Unloved, Sad Song of Love, Tatiana Chubarova
Sridevi FIGHTS With Daughter Jhanvi Kapoor In Public At Lakme Fashion Week 2018 Finale - Duration: 2:08.Jhanvi Kapoor makes a stylish appearance with mom Sridevi @ LFW 2018 Grand Finale
COMPARTIR PISO | 13. Vlog @gayonso - Duration: 5:04.Hello Everybody!
As you can see, my evolution to become Jesus Christ is almost completed
I'm expecting to be able to tranform water into wine in around 2 weeks
I've been 4 months and..... a lot of days in Australia, so far
The subject here is that, I never lived in a house without my parents before, until I came here
For some people it takes longer, there's no problem, some guys are living with their parents until they turn 40
I'm like a injured bird who was afraid of jumping off the nest
Today I'm going to tell you about my experience sharing an apartment
I guess that every experience must be very different, but for you to understand mine, I'm going to introduce you my flat mates
the first one in the apartment was MARWANE
so, in theory, he is the house lord
he was born in Morocco and, the guy is a disaster
Chavales, ¿Habéis visto la aspiradora?
even being a disaster, he's an awesome chef
I don't speak Spanish, my friend
¿Qué haces hombre?
¿Qué pasa? Si solo estoy pelando una zanahoria hermano
Estás hablando con un profesional
For some reason, he's addicted to every French reality shows
The next one is FRANCESCO
Francesco got to the apartment same time as Johnny did
He left 1 year ago but came back to visit, so he has been living with us for 1 month
Unfortunately he's gone again
Siempre en nuestro corazones
Francesco is the kind of people who speaks German, Italian, english, some french and some spanish as well
and he's got some extra time to go to the gym
But overall, HE IS ITALIAN
(habla en italiano, creo)
Johnny got here with Francesco
Johnny is a GREEK GOD
(Habla en alemán, creo)
I think that in a global ranking he would be between the top 3 of people who love themselves the most
Soy tan perfecto...
and for some reason, he thinks that Cassi, who is his girlfriend, is also his assistant
Cass! Puedes traerme algo para limpiar el espejo y que pueda verme mejor??
Me estoy deshidratando nena, dame algo de agua
toma agua (salpica con desprecio)
Cassi! that means almost in English. (Almost = Casi)
And we don't know what happens while he's working but he always comes back with a new spanish word learned
OLE, So much art in here!!
The last but not the least: FEDE
Fede and myself got to know each other the first day I arrived to Australia
he was one of the first people I talked to
since then, we have been living together. OF COURSE we got to the apartment at the same time
So you can guess where Fede comes from
(speaks with Argentinian accent and slang)
You are right, he's from JORDAN (Joking)
Since he got here, he started working out every single day
Fede, If you could choose a person in the whole world to be, who would you choose?
Fede: I'd be Cassi, so I can be with Johnny
Échame flores baby!
as you can see we live in a multicultural apartment
We are (were) 6 people, and 6 different nationalities
And, even with that, we are so happy because we know how to coexist with each other
to be able to coexist, you can't be complaining the whole time about someone else
you have to worry about what you do and try to do things in the right way
Because when you do things in the right way, somehow, you teach the others to behave the same way
we try to be pliant, knowing that we come from different cultures, we need to empathize
each one does thing in their own way, and we should understand that, and not criticize it
Sometimes is to be flexible (let your arm bend) Spanish saying
not literally
If there's a dirty dish in the kitchen that it's not yours, but you're washing yours anyways
Is it that difficult to take that one and clean it as well?
and with that you're keeping things clean and promoting a nice coexistence
with almost no effort
and you're making life easier to the people around you and yourself
if a dirty dish bothers you, just clean it, whats the matter?
and if there's something that really bothers you, don't wait until you're tired of that to say it.
say it in the right momento that you realize that it bothers you, so you can say it cool and not in a bad way
when you're going to disagree in something, try to do it in a polite way, because talking nicely, everybody understands everybody
look at the the guys leading the world (ironic)
If you're going to spend the whole day with some people, at least, have a good relationshio with them
you can be more or less lucky finding a flatmate, but also you have to create your own luck an put some effort to make things work
before finishing I'd like to talk about an adventure that my friend Javi is planning
they'll travel all the way from Canada to Bajo California by bicycle and surfing
beside the adventure, they also have social goals, thats why they are cooperating with KUBUKA.ORG & SOSHimalaya.ORG
The project name is SALTY SOUL PROJECT
I'll leave the info in the description, so if you want to get a Tshirt and cooperate, get into the facebook link and message them asking for a t shirt 12€
The last thing, that it's not that important but I want to say it anyways
I don't know if you know that I use to end my videos with tongue twisters
The other day Someone texted me with one
So I'm gonna ask you to send me tongue twisters, I'll learn them and try to say them at the end of my videos
There's no way I'm going to translate this, hahaha
if you want to subscribe JUST DO IT, IF YOU DON'T WANT, THEN DON'T DO IT
Murathan Toker'i tanıtım - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
DAY 26 OF MY JUICE FAST ITS WEEK#4 AND IM ALREADY DOWN 4 POUNDS IN 2 DAY WITH 5 MORE DAYS TO GO YESS - Duration: 5:02.hey guys today is day six of my juice fast I was just checking in with you um
since Sunday I have lost two pounds per day so Sunday I lost two pounds Monday I
lost two pounds and today I lost two pounds
so I'm six pounds down but Monday started the new seven day week and so
far Monday I lost two pounds and Tuesday I lost two pounds I'm trying to lose two
pounds per day and I think that I'll be able to do it if I stick with my juice
regimen that I had switched up I will be able to meet that requirement of you
know 2 pounds per day but other than that everything's fine I just want to
make a suggestion to you guys that I think that you should incorporate salt
water flush every day in the morning time to eliminate what the body is not
able to eliminate because of the simple fact that you guys are drinking juice
and it's not that much fiber that's passing through your system sometime to
have a bowel movement but that builds up to and also can stop making you heavier
so when you get on the scale it might read that you're 201 when you
could be 198 so it's very good to keep up with your gut
because once we keep that clean our body is more efficient in burning fat also
you look in overall better your skin the whites of your eyes your eyes become
more vibrant and your thinking process is not foggy and that's because when the
colon is not clean then that goes to your bloodstream in your
liver and everywhere else and it's pretty much poisoning you and that's why
all the vital functions to make your body work properly and to lose weight is
minimal so we must keep the gut clean and another thing I want to give you
advice on because I know from trial and error all the measurements that people
do it's not necessary you should be doing one measurement and that's around
your waist the gut is what tells you what's going on with the body once the
stomach starts going down even if you're not losing weight on the scale and
you're losing inches in your stomach area then that means that your body is
losing weight it's not showing it on the scale but it's working and repairing so
it might take a couple of days for you to see it on the scale weight loss but
trust and believe even if you think that the body's not doing anything if you are
following the juice fast regiment you will see results so I don't want to make
this video too long I try to keep it under five minutes now because it just
update videos but so far and it's not even the fourth week well it is a fourth
week but sunday will make seven days I have already in two days out of the
seven days lost four pounds so to be honest with you I know I'm gonna go past
seven pounds for Sunday's weigh-in because I'm already at four pounds down
and all I need is three pounds to meet that requirement but I want to lose more
than seven pounds because I want to make up for the week that I only lost two
pounds and then last um Sunday that just passed
that I lost five pounds and didn't lose seven pounds so that'll make
um for some of the weeks that I didn't you know lose as much so that's how I'm
looking at it so with all that being said please subscribe to the channel and
show some support share the video to people that you know might be interested
in doing the juice fast to get healthier or fit or to lose weight um and make it
a favorite and I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now
Consider rest - Obasanjo to Buhari - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
ENERGIA DO AMBIENTE (Mensagem Espiritual Irmão Augusto Irineu 18.01.18) - Duration: 9:37.-------------------------------------------
EDDIE ANGEL AKIM - JUÍZO FINAL ( PREGAÇÃO POÉTICA ) - Duration: 4:47.-------------------------------------------
Proverbs for every day. Vladimir Butromeev. No. 50. If the barrel breaks down - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Construction Trucks for children - Excavator videos for children - Bridge Construction toys for Kids - Duration: 11:46.Construction Trucks for children - Excavator videos for children - Bridge Construction toys for Kids
How to Use a Chainsaw Mill Built from Scratch - Duration: 9:33.I am Cressel Anderson this is Makercise. In a previous episode you saw me make a
chainsaw mill from scratch and in this episode I'm going to demonstrate how I
use it. You may recall last year I came up to my parents' place and I cut up a
tree that had fallen over it and I really might chainsaw mill that I had at
the time wasn't quite large enough to be able to process those logs in the lumber
so I built this larger chainsaw mill with the intention of being able to
complete sawing up those logs into lumber so hopefully I'll be able to use
those and I'll give you a little bit of a demonstration of how to use this
chainsaw mill I built this in a previous video and if you haven't seen it you
should definitely check that out I'll have a link down in the description as
well as in the cards the chainsaw mill works by cutting logs into slices and it
does this on the basis of an initial reference cut that's made on a set of
guides those guides establish that initial cut and that cut is used as the
reference for subsequent cuts you can cut different thicknesses of slabs this
is about a one-inch thick board but I don't recommend that thickness on
account of kind of low efficiency after I made a couple test cuts down in the
woods where the tree fell I decided I'd rather work on some level ground so I
used my truck to come and drag these logs up the hill that really was a kind
of a challenging thing my truck was slipping all over the place it's not a
four-wheel drive vehicle and it was quite a bit of work getting them up the
hill and not only was it a lot of work to get them up the hill they got filthy
I mean the first one that was right up there at the top wasn't too terribly bad
but the farther they got down the hill was the worse and worse it got I mean I
was effectively dragging these law behind my truck like a plow and they
were just picking up all this dirt caked into the bark for your reference getting
your logs dirty like this prior to milling them using a chainsaw mill is a
bad idea because it causes you to have to sharpen your chain a lot more
frequently than you otherwise would in the past I have gone all day with a
ripping chain without sharpening it that was on poplar this is oak so it's a
little bit harder wood here but I had to sharpen my chain so much more frequently
on account of how dirty they were that I think it really pays to be careful with
your logs and try to avoid any kind of dirt contamination on the bark prior to
milling them another thing that pays is to have help these slabs are extremely
heavy a two three inch slab like that probably weighs a couple hundred pounds
and moving them around by yourself is no fun another thing is to mill downhill
it's a lot easier milling downhill even with the winch I've talked a lot about
tips for successful milling but let's talk a little bit about the setup of
this particular chainsaw mill one of the first things I do is make sure that the
clamps are pretty well up into the deck as far as they'll go and that allows me
to pretty well set the width of the clamps on the bar so that it won't bind
as I raise and lower the deck the next thing I do is I feed the bar into the
clamps and then I kind of tighten up a little bit on each end and adjust it
until it's roughly centered between the clamp pads and then I tighten down the
screws on each clamp then I set the depth of the guides and get started
milling you end up producing two *waste* slabs for each log that you mill at least if
you mill them the way I do I take a log and then I select which direction I want
to mill and this can be based on figure that I expect in the wood or yield based
on checking things like that effectively I picked
the top and then I mount a bracket on one end and there's no real magic to how
this is oriented it pretty much needs to be roughly parallel to the ground but
these brackets are the surfaces on which the longitudinal rails mount these rails
are the guide system for the very first cut and it's important that they are
both planar this means they're not skew so you want to make sure that those
rails are parallel and you can do this using winding sticks or you can eyeball
it like I did in this case when I didn't have my windings fix just kind of by
eyeballing the top surface of those rails and then you go back with the lag
bolt on that adjustable corner and secure it in place I like these locking
pliers they're like welding clamps I think these are Harbor Freight like two
dollar clamps but they're just about perfect for my setup because I can clamp
the rails to those brackets and it leaves clearance for my chainsaw mill to
just squeeze in and start that cut one tip that I've learned from using this
particular setup in these particular rails is the rails that you select
really should be about two feet longer than the logs are trying to mill this
gives you a foot in excess of each end to start and finish your cuts with the
chainsaw mill although it's possible to get the chainsaw started and finish
safely it really doesn't leave a lot of room for error when doing it without
those extended rails so that's that's a tip I highly recommend is to have your
rails about a foot longer on either end than the logs you're trying to mill now
another tip is I like to go ahead and make all my guide cuts at one time
typically you know when I'm starting work at a particular site I will set up
the guides and cut all the tops and that way I can come back later and just batch
out the slabs with a single setting of the deck height on the chainsaw mill if
you're milling a dirty log you're gonna have to sharpen your chain a lot did I
mention that already when using the hand winch on this mill you can attach it to
a tree or what I like to do is just use my chainsaw wrench and drive it into the
ground as a stake and from that fixed point you can operate the hand crank
winch to help you drive the chainsaw mill through the logs regarding the
speed of my cuts I've got a still MS 391 power head it's driving a 3/8 inch
ripping chain and I'm getting about 12 minutes or so for a 2 foot wide board 8
foot long and that's red oak now it'll go much quicker in a softer wood and it
goes slower with wider cuts harder species of wood and dull chains that
just gives you a little bit of a point of reference relative to time I'm
expecting on my setup I say I spent an average of about 10 minutes sharpening
my chain between each cut I think I was doing good to get about Oh two slabs out
of 30 or 40 minutes and it really it took me a couple days to make all these
cuts and that again I think that's a big function of these logs just being dirty
I can't stress it enough clean logs they really boost efficiency
I'm really happy that I got so many slabs out of this red oak tree and one
of the things that I did kind of while I was there on-site as I tried to use a
broom to dust them off pretty well and that's kind of important because you
don't want a lot of mildew that will be kind of cultivated by having really
dusty slabs I loaded them up in my pickup and my parents live about an hour
and a half from where I do now so loaded him up in the pickup and then hauled him
and really it was a bit bit overloaded for my half-ton pickup truck but it you
know I they've got him home alright and fortunately I had some help to get them
unloaded you really need help when you're moving these slabs around it's an
easy way to kind of injure yourself I think so I definitely want to try to
arrange for some help my father-in-law is the guy helping me here and you know
just a special thanks to him he's really about the best father-in-law I could ask
for and stacking those slabs there was no easy chore so really appreciate that
and glad they're stacked and drying in the shed over at the property I have
chainsaw mill plans available for this mill in case you think you want to build
one I hope it inspires you to exercise your inner maker and thanks for watching
Corrupt FBI, DOJ officials committed TREASON, warns lawmaker; Ja - Duration: 8:22.Corrupt FBI, DOJ officials committed TREASON, warns lawmaker; James Comey could face DEATH
The shocking revelations uncovered in yesterday�s release of the FISA memo reveal a pattern
of treason among top officials at the FBI and DOJ, warns Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona.
The FISA memo documented how the most powerful law enforcement elements of the United States
government were weaponized under President Obama to illegally spy on Republican political
targets. A secret FISA warrant application that gained approval for the spying operation
was fraudulently engineered, relying largely on a fictional �dossier� of salacious
lies that was largely funded by the Clinton campaign.
Furthermore, false stories were planted in left-wing media outlets to lend �credence�
to the fake dossier, and publishers such as Mother Jones, CNN, NYT and the Washington
Post gladly played along as propaganda puppets in this dangerous charade. In effect, the
left-wing media, FBI, DOJ, Clinton operatives and Obama administration all conspired to
roll out �a coup against America,� warns Daniel Greenfield.
�Clear and convincing evidence of treason�� The statement released by congressman Paul
Gosar cites �clear and convincing evidence of treason� and warns that the actions of
Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and others �is not just criminal but constitutes treason.�
His full statement:
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence memorandum on the FBI abuse of FISA warrants
and targeting a sitting President is not just evidence of incompetence but clear and convincing
evidence of treason.
The FBI knowingly took false information from the Democratic National Committee and the
Hillary Clinton campaign and then used it to smear Donald Trump in order to hurt his
This is third world politics where the official government agencies are used as campaign attack
dogs. The full throated adoption of this illegal misconduct and abuse of FISA by James Comey,
Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein is not just criminal but constitutes treason.
I will be leading a letter to the Attorney General seeking criminal prosecution against
these traitors to our nation.
Finally. Let me say this to those members of Congress who fought so hard to keep the
truth from the American public. Your efforts to protect a corrupt organization are duly
noted. I am not surprised Sen. Flake has again cast his lot with the Democrats and those
that attack true patriots. Good riddance.
Lynch, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Yates and Strzok� all TREASONOUS criminals and enemies
of America The FISA memo, released by members of Congress
who investigated the scandal, reveals a dangerous pattern of fraud, abuse of power and outright
treason on the part of numerous Obama operatives, including Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein, Jomes
Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and others. Even more shockingly, these deep state operatives
literally colluded with Russian sources to develop the fictitious �Trump dossier�
that they used to commit FISA court fraud
Much of the �salacious and unverified� material in the dossier came from the Russians.
In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump�s personal behavior came from
Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats,
Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.
In an effort to prevent these shocking details from being made public, the FBI withheld details
from Congress for months. Even more disturbingly, Rod Rosenstein reportedly threatened House
Intelligence Committee members to try to prevent them from approving public release of the
Democrats APPROVE of treason, as long as it targets their political enemies
To the alarm of many observers, there isn�t a single prominent Democrat or left-wing media
organization that has denounced the gross abuse of power detailed in the FISA memo.
Without exception, every left-wing media outlet and Democrat lawmaker remains complicit in
the treason, even sometimes endorsing the tactics as �necessary� to remove a President
that was elected by the will of the People through a lawful democratic process.
This realization proves just how dangerous the Left Cult has become, demonstrating that
they are totalitarians through and through, believing that the �proper� role of government
is to be deployed as a weapon to destroy political opponents. In effect, as I�ve stated numerous
times, these revelations prove that Democrats are not qualified to participate in any democracy.
They do not honor the rule of law, and they reject the outcomes of any elections they
don�t fully control. It�s clear from these events that Democrats are a clear and present
danger to this Republic (and all its citizens).
Under current U.S. law, individuals found guilty of treason may be put to death
Today, I am calling for the arrest, indictment and prosecution of not only these individuals
who committed acts of fraud and treason, but also the arrest and indictment of so-called
�journalists� who took money to plant fake stories in the left-wing media. They
are complicit, of course, in the treason. And it�s time they finally faced real repercussions
for their role in the attempted political coup targeting our country.
Real Americas must also get prepared to defend your country against the attempted violent
coup of the deranged Left, which first tried to achieve a coup via �shadow government�
means, but has now been exposed. Their next gambit will involve a physical �revolt�
attempt that�s likely to thrust America into a bloody civil war conflict across many
U.S. cities.
Ultimately, it�s clear that Democrats respect no laws or democratic processes whatsoever
and are filled with so much blinding anger and rage that they are incapable of being
reasoned with. This is what makes them so dangerous to any civil society. Sooner or
later, We the People are going to have to defend our country against their animated
attempts to overthrow it by force.
Finally, investigations that follow the facts of the FISA memo will inescapably lead to
the doorstep of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, both of whom have deliberately acted
as criminal traitors to this country. If we are to take back this country from the deep
state shadow government, both Clinton and Obama must be arrested and indicted for their
roles in these high crimes of treason that targeted our sacred Republic. It�s likely
that Obama will never actually face criminal indictment due to the protections inherent
in the Office of the Presidency, but Hillary Clinton�s crimes of theft of government
property, destruction of evidence, mishandling of secret materials and criminal conspiracy
enjoy no such protections.
If Clinton is not ultimately indicted before the end of 2020, then we have forever lost
our country to the swamp. This is the key milestone to watch. It is the true litmus
test of whether the United States of America is a nation with true equality under the law.
It�s even ironic, by the way, that Hillary Clinton demands �equality� when it comes
to gender and social issues, yet she has never been held to anything resembling equal accountability
under the law.
Perhaps that day is finally coming in the near future.
Maybelline Gigi Hadid - mascara, lip liner, lipstick - review * Limited Edition * Candymona - Duration: 10:01.Hi It's Candymona
Today I want to share with You my opinion about Maybelline Gigi Hadid limited edition products
I got this box for testing
Inside there was an eye band, mascara, lip liners : GG26 Khair and GG13 Taura
and 2 lipsticks : Red - GG23, Nude - GG10
I am not a fan of red lips, especially that the shade is warm
that's why I decided to test the nude color
I received a package a few days ago and from now on I'm testing these cosmetics
today I will tell you whether I liked them in the first impression
I test them short time, but it is a limited edition, so you have to hurry up if You want to buy this products
Mascara has pretty HOLO box
Mascara is in light pink shade with white and holo caption
Mascara is two-sided
on one side is a black mascara
I'm covering eyelashes
on the other side there is a container with fibers
I put fibers on the eyelashes. It is better to apply them on wet mascara.
I apply a second layer of mascara
I apply first layer on second eye
You can see the comprasion of one layer, and 2 layers with fibers
In my opinion it's not so big difference
I finish my eye with fibers and second layer of mascara
Dried mascara is easy to wipe
I apply mascara on the lower eyelashes
I go to lip makeup
I will use the lip liner first - GG13 Taura
Lip Liner is soft and easy to use
I paint the contour of the mouth first and then fill it towards the center
fast look at the contour
the packaging is beautiful
and the lipstick is GG10 Taura
It's really easy to apply this lipstick
But color is warmer than the Lip Liner
My makeup is ready. Let me know if you like the color of your lips
In my opinion it's not the best mascara in my life but it's OK ;)
In comparison between the eyelashes using fibers and without there was no big difference
so if we are counting on a super thickening and lengthening, unfortunately it does not work like that
The fibers do not change too much. It is effect, but it's subtle.
I have very sensitive eyes. I blink frequently, my eyes are tearing
for this reason, mascaras with fibers begin to crumble after some time
I find pieces of mascara on my cheeks
so in my case, mascaras with fibers are not very good
The mascara is fresh, so I'm also curious how it will be in a while, when mascara dry a little
I like Maybelline mascaras, so I hope that it will also be good for use when it dry a bit
after all, apart from slight falling apart, the mascara is fine
I have liked lip products and I do not have much objection to them
Lip liner is very soft and easy to use. It is completely matte
Lipstics is not matte it's like Satin-Matte
the consistency is creamy and is not dry on the lips
If You have very dry lips and dry crusts (as me), then you can see them under the lipstick
Lipstick doesn't increase the problem, but also doesn't hide it
after all, the formula suits me very well
Lipstick is durable and wipes evenly
this nude color is darker than my lips but you can not see very large cavities when eating or drinking
lipstick is holding a lips quite well because it's not too soft and creamy
I am happy with these products, although the color is also not perfect for me
I saw that there is also a lighter color of lipstick, so I probably want to buy it
And that's all for today
I hope that my movie will help you make a decision if you don't know it is worth buying these products
if you have similar problems with your eyes or lips, you will know what to expect
Thank you for watching, and see you in the next movie. Bye, bye :*
Falcon Heavy Die Revolution der Raumfahrt - Clixoom Science & Fiction - Duration: 4:13.Yes he actually did it is currently the biggest rocket in the world built by spacex the space company of them
Mask now starts her into the universe
His tesla roadster as a test subject that is really big all the tests are completed this evening it should be in space
What can go wrong now and why this state is groundbreaking now in the noble mars chronicles of clicks and science fiction
I do not believe in any topic so many comments and whatsapp news have reached all want all the news to falcon heavy
Tonight she should start a world premiere
Almost 45 years after the last flight so far. Biggest rocket of saturn 5 humanity
A new monster starts a new era of space travel no rocket can transport so many payloads
Depending on the place she can up to
Bringing 63.8 tonnes of load into space is immense in the case of falcons
22.8 so only a third is the falcon heavy
actually a converted rims or in other words the first stage of falcon heavy is a converted one
The first level of the hawks is like the rims are nine merlin 1d
engines on board each of them in this case 8 145 kilo newton start thrust, plus 2 boosters with the same
Specifications together make them incredible
22,8 minutes
Due to the high number of engines, even some can fail so that the mission will cease
On the other hand, the second stage would be endangered, corresponding to a slightly longer second stage of the club with a converted berlin once in the engine
617 kilonewton thrust it came in total
353 seconds to be ignited the start takes place in a historic place of the apollo
launch pad 9 30 h in cape kennedy from here all apollo flights were started
The legendary apollo 11 only the apollo 10 the moon orbit which is none of this
Ramp launched musk spacex has leased the launch pad for 20 years from nasa and the rocket
flies a completely insane let that you have to say the outer space of the tesla roadster family mask belongs to the first generation
Red saw was produced in 2009 since then he was driven by mas and now it will cover a distance
This car that has never had a private car is really nice
Absolutely crazy but even crazier is what she has masking the car packed on board
Together a doll is named after a song by david bowie from the album the rise and fall of ziggy stardust
And the spiders from Mars you have to know that David Bowie also in one
Space costume as ziggy stardust occurred he is now quasi
as a seed on board the falcon heavy
That it really is the absolute madness and honor, I think so a great gesture the audio system
will play the song space oddity by david bowie and the glove box is an edition of hitchhiker's by the galaxis
by douglas adams and a towel with the inscription no
parallel to the weird cargo i love the thought of a car that probably endlessly through that
Space is drifting and in a few million years perhaps by an alien one
Species is discovered when the rocket does not explode at startup, he means that that can indeed
By the way, the roadster is going to go wrong
To sway the sun and then on to the mars, they fly mask allusion to his plans to populate the Mars ball
I'm sure there'll be more soon
Infos from him if you want to learn first as new to the topic and also to all other topics then sign up here
Whatsapp then you will learn about the latest video before everyone else
guaranteed you can directly there in the editorial of the war to participate and suggest or themes
Ask for videos, the direct wire to me just click here and of course not with the but
Just forgot here it goes on with it on it with 1000 rockets to mars there it is about them
US plans for the settlement of Mars otherwise until then
Battlestar Galactica: Cylon Raider - Spacedock - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
【MUST SEE FOR STUDENTS】Voices are Serious Business!!!!⤴⤴ - Duration: 4:14.Everyone!
Do you like your own voices??
I like mine!
Everyone keeps saying I sound strangled, but
I still like my own voice!
So today I'll be doing a video about voices!
Are all you students out there studying hard right now?
You know, I'm, like,
not that good at studying!!!
It's not my thing!!
So there's this way to study,
Like, even if you're not good at studying,
there's this method...
If you say whatever you're trying to learn out loud,
like, your mind...
Your mind actually really likes your own voice!!
So if you vocalize it,
your brain will suck the information up!
So like, kanji?!
If you wanna remember kanji??
If there's something you don't know,
just say it 10 times and
your brain will be all like
"AH!! I'll never forget this!!!"
And you'll learn it just like that!
But sometimes...
there are some people who don't like their voices but
Maybe you hate the sound of it, b-b-b-ut...
Your brain likes your voice!
When you speak up,
your brain is all,
"Oh! I love this!!"
so it'll soak that information right up!
And if you're the type who always misplaces things?
That's pretty common, right?
I do it a lot too!!
Like, where did I put my phone again?!
Where did I leave my phone??
Where did I leave my wallet??
If you want to stop misplacing stuff,
you vocalize where you put something important,
and then you'll remember it later...
"I'm leaving my phone here."
So speaking is important!!
Your voice is important!
And with that!
I'll be using this app today!
This isn't an advertisement!
I'm not trying to sell this!
I just wanna try this today!
I'm just curious!
About what type of voice I have!!
Hey! Siri~~!
Hey! Siri~~!!
Oh, it's up...
Voice Type Analyzer.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand."
This wasn't in the script!
Voice Type Analyzer app.
Oh! Found it!!
It's here!!
I knew you could do it, Shiri!!
It opened the Voice Type Analyzer app!
This is what it looks like!
Dr. Monjey is a voice doctor with big ears
He will diagnose the personality behind your voice
Ah..! He's not ugly!!
"What is your gender?"
"What is your age?"
143! 14...
What, you can only enter two digits?!
I can't put it then!!!
What to do...
I'll just leave it as 14?
It's 14!!
I'll say I'm 14!
I can't help it!
I can't!! It won't let me!!
And now, it's asking me to tap the mic button
and say the following line
"Master, does Tianzhu truly exist?"
Is what I'm supposed to say
Let's go!!
Wait a sec...
What?! It really accepted it!!
"Your personality type is a lovely older lady."
"You have a calming low voice like that of a mature woman."
"Men who want to be coddled will fall head over heels for you!"
"But you're actually stubborn on the inside?"
"Hints of coldness show through your voice!"
"Take care so that others don't notice!!"
I'm not cold?!?!
I'm cute!!
I'm cute!!!
I'm definitely cute!!!
Absolutely cute, right??
Totally cute!!
Hold on, let me try this again...
"Jack quickly climbed up the beanstalk!"
"A peppy girl!"
[Extremely pleased]
"You're cheerful and bright, but also polite!"
"What a nice voice you have!"
"But too much cheer and
you'll start sounding like an old woman from Osaka--"
Shut up!!!
"--which is a big risk for you."
"Does that sound familiar?!"
How annoying...
It said I'm a peppy girl!!
I'm so happy! [Extremely pleased]
Hey Siri!!
Hey, Shi--
Hey, Shiri
It's up!!
"What can I help you with?"
What do you think of my voice??
"I have no opinion--"
Is my voice cute??
"I don't understand.
Would you like me to search the web?"
N-No thanks, I'm fiiine!
Лада Гранта LOUD SOUND. ОЧЕНЬ ГРОМКО! - Duration: 18:19.-------------------------------------------
What Your Home Says About You... - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Dandara - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 6:45.High-profile indie platformers are a dime a dozen on the
Nintendo Switch eShop these days, which begs the question:
how do newcomers continue to stand out from the pack?
Is it still enough for a game to offer the best
running, jumping, and shooting in the business when so many other
platformers are promising the same or similar things, especially
on a system that's still less than a year old?
There's no objectively correct way to answer that, of course, but
one thing is certain: such questions don't apply to Dandara, a
new challenger from Brazilian indie developer Long Hat House.
A 2D platformer though it may be, you won't spend a single
second running or jumping in Dandara, though there's still
plenty of shooting to be done.
Instead, Dandara's eponymous hero gets around her topsy-
turvy world by leaping and bounding from surface to surface in
stylish, spectacular fashion.
Direction and even gravity mean nothing to Dandara; as long as a surface is
within her reach, Dandara can leap toward and stick to it regardless
of its orientation relative to the world around her.
Considering how proven and well-tread platformers are as a
genre, anchoring an entire game around such a unique and
potentially unwieldy movement mechanic could have proven
disastrous for Dandara.
Fortunately, that's not how things have played out here; it's clear the developers
spent a great deal of time and effort making sure this mechanic
works well and feels good in practice, and not just in theory.
While you always have full 360-degree control over the precise
direction of your next leap, represented by the white line during
gameplay, the game uses a separate green line to indicate
where you will actually go should you try to leap while aiming
the white line at a surface out of Dandara's reach.
This is absolutely crucial in two ways: first, it greatly simplifies
the act of casually traversing the game world and ensures that
the unique leaping mechanic never gets in the way of simply
making it from one place to another.
Second, it means the player is never penalized simply for trying
to leap toward a surface they can't reach or in an otherwise
invalid direction.
And it's a good thing so much thought went into simplifying and
streamlining this core traversal mechanic, not only because
that's just good game design but also because you'll have
plenty else to worry about while leaping to and fro.
Combat is also an important part of Dandara, with much
of the game's difficulty stemming from figuring out how
best to approach a room full of dangerous enemies and hazards...
and then, actually surviving the encounter.
Suffice to say, throwing strategy out the window and going in
with all guns blazing is usually the best way to guarantee
yourself a quick trip to the Game Over screen.
Dandara has a basic shot attack to take enemies out with,
but the attack requires a little charge time and has limited
range, meaning your spacing, timing, positioning, and aim
must all be considered and adjusted on the fly when going
on the offensive.
This is to say nothing of all the enemy shots constantly flying
toward you in some rooms, forcing you to stay on the move and
deal with enemies quickly and decisively while also being
mindful of environmental hazards, such as special surfaces that
become electrified a moment after Dandara lands on them.
And invincibility frames?
You'll find no such cushion here, as you get
almost no grace period after taking damage and it's surprisingly
easy to find yourself in a situation where you're overwhelmed by
enemy attacks and die in seconds.
If all of that sounds like it makes Dandara pretty demanding to
play, well, that's because it is!
Dandara firmly plants its feet in
the brutal end of the difficulty spectrum and is especially rough
in the early going, when all that stands between you and the
Game Over screen is a paltry three hits.
Make no mistake, death comes early, quickly, and often in Dandara,
and the easily frustrated should probably steer clear.
But those willing to persevere will find that while Dandara's
occasionally extreme difficulty can veer into unfair territory, so
too does the game reward dedicated play with clear,
measurable improvements in skill.
And the game does offer ways to tilt the odds in your favor, if only
slightly: you can level Dandara up over the course of the game, cashing
in the Salt
collected from defeated enemies to increase your health, sub-
weapon energy, and more.
But even there, Dandara's steep learning curve leaves its mark:
if you die, you lose all the Salt you've gathered and you can
only recover it if you make it back to your body before you die
If you don't, kiss all that Salt goodbye — along with all
the levels you would have gained from it!
This wouldn't be an issue if you could spend Salt to level up
whenever you want, but as it turns out, you can only level up at
Campsites basically serve as checkpoints for you to
get kicked back to when you die, but considering how rare they
are, expect to constantly find yourself in dangerous situations
where you've amassed a ton of Salt during your travels and are
desperately searching for a campsite to spend it at before you
kick the bucket.
Normally this kind of tension would feel welcome in a Metroid-
style game, but considering Dandara's already high degree of
difficulty, it can start to feel like a bit much after awhile.
Still, difficulty-related frustrations aside, Dandara's
moment to moment gameplay is consistently thrilling
and the leaping mechanic never loses its luster, feeling just
as cool and fresh at
the end of the game's 8-to-10 hour journey as it does at the
It also helps that Dandara's bizarre world is a blast to
explore, with its unorthodox settings and constantly shifting
While the in-game map isn't quite as helpful as I would have
liked in a Metroid-style game like this, there's a persistent,
alluring sense that you really never know what might be around
the next corner because the world itself is just so singular and
wholly unique in the way it's laid out and presented.
Storytelling is not a central focus in Dandara, being limited to a
couple of short cutscenes and a handful of brief character
Still, the game's unusual, otherworldly setting and
eclectic characters play huge roles in conveying the game's
narrative as what seems to be an allegory for events that
transpired during Brazil's colonial period.
Dandara herself is based on a real-life Afro-Brazilian warrior
who fought to protect escaped slaves, making the digital Dandara's
more generalized quest to free an enslaved world from oppression
easy to get behind.
Visually, Dandara benefits from sharp, expressive pixel art
punctuated by painstakingly detailed backgrounds and
memorable character designs.
The animation is particularly excellent, with the dust clouds kicked up
as Dandara leaps around the world remaining a highlight throughout.
The imposing, screen-filling bosses are another
high point and serve as their own rewards for pushing onward through
Dandara's difficult world.
Meanwhile, the atmospheric, decidedly ambient soundtrack hits
right on the mark and helps draw you into the strange,
unfamiliar worlds on display.
It's not all ambience, and the soundtrack does kick in with some powerful
melodies in certain key areas and during important sequences such
as boss fights,
but Dandara's soundtrack mostly operates in the background
and isn't necessarily all that memorable on its own.
Despite a steep difficulty curve that occasionally feels downright
unfair and some minor pacing issues later in the game, there's
a whole lot to recommend Dandara and I certainly liked it.
Leaping from surface to surface never stops feeling fresh and
fun throughout, and it serves well in its role as Dandara's
central gameplay hook.
At the same time, the world feels fresh and rewarding to explore, and it's all framed
by the compelling backdrop of a relatable narrative and memorable
characters uniquely informed by Brazilian history and
As always, thank you so much for watching, and if you enjoyed
this video, please hit that Like button and subscribe to our
channel on social media!
You can find all the links you need in the video description below.
Otherwise, keep it on GameXplain for more on Dandara, the Nintendo Switch,
and all things gaming.
RodjER: "My goal in VP is to win The International" - Duration: 4:03.Hello everyone, I'm RodjER, the new Virtus.pro player.
Last month or so I had been thinking about what would be the best,
and, speaking objectively, Virtus.pro is the best choice - the team is stronger and opportunities are more numerous.
Furthermore, we had been having some inside problems in NaVi lately - some players refused to play with each other, etc.
That's why the choice fell here, obviously.
I had been trying my best in my previous team, NaVi,
and I started thinking about the transfer only after I was invited to play [in Virtus.pro].
At that point, I started considering it.
I had consulted just with my best friend from my hometown, Lipetsk.
His name is Edgar and he's my childhood friend, and I share a lot with him.
He's a professional Hearthstone player and I wish him all the best of luck.
He also said that Virtus.pro would be the best choice.
This state of anticipation and uncertainty was daunting -
I didn't play Dota for almost a week, but my thoughts were all about this stuff as I was mentally preparing for it,
and awaiting the final decision.
Actually, at that moment, I was in a cinema with my girlfriend - and obviously, I didn't finish the movie since I was on Twitter.
I was really looking forward to it - and so it happened that I even had some popcorn!
Well, that was fun.
When I finally heard about the decision, everything settled down,
and I started thinking forward about working with the guys, etc.
All my acquaintances were whole-heartedly congratulating me for the fact that so much changed for me in just one year.
Of course, it's pleasant that, I should say, I shocked everyone.
We're going to start practicing today as Solo and 9pasha are coming back - we had been waiting for them together with No[o]ne and Ramzes,
so today is the day our practice starts.
Ramzes calls me "Caucasian", others - simply "RodjER", but I don't know how they call me between them.
It's a serious question, and we need to tackle it.
When I arrived at The International, I had a feeling that I had already been there.
I had been imagining it a lot, from videos, etc - almost as I had been there already.
so I didn't go "wow!" when I arrived there.
However, the on-stage games were amazing, playing for such audience is something out of this world.
Undoubtedly, such experience is a deciding factor.
However, as it was my first International, it was not without some anxiety.
Hopefully, in this year, everything will go more confidently, as my goal in Virtus.pro is to win The International.
I want to finally end all the trash talk. The game will show everything.
Thank you for watching! Subscribe to our channel and make sure to like!
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