Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

Kiat = Gym Moo Kao = Village #9

Back in the day we had no muaythai gym in the neighborhood

I really like it and when my 2 kids grow up till 10 years old

both began to fight

and they were the 1st generation of fighters here

- [What are their names?] - Chanapol Kiatmookao, my eldest son

and Jerdja Kiatmookao

- [Whom is the current head coach right?]

He's getting old now... almost 40 and started to fight since he was little

they were the first fighters of my gym

by the time the fight manager was Songchai

their purses were around US$ 650 but we broke up

they used to train here ... in this garage

only two of them

later when Singdam arrived we built the ring

We grew slowly, inch by inch

2 or 3 heavy bags...

- [Which gym did you start?]

- I started right here, my dad was the coach

just me and my elder brother

- [How old were you?] - Around 10 years, I was in 4th grade

- [How was it?] - We were just fighting out there, me and my brother

at first we were fighting countryside

when we started to get famous around we signed with OneSongchai [muaythai promoter and manager]

we did around 10 fights each but we had a problem

Here was a small gym

My father was the coach and the manager

at that time if you have problem, the promoters could take advantage of the smaller gyms

then we came back to fight countryside

until 22 years old I was still fighting

countryside fights but always as main event

and also helping my father to train other fighters

when Panomrunglek and Singdam grew up a bit

I stopped fight and became trainer full time

- [Did you use to fight before?] - Nnever, but I like it

If there's a fight I was always there

Sometimes I wanted to go to Bangkok to watch the fights, have to borrow to go...

It was always difficult, had to go by bus away, but I loved

I always go to watch the practice, as the foreigners do in Thailand

was looking how they train the fighters, how they manage the gym

I learned there and came to teach my children

[The first generations of fighters signed with Onesongchai]

Yes, but it was not a successful relationship

after that, Singdam and the 2nd generation, we signed with another manager, Petchyindee Promotions.

which is still famous nowadays

and today we have one fighter at Channel 7

Saksi Kiatmoo9, 105lb champion signed with Chun from Kiatpetch Promotions.

just for a change

get some fresh air

while we were with Petchyindee only fought against Petchyindee fighters

always fighting the fighters Sia Boat [son of Petchyindee founder ]

we've been with them for almost 20 years

For some gyms is complicated

but my gym is always very quiet

as sons and relatives

We never had problems with fighters with mischief or vandalism

Parents coming here to make a scandal... never happened

since the time of Singdam we never had problems with parents of boys

here it is always very quiet

usually they come here to encourage us

Back when the Singdam trained a lot of foreigners used to come around

now as he stays in Bangkok, foreigners are not coming anymore

They are looking for Singdam but there's no problem

I'm already satisfied

but it is better because there's the language barrier

there are only a few trainers

our fighters earn well, we stay quiet and live well

If it is to start to build a fighter from scratch, I can't do anymore

our trainers prefer to take care of bigger boys, they are old and getting lazy

we don't have beginers

and it's becoming harder to find kids in the neighborhood who want to be fighters

sometimes, little gyms around give us some fighters

when they start to get famous, the ones that have potential I accept

I used to hold the pads, clinch the fighters... everything

when I finished the pads with Singdam, put the pads aside, and go for clinch with him

[When Singdam arrived at the gym, who was his trainer?]

Here was his first gym and he's been here since very young

by that time he couldn't even kick the heavy bag

- [Did you ever imagined he could go that far?] - I never imagined ...

But I strive for all kids that have a good people and are dedicated to training

he trained hard, sometimes he cried during practice, but he never gave up

Singdam got everything and had a successful career

[How was your life before the gym 30 years ago? Did you work and train your fighters?]

Back in the day I was a farmer and was making the gym

over the years my fighters started to get famous

purses started to get higher

and I could only live from fights

and that's what I still doing nowadays, having an ease life

Singdam today is no longer here, yet when he fights he sends money to us

[Who was the first champion of Kiatmoo9?]

Singdam was the first and were many belts

then came Panomrunglek, he was

Isuzu Champion, Lumpinee Champion 112 and 115lb

he never had opponents in his weight class

he never defended the belts

Superlek got around 5 Lumpinee belts

Petchpanomrung wasn't Lumpinee champion, but he was Thai champion 4 or 5 times

and now we have Saksi [Lumpinee champion105lb] that I hope to earn several belts too

- [Do you usually gamble or bet in the fights?] - Yes, sometimes I do sidebets

If Superlek fights I usually bet.

Against Saengmanee we do sidebets since they were really young

Superlek and Saengmanee have fought 8 times

from 8 fights Superlek

lost 2 and won 6

we bet against Saengmanee gym since they were little kids

they weight around 25kg and each gym put US$ 30.000

[28 kg and 30.000 dolars?]

26Kg and US$ 30.000

that fight we won

since they were really small

the first time each side bet US$ 3.000

Superlek won

Saengmanee began fighting on Channel 9, Asswindam

He started to get famous and asked to fight again

26kg, US$ 30.000 on each side in Ubon [neighbor state]

We won again

another fight in Nakorn Rachasima [neighbor state]

US$ 6.000 and we won again

The two became very famous in Bangkok and Saengmanee asked to fight Superlek again

another US$ 30.000 on each side, check out the photos over there

that time fought at Lumpinee and Superlek won again

that's been a while that they don't fight, but were many fights for several years

Superlek also won...

Tanonchai Thanakorngym 2 times

Saengmanee won Tanonchai too and came again

to fight Superlek... and lost again

some fight styles didn't match

[Is Superlek the biggest sidebets winner?]

Yes, it was him

but countryside was Panomrunglek

Panomrunglek was Singdam partner here

- [They arrived at the same time?] - Yes, same time as Singdam

When Panomrunglek was around 6 fights

He could face fighters with over 100 fights and win easily

he was very intelligent

- [6 fights?]

His 6th fight was against an opponent with over 100 fights

We were underdogs and were paying 3-4x more if we win

but when the fight began he won easily

nobody could understand how a boy with only 6 fights could be that good?

after that we started making sidebets and win around the village

if we could match an opponent was another sidebet win

until he was champion Isuzu

honestly speaking, at his time he was as good as Saenchai

He never cut weight, always fight at his natural weight

at the time he used to fight around 50kg his weight was around 46kg

even fighting underweight he manage to win the Isuzu Tournament. I still can't believe

- [who did he beat at Isuzu finals?]

Wanviset Lukbaanyai

Fight was a draw! Isuzu tournament final didn't have a winner.

another fight was schedulled and they fought again [Panomrunglek won]

After Isuzu Tournament he kept fighting at his natural weight

one of his fights was against Tongchai. He was good and was returning

Thongchai Tor Silachai, Fighter of the Year 2001 [only man to win Saenchai by KO]

Panomrunglek reversed the fight

normal weight was 53kg and the fight was 54kg

no big deal, he ate, weigh in, went to fight and won Thongchai

but he was a light fighter, so he was not famous as the others

but very skilled. When clinch fighters came walking forward aggressive...

he swept them in a very shameful way, he was really good on it

then he have no more opponents and he went up again to fight 54,5Kg

against Petcheke Kiatyongyut but he lost. when he came back he said, "I can't do this anymore."

"As I have no opponents they will keep giving me bigger fighter. I'll try to fight boxing."

He want to put at his profile that he was world boxing champion

but we know it is not an easy task to be world champion, it is very difficult

he got a WBA world title shot and fight well

[Against Koki Kameda, 2013], but they did not give him the victory in Japan

[When he started training boxing he practiced here?]

He trained a bit here, a little in Bangkok

It was the first 10 days here, preparing the body, and would go to practice with Petchyindee boxers

their specialty is boxing, our here is only muaythai

We could only help with his fitness

He waited too long for the opportunity but didn't succeed

then he lost again in Japan two months ago

he is now back fighting muaythai

as he didn't survive, he should continue

if they stop inviting he will stop fighting

Petchpanomrung [Panomrunglek little brother]

after 3 fights at Glory he got a title shot

and he could not lose

It was a 4 man tournament but if he lose in the semifinals was out

2 fights of 3 rounds in the same day

was a lot of pressure

We could use another technics, show ability, but we were afraid to lose

today we know that kickboxing needs the show

we know that every fight is different, but there was extra pressure

We needed to win those two fights for title shot

Then the boy was tense, just wanted to play with the rules to win

we saw the foreigners a way more relaxed, making teeps jumping, flying knees

they were having fun, we were just stiffed trying to win

[Do you believe Petchpanomrung has a chance to emerge on the international scene?]

Yes, he have chance. Today we have the strategies, sometimes you need to walk forward and be aggressive

Sometimes you need to walk backwards and be more defensive

but if you only walk backwards foreigners doesn't like it

Some fighters who are only aggressive can win

there's many cases

We had a Chinese against a foreigner

I saw the Chinese winning

but the foreigner was more aggressive and won the fight

just walk forward, even without hit that much, and you can win

[The score system is quite different.]

Very different and difficult, I am still learning how does it work

The rules are also different

It is forbidden to sweep, forbidden hold the kicks

They create a rule system where a foreigner with only 10-20 fights can fight us

we have over 200 fights and doesn't seem that we are in advantage

elbows, clinch, projections ... all banned

[How is the training for kickboxing, is it the same as muaythai?]

Yes, the same way

- [run in the morning, afternoon, clinch, all the same?] - Yes, the same.

But now Petchpanomrung is learning how the international style works

doing fitness, training footwork, how to be faster, punch combinations ...

[Do you have a coach who comes here?]

No, he goes to study and train at Sitsongpeenong gym

they have more experience and Petchpanomrung can stay and learn with Sittichai

he goes there for a month and then come back here

We want them to get more experience as it is getting more difficult to find opponents

it's better if they train somewhere else

fights overseas are better because the purses are higher

Petchpanomrung when fights in Thailand do not earn more than US$ 3.000

When he started at Glory he got US$ 10.000 in his 1st fight

US$ 15.000 in the 2nd fight

in the 3rd fight another US$ 15.000

if he win his next fight is expected to reach US$ 22.000

winning this US$ 22.000 he will fight for the belt

and going to be over US$ 30.000 like Sittichai Sitsongpeenong

I want my fighters to follow this path

and I think he stand a chance

Sittichai when was fighting in Bangkok his purse was around US$ 700-1.000

Petchpanomrung is already one of the best technical fighters in Thailand

it's just a matter of will, dedication and fitness

Superlek let's wait another year, but when he get that chance he should go

I believe Superlek can do better than Petchpanomrung because of his power

He just fought in England, gave his opponent 8 cuts

It is better to fight overseas, purses are too low here

the boys sometimes have to wait 2-3 months for a fight, money is not enough

A fighter like Petchpanomrung make around US$ 2.500 in Thailand

the fight that he got kicked in the ground he got US$ 3.000

it's going to decrease

so now let's leave Petchpanomrung only fighting outside Thailand

since he had the opportunity [What about Superlek?]

He fought overseas twice but his name is still marketable in Thailand

Also in consideration to the promoters whom always helped us

They gave us the opportunity and they also need to work

let's wait another 1 or 2 years

[How is the trip to fight in Bangkok?]

There is no secret ...

They cut the weight here

if the fight is in the next day, we leave here around18h

and we sleep in the van

most of the times we sleep in the van

If we leave 1 or 2 days before the fighters will get tired anyway

then it is easier to make the weight at home and sleep the last night in the van

in the AC. wake up early for weigh in

then we go to the hotel, when the fight is over we come back home.

We do like that for almost 30 years and we never got booed by the gamblers

never send unfit fighters, gamblers trust our gym

- [Never?] - We nevergot booed

not in Bangkok, neither countryside

fighters from other gyms, gamblers wait untill 3rd or 4th round for start their bets

if it's from Kiatmookao, when our fighter goes to the ring they start to bet

they trust us

Another important thing is to know how take care of themselves

even if you train well, but don't take good care you will get tired in the fight

need to know how to rest, these things ...

[The gym provides supplements and food for the fighters?]

We give everything: milk, food, supplements ...

[Do the fighters sleep in the gym?]


Wanchai and Rungnarai stays here

they live nearby, 5 or 6km

Petchpanomrung and Superlek return home

Singdam also goes back home [lives across the street]

I do not know how, but Singdam finish practice returns home and stay with his wife.

Panomrunglek too. Just finins and stay with his wife

it's over 10 years ...

and we never had problems. If you want to win you need to take care of yourself

fighter needs to know that if they win, prizes go up, if they lose it's going to decrease

everything will depend on it

[What was the fight that you were more confident that you would win?]

When Superlek faced Seksan

- [Why?] - Because we were not scared, we like it

We already knew that he will attack non stop

We can't go directly to the exchange

if he gives five blows, it's not about to give the same 5 back. We only need one clean blow

That's how we show to the judges

Not going to brawl. Absorb and answer it clean and strong

Our saddest moment was when Singdam

got knockedout by Anuwat

Singdam was elected Fighter of the Year 2002

if in 2003 we didn't fight Anuwat, we could have taken the award again

we didn't need to accept the fight, Singdam already had his hand on the prize

The following year our manager, Petchyindee, organized the fight for us

to decide who would be fighter of the year for the 2nd time

the title was at our hands and we were knockedout again by Anuwat

so we have to give up the award... That was our saddest fight

This fight I was sure we could win

I've never imagined this could happen

but happened. We were devastated, and lost the chance to be 2 times the best of Thailand

[I remember that fight, Singdam was winning against Anuwat]

Yes, they were paying 10x the amount if Anuwat revert the fight

his a rms were bruised due the kicks

but Singdam missed one kick and got one punch by Anuwat

Anuwat was stubborn, tough, was walking forward trying to land only one punch...

he was a poweful puncher, if he touch you was over

Singdam missed the kick and he landed a clean punch

and he slept

We were the best in 2001. In 2002 we would take it again but we lost to Anuwat

In 2003 we made another perfect year, we had everything to win again

Anuwat knocked us out by the 2nd time. Two years in a row

he was a fighter that gave us a lot of headache

We won more than 10 straight fights and lost to the same Anuwat

Our hardest fight ...

I think it was against Petchboonchu

he was a fighter that did not hurt, but know how to play with odds

Singdam kicked him hard but was still winning the fight

he proved to be a strong fighter, but no skills

Singdam kicked, kicked, Petchboonchu continued walking forward making those little knees

he kept his neck high, show power and win the fights

was one of our hardest opponents, what should we do to beat him?

If we kicked and he kept walking

We have lost some, won others, but it was always d ifficult

And the other one is the Saenchai, the best fighter

this one I have to accept

sometimes we have lost because of the odds and gamblers

but Seanchaí I have to admit

he can change his strategy in the ring

the first fight we lost ...

Singdam kicked, Saenchai hold the leg and sweap the base leg

Singdam felt too much, we lost because of this technique

then we change strategy

bend the leg in the kick, put a lot of Vaseline on his shin

When he tried to hold the leg he couldn't, we think this time we would win

then he began to make projections and put us down

Here in Buriram the first famous gym was Nongkeephayut

then Sit Or, our

and now Sitboonmee

Those were the most famous gyms in Buriram

I think we have over 30 belts

from these 4-5 fighters

usually when you win 1 or 2 belts is enough

if we count the stadiums titles and tournaments it's over 30 belts

Many years ago Singdam

was Fighter of the Year 2001 ...

Panomrunglek was Isuzu champion

and after that the gym started to get more famous

We won Gym the year

in 2003 since

then in 2012 ...

best gym in Thailand

another award from the Association of Sports Reporters

We won many awards

I'm a guy who does not like news

if my boys win I don't stay to take pictures

I will go outside to drink a juice or a beer

I'm already happy, satisfied and proud

my fighter won

I never wait for reporters

Pele Sitboonmee and his academy succeeded because they know how to talk to the press

they have many influential friends

but when the fight ends I get back

I never stay to talk to anyone

Im countryside man, when the fight ended I just stay in the back

I'm not explaining how was the fight, what's next opponent ...

I'm always on my own, but who know how to speak normally earn awards

[Why don't you talk to the press?]

Because I don't know how to talk

My fighter won it already makes me happy and proud

[Do you think about retirement?]

I'm keep going...

It will depend on my health

but the truth is I'm glad... it's been 30 years

Im fully satisfied ... I don't need more

satisfied like after a big dinner when you cannot eat

and just wait to digest

now I want to be home, rest

stay up late, watch TV, see my fights ...

and still there's a way to be happy

better than getting nervous and angry all the time

For more infomation >> Kiatmoo9, building a legacy - Duration: 28:21.




BY Julian Rose

Humanity has, for millennia, been led down the road of an entirely false agenda.

So much so, that every aspect of society is almost the precise reverse of what it should


Just a glimmer of awareness reveals that the true potential of the majority of mankind

remains locked away, unable to exert any influence on the course of events on our planet.

Given the scale of this imprisonment, it becomes apparent that the world has been moving on

a trajectory invented and directed by a false intelligence, whose interests are diametrically

opposed to the intelligence of natural planetary consciousness.

I use the word �intelligence� because its hard to find the right word to describe

that which is very clever, but lacks the ability to feel love or compassion; and is often ruthless

without ever showing emotion.

Intelligence should have a more human ring to it, but the word has been hijacked by the

spying networks: the CIA, FBI, MI5 for example, all call themselves �intelligence agencies�.

Not exactly warm-blooded institutions!

Within the hierarchies of banks, corporations, the military, governments, the media and various

global trading organizations, one will find a plethora of quasi-humans in line to get

their hands onto the levers of the central control system.

The top-down pyramid which steers the daily agenda for millions of mortals caught-up in

the 9 to 5 treadmill.

Yet, those climbing the employment ladder within these same institutions, more often

than not lack any awareness of what is going on above their heads.

We should consider the following question: at exactly what point within this typical

corporate pyramid, does the ordinary mortal metamorphose into the ranks of the subhuman

control master?

Which floor serves as the subtle switch-point where the 9 to 5 worker �just doing a job�

shifts into a dedicated trainee in the art of �power over the people� management?

I am not proposing to answer this, as it is a largely hypothetical question; but I suggest

that the process whereby the false agenda for humanity is able to be maintained, year

in year out, relies heavily on the unquestioning cooperation of those who, at some point, change

their identity � or have their identity changed � from just ordinary workers to

corporate clones.

In other words those who see the world entirely through the lens of the corporation they work


The renowned social psychiatrist/psychologist Dr Erich Fromm, in his last major thesis �The

Anatomy of Human Destructiveness� traces the decline of the sentient human at the hands

of a �corporate intelligence� which is specifically designed to dehumanize those

climbing up its ranks.

So that by the time they reach the top, such people have become robotic, in virtually every

action they undertake.

Here lies the mechanism whereby the human becomes less than human; the less than human

becomes inhuman; and the inhuman becomes a biological robotic clone and proponent of

Transhumanist Artificial Intelligence � which takes the false agenda for humanity ever nearer

to its ultimate goal.

Perhaps not ultimate, but far enough to ensure that humanity as we know it, is superseded

by another form of �intelligence� that has nothing to do with nature or the exigence

expressed in natural human emotions of love, joy, pain and sorrow.

Cyborgian artificial intelligence is just that: artificial.

Art put in reverse so as to eliminate the godly, the beautiful, the spontaneous � all

that which gives expression to what it really means to be human.

But consider the fact that it is people suffering these type of symptoms who are in the driving

seat of world affairs; running governments, banks and technocratic institutions like the

European Union.

The mentality is that of a corporate trained control freak � and the greater the power

on hand, the greater the ego fueled top-down control manipulation becomes.

The structural design of the neoliberal/neoconservative capitalist Leviathon is not an accident.

It is a deliberate formula for the entrapment of mankind.

One which puts into reverse � and thereby completely distorts � the true hierarchical

themes of nature and the cosmos.

In just the same way as Hitler inverted and reversed the design of the original swastika,

an ancient peace symbol from Southern India, into a twisted symbol of war.

The symbols that adorn all top-end corporate chains and industries, follow this same pattern.

They are nearly all based upon ancient archetypal forms.

Forms that symbolized man�s desire to give expression to the powers of nature, as well

as the cosmic influences that were mythologized into gods and pantheistic forces of power

and influence.

Symbols that expressed higher aspirations of bygone civilisations.

The big-chiefs of corporate globalization adorn their high-rise totems and plush office

suites with the very same symbols, but what do they stand for now?

Quite simply, a crassly materialistic paradigm which has usurped the nature gods of old;

declaring itself the new �supreme force� to which mankind must go on its knees in unquestionoing


And, as we know, the majority of mankind has been complicit in fulfilling this role, ensuring

a self-inflicted avenue of slavery and passive acceptance of the role assigned by the prevailing

status quo.

Indeed, there appears to be no end to the butchery and bullying in the cause of keeping

the Leviathan rolling forward.

The US military � backed by its European �allies� � ranges the planet in support

of the ceaseless profligate mining of valuable minerals, to make the fuels that fill the

tanks of Big Pharma, Big Agro, Big Army and Big Business.

While the public, rather than rising up against mammon, appear to be paralyzed by the spectacle,

unable to imagine anything less destructively domineering that might take its place.

I used the words �appear to be� because there is, of course, another emergent energy

that tells another story.

That breaks through the deception that man is nothing more than a psychopathetic instrument

in the hands of all dominant, aggressive and less than human oppressors.

It is not just �any� other energy.

It is the long-buried � and steadily more volcanic � energy of liberated spirit.

A revivified spirit which is finding its way back into the arteries of an ever-growing

number of ex hostages of the status quo, as well as new arrivals on this planet.

Everyday this spirit is gaining further momentum and a stronger equilibrium.

Cracks in the false agenda are widening; the confidence of its perpetrators is wavering;

the old power base is leaking.

Chinks of light glitter amongst the darkness; the sense of an upwardly rising change is

in the air, counteracting the stench of stagnation and decline.

What is this?

We �the people� have arrived at a critical point in this apocalyptic epoch, finding out

that we are possessed of power we never knew we had; starting to believe in a Self we never

knew we cradled; hearing a voice we never could hear before.

Finding in each other, sources of mutual support, not just a shackled fellow prisoner.

As this process grows, so the false agenda is further revealed for what it is, and its

chief perpetrators are exposed ever more clearly for what they are.

The seemingly inexorable drive towards a cybernetic future, or one populated and run by gender-bent,

micro-chipped mock-humans, is being infiltrated by warm-blooded, nature loving true humans.

Trees are being planted where concrete was once the only landscape.

We are learning that where our thoughts go � energy follows.

And that if these thoughts are full of creativity and life, so will our lives also be.

We are learning that we can take charge of our destinies after all.

That, at any moment, we could dispense with the false reality of the top down centralized

command system, and be free to start our own version of reality.

One informed by our love of Truth � a determination to act on this truth � and a growing aspiration

to Be rather than to have.

For more infomation >> A FALSE AGENDA FOR HUMANITY - Duration: 9:01.


Reacting to Music we Picked in 5 MINUTES (y'all gonna be shook) - Duration: 12:59.

So apparently, this is a visual representation of me and apparently this is a visual representation of you

I just wanted something that can go Yi

You know yeah, we should two flags though

Today we're doing the weirdest challenge we have ever done

We decided we wanted to get at once when we film another surprising surprising

You know it was pretty funny for a dressage app on footage in public is pretty awkward

It's amazing music better than me wait first to talk about our

Giveaway so we both picked up music for each other and we decided to give away some of the vinyls and CDs that we picked

Out I think we got some good vinyls and all you have to do to win the giveaway follow on Instagram boom boom boom boom

Breathe that


Instagram I wanted to make it less formal and not you Jesse that's only for special occasions

I hope you still you know under British accent. You changed it to Joe. Oh, no. No I did okay. Yeah

Well you probably you were like ye, you want to follow my Twitter

And Frank's throat of yours well somebody mentioned this to me the other day

I said this branding where I said if you're not subscribed and then I did a double chin

Should we get you back for this video? I think so bring a chance okay? How let's bring it Shin. Let's bring it

One extra two an extra ten because like the intensity of the giveaway should judge, how many Chin's make you agree?

and if you liked this video and get this video to

30,000 likes we'll keep the chin branding because we totally keep track of all the likes on the videos

Three thousand likes and this week we will make that beauty group channel together because we got we hit the amount of likes mercy makeup

Beauty crime gaming it only took

Or glam with Frank

Exactly it's like Beauty to hide

Exactly motto, that's great. I love

Hello, hello my people wait wait today. This is your channel. Oh wait

I need to show you what I do with a new TV really quick. You can do karaoke

Today we're going to be buying music for each other

Like we don't know the other person like so it'll turn out kind of interesting exactly

Yeah, that works good. Let's go. Thanks up, so we're going to a record store. We're gonna be buying some vinyls today

People say the toes are unattractive, but I think every toe is beautiful fits finish definitely not people always ask me

Why I stopped going on Instagram live. It's because a foot fetish community found my Instagram why?

They're like show me your feet. Yeah. Are you part?

Have you been waiting? No I'm good well if you want to see what my toe looks like here you go

Let's go. I'm gonna

Ask you some questions about this challenge some music that I think she's never heard before

So I used to be really into metal and I think it's gonna be funny to show her like a death metal album

Because she's really soft, and I love corrupting her every time I come over my game plan for this

I'm gonna get Frank to listen to more of my soft music quote unquote

I'm gonna get some Disney Princess music up in here or like some Barbie movie soundtracks


Mean I'm sure than you

Okay, let's go you didn't hear any of that right Oh Jenna

So we have five minutes to pick up music for each other. It's go time

Yeah, how could I be as cool as you? Can you like dad okay?

legends only

Alright my people. I haven't said that yet

You haven't bursted me for saying that why don't you have a name my people? We just get each other

You know okay, Emo's it just works

Do you want to help us come up with a fandom name besides my people will think of something comment down below?

I actually want to see then we're gonna be like the Jesse's

We're taking forever we included some vlog footage before and we filmed us we had five minutes to go and

Pick out music for each other and try to surprise each other

So I've spent this whole uber ride disappointed that your cat doesn't follow me back on Instagram

I'm so how do you feel? I?

Like it. Oh look look. I like all your channel. I like all your cat photo. I'm so sorry

she was

Just a big head, no big ego. She's very picky about who she follows only 23 people

Basically the Kardashian. I walk these streets a little bit differently now all right

Let's go into amoeba okay, all right, so I got called me by your name such a good movie

And I wanted to get the soundtrack from it cuz it's such a good soundtrack

Okay, so I got some news because I just got prank listening to me. I just got the Hamilton right on track

I'm just baiting. I'm getting stranger things to or strangers ABCD or tickets the final

I like the final because it's all out and you can like hang it in his apartment and remember to actually watch it

Legally Blonde, it's funny for the NIEM currently. I'm looking in the wrong section, and I just found

Almost ready yet, I seem to pick out one more vinyl and I'm having issues

We'll figure it out looks like very high in demand there are none left

This would have been so perfect for Frank instead I might go for a classic here some of that action

Look who's in line behind me I?

Have no idea what he got it's on his bag. He was scary, I'm nervous

It looks like you've a pretty full bag scare everyone out even just you it's gonna scare like people your people my people

Don't victimize my people like that. I got some soft stuff. Can you feel it?

Yeah, this might feel hard and edgy


Surprise each other it could just be like it struck me think the other person would like or just new stuff that we wanted to

Play for each other well my goal was to scare you well you'll have to see on Frank's channel

I try to crap Jesse a little more and more in every collab. It's been working. You're gonna. Be arresting me especially

Yeah me react to music Lisa's last video and there were some very inappropriate ones

Remember filming that so we went to this place called amoeba please sponsor us we love you

I got you two vinyls first day. You need to watch

stranger things I

Never saw this coming. What is the other one Riverdale?

So with stranger things, I got like midway through season one

Thanks to though. Yeah wait have you seen that mind of the Shiva in do that like?

Oh, sorry you it's so cute

Music on here


Next got you some seating you so my goal was to make it soft because I'm Way too much

So there's this movie that every single human being told me to watch and I watched it. It's amazing. It's in theaters right now

It's called call me by your name not sponsored not sponsored

Please like freaking wish sponsor the heck out of this meme the playlist is really cool. Just give me like soundtracks

Yeah, are there any bands?

Bands, okay, you get to hear new music. Let's see what's next okay, so Frank. I just recently got into Muse

Of that I would get you this one have that one song that has like a really long guitar builder. That's like every new song

They just described every waiting song ever yeah, okay a newborn are you born yeah?

That's in a different album as I'm worried

It was immature - I'm joking I was gonna buy you out origin of symmetry vinyl trim in the heavy assault

Which wait oh my god that gets harsh

This one this one's off origin asymmetry

Next time like if you want that if this video gets right if you got that

On Twitter, I feel like that and this album means a lot to me and well

I really hope people haven't stopped supporting 1d in one direction my opinion

You stand right to give a poster poster I used to listen to One Direction

Story of my life was a good song. I know we're gonna kill me for liking pop don't mean for it. It's a great album

Is this early this is early?

Writing I know kiss you

Being a middle school girl, I was like wow that's hot I don't feel any softens, so I also got you

Legally Blonde what for the mean I tried to think what is the least likely thing for frame to get Legally Blonde - I

Like the song Franz Ferdinand. Do you know him why is it some familiar play like the most popular truck?

Drink that friends

On tumblr he's kind of like characterized like doctor oh

Yeah as if I don't know I love trying fighter Stefan's new music, I want to keep the stranger thing soundtrack wait

I can never talk he's being ironic Vermont. What's your favorite song off the album? I don't maybe generic and say bite by curries

I'm going to talk me down girl. There are all these ayats

All right, so that's it. What do you think of the music presented to you okay? So those are everything like individually?

Yeah, well several at Troy I stands for a it's problem. You think you wouldn't think I'd like but I love it

That's true. I love the way Troy goes about his style of music. It's just Troy stranger things

I really need to watch more of it

And you tell me to ever tell me hang out and also to watch her in jail. I needed it like sit down

I just have a really short attention span that's my fault the music though. It's awesome. It's a bunch of 80's music

It's so good. I'm keeping this so thank you for this. What's next Franz Ferdinand's. You showed me a little bit

I like the guitar and that's all I have to say about that. I'll listen to more even later. Though one direction

I'm nervous to talk about this because I can get a lot of shit from both sides. Yeah, I did like one direction one direction

Legally Blonde I didn't know we were buying movie soundtracks really nice candy Roman background

This movie call me by your name. This was basically me. Just begin like watch the movie. Yeah, okay. I'll watch the movie

I don't know

It's about can you explain that's about in like three words?

Gay as hell and then Muse Jesse got me into me as a while ago. You never listen to music

I'm like that's so your taste in music and you'll honors and a few days

I'm gonna feature my people here, and you're amazing pose

I love following Twitter actually found my Twitter by

Stranger things album support my memes like my Instagram pictures

And if you come right now from this video comment on my labs Instagram daddy and follow Frank and watch this video

Yeah, but you already know to do that alright. We're gonna keep going meme around have a great Eve and

support Troye Sivan



For more infomation >> Reacting to Music we Picked in 5 MINUTES (y'all gonna be shook) - Duration: 12:59.


Amateur Chef Vs Professional Chef: Raid The Fridge Challenge - Duration: 8:38.

- Amateur vs. Professional, man,

keep your food in the pot, that's the number one rule.

- Don't put...what? - That's the number one rule.

Keep the food in the pot!

(hip hop music)

Hey guys, my name is Jade, I work at Buzzfeed.

My cooking list is a little short.

I know how to make mac and cheese, shop and feel cookies,

like when it comes with the dough ready already.

I have a slight cooking background.

I actually used to work at Chipotle,

my whole college career.

Making burritos, making quesadillas, making salads.

Man, I was killing the game.

- I'm Alvin, I'm a Tasty producer here in Buzzfeed New York.

I've been cooking for a while.

Love food and I love cooking.

I believe that food is super beautiful.

I really focus on making food that I think is presentable

as well as delicious.

- I feel super confident going against Alvin.

You know, this guy might be the Tasty King

but I'm, like, the Lemonade King.

You give me anything and I can make lemonade.

- All I'm saying is, may the best cook win.

We're gonna find out.

(tense hip hop)

- [Jade] Everyone's fridge is very different.

When I go to my cousin's fridge,

what they have in their fridge can be completely different

than what I have in my fridge.

(tense hip hop)

- [Alvin] Thirty minutes is not a lot of time

to make a meal, especially because you're in a new kitchen,

you're not sure what you're working with.

But I think I can make it work.

- You ready to do this one?

- Yeah, let's do it.

Let's do it. - Let's do it.

- All right, it's on.

- I'm coming for your ass, Alvin.

I'm coming for you, man.

We're on our way to Tara's house.

- What do you think she has in her fridge?

(scoffs) - I have no idea.

I feel like Tara lives right on 34th Street,

so, like, she's around so many restaurants.

What would you have in your fridge?

Let's go see this house.

- Let's go do it. - Let's do it.

- What's up? - What's up, T-Wiz!

- [Alvin] How's it going?

- Wait, wait, why are you here?

- We're here for the Chef vs. Amateur?

- Well, it doesn't matter, we're coming in.

- That's tomorrow-- - We're here today, girl.

- [Alvin] Are you hungry? You better be.

- Don't you want some lunch?

- I just woke up!

(door slams)

- I got five minutes to check out

what food we got lying around,

what kind of equipment we're dealing with.

The special ingredient that I brought

is smoked paprika.

I brought it because I think it adds

a really nice flavor to a lot of foods

that could really take things to the next level.

- [Alvin Voiceover] So, open the fridge

not knowing that to expect, I see eggs,

I see cheese, I see maple syrup, I see bacon.

Tara's got some leftovers here.

This is broccoli. Oh, I could totally use broccoli.

That's, like, a breakfast thing,

broccoli goes with eggs.

Things are starting to work, it's easy to sort of

follow a dish when you know what angle you're going for.

So I think I got something going on.

Some sort of omelet over, maybe, some bacon,

stuffed with some cheese.

Sounds pretty good to me.

- Because I am the Master of all things

wrapped in tortillas, it's only right

that my special ingredient was tortillas.

I'm just gonna take whatever is in this fridge

and put it in this wrap and make it taste good.

Let's check out what's in this fridge.

- [Jade Voiceover] She has onions, cilantro,

she had the lemon juice and the salt,

those are really the only three ingredients

I use in, like, most of my foods.

Oh, we got avocado.

Girl, all I need is avocados

and we get this guacamole popping.

I got pico de gallo and guacamole,

I could make a vegetarian burrito.

I really want to make one with meat

and I was going through the fridge,

there weren't too many leftovers,

but there was this little Tupperware of Chinese food.

It looked like some rice with some carrots

with a little bit of chicken...

Let me see what this smells like.

It'll have to work, guys.

(tense, confrontational music)

I know burritos. He knows Tasty.

Let's see what that looks like versus each other.

- [Man Off-Camera] Three, two, one.

- We're going? All right. - Oh.

- Here it is. - We're going for it.

I don't know if all my cooking techniques are right,

so, don't judge me.

- [Alvin] You're going down, Jade.

- I'm just going downtown after I whoop your ass.

(Alvin hoots) Go back to work.

Shoulda ran this under cold water

because I'm about to start tearing like a bitch!

- Oh, you're cutting the red onion, too,

that's gonna make you cry.

- Yeah, it's gonna-- - Someone cue the waterworks.

Oh no, red onions are the most acidic...

All the onion gas is going in the air

and making her cry and I felt so bad.

- [Jade Voiceover] I started cutting those red onions.

The tears just started falling, man.

I could not make them stop.

It was really, really bad.

It's gonna be such a beautiful victory.

- Gotta whip it.

If you dance while you're doing it,

it gets more air into it.

I don't know if it helps aerate the eggs,

I personally believe it does,

but that might just be me talking.

It's the part where the syrup goes in

and it gets all glazed.

- Look at what he's doing!

Like, are you serious?

- [Alvin] I gotta get this nice and sticky.

Wanna taste one?

- All right. - It's hot though, be careful.

Oh come on!

Gonna be a bed for the omelet.

I now gotta use my secret ingredient, the smoked paprika.

- [Jade] This avocado's really hard,

so I have to slice it and dice it before I mash it.

So that I'm not sitting here all day mashing this thing.

Prep these simultaneously.

Little lemon juice.

I put jalepeños in my pico de gallo and guacamole.

But because we don't have jalepeños,

I saw some jalepeño Pringles, I think.

So I'm gonna mash these down,

hope it turns into sauce.

(grungy rock music)

- [Alvin] Now I gotta add the leftovers.

So it's this broccoli cheddar mix,

gonna kinda, like, put on the side of the omelet.

I think the moment I rolled my omelet,

I kinda knew I'd taken it home.

- [Jade] He really thinks he's gonna win.

His confidence is here

and I'm gonna need him to come here.

This guy thinks that this is a Tasty video.

- [Alvin] That's my boy, right there.


- What the hell was that, Alvin?

Alvin's over here with chips

and he's making some kinda chip concoction.

And he's calling it a "garnish."

- [Alvin] There we have it.

- [Jade] Let me make it an even playing field

and let me make a breakfast burrito as well.

So instead of using the leftover rice and chicken

as, like, a dinner-style burrito,

I'll take the chicken out of the rice

and then put that in some eggs, make a little omelet.

Put the omelet in the burrito,

with some pico de gallo, guacamole.

Success on a platter, bitches.

Ooh, boy! - Are you trying to copy me?

- That's what I do when I cook.

I just throw shit together.

Whatever's in front of me, that's what's going in.

- I'm just gonna cook some bacon as a snack.

- [Jade] I'll just go ahead and throw these eggs in there.

I like my eggs cheesy, actually, too.

- You're copying everything I'm doing!

- I ain't copying you, Alvin, get the hell out of here.

- You're using Kraft Singles, too? What?

- That's the only cheese she has besides Parmesan!

- [Alvin] No, there's--

(smoke alarm beeping)

- Fire. - Where's your fan...?

- I know for a fact it wasn't me

that set off the fire alarm.

- I'm 100% sure Jade set the fire alarm off.

There's no way I could do it.

- Now, back to what I was doing.

Gonna lay that guacamole on the bottom, you know?

Pico de gallo next.

You know with my Chipotle experience

my rolling skills are impeccable

so that burrito looked immaculate after I rolled it.

(peppy rock music)

- I've been sitting in my room for what feels like forever,

because I've been smelling all kinds of different smells,

some good, some...intense,

some fire alarms.

But we have two beautifully presented dishes.

And I'm gonna start with this one.

I can see there's some Doritos on top.

Got some bacon on the bottom.

Oh, ooh! Look at that cheese pull!

(mellow hip hop music)

That is so good.

Number two, just some toppings.

But it's a burrito, so I'm just gonna kinda like...

Saucer it.

Also really good. There's a lot of different flavors.

It looks like we have some of my leftover chicken,

which has been in there for...not really sure how long.

But I love the creativity in that.

There's some eggs, there's some pico de gallo...

There's a lot.

So both dishes were really so good,

but now I have to choose a winner.

So let's bring in the chefs.

It was a really hard decision

and you guys are both my really good friends.

I'm gonna have to go with the bacon and egg omelet.

The bacon, the cheese pull...

- [Alvin] Keep saying it.

I'm appreciating it. - I'm gonna have to award you

with this trophy.

- Woohoo!

- It's okay, you know,

Alvin put his foot in that.

You know, that bacon does look good.

- I think you should try it.

I think you should try Jade's.

- Yeah, I'll try Jade's.

(peppy rock music)

- [Jade] Mm. Mm, okay.

- [Alvin] I like Jade's.

- I think what did you is that broccoli, man.

- Mmhmm.

For more infomation >> Amateur Chef Vs Professional Chef: Raid The Fridge Challenge - Duration: 8:38.


Dragon Ball Fighterz Story Playthrough Part 2 Android 21 Revealed! (PS4 PRO) - Duration: 1:04:28.

Hey guys welcome back I'm smashing bro joe we're gonna be playing some Dragon Ball

Z continue on in the story line and see where it takes us

last time we left off I don't even remember to be honest let's see get a

reminder I just remembered it was a lot of story line continue I have been

practicing a little bit more though so I can do better when I play who we're

trying to save or who we say always save one the Guyver rescue one of the guys I

remember that and the boss is yeah of course I'm a tutorial yes so far I'm

having a lot of fun when I start practicing and linking some of the

combos it's really interesting it's not like

you have a lot of power anyways 10 this thing has the same fighting style as me

I can use that to learn about my own witnesses that means beating you will

mean I've surpassed my current self I'll use you to push myself to reach the next

level as a martial artist that's that's some gangster that's some

gangster shit you know ready but you're like linking combos and fighting some

people online that had some crazy comebacks online and got my ass kicked -

of course what I love about this game so far it's very easy to pick up even if

you're not that good like me oh you have so much fun playing it now smack me up

let's keep going

last one whoa whoa buddy

what but why you gotta be so violent bro I gotta be so violent bro

like no Jason I'm not really big on crew I like seeing a lot more yeah TM let's

do this


nope hey nobody there you go buddy out of here

God it feels so epic all captain games Umezu I'll get you well sorry

come on curling's my bus you off yeah Destructo this bro out of here

it looks like they eased up a little bit on the story in just giving more more

time for you to fight oh man let's go I'll take majin buu out

let's go I got you bro all level 13

man I ain't afraid of you let's do this I'm on you I'm on you bro that's one of

my characters though kid boo I love Kapoor and BAE ruse

well I got misaligning bro how do I look yeah

get in here bro Oh

nope you out he done boom you know what is though I noticed Arc System reusing

some assets from the other gear like the way the KO looks and when you do that

the super finish on the last second it has a destroyed look it definitely took

some assets or some of the things they learn visually from oh we got a rescue

trunks that means I gotta fight him alright two toriel toriel tom

I'll love the ginyu force comes out every time captain ginyu comes out next

time on Dragon Ball Z I'll guess you gotta have some timing there

oh there bro

wait we don't bro

patia bro it see I'm locked in so far he's a little bit more but one of the

characters Thien and Trunks are a little bit different to play with bud but I

like it so far

right here boom

but do they block out all of this this but

this is super easy

yeah I'm not digging Krillin

strap on full

right here I forgot did they ever explain why Tina has a third eye

I definitely have to beat the storyline or one playing storyline I'm gonna

stream as well on Twitch as well and you can find me at all you can find me at

smashing smashing brojo and I'll be doing some streams of online plays as

well if you guys want to join me by the way on online plays let me down below

let me know what your PSN is so we give you a link up together and play

especially if you're better than me I'd love to I'd love to learn something

drama I love it oh sorry how was your showdown with that filthy primate so

that's how it is well perhaps we can strike a deal my

subordinates have acquired information that might be of some small interest to

you oh by subordinates I assume you mean

that over choreographed circus troupe what an embarrassment they are to your

cause I'm sure you're very proud but yes they are called beginning force this is

not entice you my precious Intel that is I don't know why I couldn't like it's

been awhile since I watched Dragon Ball Z I forgot to get you force with Frieza

evil guys teaming up

come quick they're too strong we're I'm sensing a small energy Distortion

come on go go let's go take care of business

okay I gotta go rescue

oh yes go rescue pick a little

I got a switch out Crillon for Yamcha

so I'm sure you'll be



oh yeah they got stop fighting back because I want it on a challenge

all right there bro

or get some teen in this piece

Oh word word

oh yeah I notice only certain characters like the Super Saiyans when they do

their specials does everything around you get destroyed because they're the

only powerful ones to do it

it has to switch out the team a bit okay edit team here we go

all right let's go Piccolo's way yeah I'm not gonna fight every single person

I just kind of want to get through the story I want to see what it's all about

I'm talking about this whole situation until it's all

and good news is our enemies are just as effective as us by the ways so you

should all be at the same level to put it simply I'd say our chances are about

50/50 yeah the waves are playing a huge role in this huh so guess that means we

shouldn't have to rely on Goku to take care of everything this time hmm you

guys can do actually support us and do something it goes yeah yeah there's

already people doing like over 9000 damage combos like crazy combos I've

seen online on YouTube oh my god I've been tossed around a couple times online

too but it's still tutorial during a supersuit

let's go yeongja hell yeah

this does Dolph his animation huh did the back dog

i'ma give I'm gonna give you on to some time to shine

don't know

I got to do this super see if it doesn't anything anything crazy


how much do that again always I guess not

I like young he's different I feel like that back handsprings I

throw people off online kid go again

let's go rescue we'll pick a little come on piccolo you can't be dead

watch all the bad guys and go guys team up and down cuz they want to get their

power back

Piccolo's gangster let's do this


a lot of things I'm doing here are not gonna work online get out of here


I'm just rocking it my god Jesus Christ I'm sorry piccolo I'm but a harder

difficulty this is

yeah get out of the way

got here yeah I gotta check out there's a hard difficulty I could finally move

again oh gee triple og taking a turn for the worse okay

referring to the waves that linking business then I already know about all

of that cuz I'm a mouse look I'd rather not listen to you explain it's easier

just to read your mind anything you read my mind

just old hat to him just what else did you look at without

my permission huh don't tell me you saw memories of me taking a bath didn't you

oh here we go

there you go hey go go cool we spend the truth with state of affairs

hold on so you're linked with Goku well you've really gotten yourself into a

nasty situation still we're gonna need you now more than ever got you boss

whatever I can do oh yeah imma put pickle almighty me crazy

at a team take young child you know what

see I'm a QB armature for now I need to level them up

yeah this looked like this a difficulty all right

you can't escape their tutorials

turned and ended and today I return they do tend to end the dexterity teach me

Center fine

oh yeah not but you know let's go ball to the ball dude on a foam

all right don't think so

disabuse them in a corner

abused them in that corner Jesus

trunks oh I love trunks I would love to place kid fronts as well

well why do I want to have to count this

alright inside the character sheesh

I got a select another character by the way guys if any of you watch Dragon Ball

super let me know is it worth watching because I just saw a little bit of the

animation and I wasn't I'll be honest I wasn't exactly digging it but um I do

hear this story is really cool just do it

I wonder how long the story is usually these games don't have very long stories

like injustice had a pretty long story but ending in front of Piccolo's clone

reminds me of when we fought him in the world tournament though that was quite

some time ago definitely changed a bunch since then huh he's not a bad guy

anymore indeed he doesn't seem to have a shred

of evil left in him anymore oh by the way did you know piccolo babysits banwen

Gohan and his wife Jenny so convenient he calms her down and changes her

diapers but he's pretty good at it he even makes baby food for her definitely

the perfect babysitter piccolo changing diapers so which one of

you is actually pans grandfather anymore

I don't think that's something you should be particularly proud of as pans

actual grandfather listen and I don't think you should go telling people that

piccolo is taking care of your granddaughter well to protect Piccolo's

image I guess coicou isn't me has completely clues to everything around

them let's end this conversation yeah let's

take care of this piccolo cloning show him who's grandpa me

Yamcha missing from the conversation

dan didn't show me how strong you are

for my fidelity Goku

No yeah to perform a tank combo I got to do with Goku cheese come on go cool

all right

there we go while you kill huh my god


man I can get a 20 hey samba I can get it


there we go oh my god

I guess that work destructive finish

choices done supers the whole time right

I'm really looking forward timing I'm sure you guys have seen our God of War

reaction for the story I'm really waiting for that game oh my god

that's the next game I just can't can't wait for

all right

yeah yeah come on

fine hit me bro look at a couple boom boom

before here for Kent what you got so bring it you only get

Yamcha gonna get the weakest guy my team

from the moment bomb

they suck we're running some tests on 18 over at the capsule corporation capsule

cocaine there's nothing wrong with her physically so she should come around

soon oh and Rohini it's gonna be okay relax

it's the end of the world don't worry you booze gonna be all right bro hey my

new roommate here also says to not worry about

well we'll see this thing through no problem you can count on you got it bro

Thanks is writing their stuff flexing like I'm

not flexing at all

hundred sixteen yeah exactly sixteen I know wouldn't go along with

the red ribbon armies twisted way of doing things

unless he's you know controlled one of the bad guys

when Android 16 first showed up on the scene he did talk about another 16 I

wonder if the 16 I saw was a copy built with the original specs maybe but I

don't know he didn't seem like a completely different Android you have a

point okay okay what if these is a copy but with the originals memory

who knows Baba either way our only course of action at this point is to

find the armies base is you're right I'm sure that new chick she's she's evil

she doesn't seem like she's nice she's not turned out to be a villain alright

where else we're going okay I'm finding on your board Gohan yes

let's go on let's go rescue Gohan get some experience on the way

now loading on apologize bro

okay now they actually find bad job when I said whaling on them did find a key

blog you want to keep locking against either

Nadia bro this is when uh Gohan it's sucked to see was they able to have

transformed into super saying you know what met daddy right daddy take care of

you don't die take care of you real quick

yeah Gohan started like in the enemy I don't know if you guys remember he

started like really cool and then he just went to like a little little bitch

over there guys look it's going on

that's a relief it looks like you just lost

consciousness what did you expect he's made from tougher stuff than you give me

a break piccolo you know these sands are too robust for their own good they're

stubborn punch goatee I'll keep this guy company get Gohan somewhere safe

just turned red are you embarrassed

could you keep playing everybody go go stop it I got away give me the


let's do it a word yes I want to do it bro that's

how you want to bro come on

I'll say my dear bro


are they come on spike that


Jesus Christ okay they they really need to up to a I hear dad you're here it's

so sprigle oh hey there Gohan doesn't look like there's a scratch on you

anywhere Goku can't you show a little more

concern for your son's well-being I guess but Gohan is pretty strong he

looks like he's ready to fight besides you should know that I mean you're the

one who's been training him recently yeah but he's still got a lot to learn

so Alma told me what happened I want to fight too I'm ready hi bro I

got you here's the thing but I know you've linked with dad and the others to

fightin everything but I should apologize I feel bad that you got

dragged into all this I'll be fighting to but we're still

gonna need your help

you got my help problem I got you I'm gonna Dragon Ball Z

universe that's push push put them in there put piccolo up with Gohan

go take care of trunks real quick this seems like it's gonna be a really tough

battle I'm afraid I'm not going to be powerful enough to be of much help in

the fight don't sweat it Gohan you'll be totally

fine if push comes to shove we can just fuse together as father and son

where will infuse me and you that's a great idea dad I know right but if we

fused what would our name be baby go go hon oh wait what an idiot I

wanna rain on your parade you screw up you'll be no more than dead weight you

don't have the time right now to practice let's just forget about that oh

really that's too bad I wanted to try out that really cool pose just once

wait cool are you talking about diffusion pose huh yeah it's really cool

don't you think oh sure really

thanks if he thinks that fusion poses cool yeah Piccolo's like they're a bunch

of idiots


Phil Vegeta

and I gotta like train will to go piccolo

oh yeah special beam cannon bro that's not what I wanted to do that

oh I have to give it up to they they've really got the proportions correct I

love that every character in this game basically looks the size they look and

animation as well a lot of games kind of get the proportions all all messed up

there goes those training real quick

and a mother powered UPS

sorry curling you're gonna get a bad

I'll show you can


oh my god super does a lot of damage

I forgot what the reason is why he can't turn Super Saiyan anymore Android 16 you

threat Android 21 appears I'm starting to get the feeling that we've just found

the base watch out somebody's coming so you're here at last

16 it's you it's really you so tell me do you have your old memories

you do you remember us I could tell so what if I do way to say what are you

saying it means that you're the 16 that we've always known

remember when we fought side-by-side all those years ago why are you helping the

red ribbon army I mean that's insane there is no need for me to answer come

on bro

I will guess I gotta put you down like a dog bro sorry what him by himself my

raucous come on or do we have our first challenging fight

try harder soon fine harder pop like that is that good enough

do we try hard enough Punk right from the start you lack that killer instinct

had you figuring in a flash it's like Goku says sixteen isn't

fighting because he wants to and if he's being controlled by the Armagh that

means we can be friends again apologies but I cannot leave the army I cannot let

that monster run amok monster yes the red-ribbon Army's current leader

Android 21 he won Oh drama dun dun dun dun there is I have been complying with

twenty ones orders however 20 ones personality is growing more savage by

the day where I to leave my post again hey you're the researcher from before 21

knew it knew it that little nice girl act shit I wasn't I wasn't buying it

curiouser and curiouser but if you're Android 21 why did you say

they tame back their favor please I never saved her they fed you those lies

in order to avoid fighting I'm not at full power as of yet but if you've

formed an alliance with cell that could prove troublesome as for you 16 I've had

enough you're you're nothing more than a treacherous pile of slag I don't

understand like hell you don't I know you activated the system also to give

these nitwits an advantage I know you linked a compatible soul and if I did Oh

using that tone with me I thought my policy on this matter was clear continue

to resist me I will make sure that she is history I see you still intend to

side with the organics so sad such a wasted effort Oh

what the hell that must be Android 21

sixteen get out of there you be blown to bits

oh so epic


drop drop 60 my Visser 8 ahem Jesus Christ are you crying for sweet 16 oh

don't be sad it's gonna be all right

taking its toll what's the matter you were on a bit of a roll they're coming

to you we'll finish this later

wait why did you destroy 16 I thought he was on your side he listens aren't

punished and of course if he stops while he was ahead I would have let him live

but he had to cross a line sweets you sound like a spoiled brat and the first

ones fly away

because you are going

help me with the story you're wasting my time


so you do know why wouldn't you there are very few words like to have a third

of the great Sam I mean I did try to roam the planet but more to the point

who the hell was it a printer who the head are you is a living human soul

but knocked out of Goku do it

evenly matched

now I think you unlock Android 21 as a playable character he beat the story

come on do some

do something didn't even hit me sheesh

become stronger I could gobble you completely whole right now maybe I

should have Yuri link with boku instead yes he would be a much better meal we

have no choice we must retreat escape artists why she's an Android but yet she

looks like majin buu and she's people

they might be the weakness I've been looking whatever the case I mean to be

honest like as much as I love Dragon Ball Z as a kid the story was all fear

always a little goofy so this is just as goofy as the cartoon as well

taking 21 downs our top priority right now

been done when I talked to that's the problem the problem is you guys arguing

stop already you guys are good at sensing power right the allowed twenty

ones location and sent her to the scrap heap if only it were that simple we've

been trying to figure out where 21 is for a while but nothing's come up on

trade Andhra Pradesh just like so oh well what does it turn up now turn up

later they say for now let's focus on what we can do yeah like rounding up the

rest of the game right yeah Krillin is right we need a bigger team for the

battle ahead just our luck Vegeta is good at never being around really

prax about being the Prince of Sands he's the Prince of bad timing if you ask

me wasn't him in ba-ba-boom I'm messing

around no I'm pretty used to this link business by now maybe if I focus really

hard I can pinpoint Vegeta's energy all right here I go

yep its Vegeta alright come on guys what do you say we go rescue our buddy Vegeta

let's go Vegeta is my favorite character

alright let's see and today we're gonna end actually on this note so far again

the story just kind of silly but I do appreciate that there's a lot more

fights now and I'm slowly just getting better and better at this game you know

linking combos doing like a lot of damage blocking all that kind of stuff

I'm sure there's some even more depth as you play more more more with this game

and guys let me know how you're liking the game and how you liking the story so

far of the game as well and we really support all the the

comments the likes everything from you guys this really helps us as a new

channel especially we really appreciate all your support I would really like to

play some some of you guys maybe online just have like a community going to be

great maybe until next time guys catch us later have a good one

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Fighterz Story Playthrough Part 2 Android 21 Revealed! (PS4 PRO) - Duration: 1:04:28.


Pear Coloring Pages for Kids | How to Draw Pears for Kids | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:01:36.




















Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Pear Coloring Pages for Kids | How to Draw Pears for Kids | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:01:36.


Titanfall Limited Edition Wireless Controller | Microsoft Xbox One | jSALEj #13 - Duration: 0:34.

j SALE j

Titanfall Wireless Xbox One Controller by Microsoft

For more infomation >> Titanfall Limited Edition Wireless Controller | Microsoft Xbox One | jSALEj #13 - Duration: 0:34.


👼11 REAL LIFE HEROES SAVING PEOPLE👍 Mixed Facts - Duration: 6:03.

story file a guy at the beach with his wife he sees a shark swimming towards a

group of kids and MacGyver style he gets in the water he wrestles the shark look

at this look at him and he sends that shark away from the kids grabbing it by

the tail this is really honorable I think all of us would agree but

apparently he got fired because of it turns out he and his wife were both on

sick leave when this happened and a TV crew that just happened to be shooting

nearby caught the whole thing on camera it made big headlines went viral his

employer saw it

rush toward the window we see an airplane coming in and it's gonna just

comes out of nowhere and it just came right under it meanwhile inside the

aircraft passengers have been expecting the worse captain did explain we were

going to be just circling we could hear the grinding that was really frightening

the truck a Nissan Frontier was driven by an

airport mechanic he says he doesn't consider me long ago police department

for processing which you can see via footage from the station security

cameras while booking Rutledge officer folks collapse to the ground clutching

his chest even though he was handcuffed Rutledge didn't hesitate to assistant

man who had put him in cuffs in the first place

roads can be seen walking towards folks quickly he tries to notify anyone within

shouting distance unsure if he's being heard he kicks the gated security door

of the booking office well it was successful in alerting sergeant Todd

Bunning who radio police dispatch for help

officers Raymond Ketchmark and robert nervous response subway station here in

lower Manhattan what to do and there's real danger on those tracks the third

rail is electrified one wrong step and he could be

as luck would have it Jonathan's an electrical engineer he was on the

opposite side of the station when he saw the man lying on the track gosh I had to

walk over to rels that third rail and then the third rail on this side and

then these three tracks but couldn't open the doors all of a sudden this guy

he was wearing a blue coat and a blue hat he just like darted down into the

ditch it was chest deep in freezing water

trying to get the doors open but couldn't another man who stopped handed

him a shovel and he just started like digging out like super fast as fast as

he could go finally the door opened I was like thanking them and they were

just like it's no big deal and I'm like maybe it's not a big deal to you

but you all just saved my life a mother and her two young daughters shopping at

an Oklahoma Walmart little did they know that man right there was about to strike

as the mother turns to Ward a grocery shelf 37 year old Sammy Wallace snatches

the two-year-old girl from the shopping cart holding a knife to the tough act

watch the one officer crouched down as the second officer just out of sight

begins to speak distracting the suspect who turns his head to the left just for

a second but it's the opening captain David Huff needed moving forward

shooting the suspect stunned as the thick black smoke billows high into the

air we were just driving along and then all of a sudden smoke started rolling on

it back in a motor home as the frightening scene unfolds Chris Shulman

Nicky taking an unbelievable risk after learning there was a woman trapped

inside the RV the Navy veteran heroically springing into action I ran

inside and it was so toxic I went to my knees I couldn't see in front of me and

then finally I felt their land

you're watching strangers pull a 17 year old driver from his mangled SUV after

crashing in Chicago dozens of people rushed to help we all

came together and somehow we got that individual out of that car Eric de

Pilar's was trapped slipping in and out of consciousness as the Good Samaritans

most of them only able to use their hands tried to pry him out even as the

SUV caught fire seconds later if we wanted to wake up from two masked men

with guns robbing her store while her children were out of sight I saw behind

them that gun King seven-year-old Victoria witnessed the whole thing

even watching one of the robbers put a gun to a customer's head and push her to

the ground as scared as that customer probably was when she looked up and saw

the scared child she did something heroic

she said he couldn't fire I looked over and I saw there was store car attached

to it and I wanted was concerned I saw one man running around the outside so I

didn't think there was anybody else there because it was so engulfed I

figure they were outside but they weren't he went to help them while his

son caught it all on his cell phone another man driving 18-wheeler also

stopped to help

I stopped we ran across right away we ran up to the back window no mom

their daughter what the hell are you doing with a musket last day on earth

I've always wanted to save a Native American family from rapacious


yeah this one will do nicely let her go you don't have to be afraid of him


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