bangladesh news
Things Not To Say To Someone Who Went To Private School - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
Ex-Casados Responde #10 | COMO FALAR DOS FILHOS COM EX? - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Test your knowledge (mcq) in chemical reactions :CBSE 10th Chemistry :NCERT X Science: online study - Duration: 12:48.1. Essential condition required for the following reaction to take place is
निम्नलिखित reaction के लिए जरूरी आवश्यक शर्त है:
2AgBr -> 2Ag + Br2
2. When ferrous Sulphate crystals are heated in a dry boiling tube, which gas are gases are produced
जब फेरस सल्फेट क्रिस्टल एक dry boiling tube में गर्म होते हैं, जो कौन सा gas या gases उत्पन्न होते हैं
3.Natural gas is mostly
Natural gas में ज्यादातर शामिल हैं
4. The reaction between potassium iodide and lead nitrate is
potassium iodide और lead nitrate के बीच की प्रतिक्रिया है
5. Water can produce hydrogen and oxygen gases in the presence of
जल हाइड्रोजन और ऑक्सीजन गैसों का उत्पादन, किसकी presence में कर सकता है
6. There is no reaction when silver is added to copper sulphate solution because
जब copper sulphate solution me में silver जोड़ा जाता है, तब कोई reaction नहीं होती है. क्योंकि
7. The liberation of hydrogen gas by the addition of dil HCL on magnesium pieces is
Magnesium pieces पर dil HCL के अलावा hydrogen gas की liberation को कहा जाता है
8. The formation of slaked lime from quick lime is
quick lime से slaked lime का गठन कहा जाता है
9. The Decomposition of copper carbonate involves the following color change
copper carbonate के decomposition में निम्नलिखित colour change शामिल है
10. Oily foods lose their smell and taste when exposed to air. This property is due to
11. In the reaction PbO + C2Pb + CO2 the oxidizing agent is
PbO + C -> 2Pb + CO2 प्रतिक्रिया में, oxydizing agent है
12. The reducing agent used in Thermite reaction is
Termite reaction में प्रयुक्त reducing agent है
13. The white precipitate formed when silver nitrate is added to potassium chloride solution is
potassium chloride solution में silver nitrate को जोड़ा जाता है जब white precipitate का गठन होता है
14. Element X is highly inflammable, while the element Y is a supporter of combustion. A compound of X and Y is used to put out fire. Y is likely to be
Element X अत्यधिक ज्वलनशील है, जबकि तत्व Y दहन के एक समर्थक है। X और Y का एक संयोजन आग लगाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। Y क्या हो सकता है
15. Copper sulphate solution turns to this color when an iron nail is dropped in it.
copper sulphate solution इस रंग में बदल जाता है जब उसमें एक iron nail निकल जाती है।
16. The white salt which produces brown fumes when heated strongly and leaves behind a residue is
यह white salt, brown fumes का उत्पादन करता है जब दृढ़ता से गरम किया तब अवशेषों के पीछे छोड़ देता है
17. Oxygen gas can be obtained from potassium chlorate in the laboratory. The type of this reaction is
Oxygen gas प्रयोगशाला में potassium chlorate से प्राप्त की जा सकती है। इस प्रकार की प्रतिक्रिया कहा जाता है
18. Balancing a chemical reaction is in accordance with
chemical reaction को balance करना, उसके अनुसार है
19. Pick out the true statement
सही statement को चुनें
Bacl2(s) + Na2SO4(s) -> BaSO4(s) + Nacl (Aq)
20. The white ash produced when magnesium metal is burnt in air is
एक white ash का उत्पादन होता है जब magnesium metal हवा में में जलाया जाता है वो क्या है
KARAOKE | Hạ Long Biển Nhớ | Lâm Bảo Phi - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
Music & ConLangs: The Endnotes - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
9.20 (Second best) Breakdown Solve! - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
How to create engaging content that helps you stand out - Duration: 5:47.- Grab your helmets,
'cause we're exploding some content up in here.
A few weeks back, I did a video book review
for Content Mavericks,
this is a book written by the duo, Andrew and Pete
and I absolutely loved it and highly recommended it
and I somehow convinced them to come on over
and share the secret to creating engaging content,
that explodes your growth
and I can't wait for you guys to hear what they have to say,
but first, pause this video,
no, seriously, pause this video and go grab a pen and paper,
because you're gonna want one.
Alright, let's go check it out.
- Hey everybody, we are Andrew and Pete
and in this video, we wanna give you
the key to explosive
growth with your content, oh yes.
- Because let's face it, the world is a very busy place
and if you are just creating content, that is vanilla,
then you are going to be facing a very steep, uphill battle
to get the traction you want with your content
and ultimately turn that into sales.
- There's only two ways to stand out in this world,
number one, be better than everyone else
and number two, be different to everyone else.
- And being better than everyone else
in your industry is pretty tough,
especially if they've been at this for years already,
they've already developed their audience,
they already know all of the tricks of the trade,
have all the fancy equipment,
so really the only option,
that we are left with is to be different.
- To stand a chance, you need your content
to be unique, different, remarkable
and what we do, we call this your content stamp.
- Oh yeah.
- And we want you to come up
with your very own content stamp today.
- Think about it, anyone that's had
any kind of explosive growth with their content
usually has some kind of little twist
or signature thing, that only they do.
- Gary Vee, when he first started his YouTube videos
for his Dad's wine business, his videos absolutely sucked,
until he started mixing it up
and he started doing these sportsman style commentary
on wines and all of a sudden, it blew up,
even today, he has the #AskGaryVee Show,
every time it's got a little twist,
a signature thing that he's known for.
- And what about John Lee Dumas,
a multimillionaire in just 18 months,
because he was the very first person
to do a daily podcast interview
of the most successful entrepreneurs.
- And what about one of my favorite examples,
Chubbies, now Chubbies is a company in America
and all they do is make shorts,
now you might not think you can particularly
come up with amazing content about shorts, like,
"Hey, what'll be number one?
"Here's how to put shorts on,
"or what'll be number two, how to take shorts off,"
you know what, it's not all that exciting really.
- The second one. - The second one
might get a little bit racy,
ooh, cheeky. (laughing)
- But let's put Chubbies through our content style model
for coming up with remarkable content ideas.
Now there's four things that you need to think about,
when coming up with a great content style.
Number one is your brand, what do you stand for?
For Chubbies, they're all about fun,
they're almost like the opposite
of a high end, pretentious fashion company,
because they just make shorts for the average dude.
- Number two is your aspirational message,
what does your product or service allow people to do?
With shorts, it allows people to actually go out there
and have some fun in the sun,
without getting particularly too hot,
or swimming trunks, that allow you to actually go out
and play some fun water activities, right,
so let's play along with that and think about ways
that Chubbies can actually create content,
that allows people to have more fun
and get themselves out there,
dot, dot, dot, in their shorts.
- Number three is shareability,
how can we create content that is designed to get shared?
Now, there's lots of different aspects to this,
but one important question to ask yourself
is what does the person, who is sharing my content
look like for sharing it?
For Chubbies, could they create content,
that makes other people look as fun as them,
when they share it?
- Number four is delivery,
you need to know where your audience is
and how they want their content delivered.
For the Chubbies audience, that's probably Facebook,
that's where people go to talk about
all the fun things they did at the weekend.
- So bringing all of this together,
what do you come up with for Chubbies content stamp?
Fun, Facebook videos of awesome things,
like you can do at the weekend
with your friends in your shorts.
- Oh yeah, content stamped
and that's exactly what Chubbies have done
and they have grown their highly engaged audience
to over a million fans on their Facebook pages,
it's incredible to see.
- Now of course this requires a little bit more thought
and we've just quickly walked you through the basics here,
but hopefully you can see the power
of working through a process like this
to create a lot more engaging content,
that will explode, do the sound effect,
your business. (laughing)
- I wasn't ready for that. - No,
you've done well. - It was good though.
So guys, what's your content stamp going to be?
- Thank you guys for coming on
and sharing the content stamp strategy,
I think it is super powerful,
so I hope you had your pen and paper handy
and were jotting down some notes along the way.
Now, I would love to hear from you,
Andrew and Pete have generously gifted
a copy of their book, Content Mavericks,
that we're gonna be giving away to one lucky winner,
all you need to do is put your content stamp
in the comments below,
then make sure you're subscribed to both of our channels
and if you hop on over there, you may see a familiar face,
I'm just saying, it might be mine. (laughs)
Their book, Content Mavericks is packed
full of actionable stuff like this,
so even if you don't win it,
you should go on over and check it out,
all of the links are in the description below
and remember you're someone's reason to smile,
so don't give up.
DIY Vasos decorativos feitos com material reciclável e bolas de isopor 2 - Artesanato - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
DCS - How to use the ATC - Tutorial - Takeoff & Landing - Duration: 23:06.Welcome to Revientor Reborn, this is DCS in a generic tutorial, there is a mirage there but this is not about it, I am going to speak how the ATC works in DCS for take off & landing, not real life, only how DCS works
I took the mirage because its a nice airplane, but each airplane will have a particularity, in this case about how to turn on the radios, of course you need one, active
let´s look this airport, the ATC frecuencies in there
no you have to use the comms, you have to use this special key in the spanish keyboard "Ç"
some planes you can clicnk in the 3d cockpit and you get the radio menu
because you can select the frequency UHF or VHU you have to use one of those in your plane
I can use the F5 in the keyboard or using the mouse just click in the option, in this menu the airports are placed by default in order from closest to further
remember you can have the easy coms in the setup and you will do not need set the correct frequency, this tutorial works the same in the realistic or arcade mode
this airport is the F1, there are some mods that can change thar order
first you have to use the F3 to request start up, the engine.
there you have the authorization and some extra info for you
now the menu automatically change to the next phase. in the real life, the request start up is for civilian planes, normally military ones don´t do it (in military bases)
because normally the planes need the engine generator to get the radio active, and other thing is that not everywhere is done as the same way, in spain, the military planes don´t do it
you want to simulate the civilian protocols, gg, but military ones are nos the same in all the wold
for that in my tutorials I never speak about this radio things or light things
today is how to do it in DCS as is programed
now the plane is running, as you can see I still have the menu to taxi, now it´s time to use it
as you can see we are clare to takeoff in the runway 04, what does this 04 means, it´s the heading of the runway to takeoff, now I am in a heading 040, the runway on my left, is the runway and I will takeoff in this direction that I am looking
if you do not know the airport, you can use the map and the ruler to see it, you can also have some pdf or papers...
then I know that running left I go directly to the runway, in the runway 22 is the opposite one, I have to cross all the airport to get the runway. You know that the plane always takeoff with the wind in front (against it)
now I will perform the taxi thing
this taxi clearance is only to get to the "door" of the runway, not go in. here you have to stop
and now you have to ask for a request takeoff
if for any reason you skip one radio protocol, DCS is smart enough to jump to the next one
now the tower told to me that I can takeoff and get 300 feet with a QFE of 29.46
check your altimeter and fix that value 29.46
QFE is the altitude 0 feet in your base,
i just remember, if you can not use the map or any pdf, to get to the runway in a base that you do not know, and you are parked in the middle of the airbase, and my finger is the runway in that direction
to know where to go, you look your compass and look for that runway heading, then you have to perform taxi in the opposite direction
continue, now we can go in to the runway, and the menu now shows other option, the abort takeoff, in case you forget go to pee or something
look, abort takeoff, and I get authorized to go to parking area, now again request takeoff
we are authorized, as simple as takeoff
now you have to keep this heading until 300 feet of elevation, once in that altitude you are free to resume your navigation
now time to landing, look the menu is now another different one
moving fast
I am going to land in the same airport, as you can see the option are, inbound and request azimuth
inbound is to ask for landing, request azimuth is the vector you have to get (heading) , to get the first ADF of the landing runway
look if I request just azimut...
it´s just a heading
218º, using the map and the ruler, as you can see is the air base, remember the ADF is the pinter of the ILS, the mid one balbla...
now in the ATC menu you can see the krasnodar airbase is closest .... now in my base I use inbound, listen
218º for 45nm, with the QFE setting, to land in the runway 04 to perform a landing pattern,
in the map, ruler, 218º 45nm, this is the point, as you can see here is to start the ILS or the patron... what ever..
in this case that you have to overfly the air base, the code is not well programed, you have to avoid that situation, because when you reach that point you know that you have to get heading 040 (runway)
if you overfly the airbase the code automatically will authorize you to land, now I will make a triangle to avoid overfly the airbase,
I did this kind of triangle, and now I am going to ask for navigation asist
headin 137 is the heading to the adf, and now this is visually, even here this is kind of automatic, now you have to search the airport visually
137 is this heading, around 10nm away from the airbase
now I have to see the airbase... there, because the ATC is already advised, you can not perform a pattern , if you want to do it you need to abort
or just ignore the atc perform the pattern and the ask again for request landing
now according your plane or at night you can follow the tacan or... ils or what ever
I am going to open the menu, now If i request help the ATC will give me the vector to my back
now, the atc automatically will give to me authorization to ask for landing , I will do nothing to try a pattern
for that I told you if you fly the base or near, the radio goes automatically and mess up the things, for that I did that triangle
there!! I can land, and the menu has changed with this options
now I will do nothing and you we´ll see how the tower tell me that check my landing gear and clear to land
I don´t like how it´s programmed this ATC but is in this way...
there you see the ATC, now I only can abort, and now ATC thinks I am going to land, but I am not landing, the ATC will lie to my and send my aabort due occupied runway
and now I can again use the landing options
now when I get on final I have to ask for request landing, on final is when you already have the same heading that the runway have
turning to final, and now when heading to the runway I will ask for perrmision
remember this is all in realistic mode, but in easy radios will not difiere
if you use it before this point you will notice the ATC will not respond to you,
now that I am at low altitude, the ATC give a second message after the check landing gear
if you abort with out the menu, the ATC will do the same, lie to you telling you the runway is occupied
automatically the ATC will give us the permission to go to the parking area
the menu only show the request takeoff, and now is the ATC message
there is no more use with the radio comms
this is really easy as you can see, in real life, there are a few channels of radio for an airbase, tower, approach, ground, at least 3 frequencies, as you can see it is not implemented
I hope you liked the tutorial, this video works for all planes not only the mirage, give a like subscribe, and be happy chao chao
NÃO ENGANE O SEU FILHO - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
[Garena Free Fire] Hyno Gamer - Dùng ShotGun(M1014) lấy top 1! - Duration: 10:49.-------------------------------------------
Почему я стала частью Pride International - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Eco-Friendly cleaning - Zero waste eco-friendly tips & tricks - Duration: 4:44.Today we'll be talking about our cleaning supplies.
Mostly to clean out the cupboards beneath your sink but also
because these products are all non-toxic for both us and the environment.
So, we've got the basic products:
we realized that over time we accumulate so many cleaning products
we realized that we don't need a ceramic cleaner, for the shower,
for the shower head, the toilet, the countertops..etc etc !
So. Let's go back to the basics.
It's better for our wallets as well as for the environment and our health!
So here are our basic products. Actually, here is the baking soda
the vinegar and Castile soap, these are all basic ingredients
that can be found in bulk grocery stores or in regular grocery stores.
You can buy a large jug of vinegar or buy it in bulk, this one is for cleaning purposes
so the percentage is higher.
These recipes and tricks are all old-fashioned ways that have
around for a long time. We'll be adding the recipes in the
description below, where you'll be directed to our blog
but you can look it up on internet, there are many available.
The baking soda. You can make a kind of paste
with it, when mixed with water. It can be used to shine the sinks, the bath,
What also works well is half a lemon, it's a great tool to rid the bath of
any soap residue. Also excellent to clean the toilet. Go ahead
and make a small blast in there with the vinegar!
It's actually super effective. You guys have no idea how much fun
I have over the weekends, making small blasts in the toilets.
Volcanos in your toilets
-- The vinegar can also be added to the dishwasher as
a rinsing agent. Oh and for the clothes as well, but that's
for another video we'll be doing about laundry. - We'll tell you more about it later !
The Castile soap. You can make
body soap with this, as well as our super effective all-purpose
cleaner. Which we'll get back to later. - Now every product we've talked about
so far has no scent, except for the vinegar but even that smell evaporates quickly
So what you can do is simply add a few drops of essential oils
if you like it
when it smells "clean" when you clean your house.
- Everybody likes it when it smells "clean" - Yeahhh. And what's more
the essential oils often have antiseptic properties,
they disinfect surfaces, as well
as being tough on grease like with the lemon one right here.
Simply add a few drops in the sink and
it will wash your dishes thoroughly.
Let's not forget the Lavender oil, to wash your floors,
you can add a few drops to the vinegar thus adding a lovely fragrance
to it. We also really like the purifying
formula from Maison Jacynthe which is another
essential oil mix that smells heavenly and
we both really enjoy cleaning our floors with. - And it smells delicious
throughout the whole house! - Indeed! And
ummm. yes all these essential oils here
there's also Tea Tree oil that is an
important antiseptic as well. - We don't have a cleaning product
for every room, we have one that cleans them all. While I
used the vinegar recipe a lot at first, I ended up wanting to
switch things up a little bit. I wanted to change, and as a personal preference
I really like using the Castile soap recipe, which
is on the blog (below the video). So you get about this much
product when you make the recipe. When it's empty, all you have to do is make the recipe again.
And it's in a lovely glass container because the glass
won't absorb the odours.
It can be cleaned easily.
But you can always use a plastic bottle that you already own and reuse it.
And if you don't want to make your own recipe,
we like the Québec based company called Baleco
their products are available in many grocery stores
as well as in the zero waste grocery stores. All you have to do is
buy the starter kit, which comes with
an all-purpose cleaner, a window & surface cleaner as well as hand soap and
dishwashing soap. Then all you have to do is go refill your containers onces they're empty.
These are all unscented, free of any chemicals
so it's a win for us and the environment.
Once again, if you rather it smells "clean" Simply add your essential oils to them.
In our houses we don't own paper towels, so what's used to
clean is these hand towels, well actually
they're rags! Plain old rags and microfibre cloths.
You simply wash them afterwards.
We also have this cloth here to
wash the windows and mirrors. It doesn't require water.
Simply go over the surface with it and then wash it in the washing machine.
So that's handy to have.
Now, I believe we've gone through
every basic product we use. This is really all that we use, if you have
a large house or many different rooms, what you can do is separate the mix into
smaller jars. So maybe keep a small baking soda jar in the
bathroom and one in the kitchen. Because we do know we
use this for many things (in recipes as well) so it's not lost.
It has many uses around the house. And when I say recipes, I mean like cookie recipes, muffins etc.
So there. - All the ingredients we've talked about
cost next to nothing. So
you'll notice huge savings. It's better for you
as well as for our planet since most of the products we use end up in our
bodies of water afterwards..
so hum, happy cleaning to you all!
Let us know if you have any questions!
Erdoğan, PAPA İle Neden Görüştüğünü Açıkladı. w/ Son Haber - Duration: 11:23..
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E31 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:37.Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power
Rangers and then discuss it!
Today, we're exploring the ninety first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as
well as the thirty first episode of Season 2, titled "When Is a Ranger Not a Ranger?".
We start off in Ms. Applebee's class where Adam is showing off a kaleidoscope, explaining
how light is refracted into a way that makes absolutely no scientific sense whatsoever.
My god, is this going to be ANOTHER Adam episode?!
Ms. Applebee asks for questions from the class, and when Skull raises his hand, she prefaces
"intelligent questions".
Whoa, chill bitch.
He then puts his hand down, and then Bulk asks about what the tallest building in the
world is, and Ms. Applebee says "about the report", and yeah, nope, none.
Then, Zedd asks the question of the episode: when is a ranger not a ranger?
His plan?
To have Goldar go get the kaleidoscope for some reason.
In the park, Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy are playing with the kaleidoscope, and Kim is
mystified by this generic children's toy.
Then putties appear, the three fight them off with ease, dropping the kaleidoscope in
the process.
Zedd then turns it into a monster, Scatterbrain, who fires a rainbow light at them, demorphing
them instantly, and they don't know who they are.
They ask each other who they are, unsure, and Tommy tells Kimberly that she's cute.
That's a funny little way to acknowledge that they may or may not be dating at all.
Scatterbrain disappears as we transition to the Youth Center where Rocky is amazed by
a Newton's cradle with Aisha and Adam.
Bulk and Skull walk in, dressed in safari outfits, and they tell Ernie they're going
to go on a stakeout before they come over the three Rangers, getting hypnotized by the
Newton's Cradle, and Rocky says "you're getting sleepy, very sleepy", and somehow
they fall asleep with their eyes open.
Then, their communicators go off as the three leave with Bulk and Skull waking up.
Rocky, Aisha, and Adam show up in the Command Center, and they get caught up on Scatterbrain
and how their friends' memories are gone.
Zordon tells them to go get them bring them back to the Command Center to get them to
They teleport into the park, and Billy is talking to Kim in his usual speak, and Kim
is like "do you think you might be an intellectual?"
This is really funny to me because Billy has been wayyyyyy better about the science talk
Rocky, Aisha, and Adam come up to tell them who they are, and Aisha tells Kimberly that
they're best friends who do everything together and go shopping everyday.
First of all, Aisha, she's known you for like a second, you're not best friends.
Secondly, Kim asks why they went shopping everyday, and Aisha says that Kim always said
you never needed a reason to shop, and Kim says that she was really pathetic.
Wow, this shit is breaking down that fourth wall hard.
The three say that they're not going anywhere with Adam, Aisha, and Rocky, but then Goldar
and putties show up, and Rocky tells them to trust them, and they all teleport to the
Command Center.
They're freaked out about Zordon, and Billy is shocked by Alpha, saying a line from Day
of the Dumpster.
Then Kim does too.
This is kind of great.
Then this episode shits itself because Adam is now an expert on lightwaves, and he says
that they need to project the ray through a prism to scatter things back to normal…
I don't know, this plot is thinner than wet paper.
Out in the desert, Bulk and Skull are waiting on the Rangers to show up, and everyone except
for Billy and Adam teleport in, freaking them out because they realize who the Power Rangers
are now.
At Billy's Lab, Adam is looking for a collection of prisms, and Billy gets a big science boner
over the place.
Then, Scatterbrain appears in front of Bulk and Skull, and Rocky, Aisha, Tommy, and Kimberly
see this, so Rocky and Aisha morph, narrowly missing his beam.
Adam and Billy find their prisms as they teleport in, and Bulk and Skull are still shocked about
this, and then, the beam hits Adam, making him lose his memory as well.
Bulk and Skull are worried about losing the Power Rangers before Rocky and Aisha are hit
by the beam as well, losing their memories.
The prisms go flying near Bulk and Skull who look at them.
Scatterbrain is stoked that he won, but then Bulk and Skull show up in front of him, challenging
him to a showdown.
Luckily, they have the prisms behind their backs so that when Scatterbrain fires at them,
they throw them up, somehow making the Rangers regain everything including their suits.
They go to help Bulk and Skull who are knocked down, and they now have no idea what happened.
Offffffff course.
Zedd makes Scatterbrain grow giant, so it's time to call out the Thunderzords, forming
the Thunder Megazord.
It fights Scatterbrain before destroying it.
Scatter that.
At the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull are talking about how they saved the Power Rangers, but
they clearly have no idea how they saved them, so they're just telling a tall tale about
how they fought the monster and stuff, and the crowd around them leaves because they
don't believe them.
Kim and Aisha walk in, and Kim and Aisha say that Bulk and Skull come through in a pinch
if needed, so they believe that they saved the Power Rangers, then Bulk and Skull ask
them out on dates, and Kim says "let's not take it that far…" and they leave.
The end.
Not gonna lie.
This episode was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
It helped grow the team overall a bit, and it showed that while the team is still kind
of divided between newbies and veterans, the newbies are just as good as the ones that
they replaced in a pinch.
Well, except for the part where they failed horribly and almost died.
But hey, we got to see Bulk and Skull be the heroes for once, and honestly, that was good
enough for me.
How will next episode pan out?
Until then, may the power protect you!
Star Stitch (Loop row) - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
[fromis_9 TV Behind] fromis_9 (프로미스나인) - To Heart Choreography Practice Video #2 - Duration: 7:16.-------------------------------------------
I AM A WARRIOR | Morning Motivation | MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO 2018 - Duration: 9:24.the devil whispered you cannot withstand
the storm
the warrior replied
I am the store
you are a warrior you will get through
the storm you will show the storm who's
but you will show everyone you are
stronger than all think that work you
are stronger than your part you are
stronger than the challenges coming in
your future you will tell yourself I
don't invite life's challenges by done
back down from them even I know we all
face tough time I know I'm not exempt
from life's struggles but I know I am
strong I know this will pass I know
there will be better days but only if I
keep fighting like a warrior fighting
with all my heart the heart of a lion
the strength I have is like no other I
am NOT a survivor I am a warrior
I don't survive I
right I can do this and I will get prove
Warriors are built from the struggle
formed from pain strengthened by
embrace your challenges and push through
them like the warrior you are you are
stronger than your pawn and you are
struggling and eternities coming in your
future the stream farm is right no I am
NOT the survivor I will worry up I don't
and I won't get bruising
I made the best of that situation I see
the opportunity in this truck I first
read for my hardships I am thankful for
my hard times they make me stronger I am
thankful for the pain
it makes me raise my game I am grateful
for the westin time it shows my story
will be a great one from zero to hero
from nothing to something from the
bottom to the top here I come
what's an area that you came here with
that it's time to break through what's
an area your life that is not the way
you want it
what is it gets you up in the morning it
gets you excited what you want to do as
a kid how would you really go and make
an impact on the world for me the
world's biggest problems are the world's
biggest business opportunities when I
become a billionaire and help with
billion people there is nothing we
cannot do it's really a matter of
setting a focus goal because without a
target you'll miss it every time picking
a target and then picking the steps
along the way and realizing that all the
resources all the capital all the
expertise is there but ultimately it's
only going to be tapped if that target
is in your heart and your soul I think
the challenge is a lot of people don't
know what their vision is they don't
know exactly what hit them
they think they know but they haven't
really written it down they haven't told
the world or at least they're close
network of friends they're just like
well I'm supposed to have a good job I'm
supposed to be doing something inspiring
that they're not specifically saying and
specifically been intentional about it
ultimately the thing that stops you is
your mindset either you don't take the
risk you don't believe you truly can and
then the option there is to take it
incrementally take a first step to me
failure in life is not not having money
it's not realizing your potential you're
60 years old and you said I could have
been this and I never did it that's like
the worst thought I think anybody
can have and you don't think about it in
the moment because your life is okay but
you've got to wake up and understand
that there's an urgency here and that if
you're not practicing something now if
you're not aware if you don't have a
path towards something better you're
rotting on the vine and and that day of
reckoning will come at some point and it
will be painfully
my mother beat the shit out of me she
loved me she was freaked out I was gonna
leave I was a source of everything I
blamed her for all the beauty of my life
I play more that I have that woman have
in my life because I cherished my life
because I know what the opposite is I
blame him for the capacity of feel and
I blame with my insatiable hunger to end
suffering for anything I can because I
suffered a ton if she'd been the mother
I had wanted I would not be the man I'm
proud to be embrace pain pain is
something to embrace if there's no
resistance to you you're not gonna get
anywhere in life problems are what make
us flow problems what sculpt our soul
problems are what make us become more if
we could realize that life is always
happening for us not to us
game over all the pain of suffering
when someone says it took 10 years to
make a change but you really find out is
that change happen a moment it took you
10 years he at the moment you finally
said never again
I quit let's begin I love you I do it's
over our tire life changes in a moment
you want to get better you want a
self-improve stop looking for a shortcut
and go find your alarm clock find your
discipline and fling it your guts and
your passion at your drive and find it
you will weep want to believe that there
are shortcuts to success we want to
believe we can take a drug or we can do
something that will make it quick and
easy but the truth is it takes grit it
takes persistence it's the people like
Thomas Edison who had no education who
came from very poor background who
really end up making it in life because
they are persistent and they don't
settle for anything remotely mediocre
it is a quick path and there are no
meditation won't get you there and
neither will a miracle drug or an
organic supplement or some superfood
getting better isn't a hack or a trick
or one change that you need to make
getting better isn't campaign it's a
campaign it's a daily or weekly it's an
hourly fight an incessant fight that
doesn't stop against weakness and
against temptation and against laziness
it's a campaign of discipline can't pain
a hard work and dedication it's waking
up early and going to bed late and
grinding out every second in between
every single day
don't just listen just listen dude
um another just thought so you know I'm
not just talking I'm doing and I don't
want you to just listen put this
information to work make today
don't hesitate step step forward get
after it
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