Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

Sun is coming out, I'm already tired.

So good.

No Jose'! Guys, Jose' is leaving with the dogs.

Going to Melide, 27 kilometers walk today, we leave the albergue O'Candido now.

I got some Lucio Battisti as music background, that's what my dad used to listen to

so we kind of grew up with that 70s music.

That's a tune. Wow.

You were beautiful.

We reached the bar.

Hamburger and chips, it's mine.

It's my definitely worth coming up here

instead of the previous bar, much better.


Chilling time in the garden.

Hey guys here's my second breakfast, jamon and queso. And Casera, the official sponsor of the Camino.

Freshly baked like right now. When you go to heaven this is your meal.


With that amazing sandwich. The lady was actually Irish and there was

brownie cake but 3 euros 50s a bit too much. Amazing up here,

it's quite chili, it's breezy, there's a breeze, I'm sure you can hear it through the mic.

And we saw someone before on the top of the peak and I'm sure it was Peter.

So the vegetation is changing, it's a bit bit mountainy. It's really

refreshing up here, I love the mountains, it reminds me when I was a child, I was

going with my parents and brother, for long walks in the Alps.

Sixty kilometres to get to Santiago,

two days left. Some wild horses there.

Guys, we are in Melide. I didn't show much of the place cuz I got

this news that put me down for a couple of hours. It's actually, I guess,

the answer to my pilgrimage which is not the answer I was expecting, and yeah so it's

life I guess and it's time to open a new chapter, so close the door and open a gate,

that's what my dad would say. And this is the Church of town, we're going

to the service now. I guess I'm gonna close here for today and see you soon.

I didn't sleep very well, mood is not great, so it could be worth telling you the

real reason why I am doing this pilgrimage.

Follow the adventures of my Camino de Santiago on

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For more infomation >> Il mio Cammino di Santiago | EP #11 - Duration: 7:30.


How to cover a vine for the winter sparingly - Duration: 2:35.

From this video you will learn how to harbor grapes for the winter.

We hide the grapes for the winter in late autumn.

After the frost...

with a short-term drop in temperature to -8-10 degrees Celsius.

After that the withered leaves dry up and are blown away by a wind or are cleaned off manually.

It is easiest to cover a newly planted bush of grapes.

It does not need to be pressed to the ground...

because you still have to leave in spring...

only 2-3 buds at the very surface of the soil.

Therefore, just pour a mound of earth about knee-high.

Sticking out of the heap of a vine helps in spring to navigate when digging a bush.

Before harboring the grapes for the winter, we are conducting an autumn pruning of old shrubs...

given two key points.

First, we remove all the ends of the grapevines...

They extend beyond the nearest stakes.

And secondly, we figure out how long the vine has ripened, and we remove the unripened one.

After frosts, it is especially easy to establish the maturity of the vine: by the presence of live kidneys.

It is necessary to move from the ends of the lashes to the base of the bush.

Green in the incision of the kidney - live, then behind them and closer to the root of the vine matured.

Dark in the incision of the kidney - show that this part of the vine can be safely cut off.

On each bush it is enough to check 1-3 vines, reaching to live kidneys...

and cut the rest of the whip to the same length.

Forming pruning grapes, we perform in the spring.

Therefore further we turn off the whole ripened vine around the base of the bush...

fix, cover with burlap and bury.

For covering we use burlap...

with used polypropylene bags.

This strong material does not decompose in the ground.

And if you do not leave it in the sun, it serves dozens of years.

To securely fix the folded vine...

we use the same metal stakes...

which are usually attached to the ground and greenhouses of its own design.

Then we cover the bush with sacking.

Needlessly protruding canvas - we turn.

To keep the burlap in place while digging in...

lightly sprinkle it on all corners of the earth.

Then dig in a layer of soil about 20-30 centimeters.


You can not take the ground too close to the base of the bush...

where the roots are closest to the surface!

Otherwise roots can freeze in winter.

We take the land for digging in the distance...

from 50 centimeters to 1 meter from the bush.

For more infomation >> How to cover a vine for the winter sparingly - Duration: 2:35.


Former Trump aide pleads guilty in Russia probe: Special Report - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Former Trump aide pleads guilty in Russia probe: Special Report - Duration: 3:46.


Explain or Explain Me? - Fix a Common Mistake with this English Verb - Duration: 10:34.

There's a mistake students make with this verb when they're learning English that

can sound funny.

In this video you'll learn how to use 'explain' correctly and why you'll sound funny if

you don't.

Let's jump straight in and see the verb 'explain' in action.

Zap! And Kapow!

It's time for the Superhero Show.

Good evening everyone and welcome to the show where every week we meet a superhero and find

out about their powers.

And this week it's Somnia man.

Hello and welcome.

Come and join me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm really excited to be here.

Somnia man, could explain to everyone what your superpower is?


I can send people to sleep in just a few minutes.


That's an unusual power.

Explain how it works.

Well, when I start talking, everyone's eyelids get heavy and then they fall asleep – fast


That's really unusual.

When did you discover you had this power?


I was on a first date with a beautiful girl and we went to a restaurant.

She asked me asked me what I do for a living, so I said, 'Let me explain'.

But before I could finish, she was asleep in her soup.

I didn't get a second date and she never explained why.



Sorry everyone.

I guess it's happened again.

Next week meet Pizza Woman – the woman with the power see pizza toppings without opening

the box.


Did you notice how Somnia man talked in the video?

His intonation was very flat.

English is a musical language and if you don't change the pitch of your voice, you'll sound

boring and unenthusiastic.

You might send people to sleep!

So, don't do what Somnia man did when you're speaking.

Try to vary your pitch and intonation.


Now, let's look at how this verb works.

Explain can be an intransitive verb or a transitive verb.

That means we can just explain or we can explain something.

She asked me asked me what I do for a living, so I said, 'Let me explain'.

But before I could finish, she was asleep in her soup.

I didn't get a second date and she never explained why.

When explain is transitive, we say what's being explained and then there are two patterns

we follow.

Here's the first one and it's the most common.


That's an unusual power.

Explain how it works.

So 'how it works' was the something here.

We could have all sorts of somethings . This is the normal pattern so it's the pattern

you need to learn and remember.

Explain something.

Explain something.

Explain something.

If you want to say who receives the explanation, you can add that too.

Is it necessary to say the to someone bit?


You can add it if you think it's helpful.

It's up to you.

So that's the important pattern to learn.

Explain something.

The second pattern is very similar.

The 'to someone' comes forward and we put it after 'explain'.

Let's see that in action.

Somnia man.

Could you explain to everyone what your superpower is?


So we can say 'to' before the person who receives the explanation.

That happened in the first pattern too.

We explain something and sometimes we say to who.

Now, I have a question.

I'll show you a different pattern and you tell me if it's right or not.

Is this possible?

Notice there's no 'to' before the someone here

And no!

This is wrong and it sounds funny.

After explain we put the thing we're explaining.

If you put a person there instead, it sounds like your explaining a person.

That's weird.

So be careful because this is the mistake students make most often.

They say 'explain me' or 'explain us' and that's funny because we can't explain


However we might try to explain someone's motivations or behavior.

So let's look at how we do that.

What are you doing?


You need to explain yourself.

I was trying to get ten dollars out of the box.

You were trying to steal ten dollars?!

Oh no!

I didn't explain myself properly.

I put twenty dollars in the box and I was trying to get ten dollars change.

I'll never understand you.

My mother says that too.

She's been trying to explain me for years.

Let's look at three of the phrases we heard there.

What are you doing?


You need to explain yourself.

This is a phrase we say when we're upset and we want someone to tell us the reason

they did something.


Another phrase.

You were trying to steal ten dollars?

Oh no!

I didn't explain myself properly This phrase means I didn't say what I meant


I wasn't clear enough.

And the last phrase.

I'll never understand you.

My mother says that too.

She's been trying to explain me for years.

This means Jay's mother's been trying to understand and explain his crazy behavior

for years.

So in these phrases explain is followed by a person, with no 'to'.

How come?

Well, they all follow the standard pattern: explain something.

When I say 'explain yourself', I mean explain your reasons and intentions.

That's the something.

And if I explain myself properly the something is 'what I meant to say'.

And when Jay says his mother is trying to explain him, he means she's trying to explain

his strange behavior.

So they follow the standard pattern.

It's just that the something is someone's strange behavior, words or motivations.

Let's check you've understood.

I'll show you a sentence, and you have to decide if it's correct English or not.


Here's the first one.

Right or wrong?

This is right!

Explain can be intransitive or transitive, so we can just explain or we can explain something.

Next one.

Right or wrong?


We explain something – not a person.

You could say this with 'to me', but it's unusual.

We generally explain something to someone.


Next one?

Right or wrong?

It's right.

We explain something and the something here is 'how you make people fall sleep'.

OK last one.

It's wrong.

We'd say 'could you explain what this words means'.

This one is important if you're taking a speaking exam, like Cambridge First Certificate


If the examiner says something and you don't understand, it's quite all right to say,

'Could you explain that?'.

But don't say 'Could you explain me that' because that's wrong.

It could be a mark against you, And that's it!

Now you know how we use the verb 'explain'.

Now 'suggest' is another verb where we follow similar patterns and we've made another

video about that so I suggest you watch it now.

And don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

See you next week.

Bye now!

For more infomation >> Explain or Explain Me? - Fix a Common Mistake with this English Verb - Duration: 10:34.


Top 5 Most Savage Twitter Roasts By Wendy's - Duration: 3:15.

A lot of people go on twitter to express how they feel- and with that some occasional shade

is thrown.

You know- from time to time it happens.

But I must say when it comes to Wendys twitter account they are brutal and they don't hold


And lucky for you guys im going to show you some of those tweets today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know-What fast food chain is your favourite?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

I also just want to remind you guys if you havnt subscribed yet then please do- all you

have to do is hit that red subscribe button just down there and that's it your subscribed.

And also show us some love buy giving this video a big thumbs up.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 most savage twitter roasts by Wendys.

Coming in at number 5--Roast- A user by the name of WKTZ tweeted at Wendys saying- if

you don't roast me im going to mcdonalds.

To which Wendys responded – you are a twitter egg and this is your only tweet.

This is literally zero information to roast you about.

Now one of the reasons I love this tweet so much is the fact that Wendys was actually

going to take the time and go through this persons twitter account so they can find information

to roast them with.

That's amazing.

And even though there was nothing they still hit this person with a comeback .

In at number 4--Apologies- A person named one tap gives you messaged Wendys saying-

at Wendys my friends like Wendys but I don't- what do I tell them?

To which Wendys responded Apologize for being wrong.

Yeah this is just reminding me of that Timbaland song.

But honestly this is great Wendys is just telling it like it is without hesitation.

But I see nothing wrong with liking different things then youre friends and I don't see

why this person thinks theres something wrong with that.

Be unique- be different- and don't message wendys about it unless you want a sassy answer.

At number 3--Beef- this tweet comes from a person called bailey and they tweeted at Wendys

saying- wheres the beef?

To which Wendys replied- in our cheeseburgers and on our timeline.

Honestly I love how the person behind this account just doesn't care and brings out

the sarcasm.

I wonder if the person whos in charge of this twitter account just gets paid to like savagely

reply to people all day.

You know just sitting at a desk replying to stupid comments.

If so sign me up.

Well actually that's kind of what I already do with the trolls on this channel.

So year- there we go.

Coming in at number 2--Pity tweet- Wendys really brought out the sass with this one.

Kimm- that's Kim with 2 m's tweeted Wendys saying- I just ate BK.

What you gunna do about it?

Ooh those are fighting words.

To which Wendys responded- feel sorry for you.

Ooh Wendys is not holding back.

Yeah they really got straight to the point with that one.

Kim with 2 m's should know better than to taunt wendys like that.

Bringing up the competition like that- I don't know what she was thinking.

Although im sure Wendys doesn't even view Burger King as competition anyways.

And in at number 1--life changer- Here we have Hilbert- and Hilbert wants to know- Wendys-

I don't have a Wendys where I live.

What should I do?

To which Wendys responded- you might consider moving.

You know just pack up your all your belongings- sell you house and hit the road.

That's sensible advice.

I mean if you don't live somewhere where wendys is accessible- whats even the point

of life?

Yeah I don't think theres a need to go that far- but I have to respect Wendys determination

and Hilberts dedication.

He seems like a one fast food restaurant kind of guy.

Good for him for being a purist.

And there you have it.

That's our list of the Top 5 most savage twitter roasts by Wendys.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Don't forget to show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up.

And ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Most Savage Twitter Roasts By Wendy's - Duration: 3:15.


Teenage Boy Has Laid 20 Eggs Leaving Doctors Baffled - Duration: 6:18.

Teenage Boy has laid 20 eggs out of his bum.

Perfect timing I suppose with Easter right around the corner.

Yeah I make awkward jokes when im uncomfortable.

So 14 year old Akmal claims to have laid 20 eggs over the past 2 years and doctors have

no idea why this is happening.

Hes been in and out of hospitals trying to figure out how and why this is happening.

Originally doctors took this as a practical joke- now… its impossible for a

person to lay eggs.

They thought the teenager was shoving the eggs up his rectum just to get a reaction

from people.

But one time he even laid 2 eggs when he was at the doctors office.

Eggs that hes laid have been cracked open and they are revealed to be all yoke or all


About this the teens dad said- hes been x-rayed and doctors found an egg in his bum.

In 2 years hes laid 18 eggs and 2 today- so in total there have been 20.

I cracked the first egg and its content was all yellow no white.

A month later I cracked another one and its content was all white and no yellow.

Doctors don't know what else to do so they have decided to quarantine the teen for a

week while they try and figure this out.

A spokes person at the hospital said- Our suspicion is that the eggs were deliberately

shoved up his rectum- but we did not see it directly.

Scientifically chicken eggs cannot form inside the human body- its impossible- especially

in the digestive system.

They are going to find out once and for all if the eggs come naturally from inside Akmal.

Which im going to take a big leap here and assume they dont.

Hey guys welcome back to Lp im court McGinley.

TGIF its finally Friday.

Let me know what you have planned for this amazing weekend down in the comments.

Also I just want to let you guys know that this upcoming week Landon and I are not going

to be here- were going to be on a cruise- which im super excited for- but I am going

to miss you guys.

Make sure youre following me on instagram at court mcginley so you guys can stay up

to date with what were getting up to.

But don't worry im leaving you in good hands.

A friend of mine who some of you might recognize will be taking over hosting this channel for

the week.

Do you have any guesses who it is?

Let me know below.

And stay tuned for tomorrows video as I will be introducing him to you all.

Alright as you guys know we have a lot of interesting news stories headed your way so

without further a due lets get started.

--Next- a fitness model has been paralyzed from the neck down after doing sit ups.

This is 23 year old Marcelle Mancuso.

She actually broke her vertebrae after she slipped off a bench while she was doing inverted

sit ups.

She was rushed to the hospital where doctors operated on her and they fitted a titanium

plate held by 6 screws into her spine.

About this Marcelle said- I went to perform the abdominal inverted sit up and was upside


I was attached to the equipment with a strip- which broke and the personal trainer could

not hold me.

I hit the back of my head on the floor and immediately lost all body movements with the


The doctors didn't know if I would walk again.

I gave my best every day in physical therapy and gradually my movement is coming back.

I couldn't even imagine how terrifying that would be.

Youre just in the gym working out- you fall and then cant feel or control your body.

That must have been so scary.

But luckily she is on her way to a full recovery.

--Next- Team USA wins first Olympic womens hockey gold in 20 years.

Its being said that the United States womens national hockey team is without a doubt the

best hockey team in the world.

Team US and Team Canada played this final game to the bitter end.

The game went into overtime and then a shootout where Jocelyn Davidson scored the gold medal

shot in the sixth round.

Congrats to Team USA on this well-deserved win.

--Next- Police investigate white powder sent to Meghan Markle.

Its now being reported that back on February 12th a letter was delivered to St. James Palace-

it was addressed to Meghan.

It contained white powder and a racist message.

Originally there was concern the letter contained anthrax- which is an infectious disease.

But soon after the substance was determined non- suspicious.

Obviously the letter was intercepted before reaching the couple but they were made aware

of the situation.

All these people in powerful positions seem to be getting these letters filled with this

non-suspicious white powder.

The police have been investigating this issue but so far have no leads.

This is pretty scary as the royal wedding is now less than 3 months away.

But the wedding is sure to have high security and Meghan has been trained in how to deal

with threats and kidnappers.

But hopefully she will never have to put that knowledge into action.

--Next- Marvels Moon girl and Devil Dinosaur comic is being developed into an Animated

series at Disney Channels Worldwide.

As of now the animated series is being worked on but it doesn't yet have a set network.

So I guess they are waiting to see how it turns out before they pair it with either

Disney channel- Disney XD or Disney Junior.

The comic launched back in 2015 and threw it we follow Lunella a 9 year old genius-

along with her prehistoric friend Devil Dinosaur.

As one of the smartest people in the Marvel universe Lunella loves to create inventions-

even though they tend to get her into trouble.

But Lunella is also more than just a genius- shes inhuman- with the ability to swap bodies

with her gigantic crimson dinosaur pal.

This series does not yet have an expected release date but it sounds pretty cool.

--And its that time of the week where I let you know what super cool awesome movies are

hitting the box office this weekend and we have: Game Night and Annihilation.

Alright lets start off with game night this movie is rated 14a and it's a comedy.

In this movie youll see- Jeffrey Wright- Jason Bateman- Rachel McAdams- Kyle Chandler and

Sharon Horgan among others.

And fun fact Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley Both co- wrote and co-directed this


In this movie Max and Annies weekly couples game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's

brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party- complete with fake thugs and fake federal


So when Brooks gets kidnapped its all a part of the game right?

But as the 6 uber competitive gamers set out to solve the case and win they begin to discover

that its actually not a game at all.

Over the course of one chaotic night the friends find themselves increasingly in over their

heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn.

Take a look Next we have- Annihilation.

This movie is rated 14a and it's a Sci-fi- suspense movie.

Alex Garland both Wrote and directed this movie.

This film has an intimate cast including- Natalie Portman- Jennifer Jason Leigh – Tessa

Thompson- Oscar Isaac and Gina Rodriguez among others.

This movie is based off of Jeff VanderMeers best-selling trilogy Annihilation.

In this movie we follow 4 women into an area known as Area X. the area is abandoned and

cut off from the rest of civilization.

They are the 12th expedition.

The other expeditions have been taken down by disappearances- suicides- aggressive cancers-

and mental trauma.

Heres a sneak peek And there you guys have it that's all the

stories I have for you today.

Thank you so much for watching.

Don't forget to show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up- hit that subscribe

button if you havnt already and ill see all of you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Teenage Boy Has Laid 20 Eggs Leaving Doctors Baffled - Duration: 6:18.


Pomodoro Technique - Best Time Management To Improve Your Studying And Productivity - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Pomodoro Technique - Best Time Management To Improve Your Studying And Productivity - Duration: 4:53.


How To Record Smartphone Screen From PC - Duration: 1:11.

Hello Everyone Welcome back to iSpecss

in today's video i am gonna be showing you how to record your smartphone screen from

your PC.

So before we Start up this video get subscribed to this channel and click on the bell icon

and never miss an other update from ispecss.

First Cast Your Smartphone to Your Computer, here is a card with link to the video to know

how to cast your smartphone screen to your pc,

check out that in case if you wanna know.

while your phone screen is broadcasting to your pc, open any screen recorded application

on your PC and record your PC screen, Here is an another card to know how to

record your PC screen without any third party applications.

Thats all

hit thumbs up if you found this video usefull and while your down there,subscribe to iSpecss

for more videos like this.

thanks a lot for watching.

have a great day.

For more infomation >> How To Record Smartphone Screen From PC - Duration: 1:11.


50 nombres argentinos para niños - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.

50 argentinian names for baby boys



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres argentinos para niños - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.


February Unboxing + Red Carpet Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 10:21.

Hi everyone! We are gonna do our February unboxing.

I'm Sarah, Director of Education, and I'm here with Michaeline who's gonna be giving me a red carpet makeover.

So, let's go through our February box. I'm gonna show you what's inside.

We have some goodies in here that I'm really excited to show you.

So first off, when you open this up, it is a movie theater because our theme is Old Hollywood!

In our insert...

This is really, really cool. We have some of the most beautiful, famous Hollywood legends

These beautiful women! And it has some of their skincare tips.

So it's really cool to be able to see that and we've partnered with Erno Laszlo

who is one of the iconic beauty and makeup lines started in the 1920s.

And really defined how women were starting to do their makeup and gave women an actual routine.

So this was a really big deal product back in the 1920s.

Erna Laszlo worked with all of these beautiful women like Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn

to create individualized skincare plans.

So exciting here, in your February box

You will get a sample of this product, and I think we're gonna use it on me today, too.

Yes! Can't wait.

So that's really exciting and then as you guys know you will be receiving your monthly subscription.

So you'll be getting your HUM vitamins

And I wanted to see... you said that you were familiar with HUM

And had taken some products. Is there one that you really, really like to take or what's your experience?

I've definitely taken the Red Carpet vitamins.

Because of course I'm always about like skincare

And you know making sure your skin is always photo-ready.

We live in a world where there's always selfies and behind-the-scenes

And I'm also taking the Collagen Love right now, too.

Awesome! And I wanted to just ask you a couple questions

I know that you are a makeup artist here in LA

Are there any beauty icons that you admire?

Maybe some of the ones we talked about... or who gives you inspiration?

Right now, I'm totally in love with Jennifer Lawrence's look. I don't know if you just saw her on the

Red Sparrow red carpet, but she looked just amazing.

She's always glowing, she always looks like she's having such a fun time

which is what I really like to see on the red carpet.

You know you want to have fun.

Is there a look that you did that you were most proud of?

Or... do you go bold or do you try and keep it classic?

I try and go somewhere in the middle.

I don't want to keep it too simple, but I don't want to necessarily...

Go completely over-the-top with it.

So I feel like somewhere in the middle gives someone a really nice, beautiful glow.

Still make them feel like themselves, but a little bit elevated

Yeah, I feel like a lot of it is you know making sure that you have a really nice face, really beautiful glowing skin.

So skin is really what's most important, it sounds like.

I think so. That's the first thing I feel that people see

After your smile, maybe.

And that's awesome because that's what we focus on at HUM

Beauty from within.

Because it starts from within and then the way that your skin looks, the way you're feeling also is really important.

Alright! Well, I'm really excited to go through this

I haven't had my makeup done like this since my wedding 2 and a half years ago, so I'm excited!

I'm really excited, so do your magic!

Let's get started!

I love starting with a clean face

So I'm just gonna put a little bit of toner on you

to get rid of any impurities, clean out your pores

And to close them

Excellent. I like having closed pores. Close them up!

Next thing I'm gonna do is

put on these eye gels

they're from Skyn Iceland and

They're fantastic. I actually use them this morning, too.

While those are soaking in, I'll go ahead and start your brows.

Do you ever fill your brows in?

Um, sometimes. But I don't feel like I do it well at all.

It's kind of just like a... hack job.

I'm just like...

So, you're going to a party tonight?

No, I'm going to a movie with my friend that's all about poop!

So I think it's fitting for me to beat glammed-out for a poop movie.

Is it a documentary?

Yes, it is. It's it's kind of like a bunch of comedians talking about poop.

Normally, I'll let the eye gel sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. You could even leave it on maybe a little bit longer.

We'll go ahead and take them off for now

Now, let's test out this Erno Laszlo serum

To me, serum is kind of like a vitamin

And moisturizer is food.

You definitely need to have food to live.

Kind of like a moisturizer.

But serum is just an added benefit to me.

So, I love using serums.

This feels so good.

This is the best day ever.

How does it feel?

It feels really good. It went on really smooth, and it doesn't feel heavy. It's very, very light.

That's awesome.

Just putting on a little bit moisturizer on top of that serum.

Another thing that I love using is this Becca Backlight Priming Filter

It gives the skin just a really beautiful glow

But I only like to necessarily use it on the sides of the face.

Am I beautiful yet?

I always get so confused with all the different like primers and highlighters...

It's just like a very confusing space to me. I don't know what to do with a highlighter!

I don't know what to do with like... I do know what lipstick is!

That's probably about it. The rest, I'm like... I don't know!

Right now I am using...

Cle de Peau Radiant Fluid Foundation in shade 030.

Now, I'm gonna take...

Cle de Peau concealer which is really a cult favorite.

And I'm just going to touch under your under eyes.

To start to blend any discoloration.

And also to help brighten under the eyes.

So, what is contouring?

Contouring helps give you a little bit more structure to the face especially if there's like a flash.

It won't just blow your entire face out. You'll feel a little bit more defined.

It will give you a little bit more cheekbone, a little bit more shadow

And then it will also help the highlight pop a little bit more.

So now I'm doing a little blush

Basically, what I did for your contour, highlight and blush

I used all cream based products first

And then on top of it I'm going to set it with more powder.

So what is... what is this? This is highlighter?

It's highlighter. I'm also gonna take a little bit

And put it in the corners of your eyes.

I love doing that trick. It helps open your eyes and brighten them.

So now we're doing the eye shadow?

Yes, I'm putting some more of a powder eye shadow on.

And we're doing it a little bit darker toward

the corners of your eye and also bringing it up.

That'll give the illusion of lifting your eye from the corner.

Now, I'm putting on some eyeliner.

This is a brown kohl pencil, and I think it would be really beautiful if we kind of smoked it out a little bit.

Sounds good to me.

I'm just doing a little mascara.

Love mascara.

So basically what I'm doing now is I'm just dipping the end of the lash into a little bit of eyelash glue

I'm gonna ask her to look down, and then I'm just going to gently place

The lash where the glue is right at her lash line

Okay now I'm gonna put on a little setting powder under your eyes.

I'll make sure everything is super blended.

And what does setting powder do?

Setting powder will make sure that the makeup stays and that it doesn't get...

That it doesn't look shiny or anything.

I don't really need any shine under your eyes, but I do want the makeup to stay.

We'll get a nice red lip to go with our Old Hollywood theme.

Now I like to use a lip pencil at the end to make sure that all the lines are adding up right.

Now that our eyelash glue is dry...

It feels good.

Feels good? Not sticking to any lashes?

No, it feels pretty natural!


I'm gonna do another coat of mascara just to make sure that the lashes look super natural and it looks like your own lashes.

Dun dun dun...


What do you think?

I love it! Because I look like myself still.


So I don't feel like I'm hiding anything.

It's just like everything pops.

Thank you guys so much for tuning into this video

Thank you for doing my makeup! Where can people find you if they want to learn more about you?

You can find me on Instagram. It's at @mickbeauty

Or my website is

If you guys like this video, go ahead and give it a thumbs up!

Comment below and make sure you're subscribed to our channel for the latest video updates!

For more infomation >> February Unboxing + Red Carpet Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 10:21.



and welcome to the first series of a week in my life I wasn't planning on

doing this today but tonight is a very special night so I figured why not start

the series of them a week of my life today I saw some youtubers doing it and

I'm like you know what this sounds nice it sounds like something I want to do

them just getting ready for my sister's engagement proposal thing I know we did

a whole engagement thing that you guys saw but that was like the more modern

way but the traditional way of getting engaged is happening tonight in our

culture where you get the two families and the uncles and aunts and all of them

come and they do it officially and look bald right now without lashes

I haven't won gloves and soul along if you like gloss is coming back one more

for good luck

oh my god how cute is this there's a little ringing here

try the wedding wedding

good morning I'm on my way to school it's Friday 8 a.m. and I cannot believe

that I have classes on Friday I actually have class every day Monday through

Friday at 8:30 a.m. how sucky is that but the good news is

is that I graduate this semester and I cannot wait I'm counting down the days

hopefully I have some time to go get me Starbucks though because this class is a

three hour long class so I need me some Starbucks

my classes at 8:30 takes me about 10 minutes to walk to class I have 5

minutes to get me a cup of coffee so I could survive the day

I'm putting two avocados in here this is how much I love avocados and I'm just

gonna be using this as a dip with carrots and broccoli tomatoes


I usually put green onions here but I didn't have any

I just got done doing my makeup very quickly I'm shooting a video today for

you guys can you guess what it is it's actually a hair tutorial I didn't

even use eyeshadow for this look are just used bronzer and lashes liner she's

here introduce you guys to de Brina we've been friends

excuse the makeup in this year we've been friends as sophomore year of high

school and still going strong so we're gonna be shooting a video and

she's helping me out so stay tuned alright guys so we're done shooting you

guys saw my hair no one's crazy curly so I showed you guys how I blow-dry my hair

and this is the final look what time is it let's see oh wait one since debris no

was so nice to help me out to shoot this we're gonna wash her hair maybe we

should give you a blowout do you want to blow out let me blow out your hair

alright guys so we're gonna wash the breena's hair and then and give her a

mini blowout so let's do this now this one is that the lighting here is bomb


hello I'm feeling myself here Mademoiselle would you like some tea

would you like some coffee okay would you like your legs up okay then go do it

yourself put it around your neck please ma'am

what kind of customer sir ma'am you're not going to the beach this is not how

they do it please do it properly

exactly okay well I guess if I have to I've never washed

get warm for you

okay I'm okay average I'm not a hairstylist by the way you guys don't

think I am it's a total kiosk for equipment for me

mm all right sasha is over you purchase the basic

plan so you don't get no deluxe em ma'am follow me to the station please

so what kind of hairstyle would you like basic okay

let's get to it I thought the first thing we're gonna do is spray some the

leave-in conditioner

good morning it's Saturday I'm gonna go get me some Starbucks basically

Saturdays for me is not all that interesting since I go to school five

days a week Saturdays is for me to catch up on work

and Sunday is is for me to catch up on homework so that's how I've been

spending my weekends and I feel like this is how I'm gonna be spending my

weekends for the rest of the semester till I graduate so yeah I'm just gonna

go get me some Starbucks and then head to the office catch up on all the work

and that's basically it I'll vlog some more if I do anything

else interesting but we'll see I hope you guys have a wonderful day so I got a

vanilla iced coffee the egg white yay - eating in the car always eating in the


this one is really bad and this thumb right here it was busted as well but

trying to work with what I have I don't want to put any fake nails on it so this

is how they look so far and we're gonna get to painting

it is 9 p.m. and we are at a coffee shop

he's the only one that is down to do coffee with me on a weekend real MVP

so we're teaching I like there but right now have a hard time

might take a minute alright do you do it

I think I already think and like I have a hard time I never do this but I don't

think I'm always like pumping pills help or anything

no yeah you're I don't ever say first time he says it's all natural and

there's nothing crazy so I trust and I have known him for a long time I feel it


so I'm doing juicing for breakfast my favorite juicing recipe is carrots

crafts lemon and ginger and it's super good for you a lot of people hate

juicing but I just love the way it tastes and the fact that I know it's

like good for you just make it taste even better

so for breakfast I'm having the juice that I just made a boiled egg and some

almonds good morning happy Sunday I'm part of your life I am your life relax

dianna I have another sister by the way but she's never on here do you want to

come to say hi on my channel you're never on my channel so people know that

you exist you heard that whatever goodbye gamma genoise are going to the

gym oh we're so cute that picture so that's my Sunday but this is my cousin

my lovely cousin okay well we just wanted to say hi here the Moldy was when

I won them all we're going to the gym okay bye guys

put it work work work work work work yami-yugi mark mark mark mark mark mark

get this up to dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt look like skrt skrt skrt skrt skrt

and I'm whipping work work work what what what

happy Monday so today nothing too interesting I just and I'm on my way to

school and then I'll be doing gym I'll be getting some work done and probably

get to editing my video for this week

there is nothing in here the one that I usually get is not here so I my gut I

don't like getting the first one well getting like getting the second one I'll

try this one out my brother is so smart he saw my sister use one of these from a

different brand and he's like isn't this the one that you wanted we'll try one of

these out deodorant check facial cleansing pad check Oh

Valentine's Day it's one of will you be my Valentine I

don't know you don't know what do you mean you don't know

who's your Valentine oh you say this looks like me

great tissues smell you want to help me carry them

check one of these and one of these gum check now it's his turn

I thought you normally get a brown one

check good job came for your own thing

so today is the day that I'm finally gonna cut my hair it's much needed I

haven't cut my hair in like two or three years and I hate cutting my hair because

it takes forever to grow but I feel like it's just it's time you know so we're

gonna cut a little bit I'm thinking long layers or no layers this is my dad by

the way you guys are in the Henderson Las Vegas area you should come to his

salon elegance salon and beauty supply he's been a hair stylist for literally

for four decades or 40 years 40 years so he knows what he's doing no I was cut to

a head like this very short no no all right so we're gonna go wash my favorite


I get so nervous every time I cut my hair

I'm only doing a little bit though because I have curly hair and I just

don't like curly hair when it's short and I'm trying for my hair to grow all

the way down I want my hair to be really really longer

I have layers in my hair right now but I want to get rid of them I want it all in

one length so we're gonna try to eliminate the layers but since I have

short layers I don't want to cut my hair too much to up to the short layers to

make it all in one land okay this is my short layer okay so I definitely don't

want to make up till I don't want to cut this much at all so it's gonna be a

progress the ppi nam in here cuz remember do one layer okay so that's an

L selected off without making extra layer stuff I will show you before I cut

it okay sounds good so yeah since I have a short layer in the front and I'm

trying to have it all in one Lance it's gonna be a progress to get it all in one

layer so we're gonna try to eliminate the layers slowly but it's gonna have to

be two or three more haircuts till I'm able to eliminate it this is good

yeah good I got my stuff talking I know I know it's okay that's fine nothing

more okay every four weeks six weeks do the same

absolutely not

looks much healthier let's see the hair on the floor so barely nothing and do

much which is good I'm happy my hair feels healthy and thick are you gonna

give me a blowout daddy-o Ball State or like run shit

let's go straight straight yeah holder straight

oh yeah I love it daddy oh thank you so much you guys need the best blowouts in

town just hit up Sam at elegance salon now my hair feels so

healthy I didn't cut too much look all the dead ends are gone obsessed

in love bye bye hair

the end of a week in my life I hope you guys enjoyed this new series if you did

give this video a thumbs up and I'll be sure to do more and if you're not

already subscribed please hit that subscribe button down below I would

greatly appreciate it thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my

next video



Coleção Masters da Louis Vuitton - Arte e Mercado - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> Coleção Masters da Louis Vuitton - Arte e Mercado - Duration: 15:11.


50 Argentinian names for baby boys - the best baby names - - Duration: 2:04.

50 argentinian names for baby boys



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 Argentinian names for baby boys - the best baby names - - Duration: 2:04.


Most Legendary Battle Rap Bars of All Time - Part 2 - Duration: 30:04.

Carey, leave him red, prom – my rhymes deeper

Chilla Jones strapped in C4; I'm a bomb schemer

Look, I'm at your crib strapped, chillin' with your boo, we in Ash Kash lovin' it

she d*mn near moved me in Heard the front door open, Charlie and his hooligans

Dump at 'em, he ain't get a chance to guess what room we in

I'ma kill D clear.

I declare war now. You from the school of hardknocks?

I am from the college of kicking doors down.

So you Magic right?

Well pick a card any card but that race cards a no go

I go hard, it'll look like they put the Sandlot dog in the yard with Todo

I got this from the boroughs to the burbs to the Hearts of Soho

With your bird pearched on my wood like the Cardinal's logo

my machete - disloyal, imma tell EM n*ggas why

cuz everytime i argue it always takes the other n*ggas side

a dozen roses, you thinkin' you blessed Note attached says "Secret admirer" she thinkin',

"Who dis?" I kick in the door, bust her a*s, the flowers fly towards you, you catch 'em

that means I'm (w)ringin' you next Don't f*ck wit me Nitty!

I'm bringin' two TECs MaC and Pro form a group and they singin' duets

You can lay low for some months but I'll catch up with you and shoot ya A Lima bean in a time machine,

I'll make you a vegetable in the future

You was battlin' Illmacs and Okwerdz and Passwurdz Rhymin' ventilators,

usin' generators, usin' mad words Then come to the URL and everybody "snow dat"

Snow what? Them weirdos f*ck with you, but so what?!

I had a threesome with Karma and Death In them graveyards you'll find plenty bodies

And if this MAC hit his hat He'll have enough cap room to sign anybody

F*ck a drive-by I'll do it on the hoverboard

I did a background check You known for getting your background checked

Be upfront and don't front You ain't checked a n*gga in my background yet

When the pressure's on is he gon' back down? Yes I will close fist back hand your biggest rap fan

But I ain't selfish n*gga, you gon' get smacked round next

You hear that click clack, get used to that sound Rex

I'm like a procrastinating pimp ever since I picked up this pistol

I ain't put my Mac down yet

I'm Mr. Incredible, filling the pavilion I put the boot on him like Sicilian civilians

Slit your wife throat, burn down the b*tch building

So when your princess died (Di') they don't find any prints (Prince) William


Catch me in a Maaazda.. I'm a mooonster Strap with a rocket, if I launch ya,

sh*t'll leave a big ol' space I'm talkin NASA OR Catch me in a sedan,

with the homie, his homie, his man Lookin' for a body to drop, no sports.. slugs'll hit center

That commentating'll put you in a box...


I'll do a Mexican dirty I'm desperado with the guitar case

I tie Clips to a chair, then smack him in the neck You gon' love the show

40 in DNA mouth, only thing left is the bucket though

You watchin', Charlie? Splat! Then that gun'll blow

I'll ray Charles, last thing he seen was his brother go

I pick your girl up, I'm a drop her on my f*ckin' bed

Lift my d*ck up and let it drop on her f*ckin' head

Punch her in the a*s til her booty cheek is f*ckin' red

Then make that b*tch wash and retwist every motherf*ckin' dread

Yo. Me And My bigger brotha. a n*gga had on some different colors.

I was on her like with that rag me

Talking that you popping heaters got me heated b*tch ima patsteam Cuz

How you lose to K-Shine, then move to they side?

That's a sad thing! Imma play the Bishop role, you can have King! I don't care if you wit yo b*tch!!

I'm gonna make a bad scene, grab weave, and pull her down the block...........

that's a Drag Queen!!!

This n*gga Tay trippin' n*ggas tried you before, but never Tay crippin'

I'll catch him outside, no need to dump the fifth in 'Cause the 32 clip'll be banging; Blake Griffin Listen,

this n*gga better stay in a rock place I rush more just to press a dent into Roc face

Hitman Holla vs Aye Verb, d*mn… that battle shocks me still

'Cause how you let a n*gga violate your father In front of you and not get killed?

See that couldn't have been, I woulda cocked the steel

And put it in his mouth so he can talk to my pops for real

You Are A Replacement Ref, You Don't Know Why You Throwin' That Flag Around

Lets get this clear this does nothing for me Just another pile in my funds

You got a lot of guns in your rounds I got a lot of rounds in my guns

That's killin' battle rap and robbin' the culture

You gotta stop this sh*t, face mask When I murder n*ggas, I leave 'em with no trace

You want your n*ggas to look they killa in the eye I rather you look your killa in his whole face

So you could remember the n*gga from the East Coast

That stripped you of your pride and your glory

Real n*ggas don't need a face mask I don't plan for you to live to tell your side of the story

our confrontation will be done Yo, bring that hearse round

Y'all gassed 'cause he slowing down lines? N*gga, you could slow my whole verse down

I can't front, this little corny act killing me A big MAC and two 9's, I could order that literally

Throwing bullets like it's my job I know the quarterbacks feeling me

These two 9's start flipping sh*t around the room I call these a pair of normal activities

Pulp Fiction

If I whip the piece, your family f*cked

Headshot your mom's sister

They gon' have to M-O-P your aunty up

Why would they put Scotty Slippin' to rap with Jordan?

Everybody in here know that my rap's important

But you wanna slow it down three times like smack importin'

I'll smack your gun, then step on the barrel like I'm Captain Morgan

I let the jammy blam, tools like a handy man, if you play the family man, spray up the family van!

I'll white pearly gates ya

n*gga I'll first 48 ya,

that second 40 starving

N*gga That's cause the first 40 ate ya.

shots, with your b*tch at the beach Like I created a surf bar

Or I'll give shots, shots, shots to everybody; that's a Surf bar

If he givin' shots to everybody, he just buyin' out the surf bar

Surf bar, google that! For those who ain't know, that's a Google fact

But that was so out of this world Some of y'all might just need Google Map

I'll search for him, then click on Surf; that's a YouTube app

The gun under the big T going bink bink biggity boo boop bap

Remember against A-Class when y'all was supposed to go 60 seconds, then on the day of the battle this guy switched it?

Then remember against Swave you had timed rounds But he said f*ck it and you wound up rhymin' for 9 minutes?

Then against me, this guy told Lush, "I'm rhymin' till I'm finished."

Then against me, this guy told Lush, "I'm rhymin' till I'm finished."

Which only proves further you got a problem with time limits

since he wants to talk about time Then we'll talk about time

when I roll up outside and hurt ya

But you're DNA, you never click-clack the burner You never commit the murder

See, I do what I want with the time limits I'll just extend them further:

this world's mine, I control time

That's why they call me the Prince of Persia

When I was in Rikers, you was in diapers,

I was in cyphers, rhymin wit lifers!

And you got the nerve to challenge me with subtle jabs Like you would't get f*cking dragged and f*cking bagged

Well, now I'm mad! and I can't get past it So I'mma catch your leaving Summer Madness,

talking to your f*cking ratchet Knife you at a red light Tell your b*tch you got stuck in traffic!

Play hide and go seek with yo friends. Count to Ten and he ain't never come back

Fans blinded by waves of lights, core spectrum Shocked I can outshine your floor essence (florescence)

Shocked I can outshine your floor essence (florescence)

The pen is mightier than the sword, but I bet a gun could change some things

Aim the thing, bang the thing, lights/Lyt's all over the wall,

I've seen Stranger Things

That non-stop choppa is my best HEAT, through a crowd through a bus through your vest even,

theyll be a whole lot missing from your neck region, put your face in your chest now you breastfeeding.

And if it come to the goons, its fruit of the loom, a tag for red apple and the grapes

AHAT to Smack in a year? I'm on a roll Miner

Norbes found a diamond in the rough, that means I'm cold (coal) Miner

I'm an old timer, January I'll be 34 in fact Let's get back to these name flips I wanna give you some more of that

Dig a hole in the middle of the forest, throw this man in the dirt

FBI will be looking for Miner (minor) like an Amber Alert

if the sum different I'm TS and you 'bout to take a Pun visit I will spare your life, but the trunk,

you 'bout to jump in it We got all night, Melvin Terrell Bryant This just early round blunt twistin'

I don't wanna hear about your big bags and your jar deals Mommy sniff coke, you pitch coke in the hard field

You seen me in your state You ain't in Newark where them cars squeal

I walk through Carolina so much I got tar heels

But since his man gave him the charge He's been on the low, dodgin' imprisonment

Hopin' it gets better, playin' Chris Webber Tryin' to forget that time out in Michigan

You can't spell brawl without putting that raw in it,

you can't spell draw without putting that raw in it.

If you heard I f*cked your mother I probably went raw in it

I analyzed your tracks and gave your vocals a listen No pun intended but essentially your Soul is just missing

You're the reason that this culture's in its lowest condition He thought "Immortal Technique" was a Yoga position

And if I smack him, it'll knock your f*cking eyes out of your skull He said "Yoga", but I don't even f*cking Mind, Body and Soul!


I'm really a Street Fighter I'm no liar, think Dhalsim, maybe that's cause I reach and spit fire

I keep a K in hand just to remind you not to play with Dan

The chopper will flip your V sideways to show you I'm greater than

We battled five years ago but somehow you look like even less of a youngin

So I'm guessing that Justice's government name is Benjamin Button

I am Benjamin Button with the cycle that I'm aging

So when I'm 50 I'll f*ck your daughter at her high school graduation

you trip I let them cans squirt I'm a battle rapper, but honestly, I'm a fan first

But don't get it twisted, cause when it comes to the streets I'm Altered Beast before the power up n*gga,

I'm a man first I should slap you 'til my hands hurt--

I should slap you 'til my hands hurt Then go upside yo' mama's head

Then slap you in front of psychic, she'll tell me my palms read (red)

Mmm, oh my god, stop f*cking lying!

You battle rap for the money, Beloved But just keep it a hundred, that's why this n*gga slippin'

You think we're in the same field financially? Okay, y'all, this n*gga trippin'

N*gga, listen, I know we're black brothers Both successful, but I'm on a bigger mission

Roy Rogers and Popeyes Our skin may look the same, but the chicken different

Holla Remember the one with the braids and the rope chain

The one that was willin' to kill anybody Not worried about no names

Not this Hollywood diva, punk, p*ssy-a*s ho lame

Whose hairline could be the before picture for Rogaine

Now you got everything to lose and no gain You gave me the shot so I'm takin' it…

close range

yoU Spanish right, well listen Pappi, let me let u know something, the scope on you

Im bout to end a Migo in the view (interview)like Joe Budden

Or The Lethal Beam, After The Shots I Flee The Scene. Arm Under My Shirt Looking Around Like I Stole Something

.44 Dumping, He Hit The Gas Bullets Blast Thru The Glass

(Sound Effect)

Sh*t Sound Like Stone Cold Coming

play and it's a homi Smooth Criminal, you know I took the angle for a body Stop it

Ain't no b*tch n*gga gon' play me 'Cause it'll be a wrap (rap) Wit two arms behind his back, like the old JC

N*gga, play then you'll get stretched, you from the gang then throw your set You vicelord, right?

Well I put you under the five, and bang it to the left

That one a let you down If you thought this "vice" verse a (vice versa)

kill me its gon' be the other way Around

it's comin' down to the drama hour I'll f*ck yo baby mama raw dog in yo' mama shower

I go to your dead grandpa's grave and spit on it Rip the plastic from your granny's white couch and sh*t on it

I'll have 50 n*ggas in your house shootin' dice, they poppin' all night Rip up your daughter's spellin'

test and that's the one she got 'em all right

Oh, you wanna brawl, right? B*tch n*gga don't even play yourself

I'll cut you into so many pieces your funeral will be on a conveyor belt

You make a mess

you gon have to pick Qleen (clean) up after yourself

I'mma make him choose between 0 and 30: gave him Durant options

See the youngster on his grind, I'm a monster with the nine

Gun with the beam, put it by him If I dump it, then he dying

It flash from his chin up like, 'Once upon a time'

I swear to God if I have to grip it, my whole crew shooting

And what's up with these n*ggas with struggle and gangsta bars?

These dudes clueless

N*ggas got shotties in their pants legs, deuce deuce in their boots but they move stup*d

I had the pack in my briefs, AR in my jeans

and I walk regular 'cause I'm used to it!

You'll get tossed, something without the pin: I don't swipe debit They say I got Lyt? F it, it's light effort

Despite Lyt effort, you couldn't check Mike, mic-checking a 1-2, 1-2 will leave your skull aired like you light-headed

You see the scope, Lyt? The scope light where Lyt head is You don't like Mike? The white light where Lyt headed

Get your life cut short,

I'm makin' a slight edit Cause the fo'-fo' surprisingly low like my credit!

n*gga even stole Brizz

I spot her,i pick her up by her thighs then , put her under my chin,cut her across the chest, it look like im playing a violin

if sh*t go further than f*ckin' rap

Snuff this cat, open up the trunk

you get stuffed in that A couple clap,

won't hear right when I buck the gat

I keep squeezin' till somethin' fly in his ear Like what the f*ck is that?

like you really out here with the tool and you be shooting If I'm looking for you, then get the moving

Get low first then I'm walking up right on a cave man

this is human evolution

covered bringing gun bars back

The streets talk, gotta keep watch Eaves drop from the tree tops Three shots,

bring your Reeboks cause I keep Glocks in my knee socks

Cheap talk in the T Dot gets you outlined in police chalk Bbb bbb chickaa bbb bbbb

Like a white guy trying to beat box

Tuck it all in your neck if it going off,I'll cut something and raise the arm on the Chef if he throwing salt

Cuz I load and snipe you, something bout the arm and salt,

n*ggas armed and bam - when I do that, you know it's going viral

That first sh*t "syke I lied" Charlie Clips sh*t was my biggest mistake

But you said some bout "hair on food" that let y'all know - boom - I'll leave your wig on the plate

This saga leave him holly but jaz started busting

I got the craziest flow, it's danger is slow I was born yesterday looks like I'll have to break through a p*ssy two days in a row

And you right, the sh*t is Super Mario

I first thought it was strange But n*ggas battle rap 'cause a good job is not in they range

And they don't wanna jump up to hit the block for some change!

Haters'll try to put your face on a bullet if they the jealous type

The best advice: she ain't your princess 'cause she let you pipe

Your boo gon' make moves behind your back, having sex at night

'Cause if y'all split, having 1 up on you will give her extra life

But the most important thing: love from these fans ain't unconditional

When there's much room from growth, they'll campaign and they stick with you

But when you get bigger, they'll do anything to belittle you


I'll tie something around ya neck & have you trying struggle to live forreal

Everybody got a gun but who gon' really pull it?- Mine might dump,

it'll lift Redd in the air like, that's my bike punk!

f*ck Trick Trick I'll give that n*gga a shotgun for real

Red Dots Hangin' Over Ave Like A Stop Light

bat across his chest like Bruce Wayne

I'll let a billion air and put him in 'da skies like Bruce Wayne

I'll break your legs, a bat'll cave in the mans shin like Bruce Wayne

all them fabricated bum a*s lines he said It ain't gon' equal up to this real sh*t

That gangsta sh*t he shouldn't try here Cause I'm keeping it real...

a n*gga could die here We brung them 9's here, you know them hammers is on deck

When them plane tickets was paid for and we ain't fly here

trippin', like, "N*gga f*ck yo' mic skills You'd rather buy a ticket to New York then sit here and pay this light bill?"

B*tch! I raise 'em all, I don't even know why I keep this ratchet They never went without food, clothes,

Halloween masks, Christmas sh*t or Easter baskets

I go to work, take them to the park, then hit the block just real lifein'

Then I ask you for some head and you talkin' 'bout you don't feel like it?

For more infomation >> Most Legendary Battle Rap Bars of All Time - Part 2 - Duration: 30:04.


Karachi Kings vs Quetta Gladiators Full Match Highlights - PSL 3 - 23 feb 2018 - Duration: 12:23.

Karachi Kings vs Quetta Gladiators Full Match Highlights - PSL 3 - 23 feb 2018

Karachi Kings vs Quetta Gladiators Full Match Highlights - PSL 3 - 23 feb 2018

Karachi Kings vs Quetta Gladiators Full Match Highlights - PSL 3 - 23 feb 2018

For more infomation >> Karachi Kings vs Quetta Gladiators Full Match Highlights - PSL 3 - 23 feb 2018 - Duration: 12:23.


Why We Never Got To See Wesley Snipes' Black Panther - Duration: 3:44.

Marvel has a new crown jewel with the massively popular and critically acclaimed Black Panther,

movie number 18 in the massive Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But if Wesley Snipes had gotten his way in the 1990s, his cinematic take on the comic

would have pre-dated them all.

The actor opened up to the Hollywood Reporter in January 2018 about his experiences trying

and failing to get a Black Panther movie off the ground.

Here's why he says it never happened.

Unshakable association

Snipes was first approached by Marvel for a Black Panther adaptation in the early '90s,

when he'd just arrived as a major force in Hollywood.

He says it didn't take much convincing to get him attracted to the project.

"It had cultural significance, social significance.

It was something that the black community and the white community hadn't seen before."

A major obstacle for Snipes and his collaborators was name recognition, and what the words "Black

Panther" meant to the average film producer in an era before comic book flicks were common.

While the Black Panther character had existed since 1966, so had the unrelated civil rights

organization with the same name: the Black Panther Party.


But the Black Panther character debuted months before the group was formed, and has nothing

to do with the organization or its politics.

The myth that they're linked has proven difficult to shake over the years, and was at the root

of Snipes' troubles getting the project going.

Director difficulties

Snipes brought the idea of a proudly Africa-centric Black Panther movie to Boyz n the Hood director

John Singleton, one of a few directors considered for the project, but ultimately hit a wall

when it came to Singleton's wildly differing vision ... which centered on the Black Panther


Snipes recalled,

"John wanted to take the character and put him in the civil rights movement.

And I'm like, 'Dude!

Where's the toys?!

They are highly technically advanced, and it will be fantastic to see Africa in this

light opposed to how Africa is typically portrayed.'"

Singleton envisioned the film as a story about a super-powered father butting heads with

his son over the politics of the Black Panther Party.

Ultimately, despite his disappointment, Snipes says he's now able to see the benefit in parting


"I love John, but I am so glad we didn't go down that road.

Because that would have been the wrong thing to do with such a rich project."

Bad reputation

At the time, the Marvel brand had only been used for a few movies — and they weren't


Marvel films of the era are notorious bombs.

So it really says something that Snipes courted the attention of some truly legitimate filmmakers

and screenwriters for Black Panther.

But Snipes says that the timing just wasn't right:

"Ultimately, we couldn't find the right combination of script and director and, also

at the time, we were so far ahead of the game in the thinking, the technology wasn't there

to do what they had already created in the comic book."

The 2018 adaptation, of course, doesn't share that burden, with the slick realization of

Wakandan technology Snipes was hoping to bring to the big screen way back in the early '90s.

"But I have never seen anything like this."

"How much more are you hiding?"

Moving on

Though Snipes stayed dedicated to Black Panther through the '90s, he eventually had to move


But he maintained his close relationship with Marvel, and successfully kicked off a different,

darker superhero franchise with 1998's Blade.

Snipes says the two characters are spiritually related.

"It was a natural progression and a readjustment.

They both had nobility.

They both were fighters.

So I thought, hey, we can't do the King of Wakanda and the vibranium and the hidden kingdom

in Africa, let's do a black vampire."

The movie's success would lead Marvel down a path toward starting their own film studio

— and we all know what happened next.

Far from bitter about his failed attempt at making Black Panther, Snipes says he's thrilled

with this incarnation of the Wakandan king:

"Even though I am not a part of this particular project, I support it 1000 percent, and I

am absolutely convinced that it will be a catalyst for change and open other doors and

other opportunities."

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For more infomation >> Why We Never Got To See Wesley Snipes' Black Panther - Duration: 3:44.


i will marry you meme (trollino, mike y timba) - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> i will marry you meme (trollino, mike y timba) - Duration: 0:39.


First Two Satellites Being Launched by SpaceX to Bring High Spee - Duration: 3:27.

First Two Satellites Being Launched by SpaceX to Bring High-Speed Internet to Everyone on


Elon Musk is behind the SpaceX rocket company, and he has been talking about plans for the

launch of a Spanish radar satellite on top of one of their rockets.

If things go to plan the Paz satellite aims to watch over the oceans around the globe

for ship traffic.

However, there is also another payload heading up into space, and this is two smaller satellites

that are a part of the plan of Musk to bring high-speed internet cover to everyone on Earth.


Starlink Project Will See 4,425 Broadband-Internet Satellites Sent Into Space Eventually

The project is Starlink, and the scale of it is incredible.

In the years to come, Musk is hoping to launch 4,425 broadband-internet satellites that will

be interlinked into space where they will orbit about 700 to 800 miles above Earth.

He also plans on sending 7,500 spacecraft into lower orbit.

In total, this is almost 12,000 satellites, which is double the amount of satellites that

have been launched in history.

SpaceX did not give much away about their plans since they unveiled them in 2015.

Despite this public documents have been revealed on a regular basis quietly due to the fact

that Musk needs the Federal Communications Commission approval.

The FCC documents were made public, and in November SpaceX was given permission for the

launch of Microsat-2a and Microsat-2b, two experimental spacecraft so that the company

could test out their space-based internet.

Mission Was Postponed a Day Due To Wind-shear The mission is setting off from the Vandenberg

Air Force Base at 9: 17 am ET on the Falcon 9 rocket, and this is a day later than what

had been originally planned.

On Wednesday SpaceX was concerned about the weather due to the high winds that would have

messed around with the steering of the rocket, so it was postponed until Thursday.

Musk said in a Tweet that the high altitude wind-shear had exceeded the 2% load.

He said that this was only a small amount but that it was better to be safe and the

launch would be postponed.

SpaceX is in part using a reusable first stage rocket booster that they had used in August

and recovered.

However, SpaceX did say that they were not going to try to recover Falcon 9s first stage

following the launch.

The Paz satellite should be deployed around 11 minutes following the launch, but there

was nothing said about the time frame of the smaller satellites.

There is going to be a live video feed that starts 15 minutes before the launch is due,

which should begin about 9 am ET on Thursday.

For more infomation >> First Two Satellites Being Launched by SpaceX to Bring High Spee - Duration: 3:27.



Hey guys!

Today I'm going to show you.

Well, wait.

Can you guess what I'm going to be making today?

If you guessed a cat, then you're right.

Let's get started.

This project is great if you don't have a lot of clay.

I'm going to be using granite color

because it kind of looks like a cat's fur.

Purple and black, and a dotting tool.

Let's get started.

First, let's start with the body.

You're going to start by rolling a ball.

Do do do do do.

And then,

making the neck

by making a tear drop,

but make sure you don't flatten it out.

Remember, you can always change the size too.

Now let's make the little feet.

I'm going to start by rolling out two small balls

for the front legs.

What you're basically going to be doing the same

as you did to the body,

except it should look something like this.

And be a lot thinner and smaller.

Now, make sure you have your body to measure

how big you want it.

My paws are a little too big.

So, what you do if it's too big, is rip of the end

and roll it out again.

And I like to attach it on from the back.

Now let's do the two little back legs.

I'm going to do the same thing as I did with the front legs.

Add on the little back paws,

so it kind of looks like he's laying on his back.

We're going to make the tail, and like earlier,

just do the same exact thing.

Except, I'm going to flatten it out a bit.

So it looks something

like this.

Now let's make the head.

Grab your clay.

Ooo wee.

And you're going to roll a ball,

but make it kind of like an egg.

Again, make sure you measure it with the body.

Looks like a nice size to me.

And now, let's do the eyes.

Take your dotting tool, and just imprint two dots.

Take your clay.

Two very small balls.

Try to put it in the eye.

Take your dotting tool again, and flatten it out.

That way it actually stays in.

Now, for the nose what you do is

just make a tiny little ball

and roll it out a bit.

Now lets make the little ears.

All you got to do is roll out another ball,

or two,

and make a triangle.

Find the perfect place to put it on,

and there's your head.

Then all you're going to do is place it on the body.

Now, this will be the tricky part,

and that's getting the head and body to stay together.

So just turn it over, take your dotting tool,

or whatever tool you're using and just flatten it out a bit.

Smoothing it together slowly.

Doesn't need to look perfect,

because this is the back side of it,

nobody's really going to notice.

Now, if you want to add a bit of more cuteness,

let's make a little heart.

Just take a ball of clay, roll it out a bit.

Turn it so it kind of looks like a U

and point the tips.

Now, this can be kind of hard, especially 'cause it's small.

And my clay is really soft.

But remember, it doesn't need to be perfect.

So take your cat, just put the heart right between his paws.

Now, it's time to bake him.

It should say on your box, or package

how long to bake it for.

For me, its 270 degrees for 12 minutes.

Well guys, I hope you enjoyed.

And if you want to know how to make these cute cat ears

the video will be right here.

So go check it out.

Don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe.


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