Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

Welcome back to another episode of Detail Garage. So if you've been

following us we've already washed this 2008 Bentley

Continental and now we're going to show you how to properly decontaminate it to

prepare it for polishing. So as you can see, it has this really deep black finish, but

that shows any kind of imperfection, which this car has tons of. It's got

scratches, there's swirls obviously, and there's little itty bitty water spots

that are etched into the paint and there's one troublesome area where it's actually

deteriorated the paint so far that it's actually removed it. But, like I said

we're gonna start by decontaminating it.

Using our clay block, this is one of the fastest ways to remove any kind of

impurities or pollutants that are in the paint to restore a very fine, soft finish

and also this is going to make it easier for us to polish without having to worry

about pigtails or creating some kind of micro-marring because should the pad

pick up any kind of contamination or fallout, it's just going to grind it into

the paintwork and that's not going to give you the best results. In fact, it may

actually damage the paint permanently. But we're gonna work back and forth in

straight lines using our Clay Luber. This is gently picking off anything that's

stuck in the pores of the paint and the synthetic material on the clay block

absorbs it so you can gently glide across the surface without creating any kind

of scratches or marring effect. This is just a small test area that we're doing

and it works here, we use it on the entire vehicle and we'll wipe off the

excess Clay Luber. Again, working in straight lines.

And already just from a light clay job, you can feel that it's nice and slick, smooth

finish and now it's ready for polishing. Now, if you decide to clay your car it's best

to do it before you do any kind of polishing stuff such as this if you're

gonna apply any waxes or anything like that because it'll bond better giving

you a longer-lasting shine and also you're not locking in any the

contamination that's in the pores of the paint. So with that being said, we're

ready to move on to our Torq 10FX for the orange pad and we'll try VSS. That

should give us the right amount of cut and it'll diminish nicely to refine the

finish and then we can really see the magnification of that black paint.

Now, this is our Torq 10FX. It's a dual action polisher with an eight millimeter throw

which is perfect for this small area that we're working on and we're also

going to be using our polishing pad conditioner with VSS which is going to

diminish nicely to refine that finish. So this is a clean pad- I've actually just

cleaned it and that removed any kind of polish or buildup that was on the surface

so that we're having a completely neutral cut. It's not going have any

variations or any kind of cross-contamination from my other jobs.

But now we're going to use some polishing pad conditioner to moisturize

the pad and what this is doing is it's going to keep the pad nice and soft and it's

also going to help the longevity of the pad but it's also reducing the heat

that's built up while polishing. Now we're going to be using some VSS.

Now, I know you're saying: "Well, why do you want to reduce the heat?" I mean it is part of

polishing to have some friction and some heat because that's what's breaking down

the polish, but in this case we're gonna help reduce it by adding polishing pad

conditioner. Now since we're working in a small section I'm only going to do about

four dime size drops and we'll blotch it out.

And then on the lowest speed setting, we'll spread it out over the entire

surface and then on the highest speed setting that's what we'll actually be

doing our polishing with and we'll work it into the paint until it goes clear.

Now, if you've never polished before there's a few things that you've got to keep in mind.

One is to obviously keep the machine as flat as possible. On a dual action you

can stop the pad or it's called stalling or basically if you watch these lines

they're not gonna be moving. It's because you have an extreme angle which is

preventing the pad from spinning and in that case you're not doing anything. The

machine is actually just vibrating on the paintwork. You're not cutting, you're

not polishing; it's basically just a waste of time. Also, while you're

polishing, people pull off too quickly especially with VSS, they say that it

didn't break down entirely. They thought it went clear but with this polish you

actually have to work it until it goes completely translucent. So I'm going to

show you about how long it takes on a small section like this we'll work it in

maybe four passes: that's north and south, side to side, and then we'll check our

work by buffing it off with a clean microfiber towel. So without further ado

let's get started.

In case you're wondering, you can probably see that I've taped off the

section that we're going to be polishing. This is 1. Going to give you guys a

before-and-after comparison between the scratched and swirled side compared to the

polished side. Now also, this is going to protect the body lines and the edges of

this Bentley because the owner was telling me that it was repainted in some

areas, so it's probably going to be thinner on the edges or the corners of

the vehicle and we don't want to pull that off so the tape is just protecting

it and it also looks more professional if you're doing this as a business.

So now you can see that the polish has gone basically translucent or clear and

I'm using a clean microfiber towel to buff it off but already you can see it's

been a huge transformation. That deep black reflective gloss has been restored.

It's removed those scratches, those swirls, the little Zorro marks that were all over the

paint and now we can actually see that there's a metallic flake in this. So, it's

been refinished and refined back to that factory look and now that it's polished

we want to have something on that it's going to protect it. Some people choose

to put an actual coating like Carbon Flex C9. You can put a glaze on there

which is an optional step to mask minor imperfections. I'm going to put sealant on

this or a wax, maybe we'll do both, but something that's going to protect it

against water spots, UV rays, and it's also going to protect this finish to

keep it looking cleaner for longer. But in the meantime, you guys can head over to our

website to check out these products for yourself. I'll finish

polishing this and we'll catch you guys next time right here.

For more infomation >> How To Remove Swirl Marks And Water Spots In One Step | Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 6:36.


How We Solved the Mystery of Pulsating Auroras - Duration: 5:40.


Together, the Northern and Southern lights could be considered

one of the most beautiful sites in nature.

But these giant curtains streaking across the sky

aren't the only type of aurora out there.

There's also the much more common, but less brilliant pulsating auroras.

These can happen at any time, but we haven't

been able to actually observe what causes them.

Until now.

Thanks to research published in Nature last week,

we think we finally know how the process works.

Active auroras, like the dazzling shows you see at the poles,

have one continuous arc of light.

But pulsating auroras get their name because they, pulse.

Distinct patches of sky vary in brightness over several seconds,

and they're generally less striking than the active auroras.

These different appearances are caused by the auroras' related, but different origin stories.

They're both caused by charged particles, usually electrons,

traveling down into the atmosphere and colliding with molecules there.

The molecules' electrons gain energy from those collisions, and then release light as

they relax back to their usual state.

Now, the electrons that spawn active auroras come from

dense waves of solar material colliding with the Earth's magnetic field.

Ones that create pulsating auroras are a bit more complex,

but according to this new paper, we might have figured it out.

Basically, when the Earth's magnetic field rearranges itself, which happens all the time,

it releases a bunch of stored up energy.

That energy triggers the creation of plasma waves, or waves of charged particles.

Specifically, these ones called chorus waves.

They form high in the Earth's atmosphere near the equator,

then move north and south to more extreme latitudes.

As they go, they scatter electrons that would otherwise just

bounce around in the magnetic field.

Some of those electrons get jostled around, and ultimately

rain down in batches into the upper atmosphere.

And that, finally, creates pulsating auroras.

This hypothesis has actually been around for over half a century,

but it's only just been proven.

We had to wait until we had sensitive enough equipment to observe a clear interaction between

chorus wave plasma and the electrons causing the auroras.

Still, thanks to the Japanese ERG satellite and some aurora measurements from last March,

scientists pulled it off.

The authors still acknowledge that there could be holes in their findings, like that these

results may not be the same across different distances from Earth and geomagnetic activity.

But this new research will help scientists better understand

how these interactions affect planets' atmospheres.

This applies to any planet with a magnetic field, too, including Jupiter and Saturn,

where we've already detected chorus waves.

So this is only the beginning.

In more wide-reaching news, literally, a group of astronomers have calculated that the neighboring

Andromeda Galaxy might be a lot less massive than we thought.

Our galactic big sister seems more like a twin.

There are a lot of ways to calculate a galaxy's mass,

and they all yield slightly different results.

Most astronomers have treated our galactic neighbor as 2 to 3 times more massive than

the Milky Way, because that's what pops up in a lot of studies.

But its mass is still far from certain.

It's hard to measure the mass of a whole galaxy, okay?

But new research, published last week in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical

Society, attempts to better pin down that mass by using a completely different technique.

It requires measuring how fast an object needs to travel to escape a galaxy's gravity;

basically, its escape velocity.

Galaxies with more mass will have more gravity,

so you need to travel faster to get away from them.

You'll also need to have a higher escape velocity if you're near the galaxy's center

of mass, as opposed to at its edge.

Scientists can use all this data to work backwards.

By calculating escape velocities at different locations,

they can do some math to figure out a galaxy's mass.

In this study, the team of astronomers used velocities of 86 speedy planetary nebulas,

or the remnants of certain stars, in the Andromeda Galaxy.

By doing some math and making some estimates, they were able to use these nebulas to calculate

the escape velocity of Andromeda from different locations.

For example, at about 49,000 light-years from the galaxy's center, that escape velocity

is around 470 kilometers per second.

Then, from those escape velocity values,

they were able to derive the mass of the galaxy itself.

And it came out to be around 800 billion times the mass of our Sun, which is roughly the

same mass as the Milky Way, not twice as massive or larger, like we used to suspect.

Still, the authors did note that they had to make certain educated assumptions in their

calculations, so this mass value isn't 100% certain,

just like all the ones that came before.

There's also a chance that, although they were moving really quickly, none of the

planetary nebulas they studied were going anywhere close to the real escape velocity.

That would have also affected the mass estimate.

So we'll have to run a few more models before we're totally certain.

One way or another, pinning down the deets on Andromeda is crucial for our understanding

of galactic evolution, and the ultimate fate of the Milky Way.

After all, our galaxy and Andromeda

are on their way to a collision in several billion years.

But when that happens and how it'll look depend on,surprise, how massive they are.

Luckily, we have, you know, some time before we need to get those measurements done precisely.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you would like to keep learning about the universe with us,

you can do that at,

where we have hundreds of episodes that are all very good,

and also, we just keep uploading new ones every week.


For more infomation >> How We Solved the Mystery of Pulsating Auroras - Duration: 5:40.


😂 So Let The "Boy" Wreck - NASCAR Memes - The Racing Memes - Duration: 0:14.

So let the "boy" roll (wreck on this case)

Leave the boy ahhh!



For more infomation >> 😂 So Let The "Boy" Wreck - NASCAR Memes - The Racing Memes - Duration: 0:14.


DADJU Rêve De Faire Un Feat Avec SINGUILA Et Mr NOV - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> DADJU Rêve De Faire Un Feat Avec SINGUILA Et Mr NOV - Duration: 2:05.


4 FL Studio Tips In Under 1 Minute... - Duration: 1:14.

What's up, welcome back to the channel, my name is Simon Servida.

So here's the thing...

I have an appointment to get to so I have to leave this house in 10 minutes

So today, I am giving you....4 very quick tips in FL Studio LETS GO

Here's how to bounce in Edison Load up Edison on your mixer track, change

the setting to on play, press the record button and then play it.


Bouncing in Edison is great for getting that sample vibe as well as saving CPU!

You ever want to change the tempo during a track, so you make an automation clip and

you just start eyeballing the automation point like a primitive...savage

YOU DAM GOON You don't want that number!

Here's how to fix it!

Go to your desired tempo, right click copy value, then right click the automation point

and go to paste value!

WOW that's the number I wanted.

Let's say you want to put reverb on all your instruments.



No you silly goose, all you have to do is make a send track!

Right click an empty mixer track, click on dock to right, put in your reverb, turn the

dry all the way down and the wet all the way up.

Now all you have to do is click the arrow at the bottom and adjust the knob.


This also works with delay, eq, compression, bar mitzvahs, saturation and many MORE!

Are you having a problem with out of tune 808s?

You ever get a sample pack with some dusty 808s that come already out of tune?




Easy way to fix this is put the 808 on a separate mixer track and autotune it,

Load up the pitcher, put it in your desired key, and change the speed to fast!

Uhh, thanks so much for watching the video.. uhh...hope you enjoyed it.....(gibberish)....ok


If you have any suggestions leave a comment, if you liked this video leave a like, if you

really like this video subscribe, if you didn't like this video leave......just leave..........GET


For more infomation >> 4 FL Studio Tips In Under 1 Minute... - Duration: 1:14.


Il mio Cammino di Santiago | EP #11 - Duration: 7:30.

Sun is coming out, I'm already tired.

So good.

No Jose'! Guys, Jose' is leaving with the dogs.

Going to Melide, 27 kilometers walk today, we leave the albergue O'Candido now.

I got some Lucio Battisti as music background, that's what my dad used to listen to

so we kind of grew up with that 70s music.

That's a tune. Wow.

You were beautiful.

We reached the bar.

Hamburger and chips, it's mine.

It's my definitely worth coming up here

instead of the previous bar, much better.


Chilling time in the garden.

Hey guys here's my second breakfast, jamon and queso. And Casera, the official sponsor of the Camino.

Freshly baked like right now. When you go to heaven this is your meal.


With that amazing sandwich. The lady was actually Irish and there was

brownie cake but 3 euros 50s a bit too much. Amazing up here,

it's quite chili, it's breezy, there's a breeze, I'm sure you can hear it through the mic.

And we saw someone before on the top of the peak and I'm sure it was Peter.

So the vegetation is changing, it's a bit bit mountainy. It's really

refreshing up here, I love the mountains, it reminds me when I was a child, I was

going with my parents and brother, for long walks in the Alps.

Sixty kilometres to get to Santiago,

two days left. Some wild horses there.

Guys, we are in Melide. I didn't show much of the place cuz I got

this news that put me down for a couple of hours. It's actually, I guess,

the answer to my pilgrimage which is not the answer I was expecting, and yeah so it's

life I guess and it's time to open a new chapter, so close the door and open a gate,

that's what my dad would say. And this is the Church of town, we're going

to the service now. I guess I'm gonna close here for today and see you soon.

I didn't sleep very well, mood is not great, so it could be worth telling you the

real reason why I am doing this pilgrimage.

Follow the adventures of my Camino de Santiago on

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For more infomation >> Il mio Cammino di Santiago | EP #11 - Duration: 7:30.


Tuning DUNKIN' DONUTS (+5000 kcal) - Duration: 5:41.

- I'm a fat ass.

- What's up, guys? What're you up to? It's still the same day I ate the soups.

- Probably I'll have some dessert or something. I've got some stuff on my way home.

- I bought some donuts... I think 8.

- The girl offered me 4 more for one extra euro and I was like «forget about it»

- In just a few hours it's been over 8000 Kcal.

- Condensed milk, peanut butter, strawberry jam with no sugar.

- Well, less sugar. My favourite cookies, a little bit of Kinder...

- Oreo icre cream, some Pringles to snack while I prepare all this.

- To drink, Pepsi Max and white coffee.

- Using plates is frowned upon in this house.

- Pringles taste way worse in this country.

- The most prestigious pastry chef in the world will be with us today.

- Best of the best pastry chefs... amazing. - I always admired him.

- A little bit of ice cream over here.

- I'll better use some plates to avoid a big mess.

- I'll eat these four before the ice cream melts even more.

- Not too bad.

- I have no words... ha!

- This is immoral. You feel guilty after eating it.

- Mamma mia! Phew!

- I'm so embarrassed!

- Really sick!

[ TakeThat69: disgusting. i watch it becos i have no life ]

- I feel so guilty after each bite.

- I'll better say nothing about the chocolate ones.

- I'm such a fat ass.

- Don't try this at home.

- Mamma mia!

- It's impossible to be more pig, is it?

- So brutal! I wanted to make a small dessert to finish with but *burp* I went a little bit too far.

- I'll go to Mass or something to get rid of this feeling.

- Ok, guys. I'll go save some kitten.

For more infomation >> Tuning DUNKIN' DONUTS (+5000 kcal) - Duration: 5:41.


Justice League vs Superman | Justice League (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:58.

He's not all right.

- He's scanning us. - What?

Arthur, you need to relax. Your adrenaline's spiking.

Because he's not all right.

Oh, no.

Should we bow? Or show our bellies?

Victor? Victor!

- Shit! - What are you doing?

- Victor! - It's my armor's

- defense system. - No!

It's stronger since the interface.

- I can't control it. - Victor, no! Victor!

Just think happy thoughts, Victor.

Go to a happier place.

Kal-El, no!

He's confused. He doesn't know who he is.

Pet Sematary.

Arthur, we need to restrain him.

I got him.

Kal-El, the last son of Krypton.

Remember who you are.

Tell me who you...


I know you.

Please don't make me do this.

Alfred, I need the big gun.

You did this.

I had to.

You won't let me live.

You won't let me die.

The world needs you.

But does it need you?

Tell me.

Do you bleed?






Just go.


Let's go.

Yeah, something is definitely bleeding.

For more infomation >> Justice League vs Superman | Justice League (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:58.


How to cover a vine for the winter sparingly - Duration: 2:35.

From this video you will learn how to harbor grapes for the winter.

We hide the grapes for the winter in late autumn.

After the frost...

with a short-term drop in temperature to -8-10 degrees Celsius.

After that the withered leaves dry up and are blown away by a wind or are cleaned off manually.

It is easiest to cover a newly planted bush of grapes.

It does not need to be pressed to the ground...

because you still have to leave in spring...

only 2-3 buds at the very surface of the soil.

Therefore, just pour a mound of earth about knee-high.

Sticking out of the heap of a vine helps in spring to navigate when digging a bush.

Before harboring the grapes for the winter, we are conducting an autumn pruning of old shrubs...

given two key points.

First, we remove all the ends of the grapevines...

They extend beyond the nearest stakes.

And secondly, we figure out how long the vine has ripened, and we remove the unripened one.

After frosts, it is especially easy to establish the maturity of the vine: by the presence of live kidneys.

It is necessary to move from the ends of the lashes to the base of the bush.

Green in the incision of the kidney - live, then behind them and closer to the root of the vine matured.

Dark in the incision of the kidney - show that this part of the vine can be safely cut off.

On each bush it is enough to check 1-3 vines, reaching to live kidneys...

and cut the rest of the whip to the same length.

Forming pruning grapes, we perform in the spring.

Therefore further we turn off the whole ripened vine around the base of the bush...

fix, cover with burlap and bury.

For covering we use burlap...

with used polypropylene bags.

This strong material does not decompose in the ground.

And if you do not leave it in the sun, it serves dozens of years.

To securely fix the folded vine...

we use the same metal stakes...

which are usually attached to the ground and greenhouses of its own design.

Then we cover the bush with sacking.

Needlessly protruding canvas - we turn.

To keep the burlap in place while digging in...

lightly sprinkle it on all corners of the earth.

Then dig in a layer of soil about 20-30 centimeters.


You can not take the ground too close to the base of the bush...

where the roots are closest to the surface!

Otherwise roots can freeze in winter.

We take the land for digging in the distance...

from 50 centimeters to 1 meter from the bush.

For more infomation >> How to cover a vine for the winter sparingly - Duration: 2:35.


2018 Black History Month Observance - Duration: 1:04:20.

>>Thank you for joining us for the HHS black history month observance.

We will be starting our program momentarily.

I would like to welcome Dr. Lin to the stage to open us up.

We're honored to have Dr. Lin, deputy assistant secretary for minority health and director

of the HHS office of minority health.

Please welcome Dr. Lin.


>> Good morning.

Thank you, Kelly.

I'm Dr. Matthew Lin, deputy assistant secretary for minority health and director of HHS office

of minority health.

Welcome, everyone.

Thank you for attending this HHS black history month observance.

This morning we will explore the work with HHS to reduce health disparity and advice

health equity for all Americans including African Americans.

An important milestone in this work took place during the Reagan administration and

then secretary Margaret Heckler with a year of coming on board in March of 1983, she establish the secretary

task force on black and minority health.

The task force develop a report which highlight disparity in the burden of death and illness

of black and other minorities.

With the report was released in 1985, it started the new era in minority health issue.

And it also led the development of HHS office of minority health in 1986.

Today more than 30 years later, we are honored to be part of HHS family H. together we viewed

a network of partners and a frame that reach across the nation and around the world.

We are so proud to stand with the thousands of the HHS employee and others who do their


Of course, our work is not done.

Racial and ethnic minority continue to experience the same disparity we documented in 1985.

So this morning we will hear from some of our leaders in HHS who are guiding sharing

and measuring our progress.

We'll let you know our first speaker is someone who is very special to all of us.

Secretary Alex Azar.

Was sworn in on January 29th.

He spent his career working in both public and private sectors as an attorney and senior

leadership role focus on healthcare reform, research and innovation.

From year 2001 to year 2007, secretary Azar served as many of you know as General Council

for HHS and then as deputy secretary.

And I'm so happy he is here with us this morning.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome secretary Azar.


>> Thank you so much, Dr. Lin, for that kind introduction and for the history lesson.

I actual hi hadn't known about Margaret hacker's leadership in starting these efforts so thank

you for that.

That's good for me to know.

I'm pleased to welcome all of you here today for this important discussion hosted by office

of minority health.

About the progress being made in treating some of the most serious health threats faced

by the African American community including the crucial issue of disparities and healthcare

access and outcomes.

I'm proud of the work we have done over the years and addressing health disparities and

we have seen important progress in improving health and healthcare among minority populations.

The life expectancy gap between blacks and whites is at its narrowest level since 1985.

Teen pregnancy rates for girls of color age 15 to 19 decreased since 1990, fall by 56%

for African American females and HIV mortality rates among blacks have dropped by 28% between

2008 and 2012.

However, we also know that challenges certainly remain.

According to our agency for healthcare research and quality African Americans experienced

worse access to care compared with whites in 50% of the categories measured.

As likely this has had an impact on the poor health outcomes for African Americans, the

most recent statistics from 2015 show black males an females continue to have the shortest

life expectancy of any group in America.

With the highest infant mortality and risk of stroke nearly twice as high as that for


These are critical healthcare challenges for the African American community and nation

at large.

In this administration we consider it vie vitally important to listen to experience

and concerns of those on the front lines busy working to address the health needs at the

local community levels.

This discussion will convene federal state and local partners for critical discussion

on African American health featuring panel discussions, on health disparities of special

concern in African American communities, including cardiovascular health, cancer, and organ transplantation.

I especially like to welcome all of the community service organizations, service providers and

health advocates in attendance here today and let you that your input is vital as we

work together to craft policy to address these important challenges.

Also here with us today for this important discussion is Dr. Brett Giroir, new assistant

secretary for health.

[Applause] Dr. Giroir, admiral Giroir is a pediatric

critical care physician, a former medical school executive and has served in a number

of leadership positions in the Federal Government as well as academia.

I personally look forward to benefiting from his insight regarding these and other critical


He was a high school debate champion who won debate and also on the debate team at Harvard.

Though I consider myself quite the lawyer and debater I have to bone up as I get ready

for our leadership team meeting against a Harvard debater.

Unfortunate he couldn't get into Yale.

So thank you all for coming today and know that, please know we're committed to working

with all of you on ongoing basis to deal with and grapple with these very important and

real health challenge and health threats to members of our community and we hope to continue

to make progress as -- in terms of coming to grips with these challenge.

Let me turn it over to admiral Giroir to give you a better sense of agenda.

I wish you all a productive meeting and look forward to working with you on these issues

in the months and years to come.

Thank you so much.


>> I would only let the secretary get away with those Harvard Yale jokes.

Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for leading off this observance and for the opportunity for

me to really have the opportunity of a lifetime to join HHS and try to improve with our colleagues

our nation's health.

I'm truly excited that one of my first speaking opportunities, this is day six at HHS, comes

with this symposium, I want to thank Dr. Lin and his staff at the office of minority health

for making this happen.

We should all be proud of the accomplishments that occurred since the heckler report 30

years ago as Dr. Lin said, your work improved the people across the nation and particularly

the health and healthcare for disadvantaged populations across the nation.

We all know our work is not over.

African Americans for many infectious disease it is for several forms of cancer, diabetes,

heart disease, and other diseases as well as particular interest of mine because of

all the patients I care for as a pediatric critical care physician for African Americans

stricken with sickle cell disease which robs precious life opportunities from over 100,000

Americans in this community.

one of the primary reasons I came to HHS is because I believe we have a unique opportunity

this is really the perfect storm of science and technology and passion.

Ment to make a significant impact on these health inequalities and on diseases such as

sickle cell disease.

You certainly have my commitment over the next years this will be a primary focus of

our agenda which we have already started developing.

The remainder of my time, because it is my time and I get to do something I really want

to do, I want to highlight the world changing but often overlooked contribution of a legendary

man, an African American man.

A man whom I never had the honor of meeting but is responsible for saving the lives of

hundreds of my former patients.

When I practiced ads a pediatric critical care physician F. nearly 40,000 babies a year

in the United States are born with congenital heart disease.

That means the chambers of their heart are vessels from their heart are malformed.

Many of these have a severe form of congenital heart disease often known as -- syndrome,

these babies are blue because no blood gets to their lungs because of malformation.

When there's no blood to the lungs these innocent children frequently die within hours or days.

So let me tell you the brief story how an African American man born in 1910 in new IBERIA,

Louisiana, saved the lives of my little blue patients nearly a hundred years later.

Theodore Thomas hopedded to attend college and become a doctor but he couldn't afford


So he began working as a carpenter at Vanderbilt University.

In 1929 T not a great year, stock market crashed lost his job.

But through a friend he got a job as surgical research technician with Dr. Al Ford Blaylock

at Vanderbilt university, an up and coming surgeon.

Within weeks and without formal training, Vivian Thomas was doing experimental surgery

on animals by himself but because he was black he was classified and paid as a janitor.

To mass and Blaylock did research in cause of shock and this work was credited with safing

many lives in World War II but that this was not his greatest achievement.

In 1940 Blaylock and Thomas moved to Johns Hopkins.

For Blaylock it was chief of surgery position.

For Thomas the only black employees for janitors so Thomas couldn't wear laboratory scrubs

into the building.

When they were confronted with the problem of blue babies, they realized immediately

that the answer might lay in a procedure experimenting with for other reasons.

But the they had no idea whether it could be done for blue babies with heart size of

walnut and desperately ill.

Vivian Thomas createssed the first blue baby condition in a dog and devised a surgical

plan to fix it.

After two years of work and suckerry, Thomas perfected the procedure, so on November 29,

1943, the dawn of pediatric cardiac surgery happened when this procedure was successfully

performed on an infant.

There were no instruments to do this kind of surgery on a baby, Vivian Thomas invented

the instruments designed from those he had worked with on animals.

During the surgery itself, Vivian Thomas stood on a step stool on Blaylock's shoulder, in

the operating room, coached step by step through the procedure because Thomas performed he

is operations hundreds of times on dogs whereas Dr. Blaylock had done it only once as Thomas's


The first threecations announcing this revolutionary life saving surgery was published by Dr. Blaylock

in the journal of American medical association.

Vivian Thomas was not mentioned in the article nor acknowledged by the surgeons.

Within a year more than 200 children had been successfully treated by the surgery.

In 1968, the multitude of surgeons to Thomas trained who then become chief of surgical

department throughout America finally gave credit to Vivian Thomas and had a portrait

hung in the Johns Hopkins clinical service building.

He was awarded honorary doctorate in 1976.

Today the procedure pioneered by Dr. Vivian Thomas remains the main stay of emergency

surgery for these babies, for my babies, saving thousands of lives per year.

Surgeons like den ton coolEY, world famous credited Vivian Thomas teaching him and other

it is surgical techniques that place them at the forefront of American medicine.

As Dr. Blaylock famously said about Vivian Thomas, because it's a perfection of Vivian

Thomas's surgery, he said, this looks like something that only the lord could have made.

I'm smart by Vivian Thomas.

Not only was he responsible for my ability to send hundreds of babies home, alive and

thriving with their parents, but he's an extraordinary example of selfless service by man who persevered

to help others even when he himself received no credit and even worse with discriminated

because of the color of his skin.

So in conclusion, I thank all of you for allowing me to share this very personal story about

an African American man who influenced my life and practice every day and has continued

impact on babies and families throughout the world.

And once again, I truly honored to join all of you in our efforts to improve the health

and well being of every single person in our nation with the focus on bringing health for


Thank you, very much and I give you back to Dr. Lin.


>> Thank you, Dr. Giroir, for being here today and welcome to the department T. this is second

time I listen to Dr. Giroir's talk, very inspirational, your story touched my heart.

And I'm sure in the next 10, 20 years we're going to work together to eliminate the disparity

among the minority and in the United States to improve healthcare for the United States.

Thank you.

Our next speaker is the nation's 20th United States Surgeon General.

Our neighbor and office in Rockville.

He is the board certified anesthesiologist and from year 2014 to 2017 he serve as Indiana

state health commissioner.

Leading over activity such as address the State's opioid and HIV outbreak.

He's model of surgeon general is better health through better partnerships-- this is fundamental belief

HHS office of minority health, in fact the theme for national minority health month in

April is partnering for health equity.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome United States Surgeon General, Vice Admiral Jerome



>> Good morning, everyone.

>> Good morning.

>> Great to be here.

Thank you, very much, Dr. Lin, for inviting me.

Thank you Dr. Giroir for sharing that story -- Giroir for sharing the story I heard several

times but you can't hear it enough because it illustrates the challenges that we have

had to face and that we have had success overcoming throughout the years.

I'm proud and humbled, proud and humbled to be standing here with you today to celebrate

black history month.

It's a celebration and also a remembrance for me.

You heard about the disparities, you heard about challenges.

Both my grandfathers died from disparities.

One of my grandfathers died from a stroke and you heard secretary Azar talk about the

impact of stroke on the minority community, twice.

The risk of whites.

My other grandfather smoked for most of his life.

There are many disparities in smoking that led to lung cancer that was diagnosed late.

Again, another disparity.

He had surgery successfully but had cardiac complications from his surgery and died from

a heart attack.

Yet another disparity.

My uncle on my father's side, oldest uncle died from metastatic prostate cancer at a

very young age.

Many cancer disparities exist if in the African American community.

So again, we're here to celebrate but we're also here to remember and I for me, this is


It's very personal.

And I I'm so glad you're here today to celebrate and remember this black history month.

As your Surgeon General, I'm extremely proud to wear this uniform and serve our country.

I have the privilege along with Dr. Giroir of leading the United States public health

commission corps, uniform service of over 6500 officers dedicated to promoting, protecting

and advancing the health and safety of our great nation.

Of particular note N addition to being excellent, excellent in promoting health in our country,

the United States public health service by most metrics is the most diverse uniform service.

24% of our officers are minorities compared to 24% of DOD.

We're not supposed to compare and contrast but I'm proud of that.

And a whopping 53% of core officers are women compared to 15% in DOD.

So we're doing a heck of a job in the corps and we want to keep on improving.

We want to keep on improving.

Speaking of DOD I looked to the naval academy, I want toed go coming out of high school.

Unfortunately I suffered from severe asthma at that time, a condition which by the way

still disproportionately affects black males and the condition prevented me from serving.

However, my many days and nights being taken care of by others in the hospital and like

-- enlightened me to another form of service, through the medical profession.

Though I was unable to serve my follow Americans by protecting them from enemies abroad, I

saw by providing medical care, my patients and my country safe from infectious disease

and from chronic illness.

I was fortunate to have been born in the latter half of the 21st century.

I didn't have to go to a segregated school.

I was able to apply for college and medical school scholarships that were not restricted

by race.

While I had to work incredibly hard to overcome barriers of the race and socioeconomic status

which still exist, had I been born half a century earlier, my choices would have been

much more limited.

Dr. James McCain Smith found that out in 1830.

He couldn't go to medical school in New York so he had to go to Scotland to pursue a medical

degree and then he returned home to serve.

Returned home to treat the city's poor.

The degree he earned in 1837 made him our nation's first African American doctor.

Dr. McCain Smith opened the door just a sliver and many others followed including myself.

However, 150 years after Dr. Smith while I was a child in the hospital, there were still

no black doctors available to participate in my care.

Black physicians comprise still less than 6% of all physicians.

As a matter of fact I share this story at the white house with the president, the first

time I ever interactd with a black physician, someone who looked like me was in college

when I had the opportunity to meet and speak with Dr. Ben Carson, to see a black man making

such important contributions to the field of medicine gave me a reason to believe that

I could do the same.

And my parents were teachers.

They pushed me hard but never in my life had I seen, had I had a chance to talk to black


That's one reason black history month is so important.

People question what why are we doing it, what's the value, role models are critically


If we want to address inequity and disparities we have to give hope to people.

Black history month is about hope and Dr. Ben Carson instilled that hope in me that

I could become a doctor.

With the meeting with Dr. Carson was my first interaction with a black doctor, a rich tradition

and history in the medical field from African American physicians, nurses, pharmacists,

all sorts of different health professionals.

Rebecca Lee CRUMPLER was a nurse in the 19th century but strove to further studies so she

could better serve patients.

She became one of the first women ever to aid tend medical school and was the first

African American woman to obtain a medical degree.

Perhaps one of the most well known physicians in the history of our country and black physician

is Dr. Charles drew.

He changed the face of modern medicine.

Dr. Drew's first ever exhaustive but his innovation touched millions of lives with his work that

enabled the first mass collection of blood.

It built a foundation for what would be known later as the American Red Cross blood bank.

Were it not for -- millions of lives, black, white, and other colors would have been lost

here and abroad.

Dr. Drew made those contributions despite the practices of the day which required blood

not only to be separated by type, A, B and O, but also by race.

That's how far we have come.

However, it's important to not just focus on opportunities for care givers but also

that we focus on equity and how we treat people who need care.

Race, whether intentionally or unintentionally is a dividing factor in the treatment received

by patients across our country.

That is why the work of ms office of minority health is so very important.

We must work to ensure OMH work on health equity is part of and informs everything.

. Everything that we do.

In my only specialty of anesthesiology, less than 3% of practicing physicians are black.

This is particularly problematic because studies have shown doctors are less likely to prescribe

pain medication to African American patients compared to white counter part under similar


They're less likely to receive aggressive standard of care cardiac interventions compared

to their white counterparts.

We know this is in part due to physician struggling to empathize with patients whose experiences

may differ from their own.

A problem we know can be medicated by increasing the diversity of the healthcare population.

It's also critical we remember black Americans more likely to bear the brunt of poor health

in our communities.

According to CDC data, black Americans are more likely to be overweight, to suffer from

high blood pressure, and to be an overall poor health.

I stand here today as your United States Surgeon General, I look like a fit guy.

I have hypertension.

I'm pre-diabetic.

I have ever risk factor in the world for a premature death and if I have to deal with

that, if I can't mitigate those alone, none of us can do it alone.

If we want to work toward a more equitable healthy nation we must pay attention communities

of color,the communities that people HIV in and address the health disparities and inequities

we know limit their opportunities.

In closing T I'm deeply honored to be here today with Dr. Lin, with Dr. Giroir and to

have had the -- Giroir and to have the opportunity to hear the words from secretary Azar in celebration

of black history month.

The contribution of black Americans are an important part our neigh's history.

I have the unique opportunity as your 20th Surgeon General to be part of that history.

And follow in the footsteps of others in my family and serve my country in uniform 25

years ago, I proudly do so today.

As ta nation Surgeon General, I have been given an opportunity to address health disparities

across the country by race, by geography, by income and by nature of being a veteran

and for that I'm extremely grateful.

Dr. Martin luther King once said an individual has not started living until he can rise above

the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

I tried to live this motto to its fullest in both my work as physician and now as your

Surgeon General.

You have my sincere promise to shine a light on health disparities wherever they exist

and to do all I can to lift up our nation's health.

But I can't do it alone.

And neither can the office of minority health.

Health equity cannot be just the mission of OMH and we can't just talk about it in February.

We live in a nation where everyone deserve it is opportunity to be healthy regardless

of skin color, regardless of profession, regardless of ZIP code.

We won't get there unless each and every one of us, each and every one of you commits to

addressing health inequity as part of everything we do, every day of the month, every month

of the years.

Only with your help can we achieve Dr. King's dream of equitable healthy and prosperous

nation for everyone.

Thank you and God bless America and most importantly have a happy, healthy and equitable black

mustry month -- history month.


>> Thank you, Jerome, for very thoughtful and inoperational message.

Our next -- inoperational message.

Our next speaker this morning is Dr. Eliseo Perez-Stable.

Director of the national institute of minority health and health disparities at the national

institutes of health.

He will -- institute leading the work across NIH on minority health research and activity,

recent work including research to learn more about the buy logical social factors that

cause health disparities.

Eliseo expertise span a full range health disparities disciplines.

His research interests have centered on topics such as improving the health of underserved

populations and promote delivery and diversity in biomedical research.

Everyone, please welcome Eliseo Perez-Stable.


>> Good morning, everyone.

Thank you for having invited me to be here.

And thank you for your words, Jerome, and to the secretary who spoke earlier today.

It's an honor to share with you thoughts about NIMHD and Dr. Gibbons will also present about

heart lung and blood and NIH.

I want to start with a little bit of history.

And I think earlier we heard this quote about an individual has not started living until

he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns

of all humanity.

And since it is history that we're talking about today, I did want to put this in the

context of the last 60 years, what Dr. King restarted for our country which is far from

over, ongoing all the time issue that makes United States such a great nation.

He was referring to service with this quote.

Dr. Lewis Sullivan, was the first black secretary of health and human services and followed

Dr. Heckler's report by starting the office of minority health at NIH, office of minority

health started in the department under president Reagan and then under President Bush secretary

Sullivan started office of minority health which became the center of minority health

and health disparities and eventually the institute in 2010.

Dr. Sullivan also appointed fist director -- woman director of NIH so he is I think

the visionary.

And I think in the spirit of honoring those that came before us, it's important to remember

this history.

Secretary Azar mentioned that data and I did want to spend just a minute on reflecting

on the fact that there have been remarkable improvements in after African American health

the last to years.

This is often overlooked as we focus on the persistent disparities and inequities that


He mentioned life expectancy improvements, there's still a gap.

African Americans blacks are four years, three years shorter life expectancy, but the progress

has exceeded projections and expectations.

Most of this is due to a decrease in cancer deaths, cardiovascular deaths and remarkable

progress in the control of HIV disease.

We can also see from this graph, cross over in mortality that happened in older adults.

So over age 65 now you get to 65 and you're black you have a longer life expectancy than

if you're white.

true for last ten years or so.

There's bigger gaps in younger age particularly mid life, this is where we can do more work.

Now, I want to stalk about NIMHD, national institute of minority health and health disparities.

We have created a research framework to capture the excitement about research in science in

this field, this is something that's come together over the last ten years or so.

We are talking about all kinds of factors, not just social factors or access, but also

biology and behavior.

Let me take you quickly through this route.

So first of all

physical activity, diet issues adherence to recommendations from the physicians, other

factors related mostly around individual behavior and less focus on other aspects.

Now we're kind of understanding often occur in early life and how it impacts

your health at age 40 and 50.

So this is -- and be able to measure with biomarkers, not just how someone feels or

reports or observations made in the clinical setting.

The biological revolution that happened the last 20 years perhaps being with the human

genome project but expanding to include all kind of information about metabolic pathways,

that help explain why we see big differences in cancer rates, diabetes rates or other manifestations

or earlieren set of disease or more severe manifestations of disease.

Similarly there's other things on the horizon, microbiome is well established as a mechanism,

the brain initiative has shown us all kinds of networks occurring in the brain that are

just beginning.

Right now still at the level of mice but it will I think at some point near future be

involving humans much more and extra cellular RNA.

The other topic that has changed in the last 20 years is importance of place.

There is saying that ZIP code is more important to your health than genetic code that is used

by researchers in this field.

Not just your place and safety and space, access to transportation and healthy food

but also people, and cultural interactions and social cohesion and community resilience.

We have known for decades you talk and interact with people your health is better.

Back in the 1970s studies show that if a man was married, after a heart attack he did better

than if weren't married.

As you can imagine.

Lastly I'm general internist, I was a primary care physician prior to coming to NIH.

What happens in practice is really important.

Clinical research for me is more than clinical trials, more than observational studies, I

want to know what goes on between patient and clinician, what the tests ordered, drugs

prescribed, are they appropriate, what's the quality and I look for NIMHD to expand our

research portfolio in this area.

We have embarked on the scientific advancement plan to try to present our agenda on research,

it's exciting an area we look to champion field of minority health and health disparities

as an institute and to capture all these elements I have summarized for you briefly.

We want to strengthen the science.

Being at NIH is really about the science and to really inform and arm our colleagues in

the service areas and policy programs and public health to make changes.

One of the strategies is to increase the investigator initiated research.

I think the timing is right to let scientists come to us with ideas and for me to get my

colleague at the NIH to create other kinds of programs that will explore minority health

and health disparities from a scientific perspective.

We're also work on evaluating reporting research and I'll summarize that with part of strategic


Also important to emphasize the work force diversity, Jerome's anecdote about black physician

he saw was when he was in college is a telling statistic.

We haven't made sufficient progress in that whole area.

This is an intervention that could probably make a difference.

The statistics from AAMC show that as of the graduating class, of 2014, five to six percent

of physician, five% African American, 5% were Latino.

That's just not good enough.

We need to make a difference in that area.

. Now, NIMHD launched into supporting trainees.

We have now a K program that is just been started though we have had other kind of Ks.

We sponsored a week -- summer institute at NIH for post graduate fellows and trainees

and assistant professors to engage in what NIH is about and give some aspect of research

and minority health and health disparities.

We have a robust loan repayment program, we fund pre-doctoral and doctoral students with

individual grants, diversity supplements which are available to individuals from under-represented

minorities or socioeconomicically disadvantaged background or those with disabilities.

That's an NIH wide program.

Our strategic plan is in advance stage right now though we are entering the final and most

important phase.

We have designed this category of our goals and categories and goals.

Categories to look at what NIH does in minority health, health disparities includes science

research but also important research sustaining categories.

The research sustaining categories including training capacity building and inclusion so

the diversity in the clinical research.

We also design issues around collaboration and dissemination particularly on building

a research community.

Some of this is reflected in our work together as directors of office of minority health,

which I have been very engaged with over the last 2 and a half years.

We are now in the phase of looking at having listening sessions that are being scheduled

as we -- as I speak for the next thee months and then hopefully submitting for process

through clearance later this summer.

We're excited about this important, actually mandated strategic plan.

Finally let me end with programs that has been very much endorsed by our staff, the

further on my mind is a particular program that focus on African American men and mental


Men in general are less EMOTIVE, they don't express as much, as a clinician I'm very sensitive

to that.

Frequently everything is okay but you have to dig in a little bit.

This is focused on depression.

We know depression is common.

5, 10% of adults have major depression.

It's also the main risk factor for suicide which is the mortality aspects of mental health.

That we most worry about and that we haven't figured out how to really decrease or prevent

despite many years of research.

So on my mind is a community service as an engagement for African American men and NIMHD

is proud to support it.

So thank you for your attention and thank you for having us come.

Dr. Lin, thank you.


>> Thank you, Eliseo.

For you great presentation.

Really looking forward to learn more about the fascinating work that you have been talking


Thank you.

Our next guest this morning, very important, is Dr. Gary Gibbons.

Director of the national heart lung and blood institute at the NIH.

He is a cardiologist who joined NIH in year 2012.

He is also help formulate the position at Stanford University, Harvard medical school,

and Moore house school of medicine.

The Moore house, he fund cardiovascular research institute.

One of the first of his kind is historical minority institute.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Dr. Gary Gibbons.


>> Good morning.

Real privilege to be part of this meeting this morning and esteemed panelists.

It's been actually quite inspirational for me.

And an opportunity to share a little bit about our prospective at national institutes of

health, particularly national heart lung and blood institute where it's my privilege to

be director.

It is indeed a privilege of public service.

Indeed that was part of my inspiration this morning.

Is that we have all been part of the similar calling, if you will, that's what we share

as an HHS family is that commitment to serve our nation and to do so in a way that brings

health and science to all communities in a way that's transformative.

As I took on this mission of turning discovery science into the health of the nation, it

struck me about this black history month celebration how we all came to this point of service,

certainly this was not something I designed and reflected on the fact that I am a grandson.

My grandmother was born in to a family in rural Georgia as sharecroppers from just a

couple of generations away from slavery.

And at that time a little black girl wasn't valued so much to have the need for education

so she could barely read and write and actually became a domestic, cleaned floors for other

families all her life, all the way through to her 70s.

And so she was always my inspiration, taught me so much about a work ethic that I hold

to this day.

I was intrigued when there was banter about Harvard and Yale, as I said wept to Princeton.

And I remember my grandmother coming to those graduations.

So for the daughter of a sharecropper, couple of generations from slavery, to see her grandson

graduate from Princeton, I think tells you a lot about black history and where we have

come as a country.

[Applause] I hope part of what we do today is to make


That's why we have this opportunity in service to our country to make an impact.

To make a difference.

That's why all of us are here and do what we do every day.

We have challenge as shown on this slide.

These are part of portfolio of our mission, heart lung and blood diseases.

These are among the major killers of men, women, of all races.

And ethnicities in this country and major cause of disability among children and asthma.

And particularly pointed disease in sickle cell disease, as well, just throwing each

of those and what we're hoping to do to make history, in addressing health inequities.

One of the other elements is that we build on really a legacy of excellence in public

service in NHLBI.

We're celebrating our 70th anniversary this year.

So we have the privilege of continuing that legacy.

The national heart institute, it was known then by hairy Truman, began at the height

of epidemic that was going on in coronary heart disease in the middle of the last century.

As a result of a lot of investments in biomedical research changes in public health practice,

tremendous progress has been made reducing that scourge, that epidemic over the last

50 to 70 years.

Yet despite all that success, it has not been uniform to all communities.

There's still some lagging behind most recent cardiovascular mortalities shown here graphically

and geographically.

Notice a striking pattern expecting America's heart land, you can see that band of red there,

West Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas down into the southeast Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama.

So these are communities that appear to be particularly burdened by cardiovascular mortality.

Suggesting that indeed we're not really fulfilling our mission until our discoveries and our

advances penetrate all communities.

Through our country.

In that regard, it -- that geographic pattern also tells us something.

Clearly is ole Eliseo was mentioning, we know a lot about biology and genetics but we also

are starting to appreciate again how much place matters and that addressing health inequities

we appreciate, it really is a complex problem, if it were simple we would have solved it

over the last 25 years, its complexity tells us we have to attack it in a very strategic

way, probably multiple levels.

As a system sort of problem, a systems approach, appreciates that we're dealing with determinants

of health that not only relate to the individual and individuals biology and genetic makeup

but embedded within family, within community, within a social environment, and all of these

elements work together with inner play to influence health and health outcomes.

As an HHS family, I believe this challenges us, if we're going to solve this problem we

have to attack it in these multiple angles in a full pronged approach that appreciates

this complexity as it cuts across our mission areas.

Indeed when it comes to hypertension a key driver of disparities in mortality strokes,

heart attacks, we see higher prevalence among African Americans in particular T. not only

increased prevalence of hypertension but when it comes to controlling that hypertension,

we often find it's inadequately controlled.

Hopefully the Surgeon General's is under control, I take my medications as well for hypertension.

But we can do better.

One of the studies shown here of our cohorts, cardio study has been tracking individuals

since teenagers and young adults.

One observation was if an African American grew up in a segregated neighborhood, and

remained in that segregated neighborhood, the blood pressures tend to be higher than

those that grew up in a segregated neighborhood and moved to one that was more diverse.

We don't know the causality of that but is it something about how that vocal environment

may have been getting under the skin and affecting trajectory of blood pressure with longer term


As we look at patterns of where people live and work and play and pray and how much that

influences their health and health outcomes, we are gaining greater insights in complexity

of those factors and determinants.

One of the key observation, I think we're starting to understand is how these social

determinants get under the skin and can change biological systems and pathobiology of disease.

One of those areas relates to try to understand why would be living in a food dessert or having

less access to healthy lifestyle affect your body and blood pressure.

Turning out when it comes to fruits and vegetables you know they're colorful.

If you ask why so colorful?

Particular chemicals, phytochemicals that are part of their texture, that gives them

that color but also gives them other properties, properties about how they affect free radicals

that influences biology.

Moreover we're learning that you have literally trillions of organisms living on you and in

you and around you.

Sometimes people get the Willies when you say that.

But those organisms are co-existing with you.

They're helping you digest your food.

And they're metabolizing what you eat as much as you are.

Ibility in fact, they're helping you metabolize.

What they then metabolize comes back and absorbed in your body.

What we're listening is that shape of how much fruits and vegetables changes the balance

of those microbes live in you and change the balance of what they generate in your body.

And we're learning that that can affect obesity, diabetes and indeed heart disease.

So there now is greater understanding of the mechanisms that are involved in which the

-- where you live can actually affect your DNA.

Change your epigenome, changes your microbiome.

Changes your immune system.

All of which influence the course of disease.

This is important because as we see those factors that determine that high blood pressure,

we know we have to do things to combat and certainly NHLBI, we're pleased with this sprint

trial that was done.

In which we compare more aggressive targeting strategy, target blood pressure in hope of

preventing heart attack and stroke more effectively.

Indeed, it's a land mark study.

In order to pursue that though, it's notable that we want to be sure that this was generalizable

to all communities that might be affected.

A critical aspect of our research agenda, we're inclusive of a diverse population that

reflects America.

Indeed I think the sprint investigators were very effective in doing so.

And as a result we have a sense that indeed aggressive approach has benefits across various

demographic groups.

It's not enough just to do these trials, these clinical efficacy trials, it's important also

they -- the results have an impact and penetration and uptake in all the communities that are

most burdened by these risk factors.

So work remains and we hopefully can partner with you to see how we can be sure that these

new insights that are going to save American lives really gets to them in the real world

and not just in clinical studies.

Part of that involves funding implementation research in which we try to promote innovation,

new knowledge, about how we can ensure what we know actually has impact and go from knowledge

to action that has impact on the health of the nation.

We have done some of that collaboration here collaboration with PCORI related to innovation

approaches and health systems to see how we can indeed improve hypertension control and

indeed many of those studies are taking this multi-level systems approach to see how we

can enhance control hypertension and have impact.

Moving quickly to lung disease and asthma.

Again, we had disparities and appreciate Surgeon General sharing his history, that is not uncommon

story in which there's a greater burden of asthma here, as Eliseo pointed out often we

recognize Hispanic populations define not monolithic, indeed per toery caps have a high

risk of asthma as well and suffer from number of health disparities in this space.

So from ER visits to hospitalizations to death, there's clearly a great burden for this condition.

It is really one of those again where the whole environment and where you live and work

and play, makes a difference in terms of your life course and your health outcomets.

This is also an opportunity, we believe, to not only advance basic science and clinical

trials but to see how indeed we can recognize this as a multi-level disorder that needs

multi-level interventions and reduce those disparities.

Indeed funding projects, they're taking a community perspective, bringing together primary

care schools, the family, the whole environment that surrounds that child and influences whether

indeed they're going to have a good outcome or not, how we can potentially prevent them

from going to the emergency room as failure of our therapies.

My final example relates to sickle cell disease.

This is a disorder that as you are aware, was pick up and appreciated by a cardiologist

who recognized these strange cells that were sickle shaped.

And about in 1946, Linus PaulY found a molecular defect in the hemoglobin molecule that generated

this abnormal sickling pattern.

So it was one of the first molecular disorders in this age of personalized precision medicine,

we have known about what causes it for a long time.

Yet despite that discovery, many years ago, this was almost a death sentence to have this


Few lived beyond childhood.

Fortunately related to clinical trials done by NHLBI NIH that life expectancy has expanded

from a death in childhood to 40s and 50s but that's still not good enough.

Clearly we have some unfinished business when it comes to sickle cell.

As you are aware, and was pointed out, this is a disorder that causes death in children


As shown on that map.

We did a clinical trial to reduce stroke.

We found that children with sickle cell disease between two and five, one out of five kids

had a sign of a silent stroke.

Can you imagine?

A 7-year-old with a stroke.

My mother died of a stroke in '70s.

7-year-old with a stroke.

Yet we understand at the most basic molecular level, I think that's something unacceptable.

I think it's something we can make history.

We believe technologies are at hand.

Where we should be able to transform the lives of whole generation of people living with

sickle cell disease.

We now have tools that enable clinicians and scientists to correct that molecular defect.

Crisper CAS technologies, gene editing tools, basically molecular scissors that cut out

abnormal DNA code and ensure the right code is put in.

That capability exists today.

And I believe we are on the threshold of transforming whole generation of people living with sickle

cell disease as a result.

So we're committed to a full court press on sickle cell.

In which we want to go from literally nucleotides to neighborhoods.

From basic clinical trials, implementation science, including leading edge genetic curative


We hope to to it in public private partnership which industry can contribute as well with

new technologies and tools.

We see this as a I believe a public health imperative.

And incredible scientific opportunity to make such a transformative effect on group of patients

with rare disorder.

This is something we can do as a HHS family.


Because indeed, it involves so many elements.

That are part of our portfolio and part of public service.

We believe as part of this circumstance circle of partners, we can make history, we can make

black history by eliminating those strokes in those children and having a stroke free


I hope you will join us in this effort.

Thank you for your attention.


>> Thank you, Gary, for you wonderful presentation.

Sickle cell disease is of particular interest to me and I'm happy to see that as one of

your priorities.

This will conclude our program.

Let's thank all of our speakers for helping to deliver such a great event.

Thank you.


>> As I said earlier at the beginning, this leader who are helping to guide the department''s

work to improve health and healthcare for minority across the nation.

They provide useful guidance and information for us this morning thanks to everyone here

and on the live stream here.

For joining us for this observance of black history month.

Thank you for all of the work that you do and that we do together to reduce health disparities

and advance health equity.

This is crucial work and it is helpful to move us closer to be a nation where everyone

has opportunity to reach their full potential for good health.

Our country spend money, more money around the world but our healthcare rate probably

around 30, 35 around the world.

So I hope we work together, important ads we eliminate the health disparity, I think

we will -- our nation will have good health in the future.

So we hope to see you again in April.

In our national minority health month.

Thank you for coming and I want to thank my staff and other staff in HHS, help to put

it together.

I really appreciate it and thank you, Chris, for you taking a picture.


>> Thank you all.

See you again.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> 2018 Black History Month Observance - Duration: 1:04:20.


Dinner date - Elif Episode 675 | Season 4 Episode 115 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:38.


Thank you Rana!

It's been a long time since we have seen each other Mr. Tarık

Is that so?

- How are you? - I'm good, thanks

Let me have your coats

You can get in, I'll be right there

I have an important guest that I like to introduce you

My lover!

He is also so excited to meet you!

Same for me

Let's see who's that gentlemen who rocked your world like this

Come on dear


Let me introduce you Cem

My boyfriend


...these two lovely people are my boss Tarık Karakaş and...

...his lovely wife and a friend of mine Hümeyra

- Pleasure to meet you Cem - Pleasure is all mine ma'am

How are you Mr. Tarık?

For more infomation >> Dinner date - Elif Episode 675 | Season 4 Episode 115 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:38.


Rien de 9 - Featurette S03E05 (Behind the scenes) - Duration: 1:30.

Never give me guitar.

Wait! Too fast, too fast! I can't see you!

You take the papers, and you go in the living room.

They are making strange faces there!

Now, this is gay.

- You can't wear it. - But I can.

"Go team!" with the pink scarf.

Episode 5 03/01/2010

For more infomation >> Rien de 9 - Featurette S03E05 (Behind the scenes) - Duration: 1:30.


Explain or Explain Me? - Fix a Common Mistake with this English Verb - Duration: 10:34.

There's a mistake students make with this verb when they're learning English that

can sound funny.

In this video you'll learn how to use 'explain' correctly and why you'll sound funny if

you don't.

Let's jump straight in and see the verb 'explain' in action.

Zap! And Kapow!

It's time for the Superhero Show.

Good evening everyone and welcome to the show where every week we meet a superhero and find

out about their powers.

And this week it's Somnia man.

Hello and welcome.

Come and join me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm really excited to be here.

Somnia man, could explain to everyone what your superpower is?


I can send people to sleep in just a few minutes.


That's an unusual power.

Explain how it works.

Well, when I start talking, everyone's eyelids get heavy and then they fall asleep – fast


That's really unusual.

When did you discover you had this power?


I was on a first date with a beautiful girl and we went to a restaurant.

She asked me asked me what I do for a living, so I said, 'Let me explain'.

But before I could finish, she was asleep in her soup.

I didn't get a second date and she never explained why.



Sorry everyone.

I guess it's happened again.

Next week meet Pizza Woman – the woman with the power see pizza toppings without opening

the box.


Did you notice how Somnia man talked in the video?

His intonation was very flat.

English is a musical language and if you don't change the pitch of your voice, you'll sound

boring and unenthusiastic.

You might send people to sleep!

So, don't do what Somnia man did when you're speaking.

Try to vary your pitch and intonation.


Now, let's look at how this verb works.

Explain can be an intransitive verb or a transitive verb.

That means we can just explain or we can explain something.

She asked me asked me what I do for a living, so I said, 'Let me explain'.

But before I could finish, she was asleep in her soup.

I didn't get a second date and she never explained why.

When explain is transitive, we say what's being explained and then there are two patterns

we follow.

Here's the first one and it's the most common.


That's an unusual power.

Explain how it works.

So 'how it works' was the something here.

We could have all sorts of somethings . This is the normal pattern so it's the pattern

you need to learn and remember.

Explain something.

Explain something.

Explain something.

If you want to say who receives the explanation, you can add that too.

Is it necessary to say the to someone bit?


You can add it if you think it's helpful.

It's up to you.

So that's the important pattern to learn.

Explain something.

The second pattern is very similar.

The 'to someone' comes forward and we put it after 'explain'.

Let's see that in action.

Somnia man.

Could you explain to everyone what your superpower is?


So we can say 'to' before the person who receives the explanation.

That happened in the first pattern too.

We explain something and sometimes we say to who.

Now, I have a question.

I'll show you a different pattern and you tell me if it's right or not.

Is this possible?

Notice there's no 'to' before the someone here

And no!

This is wrong and it sounds funny.

After explain we put the thing we're explaining.

If you put a person there instead, it sounds like your explaining a person.

That's weird.

So be careful because this is the mistake students make most often.

They say 'explain me' or 'explain us' and that's funny because we can't explain


However we might try to explain someone's motivations or behavior.

So let's look at how we do that.

What are you doing?


You need to explain yourself.

I was trying to get ten dollars out of the box.

You were trying to steal ten dollars?!

Oh no!

I didn't explain myself properly.

I put twenty dollars in the box and I was trying to get ten dollars change.

I'll never understand you.

My mother says that too.

She's been trying to explain me for years.

Let's look at three of the phrases we heard there.

What are you doing?


You need to explain yourself.

This is a phrase we say when we're upset and we want someone to tell us the reason

they did something.


Another phrase.

You were trying to steal ten dollars?

Oh no!

I didn't explain myself properly This phrase means I didn't say what I meant


I wasn't clear enough.

And the last phrase.

I'll never understand you.

My mother says that too.

She's been trying to explain me for years.

This means Jay's mother's been trying to understand and explain his crazy behavior

for years.

So in these phrases explain is followed by a person, with no 'to'.

How come?

Well, they all follow the standard pattern: explain something.

When I say 'explain yourself', I mean explain your reasons and intentions.

That's the something.

And if I explain myself properly the something is 'what I meant to say'.

And when Jay says his mother is trying to explain him, he means she's trying to explain

his strange behavior.

So they follow the standard pattern.

It's just that the something is someone's strange behavior, words or motivations.

Let's check you've understood.

I'll show you a sentence, and you have to decide if it's correct English or not.


Here's the first one.

Right or wrong?

This is right!

Explain can be intransitive or transitive, so we can just explain or we can explain something.

Next one.

Right or wrong?


We explain something – not a person.

You could say this with 'to me', but it's unusual.

We generally explain something to someone.


Next one?

Right or wrong?

It's right.

We explain something and the something here is 'how you make people fall sleep'.

OK last one.

It's wrong.

We'd say 'could you explain what this words means'.

This one is important if you're taking a speaking exam, like Cambridge First Certificate


If the examiner says something and you don't understand, it's quite all right to say,

'Could you explain that?'.

But don't say 'Could you explain me that' because that's wrong.

It could be a mark against you, And that's it!

Now you know how we use the verb 'explain'.

Now 'suggest' is another verb where we follow similar patterns and we've made another

video about that so I suggest you watch it now.

And don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

See you next week.

Bye now!

For more infomation >> Explain or Explain Me? - Fix a Common Mistake with this English Verb - Duration: 10:34.


We Are Family: Eddie & Jose v2 (2:42) | Greater Than AIDS - Duration: 2:43.

Since he was a little kid he's won contests for writing, so he's always wanted to be a writer.

What I write is really personal.

That's the only way to help people show something that's powerful that you lived.

The day that I actually disclosed my status, I actually was thinking, like, I need to share this with people.

It's tough. It's actually really, really tough holding something for two years.

It's really, really painful.

I think he felt a big release, a big load off his shoulders, that's what I felt.

I saw a big drastic change.

It was a great feeling for people to actually know.

And people, I saw people's reaction.

It felt really good.

We actually started this company a few years ago wanting to do more.

It's our brother-in-law, Domingo, he's a journalist here in Houston, and Jose, myself.

The most important thing is to educate people.

That's the main reason why we write those stories and why we do what we do, to educate

people about HIV.

Not just because he has it, but how uneducated society really is about HIV.

Unfortunately us Latinos, we're really closed minded about a lot of things, and especially

things we don't understand.

Being more open about your HIV status, it helps a lot.

It's not talked about enough.

It really isn't talked about enough.

But it should be talked about a lot more.

People won't talk about it because they're afraid.

But once you start to realize, to learn what it really is, you're like, man - boy was I wrong.

You know, everybody out there is wrong.

Life isn't over just because you get HIV.

I can guarantee you that.

I'm blessed having Jose as a brother.

He means the world to me.

And I myself don't know what I would do without him.

He's my brother, and I love him no matter what.

Having HIV doesn't change that she's your wife, she's your daughter, he's your son,

your grandson, your granddaughter.

It doesn't change who they really are in this life.

It's just a disease, and that's all it is.

Just yesterday actually my mom was sharing to one of my dad's sisters she told like,

yes, my son's HIV, and I'm proud of him, and I'm proud of what he's doing.

Because he's helping a lot of people and I'm always going to stand behind him, and so is

the family here at home.

It made me feel really good because at that moment I knew she was not scared anymore,

and she was willing to fight along with me and to help me in anything that I needed just

as I want to help them in anything they need.

For more information abut supporting loved ones with HIV, go to

For more infomation >> We Are Family: Eddie & Jose v2 (2:42) | Greater Than AIDS - Duration: 2:43.


Rien de 9 - Featurette S03E08 (Behind the scenes) - Duration: 1:26.

And the swan is passing by.

Next time we'll see will be at the wedding.

In 2 months.

- I look at him. - Don't look at the camera.

I like this idea.

And uh... blah...

Ready to repeat scene 1?

And uh... Seriously, it's pain in the ass.

- What's this laugh? - It's in the scene.

Turn the pizza, we see a hole.

- Strange, uh? - Totally.

Your eyes look small.

Episode 8 03/22/2010

For more infomation >> Rien de 9 - Featurette S03E08 (Behind the scenes) - Duration: 1:26.


Teenage Boy Has Laid 20 Eggs Leaving Doctors Baffled - Duration: 6:18.

Teenage Boy has laid 20 eggs out of his bum.

Perfect timing I suppose with Easter right around the corner.

Yeah I make awkward jokes when im uncomfortable.

So 14 year old Akmal claims to have laid 20 eggs over the past 2 years and doctors have

no idea why this is happening.

Hes been in and out of hospitals trying to figure out how and why this is happening.

Originally doctors took this as a practical joke- now… its impossible for a

person to lay eggs.

They thought the teenager was shoving the eggs up his rectum just to get a reaction

from people.

But one time he even laid 2 eggs when he was at the doctors office.

Eggs that hes laid have been cracked open and they are revealed to be all yoke or all


About this the teens dad said- hes been x-rayed and doctors found an egg in his bum.

In 2 years hes laid 18 eggs and 2 today- so in total there have been 20.

I cracked the first egg and its content was all yellow no white.

A month later I cracked another one and its content was all white and no yellow.

Doctors don't know what else to do so they have decided to quarantine the teen for a

week while they try and figure this out.

A spokes person at the hospital said- Our suspicion is that the eggs were deliberately

shoved up his rectum- but we did not see it directly.

Scientifically chicken eggs cannot form inside the human body- its impossible- especially

in the digestive system.

They are going to find out once and for all if the eggs come naturally from inside Akmal.

Which im going to take a big leap here and assume they dont.

Hey guys welcome back to Lp im court McGinley.

TGIF its finally Friday.

Let me know what you have planned for this amazing weekend down in the comments.

Also I just want to let you guys know that this upcoming week Landon and I are not going

to be here- were going to be on a cruise- which im super excited for- but I am going

to miss you guys.

Make sure youre following me on instagram at court mcginley so you guys can stay up

to date with what were getting up to.

But don't worry im leaving you in good hands.

A friend of mine who some of you might recognize will be taking over hosting this channel for

the week.

Do you have any guesses who it is?

Let me know below.

And stay tuned for tomorrows video as I will be introducing him to you all.

Alright as you guys know we have a lot of interesting news stories headed your way so

without further a due lets get started.

--Next- a fitness model has been paralyzed from the neck down after doing sit ups.

This is 23 year old Marcelle Mancuso.

She actually broke her vertebrae after she slipped off a bench while she was doing inverted

sit ups.

She was rushed to the hospital where doctors operated on her and they fitted a titanium

plate held by 6 screws into her spine.

About this Marcelle said- I went to perform the abdominal inverted sit up and was upside


I was attached to the equipment with a strip- which broke and the personal trainer could

not hold me.

I hit the back of my head on the floor and immediately lost all body movements with the


The doctors didn't know if I would walk again.

I gave my best every day in physical therapy and gradually my movement is coming back.

I couldn't even imagine how terrifying that would be.

Youre just in the gym working out- you fall and then cant feel or control your body.

That must have been so scary.

But luckily she is on her way to a full recovery.

--Next- Team USA wins first Olympic womens hockey gold in 20 years.

Its being said that the United States womens national hockey team is without a doubt the

best hockey team in the world.

Team US and Team Canada played this final game to the bitter end.

The game went into overtime and then a shootout where Jocelyn Davidson scored the gold medal

shot in the sixth round.

Congrats to Team USA on this well-deserved win.

--Next- Police investigate white powder sent to Meghan Markle.

Its now being reported that back on February 12th a letter was delivered to St. James Palace-

it was addressed to Meghan.

It contained white powder and a racist message.

Originally there was concern the letter contained anthrax- which is an infectious disease.

But soon after the substance was determined non- suspicious.

Obviously the letter was intercepted before reaching the couple but they were made aware

of the situation.

All these people in powerful positions seem to be getting these letters filled with this

non-suspicious white powder.

The police have been investigating this issue but so far have no leads.

This is pretty scary as the royal wedding is now less than 3 months away.

But the wedding is sure to have high security and Meghan has been trained in how to deal

with threats and kidnappers.

But hopefully she will never have to put that knowledge into action.

--Next- Marvels Moon girl and Devil Dinosaur comic is being developed into an Animated

series at Disney Channels Worldwide.

As of now the animated series is being worked on but it doesn't yet have a set network.

So I guess they are waiting to see how it turns out before they pair it with either

Disney channel- Disney XD or Disney Junior.

The comic launched back in 2015 and threw it we follow Lunella a 9 year old genius-

along with her prehistoric friend Devil Dinosaur.

As one of the smartest people in the Marvel universe Lunella loves to create inventions-

even though they tend to get her into trouble.

But Lunella is also more than just a genius- shes inhuman- with the ability to swap bodies

with her gigantic crimson dinosaur pal.

This series does not yet have an expected release date but it sounds pretty cool.

--And its that time of the week where I let you know what super cool awesome movies are

hitting the box office this weekend and we have: Game Night and Annihilation.

Alright lets start off with game night this movie is rated 14a and it's a comedy.

In this movie youll see- Jeffrey Wright- Jason Bateman- Rachel McAdams- Kyle Chandler and

Sharon Horgan among others.

And fun fact Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley Both co- wrote and co-directed this


In this movie Max and Annies weekly couples game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's

brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party- complete with fake thugs and fake federal


So when Brooks gets kidnapped its all a part of the game right?

But as the 6 uber competitive gamers set out to solve the case and win they begin to discover

that its actually not a game at all.

Over the course of one chaotic night the friends find themselves increasingly in over their

heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn.

Take a look Next we have- Annihilation.

This movie is rated 14a and it's a Sci-fi- suspense movie.

Alex Garland both Wrote and directed this movie.

This film has an intimate cast including- Natalie Portman- Jennifer Jason Leigh – Tessa

Thompson- Oscar Isaac and Gina Rodriguez among others.

This movie is based off of Jeff VanderMeers best-selling trilogy Annihilation.

In this movie we follow 4 women into an area known as Area X. the area is abandoned and

cut off from the rest of civilization.

They are the 12th expedition.

The other expeditions have been taken down by disappearances- suicides- aggressive cancers-

and mental trauma.

Heres a sneak peek And there you guys have it that's all the

stories I have for you today.

Thank you so much for watching.

Don't forget to show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up- hit that subscribe

button if you havnt already and ill see all of you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Teenage Boy Has Laid 20 Eggs Leaving Doctors Baffled - Duration: 6:18.


Pomodoro Technique - Best Time Management To Improve Your Studying And Productivity - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Pomodoro Technique - Best Time Management To Improve Your Studying And Productivity - Duration: 4:53.


How To Record Smartphone Screen From PC - Duration: 1:11.

Hello Everyone Welcome back to iSpecss

in today's video i am gonna be showing you how to record your smartphone screen from

your PC.

So before we Start up this video get subscribed to this channel and click on the bell icon

and never miss an other update from ispecss.

First Cast Your Smartphone to Your Computer, here is a card with link to the video to know

how to cast your smartphone screen to your pc,

check out that in case if you wanna know.

while your phone screen is broadcasting to your pc, open any screen recorded application

on your PC and record your PC screen, Here is an another card to know how to

record your PC screen without any third party applications.

Thats all

hit thumbs up if you found this video usefull and while your down there,subscribe to iSpecss

for more videos like this.

thanks a lot for watching.

have a great day.

For more infomation >> How To Record Smartphone Screen From PC - Duration: 1:11.


ACHEI UM PEIXINHO MUITO BONITO (PARU ou FRADE JOVEM)! (Legenda/Subtitles: Português & English) - Duration: 1:26.

Hy guys, welcome to another video!

I'm here today, in Vitória, in Espírito Santo (Brazil), at the Camburi beach.

The water is kind of cloudy,

But we decided to snorkeling anyway

The weather is cloudy. It is raining

But we're here under a pier

I think you can see back there ...

And I have found some very interesting things here in the shalow waters

I just found a baby French angelfish fish down here

Very colorful. I think it's one of the most beautiful

and I want to show it to you. Let´s go!?

Yeah, he was a bit scared.

It did not want to show himself so much, but I think you could see it...

That's it.

I hope you enjoyed!

See you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> ACHEI UM PEIXINHO MUITO BONITO (PARU ou FRADE JOVEM)! (Legenda/Subtitles: Português & English) - Duration: 1:26.


50 nombres argentinos para niños - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.

50 argentinian names for baby boys



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

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