Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

That was a long I got him oh

My god wow

Wow wow that was the most probably my most insane sniper right there like hey, I just did it again

Like you see this you see I'm trying to battle people I don't got time to pick a shop

I'm trying to get killed as I'm trying to entertain the folks the good folks in the stream

You think I'm playing Diablo

You think you think I can just fall to do shuts out, so I have to time the my rare to get headshots. Just perfect

to god man

We are giving away a thousand three bucks to one of our first thousand subscribers in order to win just hit that subscribe button

like and comment on this video


My gosh

I've one bullet one bullet one bullet yo

You guys didn't know they talked about my Snipes they talk about the Snipes

I watch it. That's exactly what daddy wanted you to do now go ahead and make that fucking, Isaiah

Who's shooting at you now that guy

Feels ultra bad man another guy all about second chances oh

There it is boys, it didn't even feel like I hit him

No, I don't let you go why does it get but that's


Players building right in front of us, and it looks like they're like don't know what they're doing

Like a thumb up on being on the right. Oh my god

Jordan 25 headshot, dude

232 meters headshot don't do anything, but you shotgun


That is very generous, bro

I see him on the mountain

For more infomation >> Snipes Montage 1 !!! Fortnite Battle Royale Epic Snipes Up To WORLD RECORD 368m !!! - Duration: 5:47.


EASTER GAME & OBJECT LESSON 'What's Missing?' game for church, home & school WRIGHT IDEAS WITH SUSAN - Duration: 6:53.

yes welcome to my channel where I put up simple ideas to help you teach kids about Jesus.

and today's game what's missing is a really good object lesson

so I'm going to tell you what you need and I've got some teaching tips for you

but first let's have a watch at the kids playing the game so let's have a look

here and I'm gonna take one away and then you're gonna try to guess which one

is missing I turn it around no peeking I'm gonna put one of them away

and you're gonna try to guess the hands up if you know which one is

missing which what is missing what do you think the donkey yes ah what the

donkey had to do with the Easter story remember Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey

he did that's exactly right take another one out hands up if you

think you know oh bread yes and what did the bread symbolize

symbolizes Jesus said that it was his body yes that's right yes

with this game there's a lot of room for further discussion and teaching and the kids

love having a go at hiding the objects - okay he wants to take over from me

the dice?

so who remembers what the dice....

the soldiers gambled to get Jesus' robe. that's right

so here's what you need you need some small

objects or pictures that relate to the Easter story I can place them on a tray

and just cover them with the towel or I have made a game box which is an old

computer box and I covered it with wrapping paper and then I took an old

shopping bag here and I hot-glued a little pocket here so that they could

hide the objects easily in that pocket now you'll notice that a lot of the

objects I've used are the same objects that are used in the Easter egg hunt

tutorial so check that clip out when you have time now I have a couple of

teaching tips for you here when you're choosing the objects to go in this game

be really careful about what you choose in the resurrection egg game they have

lots of objects which are really great but they also have a lot of objects

that are the tools of torture they have the spear the whip the nails and the

crown of thorns but I prefer not to use them instead I'm talking about Jesus's

death I use just a simple little toothpick cross or in this game I can

actually get away with using a larger object so I like using a palm leaf cross

because you know we can relate that back to Palm Sunday

as well the reason I don't use those other objects is because at Easter time

we get a lot of visiting families and their children may not be real familiar

with the events of Easter and I really don't want to cause unnecessary distress

I like to focus on the resurrection part and another thing that you can add in

which I thought about this year's I can add in an angel because the Angels

appeared to the women to announce that jesus is alive you know and the other

thing I thought was I just got some pillow stuffing or cotton balls to

symbolize clouds because why not talk about the 40 days that Jesus lived on

the earth when he arose and the hundreds of people that saw him and then

about the time he went back up into the clouds so you could use that as part

of the game as well as far as organizing this game for larger groups 15 20 kids

you can do it the way I did it last year I took the box and I had the girls first

sit around the box first while the boys stood up around them so the girls played

the game while the boys watched and then we did a swap over halfway through where

the boys were down on the floor and the girls were standing behind him so that's

how I did about 20 kids then I had a class of 35 to even 40 kids I thought

how can I use this game it's such a good game and you know what I did I used tech

yes Tech is a wonderful tool I took a

picture of the objects inside the box I put it up on the screen as you can see

here I did it at Christmas time so these are Christmas objects and what I did is

I had the box in front of the class and I had the picture of what was inside it

there and I called two kids up together and I had been finding the object that

was missing and then they those two kids we talked about the objects and then

they have to hide the next object and then they pick two other kids to take

their place to find the next missing object and you know what I found I found

I actually had their attention really well so you'll be amazed using

technology and using screens really is a good attention focuser

so there's a little tip for you there

so did you like this little what's missing game?

if did give it a thumbs up please and share

it on with a friend and if you'd like more Easter lesson ideas I have been

putting together a playlist of lots of ideas there for you and I've got a lot

of other Easter playlists, I've got an Easter playlist on good videos but I

found on YouTube I've also got an Easter playlist on good Easter songs that you

can check out as well oh and there's something else I wanted

to mention I've got a website now so you can download lesson plans and printables

and color sheets as well as some posters that I've been working on for you

but I'm putting all the links in the comments below so you can find it there

but I did want to make a special mention of a beautiful people of Gympie

queensland it's really from their generosity that i'm able to put those

printables up on my website for free for you this year

so thank you thank you thank you and also I didn't want to thank these great

kids who helped me make this video as well thank you so much

and if you're new to my channel and you would like more free ideas like this all you do is

subscribe you tap the Bell and you'll be notified whenever I put up a new clip

I think that's all for today thanks again for watching and it may God bless you as

you teach the next generation about Jesus


For more infomation >> EASTER GAME & OBJECT LESSON 'What's Missing?' game for church, home & school WRIGHT IDEAS WITH SUSAN - Duration: 6:53.


Game Fails 5 - PUBG, Fortnite, FIFA, Monster Hunter World, Sea Of Thieves, AssCree Origins. - Duration: 3:41.

In Assassin's Creed Origins, since when have horses bred by Mitosis?

In Fortnite, it's annoying when your team-mates abandon you, but when your backpack abandons

you too, that's just taking the mick.

In Sea Of Thieves, Airship DLC confirmed?

In this clip from Chandlers Comrade, you spin me right round baby!

Another Fortnite clip, when you literally accept your own death.

In FIFA 17...


In Watch Dogs, Deebz sends us this clip and we give him a 4 out of 10 for the landing.

In Fallout 4, breakdancing robot.

In PUBG, UnearthlyGem steps on a piece of Lego.

In Monster Hunter World, that's now where i wanted a drop off, wingdrake, not at all.

For more infomation >> Game Fails 5 - PUBG, Fortnite, FIFA, Monster Hunter World, Sea Of Thieves, AssCree Origins. - Duration: 3:41.


Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match - Duration: 12:49.

Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full match Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match

Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full match Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match

Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full match Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match

For more infomation >> Multan Sultan VS Lahore Qalandar Full Highlights PSL3 2018 3rd match - Duration: 12:49.


Elif Episode 675 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 115 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 4:21.

How could that happen? Are you sure?

My friend gave me this address.

Well, sir, there's no event today as a college reunion.

You can call your friend again if you want.

You try, work hard, plan all the stuff to get a chance to stay in private,

then leave him with Süreyya!

This wasn't my plan!

What sin did I commit to get this?

There he is.

Mr. Kerem calling!

I'm not picking that up!

Have a nice romantic dinner, Mr. Kerem!

She's not picking up. She's fallen asleep, I think.

The dinner organization will take place next week, sir.


Then she got the wrong date!

Oh, Parla...

She's been nagging me all day, for a dinner that's not even today.


You got yourself prepared for this.

We'll go home then, nothing much to do here.

Well, I have no thought of going back.

How's that?

Excuse me...

- Can you get us a table for two? - Sure thing, sir, right away.

What do you say?

Since we're already here,

let's have a fancy dinner, then we'll get back home.

I'm good with that.

Then, please, ma'am, you first.

Please, this way.

Thank you.

- Enjoy your dinner. I'll send the menu in a minute. - Alright.

Nice place. Luckily, no one here.


I liked in here, too.


I've got the whole place for you.

What's the matter?

You look kinda nervous.

I'm not nervous, I feel sorry for Parla.

We're not supposed to have this dinner with you and me only.

Fine, but...

it was her who told me the wrong date.

I don't know...

- Then again... - Look.

Parla has planned a dinner for us.

Is it bad?

Let's think that way.



pretty content with the situation.

I mean, a lot.

How about you?

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 675 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 115 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 4:21.


NOW CFO Outsourced Accounting - Client Testimonial: AltMed - Duration: 3:17.

My name is Reggie Candelaria. I'm the general manager at AltMed. AltMed is a company based in both Florida and Arizona.

In Arizona we have a license. We are a cultivator

We are dispensary

And we manufacture edibles. In Florida we are one of 12 licensed companies there.

We have a cultivation center there

that's 150,000 square feet and our company also licenses our brand Move

in Canada, Colorado and in Florida.

AltMed is a

relatively new startup. We're about two and a half years old.

We went from 2 employees in 2014 to about 65 today. So we were really struggling with our accounting department

We were based in two different states.

We weren't of the size yet to be able to afford a full-time CFO. We hired now CFO. They brought in a

three-person staff that helped us from everything from bookkeeping

Mid-level accounting person as well as an accounting manager that took on and developed accounting procedures.

That individual also developed our cost accounting. At that time we had no idea of what it cost us to produce a pound of flour.

And so it was very helpful for us at that time

to have now CFO come in and develop all of our accounting procedures for us

In a time where we couldn't afford a full-time CFO. The year after

Bringing now CFO in and helping us manage our accounting processes

We have a very good handle on our cost of goods sold.

We have a very good handle on the margins of our various products. In addition to flour we have a whole host of products

And a year later after engaging NOW CFO, we have a very good handle on that.

Our accounting procedures and our controls between the two states, Florida and Arizona are very

very tight and so we've come a long way over the last being associated with NOW CFO. For any startup company that's out there,

everybody will go through a phase where you are big enough to where you need accounting talent

and you're not big enough to afford a full-time accounting

person, a CFO, mid-level manager, upper level manager

I fully endorse and support and recommend NOW CFO when you're in that phase as most companies are.

They are the company that has a very deep pool of talent. Even if you're a company

that's downsizing and you can no longer afford your CFO or your higher level managers

They are a great company in that phase if you have

accounting people that are going on extended leaves, neutrally leaves. They're a great company to fill that spot

or even if you need

Somebody to come in that's not directly associated or involved or has

Responsibilities you need somebody just to develop tasks, procedures, look at the overall process.

Now CFO is a great company and they have a very good

Depth of personnel and talent, in their firm.

For more infomation >> NOW CFO Outsourced Accounting - Client Testimonial: AltMed - Duration: 3:17.


MAKING YOUR OCs #7 -- FUNKO POPS -- OC DESIGNING CHALLENGE with Paula - Duration: 15:52.

hi everybody I'm Paula and I'm going to make some more of your OCS today this

time I am going to do Yano the Fox and VT Morgan and also I'm going to do

Moon Heart Mo I don't know if you followed them already on YouTube but I

will link to all of their channels in the description seriously make sure you

go check them out and y'know the Fox does art and animation and they are

really good at it too and Morgan vt Morgan and also moon Hart mode I notice

on their channels they had gameplay but anyway guys let's see how we can do with

those up at Funko I think it is so much fun making these pops okay well let's

start with the end of the Fox and I am gonna guess the handle is a girl you

know I'm not a hundred percent sure because it's a fox but I'm going to make

it as a girl so let's see here and we have green no blue oh my gosh they need

to add more colors okay well let's start

here and go to the face and we have to add eyebrows and this one does have

eyebrows and actually the eyebrows actually look like they have an

expression this time so let's see if we could come up with something like that I

don't know for sure if we can and let's see here I'm going to make them black oh

that's cute ah okay that's just normal

that's cute let's do that right there oh we have blue or pink hair Wow

okay well you know blue and pink are both cute but since there's more blue on

this I probably should use blue hair so let's see what kind of hairstyle should

we use that's a hard one because this is a fox and I don't think I have any Fox

hairstyles seriously they really need to add some stuff up here I would love that

I would so much love that so let's just pick a nice hairstyle

is just adorable oh my gosh well I'm gonna use blue since this has more blue

than pink even though Pink's cute too but let's

use the blue and oh so cute I have to use that hair I just have to I can't get

off of that now there's just no way okay now for outfit what are we gonna do with

the outfit I mean what if Fox is aware okay we can put on it anything that we

want seriously so I guess it really doesn't matter as long as it looks good

so let's just make this look good

that really does look cute doesn't it and it says Funko on the front which i

think is adorable but I do like pink pink is pretty too but I think I like

that one better for this little girl okay so let's go to pants or shorts oh

that's so cute oh my goodness little blue jean shorts those are adorable and

of course there's always that you know I mean definitely is that the only skirt

seriously I'll know there's more okay that's cute

okay I think I'm gonna pick that because I just think it's adorable it looks so

cute and let's go to accessories because accessories are so important because we

have ears we have to have ears and you know they have one set of ears up here

unless they added some no they didn't not yet so that is the ears and we have

data tail and I know just pretend like it's big and fluffy and huge but I can't

make it big and fluffy and huge but we're going to give this little girl a

pet you know make it stand out but I don't

Oh bad ears that's what she needs because look what that's cute though I

wish that they had dogs that were like pink and purple which I know they don't

have dogs that are pink of purple I mean there really aren't dogs that are pink

and purple well that's cute they're all cute okay okay what color cat should she

have I don't know the black gray black gray I don't know or should she have a

dog okay I'm gonna give her a cat and let's go

it's the same black when I'm both or no is it well let's go black because I

think that's cute and let's go to background what do you think the

background should be seriously it has to look pretty

whoa that was wild what I just went over where was that

look at that you can't even see her she blends in in that okay would you say

it's not showing some of the bad girls okay now it is well my goodness

of course that's cute these are always cute you have these that's nice and I

love these because they stand out so nice and actually since she has pink

ears I have to go with this one because I love this one and I keep looking on it

but I like that because she has the pink in her ears and that kind of pulls it it

even though she doesn't really have pink ears we're just pretending okay okay so

there you have it that is yen of the box and her little kitty which I don't know

what her Kitty's name is make sure you go to the YouTube channel and check out

the videos I'll put a link in the description again and let's go to the

next one now we are going to go to VT morgen and as you can see VT morgan has

a blue shirt and green pants and red scarf yes so let's see what we can do

with this and I'm going to start like this yes and let's go to face and of

course we wait what was that weenie I was gonna say we need eyebrows and I saw

that mustache and look at that oh look how cute he is

that's funny okay so he has ears is is he a fox I don't know maybe so let's go

to eyebrows and I'm going to make the eyebrows dark let's just look at these

in case we need different ones all those cute seriously adorable they're all cute

and look they give you tons of eyebrows

okay I'm going to use the ones that I have I'm gonna go on to hair he doesn't

have facial hair so let's see what kind of hair we could get because his hair is

brown well that's the hair and let's go to the outfit we need a blue shirt we

have to find a blue shirt and I'm sure they have a blue shirt in here because

I've seen them okay and as soon as I look I have trouble ok that's blue

and that's cute and it is camo even though he doesn't have camo but I'm

going to click on it just in case and that's blue okay there has to be more

seriously and let's see here if we could find

green pants I'm not too sure I can find green pants I don't remember seeing

green seriously I wanted green pants

let's go with that okay I'm gonna go with that I know it's not solid green

it's not okay but it's just gonna have to do an

accessory and I have to give him ears and as you know there are one pair of

ears in here okay where are they oh my gosh there they are

okay and if you have ears don't you have a tail I mean usually seriously maybe

not always I don't know he doesn't have a tail in the picture

we need a scarf a red scarf we have a red scarf I got a red scarf or I can't

believe it okay that is definitely cute and yeah no we're not doing that okay so

let's go onto the background how do you think his background would look

that looks neat doesn't it I mean seriously that looks nice okay

that one I think looks really neat he could be in the he could be walking in

the woods just taking a hike seriously I mean why not

it doesn't have to be Slenderman it could just be walking in the woods and

having fun you know and you know hitting sticks together and stuff and building

little forts I'm going to leave him in that because being in the woods isn't

always scary I mean you can be in the woods and have fun right so he's just

taking a walk and you know what I forgot he has a dog with him when he's taking a

walk what am i doing he has to have a little dog with him because dogs are fun

to take walks with okay let's give him that one and he is taking a walk with

his little dog in the woods and it is just so so cute so there you have it

that is VT morgen and make sure you go to his YouTube channel seriously and

look at his gameplays now we are Tim moon Hart mo and here's a picture and

let's see what we can do with her okay I'm gonna start there I almost clicked

on green that would have been funny eyebrows and they should be brown

definitely oh wait did I just forget blush I have to get the blush on

okay hair her hair is definitely long

okay so there's brown hair and let's go and I see she has ears and again I wish

we had Fox ears and she has it looks like striped gloves on or is that her

sleeve that is coming down into a pair of gloves because sometimes shirts do

that you know that's kind of cool actually so let's see we have I think

it's her hat has Fox ears I know I don't have that but we'll get her some kind of

a black shirt okay that's black that's black too and

that looks nice

I'm gonna guess that she has long-sleeve fun I don't know seriously but what do

our best okay and I like those I'm gonna put those pants on because I really like

those pants and I keep wanting to use them but I don't so I am putting those

on and do I have gloves that would be under accessories okay well the outfit

was easy I keep getting on those those are so

funny and is there a hat I don't think they even have a hat do they and you

probably can't put a hat ant ear so I'm gonna put the ears because I think that

is so adorable I just love those let's see what kind of gloves we have because

if I could find striped gloves would that be great seriously I would so love

that is that not cute that is cute where are the gloves

that's not gloves I saw gloves somewhere I just gave her fangs look at her mouth

oh so adorable why is that cute that shouldn't be cute okay seriously fangs

should not be cute are these gloves yes well I'm gonna give her little gray

gloves how's that they're not striped but they're little gloves and they're

cute okay this is this is too easy okay and that looks looks like her except for

the ears aren't Fox okay I love those pants I think

those pants are super neat and I need a hat oh you can put two things on we

could give her her headphones because she does do game play but no we're not

gonna do that and I seriously don't see a hat if you see a hat scream at me just

like at the top of your lungs that's cute but then you can't see her ears

okay oh there is the different dogs okay I don't know if she would want a cat or

dog okay I don't ask people but I love to Adam it's just like fun I don't know

it says everybody needs a pet oh that's cute oh my gosh okay that one really

matches her that's so cute though oh I like that one

he's he's definitely cute okay I have to give her that I just have to and I could

give her a cat too but I don't know I don't know what people have seriously

okay so it looks like we're on to background well let's see here what kind

of background do you think she needs I think she needs a pretty one

oh my goodness that that has blue behind it - I say we use that that just looks

amazing to me and it looks like a fun place to be like you're on the beach and

having fun and looking for seashells or something okay but there you have it

that is moon heart mo and we couldn't find the Hat we couldn't get the wolf

ears but she looks cute doesn't she you can't say she doesn't look cute that is

an adorable pop okay so we did three different people we did you know the Fox

VT Morgan and Moon Hart mo and I think they all came out pretty good I mean you

know you can only do as much as you can up here they are kind of limited and

maybe they'll add more later I would be so so happy but if you want your own

done make sure that you leave me a message in the comments and also link to

your photo or picture please so that I could know you know what you went done

so anyway have fun and I'll talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> MAKING YOUR OCs #7 -- FUNKO POPS -- OC DESIGNING CHALLENGE with Paula - Duration: 15:52.


Howardena Pindell: What Remains To Be Seen - Duration: 9:05.

In her initial days in New York, Pindell actually had a really nice reception.

Or, I should say, her work got a great reception in the New York art world.

Once they see her body, as a black woman, the galleries then are hesitant to show the work.

I graduated from Boston U. and joined the MFA program at Yale.

It was during the Vietnam War.

And I don't remember seeing another black woman there.

It is in a time of minimalism.

So she's beginning to take these precepts that she's being taught

and really disrupt them, creating moments where she can insert herself into this conversation

around abstraction.

She starts to do mostly untitled work that deals with the shapes of circles and ovals.

But they're usually superimposed over a grid.

There is actually a piece on graph paper and it has pencil ellipses.

And then I started doing kind of awkward ones in color,

and then they became a little more sophisticated.

Just a couple of years outside of school she finds herself in a studio without any

natural light.

So all of a sudden, as a painter, she's trying to create works

without the benefit of sight.

So she starts making what she calls templates.

She makes a grid of circles with the hole punch through this heavy oak tag paper.

And she uses these to spray paint through onto the surface of a canvas.

I first started using the punch-outs, and Carl Solway had come to my studio.

And I had bags, I had saved all of these circles.

I don't throw things out; I'm like a pack rat, and he said,

"Well, how many of those circles are on the canvas?"

I said, "Oh, I'll count them."

So that's when I started using a Rapidograph and counting each circle,

working sequentially, and then it got to be in such high numbers

that I just wrote whatever number I wanted to.

Not only is she creating layers through spray painting onto the surface,

but then she goes back to affix these small, colored chads

onto the surfaces of these works and it is very laborious.

It is a challenge to minimalism.

It is a notion of coming in and softening them with other materials;

not just looking at paint onto surface of a canvas,

but bringing in ordinary objects and things: fabric, resin.

I wanted to be playful, and at the same time, I had a lot of anger at the art world.

So from Howardena's earliest time in New York she basically had a dual life.

She is both painting in her studio, but she's also a curator at the Museum of

Modern Art.

As a curator at MoMA, she is on a task force to really look and

study representation in American museums.

She already has activism within her DNA.

I mean, her dad was very much an activist.

She herself as a young woman sat in the lunch counters at Woolworth in Philadelphia.

So that sort of notion of injustice and lack of representation—

she's ripe for understanding and taking that on within the institutions themselves.

There was in 1979 an exhibition—exhibition was at Artist Space by a young artist, Donald


And it was titled Nigger Drawings, and it was all black-and-white abstraction.

He titles the show in a way that would only be a provocation and attract attention.

Pindell along with a number of artists of that moment began to take the institution

to task.

And they saw–to criticize a white male artist as a form of censorship.

That's what got me on the roll in terms of writing about censorship,

because censorship meant you silenced the "dominant group."

As a quote/unquote "agent of censorship," she finds herself

in a really uncomfortable situation at MoMA and decides to leave her job there after 12


And Donald Kuspit invites her to become a part of the faculty at SUNY Stony Brook.

And then within a few months of teaching she's in a massive car accident.

And she sustains tremendous head injuries because of that; it almost ends her life.

It cracks her skull.

And so she decides that she is going to use her work to reconstitute her memories and

her life.

Her work becomes a kind of mnemonic device, but it also takes on a new urgency.

She asserts herself to find herself in a very interesting way.

It's a journey of discovery and there is a lack of wanting to be apologetic

for being black, for being woman,

for being creator.

One of the first objects that came out of this accident is a work called Free, White

and 21.

It is now a seminal video in the history of video art

and at that time was a radical departure for Pindell.

Well Free, White and 21 is, again, I was feeling very pissed off at the women's


When I brought up issues of racism, what I found was that white American women didn't

wanna talk about it.

They would just say, "This is about politics.

I don't wanna know about this."

What Pindell is doing in that role is reconstituting all the resistance that she's received

from her colleagues mostly in the art world.

Again, the racism she's experiencing isn't just coming from the social world;

it's coming from the people who are supposed to be the most sympathetic with her,

the people who are supposed to be her allies in this kind of making of a better world.

I wanted to say what I felt.

I wanted to express what my memories were, in a way;

it was really trying to put myself back together again.

She begins to look back at photographs and postcards

that she had gotten from her mother, from her previous travels.

Postcards and photographs that she had taken on her own travels.

And after a series which she did called Memory Test,

she also launches into a series called Autobiography, which really becomes much more an expansive

way of her beginning to stitch together her life.

She returns to including the figure in a large-scale way.

It looks as if the figures are drawn in; they're kind of painted or outlined into the canvas.

But in fact she creates these works by laying down on the surface of one set of canvas

and literally tracing the outline of her body, cutting it out, and using that to suture into

yet another canvas.

All of a sudden these pieces were about my personal experience.

And then eventually, it became about my political beliefs.

Before it was a term, Howardena Pindell was thinking about intersectionality.

Thinking about the ways in which race and gender both intersect

to create a condition by which she needs to navigate,

sometimes treacherously; trying to imagine what it means to create

in this world but also be a full human being.

In many ways, as life, you know, things become quite circular.

The conversations that were being had at that time,

we're now having again today.

It's not that Pindell has changed.

I think she has stayed very fixed firm to her mission in life.

Whether it's the AIDS crisis in America and its particularly negative effects

on black and brown communities in this country, or apartheid in South Africa,

or even the ongoing legacy of slavery and its effects in this country–

Pindell feels like these are issues that need to be part of her aesthetic practice.

They also need to be part of greater conversations around culture and society.

My hope is that people begin to understand that artists have really never been hermetically

sealed in their studios.

That they are citizens of the world as well and as much as they create work

that we can appreciate and enjoy, they also take our society to task.

I think the presentation really enables people

to truly see Howardena in the full capacity: As both artist, as citizen, as activist,

and that she continues to create.

There is still much to be done

and that she's still there doing it.

For more infomation >> Howardena Pindell: What Remains To Be Seen - Duration: 9:05.


Breath Mints, Groundhog Day and Trump Pointing, Pointing, Pointing: Congressional Hits and Misses - Duration: 3:18.

... when it comes to family based immigration, and if so do you have —

Well the, in terms of that ...

It makes me think of Groundhog Day.

I don't know if you read this in

high school or not but my generation did.

Let me just say let me just say a few things —

Yeah, as Kevin was mentioning, um

And coming up on Groundhog Day. Well it's Groundhog Day. Plus a sequel ...

What's that about?

What is that about?

Overwhelmingly, was it Steny —

Plus another sequel, plus another sequel, and yet another sequel.

You've had —

You've asked enough.

Instead of a hand of friendship as some had said he presented a clenched fish...


Clenched fist.

I don't fish at that.

Without them I could have never won the

presidency I guess. I don't know could I have won the presidency without them?


Steve, yes! Right?

I want to thank Senator Finance Chairman

and a very spectacular man, Orrin Hatch.

Where's Orrin?


Orrin is, I love listening to him speak,

he said once I am the single greatest president in his lifetime.

Now he's a young man so it's not that much but ...

And time and he actually once said I'm the

greatest president in the history of our country and I said does that include

Lincoln and Washington? He said yes. I said I love this guy.

I love him.

But he is, he's a special guy.

I'd call Kevin, night after night.

'Kevin what about this?'

"What about that?'

You were always there, he was working, what do you average sleep

for about four weeks?

About, maybe nothing? I think he had no average.

Where is Tim?

What a good guy Tim is.


See him over there somewhere?

Thank you, Tim.

And I really believe that that problem is big problem

is going to solve itself, so we're working on it.

Ronald Reagan and every president has

wanted to get ANWR approved and after that I said oh make sure that's in

the bill. It was amazing how that had an impact that had a very big impact on me Paul.

I really didn't care about it and then when I heard that everybody wanted

it for 40 years they've been trying to get it approved I said

make sure you don't lose ANWR.

And Senator Sullivan, Senator Murkowski are here someplace.

Where are they? But they are very happy campers.

Where are, senator? Good, senator.

Thank you.

They worked very, where's Don Young? He's such a quiet guy. Where's Don?

'He didn't fulfill a promise' but now we fulfilled far more promises than we promised.

We have seriously fulfilled promise, I call it promises plus!

For more infomation >> Breath Mints, Groundhog Day and Trump Pointing, Pointing, Pointing: Congressional Hits and Misses - Duration: 3:18.


In Focus | Culinary Diplomacy - Duration: 9:35.

- Hello, I'm Erinn Tucker coming to you

from the LG Digital Studio at Georgetown University,

School of Continuing Studies.

In focus today, culinary diplomacy.

I'm joined by Lauren Bernstein,

founder and CEO of the Culinary Diplomacy Project.

Welcome Lauren.

- Thank you, thank you so much for having me today.

- Great.

When we think about an approach culinary diplomacy,

how do you pretty much define that?

- Culinary diplomacy is essentially using food

as a tool to connect cultures.

It's a way to better understand each other

through our food and our traditions in our cuisine.

There are some definitions that include sort of

this overarching theme of culinary diplomacy.

There's a gentleman named Sam Chapple-Sokol

who has done a lot of research and writing on this topic

and he basically says there are three pillars,

which I agree with.

You have the government to government diplomacy

and that's your formal exchange through food.

Maybe high level dinners like a state dinner or state lunch

where you showcase food of your culture

to host and connect with the visiting culture.

There's the government to foreign public pillar

which is essentially what we did

with the culinary diplomacy program at the state department

which is one government reaching out to the citizens

of another country to help understand each other

a little bit better through food.

And then there's that citizen to citizen culinary diplomacy

which is really a very new area which is what I'm

focusing on as I move forward with my project.

- Great.

There was an article a couple years ago

that actually mentioned a culinary diplomat.

So this was one of the first times that I even saw this term

and the culinary diplomat was described

as one of the best jobs of the week.

When this came out, you were actually in the position.

Could you tell me a little bit

about your professional background and what was one

of the more memorable experiences that you had

while you were in that position?

- Well, the position was I was the director

of the culinary diplomacy program,

it was called the Diplomatic Culinary Partnership Program.

It was an amazing position, that was absolutely correct.

And what I did was I worked with our U.S. Embassies overseas

to help send chefs to speak

at their embassies abroad

and engage through food.

And it was a soft power program, soft power diplomacy,

where we were able to reach out to other cultures,

learn about them through their food,

and also teach them about American traditions

and culture through our food.

And so depending on what the Embassies' goals were,

sometimes they wanted to engage women,

sometimes they wanted to engage the youth.

So depending on what their goals were, we would program

a chef as a speaker through the U.S. speaker program

and the chef would go and engage these communities

and do that by cooking with them

and learning about their food.

One of the most wonderful programs we did

was sending an American chef to Pakistan.

And the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan certainly has

its challenges in terms of programming and outreach

due to security concerns and travel restrictions and

we sent a female chef.

The culture in Pakistan is very food focused.

They have their own food network called Masala TV

and our chef was hosted by a female celebrity chef

in Pakistan, Chef Shai.

And they together went around to different markets,

they learned about our chef, Mary Sue Milliken,

learned about the cuisine, the regional cuisine,

the ingredients, everything about the food culture

in Pakistan from different people as they traveled around.

They engaged women, this was a program that was targeting

female empowerment and engaging youth with healthy nutrition

and food entrepreneurship.

And so being a food entrepreneur, Mary Sue Milliken was

very capable to talk about food business to women

in Pakistan, along with Chef Shai.

And they were followed by a film crew from Dawn News and

the whole exchange was filmed and the trip was broken down

into a four part mini series that was aired in Pakistan

that showcased this learning experience for our chef

but also really gave an opportunity for the people

of Pakistan to learn a little bit about American culture

through our food and our traditions.

And so when this program finally aired,

it aired to millions of people during Ramadan,

which is a very popular TV viewing time in Pakistan, and

this was the first time the Embassy was able to reach

that enormous number of people with the positive

American message and Americans learning

about the Pakistani culture.

And so it was a very successful program and

because of the press and the interest, the media interest

in chefs globally, it allowed us to reach and connect

with so many more people than we otherwise

would have been able to.

- Wow, that sounds really exciting.

In 2017, you ended up starting your own company called

the Culinary Diplomacy Project.

Tell us about how you created this, your company, and

what have you been doing so far, and then

how do you see your company moving into the future?

- My project is a non-profit venture and

the idea behind it is using food and culture,

because it is such a powerful tool for us to connect

with each other as human beings on a human level,

to expand and move into the U.S. with this concept.

What we would like to do ideally,

we are in the startup process right now, and so

what we envision is being able to send chefs overseas

to have that cultural exchange and to learn

from the other cultures, but then bring that experience

back to the United States and

share it with American audiences

because we've never really been able to do that.

The experience was very limited to the chef

and the overseas audience as a state department mission.

It's strictly an overseas mission.

And so I think that right now, it is good time

to remind Americans that we are much more alike

than we are different, we all have our traditions and

we all have our customs and I think that if we can engage

these chefs and send them into communities around the U.S.

to share the experience that they had

while they were overseas by cooking the dishes,

telling the stories that they learned

through the food and through these interactions.

It gives people an opportunity to learn about other cultures

when they may not have access to that

in their everyday lives.

They may not live in a community that is multicultural

or for one reason or another they've just never

been able to have that experience.

And so we think that sharing the food and the stories and

the traditions will allow people to better understand

each other and connect in a very personal way.

- Great.

What type of advice would you give

global hospitality leadership students

as well as the program, if they're interested

in wanting to go into this particular sort of sector,

either career wise or further discussion?

- If you want a career in global hospitality,

you are going to interact with so many different cultures

and it's just so critical to understand those cultures.

And to be able to respect the differences and

the nuances of other peoples' traditions and cultures, and

food is just a wonderful way to learn about a people

because everyone's traditions and culture is in their food

and so I think that if you want a career

in global hospitality, it's critical to really understand

all of the different cultures that are all around the globe.

And I think that you can do that by experiencing the food

and interacting with the people and I think that

if you are going to

spend your life

in this global community, it's critical

to understand each other.

- Absolutely.

Well Lauren, just wanna thank you,

we wanna thank you so much for sharing your insights.

It's been a pleasure talking with you.

And thanks to everyone out there for watching.

Stay tuned for more from the LG Digital Studio

at Georgetown SCS.

For more infomation >> In Focus | Culinary Diplomacy - Duration: 9:35.


PODE VIR QUENTE QUE EU ESTOU PODENDO - Resenha Sou Dessas | Anne Mattos - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> PODE VIR QUENTE QUE EU ESTOU PODENDO - Resenha Sou Dessas | Anne Mattos - Duration: 4:14.


What If Jason Voorhees Was Real? - Duration: 4:37.

Jason Voorhees.

Mr Friday the 13th.

A spooktacular superhuman villain with mummy issues and a vendetta against all camp dwellers.

Jason, Jason, Jason.

What a pest.

Luckily he is consigned only to horror movies… but what if he wasn't?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What if Jason Voorhees was real.

Before we get started – I just want to ask you guys to hit that thumbs up button if you

like our content and to leave us a comment to let us know what you think the world would

be like if Mr Voorhees was real.

So, a little back story on the bad lad….Jason was deformed, bullied and drowned in a lake.

Sucks to be Jason, basically.

Jason's mother then went in a rampage, killing bullies and causing chaos til she was killed

too by some classic decapitation.

Little did she know, that Jason miraculously survived his drowning and lived rudimentary

shelter in the woods until he re-emerged some 20 years later.

Classic Jason…only this time he was back with vengeance.

Chip off the 'ole block.

Oh and then he got struck by lightning and became invincible.

Right… sure… but what if all this was legit and somehow chappy boy was out there?

Well let me tell you.

First up, you are going to want to avoid Camp Crystal Lake, the scene of the drowning and

hotspot for the killings.

Jason and his overbearing mother seem to have an issue with the place and are hell bent

on killing most happy campers to grace the grounds.

So….there is a Camp Crystal Lake in Florida, so maybe steer clear, even though I don't

think this is THE Crystal Lake of the movies, which was filmed at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in Hardwick

New Jersey.

Camping is fun, so I wouldn't advise against all camping in case of running into our mate

Jas, but maybe just carry some bear spray so you can blind him for a bit should he come

for you.

Are you a bully, or a stereotypical bad teenager?

You might want to avoid that, too.

Drinking, drugs, premarital sex?

If the movies are anything to go by, this is the kinda stuff that will get you killed

by Jason.

There are a few angles we could take with Jason, if he were real, although most of them

involve finding and capturing him.

The question is, do we lock him up and throw away the key, do we sentence him to death,

as is still legal in some states, or do we study him.

I'd go for a hearty combo of study and contain.

Jason is seemingly indestructible, he survived a drowning saga and then got struck by lightning

and became arguably superhuman…scientifically, we have a lot to learn from him.

I also think it would be of benefit to conduct a few psychological studies a la mindhunter,

because he clearly has some learned behaviour issues…perhaps we could get a little closer

to studying how a monster is made.

I guess the issue here is capturing him.

Over the course of 11 movies, spanning 30 off years, he has evaded capture.

Can he even be captured?

Would he even be safe in a jail?

Would he kill all of the correctional officers?

I am thinking our only option is just to shoot him into space.

If space doesn't kill him, maybe he can be quelled by a constant state of floating.

Let's hope no aliens intercept him though, I am not sure they would be too pleased with

their gift basket from the earthlings.

Seriously, though, if Jason Voorhees was real, he would be the most prolific known American

Serial Killers of all time, a title that currently goes to Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer,

the truck painter who confessed to killing 71 people, and is suspected of murdering a

possible 90.

Jason has a movie kill total of around 146 people…although surprisingly this isn't

enough to gain him the title of most prolific serial killer in the world – that would

be Luis Garavito who killed 300 children.

He is currently in jail, although his release date in 2021 is approaching.

I guess my point being here is that, actually, in some ways, Jason Voorhees is real.

The world wouldn't change too much if Mr Friday the 13th continued his killing spree.

There are monsters just like him or worse out there, and it is our job to identify and

stop them.

So, that is one fanciful question answered for you there….. do you agree?

What would you do if Jason Voorhees was real?

Let me know in the comments section down below….

Also, of course, as always, please do leave this video with a thumbs, and click on the

notification bell to be the first to hear more big answers.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll be back to guide you through some more nonsense

soon, but for now stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning!

If you want to continue your questioning binge, why not check our popular uploads and our

biggest history questions playlist.

For more infomation >> What If Jason Voorhees Was Real? - Duration: 4:37.


How to Transform your Sandals - Duration: 1:51.

[Tommie] Are you tired of your shoes? Renovate them! Today, I will show you how to transform a plain pair of sandals into

something more colorful and bohemian. Let's begin!

[Tommie] Materials: Tassels in assorted colors, charms with their rings,

a pair of strapped sandals, a cutting tool, pliers, and jewelry wire

[Tommie] The first thing we'll do is cut piece of wire, about 2 inches long and fold them in half.

Then, we will thread the loop of one tassel

and wrap the wire around on strap

of the sandal. At first, bend the wire using your fingers and then fasten it using the pliers.

Repeat the process with the charms, and

fasten them where you want them. Make sure to cut away any excess wire

You can buy ready-made tassels, or you can make them yourself.

The number of charms and tassels you use will depend in the type of sandal

and how many you want to apply.

Here is the final product. Remember, you can use different elements for a different look.

You can also renovate your high-heeled shoes with this simple technique.

For more infomation >> How to Transform your Sandals - Duration: 1:51.


El concursante guatemalteco Manuel, nos cuenta cómo ha sido su experiencia en Master Chef Latino - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> El concursante guatemalteco Manuel, nos cuenta cómo ha sido su experiencia en Master Chef Latino - Duration: 2:30.


January Market Update - Greater Phoenix Area Real Estate Agent: - Duration: 2:18.

- Hi this is Jason Penrose with The Penrose Team

at RE/MAX Excalibur,

thanks for tuning in to Jason Penrose TV.

Today we're talking about

the real estate market in January 2018.

Happy New Year!

Stay tuned.

(graceful music)

Thanks again for tuning into Jason Penrose TV.

Today we're talking about

the real estate market in January 2018.

So we had 10,389 homes come on the market this year

versus 10,316 the year before, a .08% difference,

pretty much no difference at all.

Active listings, 19,961 this year

versus 21,909,

the year before,

a 9.7% decrease in the number

of active homes on the market.

So total homes sold, 6,161 this year versus 6,039 last year,

a 2% increase in the number of homes sold.

Months supply of inventory went down

from 3.63 months last year to 3.24 months this year,

a 12% drop, so what do we have?

Sales up slightly at 2%.

Inventory down by almost 10%.

It's still a seller's market.

Now rates have been going up,

they're actually at the highest level

they've been since 2014,

but they're still really really low.

What we're seeing right now is a lot of buyers coming

into the market to buy homes

but there's not enough homes on the market for sale.

They naturally wanna lock in the rate

while the rate is low.

So if you're thinking about buying a home,

now is a great time to lock the rate.

If you're in a home now and thinking about moving,

do it as soon as possible so you can lock the rate,

so you don't run the risk of it going higher in the future.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a home,

please call me on my cell phone number, 602-738-9943.

Remember to share this video with your friends and family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Make it a great week!

(graceful music)

For more infomation >> January Market Update - Greater Phoenix Area Real Estate Agent: - Duration: 2:18.


Strona www. -KRWAWOGAME - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Strona www. -KRWAWOGAME - Duration: 4:58.


Dragon Ball Super Episode 129 Spoilers - Duration: 8:08.

Hey, How's it going, guys.

I hope all of you have been doing your pushups, sit-ups and drinkin plenty of juice.

Well, folks, as we inch closer towards the climax of the tournament of power and the

end of the Dragon Ball Super series, we have no choice but to embrace that fact and try

to enjoy the last bit of Super we have left.

And as we still cope with the heartbreaks of Number 17 and Vegeta, we get a batch of

new spoilers on Dragon Ball Super episode 129.

Oh and folks, before we get on with the spoilers and try to break it down further, keep in

mind that even though episode 129 IS the next episode of super that will be coming out,

It's not coming out this weekend.

There will be no Super this Sunday and 129, will actually be airing on March 3rd.

Oh and guys, if you don't to be spoiled, you can still go ahead and watch this video,

because this won't be revealing too much about the next episode that you already didn't

know from watching the preview.

And we got our hands on these spoilers courtesy of Younkou Productions on Twitter.

So anyways, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Dragon Ball Fans from all around the

globe, let's get right into the new spoilers on episode 129.

#129: "Limits Super Surpassed!

Ultra Instinct Mastered!"

Ultra Instinct Mastered?!

Goku's power Ascends!

The tournament of power rushes into Goku and Jiren's final Duel!

The Cornered Goku unconsciously awakens the power that Slumbered deep within this body

and his powers skyrockets!

Thus, he draws closer to the ultimate battle form, Ultra Instinct!!

This week's Jiren: Not ready to lose, he releases his full strength.

Goku's rising power steals a smile from Jiren!

In return, Jiren puts all of his hidden strength into his fists and strikes Goku!

Will this be the deciding blow!?

Alright, so now, let's really take an in depth look and see what it all means.

So, Goku supposedly broke through his shell already when he unlocked the defensive half

of Ultra Instinct or the False Ultra Instinct.

Yes, That's what I'll be calling it, because a fully mastered Ultra instinct, is basically

Ultra instinct.

You don't go about calling Super Saiyan Grade 4 the mastered super saiyan, So A mastered

Ultra Instinct is basically Ultra Instinct.

And the black haired, silver eyed variation of Ultra Instinct is just the False Ultra

Instinct, or, as some are calling it, The Ultra Instinct Omen.

And Guys, this first sentence confirms it.

It says Goku's Power ascends.

That tells us that, when mastered Ultra Instinct, just like the Ultra Instinct Omen gives the

fighter a huge boost in power.

So anyways, it looks like from episode 129, it's going to be all Goku and Jiren going

at it for the final fight of the tournament and the series itself.

Then the spoilers say that A cornered Goku awakens some kind of a hidden power that skyrockets

his power levels and brings him closer to the ultimate battle form, Ultra Instinct.

That confuses me in so many different levels guys.

What does it mean?

Goku already was cornered in episode 128, and that's when he unlocked the Ultra Instinct

omen for the third time.

SO, does this mean he's going to be cornered again, which will lead to him getting the

silver haired form?

And if it is the latter, meaning he'll get into trouble again and that will lead to him

unlocking mastered ultra Instinct, then isn't that the ultimate fighting form?

Why are they telling us that it's going to draw him closer to the ultimate battle


Ultra Instinct is the final form, and he'll unlock it in 129…

So, are they trying to tell us that there might be another ultra mega super perfected

Ultra Instinct form for Goku?

This last senetence from the first half of the spoilers does bring up a lot of questions,

doesn't it?

That's what I was talking about when I said this was really confusing.


Moving on, Jiren this week will be powering up to max, and to counter goku's rising

strength, he puts all his hidden energy behind his fists to strike Goku.


So, this brings about another question.

How many freakin time will Jiren Show his true powers?

He powered up in episode 109, when he first fought against the Ultra Instinct omen or

False Ultra Instinct Goku, then he powered up in 123, and then finally, once Toppo got

eliminated by Vegeta, Jiren powered up again.

So… like… what the hell?

It looks like his true powers are so well hidden; even Jiren himself is having quite

the hard time trying to find it and releasing it.

Anywho, the interesting part comes afterwards when the spoiler tells us that Jiren Powers

up his fists and strikes Goku.

That kinda blew my mind.

Ultra Instinct is basically the form where you can dodge and move out of pure instinct

and without thinking.

Even with the false Ultra instinct, Goku was untouchable.

If a cornered Goku unlocks mastered UI, then how the hell did Jiren land a hit?

I mean he's not supposed to get touched or hit even when he's in his false Ultra

Instinct form.

So, there's no way he could be touched when he has mastered the form.

So, I think, if Goku's going to get smacked, it's going to happen before he masters UI.

Even though that wouldn't make much sense either, as Goku couldn't really control

the attacks when in the UI omen but he could always dodge at ease.

But we did see Goku's hair getting touched by Kefla's energy wave when he was charging

up the most badass Kamehameha in Dragon Ball History.

So maybe it's possible that getting hit by jiren's powerful strikes despite being

in UI omen is going to be thing that will trigger the mastery of Ultra Instinct.

I could be worng, but in my opinion, that's the most likely scenario.

And guys, once Goku masters Ultra Instinct, I think it's going to be a one way fight.

Goku in my opinion is going to overpower Jiren by quite the large margin.

And though I said in a previous video that the mastered UI would put goku on par with

Beerus, but if Goku manages to beat Jiren by dominating him, I'll have no choice but

to eat my words, and accept that I was wrong.

So, guys…

That's the video.

Please let us know what you think is going to happen in episode 129.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed this video and subscribe if you want more quality content

on your favourite Anime, Dragon Ball Super.

Oh and don't forget to hit the bell icon to make sure you never miss an upload.

So folks, That's all from me for now, And I'll be seeing you all soon, In the next



For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super Episode 129 Spoilers - Duration: 8:08.


Luce ahora unos crespos definidos y sin frizz l Pantene LA - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Luce ahora unos crespos definidos y sin frizz l Pantene LA - Duration: 0:24.


Top 10 Insane Body Piercings - Part 2 - Duration: 5:39.

Hello, welcome back to the Most Amazing channel on the internet!

I am Rebecca Felgate, your most amazing host and today we're talking about the Top 10

Insane Body Piercings Part 2!

You guys loved part one so much, we thought we would show you more, and I have to say…

these are even more intense than part 1….

Some of these may make you wince just a teeny bit!

As always – we love hearing your feedback, so do let us know which of these piercing

made you feel the most squeamish!

Also, before we get in to this video, I just want to remind you guys to check out our Merch

store at Most Amazing and also please do leave this video with a big thumbs up.

Okay, coming in at number 10, meet the guy with the most pierced face in the world!

Hey Axel Rosales, what's up!

This Argentinian national won the title of most adorned face in 2012, at which time he

had 280 facial piercings.

He actually had 271 on the day the Guinness World Records crew showed up, but he wanted

an even number so he had a friend punch not one hole, but 9 more.

I have heard of people swearing to never take their rings off, but this takes the whole

concept a bit far at number 9 – we have this nonconventional wedding ring.

Imagine the wedding… the crowd cooing over how beautiful the bride and groom look, and

it comes to exchanging rings …the vicar gets out his piercing is a beautiful


I guess this is one way not to lose a ring…but imagine the dramatic ring off moment in a

fit of matrimonial rage….


Finger piercings….

I don't know.

This is pretty cool, if it is a little extreme… we have this head piercing at number 8.

So what you are looking at is a microdermal temple piercing – and what this lady has

going on is a pretty sweet cog piercing that actually moves together!

This is like head art…

I guess everyone see's their piercings as art.

Temple though…esssh the thought of having it done makes me feel squeamish.

Ooh, speaking of squeamish, get ready for number 7….

We have a Uvula Piercing.

What is an Uvulva?

That dangly bit at the back of your throat.

Imagine having someone stick their fingers down their and give it a good old piercing!

I guess as piercings go, this is pretty small, but…errrhhh.. choke hazard nightmares.

Can I interest anyone in a couples tongue at number 6?

Couples tongue anyone?


I get mad love, I really do….

But this is too far guys, do you hear me?


Take your love elsewhere…I can't deal with it.

I guess this is a short term fixture, but still…

I am going to bring you down just a notch, before I build you back up… take it slightly

easier at number 5 with gum piercing.

Meep….holes in my gums….

Imagine for a second being pierced through the gum… like, that area is pretty thick

and teeth filled.

Some people are pierced right in the middle of the two front teeth… which makes me very

worried about the attachy bit from the lip to tooth.

Atatchy bit….

Good job Rebecca!

Okay, this is terrifying, we have this harrowing Ankle Piercing at number 4.

I am fully in support of people doing what they want with their bodies, but who on earth

wants to put a whopping great hole through their Achilles?

This gasp inducing body modification belongs to Daniel Rutt of Worksop, England.

Staring into the wound is probably my least favourite thing to do…..

Apparently it is 16 millimetres wide.

Oh sweet Jesus…are you ready for this at number three, we have eye piercings…..

I MEAN can you even imagine!

This dude is living in a Jail of his own making!

Imagine how inconvenient this would be….. and like… totally in the way of your vision

at all times.

The way his skin is pauching is very stressful to me!

So….what's the craic at number 2?

Oh, wait…sorry I asked….

We have a person who has pierced their butt cheeks and pulled them together with a bar.

21st century, I think I am officially done with you.

This poses a whole world of problems that I am unready to deal with or muse upon for

too long

What could be more horrifying than piercing your butt together, well, boy do I have a

treat for you at number one… we have this Double Nip daydream.

Did I say daydream??

Sorry, I meant nightmare.

This is hands down one of the most horrifying tattoo piercing combinations I have ever seen.

While I definitely see the humour….

Those nipple arms will haunt my nightmares.

Pop it away, bruce….pop it away.

So that was the Top 10 Insane Body Piercings of All time… which did you like the most?

Is like the right word here?

I don't know.


Let me know in the comments section below.

I am your Most amazing host, Rebecca Felgate, please do leave a good thumbs up on this video

and be sure to share it with a friend.

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