably should use blue hair so let's see what kind of hairstyle should

we use that's a hard one because this is a fox and I don't think I have any Fox

hairstyles seriously they really need to add some stuff up here I would love that

I would so much love that so let's just pick a nice hairstyle

is just adorable oh my gosh well I'm gonna use blue since this has more blue

than pink even though Pink's cute too but let's

use the blue and oh so cute I have to use that hair I just have to I can't get

off of that now there's just no way okay now for outfit what are we gonna do with

the outfit I mean what if Fox is aware okay we can put on it anything that we

want seriously so I guess it really doesn't matter as long as it looks good

so let's just make this look good

that really does look cute doesn't it and it says Funko on the front which i

think is adorable but I do like pink pink is pretty too but I think I like

that one better for this little girl okay so let's go to pants or shorts oh

that's so cute oh my goodness little blue jean shorts those are adorable and

of course there's always that you know I mean definitely is that the only skirt

seriously I'll know there's more okay that's cute

okay I think I'm gonna pick that because I just think it's adorable it looks so

cute and let's go to accessories because accessories are so important because we

have ears we have to have ears and you know they have one set of ears up here

unless they added some no they didn't not yet so that is the ears and we have

data tail and I know just pretend like it's big and fluffy and huge but I can't

make it big and fluffy and huge but we're going to give this little girl a

pet you know make it stand out but I don't

Oh bad ears that's what she needs because look what that's cute though I

wish that they had dogs that were like pink and purple which I know they don't

have dogs that are pink of purple I mean there really aren't dogs that are pink

and purple well that's cute they're all cute okay okay what color cat should she

have I don't know the black gray black gray I don't know or should she have a

dog okay I'm gonna give her a cat and let's go

it's the same black when I'm both or no is it well let's go black because I

think that's cute and let's go to background what do you think the

background should be seriously it has to look pretty

whoa that was wild what I just went over where was that

look at that you can't even see her she blends in in that okay would you say

it's not showing some of the bad girls okay now it is well my goodness

of course that's cute these are always cute you have these that's nice and I

love these because they stand out so nice and actually since she has pink

ears I have to go with this one because I love this one and I keep looking on it

but I like that because she has the pink in her ears and that kind of pulls it it

even though she doesn't really have pink ears we're just pretending okay okay so

there you have it that is yen of the box and her little kitty which I don't know

what her Kitty's name is make sure you go to the YouTube channel and check out

the videos I'll put a link in the description again and let's go to the

next one now we are going to go to VT morgen and as you can see VT morgan has

a blue shirt and green pants and red scarf yes so let's see what we can do

with this and I'm going to start like this yes and let's go to face and of

course we wait what was that weenie I was gonna say we need eyebrows and I saw

that mustache and look at that oh look how cute he is

that's funny okay so he has ears is is he a fox I don't know maybe so let's go

to eyebrows and I'm going to make the eyebrows dark let's just look at these

in case we need different ones all those cute seriously adorable they're all cute

and look they give you tons of eyebrows

okay I'm going to use the ones that I have I'm gonna go on to hair he doesn't

have facial hair so let's see what kind of hair we could get because his hair is

brown well that's the hair and let's go to the outfit we need a blue shirt we

have to find a blue shirt and I'm sure they have a blue shirt in here because

I've seen them okay and as soon as I look I have trouble ok that's blue

and that's cute and it is camo even though he doesn't have camo but I'm

going to click on it just in case and that's blue okay there has to be more

seriously and let's see here if we could find

green pants I'm not too sure I can find green pants I don't remember seeing

green seriously I wanted green pants

let's go with that okay I'm gonna go with that I know it's not solid green

it's not okay but it's just gonna have to do an

accessory and I have to give him ears and as you know there are one pair of

ears in here okay where are they oh my gosh there they are

okay and if you have ears don't you have a tail I mean usually seriously maybe

not always I don't know he doesn't have a tail in the picture

we need a scarf a red scarf we have a red scarf I got a red scarf or I can't

believe it okay that is definitely cute and yeah no we're not doing that okay so

let's go onto the background how do you think his background would look

that looks neat doesn't it I mean seriously that looks nice okay

that one I think looks really neat he could be in the he could be walking in

the woods just taking a hike seriously I mean why not

it doesn't have to be Slenderman it could just be walking in the woods and

having fun you know and you know hitting sticks together and stuff and building

little forts I'm going to leave him in that because being in the woods isn't

always scary I mean you can be in the woods and have fun right so he's just

taking a walk and you know what I forgot he has a dog with him when he's taking a

walk what am i doing he has to have a little dog with him because dogs are fun

to take walks with okay let's give him that one and he is taking a walk with

his little dog in the woods and it is just so so cute so there you have it

that is VT morgen and make sure you go to his YouTube channel seriously and

look at his gameplays now we are Tim moon Hart mo and here's a picture and

let's see what we can do with her okay I'm gonna start there I almost clicked

on green that would have been funny eyebrows and they should be brown

definitely oh wait did I just forget blush I have to get the blush on

okay hair her hair is definitely long

okay so there's brown hair and let's go and I see she has ears and again I wish

we had Fox ears and she has it looks like striped gloves on or is that her

sleeve that is coming down into a pair of gloves because sometimes shirts do

that you know that's kind of cool actually so let's see we have I think

it's her hat has Fox ears I know I don't have that but we'll get her some kind of

a black shirt okay that's black that's black too and

that looks nice

I'm gonna guess that she has long-sleeve fun I don't know seriously but what do

our best okay and I like those I'm gonna put those pants on because I really like

those pants and I keep wanting to use them but I don't so I am putting those

on and do I have gloves that would be under accessories okay well the outfit

was easy I keep getting on those those are so

funny and is there a hat I don't think they even have a hat do they and you

probably can't put a hat ant ear so I'm gonna put the ears because I think that

is so adorable I just love those let's see what kind of gloves we have because

if I could find striped gloves would that be great seriously I would so love

that is that not cute that is cute where are the gloves

that's not gloves I saw gloves somewhere I just gave her fangs look at her mouth

oh so adorable why is that cute that shouldn't be cute okay seriously fangs

should not be cute are these gloves yes well I'm gonna give her little gray

gloves how's that they're not striped but they're little gloves and they're

cute okay this is this is too easy okay and that looks looks like her except for

the ears aren't Fox okay I love those pants I think

those pants are super neat and I need a hat oh you can put two things on we

could give her her headphones because she does do game play but no we're not

gonna do that and I seriously don't see a hat if you see a hat scream at me just

like at the top of your lungs that's cute but then you can't see her ears

okay oh there is the different dogs okay I don't know if she would want a cat or

dog okay I don't ask people but I love to Adam it's just like fun I don't know

it says everybody needs a pet oh that's cute oh my gosh okay that one really

matches her that's so cute though oh I like that one

he's he's definitely cute okay I have to give her that I just have to and I could

give her a cat too but I don't know I don't know what people have seriously

okay so it looks like we're on to background well let's see here what kind

of background do you think she needs I think she needs a pretty one

oh my goodness that that has blue behind it - I say we use that that just looks

amazing to me and it looks like a fun place to be like you're on the beach and

having fun and looking for seashells or something okay but there you have it

that is moon heart mo and we couldn't find the Hat we couldn't get the wolf

ears but she looks cute doesn't she you can't say she doesn't look cute that is

an adorable pop okay so we did three different people we did you know the Fox

VT Morgan and Moon Hart mo and I think they all came out pretty good I mean you

know you can only do as much as you can up here they are kind of limited and

maybe they'll add more later I would be so so happy but if you want your own

done make sure that you leave me a message in the comments and also link to

your photo or picture please so that I could know you know what you went done

so anyway have fun and I'll talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> MAKING YOUR OCs #7 -- FUNKO POPS -- OC DESIGNING CHALLENGE with Paula - Duration: 15:52.


El concursante guatemalteco Manuel, nos cuenta cómo ha sido su experiencia en Master Chef Latino - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> El concursante guatemalteco Manuel, nos cuenta cómo ha sido su experiencia en Master Chef Latino - Duration: 2:30.


Dragon Ball Super Episode 129 Spoilers - Duration: 8:08.

Hey, How's it going, guys.

I hope all of you have been doing your pushups, sit-ups and drinkin plenty of juice.

Well, folks, as we inch closer towards the climax of the tournament of power and the

end of the Dragon Ball Super series, we have no choice but to embrace that fact and try

to enjoy the last bit of Super we have left.

And as we still cope with the heartbreaks of Number 17 and Vegeta, we get a batch of

new spoilers on Dragon Ball Super episode 129.

Oh and folks, before we get on with the spoilers and try to break it down further, keep in

mind that even though episode 129 IS the next episode of super that will be coming out,

It's not coming out this weekend.

There will be no Super this Sunday and 129, will actually be airing on March 3rd.

Oh and guys, if you don't to be spoiled, you can still go ahead and watch this video,

because this won't be revealing too much about the next episode that you already didn't

know from watching the preview.

And we got our hands on these spoilers courtesy of Younkou Productions on Twitter.

So anyways, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Dragon Ball Fans from all around the

globe, let's get right into the new spoilers on episode 129.

#129: "Limits Super Surpassed!

Ultra Instinct Mastered!"

Ultra Instinct Mastered?!

Goku's power Ascends!

The tournament of power rushes into Goku and Jiren's final Duel!

The Cornered Goku unconsciously awakens the power that Slumbered deep within this body

and his powers skyrockets!

Thus, he draws closer to the ultimate battle form, Ultra Instinct!!

This week's Jiren: Not ready to lose, he releases his full strength.

Goku's rising power steals a smile from Jiren!

In return, Jiren puts all of his hidden strength into his fists and strikes Goku!

Will this be the deciding blow!?

Alright, so now, let's really take an in depth look and see what it all means.

So, Goku supposedly broke through his shell already when he unlocked the defensive half

of Ultra Instinct or the False Ultra Instinct.

Yes, That's what I'll be calling it, because a fully mastered Ultra instinct, is basically

Ultra instinct.

You don't go about calling Super Saiyan Grade 4 the mastered super saiyan, So A mastered

Ultra Instinct is basically Ultra Instinct.

And the black haired, silver eyed variation of Ultra Instinct is just the False Ultra

Instinct, or, as some are calling it, The Ultra Instinct Omen.

And Guys, this first sentence confirms it.

It says Goku's Power ascends.

That tells us that, when mastered Ultra Instinct, just like the Ultra Instinct Omen gives the

fighter a huge boost in power.

So anyways, it looks like from episode 129, it's going to be all Goku and Jiren going

at it for the final fight of the tournament and the series itself.

Then the spoilers say that A cornered Goku awakens some kind of a hidden power that skyrockets

his power levels and brings him closer to the ultimate battle form, Ultra Instinct.

That confuses me in so many different levels guys.

What does it mean?

Goku already was cornered in episode 128, and that's when he unlocked the Ultra Instinct

omen for the third time.

SO, does this mean he's going to be cornered again, which will lead to him getting the

silver haired form?

And if it is the latter, meaning he'll get into trouble again and that will lead to him

unlocking mastered ultra Instinct, then isn't that the ultimate fighting form?

Why are they telling us that it's going to draw him closer to the ultimate battle


Ultra Instinct is the final form, and he'll unlock it in 129…

So, are they trying to tell us that there might be another ultra mega super perfected

Ultra Instinct form for Goku?

This last senetence from the first half of the spoilers does bring up a lot of questions,

doesn't it?

That's what I was talking about when I said this was really confusing.


Moving on, Jiren this week will be powering up to max, and to counter goku's rising

strength, he puts all his hidden energy behind his fists to strike Goku.


So, this brings about another question.

How many freakin time will Jiren Show his true powers?

He powered up in episode 109, when he first fought against the Ultra Instinct omen or

False Ultra Instinct Goku, then he powered up in 123, and then finally, once Toppo got

eliminated by Vegeta, Jiren powered up again.

So… like… what the hell?

It looks like his true powers are so well hidden; even Jiren himself is having quite

the hard time trying to find it and releasing it.

Anywho, the interesting part comes afterwards when the spoiler tells us that Jiren Powers

up his fists and strikes Goku.

That kinda blew my mind.

Ultra Instinct is basically the form where you can dodge and move out of pure instinct

and without thinking.

Even with the false Ultra instinct, Goku was untouchable.

If a cornered Goku unlocks mastered UI, then how the hell did Jiren land a hit?

I mean he's not supposed to get touched or hit even when he's in his false Ultra

Instinct form.

So, there's no way he could be touched when he has mastered the form.

So, I think, if Goku's going to get smacked, it's going to happen before he masters UI.

Even though that wouldn't make much sense either, as Goku couldn't really control

the attacks when in the UI omen but he could always dodge at ease.

But we did see Goku's hair getting touched by Kefla's energy wave when he was charging

up the most badass Kamehameha in Dragon Ball History.

So maybe it's possible that getting hit by jiren's powerful strikes despite being

in UI omen is going to be thing that will trigger the mastery of Ultra Instinct.

I could be worng, but in my opinion, that's the most likely scenario.

And guys, once Goku masters Ultra Instinct, I think it's going to be a one way fight.

Goku in my opinion is going to overpower Jiren by quite the large margin.

And though I said in a previous video that the mastered UI would put goku on par with

Beerus, but if Goku manages to beat Jiren by dominating him, I'll have no choice but

to eat my words, and accept that I was wrong.

So, guys…

That's the video.

Please let us know what you think is going to happen in episode 129.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed this video and subscribe if you want more quality content

on your favourite Anime, Dragon Ball Super.

Oh and don't forget to hit the bell icon to make sure you never miss an upload.

So folks, That's all from me for now, And I'll be seeing you all soon, In the next



For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super Episode 129 Spoilers - Duration: 8:08.


Andrea - Neblagodaren (Subtitled in English/Legendado em Português) with lyrics - Duration: 3:45.

Subtitled and sinchronized: Andrea BR -

I don't pick up the phone, no matter how much you call, Stop now, don't call me anymore!

I'm really busy for you right now. How much you take away from me...

But you remain the same ungrateful, My song is playing and I'm dancing

I gave my all to be on your side, you betraied me

And now without you, watch me dance Without you, How I'm having fun

Without you, soon I'll forget you, here on the dancefloor

I gave gave gave, gave my love to you gave gave gave, gave myself to you

I gave gave gave, my life to you, my heart and soul.

Like us: Andrea BR - Se inscreva no canal!

I don't pick up the phone, no matter how much you call, I don't even think about you anymore!

And I really hope that you've signed me off of your woman's list!

But you remain the same ungrateful, My song is playing and I'm dancing

I gave my all to be on your side, you betraied me

I gave gave gave, gave my love to you gave gave gave, gave myself to you

I gave gave gave, my life to you, my heart and soul.

And I'll drink tonight till I get drunk Without you, no mattering that I still wanting you

Without you, even you meaning everything to me Just get out of my live!

Translated by: Jonna Des Sì IG: @hailhollyweed Like us: Andrea BR - Don't forget to hit the like and subscribe!

And now without you, watch me dance Without you, How I'm having fun

Without you, soon I'll forget you, here on the dancefloor

I gave gave gave, gave my love to you gave gave gave, gave myself to you

I gave gave gave, my life to you, my heart and soul.

And now without you, watch me dance Without you, How I'm having fun

Without you, soon I'll forget you, here on the dancefloor

And I'll drink tonight till I get drunk Without you, no mattering that I still wanting you

Without you, even you meaning everything to me Just get out of my live!

For more infomation >> Andrea - Neblagodaren (Subtitled in English/Legendado em Português) with lyrics - Duration: 3:45.


Your Thoughts are Bubbles - Jon Kabat-Zinn - Duration: 5:29.

It doesn't take long when you start to develop a practice of mindfulness before you realize

that we are virtually continually bombarded by thoughts.

It's... They're like weather patterns in the mind,

and there are sometimes nice clear sunny days but there are an awful lot of cloudy days,

tumultuous days, rainy days, turbulent, stormy weather.

And again, the challenge is, how are we to be in relationship to all of that stuff that's

driving our lives and our narrative of who I am?

And so when you get in touch with what awareness really is, then you're... the first thing

you realize is that those thoughts are not me and they're not mine.

They're just like weather patterns.

They're impersonal weather patterns in the mind.

So, then you can observe them like a scientist,

like, what is the nature of this thought?

Where does it come from?

I mean they come like bullets, you know, fired out of a machine gun.

They're very, very fast so to speak.

That's quite a militaristic image but, you know, another way is bubbles coming off the

bottom of a pot of boiling water, you know.

If you've ever watched a pot of boiling water, say a glass pot, the bubbles tend to

nucleate at the bottom.

And then they go through the water and they go "poof" at the surface.

So the thoughts are very similar and that's where I use another – people often

use this term that thoughts self-liberate.

You don't have to get rid of them.

People misunderstand meditation as, "Oh I just sweep all my thoughts away and then I'm

in this like Nirvana."

What you'll get by trying to sweep all your thoughts away is a headache, at the most, because

there's no way to sweep your thoughts away.

They will get you every time.

And then you can have millions of thoughts about mindfulness and meditation and those

are just thoughts, too.

They're not meditating.

But when you see that you're not your thoughts then you can watch them in this kind of impersonal

More, sort of, if you will, observing way, with kindness, with self-compassion, because a lot

of them are heavily loaded with negative emotion.

And you can see that if you don't touch them, if you don't do anything with them,

if you don't get caught in them they self-liberate naturally in awareness.

The awareness is like touching a soap bubble, you know.

It's fun for kids and fun for adults too.

A soap bubble and you touch it and it just goes "poof".

So I love that image like the thought is the soap bubble and the emotion too.

It's valancing the thought.

And you don't need to do anything with it because your awareness is like it's not

even a finger, it's not corporeal.

The awareness, just the embracing of it or the arising of it, like in the sky, it goes

"poof" all by itself.

And don't take my word for it.

This is something that when you sit down and you begin to watch you'll see this is not

rocket science.

You don't have to sit in a cave for 30 years to have that kind of experience.

All you need to do is, in some sense, get out of your own way.

Now I'm not saying that's easy.

That's really hard. But if you can have moments when you get out of your own way then you'll

see that a lot of the stuff that we get so caught up in it's like – it's a mirage.

And that doesn't mean that the thoughts aren't valuable.

I mean I think it was Einstein who said, you know, if you have one or two really good thoughts

in a lifetime you're ahead of the curve.


So most of our thoughts are actually kind of mundane or imprisoning.

But thinking is a very, very – I mean it drives imagination, it drives creativity.

So maybe we need to just create a bigger arena for our thoughts and watch how they not only

self-liberate but also inform each other at some sense.

And all of a sudden you see something that no one in the history of humanity has seen


And you apprehend it because you're making Your... or something is being revealed to you.

I won't say you're making the connection but somehow a connection gets made and that's

called an insight.

You're going to have profound insights.

I mean, the science is sort of storied, you Know, wonderful stories of eureka moments,

insight and it's usually not by driving thinking and banging your head against the wall.

It's when you thought as much as you've gone as far as thought can take you and then

you rest in awareness.

Maybe sometimes it's in sleep where you wake up out of the sleep and then …[slap]

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