Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

And to tell us more about what we can expect in regards to talks between the two Koreas,

as well as between the U.S. and North Korea,...

Dr. Woo Jung-yeop, a research fellow at the Sejong Institute,... joins us

in the studio today.

Welcome to the program Dr. Woo.

Good to be here.

1- So to start us off... a meeting between Ivanka Trump and Kim Yong-chol ended up

not happening.

Why so?

2- But like we heard earlier, on Sunday, Kim Yong-chol expressed an openness to talks with

the U.S.

What can we make of this?

What could be North Korea's intention behind such an offer?

3- Now the U.S. has responded cautiously to the possibility of

talks with North Korea,... saying it would first see whether Pyongyang puts de-nuclearization

on the table.

4- Let's shift our focus over a little bit to inter-Korean talks.

President Moon and Kim Yong-chol met for talks on Sunday,... just hours ahead of the closing

ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

Tell us more about this unannounced meeting.

5- There are questions over what kind of "card" Kim might have brought to the meeting.

Do you think Kim Yong-chol had another message delivered to President Moon from Kim Jong-un?

6- What about the postponed joint military talks between Seoul and Washington?

7- And on Sunday, South Korea's unification ministry said that it will make efforts to

hold further talks with North Korea as the Olympics helped revive momentum for inter-Korean


So when can we expect the inter-Korean summit to take place?

8- Meanwhile U.S. President Donald Trump said Friday that the U.S. had leveled its (QUOTE-UNQUOTE)

"heaviest sanctions ever" against Pyongyang.

What impact would such sanctions

have on

North Korea's shipping and trading abilities.

9- The timing of this announcement of the sanctions was also

interesting considering that the U.S. has announced this right before Ivanka was to

cross paths with Kim Yong-chol at the closing ceremony

for the Olympics.

10- And if the new sanctions don't succeed in curtailing North Korea's aggression,...

Trump said a "phase two" could be the next step.

What's this "phase two," and what can we expect on this front?

11- And the Trump administration has been preparing to expand interceptions of ships

suspected of violating sanctions on North Korea.

How would South Korea go about joining this plan, and what impact would


actions have on inter-Korean relations?

Thank you

for your insight today.

My pleasure.

For more infomation >> All eyes on talks with N. Korea after PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 12:10.


Peace virgin by RetGat - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Peace virgin by RetGat - Duration: 1:55.


South Korea praised for hosting successful PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:11.

There was some concern ahead of the PyeongChang Olympics.

The extreme cold, some Olympians worried about security... and at the last minute arranging

for North Korea to send its athletes and officials.

But as our Lee Ji-won reports, the overwhelming majority of visitors and spectators say the

Games were a success.

Here's a look at some of the highs and lows.

From tears of joy, sighs of disappointment to exhilarating excitement.

The past 17 days of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics were packed with incident and raw


Now that the event is over, many are looking back at their February in South Korea's alpine

town of Pyeongchang and the sub-host city of Gangneung.

Many commented on how it was a huge success.

"I have been to 16 Olympics, winter and summer, and I thought this was one of the best ones

I've been to in terms of organization, logistics, the quality of the infrastructure.

You want to be as easy as possible to move around and to enjoy the games."

The friendliness of the locals and volunteers was also praised.

"We've been really impressed by how nice all the locals have been to us, especially patient,

because we don't speak any Korean, and even with the very wide language barrier everyone's

been really accommodating."

Of the many highlights was North Korea's participation in the Games.

While the decision and process was initially controversial, people say these exchanges

prove the Olympics is more than just a sporting event.

"Not just bold, but I think it's sent a message to the world and there's really only one place

that could do that and that is here in South Korea and here in Pyeongchang.

A lot of people say that's politics hijacking the games, no actually, this is a not a story

about politics, this is a story about people."

The bone-chilling temperatures during the Games was a major concern and it caused a

number of snow events to be postponed.

But journalists who've covered numerous Winter Olympics say cold is not a problem for winter


"Olympics are so big, there are always going to be issues.

In terms of the weather, it was very cold the first week, but in a way, this is the

Winter Olympics, they are supposed to be cold."

Visitors also suggested room for improvements.

"I think they should've taught English to most of the work force because I don't speak

Korean and as a foreigner it was hard for me to get information."

"It wasn't that expensive to book a place to stay, but I came here to watch numerous

events on different days... and there weren't many vacancies."

With the general consensus that the PyeongChang Olympics were a success, many visitors said

one of the best legacies of the Games is that South Korea "took a step forward in presenting

itself" to the world and the world got to know Korea better as well.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News, Pyeongchang.

For more infomation >> South Korea praised for hosting successful PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:11.


1 Simple Reason To Never Use A Slider On Your Church's Website | Pro Church Daily Ep. #043 - Duration: 9:10.

For more infomation >> 1 Simple Reason To Never Use A Slider On Your Church's Website | Pro Church Daily Ep. #043 - Duration: 9:10.


The new Mercedes-Benz A-Class 2018: Winter Testing Sweden - Duration: 2:29.

I'm Betty.

Currently I'm in Sweden

as a test engineer.

We're at the proving ground Arctic Falls,

where we're testing the cars in winter conditions.

Here we benefit from

snow, ice and freezing temperatures

that enable us to really take the cars to their limits.

Winter testing is important,

because a car needs to operate properly under conditions of cold, snow and ice

in order to safely drive the customer to its destination.

At exactly 07.30 a.m., we arrive at the garage

to meet the drivers responsible for endurance testing at night.

Afterwards we have our own topics.

Each of us is responsible for specific parts of the car

that need to be tested.

For example, I am responsible

for anything that concerns the body of the doors,

the rear door,

and also the intake of air.

Which means that I'm also the link

to aeroacoustics and aerodynamics.

Cars that don't take part in the endurance tests

here in Sweden

are usually kept in a cold chamber over night.

This enables us to conduct a so-called body-check in the morning.

Those colleagues responsible for topics concerning the engine

carry out cold starts from the cold chambers, testing whether

the engines start smoothly at freezing temperatures

and how the engines start.

With the intake of snow we test

how much snow actually gets into the intake passage,

the air filter.

In order to make sure that

– in case of clogging or icing –

we can eliminate problems with the engine.

I always come back from testings satisfied

when we had problems and were able to solve them.

But especially when my colleagues and I

drive home happily.

For more infomation >> The new Mercedes-Benz A-Class 2018: Winter Testing Sweden - Duration: 2:29.


【Kman夾娃娃】究竟是什麼狀況?讓Kman差點破口罵出來....【海賊王】公仔。可亞拉。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#257 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> 【Kman夾娃娃】究竟是什麼狀況?讓Kman差點破口罵出來....【海賊王】公仔。可亞拉。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#257 - Duration: 1:10.


U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.

North Korea says it's willing to talk with the U.S. -- that message was relayed through

South Korea's presidential office.

But it takes two parties to start a dialogue, and the United States is once again insisting

that talks can only happen once the North has made a solid commitment to abandon its

nuclear weapons program.

Lee Seung-jae tells us more.

It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only

under one condition.

The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's

willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.

It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear

and missile programs are a dead end.

However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk

is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.

This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...

stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with

the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the

PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...

President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to

improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on

the Korean Peninsula.

The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations

between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.

Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors

for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the

U.S. and North Korea back to talks.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.


Одесский юмор! Прикольные анекдоты про женщин! (26.02.2018) - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Одесский юмор! Прикольные анекдоты про женщин! (26.02.2018) - Duration: 0:26.


Mă cunoaşteţi? | Miriam Rus & Bydy Popa (Trailer 3) - Duration: 0:42.

It's mega awesome to be the coolest girl of the school.

But it's more awesome to be the coolest guy... when you can impose.

All the girls want to be in my company.

Of course, I have selected taste.

And maybe I can teach those nerd girls in the 10th grade what it means, at least for an hour,

how it is to be as chic as Miriam Rus.

And maybe Bogdan Stan learns too, not to mess with Bydy.

Otherwise, it won't be good.

For more infomation >> Mă cunoaşteţi? | Miriam Rus & Bydy Popa (Trailer 3) - Duration: 0:42.



Hello, everyone.

Today I will tell you about the Night Fury.

I'm not gonna tell you what you already know.

For example, that Fury is the product of death,

that Toothless is the only known member of this species.

And so on.

You already know everything.

Today I want to talk about some unknown

facts (because I have the TORGNIR's lost diaries)

and also about their guesses.

For example, why does Fury have teeth that are drawn into the gums?

Why would he?

To show their friendliness?

But why do this dragon show his benevolence,

and to whom?

And can be after all simply smile.

Therefore, I do not understand why evolution gave the dragon

such a feature.

But in the TORGNIR's diaries there's something about it

and in the end of the video I'll tell you about it…

But I'll start with some features of the body.

For example, we all know that Night Fury is a very

fast and maneuverable dragon.

But why?

Stormcutter is the fourwings dragon.

But the Fury has also 4 wing, they're just a little less

are a little behind the main wings.

But it's better like Stormcutter .

After all, each type of wing performs its task.

For example, the main wings of the Night Fury is very large

relative to the proportions of the body

body – they are responsible for the speed and planning of the dragon.

But the second wings help Fury to maneuver in flight,

to hang vertically in the air and to stabilize

its position.

A tail flaps allow the dragon to sharply change the direction

of flight and also stabilize its position – so

it can not fly without them.

The Night Fury is a fast and maneuverable dragon because he has 4 wings

and two tail flaps.

Fury has 8 ears.

But only two (the biggest) are the same

ears as ours.

He hears the usual sound by them.

But the rest of the ears are special.

They catch high and low frequencies of ultrasound

and infrasound.

Some ears like the sound of catch I cannot answer.

But, most likely, the upper ears are designed

for ultrasonic vibrations, and the lower and short

for infra.

So the dragon can catch any sounds of nature.

Now I want to tell you about claws of the Night Fury.

I rather that he doesn't have claws...

He certainly has something on the feet.

But it's not the claws.

I'd call them fingers.

I will explain why.

The claw is a corneal formation of cutaneous origin

on the phalanx of the finger.

The claw is a process that is very often dead.

And no creature on earth can bend its


And look what does Toothless do?

He bends the claw ...

because it's not a claw.

It is a finger with two phalanges, of which the inside is

a joint.

It is possible that at first the Fury had claws.

But they evolve and soon turn into fingers.

So, what kind of dragon is the Night Fury?

Why do we know Toothless only?

Where are the rest Furies?

Interestingly, the records of the TORGNIR have the following


Now I will give you a literal translation from the ancient viking's language.

"When I finally reached this island in a week,

I was already late.

The Berserkers came to the island before me – what I saw

was terrible - they exterminated all the dragons on the island.

And I saw they caught and put in a cage dragon,

which I had not seen before

– dragon all sparkled and it seemed that will begin to let

the lightnings.

But it was just a feeling.

After all, dragons can't make lightning.

Only the great THOR is capable of that.

And when I left the island, I noticed little baby


Their was 4.

They were still quite small, black with big

green eyes.

And Yes, they had no teeth at all.

What kind of dragons are they?

They must find it difficult to survive in nature.

I took them with me.

Unfortunately, I couldn't save them.

Three days later, I fell into the trap of the Berserkers,

and I had to let them go – I left them in the woods.

They are small and defenseless and they certainly could not


I'm willing to bet that it was a Night Fury.

And, it seems that the Night Fury teeth begin to erupt

only in adolescence.

And two of the Furies definitely survived: the Toothless of Hiccup and Nibbler,

who fights in the tournament.

And it is possible that there is still the Furies

on earth.

A faithful record Torgnir and my assumptions or not – we will

know in the third part of the How to train your dragon.

Do you want to learn a lot about other dragons,

go to the play list UNKNOWN DRAGONS

and watch the tournament, where the NIBBLER is fighting.

Soon the finals of the tournament.

Well that's it for today.

In the next video, I'm going to tell you about the Screaming Death...

and I bet I'm going to tell you something

you didn't even know.

See you later.

For more infomation >> UNKNOWN NIGHT FURY / NEW TOOTHLESS? - Duration: 5:49.


BERSERKER MTL RDA l by Alex VapersMD & Vandy Vape l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ 🚭🔞 - Duration: 16:48.

Again this tremor in hands, tremor in voice and certain uncertainty

Certain uncertainty...I can say like that.

Everytime when you do a presentation of a new device of your own, you are always uncertain how people will perceive it

What will reviewers say about it and what kind of opinion eventually will people have

I'm always very worried at such moments, that is why i will gladly read your comments below this video

So folks, let's not delay this exciting moment and let's roll. Intro...

Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today i will tell you about my new RDA, that i made in cooperation with Vandy Vape

Friends, this is this is a continuation of the line of Berserker MTL

This is Berserker MTL RDA

Single coil RDA with familiar posts, very deep juice well, with hot swap of airflow tubes feature, airflow adjustment options, top fill and also this RDA can easily work with squonk mods

it was made to be quite compact - only 18mm in diameter, but there were own reasons for it

Initially this RDA had 3 variants, and all of them was 22mm in diameter

They had different airflow adjustment, possibilities of change the airflow and other good features and options which i can't show you right now, since it's possible that we will use them in our other devices

In one RDA i didn't like the adjustment, in second RDA i didn't like the swap of the airflow tubes and in third i didn't like the noise this RDA produced

But one of the main cons, that all three of these devices has - it is minimal amount of flavor

So in the end there was made a decision to change the diameter of this RDA down to 18mm to reduce the chamber, to get correct flavor with MTL draw

And you know, in my opinion we are succeeded

Friends, i will not be delaying the moment of close up to show you massive kit and tell you how to launch this RDA

Let's dive down

Okay friends, let's get to the unboxing. I won't be focusing on the package since it's standard

And all of the kit contents we have on the desk

So in the kit we have an RDA itself

24mm decorative ring

22mm decorative ring

Coil correction tool for more convenient coil installation

That famous blue screwdriver. It must be here.

Allen key for squonk pin installation

Screw for negative post *note on the top - this is a screw for negative post*

Two spare post screws

Delrin top for drip tip since the drip tip is composite

Spare o-rings

Swappable airflow tubes

Pre-made coil, QC pass and User Manual

And now let's talk about specs. This RDA is made of stainless steel and available in 4 colors - steel, black, gold and rainbow

It have a slot for 510 drip tips, top cap for convenient refill, familiar posts for single coil installation, 6 swappable airflow tubes that is made of heatproof plastic with different holes and diameters

You can swap them when you have coil and cotton installed

Also airflow can be adjusted by turning the barrel

Juice well is 12.8mm deep

Main diameter of RDA is 18mm, but in the kit we have 2 decorative rings - 22 and 24mm

And now it's time for a detailed look and as always we start from the top

On the top we have 510 with heat sink, also this drip tip is composite and we have ultem cap

Top part is removable and its unscrews counter clockwise

You can easily swap it do delrin cap that we have in the kit

As i said it's 510 drip tip, it have 2 o-rings and inside it's cone shaped, the bore diameter is 3mm

Next we see the top cap which is for top fill. It have a knurling for convenient removing

Removing is easy and in the same moment it holds good due to correctly selected o-ring

On the inside it's cone shaped, which should positively affect the flavor

And of course you can install any of your favorite 510 drip tips into that slot

Next we see a perforated barrel. In it we have airflow holes - about the same amount as Berserker RTA, but one more (it's 6 holes)

So, it's 0.8mm, 1mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm and 2mm

And by turning this barrel you can adjust the airflow

This barrel is holds on 2 o-rings which is on the deck

And now let's talk about the deck itself. In here you can see a familiar posts, that was in Berserker MTL RTA, both in 24 and 22mm versions, with special walls for convenient coil installation and phillips head screws

I think you noticed those 2 big holes that we have in the deck. In these holes you will be inserting your airflow tubes

The airflow tube is look like so. One side have a hole for getting the air and in center it have a hole for blowing the coil. On the opposite side it's just blank plastic

As i said before in the kit we have 6 of these tubes with various holes and diameters

Okay, the smallest hole is 1.2mm

Next hole is 1.4mm

Third hole is 1.6mm

And fourth hole is 2mm

Also there is 2 non-standard tubes - one with 3 holes 1mm each and a stripe 3*0.5mm

So yes, friends, in here you have a lot of options to adjust the airflow and you can experiment as much as you want

Okay, let's see how the airflow tube is being inserted

Like i showed you there is two large through holes in the deck and you can insert this tube inside by a simple motion of the hand

Now it's Installed and centered and the tube sits in its groove

One side is blank and other side have a hole for getting the air

And now let's look how the deck look from the top. As you can see these holes are asymmetrical, it was made on purpose so it's be possible to fill the juice

Accordingly, when you have installed coil in here in the center will be the cotton. So you will be filling juice in both of these corners

Pay attention - this juice well is not divided, but it have slight deepenings for larger capacity

So when you fill it on one side, the juice will get to the other side

Also on the bottom we have sort of bridge, it is for spit-back protection while squonking. This is my sort of feature which i will be using almost in all of my RDA's

On the bottom it look like so. In here it's written Berserker MTL RDA, my logo, certificates, serial number and date of production and a line which says that manufacturer is Vandy Vape

Gold-plated screw that holds negative post and pin that holds positive post

This pin is adjustable. And in case it won't be long enough for you - you can unscrew it a bit

And if we continue unscrewing it, we will be able to install squonk pin

By unscrewing external pin we getting access to the main screw which holds positive post. We will also have to unscrew it

And after we will be able to install the squonk pin with allen key from the kit

In that simple way we are installing the squonk pin in this RDA

Okay friends, now we can use this RDA on squonk mods

This is good~

Moving forward, let's finish with a kit. In the kit we have 2 decorative rings - one is 24mm in diameter, other is 22mm in diameter

And it's pretty simple to use them - you will need one of them, depends on what diameter your mechanical mod or box mod is

Put that decorative ring on the bottom part of the RDA and after that screw the RDA on the box mod or mechanical mod

This is how it will look at box mods that is fit 22mm diameter atomizers

For understanding the size - at the left hand is Berserker 24mm and at the right hand is Berserker MTL RDA

Well, i think we saw enough so it's time to and launch it. Let's install the coil

The sequence of actions is important. Firstly - install the coil and glow it and after that you can insert the airflow tube

To prevent the plastic tubes from damaging by glowing coils

But friends, I can assure you - it's heatproof plastic and when you use the RDA as intended nothing's gonna happen to it

But when you glow the coil and temperature of it rise to the maximum - in that case even that heatproof plastic might not endure it

So again - install the coil, glow it and only after this insert the airflow tube

Okay folks, let's get to the coil installation. I will use the fused clapton coil from a kit

Also this wire can be purchased separately and it's named Superfine MTL Fused Clapton Wire

This wire is made by Vandy Vape, on the top it have parameters, so you can build a fused clapton like this by yourself

This wire is made of Nichrome

For a start let's unscrew the screws

Inner diameter of kit coil is 2.5mm, but i will add one more wrap

So in the end we got 6 visual wraps

And now is one of the important moments - we will install the coil the way that leads will be on top and the coil itself on the bottom

After that place the leads in those grooves and tighten it with screws

Now correct the coil and bend the leads into those notches on both sides

And cut it

Now let's glow it

After the glow is done we need the airflow tube

You know, i have 2 favorite airflow tubes that i like the most in terms of draw and flavor - the tube with the smallest hole and tube with oval-shaped hole

So i will be using a tube with oval-shaped hole

Let's insert it. As you can see on one side we have insulator - insert it from this side - that will be way more comfortable and it will sit more even

Some tubes inserts a little tighter, but by applying a little force you will succeed

And here you might need a Coil correction tool which is also included in the kit

That's written on the back of it: Coil correction tool

As you can see it's angled for convenient manipulation with the coil. On one side diameter is 3mm, on the other it's 2.5mm

After you've installed the coil, glowed it and inserted airflow tube you can lower the coil closer to the airflow to have like 1mm between them

Now i'm totally satisfied with the coil and it's time to put some cotton

I'm using standard Koh Gen Do cotton. I peeled off the upper layer and now it's ready

And now regarding the amount of cotton and how much we should left of it - i think that this will be enough

I'm eyeballing it, but to clarify - it's going down to like second o-ring

Friends, don't try to stuff a lot of cotton - otherwise you will not have a juice well. So a lot of cotton in this RDA is completely unnecessary

And now i'll do something for the first time, since i don't like doing it - i will thin the cotton and by doing so i will reduce its amount and size

I think that amount is enough. No more tortures on it

Now just put the cotton inside the juice well in standard way

Pay attention - on one side cotton is blocked all the holes, but we will shift it after saturation

Right now, when we saturate it, a little bit of juice can get into the airflow. I suggest you to insert the airflow tube in the latest moment. Well maybe after you've adjusted the position of your coil

So to prevent juice getting into the airflow we move the airflow tube to the side and now we can to fill it with no problems even in this barbaric way

Great. Now let's get back the airflow tube in place

And now just shift the cotton a bit to drip into the juice well with no problems

I can say, friends, this RDA holds up to 20 drops. I was experimenting and it's 20 or 21 drops with dry cotton

You can freely drip on either sides

Also this RDA is having sort of leak-proof system - it didn't leaked even once out of airflow, so you can fill it to the edge and it will not leak through the airflow

After this we will need the barrel. Match it with airflow hole

I selected the second hole, it have optimal draw for me

Keep in mind that airflow tube should sit flush with the deck, otherwise you'll be unable to put on the barrel

As you can see i did it from the first try. And i think it's time get back to face-time, vape it and speak a little bit

Final resistance is 0.78Ω, power is 13.5W - it will be enough

So thanks for your attention in close up, let's roll

It is what it is friends

It works and it's capable of giving proper MTL draw - both loose and tight draw

And for those of you who is going to ask what's this box mod - it's Series B powered by DNA75 from Jac Vapor

This mod is made in England, it might be said it's high-end, and later i will definitely make a review on it

But let's talk about RDA itself

I think this RDA come out quite universal. You can freely use it on box mods, also you can easily use it on squonk mods since it have BF pin

By the way, RDA with beauty ring that is 24mm diameter, is gonna look like so

Fit of this squonk mod is 24mm and i think it looks not bad

But we're moving forward. Also you can use this RDA on mechanical mods that is 22 and 24mm in diameter with no problems

It's looks so-so. Not for everybody, as the saying goes.

And of course you can use this RDA on Ego-style mods with diameter 18mm and 19mm

This Ego-style mod is made by Joyetech and this RDA works perfectly with it

So friends, that's how this RDA looks on different mods. But there is another moment that we tried to achieve

And that is hot swap of airflow tubes feature

in order for you to be able to swap the airflow tube even with installed coil and cotton inside and try this RDA with other type of draw or airflow

For that you just need to take off that barrel and it's no matter if you have beauty ring installed or not

Take the airflow tube from the kit and just insert it inside and replace the previous one

After that put on the barrel, match the hole of the airflow you need and vape

And you know, you get different experience with different airflow tubes - different draw and flavor is changing a bit

And here you have a field for experiments

Overall friends, i have many things that i could have told you, but there is one moment that i want to show you

It is how to refill this RDA if you don't use squonk mods

You just take off the top cap, and in that simple way you drip the juice inside. This RDA accommodates up to 20 drops

Total capacity of juice well with no cotton inside is 1.2ml of e-liquid

And after you done dripping, put the top cap back and continue to vape

That's how we roll, friends

Okay, we're going to finalize this review

I want to say big thanks to Vandy Vape

I really like working with this company. They are great, they are the top

They do everything like a Tsar and it's a pleasure to have a business with them

To you friends - big thanks for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or not(да-yes/нет-no)

And now Alex is announcing the giveaway which is for CIS countries

So while you are waiting for the final part - leave a comment - do you like the review/subtitles or just leave your opinion on this video

Also share the news that now subtitles are available with your friends

That's it friends

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Alex from VapersMD and Berserker MTL RDA was with you

We'll see you soon and poka poka

Oh yeah, i totally forgot to tell you about the price of this device. The price is gonna be about the same as all other devices from Vandy Vape

So search it in Chinese online stores and wait for it in your local vape shops

One more time - poka poka everybody

For more infomation >> BERSERKER MTL RDA l by Alex VapersMD & Vandy Vape l ENG SUBS l + РОЗЫГРЫШ 🚭🔞 - Duration: 16:48.


Sridevi Heart Attack Ki Problem Nahi Thi ? श्रीदेवी का निधन - जानिए क्या कहा Sanjay kapoor ने ? - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Sridevi Heart Attack Ki Problem Nahi Thi ? श्रीदेवी का निधन - जानिए क्या कहा Sanjay kapoor ने ? - Duration: 2:01.


North Korean delegation attends Olympic closing ceremony - Duration: 2:21.

North Korea's delegation led by general Kim Yong-chol attended the closing ceremony of

the PyeongChang Winter Olympics on Sunday,... and the Blue House said that President Moon

and Kim met for talks just hours before the closing ceremony.

Although the talks proved to be somewhat positive as North Korea showed its willingness to talk

with the U.S.,... Kim and his delegation's presence was highly controversial.... as Kim

Yong-chol is suspected of having orchestrated two deadly attacks on South Korea in the past.

Our Ji Myung-kil starts us off.

North Korea's eight-member high-level delegation entered South Korea on Sunday for a three-day

trip... led by General Kim Yong-chol.

They attended the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

Kim is a key official in the North's ruling party in charge of handling inter-Korean affairs

who's stirred controversy with his links to multiple attacks on South Korea.

During his time as military intelligence chief... he is accused of masterminding two attacks

on South Korea,... the first being the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan in 2010,

in which 46 sailors were killed,... and the second, the artillery attack on Yeonpyeong

Island in 2010, which killed two civilians and two marines.

His inclusion in the delegation has caused outrage in some quarters.

However, Seoul's unification ministry said responsibility for the Cheonan incident cannot

be definitively laid on Kim... despite the fact that he led the North's spy agency at

the time.

Conservative groups including lawmakers from the conservative Liberty Korea Party have

held protests on the southern side of the Tongil bridge in Paju... just south of the

border and at the inter-Korean checkpoint.

Still, the South Korean government has welcomed his visit amid improving inter-Korean relations

and hopes for an Olympics-inspired detente.

Meanwhile, the two Koreas will hold working-level talks on Tuesday to discuss the North's participation

in the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games starting March 9th.

The two sides will meet at the northern side of the inter-Korean border at Panmunjeom,

with Seoul sending a three-member delegation.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korean delegation attends Olympic closing ceremony - Duration: 2:21.


Абрахам Хикс – Пять шагов создания – Эстер Хикс - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Абрахам Хикс – Пять шагов создания – Эстер Хикс - Duration: 1:59.


Finger Family with Toy Story & Lollipop Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 14:07.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

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